Dear 2016,
Thank you for all the places I visited
Thank you for all the emotions I've experienced
Thank you for all the beautiful people I have met
Thank you for making my love even stronger and bigger
Thank you for all you have taught me
and for all that is yet to come
Welcome 2017!
For more infomation >> #BestOf2016 ❤ ELISABETTA PISTONI - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
the city of misteri buffi - Duration: 2:54.
This book
was written together
me and Mrs Manin, I call her
me and Giuseppina Manin
she is an amazing journalist
We are really worried
because we began
with the telling of paradoxical, impossible stories
Sometimes we stopped and thought about
"Who is going to believe that the history
will evolve in such a crazy, absurd way
beyond the grotesque?"
And so we went ahead
We let it to take our hands, four hands
Because we work in two
But we had fun
Olhar do Riso - Especial de Ano Novo "Erros de Gravação" (Special new year bloopers) - Duration: 3:10.
Special new year bloopers
We want to thank all of you who have honored our channel
You have to have patience is a lot of patience
This text is mine
What is yours is also my Carvalho.
What's mine is mine?
what's mine is yours?
So you can pay my debts
You can pay that shirt is still with the label has not yet been paid
I just have something to say
me too
happy New Year
Wishing you all a happy new year
Metas Literárias para 2017 - Duration: 3:24.
A REPUBLICA / A HOUSEMATE (2015) - Short Film - Duration: 13:10.
Are you ready for the last class? ...Skinny.
You are
a piece of shit.
What about our agreement?
Do you have a cigarette?
So it's here.
Where a man hide his secrets?
Speak louder
I can't hear you.
Which secret?
What a pitty.
Are you confused, huh?
Buddy Jorge!
Check this out.
Today, a client asked me...
Hey Jorge!
Are you ok, buddy?
I'm fine.
Come here, you are not ok.
Sit here buddy.
What's the name the thing you are writing?
It's by tomorrow.
Relax, Jorge.
I have a story
that can help you.
You have a story
that can help me?
You have a story that can help me.
Which story?
A story based on true events.
Are you crazy?
I work tomorrow.
and the Oscars goes to...
No, your idiot.
It's by tomorrow, idiot.
You know what
go back to sell your trash...
What the hell are you wearing?
Sorry, I didn't sleep much.
It's done.
You agreed to finish all a long time ago.
Always late!
That's the left payment
and an upfront for the next.
Who is Madalena?
Madalena is my grandma, whatever
Who the hell cares about?
Don't piss me off, take this
Excuse-me, Mr.Jarbas is here.
Damn, already?
What are you waiting for?
Get out! Out!
I can't believe!
They are kidding me?
What a mess!
Sorry, I didn't know Rafa had a guest.
Which Rafa?
Laywer, good looking.
Never heard.
Anyway, let me introduce myself.
I'm Jorge.
I'm Madalena.
Happy New Year 2017, wishes in hindi, images, whatsapp video download, animation, greetings, photo - Duration: 1:10.
Happy New Year 2017, wishes in hindi, images, whatsapp video download, animation, greetings, photo
Happy New Year 2017, wishes in hindi, images, whatsapp video download, animation, greetings, music - Duration: 1:14.
Happy New Year 2017, wishes in hindi, images, whatsapp video download, animation, greetings, music
YILBAŞI ÖZEL / (Jingle Bells) - Türkçe - Duration: 3:27.
Pourquoi et comment j'ai décidé d'arrêter le maquillage - Duration: 11:39.
Netatmo Welcome - Duration: 3:20.
Check Out We Love You
'La La Land' Trailer
Ailee - Don't Forget Me | 에일리 - 나를 잊지 말아요 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2016.12.31] - Duration: 5:38.
("Don't Forget Me" by Ailee)
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ Even this very moment in which I leave you ♪
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ I'm going to come back ♪
♪ Even after days pass, even after months pass ♪
♪ Even after years pass ♪
♪ If I leave you now ♪
♪ When shall I come back to you? ♪
♪ I really don't want to say goodbye ♪
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ Even after years pass ♪
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ I'm going to come back ♪
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ Even this very moment in which I leave you ♪
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ I'm going to come back ♪
♪ Even after days pass, even after months pass ♪
♪ Even after years pass ♪
♪ If I leave you now ♪
♪ When shall I come back to you? ♪
♪ I really don't want to say goodbye ♪
♪ Don't ♪
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ Even after years pass ♪
♪ Please don't forget me ♪
♪ I'm going to come back ♪
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ I'm going to come back ♪
♪ Don't forget me ♪
♪ I'm going to come back ♪
(Diva who draws you in the more you listen)
("Don't Forget Me" by Ailee)
Thank you.
ASTRO - Don't Look Back | 아스트로 - 돌이키지마 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2016.12.31] - Duration: 4:24.
Let's go!
Let's go, ASTRO!
("Don't Look Back" by ASTRO)
♪ This is a new beginning ♪
♪ I can't afford to miss a single moment ♪
♪ I see it each day I open my eyes ♪
♪ Don't look back anymore ♪
♪ Those times have past ♪
♪ It's in the past so leave them be ♪
♪ It's a waste of time, don't waste time like that ♪
♪ Just let it go with ease ♪
♪ The past is in the past so don't obsess over it ♪
♪ Find peace in promises you make with yourself ♪
♪ Don't look back anymore ♪
♪ I have to go now ♪
♪ Even the stars in the sky are asking me to come ♪
♪ I've been in your heart for some time ♪
♪ Don't look back ♪
♪ Don't look back ♪
♪ Don't look back ♪
Dance time!
Hey, hey, hey!
♪ Even the stars in the sky are asking me to come ♪
♪ I've been in your heart for some time ♪
Do you want to sing with me?
One, two, three! Let's go!
♪ Even the stars in the sky are asking me to come ♪
All together!
♪ I've been in your heart for some time ♪
♪ Don't look back ♪
♪ Don't look back ♪
♪ Let the past go, don't hold on ♪
♪ Don't think about it, it'll only hurt you ♪
♪ Make you sad ♪
♪ I know you'll want to look back at least once ♪
♪ It's okay, it's in the past, believe in yourself ♪
♪ Don't look back ♪
♪ Even the stars in the sky are asking me to come ♪
♪ I've been in your heart for some time ♪
♪ Don't look back ♪
(Recharging our energy by 100%)
("Don't Look Back" by ASTRO)
Opel Zafira 1.6T 125KW/170PK | AUTOMAAT | COSMO | 7 PERSOONS - Duration: 1:52.
HELP! My Ants Are Being Eaten Alive By Mites! | A New Year's Special - Duration: 17:47.
Hey wait a second here...
Guys do you see something funny?
Those workers look kinda strange.
See those bumps on their body?
What is that?
I hope that isn't what I think it is.
Oh my God, guys.
I can't believe what I'm seeing!
How did the Golden Empire contract mites?!
Please subscribe to my channel, and hit the bell button, too, and welcome to the AC Family.
In ant keeping, as the caregiver of your pet ant colony, you can try your best to control
every aspect of your colony's life.
You control their living space or what they live in, the temperature and humidity conditions
in which they live, you control their diet, you can even keep their world as aesthetically
beautiful and pristine as you possibly can.
But sometimes, there may be things that might be out of your control, things that quite
literally slip through the cracks.
Like when something alien from the outside, enters into your colony's universe and infiltrates
the ant matrix.
When this happens, everything you and the ants have built together becomes exposed and
vulnerable to these unexpected visitors.
In many cases the unexpected vistors could be friendly or indifferent, but in other cases,
they can be malevolent and unwelcome agents like infectious diseases, viruses, fungi,
or parasites.
I first came to notice these unexpected vistors as I watched my Yellow Crazy Ant colony, which
you guys named The Golden Empire, seem to rather be undewhelmed by their cockroach and
jam meals that I gave to them as Christmas gifts.
Something was off.
I didn't know if they just weren't feeling my gift offerings, or if there was something
wrong, so I took a closer look at the colony.
Looking into the nest, the colony seemed normal.
There were lots of workers and indeed the brood appeared healthy.
