do you know this place? let's playing claw machine with me
so there is four claw machine first
two big claw machine and two medium size
I think this machine is difficult
because those position is many holes, if suddenly this claw drop skill the doll will be stuck in this basin
that is trap!
if suddenly this claw drop skill the doll will be stuck in this basin
and I like this position because near hole is full of the dolls so that is easy to move to the hole
and this machine is difficult because none dolls near this hole
and I think this one is good, so let's see claw machine in here
there is many mini claw machine
and at this place have many claw machine, like this mini claw machine and I found squishy claw machine
those squishy is so cute.. let's see
I will grab this one
I think is perfect position, but let's see the power of this claw
I will try this
I hope this claw will be strong, I think this claw is compact with the doll
OMG is so weak, not try again!
I will try this machine
and so lucky.. I found doll with prone position, but I don't know about the power of this claw
try this!
almost almost...
almost almost...
look this position
the position almost fallen into the hole
third try
must get it!
three times
after that look this position, what do you think play again or not?
doll with sitting position is impossible to grabbed!
and move to another machine, and this doll have prone position
if suddenly this claw drop skill the doll will be stuck in this basin
try or not? try I think
try again
and finally I already spend 3,5 USD $
and the first I got this one
this doll is quite big I think
I try again but failed and my token is run out
and today I only got this big one
so lucky because I grabbed this doll with prone position and that is perfect position
squishy claw machine is so cute and quite big
I think better this than another place
do you agree I playing this machine? leave a comment
For more infomation >> Easy Trick To Winning Big Claw Machine (ENG SUB) - Duration: 6:42.-------------------------------------------
Eugenia Martínez de Irujo revela el culpable de su traumática infancia - Duration: 9:02.
Eugenia Martínez de Irujo no se prodiga por televisión. Quizá por ello había tanta expectación por verla en 'Planeta Calleja'
La aristócrata no defraudó y, con la ayuda del presentador, se embarcó en una gran aventura hasta las Islas Feroe, en el Atlántico norte
Amante de los animales y la naturaleza dejó ver su cara más aventurera, pero no la única
Siempre prudente, lo cierto es que junto a Jesús Calleja habló de todo y más: herencia, matrimonios, familia y su gran trauma, Jesús Aguirre
La duquesa de Montoro habló siempre desde el respeto y la positividad. La pequeña de los Alba recordó una infancia feliz junto a sus hermanos, con dos manchas negras muy marcadas: la muerte prematura de su padre, Luis Martínez de Irujo, y la irrupción en su vida del segundo marido de su madre, Jesús Aguirre
Ella tenía apenas ocho años cuando doña Cayetana se casó con el ex jesuita y, hoy en día, hay momentos que tiene grabados a fuego en su memoria
El gran cambio físico de Eugenia tras la muerte de su madre Cayetana: "Me quedé en 37 kilos" #CallejaEugenia https://t
co/GQcIZhhJ3O — Planeta Calleja (@Planeta_Calleja) November 25, 2018 Preguntada por el presentador por esos años, Eugenia empezó temerosa: "no me gustaría abrir ese melón, pero…", y al final se lanzó
De Aguirre guarda el peor de los recuerdos y dijo no comprender cómo su madre pudo estar 25 años casada con él: "Cuando se casó con Aguirre fue pésimo para nosotros
Era muy culto, pero cero humano. Era muy malo". Recordó emocionada el episodio más traumático de esos años: "Me dijo unas cosas con 11 años que aun las tengo guardadas
Me llamó a su despacho y dijo que si seguíamos viviendo en casa era gracias a él
Que si le pasaba algo a mi madre, que según él estaba enferma del corazón, cosa que era mentira, yo sería la culpable
Yo tenía 11 años. Lloré mucho". Unos años muy duros que Eugenia dijo haber superado: "aun así admito que soy una afortunada y que tuve, a pesar de todo, una infancia feliz"
La otra cara de la moneda se la dedicó al último marido de Cayetana de Alba, Alfonso Díez: "es educado y cariñoso
Claro que al principio nos resultó extraño hasta que lo conocimos. Cuidó e hizo feliz a mi madre"
Sobre la herencia, dijo que como, es evidente, entre los hermanos hubo sus más y sus menos, pero que se resolvió "rápido y bien"
Se lleva bien con todos ellos y, aunque ya no vive en Liria, si le falta algo en su nevera no duda en "asaltar" del palacio
Eugenia y el amor El paisaje mágico de las Islas Feroe propició que hablara largo y tendido sobre su amor por los animales, la naturaleza y sobre los hombres de su vida
La hija de la duquesa de Alba tiene dos matrimonios a sus espaldas. El primero fue con el torero Francisco Rivera Ordoñez
