Thursday, November 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 29 2018

So my name is Florian Janssen.

I'm a Belgian.

And I came to Taiwan to import Belgian beer and distribute here in Taiwan.

Our company is Bilishi You Xian Gong Si.

So Bilishi Company Limited.

Bilishi, basically in PinYin, means Belgium.

That's pretty easy because we are both Belgian

and we are focused on Belgian products.

The 'shi' exactly is the one of happiness actually.

So, we are basically the happy Belgians.

How we used to deliver beers, we basically had two ways.

First, is to use a logistic company here in Taiwan.

But as I mentioned, I actually like to deliver myself.

I have a motorcycle.

On which, I have a box on the back.

I can also use a scooter.

But both of either the scooter or the motorcycle

are basically only can fit only two boxes at a time.

And that's how I came up with my new way of delivering.

Being able to deliver bicycle riding.

With the GSD, I can fit easily three boxes of beer.

So that's already more than I could fit either on my scooter or on my motorcycle.

If I use the bike, compared to using the scooter or the motorcycle,

I don't see a sacrifice.

I actually think I am gaining a lot of things.

I'm getting exercise. Stay in good shape.

Second of all, it allows me not to pay more taxes.

I have a bike. I don't have to pay taxes, any road taxes to pay.

I don't have any gasoline to pay.

The great thing with the GSD, as we move around the whole island,

is that we can fit it in our car.

And, from there you can just deliver the last mile

and do the main roads with the car.

So what I love about the GSD

is its way that you can really be flexible.

You could think maybe about the time.

But once again, it brings back the reality of traffic

of city congestion, even in motorcycle, even in scooter

and also the parking space.

A bicycle can park basically anywhere

very easily, without bothering anyone.

I do believe that everyone has its role to play in any level,

starting from your own person.

So if we can reduce the amount of goods transported by road,

bring it still on the road, but through bikes,

a cleaner way of moving it.

I do believe that it will change the world in the end.

For more infomation >> Delivering Belgian Beer with the Tern GSD - Duration: 2:39.


Na praia, Thaís Fersoza curte dia de folga ao lado de Michel Teló, Melinda e Teodoro - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Na praia, Thaís Fersoza curte dia de folga ao lado de Michel Teló, Melinda e Teodoro - Duration: 1:46.


DJ Kass - Scooby Doo Pa Pa (Official Video), By Mrr Theara [ TND ] - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> DJ Kass - Scooby Doo Pa Pa (Official Video), By Mrr Theara [ TND ] - Duration: 2:52.


[SORI] SoRi's First Solo Single "Touch" Photoshoot! EP3 - Duration: 4:14.

Sori's YouTube Channel

Here comes the main outfit for the current photoshoot!

Latex outfit designed by Atsuko Kudo

The color's very bright red,

and this particular cup is called the 50's cup.

(incomprehensible, sorry.)

(Lip-syncing on top of "Havana")


(Why was onion brought up all the sudden?)

(A-ha, her fishnet stockings look like the sack that comes with onions...)

(Keeps on touching the stockings..)


(in Japanese) this is a really difficult outfit to pull off.

(From top to bottom, a bright red ensemble.)

(A monitoring in progress...)


(This time, sitting down on a sofa.)

(The next episode will also feature the latex outfit, stay tuned!!!)

For more infomation >> [SORI] SoRi's First Solo Single "Touch" Photoshoot! EP3 - Duration: 4:14.


Delivering Bread with the Tern GSD - Duration: 2:18.

So, I started this adventure 10 years ago.

I had this opportunity to take over. It used to be a little cafe.

And I used to go to this place to have a coffee in the morning.

And they were closing down. So I just, so they asked me if I was interested. I said, "Why not?"

So the bakery, a couple of years afterwards, we opened our bakery.

Starting with two, then three chefs. Now, we have six bakers and two pastry chefs.

We wanted something very authentic.

So all our products, I would say, maybe more French and European style.

So we got, of course, baguettes, campagne, country-side bread, sourdough.

So, we provide Lutetia bread in three stores in Tienmu.

Two Carrefour markets and one big supermarket

We start baking at 4 o'clock in the morning when the dough is ready.

Then we start, we provide the different locations through the day.

First delivery at 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock and 9.

What I really, really like about the electric bike is that everyone in the company is using it.

We got tall people and small people.

Everyone just don't need a driving license to use it.

There is a sense of freedom when you ride this bicycle in Tienmu.

You've got time. You're fast enough to deliver the bread.

But you have time enough to recognize people and to be recognized.

So in our business, once we started using the electric bike

I don't think we would ever come back to normal scooter or car.

To be part of this trend for being more eco-responsible,

is definitely something we feel good about.

For more infomation >> Delivering Bread with the Tern GSD - Duration: 2:18.


Trip to Bangkok | New chapter | Reading my diary | Personal journey | Travel with me to Thailand - Duration: 3:23.

bangkok. new chapter

I carry on my diary with me I love journaling it gives me calmness

and ability to understand myself

to hear my inner voice

Airport Moscow

last few weeks were intense

I'm waiting for something new ahead

little forest

super adorable movie on board

the Korean one

just as I like

I love the new land

it's like a new life, a new beginning

you're trying to figure

out whether it's a good fit for you

or maybe you're a good fit for it

everything depends on you

there is a beautiful sunrise in pink shades

too many circles in the sky

actually make me a little bit nervous

and scared


new chapter

warm air, dark skies and lovely people

I don't know why but I'm already so happy

so we are renting our apartment via air bnb

and our lovely host has left some snacks for us

yeah I'm going to have some tea

I love beans

these are beings covered

in I don't know what

we'll see

and some kind of

I don't know what it is...

is it crackers made of rice perhaps?

Well, I need a google translator lol

I'm a little bit tired but I'm super excited about this

this whole new path

I think I'm going to show you the room tour tomorrow or in

the next few days because I'm feeling really exhausted after the flights but

it's okay

well see you next time, bye!:)

For more infomation >> Trip to Bangkok | New chapter | Reading my diary | Personal journey | Travel with me to Thailand - Duration: 3:23.


Kate Middleton teria ido as lagrimas após implicância de Meghan Markle com sua filha, diz site - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton teria ido as lagrimas após implicância de Meghan Markle com sua filha, diz site - Duration: 4:30.


UFO VILLAGE - URBEX TAIWAN - Duration: 6:46.

Hi everybody! Today me

and the Pink Fluffy Unicorn

are in a place that doesn't

need any introduction

Look at the house behind me

You understood

it's the Ufo Village in Taiwan

Now we'll explorate it

so follow me to

see with me this

pretty strange and gloomy place

the ufo village is a group of buildings

some of them

are flying saucer shaped

before there were two-story buildings

but unfortunately they were demolished

they are prefabricated houses

designed as a holiday resort

in front of the sea

Now I'm exploring

the furniture

left inside

The Ufo Village has

a very creepy story

First of all

was built

in 1978

the project belonged

to a Finnish architech

Matti Suuronen

But the project has never been finished

because of

financial investments

and many suicides

and car accidents

during its buildings

So it

has been

abandoned. You can see

its condition

Another theory tells that

under the Ufo Village's foundation

was a cemetery

of more than 70 thoundands Dutch soldier

dig up from their graves

to make place

for these futuristic houses

mostly sold to US soldiers

on a mission to Asia

This place

should have been demolished in 2008


After 10 years you can see

with your yes that

many buildings are still existing

a little bit narrow

I think that staying

here was not very comfortable because

the space is very optimized

Some buildings are

completely razed to the ground

like this

because of the typhoons

Some like this

had been occupied

There's a postman

bringing the mail to a man

of these only the

skeleton remained

We want peace...guess who wrote it

maybe one of the occupants

of this place

some became


here there were some cages and an aquarium

nearby there's also

an abandoned hotel

but I didn't manage to come in because

the entrances had been closed

I leave this place

looking at

this great rainbow

From the Ufo Village in Taiwan

me and the Pink Fluffy Unicorn say you goodbye

We hope you enjoyed the video

subscribe to my channel and to my Facebook Group


Follow me on Facebook and Instagram

as La Maletita Feliz

See you in the next exploration, bye bye

For more infomation >> UFO VILLAGE - URBEX TAIWAN - Duration: 6:46.


