I am very curious to see how the perspectives and perceptions had ...
changed now about this particular topic.
Especially in our country, when in a way for all the middle class
the gay matter stopped being...
being in an area of legal marginality
and see how that had affected the narratives of the filmakers.
There is a development and a filmic language, or audiovisual
more complex that goes beyond than just attending the topic.
All identity is a prison, but we are not placed there by pushes
many times we get into that prison by ourselfs.
I threw this little reflection for rethink...
the way festivals grouped...
How queer my film is? how I do know?
Can't my heterosexuality be hyper queer?
I dedicate myself to make articles that deal with matters that usually are marginalized ...
of the spotlight, whether if it's on films, on the media, or on the arts, then
I always found healthy the places that opens the possibility of seeing other ways of living,
other ways of being, of loving, of placing yourself into the world.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the narratives of the films were very complex,
the aesthetic, the way of seeing the situations as well.
Do I contradict myself?
Well, yes, I contradict myself, so what?
I'm beyond measure, I contain multitudes.
I took this from the facebook profile of Daniel Molina.
For more infomation >> Resumen 3° Festival de Cine Espacio Queer - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
OnePlus 3 Android 7.0 Nougat Beta, all the new features! - Duration: 4:13.
Hello welcome to a new video of Urban Tecno.
We continue to review the work of the manufacturers when it comes to updating their devices, especially
their star products.
We already saw it with Samsung and its S7 edge and today it is the turn to OnePlus 3,
which along with its successor OnePlus 3T was called to be one of the best-selling mobile
phones for its excellent price.
The jump to Android 7.0 Nougat is about to arrive officially but for the moment we can
only enjoy its news in Beta format and is precisely the version we have tested.
Oxygen OS is practically the only layer of Android customization that I can recommend
beyond Android Puro, for its minimalist inspiration and for trying only to contribute in specific
sections on an already excellent version as it is Android as Google develops it.
With Android 7.0 come some news to all devices that support it really interesting.
The first of them, the expandable notifications, which have improved again as we saw in the
release video of this version, and OnePlus has incorporated without adding anything else.
And you have chosen well.
Being able to answer, discard or respond to notifications one by one even if they are
from the same application is something really useful, no other mobile operating system has
this level regarding notifications.
Also new developments in the multiventano mode, now being able to dock two applications
at the same time each in one half of the screen.
It seems that the applications of OnePlus have not yet been adapted to this mode, we
hope they do soon, although if I am honest is not the novelty that I have used, in a
mobile format I think it is not the best experience to use Two applications at a time, although
in specific cases can be useful.
But what is really useful is to press the multitask button twice to go to the last open
app, it is something I have already commented several times, and even at the risk of being
heavy, it is those details that come with a new version and That I have clear that will
not leave until no one finds something better.
Let's go now to where OnePlus contributes its bit with this update.
At the level of design retouching, visual style, the first change we see in the notifications
panel, cleaner, with a tone that changes the green by the blue as in the application of
adjustments, following the lines we saw in The Google Pixel, although it is something
that we can change from the Screen menu in the Settings.
We also found a major change in the customization section where OnePlus has wanted to make stronger,
the so-called Shelf, or side panel on the main desk.
Personally I hardly use it, but both the transition to this panel and its design, now with white
cards on a translucent background and cleaner have been the main changes.
As you know, we can delete and activate this menu when we want, as well as enable two gestures
that are very useful as scroll down to slide the notifications panel, as well as up to
open the search bar.
From the customization menu itself we can also enable the option of not having applications
box in the purest style of Apple iOS, something that most Chinese firms have adopted, having
all the apps on the home desktops.
For tastes the colors.
In general is a very good update, not a great draft as the news are few, but mostly well
spun, adopted and can be very useful.
OnePlus continues to grow strong with software that flows wildly and remains the first to
recommend in the Android world.
What did you think this version with Oxygen OS, you expected some more radical change
of image?
Tell us everything in the comments, and leave us a Like if you liked this video.
Also subscribe because we have a very interesting start to the year with a draw that starts
tomorrow and that has a lot to do with this video, I say no more.
A greeting and until the next guys!
Just Dance 2017 | PoPiPo | SUPERSTAR Gameplay! - Duration: 4:00.
Hey my luvs! <3
Túlio asked me to record this gameplay for you,
So here am I!
If you liked this video,
Don't forget to give us that sassy "like"!
If you're new around here,
Get to know that every WEDNESDAY,
We post Just Dance videos!
Subscribe so you won't miss them!
As soon as this video reaches 500K VIEWS,
We'll post the "making of" video!
Showing the whole creation process of this gameplay!
Thank you for all this love,
And enjoy this gameplay! <3
WWE: Survivor Series 2016 - Duration: 3:16:57.
MIS FOTOS FAVORITAS | Mister Vic - Duration: 3:52.
Cartoons about cars for children cars.Excavator.Bulldozer.Mixer. - Duration: 5:33.
Cartoons about cars for children cars.Excavator.Bulldozer.Mixer.Cartoons for children.
onlin earanig Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails - Duration: 11:38.
hey guys tody i wanna show you my onlin earanig Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
itsnewand upgrade video for your businss
bla bla
onlin earanig Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
Artist Zayn Malik Live
Love Lele Pons?
『妖怪ウォッチぷにぷに』#19ドリームルーレットガシャ Uロボニャン出現率アップ中 Uロボニャンが出るまで回してみた - Duration: 11:45.
SVI U BOJ - Duration: 3:44.
Čokolada - Duration: 1:46.
You Don't Even Want To Know About Bacteria On The Space Station - Duration: 4:52.
When I was in Middle School, we wandered around and put tape on the phone, the lockers, the
toilets, our history teacher -- then we'd culture the bacteria.
They made us stop after we accidentally cultured strep throat.
Yo, what up?
The space station!
That's what!
I'm Trace, thanks for continuing to watch DNews after that "joke."
The problem with those tape experiments is we always assume it's toilets that are the
grossest, but it's more commonly things like shared landline phones or door handles!
If you watch movies about space stations you probably think of them as futuristic… and
the future?
Super clean, right?
The thing is… like anywhere else humans inhabit: space stations are super gross.
Even after a shower, there are potentially many billions of bacteria and fungi on your
skin; there's no escaping them.
So, when you're trapped in a canister above the Earth they exist there too!
During the 15-year flight of Soviet (then Russia's) Mir, cosmonauts would regularly
clean the surfaces of the space station to fight the scourge of bacteria and fungi, but
in 1998 U.S. astronauts opened a "rarely-accessed panel" and found a "large free-floating
mass of water" the size of a basketball.
Without gravity, moisture had begun to coalesce, forming spheres.
The Mir crew then embarked on what must have been a truly disgusting hunt, and found two
more globules… and get this, they had color.
Two were brownish, and a third was "cloudy white."
They sucked some up for samples, and found "amoebas and protozoa," and "dust mites."
Space is a crazy place, it's not like you can open the window and air it out.
Whatever lives on you or me, hitches a ride to what may be bacterial heaven… a PLOS
One study from November 2016 found bacteria loooove space.
