Learn colours Blaze And The Monster Machines Full Episodes transform into Peppa Pig and Superheroes
Rede Wireless - Como configurar seu roteador e internet - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 108 Access 3-deurs 1.0 e-VTi 68pk - SUPER DEAL - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Una Vita - Eleonor scriverà due doppi libri , vorrebbe che lolita e casilda trovassero un titolo - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
10 retrospectivas constrangedoras de famosos 2016 - Duration: 6:39.-------------------------------------------
Con una llamada, un conductor de Uber salvó a una menor que era víctima de explotación sexual - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Vladímir Putin no expulsará a diplomáticos estadounidenses de Rusia tras las sanciones impuestas por - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
SBP agora também é repelente corporal. - Duration: 0:23.-------------------------------------------
Como ser contemplado MAIS RÁPIDO - Consórcio - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
I became a beggar - Duration: 2:50.I've been trying for sometime to take courage
to tell what's going on with me.
My family doesn't know it.
I couldn't tell them yet.
I'm from a family of a small city and
I came to the capital looking for a job,
to make a living.
At that time, my family didn't want me to come.
They didn't agree with me.
My mother didn't want to either.
I ended up coming anyway,
to try my life here.
At first, I was working
as a waiter
in some bars.
I was going after it.
I was doing well.
But a few months ago
I was fired.
It's harder to get a work, something.
This week I ended up being dumped.
I've been living on street.
I've not eaten in two days.
I don't want to beg,
I don't want to ask for money.
I just want an opportunity.
I'm not afraid to work.
I've lost almost everything I had.
The only thing left is my cell phone.
and some credits that I'm using to post this video.
So, do you know someone
who can offer me a job,
I don't know what will happen to me today.
I need help.
"I became a beggar", by Guilherme Greca.
Hi guys.
My name is Leonardo Carteli. I'm an actor.
This is another video for the channel:
'The Narrator', by director Guilherme Greca.
So if you enjoyed it: click Like button,
leave your comments, share this video all over the internet.
And don't forget to subscribe to the channel,
because many other incredible stories are coming soon.
And if you want to know a little more about my other acting works
my Facebook page link
is on the video description below.
That's it. See ya.
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Канцлер Ги To friends разбор (упрощенный перебор, бой без глушки) - Duration: 13:27.-------------------------------------------
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Learn colours Blaze And The Monster Machines Full Episodes transform into Peppa Pig and Superheroes - Duration: 14:37.Learn colours Blaze And The Monster Machines Full Episodes transform into Peppa Pig and Superheroes
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Still Think Trump's A Populist? Then You Aren't Paying Attention - Duration: 4:08.If you spend any time on social media, perhaps saying something bad about Donald Trump, you
have undoubtedly seen a Donald Trump supporter swoop in there and try to explain to you that
Donald Trump is a populist.
After all, during his campaign he kind of sounded like a populist every now and then.
He sold that image to the American public and his supporters ate it up and to this day,
they still believe that Donald Trump is an honest to goodness, top of the line, good
as they come populist.
Here's what I have to say about that.
It takes a special kind of stupid to honestly believe that Donald Trump is in any way a
Look at the people that he's putting into his cabinet if you don't believe me.
Puzder, Mnuchin, DeVos, Tillerson, Bannon.
You think these people are populists?
As it stands right now, Donald Trump's cabinet is the wealthiest cabinet in the history of
the United States.
The people that he has appointed have more money than anyone else that have served in
those positions.
That tells you something, and it doesn't tell you that Donald Trump's out there looking
out for American workers.
It tells you that he's out there looking out for the one percent.
For the upper class, the upper, upper class.
That's what Donald Trump cares about.
Yeah, he's out there taking credit for companies that have decided to move jobs back to the
United States, even though he had nothing to do with that.
He's taking credit for the stock market going up, even though he's in no position of power
right now and couldn't affect that one way or another.
He wants you to think he's a populist because he's a con man, and he conned his voters good.
Probably one of the biggest cons in the history of the United States, and they're still falling
for it.
They're falling for it even though we have a guy like Mnuchin who foreclosed on more
than 50,000 homes of low income American citizens, some of whom owed less than a dollar in back
payments, and they lost their home, 97 cents an elderly woman lost her home over.
That was Mnuchin that pulled the trigger on that.
That's not populism, that's robbery essentially.
Tillerson, CEO of one of the wealthiest companies in the world.
Company that makes almost $40 billion every single year by destroying the environment
and pumping oil out of the ground.
That's not a populist, that's a robber baron.
Same thing with Puzder, same thing with Betsy DeVos, same thing with Steve Bannon.
These people, Donald Trump included, do not care about American workers.
They don't care about the people who voted for Donald Trump, that's why they're sitting
around right now talking about repealing your affordable care act health insurance with
nothing to replace it with.
They don't care, so the next time you see somebody throw out this argument that Donald
Trump is a populist, just say the following words: Tillerson, DeVos, Mnuchin, Puzder,
The list goes on and on and on and every single one of those people, individually or together,
proves beyond any doubt that there is not an ounce of populism inside of Donald Trump.
Weird Phonemes - pronouncing the world's rarest sounds - Duration: 5:55.Kissing, clicking, sputtering... these are just some of the odd sounds that people around
the world actually use to speak! Come hear these unusual phonemes, try them out yourself
and find out which one of them is something you say every day in English.
Weird Sounds in World Languages! Not my normal fare, but I'm feeling something light before
we get into more linguistic tales. Let's go!
A row of languages all lined up in Africa have a sound written gb. So when you run across
this name of a dance from the Côte d'Ivoire, you might be tempted to go French on it and
call it gbégbé. But notice the tie on top - it's one single sound. To make it, bring
your tongue up to the soft palate and make a /g/, but also close and release your lips during
that /g/ for a combo g-b sound: ɡ͡b, ɡ͡beɡ͡be! There's a voiceless form, too: k͡p.
In the World Atlas of Language Structures, with its cross-language data on common and
uncommon sounds, these are rare enough that they're only in 8% of the languages sampled.
Can you putter your lips like if you're cold? /ʙʙʙ/ That's a bilabial trill, phonetically
speaking. Don't pat yourself on the back for it though. A number of languages use ʙ̥u
and ʙu sounds. But in the far reaches of Brazil, deep in the Amazon, live the Pirahã,
a people whose language has stirred up some linguistic controversy. One of its unusual
features is a bilabial trilled affricate. To make it, they hold their tongue in position
for a t sound against the teeth, then release it with that sputtering lip trill: t̪͡ʙ̥.
(I see why this sound is rare!) /t̪͡ʙ̥a/
This next type of sound might be more familiar to some of you out there: pharyngeals. The
pharynx is straight in the back of your mouth, where the nasal cavity connects to the throat
connects to the voice box. If you bring the base, the root of the tongue way back, the
restricted airflow makes the sound ħ.
(Am I breathing in your ear? This isn't creepy at all!)