Ruta por el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Andújar. Jaén - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Ruta por el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Andújar. Jaén - Duration: 1:36.


7⃣ Dicas Imperdíveis de Cultivo! | Nô Figueiredo - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 7⃣ Dicas Imperdíveis de Cultivo! | Nô Figueiredo - Duration: 5:25.


Muggulu Simple Designs Latest | 7 to 4 Dot Kolam [Sankranthi Muggulu] - Duration: 3:03.

Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

Muggulu Simple Designs Latest

7 to 4 Dot Kolam

Sankranthi Muggulu

Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya

For more infomation >> Muggulu Simple Designs Latest | 7 to 4 Dot Kolam [Sankranthi Muggulu] - Duration: 3:03.


Il 28 novembre 1908 nasceva a Bruxelles il padre dell'antropologia strutturale. Diffidente nei confr - Duration: 9:02.

Ma quale furto d'anima. In quel capolavoro di romanzo dell'etnologia che è Tristi tropici, Claude Lévi-Strauss (oggi compirebbe 110 anni) si fa beffe di un luogo comune antropologico, quello per cui i "selvaggi" e i "primitivi" fuggirebbero di fronte all'obiettivo della macchina fotografica per il terrore, appunto, che rubi loro il segreto più intimo dell'identità umana

Con lui, i suoi amati Caduvei si comportarono ben diversamente. "Avevano perfezionato il sistema: non solo essi esigevano di essere pagati per lasciarsi fotografare, ma mi obbligavano a fotografarli perché io li pagassi"

Al punto che, saggio amministratore del bene limitato delle sue pellicole, il giovane Claude fingeva soltanto di scattare - e sborsava "qualche milreis"

Ma fu proprio durante una di quelle piccole recite che una donna Caduveo gli fece forse cambiare idea sulla fotografia

E attraverso di lui, la fa cambiare anche a noi, spettatori-sprezzatori della alluvione di immagini della Rete

LE LETTERE/ "Io, Lévi-Strauss, confuso con i jeans" Figlio e nipote di pittori, il padre dell'antropologia strutturale aveva, in verità, un debole per la fotografia

L'aveva praticata come hobby da ragazzino, e aveva con sé una buona fotocamera, una Leica quando, nel 1935, si ritrovò in Brasile per l'inizio della sua luminosa carriera

Per la verità, la usava come un turista. Fotografava architetture e paesaggi. Come tutti i turisti, era circondato da ragazzini urlanti "tira o retrato! Tira o retrato!", che lui accontentava parsimoniosamente (salvo essere arrestato, una volta, a Bahia, per "atto ostile al Brasile", da poliziotti indignati per il suo tentativo di "accreditare in Europa la leggenda che esistono brasiliani dalla pelle nera e che i monelli di Bahia vanno a piedi nudi")

Nel suo lavoro di ricerca sul campo, a differenza di altri grandi etnologi, Lévi-Strauss si servì malvolentieri della fotografia, anche solo come blocco d'appunti visuale

"Non ho mai attribuito molta importanza alla fotografia. Ho fotografato perché si doveva, ma sempre con la sensazione che fosse una perdita di tempo", confessò nel 2005 quando il Centre Pompidou gli dedicò una mostra

Le fotografie, insisteva, "non sono una parte delle mie esperienze, ne sono soltanto gli indizi", e anzi, "quando si ha l'occhio dietro l'obiettivo di una macchina da presa non si vede quello che succede e si capisce ancora meno", e dunque "rivedendole, quelle fotografie suscitano in me l'impressione di un vuoto, di un'assenza di ciò che l'obiettivo è sostanzialmente incapace di cogliere"

Insomma, anche Lévi-Strauss sembrerebbe allinearsi a quell'atteggiamento di estremo sospetto verso la fotografia che accomuna il pensiero critico francese del Novecento (nel paese che paradossalmente la fotografia la inventò e la regalò al mondo

). Come Barthes, come Sartre, come Bourdieu, come Baudrillard. Aggiungendovi un suo specifico accento sui misfatti che la fotocamera ha perpetrato ai danni di quella "povera selvaggina presa al laccio della civiltà meccanizzata, indigeni della foresta amazzonica, tenere e impotenti vittime", per colpa di chi "brandisce davanti a un pubblico avido gli album di foto a colori al posto delle vostre maschere ormai distrutte" per "saziare delle vostre ombre il cannibalismo nostalgico di una storia dalla quale siete già stati sopraffatti"

L'atto d'accusa contro l'imperialismo dello sguardo, del resto, è noto e fondato

Già negli anni Cinquanta, quando scrive queste cose, "L'Amazzonia, il Tibet e l'Africa invadono le vetrine sotto forma di libri di viaggio, resoconti di spedizioni e album di fotografie, dove la preoccupazione dell'effetto è troppo preponderante perché il lettore possa valutare la testimonianza che gli è offerta"

Non poteva dare un giudizio diverso chi scelse per quel suo libro celeberrimo un incipit folgorante: "Odio i viaggi e gli esploratori"

Eppure Tristi tropici, uscito nel 1955 e vincitore del premio Goncourt, è un libro illustrato con fotografie

Proprio le sue, quelle che Lévi-Strauss prese con la Leica e la Voigtländer tra i Nambikwara dell'Amazzonia

Quel sedicesimo illustrato fu, a quanto pare, una perentoria richiesta dell'editore: la collana in cui apparve lo prevedeva

Poi però, quarant'anni dopo, nel 1994, uscì il suo Saudades do Brasil che è un libro fotografico a tutti gli effetti

L'INTERVISTA NEL 1993/ Lévi-Strauss: "Lavoro ascoltando musica, mi ispira una vitale euforia" Dire che nel frattempo Lévi-Strauss avesse cambiato idea sulla fotografia è azzardato

Tuttavia, il suo religioso rispetto per il dato raccolto sul campo dovette farlo riflettere

È bello pensare che sia accaduto quando una donna Caduveo gli si presentò davanti, "particolarmente agghindata", chiedendogli di fotografarla (a pagamento)

"Sarei stato un pessimo etnografo resistendo a queste manovre, o anche considerandole come una prova di decadenza o di mercantilismo

Sotto una trasposizione di forma, riapparivano i tratti specifici della società indigena: indipendenza e autorità delle donne di alto lignaggio, ostentazione davanti allo straniero, e rivendicazione dell'omaggio da parte dell'uomo comune"

Lévi-Strauss: "La famiglia tradizionale? E' un'eccezione" La differenza fra un intellettuale superbo e cieco e un pensatore profondo è tutta qui

Lévi-Strauss si fa mettere in discussione da quel che si trova davanti. Non si permette di liquidare un oggetto culturale, la fotografia, sulla base della sua apparente irritante banalità

Sa che i riti sociali evolvono, anche molto in fretta, specialmente quando avvengono improvvise contaminazioni culturali

Intuisce che la fotografia, strumento dell'uomo bianco, entra improvvisamente nel circuito dello scambio simbolico di una piccola società tribale che la assorbe, la metabolizza, la mette al suo servizio

Capisce che la fotografia, come tutti i materiali a disposizione delle relazioni umane, non è un oggetto, ma una funzione sociale

Cambia e si adatta ai contesti, agli impieghi, alle culture che attraversa. Bene, è quello che testardamente continuano a non capire molti intellettuali sussiegosi quando liquidano con una smorfia di disgusto la fotografia condivisa, i selfie, le fotine da social, la mania Instagram

Incapaci di leggere dietro queste nuove forme relazionali l'incarnazione di "tratti specifici" della società moderna forse non così distanti dai bisogni inconsapevoli della donna Caduveo: riconoscimento sociale dell'individuo (il fotografante), ostentazione del sé nei confronti degli sconosciuti (i follower), richiesta di omaggio da parte dell'uomo comune (i like

). . I frettolosi sprezzatori della fotografia condivisa, così ansiosi di espellerla dal campo del legittimo e perfino dell'etico, rileggano almeno questa aurea raccomandazione, semplice e cristallina, del grande etnologo: "Per ogni forma di pensiero e di attività umane non si possono porre problemi di natura o di origine prima di avere analizzato e identificato i fenomeni, e scoperto in quale misura le relazioni che li uniscono bastino a spiegarli"

For more infomation >> Il 28 novembre 1908 nasceva a Bruxelles il padre dell'antropologia strutturale. Diffidente nei confr - Duration: 9:02.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 1:07.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:56.


