Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 2 2019

Sylwia (Edyta Herbuś) w 2794 odcinku serialu "Pierwsza miłość" trafi do psychiatry.

Tam dokona szokującego odkrycia, które wywróci jej życie do góry nogami.

Pomimo to niezrównoważona bohaterka "Pierwszej miłości" nie wróci do normy.

W nadchodzących odcinkach jej stan jeszcze bardziej się pogorszy...

Co wydarzy się w serialu "Pierwsza miłość"? Czy Sylwia odkryje kto ją podtruwa?

Sylwia od początku pojawienia się w "Pierwszej miłości" pokazała, że z pewnością nie jest zdrowa psychicznie.

Jej intrygi, kłamstwa oraz manipulacje połączone z brakiem wyrzutów sumienia

sprawiły niemałe problemy Radkowi (Mateusz Banasiuk) i Jowicie (Joanna Opozda).

Wkrótce bohaterka "Pierwszej miłości" przekona się

że popularne powiedzenie o karmie jest popularne nie bez powodu.

Justyna (Oliwia Bosowska) pojawiła się w życiu naczelnej magazynu "YOLO"

bez uprzedzenia i już na początku znajomości pokazała, że wcale nie boi się psychopatki.

Niedawno widzowie "Pierwszej miłości" odkryli, że młoda dziewczyna uwzięła

się na dziennikarkę i zaczęła mieszać jej w głowie. Do tej pory jej działania były na tyle skuteczne

że Sylwia faktycznie zaczęła wariować i mówić niestworzone rzeczy, jakby straciła resztki zmysłów.

- Pogrywa sobie ze mną. To ktoś z przeszłości... wie o takich rzeczach. - Nie możesz dać się zastraszyć.

- Za późno. Nie ujdzie to uwadze współpracowników. - Dziwnie się czuję i nie jestem sobą...

Wiesz co, nie wiem... Przepraszam. W 2794 odcinku serialu "Pierwsza miłość" kobieta popełni

kardynalny błąd przy akceptowaniu najnowszego wydania magazynu

- oczywiście będzie to sprawka Justyny, ale Sylwia i tak postanowi wybrać się do psychiatry.

Tam dowie się, że jej życie jest zagrożone! - Ktoś mi to może dosypywać? Ktoś mnie podtruwa?

Czy odkryje, że za wszystkim stoi młodziutka stażystka z ukrytym motywem?

Zaburzenia psychiczne Sylwii z "Pierwszej miłości", jej dziwne zachowanie to efekt celowych działań Justyny.

Od jakiegoś czasu nowa stażystka w "Yolo" dręczy Konecką.

Hałas w mieszkaniu Sylwii, podrzucenie jej śniętej ryby, kartki i e-maile z pogróżkami.

To wszystko sprawka Justyny, która chce w ten sposób zemścić się na Sylwii.

Za co? Za to, że wiele lat temu ją porzuciła.

Bo wyszło już na jaw, że Sylwia jest biologiczną matką Justyny. Oczywiście Konecka nie ma o tym pojęcia.

W 2791 odcinku "Pierwszej miłości" Justyna nie da po sobie niczego poznać.

Cały czas będzie wspierać Sylwię, która załamie się psychicznie po ostatnich hałasach w mieszkaniu.

Zwierzy się nastolatce, że jej prześladowca jest bezlitosny. - Ktoś mnie prześladuje...

Nie wiem jeszcze jak to robi. Może mam jakiś głośnik w ścianie? Pogrywa sobie ze mną...

Puszcza mi te dźwięki. Najpierw była martwa ryba, a potem list z pogróżkami.

Nie mam na to siły. To ktoś z przeszłości. Wie o takich rzeczach... - Nie możesz dać się zastraszyć...

- Justyna będzie wiedziała jak "podtrzymać" Sylwię na duchu. - Za późno... - wyzna Konecka.

A po chwili powie Justynie, że jest aniołem, że tak ją wspiera w tych trudnych momentach.

- Czego ta osoba może od ciebie chcieć? - zapyta stażystka. - Przypomnieć o sobie.

O tym co wie, co zrobiłam... Za plecami szefowej Justyna włamie się do komputera szefowej.

Po co? By wprowadzić celowe błędy do najnowszego numeru "Yolo".

Nastolatka doskonale będzie wiedziała, że wina spadnie na naczelną, bo tylko ona autoryzuje wszystkie materiały.

Pojawienie się Justyny w serialu "Pierwsza miłość" było najgorszym, co mogło spotkać Sylwię!

Młoda, bardzo zdolna i ambitna stażystka nieźle zalazła za skórę redaktor naczelnej.

Do tej pory twarda jak stal kobieta nie miała sobie równych, a kiedy ktoś próbował ją pokonać

to równała takiego delikwenta z ziemią i niszczyła życie każdemu, kto stanął na jej drodze.

Justyna zupełnie nie przejęła się niebezpieczną szefową.

Głównie dlatego, że nowa bohaterka serialu "Pierwsza miłość"

skrywa pewien sekret i ma znaczną przewagę nad starszą dziennikarką...

Inteligentna nastolatka zaczęła pogrywać z jej zmysłami

a z każdym kolejnym dniem Sylwia czuje, jakby miała prześladowcę.

Włamy do mieszkania, do komputera, niepokojące listy

- to dopiero początek tego, co młoda ma do zaoferowania w wachlarzu złośliwości.

W 2788 odcinku serialu "Pierwsza miłość" Justyna znowu zagra w grę.

Włamie się do mieszkania naczelnej i przeszuka je, aby odnaleźć pamiętnik sprzed lat

- skrywa on kompromitujące fakty z przeszłości. Po powrocie do redakcji dziewczyna odbierze wyniki badań DNA.

Czy Sylwia jest jej matką? Inni bohaterowi nie będą mieli wątpliwości, że obie są uderzająco podobne

jednak nie tędy droga - list z laboratorium potwierdzi, że Justyna jest siostrą psychopatki!

Justyna z "Pierwszej miłości" walczyła o pracę w redakcji "Yolo", by być bliżej Sylwii Koneckiej.

Nie bez powodu! Niebawem w 2788 odcinku "Pierwszej miłości" okaże się, że Justyna i Sylwia są siostrami.

Nastolatka dostanie bowiem wyniki na zgodność genetyczną. Jak to możliwe, by Konecka nic o tym nie wiedziała?

Dlaczego siostry wychowywały się osobno? To nie wyjaśni się od razu...

Podejrzane i tajemnicze będzie też zachowanie Justyny wobec Sylwii.

Ona jako jedyna będzie miała odwagę przeciwstawić się szefowej. Poza tym zacznie knuć przeciwko niej intrygę.

Włamanie do mieszkania Koneckiej, przeglądanie jej komputera to nie wszystko na co będzie stać nastolatkę.

W 2789 odcinku "Pierwszej miłości" (emisja w Polsacie w czwartek, 27.12.2018)

do redakcji przyjdzie list adresowany do Sylwii.

Ktoś odkryje jej ciemną przeszłość, powiązania z gangsterami, z Hiszpanem (Piotr Więcławski Vienio).

Kobieta nie pozna jednak tożsamości prześladowcy.

W mieszkaniu przeżyje kolejny szok gdy usłyszy przerażające dźwięki.

Prześladowcą Sylwii będzie właśnie Justyna, która w ten sposób postanowi zemścić się za swoje krzywdy z dzieciństwa.

W nowych odcinkach "Pierwszej miłości" na początku 2019 roku dojdzie do tego, że Sylwia powoli zacznie tracić rozum.

Na skraju szaleństwa trafi do psychiatryka gdzie spotka Tolę (Anna Gzyra).

Chora psychicznie, dawna kochanka Artura Kulczyckiego (Łukasz Płoszajski)

która została skazana za zabójstwo ich wspólnika Maksa (Jędrzej Wielecki)

właśnie tam będzie odsiadywała wyrok. Wkrótce w "Pierwszej miłości" Tola zwróci uwagę na Sylwię...

For more infomation >> Pierwsza miłość, odcinek 2794: Sylwia u psychiatry. Dowie się, że ktoś ją truje - Duration: 14:23.


Live PD: Where's My Burger (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Where's My Burger (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:00.


"Idle RPG" - zwiastun gry PICO-8 - Duration: 1:02.

Premiere in 9th January!

For more infomation >> "Idle RPG" - zwiastun gry PICO-8 - Duration: 1:02.



For more infomation >> HYDROGEN PEROXIDE! THE TRUTH ABOUT HYDROGEN PEROXIDE! Vitaliy Ostrovskiy - Duration: 4:21.


VS Rathalos! | Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Blind Deutsch Let's Play - Duration: 39:56.

For more infomation >> VS Rathalos! | Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Blind Deutsch Let's Play - Duration: 39:56.


「Nightcore」→ Everything I Need ♪ (Skylar Grey) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 2:05.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Everything I Need ♪ (Skylar Grey) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 2:05.


PNK FME - Jaded - Duration: 3:09.

I don't wanna run away But I keep on runnin

I don't wanna be so compressed Like the people all around me

Lost in the universe I can't get over her

You left me in the dark Like where's my girl. We went over this.

With ya life with ya with ya life With ya life with ya with ya life

Yeah all the time I'm runnin from ya mind

With ya with ya with ya life

Give me up Give me some time

Yeah with ya life with ya with ya life

I'm jaded now Like where are we going

Racing til I can't breathe Til i can't see y'all

But you don't fuck with this No you don't vibe with me

We're two lost friends at sea Oh please

With ya life with ya with ya life With ya life with ya with ya life

Yeah all the time I'm runnin from ya mind

With ya with ya with ya life

Give me up Give me some time

Yeah with ya life with ya with ya life

With ya life with ya with ya life With ya life with ya with ya life

For more infomation >> PNK FME - Jaded - Duration: 3:09.


7 Interesting Facts About DARTH VADER You May Not Know - Duration: 4:40.

Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.

In this episode, I will be going over 7 interesting facts you might not know about Darth Vader.

If you are enjoying the videos, please give them a like, share and subscribe to the channel

so I can continue making them for you.

Number 1: He returned to Mustafar to create his red lightsaber

After his lightsaber was taken by Obi-wan on Mustafar, Vader is forced to make a new


He does so by finding a Jedi who survived Order 66 and destroying them.

