Spiderman And Hulk Ultimate Fights Collection Hulk Vs Spiderman Action Fights Hulk All Smash Videos
For more infomation >> Spiderman And Hulk Ultimate Fights Collection Hulk Vs Spiderman Action Fights Hulk All Smash Videos - Duration: 1:09:44.-------------------------------------------
Artist Zayn Malik Live
Sleight Trailer
Cuchillo Puntilla Saba mango verde - Duration: 0:59.
My new year's resolutions for 2017 (sub pt/en) - Aula de Inglês #117 - Duration: 5:16.
Hi there guys, how are you?
Good? Awesome!
Guys, today's class is completely in English, alright?
so the first thing you have to do
is to turn on subtitles here if you need
and also you have to, YOU HAVE TO
follow me on instagram @teacherihaveaquestion
as you have seen on the title
of the video today's video is about
new year's resolution
ok, so do you know what new year's resolution is?
New year's resolutions are sort of like a
promise that you make to yourself
because you want to improve something
because you want to be a better person
because you have goals you want.. like...
something to aim at something, something to think
"okay this is what I have to do" in 2017
I usually don't make myself
promises or I don't create New Year's Resolutions
because for me it's hard to stick to it,
to commit to these things that
I want to do
ok but this year I decided to try it
and to share with you guys some of my
new year's resolutions.
But first,
there are two ways that you can really
talk about new year's resolutions
the first one is like when we were
talking and maybe you want to tell
someone else what you're doing, or you
this is like you're explaining
to someone your wishes your desires for
the next year
two really simple ways that
you can see that you can use, for example,
"I want to read more in 2017", or
"I'd like to exercise more"
if you want to sound,
like, more assertive, more sure of what
you're doing you can use the modal verb WILL
and then, in this way,
it'll sound more like a promise
you could say for example
"Oh next year I'll eat more vegetables"
don't forget if you contract "WILL"
it becomes like "ll", so, "I'll", "she'll"
so, these were two first ways, so when
you're talking to someone you could say
"I want to", or, "I'd like to" and
if you want to sound.. to promise really something,
you can say "I will".
Some other way you could say that,
you could use in the form of a list
if you want to write, like a list, of New Year's Resolutions
you could use the imperative
ok so you put a title, like, New Year's Resolution
resolutions and then you go:
1. Read more novels
ok, so, novels, they do not mean "novela"
okay?, They mean, like, thick books
For example, Harry Potter is a novel.
I'm not sure what book I'm going to read, but,
I want to read more novels, like, very long stories.
Second one is "go more to the theater"
I think there are many things, many really
nice things you watch, like plays to
watch at the theater but I don't know
much and I think I should go more
so this is one thing I want to do.
3. Resume my meditation practices
Resume is not like write a short version . No, it is
to restart something; so, restart my
meditation practices.
And my last one will be, try not to be hard on myself
I'm too hard on myself sometimes
I'm really demanding so I have to relax
a little, and take things easy.
These are my new year's resolutions.
So, right now, I want you to think about
what are your new year's resolutions
So, please, write it down on the
comments below the video
I'm really looking forward to *seeing* what you're going to say.
Guys, don't forget!
when you're writing your list, or your new year's resolution list
you never change the verb, so you always
use the imperative, in the present,
the base form, so this is why I said
"read more novels" and not "to read more novels"
you don't need to
so you would you say "read more novels"
so this is, like, the imperative form.
Also, we don't need a person like "I read more novels"
because I 'm writing a list for myself,
so I know who needs to do those actions.
What for next year? next year guys
we'll have a short series of videos about
So, the videos will restart, or I will resume
recording videos, by the third week of
January, ok? So third Tuesday of January
come here and then you see brand new
videos for you, right?
while you wait you have to keep studying,
ok? so keep watching your series,
keep listening to music in English keep
watching the videos here.
So guys, thank you very much for watching, liking, and commentting
in the videos and sharing!
If you liked the video about New Year's Resolutions,
please, like the video share
with your classmates and friends but
also coming down here your new year's
ok i'm really looking forward to that
thanks for watching I see you next year
have an amazing New Year's Eve!
See ya, Bye
How to mine Monero - Using linux CPU - Duration: 5:32.
Monero - How to mine monero on Linux (CPU)
This video will demonstrate how to create an account at minergate and how to mine monero using the CPU of a computer running Ubuntu linux.
Open your browser, access the Minergate website and create a new account.(Link in the description)
Update your apt-get database, using the command below:
Install the required packages using the following commands:
Now, let's clone the CPU miner program called cpuminer-multi:
Compile and install the cpuminer-multi:
Use the following command to start mine Monero and get rich ;-p
REMEMBER to replace the e-mail virtualcoin.videos@gmail.com for the e-mail account you used to create the minergate account
Open your browser, access the Minergate Dashboard and check if the linux computer is connected to the monero pool.
Use the Minergate calculator to check how much monero will your computer make
THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT | Garry's Mod (Gmod) - Duration: 27:21.
