Subscribe to our Channel. Don't forget to like us on YouTube.
Evangelio de hoy, Jueves 29 de Noviembre del 2018 - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Brexit Isn't Racist - But Tommy Is - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Renault Trafic 1.6 dCi 125 pk L2 Dubbel Cabine 2x Schuifdeur, Navi R-Link, Pack Securite, Bijrijders - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
《凉生》收官迎44岁生日,"叔圈"除了钟汉良,再无程天佑 - Duration: 6:40.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 307 CC 2.0-16V MET AIRCO EN NWE APK - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
《宣判》即将开拍,张翰化身检察官帅气来袭,女主人选成热议 - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
Mat'54, Mat'64, NS SNG, ICMm, Goederentreinen in Amersfoort - Duration: 1:01.Amersfoort
Peugeot Traveller - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
La France à la veille d'une "révolution citoyenne", selon Mélenchon - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 308 - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT ComfortLine 5Drs /40.000 Km/airco/1e Eig/NAP/7 jaar garantie - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
〇〇の金が本当にオススメです!日経225の情報提供してます! - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 3008 - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Kia Sorento - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 5008 - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration 5Drs, AIRCO, ACHTERUITRIJCAMERA GEEN AFLEVERINGS KOSTEN - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
宿涵 -《此間少年》(浙江上虞e遊小鎮官方主題曲)|CC歌詞字幕 - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Criatividade e exclusividade são as apostas no mercado de festas infantis - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, Sossio Aruta piange per Ursula: 'Sono innamorato perso, voglio un figlio da te' - Duration: 9:03.-------------------------------------------
NEYMAR POSTA VÍDEO DE MARQUEZINE E FÃS FICAM EM ALVOROÇO - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Presos fazem greve de fome e ameaçam rebelião após fechamento de cantinas na Papuda - Duration: 10:35.-------------------------------------------
Sedestmidh lança editais com 1,8 mil vagas de níveis médio e superior - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Atriz dá beijão em Anitta e causa com comentário sobre cantora - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Detone Até 5 kgs de 2 a 5 Dias Com Este Segredo Natural - Duration: 3:04.five things that happen in your body when you start drinking green tea
every day hello, welcome to our channel
video you will find out what happens in your body when you pass
to ingest green tea daily you are one of those who drinks coffee when he wakes up
if the answer is yes we will play five reasons that will make you change to
green tea this millennial drink is of Chinese origin
believe it or not but it does energy equal to or greater than the coffee
of other benefits but what happens if you drink tea
green every day you will lose weight green tea can be thermogenic and is a
great ally to lose weight it has the power to burn fat and
also speeds up our metabolism improving management will help you to go
to the bathroom more easily another reason why it helps to lose
weight is because it improves digestion and helps prevent fluid retention
the role of green tea in managing lina some bioactive compounds that it brings
in its composition this world the flora stool that leaves younger
green tea is rich in agents antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that the
help eliminate toxins from the body and protect you against aging
precocious skin tea catechins has the power to combat
free radicals in our body by this drink acts in the prevention of
treatment of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases
diabetes in addition to helping in the skin aging and prevents
diabetes and lowers cholesterol is a excellent help to control levels
blood sugar is treated with Healthy Way to Maintain Diabetes
under control most of our cholesterol comes from
green tea consumption helps to reduce the absorption of fat in the
intestine I think it will get fresher and the mouth
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at the same time this drink helps in concentration and memory so it is ideal
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we recommend that you drink one to three green tea cups per day 20 minutes
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Its make bad avoid consuming this tea if you have
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We're going to love to know that you liked it. video sign up for our channel and
share with your friends up to next such
Uomini e Donne: Teresa Langella avvistata al concerto di Irama con Luca Daffrè | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
New details on Boston schools plan - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e donne: oggi nuova registrazione, Luigi ritorna da Irene | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
2 suspects dead after undercover drug bust in E. Houston - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
Controle de Estoque Excel Leitura Código de Barras - Registro de Clientes - Aula 105 - Duration: 28:16.-------------------------------------------
Samsung Electronics is world's fourth largest R&D spender: Report - Duration: 1:18.a new report by PricewaterhouseCoopers shows only three other companies in the
world that spend more on research and development than Samsung Electronics the
tech Titan was also the only South Korean company to be named a high-level
innovator by the global auditor chase young zooms in on the ranking according
to report lists by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Samsung
Electronics is the fourth largest rnd spender among a thousand global
companies as 2018 global innovation report ranks company's R&D investment as
a percentage of sales for year from last July to June this year
Samsung Electronics invested a total of fifteen point three billion u.s. dollars
during that period there is almost 7% of the tech firms revenue and an on-year
increase of 6.8% Amazon topped the list with R&D spending of twenty two point
six billion dollars or twelve point seven percent of its revenue of more
than 40 percent on Eire the u.s. ecommerce giant was followed by Google's
parent company alphabet and German automaker Volkswagen in the same
PricewaterhouseCoopers report Samsung Electronics was ranked 6 in a list of
high-level global innovators Apple Amazon and alpha 2 the top three for the
second consecutive year Chesham adren news
Uomini e Donne, Andrea Del Corso insulta Maria De Filippi e il programma: 'E' trash… | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Excel SUM based on Partial Text Match (SUMIFS with wildcards) - Duration: 8:37.Today we're gonna take a look at
how we can sum values based on a partial text match.
Sumifs is great when you are
summing values based on criteria.
Now, it always looks for an exact match for that criteria.
But in this case we're gonna see how to handle cases
where we want to look for a partial text match.
(upbeat instrumental music)
Here's our sample data set.
We have a list of company IDs, customers IDs,
and quantities sold.
