Hello our beloved and priceless subscribers!
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It is thanks to your activity you inspired
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content, and we are ready to next year to surprise
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Our is a small, but friendly team World Style,
I sincerely congratulate you and your loved ones a Happy
Happy New Year 2017!
And we want to wish all of you, so that in the coming year
It happened to you the most miracle that we all
Although each has its own way, but it is certainly the most
necessary and very important.
We hope that all of you were healthy, never gave up
and engaged in that brings you real pleasure.
In conclusion, please us this video card!
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we want to reach our target our target
is a comet the team as expectation from
you every day and you always have to
think I had the user cannot come in the
morning and say what you have to do
you're always have to think well I had
been deposited are often presented
doesn't wake up permission will already
be over our fingers are crossed for the
first signal to make it to us as a no
comments to the other on the day of
population exit was high expectation
that we successfully come out of
hibernation when that time in the
morning occurred you think well okay
that's it now we just wait are you wait
for the spacecraft that stopped spinning
22 warm itself up and to get ready to
send this signal
hello everybody and welcome inside the
main control room which is quite
exciting we also get a good view of the
countdown clock here before Rosetta will
wake up requires 45 minutes for the
signal to travel at the speed of life to
come from the spacecraft
there's a big success for everybody now
we got it back now it's up to us to
drive into the government you want to
see this clean peak and that's what we
got we you wait a few more seconds and
you see this clean carrier signal and
that's all you need to know
possums are all we have no idea what is
waiting for us out there
Rosetta will use its navigation camera
as it gradually closes in on its target
comet churyumov-gerasimenko before
shifting to the trajectory that will
finally bring it to its destination then
it will start to orbit the comet map it
and characterize it
this will enable us to search for a
landing site and landfill Lander in
November 2014 in London feeling upset he
lays dead tired finna is the part of the
rosetta mission that will land on a
comet so we will really have the
opportunity to investigate the
primordial dust and ice material on-site
be like for art
you gotta watch yourself in this is what
we're looking at fifty percent of the
comments gonna be made of material like
this we can look at the water on the
ocean of the earth and compare that
ratio to what we find on comets whether
it's like sheet is always more dusty is
possibly this water could have been
delivered to the earth by the Comets
this is why we're going to this comment
to see where that water comes from to
see is it connected to work at all and
that's then connecting to whether we
ourselves are connected to comments
maybe who knows
Braden and filled with this mission with
entering new territory in Berlin we have
built three instruments for this lambda
and then at about the Rollins camera on
the bottom of the lander will acquire
six or seven images that will reach
Earth hours later the movements device
will be hammered into the surface to
measure the thermal properties these
will then be refined using the other
instruments to understand what kind of
environment quick landed on this base
camp is now on a trajectory to the
comment but it doesn't have yet the
right velocity to actually arrive at the
comet and stay there we activate our
thrusters the this small rocket we're
bored and we accelerate the spacecraft
to reach the exact velocity of the
common and we do an acceleration of
about 800 meters per second
thanks a lot of acceleration we start to
see this pin prick in the distance and
then you realize this is reality it's
not a theoretical concept anymore to
real comment we're seeing this this
pinpoint of light getting closer and
it wasn't like this great data that we
first imagined that it was actually much
more interesting appreciated consists of
two parts this double structure was not
expected and we all had the same initial
how will we land on this it hasn't made
things any easier
yeah we don't feel like to end up on its
back like a beetle or crash all these
things are much easier to solve on a
spherical target and on a very rugged
surface with valleys even canyons cliffs
and crevices
these are difficult conditions therefore
we have a ground reference model here at
the lander control center to test all
the sequences over and over again it
takes some time but we have to make sure
that it works the landing sequence will
be started at a specific moment at the
same time the orbiter must adopt a
specific orientation as the lander will
be pushed away from the orbiter as soon
as the Landers feet touch the surface
two harpoons will be fired to Anchorage
that's my middle
to further secure the lander I screws on
the feet will then draw it towards the
surface in your wallet or offices that's
one must prepare as best one can we will
spend the time in characterizing the
coming when the faintest idea of the
gravity potential of the comment the
gravitational forces so we have to
measure them and then with an orbit
development and there we will start
mapping we need to do a very good map to
decide where to land all these we have
to do it before otherwise we're not even
able to discuss about the instability so
it's a massive challenge technologically
but at the same time the reason we're at
this comment is for science
no other reason we're doing this to get
the best size to characterize this comet
as has never been done before
doesn't what will be interesting for the
scientists will be to observe the
changes what the comment does as it
approaches the Sun becomes increasingly
active and starts to outgassing for jet
around the hearts of the Comets surface
are dead and connective nothing is
Donnie and there are some places where
plenty is going on there at the moment
some 500 grams of water per second or
outgassing from the comet closer to the
Sun this will rise to 300 kilograms what
would happen if the lander were to touch
down in one of these places it would
probably not guarantee a long operating
life if we target an active area an area
where there's lots of outgassing
sublimation so lots of material coming
off of the surface it's going to be
difficult to get the land down there
after the island of using a spectable
accessory after considering all the
different aspects of the possible
landing sites we have decided on landing
site J we've also selected an
alternative landing site see on the body
everything is into complex of dimes
enough anyone following is undertaking
is so complex that a single person would
be overwhelmed by it
it simply isn't manageable is only
possible in large teams you have to get
together and discuss and the good thing
is that they're all great people people
with their feet on the ground who you
can really talk to
it presents particular challenges but
ultimately Rosetta shows you what you
can do by collaborating internationally
it's just great to be here is great to
be involved in this and be involved with
the scientists the guys that are doing
this to be able to interact with people
like that is that's it can imagine how
privileged we feel to be the ones to
have to lend this object on the comet at
the same time you can understand the
level of responsibility that sits on our
lands and our shoulders
we've spent years with the colleagues of
the lander team may lead bullets from
class and DLR to work out strategies to
define them to trade them off to
negotiate them to fit all the
constraints and the objectives were for
this operation face and now we have to
implement it for real time has come to
make it happen
history about the only person around it
doesn't have TV coverage of the things
and then they got the black up now
you're gonna feel better in the morning
TV picture now epic fail yet we are
getting a TV picture children now d-1
5 Unsolved Mysterious Missing People Caught On Tape - Duration: 12:23.
in the old days there is no visual
evidence of a crime took place