He then takes the crystal from the fallen Jedi's lightsaber and corrupts it on Mustafar,

giving it the signature red color.

Mustafar is an appropriate choice for this, as the dark side of the force has a strong

presence on the planet.

Number 2: He remembered C-3PO on cloud city

Because this was not shown in the movies, many people wondered how Vader did not recognize

the droid he had created as a child.

Well, it turns out he did!

While on Cloud City in the Empire Strikes Back, Vader is actually given the pieces of

C-3PO after the droid is blasted.

The droid brings back the memories he had building him and because of this, he orders

the pieces to be given to Chewie to fix, rather than being destroyed.

Number 3: Many of his bones were replaced after his near fatal duel on Mustafar

After his defeat on Mustafar, Vader did not only lose most of his limbs, and receive severe

burns, he also had many of his bones greatly damaged as well.

The reconstruction of his body after this was extensive, making him "more machine

now than man".

That being said, the machine wasn't just the helmet and suit around him, but also extended

to the artificial elements in his bones and beneath his burnt and scarred skin.

Number 4: It was Boba Fett who revealed to him that Luke was his son

During the time after the destruction of the Death Star, Vader becomes obsessed with finding

the rebel pilot responsible, as he could sense they were force sensitive.

He ends up sending bounty hunters out to find him.

One such bounty hunter is Boba Fett, who eventually finds Luke and discovers his last name to

be Skywalker.

This makes Vader realize that Padme gave birth, and sets up the events in Episode 5.

Number 5: His Suit gives him superhuman strength

The suit that Vader wears actually provides him with augmented strength.

This can be seen in Episode 4, when he lifts a fully-grown man off the ground with one


The armor is actually interlaced with impulse generators which stimulate his muscles, increasing

his strength and agility.

Furthermore, he can adjust the pistons in his forearms to give him even more strength.

Number 6: He was originally acted and voiced by 4 different people

In the original trilogy, Darth Vader is actually played by four different men.

David Prowse was the man inside the suit.

However, his Bristol accent was not exactly what the crew were looking for, leading to

James Earl Jones being casted as the iconic voice of the character.


I am your father."

Third there was Sebastian Shaw, who was the man behind the mask in Episode 6, and who

appeared as Anakin's force ghost.

Finally, there was Bob Anderson, who acted as Vader during lightsaber battles.

Number 7: He makes an appearance in all the Star Wars Trilogies, as well as Rogue 1

While new villains have been introduced throughout the trilogies, the role and the influence

of Darth Vader was irreplaceable.

So much so, that even in the latest trilogy, his melted helmet appears in Episode 7.

"And I will finish...

What you started."

Vader also makes a bone-chilling appearance in the anthology film Rogue One.

And that's it!

Thanks for watching everyone!

What did you think about these Darth Vader facts?

Do you know any other interesting facts about him?

Let me know down below in the comment section.

And remember to like, share and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.

I hope to see you all again in Leia's Lair.

For more infomation >> 7 Interesting Facts About DARTH VADER You May Not Know - Duration: 4:40.


Lucas: I knew something was wrong. (extended) - Duration: 1:01.

After eleven years, and looking back,

I don't know who that kid was.

When it came to the prescription painkillers,

there was just something different.

Nothing could just grip me the way that those pills did.

Two in the morning, two at night,

and at least stretch this out for a

couple weeks and ah,

never once did I make it a week.

And I knew something was wrong,

I just I didn't know how to change it.

I wanted to be done with opiates.

It's not a light switch.

You cannot just turn it on or turn it off.

Addicts aren't bad people,

they're a good person who's on a bad path.

If you go to your doctor and talk to them,

let them know, you're addicted,

or you're concerned about addiction.

Get that process going.

The longer you wait,

the harder it's going to be. 1-800-920-4343

For more infomation >> Lucas: I knew something was wrong. (extended) - Duration: 1:01.


Lucas: I knew something was wrong. - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Lucas: I knew something was wrong. - Duration: 0:31.


TR-3A Black Manta, TR-3B Astra - What are these black triangle UFOs? - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> TR-3A Black Manta, TR-3B Astra - What are these black triangle UFOs? - Duration: 10:21.


Śmieszne zwierzęta 🔥 słodkie zwierzęta 🔥 zabawne psy i śmieszne koty #6 🔥 2018 🔥 - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Śmieszne zwierzęta 🔥 słodkie zwierzęta 🔥 zabawne psy i śmieszne koty #6 🔥 2018 🔥 - Duration: 4:14.


Prusa MK2.5 UPGRADE kit - Worth the $240? - Duration: 8:49.

This is my Original Prusa i3 Mk2.5 that I upgraded from the MK2s using the Prusa upgrade


Even though it has many features of the latest Prusa like the magnetic bed, it's not quite

a Mk3 and in today's video I'll tell you if this upgrade is worth your money and time.

Guten Tag everybody, I'm Stefan and welcome to CNC Kitchen.

The Original Prusa i3 is still the printer I use the most often for my projects because

it's quite, reliable and just works.

I purchased it two years ago as a MK2 and then upgraded it to a MK2s a good year later.

With the release of the MK3, Prusa Research also made an upgrade kit available that made

it possible to upgrade your existing MK2s with many of the features of the MK3 and they

called it the MK2.5.

A very generous viewer was so kind to provide me with the upgrade kit that sells for 200€

and if you have ever bought an Original Mk2 or Mk2s then you'll get 50€ discount which

makes it effectively cost 150€ for most.

If you had purchased your Mk2s shortly before the release of the Mk3 you should even have

a 100€ discount voucher.

The upgrade kit is meant for the MK2s so if you still have a normal MK2 it is advisable

to also purchase the MK2s upgrade which includes new smooth rods, bearings a U-Bolts but that

will set you back another 55€.

How much of the MK3 is actually in the MK2.5?

So first things first, you won't get a 24V system with the power panic functionality.

There is also no new mainboard included so you won't get the Trinamic drivers with

better microstepping, crash detection and stealth mode as well as the there won't

be stall detection for the print fan.

What you will be getting with the upgrade though is a whole new extruder assembly, that

features hardened steel bondtech gears that drive the filament from both sides, a quite

Noctua fan, an optical filament sensor and the PINDA 2 probe.

The new bed sensing probe includes a thermistor that compensates for temperature drift and

will help you get a consistent first layer thickness especially when you work with different

print platform temperatures.

The new electronics enclosure has optimized attachments for the extruder and bed wires

in order to avoid fatigue at the locations where they enter the box.

Though, the most notable thing is the magnetic spring steel bed.

Unfortunately the powder coated beds are still not available for the MK2.5 but the smooth

PEI sheets that are applied on both sides on mine perform very well.

This bed makes removing prints so easy and satisfying by just bending it and helps you

avoiding using a spatula that killed my old PEI sheet quite fast.

It needs to be noted that this magnetic bed sits directly on the heated PCB which makes

the response time quite fast and the magnets are suitable for temperatures way above those,

the bed can reach, so printing ABS and similar materials is not a problem what so ever.

Keep that in mind if you compare the price of this upgrade with other magnetic print

plate solutions that are way cheaper but not suitable for high temperature beds and will

not work with Prusas mesh bed leveling.

The upgrade kit comes with everything you need, all parts and tools and even a pack

of HARIBO that might be necessary since the whole upgrade process will take you around

4 to 6 hours.

It also comes with a roll of PET filament that you'll need to print out required part

for the upgrade, most prominently the electronics enclosure and the extruder assembly.

I was a bit upset that they included black filament because I always enjoyed the look

of the old, orange parts.

Contrary to their old printers Prusa switched from printing all of the parts in ABS to now

PET which also makes the printing process for you easier and less smelly.

Only the cooling fan shroud is provided as a pre-printed ABS part because it has to withstand

the temperatures of the heater block.

The parts for the upgrade can be downloaded either as pre-sliced G-Code or as separate

stls from the Prusa site.

Unfortunately, I had some issues with the material sticking to the bare PEI but finally

got it to stick with an application of Magigoo.

I also printed this great universal spool holder from Mirkoengineer so I could finally

throw away the one that came with my Mk2 and this one has served me very well since!

When you have the parts printed out you can start with the upgrade process which is very

well documented and available in many different languages.

Even though Prusa Research provides great instructions it will still require you to

disassemble a good part of the printer and put everything together again which might

not be something for everyone.

I didn't find any issues with the instructions during my 5 hours that I spent working on

the upgrade and even though your need to re-run a couple of wires, no soldering is required.

I also took this as an opportunity to do an overhaul of my machine with cleaning everything

and replacing nozzle, thermistor, heater cartridge and heater block which were kind of worn from

the hundreds of hours of printing.

Finally you just need to upload the MK2.5 firmware and after a short calibration run

you are ready to go.

So I've been now using my MK2.5 for the last couple of months and don't regret the

upgrade at all.

It has to be noted the print quality will not improve notably with the upgrade because

the electronics stay the same, though the print results were already great before.

The only thing that might improve a bit is the overhang and small details performance

since the new fan shroud cools your print now from all sides.

Unfortunately, the new shroud and it's placement make the printhead a little bigger which caused

me some problems in my filament tests where I print my coupons sequentially, so clearance

is very important.

The filament sensor is very nice, makes loading new material very convenient and prevents

filament run outs efficiently.

Still some materials don't work perfectly with the optical sensor where the printer

recommends to turn it off.

Even though the printer noises from the steppers stay the same, the Noctua fan removes that

horrible high pitch sound during prints which makes running the printer in my office even

more pleasant than it was before.

The new PINDA 2 probe works great and since I change my materials and therefore the bed

temperature quite often saves me quite a lot of hassle getting the first layer right.

This is, with the new spring steel bed the reason that made my Original Prusa is now

even a bit better than it was before.

The magnetic bed makes removing parts so easy and it also enables me to use some spray adhesives

that I just wasn't comfortable using before next to my smooth rods and lead screws.

I've also been using the bed to put PLA parts for annealing in my oven and with the

print platform still attached, greatly helps avoiding warping during that process.

So in summary, do I think it is worth spending around 150€ on this upgrade?

