Today is a special day. We are celebrating the 30th birthday of Noël,
a Western lowland gorilla.
We have prepared special gifts and food for him
so he can enjoy this amazing day.
La continuidad / The Countinuity. Antonio Mayans, Arturo de Bobadilla. Paco Limón shortfilm. - Duration: 7:18.−Hello?
−Hello, good morning.
−Yes. How can I help you, sir?
−Wouldn't you happen to have Captain Ozymandias comic books?
−Captain Ozymandias?
−Over here, please.
−Thank you.
-There you go, Captain Ozymandias first issue.
A treasured piece. There are very little copies around the world.
I have one here, as you can see. This is a prestigious establishment.
-Yes, I am familiar with the first issue. I have it.
I was more interested in others, like number 4 or 7...
−Difficult issues, but I can try.
-Wouldn't you have issue number 12.
−That issue doesn't exist, sir.
-I beg you pardon... but you are wrong.
-12? 12? 12?
No way, sir. The series goes from 1 to 11.
−I read it when I was 7. I remember every detail about it.
-You may have read number 7 or 5, maybe 6.
But number 12, sir? You may have confused...
...numbers 1 and 2 and... no, number 12 doesn't exist.
-Well, it does exist.
−Yes, sir.
−I read it when I was 7!
-I'm in a fan group and we own one full series of Captain Ozymandias.
-This group is on the look for more than 60 years now.
-Alas, many of them are already dead.
-And while some of them are dead, some of us live. I am one of them.
−Issue number 12 doesn't exist, sir.
− It does, sir.
-According Mister Delon's catalog, the series is from 1 to 11!
I think you have been deceived, sir. That issue doesn't exist.
-What do you mean it doesn't exist? Of course it does!
-I told you I read it many years ago. Don't fuck around, man!
−You fucking asshole...
−You big mouth...
−You fucking big mouth asshole..
Grandpa big mouth asshole...
−You're crazy...
−I'm not. I'm passionate, and you are bullshitting me.
Issue number 12 doesn't exist.
− don't have a fucking clue...
− You can do better, grandpa. Come back at me again.
−More style this time, please...
-Although I could be, I am not your grandpa.
-Or maybe I am.
−Should I bring a chair in case you faint, grandpa?
−You're a fucking ignorant.
You don't even know Betty Boop.
−You're getting me mad, grandpa...
Did they release you from the nursing home out of pity or have you escaped?
-It exits! Look! You Ignorant.
-I have one of those too! Signed!
Bigger than yours!
Crafted in virgin cotton!
−Get out of my store, you fucking old fart!
You don't even have Andy Panda in your shelves.
-Please, come in!
-We need to talk, please.
-It is important! Come inside!
-Issue number 12 exists.
−Of course it does! Are you telling me?
−Yes, but it's cursed.
−What do you mean with cursed?
- The story writer had spent his youth in Africa, where he learned about magic...
...on his way back from holidays in Greece with his wife, he slammed his car at the Krunick mountains...
...she died instantaneously. Killing the one he loved tortured himo he tried.. bring her back from the dead using strange Kabala and witchcraft books he bought on the outskirts of Prague.
With the advice the alchemist Luchiano Berriartua, he included some of those spells in the story of issue number 12.
Children were reciting real spells that brought occult entities from beyond that destroyed them and their families.
Do you want to be damned in the end?
-What are you saying?
You're out of your mind.
That's not the real story.
What really happened with issue number 12 is...
...General Franco was a big fan of the series, and he supervised every issue.
When he read they changed the origin of Captain Ozymandias...
...he said that was unacceptable.
This kid who was an orphan before...
...he couldn't become the son of a multimillionaire overnight
No way he could!
Then he sentenced all of them to forced labor in Valle de los Caídos.
Yes, yes, working the stone!
−Sir, that is against continuity.
−Of course it is! Who ever said otherwise?
−Continuity laws must never be broken.
−What laws are those?
−A superhero must have only one secret origin.
-Well, you tell that to General Franco.
He was the one in charge back then...
He set the rules back then.
-Issue 12 is here.
−Then sell me the fucking issue!
−There are some things money can't buy.
−Whatever... Do you have it here?
-I do.
−Can you show it to me?
-I can.
−Then, shall we?
−Let's go.
-The mysteries of Ozymandias are kept in this basement.
This is the Mystery Crypt! Here I keep the treasure itself!
Captain Ozymandias issue number 12! The only existing copy
−Get the fuck out!
−Well, there's lots of boxes in here!
Where can I find it?
−Respect the continuity, old timer!
-Open up you motherfucker! Open up you crossing murdering bastard!
-Eh, who's out there?
Who is it?
-Who the hell is out there?
We thought you were dead...
And you, Juanito...
Artist Zayn Malik Live-------------------------------------------
Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive Mpv Fabrieksgarantie AIRCO ECC CRUIS - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
Công Vinh: 'Tôi không liên quan tới việc loại sáu cầu thủ CLB TP HCM' - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Người đàn ông điều khiển xe trâu đưa đón học sinh miễn phí - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
Our Journey Home Film-------------------------------------------
Compare Loom & Leaf-------------------------------------------
Feiertags-Detox-Drink: Chocolate Chip Green Smoothie I Treat Yourself Folge #15 🍹 - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
osporena secanja i zamrznuti konflikt dugi metar 4 10 2016 - Duration: 51:25.(Prof. Dr. Dino Abazović, The Faculty of Political Sciences Sarajevo)
We sometimes think that the interpretation of facts is subject to manipulation.
I agree, it is.
However, I also think that before we could even talk about it, we need to see what the facts are.
Nearly two decades after the war in the former Yugoslavia,
the Western Balkans still function as a region of "frozen conflict"
where various amalgams of religious and nationalistic narratives
about the danger of "the other" persist.
(fans cheering)
Kill, slaughter, make the Shiptars disappear!
Although the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia were foremost of a political nature,
they have also undoubtedly had a religious connotation.
The dominant religions played a specific role in creating ethnical divides and hatred.
Religion served as a constructive element of nationalism
and one of the basic identifying markers that defined the opposing sides in the conflict.
Thus, religious symbols, rituals and organizations served as the catalysts of conflict,
the rise of nationalism and ethnic antagonisms.
(The bishop Vasilije Kačavenda in July 1995,
just before the entry of the army of Republika Srpska into Srebrenica)
Blood cries out for revenge. By taking revenge, the Serbian people destroyed the mightiest empires
and now we are looking forward to the glorious days, as we draw closer to the moment when,
after the Battle of Kosovo, the Serbian state will once again be united and established.