however the invention of surveillance
cameras has changed all that but
sometimes surveillance footage is not
enough and it leaves questions
so today i'm sharing with you another
five mysterious unsolved cases with
surveillance footage I'm sure that
number one will make you wonder how
mysterious and weird this world can be
Claudia Lawrence on the eighteenth of
march two thousand nine thirty
five-year-old Claudia Lawrence suddenly
Claudia had finished her shift as the
shaft and goodra College the University
of York on the afternoon of that day she
was seen on her way to her home and
mills rotate you with York claudia was
reported missing two north yorkshire
police and YP after she failed to arrive
at work for her early morning shift the
following day one theory is that claudia
was killed on the evening of the
eighteenth of march by a lover who came
to our house via the back alley police
define Claudia's private life as a
mysterious and complex citing several
relationships with married men an
anonymous friends that claudia was
reckless and easily led were lovers or
concern on the sixth anniversary of
Claudia's disappearance in 2015
police released CCTV footage of a man
loitering suspiciously near her house on
the evening of her disappearance and
again the following morning the clip
shows a man moving on the path to the
back door of Claudia's house on the
evening of the eighteenth of March 2009
the meanwhile have you for one minute
seconds and then the man heads back to
heuer throwed it's especially just stops
and waits until someone else has walked
passed on a road nearby which can
suggest he didn't want to be seen by
the only thing that contradicts this
theory is that when Claudia's house was
searched it appears she had breakfast
and brushed her teeth
although claudia has never been found
there was some controversy that six
weeks after Lawrence went missing the
investigation into her disappearance was
great classified from a missing-persons
case to a suspected murderer in query
although in YP has acknowledged that
they have no evidence that Lawrence is
dead in a radio interview in 2009
Claudia's mother jones the detectives
had wasted valuable time in the crucial
first 72 hours of the young woman's
disappearance by focusing on her private
life for men aged in their fifties were
arrested in connection with Claudia's
disappearance but on the end of March
2016 the Crown Prosecution Service
abandoned proceedings against the four
men who had been arrested on suspicion
of murder
citing lack of evidence the police
blamed the lack of cooperation for
witnesses one detective said that this
could have been solved if only people
were honest with us
you wanna wiser wreck on july
seventeenth 2010 you want to went to a
nightclub with her friend Adria and
three male colleagues at about 12 15 am
how well American Adrian she knew three
guys for only about a month during the
time in the club there was an argument
between them according to her friends he
want to left and a half and ran out of
the club she had no money and her phone
battery was running low
she waited until it started to dawn
about 4am and started walking in the
direction of home through the seaside
boulevard she was captured on CCTV
walking back towards her home on the way
she texted a few people on her way also
adria saying she's angry that her friend
didn't follow her out
you want to called adria from the weigh
in Adrian says that they settle the
argument over the phone
a few minutes after 4am she called adria
for the last time her that her phone
battery was dying told her where she was
and where she's headed to a tree is home
she was a bit drunk and probably didn't
want to meet her mom like that her
request was accepted by Adria and she
said she'll leave the keys outside for I
wanted arrival then I wanna was captured
on CCTV making her way to Adrienne's
house is the last footage of her
captured by camera it's clear see that
the surveillance video shows a man and a
plaid shirt close to i want during her
last known few hours
the man is still unidentified but the
police believe he has nothing to do with
the disappearance the police believe
that I wanted was likely to have passed
through the park safely but I want to
never arrived home
theories range from adrian and her three
male friends being involved or knowing
more about I want its kidnapping to she
being used within a sex-trafficking ring
six years later in this case is still
unsolved and i wanna is still missing
mat Flores mat Flores was a successful
military officer starting job in the
Silicon Valley with his wife Denise and
newborn daughter Danielle at 814 am on
march 24th 1994 a young engineer at
applied materials Matthew flores pulled
into a parking lot and was shot once in
the head as he got out of the car
despite a total of twenty people being
in the parking lot at the time not one
person saw matt's killer of many of them
heard the gunshot
authorities found that Matt had no known
enemies and no reason to have been
killed his murder resembled a
professional hit
but why was he targeted Flores was
driving a rented chevrolet corsica which
he pulled into an unassigned parking
spot in the applied lot at the company's
building 12 at 3225 oak need Phillips
drive the killing took place just
outside the range of applied
surveillance cameras the cameras did
catch an image of two door light colored
91 and 94 ford explorer driving through
the parking lot and had black trim on
slower panels CCTV camera captures an
unidentified to door ford explorer
entering the parking lot 20 minutes
before the shooting a few seconds later
a two-door ford probe similar to matts
was followed by the four explore a few
minutes later the Explorer exit of the
parking lot then four minutes before the
shooting the Explorer re-entered the
parking lot and went in the direction of
where the shooting occurred at a 12am
Matt and the female eyewitness enter the
parking lot just after the shooting the
ford explorer left the parking lot
never to be seen again it seems likely
that the driver of the Explorer was the
it's been theorized that Matt might have
been an unfortunate victim of mistaken
no one knows the full truth behind mat
Flores murder
Kendrick Johnson in January 2013 in
Valdosta Georgia Kendrick Johnson was
found dead in his high school's
gymnasium the 17 year-old boy's death
was to clear an accident
it appeared he fell headfirst into a
rolled-up gym mat and suffocated
an autopsy was carried out on Johnson's
body to find the cause of death which
was concluded to be accidental with
investigators saying that he got stuck
in the mat trying to receive a shoe and
suffocated there is no evidence of
bruises or foul playing but the bizarre
circumstances of the boy's death raised
suspicions with the family
Johnson family had a private pathologist
conduct a second autopsy this time the
autopsy report was different and was
concluded that John had died from
blunt-force trauma
the autopsy also reported that the brain
heart lungs liver and every other vital
organ or missing they have been replaced
with crumpled newspaper the owner of the
funeral home claim that organs were more
likely destroy through the natural
process to the position of Kendricks
body when he died in November 2013 290
hours of CCTV footage from inside the
school was released to seeing in
following a court request which shows
Johnson entering the gym moments before
he died
however over three hours of footage with
missing Johnson's family strongly
believes that he was murdered and that
there was a cover-up by the local police
department but investigation pointed out
there was no evidence of any foul play
there are strong arguments on both sides
whether Kendricks death was an accident
or murder
tell me what you think about the case
the jameson family on october 8 2009 the
jameson family which consisted of Bobby
his wife shareland and their
six-year-old daughter Madison
mysteriously went missing that data
family traveled 30 miles from their home
near you feel up to a rural area in
Oklahoma where they were looking to buy
a 40 acre plot of land they drove their
white pickup truck up to the isolated
same boys mountains but never returned
eight days after they went missing your
truck was found abandoned on the side of
the road by Al at aamir County Sheriff
inside the airlock pickup truck was
their cellphones car keys gps system and
thirty-two hundred dollars in cash they