The Golden Empire's 3 queens were still in tact and alive.
But then I looked into their water test tubes, and that's when I saw our unwelcome aliens.
Mites, and a lot of them.
See them on the ants' bodies?
For ant keepers, spotting mites is similar to discovering a strange mark or growth on
your body.
It's alarming and you know it shouldn't be there, and you try to assess what it means.
Some mites can be good and beneficial, like those that simply eat the ants' garbage.
I see them in the Dark Knights' nests congregating in their garbage rooms where they feed on
the colony's refuse.
In this case, it is a mutualistic symbiosis, but then as mentioned there are times when
the relationship isn't so co-operative.
It is well-known in ant keeping, that parasitic mites can wipe out an entire ant colony very
Remember this newly acquired Camponotus colony from several videos back?
We spotted some parasitic mites on them.
Well, here's an update: they were all completely dead the following week.
The queen never laid eggs, and the workers died one by one, as the mites feasted on their
blood through soft tissues in their leg joints, necks, and gasters.
Judging from the ants in these water test tubes, the mite infestation was severe.
Every single member of the Golden Empire had dozens of mites of different sizes stuck to
their bodies.
The mites also lived in their tubes, inside the nest, likely their outworld, and I could
even see them being able to squeeze out of the formicarium and wander the outside of
the Golden Empire's setup.
So gross!
Obviously, from a scientific standopoint, they didn't come out of nowhere.
The mites must have entered this colony from somewhere.
Let's look at the possibilities.
First, they could have come in through a Trojan Horse of some sort.
My guess was a mite or mites may have latched on to the body of one of the Golden Empire's
prey insects, placed into the outworld at some point, thereby giving the mite access
to the colony and the nest.
Second, they could have come in through the ants themselves.
I was looking through some older footage of the Golden Empire when they first moved into
their setup and I did notice something strange on the gaster of one of the queens.
See that strange bump?
At the time, I considered that maybe that was a mite, but brushed it off as possibly
debris because in some shots the thing disappeared.
ISo if if it was a mite, it could have went on to become the ancestor to all of these
mites that now affect the entire colony.
Third, the mite could simply have been a lone wanderer having made its way into the Golden
Empire's setup from the outside somehow.
However the mites got in, they needed to be dealt with immediately.
I spoke to my good ant keeper friend Drew, remember our GAN Farmer from California?
Well, he sent me photos of his ants from the past that had mites.
He informed me that his experience with parasitic mites was like most ant keepers', and that
was that once he spotted one of his colonies had parasitic mites it only took a few days
for the ant colony to die out.
Indeed, not what I wanted to hear at all.
However, he also showed me a peculiar photo he took under a microscope of an ant that
had some other mites that were not harming or feeding off the ant nor causing any colony
They were described as "phoretic" mites, meaning the mites would hitch rides on the ants to
and from their food sources, but weren't actually parasitic nor feeding from the ants' blood.
Hmmm... this made me think.
Could it be that these mites were phoretic and beneficial mites to the Golden Empire
eating the ants' garbage and using the ants for nothing more than transporting mounts?
If that was the case, that would be pretty darn cool!
Afterall, it didn't seem the colony was dwindling in numbers yet.
If not and these were indeed deadly, parasitic mites feeding from the Golden Empire's blood
or hemolymph (the technical term for insect blood) then the Golden Empire, if consistent
with ant keeper testimonies, had just a few days to live.
I just had to wait a few days to see if they would dwindle in numbers and die out.
Meanwhile, I couldn't just do nothing.
I had to do everything I could to help the Golden Empire.
I had to do more research.
It seems there isn't a whole lot of info about parasitic ant mites, at least not readily
available through online articles.
So, I tapped into the best info pool source I knew, you guys, the AC Family.
I asked you on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram if any of you had experience with
getting rid of ant mites.
By the way, guys, if you haven't yet, please take the time to follow us and like us on
these three platforms so we can stay connected.
I've put links in the description box.
Now, the response was amazing!
You guys gave some super helpful suggestions.
Thank you so much!
So, a lot of you guys suggested that adding citrus fruits like lemon to their setup could
eradicate the mites.
This to me seemed like a simple option, and though I didn't understand the science of
it, I couldn't afford to wait, so I bought some lemons and got straight to work.
Here was my plan.
In the middle of this tube, I was going to attach this AC Test Tube Portal v2, and inside
it place a slice of lemon.
I was also going to attach this test tube setup full of lemon juice.
I didn't know if it was the juice or the slice of lemon that would cause the mites to be
deterred so I wanted to expose the ants to both.
Here we go guys.
Let's deal with those pestering mites shall we?
AC Family, the Golden Empire needs us.
Cutting the tube and attaching our AC Test Tube Portal here and yuck, just the thought
of the mites infesting this tube spilling out onto my fingers makes me shiver in disgust.
I made sure to use disinfecting wipes to clean up all debris and escaped mites.
I alsop proceeded to place a slice of lemon in the outworld of the Golden Empire.
AC Family, let's watch what happens.
The very first ant has discovered the lemon and she's called her sisters over.
Word spreads fast that something strange is just outside the nest.
Ants coming from the outworld also approached the lemon, but strangely it seems the ants
don't want to come in contact with it at all.
May God help the Golden Empire.
The next day, it seemed as though the ants got over their lemon-phobia.
Ants were inspecting the AC Test Tube Portal and crawling over the lemon slice.
Still no interest in the lemon juice test tube setup, though, but it seems the ants
piled some garbage and dead bodies in that tube overnight.
Looking into the outworld, the same was true.
It looked like ants were actually congregating around our slice of lemon.
I don't know if the ants enjoyed the added moisture of the lemon slice or if there was
indeed something in the lemon that was relieving the ants perhaps of the discomfort caused
by the mites.
I could only speculate at this point.
Looking at the tubes now, I could still see mites, but I did catch ants grooming themselves
and each other.
This to me was a very promising sign.
Perhaps the lemon was somehow making it easier for the ants to rid their bodies of the mites,
or causing the ants to want to groom more?
Again just speculation.
The other tube connecting the nest and outworld was our control study.
I purposely did not attach any lemon to this tube in order to help determine if the lemon
had any real effect on our mite problem, and indeed, this control tube was still riddled
with mites.
I planned on continuing to have this tube be our control by keeping it un-lemoned.
Based on all this, I figured perhaps it was too early to tell if the lemons were actually
working at getting rid of our mites.
Meanwhile, I had to do more.
So, I made sure to change the hydration medium in the colony's Hybrid Nest, and made sure
they continued to have fresh hydration medium over the next few weeks.
And I also decided to change their water test tubes much more frequently.
I also resolved to only let food lay around in the outworld for 1 or 2 days max.
Everything needed to be extra clean now.
Now, let's fast forward to one week later...
The ants were finally warming up to our lemon juice test tube.
Our lemon slice was now kinda dried up so I had to replace it.
Oh no, this slice was a little big.
Looks like we're going to have to settle with a little lemon juice pond at the bottom there.
As for the tube a week later, I was surprised to note that it did look much cleaner with
less mites!
Could this mean that the lemon is working?
Looking into the outworld, I found this interesting!
The ants were eating their food on the lemon.
See that cockroach they've dragged up there?
So what could this mean?
So far we still don't know if these mites are parasitic or if they are just eating the
ants' food and garbage.
If the mites were indeed repelled by the lemon, could this behaviour of the ants eating by
the lemon be the Golden Empire's way of controling the mites, by making sure they don't get at
their food?
And if so, could this then be a sign that the mites aren't parasitic afterall, but instead
phoretic, but also somehwat of a nuissance to the Golden Empire?
It's been a week and the colony is still alive and thriving, so could we safely conclude
then these mites aren't the lethal parasitic kind?
So many questions, but overall it seemed like 1 week with 2 slices of lemon was producing
visible results, so it was time to increase their dosage!
I cut up more slices of lemon and completely filled up their outworld.
I know it looked a bit more crowded now but this needed to be done.
Ant mites aren't a widely researched topic, so we needed to do this in the name of science.
We are all now officially scientists hoping to make a discovery to see if lemon will eradicate
an ant mite problem.