(the El Mujahedin division, Zenica, 1992)
(The celebration of the Orthodox Slava, Republika Srpska, 1995)
Consequently, the political elites incorporated religious symbols and elements
as a new form of political capital and a new ethnic and ideological matrix
– a nationalistic populism still present today.
(Father Ante Perković, the protest against the Cyrillic script, Zagreb, 2013)
Just as the sign of three fingers is not a symbol of faith in the holy Trinity, but something else
which I won't talk about now.
We all know what that means.
Neither is the introduction of the Cyrillic script in Vukovar at this moment a symbol of a legacy,
a cultural heritage,
but rather it's a sign of the continuation of aggression and the occupation of this region.
Even though they share the same geographical and post-conflict space,
the dominant religions of the Western Balkans - the Serbian Orthodox Church,
the Roman Catholic Church and the Islamic Community -
sometimes hold completely opposite views of the past conflicts and history.
Could the historical places of bloodshed such as Jasenovac
or later ones like Srebrenica, Vukovar and Bratunac,
obtain a religious dimension that would surpass the selectivity of memory?
In order to achieve that, we need to go back to the time just before the ethnic conflicts,
just before the beginning of the end of Yugoslavia.
Religions, nationalism and the culture of remembrance Author and director Nikola Knežević
(Prof. Dr. Vjekoslav Perica, University of Rijeka, Croatia)
And, then, in the beginning, we see a situation in which religion...
as the strict policy of socialism towards religions from the 1950s was growing weak,
religions gained more and more space and there were these main religious organizations;
First of all, Serbian Orthodoxy, Croatian Catholicism, and only later, Bosnian Islam.
We see how they were entering this space that the system had in fact provided for them,
and how they expanded it,
because the regime had set some boundaries.
And if we look at their mutual relationship,
we find that they were definitely paving the way for that which would come to pass in the 1990s,
not in the sense of war, but in the sense of the reconstruction of national identities,
those churches were the first to start, in a liturgical and symbolical way,
and by evoking certain fragments of history that they had interpreted in a new way.
(Father Vukašin Milićević, a priest of the SOC)
Those conflicts, as we know, are very complex, because they are multilayered.
The discussion whether it was a civil war or a classic war and so on, still persists today.
They certainly contain many different components and the pain they have left us with,
caused by exactly that, because the effects hit deep, on all levels of human existence.
So, in that sense, religion certainly played a role too.
Religion was often the only dividing factor when it comes to the peoples who were at war.
These peoples have the same origin, a common language, and, in a large measure, a common culture,
specifically the culture that was established during the time of their common state.
It completely characterized every one that lived in it.
In this way, religion as a means to an end held an incredible potential for conflict,
as it was the only differentiating factor.
What is somewhat surprising is that, if we look at the history of interreligious relations during the SFRY,
we can see that what ensued was unpredictable, because the relations were, it seems, quite decent,
and the conflicts started with the first political conflicts.
We can hardly speak of religions as having had a crucial influence
on the beginning of the conflicts in an active sense.
Religions played a passive role.
They were used as an excuse for conflict.
The role of religions in the war was controversial.
(Dr. Marko Nikolić)
Despite the varying presentations of their individual representatives,
relying on the official documents of the Serbian Orthodox Church
it seems that we can determine that the church's role both before and during the war was mostly preventative,
reconciling and integrative in the sense of its value.
The highest religious dignitaries appealed and fought for a cessation of hostilities.
Still, behind the common declarations,
the official papers such as Orthodoxy, The Voice of the Council and the Islamic Resurgence
published articles and feuilletons that fit into the national and ethnic interests
and deepened the differences.
Certain appeals and statements published in the newspaper of the SOC
which represents the public opinions of the church, advocated for a change to the Avnoj borders
Individual priests, episcopes, bishops and imams
all acted contrary to the peace appeals coming from behind the trenches
instead of acting between them.
(Alen Kristić, theologian and editor of the magazine Concilium)
I would like to use an illustration.
If trenches are one of the symbols of war,
then we could say that religious communities were behind them and played a dual role.
At times they would offer spiritual solace and support to the soldiers,
thus portraying the national and religious profile assigned to them by various historical circumstances.
However, on all sides, although not in the same measure, they also became a propaganda machine,
offering more or less directly, from behind the trenches, legitimacy for conquest and barbarism.
(Aleksandar Šibul, psychologist)
When religious leaders take on the role of waving the banner that leads into conflict,
then the results can not be good.
However, if the religious communities act in a way that is calming and speak of love
even in extreme circumstances such as wartime,
and speak of the need for honest and noble behaviour,
the need to bear in mind the godlikness we were created with,
and make this the code of conduct in war...
The religious leaders should not instigate violence,
but act peacefully and help those involved in conflict not to commit war crimes.
The consequence of the conflict in the Balkans are war crimes commited by all parties involved.
Regardless of having experienced the Holocaust and the Second World War,
we haven't learned anything from all of that.
The victims of war and their stories
(Antun Dugan, retired colonel of the Croatian army and guardsman)
All of those that came here from surrounding places came to kill me, to kill my family, to destroy my town.
And I didn't... the border is there in Tovarnik, behind the old partisan cemetery, behind it is Šid.
I didn't even cross these 5 km to the Croatian village of Negoslavce inhabited mostly by Orthodox believers,
I didn't break a single window.
And they came from that village and the surrounding villages and joined the locals,
committing unthinkable crimes.
I can claim for myself, that I know...
(Arkan speaking) Kill everyone in battle.
There is no mercy.
They won't be kind to you.
Remember our two soldiers who were mutilated,
caught alive and then mutilated in Laslovo
and bear that in mind the whole time you fight.
So, none of our men can be caught again, is that clear?
(Soldiers responding) Clear!
(Arkan speaking) Another thing,
there is no mercy for the enemy who shoots at you.
(The news on national television, Miloš Marković, presenter)
Good evening, dear viewers. Vukovar is liberated.
Mitnica, the toughest stronghold of the Ustaša has fallen.
The members of the Croatian armed forces surrendered to the guardsmen of the motorized brigade.
The act of surrender was monitored by the EUMM and the International Red Cross.
(Damir Živković, prisoner of a camp in RS and guardsman)
We asked for European observers, but they wouldn't let them.
Even though they were here, they didn't let them in.
They had captured a group of people
– a hundred twenty and who knows how many –
and brought them out.