They're even better at forming biofilms, creating higher density populations, and may
even be more capable of causing disease up there!
Another study in PeerJ found Bacillus safensis -- grows 60-percent better in space.
Fun and scary fact: it got it's name Safensis after it was found on spacecraft at the Kennedy
Space Center's, Spacecraft Assembly Facility (SAF).
New species, all thanks to space exploration.
More recently, in a study of the Japanese module, Kibo -- that was basically like putting
tape around my school -- astronauts took samples from the incubator, an air intake, air diffuser,
and (bum-bum-bum) a handrail.
Their paper, published in npj Microgravity, noted that Staphylococcaceae and Enterobacteriaceae
were the most common on the space station -- normally they're found on human palms,
and species of these can cause some nasty illnesses…
Salmonella is a type of Enterobacteria, and in tests done with mice, salmonella flown
into space killed the mice two days earlier than regular salmonella.
The space industry is taking this seriously.
In this study, they also found species related to the human stomach, as well as those from
water and land-based ecosystems.
Another study in Microbiome found Actinobacteria -- important for soil systems on Earth, but
also a possible cause of skin irritations and inflammations.
And this is a humans-in-space problem.
Before it was launched, Kibo was scrubbed with isopropyl alcohol, and had less than
200 bacteria per square centimeter, but after a few years in space, there were 50 times
On Earth, bacteria have to compete with chlorines, soaps and other naturally-occurring chemicals,
naturally antibacterial minerals like copper, other predatory and competitive species, and
of course the never-ending UV blast from the sun.
In an effort to keep bacteria from taking over the football-field-sized flying hamster
tubes -- space-bound humans keep very clean and are tested, and space-bound equipment
is cleaned and sanitized… but as we said, that's not always enough.
The problem with bacteria on space stations, is that we don't always know what they are!
Species have to be collected, transported back to ground, and then DNA sequenced and
NASA is working on something called the LOCAD-PTS, the Lab-On-a-Chip Application Development–Portable
Test System, which will (hopefully) be able to test surfaces for pathogens in minutes,
rather than culturing in a lab.
As we look to asteroids, Mars, or beyond… we'll need to figure this out.
If we don't, we could end up with the nightmare scenario: a bacteria or fungus that naturally
lives in (or on) humans, that thrives and mutates in space, and causes a rapid onset
illness millions of miles from home.
It sounds like a movie plot, but top scientists are working making sure we never have to make
that biopic.
We can't do episodes like this without our sponsors.
No domain extension will help you tell your story like a DOT COM or DOT NET domain name.
And because you watch DNews, you can get 15% off Domain Dot Com's names and web hosting
by using the code DNews when you check out.
Want to know where most of the bacteria around you live?
Check out this video here.
And thanks for watching DNews.
Let us know if you have any science questions down in the comments and please subscribe.
What Makes the Perfect Graphic Tee? | Racked - Duration: 2:32.
I was trying to find something that hit
all the same notes as a great classic
vintage T-shirt and I was really coming
up short, so we just decided, why don't we make our own?
What makes a great T-shirt?
I would say that it's probably a
combination of fabric, fit, and in our case, the graphic.
Our business is developing the graphics.
We are both 70s graphic design era fans.
There's something that happened in that decade with graphic design.
The messaging was very straightforward.
Typefaces that were used were sometimes
like a little bit more, like, interesting and artistic.
And that's a period that we always go back to.
God bless Tiny Tim. The three-dimensional
typeface is nice on the front.
The back is also great.
That was a classic.
So here are some of my favorite vintage T-shirts.
This is one of my dad's T-shirts from the 80s.
He wore this all the time
which I think is kind of amazing.
Love this one I love the skinny typeface for
Mott and the connected "t" is kind of nice,
and then you've got the band members
creating her hair.
This is a recent purchase.
It's from a record label in the
70s and I actually saw this shirt
maybe seven years ago and I just found it again.
I think we bought it just cause,
"L" stands for Lisa?
Turn it over and the back is so great.
This is a counterfeit Burger King T-shirt.
I bought it on Etsy from someone in the Philippines.
The brainstorming is like really things
are culled from kind of everywhere.
I love wearing T-shirts with something
that's kind of like, fancy.
I feel like a graphic tee tones it down a notch.
The most fun is coming up with slogans
and have this long-running Google doc.
This is a Monogram short-sleeved sweatshirt.
It says "Nudes."
- something that I wear going out and sometimes it's pajamas
The challenging part that we found
is taking that list and then matching it
with art that we feel makes sense.
How does the art add to that message or
maybe change the message?
This is a vintage Jaeger suit that I got on Etsy.
I like that it's kind of big and oversized and
with, like, a T-shirt, feels like a little bit 80s in a way.
Maybe people are using some of that T-shirt messaging
to say something that they can't say.
So it's been really interesting to see what
people gravitate toward.
KAARO SIJJ EPISODE 95 - Duration: 28:14.
onlin earanig Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails - Duration: 11:38.
hey guys tody i wanna show you my onlin earanig Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
itsnewand upgrade video for your businss
bla bla
onlin earanig Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
Sleight Trailer
MiC LOWRY - Oh Lord
I NEED SOME ENERGY | LFT Vlog #1 - Duration: 6:36.
Tour Log Winter #1 2016 part2 [ MTB XC / enduro ] -subtitled- - Duration: 11:07.
all the ice fell down already... sun shines pretty strong already
huh... kind of funny
dropping in... better not...
is it awesome or awesome... guess awesome
just remembered that I filmed my first video with the carbon conway enduro here. ( in february 2015 )
the only parts I'm still using are the front wheel, saddle, stem and grips... grips are still good.
here we go again
somehow... pretty amazing...
some guy is standing on that rock down there... looks epic! unfortunately I don't have my telephoto lens with me... I'll cut in the dslr video
I'm so glad I'm out here and not down there in that foggy soup
by the way.... my gopro5 is mounted on chestmount... and stabilzer is on because I found out that when the bars are always in the scene the stabilisation is actually pretty good.
lots of switchbacks
why is every corner covered in snow?
it's ok
more mist
and suddendly winter again
uhh derrailleur??? thanks...
To answer the common question: "where?" - that castle is called "trifels" .
..google is your friend - well definitely not a best friend .. more like a purposive relation collecting your data :D
slippery roots...
not only roots... rocks too... pretty much everything
wonderful day!
a lot of leaves... I hope there's no surprise beneath
wow... these roots are scary
steep section
that was... a corner.. come on bike come on up!
had some warning calls before.. now it happened
seems to be frozen under the leaves
very wet here...
and winter wonderland again
this is sick...
omnomnom.. the tree noms that sign
cool, you can read how the wind is going from the ice
so stunning... saw this 500 times today but it's still stunning... now all the ice is falling down
this is awesome!
you can feel the cold rising from down there...