Exciting stuff.
The next day, looking into their water test tube, somehow it seemed the ants looked healthier,
still with mites, but perhaps with less mites.
But what shocked me the most was this.
Droves of Golden Empire workers congregating in the tubes.
Our control tube still with tonnes of mites, not so crowded.
The sight was amazing, and perplexing.
So AC Family, here's where I need your help again.
My questions are as follows:
1) Do you think the lemon therapy is working and should we continue this regimen?
2) Do you think these mites might be beneficial to the ants and we should stop this lemon
therapy all together?
3) Should we mix this lemon therapy with some other treatment, and what treatments do you
suggest we try?
Let your answer be heard AC Family by voting on this icard poll here, and if you choose
option 3 please leave some suggestions in the comments section for ideas.
[I have been thinking additional treatments like giving the Golden Empire a huge terrarium
natural nest to give them a much more open and natural setup.
I have also considered releasing predatory mites to eat these mites.
Or maybe we should just leave the mites and allow them to live on the Golden Empire ants'
I would hate to see these amazing ants die.
Please help me decide our next step in this Golden Empire Saga.
AC Family, the Golden Empire depends on us.
Thank you guys so much for watching this video!
Now although the Golden Empire isn't off to a great start into the new year, I would like
to wish you all a Happy and joyous New Year 2017.
I look forward to another epic year with you guys, the AC Family, further exploring and
discovering the amazing world of ants!
For those of you who haven't subscribed yet please do join us by hitting that subscribe
This channel relies heavily on you, the viewers, and the fate of these ants depends greatly
on you the AC Family.
We upload a brand new video every Saturday at 8AM EST, and we also upload hidden videos
like this one here, where you can simply do more ant watching with less of me talking!
We call those who watch these videos, the Inner Colony.
This week's Inner Colony hidden video is of the ants reacting to lemons for the first
On this channel, we have also taught hundreds of thousands of people how to keep pet ant
colonies, so we welcome all of you guys to watch our free tutorial videos on this channel,
join this neat hobby, and check out our professional ant keeping gear at our shop.
And of course we can't end the video without the AC Question of the Week.
Last week we asked:
The honey into which the Dark Knights' cockroaches were dipped came from what country?
Congratulations to Jad Gamerz who correctly answered Canada!
Congratulations, Jad, you just won a free AC Test Tube Rack v2 from our shop!
And for this week's question of the week we ask:
What is the techincal term for insect blood?
Leave your answer in the comments section and you could win a free ebook handbook from
our shop which contains everything you need to know about ant keeping and in my opinion,
is a literary necessity for any new ant keeper.
Until next week, AC Family, it's ant love forever!
thirst - Duration: 0:10.
I don't need you.
I don't need you.
I don't need you.
I don't need you.
But I waaaant you.
40 Disney's Frozen Facts You Probably Didn't Know l ArcadeRaid - Duration: 15:28.
Frozen is one of the highest grossing and one of the most popular movies in the world.
Released in 2013 it has captured the hearts of many people with a majority being children.
But how much do you actually know about Disney's Frozen.
Welcome to ArcadeRaid, I'm Darnley, and today let's go through 40 very interesting
things that you may not have known about Disney's Frozen.
Frozen About two sisters living in Arendale.
Both are princesses, but one has powers.
Elsa is the one with the powers, she is living in solitude, because she has no control over
Elsa was able to keep her powers a secret from her sister, Anna, but she lost control
of them at a coronation.
Turned Arendale into winter forever by accident, and flees.
It is Anna's job to get her back to stop the eternal winter.
When the gates open during "For The First Time in Forever," there is a cameo of Rapunzel
and Eugene (Flynn) from Tangled (2010).
Rapunzel has short, brown hair and is wearing a purple and pink dress (her celebration dress
at the end of 'Tangled'), and Eugene is wearing a maroon vest and a brownish sash.
They both the screen from the left.
The characters of Hans, Kristoff, Anna and Sven are a reference to Hans Christian Andersen,
the author of The Snow Queen.
Try saying their names very fast and you'll hear the resemblance.
According to Jennifer Lee, Anna is 18 years old in the film, while both Elsa and Kristoff
are 21 years old and Hans is 23 years old.
Idina Menzel auditioned for the part of Rapunzel in Disney's previous fairytale, Tangled (2010).
Even though Menzel didn't get the part, a Disney casting director recorded her audition
and two years later, it got her the part of Elsa.
Elsa is the second animated Disney princess to become a Queen during a film, and the first
animated Disney princess to be crowned Queen on-screen.
(Princess Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) was first but her coronation happens
According to actor Josh Gad, a handful of Olaf's dialog in the film was improvised to
make the producers laugh.
A live reindeer was brought into the animating studio for animators to study its movements
and mannerisms for the reindeer character, Sven.
Co-director Jennifer Lee said it was the best moment during production for her.
In early designs, the giant Snow Monster that Elsa creates was a giant version of Olaf,
who addressed him as "little brother."
But it was later decided that although it was cute and kind of funny, it ultimately
looked a bit dumb.
In addition to being the first woman to direct a full-length Disney animated feature film,
Jennifer Lee also became the first woman to solely write an entire screenplay for a Disney
animated film since Linda Woolverton for Beauty and the Beast (1991).
Kristen Bell stated that with this film, she has fulfilled a lifelong dream of voicing
an animated character ever since she saw The Little Mermaid (1989) and Aladdin (1992) as
a kid.
When she was around that same age, she recorded a voice box where she sang a couple of songs
from The Little Mermaid, including "Part of Your World."
Her Little Mermaid vocal tracks were part of the reason why she got the part of Anna,
as director Jennifer Lee said to her that if she hadn't recorded her own vocal tracks
from Mermaid, it would've been very difficult to the find the right one to play Anna.
For the song "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?", three different actresses respectively provided
the singing voice of Anna: Katie Lopez as Young Anna, Agatha Lee Monn as Teenage Anna,
and Kristen Bell as Anna.
Agatha is the daughter of the film's writer/director Jennifer Lee and Katie is the daughter of
its songwriters Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez.
Upon winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, Frozen (2013) became
the first full-length Disney (non-Pixar) animated feature film to win the award for the category
after the studio was nominated four times before.
Frozen is also the first Disney animated feature film to win a Golden Globe since Tarzan (1999),
also directed by Chris Buck.
The production crew went to Norway on a two-week long trip before production begun, and the
movie is largely inspired by this trip.
The landscape, clothes, music, buildings and names resemble a lot of Norwegian culture.
The Arendelle castle is loosely based on Akershus Fortress in Oslo, the Arendelle town is inspired
by Bryggen in Bergen, a west-coast Norwegian city, and the landscape around Arendelle is
similar to the Nærøyfjord, also on the west side of Norway.
In a magazine interview, Idina Menzel claimed her young son boasted to his classmates that
his mom sings the songs in Frozen.
To this, another child replied, "So does everyone else's."
Elsa is the third Disney vocal role for Idina Menzel.
In the television series of Hercules (1998), she was the speaking and singing voice of
the sorceress Circe.
In Enchanted (2007), she played the live action character Nancy who made a brief cameo as
her animated alter ego 17.
The horses featured in the film are all Norwegian Fjord horses.
They are one of the oldest breeds and have been used in Norway for hundreds of years,
and as the film shows, are known for their distinct dark stripe that runs through the
center of the mane.
Their Manes are typically cut to a Mohawk-like crescent shape to emphasize this feature and
the breed's neck.
Elsa's ice castle changes color with her emotions.
Blue is happy, red is fear and yellow is anger.
The minor characters Kai and Gerda are named for the main characters of the original story
of The Snow Queen.
Visiting Norway was obviously essential in coming up with the design aesthetic for Frozen
(2013) in terms of color, light, and atmosphere.
According to Michael Giaimo, there were three important takeaways from the research trip
in making Frozen unique to the Disney canon: the fjords, which are narrow inlets surrounded
by massive vertical rock formations, and serve as the setting for the secluded Arendelle
kingdom; the medieval stave churches, whose rustic triangular roof-lines and shingles
inspired the castle compound; and the rosemaling folk art, whose distinctive paneling and grid
patterns informed the architecture, decor, and costumes.