Trincea Cardarelli: il managera caccia di nuovi medici - Duration: 1:02.

La carenza di personale al pronto soccorso del Cardarelli continua a tenere banco nei viali del più grande e attrezzato ospedale della regione

La squadra di camici bianchi dell'Emergency dell'ospedale collinare da alcuni mesi viaggia a ranghi ridotti in quanto una decina di dottori, nell'ultimo anno, hanno vinto un concorso (precari e non) e sono andati a lavorare in altri ospedali della città o di altre province

Da sabato la situazione è destinata a peggiorare in quanto ci saranno altre due defezioni: un medico in malattia da settimane che passa nei ruoli della Asl Napoli 1 e un'altra dottoressa che si trasferisce all'ospedale di Maddaloni

For more infomation >> Trincea Cardarelli: il managera caccia di nuovi medici - Duration: 1:02.


钟汉良丨用数据说话,用演技征服观众 - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> 钟汉良丨用数据说话,用演技征服观众 - Duration: 7:06.


方寸之间 钟汉良给角色穿上一身骄傲的倔强 - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> 方寸之间 钟汉良给角色穿上一身骄傲的倔强 - Duration: 8:52.


Мы веном 1,099,511,627,776 Раз! - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Мы веном 1,099,511,627,776 Раз! - Duration: 2:33.


Beaded harness for beginners. How to start knitting? Where to buy beads? - Duration: 18:52.

For more infomation >> Beaded harness for beginners. How to start knitting? Where to buy beads? - Duration: 18:52.


Citroen C4 Picasso - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroen C4 Picasso - Duration: 1:07.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 1:07.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:56.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:45.


Jess Glynne - Thursday (Official Music Video)

For more infomation >> Jess Glynne - Thursday (Official Music Video)


Fiat 500 1.4 T-Jet 595 COMPETIZIONE * 161 PK * 27.201 Km * Akrapovic / Sabelt * Schuifdak * Nw Staat - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 1.4 T-Jet 595 COMPETIZIONE * 161 PK * 27.201 Km * Akrapovic / Sabelt * Schuifdak * Nw Staat - Duration: 1:07.


Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 116pk Tekna Design Pack Nieuwste model - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 116pk Tekna Design Pack Nieuwste model - Duration: 1:06.





VW Tharu: novo utilitário esportivo da marca chegará ao Brasil como Tarek - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> VW Tharu: novo utilitário esportivo da marca chegará ao Brasil como Tarek - Duration: 1:00.


ASUS TUF FX505 Gaming Benchmarks - 16 Games Tested! - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> ASUS TUF FX505 Gaming Benchmarks - 16 Games Tested! - Duration: 5:16.


Disapproving Cats - Duration: 2:34.

Hi! It's Bongji!

Monji's here too~

(beautiful green eyes)

"I'm done..."


"Stop it! Now!"

Hello~ Hello~

Yo~ji! Hi, it's Yoji! Yo~ji!

Why does he look so ugly?

He becomes ugly when he disapproves.

You look old! old!

"Wut is up with mommy..."

[Playback of cute times!]

For more infomation >> Disapproving Cats - Duration: 2:34.


The Satisfying Videos Relaxation You Should Only Watch and Never Try - Duration: 10:01.

The Satisfying Videos Relaxation You Should Only Watch and Never Try

For more infomation >> The Satisfying Videos Relaxation You Should Only Watch and Never Try - Duration: 10:01.


[SORI] SoRi's First Solo Single "Touch" Photoshoot! EP3 - Duration: 4:14.

Sori's YouTube Channel

Here comes the main outfit for the current photoshoot!

Latex outfit designed by Atsuko Kudo

The color's very bright red,

and this particular cup is called the 50's cup.

(incomprehensible, sorry.)

(Lip-syncing on top of "Havana")


(Why was onion brought up all the sudden?)

(A-ha, her fishnet stockings look like the sack that comes with onions...)

(Keeps on touching the stockings..)


(in Japanese) this is a really difficult outfit to pull off.

(From top to bottom, a bright red ensemble.)

(A monitoring in progress...)


(This time, sitting down on a sofa.)

(The next episode will also feature the latex outfit, stay tuned!!!)

For more infomation >> [SORI] SoRi's First Solo Single "Touch" Photoshoot! EP3 - Duration: 4:14.


서울대 동물병원에 멍멍이와 고양이 위한 '24시간 응급실' 들어선다 - Duration: 2:05.

서울대 수의과대학 동물병원이 반려동물 보유인구 1천만 시대에 맞춰 내년 3월부터 언제든지 동물 치료가 가능한 응급실을 운영한다.

수의과대학 관계자는 3일 와의 통화에서 "내년 3월 동물병원에 24시간 운영되는 응급의료센터를 개설하기 위해 전공 교수 채용 등의 준비를 하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

1954년 수의과대학 '부속가축병원'으로 문을 연 이후 주로 진료 예약제로 운영돼온 이 병원에 64년 만에 처음 응급실이 생기면,

병세가 위중하거나 크게 다친 동물이 '골든타임' 안에 치료를 받을 기회가 늘어날 것으로 기대된다.

응급의료센터는 수의사와 간호사 등이 밤새 대기하며 의료 서비스를 제공하는 시스템으로 운영된다.

기존에는 평일 진료를 원칙으로 하되, 교통사고나 암, 심장질환 등 위급 상황 때만 야간 또는 휴일 진료가 예외적으로 이뤄졌다.

응급의료센터 개설과 더불어 수의학대학에 '응급수의학실'이 신설된다.

응급의료센터와 응급수의학실을 담당할 전공 교수도 뽑는다.

서울대는 현재 응급수의학 전임교원을 공개 모집 중이며 내년까지 채용을 마무리할 계획이다.

전공 교수가 생기면서 학사과정에 응급수의학 과목도 추가될 전망이다.

우희종 수의과대학 학장은 "반려동물이 늘어가는 상황에서 동물들의 '골든 타임'을 확보해야 한다는 사회적 요구가 있다"며 "다소 생소한 응급수의학 분야에 대한 연구도 확대할 계획"이라고 말했다.

For more infomation >> 서울대 동물병원에 멍멍이와 고양이 위한 '24시간 응급실' 들어선다 - Duration: 2:05.


Fox News @ Night With Shannon Bream 11/29/18 3AM | November 29, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:00.

For more infomation >> Fox News @ Night With Shannon Bream 11/29/18 3AM | November 29, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:00.


CLAY MIXER: COCKROACH PEST CONTROL 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:19.

Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode on Clay Mixer:


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And don't forget the ♪BELL♪

For more infomation >> CLAY MIXER: COCKROACH PEST CONTROL 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:19.


