Hello and welcome!
Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to disassemble
📱 Asus ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL)
For more infomation >> How to disassemble 📱 Asus ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL) Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
[VOSTFR] 20161224 Sina Entertainment in conversation with Z.TAO - Duration: 22:17.
How to delete a youtube video - Duration: 4:36.
Choosing Love After Tragedy...
Artist Zayn Malik Live
Marnie Simpson Caught In Drug Controversy - Duration: 1:14.
Geordie Shore's Marnie Simpson was caught with drugs in a shocking video.
She was shot at the Inferno nightclub in Shrewsbury on Boxing Day surrounded by a group of friends
huddled in a toilet stall around what appears to be an unidentified white powder.
The 24 year old is seen holding a mobile phone with lines formed by a white powder at its
In the short clip, Marnie appears to attempt to hide the phone and duck down out of view
as she shouts: "Oh my God" as she found out that she was being filmed.The video clip was
allegedly posted by a girl who was at the club and claimed to have been 'kicked out'
of the venue.
The star was spotted with lewis Bloor clicking selfies with fans.
For latest buzz on hollywood subscribe to our channel.
SAMO PARTIZAN (OFFICIAL VIDEO 2016) - Duration: 2:18.
Opel Movano 2.3 CDTI L2H2 Nieuw type/Airco/L2-H2/ 123000km van - Duration: 1:01.
THE MARS500 PROJECT - 520 DAYS IN 15 MINUTES - Duration: 16:05.
is your time to watch TV not real TV but
we can leave only watch videos
pre-recorded videos because we don't
have TV here we have a bookshelf with
some videos and books we also do a lot
of experiments in this in this area so
there you can have their you can see one
of the Chinese experience so welcome to
the control room this is where we have
discussions and all the follow-up of the
the facility you can see here for the
atmospheric system the different modules
living on your that we will visit the
medical model that will see later and
everything is controlled from here we
can have the temperature of the oxygen
ratio the the oxygen carbon dips in
ratio to and what the important
parameters effort from here and
everything is sent back to the ground
control and now we can see for the rooms
here so we first presenter giggles room
this is a procedure that we have to do
every day we do 24-hour collection body
receives use and they will have to
create in Syria's so we can be analyzed
that scientists outside believe it was
pretty much cleaner already here so
let's say ready to continue cleaning the
floor and here's roman' in the microwave
on the inside with a special technique
and new cold war now shiny and beautiful
so probably not taking from the bathroom
hey so good up here listening to music
oh yeah yet just hope that over here to
help clean this place is now the shop up
the dr t's that jen honey butter shop if
you want to kick your cake too
no no no I have a look okay okay I I
refusing I refuse to eat with bars and
catch up good
and here is a full so the whole the
whole party this whole part is filled
with food and you also have six the
freezers full of food and this is only
for half of the trip
the other half the trip is inside the
marshal model which is sealed right now
ok so this is the way how Diego making
is making a cocktail that reduce we have
these special delight
let's shake
the juice is shaking i'm ready to break
that is very explosive device pictures
on purpose is reporting the juice 13 23
hours over the first of december 2010
and today were out of lights there was a
short circuit outside so where Ryan's
and batteries and we have to cut any of
the light as you can see we just left
the basic light so we don't spend the
batteries too quick because we don't
know when they're gonna fix the polling
outside everything is very dark good
girl played guitar
yeah okay that's good so we don't feel
so lifeless I thought I can see nothing
but my finger can . it's a nine in the
morning and the lack support systems are
working again we can hear that very
hello so today's twenty-fifth of $MONTH
december 2010 and so it's Christmas
so here we go is putting some nice
Christmas songs are on the TV with a
slider the question that remains is how
the eccentric little get to Mars on
magical Merry Christmas attics and crawl
space place vs oak grove ok looks
beautiful you are really awesome so I
think we have 150 of the learning of
june if we're going to give that to
speaks you today the eighth of very
we're going to test the spaces we have
to go outside route spaces are located
so we have to pressurize the landing
model and and being go there so we have
to pressurize the model for about one
hour and then we get out and test
everything as we will do it on the
fourteenth of every before the EPA and
it feels like another dimension here
there's a big difference because I'm
Russian crew is about to do the first TV
and the right planet and we're here we
have a screen where we can see what is
happening in the motion under
so today
Vangie go and products in there how to
just duct to the orbital station and
they will open their hatch so seems the