even left behind Madison's beloved dog
Maisie who was on the edge of starvation
police quickly launched a huge search
operation but found nothing on the day
before the disappearance security
cameras from their home call them
loading up their truck
investigators saying that Bobby and
Sherilyn looks like they were in a
trance-like State
where they kept repeatedly going back to
their house and back to their truck over
20 times without even speaking to each
other in November 16th 2013 hunters
found human remains in a wooded area
nearly three miles away from where the
Jameson's pickup truck had been
abandoned the remains appear to belong
to two adults and a child months later
the remains were positively identified
as Bobby
shareland and madison Jameson an autopsy
was performed but the remains were in
such a bad state that the cause of death
could not be determined this photo is
believed to be the last picture of
six-year-old Madison the photo was taken
in the mountains he was found on Bobby
cellphone the family doesn't believe
Bobby Orr sherilyn took the photo as
Madison appears to look terrified and
isn't looking towards the camera
Bobby and Sherilyn had been displaying
bizarre behavior prior to their
disappearance and there are rumors that
the family was involved in drug dealing
however police found no drugs in the
home months prior to the disappearance
the Jameson's had become very paranoid
and told some of their friends and
family that their house was haunted and
explained that they had seen spirits
there pastor send this in his statement
saying that the family was that a
spiritual war they have seen spirits
inside their home
Bobby allegedly asked the pastor if
there were any special bullets that his
family could buy so he could kill the
spirits the satanic bible was found in
their house after their disappearance
no one knows though how the jameson
family died
some believe they were murdered some
believe that the mother who was
suffering a deep depression murdered her
family and then committed suicide there
even theories of the family getting lost
a cold sacrifice a cartel killing there
are many theories about the case but to
this day nobody really knows what
happened to the James and family if you
have any theories about the cases listed
here please put them in the comments
section below if you find any of these
mysterious and please share this video
and be sure to subscribe
you really don't want to miss what's
coming next and as always thank you for
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history about the only person around it
doesn't have TV coverage of the food and
minded man they got the black up now and
you can do better than getting a TV
picture never fail us we are going
a picture with him out
I want all
for millennia humans have pondered our
mysterious red neighbor Mars is like
that could be liver what secrets does it
how soon Mike humans be able to go there
these are questions that are fascinating
years of filming and that NASA helping
to answer for the upcoming film the
marshal sending humans to Mars safely as
a priority in NASA it started the
landing of robotic Rovers on Martian
silence such as spirit opportunity and
curiosity the data and images these
magnificent robots have sent back to
earth have picked her imagination and
high-power determination to go paving
the way for the safe journey and
touchdown humans in the 2030s humans are
already preparing this journey by living
250 miles overhead on the International
Space Station where there is no gravity
the round-trip to Mars could take 5 30
days or longer
the journey requires the most
sophisticated technology ever built
including the new Orion spacecraft and
the path of Space Launch System rocket
when we invent new technologies for
Space Exploration it benefits all of
humanity contributing to new
breakthroughs in medicine communications
and manufacturing the journey to Mars
will change our history books forever
rewriting what we know about the red
planet in Japan humans deeper into the
solar system
follow NASA's journey to Mars at
history about the only person around it
doesn't have TV coverage of the things
and it man we got the black up now and
you're gonna be the start of the TV
picture failure we are gay
Victor Kilian out one all
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The Breakthrough is Near — Current Events & Intel Compilation - Duration: 16:01.
The Breakthrough is Near � Current Events & Intel Compilation.
By Jonathan Carty.
Greetings everyone, I hope you are all doing well.
In this article I would like to present a compilation of current events and intel that
show how close we are to a final breakthrough here on Earth.
I know the words near, soon and imminent have been used to death but when we realize how
long this planet has been in quarantine and under control of the dark forces, 25,000 years,
it makes a few months or years seem manageable; do-able, if you will.
Or perhaps survival-able is better.
Yes that one sounds more correct.
Now no one knows when The Event will happen.
We can try to pinpoint a date or time period but it�s not easy to do this as there are
billions of people with free will who are constantly changing the course of events,
not to mention the clearing of the remaining Plasmic Toplet Bombs to ensure the safety
of the planet and its inhabitants.
The main timeline though, per Cobra�s sources and intel, is a positive one and victory of
the light has been assured, so we needn�t put too much focus into the negative.
One of the ways we can tell we are close to a grand change is the highly discussed wave
of energy hitting the planet right now.
This information got me really excited as it lined up with some of Cobra�s information
about the Galactic Center (the Pleroma):
�Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of
26,000 years.
Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart,
which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years.
So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave,
either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000
years after each large one��
ere is another excerpt about the Galactic Wave from a previous post on Cobra�s blog:
�This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around
the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings��
Here is the video from YouTube channel creator Dutchsinse about the energy wave engulfing
the planet:
In one of Cobra�s previous articles he goes on to describe the importance of the interaction
between humanity�s group consciousness and the energies coming from the Galactic Central
�It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our
global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us
based on our ability to receive them.
This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible.
Our active communication with the Pleroma, with the Galactic Center, is creating a feedback
loop that will trigger the Event when the time is right.�
Here is an article from Ascension With Earth that contains several articles from various
sources about the galactic wave and the energies travelling to us from the Galactic Central
ECETI founder and contactee James Gilliland has released some information about these
energies, here are a few excerpts, although I recommend reading the entire post:
�Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet.
It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is.
It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much
It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid.
This ascension wave is the solution.
It is the soul activator, the initiation and support of the light workers and warriors
who came to the earth to liberate her and her people.
The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal
Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.
This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished.�
Let us not forget earlier this year Cobra and David mentioned the sun would sneeze at
some point in our near future:
(Blog Post Link) �If they do not cooperate, and cooperate fast, the negotiating conditions
may change, because the planetary and cosmic situation will change as the Galactic Central
Sun is about to �sneeze�.�
(Blog Post Link) �I am going to need to add something to the book about this.
ALL the major aspects of Corey�s testimony have been confirmed � and Tompkins has no
idea who he is!