They said: "If you don't surrender, we will shoot them all."
We surrendered so they wouldn't shoot those hundred twenty some people.
(The journalist asking) What camp were you in?
I was in Stajićevo, near Zrenjanin.
After the snow fell, Stajićevo was closed down and I was transferred to Niš, and then to Sremska Mitrovica.
I suffered nine months of torture, hatred, harassment, beatings, and humiliation.
It was horrific.
According to the estimates of several independent sources
– the Humanitarian Law Center, Documenta,
and the Bosnian Book of the Dead –
it is believed that during the war in ex-Yugoslavia,
on the territory of Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosova,
Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia,
approximately 130,000 people lost their lives.
A large number of crimes
have still not been solved or processed.
The historical facts have not been clearly established,
placing a burden on the ethnic and political relations in the region.
The chasm is even deeper when we consider
the dominant religions in the Western Balkans
that often hold a diametrically opposite position
concerning the past.
Selectivity prevails, and there is still a lack of support for
regional peace initiatives such as RECOM
Why are RECOM and the naming of victims important?
(Dr. Dinko Gruhonjic, president of NDNV and representative of RECOM)
It is important that it be supported, because without a state stamp
on an international multilateral agreement on forming a commission
that would investigate the facts about the victims of war,
we don't have authority for that data.
We, as the civilian sector, as an NGO, as a citizens' association,
have achieved very much in the last ten years.
Large amounts of data have been collected within the civilian sector
that could be of great help to this future commission.
But, all that will have no value unless states, with their authority and signature,
do not stand behind that all.
In that case, when that happens,
then we will know that future generations will not be so easily manipulated,
like we and some other earlier generations were, or better said, all generations before us.
Then we will be certain that we have made a revolutionary step forward for this region
and that we have, practically for the first time in history, counted the victims,
and what's most important, given them names and paid them tribute.
(Žarko Puhovski) It is the connection between the normalization of life in the aftermath of war
and the rendering of accounts for what happened during the war.
Religions, nationalism and the culture of remembrance Contested memories
(Dragan Pjevač, lawyer)
In September 1993, on September 9, in the well known Croatian operation Medak Pocket,
three villages were completely destroyed: Divoselo, Čitluk (my village Čitluk) and Počitelj.
My mother was killed among the 88 people, 36 civilians and 17 women.
That was something that left a mark on my entire life...
a sadness, a tragedy
that each victim carries within.
And, that is the reason it is so important not to pass over such events easily,
I mean, we who have experienced this cannot get over it so easily.
(Prof. Dr. Dubravka Valić-Nedeljković)
In the Western Balkans it is very important for an umbrella organization,
an integrative non-governmental organization to exist, such as RECOM,
which will, in a certain way, network all the individual efforts toward the process of reconciliation
and ensure that this process will last.
(Prof. Dr. Dino Abazović, the Faculty of Political Sciences Sarajevo)
RECOM is doing a very good work.
RECOM is doing an exceptionally important and significant work,
trying to establish the facts, on the teritory of ex-Yugoslavia,
including the names and the circumstances of all victims, regardless of their distincitve characteristics
that politicians make use of extensively for their daily political purposes.
However, RECOM is not the only one...
What I consider important is the extent... perhaps it is even – correct me if I am wrong –
the widest initiative of the civil society in the area of ex-Yugoslavia...
regardless of this fact, I am not sure that it is important to be accountable to RECOM
for something RECOM objectively was not able to do in the given circumstances
and that impatience... sometimes people demand and expect much more, and that leads to scapegoating
– finding a scape goat in such initiatives...
I don't think that is fair.
On the other hand, it is a process that is important in itself,
and in considering those questions
I am primarily oriented towards understanding the process, and not the goal.
As a process, I value it highly and consider it be a very important work.
(Miroslav Keveždi, philosopher and religiologist)
RECOM is important because it is necessary to establish the facts,
to establish the truth about the war victims in ex-Yugoslavia.
Why are the facts important?
If the facts are not established then there is space for manipulation
in increasing and decreasing the number of those killed,
who are used as some kind of currency,
in the sense of something that needs to be collected in current political relations
or, God forbid, in the future.
(Dragan Pjevač, lawyer)
It is necessary to establish the facts and collect them in one place, from the vast material,
about all events, specifically about crimes that took place on these territories.
The role of faith communities in the processes of Transitional justice
Polili su ga benzinskom bombom.
Jedan od njih mu je držao noge
i počeli su da mu pale noge.
Trebalo im je devet sati da sagore njegovo telo,
a jedan od momaka je rekao, dok je telo gorelo, da meso dobro miriše.
Pili su pivo u isto vreme.
Bili su ponosni na to što su radili.
Examples from the rest of the world
clearly point to the contribution of religions in the truth and reconciliation commissions;
the key role of the Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the South African commission
or the Archbishop Juan Gerardi, who formed and headed the commission in Guatemala.
Examples from East Timor, Peru and Chile
where the religious communities offered necessary support to the commissions, contribute to this claim.
Examples from Brazil and Chile show that Protestant and Catholic organizations
formed separate commissions for the violation of human rights.
Apart from the Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission,
one of the most graphic examples of the participation of church dignitaries in the process of transitional justice
is without doubt the case of the South American Roman Catholic bishop in Guatemala, Juan Gerardi.
U Gvatemali nastupa mir
Po prvi put nakon deset godina narod Gvatemale udiše sladak vazduh slobode.
Samo nekoliko dana nakon ostavke komunističkog predsednika Hakoba Arbenza,
pobunjenički vođa Kastiljo Armas dolazi u grad.
The bishop Gerardi was one of the fiercest critics of the dictatorial establishment
during the civil war in Guatemala
and he invested a lot of effort in fighting for the rights of indigenous Mayan peoples
who were under enormous repression by the ruling military junta.
According to the report Guatemala: Nunca Mas (Guatemala: Never Again),
within the Recovery of Historical Memory project, organized and led by bishop Gerardi,
more than 150,000 victims, 50,000 missing, one million refugees, 422 massacres
during the more than three decades of civil war were documented.
The Recovery of Historical Memory project was intended
to strengthen the Historical Clarification Commission.
On April 24, 1998, Bishop Gerardi presented a four-volume report
report in which he accused army members and their collaborators among the political and social elite
of the previous regime for the crimes.
Only two days later, his body was found in the garage beside the church in which he served as priest,
his face unrecognizable from the beatings.
Three army officers, together with a priest as an accomplice,
were accused and sentenced to twenty plus years in prison each.