hey there my name is MystFro and welcome to
another stylish gameplay so yeah yeah I'm
gonna be playing a more Christmas like
sort of thing I guess because you know
it's almost Christmas and we are in the
middle of some bear so then why not look
at note just happened
yes so what I'm going to do is I'm going
to go ahead and build a sled typically
to because we know how would instead to
their classic sir see in
yeah they're pretty good
ok ok cool and then I just need to put
some stuff on it
mix there i'm going up for a seat
media so I'm going to
well alright but that's ok cool
hey I'm gonna put that
ok that's a bit upside down in here
china did better
yeah that right cool look and then I
need my tool
ok cool okay done okay it wasn't so hot
so and then what ya can do it like that
II cool so then I'm just going to have
to go that soon
yeah and then I just need to okay cool
and then I just need a pace step I need
a restaurant in definitely influenced
that's going to get it so ariga we all
set ready that that that that that the
bed to the whoops okay that's a bit too
fast i don wanna take it all the way
back here and get the stuff from he
actually answer the
cool here girlie ready now
okay just because they're to do that
said that the day would add that this is
a difficult to just be okay through
ok on look but crap okay
that's big of you
but alright then way
go where yeah nice so much burger
somewhere there ya go
what wash all look at this
oh oh yeah oh just do worry
ok through I'm look at this it's a
rocket sled
thanks Santa Wow not please come back
now I want you using they've met and
meet you if there we go
it's a rocket sled thanks oh my god
keeps getting stuck
yeah it's a rocket sled thanks and was
it's gone even good bosses thing here
got Josh right I'm get stuck there we go
yep 30 i can even go up hills even the
going in Rome and then tried again and
look I'm having too much fun of the sled
rides like doing on let's take it to the
extreme yeah you guys let's have some
christmas celebrations of these wait one
yeah with these we all style no thanks
we don't need a bunch of hostile we need
a bunch of celebrated beef
you and then
one look at that Christmas spring trip
ok cool and then i use the rope
and then that Debbie where and then I
just put it on ya
I'm really anything
world so I think it can no icon really
the it's not gonna do much
well I get killed in mine ok so all i
need to think of a plan on how i'm
supposed to do this I I think we did ok
cool so then I'm just gonna have to
place them in that your reviews so one
for you
yeah they good one for you and then look
good and you can't even see this glass
down on the ground
ok next round
new you deserve to be at the end
and no don't say to get it to be run and
then finally spring
come on
they even I don't know their yeah ok
cool the other you're the ones
they the
ok cool i think is set and then look
alright then all about the sled drain
yeah oh wait maybe just maybe phat ride
oh yes that looks good eat too much as a
bit too much script web star holy shit
ok wow well holy crap I'm going holy
shit why only grab wall
yeah can fly now thanks and blows whoa
and again alright maybe we'll put a
little big
they're not too much yeah
whip whip whip
yeah that's actually a bit better now
alright so cool way I can slide it in
and at least a full stock here know what
you make
well hey i can fly i guess and I'm stuff
oh whoops oh well it's 79 celebration
in the house not beautiful house
this must be my us borrow I mean look at
this this is mom best house you see I'm
a rich kill earning a big house I even
have the perfect looked and not
Christmas flooding awesome and
look look see see that have a rich bc
tense 78 beastie computer that you
probably don't notice pics oh yeah look
at that way zi I don't even need to i
already sitting on this table and world
distant place some garry's mod and I
goes yeah haha that's what's in here
I got really high going in a time during
here you can look I mean the 3ds lip
yes look at all these presence is no
like someone is one of common and still
them yeah all haha oh
even that dogs I've been and stops
make sure you look at the center it's
Santa Claus guys will grab look at that
and I have something awesome for
Christmas pit
again anyways yes Santa I've got
something awesome to show you like I
have like I would like some awesome like
Beastie Boys i can show you something
awesome your throw over are some random
lot to learn boy xmas everybody dollar
but I brought up bar and I don't know
what they are talking now i'm at home
Merry Christmas for I'm gonna go and
what I have up Bob again as it too much
anyways let's get to the chase shall we
we need a boat whoo fireworks way why
didn't I think of that I should have
gone fireworks thing anyways what
happens if we have a bunch of Santa
Claus and see
51 if it's getting light and probably
will but
muscle tried does it's Christmas
would actually 12 and as yeah let's blow
it it now that's pretty much that's a
ticket nice anybody
whoa cowboy way Christmas everybody
merry christmas merry christmas i'm such
a naughty girl i'm such a naughty girl
wanna join us and applause whoa craft
whoa why am I going to send anyway you
were that's that
whoa why am i doing since he knows he do
ok that's pretty much haha hello beastie
i'm a naughty girl d ok i did not sound
like a gill yeah let me try that again
I don't nobody go today gonna be just
shaky close keep it be due again as so
gruesome to be honest as so there dear
there but a barrel of beer
ok I don't know what they'll do is wrap
it up there but it was gonna have a
stair man you know when I parish man
that sounds like a freaking up granny
calculus it doesn't seem like a young
girl at all sorry
oh ok Thank You sandy I wanted Emma for
e AI wanted a balloon boy for Christmas
why has it been that phone over the
place sandy blues tonight the Blue have
a nice curve up Christmas thank you
anyways we could have a nice piece of
gun and ammo
thank you anyways there we go see we've
got a nice Christmas tree
we've got a nice Christmas free let ya
that the
yeah you'll all see that it's nice tree
and actually lights up and stuff with a
bit more but a celebration let's have
more of these yeah snowman do when it is
the me you would give me get you i'm
going to sneer man I'm gonna be honest
know when a bearish no man i want to
ride a snowman
I'm on top of this no man
okay to lie with me i'm flying with a
tree for some reading
look I'm flying the tree yeah I magical
right I'm a magical Christmas girls like
mr. Cole and his epic whoa we grabbed my
go wall
wow we grab i'm flying the three other
blow this is shocking or perfect
I don't put the tree yeah uh
that's awesome action mmm yeah fire
where whoa what explosion only rack it's
yeah fire words
yeah well
I too many
merry Christmas everyone
yeah all my god it looks so awesome is
try balloon that looks awesome
yeah yeah
oh that actually looks
I too much flashes
no I think it was actually like haha
yeah yeah merry Christmas everyone
yeah try different colors in their brain
well it's best to do it one at a time
actually looks amazing from the bodice
and look at that
it's built on my Daniel
like magical
yeah awesome
merry Christmas everyone ha ho
merry Christmas everyone yeah have more
oh whoops one of them killed me here huh
maybe a bit more driving more actually
that looks amazing
yay fireworks
it's celebrate actually wonder like this
have one day we give all
yay whoo yeah alright let's try were
pretty kinky driver cool yeah that's my
school I flew it's awesome
yeah okay Mabel and yet it hasn't gone
away actually looks heaps good ones like
going downloads looks awesome i can meet
you are I kind of
it's raining fireworks
I that's one
looks beeps actually
alright everyone gather and let's get
maybe are in the traffic actually like
the effect on it like it looks like it
so I don't have to describe it makes
more magic cool with what it's like
doing that sort of thing that effect
where it's like all loosening building
and drive it back you know what it means
but I mean with ya
that's amazing
I don't know what color is striking
rain maybe dr. Greene
look out below
dry maybe let's see what it looks like
actually cool
anyways i'm running out of time
such a dork
this year I mean getting whatever I
don't know what you want to say so I
mean I am playing as it gets captain
this said anyways thanks for watching if
you enjoyed this video please like and
subscribe stay stylish and i will see
you next time
Compare Loom & Leaf
Sleight Trailer
Richard Osman's prize-winning racing pigeon - Would I Lie to You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 3:48.
18-wheeler driver killed in crash along I-35 was distracted - Duration: 0:29.
Seat Arosa 1.4I 60PK 3D AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:01.
Una Vita - cayetana avverte minacciando berta citando i suoi parenti lontani . - Duration: 0:52.
Wicked: Re-imagining Stories Through Adaptations - Duration: 9:12.
What fascinates me about adaptations is what irks many others: its need to change.