If you only print PLA on your Prusa then you really need to think about if, effectively,

a removable bed and a filament run out sensor is worth the price, especially if you consider

that you can nowadays get good 3D printers for around the price of this upgrade kit.

Also if you bought your Prusa fully assembled and are not comfortable taking it apart on

your own, maybe think twice about this upgrade because it will require some tinkering.

But, if you are someone who regularly uses different materials and you need a reliable

printer, then I think the upgrade is well worth the price!

The bondtech gears make extruding even difficult material just a bit more reliable, PINDA 2

helps getting perfect first layers and the removable bed is just awesome.

But what do you think?

Would your rather spend the money on a new printer or would you invest the money in your

old work-horse?

Let me know down in the comments.

Thanks for watching everybody.

If you enjoyed the video and learnt something the please leave a like, take a look at my

other videos and subscribe to the channel.

If you want to support me in making these videos than consider becoming a Patreon.

I hope to see you in the next one, auf wiedersehen and good bye!

For more infomation >> Prusa MK2.5 UPGRADE kit - Worth the $240? - Duration: 8:49.


If I enroll in Medicare, and it's my primary coverage, do I file claims with both Medicare and GEHA? - Duration: 0:36.

no you will not have to file claims with both Medicare and geha the great part

about geha and our coordination with Medicare is we have a program called G

PHA Express where claims will be filed with Medicare first and then will be

automatically forwarded to us from Medicare electronically for payment as

the secondary so the process is very simple and easy for the retiree

For more infomation >> If I enroll in Medicare, and it's my primary coverage, do I file claims with both Medicare and GEHA? - Duration: 0:36.


ASMR: Eating Popeyes Fried Chicken & Cheese Sauce *Eating Sounds* | Good Eating ASMR - Duration: 10:52.

Hey Guys, Welcome back to the Channel

Today I will be eating one of my favorite meals, Popeyes Fried Spicy Chicken.

Check it out you guys! Everything looks off da hook tasty

We have some Spicy Fried Chicken Drumsticks

One piece of Fried Dark Meat

A couple of butter biscuits!

Last but not least, we have got some Cajun Fries.

Can't forget our sauces.

First, we have got some Ranch.

Finally, we have got some cheese sauce!

For more infomation >> ASMR: Eating Popeyes Fried Chicken & Cheese Sauce *Eating Sounds* | Good Eating ASMR - Duration: 10:52.


Arnold Schwarzenegger - Tervrajz (magyar felirattal)- TESTÉPÍTŐ DOKUMENTUMFILM - Duration: 14:44.

For more infomation >> Arnold Schwarzenegger - Tervrajz (magyar felirattal)- TESTÉPÍTŐ DOKUMENTUMFILM - Duration: 14:44.


Fallout 76 - Appalachian Beauty - Duration: 1:18.

it was one of those days when it's a minute away from a rad storm and there's

this metallic taste in the air you could almost hear it, right? And this pot was just

dancing with me, like a shitheal youtuber begging me to LIKE and

subscribe for his unwarranted hate videos for something he doesn't comprehend

For 15 minutes. That's the day I realized that there was this entire smear

campaign behind some things and there's this incredibly benevolent force

That wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid.

Fallout is back in its most purest and original form

video is a poor excuse I know but it helps me remember. I need to remember

sometimes there's so much ignorance in the world, I feel like I can't take it.

And my head is just going to cave in...

For more infomation >> Fallout 76 - Appalachian Beauty - Duration: 1:18.


Mickey: The True Original Exhibition in NYC #mickeytrueoriginal - Duration: 4:32.

Where are we going?!


It's raining, and cold.

We're here!

So far...

pretty good.

'Repping the Mouse.

Alex is carrying all of our stuff.

I'm also 'repping the Mouse

you just can't see it.


He's on my pocket.

See? We're 'repping the Mouse.

This room looks cool.

What is this room?


As in cold?

Cold and cool as in dope.

Can you buy me that t-shirt?

Looks like it'll fit me.

Got the ice cream!

Oh there's Mickey on it!

Is it good?

Happy birthday Martha May.

Happy birthday Mickey, not Martha May.

AlsoI like this room because they're playing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song.

So this room's cool.

They have a bunch of old Disney merch.

Well, Mickey merch.

It's pretty cool. Let me tell you, old Mickey Mouse scary looking.


It was lit.

We're leaving.

Pretty dope.

It was, right?

It was awesome!

It was really cool, every room was different,

had a different vibe to it.

It was a 1950's feel,


The last room was like really psychedelic.

It was pretty cool.

All the merchandise was cool!

I got a custom made Mickey shirt.

You get to pick what print you want,

which is really cool.

And you can get like patches on it.

So I got a nice Mickey t-shirt.

I got a hat.

He's like 'I'm gonna show it off.'


And it's in this nice little gift bag.

Definitely worth it if you're in NY.

It's here till February.

But it's not coming anywhere else, so.


Sorry everybody else.

Mickey creepin'.

A lot of Instagram pics.

Alex took a lot of Instagram pics.

A lot!

Of her through, not me.

Happy birthday Mickey!

We'll be back to the parks soon!

Because we're getting another annual pass.

Mickey peace sign.

Okay it's raining, because we're in NY and not in LA.

For more infomation >> Mickey: The True Original Exhibition in NYC #mickeytrueoriginal - Duration: 4:32.


Roblox theme park tycoon 2 A new Begin (part 4) - Duration: 16:12.

For more infomation >> Roblox theme park tycoon 2 A new Begin (part 4) - Duration: 16:12.


فيلم أحزان رأس السنة - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> فيلم أحزان رأس السنة - Duration: 6:22.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Motion - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Motion - Duration: 1:04.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:07.


Honda Accord 1.8i LS Airco, LM, LPG, APK 12-2019 - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Honda Accord 1.8i LS Airco, LM, LPG, APK 12-2019 - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI i-Magine - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI i-Magine - Duration: 1:13.


What does it mean to be Buddhist? (Subtitles: PT-IT-EN-NL) - Duration: 1:59.

We could give a very

precise answer that to be Buddhist means to take refuge into the Three Jewels.

And to be a Buddhist philosophy practitioner it means to follow the Four Seals.


But I want to brink on another way.

Making it simple: for me to be Buddhist means

first of all to have listened to Buddha's teachings;

to find a connection with it;

And to follow the worldview that Buddha has brought us

as our own.

To put an effort to make the worldview of Buddha,

the paradigm of Buddha, to make it our own.

That's when we are being Buddhists. This means to take refuge in the Dharma

This means actually to practice the teachings of Buddha.

If we put an effort in our daily life to put into practice the teachings of Buddha

by changing our behavior,

by changing our attitude,

by developing compassion,

by understanding impermanence,

by developing wisdom, by understanding interdependence

and so on,

this means that we are following Buddha's teachings.

This means that we take refuge in the Dharma and for that we take refuge in the Buddha.

And then we take refuge in the Sangha and this actually is what it means to be Buddhist.

It doesn't mean to dress in a certain way.

It doesn't mean to be part of one group or another.

It doesn't mean to use certain words in one's own vocabulary.

It means deep inside to change one's own worldview

one's own paradigm into the one that Buddha has taught us.

That's the deeper meaning, which is taking deeper refuge in the Dharma.

That's what it means ultimately for me to be a Buddhist.

For more infomation >> What does it mean to be Buddhist? (Subtitles: PT-IT-EN-NL) - Duration: 1:59.


Machine Gun Kelly Tries Underground NOLA Food || InstaChef - Duration: 20:37.

- Oh my goodness, all right, let me get some--

- Dog, you don't even know what's going on

inside of here right now. - Like okay...


- What?

Ya'll thought it was just a burger the whole time.

Look at that.

- Welcome to InstaChef, where we profile chefs

that are creating a new tradition in the food world

by using Instagram to showcase their culinary skills

and get their food out to the world.

I'm your host, Cliff Skighwalker.

I'll be joined along the way by

some of my friends and celebrities.

Some you know and some you're gonna wanna get to know.

Let's go.

Welcome to New Orleans, a city rich in culture,

unique in music, and distinct in food.

Speaking of food, let's discover

some new flavors in the city.

So I'm here in New Orleans.

And I'm actually here to catch up with one of my friends

who's currently on tour and get a feel

for what he likes to eat.

Without no further ado, my friend, Machine Gun Kelly.

- Yo, my dog what up?

- What's good, man?

- I'm so hungry.

Okay excuse me, driver.

- Let's go!

- I wanna kind of rewind the clock.

I have to talk about this one

'cause it was a connection I had to you.

It was a Ann Arbor show, Blind Pig sold out.

Now I was standing at the top of the steps.

You jumped from the stairs right on stage.

In the midst of you doing that, bro, dead (beep) full boot

to the chest, I think it was a Chuck Taylor.

- Rick James, (beep).

- Right to the chest bro.

But I'm so glad you didn't apologize 'cause that's mostly

like a spoil in victory, you know what I'm saying?

- Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.

- I kind of wanna transition that into food a little bit.

- I make terrible food choices.

- Do you know what I'm saying?

But people shouldn't judge you on that.

- There's literally someone on the road right now

whose job it is to figure out what I'm gonna eat that day.

And she uses Thrillist ironically enough,

'cause that's the other thing.

Like the Speedway diet is a wrap, I can't do it anymore.

I've been touring for eight years, I think.

Like the six of this eight years

have been spent on a Speedway diet.

That means--

- Pre-made sandwiches.

- (beep) hotdogs and pre-made biscuits.

- Taquitos. - Taquitos.

Oh, man I used to think those taquitos were so fire.

I used to be so excited, it was such a treat.

- And then like, dude, you start feeling what taquitos

do to you and (beep).

So I've had an interesting year of waking up from that

and I guess now I'm just trying to act on it.

- So speaking of talking about being healthy.

The spot that I'm coming onto is right down that alley.

This is King David, one thing that he takes pride in

is plant-based cuisines.

- Okay.

- He's making some of the best food in this city

when it comes to hearty vegan soul food.

Cauliflower wings, wings and waffles.

- He makes vegan soul food?

- Yes.

- Yeah, all right King David.

Let's see what you got.

- All right, let's get it.

- Damn Cliff, not gonna tip the driver, huh?

$100 for a good job, sir.

Thank you.