I liked it more when it was frozen
gopro session has spent it's last milliampere so it's gopro5 only now on the last trail... with chestmount, stabilisation ....just riding my bike... oh and wind noises...
can't get enough of that view
the roots today are really a problem
this trail also looks nice.. but I have to go the other direction
ok that's the trail where you can't see the trail
second crash for today... damn roots
and with this funny crash I'm going to say goodbye for today
icy roots are dangerous
and back in the mist ... beautiful... not...
MEGA IPHONE 7 & I PHONE 7 Plus GIVEAWAY!! - Duration: 0:53.
Top 10 Worst Makeup Products of 2016 @phyrra - Duration: 6:24.
Hey, guys.
Welcome back to my channel and hello to you new people, too.
Just a quick note before we begin.
I'm sure you're all aware of how YouTube has changed things.
You may not be getting notifications that my videos are live.
If you click on the little bell down below, it'll send you notifications whenever I upload
a video.
Today I'm bringing you the top 10 worst makeup products of 2016 according to me.
Number one, Burt's Bees BB Cream.
Initially I thought I really liked this BB cream because I was like, "Finally, it's a
drugstore foundation that matches my skin tone."
Unfortunately it turns into a greasy, disgusting mess on my dry skin.
I can't imagine who it actually works well for.
Number two, the Senna Cosmetics 80s Palette.
Now this had a lot going for it.
It had a lot that I wanted to love.
It had some purple eyeshadows that I thought were going to be great and they were terrible
for me.
The blush is nice.
The black eyeshadow is nice.
If all of the eye shadows in the palette had the same pigmentation as the black eyeshadow,
it would have been fine, but no.
The purple sucked.
The yellow was okay.
The blue was okay.
Overall I was really disappointed with it.
Number three, Tarte Shape Tape.
Now I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you that Tarte Shape Tape is on my list of worst
products of 2016 because it sucked for me.
It smelled like bug spray.
It stank so bad I ended up returning it.
I bought the shade fair neutral, which was a pretty good match for my skin tone, but
like I said, the smell was so bad I couldn't stand to wear it.
Maybe I got a bad one.
I'm not really sure but I will not buy that again.
It was terrible.
I know people rave about it and they're always like, "Oh my god.
It's the best thing ever."
Give me Kat Von D any day.
Kat Von D doesn't stink.
Number four is the Honest Beauty Everything Primer.
I thought this primer was going to be awesome.
It gives you a nice golden beige glow, but unfortunately it's another stinky product.
The smell lingers all day.
It smells like a gross almost rotting floral type scent.
The scent lingered in my brushes.
It lingered on my face.
I'm talking from the time I put it on until I took it off.
For eight to 10 hours, all I could smell was that stinky primer.
Not good.
Number five, the Pumpkin & Poppy Vegan Eyeshadow Primer.
This is a product that I bought because I've been trying to find the perfect vegan eyeshadow
Unfortunately for me, it creases on my eyes within 20 to 30 minutes.
I even tried to shoot a makeup tutorial with this primer and my eyeshadow had slid off.
It was just not good.
It sucks because when you put it on initially, it looks great.
It gives you a slight peachy beige coloring.
It will even out any discoloration on the lid, but if you have oily hooded eyelids like
I do, it's not going to last or at least it doesn't last for me.
I was really disappointed with it.
Number six, the Becca Jaclyn Hill Collaboration Palette.
I don't know if you guys remember this eyeshadow palette, but the color payoff was terrible.
A lot of people claimed, "Oh, there was a bad batch."
I don't know.
I just know that the PR sample that I was sent had such terrible pigmentation.
I couldn't put together a good look with it.
It was awful.
The highlighter was great.
The blush powder was pretty good but the eyeshadow palette was a piece of crap.
Terrible product.
Number seven, Glossier lipsticks.
I love Glossier.
I love the brand.
They have a lot of great products.
Unfortunately for me, the Glossier lipsticks are a complete miss.
I thought that they'd be really cute just to give a little bit of color and a lot of
Unfortunately, they dry my lips out like crazy.
I couldn't believe it because I feel like so many other products from Glossier are great
but lipsticks ... Total miss for me.
Number eight, Makeup Greek Sparklers.
Now this is a product that I'm torn on because I really, really liked the colors.
I like that they're eye-safe, but the packaging is terrible.
Completely terrible.
Every time you open up the jar, it's poof.
You get glitter everywhere.
I mean it gets everywhere.
It gets in your hair.
It gets in your bra.
You're just like, "Why?
Why is the packaging so bad?"
As much as I love the product itself, the packaging was terrible so it's on my list.
Number nine, Too Faced Sweet Peach Palette.
This was one of the most hyped palettes of the year.
I tried buying it through either ... I think I tried buying it originally through the Too
Faced website.
I was up until, I don't know, 6:00 or 7:00 a.m.
Right at the moment I went to bed, their website started working.
I had been trying for hours and hours and the website kept crashing so I was really
frustrated about that.
I finally was able to buy the palette through Ulta only through the mobile app on my phone.
Once I got the palette, I was so let down because the color payoff was terrible.
The purples in it, as you can probably guess because they're Too Faced purples, sucked
I wasn't really that impressed with a lot of the other colors on the palette either.
I realized when I finally had it in my hands, not very many shades are actually peach.
I was completely disappointed with Sweet Peach.
In addition to the fact that it smelled terrible ... Another stinky item.
The fake peach smell was so cloying it made me sick.
I did not like it.
I was so disappointed with that palette, I put together my own DIY Makeup Geek Peach
Palette that I had actual peach shades that I liked much better.
Number 10.
I bet you won't be surprised by this.
Number 10 is the Too Faced Born This Way Concealers.
My big complaint about them is that I don't understand how Too Faced could release these
concealers when the lightest shade of the concealer is darker than the lightest shade
in their foundation range.
How the hell does that happen?
Where was QA for this?
There should have been somebody to catch that because it was completely just wrong.
The fact that their lightest foundation, Snow, is lighter than their lightest concealer,
which is Very Fair ... Very Fair is not very fair, by the way.
It's very pink.
I don't even understand.
It just was ridiculous.
I couldn't wear it.
You would think a company that came out with so many different foundations to try to fit
all different skintones would have remembered to at least have a concealer light enough
to go with their lightest foundation.
You don't put on darker concealer than your foundation.
That makes no sense.
Anyway, those are my top 10 worst products of 2016.
What products really sucked for you?
Please be sure to let me know in the comments below.
If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and share.
I love it when you share my videos.
If you haven't already, go ahead and click that 'subscribe' button so you don't miss
my next video.
Thanks so much for watching.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Dynamic Automaat Climaat & Cruise Contro - Duration: 1:36.
Hyundai i10 1.0I I-Motion Comfort - Rijklaarprijs! - Duration: 1:29.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 12v VVT-i - Duration: 1:17.
BMW 7 Serie 750 i Edition Automaat *Full Options* - Duration: 1:29.
Subaru XV 2.0I LUXURY AWD CVT - Duration: 1:37.
[LYRICS] Madnap & Ehiorobo - Fast Forward - Duration: 3:25.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY - Duration: 1:27.
Take This Perception Test to See How Visually Intelligent You Are | Best of '16 - Duration: 4:56.