Now what we wanna do is to sum the quantity,
which contains these company IDs.
Right, so you can see here we have a partial match.
Any company ID that has AT in it,
we want their quantity to be summed
and we wanna see it here.
So I'm gonna use the sumifs formula.
First argument in the SUMIFS is the sum range.
What do I want to sum?
The quantity.
So I'm just gonna highlight that.
CTRL + Shift + Down to jump to the bottom.
I'm gonna fix the area here using the F4 key
because I am planning to pull down my formula
and I don't want this reference to shift.
Next argument is criteria range one.
That's the range where my first criteria is sitting on.
What's my actual criteria?
It's this.
Where is the range it's sitting on?
It's this.
So that's what I need here.
CTRL + Shift + Down, press F4 to fix.
Now, my criteria I said is this,
but it's not exactly this, right?
'Cause if I close the bracket here, I get zero.
It's looking for an exact match.
It's looking for AT,
In here, it's not finding it.
It's giving me a zero.
So here comes the use of wildcards.
And one handy wildcard here is the asterisk sign,
or this multiplication sign.
So this is the sign that I need to put
either before or after this,
and in this case, since I want AT to fall anywhere
in this text; it could be at the beginning,
could be in the middle, could be in the end,
it doesn't matter, I'm gonna put this on both sides.
So before and after.
Now notice because I'm putting in my formula,
I need to put it inside quotation marks.
It's seen as text in there.
And if I press enter right now,
I can't leave the formula because I need the & sign.
So whenever you're combining text with (murmuring),
you need to add the & sign.
And right after the AT,
I'm also gonna add that asterisk sign
because this would mean that my AT could fall anywhere.
Now when I press enter, I'm gonna push this down.
I'm gonna get the sum of quantities
for wherever I have these fields in there.
Okay, so, next part,
we're just gonna restrict this a little bit.
We actually want the 10 to be
in the first two characters right here.
Now I'm just gonna copy this formula
and paste it here so I don't have to rewrite everything.
What do I need to update in this formula to make it work?
I have to take away the asterisk sign
from the beginning, right?
So from before the 10.
Because I wanted to start with 10,
and after that, it could be anything, right?
So don't forget, the asterisk means any type of text
or number, any length, it doesn't matter.
Whatever comes after this doesn't matter.
Okay, it's taken into account.
Okay, so now let's think about how to
update this formula to sum values for quantity
where the last two characters are a 10.
So what do we need to change now here?
We need to take away the asterisk sign from the end, right?
So this means it ends with 10.
Everything before doesn't matter.
It's included in our sum.
Now the next one is something different.
We wanna sum the quantity only where the fifth
and the sixth character is a 10.
How do we do this one?
Let me just copy and paste this one here again,
and let's see how we can update this.
This part is something I need to change
because I want to make sure that only
four characters come before this 10 here.
And that means I need to use the question mark.
So the difference between the question mark
and the asterisk sign is that
the question mark is a fixed placeholder.
So if you use it once, it means it replaces one text.
One character, basically, of your text with anything.
It could be a number, it could be a symbol.
It could be anything.
If you use it twice,
it means it's a placeholder for two characters.
So in this case we're gonna use it four times
and then we want our 10 to appear.
And then after that we can leave the asterisk sign
if anything else could appear after the 10.
Okay, so that's 520.
That's just this case here.
That's how you can use this combination
of wildcard characters to get the outcome that you want.
Now the next one is actually a question
that was raised in the comments
of one of the previous sumifs videos
and someone asked that they have the problem
where the first two characters
and the last two characters are basically given in the cells,
and then they need to sum values based on this.
So first two characters should be AT,
last two in this case should be 30.
Only those values should be summed.
And similar for the other ones.
Okay, so here let's just write this one from scratch.
First comes our sum range, which was this.
I'm gonna fix it.
Next comes criteria range one, which was this one.
Let's fix it.
Now comes the criteria.
Okay, so it's not exactly this, right?
We want to make sure that the first two characters is AT,
and the last two characters is 30.
So here what comes handy is the left
and the right functions.
So let's use the left function,
and we're gonna strip out the first two characters.
So those should be AT.
Then after this,
we could have any variable sized text in there.
Put the asterisk sign,
then I'm gonna use the right function
and strip out the last two characters of this.
1,620, so that adds on this here
and here
and here, 1,620.
Okay, so we can just push that down.
The reason I'm using actually sumifs here
is that it's really easy to update
the moment more criteria come in
because it's very likely that your boss could come in
and be like, well, could you also add a second criteria?
Could you also add in the customer here?
Now all I have to do, let's just copy my sumifs here,
is just check the referencing.
That should reference this one.
Right, so that takes me back to what I had here.
Now all I have to do is to add in the customer.
I'm just gonna add extra arguments here.
So where is this customer sitting in?
It's sitting right here.
Again, don't forget the fixing.
The actual criteria is right here.
So that was a quick update of adding
an additional criteria to our original sum formula.
Okay, so that's how you can use sumifs
and wildcards to look for partial text matches.
If you enjoyed this video, if you learnt something new,
don't forget to give it a thumbs up
and if you like this type of videos,
if you want to become more advanced in Excel,
do consider subscribing to this channel.
(upbeat instrumental music)
LIVE: Audi Pressekonferenz (e-tron GT Global Debut) at L.A Auto Show 2018 |Bright Side Car| - Duration: 20:00.Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!
Smart Mind - English - Perfect Mode - Duration: 4:31.PRESENT PERFECT
POSITIVE subject + have / has + past participle
I've eaten breakfast.
He has eaten lunch.
NEGATIVE subject + have / has + not + past participle
We haven't eaten yet.
She hasn't eaten the chocolate.