We in the NOLA.

I'm not knocking.

- I got you.

- Bad history of knocking on doors I don't know.

Why am I standing like a bully back here?

- You my muscle, dog.

- Welcome to New Orleans man--

- What's up, Chef? - Appreciate you.

- What's going on?

Y'all come on in and get some of this good vegan food.

- Thank you so much.

- All right, so this what we got here today.

- For sure, go ahead.

- I'll bless ya'll with a Jamaican jerk burger.

- Okay. - All vegan.

I take authentic Jamaican seasonings

that they would traditionally use for jerk chicken.

One of my secret patties that I make.

Then I also use the fried plantains,

as well as lettuce and tomato with my barbecue sauce.

- Please talk about this.

- This is yaka mein. - Yeah.

- Or yaki meat, yaka mein, just depending on what part

of this city you're coming from.

- And you flipped it to vegan?

- Right.

So my vegan version, which I use linguine

instead of spaghetti, for one.

Then I put broccoli, carrots, celery,

and still the green onion concept.

And in place of the egg, I put avocado.

- Now, I see what you got going on here.

Please tell everybody what's about to go down.

- Right here, we got 'em battered up.

We gonna drop 'em in a minute.

These are my famous cauliflower wings.

I take cauliflower, I take gluten-free flour,

some special seasonings.

They're crispy, they taste wonderful.

We pair 'em with waffles that are also vegan.

- My mouth is running water right now.

I'm trying to like be cool but I wanna get more

into the community.

When it comes to vegan,

what helps you establish the customer base?

Because I've seen on Instagram, you post something

and then it's like yo, I'm sold out.

- Well, when I first started

I actually didn't even start with the food.

I started with snowballs,

because snowballs is a big thing in New Orleans.

So I started making vegan snowballs.

I would make my own flavors.

I have kiwis, peaches, pears, whatever.

So after they would come two or three times

I would say hey, you know those are vegan snowballs?

I would never tell 'em at first.

See, the word vegan scares so many people away,

that's why I choose to use plant-based.

Vegan is a whole lifestyle.

I can't be vegan, I wear leather shoes.

I take my kids to the zoo.

So I'm not quote, unquote that vegan lifestyle.

It's plant-based.

But everybody understands the word vegan, so we use it.

And then people would taste how fresh they tasted,

then they was like well, if you can make snowballs like that

then I know the food is gonna be as good like that.

- Why out of the house and not out of an official restaurant?

- See, New Orleans is a big free enterprise city,

because I know a million chefs in this city

and they either post up under the bridge

like where you went for the second lines.

That's just not a hobby, this is my main source of income.

- That's one thing I wanted to harp on.

Like this is, you know, this is the American dream.

You are self-made, you're doing it yourself.

And not only is it benefiting you

but it's benefiting the community.

And this ties back into music.

Not only are you, they classify you as a rapper

but you're also a producer, you're also an actor.

It's just a testament to hard work and dedication,

whether it be food or music.

- Exactly.

I'ma drop the wings for you, so we can get them rolling.

- First thing I ask my favorite site--

The boiling of...

But what kind of oil is that?

Is that-- - Avocado oil.

- We've got every angle covered--

- Can you talk a little bit about how you are standing out

of that plant-based crowd that a lot of people are used to?

- Well, you have a lot of vegan chefs

that aren't vegan, for one.

They don't worry about the taste

because they're not the ones eating it.

But if you live that lifestyle and you eat it,

you don't wanna just eat something

that tastes like cardboard, especially in New Orleans.

You gotta have a distinctive robust flavor,

because that's what we're about, flavors.

- You have a lot of people who might not live something

but they're trying to do it.

When it comes to the taste of their food,

it has an effect on it.

Same with the authenticity comes to music.

You have people that might not be living

what they're making, but then you have a person like you

who came out with "Till I Die."

The raw energy in that, I think it ties into

what we got cooking here.

- It's all about authenticity, brother.

- Oh my god, that looks fire.

- Not yet, not yet.

They coming, bro.

- I wish cameras had smell-o-vision in 2018.

This smells fantastic in here.

Yo, I cannot wait to try this.

- All right, so what we're gonna do now,

I'm gonna put the broth in the yaka mein

and let you guys taste that first.

- This dudes a plant guru.

I'm gonna smell mine. - Yeah.

- Or waft.

Are you a right-hand wafter or--

- I'm a right-hand wafter.

But I'm ambidextrous, I can waft in both hands.

- Yeah, me too.

- Yeah, we can do it.

I'm down to go in right now.

- A matter of fact, I'ma slice this one.

- Dog, eat that broccoli.

- Not too hard and not too tender.

- One, I'm not a big broccoli person, so the fact that

I suggested you to eat the broccoli is pretty crazy.

Let's agree to never eat Campbell's soup again.

- Ever again! - Never.

- All right, let me gets some--

- Dog, you don't even know what's going on

inside of here right now.

- Like, okay...


- What?

Ya'll thought it was just a burger the whole time.

Look at that.

- Please take the, I gotta--

- All right, you gotta take a bite out of that.

- Jerk burger. - The jerk burger.

- All right, homie, toast these up.

- One of my most famous burgers, a little spice.

- It's so good.

- It's the combination of the burger with the plantains--

- So look, you get that sweetness first

and then that heat, oh my goodness!

Like, the fact that that's not meat.

That tastes like meat, bro.

- That's our big seller for a lot of people

who still eat burgers.

We got a lot of non-vegans that'll order that burger.

- Yaka mein, amazing.

Jerk burger, out of the park.

But when I first saw your Instagram page,

the first thing that drew me in were the wings and waffles.

And we haven't even had those yet

and I see them getting prepared right now.

- Well, you know everybody loves chicken and waffles.

You got the big spots in Atlanta,

we got 'em here in New Orleans.

But then it leaves the vegans to, like,

what is there for me?

But the chicken and waffles just jump.

It's that batter.

The two-step process and the avocado oil.

The clean cooking.

Here they are right now.

With a vegan sauce that we make, also.

- Let's go with the nubs.

- Have some without the sauce first.

- Yeah, without the sauce. - Okay, okay, okay.

- Whatcha think?

- How?

- Secret.

- I feel like Vince Carter at the end of a dunk contest.

- We gotta bring the whole planet here right now.

- I don't even--

- I'm looking at it, is there something else in here,

or is it just cauliflower? - It's just cauliflower.

- Dang.

- Did you hit the sauce, you wanna hit it with the sauce?

- Yeah, the sauce, gotta have it with sauce.

- My goal, my mission is just to make food,

whether you're vegan or you wanna call yourself plant-based,

pescatarian, vegetarian, meat-eater,

whatever you choose to consume, I want it to be able

where you can eat my food and enjoy it.

And I think that's the lane I'm going down right now.

- This is wonderful.

We have one more stop, would you like to join us?

- Oh, of course.

- Let's get it. - Thank you, King David.

Your dad rocks.

Okay, that was bangin'.

You gotta hand clap for King David.

That's a good human being, man.

- I'm with you, for sure.

Chef, you just took us on a journey

through plant-based foods that really,

you took them to another level.

You also had the snowballs.

What's next for you?

- I wanna end up having restaurants.

I'm gonna-- - Plural?

- Yeah, exactly.

There's gonna be one in New Orleans and I'm in the process

of working out something with that now.

I wanna do Houston for the simple fact, after Katrina,

majority of New Orleans ended up in Houston.

They still love New Orleans food.

I'm trying to catch all of 'em.

- Just like you're now just so wealthy into plant-based,

all those categories, mine's really deep

with the coffee beans.

So I have my own coffee shop opening up this year

in Cleveland, it's called the 27 Club.

The 27 Club is a bunch of artists and entertainers

and popular personalities that had died at the age of 27.

Like, I just wanna keep people's memory alive.

I also wanna encourage good highs, like coffee and food,

and having that kind of bleed through the city

instead of some of the other stuff

that tends to get out there.

- The next chef, Ryan Tapp, is a guy who I've been trying

to see forever but he's making some really,

really good traditional New Orleans cuisine.

Chef, you said you know him?

- Yeah, I been knowing him for a while.

This city loves his food, he has a great tradition,

it's something that's been in his family for generations.

Their recipes, their techniques of cooking and everything,

just a well-rounded good dude.

- I'm looking forward to see what he's cooking up here

for sure.

- I'm pretty sure you'll like it.

- How do I look?

- Very natural.

- Hey guys, what's going on, brother?

How you doing?

My guy.

- Hey, how you doing, man?

Honored to meet you, man.

- Nice to meet you.

- What's up, Chef, what's going on with you?

Good, it's good.

Chef Ryan Tapp.

First of all it's an honor,

so thank you for opening your doors and the hospitality.

I wanna get right into the food with you, though.

- Okay.

- Just first off, talk about the menu.

- It took me some time go ahead and think about

some great dishes to put together,

to go ahead and represent New Orleans.

So I went ahead and did

a double deep fried crab cake seafood pasta over linguine,

sauted shrimp, sauted crawfish tails, man, it's delicious.

Other than that, I got the Big (bleep) Steak Dinner.

That's everybody's favorite.

You got that big steak with a stuffed seafood,

potato seafood pasta, and some asparagus.

Also, that Big (bleep) Salmon Dinner.

The same, same ingredients,

just difference is you get the salmon.

So we gonna put it together and have a good time.

- Let's talk about how you started out

with your first orders.

- Through every entrepreneur, I went through a hard day,

where I had to go through something.

Where I had nowhere to go.

And sometimes when you are homeless and you in a deep spot,

you think about greater ways to come out of it,

and that's where House Calls On the Go came about.

- Meaning, like, I'm hungry,

I want a meal delivered to my door?

- Yeah, so the process is I post on social media

open for business.

It's time to DM me your name, your order, your address.

- What if there's like a New Orleans girl

who thinks you're cute and who's like,

yo, I need some salmon.

- With me being the New Orleans chef, New Orleans top chef,

I'm mean, I'm the ladies man, right?

And people be like, man, how come this old short,

chubby guy get all the women?

Because I'm cooking.

- Oh, wait, that's steak right there?

- Yeah, that's the steak.

- So talk about putting the steak

just straight in the fryer.