Trip to Bangkok | New chapter | Reading my diary | Personal journey | Travel with me to Thailand - Duration: 3:23.

bangkok. new chapter

I carry on my diary with me I love journaling it gives me calmness

and ability to understand myself

to hear my inner voice

Airport Moscow

last few weeks were intense

I'm waiting for something new ahead

little forest

super adorable movie on board

the Korean one

just as I like

I love the new land

it's like a new life, a new beginning

you're trying to figure

out whether it's a good fit for you

or maybe you're a good fit for it

everything depends on you

there is a beautiful sunrise in pink shades

too many circles in the sky

actually make me a little bit nervous

and scared


new chapter

warm air, dark skies and lovely people

I don't know why but I'm already so happy

so we are renting our apartment via air bnb

and our lovely host has left some snacks for us

yeah I'm going to have some tea

I love beans

these are beings covered

in I don't know what

we'll see

and some kind of

I don't know what it is...

is it crackers made of rice perhaps?

Well, I need a google translator lol

I'm a little bit tired but I'm super excited about this

this whole new path

I think I'm going to show you the room tour tomorrow or in

the next few days because I'm feeling really exhausted after the flights but

it's okay

well see you next time, bye!:)

For more infomation >> Trip to Bangkok | New chapter | Reading my diary | Personal journey | Travel with me to Thailand - Duration: 3:23.


Warhammer 40k batrep, Luna Wolves V Astra Militarum - Duration: 1:02:02.