QUESTION (question word +) have / has + subject + past
What have you eaten today?
Has she eaten lunch?
POSITIVE subject + had + past participle
I had eaten.
She'd eaten lunch.
NEGATIVE subject + had + not + past participle
We hadn't eaten.
He had not eaten an apple.
QUESTION (question word +) had + subject + past participle
Why had you eaten?
Had they eaten fish before?
POSITIVE subject + will + have + past participle
I will have eaten lunch by 3 o'clock.
She'll have eaten all the chocolate.
NEGATIVE subject + will + not + have + past participle
He won't have eaten lunch yet.
They will not have eaten their sandwiches.
QUESTION (question word +) will + subject + have +
past participle?
When will you have eaten?
Will she have eaten dinner by nine?
Which one is a correct form of perfect mode ?
1 – I am going to eat the cake.
2 – You will be going to that country next month.
3 – We would study for the next exam.
4 – Have you moved to Canada last year ?
The correct answer is number 4
4 – Have you moved to Canada last year ? it is the perfect mode (have + p.p.m.v.)
1 – I am going to eat the cake. simple future
2 – You will be going to that country next month.
it's the continuous future
3 – We would study for the next exam. polite way to
say the m.v.
Opel Ampera E-REV - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Sốc:Hàng loạt HLV nổi tiếng phán Tuyển Việt Nam qua mặt Philippines vào CK nhưng đội vô địch là... - Duration: 14:40.-------------------------------------------
29-Nov | R-Sim New Working ICCID Code | Latest Verified ICCID | Gevey | R-Sim 12,13 | For all iPhone - Duration: 3:48.Subscribe to our Channel. Don't forget to like us on YouTube.
Evangelio de hoy, Jueves 29 de Noviembre del 2018 - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Brexit Isn't Racist - But Tommy Is - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Renault Trafic 1.6 dCi 125 pk L2 Dubbel Cabine 2x Schuifdeur, Navi R-Link, Pack Securite, Bijrijders - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
《凉生》收官迎44岁生日,"叔圈"除了钟汉良,再无程天佑 - Duration: 6:40.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 307 CC 2.0-16V MET AIRCO EN NWE APK - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
《宣判》即将开拍,张翰化身检察官帅气来袭,女主人选成热议 - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
Mat'54, Mat'64, NS SNG, ICMm, Goederentreinen in Amersfoort - Duration: 1:01.Amersfoort
Peugeot Traveller - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
La France à la veille d'une "révolution citoyenne", selon Mélenchon - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 308 - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
〇〇の金が本当にオススメです!日経225の情報提供してます! - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT ComfortLine 5Drs /40.000 Km/airco/1e Eig/NAP/7 jaar garantie - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 3008 - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Kia Sorento - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 5008 - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration 5Drs, AIRCO, ACHTERUITRIJCAMERA GEEN AFLEVERINGS KOSTEN - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Heroes of the City Songs-------------------------------------------
Lib Tech T Rice Pro HP C2 2019 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:41.Hi my name is Didi and I represent Lib Tech snowboard here in Austria.
Lib Tech belongs to Mervin Manufacturing, a USA based snowboard factory,
which is the most eco-friendly in the world. We do not use any poisonous materials,
poisonous glue or layering. We only use sustainable wood,
for example we only use recycled sidewalls made from our own boards as well as bio-bean top sheets.
We do all of this for the sustainability, for the nature, for our kids.
I am pleased to present to you today, our Travis Rice
Horsepower Pro. Horsepower means that we do not use fiberglass,
but instead we use basalt, a volcanic, eco-friendly material.
This makes the board lighter, we use less material,
it becomes easier to turn, easier to ride and gives
us more fun when riding. It has a classic hybrid shape,
a rocker between the bindings to ensure easier turns, playfulness
and fun when riding the slopes. We have an easy camber in the front and back
so you can achieve control at big speeds if you wish to ride agressively.
This snowboard has a blunt shape nose, but in the longer version from 160 further
it becomes pointy which is just an aesthetic feature. This is the freestyle oriented
version, mostly allmountain freestyle and the other version is allmountain freeride oriented.
Travis Rice is one of the most known snowboarders, known from
films such as Art of Flight, The Fourth Phase. A true hero and we are glad he is riding for us.
He has many snowboard in our range, check them out and ride the lines from Travis!
Change Course & Don't Break Anything, The Journey, Episode 11, Season 2 - Duration: 7:22.JEN BALLARD: Well, I didn't think that we were down that badly.
MICHAEL STELZNER: Join us on an impossible mission
to grow our business 50%.
Welcome to The Journey.
MICHAEL: I don't have good news.
Last week was perhaps one of the worst weeks we've had,
since we launched Social Media Marketing World.
We're heading in the wrong direction.
If this continues,
then we can kiss our goals goodbye. JEN: Yeah.
MICHAEL: There's a reason why sales were down,
and you need to get to the bottom of it.
KIM REYNOLDS: Right now, we're kind of in discovery mode,
to figure out what went wrong,
so that we can figure out what to do about it,
how to get back on track.
JEN: So, I'm gonna be spending the next hour or so,
looking through the data, looking through the numbers,
seeing what worked, what didn't.
SAIDAH: To figure out why sales are down,
and to go forward and make a plan of action from there.
MICHAEL: So, tell me what you did.
JEN: Last week's e-mails did really poorly.
We had six sales over two. Complete sense.
Some of it might have been due to the new time that we sent it.
Some of it might have been due to the messaging.
MICHAEL: So, then the next question is, "What do we know about buying behavior?"
KIM: 40% buy on their first visit.
MICHAEL: Yes. 60% don't.
We have a chance to reacquire these people with our remarketing, right?
KIM: Right.