- I mean, it's a difference, because when I first started

the concept, what you have to do is,

when people are ordering so many times,

you gotta find a faster way to get this food out.

I was even putting it on broil, smoking the house up,

and all that kind of stuff.

So I had to find something different, so I decided to season

my steaks, season my salmon, season my lobster tails,

and throw 'em right in that peanut oil.

When it comes out, man, you got this world full of flavor.

For peanut oil.

- What are some of the roadblocks that you've come

in contact with with business thus far?

- The roadblock with this city is the support.

And today it's social media is everything.

If you wanna be the singer, social media.

You wanna be a rapper, social media.

And sometimes you gotta mindful what you're doing.

Now, you gonna get bashed.

Everybody's gonna have their hard days

where they getting bashed, but you can't move me

from what I love doing.

- Talk about what you're doing right now, Chef.

- Now, I want you to guess what that is.

What is that?

- I wanna say that's the crab cakes.

- That's the crab cakes, my man.

I guarantee when you get into that crab cake, man,

it's gonna be the best thing you ever tasted in your life.

I put my hand right here to say that's the best crab cakes

you've ever had in your life.

- All right.

Yo, we might have to waft--

- Now, see those crawfish tails are brought back

into that sauce.

This is your crab cake seafood pasta.

- Wow.

- All right, Chef.

First of all, thank you for this seafood pasta.

We're pressed for time, Kells gotta go do a show

so go ahead and go in.

- All right, let's get down, homie.

- This smells so good.

- How we feel?

- The cream sauce, little slight heat.

- Just stand right there, let me slap your face so hard.

I've had some slap-your-mama dishes today, dude.

I can't lie.

- Now, Chef, what we got going on right here?

- All right, right now we have that Big-Ass Steak Dinner.

- Okay. - Okay?

And we have that salmon dinner.


- That was just in the fryer and you grabbed it.

- Yep.

- How did you just do that?

- I been here doing this a long time--

- How did you just do that?

- Like these are hot hands.

Like you're immune to it.

Hot hands. - Hot hands.

- Hey Kells, come get some of this, man.

- Yeah, the salmon does look good.

I like this pink that it's at, as well.

- Yeah.

- That raspberry sauce is phenomenal.

- Thank you.

- We're about to dance on that thing.

- Let's switch it real quick, ready?

One, two, three.

That was a good one, that was a good one.

- Now this is deep dried.

- That's some good... That's really good.

I don't even like steak, and this is really good.

- The raspberry glaze is just the cherry on top.

- You know the irony of you saying the raspberry glaze

is the cherry on top?

- Listen, double entendre, don't ask me how.

- Thank you, guys.

We kind of gotta get going.

- Oh, yeah.

You wanna-- - Can I get a to-go box?

(laughing) - Of course, man.

- Real quick before we leave,

can I take a selfie with everybody?

- Let's do it, man. - Let's do it.

- Come over here.

- You want my extended arms?

- Yeah, yeah, you got the selfie-stick hands.

- You got that long arm.

- That's perfect.

That's perfect, chefs.

Thank you so much.

- Man, I appreciate you, man.

- Come on.

- Later, thank you.

- Thank you, I appreciate it, man.

- Chef Hot Hands, that's what it is now.

Everything is best of both worlds--

- Literally what we had was the best of both worlds.

You got that shrimp, that steak, that salmon, that crawfish.

- Jerk burger-- - Ooh, I think that might--

- That sweet spice,

that was the best jerk burger I ever had.

- That might've been the one.

- The fact that I had walked out of those people's house

and I learned more from those people alone

than I learned from any five-star diamond restaurant

I've ever been into in my life.

- Yeah, man, that's part of it, like--

- And I've ate at the best of 'em.

- He's deep.

You look at universal languages, music's one, fashion's one.

But then food is right there.

Food is right there with it.

- Word, yeah, I agree, I agree.

Like, there's a moment of peace when everyone's eating

and they enjoy what they're eating,

that it's the same when a good song's on.

And you're kind of in this moment that you're one

with each other, and at peace.

It's pretty cool, especially when there's so much

chaos going on. - Exactly.

- Let's all get fat and be peaceful!

- You know, what we saw was both sides of it,

and I think that representation is important.

Of course, doing it with a guy like MGK

is so important, as well.

- Oh, dude, I'm straight.

I've been on that bus for two months.

I'm happy to get out in the world.

- Hell yeah.

- I hate to cut the conversation short,

but we are rolled up to your bus.

But Kells, it means a lot to me for you to come and do--

- Absolutely.

Some Midwest shit, dude, we go back.

- Always, I wish you well, bro.

- Thank you, thank you.

- They had--

- Was Anamaniacs with WB?

- Yep. - That was a great show.

I literally leanred all my states from that show.

- Listen, United States, Panama, Mexico,

Haiti, Jamaica, Peru--

- For real.

That shit is so good!

Bro, yes!

That was really good.

That was really good. - Yeah.

- I'm zapped right now.

- Oh, man.

Yo, thank you for watching.

Be sure to like and share this video,

subscribe to Thrillist on YouTube and all

of its social platforms, and we'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Machine Gun Kelly Tries Underground NOLA Food || InstaChef - Duration: 20:37.


M jak miłość, odcinek 1412: Desperackie wyznanie Izy. Umrze, jeśli Marcin ją zostawi - Duration: 14:25.

Iza (Adriana Kalska) z "M jak miłość" wreszcie powie Marcinowi

(Mikołaj Roznerski) co do niego czuje i zdecyduje się zawalczyć o tę miłość.

Dramatyczne wydarzania jakie rozegrają się w 1412 odcinku "M jak miłość" skłonią Izę do tego

by wyznać Marcinowi całą prawdę. Tuż po tym jak ktoś włamie się do mieszkania Izy

przerażona Lewińska padnie Chodakowskiemu w ramiona.

- Wolałaby umrzeć, niż znowu cię stracić - przyzna się Iza. Co zrobi Marcin z tym wyznaniem?

Relacje Izy i Marcina z "M jak miłość" zmieniły się po wspólnie spędzonej nocy.

Wszystko dlatego, że Ania (Maria Pawłowska) okłamała Izę, że jest w ciąży z Marcinem.

Zrobiła to tak przekonująco, że Lewińska uwierzyła, że jej ukochany znów zostanie ojcem.

I w finale wmówiła mu, że popełnili błąd

że teraz chce wyjechać na Mazury z Jakubem Karskim (Krzysztof Kwiatkowski).

Kolejny zwrot w wątku tej pary nastąpi w 1412 odcinku "M jak miłość" gdy dojdzie do włamania do mieszkania Izy.

Nie nie zginie, Lewińskiej nic się nie stanie, a mimo to pojawi się strach...

Iza domyśli się, że za włamaniem stoi jej były mąż Artur (Tomasz Ciachorowski).

Psychopata nawet z więzienia będzie zatruwał życie Izie.

Postara się, by była żona co jakiś czas dostawała od niego przerażające "prezenty".

Jeden telefon od Izy do Marcina w 1412 odcinku "M jak miłość" wystarczy, by Chodakowski pośpieszył jej z pomocą.

Widząc lęk Izy zacznie ją pocieszać, że nic złego się jej nie stanie, bo on do tego nie dopuści.

W ramionach ukochanego Iza nareszcie poczuje się bezpiecznie.

Pod wpływem emocji wyzna Marcinowi jak bardzo go kocha. - Wolałaby umrzeć, niż znowu cię stracić...

- przyzna Iza, a Marcin nie będzie w stanie dłużej zapanować nad uczuciami.

Serce podpowie mu, że to właśnie z nią będzie szczęśliwy.

- Kocham cię - powie jej Chodakowski i zacznie ją namiętnie całować.

- Tak tęskniłam... - doda Iza gdy kolejny raz wylądują w łóżku.

Po Nowym Roku w serialu "M jak miłość" widzów czekają wielkie emocje.

Najwyraźniej wątek walki o serce Marcina zacznie zbliżać się ku końcowi!

Ania z "M jak miłość" przegra z Izą, z którą Chodakowski

chce zbudować dom dla ich córeczki i Szymka (Staś Szczypiński).

Mężczyzna już zdecydował, że to Lewińska jest tą, którą naprawdę kocha.

Tylko przez mącenie Żakowskiej jej rywalka w poprzednich odcinkach odrzuciła wybranka serca.

Adriana Kalska w wywiadzie z Tele Tygodniem zdradziła, że Marcin zaproponuje jej, aby z nim zamieszkała.

Z kolei Mikołaj Roznerski zasugerował w swojej wypowiedzi, że związek z Anią to już przeszłość.

Niestety, nawet po zakończeniu relacji z dziennikarką, Chodakowski będzie miał pod górkę

- jego matka otwarcie nie lubi Izy! Czy coś się zmieni? Aktorka wyznała, że tak

a przy okazji wyszło na jaw, że fani "M jak miłość" niedługo mogą zobaczyć w serialu kolejny ślub!

- Z Małgosią Pieczyńską w serialu pracuje się genialnie, ale w serialu nasza relacja jest dość skomplikowana.

Być może niebawem Maria zostanie teściową mojej bohaterki, co na początku nie budziło jej zadowolenia.

Powoli jednak zacznie przekonywać się do Izy i finalnie chyba da jej i

Marcinowi zielone światło - czytamy wypowiedź Kalskiej. Rodzinne zdjęcia umieszczane

na Instagramach gwiazd "M jak miłość" mogą być zatem zapowiedzią happy endu dla tej pary.

Co myślicie? Czy Marcin i Iza powinni wziąć ślub?

Marcin z pomocą Ani w 1380 odcinku serialu "M jak miłość" odnajdzie Izę.

Nie będzie chciał uratować wyłącznie Majki (Anna Wierzchoń), ale również byłą partnerkę.

Widząc Skalską natychmiast chwyci ją w ramiona. - Jak dobrze... Wiedziałam... Czułam, że to ty...

- To jest Ania, moja przyjaciółka. Przyjechaliśmy ci pomóc.

Iza w 1380 odcinku "M jak miłość" spojrzy się na rywalkę i poczuje zazdrość.

Ance z kolei nie spodoba się to, że Chodakowski nazwie ją "przyjaciółką"...

