Congratulations to all spectators New Year holidays.
More recently, Miss channel Katy celebrated 2 years since
creation, and today we have a double reason to celebrate.
First, New Year's Eve on the channel Miss Katy
It was breaking the mark of 3 million subscribers.
This is a great Christmas gift.
Congratulations to Kate, Max and their parents with the achievement of this important point.
A second reason to - it's getting gold buttons on the YouTube channel for Miss Katy,
that Kate received for being on her channel more than 1 000 000 (million) Subscribers
This button will show my colleague a little Santa,
who hid in festive beads.
Subscribe to Kinder Land channel.
All good mood and see you soon.
For more infomation >> 3 000 000 subscribers to the CHANNEL MISS KATY AND GOLD KEY FROM YOUTUBE - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Artist Zayn Malik Live
Love FouseyTube?
How To Be Sneaky Like Batman - Duration: 1:39.
Rice kheer recipe in urdu/hindi | How to make rice kheer | Chawal ki kheer - Duration: 2:44.
Kheer rice recipe in urdu/hindi
Subscribe my channel for more recipes
Top 10 Moments of Respect in Football - Awesome - Duration: 4:26.
Subscribe Us :)
Đầu năm 2017, sao Việt - hot teen nhìn lại một năm thăng trầm - Duration: 4:26.
Thăm biệt thự mới xây, rộng 700 m2 của Lý Hùng - Duration: 4:51.
'Gái nhảy' Minh Thư mặc sexy, đọ sắc với Hồ Ngọc Hà - Duration: 1:29.
Con trai 3 tuổi của Kim Tử Long đáng yêu trên sân khấu - Duration: 2:52.
Những lần các "ngọc nữ" Kpop khiến fan rụng rời vì nhan sắc sân khấu trong năm 2016 - Duration: 2:50.
Chuyện tình bất ngờ của sao Việt trong năm 2016 - Duration: 4:18.
3 000 000 subscribers to the CHANNEL MISS KATY AND GOLD KEY FROM YOUTUBE - Duration: 1:30.
Congratulations to all spectators New Year holidays.
More recently, Miss channel Katy celebrated 2 years since
creation, and today we have a double reason to celebrate.
First, New Year's Eve on the channel Miss Katy
It was breaking the mark of 3 million subscribers.
This is a great Christmas gift.
Congratulations to Kate, Max and their parents with the achievement of this important point.
A second reason to - it's getting gold buttons on the YouTube channel for Miss Katy,
that Kate received for being on her channel more than 1 000 000 (million) Subscribers
This button will show my colleague a little Santa,
who hid in festive beads.
Subscribe to Kinder Land channel.
All good mood and see you soon.
COUB BEST №41 / Лучшие Приколы | Vines vs Coub / #Приколы - Duration: 6:11.
Love Lele Pons?
Perfect Punch Pro By Title
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I NOW Lichtmetalen wielen - Duration: 1:10.
Citroën C2 1.6I-16V VTS 122PK/ Sportstoelen/ ECC/ LMV - Duration: 1:24.
Week 1 • Rob's Lenormand Card Reading - Duration: 4:18.
Welcome to Rob's Lenormand card reading for week 1.
First of all best wishes.
I hope you've spent in appropriately drunkenness.
Or something along those lines.
I'm going to shake a card for you how it is with you.
The card almost ended right up. But anyway upside.
The Stork upside confesses that you are not pregnant.
That saves a lot again.
The Stork is not just for pregnancy. Stork also stands for innovations.
The card upside say you do not want experience new things.
You want to keep everything the same. But that is impossible.
It is now 2017. Everything changes, everything flows.
What is your past recently?
That has made that you do not want to go into that change?
I put him on the head. He landed on his head.
That's the card Rider.
This is your playfulness. That's your inner child.
That is that you are a messenger between heaven and earth.
Since you obviously do not want to.
You dare not face the messenger to be here on Earth.
However, the system goes on.
I'm going to see what is hanging over your head.
What almost to happen in your life.
There is a healing instead of your blockages.
Making starts to flow your energy. That is beautiful.
I wonder how this will develop to your future.
A card on its head. You do not want to have.
New roads open.
You get to see new opportunities in your life.
But because he was on his head. I also put it on his head.
You do not want to change. You want to keep everything the same.
I can not. That is not possible.
What can you do yourself to make you even more open.
Before nevertheless changes are possible in your life.
What's in your freezer? And needed to get out of there?
Two cards upside down. This means the Letter.
You have received a message.