subscribe to rootstem gaming before the 15th of December for your chance to win

this era man painted figure welcome to route stem game in and this is 1750

points of guard versus lunar walls

alright guys so for this game we've got a dodgy deployment one person when we

have a son over the other two people is going to be at the side and we've got

drawn and quartered the objectors have been placed down we've got one objective

all those bear one objective here we've got one objective down there and one is

going to be here so one person's effectively going to be set up in the

center of it this setup has been set up by my mate Craig and he has settled

mainly for Dawn of War so when he drove out that object up deployment card it's

gonna be a bit harsh whereas in middle we've not rolled to see was giving in

middle yet now let's take you to some armies and and then we'll roll off to

see who's gonna be the unfortunate middle person back on the channel is

that gray in general Grange now you're rocking Imperial Guard what we got today

right then so we've got battalion yeah and the one with the elites yeah yeah so

took up the commanders get one with plasma one with a bolt pistol yeah six

infantry squads three autocannons three heavy Baltazar with plasma and box

casters every support slots blast cannon team yeah a lemon Ross we're battle

battle cannon and heavy Baltar's yeah and another one with Punishers and multi

melters yep that's cannon to the front and both of those still be variety of

them short range range is over 12-inch six six then on to the elites one yeah

so I mean that will be my Inquisitor yeah

so either side could I use a four sword yeah and bolt pistol he then got with

him a priest yep two units of four which are far

Crusaders yeah I'm for death cult assassins and then painted yes yeah

hello chimera by Mara for them to live in which has got two heavy flamers

pintle mount is every Stuber and a hunter-killer missile okay

and then two units of three bull groans yep star shield and

Grenadier gauntlets and they're gonna be living in a chimera with heavy Baltar's

and a chimera with I'll tell you sir no problem

all right what's she relic and some some Rockland's as well so rattling is

because they're they're always successful with little games on my

channel basically I go onto table custody before always succeed we - our

things - three yeah yes you put them on Table Pizza my walk nice but you don't

actually use it where it's a waste of effort point 1 0 ultimate x mark nearly

right what server lucky running I'm running the one where I can come on

Python all right which a month now you can only get one command point back and

battle round so I guess that's changed a little points anyway that is true what

what warlord trait we've got ok yeah six right no probs

let's take you over to Mills especially Mills is back again and rocking again is

lunar walls so what bird doing it from the core Dexter Space Marines this time

so what we got here today quit and we've got obviously using white scars yep

chapter 2 we have battalion yeah and we have every support one spirit yeah

so I have two captains yet one with a relic blade yeah

warned with the relic teeth of terror okay then we've got a 10-month

intercessor unit we stock pot and boulders yeah and two six-month tactical

squads as with troops sorry of a pale face and nose yes yeah

well both units they'll be living in Razorbacks yep with assault cannons

nothing else

that's that the Dutchman I have one captain

yep with nothing on him okay he's just got a buzzer and Bobby's oh sorry

the tactical squads do have the extra combat blade all right but he has

nothing and he will be living side by side two devastating units get more

rockets and trouble the next to these as well and we have squad ahel blusters

these are the heavy which is 36 yeah yeah strength 82 standard into it and if

our judge denied yeah that's them yes we have a squad of aggressors never

been used don't know what might find out today yep

and then they rarely come they look quite nice apart from the face looks

like something from Mad Max and then we have a contempt to dreadnought

unfortunately you can't have two close combat weapons on a venerable

dreadnought which is Bob techno workshop you're useless

beeping himself as always a good sense of I said yes that's a relic one is it

from Ford's wealth yes the relic content do ya know from their bodies he's not a

forgery want to speak from our straight from the dead yeah battalion he has the

he has the relic Tifa Tara Tara and he is me wall a lot no I don't know what

the warlord his heart rates going to be probably be

go probably have probably have champion of humanity I'd wonder if wound rolls

yeah I've wanted to hit and wounds so basically hitting on when there's no

boy orator there's no point because it hits on to was anywhere and he's gonna

be wounding Guardsmen on Tues yeah doesn't unfreeze no I was posing like a

in combat yeah yeah I really blame yeah yeah +2 strength yes true alright so

you've gone for Empress sword in the etherium so Imperium son no problem

right okay that's it over to the battlefield let's see if these two we're

gonna flip a coin to see who's gonna be in the middle so I said I'm gonna go

poin Granger you go to coin alright so so we'll do play it do play

it a play of eight yeah so that it's fair yep player B's it middle player is

on outside so what are you I'll be player what what is Playa de Sol play X

is player is heads that's a head so you're clearly so you're on Oh

Mills is in the middle good game yeah all right

see fraud so we'll get these guys deployed and we'll bring you in to see

who's gonna get first turn

so we've got various different Grainger's units appear he's taking

cover in this ruin we've got a unit out here they're all over to be honest we've

got some Guardsmen up this side where heavy weapons team right at top we must

punish it down on his right bomb Saint his right flank where he's kind of

encircled the space marines specimens have done very well to try and hook as

much possible cover because it could I like to call this force is the

sacrificial one another unit of God plus all the chimeras with the inquisitional

units and of course the ogron's in all the objectives are actually in

no-man's-land that was really really good positioning the unit that doesn't

do anything with snipers and some more guard down here alright only to look at

I do look funny to look up but this is cooking his pots - it's fine

these in their winter dress winter clothing they are fine right

so when Craig got down first he's going to be getting the plus one so roll off

to see who's gonna get first turn this is the make or break this it is it is

there's no six which is a seven okay you'll begin the first turn so the only

thing you can do Grange is to seize I'm ready for six right so we'll get into it

now so it's gonna be space really definitely there's a diamond that's just

drop there man alright so Michael to workshop get some more toys right okay

so we're gonna go into space runes turn one

so Mills has moved up several units of milk not really done a lot more than

just certain you and it's trying to get in to combat our pipes about you and it

ran didn't it just to try and get his heavy flavors in there yeah right so

we're gonna go with the hellstorm gauntlets first into these guys these

are 2d six piece ridiculous yeah 2d six flavors each so we've got 15 21 you're

gonna need 3 string 4 6 8 10 11 actually pretty but it really any it's not you

see if one but squats still okay so say I can't believe me say wow alright so

they've gone Franklin's is not first bull in this game alright on to the next

unit so every flavor so content to eight

freeze again 3-1

another freelance cross-cutting bolt is a firing interval our common team ten

shots there we're all in one sort of captain's good all them to have does

nothing for me having a good game so far breeze to wound with a - of two five

five wounds you've got six s to save green because of a cover lost two of the

last guys I'm the one who's wounded that's Mills has given him some hurt

this first turn I need to hit them key units otherwise I ain't gonna last long

yeah it's true that is true okay stone ball is gonna fire into here I think

there might be within 12 as well yeah so that's gonna do four shots and then the

assault cons are gonna target these guys first

so which one's first dig melts stone bolts recent last comment don't bother

into the last coming team that's needing Freese to hit because there's no - just

about to try one three rooms three fours here no point even lost Cullen team is

gone dammit I think whoever got first turn on this one we're gonna give each

other a world of hurt personally and assault cannon into the autocannons yet

beneath that's gonna need falls yes 12 shots no captain's nearby for the rear

all in twos 5 5 is a minus of 1 plus 1 what these guys are hunkered down I'm

surprised you've not used year cover by the way but to put out for a point bombs

no no no but he put it in two points actually and add all your army classes

in cover that's not in cover but already in cover so you could have had you take

cover card stratagems oh well second raise about their into the same

unit everything everything the normal and so

can there are problems on the first are you

what is nine okay remember retrospectively these fives and

sixes to save was five five and then he's got the star ball I think I was in

12 stop about nine twelve so he's got two shots yet to it's it's gonna need

for Easter wound out of a one-room grains are the four plus bad not bad

mills is chewing up some infantry here and still buddies heavies left to go so

heavy plasma hell buses apps are going to go for believe and Russ down in that

corner yeah within six of the captain so I'm

guessing you're gonna overcharge they're dumb straight and we're all the chest

one shot apiece pretty role yep now these are now strength nine because it's

a heavy bat very very it's a - freeze - wound so that's going to be all at all

and I think it's too damaged a piece but we need to check so we've got some split

fire going on cuz split fire always works

one Rockets going into the snake rattling one Rockets going into this

fresh infantry squad and two rockets are going into this one so which one first

air quick will do rattling rattling so frag missile three shots

Burnie freezing freeze all here actually freezing tubes cuz only two plus two if

you don't kill the firepower that's the way I look at it so where's the

firepower of course I three you know on your leadership of five yeah why put

more five already to write the next one then is this disrupted hit a waste to

come on points to save Rutland's see make some Christ again some controls

is great here today getting fries we rolling the one night that if I hit it

needs fries to wound to quiet like those three yep one down yeah yeah yeah is

safe too they say roll three dice said to to fails and then two more Rockets

smacking into this unit here hate shots

you know when you said you're not taking no artillery ground I think you made a

mistake on that will make threes again

or for saves there my phone on purpose

to chew up some infantry quite well here and the last my last bit of shoot did

yeah well before rockets into your polisher yeah and just so people know

the Baltar's from these squads have already fired into the right ones yeah

all right groaning three it's it's gonna need for us to wound two of them - or


so everyone and it's for damage which will take it down to eight that's still

functional on full so these guy mirrors from everything

else inside and whole yeah I'm happy with that

right I've caused quite a few breath tests yeah yeah definitely

so that's the end of space we turn one we're gonna like greeneries movement and

we'll come back into a pair your guard turn

yeah so grant just given the synopsis wise these guys have moved out here and

we're just going to course up rock talkers but it's heavy flamers nothing

else really much as moved it's given the orders of east to take in they've poured