Ale nie będzie czasu na sercowe rozterki. - Maja jest twoja. On sfałszował te wyniki. - Ja wiem, wiem...

Już, mów co się dzieje. Adriana Kalska w "Kulisach serialu M jak miłość" wytłumaczyła, co czuje jej bohaterka:

- Iza cały czas kocha Marcina, więc w momencie kiedy pojawia się Ania przy Marcinie,

pojawia się taki smutek i zawód, że już sprawy poszły za daleko i być może z Izy i Marcina

znajomości nic nie będzie - zdradziła serialowa Iza z "M jak miłość".

Tymczasem jej partner (w życiu i w "M jak miłość") Mikołaj Roznerski wyznał

że Marcin wybaczył Skalskiej wszystkie nieporozumienia.

A w trakcie rozmowy w 1380 odcinku "M jak miłość" nie będzie szczędził jej czułości i nawet ją pocałuje...

- Już dużo wcześniej zauważył, że Iza jest pod negatywnym wpływem Artura. Widział, że jest krzywdzona.

(...) Iza była tak zmanipulowana, że dała się omotać, więc nie ma jej tego za złe co się wydarzyło.

(...) - powiedział aktor "M jak miłość". W nowych odcinkach "M jak miłość" Chodakowski obieca Izie:

- Zabiorę was stąd i gdzieś uciekniemy, ale nie wiem gdzie jeszcze. Skontaktuję się z prawnikami.

Pójdziemy na policję i złożymy zeznania. To powinno pomóc, żeby uciąć całą sprawę, rozumiesz?

To tylko dwa dni. Iza... Wytrzymasz? Czy zatem była dziewczyna Marcina faktycznie ma być o co zazdrosna?

W 1380 odcinku to Ania sprawi wrażenie, jakby zeszła na drugi plan w oczach mężczyzny.

Jednak jeszcze nic nie jest przesądzone i nie wiadomo, która z piękności okaże się dla niego ważniejsza.

Widzowie „M jak miłość" niecierpliwie czekają na rozwój wydarzeń w sprawie Izy, Marcina i Mai.

W 1390 odcinku „M jak miłość" Skalska cudem wybudzi się ze śpiączki, a lekarze ustalą jej tożsamość.

Niemieccy lekarze poinformują Polską policję o wydarzeniach minionych tygodni

a dziewczyna zezna, że jej mąż – Artur Skalski – nękał ją i zastraszał

a na dodatek sfałszował wyniki badań DNA podając się za ojca Mai!

W „M jak miłość" Marcin odwiedzi Izę w szpitalu, a zaraz po powrocie do Polski zawalczy o Maję.

W towarzystwie Andrzeja (Krystian Wieczorek) stawi się przed sądem by udowodnić, że Artur od początku kłamał.

W 1392 odcinku „M jak miłość" Budzyński sprawi, że sąd weźmie pod uwagę zeznania

które Iza złożyła zaraz po odzyskaniu przytomności.

Dzięki temu Marcin zostanie uznany przez sąd biologicznym ojcem Mai i będzie miał prawo do opieki nad córką.

Tymczasem Skalski zostanie aresztowany!

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1412: Desperackie wyznanie Izy. Umrze, jeśli Marcin ją zostawi - Duration: 14:25.


Faça a Terra se Alegrar: Defesa Teológica - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Faça a Terra se Alegrar: Defesa Teológica - Duration: 2:11.


Lo que piensa realmente Pablo Iglesias sobre la monarquía - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Lo que piensa realmente Pablo Iglesias sobre la monarquía - Duration: 1:21.


Exercitiul de baza Lax Vox - 3 - Portamento - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Exercitiul de baza Lax Vox - 3 - Portamento - Duration: 1:57.


New Jurassic World Dino Rivals Savage Srike Stygimoloch & Attack Pack Velociraptor Delta Unboxing - Duration: 10:01.

okay it's great to see you today today we have two brand-new dinos to add

to our drastic world fallen Kingdom Dino rivals playlist awesome today we have

the savage strikes the EMU lock and the Dino rivals attack pack Velociraptor

New Jurassic World Dino Rivals Savage Srike Stygimoloch & Attack Pack Velociraptor Delta Unboxing

can scan them in to the drastic world back okay so our first one is the Dino

rivals savage strike Stiggy mala so this one has the head buddy action if you

push its tail there you look at the back it says dinky mala ramming head there

has its card and I will show you his skin code

and behind this Diggy is a big huge dinah'll rivals box that was sent to me

by my friends at Mattel which had a bunch of Dino rivals in it including

this guy and my velociraptor Delta I did open that one yesterday is totally

awesome it's like a puzzle box inside with all the different dinos in the

puzzle pieces so if you didn't see that check that one out but anyways here is

the Stiggy malakas card so we have strength of six intelligent

I mean speed of six intelligence of two is not too good and attack of six while

aggression they say aggression of six but really it's okay so this is number

twenty cool I got quite a few of those cards and they are awesome what I

usually do is put the cards together randomly pick one and that's who does

the evil walk who's to fly but ah this Stiggy is real cool once again it's good

at the head striking action which I believe the regular savage strike one

so they did change anything there I wish they would have at least changed the

color plot so the arms move the head moves you could rotate the head to

different degrees there so you could have the Stiggy breaking through ah they

painted the nails great paint job like a word wrong tan color scheme so

okay so this one I'm excited about its velociraptor Delta I hope they bring out

echo and Charlie too cuz aw I guess the three of them perished in the last world

tend to SAP I think I believe blue was the only survivor so it's got the skin

point here in the collectors cards in the box

cool let's open her up okay then here we have wasa raptor delta let's check out

her card so she has a strength of seven she has speed of nine intelligence of

ten and aggression of nine so she is ready to fight let's just say that with

numbers she is ready to go and she looks best that that pose right there ah this

one I had a little hard time getting it to stand different poses I see because

the feet do not rotate okay there we go oh my just better okay

so anyway she looks best in a running pose just like that oh great paint job

with this girl mouth was open and closed the arms move up and down big claws but

the claws are not painted she is like a dark green with like gray stripe pattern

on her back she does have the third claw but again that is not painted so I wish

they would have painted those but you know I she still looks cool and I'm glad

she's back

okay so time to add it to the app so simply go ahead and hit the drastic

world facts that watch the game see what our dyno of the day is okay

well anyways let's go ahead and scan our two

so just scan right off the picture I include a risk is what I did right now

so I know ba picture works and there we have our Stiggy she looks exactly like -

vibe and if you do lose your cards here you get her stats strength of six speed

of six intelligence of two aggression six let's get some cool facts on her

she's smaller than the Pachycephalosaurus but more robust and

stick neck males possibly used their distance calls for bashing against other

males she can run as fast as an ostrich pretty quick and let's go ahead and add

velociraptor Delta and then we will go ahead and check out all we got Delta

back all were missing now is Charlie in destro go ahead she is ready to fight

and the film she is responsible for the death of Vik Hoskins

when Blut is seemingly killed Delta is the first to attack the indominus rex in

the film she's the second velociraptor created by engine out our collection of

Dino rivals so right now we have eleven Dino rivals which if you've been

following my videos and Tyrannosaurus Rex they're gonna be bringing their

different colors and then that's if our Dino rivals but we have I have scan

codes for 56 of the regular drastic world dinos which if you've been

following my videos you also have them okay that was awesome if you enjoyed

that video I do got over a thousand more check out the playlist on my channel or

for more fun Jurassic world fallen Kingdom videos wait until this video

ends and check out the playlist you guys are awesome and I will see you soon

go ahead and put that in the comment section below the video click the

subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell button to

be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a lot

more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic World Dino Rivals Savage Srike Stygimoloch & Attack Pack Velociraptor Delta Unboxing - Duration: 10:01.


"Idle RPG" - zwiastun gry PICO-8 - Duration: 1:02.

Premiere in 9th January!

For more infomation >> "Idle RPG" - zwiastun gry PICO-8 - Duration: 1:02.


#SHOUTOUT - Duration: 1:51.

Good day ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. 1st, all the best for 2019

2nd, today I have a short video about the shout out

On you tube there's something fun. Small agricultural channels shout out to each other to get some more traffic

I got one too, and I gladly take it back for James O Brien from Ireland

James is a dairyfarmer too and farms in a typical Irish way. So go check that out

The 2nd is Jon Stevens from Minnesota USA

He's very busy with the soil and telling why farmers do what they do

The 3rd is Besserts farms, another dairyfarmer from Canada

The 4th is a dutch channnel, which are some boys out my neighbourhood, "machines en zo" the channel is called

They are about, I'm not sure, boys I'm sorry if I got it wrong, 10, 11, 12 years old

The're making nice short videos about anything, also some farmvideos

Maybe not that interesting for the older viewers, but I want to give them a shout out anyway

So go and visit this channels. I will put some links here and in the discription below

And like, comment and subscribe! For more

For more infomation >> #SHOUTOUT - Duration: 1:51.