Up to this day, many of the perpetrators have not been convicted
for their participation in crimes during the dictatorial regime that lasted several decades.
One of the regime's leading dictator, general Rios Montt,
was sentenced to eighty years for crimes against humanity in May 2013,
but only one month later the Constitutional Court reversed the whole process to the beginning.
"As the church we have collectively and responsibly taken upon ourselves
the task to break the silence that thousands of victims kept within themselves.
We have opened an opportunity for them to share their truth,
to share their experiences of suffering and pain,
so that they could be free from the heavy burden
they had been carrying for so many years."
Juan Jose Gerardi Conedera, April 24,1998
on occasion of presenting the Recovery of Historical Memory Project report
(Vukašin Milićević, priest of the SOC)
I think we have a huge responsibility, firstly for the victims of World War II,
we still don't know the death toll.
That was a genocide of, so to say, Biblical proportions.
(Zora Radanović, former prisoner of the Jasenovac concentration camp)
...she was glad we came back.
One day, I was playing in the ditch beside our house,
when I saw some boys and my brothers walking in a column
and on every five to six meters a soldier with a gun.
And I came out of the ditch running and shouting: Mile, Milan!
My older brother Milan said to me: Run, run, they'll catch you too!
Where are you going? I asked.
We're going to pick corn, he said.
We never found or saw them again.
They were killed, burned, who knows what happened...
The master could have hidden them.
Our neighbour worked on the thresher for another man and he hid him in the haystack.
He lived until recently, he was older than my brothers.
But this master didn't hide my brothers to keep them alive...
And so I ran to my mistress and told her: Ma'am, my brothers left, they went to pick corn.
But she just shook her head and said:
Alright, dear, I hope they make it in time for the harvest.
We stayed there a while longer.
At the end of November we set out to return home
but when we arrived everything was burned down...
(Vukašin Milićević, priest of the SOC)
Also, in connection to those victims we carry a responsibility for the victims of this past war,
especially for the deaths caused by members of our own people.
What compromises our victims of World War II,
although the victims are impossible to compromise,
but our memory of them compromises the most
and it is the way some individuals among us treated the members of other peoples in the last war,
individuals and groups, this should be said in the open.
Remembrance, if we talk about its Christian meaning,
doesn't look at the differences between the victims,
because it is an act of establishing justice,
the justice that proved unable of solving the problem in history,
but that will triumph in the end.
(dr. Srđan Sremac, Vrije University, Amsterdam)
It is certain that religions, even if they didn't have a key role, contributed to the last war,
and in the same way, they have an enormous potential and responsibility for reconciliation, for facing the truth.
As I said before, we have great examples from other countries,
Latin America, the South African Republic, Indonesia, West Timor,
where religious communities played a key role in reconciliation and facing the past.
Bearing in mind the contribution of religious dignitaries in the truth and reconciliation commissions,
the question arises whether it is possible to see similar examples in the Western Balkans
of religious dignitaries promoting peace
and supporting a regional initiative for transitional justice such as RECOM?
(Miroslav Keveždi, philosopher and religiologist)
However, the big question for our area is why don't we have a Desmond Tutu?
And I remind you of the words of Nelson Mandela, who said that Tutu was the voice of those who had no voice.
In the time of apartheid, the segregation between blacks and whites,
the blacks didn't have a voice, but they had Desmond Tutu,
which means that the blacks were the subordinated group,
that acted from a position of less power
and had the brave Tutu to raise his voice and speak out about some phenomena.
The question is
– are the religious communities in ex-Yugoslavia the ones that represent those without a voice?
(dr. Dinko Gruhonjić, president of NDNV and RECOM representative)
Through one of the films we produced
we tried to portray that even in the worst of times there was humaneness.
We wanted to promote, not necessarily ecumenism,
but an elementary humaneness of some people from faith communities
who had the strength to resist, I could say, the paradigm
that was accepted by the leadership of those communities
and who had the strength, like priest Golijan, to save two imams from horrific Vlasenica
where, we can freely say, not only an ethnic cleansing was taking place, but probably a genocide.
In the same manner, we tried and succeeded to find examples of priests like the deceased friar Marko Gelo,
who as a Roman Catholic priest, as a Bosnian Franciscan also saved people of other faiths in Livno,
including the treasure from the local Orthodox church.
Religions could, if they are willing, contribute to...
I won't use the word reconciliation...
I am not a big fan of the word reconciliation.
You cannot make people reconcile, if they don't want to,
but you can ask them to try to communicate, to understand each other better,
because then they will see that they share the same problems.
I am not an optimist in that matter,
not only because I am not a member of any organized faith community.
I won't say I am an atheist, perhaps more of an agnostic.
But, I think I am being objective when I say that the faith communities here, and not just here,
were always closer to the government or exclusively supporting the government,
so I have no doubt that they will continue to support the government,
and the government is the way it is.
(Prof. Dr. Dino Abazović, The Faculty of Political Sciences Sarajevo)
Today, it is important to observe the relationship between organized religion and nationalism.
Since the 90's, in ex-Yugoslavia, religious symbols have first been profaned and then resacralized,
not as religious symbols, but rather as national symbols of the first order.
Even today a large portion of the population does not make
the crucial distinction between the religious and the national identity.
This is problematic to the extent that our prepolitical
– I call them prepolitical -
nationalisms of a romanticized form...
because those are old feudo-imperialist conceptions
where you primarily belong to your community of religion, language, teritory
and only secondarily to the common geopolitical space.
In this part of the world, we unfortunately still comply to those old doctrines.
In that sense, religion has always been used as an additional source of legitimization of such politics.
We have witnessed that.
There were numerous misuses by the political actors in these regions,
but, on the other hand, the religious dignitaries were not able to adequatly respond
to such a profanzation of the religious in the public sphere.
When we discuss this today, it is important to mark
that in a certain way there are trends towards, as people like to say, an authentic or true spirituality.
However, I also think that the process of a dominant pseudoreligious discourse is still present,
especially when there is a need to mobilize or demobilize a certain collectivity.
(Alen Kristić, theologian and editor of the magazine Concilium)
According to my humble opinion, the key for religions to become a positive factor in this region,
is for religions to mercilessly face their own guilt for the evil that took place.
Until that happens,
religions and religious resources will remain a dead capital for positive change in our society.
Religious people and religious communities need to ask themselves what kind of theology they cultivate,
what kind of pastoring they cultivate, what kind of spirituality they teach to their people
if neighbours could turn on their own neighbours over night.