Voice that sound, and it's ʕ. Do you know which major world language has
sounds close to both of these and expects you to tell them apart from nearby glottal
h and velar x? It's Arabic! And other Afroasiatic languages. In all, pharyngeals can be found
in only 4% the languages in that world sample.
A Spanish island in the Canaries off the coast of Africa, La Gomera, makes some intriguing
noises. Unlike the previous examples, their oddity isn't a sound, it's actually a whole
way of speaking using whistles. It's called el silbo "the whistle" by locals, who use
high or low frequency combined with either flows or breaks to communicate
both vowels and consonants.
The West African gb, that lippy trill in Brazil, pharyngeals in Semitic - so far our rares
are clustered in hotzones. But this next rarity is found all around the planet. Prepare your
tongue for "dental fricatives"! You won't really need much practice though, because
English has them: θ, ð. Putting the tongue up against the teeth and pushing a stream
of airflow around it THis way is only done in somewhat over 7% of that
world language sample. Alright, English!
You know how French is infamous for its nasal sounds? Anhanhan! French got them when a nosy
sound spread one vowel over. That happens. But nasal spreading doesn't have to stop there.
Spread away! Through vowels, through consonants, until whole stretches of sounds become downright
infected with the nasal, like in the Epena language of Colombia where /sĩəso/ comes
out as [s̃ĩə̃s̃õ].
Lots of odd consonants so far, but I found some fun vowels along a river in Oaxaca, Mexico,
in a town where they speak a Mazatec language. For every one normal vowel you give 'em, they
have three for you: normal æ, which linguists call "modal voice", but also breathy voice
æ̤, and creaky voice æ̰. They even do this with nasals: æ̃, æ̤̃, æ̰̃!
Add to this that they also have tones, all these consonants you've never tried to tell
apart, and even their own whistle speech, and you've got a mouthful!
One last one before we go - time for the oddest speech sounds out there! Making their home
in the southwest of Africa are the Khoisan languages. This isn't a single family (even
though mass comparison struck again). It's a cluster of families renowned for possessing
entire sets of sounds called clicks.
This is a kiss, I mean a bilabial click. (Kind of even looks like a kiss.) To make it, speakers
close their tongue against the back of the mouth and also close both lips but don't purse
them. Two closures. Then, using the tongue, they suck a pocket of air into that enclosed
area. Finally, they let go of the lips and out pops a ʘ!
Trapping air between two closures and then releasing the front closure can be applied
to your teeth: ǀ ǀ ǀ, the side of your mouth: ǁ ǁ, the roof of your mouth: ǃ ǃ !
So much clicking! Click languages accounted for just 1.8% of that world language sample.
Well, see, our world's languages are full of all kinds of meaningful, strange sounds.
Maybe we'll take a linguistic trip to one of these hotspots and investigate further.
Until then, stick around and subscribe for language!
🕉😀 The Illusion of Personal Identity / Suffering - Nonduality Teacher Lisa Cairns - Duration: 5:49.So most people think that what I am talking about is incredibly complicated.
And that it is something that you have got to understand or try hard to understand.
But actually what I am speaking about is very simple.
It's just pointing to what is happening,
and what is.
And what IS isn't happening for someone!
Most bodies go around with this illusion in them, the illusion of 'I', and they believe that life is happening to that person
and that person is a description in time, a description of what they have done,
a description of their personality, a description of what they own, who they feel they are,
'I am pretty, I am young, I am old, I have done good things, I have done bad things,
I am a film actor, I am a director, I am an office worker.'
And they feel that's the person that is experiencing life.
Rather than that person being an experience as well, they feel they are that person and that they experience life separately.
So there is something solid and they experience a world out there.
And this illusion is what created all suffering in humans.
I'm not saying that it's the end to pain, death and growth, etc.
In one way it is.
But in another way it isn't.
But the illusory person is what makes it suffering.
That 'I am going to die,' that 'I am in relationship with you,' that 'I have choice and free will,' that 'I am acting independently,' that 'I die with this body,'
and I look from this body, and you look from that body, and you die with that body.'
'Are my actions good or bad?' 'Are my emotions good or bad?'
And so most humans live in this illusion constantly, and there is this constant repetition of who they are, what they know, where they have been.
And because of this illusion it makes life suffering.
Because the separate self is trying to make something permanent, which is not permanent.
They are trying to make themselves permanent, and they are trying to make the world permanent.
They are trying to make themselves a solid object, and the world a solid object.
And that's impossible!
Because everything is moving, therefore it means there are no independent things, there are no things.
And if there are no things, then how can somebody be in relationship with something else?!
So the human bases his whole life on that illusion!
His whole life is based on 'me and the world,' 'me and other.'
And it runs around trying to make that a reality when it's not.
It runs around trying to fix an illusion,
trying to make the dream-world, the illusory world a real one.
But it never can be, it never will be.
Sometimes things line up and then the separate person is very happy with his self,
but then eventually that will all get knocked down again.
There is nothing permanent.
There is nothing that can be kept, everything comes and goes!
Like the waves in the ocean, they come up, the go down, they come up, they go down.
There is never the exact same one,
but they are never not the ocean.
We Sold Everything & Left ♥ Boho Diaries | Chapter 1 - Duration: 12:40.the growth that we take one i feel like every human
every person
growths as we go, every year
theres always something you look back on
and i gained this and lost that
this is the exciting part because i cant wait to see the kind of people we become in a year
and how these experiences
affect who we are
and how we see the world
thats the real exciting part
is where you're going to go as you
we got stuck in a blizzard
so were in this little
cottage right now
in winnipeg
kind of in the middle of nowhere
you can see our breath
we actually have a guest house
that were sleeping in
thats warmer then this so don't worry we're
not sleeping in coats
theres our little house behind us
we lived here for a year
and we've sold everything we
owned and what we kept fit into the van
and now were off to live our life
off to a new adventure
a new chapter
this is crazy
its crazy because we left a lot behind
we honestly sold pretty much everything
i called myself the kijiji queen
for a little while
because were just putting everything
you own on kijiji
and being ok with it
it was that liberating feeling
of getting rid of these things
that we used to have
to things to material things
the message that I think I
took and we both talked about it a lot
you can accumulate all these things
but its cant bring you anything
you cant take it with you
you end up just renting everything you own
and then we get on the road
this is so not cool I'm like talking and
i have a tear running down my face
im sorry
its just that um
its crazy
theres this security blanket
that i think we both held onto for so long
which you know you live in Toronto
and you have a life
and you have these jobs
this circle of friends
the things that you do
and then you know years go by
and keep going
and we had this things where it started to feel like
we were on this mary go round
and the way that commercialism
and everything that you see brings
forward the time of year
it just seems like it was getting
its like a weird cycle that kept repeating itself
the second halloween is done christmas
stuff is up
like groundhog dog
and theres always some kind of long weekend that evryone
goes out and gets wasted
and then theres always some kind of
holiday that you're supposed to see your family
and then all of a sudden its literally
bill murray in groundhog day
and you're like I'm getting olders
and what the hell I'm going to look back at life
and say that i was proud to do
we got into this van
and we've been driving for the last 4 days
and we kind of have an idea of where were going to go
and where were going to be for the next 3 months
but then after that
we have no clude
we just left toronto
were at the first rest stop
outside of this gas station
at this point when we accelerate out of this gas station
we've actualy officially
left it all behind
spend years
planning this
everything every bit of energy
has been towards this idea
and a bigger picture
of being able to go and live
the life we always dreamed of
but were too scared to even admit it to ourselves
i spent years being somebody
and I'm not saying i know what the answer is
and I'm sure we don't know what the answer is
but maybe
the answer risk just going out there
and doing something that feels
real for the first time
in a long time
we are where?