Telephone or a letter from someone. Allowing you to doubt yourself.
The card says Scythes, but you can not say no.
You can only set no limits.
So you run yourself, you've always done. From burnout to burnout.
We're not going to do more. Let us agree to.
You're going to say no if you are tired and do not feel .
As a result, you get more respect from others.
And going to talk again about what bothers you. Dare to do it again.
Remember that letter.
That was just to shake you awake .
Forget that phonecaal which was bad. Dare to go for change.
Suppose you are going to do that. How will eventually expire this foundation?
In the first week of the new year.
The Book open.
Perhaps you touch interested to learn things.
Weather pick up a study or something.
Maybe you found someone to bring out a secret what bothers you.
Make Negotiable. Making blockade which dissolves.
I think it's positive. I find it a nice legging.
I wish you luck this week.
I want to thank you for watching. And like until next week.
Thank you. Bye.
How To Be So Active - Duration: 0:29.
RWBY Abridged Anniversary Special - Duration: 8:16.
Old man (Glynda): *Bored* Hello, welcome to 'Dust Til Dawn'.
We have music, magazines, explosive ammunition. Everything for your one-stop-shop needs.
What are you doing with your arms?
My boss couldn't afford an air dancer so he's having me do it.
But you're inside-
Someone needs to be behind the counter and my boss didn't come in today!
Eh. Still beats working for Walmart.
Roman (Ozpin): Evening, sir. Would you like to buy some Wacky Glackys: Wackiest glasses on Earth?
They're the next big thing.
Then why aren't you wearing any?
Hair gets in the way.
You could just get a new style.
Oh yeah, like I'm gonna take hair advice from Sonic!
Ruby (Yang): *Singing to Katy Perry's "California Gurls"* Bathtubs filled with turtles are uncomfortable!...
I got a street! I bought it on-line!...Shot the pre-si-dent! Now put your hands up!
Hey, kid? Why do you wear so much red?
Cause I'm the Kool-Aid man!
OH YEAH-OH SHIT! *crashes into car*
Well that was different. Quick, get us out of here!
Cinder (Old man): Clear the bridge! Billy, open main water vents!
Oh no.
Prepare to dive!
Sorry about your car, but thanks for the cookies.
Ozpin (Roman): No problem, miss...
Ruby. Like the flower.
Well, Ruby, I can see that you're quite durable and quick to get hit by stuff.
Wanna come to my school? You'll get a free plane ride to drop you off.
*Threatening* Well you'd BETTER have finger painting or I'm taking the BUS!
Yang (Ruby): I don't trust this school, Ruby. I think we should head home.
Aww, but why not?
Glynda (Cinder): Attention new attendees; we're currently experiencing some technical difficulties regarding outside communication.
So if any of you were planning on contacting any LOVED ONES after landing, I'm afraid that it simply won't be possible.
Student #1: Wait, than how are you sending us this?
*Playful* Oh, don't be silly.
I don't have any loved ones on this ship. I'm not a monster.
*Sinister chuckle* Welcome to Beacon.
Ruby: Did she really need a hologram for that?
Well, at least you're still here.
Man, did just sitting at home every day get boring. But now, I'm finally back in school, ready to start learning again!
Weiss (Catgirl): Everything in that pile belongs to Ice Girl. You're mine now.
Blake (Weiss): Really? Ice Girl?
You're not even trying to hide the fact that you stole this character, are you?
Us being similar was just a coincidence. Ice Girl stole nothing.
Wait, I thought it was a reference.
Back in your pile!
Yes, mam.
Hello, students. I am your Headmaster.
Turn to the student on your right. Now your left.
Which of them do you think looks the softest?
Because odds are, before the semster's over, that person will have lost their mind and will try to kill you.
Student #2: But we all look the same.
I know what I said!
Ren (Pyrrha): *Thinking* We just HAD to go to the same school, didn't we?
Can I please have one day without here trying to-?
Nora (Jaune): You know, such a small, innocent girl shouldn't be fighting monsters without a strong, irresistible man to keep her safe.
Ooh, impressive weaponry. *Seductive* I'd like to see what else you're hiding under those clothes.
STOP! Just...stop!
I'm not attracted to you, Nora! I will never be attracted to you! Please just leave me alone!
Woah. Ren, you''re kind of tearing my heart out right now.
I'm...sorry if this is tough for you, but-
Why don't you tear off this heart instead?
Hey, sis. What are you doing back?
*Confused* I DON'T KNOW!
Jaune (Ren): Hey there. Glad I'm not the only one using a normal sword.