Walt Disney Animation Studios attempted several times before to develop Hans Christian Andersen's
classic fairy tale "The Snow Queen" into a film in the 2000s but it never worked.
They first tried it in 2002, and master animator Glen Keane famously quit the project, then
it was scrapped.
"The Snow Queen" was resurfaced again in 2009 and John Lasseter recruited directors Kirk
Wise and Gary Trousdale to helm the project.
Producer Don Hahn and writer Linda Woolverton also signed on to the project, alongside Alan
Menken and Glenn Slater who were commissioned to write the songs.
Michael Giaimo, the film's art director, is well known for his exuberant art direction
for Pocahontas (1995), which was the last time he served as art director at Walt Disney
Animation Studios.
Frozen marked his return to the studio after being fired when Home on the Range (2004)
disastrously and embarrassingly bombed with critics and audiences - it caused massive
layoffs and the short-lived demise of traditional animation.
Producer Peter Del Vecho explained the English title change from "The Snow Queen" to "Frozen":
"The title Frozen (2013) came up independently of the title Tangled (2010).
It's because, to us, it represents the movie.
Frozen plays on the level of ice and snow but also the frozen relationship, the frozen
heart that has to be thawed.
We don't think of comparisons between Tangled and Frozen, though.
The decision to call the film Frozen was the filmmaker's decision.
The studio's decision to then call it the Snow Queen overseas was because that just
resonated stronger in some countries than Frozen.
Maybe there's a richness to the Snow Queen in the country's heritage and they just wanted
to emphasize that."
He continued to make his statement saying, "We're telling a story about family and relationships
and that in itself can be very complicated.
A lot of times what you perceive something to be isn't what it turns out to be - Elsa
has to hide for her whole life who she is, even from her sister.
That clearly affected her and made her into the character she is.
Hopefully, if you look at the story through Elsa's eyes, you'll be able to understand
what she does, or if you look at it through Anna's eyes, you'll be able to understand
why she does what she does, but they're all complicated relationships.
We don't think of it as a Princess movie.
They happen to be Princesses, but we don't think about it that way, so I always get a
bit thrown when people talk about this.
But I can say we want to make them really believable and not set them up on a pedestal.
Our version of these characters should feel really real and be relatable to things you
might go through in your life."
When Elsa is holding the scepter and orb, the bishop proclaims (In Icelandic): "Sem
hón heldr inum helgum eignum ok krýnd í þessum helga stað ek té fram fyrir yðr..."
In English this means: "As she holds the holy properties, and is crowned in this holy place,
I present to you...
Queen Elsa of Arendelle."
In the script, it reads: "Sehm hon HELL-drr IN-um HELL-gum AYG-num ok krund ee THES-um
HELL- gah STAHTH, ehk the frahm FUR-ear U- thear..."
Many viewers have wondered how Kristoff knew to travel in a winter sled in what was, until
a few minutes ago, the middle of summer.
The junior novelization explains that the sled is convertible and can be fitted with
wheels or runners as desired, presumably like changing a spare tire by the side of the road.
When the snow monster scares Hans and the other men, the monster's initial gesture and
facial expression are almost exactly like Sully's when he scares Boo in Monsters, Inc.
Michael Giaimo's production design and art direction for Frozen (2013) is greatly inspired
by the works of Mary Blair in Cinderella (1950) and Peter Pan (1953) and that of Eyvind Earle
in Sleeping Beauty (1959) 29.
Alan Menken was originally going to write the songs for the movie, prior to becoming
a less direct adaptation of the Snow Queen, he even wrote a song called 'Love Can't Be
However it didn't make it, because Menken left the project.
Michael Eisner, then-CEO and Chairman of The Walt Disney Company, was very interested in
"The Snow Queen" project when it was in early development in 2002.
Even though he had much less involvement in production of Disney movies in the 2000s than
he had in the 1980s and 90s, he had a special passion for the story and characters of the
Snow Queen.
Eisner offered his support to the project and even suggested doing the film with John
Lasseter at Pixar Animation Studios, when the two studios would get their contracts
When Anna, Kristoff and Olaf arrive at Elsa's ice castle, Anna tells Olaf to give her a
minute with Elsa alone.
Olaf starts counting, with Kristoff joining the count shortly thereafter, as Anna enters.
When Olaf enters, we hear him say "60" and it's actually been one minute between when
he started counting and when he enters.
Olaf's name is a clue to his character's purpose in providing comic relief.
It can be interpreted to mean "oh laugh."
Regarding the look and nature of the film's cinematography, Michael Giaimo, who also helped
with the cinematography, was greatly influenced by the legendary Jack Cardiff's work in Black
Narcissus (1947), which lends a hyper-reality to Frozen (2013).
"Because this is a movie with such scale and we have the Norwegian fjords to draw from,
I really wanted to explore the depth.
From a design perspective, since I was stressing the horizontal and vertical aspects, and what
the fjords provide, it was perfect.
We encased the sibling story in scale."
In fact, Ted D. McCord's work on The Sound of Music (1965) was another major influence
There are many similarities between Elsa and Elphaba, the main character played by Idina
Menzel in the stage adaptation of the novel Wicked by Gregory Maguire.
They both are (eventually orphaned) daughters of influential parents.
They both have special powers that they try to hide, yet they manifest them unwillingly
in front of huge crowds.
Eventually, both Elsa and Elphaba embrace their magic talents - and become objects of
public hatred and outcasts from society.
Olaf and Sven are also the name of the two Swedes at beginning of the film 'Titanic',
when they were betting their tickets to Fabrizio and Jack.
Ironically, both films are highest-grossing films and deal with ice.
This is not the first time Idina Menzel and Jonathan Groff work together.
They previously acted in Glee (2009) together.
Groff as Jesse, a Vocal Adrenaline performer as a recurring character.
Menzel as Shelby, Vocal Adrenaline coach and mother of a main character, also a recurring
Originally, Queen Elsa was intended to be the villain of the story.
However, when the character's major song, "Let it Go," was played for the producers,
they concluded that the song was not only very appealing, but its themes of personal
empowerment and self-acceptance were too positive for a villain to express.
Thus, the story was rewritten to have Elsa as an isolated innocent who is alarmed upon
learning that her powers are inadvertently causing harm and struggles to control her
powers with Anna's help.
Often in Disney animated films, the good guys wear light colors and the bad guys wear dark
In order to throw off the audience, Hans (the villain) wears light colors while Kristoff,
Anna, and Elsa (the heroes) wear dark colors.
At the start of the movie, Elsa and Anna are wearing brightly colored clothes, symbolizing
their happiness.
But as they grow apart over the course of the movie, their clothes become progressively
(This is especially evident in the "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" montage.)
At the end of the movie - when the sisters are finally reunited - their clothes are once
again bright.
After Hans leaves Anna alone in the room, Olaf arrives and heats the fire up for Anna.
He begins to melt, much to Anna's dismay, proclaiming, "Some people are worth melting
If Olaf had melted for Anna, this could have been the act of true love to save her life.
Thanks for watching ArcadeRaid.
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That's all for this video and I'll be seeing you in the next one.
Fort Eben Emael | BATTLESTORM - Duration: 17:43.
How to Treat Asthma with Ginger! - Duration: 4:52.
How to Treat Asthma with Ginger!
Asthma is a commonly known lung disease. This disease causes mild to severe difficulty in
breathing and this again entirely depends upon if it's an acute asthma or a chronic
one. The difficulty in breathing is caused due to blockage in the airways of the lungs
and this is also considered as the initial most sign of asthma.
There is no definite cause or reason for asthma but there are many things that could trigger
asthma attacks such as:
Pollution. Dust.
Psychological Factors such as Stress, Depression and Despair.
Hereditary. Excessive Smoking.
Being a Passive Smoker. Kids with Respiratory Infection.
Sudden Changes in the Weather. Food Allergies.
Childhood Infections. Allergy to Certain Medications.