Aunque confesó que hace 20 años que no va a una corrida de toros, habló de su primer marido como un gran amante de los animales, algo que les une
Es el momento de montar a caballo en #CallejaEugenia 🐴>> pic — Planeta Calleja (@Planeta_Calleja) November 25, 2018 De su actual pareja, Narcís Rebollo, habló maravillas: "es un hombre maravilloso, con el que es muy fácil llevarse bien
Con mis hermanos tiene muy buen rollo y también con mi hija. Se adoran". Eugenia cumple hoy 50 años y tal y como confesó en el programa se encuentra en su mejor momento a todos los niveles, también gracias a su actual marido
Unas bonitas palabras que Rebollo vivió en directo, ya que se encontraba también en las islas danesas, acompañando el rodaje del programa
Sus dos madres: la duquesa y su nanny, Margarita Eugenia Martínez de Irujo: "Echo mucho de menos a mi madre, sobre todo su personalidad" #CallejaEugenia >>https://t
co/mp33UMBU3U — Planeta Calleja (@Planeta_Calleja) November 25, 2018 Le dedicó unas bonitas palabras a su madre: "tras su muerte lo pasé muy mal
Estaba muy unida a ella y tenía una personalidad y un humor irrepetibles. La tengo siempre muy presente
Me reconforta pensar que sigue aquí de alguna forma". También se emocionó al hablar de su nanny, Margarita, quien falleció solo un año después que Cayetana de Alba: "ella me crió en parte
Tuvo una hija que es como una hermana para mí, que tiene Síndrome de Down y a la que quiero mucho
Tras su muerte se fue a vivir con mi hermano Cayetano, que es su tutor legal". 'Tanuca' es la colección de joyas más especial de Eugenia y que quiso dedicar a su madre #CallejaEugenia >>https://t
co/mp33UMBU3U — Planeta Calleja (@Planeta_Calleja) November 25, 2018 A quien le dedicó también palabras de cariño y agradecimiento fue a la que es desde hace 20 años su familia profesional: "Yo le debo a los Tous mi independencia económica"
Como broche de oro, Eugenia terminó bajando un gran cañón en la isla. Un momento de mucha adrenalina en el que demostró que no le teme a nada
A juzgar por el resultado del programa, puede que haya perdido hasta el miedo a abrirse más y a compartir su felicidad
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「是欺騙,還是爭吵?」讓 12星座 在愛情中「疲憊不堪」的原因,別再逼人了! - Duration: 8:33.
「暗戀那件小事」十二星座能察覺到你的「喜歡」嗎!用「這件事」直接突破他的心! - Duration: 23:00.
Murió Bernardo Bertolucci, el último gran maestro del cine italiano - Duration: 1:02.
El cineasta italiano Bernardo Bertolucci, relevante figura de la cinematografía italiana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, con obras como "El último tango en Paris", "Novecento" o "El último emperador", falleció en Roma a los 77 años, informaron los medios de comunicación italianos
Poeta, productor, guionista y director estaba considerado el último "gran maestro" del cine italiano al firmar grandes obras maestras como "El último emperador" con la que ganó el Oscar en 1987
Entre otros premios, también ganó una Palma de Oro honorífica en 2011 en el festival de Cannes por el conjunto de su carrera
Noticia en desarrollo… MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: De la fama al psiquiátrico: el calvario de la actriz de 'El último tango en París' tras la polémica escena de la violación El descargo de Bernardo Bertolucci por la escena de la violación en "El último tango en París"
La factoría de sexo en un edificio de Mariola Martínez-Bordiú, la nieta de Franco, al descubierto - Duration: 6:11.
Die Rettungsmittel der Marine der Bundeswehr - Duration: 7:28.
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FLAG DANCE #11 | World flag - Duration: 4:51.
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Woohyun is passionate about being a special MC.
He analyzed our styles as MCs.
- That's great. / - Yes, I analyzed you all.
I analyzed Jaeseok's style.
- Please tell us. / - He's guest-oriented.
He always makes guests of the show
feel very comfortable.
- Do I? / - We feel at home.
When I came on the show as a guest, I was relaxed.
- Were you relaxed? / - Yes.
- I'm relieved. / - Thanks to you, Captain.
- "Captain". / - Goodness.
- As for Hyunmoo... / - What's my style?
He's a good listener.
He laughs a lot at jokes that guests make.
Right. His laugh is very unique too.
Did you call me a third wheel in a nice way?
No, I didn't.
I should do more than just laugh as an MC.
- Don't be like that. / - Even when my jokes
- were not so funny, / - I see.
he laughed loudly.
I thought of a funny story I know. That's all.
- What about Saeho? / - Saeho
is like my own older brother.
(He's like your older brother?)
- That's the worst. / - Isn't that harsh?
(Is that all?)
You're just older than him. That's all.
Shall we finish him first?
- That's not necessary. / - Just a little bit.
We're running out of time.
I said Saeho is like my own brother
because he treated me as if I'm his own brother.