Oh� and get this� he said the Sun is going to �sneeze� soon, it will have a quantum
effect on human evolution, and that�s why the spheres are here!!!�
I think it is quite possible that the combination with the PizzaGate scandal, the U.S. being
exposed supporting terrorists in Syria and the intense dislike of the candidates and
exposed rigging of this year�s election, this is creating an incredible amount of global
awakening all at the same time.
Never before has everything been so open, obvious and unhidden.
The PizzaGate scandal became even worse for me yesterday as it was discovered that a pedophile
ring existed on YouTube, out in the open.
One YouTube user created a video based on research done by citizen investigators on
Voat that exposed many videos of children in various poses and positions.
Some of these videos have millions of views and several horrific comments.
Apparently all you had to do to find these videos was type in �web cam video� and
there you had it:
his is in addition to the recent TwitterGate scandal where millions of accounts were found
to be openly sharing child pornography.
Some of the accounts had tens of thousands of followers.
Norway also announced the largest pedophile bust in history with 51 men being arrested
and 150 terabytes of data being confiscated.
To put that in perspective I found the following about how much data that is:
�150 Terabytes: Estimated size of all Web pages indexed by Google on Dec 8th 2005 (not
including databases or video).
(See this article for the figures I used)� This is beyond a colossal amount of child
It is more and more obvious that children are being sold, used, sacrificed and disposed
of on an industrial scale.
I think we can anticipate more of this information coming out as time goes on.
This is the gunk we need to clean out of the shower drain, it�s been festering in there
for decades and must be removed and cleaned, and it will be.
I�d like to move on to the financial aspect of this whole thing and divert your attention
to something that isn�t getting enough attention.
We know the Cabal is being systematically cut off from their money supply via money
laundering, drugs, oil and so on via the hard work of the Alliance.
One of the things that we can see happening is the recent bankruptcy and nationalization
of the Jesuit�s bank �Monte dei Paschi di Siena�.
Here is a quick quote from Cobra�s blog about the importance of this bank to controlling
(Blog Post Link) �The Chigi family are bankers for the Jesuits and they control Banca Monte
dei Paschi de Siena.
As I have stated over a month ago, the Eastern Alliance is disrupting their financial machinations
and here are the results��
(Blog Post Link) �Also the Eastern Alliance has allegedly made a trading attack on Banca
Monte dei Paschi di Siena, disrupting Jesuit financial machinations.
That bank is one of the most important banks in the current Jesuit-controlled banking system.
It is owned by the Chigi family, a main black nobility family from Siena.�
(Blog Post Link) �The Jesuits are working under the command of the Archons to maintain
the quarantine status of planet Earth.
It is good to know that the Jesuit organization is a 16th century creation of the Farnese
family, which is one of the most powerful papal Black Nobility families in Italy.�
Cobra has mentioned before that there will be no huge financial event until the Event
happens, which will actually be the financial reset, but we can notice various public displays
of the work of the Alliance cornering the Cabal and their financial machinations which
is very nice to see!
As David Wilcock talked about in previous talks and episodes of his show Wisdom Teachings
on Gaia the ultimate downfall of the big banks is that they will be fined into oblivion.
We can see more of this happening recently:
There are more than that and these are just recent.
It is important that we put our money into something that has value like land, gold,
silver and other real world items.
There have already been bail-ins which all banks in Europe were required to have legislation
for at the beginning of this year.
We needn�t worry but quietly prepare, now especially more than ever since events have
been accelerating.
If anyone remembers the series of episodes Michael Tellinger did on Gaia with regard
to the UBUNTU Movement which is a philosophical way of living without money, also known as
He addressed all 13 main problems that come up over and over again when he does these
talks around the world.
Michael ran for president under the name of the Ubuntu party not too long ago.
There was an enormous amount of interest but unfortunately it appears the elections are
rigged in Africa as they are here.
He just did an update a few days ago as of the time of this writing where he talks about
the success of the adaptation of this way of living with various small towns and villages.
He was hoping to get only 1 town to do it but several are interested and are currently
working to implement it:
Now I�d like to turn to the geopolitical view of this operation.
The United States and friends who are controlled by the Cabal sustained a massive defeat in
Syria recently with the liberation of Aleppo.
I would like to recap the situation in Syria as it the epicenter of the galactic proxy
war occurring here on Earth right now:
(Blog Post Link) �The situation in Syria is the geopolitical turning point for the
planetary liberation.�
(Blog Post Link) �The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for
the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the
planetary energy grid.
Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy
leyline system on the planetary surface.
Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness
of humanity.
When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian
pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.�
The Syrian Army has been making advances towards Raqqa in the recent past but has begun to
move more in that direction which we can see from these articles:
Rudaw � Syria Defense Force Have �Reached the Euphrates� 10 Days into Campaign for
�The clashes come on the tenth day of the SDF�s second stage of their Wrath of Euphrates
operation to liberate ISIS� stronghold of Raqqa.
Their forces have reached the Euphrates and retaken a large area northwest of Raqqa, they
announced on Tuesday.
During the first 10 days in the second stage in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates, which
was launched from the directions of Qadiriy� and Kerdosan villages with the goal of liberating
western Raqqa, fighters have liberated 97 villages, dozens of hamlets and strategic
hills in a total area of 1300 square kilometers,� said spokesperson Jihan Sheikh Ahmad in a
press briefing.�
The Washington Times � Turkey Amasses Troops Along Syrian Border as March to Raqqa Continues:
�The Turkish troops and weaponry began making their way toward the border region on Sunday
as Turkish and Syria fighters continue to tighten the noose around the al Bab, the northern
Syrian enclave controlled by Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, Agence France-Presse
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said �Al-Bab is nearly finished�
almost a month after the offensive began to retake the city, which lies 100 miles west
of Islamic State�s so-called capital of Raqqa, Syria, AFP reported.�
Although I don�t trust the Turkish leadership at the moment I think they are under pressure
from Russian and the Alliance to stay in check, I don�t believe Mr. Erdogan would like Russian
sanctions being implemented on his country again.
Lesson learned.
Let us not forget Putin is a master chess player and is being aided by our Galactic
This planet will have a happy ending, it is already decided.
The cancerous cell known as Earth will be transformed and healed into the paradise it
is supposed to be.
Recently, per Benjamin Fulford�s weekly intel report, his sources claimed this week
that various Cabal members are on house arrest and won�t be allowed to go anywhere.