Visual intelligence is the concept that we see more than we can process and it's the
idea of thinking about what we see, taking in the information and what do we really need
to live our lives more purposefully and do our jobs more effectively.
What I ask the people at The Art of Perception to do one of them is looking down at a piece
of paper and the other is looking at the painting and they have one minute to describe what
it is that they see to their partner and the partner has to sketch what are they hear.
And it's not about the artwork, it's not about how well you draw it's how well can you describe
a new set of unfamiliar data, how well do you listen and how well do you take that articulation
and transfer it to your own language.
How many of you said there was a train coming out of a fireplace?
And everyone raises his or her hands.
And how many of you referenced smoke or steam in your discussion?
Lots of hands go up.
And then I ask the question who articulated that there are no tracks under the train?
And a few astute people actually raised their hand and said I said there were no tracks
under the train.
And then I ask who noticed and then articulated that there was no fire in the fireplace?
And hands go up.
Not too many.
Then we talk about other aspects in the painting.
How many people mentioned the wood grain on the floor?
Most people noticed the wood grain on the floor.
How many people mentioned wainscoting, that kind of paneling on the walls?
And I always have some decorative arts aficionados oh yes I know about wainscoting.
And then I say how many of you mentioned a mantle on the fireplace?
Lots of hands go up.
Who mentioned candlesticks?
Lots of hands go up.
And then I ask how many of you said there were no candles in the candlesticks?
And people say oh no never got there.
And then I ask what really observant nerd said it's 12:42 or 8:05 on the clock?
Who got to mention the time?
And the reason I have that line of questioning is because this painting illustrates a very
important concept that I transfer from emergency medicine to a much broader application.
And the idea is called the pertinent negative.
It's saying what isn't there in addition to what is there to actually give a more accurate
picture of what you're looking at.
So when you say I see a train coming out of the fireplace, and by the way there are no
tracks under the train and there is no fire in the fireplace, why would you attempt to
say what's not there?
Because in my third-grade mind if you told me to draw a fireplace I would draw two sticks
and a fire and smoke in the fireplace unless you told me not to.
And if you told me to draw a pair of candlesticks I'll draw candles with flames unless you tell
me not to.
So the pertinent negative is this wonderful concept that gives us a broader way of looking
at something.
Instead of looking at something like this you look at it like this.
And here's a example of how you apply that in the real world.
The pertinent negative in a medical situation is when someone comes into the emergency room
and they have all the symptoms, it appears to the physician they have all the symptoms
of pneumonia.
Pneumonia has three symptoms.
Symptom one is present, symptom two is present, but if symptom three is absent it's the pertinent
You have to say septum three is not there therefore it's not pneumonia.
So in the real world, outside of medicine, how can we use this?
If we have an expectation of someone's behavior, you expect them to behave a certain way and
then they don't you need to say it didn't happen.
You're evaluating someone on the job.
Well, you did A, B, and C very well but you didn't do D, E and F. So it's looking at the
affirmative and looking at the negative.
And the pertinent negative is a wonderful tool.
Missing person's cases you go to their homes, what's not there?
The cell phone is not there.
The keys are not there.
The wallet is not there.
You're going to have a very different search for that person if those things were present
instead of absent.
So this Magritte painting gives us this great opportunity to talk about not just what we
see but what we don't see to give the person who can't see what we see a much more accurate
description of what they're looking at.
December 2016 favourites feat. Hourglass, Sephora, Modcloth, Zara ect | Giugizu - Duration: 14:09.
>> Hi and welcome or welcome back to my channel
I'm Giuliana and as you may have guessed from my nasal voice I have got a cold
because of course I had to end while being sick
the perfect ending for a shitty year
but I decided I didn't want that to affect me and to pretend that I'm perfectly healthy
and to go straight and film the last video of 2016
in fact right after this video will be up I'll take a few well deserved weeks off
because I really need some rest
and I'll be back in January
so be patient about my schmurf voice
and let's get started with my December favourites
as usual I'll talk about skin care, make up, clothes, shoes and much more
and basically everything I've been loving in the past month.
now If you're ready I think we should get started with skin care as usual
I just have one skincare favourite to share with you
and it's by Fresh, a brand that unfortunately is very hard to buy in Italy
I usually buy it or in the U.K. or in the U.S. and I still couldn't find it on sale online either
so if you know where I can buy it leave a comment
because it's one of my favourite skincare brands
but let's get to my December favourite product
which is this one, the black tea firming overnight mask
a mask that you leave on all night
let's say it's in between a mask and a night cream because
you apply it before going to bed, you leave it on all night and in the morning you simply wash your face
but it's not annoying to apply, it's not sticky, it soaks in quickly, just like a night cream
and it's firming and reviving and it also help the natural regeneration of the skin
I really liked it, now I won't be able to smell it
but I remember that
Yep, I can't smell a thing, but it smelled amazing
and I love the texture too, because it's rich, but easy to apply, non sticky and it soaks in quickly.
if you happen to travel to the U.K. have a look for this brand because it's worth a try
Ok, now let's talk about make up!
Once again I don't have a ton of products, I just have 2, but I definitely enjoyed both a lot
the first one is an Hourglass foundation
I already told you in one of my previous videos * coughs* sorry about that
that Hourglass is finally available in Sephora, or at least it's in the store near where I live, it's not yet available online
or at least it wasn't the last time I checked
but I guess it should be available in other stores around Italy, go check it out because Hourglass it's an interesting brand to try
I was looking for a new foundation
but as I told you in my 2016 best of beauty
it's quite hard for me to find the right foundation because I have a combination to oily skin
I need a good in between and I really liked this one which is
the immaculate liquid powder foundation mattifying oil-free
so it's mattifying, oil-free which means it's not greasy
and it has a powder effect even if it's actually a creamy foundation
I really like it, because it's matte, but not too much so it's not cackey, it has a good coverage, but with a very natural finish
so there are good chances it will end up in next year best of beauty because I'm loving it
my second make up favourite was inside one of my birthday presents
Sephora's advent calendar
because as I was born in November I often get advent calendars are birthday gifts
and I really like that, so friends, if you are watching
advent calendars are always appreciated
and thanks to Bettina who gifted it to me this year
among the various items included I found a blush
from their colorful line, I had never tried one because I never had the chance
I didn't choose the shade, because as I said, I found it in the advent calendar, but it's the sweet on you one
and I liked it a lot, I'm wearing it now and I've been using it throughout December, and it's
bright but not too in the face, quite natural and it adds
some color to the cheecks making your face look more alive and healthy
which is a look I'm definitely going for right now
well let's say I would love to be healty in general, but that's another story
so the second product is Sephora colorful blush
as last thing I have a fragrance that I decided to include in the make up section because I never know where to feature perfumes
sorry about that ...it's a Jo Malone fragrance and it's a Chirstmas present I bought for myself
Jo Malone it's an english brand, I already feature it in some of my previous videos
I'm obsessed with its perfumes, my favourite one is English Pear and Freesia
but I was looking for something more suitable for Winter and I went for the nutmeg and ginger one
and it's a fragrance...why am I pretending I can smell it?