- That's why. / - He cheered me up
and even made boring questions
- sound funny. / - I see. Thank you.
Anyway, Woohyun will be here with us
as our today's special MC.
Last week, we met three great actors.
Lee Seojin, Yoo Haijin and Cho Jinwoong.
- We got higher ratings. / - I'm grateful.
People around me were surprised
to see the stars who are rarely on a variety show.
Last week, I asked about Pyeongyang naengmyeon.
That was hilarious.
(What's your favorite food?)
(Do you like Pyeongyang naengmyeon?)
(He's taken aback by Saeho's question.)
(He always asks weird questions.)
(He asked the question without thinking.)
It became the talk of the town.
It's been chosen as one of the worst questions in 2018.
It's one of the worst questions asked
- on a talk show in 2018. / - It was weird indeed.
The two of you received Presidential Commendations.
- Congratulations again. / - Thank you.
I'm honored.
In his acceptance speech, Jaeseok said
that he ignored his baby crying at night.
- I felt so bad about it. / - He apologized.
I was exhausted from working all day long.
I did shows until late at night for a few days,
so I didn't get enough sleep.
He worked all night before the ceremony.
That's right. I finished the shooting at 5 a.m.
and I met Hyunmoo at 6 a.m. that day.
It weighed down on my conscience,
so I told myself not to do it again.
That's why I said it in my speech.
Excuse me for asking this,
but it's said that a daughter lives a wealthy life
if she takes after her father.
- Who does she take after? / - A lot of people
asked me the same question.
- Will she be wealthy? / - I think
- it's too soon to tell. / - You're right.
My wife said our daughter looks a lot like me.
Even though she said that,
I'm still in denial.
I hope she takes after your wife.
Despite what my wife said, I denied it.
I said we should wait and see.
We should wait and see.
"Let's watch the progress."
- I set my family at ease. / - I see.
- Your family... / - I told my wife,
"Don't say that. We don't know yet."
Everyone in your family hopes she takes after
- your wife, right? / - I think so.
I hope so, too, even though she's my own child.
When there's a change,
- I'll let you know. / - Please keep us updated.
- I'll do that. / - Tell us first.
It feels like a news show as we're filming outdoors.
And we're even wearing a coat.
We've been traveling like nomads, right?
- It makes us hungry. / - That's right.
Today is a healthy autumn food special.
It's "Cookingsman, Regain Your Appetite".
- All right. / - Come on!
"Cookingsman, Regain Your Appetite".
Let's bring out today's guests.
She's the trendsetter in cooking
who entertains our eyes and mouths.
- Ki Eunse! / - Ki Eunse! Come on!
Pretty woman!
(Bubbly and cheery)
Eunse looks so pretty.
- Eunse, please sit down. / - Hello.
- Eunse is here with us. / - It's the worst song.
(Wind blows.)
- My script was blown off. / - Next question.
- That was crazy. / - Exactly.
- It's an autumn special. / - Yes.
Eunse is here with us.
Who's next?
He's the talented, versatile and funny chef.
- Chef Choi Hyunseok! / - Welcome.
(His body proportions are as great as his food.)
- He looks great. / - He has such long legs.
(Sprinkling salt like a cool guy)
Up next is the tough guy from Bulgaria.
- The macho Chef Mikhal Ashminov! / - Mikhal Ashminov!
Come on!
(Rock spirit)
Chef Mikhal, please have a seat.
- Welcome. / - Okay. Where is my seat?
Let's move on.
He's a rising star chef,
whose good looks steal women's hearts.
- Chef Austin Kang! / - Chef Austin Kang!
Come on!
(The man who brings autumn)
My goodness.
(Handsome and charming)
He looks like a character in an American drama.
- Welcome. / - It's nice to meet you.
His outfit
is what we often see in American dramas.
- Right? / - Yes. He has the vibe.
He looks like a character in an American drama.
- We have one more guest. / - Yes.
She's the most beautiful member of her group.
- Son Naeun! / - Son Naeun!
Pretty Naeun!
(Don't do this, you have no idea)
She's so pretty.
You're dancing half-heartedly.
He's right. She's dancing half-heartedly.
Son Naeun!
(Son Naeun, the guest)
Oh, come on.
- Welcome. Naeun. / - Welcome, hello.
- You seemed half-hearted. / - Me?
- Yes. / - It's been a long time.
She looked like she was too cold.
(The truth about the rumor that Austin is a coward)
(Who taught you that?)
(Joon Park did.)
(Joon ruins the mood.)
(Chef Mikhal met Mikhail Gorbachev?)
(Shall I remove it?)
(He exaggerates his story.)
(Naeun, the sell-out queen)
(Woohyun, the sell-out king)
(Saeho, the one-punch man)
(He gives a good laugh as always.)
(And the healthy food cooking battle)
(They're hot-tempered and talkative.)