How could it be that everywhere our neighbours were disappearing
and we were pretending not to know that they were held captive in local schools and tortured,
while we attended our Sunday service or worshipped in a mosque with serenity and indifference?
Without facing the question of how Srebrenica, Vukovar or Sarajevo
could have happened to us, the believers in this region...
Until the religious communities and people do not face this question,
until this question becomes the framework for each of their prayers, and for their every mention of God,
it will unfortunately be impossible for the religions in our region to be a positive factor.
The voices of the victims
The naming of the victims as justice for all victims
(Dragan Pjevač, lawyer)
My brother Nikola found our mother after 18 days.
She had gunshot wounds on her chest,
, her head was fractured and she was missing three fingers on her right hand.
It is always hard for me when I remember this, just like for any victim.
And for this action in Medak Pocket the court in the Hague transferred the case to the Croatian court.
I was present at the trial with my whole family.
The first defendant Ademi was freed, and the second defendant Mirko Norac got 7 years.
Finally, in the appeal, his sentence was reduced to 6 years.
For all those crimes practically no one was held responsible.
In the exposition of the court's ruling Norac was charged for failing to prevent the crimes.
It's traumatic for every victim, and at the end, when the verdict is reached,
the truth is that it would have been better for the victim to have never existed.
(Damir Živković, prisoner of a camp in RS and guardsman)
I saw a man they were beating.
They took him out and beat him, they made him run from Stajićevo.
He didn't want to run, but they kept beating him for 20 minutes
until he didn't have the strength to take the beating anymore.
And then he somehow decided:
I'll go – I guess – I know they'll shoot me, they'll kill me, but that is better,
I can't take this beating anylonger.
He started to walk slowly, one foot after another.
When he was fifty meters away, he didn't even run, he just moved away.
They killed him with two short bursts.
I also witnessed a man being beaten to death.
All kinds of things were happening, so...
No one has been held responsible for the crimes
committed in the prison camps in Stajićevo, Begejci and Niš.
. Up to this day, the setting up of a commemorative plate has not been not allowed.
(Antun Dugan, colonel of the Croatian army and guardsman)
But then all these different savages appeared, so to speak.
I don't know.
I don't want to compare them to any animal, as not to offend the animal.
With the help of locals they found out in which houses the Croats lived.
So, unfortunately, on September 15, 1991, my parents were slaughtered in their house,
because some of the locals revealed that I was in the Croatian National Guard.
They couldn't catch me.
Who knows what would have happened to me if they had.
Even if someone had come from Belgrade and seen those two old people in the basement,
they wouldn't have known who they were.
But one of the locals had pointed their finger...
As our late doctor Njavro said:
"The finger was more dangerous than the rifle, than the bullet."
So, that – the betrayal.
Unfortunately, it didn't just happen to me,
but also to the Sučić family, the Potočićs, the Timanovacs.
They went zigzag, from house to house and committed crimes
that can not be washed off, even then in those days.
Although the killers of Antun Dugan's parents are known by name,
up to this day they are still on the loose.
(Dragan Pjevač, lawyer)
After 10-11 years, by the court's ruling we were awarded a certain compensation.
At the end, we received the court's decision that all of this was rejected
and that we, as families, had to pay...
My brother Dane, who is a subtenant, has to pay 3,000 Euros,
and all of us together around 12,000 Euros.
This is additional trauma of injustice for the victims.
This is an example of what victims face.
My example is just one of many injustices experienced
by citizens
of the Muslim faith, the Bosniacs, Albanians and Croats...
Mirko Norac in Croatia was sentenced to a minimal penalty of seven years in prison
for failing to stop and encouraging the killing of four civilians,
and for plundering the property and killing and torturing
of a war prisoner during the Medak Pocket Operation.
This sentence was reduced by the Supreme Court to six years.
According to the same verdict, Rahim Ademi was freed of all charges. Both of them are free today.
No one was held responsible for the killing of Dragan Pjevač's mother.
Twenty years later, the impression is that the standpoints of dominant religions
towards the past conflicts, crimes and the past have grown further apart.
Selectivity prevails in collective remembrance.
There are no records of an Orthodox priest visiting the cemetery in Srebrenica, nor an imam visiting Bratunac.
Operation Storm, in which more than 200,000 Serbs were evicted,
remains without a critical reflection from the Church of the Croats.
On the contrary, it was justified on several occasions,
and today many religious leaders publicly support right wing nationalist and populist ideas.
Certain Orthodox and Catholic bishops and priests
still retain the national-political narratives that only deepen the existing divisions.
A selective approach to conflicts prevails.
(A Catholic priest speaking)
I cannot forgive Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović for stating that the Croatian state, the independent state,
was not independent and that it was a criminal state.
Who can claim that the present Croatian state is more independent than the one from 1941-45?
And if she had to say that in front the Americans, then I ask her
– Why didn't you say that it wasn't us Croats who dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
neither did we bomb Dresden or Hamburg.
Who did we kill outside of our own borders?
Enough of throwing stones at ourselves.
Enough about what had happened in the past, during the two presidents
who were presidents of an anticroatian state.
I am glad our guardsmen finally got their minister,
a minister who was not an advisor to either of the two presidents,
a minister who did not graduate in Kumrovec or Bileć.
(Alen Kristić, theologian and editor of the magazine Concilium)
If we were to discuss the fundamental task of the religious communities,
than their place would be in the trenches.
And if we go back and see that there were no religious dignitaries in the trenches,
that there were no local religious officials in the trenches,
that there were no responsible religious individuals,
then, unfortunately, we must conclude that the religious communities have failed.
They did not perform their fundamental task, the prophetic one.
It may seem idealistic for many that they should be the force in the trenches.
The question is whether the dignitaries of the dominant religions can find a common language
and uplift the victims beyond mere selectivity
and put the places of bloodshed in a context of an inclusive culture of remembrance
where they truly belong?
Our collective conscience must come to a point where we realize
that it is necessary to first speak about the crimes committed by the members of our own nation
and thus follow the path of collective responsibility and the culture of remembrance.
The reciprocity of collective remembrance implies that
the parties that committed crimes against our people do the same.
This is the only possible way to lift the victims of past conflicts
beyond the attributes of the national and religious,
and make them holy to us all and not only to the members of a certain religious and ethnic identity.
Everything else is mere selectivity and bias that re-sacrifices the dead on the altar of nationalistic,
ideological and political interests, setting a stage of horror for the next generation.