Oh wait I can smell something
Anyway I love it because it's...
I will never be able to describe a scent, but as you may guess it smells of nutmeg and ginger, two very festive scents in my opinion
and I went for the small size because I think that after the holidays I'll get back to my beloved english pear and freesia
and those were my 3 make up favourites
now let's move to the clothes section
because taking advantage of the black friday sales and Christmas in general in the past month I bought some cute new things
that I would like to share with you, so let's talk about clothes!
In December I bought again from one of my favourite online stores, Modcloth
an american store
I stopped buying from it because the issue with buying in the U.S.
is that when something doesn't fit right is very expensive to send the goods back
so I ended up keeping pieces that were not right for me
but I always like to check the new arrivals because they have some unique and beautiful clothes
and in fact in December I bought 2 things..
well actually it's 3 things, but I'll talk about the last one later on
and I'm in love with all of them, they are quite basic, but the basics are also the clothes that I end up wearing the most
the first one is this white sweater
in light wool, with 3 quarter sleeve and these adorable bows and some flattering cuts at the end of the sleeve
the neck is straight, I don't know how it's called though
I love how it fits, because it's tight
and even if it's white it doesn't make me look fatter than I am
and in fact I've been wearing it a lot in December
the second piece I bought on Modcloth is a skirt
I've been looking for a good velvet skirt for a while, I want it to be simple
then I spotted this one and BAM I found the right one
it's a flared black velvet midi skirt, it's simple just as I wanted it
it is usually hard for me to find a skirt that fits right and Modcloth is almost always the right place for that
and I wasn't disappointed this time either
I went back to buy from Zara too which for years has been a store in which I rarely managed to find something I liked
while this time I found 3 pieces I loved
the first one is really simple
it's a check shirt dress
it's flared, in a soft flannel and super comfy
I've been wearing it a lot in December because it's really comfy. It's a bit short for me to wear as a dress though
so I usually paired it with leggings and boots
the other two pieces I got are a little more peculiar
the first one is this faux fur leopard coat
to be honest I've been looking for something like this for a while, but I never manage to find one that looked right on me
because as I'm a bit chubby things like these immediately make me look like an overweight leopard or a chimpanzee
while this has the right length, it's soft and cozy and really warm
I bought it at the beginning of the month and I've been wearing it non stop since then
because it's warm, soft, it makes me feel cuddled
and it's a statement piece that stands out
There are also some other ones available, a bit longer, while this is a mid length which I thought would suit me better
but if you're looking for this kind of faux furs check out Zara because they have some nice ones
then, just as I was leaving the store I noticed...
this hat
and I was looking for a hat that fitted me right, because usually I look awful in hats and this one was just perfect
I was looking for a hat just like this one
so when I spotted it I tried it on, it fitted right, which is a miracle because I have a huge head and hats rarely fit on me
while this one fitted and I loved the idea of wearing it with the fur coat
and in fact I've been wearing them together throughout december and they kept me warm when it rained and snowed
ok, now let's move to the random favourites because I have a few cute thngs to share
Here we are in the random section, as I told you I have some cute things to share and I got the first ones
on Modcloth and I'm talking about Frida Kahlo tea towels
I couldn't resist buying them because anything Frida related is like a drug for me, I have to have it
so as I was checking the site I ended up in the home section with a lot of cute things
among which these tea towels
and I bought them because I couldn't resist
and of course I had to feature them among my December faves
the second random favourite is a Christmas present I got from one of my friends
and it has been in the background of this video the whole time
and it's this one
a cinematic lightbox with removable letters
so you can write whatever you want, as you can see I wrote Dec 2016 faves
I think it's just perfect to keep in the background of my videos because I can write each time what I want
and I must say I was going to buy it anyway but I have so many things that I stopped myself
but I have to thank my friend Sandy for gifting it to me, because I love it
and in fact there it is!
Ok, we made it to the end just while my battery started to flash and tell me that it's running out of charge
I hope that you enjoyed my December favourites and that you got inspired, if so don't forget to give this video a thumbs up
share and favourite it if you liked it and of course if you haven't yet subscribe
in order not to miss any new video next year because I already have a lot of ideas in mind ready to be shared with you
As I said at the beginning of the video now I'll take a few weeks off because I really need some rest
So I wish you all a happy new year, start it in the best way possible
I send you a huge kiss and I'll see you in January, I don't know exactely when yet
let's say as soon as I'll have recovered from this shitty year
Ok, that's really it, kisses, I'll see you in my next one, ciao!
[SFM] - Trailer - Duration: 0:11.
*Twittering of birds*
Oh, come one! Chop chop, we don't have much time
TMNT 2016 🐢🍕 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 7 Episode 23 Fathers and Sons - Duration: 41:31.
my brothers are always making fun of me
because I'm still scared of the dark
I can't help but sometimes i think i see
real spooky stuff at night like the
booking and more monsters more scary
skeleton face knows many but i'm pretty
sure that tonight
my brother's injustice weirdest me
whatever that read that we floating 90
thing is
not helping my care of the dark
watch your head
I was always the wise guy
don't know tell us
there's no one that for sure
one two three months
shredder really be the shower karai I I
don't know if she'll make it we can do
is wait and prepare for the battle to
come masters we don't stand a chance
against this mystic shredder
you should have seen him it's impossible
my son for have faced impossible odds in
the past and David facing Goliath who
overcame that challenge ancient one
do you remember when I brought them all
to your home in Japan years and years
how could i forget they were side shop
pay years and years ago
what are you talking about sense a long
ago just after my beloved yo she's
passing away
I told you all on a journey to Japan
see-through great difficulty I had
procured master Yoshi's ashes and I was
determined to bother his wish that he
buried in the land of his birth and near
the whole of his sensei and adoptive
father the ancient one
all my skills as a ninja two peoples
from detection but we made it
ancient one
it is a great honor to my begun izumi i
have not time today for a rat monsters
miss ya wise one
please I know I must look strange i am
you are at your convention kept isn't
that how it is a long and strange Taylor
I have gone through changes since master
Yoshi since he since your see what how
is my Yoshi
I am sorry he has been slain life was
taken by the shredder
no no strategy would not be if you're
she had heated my wishes
Stephen to plan and join the names right
dunno as i remember the ninja tribunal
is to blame
they were asked to fight the old rom
shredder and did nothing
perhaps you know she would be alive
today if the tribunal had not been so
dismissive tag you're it
hey guys timeout
look there's a man in the bushes over
what do you think is really maybe he's
lost or something
and mr.