close to blind river
which is a really cool name actually
were ready to document our journey
adventures and share this
withyou guys
and we hope that we can lose the fear of change
and to lose the fear of
failing or going after your dreams
and falling on your ass
so aparently someone that created winnie the pooh
was from this little town
populations of 1000
in Ontario called
white river
and we just found the winnie the pooh statue
how amazing is that
he's like an international sensation
he is
its all about the baby steps and all about enjoying
the journey
that you're on rather then the destination your hearing for
and this is our journey
and where ever this journey takes us
is going to be beautiful
going to be exciting
not saying its going to be easy
theres going to be a lot of challenges
a lot of tears
and anger and frustaion
but at the end of the day
its all part of this
beautiful dream that were creating
a lot of mixed emotions are happening
because this is the first experience we're having with snow
its real snow
and its real
to be honest
im a little freaked out
i hope i like it cause
I'm already like hating this
coat and
hating having to wear 7 layers to walk my dog
but I'm being very negative hre
but the beauty of it is that as soon as we get out
of small towns with factories
i think it will be very beautiful
and it will be so nice to be
in complete peace
and be able to just watch the snow fall
i think theres something very spiritual
and very beautiful about that
so i am excited about it
but i just wanted to share that I'm a little freaked out
so were couple days into the drive
and its really starting to hit me now
we left a lot behind
all because
we knew that tehre
was something out there for us
and we needed
that change
and in order to get that change
i think the biggest lesson that i learned
so far is
with great change comes great sacrifice
and its a
its really wonderful
cause i spent my whole life holding on tot hings
and i guess i didnt know
that part of life is letting go
and i think maybe the more you let go the more life
you get to actually live
had to stop at this little town called
the roads were just horrible
and the snow was horrible
didn't make it to winnipeg
but now were in a rush because theres a big storm coming our way
just our luck
and we are trying to beat it
so were just kind of playing with mother nature
trying to beat the storm
right prince
were in manitoba
we are in manitoba
going to the peg
the peg of winnie
wine the poor peg
we have no idea where well be in 3 months
and i think no matter how
this turns out
i think we'll be able to
at least look at each other
when were old and grey and say
we did it
we did that crazy thing
that we always said we wanted to do
and we were always terrified
that we might not
doing a little stretch
a little break
and then get back up on the road
this is our life now, we've officially
quit out other jobs
quite other commitments
and so now we can really dive
into this
and give you as much as we can
of us and hope to answer
as mucha s we can
and give you guys all the love you deserve
so its 1 am
and I'm sitting in a hotel room
small town called wawa
its god - 35 deg
and if this is the best that it gets
then it was all worth it
i want to be warm
i hate my parka
and here i am whining
complaning to a camera
he's like a dragon
maybe thats the message that I'm trying
to relay to everyone
out there
lots of love
and stay tuned
sometimes you have to go through those experiences
because you know whats
thats if you push through it
whats waiting for you on the other side
is going to be completely out of this world
Ultimate Axe Guide - Tips and Tricks (Brawlhalla) - Duration: 10:23.Hello everyone, berthen here with an in depth guide on Axe.
I got Ragnir and Brynn to very high elo in season 2 playing axe exclusively.
I will be going over each move on axe detailing their strengths and weaknesses.
Then I will explain the different situations to use them in, and give some overall tips
at the end.
Neutral light has medium start up frames, medium active frames, and very long recovery
It covers a decent area, with decent range, and does high damage.
Side light has medium start up frames, short active frames, and long recovery frames.
It covers a decent area, with medium range, and does low damage.
Down light has short start up frames, short active frames, and very long recovery frames.
It covers a decent area, with long range, and does medium damage.
Neutral air has long start up frames, short active frames, and very long recovery frames.
It covers a decent area, with decent range, and does high damage if hit from the center
and low damage if hit from the sides.
Both side air and down air have very similar stats to neutral air in terms of start up,
active and recovery frames.
Down air does medium damage unless you hit with the very last frames then it does low
damage, while side air simply does medium damage.
Change this part in audio Recovery has very long start up frames, long
active frames, and short recovery frames.
It covers a large area, with decent range, and does high damage with earlier hitboxes,
and medium damage with later hitboxes.
Ground Pound has very long start up frames, very long active frames, and long recovery
It covers a huge area, with decent range, and does high damage.
Now that I went over all the axe moves, let's talk about how to use them effectively in
the neutral game, which is the part of the game when neither player has an advantage
over the other, and are trying to land the first hit onto the enemy.
Neutral Light – is a great anti engage move, because it hits stacked, and has the most
active frames out of all the axe light attacks.
If you notice that the enemy tend to dodge towards you a lot, because they have weapons
that do well up close such as katars, swords, and gauntlets, then throwing out this move
after they dodge is very effective, unless they use a speed dodge, because those have
invulnerability frames.
But if you don't think they have enough momentum for a speed dodge then using neutral
light to intercept them works very well.
This happens very often if you corner the enemy, or after you hit them with another
move, and they try to dodge towards you right after they're hit.
Side light – is a great punish move, because of how far it can reach the enemy.
The range itself is not very significant, but before starting the attack, the character
moves forward a little bit, which lets the side light reach very far.
Also a decent move to poke enemies with shorter range weapons, because it is one of the quickest,
and hardest to punish moves, if the enemy doesn't have long range punishes.
Side light is also the main combo starter for axe.
Side light combos into down light, and all of the air moves.
I use side light into side air the most because it does the most damage and has the most force
so it has the best killing potential.
Side light into neutral air lets you follow up better though for potentially more damage.
Side light into down air is very limited so I don't use it much.
Down Light- is one of the best anti air attacks in the game.
The diagonal range that it has can beat out most downward attacks, but the range right
above the axe user on down light is not that big.
Which is why it's best to keep the enemy at a diagonal, when going for a down light.
The best time for a down light is pretty much whenever the enemy is in the air.
The range of down light makes it so that its very rarely contested, and it is a relatively
quick move for what it does, so it rarely ever gets punished when used correctly.
If the enemy is jumping around you a lot, then just throw this move out a lot, if they're
jumping a bit farther away, use speed dodge cancel into down light.