Everyone else feels like their sword has to turn into something to be useful.
A sword is all Ice Girl needs. It's like the people here put looking cool over actual skill.
You can have your weapon change into as many things as you want. All that matters is who's the better fighter.
Ice Girl agrees.
Fencing is the slap fight of sword battles.
Ice Girl would still kick your ass in both.
Pyrrha (Nora): Have you two seen a finger lying around?
WOAH! ...*pant* Sorry, I-I didn't see you ther-
-wait, you're missing a finger?!
Yeah, have you seen it? I just got it today.
Ice Girl almost lost a finger once. But past experiences prove that she can handle anything.
You wanna talk experience? You just wait!
By the end of the day, I'll have gone through a LOT more than you will!
Like the infirmary?
This school doesn't have doctors.
I'm a doctor!
Sure. When someone's in pain, I 'make the pain end'.
That makes me a doctor, right?!
How many people have come to you for help?
Usually I'm already there.
Leonidas: TO THE CLIFF!
Well, good luck out there. And remember; second place is still an accomplishment.
You make Ice Girl sick. ...Doctor?
Ice Girl is best patient.
Yang: So what are these plates for again?
They're launch platforms.
I should probably warn you that these things have a tendency to malfunction from time to time.
Oh, the many...MANY horrible...HORRIBLE accidents we've had.
Alright, that's it! Fuck this!
You talk a lot, but you're just trying to scare us! I'm getting o-!
Sometimes the platforms don't activate until the exact moment one of the students takes a step outside the square.
Causing their other leg to tear right off.
Leaving the now bleeding student behind as they try desperately to crawl their way back to safety.
Weiss: Wait, you're alive?
I see ya.
Jaune: Oh God. Alright, fine! Use the spear! I don't care if I get stabbed again! Just please catch me!
Pyrrha: Ha-HAH!
Yang: *Stab* OW! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Jaune: PYRRHA, YOU DU-! *splat*
Oh, hey Jaune!
Well, we're partners now. Wanna play a game?
Ice Girl has a game. It's called 'Ruby gets tied to a tree and is left to die'.
I am so gonna win that!
So like fruit picking? Cause this one's feeling ripe.
Sorry, forgot to ask. Do you need help?
I'd appreciate it!
Do you wanna take one and I take one?
Sure! Whatever! Just get down here!
You have to pick me first.
Ice Girl is above all of youuuuuu!
*Ha-HAH-ing the 'Jurassic Park' theme*
We have TWO giant Grimm here to kill us?!
Yeah, this seems about right for me.
Nora: HIGH HO, URSA-Aww, it tripped and died.
Man, these things are NOT as threatening as they really should be.
Did...she ride that thing here?!
*Out of breath* That's nothing. You should've seen her earlier...when she was...riding my snake.
Blake: *grossed-out* EUGH!
Phew, that was close. Alright, let's go!
Where are we going?
I know a safe place.
Look, the sign said-!
Wait, where are the other guys?
On the bri-
-ttish Isles. ...They took a vacation.
Anyway, right now we gotta focus on killing this-!
Ice Girl has a new game.
*excited* Really?!
Dang it, I lost!
Ladies and gentlemen...
for her unrivaled leadership skills, I hereby give the title of Team Captain to Ruby Rose.
And the name of her team shall be Team RWBY.
Furthermore, Beacon Academy will now be known as Ruby Academy.
Blake: You deserve it, Ruby! I take back everything bad I said about you.
You have earned Ice Girl's respect. We are now friends. Let us share all of her money.
I'm so happy you're my sister!
Let's all hear it for Ruby!
Thank you! Thank you all!
Ruby: *Narrating* At last, I had everything I had ever wanted in life.
Now you'd think that's where the story would end.
But as me and my friends stood there proudly, listening to the roaring crowd behind us...
I knew that our adventure...was just beginning.
'RWBY: The Abridged Series' Ruby: So, what do you think?
I know it's only one chapter, but don't worry!
I got the next forty nine all planned out and I'm already working on a sequel!
'RWBY: The Abridged Series' Blake: Ruby?
Why did you describe my voice as Pee-wee Herman's falsetto?
Well with fan fiction, you gotta take SOME liberties when following the official canon.
Creative freedom is very important, you know.
Well? Any critiques on how I can make it better?
You wanna know how to make the story better? Take out all the words that have 'Blake' in them...
...and then burn it.
*Stuck-up* See, sis? SHE didn't complain about the pacing.