quiet please another time
Master Splinter there's a scary man in
that brush
I see nothing here but he was right
hi I'm sorry they have had a long
as have you
and I really appreciate your having come
all this way on my behalf we bought love
you she very much does pay our last
respects and lay him to rest next to the
woman he loved
coming if you scream I will eat your oh
it is alright alright later want right
my apologies ancient one they are not
used to sleeping alone just yet
come along children I will stay with you
Ryan 21 don't forget your ride what are
you talking about you can't even read
yeah oh yeah well my friends I suppose
that safe journeys figures do we need to
get ancient one
guys look there it is again if the nose
ancient one
what are you going on about Master
Splinter we see a ghost
we really do like right there that's
just letter can you see you
he's right there I see nothing my son's
there is a dark scent in the air
come let us see that no harm befalls the
injured one
one has finally led me to the ninja
tribunal modest very excellent i'm units
we have granted you'll help your
presence you remain invisible to all
would encounter you man
is the for coming children resisted the
amulet smell they were able to see me
what if
send yourself children they are
powerless find the pool of solo parties
waters with the evidence energy we need
to lie the Masters got--let ailment and
soccer you use them to fulfill your only
purpose for existence resurrect the one
screw thread
yes praise our master from his wrongs
sleep so that he may one second rule in
limitless power over all the world
we did not send for you why are you here
young one
my Master's I bring Grievous news my
adopted son Hamato Yoshi has been slain
by the alien back possibly bearing the
metal of the shredder we know you know
it is as it must be if i may ask us do
your question our judgment
all is as it must be if there is nothing
of consequence you wish to share leave
us we have no need of you
like I you doing here
children have seen a phantom starting
you the same ghost they encountered at
your home
we followed to see that you came to no
very goes now I see nothing nor do I but
there is a presence in the air
something is not right he's heading for
that house over there sorrow beyond fax
me what funky bottom
what can make history
we are long last I can feel it in my
read the direct their yes he's right by
the trip glove
the got legs I guess nothing but his
bony buddy right there you will pay for
your 10 years
but we see nothing my songs
he's got the boat warn you
what is your master Paris
will be
rami yours
ya got it out get away w bone break
lookie what I see
hey nice sacks you coming now that the
playing field has been leveled centum
you can see just how scary you mean
ancient one look it's magic it's fading
next and you want it is
destroyed bad way to go
sweet show catcher well done young one
you have crashed upon demon only with
the help of his young turtle ninja we
sense the foot Mystics would strike to
retrieve the artifacts but new not when
they are coming is boundless
we know your texts wouldn't you and your
comment children children could even get
we could not the amulet or blinded the
wise and world-weary only those pure of
heart children were a new power to not
all children assistance magic is for our
for the future however at present their
knowledge of this night is a danger to
them and to us their minds must be
relieved that these memories suppose the
roll wait before you call
I have something for your little ones
engine Basques
and not foolishness and top the portal
goodbye MA
they care of yourselves
to think we've been to Japan and met the
tribunal when we were just kids
yes my sons and even though you were
very small
you helped win a very big victory and
with doing again we will find a way to
defeat shreateh all of us I hope you're
right masters I hope you're right
and as common
one of the most evil forces known to man
walks the earth
the demon shredder has risen and his
dark magic spreads
soon going to engulf the entire planet
and it starts here are 0 new york
transformed into a nightmare world from
within the shredders fortress the Evil
One has given his orders and his undead
minions are on the much
his power grows with every passing
minute with every second so we have
gathered our forces are final
confrontation with dark legions must
somehow find a way to defeat them so
that we can infiltrate the shredder
stronger and make our way up to his
throne or even more Horrors and
Archfiend Shirtwaist
not to mention the mystic ninjas who
stand guard over there master the odds
are overwhelming but we have no choice
it's now or never and thus the final
battle begins
and the word final never sounded so
30 the ladder
the wise guy
there's no one like out for shredder
no oh they dream again
you get while a week now
stronger than ever before with every
passing second the shredders influence
spreads the more of the world that falls
to him that great haha
Master Splinter the guys are about to
make contact
good please remind them to be careful
we're young lady do you think that you
are ready to rejoin this better i think
we should strike at this demon shredder
drain his dark heart of all energy and
leave him lifeless she's ready
our generators are at fifteen percent
the last wave of creatures took out two
squadrons of commandos what are these
beats what's happening to this city are
required for dr. Stockman
all i know is that this time I had
nothing to do with it
we can't hold it much longer
the outer shells been breached
I'm listening
those undead uglies want to fight well
they've got one
time to break up the heavy artillery
how what
this better be good
nobody metalhead fuck
the turtle type come on
April its leo
Mikey just made contact after Donatella
reports in have him hook up with Chaplin
to make sure the mystic tech weaponry is
things look pretty ugly out here we're
gonna need all the help we can get
who's there can't be
can't be
you guys are never gonna believe this
but look who showed up
Raji had a joy to our there it is great
to see you guys but but how is it you're
alive like we told Leonardo after the
fight with the mystics and their demons
we each saw a white light not a good
usually but we all walk in the ruins of
the tribunals monastery bruised battered
but very much alive thanks to the power
of the ninja tribunal no doubt
speaking of which faraji I believe this
is yours
no Leonardo you are the rightful owner
I was only taking care of conscience in
your absence
you honor me my friend
well looky what we got here
we come at a bad time you turn allow
invited on you must be desperate
control yourself dr. Stockman we're here
on business
speaking of which I have one little
question what's to stop any of us from
just eliminating you Terrapins right
here and now US 41
ok let's get started
we asked you all here because everything
going on in the city the transformations
the monsters
it's all the work of an ancient
resurrected demon the original shredder
from the 4th century AD his power is
growing by the minute the evil transform
this city is spreading over the world
the entire world whether we like it or
not we're all in this together
I can see why all you Trump's are in
trouble but that doesn't have anything
to do with me
I did okay with the old shredder and he
was just a tiny shriveled prune-faced
alien bug it doesn't look like those who
served the utrom shredder are welcome in
the new world of the demon shredder and
I should believe you because be
I have the scars to prove it by herself
as an important role to play in all of
it seems that all who take on the mantle
of the shredder unknowingly create a
link with a very same ancient and
malignant energies we battle today
karai had inherited that week and we
hope to use this in our favor
during the coming battle cry you really
going along with all this mumbo jumbo
at first I too thought it absurd through
meditation i have felt it the energy
link is very real
so what's your plan shred that is a
technical a demon
it's instant has never been destroyed
but its physical form is vulnerable
three artifacts were united to resurrect
the shredder his helmet outlet and body
if we can somehow separate these three
once again he should be greatly weakened
but first we'll need to get to him
that's where dr. Chaplin and his mystic
tech weapons come in
I've done some fine-tuning since our
last encounter we should be good to go
now so a blast through his armies then
attacks shredder himself and to aid in
that attack i will use my link with the
shredder to drain away as much of his
dark energy into myself as I can take
further weakening him it's not going to
be pretty legions of undead ninja a city
full of demons flying tango and the 5
mystics you must all be prepared for the
very worst we face the shredder the
greatest evil to ever walk the earth
this will be done fight our nine
agent Bishop doctor once again my genius
views like a point weapon
I suggest moving out of the way
you see Sir private party or can anyone
kc you didn't go with the others i was
about to but when Leo said that someone
had to hang around and watch your back
while you were stuck here monitoring the
satellite feed
I thought to myself the only thing I
love more than passions of bad guy heads
is you okay see you big lug
where's the shredder they attacking the
shredder dozen something that sweater
lets himself too thin you should destroy
the Turtles and try instead of play
these games it is so who will be
destroyed for now we have all our forces
arrayed against you
remember us
no it's not possible we destroy you
yes and now it's time for us to return
the favor
I gotta say destroying those guys felt
maybe but now we've got to figure out
how to get in there
shredders throne room
it won't be necessary to break through
i'm writing I've been waiting
ICB only children and freaks who carry
the trappings and weapons of the Dragons
could you be the students of the ninja
Tribune you are pathetic
you have no power
you cannot stop me we will not allow you
to have this world shredder
it ends here demon you that is
remember we have to separate the helmet
and the gauntlet from the shredder no
matter what
let's do this
now is the time to arrive you must focus
your energies figure the shredder stop
him of his power we will help you
must be weakened so the others can
separate him from his pocket and helmets
We Fools you are all powerless
you make my power
so much for your big boogey man I
thought he'd be scarier the way you
freaks described him and get out of that
now what's the big run
creatures how yeah yeah
please I have worried that has control
of this world would be boring now
give me enough of a thrill to keep me
amused for centuries we require your
my stomach
mistress karai chaplain we have to pull
back chaplain we can't leave her
chaplain know
did anyone catch the number of that
ancient demon that ran us down
he has been fun and it promises to be
even more so as I am your lives
Brown Eyed Girls - Kill Bill (FANCHANTS, funny) - Duration: 3:29.