The factors that can trigger asthma attacks are many and one of the most common one is
dust and pollutants. These not just trigger asthma attack but can also be the primary
cause for asthma.
As far as the treatment is concerned for asthma there are many over the counter drugs available
in the market but often these medications can be quite addictive.
So the next best way to answer the query about how to treat asthma is with the help of some
easy and natural home remedies. These remedies are made using completely natural ingredients
and this makes them safe, side effect free and very affordable. They have also been proven
to give guaranteed results in curing and preventing the body from asthma attacks.
This is exactly what we shall be discussing about in this article today. In this article
we have listed out some of the most popular and highly recommended natural asthma remedies
using ginger.
From the use of many other natural ingredients to treat asthma one of the most commonly and
highly effective natural ingredient is Ginger.
Ginger is a root vegetable which is known to heal and treat the symptoms of asthma naturally.
It has also been proven be many scientific researches that the consumption of ginger
during asthma attack also helps in easing out the breathing process and reduces the
This is also the main reason why most of the home remedies to cure asthma mainly promote
the usage of ginger in them!
So here are out top most recommended and trending solutions for your query about how to treat
asthma with Ginger.
Treat Asthma with Ginger Using Home Remedies!!!
1. Ginger & Salt Remedy:
Ginger is known to be a great natural source of anti inflammatory and anti viral properties.
This makes it one of the best natural ingredients to get rid of the symptoms of asthma.
Try this remedy and get an instant relief from the breathlessness caused due to asthma!
Small Ginger Pieces ( 2 to 3 ). Salt ( 1 Pinch ).
Small Bowl.
1. Take a piece of ginger and cut it into bite sized small pieces of about 2-3.
2. Now add into a small bowl and sprinkle some salt over the ginger pieces.
3. Mix it well so that the ginger is well coated with salt.
4. Now consume this as and when you get an asthma attack as it immediately helps in clearing
out the airways in the lungs and allows you to breathe easily.
5. This is one of the most instant natural remedies for asthma.
6. One needs to consume this remedy only when you get an asthma attack.
2. Ground Ginger Remedy:
This remedy is for the ones looking for natural cures for asthma and don't have that much
free time on hand to sit and prepare a home remedy for the same.
It's a quick and quite effective one and one can easily follow this one everyday just
before going to bed.
Ginger soaked in water helps in doubling up the potency of ginger to cure the symptoms
of asthma and also prevents the chest and nasal congestion.
Ground Ginger ( 1 tsp ). Water ( 1 ½ Cup ).
Small Mixing Bowl.
1. Take a small mixing bowl and into this add in the water and the ground ginger.
2. Now mix this well until the ground ginger is well dissolved in the water.
3. Now take a tablespoon of this mixture just before going to bed.
4. If you feel uneasy after consuming this then you can also drink a glass of warm water
after consuming this. 5. Follow this routine if you are worried
about how to treat asthma with ginger at home. 6. Continue doing this everyday for at least
2-3 weeks or until you don't experience any symptoms of asthma.
#BestOf2016 ❤ ELISABETTA PISTONI - Duration: 3:35.
Dear 2016,
Thank you for all the places I visited
Thank you for all the emotions I've experienced
Thank you for all the beautiful people I have met
Thank you for making my love even stronger and bigger
Thank you for all you have taught me
and for all that is yet to come
Welcome 2017!
НОВОГОДНИЙ ПЕРЕДОЗ [ANIMATION] New Year's Overdoze [RUS SUB, ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:42.
What a fuck...?
Who is it?
And now I'll try to remember, who is it and why they here...
Fuck! I can't remember!
Anyway, what is the date today? Not the thirty-first ?
I need to find something that can help me to remember what happened
But what is it "something"?
Okay, rather than I just sitting here, I'll try to find this thing
it should be somewhere here. All, that allegedly good hidden, always be on surface
I found it!
I need to take this thing and I should wake nobody up
Damn! Why I have these short arms?
What are you doing?
And now "Fir tree" understood that's all so bad
how would cultured expressed? You're in shit
And what?
Noise from chainsaw
What a hell is this?
One second for peace
What a fuck is this?
What a terrible dream...
Or reality?
what a mess!!
New Baby Secret
She whispers just to you!
Allah Akbar
What in this fucking box?
"Crunch Berries" nigga damn
Oh my God Scott you could it
I can't thank you enough Scott
It's so good, that it's all ended
What is it?
What a stubborn guys!
*untranslatable english folklore*
It seems that all just starting
Rus SUB :Fir tree Eng Sub :Fir tree
Thank you for watching!
PBS Show December 25-31, 2016, #2511 - Duration: 26:30.
- NARRATOR: The Texas Parks & Wildlife television series
is funded in part by a grant from the
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.
Through your purchases of hunting and fishing equipment,
and motorboat fuels, over 50 million dollars
in conservation efforts are funded in Texas each year.
And by Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation.
Helping to keep Texas wild with the support of proud members
across the state.
Find out more at
Additional funding provided by Ram Trucks.
- NARRATOR: Coming up on Texas Parks & Wildlife ...
- We think about these concepts of sustainability for kids
and young people, and when you look at him you realize
that it's never too late.
- Tree and debris was just folded over, snapped in half.
It could have been a lot worse.
- There is nothing more unique to West Texas than
the pronghorn antelope.
- They are just part of the landscape.
I can't imagine not seeing them.
- [theme music]
♪ ♪
- NARRATOR: Texas Parks & Wildlife ,
a television series for all outdoors.
- ALBERT PECORE: Our place is a little to ragged-looking
to suit most people from the city.
The more rugged this place looks within reason,
the better I like it.
- JIM WILLIS: They are the epitome of what our creator
wants us to be, and what Albert Leopold,
the father of conservation, expects us to be.
- ALBERT: It's funny how things change over time,
how your plant diversity changes with, probably,
the management of your place.
- If I were him, I would say,
"I'm going to sit back and enjoy it."
He's still going.
He's still doing research and he's still implementing
new things.
It just amazes me how much enthusiasm both of them have.
- LEIGH ANN MORAN: We think about these concepts of
sustainability for kids and young people, and when you
look at him you realize that it's never too late.
He admits to you that they did it wrong for so many years.
- ALBERT: The first thing I planted up here was
coastal Bermuda grass.
We thought it was a wonder grass.
Turns out, it really wasn't.
Those seeds might be viable.
- It was a prevalent idea at the time, so they planted
all the Bermuda grass that they could.
And he was doing this research and realizing, before everyone
else, these native grasses are actually the way to go.
- ALBERT: If you have some native grass and some other
pasture grasses, forbs, legumes, you've got an insurance policy
that will benefit you in these drought years that we've had.
- LEIGH ANN: When you go into the native prairies where the
native grasses are, that's when you get this beautiful idea of
what it's supposed to look like.
And when you reach down and you see that the temperature is
20 degrees cooler underneath there and that it's still moist
when the whole rest of the ground is cracking, you go,
"Oh! Duh! Now I get it."
- ALBERT: This grass is growing from seed that we gathered
growing wild along the shoulder of state highway.
We have a little nursery down in an open place in one of these
riparian easements.
Most of the grass you see in here is eastern gamma grass.
There was one stock tank on the place when I acquired it
and now we've got five stock tanks.
I just hated to see it run off.
We've got one in particular that stays almost full
most of the time.
Cattle are very important.
Cattle take 20% of what they graze away from the land,
and leave 80%.
That's a pretty good trade-off.
- Wilda and Bert both understand that they're
not raising cattle, they're growing grass.
And cattle are just one of the tools used to manage that grass.
- ALBERT: I can remember the first cross-fence we had
on this place, where we had two pastures instead of one.
Well you don't do much rotation with two pastures,
but it was an improvement over the way we were grazing.
- LEIGH ANN: And my mom is awesome.
She is that quiet force and energy behind a lot of what
goes on up here, helping us all to see the rainbow.
- ALBERT: She's been a great help to me in what we've
done up here, and is still very enthusiastic about what we're
trying to do in the future.
- WILDA: I'm getting this mesquite that got too big
for me.
- JIM: They have the faith that anticipates it happening,
and they have the hope that believes it will happen,
and they have the patience that quietly awaits for it to happen.