In an interesting and possible confirmation story the Queen and Prince Philip had cancelled
their trip to Sandringham because they both had colds.
But they apparently went anywaysby helicopter instead.
They cancelled their trip on the 21st of December but felt well enough to go the next day December
22nd by helicopter?
I suppose that it is possible they did have colds and took a different mode of transportation
but given the intel and events that have been playing out I might suspect something else
going on here.
Perhaps Ben will go over it in his next update.
One more thing I will add that I thought was significant was China�s announcement of
their �imminent� use of NASA�s �impossible� engine in some of their satellites:
�Scientists in China claim they�ve created a working prototype of the �impossible�
reactionless engine � and they say they�re already testing it in orbit aboard the Tiangong-2
space laboratory.
The radical, fuel-free EmDrive recently stirred up controversy after a paper published by
a team of NASA researchers appeared to show they�d successfully built the technology.
�scientists with the China Academy of Space Technology claim NASA�s results �re-confirm�
what they�d already achieved, and have plans to implement it in satellites �as quickly
as possible.�� This is all I have for now.
I hope this article, which is somewhat of a recap, helped bring everyone up to speed
on what�s going on.
Thank you for reading, much love and victory of the light!
P.S. for more information about The Event and what it is I created a tab on the main
page of this blog that is titled �The Event�.
It has a ton of useful information and includes the weekly meditation we are doing to speed
up this whole process.
You might also enjoy this video I made where I discuss some of
the things written in this article:
Lego Star Wars Rogue One Haul - New Wave 2 Sets & Series 4 Microfighters - Duration: 4:25.
Hey guys its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today Ive been to Toy Town a chain of toy
shops here in the UK and today I want to share with you
a haul of legos ive just purchased from them.
these are all from the rogue one lego release range!
I love star wars lego!! check out this toy haul which includes the following sets; Lego
Star Wars Tie Striker Microfighter Series 4 set 75161, Lego Star Wars Krennic's Imperial
Shuttle Microfighter Series 4 set 75163, Star Wars Lego Imperial Trooper Battle Pack set
75165 and finally Lego Star Wars Rebel Trooper Battle Pack set 75164.
These sets are all new and from the rogue one release range.
I am so excited to be able to finally open and build these sets it adds to my imperial
army im building!
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About Me ********
Hey guys I am your host SuperSorrell, This channel has everything from Toy Unboxing Reviews,
Mystery Boxes by Loot Crate & My Geek Box to in depth Action Figure reviews of Star
Wars Elite Series, Star Wars Black Series, Marvel Legends and Marvel Ultimate Series.
I love Funko Pop Vinyls, Dorbz and collecting Vinyl figures too!
My wife has joined the channel under the alias Mrs SuperSorrell where we do Disney Store
Haul videos and Tsum Tsum Tuesday Mini Plush reviews!
I am a huge LEGO fan! and love to do complete opening and building videos!
I also love blind bags, blind boxes like Mystery Minis and more!
I am a huge scifi geek and love my Dr Who & Star Trek too!
I read Marvel Comics and starting DC too!
I am a huge movie and pop culture buff and therefore I attend a lot of conventions across
the UK come and say hello!
I always answer comments from fans so feel free to ask anything in the comment section!
So don�t forget to subscribe!
- *New content uploaded daily!
My Equipment *************
Console: Xbox One/360/PS2/PS4/PC Camera: Sony Handycam HDR-CX240
Vlog Camera: Samsung Galaxy A3 Webcam: Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000
Mic: Blue Snowball Blackout USB Capture: Elgato Game Capture HD
Headphones: Turtle Beach Star Wars Battlefront Sandtrooper Gaming Headset
Software: Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum
Are you apart of the Rebel Alliance or Imperial Empire let me know in the comments below!!
#StarWars #StarWarsRogueOne #StarWarsRebels #LEGO #LegoStarWars #legostore #toys #review
#unboxing #disney #DeathStar #rebelalliance
Lego Star Wars Rogue One Haul - New Wave 2 Sets & Series 4 Microfighters
lego rogue one,lego rogue one 2017,lego rogue one wave 2,lego store haul,lego star wars,lego
star wars haul,lego star wars rogue one haul,lego star wars microfighters series 4,supersorrell,toy,toys,unboxing,haul,review,speed
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trooper battle pack,imperial trooper battle pack,death trooper lego,lego minifigures,lego
minifigure death troopers
''Ladybug's Spots'' Chapter 2-1 / Bölüm 2-1 Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 3:56.
Pokemon Heroes And Latios & Latias Theme Song! - Duration: 2:38.
No time to question my moves I stick to the path that I choose
Me and my friends are gonna do it right You'll never see us run away from a fight
To be a Master is my dream, All I've got to do is believe
(And I believe!)
I've got a chance to win I'm on my way to victory
I can be a Champion if I just believe I'm on a Master Quest
(Master Quest) I want the whole world to see
(I believe!)
I'm gonna be the very best, 'Cause all I've got to do is believe in me.
I believe!
I'm on a Master Quest (Master Quest)
I want the whole world to see
No time to question my moves I stick to the path that I choose
Me and my friends are gonna do it right You'll never see us run away from a fight
I believe!
I've got a chance to win I'm on my way to victory
Pokémon I can be a Champion if I just believe
I'm on a Master Quest (Master Quest)
I want the whole world to see (I believe!)
I'm gonna be the very best, 'Cause all I've got to do is believe in me.
Tylko z Tobą - odc. 118 - Duration: 0:51.
Walking Alone in the Wilderness: A Story of Survival (Part 1) | Nat Geo Live - Duration: 18:02.
- One day I was sitting in Australia, in a desert.
The land was red.
I was next to an old man.
An old Aboriginal man.
And after we gaze at the horizon,
after a few minutes,
he looks at me and he said, "Hey little one.
"You be careful."
And I look at him a bit,
wondering about what's going on here.
"You be careful who you tell your story to.
"Because this is the most precious thing
"you will never own."
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my world,
it's a really important night tonight.
We need to connect, and feel connected.
I invite you to come with me in my life journey.
Let's go walking.
let's start actually here in the States.
I had this amazing idea, like,
I saw this little trail called PCT.
Had no idea what was going on there.
I read was amazing journey going from
the northern part of the States, near the Canadian border,
crossing all the west, and reaching the Mexican border.
I thought, this was for me, right.
Let's do this.
Anyway, I start my journey, in the Canadian border.