MICHAEL: And it may just be that there's been too much going on in their life,
and there was no strong incentive for them to close the deal last week.
Turns out that last year, at this time,
we were just about to launch the virtual ticket.
JEN: Usually virtual ticket doesn't open until...
October, November, December.
This year we've done something completely different.
We made all of our ticket types available from the start, from launch.
MICHAEL: So we, decided to shift our plans around.
JEN: We are going to kind of make a false launch,
or just a promotion without it being launched.
And we decided to do it next week!
(GIGGLES) Oh my gosh.
So, we have, you know...
three or four days to get it ready.
MICHAEL: When you're in a really long sale cycle, like we are,
there are things that you need to do to artificially stimulate the system.
That's why we decided to push to launch the virtual ticket this week.
That will activate a lot of our affiliates.
KIM: So far, affiliate promotions have been going great.
JEN: They help promote the conference for us, on our behalf.
KIM: So, we launched the affiliate program earlier this year
but I can't say that we were 100% ready to open up.
JEN: Yesterday, we updated our promo assets page,
which is a page full of graphics and videos and copy,
and hopefully it will help them and hopefully they'll be able to help us.
MICHAEL: So, I just got off in an interview with Talia Wolf,
who is a conversion rate optimization expert.
And I think we're gonna hire her.
But she is researched-based.
So, what she does, she has surveys of our customers
to get at the raw emotional messages.
JEN: I think that's pretty cool.
If she actually goes out and surveys the people who are responding.
MICHAEL: This is the kind of stuff that we've been focusing on lately.
JEN: Right.
MICHAEL: So, she's available to begin in late October.
And I've already talked to myself and authorized the budget.
Well, there you go.
MICHAEL: Well, good morning.
Our goal last week was 388 virtual tickets, approximately.
JEN: Yes, the goal was 388.
MICHAEL: And how many did we sell?
JEN: And we sold 262 virtuals.
MICHAEL: So, that's not really, that's not even close to our goal.
JEN: Yeah.
Well, I didn't think that we were down that badly.
MICHAEL: Have you done an analysis to figure out
what worked and what didn't work on the virtual tickets?
JEN: Almost all of it was e-mail.
MICHAEL: Really? JEN: Yeah.
MICHAEL: How about affiliates?
JEN: I don't have a number yet. I haven't worked on that yet.
MICHAEL: Let's go find out. JEN: OK.
MICHAEL: How many virtual tickets did the affiliates bring in last week?
KIM: Four. MICHAEL: Four?
All those e-mails and everything you sent out only resulted in four virtual tickets?
KIM: Well, six All Access and two marketer tickets.
So, we actually did pretty decently for sales last week.
MICHAEL: Would you consider that a win?
KIM: Yes I would, because people would, initially, to look for the virtual ticket
realize how amazing it's gonna be
and they upgraded to All Access or marketer tickets.
MICHAEL: How do you know that?
KIM: I don't know what's in people's heads,
but I can't say there was not a win.
MICHAEL: How many virtual tickets did we sell the prior week?
KIM: One.
MICHAEL: So, all that work gained us another three virtual tickets.
JEN: I'm disappointed that we didn't sell more virtual.
JEN: I had really thought that that would pick up
and be a really strong week.
MICHAEL: So, I think what ended up happening was people promoted the virtual ticket,
but they sent them to the homepage.
Because we were not clear on our communication.
Some of them were persuaded to purchase other ticketing types, which is great,
but we cannot say the ends justify the means, in this particular case,
because four virtual tickets is never gonna be a hurrah moment for us.
JEN: I'm frustrated that we had, what? A week to plan the whole thing and do it, so...
Our communication breakdown with the affiliates was...
Because we were really, really rushed.
MICHAEL: And look, I understand, from your perspective, this was injected...
like, this was a last minute thing.
The good news is we sold a lot of virtual tickets.
So, now it's time for us to kind of abandon the virtual ticket train.
Move on.
Let it continue to sell itself.
Double down on all these other ticketing types.
MICHAEL: I'm here in Los Angeles at a conference for video creators.
I come to conferences like this to really strengthen my relationships
with a lot of various individuals that are here.
So, it's just a great chance to come up from San Diego,
connect with these people.
And just kind of see what happens, because serendipity.
Crazy things happen sometimes when you come and just connect.
DERRAL EVES: What I learned from you, I wanna share with you...
MICHAEL: Oh, wow. DERRAL: ..'cause it's really, really important.
When I went to Social Media Marketing World,
my mind was blown, like, of how many moving parts you had.
You have all these sessions going on, all these people.
But it was so organized. Your team was amazing.
And last year, I'm, like,
"OK, if I'm gonna emulate an amazing conference,
if I'm gonna help get someone be what it's supposed to be,
I need to be able to take that component that I learned from you,"
of really bringing people that truly care on what you're doing,
bring them together,
and have them help you put on the amazing event.
MICHAEL: When everybody comes together for a common cause
and they all understand why they're here...
Amazing things happen.
MICHAEL: Jen! Come in here.
The Journey's not working.
JEN: It's not working?
MICHAEL: No. We're not publishing The Journey this week.
I'm not joking.
JEN: Just because...
MICHAEL: No one's watching it.
MICHAEL: Hoo-hoo! It's that time of the year.
It is so, so cold out!
To all my friends all over the world that are freezing...
Sorry. You should be in San Diego.
Look at this.
This is the Social Media Marketing World jacket.
And it is so energized from the experience of Social Media Marketing World
that it makes my hair stand up on end.
You have to have hairy arms for this to work.
And this is what happens
when you come to Social Media Marketing World.
Boundless energy.
Please join me on The Journey.
Subscribe now and be sure to hit the bell,
so you don't miss any of our future episodes.