Whenever I face a good axe user, I try not to jump too much, because down light simply
destroys enemies in the air.
Neutral air – is a move that is often reserved for enemies who tend to jump really high,
even if they're not right above you.
Because it has good upward range, and hits pretty wide as well.
Make sure that the enemy is a decent distance above you or to your side though, because
neutral air doesn't hit close to the user at all, it has a decent amount of deadzone
around the user with no hitboxes.
This is one of those moves where you use only when you think the enemy will be above you,
otherwise it is pretty easy to punish.
But if the enemy does like to jump very high, then this move is practically free to use.
It has good range, hit's in a wide area and you can move the whole time it's active.
Something to keep in mind is that even though it hits in a half circle, the hitboxes in
front of you is thicker than the ones in the back so it is best to face the enemy when
using this move.
Side Air – is a pretty straight forward move.
It has pretty wide hitboxes for a side move and decent range.
Great for either punishing enemies or covering an enemies escape route.
For example, if an enemy misses a move, but you don't think you can punish the enemy
because they'll jump backwards first, then jump forward, or speed dodge, if you need
the distance and then use side air, it'll likely hit them if they choose to escape like
that since the side air hitbox is pretty wide.
This can also apply for escapes through dodging as well.
Something that I see people do a lot which doesn't work that well is trying to space
with side air, as in trying to simply outrange enemies with it.
This is not that good because the side air, doesn't have that much range, so it can
be outranged by a lot of weapons and the axe side air is one of the slowest moves in the
So if it misses an enemy that is expecting it, then it will be punished very easily.
So the side air should be used with consideration for where the enemy will move, rather than
trying to catch them where they are.
Down air is very similar to the neutral air, because it hits in a wide area below you.
It also has a decent deadzone around you because it doesn't hit that close to the user.
So it is best to hit enemies that are below you or a bit in front of you, because unlike
the neutral air, where it was a pretty even semi circle above you, the down air is slightly
a bit more in front of you and doesn't end as far behind you.
So you definitely want to be facing the enemy when hitting down air.
My favorite use for the down air, is when the enemy wants to engage through dodges,
simply jump up until their dodge is gone, beware of speed dodges though, because they
can chain those into multiple dodges.
Then when it is finished, start falling down and use down air.
Also amazing for edge guarding, because it covers such a wide area and it has good downward
force as well.
Recovery is a very strong diagonal move.
It has a ton of active frames, so it can catch enemies that tend to dodge really high, or
after you send them far up with a signature or down light.
Whenever I play against enemies who jumps really high all the time to try and mess my
aim up, I just throw out a couple of recoveries, and they become less floaty really quick.
It also has really low recovery frames for an air attack, so it is rarely ever punished
because you can move so quickly after the hitboxes that surrounds you finishes.
Also very good for getting back to the platform, especially if the enemy is choosing to stand
at the corner of the platform to edge guard you.
You can just start the recovery at the side wall where they can't hit you and it'll
go right through the corner.
Do it correctly and you'll end up a bit above the platform, where its hard to punish
you, and you might get some easy damage off as well.
Ground pound is a move that can secure kills off the platform when used knowing that it'll
For example, you send the enemy really far off the platform with a signature, and they're
barely able to recover using all their jumps and dodges.
Then you can just stand at the corner, and use a ground pound when they're close.
This blocks their only way to survive, with a huge hitbox that last even longer than a
standard dodge does.
The problem with having so much active frames though, is that if you do miss because the
enemy had spare jumps, or recovery , and simply moves out of the way, then you'll be in
a very bad situation because you'll fall down quite far and be the one getting edge
guarded instead.
So down air tends to be more reliable while edge guarding, but if you know that they can't
avoid the ground pound, then it will do a better job since it has a lot of active frames.
You can also use ground pound against enemies that dodge forward a lot, because the other
air attack attacks have dead zones while this doesn't.
The big amount of active frames will catch them every time, but if they don't dodge
forward then those active frames will make you easy to punish.
Overall a pretty high risk low reward move, I personally don't use it that much.
That covers the neutral game.
Now I will go over some tips and tricks, to maximize your damage output, and minimize
the damage that you take.
All the air attacks on axe can be steered, so if you miss the enemy then it's a good
idea to move away from them, since you're not limited to moving in a certain direction,
while doing the air attacks.
As I mentioned earlier side light is very quick so it is hard to punish, while the down
light has pretty short start up frames, which means that if you miss the side light, then
you can cover yourself with down light easily if the enemy has short range.
Because enemies with short range often jump to avoid the side light or dodge forward,
in both case you are able to punish them by going into a quick down light attack.
Against longer range enemies that tend to stay back a bit more, it's a good idea to
engage with speed dodge into neutral light or down light because they both have less
than 10 start up frames which takes full advantage of invulnerability frames.
If the enemy is more grounded then speed dodge into neutral light is a good way to bypass
grounded ranged attacks, if the enemy is jumpy then speed dodge into down light can hit them
safely from below.
All of the axe's air attacks has pretty long start up frames so before using those
moves you have to think a bit about where the enemy will be.
For example if the enemy is on the ground and you're at single jump height, you might
go for a down air but then the enemy jumps backwards in that time it took down air to
start up, so side air would've been better.
Or maybe the enemy is at single jump height so you jump into immediately side air but
you miss because the enemy was fast falling and in the time it took the side air to come
out, they're already below you after you hit, so it would've been better to go for
a down light.
Neutral air has a lot of advantage frames, meaning you can start attacking before the
enemy is out of stun frames so they can't contest.
So if you are able to hit a neutral air sending the enemy not too high above you, then use
side air quickly afterwards for a safe follow up.
The same thing applies to neutral light as well but less so.
The advantage frames is a bit less, and neutral light hits the enemy farther away from you
at an earlier damage.
That's why you can only follow up the neutral light, with a chase dodge into side light
reliably at white damage, without the enemy contesting.
But you can still follow up with chase dodge safely after you land a side light, since
you still have advantage frames.
Most of the time, ground pound will only do 22 damage because it only hits once.
But you can make it hit twice and do about 32 damage consistently.
You simply have to land the ground pound, on an enemy that is on or very close to the
ground while facing them, if you have your back on them then it most likely won't work.
Thanks for watching.
If you enjoyed the video then please subscribe and consider checking out my other guides,
if I don't have a guide on what you're looking for then tell me in the comments section
and I will consider it.
And I will see you guys next time.
Vlog 04: Cheap Bike you can buy.??!! - Duration: 11:11.Is it recording?
We are here in Mussafah road going to
I guess this is the turn going to the church
Zooming is too slow
smells like candy?
I turned if off.
Are we allowed inside the church? We're wearing jeans.
of course...
That's in video mode, you switch that to photo.
Stop the recording first.
Are you bored waiting?
why you're laughing??
we're taking lunch there.
once we lived there in that building.
there's a show.
just wait..
It's ready..
Thank's god my order is ready.
I don't remember how it was prepared the last time I ordered.