In May, 2000, I come from the mountain, right,
so I know about snow, a little bit.
Anyway, I thought makes a good time.
I start walking, not knowing much about the bear story
because I thought there was already a bear story out there
about bears, grizzly bear.
I thought, I'd better do that on my own way,
so I do not get scared.
Right, I start walking into this deep forest.
And I had my plan B going on.
I thought, if anything goes really wrong,
I just jump on the tree.
This is a good plan.
Anyway, I keep walking over the days,
and I look at the tree, it has this funny mark
on the side of the tree, and I thought,
what is this thing going on there?
I saw this huge claw mark, I thought,
oh, holy holy holy God,
those things climbing.
I can see these marks on the tree,
I thought, this is going to be tough one.
Anyway, few days later I climb a summit full of snow,
and, unfortunately, the weather changed.
This cold front became a really hot front,
really warm front going on.
And that was my first time I nearly...
Find death.
I was on this slope, going really really really like that,
on the lateral way of the mountain.
Suddenly, I feel my legs going like that.
And the snow falling down.
The avalanche was nearly taking me.
I had this surviving skills of running uphill,
find this big rock, hiding behind a rock.
And I've been staying there for six days.
Well, I survived right?
That's all that matters, really.
So, I did what everybody would do.
Wake up every day at three o'clock in the morning
and testing the snow.
One day that snow would be hard enough
for me to go on.
I did exactly that.
But first mistake, I didn't have all the topographic map.
You know, you've got a trail, you follow the trail,
so you've got the trail map.
But, this is wrong.
You always have to have a plan B.
If anything go wrong, you need to know
what's going on around it,
so I didn't have this map.
So I followed a green valley down the hill.
I arrived there, and after a few days, finally,
I reached a carpark, and this old woman was there.
She looked at me and she, (screams).
I was like, oh, what's going on, a bear somewhere?!
Or something.
And, this woman, look at me like she saw the Devil in me.
Her husband ran, he said, "What's going on?"
I said, "I don't know."
And he look at me and say, "Are you alright?"
I said, "I'm just fine."
"Are you sure?"
I had second degrees burn on my face,
and my whole face was a big blister,
actually, were falling down, pieces of skin
was falling down my face.
But I didn't care about that, I was just about surviving.
Anyway, the story goes on, so I get to that little village,
I was starving.
I get into the first pub, and I start to eat
my fish and chips.
First plate, second plate.
On my second plate the police come behind,
and say, "Miss Marquis?"
I say, "Uh, mm, yeah?"
"Come with us please.
"Did you walk through those lands there?"
I say, "Well, I just got off the mountain,
"was dangerous."
"Yeah, you walk on FBI land."
"Well, there is, I didn't know that,
"there was some snow everywhere."
"Well, okay."
So they give me a ticket, and was like a $5000 warning,
like if I don't get out of that Washington state
in 48 hours, I will get arrested.
So I was like, "Alright, Plan B, anywhere."
I make connection, I flew all the way down to San Diego,
and start again, walking from the Mexican border this time.
I thought, that's going to be s.
Well, safe kind of, because,
I had, at that time, the Mojave Desert, in front of me,
in full July.
It's a bit more complicated.
Anyway, I finish this incredible journey,
I can go on all night about this journey, because,
it's been really incredible.
We save a guy in the river, nearly dead, John,
and he survive after a long journey of running away
from the guy, for two days to get help
in this really remote area.
But all went well, I finished.
And then, back home, I had my mind,
it was like if I opened a little door inside my mind.
I'd win, I had dreams, big dreams.
I had this dream of Australia.
What's about if I start in the middle,
and I go all around it and finish in the middle?
It's like a 14 month journey.
30 kilometers a day, 14,000 kilometers.
And, I just did that.
I start, after one year preparation.
After three months, I met my dog, Joe.
He was in a farm, not really happy.
I stole the dog, run away with the dog.
Arrive in a forest, completely exhausted, out of breath.
I was like, okay, I've got a dog.
Let's do this.
Talk to the dog, I say,
"Well, we're going to walk together, right.
"We're going to do 10,000 kilometers together."
It looked at me and said, "yes,"
"I'm in," and we took off and we had this amazing journey.
I finished my expedition with him,
and I bring him back to Switzerland.
He is a wild dog, it's half dingo, half Red Heeler,
and he survived and lived until he was 17 years old,
in the snow.
So, just two weeks before the end of this expedition,
I walk in a place, a special place.
An Aboriginal community.
Anyway, I had a bit of a health problem, there.
I wake up near a fire pit, and all I can hear was
(high pitched warbling).
I was like, right.
This looks interesting to me.
And I was like, what's going on?
They saved me.
I just collapsed in a dune and they saved me.
And accept me in the community like their own.
I had a mom, this was my mom.
I've got sisters...
What happened, we go hunting together.
And I was like, oh yes, I can go hunting with them.
Imagine what I'm going to learn,
because I was hunting myself,
so when I was hunting, I was hunting like,
just trying to make no noise at all.
Just try to be one with nature.
Well, didn't work really well.
I was hunting with those women and they've got
this big butt going on, you know.
And you can see them moving through the landscape,
and they were talking to each other,
their long line, and they're like (high pitched warbling).
And moving their butt, but suddenly,
one lizard, one goanna.
I was like, what?!
I didn't see anything.
They were yelling at each other.
Well, I make the point, and I'm going to follow her
from behind all the way.
I did that for a long time,
I never find her trick.
She knew where the lizard, the goanna was,
and where to find food.
Those people got this amazing connection with nature,
you will never believe how connected they are.
And, from the day one, it was a bit of a problem,
me, be there.
So what happened, it's, they decide to marry me.
They marry me to George.
One morning I realized I was married.
How cool is that, right?
No wedding, preparation for months and months,
you just married like that.
And, I say, can I see my husband?
You know, innocently?
Which one is it?
And, she pointed this guy behind the tree out there,
he was cross-legged.
He was painting, his name is George, he was 80 years old.
So the young women, they used to marry them
with the old one to make the community quite stable.
But, those people, those Aboriginal people,
for me was it, that was it, that was my family,
that was my place.
That was the way I belonged to.
Everything was so natural, so pure.
In a lot of ways, for me, that was the answer.
one day they say, well, everybody's got a totem,
some, the kangaroo, some, the emu, some are the snakes,
and they give me a totem, and they said to me,
"You are jabiru."