Mittelborg: City of Mages - this game feels so impossible - Duration: 27:47.

my name Oh my name will be Shani hello friends I am dragon eight and welcome to

MittelBorg I think I have no clue how pronounced the universe is November has

beginning is brings around Mittelborg a world between worlds is a city of mages

that govern equilibrium in the world and they are ruled by great Chancellor

Chancellor's tasks to watch over the world tree if it does everything will

perish if it dies everything will perish and now it is dying okay so uh the I I

don't think the developers of this are a native English speaker so there's gonna

be some possible you know grammar and spelling mistakes which not too big of a

deal really because the throne is empty Mittelborg needs a new chancellor and

so what happens that World Tree has chosen you so this should be a cute

little game about you know being a mage and stuff I'm so so click just what I do

oh okay it's fine do offers no if you leave the game before the end tutorial

or break the current profile we will fix it soon oh okay so I have to complete

the tutorial then otherwise it just completely breaks it

that's horrible okay continue we were waiting for you Chancellor magical

tempest it's badly Patrick mittelBorg but is in your power to restore the

former greatness of the city let's start with protection this Court is called a

guess how do you pronounce that word I guess I

guess once it was a symbol of the magical power of the city but now

there's just a tower of light here let's take a closer look at it okay so click

on I should see with our light supports a magical barrier rebuild it in the

brushes of witching wind won't do you no harm

repair 450 okay as for to obtain from swords and arrows because the garrisons

here the city guard live tough and fearless folks it starts with the iron

force of defending the city from visions make sure the gerson as healthy fires in

the city will be reliably protected from enemy raids so also repair 425 alrighty

your main resource is aether as you can see we have almost none left but

fortunately we know how to get more of it very good I hope so Advent emits a

trading quarter of metal a Borg and this is where the windcatcher stands your

main source of aether assigned a mage ooh

production fifty per day is a tempest major serve the wind catcher

there are more of them are here the more ether you can get in general medicines

are your the best helpers you can send them to any quarter and they will

improve its work we lack ether to restore the strength of the gearson well

you have to use magicians one mage is worth many warriors send a mage of the

garrison to strengthen it already one mage there there you go prophecies did

not lie sire you are indeed a quick learner

glory to the new chancellor don't give me no praise now were you ready for The

Tempest and the day oh okay so this is like one of those turn-based things but

it seems to be a little bit different interesting very interesting thick

clouds filled with evil might surrounded the city and lilac lightnings drew runes

in the skies roaring waves of aether cause a la damage with the city stood

this time so incoming twenty-seven magical damage magical berry received 27

damaged during the temperatures he will face many dangers one of them as barrage

a stream of dark energy sweeping away everything is path Mirage has caught

damage here barrier but the tree to not suffer you remember what the tree means

to us of course I do continue

and a raid Oh God not ever so live to see that day huh that's so sad

living more in the dead city guards repelled the raid but the garrison had a

hard time if the enemy breaks through the damage will be inflicted on the tree

and we won't be able to restore it even with the help of the force every day The

Tempest you bring catcher gains aether you can use after the end of The Tempest

all right I had the storm that is not luck the lull is here on this if it is

not luck the lull is here I understand nothing threatens the city so I have the

storm a piece of silence settle above the world between worlds is it a calm

before the storm with a long experience peace main thing that will bark me rest

now you survived the first Everest now you're ready take control ready to take

control sorry I read very very quickly all right well we should repair this

obviously you buy potions girls and even artifacts on the market improve the

quarter to open new goods for a fee their list can be updated oh well I

don't have anything to purchase now randomize signs for - nope heals the

world treat every day of The Tempest by 3%

well the world chief seems fine to me so let's not worry about that traitors

district ok oh I upgraded the districts not the not

the place oh ok I didn't know that your chambers

you can deter here you can determine your future clients to think about your

fate lovely come back special o death sire is only the beginning once your

spirit leaves the body you'll be seeing a bright light stay away from it hit for

the darkness and we'll meet again be reborn well I guess we should end the

day I should have put actually the other beige into here because nothing should

offend wait what never mind I lied portal allows you to send mages and

expeditions they will return out to the end of the next tempest and bring

trophies with them neat nice that's kind of cool how do I get more mages I want

to get more mages as I need let's send someone on there I guess hopefully that

was not gonna be a bad choice a lot of damage and then I had this are

okay taste of the wind tear one potion increases limit of ether to the end of

the next serenity about 25% okay oceans can be consumed before the

timbers begins their effect will last fall tempest and can save your life ooh

surprise effect random bonus at the end of the cycle okay sure let's get that

lets go to my inventory up here we'll use this thing drop of elec let's see

what happens to that one hmm okay so raid portal is closed bla bla

bla resistive for damage garrison has taken 33 it takes so much damage at that

place this one what we get in the laboratory you can mix potions oh and

later artefacts at first the process will be unpredictable but later you will

discover more reliable albeit expensive methods well let's go there place potion

to the slot this one place potion into the thought I don't have any okay so

this will become question mark oh now stone elixir increased physical

resistance by 10% okay I actually don't think that's too big of a deal honestly

I think that's actually a really good one mate no wait a sec recall mage recon

wait do I have time I have a fourth mage oh good sweet well let's put I don't

think I should put four on there I don't think that's gonna be a good thing

because I'm not gonna get too much stuff there

well let's definitely put one there this or mmm should I know you know what I'm

gonna send one on the portal thing as well a road to the high tests

sure let's do that send one there and so I guess to get more mages you kind of

just have to wait maybe it seems not totally sure

okay well that received a lot world retreat world tree received 12 damage

great lovely thank you very much I appreciate it

cockroach run the day was the unusually boring was was it not unfortunate day

was unusually boring was it not effort fortunately I happen to have two boxes

with running cockroaches now how about a small bed in which a loser will not be

stingy for a reward I suggest you this part here of what do

you say maybe some different game this option is very well give it to ya'

okay who magical resistance decreased by 10% no dick

tears of the merchants little by one doesn't end up next remedy okay I feel

there's a real point in that why did I get tincture of light increases magical

resistance by 10% okay good goody goody goody okay so let's let's use this

please thank you very much I still have only four flippin mages put another one

into here I guess which one do I love a lot yeah what did the level do oh it

increased the barrier instead of at 50 it's at a hundred nice ok well that's

cool and Dave worm beer gross dangit sorry have you heard what's brewing in

Advent 'im caverns are set on fire and our babies is the owners are beaten they

say all the beer and ale in the city are tainted they say living worms can't come

with every drink and that the beer tastes awful what should we do pour the

beer into the river that's probably a terrible idea

arrest the angry mob arrest the owners world trees received one damn are you

serious if I was tough I have not seen such a brawl for a long time splinters

flew everywhere the stones to the tree also got it great some drunken fools

climbed up on him to break off some limbs we found them all right fresh

founded them all right the damage has already been done this stupid thing so

low the firefly stirs magical barrier each tempest day by 5% sounds very good

combine three potions to create a potion of your choice

what the heck well that's total crap and there goes the friggin tree what the

hell oh all of a sudden we received like 300 friggin damage in one damn thing

sorry like what the heck that's iris on the beginning oh yeah I have for the

darkest both of lucky here beside your dead steel but soon we'll be back

however we may use this time we have wisely where would you like to send your

soul to wander and observe a short unnoticed visit to the past future or

the present choose the way and I'll guide you what is the future so you've

been talking in sleep you've been away for a long time and all that time vision

stormed your brain the future was darkness I was the only word you said

distinctively and loud you screamed it in fact what does that mean

okay so game over following achievements levelled nice okay that's good I guess I

don't know what exactly that does hands down hands down start over store without

aether nice you were dead but not gone let the skin of Bones decay while the

spirit lives on the tree summons you back to middle board science struggle

continues Oh so knowledge plus five percent that's

guards so I I don't know why I have ten percent and 5 percent over here oh well

10 percent is because of mage for the 5 percent here I'm not quite sure what

exactly that means merchants my blaze brought in a merchant sired laughs at

least that's what he calls himself stripped to the skin hungry shaking all

over he says the Gnarls killed his bodyguards and took all the wagons he

had wagons with precious whereas I reckon but the wagons is not what's

troubling the poor fellow it's his daughter who was inside he begged you to

help sire what shall we do he's lying arrest and interrogate how horrible kid

the best Pathfinder to search or send the scouts to investigate let's get the

Pathfinder magical barriers healed 4-0 great well scouts returned with terrible

news merchants don't lie about Gennaro's and his daughter I'm afraid it was a

mess sire we were not telling what we found good news is we've just got a weak

spot in the barrier and the works are under way sometimes good comes from the

bad still sad ok an expensive life my affirmance report the dis a sense guild

received a contract for the head of fat simon gunsmith our garrison we are ready

to act but the order has to be given first um let him defend himself destroy

the guild no we're gonna hide we're gonna hide Simon it's bloody guild not

only did they get away we have also lost Simon what I thought we hit him

do you know what the motto is we'll get out of the ground to take you under

Hecky they really did that this time so I spent two weeks in the dungeon he was

guarded vigilantly only released to visit the restroom there he was killed

someone smacked him so he sat on the you know on the toilet shame about is it

poisonous flash giant worms and the great numbers we had to fight hard to

shake them off our backs now and from under our feet as well if anyone get

stuck stay there Maz that's an order forward ashes to ashes dust to dust

after the attack of verbs the streets and alleys are filled with meat gross

the stench rises above the stones in metal borg and the dog knows what to do

with this carrion but here's carson a cook he offered to make goulash for the

whole garrison he says he will stoop half of the carcass on the meat it's

quite legible he says sure feed the garrison the healers are cursing our

names they work double shifts to cure those who had tasted worms make money

delicious as it but my poisonous as well well I guess I should have known it said

poisonous flesh what do you want for me ah so the achievements you get are what

do the different things so this one here in Greece of protection against all

times damage by 15% if the cycle is started without ether that's not a

search party - itis

Wow that was like one of the first times and absolutely nothing happened

hopefully this one's a good one as well nothing happens never mind

red mas troubles again my lord every day I received reports about poor quality

products in our market cheese meat even milk we inspected all the goods they

were covered with strange mold of a fiery red shade I suspect this is

someone's evil intent well we'll be your next move confiscate substandard

products I hope God garrison takes more damage great riot broke out due to the

shortage of food that crashed half the market before the soldiers arrived in

time fricking well that's unfair I'm glad I upgraded this district this time

everything died everything went to crap how do I get a new mage I think this is

no literally impossible because like these things are permanently at such a

such a low amount like this one I'll never be able to upgrade this this the

level of this to increase the barrier to 100 so the world treats is gonna be

constantly getting damaged I just watch like there's that then we get another

thing yep goodbye world tree one more thing

come on let's go yet let's kill everything frickin hell no strangers

black coating like dead me wrong the I something a goal around a returnee let's

invite him for a time garrison gars why is it like how do I know what does what

well I can't say no I'm glad you sent me for me ruler I have a proposition for

you two of your kind fresh alive I mean mages preferably ones like his tongue so

I will make you discount three green leaves of the trees of the deal what I

refuse no screw that physical ink resistance increased by 20%

good I'm glad is that like a permanent buff now they the baby Unitas no I just

say the gloomy world under the sky of stone with pools of blue light in the

eternal darkness well so be it on one of the deep tears of atheists I I just I

don't know we found a baby he lay here on diapers above him the dried-up husk

of a woman child looks healthy and only huge milky white honey's betraying a

spawn of chaos Care Act's offered to kill the infant have ways for your

command a gentle Sunbeam touches the alabaster tick of the baby and tender

glow protrudes of white veil slides nose eyes and tree rustles quietly creating

and greeting a new mage in the wall of Middleburg well good so we have

another we have a new mage warmbier okay um so pour the beer into the river

you've required a potion acquired a potion saw the firefly great the cursed

gift magnus left baja left a faint trailing to robo the blessed dimension

of white water this will be an easy journey the streams of eternal youth

dried up with the inhabitants of robo did not cease to grow old and ill their

life is now a continuous torment and death is an unattainable relief elder

falls before you on his knees master destroy his tribe why does the person

need immortality of every second is hell and eternal misery reason with the elder