(The ASMR cooking battle among the chefs)
That's great.
(We'll bring you a healthy laugh now!)
She's a star born on Happy Together.
Ki Eunse.
(The versatile Ki Eunse)
She drew attention in Late Night Cafeteria.
How did people react to your appearance?
I used to check my social media every day.
- I see. / - But
- I got so much attention, / - Really?
so I took a break for two days.
- Did you get too much attention? / - Yes.
- That much? / - Yes.
Why did you take a break for two days?
She couldn't reply to all of the comments.
- That's not the reason. / - Then what?
There's so much attention every time I left a comment.
That's why I stayed quiet.
You didn't want to draw too much attention?
Well, it's not... That sounds like
something only top stars would say.
It's spilled milk.
That's an early sign of celebrity syndrome.
That's mean.
- Why would you say that? / - She's not that famous
- to even take a break. / - Eunse is
- very famous. / - Is she?
- Don't be mean to her. / - I didn't know that.
- I visited your website. / - You did?
- I searched for yours. / - Really?
The photos she posted were all beautiful.
- She has many followers. / - She took her photos
of foods from a bird's-eye view.
Her platings are also very beautiful.
- You put a lot of effort. / - She takes extra care.
Rumor has it you use a drone camera.
I feel sad even though I got compliments.
- It's the weather. / - It makes you sad.
- Blame the weather. / - It made you sad.
I visited Eunse's social media by coincidence.
I saw many photos of her cooking.
- Her food looked great. / - It looks delicious.
- We have a few photos. / - Is that pasta?
- Yes. / - Pasta?
- In fact, / - My goodness.
seems like an expert.
The angles from which her photos were taken...
She must be using an expensive camera.
No. I took those photos with my phone.
- Really? / - It's because of the angles.
When she appeared in Late Night Cafeteria special,
she made Tough Pork Burger.
(Tough Pork Burger)
(Press big meat dumplings)
(in a waffle maker.)
(Use the dumplings as burger buns.)
The idea was good,
but the result was a little disappointing.
- I was very disappointed. / - Yes.
I'm sorry, but it was
- honestly disappointing. / - Her pork burger was.
I remember what I didn't tell you that day.
- It was too dry. / - Let me tell you just one thing.
Even the look of it made me feel choked.
- Please. / - It's a fitting name, though.
"Tough Pork Burger."
The burger patty was so tough
and too dry.
It got stuck between my teeth.
Then why am I here?
- Among the chefs. / - However,
- she made a simple dish back then. / - That's right.
Today is different.
- I was asked to make a simple dish too. / - Really?
I hope it's simple.
- I was asked to finish cooking quickly. / - However,
you will cook it yourself today.
We invited you as a chef.
- I'm taken aback. / - You're here as a chef.
- Chef Ki. / - Not as an influencer.
- Not as an influencer. / - You're here as a chef.
- Today, please make / - She wasn't informed.
a delicious and healthy dish for us.
We'll look forward to it.
Naeun, do you cook often?
No, I can't cook at all.
In fact, I was traumatized
- when I was a child. / - What happened?
When I was five,
I spilled hot water while lifting up cup noodles
and I burned my legs.
I was injured severely
- and had to be hospitalized. / - It was serious.
The incident traumatized my mom and me
that she never allows me to go near the kitchen.
She must've been scared as she was a child.
That's why I can't cook.
I envy her.
The three of them look like a boy band.
- You're right. / - A rock band like Y2K.
- Y2K? / - Y2K?
- They don't look alike. / - Just the vibes.
Actually, they reminded me of
Singer Adam. They're Adam 1, 2 and 3.
- Right. / - The actual people
- of the virtual singers. / - The actual people.
Adam 1, Adam 2 and Adam 3.
Eunse was excited about meeting Hyunseok.
You know that he has
dazzling cooking techniques, right?
Since I'm interested in cooking,
I often search for his recipes.
Every one of his dishes that I look
- are plated beautifully. / - That's right.
They're pretty.
Frankly, he makes dishes I can't make,
which require advanced techniques.
He does molecular gastronomy.
- If you have a chance... / - I was excited before,
but he didn't change his facial expressions
just like now.
He could've looked at her as she complimented him.
He's in the late stage of celebrity syndrome.
(He's been diagnosed with terminal illness.)
My goodness.
Don't say such a thing.
- He's over the top. / - I see.
- He has strong fists. / - Yes, he does.
- He has strong fists. / - I'll run away.
How do you feel about Eunse's compliment?
Whenever I get compliments on my dishes,
it feels new, and I'm grateful.
There's a cooking program at my restaurant.
- You can come some time. / - Really?
She has to pay lesson fees, right?
- Of course. / - I don't charge anyone.
Anyone can come and enjoy a new experience. There are
foreign chefs who want to see Korean cooking styles.
It's an exchange program.