I say, "Jabiru? What is a jabiru?"
Oh, it's a bird.
I thought, wow!
I'm a bird.
I'm a beautiful bird.
I'm so happy, I was so proud.
Like, what can be better than a bird, really.
So this is the bird.
The most ugliest bird I've ever seen.
So, but they were not that, wrong.
Look at the legs, long legs, big nose, right?
Anyway, I finished my expedition,
I finally walk away from my family, this family,
and I promised myself, if I walk away from here,
I have to talk, I have to communicate with the world,
about this possible connection with nature.
And that's what I start doing as soon as I get home,
I start writing, and giving conferences.
Then, meanwhile I was doing this,
I had this wild dream.
I saw, a little story about those Inca people,
during the Inca Empire, where they were running
on top of the Andes.
And I thought, what?!
What's going on there?!
And I been doing some research,
and that this wild expedition starts.
I plan to walk from Santiago de Chile, the capital,
all the way following the Andes.
Go through Bolivia, arriving to Peru,
and then, go up the Machu Picchu.
Well I did just that,
eight months of really surprising journey,
to arrive in Machu Picchu in one piece.
Really skinny, well, I lose a lot of weight,
and I get arrested by the Special Forces there too,
after three minutes on Machu Picchu.
But, I made it, so, with the help of my brother,
my little brother, we were really a big help at that time,
because he did resupply points all the way through,
because there is not much food and water on that expedition.
And then, I had this relaxed time in Switzerland.
I've got time between two expeditions where I just breathe,
and live, and so I was going to my little grocery store.
And, it's a little organic store where I go
to buy all my stuff.
And, I had all my bags, and get out of the shop,
try to cross the road, was too many cars going on,
and I thought, okay, I put my bags down,
and just look around a little bit.
Turn around, and I see this little travel agency behind me.
And this big picture there, massive picture, green picture.
Was like a Mongolian steppe, you can actually feel
drawn into the picture, was so green!
I was like, wow.
Anyway, went home, didn't think about it.
Then, this picture grow on me,
and I start to search about Mongolia.
Then, wow, the Baikal lakes, not far from Siberia.
And then south of it, you've got the Gobi desert, right.
And then if you go south, into China,
amazing China.
And then Laos, and Thailand, and then if
you've got a bit of water, but then you've got Australia.
Well, I just did that.
I build this incredible expedition.
Two years preparation, to walk from Siberia,
all the way down to Australia.
Took me three years.
Well, didn't, things happen on the way.
We're going to see what happene,
when an expedition really starts,
it's not everything as you planned.
Mongolia's been surprising, I needed to start three times
to go through Mongolia.
Two, it's not enough.
Don't take no for an answer, never do that.
The first no, it's a good safe no.
Then, a first no, it means you're not in the right door.
You got a few other door to get in.
And really, the Gobi desert and Mongolia was about that.
How determined I was.
This land, not going to let me go through it the first time.
And I hope, I hone my passage there.
Because every step I was doing,
I was not following a trail.
I make my own trail, I make my own reality.
One step at a time.
Took me three years though.
Take a bit of time, but,
imagine, you can go around the world on foot.
The thing is, you can do this,
but you have to know how your brain works, a little bit.
If you tell your brain, I'm going to go around the world
on foot, it's going to say, yeah right.
You know, sit on the couch, watch TV, relax, have a drink.
You will see, you forget about this idea later on.
So don't let your brain, your little computer
make funny decisions for you.
You need to be in charge on this one.
Your dream, it's the most important thing
that you can have.
How big is the dream, go for it.
But it's one step at a time.
So I reached three years later,
this little tiny amazing tree.
Look at this picture.
So that was a tree that I met on my Australian journey
between 2002 and 2003, I met that tree,
I make a promise to that tree.
I said, darling, don't worry, I will be back.
And when the idea of finishing my expedition,
where I could finish my expedition and my team was saying,
well Sarah, you're going to finish in town,
so we've got the media, we've got the TV station coming in.
I said, "no way."
We going to finish there, it's the middle of nowhere.
And I finished exactly near my tree.
Eye Tracking w monitorze Predator Z1 - Duration: 0:21.
How to make Semi-Automatic Pistol - Duration: 5:54.
Hi! In this video I will tell you how I made semi-automatic gun from Rust.
For gun making I will need 2 PVC plastic sheets.
One sheet has 3 mm thickness, the other 4 mm.
I'll also need a gun template, the link will be in description under this video.
According to this template we need to cut 4 workpieces.
Two are from 3 mm PVC plastic, the other two are from 4 mm.
Total thickness of the detail is 14 mm. It will be glued with a super glue.
Then I cut a shutter from the template, accordinf to it I made 2 details from 3 mm PVC plastic.
Then I glued these details to the central part.
I'll need another 2 workpieces from 4 mm PVC plastic, but before gluing I need to cut a strip from them.
After the shutter I went to the manufacture of patchs on the handle.
After gluing I cut all the excess with a knife.
I also shaped the handle with a knife.
After that I shaped the shutter but before it marked the cutting lines.
I made the cut plane with a sandpaper.
I'll make rivets with homemade hole punches of different diameters.
I made the trigger from 3 parts of 3 mm PVC plastic.
I will make opposing springs from copper wire.
Barrel is made from 20 mm PVC pipe.
I drilled holes in the shutter with 20 mm diameter and insert pipe in it.
I screwed a bolt in the trigger.
Now I have to glue charger, foresight and rear sight and go to the painting.
I will be painting with aerosol cans.
First I covered everything in grey, then made worn spots with a silver paint.
I painted springs in silver color and made rust spots with brown paint.
Thanks for your watching, if you like this video share it and see you in the next video.
HELP! My Ants Are Being Eaten Alive By Mites! | A New Year's Special - Duration: 17:47.
Hey wait a second here...
Guys do you see something funny?
Those workers look kinda strange.
See those bumps on their body?
What is that?
I hope that isn't what I think it is.
Oh my God, guys.
I can't believe what I'm seeing!
How did the Golden Empire contract mites?!
Please subscribe to my channel, and hit the bell button, too, and welcome to the AC Family.
In ant keeping, as the caregiver of your pet ant colony, you can try your best to control
every aspect of your colony's life.
You control their living space or what they live in, the temperature and humidity conditions
in which they live, you control their diet, you can even keep their world as aesthetically
beautiful and pristine as you possibly can.