Ok that's it.
what was that again?
hundred islands.
that's it.
we are choosing the best bike offer we can get.
now here's the manager.
that price is alright. we don't need to ask for a discount.
550 and that's aluminum body.
he's the same guy we talked to earlier..
Is it lighweight?
yes, this is light.
I like the color and the design.
he said that's the last price..
I don't think so..
can you adjust it.
I'm adjusting the seat. It's not fixed.
what can you say? is it good
yes that's good, but I don't like the pedal.
you can see other model has pedals made from plastic material.
we can replace it with steel later on.
Ok take a video.
Is it recording?
It's good.
It's easy to use. Isn't it? Well balanced
we can put inside the car sideways.
why you didn't get the one in the box.?
the problem is the handle bar.
how you can disassemble it.?
you can't
Let's go.
I'll fix that to fit at the backseat of the car.
then.. I need an allen wrech.
do you have in your car.?
No need, that's not necessary to remove the bar.
it will not fit inside.
the handle bar is quite long.
I can find a way, we'll try.
I though we gonna have some drink first?
Is my camera light on?
yes you switch it on.
This is 10 dirhams?
you take all the money from my wallet.
so what??
I gave it all to you.
I'll give it back to you soon.
corn? I thought you will buy me slurpee?
a woman talking chinese.
you can try it, I'll take video.
I went back to the store,
you bought that?
No. he gave me this. because other bike have.
your osmo is not following you.
Not like that. I'll show you.
when you saw me on the screen draw a square exactly of my size.
I though this has sensor. It doesn't perform well.
New Super Geek Box Surprise Box December 2016 (Rebel) Unboxing with T-Rex From Jurassic World - Duration: 6:15.wall guys today we have December's super
New Super Geek Box Surprise Box December 2016 (Rebel) Unboxing with T-Rex From Jurassic World
the theme is ro from start boy just
gonna be totally awesome it going to
have my human go ahead and open this up
okay I better do a good job or that mr.
T Rex might eat gay supergeek box
December road
wow he's super geek box our boxes are
awesome to give you a lot of really cool
exclusive stop especially exclusive
t-shirt which are you can't find
anywhere else which is really cool and I
mean they jam packed these things and
it's very affordable you are
check out the link below this video you
could go ahead and order there and i
also have a discount code for you guys
so let's without further ado let's see
what we got this month
wow we got the Titan fits fuzzy baka
winter socks haha how cool is that while
i was also some it's like a fuzzy like
Chewbacca so it's got the like two boxes
this would be like his utility belt or
that felt he wears down his chest and
then let's see this is the star wars
looks like some type of character bag
clip and then the t-shirt
you've got a catch here I guess
looks like iron on patch you got the
Alliance half pod necklace with be for
the rebels and then of course you've got
the pin which says supergeek box
December 2016 road that is good team and
then on this cool little pamphlet here
toes you exactly what everything is so
first of all star wars collectible
hangers blind bag which cute collectible
figure from the Galaxy will you get are
you with the Empire or the rebels let's
okay cool go ahead and open this up are
we with the Empire are we are Greville I
don't know
get captain phasma looks like we are
with the Empire star wars it's got like
a clip here i guess you can clip it onto
your jeans or anything that pretty much
has a loop so really cool captain phasma
with a blaster there also
that's a cool blind bag and then like I
said the socks go ahead and open these
up really nice comfortable fuzzy socks
these things are hilarious and loop it
haha you can put these right over your
regular socks if you want to keep nice
and warm in winter time then we got an
awesome Death Star iron on patch so it's
like that star-crossed stop so I guess
it's the debt of the death star for the
rebel got the Rebel Alliance half mood
necklace so this would be like the half
their symbol this is stand
over here says United so if you've got
two of these are all you'd have to do is
flip it flip the other one around and
you could join them together as a united
we stand and the same one the other so
it's really cool like little rubble
necklace and then of course the best
part that t-shirt and then the t-shirts
are like quality cotton t-shirts you
tell them what size you want this one
says rebel cool
this shows like one of their ships like
blasting off there's stars in the
it's a nice great t-shirt like I said
they are exclusive t-shirts so if you're
into like geeky gifts or you have a
friend that likes geeky gifts and stuff
which I mean I definitely do this is
like the ultimate gift for them i mean
you could pay once a year get a better
price and they would get 12 boxes a year
I mean they were thinking of you the
whole year
wow that is an awesome gift what guys
let me know what you think because i
think that was totally awesome for
december's box which is the rebel theme
and to show you guys here are the fuzzy
socks this thing came at a perfect time
my feet were freezing so I just went
ahead and slip these on right over my
stocks they are the coolest spot
well I'll see you guys soon wow that was
a lot of fun and if you enjoyed the
video make sure you click subscribe and
thumbs up button
down below the video in today's secret
word is the word going to put that in
the comments section below the video I
know you remember my club look to the
video ends there's a also that curve is
off more fun with you and I
click the boxes below for a walk or fun
videos and if you want to see even more
go ahead and click the subscribe button
Kahin Toh Hogi Woh | Jaane Tu.. Ya Jaane Na | Cover ( Enable CC for English Translation of Lyrics ) - Duration: 2:11.There must be, There must be some place..
In this world, where we live together.
Where there's just me and there's You, and there are our emotions.
Where the dusk will arise by the rays from your eyelashes
Where I would be able to hear the Moon's lullaby in Your arms
Neither do I know where that world is. Nor do I know if such place has an existence
Where my life is not upset with me
Neither do I know where that world is. Nor do I know if such place has an existence
Where my life is not upset with me
LEGO Minecraft 2017 sets pictures! - Duration: 1:10.Hello, just2good here,
and the German LEGO Shop catalog has been released,
which have official set pictures of the LEGO Minecraft 2017 sets!
There's the Mushroom Island,
the Nether Railway,
the Ice Spikes,
the Jungle Temple,
the Witch House,
and the Secret Waterfall Escape.
FINALLY a new design for the boxes.
No more of that creeper face that has been on the top right
for like, four years.
Heck, this whole wave seems like a soft reboot for the line.
You have six sets which is the most since the first wave ever,
and they cover a variety of areas from the game.
I like that.
But, I'm not really a Minecraft fan
and I'm still tired of the designs.
I dunno,
the theme became very repetitive very quick with its builds.
However, I do think the figures still look interesting enough.
The witch set has a fantasticly odd looking Witch figure
and these adorable little slimes.
But what sucks is that the price of the set
and many of the others are going to be pricey.
I mean, it's 70 euro which means
it will probably be $70 United States Dollars.
Come on.
Jungle Temple is 60 euro...
I don't think kids will want this for 60 United States dollars
if that's what it turns out to be.
But whatever.
We'll see the final US prices soon enough.
For now, what do you guys think of these sets?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
I'll see ya later.
Peace out, bye.