- ALBERT: Start as soon as you can.
And someday, people are going to look across the fence
and realize what you're doing, and how that would benefit the
whole county if everybody did it.
- My name's Ethan Belicek.
I am the Park Superintendent at Blanco State Park.
The thing that flows through it behind me is the Blanco River.
Memorial Day last year started out pretty typical.
The weather, it had been raining for two, three weeks.
That particular day was my wife and I's sixth anniversary.
- We were going to grill out.
Unfortunately, you couldn't sit around the fire
because it was pouring rain.
- ETHAN: I looked across the river to where our
new playground was, and it was underwater.
[rushing water]
- Up in the campsites, even though the river
wasn't up there the campsites were still flooded, almost,
just from the rain, a foot.
It was up to my knees.
- BRANDY: And we started gathering people because
they were just looking for somewhere to go.
- BUFFIE MARQUEZ: So as the river started rising,
going over our low water crossing, those had to be
closed off, and all those people on this side of the
park went up to the residence, Ethan Belicek's house.
- We immediately changed our plans from a nice,
relaxing afternoon, to, you know, taking care of things.
Getting people up, getting them safe, and make sure we got
through the night okay.
- BUFFIE: That next morning, I get a call from Ethan.
He said, "When you go in, start documenting."
- MARTIN: We had 20 feet to 40 foot wall of water come
through the park.
It was impassable.
- BUFFIE: Now, I've got the camera ready and I see just
debris everywhere.
I'm sorry.
[solemn music]
Tree and debris was just folded over, snapped in half.
Just the sand, the dead fish, the fence lines pushed over.
And then, of course, the maintenance shop just
windows broken out of it, and everything, all the equipment
just gone or just washed out.
Mud everywhere.
It could have been a lot worse.
- ETHAN: I think we all have breathed a pretty grateful
sigh of relief that we hadn't lost anything but property,
and that can be replaced.
We didn't get anybody hurt.
We didn't have anybody lose their life, and yeah,
I'd consider that a blessing.
[upbeat music]
We're a community here, you know.
As I mentioned earlier, we're inside the city limits.
So the flood didn't just happen to Blanco State Park.
It happened to our neighbors in the community.
We had a tremendous out-pour of support.
I know one lady said, "You've got an army waiting,
just take advantage of it."
That statement alone probably helped me realize
we're gonna get through this.
We're gonna rebuild this park and we're gonna get
back on our feet.
- BUFFIE: There was a lot of heartfelt genuine,
"I wanna help."
- MAN: Stand by, you can see where the water came up.
- BUFFIE: It wasn't just Blanco that was hit, it was Wimberley,
it was San Marcos, so everyone's heart was tied just all the
way down the river.
[upbeat music]
- ETHAN: We definitely want to say that it was not
a single effort.
I had a team here and we are most definitely that here
in Blanco, we're a team.
When all was said and done, after the cleanup,
we ended up taking 432 trailer loads of debris out of here.
- I'm just glad we had the team we had.
As you can see today, the park is beautiful.
- WOMAN: I'm proud that they had the common goal that this needs
to get back into the public's hands, so that they can start
sharing memories again.
- ETHAN: My wife and I did finally get to cook our
anniversary steaks three to four days later.
Every year, around Memorial Day, several people call
and ask if we're having steaks, if they should get
the boats ready.
So we may try chicken next year.
- NARRATOR: These researchers are trying to solve a puzzle.
- JAMES WEAVER: Going to be up on the side of that hill Shawn.
In a coyote den.
- NARRATOR: They are looking for a missing pronghorn antelope.
- SHAWN: Pretty close now.
There it is.
- NARRATOR: All that's left of this particular animal
is a radio-tracking collar.
- JAMES: Well?
I think it's probably predation.
- SHAWN: Because we don't have a body on this collar,
we can't determine anything other than that it's gone.
- NARRATOR: But this much is known: pronghorn antelope are
fading away, suddenly, in a place they were once abundant.
- MAN: There's nothing more unique to West Texas than
the pronghorn antelope.
Until four or five years ago,
they were just part of the landscape.
We've just seen a huge decline.
- LOUIS HALVERSON: When we lose the pronghorn, we lose a little
bit of us, and we've got to figure it out here pretty quick
before it's too late.
[helicopter whirs]]
- NARRATOR: Above the fields of the Texas Panhandle,
a helicopter hauls some unusual cargo.
[animal groaning]
These pronghorn are being transported from far north Texas
to supplement populations in west Texas.
- BILL MILLER: You used to be able to drive from Valentine to
Marfa and maybe see 2 or 300 of them just from the highway
and now you're lucky if you see one.
[helicopter buzz]
- NARRATOR: To help the dwindling herds around Marfa,
Texas Parks and Wildlife is transporting some 200 pronghorn
from the northern Panhandle.
[antelope groaning]
Pronghorn are the fastest land mammals in North America,
so catching them is not easy.
[net gun pops]
[truck passing]
- NARRATOR: After a nine-hour drive, the pronghorn take their
first steps into their new home.
- MAN: I just want to check on this one here.
Billy, you want to take a look in?
- NARRATOR: Biologists will monitor the new arrivals
and study their fawns born in the spring.
- BILLY TARRANT: We're hopeful that they will prosper
and do well.
The best feeling is going to be when they start making babies
and these populations come back to what they used to be.
- NARRATOR: The population began to crash in 2008.
- SHAWN: Five dead here, four dead there.
- And we blamed a lot of that on the drought
but we began to get rains and watch the antelope continue
to decline and then we knew we had a problem.
- NARRATOR: To unravel the mystery, Professor
Louis Harveson and his wildlife management students began to
investigate causes of mortality.
- LOUIS HARVESON: We started sampling some of the pronghorn,
and one of the first clues that we found from those necropsies
was the haemonchus.
- NARRATOR: This common pronghorn parasite was being
found in alarming numbers.
- LOUIS: If you have thousands of these worms in your stomach,
then obviously you become anemic, you're weakened,
you're not going to evade predators and cold spells
and heat spells like you would if you were a more
healthy animal.
- NARRATOR: The stomach worms may be just one prong
of the pronghorn problem, but initial findings make way
for further study.
- BILLY: Were you picking up that one from over there?
Is that one from over here?
- SHAWN: How many were predator-related?
- JAMES: So far?
Five we contributed to some type of predation.
- NARRATOR: By summer, Marfa has not been very welcoming
to those relocated pronghorn.
- There's not a lot out there for pronghorn to eat.
So it's just pretty rough on them right now.
- LOUIS: It's going down on the records as one of the
worst droughts that we've experienced.
- NARRATOR: And drought has not been the only challenge.
- SHAWN: We've had several huge fires in the Trans Pecos region.
- LOUIS: A lot of livestock have been lost, a lot of fences have
been lost, hundreds of thousands of acres, but in the end,
if there is a silver lining, it is that those rangelands
actually will come back in healthier condition,
if and when we ever get rainfall.
[car passing]
- NARRATOR: What little rain has fallen has heightened
another threat.
Runoff has greened up the roadsides, making these perilous
places all too tempting to wildlife.
- SHAWN: Within the last few weeks we've had several
vehicle collisions.
- NARRATOR: And there may be other connections
to the drought.
- It's pretty dry.
They don't have a lot to choose from, you know,
they're going all day long.
- NARRATOR: Without enough weeds and forbs, poor nutrition could
be a piece of the puzzle.
- MIKE: They have to expend a lot of energy to come find one
piece to do any good.
- SHAWN: They could be filling up on some sort of vegetation
but they're not really getting what they need to survive.
- NARRATOR: Pronghorn survival here, ultimately depends on the
health of their offspring, so fawn mortality is the focus
of graduate student, James Weaver's, research.
- JAMES: We've been experiencing some extremely low fawn crops
throughout the region, and so I'm out here trying
to figure out why.
It's really good if you can spot a doe right before dark
and see the fawn up and watch it until it beds down.
[engine shuts off]
Finding the fawn is the hard thing.
That's the only fawn that's still around, so I think
that they've just...