day 252 we started a new day and this
day is more Russian leg where we write
the first day it was more European night
like it moves the first I want to
clarify that this is not a real it's a
simulation of the flight simulation of a
trip tomorrow but since we don't have
any more ingredients and the bakery's
closed the shops are closed at this time
we have to use what we have here we
finish making the pizzas and they look
very good
every night and this man very good if
you don't have it on the on the video of
that you have to go get it
so they the whole spaceship will be
smelly like pizza
we have margarita we have pizza with the
fish we have vegetables and our new
invention pizza with bamboo it's a
dollar Chinese Peter international dr
grow up a lot busy
okay grabbing yeah we have a camera you
want to say hi to you want to say hi to
the camera
well it hello the club has his around
your glasses to here as you can see
everybody began the experimenter Thank
You Sasha busy
can we come in with a camera so here is
no where are your glasses i started
their needs
yeah yeah so he sighed just 10 minutes
behind we just started wearing them so
normal bc we're coming with a camera I'm
doing realize okay
oh that's good actually it's about the
Blue Knight ok but the mic relation is
not going no it's okay it's okay
you were in the red glasses and you're
doing the gas in the computer
yeah the first of the first power is off
the battery test Cody test we call it
frediting what you're doing with those
yeah the first essay to used to pay your
location notice wonder the number of
heroes and when you see the numbers you
should press the space button space haha
as soon as possible and it's where
recalls a time you later to the fact is
that you have to anymore
thank you and so you can do the test so
what we're doing now is we're going to
be first wearing these glasses because
the glasses prevent blue light from
getting into all right we have been in
isolation without seeing any Sun during
several months and we will start using
this light lights very
and using them during the day since we
don't have any Sun we're going to tell
your brain that is the day with this
light so we have several light-based all
around the models we have to do sir
there's a little trick that we have to
turn them on every every hour so it's
going to be very very we want to spend a
lot of time in this experiment turning
the lights on every sixty minutes but
it's gonna be definitely a very
interesting experiment and perhaps we
will be happier because our bring move
thing that that we are outside and we
have a daylight and beautiful
money was your favorite experiment that
we examined well wait actually think
about it don't think you think it was
singing in front of the camera
what if everything quickly sure yeah I
think I should be the fair girl
experiment I mean all the exercise but
also the capacity which is why I think
for me bicycle and actually which is a
mile event her and I can wear and feel
comfortable not so much I mean not much
exalted like an owl we are doing
favorite physical exercise and what
about the experiment that you liked the
least Italian nothing linking
electricity you can feel on your hair
and not at first you breathe but looking
for something just after pledging
creamery you can you close your eyes you
can feel all that's thinking that's been
here the last one the electric company
and when we are coming close to an end
of $MONTH and an end of our region of
520 days 75 weeks can 17 months one year
and a half and followed the people
around France but also from Italy and
from Europe or around the world we
wanted to thank you for following us for
such a long time and well sharing and
all our adventures with you has been a
pleasure and but stay tuned because next
time that you will see a video blog it
might be somebody bringing real rocks
from Mars for you
first around it doesn't have TV coverage
of the face and then he got the black up
now you're gonna be getting a TV picture
is still yes we are getting a TV picture
one ball
Food Sustainability With Aquaponics (All Year Round Harvest) - Duration: 10:34.
Sharing with Food Sustainability With Aquaponics Practical Examples
Atlanta Tutoring Jobs | After School Activities | Dynamis Learning Academy - Duration: 2:34.
Hello, I am Helen with Dynamis Learning Academy.
Dynamis Learning Academy is a K-12 tutoring service that helps children achieve success
by reaching their potential!
Is your child involved in after school sports programs such as basketball, baseball, soccer,
swim or volleyball?
Does your child participate in after school activities like dance, cheerleading, karate
or ice skating?
Lastly, does your child struggle with getting his homework completed because he is so involved
in after-school activities that he lacks the time needed to get it accomplished?
Believe me, you are not alone!
Many parents have children involved in after-school activities and many times they do not get
home until after 8pm.
As you are aware, the rules for participating in these teams state that if you do not keep
your academics high, you can be removed from the team.
This alone adds anxiety to a child's already full plate.