J.I.D ft. BJ The Chicago Kid and Thundercat: Skrawberries - Duration: 4:34.-Making his TV debut,
performing "Skrawberries" from his new album "DiCaprio 2"
featuring BJ the Chicago Kid and Thundercat,
give it up for J.I.D.! [ Cheers and applause ]
-This is a dedication to a close friend of mine,
me and Thundercat's.
I just want to say,
everybody, check on your strong friends.
♪ Yeah, my girl booty soft and it's shaped like a skrawberry ♪
♪ Her nooky bald with a tat like Stephon Marbury ♪
♪ Carry all my dirt to the grave, I'm the pallbearer ♪
♪ Bury all of my sins, staring out of the Benz ♪
♪ Gone off weed, gone off Hen', gone with the wind ♪
♪ Gone with the pretty long hair is with the fairest skin ♪
♪ Yelling in her face, and she repeat like a parrot and ♪
♪ Apparently she gone keep yelling at me, I'ma never win ♪
♪ Where that girl was at ♪
♪ When I was sleeping on the couch and in the whip? ♪
♪ Probably with another homie, on another homie ♪
♪ I'm on another tip, my skin so tint, strength on strength ♪
♪ One on ten against me ♪
♪ I won't break, I don't bend ♪
♪ Watch your statements, guard your chin ♪
♪ Guard your heart, guard your light ♪
♪ Find your zen, mind your lightness ♪
♪ You doing without 'cause you ain't looking within ♪
♪ But if you ever in doubt, give this a spin ♪
-♪ Uh, yeah, for life, baby, I'm dressed for the war ♪
♪ Baby girl, I'm your soldier ♪
♪ But trippin' like this, back and forth ♪
♪ Wonder who gon' hold you ♪ -♪ Yeah ♪
-♪ Who's gon' ♪
♪ Everybody needs somebody to hold them down ♪
♪ I said everybody needs somebody to hold them down ♪
-♪ Look, yeah ♪
♪ I mean, shawty had relations ♪
♪ That we never could speak about ♪
♪ You get mad, I'm mad, we sleep it out ♪
♪ And then she had a man who used to beat her ♪
♪ So she told me she wanted out ♪
♪ Got a couple of... now we live in a haunted house ♪
♪ Now her heart cold, Antarctica, Siberia ♪
♪ Had it planned out, curriculum, criteria ♪
♪ Change, she feel pain ♪
♪ Strain, built up anger ♪
♪ From dealing with a bonehead, putting her life in danger ♪
♪ I understand, it's times that you go through ♪
♪ Your women things ♪
♪ And sometimes can't gauge clearly ♪
♪ On what you be thinking ♪
♪ I swear I got your back ♪
♪ And got the tab on what you drinking ♪
♪ You ain't gotta move a finger or pinky when we linking ♪
♪ Whatever keeps your boat afloat or ship sinking ♪
♪ From loose lips of side women stepping out of position ♪
♪ Breaking out of a system, prison ♪
♪ Parallelogram, shaping the prism ♪
♪ Stop signs never stopped I ♪
♪ Let's be realistic ♪
♪ I been trying to keep in touch with my senses ♪
♪ And be better to my sisters ♪
♪ But people think that you feminine when you sensitive ♪
♪ My home girl rap, and she feminist ♪
♪ Hold it down for the women, I call her "Feminem" ♪
♪ Tell me how you really feel headass ♪
♪ 'Cause ass shots are dead ass ♪
♪ And fake...been around, we gas it ♪
♪ Girl, you perfect without that makeup or the plastic surgery ♪
♪ I'ma tell you how it is like Ron Burgundy, ha ♪
-♪ Yeah, for life, baby, I'm dressed for the war ♪
♪ Baby girl, I'm your soldier ♪ -♪ Yeah ♪
-♪ But trippin' like this, back and forth ♪
♪ Wonder who gon' hold you, who's gon' ♪
♪ Everybody needs somebody to hold them down ♪
♪ I said everybody needs ♪
♪ Somebody to hold them down ♪ -♪ Everybody, hands up ♪
♪ Everybody just wave, just wave ♪
♪ Just wave ♪ -[ Vocalizing ]
-♪ Just wave, okay, everybody? ♪
♪ Just wave, just wave ♪
♪ Just wave, everybody, just, yeah ♪
♪ Okay, now, girl, you perfect ♪
♪ Without that makeup or the plastic surgery ♪
♪ I'ma tell you how it is like Ron Bu-- ♪
♪ Okay, girl, you perfect ♪
♪ Without that makeup or the plastic surgery ♪
♪ I'ma tell you how it is like Ron Burgundy, God ♪
-[ Vocalizing ] -♪ Yeah, everybody just, yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, everybody just, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Everybody just, whoa, yeah ♪
♪ Everybody just, yeah ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
-♪ Oh, yeah ♪
-We love you, Mac.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Awesome, guys. Thank you. Good to see you.
You doing good? Come on, man. Everything good, pal?
-Yeah. -J.I.D.!
BJ the Chicago Kid! Thundercat!
"DiCaprio 2" is out now.