CROOKED KINGDOM | Review (Spoiler Free) - Duration: 4:49.Hey, everyone. It's me, Kathryn, and last night
I finished Crooked Kingdom, the second
book in the Six of Crows duology by
Leigh Bardugo, and by 'last night' I mean four
o'clock this morning and let me tell you
something, guys... this book destroyed me.
After I finished it I fully intended to
go back through and re-read it but I
just can't bring myself to do it.
I can't do it because I have so many feelings.
Today I'm bringing you my spoiler free
review of Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo.
So, after Six of Crows our
characters are now on a different quest,
still for money...
still after their money, erm, but it's a lot
more personal this time and throughout
this we see so much more development
from these characters and how they
progress. We see a lot from Nina after
what happened to her at the end of
Six of Crows. We see a lot of development in
Wyland and Mattiias, or 'Matthias' as its
supposed to be pronounced but I've been calling him
'Mattiiass' for two books now so 'Mattiias' it
will remain. And Inej and Ja- Jesper.
I keep calling him Jasper. Jesper, and
even Kaz. We just see how these
characters develop and progress through
all the crap that they go through
throughout this novel and it just makes...
it just made me love them even more and
maybe want to protect them even more
and so when bad things happen to them it
hurts. It hurts so much because I love
them so much and I just...
I didn't think it was possible to love them any more than
I did after Six of Crows. But I do love them
and that's why I love this book so much. I
haven't rated it as high as I did Six of Crows
because, for me, there were a couple of things
that just let it down a little bit.
A couple of things I weren't sure why...
by the end of the book I wasn't sure why
they'd even- they were even in to begin
with. I didn't really understand what...
the point of them was, erm, so that let it down a little bit.
And also, the plot wasn't as solid as it was
in Six of Crows but I think that's down
to the nature of what they're doing and
how they're trying to do it and... so it
was only, like, a minor... it was only a minor
thing. It wasn't a major thing. It still
had me guessing at what Kaz was up to,
what he was scheming in that brain of
his so I still... Honestly, I still really
loved. The plot really was only a minor
thing because we got a lot- I felt we got a lot
more from the characters in this novel
which we all know I love. I love seeing
my characters... I love seeing my babies
grow. I love seeing them interact with
each other and outside characters
and... outside characters. By 'outside' I mean
outside of their little crew. I just loved
their whole relationship and their whole...
Argh...just seeing them all together and
working together and arguing and
fighting and disagreeing and it just...
I love them so much and...
I don't have anything more to say. That is it.
These characters are my babies and it
hurts. It hurts. So. Much.
So, it was still amazing.
I still loved it and it was still a
great sequel to Six of Crows. I would
have liked a little bit extra from the
ending for reasons that I can't say
because spoilers, and there's the plot line not
being quite as solid as Six of Crows and also
a couple of things... couple of things in
there that I felt were maybe not
necessary. Like they were just there and
I felt like they didn't need to be. It wasn't
needed but I still... Overall, this
duology has destroyed me. Not even
gonna lie. It has destroyed me and I
don't know when I'll be able to reread
Crooked Kingdom because this... this...
Anyway, guys, that is it for this spoiler free review,
if we can call this a review. Thank you so
much for watching and I will hopefully
see you in another video. Bye^^
We're in the Derbyshire Dales.
Brent Christensen, Ice Castles Creator and Founder S3 E5 - Duration: 2:47.Playing and creativity they're really parallel actually.
they're the same, I think.
i've heard people like refer, you know,
'Oh that person, he's, he's an old soul'
or something you know I, I feel kind of the opposite.
I'm still kind of waiting to grow up, you know.
But as far as like where the creativity comes from,
I think just allowing ourselves to be curious
and, don't feel like we have to be grown-up
and stuff all the time.
I kind of consider what we do
kind of a dance with Mother Nature, really.
So it's like, get all already in the fall,
and you get all the pipes laid out and it's like,
'Okay Mother Nature, let's dance.'
The way it transpired, is, is I was just curious.
Really, and that's that's kind of the theme behind all of this
is just a curiosity and a fascination for what ice dose.
And to have that interaction and have something turn out
as...really as beautiful as it is.
And then be ableto have all these thousands of people
come in and be become equally enthralled with it.
I can't think of a better scenario.
The really fascinating part is
the stuff that can't be predicted.
Well, we can't direct what the humidity is going to be,
we don't know exactly how the wind is going to blow,
all of those things kind of combined and create
a lot of really fun surprises.
There is some engineering and some architecture
and there's a lot of art in it, but to be honest
the art is out of my hands.
The real artwork is what, what happens when we go home
and go to bed and turn the water on happens at night.
We found that if you introduce elements like slides
and crawl tubes and things like that where kids and grownups
alike can really interact; it is a big playground.
I'll climb up on to a tower where I'm building
and the lights coming through in a certain way,
or the ice is frozen in a certain way,
and it's just...ah it's just
it's overwhelming how beautiful is sometimes.
My name is Brent Christensen and i'm the founder
and the designer of the Ice Castles.
MonsterKids! FIRST GREETING & 2016 BEST COLLECTION! DIY Slime, Jelly, Toys, Play doh - Easy Learn - Duration: 12:58.Hello!
I guess it's my first time writing this type of post.
I just wanted to raise a few things to you guys.
First of all, thank you all for having watched my program.
I put a ton of effort to come up with those creative ideas.
The thing is that, some copied my ideas, and I'm totally fine with it.
I, too, reference other videos in my very own production as well.
Nonetheless, I always, always strive to come up with something better.
You guys should all admit that the result was clearly better.
I let you all know about all of my know-hows and tips.
I couldn't just leave you guy
I put up a lot of creative ideas.
But, some fans of the others claimed I copied.
A lot of fans of the popular channels started criticizing me harshly.
I kept on telling them to check the date, but they did not listen.
I was so mad, nights passed without any sleep.
I am sure that there are people who are continuously getting more and more popular because of my ideas.
But, look at myself, I am considered a thief with my very own idea.
I don't criticize those who copied my ideas.
I made them public in order for all of you to easily follow and imitate.
My ideas are not even that great!
I have even greater ideas!
But, the moment someone starts copying my ideas,
I will be blamed for things that I have not committed.
I thought that time would cure everything, but nothing changed in the end.
Of course, those criticizers are mostly kids,
and I so WANT to be acknowledged by them.
It's a kids channel.
I want them to love my production.
I am sure that a lot of creators are going through hard time due to happenings like this.
Those fans of the popular creators should acknowledge the effort of the original producers.
Please, love the original producers more.
I will try my best to come up with more creative videos in 2017.
Please, have faith in me.
I love my fans and kids.
Happy new year~
Resolutions: Now for the Action Plan - Duration: 6:49.-------------------------------------------
【UTAU Secret Santa 2016】Dolls【Trina Wylington】 - Duration: 4:11.When the dark night comes, the lights within the town are lit.
The sound of the creaking wheels can be heard, always.
They echo with every step I walk. I have nowhere else to go.
And I'm not able to walk well.
Tell me, for what reason was I born into this body?
Can you tell me why my heart is silver and so cold?