(Aleksandar Đakovac, priest of the SOC and professor at the Orthodox Theological Faculty)
From our perspective, it is our duty as Christians to work sincerely on reconciliation,
to work sincerely on surpassing these past conflicts, and perhaps those that could ensue.
For this is the only way we can stay true to ourselves, Christ, and the Gospel.
If we don't do that, or if we won't, if we neglect it out of fear, interests or other reasons,
then, I'm afraid, we will compromise our churchiness.
Being the church of God is not something we have received to keep for ourselves.
When the Lord speaks about Christians as being the salt and light,
he says "take care that the salt doesn't lose its saltiness".
So, if we lose our saltiness and start worshipping other gods than Christ who is God
and in whom there is neither Greek nor Jew, neither male nor female,
neither slave nor free, but we are all humans in Him.
If we don't proclaim him the way he revealed himself,
and instead start proclaiming a different gospel,
then we will exclude ourselves from the reality that is called the Church of Christ.
If we, as Christians - I'm speaking from our Christian perspective here -
if we would understand this, in spite of all the difficulties that are very real,
then our faith could be a sufficient motive for us not to act according to some historic laws or events,
but to make a real contribution towards peace and reconciliation.
Among other things, as a part of the road to reconciliation,
we should support the naming of the victims,
so that each person's name and destiny would be known and kept.
However, this will be possible only if all of us relinquish the instrumentalization of victims.
(Miroslav Keveždi, philosopher and religiologist) is important for opposing parties to come together and reach a consensus on certain facts.
Firstly, we need to establish the facts and then move into interpreting them.
Interpretation without facts can only lead to new conflicts and various rash and thoughtless moves.
Facts first, and then everything else, meaning the facts that we establish together.
Karol Sevilla I #LasCancionesMasEscuchadasDelAño - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai i30 CW 1.6I STYLE ECC Navi Cruise PDC Half Leer NAP - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
I worked in retail, but sought to work elsewhere - Duration: 1:13.I've never been one to put a lot of emphasis or importance on material wealth
and on things of that nature. Even working a part-time job, like,
at a retail space, I did it for four years, or maybe closer to five.
And as much as it wasn't what I wanted to do, and I really sought to go be elsewhere
and be in an environment that I felt more suited what I was capable of doing,
I didn't mind it as long as it paid for me to do just enough as what I wanted to do,
that's fine.
That makes me sound a little unmotivated, but at the same time,
like, what I really like to do with my life is consume media. Like,
watch films, listen to music, go to art exhibitions, hang out with my friends,
talk until four in the morning, skateboard. Like, nobody's ever going to
pay me to do that, so as long as I'm making ends meet in order to do that as
much possible, I really don't mind where I end up. I would like,
and I am still driven and motivated, to end up where I want to end up,
but at the same time, it's kind of an afterthought.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I TREND 6-bak - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Yaris 5-deurs 1.3 VVT-I STYLE Navigatie - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Getz 1.4i Active Joy - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Le esclusive per PlayStation 4 più attese del 2017 - Duration: 11:39.-------------------------------------------
Leroy Sanchez & Wiz Khalifa - Hello (dennis7 Remix) Adele Cover - Duration: 3:54.Hello...
It's me
I was wondering if after all these years
You'd like to meet, to go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming
About who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt
Before the world fell at our feet
There's such a difference between us
And a million miles
Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry
For everything that I've done
But when I call, you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter
It clearly doesn't tear you apart
Damn, who knew?
All the planes we flew
Good things we been through
That I'd be standing right here talking to you
'Bout another path
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up
Look at things different, see the bigger picture
Those were the days
Hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place...
First, you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong
And what's small turned to a friendship
A friendship turned to a bond
And that bond will never be broken
The love will never get lost
And when brotherhood come first
Then the line will never be crossed
Established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn
And that line is what we reached
So remember me when I'm gone...
Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry
For everything that I've done
But when I call, you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter
It clearly doesn't tear you apart
Budhogi ( बुडोगी ) - Visit My Village | S2 E1 - Duration: 7:22.These days you can notice dew drops on the Ground.
In Garhwali language we called it "Paallu"
you can notice Little drops of water.
can you see it?
this is completely wet.
as we will move towards January we can see frozen dew drop.
I welcome you all in the Land of Gods UTTARAKHAND.
Today i will visit Budhogi Village.
Budhogi Village is situated in Tehri Garhwal.
Patti is Sarjula.
we will visit Budhogi and what's inside Budhogi ?
how people live there ?
Everyone is escaping from their villages, we will see how many people are there ?
how many people have left?
we will know everything about it.
This is the road which is going towards Budhogi.
i go through this Road.
i will be on that place.
Let me go there and i will show you what it looks like to be there.
i was there and now i am here.
I will give you more information.
That is New Tehri.
3Km. Distance is from New Tehri to Budhogi.
That is Kemsari Village.
Painulya village is upside and downside there is B.Puram (Bhagirathi Puram)
there is Lake out there.
Downside there is a Tehri Lake.
That's Tehri Dam.
as you can see hairpin turns , that place is called "PangarKhal"
Now we have arrived at Budhogi village.
That is parking place at Budhogi village.
Bikes are parked there.
It looks like.
We are here now, we will go inside.
Let's start.
That is Malta (Fruit )Tree as you can see. :)
Here is aggressive bufellow.
This is first house of Budhogi village.
what is your name ?
what's your full name ?
what is he saying ?
what is his name ?
she is combing her hairs.
Hello Ommi
come here Ommi
Handshake Ommi
who puts your Make up?
There are three house above road.
First this one.
one in the middle, and last one in next to middle.
there are one more house at the top.
These all houses are downside of the road.
My Name is Avatar Singh chauhan.
The village used to be Together.
now people are looking for facilities, wherever they find it they make their shelters.
Now there is a Road in Danda.
people are living there.
what type of fruits we can find here.
Malta, oranges, Banana, Guava, and now mangoes are growing here.
there used to be no Mangoes now you can see the mango tree.
in summer season you can find mangoes.
Mangoes grow In Bhaintogi and now here too
What's your name ?
where is your School?
Saint Anthony Public School, New Tehri
most of the children are studding there?
that's the nearest School.
My Name is Reena Chauahan
My marriage happened here, here is my Law's house
i see all destroyed house since i have been here
There was no facilities before in Village like no roads.
Because of inconvenience people started escaping from village.
some people made shelters in New Tehri
some people did job in cities and started living there.
now here are few people.
more than half village is empty.
House are now wrecked.