At first sign, teachers believe that children are just being lazy; however, we all know
the truth lies in the fact that children are just exhausted from a long day of learning
and the added hours of physical activity into the evening.
We, at Dynamis Learning Academy, are able to help you solve this struggle with your
We offer group tutoring after school at a mutually convenient location, possibly the
school itself, so that children can get a jumpstart on their academics, finish their
homework before practice gets underway, and then get home satisfied that their assignments
for the next day are ready to be turned in for a grade.
The rest of the night allows your child to relax and have some downtime before getting
ready for bed.
Contact us at the number shown below, so that we can develop a plan of action to help your
child and his friends reach their goal of nightly homework completion for the week.
Thank you for listening.
Jumpscare Websites! Top 5 Jumpscare Websites you can Visit Right now! + Reactions - Duration: 7:07.
*energetic intro*
Eyy what's up buds?!
Broken tooth here!
Welcome back to a brand new Video and in this Video, I have risked my life in collecting
some of the most scariest jumpscare websites.
And by, risking my life I mean that I had to witness it all myself and if you don't
know me, im not very fond of scary shit!
Yeah that's right.
If you like what you just saw and want to see me get scared, I'll leave a link for my
scary shit playlist go check it out later!
Now let's get on with the top 5 scary jumpscare websites you can visit right now!
Number 5: Staggering beauty
Let us kick this off with an extremely beautiful work of art, shall we?!
Honestly, whoever created this rat shit creepy website, put A LOT of effort into it
I can tell because of the surprisingly amazing graphics.
Anyways, this is a link where the jumpscare is not an intended jumpscare but pretty close,
it is sudden and will make you jump if you're wearing loud headphones.
And also, don't watch this if you have epilepsy.
Like, seriously, don't and don't even think of sending this link to your epileptic friend.
Just don't!
This was my initial reaction to this website
Moving on!
Number 4: colorblind test
Since the topic of this video is jumpscare websites, there is no point in trying to surprise
you but it will still work like a charm if you send this seemingly innocent link to your
This is just a regular colorblind test, except it very much isn't.
I don't want to ruin the teeny tiny element of surprise that's still left, so go check
it out!
Link in the description
And of course here's my initial reaction to it!
I did record my reaction to all the 5 website, and BOY if you think the last 2 reactions
were funny, sit through this whole video.
Number 3: Bong Chong Dong Ghost
Yeah I know it's really fun to say, Bong Chong Dong Ghost!
But it's not even half as fun to read!
Yes, I said 'read'.
it is a comic and I'm pretty sure most of you are familiar with this ridiculously online
scary comic book.
And that's why I have it on number 3, otherwise, this is sure to be in the top 2.
However, if you haven't heard of this, you're in for a treat!
What is it about you ask?
Well, to keep the element of surprise, let's just say that is a scary comic book for now.
Witness it for yourself at your own risk, because as I said it's pretty fucking terrifying!
And of course, my reaction
Number 2: findminecraft.com
Many of you will have not heard of this link but what you will see, will be terrifying
and also something familiar if you have read 'creepypastas' okay, I think I have spoiled
Go check it out at your own risk and this time I'm positive that'
And, here
Number 1: okay, I don't know about any other links but this shit will make you jump and
it is a YouTube video, so I will guarantee that you will jump if you watch it without
dragging your mouse through the seek bar
And also, this is not particularly scary, it just happens sooo fucking suddenly, you
will not expect it!
I mean, of course YOU will expect it because I just ruined it for you but again, it still
has a large chance to make
you jump.
That's all Budds, just a quick video I wanted to make.
You can check out all the links, it will be on the description box below!
Make sure you leave a like if you enjoyed!
And hit that red subscribe button for more scary content, like seriously, I have a whole
playlist, you must check out link in the description!
Also, DO SHARE THIS VIDEO on all social media...okay, share this video after you're done pranking
your friends with one of these links...cool?
And also, you can follow me on twitter, Instagram, and google + link in the description!
With that 'YOU' guys have a great day and 'I' will see you soon!
We lost / Christmas party !! - Vlog # 25 - Duration: 5:13.
People, we lost
Boe, whaaa
I do not like mushrooms
me neither
aah, that's it
That's a beautiful crown
Wollah suddenly he stands behind me
thou must talk one minute without saying uh
The first package is fragile, so no candy
No, it's really no candy
hup hup
Ah, there is still a hug
Jump over it! The grass is really wet
Why I trust not
log out, log off !!!