Baofeng Mojing IV Unboxing and Review - Android Version (English subs available) - Duration: 5:35.
Hi everyone and welcome to the first episode of V i P Reviews.
VR headsets have raided the tech market since 2014
specially after Google made their first VR headset, "Google Cardboard"
and since then we have seen lots of brands and different designs of them.
I'm Mohammed Ali, and this is the unboxing & review of the Baofeng Mojing IV VR headset, stay tuned ..
Welcome back. let's first open the box and see what's inside.
First item is the VR headset
the head strap, and I will show you how to attach it
and the remote control which comes with 2 "AAA" batteries.
back to the VR headset
here is the compartment which we put the phone into
inside we will find a piece of cloth to clean the lenses
and a paper guide which shows us how to insert phones with screen sizes less than 5.2 inches
and the user manual which explains how to you use the VR headset.
*giggles* and here's a user manual written in Chinese which I can't understand!
back to the VR headset again
the VR headset is made of hard plastic, with an elegant theme of black and white colors
the phone compartment contains two magnets to close firmly on the phone
and it comes with an opened front to be able to use the camera with apps that supports it
it also contains two rubber pieces to hold the phone firmly in place and prevent it from sliding
and if you're using a phone case, I recommend that you remove it while using the headset
or easily remove the two rubber pieces, which will give you more room to fit your phone
on top there's a knob which controls the distance between the lenses, turn it until you see a clear picture
the eye rest piece is also made of rubber, and its depth makes it easily for people with glasses to use it
and its depth makes it easily for people with glasses to use it
and the nose piece is also covered with rubber to prevent any pain due to long usage.
the head strap has cushions from the inside, which makes it comfortable to wear
and here's how you can attach it to the headset
and to remove it, you simply press here and pull it
and here's a knob which allows you to tighten or loosen the strap
just pull the knob and turn it left or right until you reach the desired wideness
then push the knob back in and the strap will lock
to use the remote, you first open the back cover and insert the batteries
and connecting it to the phone is made via bluetooth
you just turn it on by pressing and holding the power button
and it will automatically pair with the phone
then you enter the password "0000" and hit Connect
now we can use any VR app, and in this video I will be using "Sites in VR"
the app is very simple to use, with tons of high quality scenes
and you can download it for free from the Play Store
the download link is going to be in the description box below, and I highly recommend it for anyone how owns a VR headset
the VR headset is available on, and it costs around 35-40 US Dollars
and if you're interested in purchasing it, the link will be in the descreption box below
now for my overall opinion
the build quality is very good
and the image quality is good but not great
I've used it for two months and I'll rate it 8/10
and that's for 2 reasons
first reason is weight, as it weighs approx. 390gm with the head strap attached
which could cause some pain with long usage
the second reason is that it doesn't have the mechanism to move the lenses near or far from the eyes
which could cause some troubles for people with glasses
should you buy it or not?
yes if you're interested in the whole VR world idea
but I recommend that you wait for the release of the 5th version
which will have significant improvements on the lenses and the headset generally.
this was my opinion about Baofeng Mojing IV
and I hope I helped you make a choice
don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more tech videos to come
How To Be Successful In A Date For Girls - Duration: 2:15.
How To Be Successful At Writing - Duration: 3:46.
How To Be So Pretty - Duration: 0:40.
How To Be Soulless - Duration: 0:32.
How To Be Someone He Can T Ignore - Duration: 1:16.
How To Be Strong During Breast Cancer Treatment - Duration: 0:45.
How To Be Smart On The Internet - Duration: 2:16.
How To Be Successful In Highschool How To Plan For Your Future - Duration: 3:06.
How To Be Stylish Even On A Budget - Duration: 3:41.
Christmas Haul of 2016 l Thank you - Duration: 4:38.
whats up everyone
im Lizchelle
#DdVotr 146 - Buon anno a tutti! ^_^ - Duration: 8:27.
3 000 000 subscribers to the CHANNEL MISS KATY AND GOLD KEY FROM YOUTUBE - Duration: 1:30.
Congratulations to all spectators New Year holidays.
More recently, Miss channel Katy celebrated 2 years since
creation, and today we have a double reason to celebrate.
First, New Year's Eve on the channel Miss Katy
It was breaking the mark of 3 million subscribers.
This is a great Christmas gift.
Congratulations to Kate, Max and their parents with the achievement of this important point.
A second reason to - it's getting gold buttons on the YouTube channel for Miss Katy,
that Kate received for being on her channel more than 1 000 000 (million) Subscribers
This button will show my colleague a little Santa,
who hid in festive beads.