A long, long time ago, that person once said to me,
"You are a special and unique little doll, my dear,"
so that I may earn his praise, I will dance and even sing.
Even now, I'll always sing. I'll always-
I will sing forever even if he never opens up his eyes.
Tell me, for what reason was I born into this body?
I'll only continue singing for eternity
Someday I will go to sleep for good
and in that time I hope to go to that special place where that person is.
My wish does not come true
This song I sing, it has broken me now, throughout the years. I'm all alone.
As time flows on and on, I have forgotten how to sing.
I need to hurry into that place where he sleeps so sound.
While dragging along my poor corpse, it has cracked and decayed.
How many more times must I fall?
I arrive in some place full of water and of flowers.
And somewhere someone tells me, "You may rest forever more."
Please let my wish be granted now.
"You've been living all alone, for far too long, my dear."
I hear his voice calling out to me. It so near, I can hear, almost see-
the voice that I've heard so many times within my own dreams.
It echoes so gently within my silver heart.
I am immersed in a soft and so loving light that I know I can smile now.
I can smile now.
Elyse Age Release Ultimate Eye Trio - Duration: 6:46.-------------------------------------------
Theory: Justin Bieber Loves Getting Away With Murdering Fashion | Splash News TV - Duration: 0:54.Do you think Justin Bieber looks like an idiot?
Here's a theory: He knows he does, and he couldn't care less.
Maybe these outfits are such eyesores; it's an inner game he plays with himself…
A challenge…
He goes: "If I look this stupid, will people will hate me?"
Maybe it's a power move…
He's like: "Watch, I can wear overall jorts, and fans will still want me."
Maybe it's an ego thing…
A mixture of confidence and apathy…
He brags to friends: "Guys, I bet you I can wear basketball shorts and a short sleeve
hoodie to the AIR-PORT, and STILL attract 90 million Twitter followers."
Justin Bieber: He loves the rush of getting away with fashion murder.
Kanye West Uses the Gym to Regain Mental Strength - Duration: 1:03.Hey, Kanye West is bouncing back!
TMZ reports that the rapper has been seen playing basketball and working out at multiple
local gyms in Los Angeles, and is working with a trainer five or six days a week.
Kanye isn't just trying to make gains physically, but mentally too.
Apparently he's using the gym at as outlet to help retain clarity, focus and take out
frustrations after his psychiatric hospitalization.
The rapper has made it clear that he isn't in shape to hit the stage anytime soon, but
he's spending two hours a day doing resistance training and other workouts with celebrity
It helps that he's able to use his home gym for activities as well, as he works on
being "very present" with his wife, Kim Kardashian, and their children.
Sounds like Kanye found himself a brand new Workout Plan.
Christmas Day in Rome - Part Two - Duration: 10:31.-------------------------------------------
Favorite Books of 2016! - Duration: 13:26.Hello everyone! Today I'm here to talk to you
about my favorite books I read this year.
As of now when I'm first recording this
on December 28th, I have read 73 books this year
which is pretty good, not as many as last
year - read 90-something last year -
but still that's like more than a book a week so
I'm happy with that. Of course, by the
time this video's actually posted that's
liable to change because I've been
flying through the Sherlock compilation
I read yesterday, like, seven of the
short stories and, made
a decent dent in it. I'm really hoping to finish this
or at least get to The Six Napoleons by
January first so that I can understand
the canon behind Sherlock season 4, but
we'll see if I even get that far.
But anyway - *slams book down* that was really freaking loud, oh my gosh
Without further ado, my top 10 favorite books I
read in 2016. Number 10 is Believarexic.
This book is by JJ Johnson and it's
semi-autobiographical which I found very
interesting. It's about this author when
she was, I think, if I remember right I think she was 15
when she was diagnosed with an eating
disorder and it's basically her experience
going through that, her experience spending
time in, like, a hospital for that. I
found it very intriguing especially
because it's autobiographical I know that
like it's not just somebody trying to
get like a pity story out of it or
something like this is actual, real life.
Little pride moment here is that I
reviewed this book on Goodreads and she saw
it and she liked it she commented on it, "oh
my gosh thank you I'm so glad you liked it" and I'm
just like, I love... I love this author.
If you remember this the same author who
wrote The Theory of Everything which was
my very first book review - look how
adorable I am - so check that out if you
really wanna cringe. Book number
nine, we have Of Mice and Men, and yes, this was
a required reading book, I know I'm a nerd.
I read this for AP Studies, which was
a class I talk about quite a lot. It was not a
fun class but I'm glad that it forced me
to read this book. Look how tiny this is; it's very
short, a very quick read, and I know a
lot of people either love or hate it.
The thing is, I really loved it simply
because it is such a precisely-worded book
and I'm going to say that about a lot of
these books because I love when wording
is so specific, where the author takes time to
actually pick out the word s/he really
means to use, and this is definitely one
of those books where everything is
written... beautifully.
I will say I kind of saw the end
coming - I'm not going to spoil it, don't worry - I
kind of saw the end coming because
someone spoiled it [for me]; however I couldn't
remember... which one did the thing to
which one... I'm trying to be vague. So it was still sort
of a surprise but at the same time
I still, I still cried a little, not gonna lie. Really enjoyed
this book even with all overanalysis
that came with it because it was
required. I deeply enjoyed this book
so, recommend. Number eight: Stars Above
by Marissa Meyer. This is a companion book to the
Lunar Chronicles series, which is an amazing
series. In this book however it's like a
bunch of short stories that's set in the
same world. Some of them are like prequels, some
are like bonus little scenes that got
cut or something and the last part is
a little epilogue to Winter, which is the last
book in the series, and it's really really
cute and I really love it. Again with
precise wording, but not as much the word
is the part that stands out; it's the
fact that you can fall through the pages and into the
plot and I do say that a lot about a lot
of books but the way that it's written,
you can really visualize so easily without
even trying. Like, a lot of books you have
to be really into it, you have to be in a quiet
room, you have to be, like, fully focused on
the book that you're reading to get that
effect, but this one isn't even one of those.
So definitely pick up the series. Don't
read this first; you would get spoiled for
just about everything.
Number seven we have Fan Art by
Sarah Tregay.
This is such a cute little love story.
I- it's- I don't even know what to say about it. It looks
kinda cliche at first but it's so much
All the characters are very quirky, all the
characters are
very... I don't want to say "relatable" but
like, it's got a very realistic ending,
which I loved about it. Like it's not
just, 'oh and then they get together and
live happily ever after'
That's not exactly what happens but it's
kinda... It's very lifelike the way that
it's written. Highly recommend. I just
love these characters a lot and I really
really hope for a sequel in the future and
a lot of people have been asking for
one but we'll see what we get. Really,
really would love to see what happens to
these characters after the events of
this book are over. Number six we have The Two Towers.