I want to say - now there are facilities in our village, Now people can start living here again.
My name is Sona Devi
when you start living here?
Now it's been more than 40 Years since i am here at Budhogi.
How is Budhogi now, what differences you find befor and after ?
before it was perfect but now it's not good as it used to be.
What are the perfect and what is not good according to you?
everyone one was United in our village we live together,
now people have left because of inconvenience.
Road is in construction yet, it's not complete. It can be helpful if road is complete.
There used to be unity in our village, very strong
people has gone from village
It looks like there is no one.
we can be united again if they will be back.
Do you have any friend in Village ?
There is my friend, there is she.
come here, we will click your photo
she is your friend ? Yes!
do you remember anything from past?
i am not educated i can't remember anything, Educated people can remember things.
people used to be uneducated.
There used to be Fruit plants, Trees and many things, Malta too
now there is nothing
Malta is not there?
there are few trees.
it used to be Snowfall here?
It used to be but now there should be Rainfall instead of Snowfall.
Ok I am done!
The Twilight Zone Pinball Review - Duration: 2:16.Today we're gonna look back at Twilight zone Pinball.
Designed by Pat Lawler and released in 1993 by Bally-Midway, this is one of the most complex
pinball machines of all time.
The object of the game is to collect the fourteen door panels to activate Lost in the zone.
You can earn panels by entering the slot machine or piano which can be lit by making the ramps,
or rolling over the left inlane.
They can also be earn by skills shots and power battles on the forcefeild.
In other words, they're easy to collect and come naturally throughout game play, which
is great because they unlock other modes and features which can be completed for even more
points, so you've never forced to complete certain goals.
Twilight Zone features two ramps, three bumpers, four flippers, a gumball machine, a clock,
a magnetic mini play feild, a variable skill shot, and a ceramic ball called the power
It's a great design, that keeps the players engaged but not overwhelmed.
Even though the table looks a bit cluttered, they're a neat flow, thanks to the two extra flippers.
And it's pretty unique holding up the left flipper while making the camera shot.
I one beef with this Twilight Zone Pinball and that the audio.
I remember Rod Serling's Twilight Zone marathon's on New Years Eve, but here it sounds like
everything was run through a crappy low fi filter and cheap plate reverb.
It's too crunchy.
By the way the animations are great, and talky tina still freaks me out.
I just wish they capitalized on the surrealism of the TV series even more, and where's william shatner?
Overall, Twilight Zone Pinball is a brilliant table from another dimension of sight and sound.
What's your favorite twilight zone episode?
If you're a pinball fan that hasn't seen the TV series yet you should.
In fact even you hate pinball go watch The Twilight Zone it's pretty good.
Undefeated HPU Sharks ranked 22nd in Division II Hoops - Duration: 1:57.HOME OF THE STATE'S ONLY
Y ORR...
hpu sharks head coach talks
about the team's
11-0 start to the season
Frozen Elsa Vs Hulk Vs Spiderman Fighting For Lollipop Elsa Vs Spider-man Dinosaurs Attacks 3d Video - Duration: 1:10:05.Frozen Elsa Vs Hulk Vs Spiderman Fighting For Lollipop Elsa Vs Spider-man Dinosaurs Attacks 3d Video
Wednesday morning - Duration: 1:45.TRAFFIC. DAVID MCKAY, 22NEWS.
HIGHS: 36-40
LOWS: 20-24
LOWS: 32-36
LOWS: 26-30
Ford USA Mustang 4.0 V6 CABRIOLET AUTOMAAT LEDER TOPAUTO ! 92000km - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Farming Simulator 17-Goldcrest Valley v 1009MP- Ep. 13 - Duration: 25:16.Hey guys welcome back to farm sim 17 and back to the channel I've been busy the passed two
weeks and haven't put anything out it has been a bit hectic around here just haven't
had the time and when I had the time I was just to tired so but I am back and hopefully
I can get busy doing more videos I hope I hope you all had a good Christmas and hope
you are looking forward to the new year I know I am
I want to add these two fields together if I can remember how to do this I see I have
to be up here I guess this plow wont create fields ok so I had to catch up on this map
since Stevie put out a new version 1009 mp and with a new version I had to restart a
new but I guess this is the last update for this map and he will use it as a template
for his new maps I tried this plow and it worked pretty good
not real wide though but I think I will get this one it is cheaper and no big fields to
deal with have it delivered to the farm unhook this one ok allow create fields so this one
will work that other is a plow and cultivator probably why it didn't work ok so we want
to create fields lower I haven't done much on this map other than updating it and bringing
it close to where we ended before ok I think I am going to do this the easy way let see
move this over straight line don't think I need that anymore
it is already setup as one field because when you start plowing it just keeps going into
the other field maybe it is something just with
this map
yeah i was fighting the flu bug for 3 to 5 days so that took a lot of my time
when you don't feel good you just don't feel like doing videos so what else did I do reinstalled
windows on a couple computers you will have to excuse my cough little left in there from
the flu take this plow and set it down here and pick up the slurry tanker I am also going
to start a couple maps to review them and also start the Canadian map also I will check
to make sure it is updated first one thing I didn't do was put the seed and fertilizer
factory back down
sure goes thru slurry fast did you see the trains are rolling I got that
locodrive mod installed where the trains are always moving unless you need them you can
recall them I do think my videos will be shorter now because
we have a few people from the deaf community that watch my videos so I am going to do the
close captioning for them it is just the right thing to do
but it is a lot of work you have to type it all out so they will be shorter at least I
am going to try and shorten them or do a lot of editing
I always thought close captioning was automatic but it isn't just ask my fingers lol
there should be an easier way to do that I am going to try a program that is voice
to text and see if running it in the background if it will type everything out then I can
just copy and paste it in it should be easy for me because I don't really
talk much on my videos
I planted corn there this time instead of soybeans and I will put corn here also
oh you know what I can't use this tractor for this I need one that works with courseplay
early versions of courseplay don't work with modded tractors yet
but I think I will stop here for now to keep this short and I will do another video today
with the Canadian map and probably do a review so stay tuned
thanks for watching and seeya on the next one
thank you
Folding bow and long bow - Duration: 6:55.Crazy, old woman in the wild with bow and arrow ;)
Who would guess that this is a 50 pounds bow?
It doesn't look like a bow.
Easy to bring with you, wherever you go.
Today we want to show you Toves bows and arrows.
She has two bows.
One is a real longbow - like them the Vikings used.
Unfortunately the longbow has got a little crack - but we will show you afterwords.