(As you guys can see they is lying down on de guy)
(And the guy is waking up from the bed)
(Jea so passonaite heoool)
nappeun jiseul jeojilleosseoyo 나쁜 짓을 저질렀어요
(Jea leader-nim though kekekekeke)
igeollo~on 이걸로~온
neo mariya 너 말이야
apeulkka 아플까
neo mariya 너 말이야
(LOL Jea late..I see yuuuu)
So don't you wanna kill me?
nugu nugu nugul 누구 누구 누굴
hana, dul, set, net 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷
on ~ 온~
on ~ 온~
ajigeun~ 아직은~
(bread = BBANG)
neo mariya 너 말이야
nappeulkka 나쁠까
neo mariya 너 말이야
So don't you wanna kill me?
(*le sways like Narsha*)
(my mom's part is near)
(hol' up)
neo mariya 너 말이야
jabhilkka 잡힐까
neo mariya 너 말이야
(BODY ROLLS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
(thanks for watching and please don't report this vid)
(this is too good to be true as)
Project Zomboid Part 1 *Captions* WE SUCK AT SURVIVING!!!!! ( split screen ) - Duration: 12:25.
so umm Im starting here because there had been a huge mess XD I had tried to do things and those things didn't work ! also happy christmas if my lazy ass had uploaded this that day!!!!!
This is "Catnape" ----->
<------ and me!
meaning that whatever i said from this point on if for the video and im not talking from the future of this video... if this made any sense >:D
C- equals Catnape
C- why would i know ?
C- Exactly!
C-what did you do? -_-
might or might had not cut my hand O_o
Sorry O_O
i dont have any ripped sheets O_O
Hate my traits D:
I dont knoe
UGH Dont say my name!
C-I LOVE spinning around in circles!
yo-you're not going to say anything?
C- Why should I ? HMMMMM!!!!!!!
well i just
and how about you stop acting like every spoiled white bitch?
C- !!!!!!!
C-okay i stop...
thanks ^_^
there is nothing here and we spent the last 2 minutes trying to calm ye hormones and at the same time, look around this building when in reality there is nothing here!
C-thats why i left..
C-hehehehehehe ^_^ YOU WILL NEVER KNOW!!!!
well ill just double check everything before I decide to leave :)
C-You think we should really record everything we say on this video?
well yeah..
C- why?!?!
I told you!!!its to help me write down my own subtitles !!!XD
hold up im going for a sec
C- dopadopa!!!!! ^_^
( distante ) What the hell ?!?! XD
im alive!!!!!!
okay im really back XD
C-stop lying to yourself XD
fuck it
now where the hell are you XD
C- heheheheh I WONT SAY ANYTHING!!!!!
C- O_O
WAIT did you come back???
well tell me?!?!
C- O_O
i wanna go back :(
im soooo gonna die XD
they are predicting it!
C- Got kicked out again for bein fly Got invited to stay with Tony and Eli An' they treated me like brothers R-I-P to their cool ass mother An my brot-
C- its a song ...
how would you know that song ???XD
C- just do XD
C- the so called safe haven if rejecting you XD
no weapons D:
im so dead x3
grab the fricken hammer!!!!
get away!!!!
C- you are really mean to that zombie D:
C- you killed it T-T
well what are you doing hmm!?!?!?!
C-discipline :D
C- u still deserve this death for that girl >:D
ima dead man
im bleeding !!!!
im probably bitten.. i should just give up T_T
IM DEAD!!!!!
GOD WHY!!!!!
bye braxton
C- oh nooo ! ( Sarcasm )
says that one who almost cried when i killed one!!!
C- didn't count.. the game even said.. nah he sucks so bad it wouldn't even matter if i wrote that he killed one XD
C- Well im bitten XD
I'm a dead man walking
C- Now I'm a dead man walking walking walking Already broken, already gone Already know you're moving on I'm a breathing, talking Dead man, walking Already see it, in your face Already someone, in my place I'm a breathing, talking Dead man, walking
where the hell are you getting these songs ?!??!?!?!?!
C- haha! I shouldn't say ^_^
please dont XD
are you really looting me !!!!
C- Yes XD
* also cant understand XD *
ill make it up from here on out until i fill you in on what we really said XD
hold up ummm im thinking...
you know what...
how about i make something only some people will understand
when the time is right
since i dont understand what the hell me and catnape were saying thoughout this whole timeXD
C- O thou, of Angels loveliest, most wise, O God betrayed by fate, deprived of praise, Satan, have mercy on my long distress!
The Isle | SURVIVING AS A BABY SHANTY! | #56 [Early Access] - Duration: 25:30.
This skin for Maia reminds me of a Red Panda :D
* Waiting for the egg *
I look forward to being a Dino baby :D
It takes a long time...
YEY! It's time!
* Angelka's camera *
OMG! I'm so tiny!
I am so cute :P
Sovicka is my mama xD
and Angelka is my auntie xD
WOW! Pretty view from this perspective :D
I am a dinosaur baby but my stomping is really loud!
Let me see if I can hurt someone.
It seems I can't xD
Before I reach the water, so I am almost dead :'D
There's a murderous 'carrot'!
Carrot, because he has an orange skin. xD
I have a bad feeling...
The Murderous carrot is chasing me!
I don't know if he can kill me...
Hmm... probably not.
Good for me :'D
I don't like night, it's like a grayscale.
I'm growing up so fast xD
A little rest would be good before we go to eat again :'D
Mommy! *0*
I'm glad to see you again. xD
Mom? Could you give me a milk?
eh ... damn ... there is nothing: 'D
So I'm going to eat some bush :(
* I'm going to kill you!! *
oh well... Austro is bothering T-Rex.