fire into this blazer back and done nothing including the plasma gun he's

all kind of is now going to fire it to these guys so it'll be quite interested

one hit so far the taking allows me to be rolled two hits

it's freeze one one minus one plus one oh dear yeah anyway next next oh yeah

you've got a psycho oh yeah yeah okay we'll go back and we'll the besakih Fred

it's mine smiting which will be against it we go through it's a six

yep III got I ain't got not to die - let's give it to those guys damn that's

your only psychic power we can do now Granger's gonna open fire ease crime

mirror to every flavors have you still are gonna go into these guys which one

first nice flavors famous for hits no no we roll that one for another no.66

in freeze oh my god two plus one minus one who

loses two remembers and every stop coming in jeez

have you free five moves on it and we need a falter world Oh would you start

devastate squad down to one so bonuses opening fire last kind of multi metals

are going to go into the drying up into the Razorback bought MELAS real always

once whiskey Liam or Canadian one hit will need free stab wound

I'm gonna go check range on that because I believe you don't get a serve it's

minus four does he melt multi metals as - for 12 years

yes there's two guys pick the highest for the damage so six it's gonna be

juiced up is about down to four wounds left last coming coming in mrs. and it

wasn't a one when you're going to have your Punisher this is a lot of dice two

shots from the to it it's gonna be a hell of a lot of her

hits so brain just punishes just del H seen wounds to these primaries is what

is staring on tumors though just just to rub it in I'm gonna put it in the guy

furthest so you know what the charge yeah we're gonna back on the attack off

the battlefield

yeah right yeah next unison Grinch you what one that said it to be let's down

here yeah putting everything into that's no problem

foster wound yeah - one there Mills so you're gonna need a fall Oh tuck that

underneath yeah so that's down with two rules I'm

guessing this is an overcharge plus my god always an overtime range isn't there

anything else you wanna kill yourself scum foster won't know nearly killed

must be still might knock it down a wall though last pistol oh yeah good point

missed all right Oh every shot all right what's next three guys at the top there

yep Otto Eddie bolter yep he's gonna go into

the last two remaining oh oh yeah plus Romanian Devastator yeah yep I'm gonna

go into here and then he'll as guns or just fire into here no problem

those guns are fired at them nothing heavy bolts are into the Devastator all

freeze to unsafe Devastator goes down when the plasmas going over charging

into the right Razorback just one shot and he was always the one who gets a

reward even lesser evil he's hit oh thank God for Canadians kill the self

they're my heroes right I just think it's funny when Guardsmen kill

themselves just shitting giggles you've paid points to die on you oh yeah yeah

well I know ma'am stay where total sniper shots yeah yeah

him okay Riley what it can you do that because I've got character it from II

don't matter we and we can't argue anything yeah I thought I thought the

errata T for characters and characters you know characters if its course if

corresponds to several characters you can pick any character on it so pretty

much snipers ya can hit or whether the one here nothing nothing

anticlimactic these guys yep plasma and the heavy bolter I'm gonna fire into the

devastators and the large guns are gonna fire into the temperature good now so I

thought opening fire does nothing to become tempter and amongst you remove

the sergeant from the squad

I'm gonna fire battle cannon and last cannon into the Baker's and all the

heavy Walters into the devastators water devastators no problem which one first

devastate into the devastation Avery Baltus first he's needing five three

rolling once Oh three eight so far for us are either three wounds that's not

bad at all Mills needs fries for being cover

all storage and save them all muscle come on that 36 shows seven new ones one

with a - - - - it's gonna be at five he saves the last gallon over here play

like this when you play against me I'm here with the heavy boulders yep six

volt shots again it's Akkadian you in it so I will not put toes

yep you know all the six still needing the same thing it does won't free plus

armor Oh down to one wall remaining on the guard and the razor right gauntlets

Volta the air pistol into the fray Maris yep misses

right I'm on about fuck storms each storm diesel trucks go into that yep

these effects time into their right so the fuck's Tom gauntlets are fired into

the Razorback and I've actually destroyed it

so Mills now has to roll the bolts if exploded didn't he's got a roll now six

dice to see if his guy survived anyone's nope well the other is yep so one of

them all died yeah but he doesn't get to dismount three inch from the vehicle I

want to see what so the flag storm valve also fired and that's where Mills is in

the drop we're gonna now we're gonna go into Granger's charge face

what we gonna the windmill I'm gonna tip me right there is a buck off but that's

not the one that is there right so we're gonna find out what these guys do and

they're gonna charge into some primaries Marines and I'm guessing there's some

charges down here as well we'll get the over watching that done

off camera and we'll bring you into the results there's depth all assassins are

going first also within six of that priests I've got five attacks apiece and

in the rear what do you need to hit Freese to hit

buddy gets a reward and re-rolling misses custom sell it that's really


so doing the foster wound she's gonna have a - - but only walnut


ah right now wasn't as as fantastic as before there six hey well Melville's

needs fives to save three are you are you stealing

well this you think what do these do i they're just done with our souls

essentially about two attacks at least two attacks on its turn to will splash

out a bit I'm gonna get red guys variety oh but I move in enough my mouse has

just attacked the nothing to the ball greens killed to death cults asses and

that was Granger's free puss and rollerball saves her he's guys he's lost

three of them very gets a chance to fight its foreign dice are they fighting

about now yeah Crusaders we will pass a zealot yeah now say I get an extra

attack was I'm within 600 yep yep all hits then in Prior lives nothing but it

is funny yes go girls I'll be in the pub at six

ball games five to six three attacks apiece and they're within six inch of

rat priests as well on the clusters astronaut our infantry on that yeah yeah

three attacks the police the big ladders for a bunch of muscle adds one to each

one of these and then you get one single one for the priest I think it's the rear

all this as well Oh

they just want the missing this let's freeze to hit

oops breach the wounded as well because you strength before I spent five yes

I'll better known as one dead one two three four four death they grab more

than only up what's left is gonna Maul of these brave

you've already fallen I'm not about this - oh who says I'm gonna leave combo just

cuz I come - I need him to survive

there we go down to four guys left out about unit I'm guessing this is the next

one that's next yes so rinse and repeat what we just did -

the additional tap no props please

then freeze

seven degree yet seven

seven sarahstravels

no that's fine nice right yeah kill kill to god that's the rule

cats can't balance it right you fighting back then Craig policy

I've got to normal attacks yep on it no old turtle power fist office on it

yep freeze yells - two - three - Lee it's gone through Group D three damage

you need hi come on point that will fit your views on this face number two so

the organs have taken a hit on both we're now going to be moving anywhere

else to take yes well on those intercessors yep you know what I mean

the f5 this turn on old do you lost six and it's on turn one I lost that before

from what I'm actually used to always gonna use to pump boys and autobus yeah

you disappeared yeah but it's six and you should leave the ship's 800 such as

lose your brake start yes so you need a 100 to stop yourself from losing man

decisions decisions I'll use to his used to is also passed

not a problem right we're going to go now into space greens turn to

yes mills are in three rooms on these guys so - once you're gonna need five

yeah they'll they sniper rifle sir aliens and gone I'm guessing you have a

flavor as well as gonna target the infantry the bottom it is football

leaning freeze and looking at more on then to the end of the four wounds

what's more - any losses - what's - ow ah ah well just shooting their mouths

pop listening to him yep yep focus Rose was save on your priest yep he's also a

mill that's fired these guys with their Baltar's into the ring and rotten is not

going to pick and fallbacks yeah these of course the Fallen buh-buh-bear can

still charge because a little fun wise because he's a cactus of being white

girl go ahead and pop pistol into him yep hits the wall this rapid fire into

them yep - its yep one wound do Saul I'm done

I've got razor back then bikes on a bike sir

so I'll put all four bikes into you do this in front of it both shots and I

know what guards was like it's like I'll just put warning and it's like I've

saved i'm saved that won't warn it's gonna keep them alive for another term

as your captain vesser's got about four

baby fries

7/7 what's his armor five just for work with his in cover one - told you bbbbb

we're gonna hear next

the lizard his back is gonna fight assault kinda integrins yeah and then

the snowball into the squad up top no problem Stumbo first I'm guessing yeah -

its ink over salt coming in - yes this table still freeze it nor freeze still

didn't help it up though I did it

I'm assuming strength yeah Keystone 16 seconds five six with missing cover so

yeah - is still on this - yeah swipe shields is both ricocheting off

everywhere on those guys and I can't see any other than Munich's they've all shot

these life yeah a lot of these ones see if I'm in range

red or going to that's from this one here so his free boy was going into this

shoe in it yeah and the two red is gonna go interview a lemon or silver backside

yeah and all the judges yeah yep yep get some ear always ones good thing I mean

so I did two like this side so I'm gonna lose one of those pops and I still I

didn't hit the Punisher at all no I didn't hit the furniture it's all Lehman

Ross wounds one right now say oh yes or two two wounds on that down to two

wounds left on that Lehman what's down there and then he's Rocky team

all four rockets into your Punisher one answer dowon's screwed up captain is

near converts it into all four hits

three breeze - - well seems two of them pills can't kill it any other three so

reduced it down to five is think that's all you can do at the moment good sir

Wow now it's charged right so we're gonna get some charges done we'll come

back show you some results five attacks so two little holes looking characters

absolute sake first five attacks on this wall odd trick needing to hit you all in

the ones not so my relic blade makes him strength six honey

threes so that's 3 minus minus 3 with deeply damaged save one because it's 2

plus armor foot slap shield so first one d3

he's only once of a second wound would only kill the Algren she's managed to

kill an upgrade what's next the captain are you interrupted no no second captain

movies biting blade going in that seat cetera so four attacks

yeah ah nope d3 extra tax on it d3 extra tax because of a TV terror well those

are free right this just cost to damage a piece and it's a - - - - -

- hang on - to foster one strength five rerolls the hands yeah we're going to

need force the world

so at all pretty good right there oh it's not like too damaged above that

skill ball for grens oh man that was painful

friends consolidation for which would be towards the priest yeah if he wants to

you don't have to change their swearing in the background causing me more a

stick on the there's two standard Marines would say he's not interested

now that I can't kill squad yeah yeah yep - it's er it's - down dead - dad

it's deep free damage source of teary attack

well it's deep freeze with Milan Agra yeah after all we're not gonna yeah yeah

we got a war nothing would have just been going to Debbie

- what gonna their bridge consolidation unfortunately melt means you're only

going into him it's a failure fluffed it with him over

to dinner their innate roles as well yep so I've got five normal guys yep

Oh soon as far as well as my Marines did earlier bond moon run wound on the guard

and then power fist want it look so one of those guys went that was it and

they're gonna hang a Chancellor it's out back any more charges Razorback yeah I'm

just three it's three attacks in 68 and it's strong seven no no and then the

dread but these girls yep actually so 3 that's 9 attacks three normal guys on

one each it myself

that's five wounds we noble guys the flow wounds

oh it says two gone already - MO - well then sergeant

aunt Sheila - we got two rooms left down one wall like right right just so people