We don't have it right here,
but you have a cool bow to show Tove.
Today you will shoot at a target.
Yes, just to show you how I do this :)
You are not a pro shooter Tove!?
No, I'm not :)
You just do it for fun...
Nice thing to have!
You dream about shooting wild animals.
But that is just a wild dream.
That's true. In Norway it is forbidden,
and I don't think I can kill animals.
But if I get really hungry, I think I will manage it!
This is difficult in the snow.
You must buckle up the bow.
Now you have fixed it.
I have two types of arrows.
This is made of carbon.
Just synthetic material.
But these are homemade!
They are really awesome!
A wooden arrow with real feather.
And a bit metal at the arrowhead.
Is this one made at the same time as your longbow?
Yes. We made three arrows, but one of them are broken.
Why do you have this interest around arrow and bow?
It's the little boy in my mind ;-)
Did you make arrow and bow when you were a child?
Oh yeah!
Here you see the arrows.
And the folding bow.
I think this is a cool bow!
But I like the longbow most - it is more natural.
Here she buckles up the bow.
On the wall we have a target.
I didn't hit the target ;)
It was bad, but now we will see the best :)
Because now you will try the best arrow.
Let's see!
That's good!
Soon you can try to be a hunter ;)
One more!!
Very good!
These are good..
These I failed with.
Then it is hare and deer next time ...
Yes :-)
Wild boar have recently come to Norway,
nearby the Swedish border.
In Norway it is forbidden to hunt with arrow and bow.
In Sweden and Denmark it's allowed.
Here on YouTube we have seen one of you (in America) shoot a deer with arrow and bow - awesome!
Then you are pro - fun to see!
Here you see the toys Tove plays with today :)
Now we shall fold it together.
As you saw in the beginning the bow is really small when it is fold together.
Then I'll take the bow string.
This is a piece of metal.
The folding bow!
This is cool!!
The handmade arrows are the best one!
Crazy, old woman in the wild - now with arrow and bow ;)
Here you see my longbow, but it is a bit destroyed.
It is homemade in the same way as the Vikings did!
What type of wood is used?
It is made of ash.
Is it possible to see the little crevice?
It's here.
It looked like the crevice was pressed together when the bow was buckled.
That's good!
How To Get Rid Of Acne Overnight *Simple Beauty Secrets* - Duration: 2:08.HI Guys Welcome to my Channel
our first ingredients is three table spoon of Neem powder
Neem powder Kills all the Bacteria Which cause Acne
Now I will add four table spoon of orange juice
Orange Juice is very useful to prevent acne and pimple
and it helps making your skin Fresh
Before we add next ingredient let me remind you to subscribe my channel
My Last ingredient is Aloe Vera Gel I am adding 4 table spoon of Aloe Vera Gel.
Aloe Vera Gel is very effective to treat pimples
It also reduces inflammation
Now i am mixing all my ingredients very properly
Till then Subscribe my Channel
Because I do not want you to miss more amazing videos
With this Remedy your acne & pimples will start dis appearing in 3 days
And if you use it regularly your acne and Pimples will go away permanently
You can store this mixture in a jar for three days
So Friends you have to try this remedy if you have acne problem
Also tell your friends and share it with your friends
and dont forget to subscribe to my channel Simple beauty Secrets
Guys do check my website as well
There you can see all the beauty remedies
I will be back with another amazing video till then Bye bye
Easy New Year 2017 Rangoli Design with 16x6 Straight Dots || New Year Muggulu || Pongal Kolam Design - Duration: 5:39.Welcome to our YouTube Channel.
Easy New Year 2017 Rangoli Design with 16x6 Straight Dots || New Year Muggulu || Pongal Kolam Design.
Celebrate this New Year with Our Step by Step Quick & Easy New Year 2017 Rangoli Design with 16x6 Straight Dots || New Year Muggulu || Pongal Kolam Design.
Beautiful Happy New Year 2017 Rangoli / Muggulu / Kolam / Mandana / Chaookpurna / Alpana / Aripana /
Chowk pujan / Muggulu / Golam kolam / Kalam / Ugadi / Pongal Designs for Beginners.
For More Videos and Articles check our site:
You can fill this rangoli with other colors like Red, Green, Pink, Yellow, Blue, Orange, etc.
Rangoli, also known as Kolam or Muggulu, is a folk art from India in which patterns are created on the floor in living rooms
or courtyards using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand or flower petals.
It is usually made during Diwali (Deepawali), Onam, Pongal and other Indian festivals.
They are meant to be sacred welcoming areas for the Hindu deities generation to the next,
keeping both the art form and the tradition alive.
Subscribe for up to date videos.
* Rangoli - Kolam - Muggulu Collection -
* For More Dhanurmasam Rangoli - Kolam - Muggulu Design
* Dhanurmasam Rangoli Collection
* For Sankranti Rangoli - Kolam - Muggulu Designs
* Sankranti Rangoli Collection
* Flowers Rangoli - Kolam - Muggulu Designs Collection -
* Freehand Rangoli Collection -
* Shiva Ling Rangoli Collection -
* Tulasi Kota Rangoli Collection -
* Deepam / Diya Rangoli Collection -
To View Entire Collection of Rangoli Videos Subscribe
This Designs contains 16-6 Dots || 16x6 Dots || 16x6 chukkalu || 16-6 chukkalu.
For those who don't know about Rangoli, Rangoli, also known as Kolam or Muggu, is a folk art from India in which
patterns are created on the floor in living rooms or courtyards using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand or flower petals.
It is usually made during Diwali (Deepawali), Onam, Pongal and other Indian festivals.
Rangoli art is an adornment or decoration that has different names in different states of India, for example,
Rangoli in Karnataka, Chaookpurna in Chhattisgarh, Mandana in Rajasthan, Aripan in Bihar, Alpana in Bengal,
Sanskar Bharti in Maharashtra, Kolam in Tamil Nadu, Muggulu in Andhra Pradhesh, Aipan in Kumaon, Kalam in Kerala, and
Saathiya in Gujarat. Not just in names, the designs also vary as per the region.
Rangoli is created using coloured rice, dry flour, flower petals, turmeric (haldi), Vermillion (Sindoor) and coloured sand.
The patterns include the face of Hindu deities, geometric shapes
peacock motifs and round floral designs. Many of these motifs are traditional and are handed down by the previous generations.
This makes rangoli a representation of India's rich heritage and the fact that it is a land of festivals and colour.
Thank you for watching - I really appreciated it :)
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