and leave to destroy his tribe why why destroy his tribe is that a good idea

Shai destroy his try or just kill him reason with him yes kill them all Z and

mortals shouted in fear so it's not the first death in their lives they ran away

and disgust and panic but we which came to help in joining the slaughter are you

serious we couldn't help enjoying this oh my god

Wow okay well I'm sorry that's not what I wanted oh that buff was only

temporaries well that's crappy sorry everyone is moping city is more sad than

the goblins mother I think the city might need something to cheer it up

something decent of cars but with a hint of advice I think we can rock the thanks

around here sire a arrange a feast arrange a tournament let's hold a solemn

ritual let's arrange a feast people were working hard for too long getting off

the leash made them almost insane there was an oops and and uh oh and someone

may have probably dropped something valuable

he knows sire losing that artifact should never be so funny well I never

had an artifact so it didn't matter to me Oh girls contained the wisdom of

generations it'll be useful to you in the event if you run into a problem the

scroll can reveal the safest and most profitable solution to it thank you for

the 100 physical damage I appreciate it much Lee can you fully repair and this

is where it all goes to crap how did I get a fourth mage before I want a fourth

mage again okay the green deal orcs are here side the demand their leader and

has no who was kept from her person to be set free they suggest a trade or

there will be fight fight not good let him go I guess I've acquired 400 - whoa

okay good well I mean that means I can repair everything this next time right

white plague tempers seem to have no end at all

wonder how long we'll be able to hold out as my father always said hold on

lads nothing lasts forever of the white play expressed through the city sire

strange is he strange deadly plague doesn't discriminate in matter of hours

or rots you alive the rich and poor alike there's a cure and we use it as

much as possible but there's not enough for everyone who do you want to heal

first nobles or commoners make no difference save the mage I don't know

rumor what's the use in saving a mage you can't heal himself they ask well

there's no way we're gonna explain the reason but the same question will stay

for a while people are feeling the sounds tricked I'm afraid I'm sorry

ooh I went into the tavern or the Academy Oh okay so is that because I

have maximum and no I've obviously gone more um we're done the power it'll be

head reveille innkeeper laughs and the Dean angrily wraps his robe random

citizens are waiting for you answer Academy hope you're happy now bookworm

Pete barkeeper walks down the hall and the please Dean pals before you won't

regret a sign I'm about to finish it well you'll see soon enough it were to

return in the evening with a really tremendous gift ooh

well now I have a some choice I can either upgrade the

Advent um district for 150 or I can upgrade one of the other two for 200 I

don't know what is best probably one of these two probably this one mostly oh

you can put an artifact on the Hall of Fame to get its effect so far only one

size available to you but later you'll help at the second one okay well maybe I

didn't need to do that I guess I don't know chop the tree's branches or

firework no Bernie would you find hmm acquired a scroll voice is the voice of

steel no darker place in the world the signs this place and tracks the rotten

world around and and tracks around facts is a pic full sight just a couple of

decades in the locals will degenerate into terrible amphibians with no future

no past could burn out this infection of outbreak dampness and decay but will be

terribly painful hearing the low post Lord of these Brooke tiles screams out

when he sees the burning potion the mages hands get out of here with their

filthy magic we don't need you around he calls the girls when we retreat hastily

that in the right way this world's not safe anymore

sadly rip town Shelton run but the flames are not to be stopped in Mars

till they say this place we should just go well that's unfortunate

oh don't dig deeper we should seal the pit instead this is exactly like huh

Lord of the Rings here they they dug too deep into the mind and now just boom

boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom drums every day drum in response may be

real tree is healed for 8 well lovely thank you 191 damage wonderful let's

just kill the world tree already shall we come on come on world tree

time to die oh no oh it's amazing ah we didn't lose the world tree how amazing

and wonderful isn't it prepare that repair that all right come on world tree

time to die it's gonna happen this round that's for darn sure

ya see it game over what'd I tell you oh look guards now at eight percent this

is so four hundred that's still three of this is illa five how do you get more

frickin mages that's all I want is it flip flap and mage burners arrives are

fleeing from the table or spoiling a battle this mirror left some of the

militia until it's too late embers is passing townspeople that had to fix its

damage Bergmeister rohrich says it's not enough money the Treasury to pay for

everything at the to sire will be support residential areas where houses

are something else please think everyone is often

impossible save the living quarters firefighters brushed in the narrow

streets and climbed the glowing walls bucket by bucket soon the fires thirst

quench women in children scream but just in fear not in pain

not a single soul been lost on flames sunbeams through the smoke and in DDA's

dawning rural trees receive damage and world tree is already dead bargain

for the girl what does it matter we're dead who cares

start over again it feels you know I feel like this game is it could be

really really fun but right now it's just annoying it's like it's really

impossible to defer game do much of anything at all like you you how do you

get more mages I was able to get a fourth mage the first time I played with

in like two days there are two rounds or whatever the heck you want to call it

and I don't understand what the heck happened not really some ages okay well

someone for mages in the garrison what are you what I lost a mage you have got

to be kidding me but I found another no I didn't find another I lost a mage what

the frickin hell I need for mages it's never gonna happen if I'm losing them

and like friggin I need two more to upgrade this time to kill the world

trade come on die world tree Oh the Oracle as you predict the duration

strength to the next tempest use this information wisely

okay great wonderful what how do you get out of here

difficulty heart length unknown oh great thank you very much I appreciate it

there we go let's kill the World Tree already come on let's do it

sweetie for your story I'm garrison magical bear receive zero damage good

I'm go ahead good bye rotary screw you okay well I'm think I'm kind of done

with this one for now I don't know I I think this game could be really really

fun and it really was to start with but like the difficulty increases way too

quickly and I don't know what the heck it wants from me I somehow got a fourth

me is the first time playing and from then on I haven't gotten any new ones

and then I lose one of course why not I need a I have a quest to get for mages

and I lose a mage instead wonderful I don't know what it wants for me it

doesn't really do a good too great of a job of like explaining what exactly it

wants from you and I think that definitely to improve but that's a

finality all I can't very soon have wonderful day bye bye and God bless hope

you enjoy okay I just want to kind of start recording this a little bit again

and show you guys I've gotten a little bit further I've gotten all these things

up to level 5 now all these districts looks like this round may end up being

close to the end but and what else freaking heck but look we got a fourth

mage now that already happened once before I actually got to 5 mages which

was amazing if you ask me repair for 500 well it looks like this this round

actually wasn't too bad see we've got that we can buy a couple of things if we

wish a storm stone blue protection of that but see there is an achievement for

going so may 8th round without using artifacts 12 rounds without artifacts

see and then 12 rounds without using potions as well so I kind of want to get

those things now I need to send a search party to do whatever that is oh it looks

like I can't I actually can't upgrade these anymore either which is

unfortunate so I literally can't do anything else with the rest of my I

guess that I have stuff that I that I have there Oh Hall of Fame is here okay

heals world trade for three percent and then also what's this thing increase

production of aether by the catcher about 5%

that's good I need more mages now please come on give me more mages all the crap

that took down a lot of health oh come on that was total garbage 500 great for

30 not even full awesome well this is just becoming very unfair now phone bird

chaos Chevelle my goodness I could Magnus possible to go there that place

do dangerous even think about we're in the heart of the Casa del sire and I

have bad news mrs. Kray just empty he left us a sign his ring wasn't printed

on the forehead of a dead guard on guard I mean to escape but our fate is still

unfolding gas mains are closing in I need your advice sire uh disguise we hid

our faces and swords under the black capes and walk past Russian guards

having some sort of prayers they looked at us and surprised and said something

their language we provide nothing and that was the end of our disguise hey

hopefully this doesn't kill them but who's gonna kill the city by evacuating

the mages but it's only supposed to be three days so neither guys managed to be

protected as fast as possible mmm also do you mean to say she's a

magician death the walls of mittelborg Lourdes gnarls now here's a text on his

creatures made the way the gate we have to started almost every last one of them

but retreating monsters drank Petrus youngest mage in their dimension what

should we do it was cynical him to do the job go get pitcher slowly speaks the

chief mage instructing the giant clay figure with obsidian eyes so that walks

away and returns soon afterwards compared to his Petrus unconscious and

with the Giants Garko spamface is hanging from a shoulder he might survive

if he's lucky I think you'll be fine okay well it seems that my potions are

bugged I've purchased a ton of different potions and I can't do anything with

them they are completely freaking bugs that's unfair and I've also had the only

thing that's working as Scrolls so that really sucks I think I've even gotten a

couple of artifacts and those are not able to be used either so hooray

report a bug

all these purchasing artifacts works I know that much now how on earth did

Magnus escape I don't know let's go further up the hill uh go further plug

on through ice and snows in the purse are spreading Dark One's are pushing us

apart and frostbite spear we reached a peak with only half of them and can't

proceed after night and the snow we return for replenishment now wait till

it's over and can't even use this potion it's just

totally glitched out entirely that's really unfortunate easy in a length of

10 oh okay well I I think I'm gonna hand this one here you just kind of want to

show you guys how far I did get now the only thing I need to figure out I guess

is how to get even more aether although it doesn't really matter because you

can't upgrade these things and they hired the only thing now would be mages

and getting more mages apparently you can get up like 30 or something like

that so you know I guess that would be nice and it would be also nice if my

potions weren't completely glitched out but hey yeah

so either way that's it thank you all so much for watching I just kind of want to

show you that so yeah see you again very soon

have a wonderful day bye bye and Godbless and the funny thing is as soon as

I said bye to that I acquired a fifth mage so hooray

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