know we did some off-camera Melville's managed to only hit one and kill one of

the actual guardsmen he wailed on that guy

great all hey Greg saved every single one and his face and I genuinely annoyed

I've been you've got your attacks back random you attack remote yes I don't

want to attack so the end of that turn will just add all the attacks back from

Grange he did actually wound that biker over there which require music you've

not done that attacked by the way against the dread but Mills unrelated

Mills as you sweep him on points to fight again killed the priests who come

some of their look towards its objective allowing him to claim it meaning that

he's going to have two victory points at the end of his turn putting him to bit

two points hope on grain she's currently winning Granger's got his turn to do I

don't know if he really wants to very stern but okay so let's crack on with

Granger's turn to

alright this tank something up two more emails and last Co has gone into them

and then the Punishers going into the squad in front he has fallen back with

this guy here and the ball guns up falling back from about you and it a

smite has killed one of my primary means as well go ahead sir alright multi the

yes both it yeah ever do ball fall did can save it to d6 damage 8 he's down to

one will remain in history it survived last cannon it's on old dos yes missus

innocence and then he's got a hell of a lot of punishes yours right so Punisher

can has opened upon them did nothing these guys have Alton fire of allows

guns are going to suppress and done nothing but the heavy bolt when plasma

gun is firing against the Razorback now which guns firing the first air plasma

plasma let me charging always hits it wounds

you gotta save her a six nope two dead tank

come on they're cops last come on boy do I know it's not gonna be I'm not gonna

kill any of them yeah so the Razorback has gone right even a slight chance that

I could have killed yeah we know we I know how to make me use them come on

points right next unit sir Lima yep okay movin em flavors into the primers my

Maris on to killer yep into hit base alright okay I'm a

heavy stopper and the stubborn into the primary

so Tristan flavors - fine you've got come on point man I'll beat

all that one come on point there you go

yeah we're gonna roll to see if you get that back in a minute

six ones here - warning is not in cover

on all five but you killed two already one more dice No so kill them - the

sergeant's down to one wound Wow put it up

Hayes Hey - Zed over yep one it doesn't leave all the ones cuz it's not cured in

its in positional one those ones but now he is in cover for pistols from the yep

it's not hkm coming into the L blasters yep

it's yeah - to get Li six damage and he kills one yeah D six damage it's still a

crack rocket all right yeah because you have two wounds of things minutes just

killed one in the air now it's not like a straight for you damage or anything

right leaving ruffs ripple tank yep firing into these yep six shots no roll

to see if you got you come up on my Lords

No yeah correct no any wrongs reroll that's warm dude yeah oh yeah yeah yeah

two wounds on the bikes - one yeah yep hits doesn't lose his strength no need

to be ten and then you've got to cry Mavis yeah

so they'll just put shots in - which one this one first

have you ball to first the to win anyway waltzes into the primary no problem are

you rolling your ones free nice fifty show due to wounds Mills with a minus

one plus 1 using last command point so a polymerase is gone and then you've got

this one with the more those who's gonna be up target character now target the

character straight in front of you from album first yep no booms heavy bolt you

seem to do it increase two wounds Mills with a - of one never force so it's down

to four wounds on that character right and then into combat they fell back

severe can't do anything you fail box of air can't do anything to these lies

oh yeah Ram yeah you've got Felicia Thea you can't fail what charge

yep three four four six

sixes carving through that now saved countless carvings right and then will

let me lose a tax back like so yep sorry about the quality of camera but to swap

cameras so backed has these pastors morale test here and then the guys down

there didn't really do anything that pastor Arthur sir so we're now going to

go on to mill cz's turn three and Grange Fink's it's a tabling it's a deadly

right go on the mills your turn three

okay I wish some focus there we go these guys have opened

fire at the AG winds caused the wound on these guys have open fire on the

Imperial you have the guardsmen that was absolute looking outcome but they have

managed to wipe them out and the mills are just checking some Rangers some

bought more bought pieces of fires every inquisitors taking a wound and down bear

the bikers managed to absolutely annihilate the company commander so what

you're doing next and Greg one he'll blast it get into Lima Ross this guy

yep the other two are going into let's just you know probably overcharging okay

so the vault hit nearly freeze so what I'll punish you now living whistled I

know does this one go kaboom oh no this one on the surface you say Mountain

three I I am then going to fire yeah

- frog okay and to crack righty-o which ones first frog you red crab all you

need to roll how many shots fired you're fired two shots if you want no but but

hey then shot solve it in den all hit I don't know so one on your tank and all

on you yeah it's gone through from his - - to d66 does your tank explode sir

no do I come on point it be a laugh oh dear clomp point back and you've got

this man here as well okay that's fine anything else

Crick it charges in combats charges and combats right I'll come away from this

and more get the charges do me over watches so come up month's charge in

here with our charging going on bear charge going on there and the charge in

the bottom corner now we're gonna go first with this captain against the

ogron's they're gonna apologize for the quality of the video got a relic blades

gonna increase - this is different phase

three - three saved one one's gone through we'll just kill that one hungry

yep I guess we do next

can't you've already got one more yeah yeah that's the new veneer arty all

right I'm guessing it's this guy so I'm gonna go with this line against the

dread now I need to figure out what he can do

our vision scientist Isis for attacks netting freeze is hit with all of them

in eats fives to wound to to hopes it will on can't kill him is deeply damaged

it's a different phase you can come on point

oh no way yeah it's yep there you go yeah there's still one best mic on

buster yeah mate yeah so we'll do the little squad beat alright I'll see if

that one was the light butcher inquisitors yeah all of them are

supposed to be in gone to not gonna kill captain saved one one wounds still got

three ones like these guys down here

office that's all it matters

so you got one power pissed it o on this guy we're having to your office here no

then you get tonight yep and then you get to pick a unit which I'm guessing is

gonna be that guy all little bit so d3 attacks here extra three not a relic

cleared of abetik what's two variables one but this one seems to be better so

far to stay wrong ones

all wounded Oh nope sorry it's not Phil you've got 6-2 he's not got an

invulnerable that is gone inquisitors down that what does the Explorer he does

explored her been less than an interesting he ruptures yeah yeah got a

poor complement it and he kills the surgeon right I'll be honest looking at

about a field we've got one unit arguing's left couple chimeras while

freak I'm here because have not been touched this unit here but everything

else has been murdered mills are still got quite a lot of these guys left here

now he's not gonna get well objective but it will get that one that one that

one Guardian yeah no it's free interest for

inches they'd have to be another two you know you're never gonna get that one ate

your greens have not fought back yet but I don't feel like you've got a feedback

might be I'll know the relative shooting from what stuck in the middle there I'll

be aiming that time just to get rid of weapons yeah I'll leave me warlords I'm

very confident he'll slowly I think I think this is Grange say knees is done

do one more quite punish you know

when I came out yeah balban's yeah really yeah like I like weird

escort because of the - - yeah and all the rebels again and if you don't the

first right thanks for watching I'm this poor quality and I don't think the

scepter base they said between the rolling dice not intimidated what we

should do is do what get one of the little charts is your

actual percentage of what you roll with and doing that way you might find it

more fun what percentage is that I'm gonna kill three of these guys so take

three off are you gonna fail anyway thank you very much for watching please

like share subscribe hit the notification button if you want to see

more citizen spirit Spock yes but what paper scissors there's a

one in three chance you're gonna win I was here


For more infomation >> Warhammer 40k batrep, Luna Wolves V Astra Militarum - Duration: 1:02:02.


Delivering Bread with the Tern GSD - Duration: 2:18.

So, I started this adventure 10 years ago.

I had this opportunity to take over. It used to be a little cafe.

And I used to go to this place to have a coffee in the morning.

And they were closing down. So I just, so they asked me if I was interested. I said, "Why not?"

So the bakery, a couple of years afterwards, we opened our bakery.

Starting with two, then three chefs. Now, we have six bakers and two pastry chefs.

We wanted something very authentic.

So all our products, I would say, maybe more French and European style.

So we got, of course, baguettes, campagne, country-side bread, sourdough.

So, we provide Lutetia bread in three stores in Tienmu.

Two Carrefour markets and one big supermarket

We start baking at 4 o'clock in the morning when the dough is ready.

Then we start, we provide the different locations through the day.

First delivery at 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock and 9.

What I really, really like about the electric bike is that everyone in the company is using it.

We got tall people and small people.

Everyone just don't need a driving license to use it.

There is a sense of freedom when you ride this bicycle in Tienmu.

You've got time. You're fast enough to deliver the bread.

But you have time enough to recognize people and to be recognized.

So in our business, once we started using the electric bike

I don't think we would ever come back to normal scooter or car.

To be part of this trend for being more eco-responsible,

is definitely something we feel good about.

For more infomation >> Delivering Bread with the Tern GSD - Duration: 2:18.