- SHAWN: Have fawned and perished?
- JAMES: Yeah.
- NARRATOR: The researchers watch the herd until sundown,
in hopes they can locate fawns after dark.
[4-wheeler driving]
Armed with spotlights, they scan for eyes
on the horizon.
- MIKE: See something?
- JAMES: Our population is pretty sparse, so we spend
a lot of time just searching.
Yeah, there was big eyes there.
Just keep going like this and we'll go right back down...
Sometimes we come across them pretty quick.
Other nights we've spent several hours out here
and not caught a thing.
- There he is.
- JAMES: Shhhh...
[playful music]
- NARRATOR: The fawns may be young, but they're already fast.
- Got him, got him, oh [bleep]!
- JAMES: How'd we miss it?
[playful music]
- SHAWN: These are very labor-intensive research
[playful music]
- JAMES: Ah, he won this battle.
- NARRATOR: The crew gives up the chase for the first fawn,
but for the rest of the night, the captures go smoothly.
- JAMES: Come on.
[fawn cries]
- Good catch James!
Nice snag, dude.
That worked.
- JAMES: It did work.
We got one!
It's a big one too!
[fawn bawls] Okay, baby, okay.
The main thing is the weight.
The weight's really a strong correlation to survival.
No, no, nope!
So the heavier the animals are at birth,
the more likely they are to survive.
- Nine pounds.
- JAMES: Nine.
Where's the clipboard?
We measure them from the nose to the tail head,
look at new hoof growth...
- Dam present?
- JAMES: Yes.
...we put ear tags in the animal, and then we also
collar it.
We had some success.
- MIKE: It was a good night.
We've had some really hard nights so far.
This was a pretty good night.
- NARRATOR: The fawn seems dazed at first, but as the crew
packs up, it is off and running again... hopefully on to a long
life as an adult pronghorn.
- MIKE: No, you did good except for that one catch and release.
- JAMES: It's going to be an early night, you'll be
home by 3:00.
- MIKE: What am I going to do until 5:00 in the morning?
- SHAWN: We've got a great team working on this, so I'm very
hopeful that we'll find answers.
- NARRATOR: As research into the plight of the pronghorn builds,
so does support for this West Texas icon.
- JAMES: It keeps you going to know that you're helping
the species out.
It's definitely a joint effort.
- LOUIS: In the midst of a drought, optimism is hard to
embrace, but I think we have the right team together.
Everyone wants to know what's going on with the pronghorn,
and so I know with that kind of support from the community,
we can turn this around.
[birds call]
- RUDY MESA: The sunrise here at Choke Canyon is just
extravagant, just the different colors that come through,
the birds in the background.
It's just all worth getting up early in the morning just to
hear and view that.
[motor boat revs]
[birds call]
[truck passes by]
- NARRATOR: Halfway between San Antonio and Corpus Christi,
Choke Canyon State Park may be quiet, but it's never dull.
- If you're looking for an outdoor experience that will
keep you busy the whole time you're visiting here
at the park, Choke Canyon is the place to go.
You can view the birds.
You can catch the fish.
- ANGLER: Here we go!
- RUDY: You can relax and enjoy nature at its best.
- NARRATOR: Located on the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail,
Choke Canyon is a Grand Central Station for migrating birds.
- See where those egrets are over there, snowy egrets
and great egrets?
- NARRATOR: A variety of other critters make their
home here, too.
- See the rabbit, the cute little rabbit?
- NARRATOR: And if you think it's lively on land,
wait until you try the water.
[energetic music]
- ANGLER: Hey, got another one!
- NARRATOR: The 26,000-acre Choke Canyon reservoir is
one of the best kept fishing secrets in Texas.
- ANGLER: There he is, folks, Choke Canyon.
Look at the gut on that fish!
- NARRATOR: It's also a place to reconnect with what's
important in life.
- All of our grandkids have been down here.
Every one of them has been down here and camped with us,
saw the gators with us, because I think camping and fishing
is family.
- Dad look!
- NARRATOR: Sometimes a little nature can go a long way.
[music and birds calling]
[water lapping on shore]
[Cicadas call]
- JIM MUELLER: We're at Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife
Refuge where we have the endangered Black-capped Vireo,
and here we're studying their reproductive success.
[Chicks cry for parents]
This species builds its nest about three to four feet off the
ground in shrubs or small trees.
The nests typically have three to four young in them.
These chicks are about two days old, their totally reliant
on their parents.
Here you can see both birds at the nest, you can see they
look a little different.
The mom has a grey cap, the dad has dark black cap,
hence the name Black-capped Vireo.
[Chicks cry]
This is something people may find gross, but the chicks
produce their poop in a little sack it's kinda like a diaper
with the poop in it.
Both parents will either eat the sack or carry it away from the
nest and dispose of it to keep the nest clean.
[Chicks cry]
These chicks will grow about 800 percent over the
course of the next 10 to 12 days before they fledge.
Under optimum conditions they'll continue to breed throughout the
summer, and if everything works out they can actually produce
up to two successful broods in one year.
This species is endangered but we are creating a lot of habitat
on the refuge and elsewhere.
And with continued success we may see that this species
recovers and is able to be taken off the endangered species list
sometime in the future.
- Everybody ready?
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
[bikes on trail]
- NARRATOR: This series is funded in part by a grant
from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.
Through your purchases of hunting and fishing equipment,
and motorboat fuels, over 50 million dollars in
conservation efforts are funded in Texas each year.
And by Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation.
Helping to keep Texas wild with the support of proud members
across the state.
Find out more at
Additional funding provided by Ram Trucks.
The Breakthrough is Near — Current Events & Intel Compilation - Duration: 16:01.
The Breakthrough is Near � Current Events & Intel Compilation.
By Jonathan Carty.
Greetings everyone, I hope you are all doing well.
In this article I would like to present a compilation of current events and intel that
show how close we are to a final breakthrough here on Earth.
I know the words near, soon and imminent have been used to death but when we realize how
long this planet has been in quarantine and under control of the dark forces, 25,000 years,
it makes a few months or years seem manageable; do-able, if you will.
Or perhaps survival-able is better.
Yes that one sounds more correct.
Now no one knows when The Event will happen.
We can try to pinpoint a date or time period but it�s not easy to do this as there are
billions of people with free will who are constantly changing the course of events,
not to mention the clearing of the remaining Plasmic Toplet Bombs to ensure the safety
of the planet and its inhabitants.
The main timeline though, per Cobra�s sources and intel, is a positive one and victory of
the light has been assured, so we needn�t put too much focus into the negative.
One of the ways we can tell we are close to a grand change is the highly discussed wave
of energy hitting the planet right now.
This information got me really excited as it lined up with some of Cobra�s information
about the Galactic Center (the Pleroma):
�Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of
26,000 years.
Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart,
which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years.
So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave,
either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000
years after each large one��
ere is another excerpt about the Galactic Wave from a previous post on Cobra�s blog:
�This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around
the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings��
Here is the video from YouTube channel creator Dutchsinse about the energy wave engulfing
the planet:
In one of Cobra�s previous articles he goes on to describe the importance of the interaction
between humanity�s group consciousness and the energies coming from the Galactic Central
�It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our
global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us
based on our ability to receive them.
This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible.
Our active communication with the Pleroma, with the Galactic Center, is creating a feedback
loop that will trigger the Event when the time is right.�
Here is an article from Ascension With Earth that contains several articles from various
sources about the galactic wave and the energies travelling to us from the Galactic Central
ECETI founder and contactee James Gilliland has released some information about these
energies, here are a few excerpts, although I recommend reading the entire post:
�Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet.
It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is.
It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much
It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid.
This ascension wave is the solution.
It is the soul activator, the initiation and support of the light workers and warriors
who came to the earth to liberate her and her people.
The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal
Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.
This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished.�
Let us not forget earlier this year Cobra and David mentioned the sun would sneeze at
some point in our near future:
(Blog Post Link) �If they do not cooperate, and cooperate fast, the negotiating conditions
may change, because the planetary and cosmic situation will change as the Galactic Central
Sun is about to �sneeze�.�
(Blog Post Link) �I am going to need to add something to the book about this.