The second book in the Lord of
the Rings series, this is one that I
didn't expect to love as much as I did. I
know that the stereotype for this series is
that it's boring and it's long and it just drags on
for a long time and I will admit it did
that little bit toward the beginning but
by the end, oh my gosh I was in love with
it. I actually listened to an audiobook
version of this book so maybe it was
part of it because it was very immersive. I can't
remember the link off the top of my head
but I'll put it right here because I
know it was free, it was something just done
by people for fun, and it's got like
different voices for different
characters; I loved it. It had like all the
underscore background music an stuff. It was a
lot of fun to experience. I haven't yet
read the third book but I am so so
excited to. To mark our halfway point at number
five, Hamlet by William Shakespeare yes
this is the year that my Shakespeare
obsession began. It feels like it's been
longer than that because of how... how
obsessed I've been with Shakespeare
recently. It's interesting too because
before this year,
yeah I'd heard of Shakespeare and like I knew
a few of his works, I'd read Romeo and Juliet
for a freshman year project but other
that he was just kind of another author
out there just I knew existed. I mean,
thanks to Theatre I class in freshman
year as well I could name ten things
that Shakespeare had written. Ah, memories, when
we used to have tests in theatre class...
Anyway! I didn't fully appreciate
Shakespeare's work until I was in Hamlet.
This is my actual script highlighted
from when I was Osric and Player #3
Look at that! Ahh, memories. Oh man. I bet I could still recite this.
See, I couldn't appreciate it because you
first read through it, yeah, it's baffling
because like the stereotype is that it's
long and that it's complicated because the
language is a little different because it's
older and that is definitely true, but
the thing is, because I was IN Hamlet, I
HAD to understand it. Like that wasn't an
option; if the audience was going to
understand this show and understand what
we're talking about, WE had to know what we
were talking about in order to translate
it to an audience like that. And it what
fascinates me is how much is packed into
these sentences, into these lines. Again
at first it just goes over your head and
you don't gather anything but once you
have to like really understand it when
you're immersed in it and you become
part of it, once you get it, once it
clicks, like I really, really, really loved
the story. Yeah it's a little complicated,
a lot happens, but that's kinda what I
love. Even though it took me a little bit
to really get it, I was excited about
this and I was really praying that the
audience would understand the story as
well as we did as
actors because it was our job to tell
them this story. And yeah there's a
little bit of a language barrier but as
long as we can act it, they would get it...
and we got audible gasps the first night, and... ahhh.
Take up half the video talking about
Shakespeare. That's, that's me!
Book number four, we have A World Without You by Beth Revis.
It has been a while since I've
read some Beth Revis. She wrote the
Across the Universe series, which is a
book I read in like 7th or 8th grade by
accident. I was looking for the movie
based off of the Beatles and got this
book instead and... Not this book, that
trilogy instead. Absolutely loved it and
went back to this author because she came
out with something new and this is
something totally,
totally different. It switches points of
view between a brother and a sister.
The brother - his name is Bo - believes he can
travel through time. He loses his best
friend because he leaves her in the past,
and because other people don't realize
he cant travel through time, they say
No, she killed herself, she's dead.
And it's very interesting because - I'm trying
so hard not to spoil things because it's
very hard to do with this kind of book -
but the two of them see different
realities, the brother and sister, and
it's incredible, the way that she gets inside
his mind and her mind because they just
see different things and, oh my gosh it's...
it's a work genius.
It's just phenomenally done, that you
don't even know what's going on until
the very end. Number three, Simon vs. the Homo
Sapiens Agenda. Now THIS. This is a book.
This is a BOOK. I made a couple of
friends because I read it.
Someone just messaged me a couple weeks
ago saying "I know it's been like four
months since you posted about this
book and recommended it to like everyone
who's reading it [the post] but like I finally
picked it up because I remembered that you
specifically said it was good and now I
I', also in love with this book." And we had a long
conversation about everything that happened
in the plot... Dude, it's so good. I made a full video
review because I don't even know what to
say about it now in a short amount of time,
so you can find that over there, but
for now, just just know it's a beautiful
book, well-deserving of the number three spot.
Number two, we have Nimona, which is a
graphic novel - and yeah, this is the year
that I got into graphic novels as well.
This is about a girl named Nimona who
wants to be the assistant of a
supervillain, and oh my gosh this is just...
the drawings are so cute. And
it's really heartwarming story, like it's
a quick read; I read this in like two hours, and I do
plan to make a video review
sometime once I reread this because
I actually have not read this specific
copy. I got it from library and I bought
it later so I have yet to read it but it'll
be a while. Now before I reveal my number
one pick of the year,
let me just say I know 2016 has been
hard on a lot of us, and I realize that it
doesn't have much of redemption arc
either, but let's not forget that
freaking Carry On by Rainbow Rowell came out
this year.
Yeah! I could never make a full-on video
review for this book because I wouldn't
know where to start and I wouldn't know
where to end. I could go on about this
for hours. And if you know me in real life
outside of YouTube, we've already had a
conversation about this book and you
know what I'm talking about.
I'm- I could rave about this book
forever. It's a companion book to Fangirl by
the same author, and in Fangirl, the
main character whose name is Cath is
writing a story, and that story is Carry
On. And you don't have to read Fangirl to
understand Carry On; like it'd been long
enough between me reading Fangirl and
Carry On coming out that like I didn't
really fully remember the plot of
Fangirl. Like I knew the basic plot. But it's
just cool that they connect like that. And this
is definitely the book that made Rainbow Rowell
my favorite author.
Oh dude it's good so good I don't know
what to say other than just read this
book, I've said that to everyone I've
ever met, but more than well deserving of
the number one spot on this list and
quite possibly number one list on
favorite book ever, not including the Harry
Potter series, which... this IS loosely
based on Harry Potter, I will say that much.
I don't think I have any complaints
about- well! I did have one. I only rated it
four stars on Goodreads for
reasons I will not disclose.
Well, that's all I have to say. That's all I
have to say for this video. If you liked
any of the books on this list or have
your own top 10 list you want to share,
put that in the comments;
I would love to read them. I will
definitely need some more
recommendations for 2017, although my
tbr is like 400 books long right now
so actually I really don't need more
recommendations, but I still welcome them
so please, comment below. Please subscribe to see
more such videos in 2017, and that's all I have to say. See you all in 2017!
...so pick it up!
Shakespeare obsession started in 2016.
There's one good thing that happened this year, I guess.
It switches points of view
between a younger brother and an older
sister. I think. Maybe she's a younger sister. Shoot.
I remember messing this up when I was reading it and
then just ignoring it and saying "Nahhh, I
think she's...older or younger." Shoot. A brother and a sister!
It switches points of view between them...
She read- she read? Well, she probably did read -
she WROTE the Across the Universe series.
This is one that I didn't explfthct- expect
Other than that, he was just kind of another-
Love this series.
Oh my gosh I cried at the end... and then I realized - not gonna spoil. Not gonna spoil. Not... gonna spoil.
What is up with the lighting right now, like its bright over here and... oh my gosh, how do I fix... eheheheh.
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