You have two little tour around the grass walk
cold, aah. Another!
Naruto, haha
(3,) 2, 1
all write in response broccoli
Alex, we're going to leave him
People, behold our beautiful treehouse
We now hope that Kobe is not going to find us
I think this is a nice case
Where are you?
I really do not know
Where are they?
People, we lost
Here is his gift
Yeah, come axel
Marija Grabštaitė - Have Your...
Compare Loom & Leaf
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I DYNAMIC Navigator - Duration: 0:47.
Citroën C1 1.0I COLLECTION 5-DRS AIRCO BLUETOOTH - Duration: 1:17.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 2.0I-16V CARACTÈRE Automaat/airco-Ecc/PDC - Duration: 1:10.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 Airco-Ecc/Alu wielen - Duration: 1:11.
Natural Cure of Ulcerative Colitis Through Herbs - Real Testimonial - Duration: 11:18.
Hello, Dr. Vikram! You have a patient, Mr. Kamaldeep.
Mr. Kamaldeep, please tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Kamaldeep.
I'm from Rampur, UP.
I'm suffering from Ulcerative Colitis from the past 1.5 years.
I went to an allopathic doctor and he assured me that I'll be completely cured after taking their medicines.
As I began the treatment, I started improving gradually but whenever I reduced the dose I would face problems.
What sort of problems?
I would start bleeding and would pass stools many times a day.
Then I thought of taking Ayurvedic medicines and I took treatment from a few Ayurvedic doctors but didn't get the expected results.
One day I came across Dr. Vikram's video on You Tube and I felt that I should go and see him once.
It's been two months since I've started taking medicines and I'm 90% cured.
Dr. Vikram can you please tell us about the kind of treatment you've given him?
Ulcerative Colitis has a possibility of being 100% cured in Ayurveda.
In Ayurveda, when Sangrahani, Raktatisar, Pittatisar occur together then the disease which arises can be compared to Ulcerative colitis.
Irritable bowel syndrome, Ulcerative colitis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease are of the same type.
It causes inflammation in the intestines, bleeding, and no matter what you eat you have the urgency to pass stool 15- 30 times
and in some people even more than that which causes weakness.
In Ayurveda, we have such herbs which are Holarrhena antidysentrica [Kutaja],
its bark is used, bael, Marigold flower juice, rose flower juice, pomegranate peel decoction, pomegranate juice 50 ml.
Yogurt is beneficial, and buttermilk doesn't suit a lot of people so I don't recommend it.
I recommend yogurt, bananas and khichdi is the main diet.
50 – 60% of the condition is improved by correcting the diet.
Milk and milk products like milk, cheese, buttermilk, and butter should be totally avoided.
Dr. Vikram as you just mentioned marigold flower, pomegranate peel, are any medicines made from these available?
We've prepared a lot of medicines made from these herbs under the brand Planet Ayurveda.
Earlier we didn't have any medicines like that but gradually we have developed them.
I'm working on it since 10 years and it has amazing results.
I've formed a data also. First, I'll show his prescription.
We've a medicine called Pitta Balance in Planet Ayurveda, Praval Panchamrit, Vasaka, Arjuna, Kutajghan vati.
He was taking Mesacol, Azoran earlier but not now.
Like that his allopathic medicines have been stopped and very soon he'll get off his Ayurvedic medications also.
And it's been 2 months and he has 90% relief.
I would like to show the diet to the viewers which needs to be avoided.
The ones under the cross shouldn't be taken and the other one should be consumed.
Coconut water should be consumed as it is a Pitta disorder, aggravated Pitta causes bleeding.
Mr. Kamaldeep, are you following the diet chart properly?
Yes, absolutely. Diet is the main thing in this disease.
I want to give a message that I've tried various medicines but I had no relief.
As soon as I decreased the dosage of Mesacol I would start bleeding profusely.
But when I came here I decreased it's dosage to half in the first month.
I'm quite relieved from bleeding.
I would like to say that come to Ayurveda and if possible come and see Dr. Vikram because.
He has the perfect treatment for it because there are many Ayurvedic clinics like Jiva Ayurveda and others which I have tried but got no results.
I would like to tell the viewers, if you can't come as it gets very difficult to come from a long distance at least follow the diet I've recommended.