DIY | Gothic Pin Holder & Witchy wooden Pentagram - Duration: 5:14.

hey and welcome back to a new diy video. This time I have a proper Intro

today I have two extremely easy and quick DIYs that I just filmed because maybe some of you are interested in it

also some of you wanted some witchy home decor. At first I will show you how to make this pin holder frame

I needed storage for my pins and I didn't want to use boxes again so I made this pin holder out of an old frame I already had at home

and if you like it a bit more witchy, I made this wooden pentagram

you can hang it on the wall or wherever you want to put it

I saw this in a video and it's super simple as you can see. I hope you enjoy the DIYs

for the first DIY you need a picture frame. I used a black victorian one. You can found it in many decor shops

then you will need thin cork

cutter knife and at least your pins

this step is optional but you can also use organza bags for the back of the pins

I started with opening the back of the frame

I would keep the paper which is inside to use them as stencils

so I started to draw on the shape of the paper and unfortunately I couldn't draw two pieces on one cork

then I used the cutter knife to cut it out. At first I wasn't sure if it will work but it worked pretty well.

as you can see you can pull it out. The edges on on side are a little bit messy but it's not that bad

I put the cork into the frame and the glass on top to make it more stable

put the back back

then you can organise your pins as you want

this is the final result

as you can see there is much space for pins. I already just used one frame

and here is this small organza bag which I mentioned at the beginning. I think it's a quite nice storage for pins

the second DIY is a little bit different from what I usually do. You just need five limbs and jute band

so I started with forming a pentagram out of the limbs

and then I tied all the limbs together. I have to say that I expected that it will be easier but maybe your are more talented in it than I.

and when you are finished you can also make a hoop at the top to hang it on your wall

or you put it on your table/altar like I did. Of course you can spray paint it too but I liked to have it more natural

I hope you iked the video. I'm always happy when you leave some feedback. I hope to see you next time again, bye.

For more infomation >> DIY | Gothic Pin Holder & Witchy wooden Pentagram - Duration: 5:14.


Saskatchewan deer hunt 2018 gorpro pov modern hunter big buck down! 7.62x39 XCR-L - Duration: 6:57.

Go to my Insta @Theycallmaontario for a close up look!

For more infomation >> Saskatchewan deer hunt 2018 gorpro pov modern hunter big buck down! 7.62x39 XCR-L - Duration: 6:57.


How to setup Discord webhooks for Twitter feed using IFTTT - a "How To Discord" Guide - Duration: 3:43.

So you're wondering how to get your Twitter feed

Added into your discord server on an automatic basis and reduce your effort of maintaining multiple social platforms

I am Y0kenB here to show you exactly how to do that in your discord server

First thing you want to do is you want to go to your server settings and in your server settings go down to webhooks

Once you're in your webhooks

Simply click on the create webhook button and what that'll do is it'll present you with a screen where you can enter the name

you can specify the channel in which you want the

Webhook to activate or post into you can upload an image and it will generate a webhook URL for you

Now I've already set up multiple webhooks and as you can see over here the Twitter feed bot

Its Twitter feed goes into the game news feed upload an icon and again the URL

I'll just copy that URL from meantime cause we're gonna be using it at a later stage

Once you're done with that you want to head on over to ,

Now there's multiple sites that allow you to do webhooks and trigger events

I found IFTTT to be very user friendly and they've got a multitude of

Pre-generated webhooks that you can use Plus this guide is on that

so if you haven't got one go to and go and set up your

Profile once your profile has been set up make sure that you are signed in and then click on the my applets section

I'll step you through how to create a new one. The easiest way is to click on the new applet button on the right

it'll present you with a IF THIS, THEN THAT format of questionnaire very straightforward you click on the this so if

this is a Twitter if I Twitter and

It gives you options if new tweet by you new to it by you with a hashtag

I'll just do a new tweet by me. So if Twitter new tweet by me and then let's go to

Include the retweets and create a trigger so your triggers done. So if Twitter then what do we want to do with that?

Well, we want to send it to a webhook do a search for web

the webhook icon will populate and click on the webhook icon and

We want to make a web request. So click on that option

The URL is the URL that you have specified in your way book from discord. So just paste that in name

You want to do a post method and you want to send application?

JSON content format now in the body. I will just paste in here

So the username is Twitter feed and then the content is at username tweeted this at

Created time and the link to the between directly

once we click on create action your way book has now been set up in IFTTT and

You can just click on finish

so there it is if new tweet by Y0kenB including retweets then make a web requests by Y0kenB

That will now also be recorded into your my applet section where you can go at any given time

go into there and you click on the Edit icon and

You can change any of the items in here and that's it

I really hope this has helped you, please press that like button and subscribe to my channel for more content. Click on the support

Y0kenB icon on the bottom right and that'll take you to by Patreon page. Thank you very much for watching

Please come to my discord. Come say hi form part of the community. Thank you for watching Y0kenB out

For more infomation >> How to setup Discord webhooks for Twitter feed using IFTTT - a "How To Discord" Guide - Duration: 3:43.




For more infomation >> 5 FREE TELKOMSEL DIAL INTERNET CODE - Duration: 6:06.


Evolution Lean Keto - Have The Desired Body Shape - Duration: 3:23.

Evolution Lean Keto ¬- Have TheDesired Body Shape

What is Evolution Lean Keto?

This is a gentle and a time-saver weight loss supplement that helps to burn lots of fat

from many parts of the body and offers a slim look of the body.

It is a natural ingredient blend formula that works to enhance the entire condition of the


It is not only good for outside of the body, but it is good for the inside of the body


This supplement contains lots of essential nutrients that will transfer all around of

the body which keeps the body fit and full of power.

Pros of Evolution Lean Keto These pros that you will get with the active

usage of this supplement: - 1.

Manages the whole-body system 2.

Works faster than ever before 3.

Boosts the metabolism rate 4.

Greatly burns so many fats from the body 5.

Ultimately reduces the hunger for foods 6.

Gives great body shape 7.

Upgrades the serotonin hormones level 8.

Works without any kind of side effect

Cons ofEvolution Lean Keto With this weight loss supplement, you will

get these cons too: - 1.

This supplement is not good for below 18 person 2.

It may take some long time to give results 3.

The overdose of this supplement may harm you

How does it work?

It contains natural enzymes that work at the entire body parts and stimulates the body

to reduce lots of fatty elements from the body which makes the body slim in the shape.

It naturally upgrades the rate of the metabolism system and burns fat at the rapid process.

That fatwhich burns through this supplement will use as an energy that improves the physical


Apart from this, it works to feel fuller that will help to avoid unwanted hunger pangs.

How to use it?


You have to take 2 capsules daily 2.

Take only on the instruction basis 3.

Use it for 4 months regularly for better outcomes

Ingredients ofEvolution Lean Keto We have made this supplement by mixing up

these ingredients: - 1.

GarciniaCambogia 2.

Minerals 3.

Vitamins 4.

BHB Ketones 5.

Green Tea Extracts

Consumer Reviews Britney: - Initially, I have owned huge pounds

of body weight because of emotional eating that increased my body weight at 198 pounds

which ruin my looks and even after using many products.

I don't get desired outcomes but this is that only one supplement which helped me to

decrease my most of the body weight and now I have my desired looks of the body.

Xavier: - This is the best dietary weight-loss supplement that I have ever seen in my whole

life and the biggest reason behind this appreciation is its features.

Yes, this supplement is a very effective weight loss solution that supports to shed huge body

weight in less time and gives that body shape as you want to have.

I am also using it for the last 3 months and it is amazing because it maintains my whole-body

system and drops lots of weight.

For more infomation >> Evolution Lean Keto - Have The Desired Body Shape - Duration: 3:23.


DJ Kass - Scooby Doo Pa Pa (Official Video), By Mrr Theara [ TND ] - Duration: 2:52.

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