- That sounds nice. / - Would you mind
if I post a video of you
giving me a cooking tip on my social media?
Are you trying to take advantage of him?
I'm trying to make friends with him.
- As for that matter... / - May I do that?
You should talk to my manager.
He keeps it strictly business.
- That was... / - You could help her out.
It's not that I'm keeping it business.
There's only one thing that matters to a chef.
I try to create an environment
where I can focus solely on cooking.
I can spend 24 hours a day on cooking,
but I still won't have enough time.
- But... / - Then why are you here?
- Sorry? / - If even 24 hours
- are not enough... / - Why did you come on the show?
He just talked about his manager, right?
I once asked him who his manager was.
He said, "Myself."
He works as a manager for himself.
(He is the chef and the manager.)
He's hilarious.
Chef Hyunseok has a signature performance.
- The salt sprinkle. / - Yes, this.
He doesn't have to sprinkle salt like that,
- but he always does. / - Yes.
Just as Woohyun said, some people say
you're only showing off. What do you think?
I heard you waste half of the salt.
- That's not true. / - He wastes salt.
It may look showy,
but I put in the exact amount of salt.
In fact...
- You calculate it. / - That's right.
It'd be too salty if I put in just one percent more.
- It can damage our health. / - I see.
It's kind of a luxury to enjoy with salt.
- I tried it for fun. / - It's a performance.
- It's a good performance. / - I wouldn't look cool
if I just try to make it look funny.
However, I learned wushu before.
- You learned martial arts? / - I also taught children.
In "Swordsman", they shout the names of techniques.
Yes. I remember that.
I say, "Raining Pepper" while seasoning.
This is the stance of "White Dragon Flying Up".
My pose looks great because I learned martial arts.
In some cases, you get paid for appearing
- on a cooking show. / - Yes.
Do you perform differently when you get more pay?
- Do you? / - No, I don't.
- Is there no difference? / - Like I said,
I focus solely on cooking.
There's someone in charge of appearance fees.
But that someone is you.
You have a manager and an accountant.
- I don't know the amount. / - You don't?
Regardless of the amount...
I don't care how much I get paid.
If my customers want to see my performance,
I endure the pain.
You do it despite the pain?
Would you sprinkle salt up the jimmy jib
if we pay you a lot?
(Pouring salt)
He'll pour salt from up there.
It will be a salt rain.
If you pay me double for my appearance,
I'll use both hands or different poses.
Both hands?
- That'd be funny. / - It'd be too salty.
If he gets paid double.
Pepper in the left hand and salt in the right.
Even though his shoulders hurt,
he won't let people down.
- That's what a chef does. / - Pardon?
That's what a chef does.
Rudi de 'I Cesaroni' si sfoga da Barbara D'Urso: 'La tv mi ha dimenticato' - Duration: 9:46.
Ген преждевременного старения у орхидеи? Progeria in orchid? Eng subt. - Duration: 8:56.
here is this fancy orchid, which never opened her buds..
the flowers suppose to be very beautiful
just bloom please...
so colorful already..
I dont move her. i dont breath at her...
next day they look a bit bigger...
this is the dangerous stage when the blooms always start to wilt
2 last years... two times already ...
every time 3 buds.. every time they wilt not opening...
one day later... the same looking buds...
not opening.. I don't like it
next day... it looks like
2 days later...
buds are wilted...
the one in the middle looks all right...
the same story happens every year...
just a strange case
such gen.. not opening ever buds
I will put it grow on the tree...
the cattleya is healthy... I have tried everything..
I kept it dry... put to grow in rocks... all kind of fertilizers...
2 days later... she is opening 1 bud!
so bright... what do you want, orchid?..
Check it out, 1 more day and the flower is wilting
haven't even opened
just strange gens ..
if an orchid is in bloom, it doesn't min all good with the orchid
sometimes a dying orchid is trying to bloom
its just to protect the specie
its not the case... the orchid is healthy...
its like a humans disease when a person ages prematurely...
a genetic condition in which a child ages rapidly
and dyes at age 13 yo
I bought this orchid with the buds... brought it home
it was the same story.. the buds have wilted
I thought it was my fault
but every year the buds had never opened for me
later I've seen at the shop the same orchid in buds
Lc. Aussie Sunset Cosmic fire
in bloom
I told the owner the story of my orchid
and he has given me the orchid for free
the same Aussie Sunset.. what is interesting
they both never flowered for me
they both grow slowly and never bloom 4 years
could be anything wrong with the gens.. or just not good clones or hybrids...
Will it bloom eventually .. or not..?
Spinderella - Gioco da Tavolo per Bambini - 6+ anni - Duration: 3:28.
SUPERHERO BABY SURPRISE WHEEL OF FORTUNE 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 11:12.
Hi Luka's fan. Today we continue with another episode on WOA Luka Channel:
If you feel this video is some kind of cool stop motion animation.