Subscribe to Kinder Land channel.
All good mood and see you soon.
Learn English - Weekly Tip 12 for Russian Speakers - to 'see' or 'have' a dream? (with subtitles) - Duration: 1:57.
Hi all, and welcome back to 'One English Tip
in One Minute for Russian Speakers' where
each week I go through, in detail, one
common English mistake made by Russian
speakers who are learning English. This
is video number 12.
Good for you for working to improve
your English. I totally admire and
respect it. In these videos I show you a
slide and, on the slide, there are two
sentences: One is the correct way that
someone who speaks English as a mother
tongue would say it,
the other is the wrong way that many
Russian speakers who are learning
English say it. Your task is to decide
which one is correct. Do that now. Read
the sentences, think about them, pause the
video if you have to and I will discuss
the answer in the slide that follows
this slide.
If you got it wrong, it simply means --
or if you guessed right, but it was a
wild guess and you don't know why you got it
write -- it simply means that you need to
start studying this structure. To
start you on that path, I've given you
three sentences in the following slide.
Study the sentences as a whole, review
them and put into practice what you've
learned through speaking and/or writing.
OMG! NEW UPDATE LEAKS IN CLASH OF CLANS!Invisible Spell IceWizard NEW TROOP UPDATE||Ghost Troop - Duration: 10:23.
Clash of Clans Invisible Spell,Troop
Love FouseyTube?
The Bye Bye Man
Tripod Giveaway! - Duration: 3:15.
hey guys! what's up! In today's video we
are going to do something special ... from
this video's name only
you all know what it is!! Yes! that's right
we are going to give away a tripod!! I
know many of you have your own tripod
but there are some small youtubers like
me who don't have one so for them who
want this stick around for some time or
head over to the description area to see
what you have to do to stand a chance to
get this tripod
here are two tripods out of which i'm
going to give away one of them if you
want to get your hands on the tripod
here are the things you can do subscribe
to this channel and comment below follow
us on twitter and follow our Facebook
page more details are in the description
let's open the the tripod and show you
guys how good this is
we also get a smartphone holder with
this i will also give this away along with the tripod
Let's keep this one aside...
Now I am going to give a little
demo... first let's connect the smartphone
holder with the tripod
Now let's attach
a smartphone with the holder
let's set it up
the tripod is really strong and it has a
kind of 360 degree movement at the top
as for the legs you can bend them as you
wish to take photos or record videos
from different angles
that's all guys if you have liked this
video please hit that like button and
subscribe to our Channel
Ahora Puedes Ver Videos HDR En Youtube | Nuevo Formato Para Youtube | Formato X - Duration: 2:41.
Learn English - Weekly Tip 12 for Russian Speakers - to 'see' or 'have' a dream? (with subtitles) - Duration: 1:57.
Hi all, and welcome back to 'One English Tip
in One Minute for Russian Speakers' where
each week I go through, in detail, one
common English mistake made by Russian
speakers who are learning English. This
is video number 12.
Good for you for working to improve
your English. I totally admire and
respect it. In these videos I show you a
slide and, on the slide, there are two
sentences: One is the correct way that
someone who speaks English as a mother
tongue would say it,
the other is the wrong way that many
Russian speakers who are learning
English say it. Your task is to decide
which one is correct. Do that now. Read
the sentences, think about them, pause the
video if you have to and I will discuss
the answer in the slide that follows
this slide.
If you got it wrong, it simply means --
or if you guessed right, but it was a
wild guess and you don't know why you got it
write -- it simply means that you need to
start studying this structure. To
start you on that path, I've given you
three sentences in the following slide.
Study the sentences as a whole, review
them and put into practice what you've
learned through speaking and/or writing.
3 000 000 subscribers to the CHANNEL MISS KATY AND GOLD KEY FROM YOUTUBE - Duration: 1:30.
Congratulations to all spectators New Year holidays.
More recently, Miss channel Katy celebrated 2 years since
creation, and today we have a double reason to celebrate.
First, New Year's Eve on the channel Miss Katy
It was breaking the mark of 3 million subscribers.
This is a great Christmas gift.
Congratulations to Kate, Max and their parents with the achievement of this important point.
A second reason to - it's getting gold buttons on the YouTube channel for Miss Katy,
that Kate received for being on her channel more than 1 000 000 (million) Subscribers
This button will show my colleague a little Santa,
who hid in festive beads.
Subscribe to Kinder Land channel.
All good mood and see you soon.