my light is broken
hey there everyone my name is neoaptt and welcome to my Channel today I wanted
to tell you how not to get scammed when it comes to car repairs
now this might be a pretty broad topic i'm going to go over one example and
kind of three or four different aspects of how it is that you don't get scammed
now step number one his in order to repair a car you have to have a broken
car now a couple of months ago I accidentally had an accident weird thing
to say right so I had an accident and i broke my front passenger side it's
called light I I broke that one just fractured and looked looked nothing like
these cars back in the picture but this is where I came to get a replacement
now I was looking online and i was looking at amazon and said okay i have a
honda civic and it's a 2003 and what I found out a with my research was that a
2001 2002 2003 headlights were all the same and i also found out that if i was
to buy both of them together it costs roughly about seventy dollars
free shipping or bought one than it costs like ten dollars and shipping or
something like that so basically for the for the parts that i needed it was a
look around 40 bucks so I went over to my local junkyard and I said okay I I
walked down to this this nice little junkyard I and i called him up and said
okay what it what are your hours and so I went in there and I saw this man
some amount of cars so many cars look just like this except different so now
when i went up to the guy and went up the eye and said hey we're your honda
civics and he'll know her she whoever it is will he in my situation is my is my
case my samaroh I can have whatever I want
so how in my situation I went up to the guy said ok we're your honda civics and
he said okay over there past the blacktop over there and just keep
falling so one over there had my dad with me to look at some car stuff I'm
not car savvy to let you know if you're not car savvy make sure you have a
friend that is or parent or guardian or the car repair man or someone who is
because otherwise you'll be almost out of luck unless you watch a ton of
youtube videos which I would suggest doing to learn yourself doing this
sidenote doing this myself is fantastic i learned a lot about how car works and
i learned that was it i learned a lot how come how cars work so I went over to
the honda civics i said okay i need a headlight so I went up and and I and I
have to this this I'll and I looked at these cars and some of them were good
some of the more terrible someone that even have front bumpers which is
beneficial our case because the one that we'd wanted didn't have a front bumper
but that had a light that we needed to headlight casing so i opened it up I
took a little bit of finagling always bring your tools remember bring your
tools bring your tools to disassemble the part that you need and bring up a
lot of them if your car is broken have someone else bring your their tools for
you or if you don't have tools have them bring your bring their tools if you
don't have tools go get some tools you'll need tools especially if you own
a car if you don't work are you fixing a car mechanic
okay well so I went over there we we got the light office was pretty dusty pretty
pretty damn pretty pretty groggy and my dad said oh well actually you can just
clean that up with us
some kids over and some yeah you can buy at Walmart was like ten bucks or so for
for the kit maybe eight that did who's gonna clean both of my both my lights so
whatever got that part went up to the the guy and said okay I got my part here
handy looks at me and said well how much you want to spend today and I said well
I want to spend like twenty bucks now remember the part that I was going to
get was actually 40 bucks online hand now so the guy turned around and said
well they got that part cost 50 right there
so how about 35 35 was five dollars cheaper than if i was to get it on
Amazon and have it shipped and have a comment and like a week or so and i
needed a headlight now in order to drive at night at least so and and i drive at
night at night a lot so I said okay 35 is fine left of that good haggling
skills if you know your price limit and you're able to haggle underneath that
and the other guys okay with it that is fantastic
also I'm these junkyard guys they as far as from i know and i don't know a lot
but they get they get most of their money from scrap metal from taking these
car parts and selling the metal to other businesses that are we using it and so
on and so forth
how by little my little dinky part wasn't going to keep this business
running so they really couldn't care less they just make a little make a
little money on the side here and there for part unless you're buying like a
whole cars worth of parts just building something up from scratch from whatever
but so yeah that was my experience of going over to the junkyard and finding
apart taken off and just having a fun time with with my dad and putting that
light back on that was a pain so my car was
was smashed huh so I had to add to do a lot of finagling with with some parts
and some almost almost duct tape and elbows script and grease and spit and
what have you and basically what it came down to is ok it sent spent it took us
like three or four hours to put my life back on to make sure that it worked but
I learned a lot about how it works how you take off a front bumper front bumper
for a $YEAR honda civic at least and I can honestly say that I now know where
to go to shop for parts if I need apart if I need like electronic parts like
circuitry or stuff like that then definitely go for the manufacturer but
four casings and for car doors and see some forms and what have you can go to
your local drunk shop and go to strip it from a car and have your price down
below the market share
yeah so that is how you don't get scammed that junk yard for $TIME that's
how you don't get scammed out of parts when you go to autozone and by parts are
going to Amazon you can actually go to a junkyard and strip the part yourself and
get the part that you're looking for
sooner or later i have to go and grab and I I've had my new life for like a
month or two now and I have to go grab the stuff that I bought actually clean
the the front parts of my car
interesting fact is that you can actually set the level of the light on
your car
so there's little bulbs that you can twist out and then yank out those little
bulbs actually have a little circle things or at levels
what have you that brighten and dim the light so when you put on your overhead
lights you switch that on it brightens up and we turn it off it just brings
down i thought there was another light that turned on for some reason this is a
good example of me learning something new
if you already know how to put parts together and you've stayed through most
of this video well you just I i hope it was entertaining 2-2 here a novel a car
repair of car mechanic novice talk a little bit about something that he had
no idea what was about anyways thank you all so much for watching I hope you
enjoyed this video leave a like leave a comment leave a subscribe leave for
subscribes go get like 50 years 60 channels to subscribe and then get them
to describe into a multi-level marketing scheme and they get paid to do it and
then and and sell makeup products and then go sell more makeup products and
then maybe jewelry and what-have-you anyways thank you all so much for
watching and that i crack myself up
all right good luck and farewell the enough and they're willing to spend
money time or effort into it
anyone can hack in to anywhere I just might take a little bit of time just
remember you have to trust something someone somewhere so find that person
that you trust and
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