Volkswagen Polo Fabr.garantie t/m 6-2019 NAVI/BT/APP.CONNECT - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo Fabr.garantie t/m 5-2019 NAVI/BT/APP.CONNECT - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo Fabr.garantie t/m 5-2019 NAVI/BT/APP.CONNECT - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo Fabr.garantie t/m 6-2019 NAVI/BT/APP.CONNECT - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Sport Navigatie - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Brexit Isn't Racist - But Tommy Is - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Our Visit To America: Part 1! Cartoons For Children by The Adventures of Annie and Ben! - Duration: 7:32.-------------------------------------------
Wild West | Om Nom Cartoons | Videos For Babies | Kids Shows - Duration: 1:35.Wild West Om Nom Cartoons Videos For Babies
DRIFT TAXI battle in Ebisu!? /[日本字幕] エビスサーキットでドリフトタクシーとバトル!? #drifttaxi #ebisu #japan - Duration: 8:06.-------------------------------------------
ПСЖ - Ливерпуль 2-1 Обзор матча • Лига Чемпионов 2018-19 • 5 тур - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
2014-2018 Silverado 1500 Black Horse Pocket Matte Black Fender Flares Crew Cab Review & Install - Duration: 9:54.Hey, guys.
I'm Joe with American Trucks and today I'm gonna be reviewing and installing the Black
Horse Off Road pocket style fender flares in matte black, fitting all '14 to '18 Silverado
1500 Crew Cabs with the short box.
Now this is awesome for the Silverado owner that's looking to add some aggressive pocket
fender styling to their truck as well as more coverage over beefier tires for a very reasonable
These fender flares add more coverage and can protect your truck's body panels from
debris flung by larger tires like mud, rocks, or gravel.
They're also made out of a Duraflex plastic that is not going to shatter with the rough
Now most state inspections require that the width of the tread of your tires be covered.
Now, this is perfect to allow you to pass inspections and basically a must if you plan
on running really beefy tires.
They give you about an extra three, three and a half inches of coverage.
On top of passing inspection and maintaining your paint, these fender flares also add a
killer off-road look and as you can see on our Silverado here, really sets off the blacked-out
look with the black finish.
Now for around 300 bucks for the set, these are also very cost effective and are gonna
be the most budget-friendly set of fender flares we have on our site and included in
that price is also a one-year manufacturer's warranty.
Now install for these is going to be moderate.
There are some factory mounting holes that we're gonna be using but most of them will
require drilling.
With that being said, I'm gonna give it an easy two out of three wrenches on our difficulty
It should take you around three or four hours with basic hand tools and with that, let me
show you how to get these on your truck.
For this install, you will need a drill, ratchets, quarter-inch ratchet, Phillips head screwdriver,
T20 Torx bit, marking tool like a tire marker or Sharpie, 13-millimeter socket, 3/32 inch
drill bit, scissors, caliper, and a 3/8 drive impact.
So first we're gonna prepare our fender flares.
We're gonna start by applying this rubber seal along the outside edge of our fender
That's gonna protect the painted surface once it's on our truck and then we're going to
apply our hardware to the pocket.
And there's also a piece of 3M automotive-grade double-sided tape in there just to hold it
in place before we get these onto the truck.
Take your time with this step as the better adhesive you have here will pay off in the
And then once you get to the end, you don't have to turn this corner, you can cut it off
And next, we're just gonna apply our hardware.
Now you're gonna want the button head on the outside with a washer.
Now I found the pre-drilled holes kind of tight as well so I'm just gonna thread those
through using the impact.
Now we could flip our flare over and use the Allen key in the kit and a 13-millimeter socket
to tighten the nyloc nuts on the back.
And next, we're gonna repeat that process for all four of our fender flares.
So with our fender flares all prepped and ready to go, we can move on to preparing our
Now we're gonna have to ditch this old, plastic, factory mud guard here.
There's two T15 screws holding it on and as you could see, you could turn the wheel to
allow yourself a little easier access.
You could go ahead and immediately reinstall this bottom bolt.
The top one we are going to wait on because that's gonna go through our fender flare.
So with our factory mud guard out of the way, what we're gonna do is mock up our new fender
flare so we can mark some holes to drill.
As you could see, I reused that T15 Torx head screw to kind of hold this in place and align
Then once you have it firmly pressed up against the truck, you can mark your holes using a
paint marker or a grease pencil just like so.
Now, with all things in life, it's good to measure twice and cut once so what I did here
is I just removed our fender flare one more time, put some black tape over our Sharpie
marks, and I'm gonna mark it again with the yellow paint marker just so I can easily see
where I've made my marks and make sure we get it right on the first time.
So with our marks made and nice and clear on the black tape, the instructions actually
recommend to give them some adjustment.
Now they say these three holes, the rear three, should be about 16-millimeters in from the
edge of the fender and the front two should be about 12-millimeters in so we're gonna
make that measurement and adjust our hole.
So all the holes are marked and adjusted.
We can now drill out our pilot holes using a 3/32 inch drill bit.
Next, it's as simple as reinstalling our fender flare using the T15 Torx bit screw and then
we're gonna use the five self-tapping screws included in the kit into our pilot hole.
And we're just gonna repeat the same process for the other side.
So with the front out of the way, we can move on to the rear and installation is gonna be
a little bit different but we're gonna start by removing the factory mud flap and mud guard
with a T15 Torx bit.
There's also some clips on the bottom here we're gonna pry off with a trim panel removal
With the mud flaps out of the way, the next step is to mark our pilot holes.
So we're gonna throw the fender flare up there and align it using the T15 Torx screws that
we just took out right here and there's also one right there.
Then we're gonna mark all these with a Sharpie, put the tape over it, mark it again with the
yellow crayon, and drill our holes.
And that is gonna do it for my review and install of the Black Horse Off Road pocket
style fender flares in matte black, fitting all '14 to '18 Silverados with the Crew Cab
and shortbed.
Keep it right here at
29-Nov | R-Sim New Working ICCID Code | Latest Verified ICCID | Gevey | R-Sim 12,13 | For all iPhone - Duration: 3:48.Subscribe to our Channel. Don't forget to like us on YouTube.