Pomegranate peel tea, banana, yogurt, Sheesham leaves extract, Pomegranate juice, Arjuna, Vasaka, Licorice is also very good.
We have a website and you can also buy products from there.
Can patients consult you online also?
Yes, they can send me there problems through email and we provide treatment through mails also.
I've made a data also and I've been maintaining it from the past 6 months.
This is the first patient.
Today is December 20th, after 2 months 90% relief, he's from Rampur UP.
This is from December 19th, I've started his treatment yesterday.
The next one is 100% ok, then now OK.
Every patient is saying that he's better than before.
Every patient is getting better in 2, 3, 4 months according to his body type.
DR. Vikram, I would urge you to give a message on how to prevent this disease from occurring as it is a lifestyle related disorder.
Ulcerative Colitis is mainly related to packaged food, milk and milk products, canned juices.
Yogurt is useful in it as it has a huge amount of lactobacillus in natural form which is good for stomach.
Packaged foods should be avoided.
It is an autoimmune disease which means our own army of cells start attacking our colon.
It has immuno modulator herbs not immunosuppressant like allopath.
These herbs modifies the immunity and tones it up to gradually stop attacking the body so aggressively
and the antibodies comes back to their normal action slowly, though, antibodies have not been detected in Ulcerative colitis as yet.
According to this theory of Ulcerative colitis being autoimmune disease also, Ayurveda has better results for it.
I request all doctors to try Ayurvedic medicines and herbs for this disease and research on their own also.
Yes, this a topic of research as a lot of patients are not getting any relief.
They can help a huge number of patients like we are being able to do it.
Allopathic doctors say that Ayurveda and Homeopathy have no cure for this disorder.
But they should change this mindset in patients.
A lot of doctors and patients think that Ayurvedic doctors give steroids and heavy metal which harms the body.
But this is absolutely untrue, we do not give any substance which harms the body.
In Allopathic, a heavy amount of steroids and immunosuppressant are given for Ulcerative colitis which is very harmful for the body.
Earlier when I took allopathic medicines I had lost my appetite and lost a lot of weight
but after moving to Ayurveda my appetite has enhanced and weight is also better now.
If you go close to nature, you'll definitely be cured. Nature is itself a cure.
This is his clear cut prescription and it has no steroids.
Rather the patients who come to me are already taking steroids and I stop them gradually and they get cured.
Now, you're 90% better and in a month or two, it'll be 100% cured.
Dr Vikram and Mr. Kamaldeep, thank you very much.
[MMD Vine] Kiss?? - Duration: 0:08.
Nagisa, is there something in my eyes?
Isogai, Look that!
are they kissing?
look them...
Yuri on Ice - Agape (+ Lyrics?) - Duration: 2:23.
YES - Chris Squire ranting about his belongings. - Duration: 1:22.
I, personally,
have been in the band for two years
since it was formed with me and Chris.
If you look over there, you'll see Chris.
Just move over there that's Christopher.
Well, I expect your wondering why we're here tonight, quite honestly.
Well, the thing is you see, my name is Chris Squire.
Here is my driving license and to prove it,
there it is.
"Christopher Russell Edward Squire"
driving license.
Now here we have a membership of my club, Speakeasy.
On the back, its got my initials
and also is signed by Mr. Tony Howard.
Here we have an english five-pound note.
Now, this is five pounds.
Now, with this money, one can uh, buy clothes,
food, anything one really likes.
-A drink. -Um, drink, even a smoke, cigarettes
and um, in here we have something else I'd rather not show you at the moment.
Have I spoken for a minute yet?
No, maybe I haven't.
Well in that case, here is another english five-pound note.
Physically, it matches exactly the same as this one 'cept
on the back, see, that one is different from this one
and here is the picture of the Queen.
The Queen Of England, as you can see her there.
with a five above her head.
Really they're both the same really.
I think oh, it must be up by now.
What else have I got here?
Why am I here? Anyway.
Why am I here anyway?
Anyway, what I say is why, what for?
Austin woman's epic sign at cowboys' game - Duration: 2:10.
SAMO PARTIZAN (OFFICIAL VIDEO 2016) - Duration: 2:18.
14 most often misused words in English - Free English lessons - Duration: 14:02.
DIY Princess Cone Hat (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #297 - Duration: 2:45.
Hi. Today I will show you how to make princess hat.