In this day and age where book-to-movie-adaptations are made left and right
It's understandable a lot of people dismiss adaptations as quick cash-grabs.
And it's appealing for companies because there's already a guaranteed audience
But I want to take a less pessimistic approach and take a closer look, to what I think,
Is a fascinating example of intertextuality and adaptation: Wicked the musical.
However, you can't discuss the musical without discussing the book by Gregory Maguire.
Who was dissatisfied with the simplistic world in the Wizard of Oz.
Both the movie from 1939, and the original children's book by L.Frank Baum.
As you can see there's already a massive string of fiction connected to this one musical.
And even if you've never read or seen any of these texts, you probably know of:
The Yellow Brick Road...
The jeweled shoes, and the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman.
Chances are, you've also heard the sentence:
Dorothy: "I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
Even if just by the sheer amount of references and parodies in other media.
"Fly, my pretties! Fly! Fly!"
Before the lights have even dimmed in the theatre you already have a rich culture context for the show.
And it's these iconic images the musical builds its story around
Even though it's officially an adaptation of the book,
it's clear that the writers of the musical didn't expect their audience to have read the novel.
This is most notable to how the Wizard of Oz is perceived.
In the movie, and to a bigger extent our culture reference, we know the Wizard of Oz as a great guy.
Yes, he's a phony, but it also makes him less dangerous.
This belief is held up through most of the first act in the musical.
In "The Wizard And I" Elphaba is thrilled by the prospect of meeting the Wizard.
This hope continues, when in "Something Bad", Elphaba says to Dr. Dillamond that if something bad is happening to the Animals
The Wizard has to be notified so he can change it.
Elphaba: "That's why we *have* a Wizard!"
It's only at the end of act one when the Wizard uses Elphaba's powers against herself
that she realizes he's not as wonderful as everyone says he is.
In the book this hope in the Wizard was never there.
When the Wizard takes control, baby Elphaba says her very first word:
She repeats it over and over again predicting the future of Oz and herself.
The reader connects the dots much earlier that what's happening to the Animals is because of the Wizard.
So when Elphaba goes to the Emerald City for an audience with the Wizard, it's a last resort.
Elphaba firmly believes in rationality and research.
When she uses Dr. Dillamond's research to try and prove that Animals are equal to humans she hopes logic can persuade the Wizard.
But it blows up in her face and Elphaba goes underground.
What's interesting about the novel is that although the story is about Elphaba, she barely focalizes.
The entire first half of the book is through the eyes of people around her.
Only when she goes to the Vinkus we get her point of view.
But even that switches as soon as another character is around her.
Simply put, we almost never see through Elphaba's eyes.
We get to perceive Elphaba through the eyes of others.
It makes the reader second-guess everything that's stated.
Which is a fascinating way to describe a protagonist
Especially one that's already an antagonist in previous works.
But the musical couldn't use Maguire's trick of focalization
(because technically it's not a translatable concept to musical in the first place)
But, if we stretch its definition a bit towards a more cinematic concept we *can* use a definition of "point of view".
Which in the case of musicals, I'd argue, are the songs.
Of course you got dialogue that takes on a big part of the role of exposition
But the songs are a unique focalization strategy in musicals.
These are moments were we learn most of the characters emotions and motivations.
Something they can no longer express through dialogue.
It's closest to an internal book monologue you can get on stage.
Contrary to the book, we do have Elphaba's PoV from the beginning.
But the Citizens of Oz counter it.
This is easiest explained through the first and last song "No One Mourns The Wicked".
At first we're still in the cultural text of The Wizard Of Oz, where we believe that melting the Wicked Witch was a good deed.
But by the end of the musical "No One Mourns The Wicked" stings for the audience.
Someone *does* mourn The Wicked Witch of the West.
For one, Glinda does.
Because she believes for the rest of her life that Elphaba did indeed die.
But there are a lot of ways to express focalization. Take the lighting in the show.
I believe the lighting comes closest to the concept of an "external focalizer".
Or to use a somewhat simpler term: an all-knowing narrator.
The lighting dictates what we are and are not suppose to see.
For instance with transitions we're not suppose to watch Nessarose anymore.
The lighting guides us to a new part of the scene that's rapidly build up.
Of course you can watch Nessarose if you want to
but then you're actively ignoring what the lighting, the story teller, is trying to show you.
However, it does more than just guiding our attention.
One of my favorite parts is during "No Good Deed".
Suddenly, Elphaba's lighting turns into a colour we've never seen before.
Her green skin, the *one* recognizable feature that has pestered her entire, and something the audience has grown to love during the musical
turns unrecognizably pale.
It's here when she sings:
"I'm wicked through and through."
And accepts her role as antagonist.
The role she had in the original story, but the role that does not line up with the Elphaba we've seen during Wicked.
This lighting show the terrifying Wicked Witch of the West, that the citizens of Oz have been seeing the entire time.
But as soon as she sings the next line...
She steps outside that light. And we're back to Elphaba's point of view.
Alright, so we tried to compare different focal strategies as far as you can apply these to musicals.
Let's now dive into some of the other things the musical has to translate.
For example, how does the audience *feel* that they're in such an odd place like Oz?
The novel uses a lot of descriptions for this, but that's not something a musical can use.
Instead of looking at the characters or plot, we now must look at everything else that's on stage.
The sets and props give us a global idea what Oz might look like.
But it's the costumes that really show the difference between our world and Oz.
I would argue that you can put dance moves on that list as well
But what has surprised me the most is the language that's used.
You may have noticed that Wicked uses a lot of play on words.
Glinda: "Innuendo. Outuendo."
And characters muttering words like "disturburance" and "disrespectation".
But taking a closer look there's most definitely a pattern there.
For instance, Elphaba never says these kinds of words, making her in that aspect, more relatable.
While characters like Glinda and Madame Morrible use this kind of speech the most.
So why the blending of these words?
Of course you can say it's just for some quick and funny jokes, but, then why not let Elphaba speak similarly?
In many ways this speech pattern is most commonly found in the Ozians that support the Wizard.
It represents the higher society that benefits from the Animals Banns or just doesn't care about the cause.
This is why Glinda uses these blends.
In the first act to reflect Galinda's ignorance.
And in the second act to reflect that she sided with the Wizard.
Her loyalty wavers of course, but only after she realizes Madame Morrible was behind the death of Nessarose
she stops using this speech pattern altogether.
Reflecting that her loyalty lies with Elphaba.
These blends are interesting to me, because it's not used in the book or even in the Wizard of Oz.
This language is unique to the musical.
These details show that change isn't always bad.