I'm big enough so I can travel with my bodyguards :)
Wait for me! I'm too slow :(
* Sovicka was killed by Giga *
What is he trying to do?
He wants to die?
So I'm going to stomp him, if he really wants to die :'D
ehm... ok...
Dammit, I don't have stamina D:
You're annoying D:
What the heck :'D
The Spino roars friendly ... but you never know.
Don't follow us
We don't trust you D:
Let him go.
Hey! Go back!
oh ... Angelka is pissed off ...
Now the Spino has a big problem.
The lag is real...
R.I.P. Spino.
We have to hurry up and save him!!!
There are so many Gigas on this server... but not just on this server, they are overpopulated.
Damn... there's another one, and we're losing.
Puerta is running to help!
Slowly but yeah :'D
The server lag... that's not nice...
The server is dead?
* The server is still running *
The albino Shanty has no chance ... :S
I didn't realize how he missed me... o___o
The albino Shanty is dead, better run away :S
We have a problem. The Puerta is safe ...
Where did he come from ?!
Hmm ... it doesn't seem that they would let us go ...
Back on dry land!
I can handle it...
I don't know where to run :'D
That's not fair!
Bleeding level: 33... I'm already dead xD
Wait a moment...
There is something...
What is it?
The Feathered T-Rex!
GameSir G3s Controller : fantastically awesome in your hands! - Duration: 4:11.
hey whats up guys Osburn here and today we
shall be discussing about the gamesir
G3 controller now I know that the
G4 controllers already out but there
are a few reasons why the g3 is still
better than the g4 in my personal
opinion at least and
I find it you know beating the G4.
as i have given the g4 a tryout and
I've found that certain things that are
sort of like a turnoff on the g4
controller so we'll see what they are
about and why this is the best
controller out in the market for any of
your android devices pc or even iOS so
let's go take a look
well this controller is by far the best
I've seen
and because i'm a ps4 fanboy this G3
controller is my favorite over the new G4
that has a more xbox layout now the
few things to note is that there are not
many titles that support this controller
but the ones that do are really awesome
check the video up on the cards or down
below in the description for some of my
pics of this one which the controller
supports i have a separate video made
for that so you can go ahead and check
it out the support for various platforms
is also a plus point it supports your pc
android and even iOS now however I
cannot speak for iOS but i've tested out
on the pc and Android and it holds up
pretty good
the gameplay was no issue and the games
adjusted well with the controller the
only issue that i had was with the
connectivity and was a slight issue as
pairing was a problem just a couple of
times and it was not a very frequent so
i can say it was overall a really good
now it has an 18 hour battery life and
charges up in a couple of hours and it
has a functionality of automatically
switching off after a few minutes of
inactivity now that is nice so
all-in-all gaming experience was really
awesome and this has and almost gives you
a feel of as if you're playing on a ps4
now however I did not try out emmulator
games and a lot of of my friends had
suggested that i play them out so if you
want me to do a video on that on how
this holds up in emulator games just
leave a comment down below and I shall
make that happen It also comes with
your smartphone holder right here and it
comes in this particular variant which
has rubber accents on all of its sides
so that it can grip onto your phone
pretty nice and i found that playing
with this is a pretty good when you are
on the go or if you want it as a
portable option but if you're playing at
home i suggest that you keep it on the
stand and play the experience is much
more immersive then you would rather
keep it and held that being said this is
the real short review of this controller
if you want a more in-depth review
or some gaming done with this
controller to drop the comments down
below and I shall make a separate video
on this one
that being said that this is me osburn
and if you liked it do hit the like
button i would really appreciate it and
subscribe down below by clicking on the
subscribe button and that being said
this is my Osburn and i'll catch you
guys on the next video till then stay
Girls Vs Boys Getting Ready - Duration: 2:32.
Bye ! I am going
oh! I almost forgot
Ya, Now i am totally ready
What should I wear today?
This? No
This? No
This? No
This? No
What should i wear today????
Today we need to go to a party at 8 pm.
8 O Clock!
Oh my god, i will start getting ready. Only few hours are left.
Oh my god!
Dear can i wear this today?
Yes, wear it
Is it nice?
Its very nice
How about the color?
Its very nice, very nice.
R u sure? Yess
Ok then i will wear this today.
I am looking pretty! Yaa!
Dear I am ready. How am i looking?
Very nice, very nice
And hows my makeup? Isnt it looking over ?
No No makeup is fine.
And my lipstick?
Lipstick is also fine
My God, its already 8 and you are still not ready!
Lets go I am ready!!
Love Ciara?
The Bye Bye Man
[YTP] My Little Pony (18) - České titulky [HD] - Duration: 9:46.
Pinnacle Company Video - Pinnacle Real Estate Marketing - Duration: 2:36.
Are you in Real Estate, Building and Construction, Hospitality or Entertainment?
No matter what service you provide, Our offerings are set to simplify your Day to Day Processes for the long haul.
When providing a more comprehensive view of your projects for your clients you probably just take photos or panoramic images right.
Maybe you make simple 2D drawings which after far too much time, money and energy turns into a mediocre 3D Model.
We understand that this can be a Tedious, Wasteful Process when there are so many other important things to focus on.
We're introducing a Cost Effective, Reliable and Innovative Solution to turn your project into a powerful virtual tour.
The results you can Shower Your Customers with a Project Vision like never before.
Our sturdy camera has the ability to produce a reliable outcome for both indoor and outdoor shots.
We are providing a vast variety of options from Real Photos of your project to Interactive 3D Models.
You can simply turn the model into an Intuitive Walk-Through Mode for your customers
We turn your project into a Virtual Showroom.
A Fully Immersive Virtual Space that feels so real. It's like being there.
Allow people to fall in love with your project before they physically see it.
Some of the Main Key Features are:
You can easily convert it to a 2D plan and take your measurements
What's more it's fully compatible with Virtual Reality Headsets.
Are you ready to stand out from the crowd and try the world's latest technology to impress your customers?
Just Get in touch with us for more information and step into a simplified tomorrow be different and beat the market today
Just Dance 2017 | PoPiPo | SUPERSTAR Gameplay! - Duration: 4:00.
Hey my luvs! <3
Túlio asked me to record this gameplay for you,
So here am I!
If you liked this video,
Don't forget to give us that sassy "like"!
If you're new around here,
Get to know that every WEDNESDAY,
We post Just Dance videos!
Subscribe so you won't miss them!
As soon as this video reaches 500K VIEWS,
We'll post the "making of" video!
Showing the whole creation process of this gameplay!
Thank you for all this love,
And enjoy this gameplay! <3
BMW 5 Serie Sedan 528I HIGH EXECUTIVE Aut8 M-Sport- Panoramada - Duration: 1:52.
Cartoons about cars for children cars.Excavator.Bulldozer.Mixer. - Duration: 5:33.
Cartoons about cars for children cars.Excavator.Bulldozer.Mixer.Cartoons for children.
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