ALL the major aspects of Corey�s testimony have been confirmed � and Tompkins has no
idea who he is!
Oh� and get this� he said the Sun is going to �sneeze� soon, it will have a quantum
effect on human evolution, and that�s why the spheres are here!!!�
I think it is quite possible that the combination with the PizzaGate scandal, the U.S. being
exposed supporting terrorists in Syria and the intense dislike of the candidates and
exposed rigging of this year�s election, this is creating an incredible amount of global
awakening all at the same time.
Never before has everything been so open, obvious and unhidden.
The PizzaGate scandal became even worse for me yesterday as it was discovered that a pedophile
ring existed on YouTube, out in the open.
One YouTube user created a video based on research done by citizen investigators on
Voat that exposed many videos of children in various poses and positions.
Some of these videos have millions of views and several horrific comments.
Apparently all you had to do to find these videos was type in �web cam video� and
there you had it:
his is in addition to the recent TwitterGate scandal where millions of accounts were found
to be openly sharing child pornography.
Some of the accounts had tens of thousands of followers.
Norway also announced the largest pedophile bust in history with 51 men being arrested
and 150 terabytes of data being confiscated.
To put that in perspective I found the following about how much data that is:
�150 Terabytes: Estimated size of all Web pages indexed by Google on Dec 8th 2005 (not
including databases or video).
(See this article for the figures I used)� This is beyond a colossal amount of child
It is more and more obvious that children are being sold, used, sacrificed and disposed
of on an industrial scale.
I think we can anticipate more of this information coming out as time goes on.
This is the gunk we need to clean out of the shower drain, it�s been festering in there
for decades and must be removed and cleaned, and it will be.
I�d like to move on to the financial aspect of this whole thing and divert your attention
to something that isn�t getting enough attention.
We know the Cabal is being systematically cut off from their money supply via money
laundering, drugs, oil and so on via the hard work of the Alliance.
One of the things that we can see happening is the recent bankruptcy and nationalization
of the Jesuit�s bank �Monte dei Paschi di Siena�.
Here is a quick quote from Cobra�s blog about the importance of this bank to controlling
(Blog Post Link) �The Chigi family are bankers for the Jesuits and they control Banca Monte
dei Paschi de Siena.
As I have stated over a month ago, the Eastern Alliance is disrupting their financial machinations
and here are the results��
(Blog Post Link) �Also the Eastern Alliance has allegedly made a trading attack on Banca
Monte dei Paschi di Siena, disrupting Jesuit financial machinations.
That bank is one of the most important banks in the current Jesuit-controlled banking system.
It is owned by the Chigi family, a main black nobility family from Siena.�
(Blog Post Link) �The Jesuits are working under the command of the Archons to maintain
the quarantine status of planet Earth.
It is good to know that the Jesuit organization is a 16th century creation of the Farnese
family, which is one of the most powerful papal Black Nobility families in Italy.�
Cobra has mentioned before that there will be no huge financial event until the Event
happens, which will actually be the financial reset, but we can notice various public displays
of the work of the Alliance cornering the Cabal and their financial machinations which
is very nice to see!
As David Wilcock talked about in previous talks and episodes of his show Wisdom Teachings
on Gaia the ultimate downfall of the big banks is that they will be fined into oblivion.
We can see more of this happening recently:
There are more than that and these are just recent.
It is important that we put our money into something that has value like land, gold,
silver and other real world items.
There have already been bail-ins which all banks in Europe were required to have legislation
for at the beginning of this year.
We needn�t worry but quietly prepare, now especially more than ever since events have
been accelerating.
If anyone remembers the series of episodes Michael Tellinger did on Gaia with regard
to the UBUNTU Movement which is a philosophical way of living without money, also known as
He addressed all 13 main problems that come up over and over again when he does these
talks around the world.
Michael ran for president under the name of the Ubuntu party not too long ago.
There was an enormous amount of interest but unfortunately it appears the elections are
rigged in Africa as they are here.
He just did an update a few days ago as of the time of this writing where he talks about
the success of the adaptation of this way of living with various small towns and villages.
He was hoping to get only 1 town to do it but several are interested and are currently
working to implement it:
Now I�d like to turn to the geopolitical view of this operation.
The United States and friends who are controlled by the Cabal sustained a massive defeat in
Syria recently with the liberation of Aleppo.
I would like to recap the situation in Syria as it the epicenter of the galactic proxy
war occurring here on Earth right now:
(Blog Post Link) �The situation in Syria is the geopolitical turning point for the
planetary liberation.�
(Blog Post Link) �The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for
the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the
planetary energy grid.
Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy
leyline system on the planetary surface.
Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness
of humanity.
When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian
pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.�
The Syrian Army has been making advances towards Raqqa in the recent past but has begun to
move more in that direction which we can see from these articles:
Rudaw � Syria Defense Force Have �Reached the Euphrates� 10 Days into Campaign for
�The clashes come on the tenth day of the SDF�s second stage of their Wrath of Euphrates
operation to liberate ISIS� stronghold of Raqqa.
Their forces have reached the Euphrates and retaken a large area northwest of Raqqa, they
announced on Tuesday.
During the first 10 days in the second stage in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates, which
was launched from the directions of Qadiriy� and Kerdosan villages with the goal of liberating
western Raqqa, fighters have liberated 97 villages, dozens of hamlets and strategic
hills in a total area of 1300 square kilometers,� said spokesperson Jihan Sheikh Ahmad in a
press briefing.�
The Washington Times � Turkey Amasses Troops Along Syrian Border as March to Raqqa Continues:
�The Turkish troops and weaponry began making their way toward the border region on Sunday
as Turkish and Syria fighters continue to tighten the noose around the al Bab, the northern
Syrian enclave controlled by Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, Agence France-Presse
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said �Al-Bab is nearly finished�
almost a month after the offensive began to retake the city, which lies 100 miles west
of Islamic State�s so-called capital of Raqqa, Syria, AFP reported.�
Although I don�t trust the Turkish leadership at the moment I think they are under pressure
from Russian and the Alliance to stay in check, I don�t believe Mr. Erdogan would like Russian
sanctions being implemented on his country again.
Lesson learned.
Let us not forget Putin is a master chess player and is being aided by our Galactic
This planet will have a happy ending, it is already decided.
The cancerous cell known as Earth will be transformed and healed into the paradise it
is supposed to be.
Recently, per Benjamin Fulford�s weekly intel report, his sources claimed this week
that various Cabal members are on house arrest and won�t be allowed to go anywhere.
In an interesting and possible confirmation story the Queen and Prince Philip had cancelled
their trip to Sandringham because they both had colds.
But they apparently went anywaysby helicopter instead.
They cancelled their trip on the 21st of December but felt well enough to go the next day December
22nd by helicopter?
I suppose that it is possible they did have colds and took a different mode of transportation
but given the intel and events that have been playing out I might suspect something else
going on here.
Perhaps Ben will go over it in his next update.
One more thing I will add that I thought was significant was China�s announcement of
their �imminent� use of NASA�s �impossible� engine in some of their satellites:
�Scientists in China claim they�ve created a working prototype of the �impossible�
reactionless engine � and they say they�re already testing it in orbit aboard the Tiangong-2
space laboratory.
The radical, fuel-free EmDrive recently stirred up controversy after a paper published by
a team of NASA researchers appeared to show they�d successfully built the technology.
�scientists with the China Academy of Space Technology claim NASA�s results �re-confirm�
what they�d already achieved, and have plans to implement it in satellites �as quickly
as possible.�� This is all I have for now.
I hope this article, which is somewhat of a recap, helped bring everyone up to speed
on what�s going on.
Thank you for reading, much love and victory of the light!
P.S. for more information about The Event and what it is I created a tab on the main
page of this blog that is titled �The Event�.
It has a ton of useful information and includes the weekly meditation we are doing to speed
up this whole process.
You might also enjoy this video I made where I discuss some of
the things written in this article:
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And now the end as it was really planed.
A Third and last time, no matter how strong the wind blows,
The show must go on
The end as it was planned.
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