We need:
...elastic rubber tape...
...thick paper...
...and glue gun.
Make a cone from thick paper.
Secure it by using glue.
Cut off the bottom part. The cone should stand straight.
Make 2 holes at bottom of cone.
Move elastic rubber tape through holes.
Make knots on both ends.
Glue the tulle to the tip of cone.
Wrap the cone.
Secure it by using glue.
Glue the bottom part of tulle inside the cone.
Take long piece of tulle. Glue it to the tip of cone and to the back.
Cut a strip from another tulle (about 15 cm of width).
Fold it a few times.
Glue its end to the hat.
Wrap it around the hat and glue it every several centimeters.
Next, cut a strip from tulle (about 10 cm of width).
Glue its middle part to the tip of cone.
Twist it a little.
Glue the ends inside the cone.
Cut 2 short pieces of tulle.
Tie them to the tulle and make bows.
Finally, glue the pearls to the bottom part of cone, to the bows and to the tip.
And it's done.
This hat will be a great addition to princess costume for costume party.
You can use different colors and decorate it by using sequins, ribbons, zircons etc.
Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel. Thanks for watching!
Bye bye.
Jumpscare Websites! Top 5 Jumpscare Websites you can Visit Right now! + Reactions - Duration: 7:07.
*energetic intro*
Eyy what's up buds?!
Broken tooth here!
Welcome back to a brand new Video and in this Video, I have risked my life in collecting
some of the most scariest jumpscare websites.
And by, risking my life I mean that I had to witness it all myself and if you don't
know me, im not very fond of scary shit!
Yeah that's right.
If you like what you just saw and want to see me get scared, I'll leave a link for my
scary shit playlist go check it out later!
Now let's get on with the top 5 scary jumpscare websites you can visit right now!
Number 5: Staggering beauty
Let us kick this off with an extremely beautiful work of art, shall we?!
Honestly, whoever created this rat shit creepy website, put A LOT of effort into it
I can tell because of the surprisingly amazing graphics.
Anyways, this is a link where the jumpscare is not an intended jumpscare but pretty close,
it is sudden and will make you jump if you're wearing loud headphones.
And also, don't watch this if you have epilepsy.
Like, seriously, don't and don't even think of sending this link to your epileptic friend.
Just don't!
This was my initial reaction to this website
Moving on!
Number 4: colorblind test
Since the topic of this video is jumpscare websites, there is no point in trying to surprise
you but it will still work like a charm if you send this seemingly innocent link to your
This is just a regular colorblind test, except it very much isn't.
I don't want to ruin the teeny tiny element of surprise that's still left, so go check
it out!
Link in the description
And of course here's my initial reaction to it!
I did record my reaction to all the 5 website, and BOY if you think the last 2 reactions
were funny, sit through this whole video.
Number 3: Bong Chong Dong Ghost
Yeah I know it's really fun to say, Bong Chong Dong Ghost!
But it's not even half as fun to read!
Yes, I said 'read'.
it is a comic and I'm pretty sure most of you are familiar with this ridiculously online
scary comic book.
And that's why I have it on number 3, otherwise, this is sure to be in the top 2.
However, if you haven't heard of this, you're in for a treat!
What is it about you ask?
Well, to keep the element of surprise, let's just say that is a scary comic book for now.
Witness it for yourself at your own risk, because as I said it's pretty fucking terrifying!
And of course, my reaction
Number 2: findminecraft.com
Many of you will have not heard of this link but what you will see, will be terrifying
and also something familiar if you have read 'creepypastas' okay, I think I have spoiled
Go check it out at your own risk and this time I'm positive that'
And, here
Number 1: okay, I don't know about any other links but this shit will make you jump and
it is a YouTube video, so I will guarantee that you will jump if you watch it without
dragging your mouse through the seek bar
And also, this is not particularly scary, it just happens sooo fucking suddenly, you
will not expect it!
I mean, of course YOU will expect it because I just ruined it for you but again, it still
has a large chance to make
you jump.
That's all Budds, just a quick video I wanted to make.
You can check out all the links, it will be on the description box below!
Make sure you leave a like if you enjoyed!
And hit that red subscribe button for more scary content, like seriously, I have a whole
playlist, you must check out link in the description!
Also, DO SHARE THIS VIDEO on all social media...okay, share this video after you're done pranking
your friends with one of these links...cool?