Instead, understanding the differences in media and how adaptations translate themes of their predecessors
may enrich your experience of both texts.
After all, adaptations *have* to change.
Otherwise you might as well shove the original through a copy machine.
There's no denying that the book and musical are very different.
Maguire's Wicked is darker and in some ways very unsatisfying.
but that's exactly the story he wanted to tell.
You're *suppose* to feel unsatisfied, because we follow the story of an antagonist.
Meanwhile, the musical has a limited amount of time to build up a story and therefore takes a clearer path.
and tries to tie up some loose ends the book only ever speculates in.
Neither version is bad. They're just trying to accomplish different things.
Even in an era were it almost seem the only new things that are created are "bad remakes"
that are an "insult to the original"
It's important not to forget that stories aren't created in a vacuum.
Old stories inspire new ones.
Creators build on a foundation that was laid before they were even born.
Hell, even L. Frank Baum created The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz, because he believed classical fairy tales were outdated.
He argued children books were only needed for entertainment, because moral guidance was included in education.
More than anything, I'd describe Wicked as a hunger.
A hunger to not only read and enjoy, but engage with the stories we consume.
Both adjusting and criticizing it, in a way today's audience can relate to.
Adapting it into a frame work that suits our current culture and society.
Even if you don't agree.
*Especially* if you don't agree.
That's how new stories are created.
Wicked is an example that shows that adaptations work best to those who are brave enough to engage with change.
And re-imagine
[last note of "Finale - Wicked" plays]
Baby Elphaba says her very first word:
Howr- Howwowrs.
Howrwowrs. Oh fack...
Howwows... Howwowow
Star Citizen - Pirate Swarm (MP) Wave 18 DVR - No Comment - Duration: 13:28.
I lied
Problem : Out of Flares
Connies can take quite a beating
So am I - My shields. Evade!
Ouch. Evade!
Die wrench!
Fffffff no!?
Fffffff yeah!
Cutlass :(
MSL Warn - evasive. No flares
Hard kill
Again? Grrr - evade.
%#!$@£! %#!$@£$X$#!$@£!
You there! H.E.L.P!
Ok thanks! Let's go
He's going below the deck ... right?
Ok, prolly not. He's back.
Ha! Missed!
Yeah - heard it. Still got shields. No biggie
Hm. Shields
Ok. No shields. Bad hit.
Why am I not moving forward? Throttle 100%!
Afterburner &Throttle? Cmon!
Uhm. Wth???
Ehm. What ... now?
She's dead. Eject?
Nope. Not working
Oh Hi.
U mad?
Please don't
Ah. snap
<Weapon Group 1 Set>
Hm, not that many left?
Time for cooling the weapons
Chaffs away - no biggie
Oh hold on. One left?
Nay. Two.
Soften up, baby!
Nope, just one MSL left. Dang.
You like that!?
Last bogey! Or?
I heard of some bugs that spawned some more of them.
... I think ...
Let's stock up just in case
.. just a Gladiator ...
See - nothing close to the Cutlass Brick ... cakewalk.
Yey! Did it :D
Good fun - more bugs needs to be fixed, but this is still good fun!
Messing around on Garry's Mod - Duration: 1:38.
*JJ punching glass repetitively*
*switching tools*
*switching tools again*
*punches glass more intensely*
*switching tools once again*
*JJ shooting at the glass*
JJ: *deeply* DIEE..
*reloading* AW, MAN!
JJ: 'Kay, lemme see if I can..
Get a vehicle..
*high-pitched* Ooo.
*car starting* JJ: Oh God.
*JJ laughs painfully*
*high-pitched* Oh mah gawdd!
*JJ grunting loudly as he drives into the water stupidly*
JJ: *panicked-sounding* Oh God.
*inhales and exhales intensely*
Wait, I wonder if I can shoot it with rockets at it. (boi)
*selects weapon*
JJ: *deeply* Yeah..
*shoots at car*
*shoots at car again*
*runs along in the grass*
*selects more stuff*
*shoots bow*
*buzzing sounds*
*selects another weapon*
*shoots repetitively*
*gun recharges lighting bullet*
*start shooting again*
*selects another tool*
*places balloon*
JJ: Oh, a balloon! :D
How lovely. *places more balloons*
My public relationship || tirlen - Duration: 2:45.
So I'm in a public relationship on this platform.
I've had Peyton and some videos I have
never tried to hide the fact that we're
in a relationship. And choosing to have
like a public relationship on here is
very--it's a very personal thing and I
totally understand why some people don't
want to. But I wanted to talk a little
bit about what I like about having a
public relationship, because there's a
lot of misconceptions about like why
people would choose to have a public
relationship on YouTube. I think with
larger YouTubers, a lot of people see it
as them just kind of doing it for the
views, you know, like sharing more of
their life because they know people will
watch it. And I just wanted to let you
know that that's exactly what i'm doing
here. I'm only in anything for the views.
That's why I'm here.
[laughs] Okay, but seriously, I think
there are three main reasons why I like
having a public relationship on YouTube.
The first is that YouTube is an
important part of my life, and Peyton is
an important part of my life, and I like
being able to have those parts of my
life intersect. The second reason kind of
goes hand in hand with the first reason,
but like I also just find it very fun to
make videos with someone I'm in a
relationship with. Like, we can have fun
and be cute and it's a fun like activity
to do together. And the third reason is
just that I share a lot on YouTube, and I
like that being a part of myself that I
share. I like being able to talk about my
relationship like I'm doing right now.
That being said, if I had like two
hundred thousand or two million
subscribers instead of two thousand
right now, I would think a lot harder
before sharing my relationship online.
The advantage of being the size that I
am now is that, you know, I don't get
people commenting on or freaking out
about my relationship in the comments
section. And like I've had two previous
significant others that I've shown on
this channel, and I've never gotten a single
comment of someone being like "oh
my god, did y'all break up what's happening
oh my goodness"
But anyways, I hope this made sense.
I didn't script this video or anything, I
decided to do it about 10 minutes ago, so
hopefully all my thoughts were kind of
collected. We'll see.
Thank you all so much for watching, I
love you very much and I will see you tomorrow.
My 2017 Manifesto - Duration: 5:02.
- [Gary] Sittin' here listening to my music list
and I'm starting to find a little clarity.
Starting to understand why this thing is so hard.
This game of entrepreneurship.
Shit, this game of life.
It's because the real answer is really found
when you're pulling from opposite directions.
I'm sitting here laying and saying
why? Why? Why am I so blessed?
Why is all this good stuff happening?
And it's because I'm a contradiction.