Après le carburant, le gouvernement va-t-il décider d'une hausse de l'électricité? - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Patrick Mahomes Draws Brett Favre Comparison From Jon Gruden | - Duration: 5:58.Patrick Mahomes Draws Brett Favre Comparison From Jon Gruden |
There's been no shortage of praise for Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes this season.
But ahead of the team's Week 13 matchup with the rival Oakland Raiders, it was Jon Gruden's turn to show some love.
And the Raiders coach didn't hold back his feelings on the second-year pro.
As Michael Gehlken of the Las Vegas Review-Journal revealed, Gruden called Mahomes' skill set "sickening" while comparing him to legendary quarterback Brett Favre.
"His overall skill set is sickening.
I mean, it really is.
He's double-jointed.
He can throw the ball from any platform possible: running to his left; fading backward.
He can get out of trouble.
And I compliment everybody.
I've been accused of that, but this guy has off-the-chart arm talent.
His skill level is unbelievable, and he's got a playing style that reminds me of (Brett) Favre.
He's a young Favre.
That's why I think Andy Reid went and got him.
He won't quit on any plays; he makes a lot of plays when there's nothing there.
I don't have time to talk about him anymore." Gruden stated, per Gehlken.
The former host of the ESPN show 'Gruden's QB Camp' couldn't contain himself while gushing over the rival quarterback.
It got to the point where he actually had to stop himself from raving about Mahomes.
Patrick Mahomes' Superb Start to Season.
Through 11 games, the second-year quarterback out of Texas Tech has looked like one of the best players in the entire NFL.
Mahomes has completed 67.5 percent of his passes for 3,628 yards, 37 touchdowns and just 10 interceptions.
As things stand, he's currently just behind pace to break the NFL record for most passing touchdowns in a single season of 55, currently held by Peyton Manning.
For good measure, Mahomes has also rushed for two additional scores along with 186 yards on the ground.
While he may fall short of winning the NFL's Most Valuable Player award to New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, it's likely he'll be in the mix for his fair share of hardwaree in the coming years.
Patrick Mahomes Achieves Multiple Feats, Sets Records.
It's been a year full of records, feats and accomplishments for the Chiefs quarterback.
Early on in the season, Mahomes set the NFL record for most touchdowns through three games (13) to start an NFL season.
This came one week after he broke the record for most in two games as well.
He was just scratching the surface with these feats, though.
When Week 7 rolled around, the rising star passed Kurt Warner for the most touchdown passes in the first eight games of any player's career with 22 (dating back to his one start in 2017).
There have been multiple others that jump out, including Mahomes becoming the first quarterback to throw four touchdowns passes in three-straight games since Manning did so in 2004.
Don't be surprised if a few more records and accomplishments are checked off by the time the 2018 season comes to a close.
READ NEXT: Patrick Mahomes Reacts to Texas Tech Firing Kliff Kingsbury.
"집사야 뭐하냥?"···우리집 고양이가 매일 '화장실'까지 따라왔던 진짜 이유 - Duration: 2:29.반려묘를 키우는 이들이라면 화장실에 갈 때마다 졸졸 쫓아와 그윽한 눈빛을 발산하는 녀석들 때문에 곤란했던 경험이 있을 것이다.
냄새나는 화장실까지 따라와 가랑이 사이로 얼굴을 빼꼼 내미는 녀석들의 행동을 도대체 이해할 수 없었다면 이 기사에 주목하자.
고양이들이 왜 화장실까지 주인을 따라 쫓아왔던 것인지에 대한 사랑스러운 이유를 소개한다.
최근 캘리포니아 데이비스대학 수의학 박사 미켈 델가도(Mikel Delgado)는 주인이 화장실 갈 때마다 쫓아오는 반려묘들의 습성에 관해 설명했다.
미켈 박사에 따르면 고양이들의 행동을 단 한 가지 이유로 설명하기는 어렵지만, 확실한 이유 중 하나는 주인의 관심을 받기 위해서다.
주인이 변기에 앉아 있는 동안은 마음껏 그의 시선을 즐길 수 있기 때문에 기를 쓰고 쫓아간다는 것이다.
야생 동물 학자인 이모진 켄슬러도 이 같은 의견에 동의했다.
이모진은 "고양이들의 주요 행동 중 하나는 가장 따뜻한 장소에서 주인을 관찰하는 것"이라며 "만약 고양이가 화장실까지 쫓아와 주인의 무릎에 앉는다면 따뜻한 곳을 찾아온 것"이라 설명했다.
덧붙여 "고양이는 자신이 중심이 돼야 한다고 생각하는 경향이 있다"고 전했다.
단지 주인이 뭘 하는지 궁금해서 혹은 출입이 제한되거나 금지된 방에 가보고 싶어서일 수도 있다.
굳게 닫힌 화장실 문이 고양이들의 호기심을 자극하기 때문이다.
사람의 화장실에서 나는 냄새가 본인의 화장실 냄새와 비슷하게 여겨 편안함을 느끼는 것일 수도 있다.
따라서 고양이가 은밀한 곳(?)까지 쫓아오는 걸 원하지 않는다면 다른 곳에 흥미를 느끼게 해주면 된다.
예를 들어 간식이나 사료를 이곳저곳에 숨겨둬 탐색의 재미를 주거나, 다양한 장난감으로 즐길 거리를 만들어 주는 것이 좋다.