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Poobedny Drazdiak | Afternoon swimming in Drazdiak 27.12.2016 - Duration: 10:23.
Super Heroes Horse Riding Nursery Rhymes 3D Cartoons For Children Nursery Rhymes Horse Riding Videos - Duration: 1:15:49.
Super Heroes Horse Riding Nursery Rhymes 3D Cartoons For Children Nursery Rhymes Horse Riding Videos
EXPERIMENT Glowing 1000 degree KNIFE VS FRUITS || Hack Room - Duration: 3:53.
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Solar Stream Is Hitting The Earth - Duration: 4:08.
Solar Stream Is Hitting The Earth.
by Shelley Young,
Happy Solstice everyone!
We�ve got some major incoming energies happening.
A solar stream is hitting the earth from a coronal hole in the sun, which is affecting
the earth�s magnetic field.
Solar storms are the thing I really feel the most � typically they can make us feel dehydrated,
uncomfortable, hung over, and mess with our sleep.
Nausea/being off food continues to be a theme, as does dizziness or a sensation that the
earth is moving underneath you.
Neck issues and an achy sensation right at the base of the skull have been common.
I�ve had some ear stuff going on, been headachy, and a smidge moody, although nowhere near
what I was like last week.
Big fears continue to keep popping up for processing, as well.
On top of all of that, the earth is being affected by an unprecedented wave of energy
that is moving across the entire planet.
I wouldn�t be surprised to see some kind of big earthquake or other energy release
from the earth in response to all this energetic action.
Well, after the year it�s been I guess it makes sense that it will keep surprising us
right to the very end!
Here�s the good news.
Solstice events lock in our progress.
And any incoming energy always serves to dispel anything that needs releasing.
The universe is always assisting us, and I�ll happily take any help I can get.
We will be continuing to review and shift right into 2017.
Not only do we continue to have a mercury retrograde until Jan. 8, our holiday seasons
create a shift of energy all their own, as does moving into the energy of a brand new
There are some things you can do to help all of this transitioning occur much easier.
As always, listen to your body and practice good self care.
Drink lots of water!
Hydration is SO important to help you flow along with the energies.
I have found allowing your body to move instinctively in your own kind of dance/tai chi/yoga (or
doing the actual practices) can really help your body adjust and move the energies as
is required.
If you experience sleeplessness, don�t panic, you�ll likely be energized throughout the
following day, as well (and you can also ask your guides to infuse you with energy if you
need a little help to be functional).
Meditation is a great substitute for sleep, as it has many of the same benefits.
Use the tools you have gathered over the years.
Yes, that means, remember what you know and apply accordingly.
A good sense of humor is very helpful, as laughter is a great tool for release and way
more fun than gut-wrenching sobs.
And as always, gratitude for the many blessings that abound and staying focused on why we
are doing all of this and what we would like to create is key.
There is always joy and magic to be found in the unfoldment of such important times.
I�m wishing you an absolutely wonderful holiday season and an abundance of love, peace
and happiness well into 2017 and beyond.
Great Wall - Great Journey - Duration: 8:53.
* we are trying to negociate for a taxi with our poor mandarin chinese *
We don't have money ... (bullshit)
Haha he perfecly knows...
there is charcoal inside !
Thought it will be worst
Thought it will be worst
Use the tree
Use the tree
*not that one jesus...*
Is it over there ??!!!
Dude, your shorcut is awesome....
Go for the woods
let's go inside
so, some little chinese farmers have been living here ?
Checkpoint !
be careful dude you will break your legs !
*haha maybe not!*
hahaha I told you !!
well, at leat I tried
let's go back !
We are singing happy birthday in chinese for this adorable woman.
Zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè!
and we decide to show theme how we say it in french
joyeux anniversaire
xie xie ! (thank you)
ni de ni de (it's yours, it's yours )
25 most interesting facts about New Year - Duration: 6:53.
25 most interesting facts about the New Year.
Fact 1.
The tradition of celebrating New year January 1 came into
Russia by decree of Peter I from 1700 of the year.
Prior to this new church Year is celebrated on March 1, and the secular
- September 1.
Fact 2.
One of the most popular traditional spices
for Christmas baking It is ginger.
Fact 3.
The output of the 1st of January in the USSR It was only by a decree of the Presidium
High of 23 December 1947.
Fact 4.