Please hit "Subscribe" and "Like"
buttons below to see better episodes on WOA Luka Channel.
And don't forget ro hit the ♪BELL♪
Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-i Sol AUTOMAAT ELECTRO PAKKET - Duration: 1:10.
[SORI] SoRi's First Solo Single "Touch" Photoshoot! EP1 - Duration: 4:40.
Sori's YouTube Channel
I'll do my best!
(SoRi - Touch Album Jacket Shoot)
Hello everyone, Sori here.
I am at a photo shoot for my first solo single.
Today I'm gonna shoot three different concepts,
We're gonna start with something a little dreamy, fantastical and pure
We're gonna capture those moments first.
I think it's gonna be challenging, since this is my first time attempting.
I dunno how well it's gonna turn out...
but I am working with a very famous photographer today,
I will give my best today as well.
This is something I've tried for the first time with this outfit,
The photographer was very professional
The background was beautiful, and the bed was fo cushy, I was able to wrap up this shoot quickly.
How well it turned out... is something I have to find out.
Since my hair color is so bright..
Even when I appear a little bold, or when I smile a little,
I feel very self-conscious. but...
I think it turned out pretty good for my first attempt.
Here's wishing that it turned out great!
I hope the final product turns out great. Thanks in advance, photographer.
(The next shoot will be revealed on the 2nd episode.)
被問如果謝霆鋒破產你還會愛他嗎,王菲的6字回答網友感到意外! - Duration: 4:08.
Raw inflight video: British Airways Boeing 767 - Edinburgh to Heathrow - Duration: 16:53.
(no subtitles - just plane noises)
실비김치말이 국수 리얼사운드 먹방 b^^d~MUKBANG~Cold Spicy Kimchi Noodles Eating Sounds ASMR キムチ入り素麺 - Duration: 11:27.
Youtube friends! Click 'Subscribe button' and 'Like button'. b^^d
Blue Dragon = b^^d
b^^d = Prumir
Today 's menu is spicy kimchi noodles.
Thanks for the food.
「暗戀那件小事」十二星座能察覺到你的「喜歡」嗎!用「這件事」直接突破他的心! - Duration: 23:00.
「男友比你還黏人?」12星座男友「黏踢踢」巴不得整天黏著你不放? - Duration: 18:09.
Slik flyter gassen i motoren i våre gassdrevne lastebiler | Volvo Trucks Norge - Duration: 2:12.
BMW X3 2.0i xDrive Chrome Line Edition | Cruise | Xenon | Dealer onderhouden | PDC V/A | Airco | Lee - Duration: 1:06.
Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Dynamic Sense - Duration: 1:11.
NEED A GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT? - Duration: 1:53.
Tis the season to get YUM fa la la
la la
la la la la.
It's a great gift
I can tell you Fa la la la la la la la la. For yourself or someone you love
Fa la la la la la la la la la. It is cyber week. This is the event
Fa la la la la la la la la
So just check below. I've got all the details about where to go and how to get your
15% off on as many YUMs as you want if you want to get this as gifts for the holiday
This was a last-minute decision. I just thought I wanted to offer something special for everybody especially here
This is that Thanksgiving weekend at the ending of it and so for this week
I've got YUM on sale for any of you who want to get it for a great deal. All right. Check it out!
대경완, 장윤윤, 딸 이미지 공개 - Duration: 1:32.
'언니네' 차은우x서은수 밝힌 #얼굴천재 #아이돌 지망생 #중국男 고백 - Duration: 9:47.
実写ドラマ『I"s』追加キャスト11人&キービジュアル公開 安達祐実が伊織のマネージャー役に - Duration: 2:57.
"Każde z nas idzie swoją drogą!" - Martyna Wojciechowska szczerze o związku z Kossakowskim! - Duration: 1:34.
Niebawem minie 10 lat, od kiedy program „Kobieta na krańcu świata" zagościł w TVN
Nam Martyna Wojciechowska opowiedziała o tym, czego nauczyły ją podróże, dlaczego adoptowała dziecko z Tanzanii i czy pojawi się na ekranie z partnerem
Podróżniczka. Matka. Kobieta instytucja. Jej program „Kobieta na krańcu świata" od początku cieszy się niesłabnącą popularnością, a każdy kolejny jego sezon ma coraz większą oglądalność
Sama Martyna Wojciechowska (44) twierdzi, że dopiero się rozkręca! Spotykamy się właśnie po to, aby porozmawiać o jej przyszłych planach, ale też powspominać trochę początki jej kariery
Zobacz: Wojciechowska i Kossakowski wezmą ślub w święta? Gwiazdor komentuje! "Nie da się opisać słowami
Ao lado de Hamilton, Will Smith participa de F1 por 1 dia - Duration: 1:54.
Natal O Boticário - Inspire-se nas mais lindas combinações - Duration: 2:56.