Because I've got this funny juxtaposition
where I'm pulling from opposite directions.
I don't give a fuck what any of you think about me
yet I'll read every comment and
I'll listen to everything all of you say about me
'cause I listen.
I talk a fuck load.
I'm always talking.
I'm cutting people off, I'm talking.
But I'm listening, I'm listening 24/7.
I'm always patient.
I'm playing the long game.
But I'm always quitting things, every day.
Trying, testing,
not crippled by stop and starting.
How do I figure that out?
How do I understand when it's time to give up on something
or when it's time to persevere?
How do I understand and how do I feel and
how do I decide when to listen to somebody's feedback
or to know when they're trolling and don't give a fuck
or only seeing surface level?
How is this happening?
How am I working 24/7/365
yet it doesn't feel like I'm working?
How am I always constantly putting out content
and building my brand yet never thinking about it
and just living my life?
How am I documenting instead of creating?
Where is this? Where is this zen coming from?
Where is this call to action coming from?
Why is this plan working so well
and how, how do I get all you youngsters
(laughs) and when I say youngsters
I mean the 59-year-old who hasn't grown up yet,
who hasn't been willing to look at the world.
And it comes from this,
it comes from the most macro.
It's clearing up for me. I'm starting to see it.
It's understanding that nobody gives a fuck
and that that's okay and that's the way it should be.
I live on empathy.
You shouldn't give a fuck.
You've got you to worry about.
I'm empathetic to that.
That's the game and we're all dealt with different cards.
We've all got strengths and weaknesses.
We've got the advantages and the disadvantages.
Plenty see white privilege, so do I.
I see privilege in being from the streets
and having zero and being hungrier.
There's so many different ways.
And of course, some are better than others
at the most macro but
I don't even spend the time to figure that out
because by the time you figure out
if it was fair, you're fucking finished.
And so instead of doing that I do
and I do and I do.
And I'm always planning and I'm not planning.
And I've always got a game plan and a strategy
and I've always not got one.
I'm just going off the hip
from intuition, from learned behavior,
from pattern recognition because
I've been doing this from the get.
When I was 12, 13, 14, 15 I knew.
I did. It's why I got those shit grades.
Shout out to everybody that saw that report card on Instagram.
You know, it's what I do
and so as I sit here laying, look and think,
and debate and look out at the ocean
and listen to this music
it's becoming clearer.
2017 could be a great year.
Not just for me but for you
because as I find clarity
I'm gonna suffocate negativity.
I'm gonna suffocate excuses.
If you're gonna be in my community
you're gonna give up and leave
if you want to believe in those things
because I'm gonna pound it, push it, press it
harder than I ever have before.
Because the truth is I'm thankful. I'm grateful.
I'm working on myself 24/7,
my goals, my ambitions
and I'm working on your goals and your ambitions 24/7.
That's pulling from opposite directions.
That's what I do.
That's what I do harder, stronger, better than anybody.
Honey Empire, bitches.
Building biggest building of all time.
The biggest, best business of all time
like a fucking tortoise.
Like a slow fucking tortoise.
Chip away every day.
Underestimated all along the way.
Got my fans who are delusional,
I got the rest of them, the majority of the market
that doesn't think I can get it.
That doesn't see the behavior
'cause they're thinking 2017,
they're thinking 2019, they're thinking 2021.
I'm thinking life, bitches.
I'm thinking mother fucking life.
And so I promise you community,
the people that are listening to this right now
you've given me the greatest fucking gift of all.
You keep your $500 master classes,
you keep your $5,000 masterminds,
you keep your $97 e-books.
You keep that in your pocket
and you do you.
You're gifting me with the greatest fucking thing on Earth.
Your attention and your word of mouth.
Every fuckin' time you tag somebody
in my comments on Instagram,
every time you share my story on Snapchat,
every time you post and share Facebook
means the world to me.
Every retweet means the world to me.
That means you're putting me on.
You're co-signing this fucking journey
and for that I will never take it for granted.
I love you. Happy 2017.
Curtis quintuplets: Michigan's first family of fast food - Duration: 7:41.
Pond Lehocky - THE Workers' Compensation Law Firm in Pennsylvania - Duration: 0:31.
I got hurt at work and I don't what to do.
Can't play with my kids.
Can't work.
Bills are piling up.
My wife's always worried.
Insurance companies keep giving me the run around.
It's just too much to handle myself.
You've called the right place.
Pond Lehocky can help get your life back together.
My Christmas Blog (Mukbang) - Duration: 9:20.
Two for me hehe
This is dried blueberry I got from Costco
Very delicious
I am going to pack some in a container
This is sweet potato crackers with whole grain
It's all for snack (for my baby's lunch)
I have to write down food label what's inside for each container
Date, name, contents etc
OMG my hands are freezing cold!!!
Okay I just got home and getting ready for dinner
Today I m going to make Bulgogi
I already prepared vegetables
My husband always loves to have some brothy Bulgogi
So I am going to add some broth I already made
This is marinated beef!
Tada! It's almost ready
This is broth that I made earlier and saved it for future use
I wouldn't put much because vegetable contains water too
and then I will boil it
It looks great
Once the beef and vegetable have been cooked I normally turn the heat off
So you can keep nice colors of carrots and green spring onion
and then you heat it again when you actually ready to eat
because everything has already been cooked you don't need to overheat it
Whenever I have time while cooking I pack my baby's snack
These are clementines and mangos which will need to be in the fridge anyway
You want soup? Okay wait it will be ready soon
I am going to make Kimchi soup
Spring sprouts are very fresh so I am going to add this in the soup
You always close the lid when you cook spring spouts
that way you don't have bad smell from the spring sprouts
Baby: I want to play!!!
Okay honey almost done
Okay I am heating up the bulgogi again
Put sesame oil and seeds at the end instead of beginning
in high heat
that way you will get full sesame flavor nicely
Okay it's ready
Kimchi soup
Looks delicious
adding tofu
I am spring onion (asian) so I will put it in the soup at the end
Bye~~~~ see you later
Ah One
Ah Two
Ah One Two Three
Is it dead?
it looks fantastic
(Lobster: Arhhhhh MYHAND!!) (PUT YOUR HANDS UP)
Butter sauce
A Whole New World~~~~~
Shrimp <3
So excited (when eating) lol
arghhhhhh oh my god (look at my face haha)
(Don't eat lobsters and crabs when dating)
(Because you need to use your hands lol)
(Hope you had Merry Christmas!!!)