The first documentary certificate of tradition
decorate the Christmas tree are to the beginning of the XVII century.
According to historians, dressed up in honor of the first
Christmas trees were in Alsace (then it was
part of Germany, now time - France).
For felled spruce, pine beeches and holiday decorations
were made of colored roses paper, apples, cookies,
pieces of sugar and tinsel.
Fact 5.
In France, before the beginning of the year 755 year considered 25 December
then he moved to 1st of March.
In the XII century the beginning of the year timed Easter, and since 1564 under the decree
King Charles IX beginning of the year It was scheduled for January 1st.
Fact 6.
Huskies celebrate New year with the arrival of the first
Fact 7.
In Ethiopia, celebrate New Year 11 September.
Furthermore, in this country, still adopted the old
Julian calendar.
Fact 8.
In 1843, London was printed first Christmas
card - so there was tradition of exchanging
greeting cards on New Year's Eve.
Fact 9.
In Cuba, all in the New Year utensils in the house filled
water, which was then splash the street on New Year's night,
to wash away all sins.
New Year is called in Cuba Day of the Kings.
Fact 10.
In Germany, Santa gifts Klaus brings to the window sill,
and in Sweden - the stove.
Fact 11.
On the Christmas tree in front of the White House in the US in 1895, lit the first
electric garland.
Fact 12.
In England, the New Year long He celebrated on March 25 the Day
Annunciation, and only in 1752 the first day of the New
We were recognized on January 1st.
By that time, Scotland The New Year began on January 1
For more than 150 years.
Fact 13.
From 1918 to 1935 tree as Symbol of Christmas in Russia
I was under the ban: Soviet authorities called
Christmas and all rituals associated with them,
bourgeois prejudices and obscurantism.
Since 1935, instead of Christmas by order of Stalin Christmas
has become a New Year's Eve, and the Star of Bethlehem - in
red five-pointed star.
Fact 14.
The first glass Christmas tree balloon was made in Thuringia
(Saxony) in the XVI century.
Industrial mass production of Christmas toys
It started only in the middle XIX century in Saxony.
Masters-glassblowers blown glass toys and their
assistants cut out of cardboard bells, hearts,
figurines of birds and animals, balloons, cones, nuts, which are then
painted in bright colors.
Fact 15.
In Israel celebrate New Year twice - January 1, as Europeans,
and again - in September.
Fact 16.
In the southern countries, where there is no no frost or snow falls
use other characters, such as Cambodia acts
Grandfather heat.
Fact 17.
Since the beginning of the battle of New Year hours open England
the back door of the house for outgoing year, and a final blow
hours greeted at the front Door New Year.
Fact 18.
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" It was first published
in 1903 in a children's magazine "Baby".
After 2 years, Raisa verses Adamovna Kudashёvoy were
set to music by composer Leonid Karlovich Beckmann.
Fact 19.
Snowman started to sculpt in the XIX century, with the indispensable
attributes - a bucket on head, a broom and a nose-carrot.
Fact 20.
Snow White was invented in the mid-50s of the last century
children's writers Leo Kassil Sergei Mikhalkov, typing
granddaughter of Santa Claus to children representation.
Fact 21.
In ancient Egypt, New the year began on the day of the spill
The Nile, in the early summer.
Fact 22.
The largest number of Christmas trees sold in Europe
in Denmark.
Fact 23.
Record for Christmas gifts and greeting
traditional Christmas card is the United States.
Fact 24.
Islamic New Year - Nowruz - mark the day
the vernal equinox, 21 March.
Usually its celebration is given 1-2 days, while in Iran
- At least 5 days.
Fact 25.
In Italy there is an unusual tradition to throw out
windows in the New Year's Eve old things.
This may be as clothing and utensils, and furniture.
It is believed that the more old things will be thrown
New Year's Eve, the more bring wealth and good luck
New Year.
It's certainly not far from exhaustive New Year list of facts,
but in my opinion the most interesting facts present here.
And of course, congratulations all my viewers a Happy
Happy New Year 2017, let come true all your wishes and dreams!
How to delete a youtube video - Duration: 4:36.
The Bye Bye Man
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3DS ACWA MiniTrailers 3 Rilla CZ - Duration: 1:06.
How to disassemble 📱 Asus ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL) Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 3:37.
Hello and welcome!
Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to disassemble
📱 Asus ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL)
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