Natal O Boticário - Inspire-se nas mais lindas combinações - Duration: 0:31.
Cinco dias após dar à luz, Isis Valverde posa com barriga à mostra e impressiona fãs - Duration: 4:05.
Subida al Picón de Jérez, Jérez del Marquesado. Granada - Duration: 1:33.
Jakim ojcem jest Robert Lewandowski? Już wiadomo, kto rozpieszcza Klarę, a kto jest bardziej stanowc - Duration: 1:02.
Robert Lewandowski jeszcze nigdy nie był tak szczery. W rozmowie o ojcostwie z Kasią Burzyńską dla portalu babybyann
com wyznał, jakim jest tatą, czy często się denerwuje i kiedy bywa stanowczy dla małej Klary
Z pewnością wielu rodziców, a zwłaszcza ojców, doskonale wie, o czym mówi. Zobaczcie sami
Zobacz: Robert Lewandowski opowiedział o narodzinach Klary! "Ogarniała mnie niemoc" SZCZERY WYWIAD >>> NASTĘPNA STRONA >>>
TENHA CALMA! DEUS ESTÁ TRABALHANDO NA SUA VIDA - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:33.
13 sfumature di una Youtuber!🎥 - Duration: 6:33.
Hi all colors, and welcome to this new video: it's practically at the
third time I ride it then step immediately to give the due credits; it's a tag
created by Mary, of the Make up x Passione's Channel, which has been
requested by Jessica, of the Miele e Cannella channel,
I leave both channels in it Description. I immediately accepted why
he has some very interesting questions so we do not waste any more time and we go to the questions.
1. Describe yourself in three words: moody, sensitive, and a characteristic
composed - let's say so - with the head on the shoulders.
2. What would you say to your worst enemy? Just nothing, because it does not deserve attention.
3. What annoys you the most?
The unsaid, the double faces, play with people's feelings and above all play with people's needs
and here I stop, because otherwise it comes out of a political video.
4. Your dream in the drawer? To be made personally (so how
individual) and in parallel - without doing distinctions of importance - also have
a family. 5. Describe your life in a single word.
Well this will hopefully be one constantly changing response
but unfortunately at this moment the word is undoubtedly "isolation"!
6. Do you have only one chance to travel through time, what period of your life would you like to live again?
To this question I answer no one, because anyway up to now
the worst period is still very recent, so I think the wisest decision
both go on and fight for what you want to achieve.
7. Your biggest regret? too much goodness with people who did not deserve it
that hurt me, only in the perspective that they would change their mind.
8. Your most beautiful memory? Luckily many, are so many to the point
not to know how to choose, however at the same time, unfortunately it is worth the
same thing for the memory more painful, they are so many that it is difficult ...
maybe maybe an argument with my sister of many years ago, who, for
how much we had made peace practically immediately, he marked me, and I remember it
with a certain clarity despite many years have passed, really many years.
10. The thing you could never do give up? Right now Freya, though
I do not know if this will lead me to have dogs for life, because life
I'm doing, I do not like it, and I do not like the life I'm doing in Freya
even if you would say no.
11. Reason or feeling?
Feelings without forgetting too much the reason, nor without being eaten
too much for reason. 12. Would you like to write a book? Would be
nice, but I deeply hate the lyrics descriptive, I deeply hate i
historical references, I do not like it very much do research, so I think it's not there
are the features to write a book.
13. What kind of books do you read? So, now I'm recovering very slowly to read
in fact if you see there is a review alone in my channel, of books, which
It dates back a long time ago, and I put it maybe in the cards.
Generally however we talk about fantasy, biographical novels, author ...
contrarily I do not like those precisely with excessive descriptive texts,
I do not like those who are anxious because in life there is already so much, so horror
etc. etc., I like those in general who enter psychology
of the characters, which make you seem with their descriptions of being there, that you
they want to know how it ends: I do not think there is a kind that can
enclose all this. Tag whoever you want. This tag is very much in my opinion
detail: in the last shot, which I have had to cancel for an editing problem, I already had
tagged a person, and renew my tag that person since it's a lot
intimistic / psychological, a little 'how I think they like her too,
so I would like to see this tag redone precisely by Melania Constantine: for
the rest, if you want to make this tag, it's not that because I did not tag you
you can (God forbid, here!), I remember you as always though
to quote the authors, I prefer you to quote the author rather than me
you are not obliged to quote me: me I recommend we respect the creations of others!
With this I greet you, there remember if you are not registered for
subscribe to the channel, to activate the bell to not lose the next
video, and we'll see each other, Hello! *kiss*
Jade Seba está grávida! Influencer espera 1° filho de ator: 'Nosso positivo' - Duration: 6:00.
❣️소녀감성❣️ 주주슬라임 젤시스슬라임 리뷰 | 인스타슬라임 | 슬라임 리뷰 | 슬라임 ASMR | 홍대 슈퍼마켓 🏠 - Duration: 10:11.