The Fruits 2: Unsteady Security - Duration: 7:45.Hi everyone are you ready for chapter two of this incredible story I'm calling
it 'The Fruits' but let's just see where it's gonna take it so here we go
I think perhaps this is the fruit of virtue or like the- well we'll get to
it security [questions] virtue could they be the same? I don't know let's talk
alright so our story continues so remember the last video the beginning of
the story probably not the beginning but you know the beginning of this series we
can link it below we are on the first official full day of the Women at the
Well retreat we will also link them below because they have changed my life
but the second day we started our day with worship again and then we had an
hour in quiet so go off by yourself no phone she really even encouraged like
no Bible no journaling like just sit and be
I took my journal because writing is such a huge part of my quiet time in my
stillness and I also really made sure to write after the quiet time but as I was
like sitting there I was sitting on a porch swing that was in the middle of
the property on a hill overlooking the lake at WinShape in Rome, Georgia it was
beautiful out it was pretty hot but it was beautiful out and I was just like
praying like I just I- okay I want this peace YOU are my peace
you live in me I was also it was the hour before I was giving my keynote
remember my first ministry keynote and I was just like what are you doing?
like what am I doing here? I'm so unqualified like what do you want me to
say? how am I gonna remember it? and and He was like "It's not about you, it's
about ME. I have the words for you. Trust me." And so as I was like sitting there I
saw all of the spider webs and the blades of grass up in the trees between
the leaves and the branches even on the swing that I was sitting on and I had
been seeing spider webs leading up to leaving for the retreat for a while like
actually walking into them because I'm a butterfly farmer so I walk into spider
webs a lot and so I had kind of dug in Scripture
for kind of like that meaning of spiderwebs and so in that I our of quiet
when he showed me those spiderwebs I was just like oh right like I am still
keeping my security in things other than him and so I want to share with you
this is The Voice Translation I'm in Job 8:13-15, "So it goes with any
who forget God. The hope of the godless soon withers and dies. His confidence
breaks, for he trusts in the tenuous threads of a spider's web. When he leans
into his house of silken threads for support, it won't hold; though his arms
grab to study him, it will break - he will fall and never get back up." And so that-
in- back to Galatians you know 5:22 The ver- Fruits of the Spirit that we're
in- in The Voice- or in The Passion Translation "A life full of virtue" and in
the notes it says "or of goodness" and this like this piece I was still
continuing to rely on my own striving on the things of this world of the
accolades of the money, of the paycheck, for my security and my security must and
does lie in Him it does it just it lies in Him and so that like that whole piece all
kind of came together and then I had my keynote my first ministry keynote and it
was good and He used me and they were engaged and Chantelle Brewer the author of
Missionary Mom slipped me this note right afterwards um and that's
something that I think I will keep to me forever and then my new friend Brooke
which you'll hear about in these next installments of the this series you know
walked up to me after the keynote where I talked about how this wrestle to my
faith in a way that I had never shared before
this girl that spent a year in a body cast because of two back surgeries that
wasn't always alone that never felt God with her ever this woman that has gone
through two infertility treatments only to lose three babies and have to learn
to accept life with her without her own children to have to learn to consider it
pure joy to have to to get to do the work to make this story a gift to shift
the hard story into the BIG story - to KNOW my enoughness not just in Christ my
Savior my enoughness because He knitted me I wove them and led them through this
story a 45-minute keynote and it was not perfect I said 'um' too much
I referred to my notes too much to which my friend Ben my- who's a pastor at my
church was like, 'Um, it was your first ministry keynote and it was 45 minutes!
That's a long keynote like give yourself a break." But I want to preach like see I just
spit when I said that like I want to preach and I know pastors still refer to
their notes but- but then at the end and where we're gonna end this installment
at Brooke who has been in mission work since she was 15 this adorable funky
blonde that you kind of would never look at like a missionary that's totally
judgmental and with tears in her eyes she's goes- she said, "I need to pray over
you before this is over. I must pray."
And I think I said it in that moment I know I said it later to her and I said,
"We're not praying for a baby [whispering] We're not praying for a baby [louder]." And then we went into this really
amazing afternoon where we finished that conversation and that is for the next
video so make sure to follow along always please like and subscribe if you
like this and share you can subscribe to my channel or here I don't know and I
just pray that God is using this in some way and I'll see you for the next one
미녀 사육사가 안아주자 '가슴' 움켜주며 '함박미소' 짓는 오랑우탄 - Duration: 2:01.천방지축 오랑우탄에게 사진 촬영 시간은 꽤나 지루했나 보다.
가만히 카메라를 응시하던 녀석은 별안간 사육사의 가슴에 손을 얹고 환한 미소를 지었다.
지난 27일(현지 시간) 영국 일간 더선은 돌발행동으로 사람들을 당황하게 한 오랑우탄 닝낭(Ning Nang)의 모습을 영상과 함께 소개했다.
태국 방콕 사파리 월드에 사는 닝낭은 귀여운 행동으로 동물원을 찾은 사람들을 자주 웃게 만들었다.
그런 녀석의 장난기가 사육사 수난(Sunan)과 함께한 기념사진 촬영 시간에 발동했다.
어느 날, 평소처럼 닝낭을 품에 안은 수난이 사진을 찍는 관광객들 앞에서 포즈를 취하고 있었다.
그런데 녀석이 갑자기 돌발행동을 하기 시작했다.
한쪽 손을 뻗어 수난의 가슴을 움켜잡더니 마구 주물러댄 것이다.
수난과 관광객들은 금세 당황하는 표정을 지었고, 닝낭은 그런 사람들의 반응을 즐기며 크게 기뻐했다.
점점 더 많은 사람이 자신을 바라보자 닝낭은 한참 동안 수잔의 가슴에서 손을 떼지 않았다.
해당 영상을 촬영한 동물원 직원 쿤파(Khun Fah)는 "닝낭은 평소에도 귀여운 아이다"며 "사람들이 좋아한다고 생각해 그런 행동을 한 것"이라고 말했다.
이어 "영상 촬영이 끝나고 닝낭에게 다시 그러지 말라며 따끔한 주의를 줬다"고 전했다.
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