(After dinner I'm editing with fatty hot chocolate <3)
See you in my next video! Bye!! Kisses
Skype Counseling - Best Online Therapy for Anxiety 2016 - Duration: 4:19.
I offer Skype counseling for help
with anxiety and depression and other
emotional problems. The best form of
therapy is going to be involved in helping you
learn how to manage your emotions
more effectively, and we do this by
developing a conscious mindful
relationship with our emotional habits
whether this is anxiety or depression or
OCD or anger or the compulsive impulses
behind an addiction.
Whatever the emotional habits we need to
develop very conscious relationship with
that part of ourselves.
This is how you fundamentally change
that habit. You cannot change a habit by
avoiding it;
you can't change a habit by fighting
it or resisting it or trying to
suppress it. The only way to change
emotional habits like anxiety is by
actually coming into relationship with
that habit, seeing it like an object
within yourself. This conscious
relationship is what we describe as
mindfulness. It is learning to be present
with your emotions, learning to be
present with your anxiety or depression
or other emotion. When you do this you
begin to essentially disengage from that
reactive habit and this allows the
habit to change itself. All emotional
habits, all forms of emotional suffering
are fundamentally trying to change
themselves. They are trying to heal and
return to a state of balance.
This is a natural property of the mind,
the psyche, in the same way that it is a
natural property of the body. If the body
is injured it begins a process of
healing and there's a natural
intelligence in the body that guides
that process of healing and the process
of healing is a process of returning
from a state of imbalance to a state of
balance again. That same mechanism, that
same intelligence operates within the
psyche as well. It's only when we become
blind to that natural healing within us
that emotional problems like anxiety and
depression persist. In order for an
emotional habit to change we have to
develop consciousness. It needs
consciousness to change and that's what
we bring to our emotional habits when we
meditate on them using mindfulness and I
will teach you how to do this. I will
teach you how to form a conscious
relationship with your emotions that
facilitates their healing and change. It is
not difficult and most people will
see very dramatic changes within three
to four sessions all online therapy via
So, if you're interested in Skype
counseling and you'd like to learn more
about this approach to changing anxiety
or depression or any other emotional
suffering that we experience, simply
contact me - send me an email,
ask your questions and then let's
schedule a Skype counseling session. This is
the best way to produce real lasting
change. So,Ii look forward to hearing from
Thank you!
WABBA?? WABBA!! wabba... :C - Duration: 0:26.
5 OP Tricks With Flash You Should ABUSE! - League of Legends - Duration: 12:32.
What's up guys it's me Jeremy!
We wanted to try something new and break down some of the mechanics or features of League
of Legends that you might take for granted since they are super familiar to players in
Flash is one of these - you use it in pretty much every single game, so although you might
have a good understanding about when to use it, you could also be missing a lot of the
more interesting tricks you can do when you combine Flash with other game mechanics.
Today we're going to explore some of those tricks so that you guys have even more ways
to use the Flash summoner spell in your games in the future!
And if you enjoy the video definitely hit that like button because if this video hits,
let's say <X> ratings, then I'm gonna <x>.
Admittedly the first trick isn't really a trick - but it's a piece of information
you absolutely need to understand if you're going to use the other tricks in this video.
Essentially, it's about the way Flash works from a mechanical perspective - Flash does
not interrupt, cancel or delay animations in any way.
That might sound pretty obvious, but it actual has implications that allow all of the tricks
in the rest of the video to work.
The only thing Flash does is move your champion - so if you use it in combination with abilities,
Flash will just move your champion while the animation for that ability is playing out.
Okay, so now that's out of the way we can get into the real tricks.
The first one is animation cancel that allows you to cast abilities around 33% faster, and
it's something that actually works on a ton of different abilities.
All it takes is to use an ability and then flash immediately afterwards!
There's too many abilities to list all of the ones that work this way, but there's
actually a handy and super simple trick you can use to figure out if it will work.
If you cast a skillshot ability when you have your cursor outside the max range of the ability,
there's two things that can happen.
Either your champion will cast the skillshot anyway, and it'll move towards your cursor
regardless, or your champion will move forward until the max range of the ability would make
it land on your cursor, then they will cast it automatically.
Flash Input buffering will work as long as the skillshots uses the first mechanic, being
cast regardless of whether your cursor is in range or not.
This technique lets you really surprise people and get the jump on them with a super quick
and sneaky play, since it doesn't only cast the ability fast - it also shortens the animation.
That's because usually the animation would start and end before you flash, but with this
trick the animation starts before the flash, and during the cast animation you are flashing.
That makes it way harder to dodge the ability, since you're essentially both hiding the
start of the animation, and casting the ability quicker than usual, leaving the enemy player
way less time to react and potentially putting you in a better position to follow up on the
The next trick is kinda similar but instead of working with certain skillshots, it actually
only works with targeted abilities.
Like the last trick, it does let you cast abilities quite a bit faster, and it also
adds in an element of surprise that people won't be expecting.
The way it works is you first target an enemy who is outside of range with an ability, which
will cause your champion to move towards them until you are in range to cast it.
Instead of taking the time to walk into range though, you can actually flash instead, and
the input will still be queued and activated once you have flashed into range.
For example, say you want to Rune Prison an enemy champion super quickly but you're
outside of range.
Usually you would flash into range then activate Rune Prison, but that's actually pretty
slow because you have to time it yourself or button mash to do it faster.
Using this trick, you could target an enemy with a Rune Prison and then flash into range
- the Rune Prison cast will still be queued, or 'input buffered' so it will automatically
cast as soon as you are in range.
The trick works because of the first thing we mentioned - flash doesn't interrupt abilities.
If you had targeted someone with Rune Prison and then issued a move command, you would
cancel the queued ability.
Flash doesn't have this problem, so you can queue targeted abilities and flash to
quickly execute them and catch people off guard!
Just remember, this only works with targeted abilities - so anything that is point and
click on a single target should work.
Our next tip builds on the previous ones, and it's about changing the direction of
an ability.
It applies to both skillshots that have a direction-target, and targeted abilities that
have some kind of knockback on the enemy champion that is hit with the ability.
First up we'll cover the skillshot variant - you just have to animation cancel like we
mentioned in the first tip, and the ability will cast from the direction you are facing
AFTER the flash.
This applies to AoE or cone abilities, such as Cassio's Ultimate or Lux's Ultimate,
where you can change the direction of where the ability is cast from by flashing in a
way that fakes out a certain direction.
Unfortunately it doesn't work for single target stuff like Ahri's Charm or Amumu's
Q, the technique will still cause you to cast the ability from where you flash to, but it
won't change the direction of the skillshot.