♥ Thank you for watching ♥
Vera Viel surge deslumbrante e fãs apontam semelhança com Bruna Marquezine: ''Irmãs gêmeas'' - Duration: 1:44.
Para sempre sua. Relembre os casais que anunciaram noivado em 2018! - Duration: 4:13.
Taís Araujo recorda infância com foto e comemora aniversário: 'Que venham os 40' - Duration: 3:42.
Easy Trick To Winning Big Claw Machine (ENG SUB) - Duration: 6:42.
do you know this place? let's playing claw machine with me
so there is four claw machine first
two big claw machine and two medium size
I think this machine is difficult
because those position is many holes, if suddenly this claw drop skill the doll will be stuck in this basin
that is trap!
if suddenly this claw drop skill the doll will be stuck in this basin
and I like this position because near hole is full of the dolls so that is easy to move to the hole
and this machine is difficult because none dolls near this hole
and I think this one is good, so let's see claw machine in here
there is many mini claw machine
and at this place have many claw machine, like this mini claw machine and I found squishy claw machine
those squishy is so cute.. let's see
I will grab this one
I think is perfect position, but let's see the power of this claw
I will try this
I hope this claw will be strong, I think this claw is compact with the doll
OMG is so weak, not try again!
I will try this machine
and so lucky.. I found doll with prone position, but I don't know about the power of this claw
try this!
almost almost...
almost almost...
look this position
the position almost fallen into the hole
third try
must get it!
three times
after that look this position, what do you think play again or not?
doll with sitting position is impossible to grabbed!
and move to another machine, and this doll have prone position
if suddenly this claw drop skill the doll will be stuck in this basin
try or not? try I think
try again
and finally I already spend 3,5 USD $
and the first I got this one
this doll is quite big I think
I try again but failed and my token is run out
and today I only got this big one
so lucky because I grabbed this doll with prone position and that is perfect position
squishy claw machine is so cute and quite big
I think better this than another place
do you agree I playing this machine? leave a comment
✅ Amalie Dollerup om Badehotellet: Det skal man glæde sig til - Duration: 2:58.
2018 nærmer sig så småt sin afslutning, og det betyder også, at det snart er tid til endnu en sæson af "Badehotellet"
Giv BILLED-BLADET i julegave - se hvordan her! Denne gang er serien hoppet seks år frem i tiden, og når gæsterne i det nye år tjekker ind på "Badehotellet", skriver kalenderen 1939
Og det kan man roligt begynde at glæde sig til, fortalte Amalie Dollerup, da hun for nylig var til biografpremiere
- Man skal glæde sig til at møde nye karakterer. Dem er der ret mange af, så nye historier med dem
Så er vi hoppet seks år frem i tiden, så der kan nå at ske nogle nye ting for karaktererne
Amalie Dollerup: Det bliver mere dramatisk - Og der kommer en nyere tid og i 1939 bliver det mere dramatisk, fordi nu starter krigens spøgelser stille og roligt, fortæller den 32-årige skuespillerinde
Det dygtige hold bag den populære serie har færdiggjort sjette sæson
- Jeg kommer lige fra "Badehotellet". Det er det, der fylder meget nu
Vi er i gang med sidste afsnit og alle de sidste detaljer skal generelt gøres nu, fortalte Amalie Dollerup på den røde løber
Amalie Dollerup: Vi giver den en ekstra skalle Endnu en sæson nærmer sig således sin afslutning, og det er altid en lidt særlig fornemmelse for holdet bag serien
- Det er altid lidt mærkeligt. Vi har heldigvis stadig god stemning, og vi kan rigtig godt lide at lave det, så vi giver det en ekstra skalle her til sidst
Jeg har da også stået udenfor forleden og leget, det var sommer i sommertøj
Det var virkelig, virkelig koldt, fortalte Amalie Dollerup. Kom med bag kameraet på "Badehotellet" i galleriet herunder
GALLERI: Bag kameraet på Badehotellet Foto: Jesper Sunesen 1 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 2 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 3 / 15 Swipe i områderne omkring indholdet eller brug pilene for at fortsætte
4 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 5 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 6 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 7 / 15 Swipe i områderne omkring indholdet eller brug pilene for at fortsætte
8 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 9 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 10 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 11 / 15 Swipe i områderne omkring indholdet eller brug pilene for at fortsætte
12 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 13 / 15 Foto: Jesper Sunesen 14 / 15 Relaterede artikler Nyeste artikler VIND julefrokost for to personer på Postgaarden i Korsbæk Amalie Dollerup om Badehotellet: Det skal man glæde sig til Birthe Kjær ude i god tid: Jeg er begyndt at købe julegaverne SØDT BILLEDE: Mille Dinesens lille Eddie
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