It's another technique that can really catch people off guard, since they might expect
you to miss a Lux Ultimate, or think you are targeting someone else, only for you to change
the direction and hit them directly!
The second version of this trick applies to targeted abilities with knockbacks, such as
Vayne's Condemn or Lee Sin's Ultimate.
Essentially you have to input buffer like we mentioned before - queue your ability cast
on your target, then flash to the opposite side of the direction that you want the enemy
champion to be knocked in.
The reason it works is because the knockback effect doesn't trigger until after the cast
animation, and it checks where you are positioned before deciding which way to knock an enemy.
That means you can cast the ability, then flash to another locate in order to change
the angle at which they will be thrown.
It's been famously used for sick outplays with champions like Lee Sin or Vayne, since
at first it looks like the ability is going to push an enemy further away, but then quick
flash causes them to be fired into a wall or towards the friendly team for an easy kill.
For certain abilities, you can actually flash during the animation to extend the range,
and still land the ability at the end of the flash.
This is another really famous mechanic, and is often used with stuff like Gragas Body
Slam, Vi's Vault Breaker and Shen's Taunt.
It's actually use with a lot more abilities than just the well known ones though - any
ability in the game that functions as a dash rather than a blink can be used with the range
extension flash trick, as long as the ability doesn't lock onto a single target like Amumu's
Q. Another good example would be Jarvan's E-Q combo, you can use the flash to extend
the range of the knockup and catch someone that thought they were safe!
It's done by using flash part way through the dash - remember, Flash doesn't interrupt
abilities, so you simply do half the dash in one location, then finish the rest of the
dash from the new location after the flash, giving you extra range.
This can also be used to hit targets that would have originally been missed with the
dash though, such as two opponents that are next to each other that aren't lined up
with your dash.
Take Shen's Taunt for example, and let's say you are opposite two champions that aren't
in line with you.
You can dash towards one, then the second you hit the first champion you could flash
in front of the second enemy, and the dash would continue from that new position, letting
you taunt both enemies.
This is often used by pros when predicting enemy flashes, for example a Gragas that is
ganking a top laner and expects them to flash, so he flashes himself to catch them even though
they would have originally flashed outside his dash range.
It's quite easy to do once you're used to it, the trick to it is just practice, and
getting used to the range of flash which is 425 units.
Our last trick is about flashing over large walls, which is something a lot of people
know how to do but don't often understand how it works.
Once you do know the exact reason you can flash over walls that are wider than flash's
range, you'll rarely fail those pesky walls like the banana bush walls near mid lane,
or the big wall near top lane.
Essentially the way it works, is that if you do something that would hypothetically put
you inside of a wall, the game will force you out of the wall on one side or the other
based on whichever side you are closest to.
So the best way to do it is to get as close to the wall as possible and then make sure
you flash at a spot where the range of flash will cover half of the length of the wall.
And using this you can flash over walls that cover almost if not just about twice the range
of flash overall!
You've just got to make sure that your flash will put you on the side of the terrain nearest
to where you want to end up, otherwise the flash will fail and the terrain will put you
on the wrong side, so you'll pretty much just flash on the spot.
Anyway that just about wraps up today's video on flash tips and tricks, we really
hope you guys liked this one, and if there's a cool trick you know that we didn't mention
make sure you share it with everyone else in the comments, or just leave us a suggestion
of what you think we should talk about next!
And it looks like that's gonna be it from me, if you enjoyed the video drop a like,
subscribe if you want, thanks for watching, and I'll see you guys next time.
"Rewind" Infinite Warfare Montage....Teaser - Duration: 0:58.
Comment What you think About the soon to come Montage.Enjoy
coyotte subs - Duration: 0:41.
Vivian Sucks At Mannequin Challenge - Duration: 6:27.
Dear chair
you have served me well.
After 2 days of waiting, it is finally here.
So what do you think about Prosperous Dim Sum?
Not good.
I think the plus point of Prosperous is that it is cheap.
Like for example, I like to eat egg tarts.
So normally, I use egg tarts as a reference point.
In shopping malls or in downtown, an egg tart will cost you probably between RM2 to 4.
But in Prosperous, the egg tart was RM1.50.
That is cheap actually.
My tripod is here.
Did you know that GDEX is the fastest growing shipping company in Malaysia?
But the thing I don't like about GDEX is they never pick up their phones.
My stupid octopod.
Is this the same size as what WahBanana creator uses?
Wah. It's quite flexible, huh?
Uh huh.
What's this? Ohhh...
Press this.
You slide it out.
Do you know how much this costs?
So how do you like Spectral?
Okay lah. Not too bad.
But very pek chek (stressful) when I watch it.
They don't feel the urgency sometimes.
When they should run, they, they just walk.
Oh My God!
But do you recommend people to watch it or not? Yeah.
So I guess you would give this probably a
I don't know. 8?
Do you think it deserves an 8?
Yeah. 8 / 9 kind of thing?
8 lah.
1 to 10?
Wanna do a mannequin challenge or not?
We start now okay?
Okay. My mannequin pose is like this.
Eh! Mannequin challenge!
Here we go again.
Eh! Mannequin challenge!
So long wan.
Noob lo.
탈주 THE ESCAPE 단편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 13:32.
Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVTI EXECUTIVE Lederen bekleding - Duration: 1:33.
Love Ciara?
The Bye Bye Man
O panně Mahuleně - Pohádky bratří Grimmů cz 2015 - Duration: 57:56.
My new year's resolutions for 2017 (sub pt/en) - Aula de Inglês #117 - Duration: 5:16.
Hi there guys, how are you?
Good? Awesome!
Guys, today's class is completely in English, alright?
so the first thing you have to do
is to turn on subtitles here if you need
and also you have to, YOU HAVE TO
follow me on instagram @teacherihaveaquestion
as you have seen on the title
of the video today's video is about
new year's resolution
ok, so do you know what new year's resolution is?
New year's resolutions are sort of like a
promise that you make to yourself
because you want to improve something
because you want to be a better person
because you have goals you want.. like...
something to aim at something, something to think
"okay this is what I have to do" in 2017
I usually don't make myself
promises or I don't create New Year's Resolutions
because for me it's hard to stick to it,
to commit to these things that
I want to do
ok but this year I decided to try it
and to share with you guys some of my
new year's resolutions.
But first,
there are two ways that you can really
talk about new year's resolutions
the first one is like when we were
talking and maybe you want to tell
someone else what you're doing, or you
this is like you're explaining
to someone your wishes your desires for
the next year
two really simple ways that
you can see that you can use, for example,
"I want to read more in 2017", or
"I'd like to exercise more"
if you want to sound,
like, more assertive, more sure of what
you're doing you can use the modal verb WILL
and then, in this way,
it'll sound more like a promise
you could say for example
"Oh next year I'll eat more vegetables"
don't forget if you contract "WILL"
it becomes like "ll", so, "I'll", "she'll"
so, these were two first ways, so when
you're talking to someone you could say
"I want to", or, "I'd like to" and
if you want to sound.. to promise really something,
you can say "I will".
Some other way you could say that,
you could use in the form of a list
if you want to write, like a list, of New Year's Resolutions
you could use the imperative
ok so you put a title, like, New Year's Resolution
resolutions and then you go:
1. Read more novels
ok, so, novels, they do not mean "novela"
okay?, They mean, like, thick books
For example, Harry Potter is a novel.
I'm not sure what book I'm going to read, but,
I want to read more novels, like, very long stories.
Second one is "go more to the theater"
I think there are many things, many really
nice things you watch, like plays to
watch at the theater but I don't know
much and I think I should go more
so this is one thing I want to do.
3. Resume my meditation practices
Resume is not like write a short version . No, it is
to restart something; so, restart my
meditation practices.
And my last one will be, try not to be hard on myself
I'm too hard on myself sometimes
I'm really demanding so I have to relax
a little, and take things easy.
These are my new year's resolutions.
So, right now, I want you to think about
what are your new year's resolutions
So, please, write it down on the
comments below the video
I'm really looking forward to *seeing* what you're going to say.
Guys, don't forget!
when you're writing your list, or your new year's resolution list
you never change the verb, so you always
use the imperative, in the present,
the base form, so this is why I said
"read more novels" and not "to read more novels"
you don't need to
so you would you say "read more novels"
so this is, like, the imperative form.
Also, we don't need a person like "I read more novels"
because I 'm writing a list for myself,
so I know who needs to do those actions.
What for next year? next year guys
we'll have a short series of videos about
So, the videos will restart, or I will resume
recording videos, by the third week of
January, ok? So third Tuesday of January
come here and then you see brand new
videos for you, right?
while you wait you have to keep studying,
ok? so keep watching your series,
keep listening to music in English keep
watching the videos here.
So guys, thank you very much for watching, liking, and commentting
in the videos and sharing!
If you liked the video about New Year's Resolutions,
please, like the video share
with your classmates and friends but
also coming down here your new year's
ok i'm really looking forward to that
thanks for watching I see you next year
have an amazing New Year's Eve!
See ya, Bye
OPERAÇÃO BIG HERO Foi Inspirada nos Quadrinhos - Duration: 9:19.
Varg Vikernes - DIVOKÝ, BARBARSKÝ, SVOBODNÝ! (CZ Titulky) - Duration: 4:04.
Cuchillo Puntilla Saba mango verde - Duration: 0:59.
Victor Socaciu - Cântec fără răspuns - Duration: 3:01.
What Do Vegans Eat? - Duration: 4:41.
Justice begins with a simple dietary choice
Beings, not food.
♪ The Yogis they teach us Ahimsa (compassion) ♪
♪ Nonviolence, to be happy and free ♪
♪ For all the beings of this world ♪
♪ The animals, the plants, and humanity. ♪
♪ Sweet fruit in abundance and vegetation – ♪
♪ The gifts of our Mother Earth ♪
♪ The Garden of Eden is ours for cultivation ♪
♪ Our human right from birth. ♪
♪ So tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Oh Why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Oh Why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Oh Why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Oh Why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ The shrimp decorate their underwater caves ♪
♪ And the mighty buffalo roam ♪
♪ The cows want to love their babies young ♪
♪ The birds nest in trees for homes ♪
♪ The clownfish you see them mate in pairs ♪
♪ And the dolphin – they speak like me ♪
♪ The whales have global communication ♪
♪ Intelligence is all I see! ♪
♪ So tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
This is Wilbur. Wilbur is *someone*, not *something*.
♪ Can't you see the innocence in their eyes? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Tell me why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ One love, one life make the planet survive ♪
♪ Endless slaughter, dark, and painful lives ♪
♪ ...most the animals know ♪
♪ We are the shepherds of this Earth ♪
♪ – up to us to nurture and grow ♪
♪ Why have we forgotten our heritage? ♪
♪ And why is Babylon too blind to see? ♪
♪ We're all the children of this world ♪
♪ Animals – in our family ♪
♪ So tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Oh Why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ The Mother Earth is here to provide. ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Tell me why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ They love the life like you and I ♪
♪ Aristotle, and Buddha, and Einstein ♪
♪ Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, ♪
♪ The Rastas, the Jains, and the Hindus ♪
♪ They say that vegetarian is healthy ♪
♪ It's the solution for Global Warming ♪
♪ And the planet's prosperity ♪
♪ So tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ There is no reason that I can see... ♪
♪ So tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Tell me why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ If you grow your food, then no one has to die ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
♪ Tell me why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? ♪
Ferdinand is *someone*, not *something*.
Vegan desserts, thus without the cruelty of the egg and dairy industries
♪ Changing your patterns can seem so hard, ♪
♪ But if you open up your hearts and let down your guard ♪
♪ Seek the answers to your questions and you may find ♪
♪ The light that we all have inside. ♪
♪ In the spiritual world There are no slaughterhouses. ♪
♪ And you don't just talk, you sing You don't just walk, you dance. ♪
♪ And the trees, the trees provide you with everything you could ever possibly need. ♪
♪ So tell me why must we eat the Animals? Oh Why? Oh Why? ♪
♪ Tell me why must we eat the Animals? Oh Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? ♪
♪ So tell me why must we eat the Animals? Oh Why? Oh Why? ♪
Join the rEVOLution.
How to mine Monero - Using linux CPU - Duration: 5:32.
Monero - How to mine monero on Linux (CPU)
This video will demonstrate how to create an account at minergate and how to mine monero using the CPU of a computer running Ubuntu linux.
Open your browser, access the Minergate website and create a new account.(Link in the description)
Update your apt-get database, using the command below:
Install the required packages using the following commands:
Now, let's clone the CPU miner program called cpuminer-multi:
Compile and install the cpuminer-multi:
Use the following command to start mine Monero and get rich ;-p
REMEMBER to replace the e-mail virtualcoin.videos@gmail.com for the e-mail account you used to create the minergate account
Open your browser, access the Minergate Dashboard and check if the linux computer is connected to the monero pool.
Use the Minergate calculator to check how much monero will your computer make
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