But sometimes, there may be things that might be out of your control, things that quite
literally slip through the cracks.
Like when something alien from the outside, enters into your colony's universe and infiltrates
the ant matrix.
When this happens, everything you and the ants have built together becomes exposed and
vulnerable to these unexpected visitors.
In many cases the unexpected vistors could be friendly or indifferent, but in other cases,
they can be malevolent and unwelcome agents like infectious diseases, viruses, fungi,
or parasites.
I first came to notice these unexpected vistors as I watched my Yellow Crazy Ant colony, which
you guys named The Golden Empire, seem to rather be undewhelmed by their cockroach and
jam meals that I gave to them as Christmas gifts.
Something was off.
I didn't know if they just weren't feeling my gift offerings, or if there was something
wrong, so I took a closer look at the colony.
Looking into the nest, the colony seemed normal.
There were lots of workers and indeed the brood appeared healthy.
The Golden Empire's 3 queens were still in tact and alive.
But then I looked into their water test tubes, and that's when I saw our unwelcome aliens.
Mites, and a lot of them.
See them on the ants' bodies?
For ant keepers, spotting mites is similar to discovering a strange mark or growth on
your body.
It's alarming and you know it shouldn't be there, and you try to assess what it means.
Some mites can be good and beneficial, like those that simply eat the ants' garbage.
I see them in the Dark Knights' nests congregating in their garbage rooms where they feed on
the colony's refuse.
In this case, it is a mutualistic symbiosis, but then as mentioned there are times when
the relationship isn't so co-operative.
It is well-known in ant keeping, that parasitic mites can wipe out an entire ant colony very
Remember this newly acquired Camponotus colony from several videos back?
We spotted some parasitic mites on them.
Well, here's an update: they were all completely dead the following week.
The queen never laid eggs, and the workers died one by one, as the mites feasted on their
blood through soft tissues in their leg joints, necks, and gasters.
Judging from the ants in these water test tubes, the mite infestation was severe.
Every single member of the Golden Empire had dozens of mites of different sizes stuck to
their bodies.
The mites also lived in their tubes, inside the nest, likely their outworld, and I could
even see them being able to squeeze out of the formicarium and wander the outside of
the Golden Empire's setup.
So gross!
Obviously, from a scientific standopoint, they didn't come out of nowhere.
The mites must have entered this colony from somewhere.
Let's look at the possibilities.
First, they could have come in through a Trojan Horse of some sort.
My guess was a mite or mites may have latched on to the body of one of the Golden Empire's
prey insects, placed into the outworld at some point, thereby giving the mite access
to the colony and the nest.
Second, they could have come in through the ants themselves.
I was looking through some older footage of the Golden Empire when they first moved into
their setup and I did notice something strange on the gaster of one of the queens.
See that strange bump?
At the time, I considered that maybe that was a mite, but brushed it off as possibly
debris because in some shots the thing disappeared.
ISo if if it was a mite, it could have went on to become the ancestor to all of these
mites that now affect the entire colony.
Third, the mite could simply have been a lone wanderer having made its way into the Golden
Empire's setup from the outside somehow.
However the mites got in, they needed to be dealt with immediately.
I spoke to my good ant keeper friend Drew, remember our GAN Farmer from California?
Well, he sent me photos of his ants from the past that had mites.
He informed me that his experience with parasitic mites was like most ant keepers', and that
was that once he spotted one of his colonies had parasitic mites it only took a few days
for the ant colony to die out.
Indeed, not what I wanted to hear at all.
However, he also showed me a peculiar photo he took under a microscope of an ant that
had some other mites that were not harming or feeding off the ant nor causing any colony
They were described as "phoretic" mites, meaning the mites would hitch rides on the ants to
and from their food sources, but weren't actually parasitic nor feeding from the ants' blood.
Hmmm... this made me think.
Could it be that these mites were phoretic and beneficial mites to the Golden Empire
eating the ants' garbage and using the ants for nothing more than transporting mounts?
If that was the case, that would be pretty darn cool!
Afterall, it didn't seem the colony was dwindling in numbers yet.
If not and these were indeed deadly, parasitic mites feeding from the Golden Empire's blood
or hemolymph (the technical term for insect blood) then the Golden Empire, if consistent
with ant keeper testimonies, had just a few days to live.
I just had to wait a few days to see if they would dwindle in numbers and die out.
Meanwhile, I couldn't just do nothing.
I had to do everything I could to help the Golden Empire.
I had to do more research.
It seems there isn't a whole lot of info about parasitic ant mites, at least not readily
available through online articles.
So, I tapped into the best info pool source I knew, you guys, the AC Family.
I asked you on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram if any of you had experience with
getting rid of ant mites.
By the way, guys, if you haven't yet, please take the time to follow us and like us on
these three platforms so we can stay connected.
I've put links in the description box.
Now, the response was amazing!
You guys gave some super helpful suggestions.
Thank you so much!
So, a lot of you guys suggested that adding citrus fruits like lemon to their setup could
eradicate the mites.
This to me seemed like a simple option, and though I didn't understand the science of
it, I couldn't afford to wait, so I bought some lemons and got straight to work.
Here was my plan.
In the middle of this tube, I was going to attach this AC Test Tube Portal v2, and inside
it place a slice of lemon.
I was also going to attach this test tube setup full of lemon juice.
I didn't know if it was the juice or the slice of lemon that would cause the mites to be
deterred so I wanted to expose the ants to both.
Here we go guys.
Let's deal with those pestering mites shall we?
AC Family, the Golden Empire needs us.
Cutting the tube and attaching our AC Test Tube Portal here and yuck, just the thought
of the mites infesting this tube spilling out onto my fingers makes me shiver in disgust.
I made sure to use disinfecting wipes to clean up all debris and escaped mites.
I alsop proceeded to place a slice of lemon in the outworld of the Golden Empire.
AC Family, let's watch what happens.
The very first ant has discovered the lemon and she's called her sisters over.
Word spreads fast that something strange is just outside the nest.
Ants coming from the outworld also approached the lemon, but strangely it seems the ants
don't want to come in contact with it at all.
May God help the Golden Empire.
The next day, it seemed as though the ants got over their lemon-phobia.
Ants were inspecting the AC Test Tube Portal and crawling over the lemon slice.
Still no interest in the lemon juice test tube setup, though, but it seems the ants
piled some garbage and dead bodies in that tube overnight.
Looking into the outworld, the same was true.
It looked like ants were actually congregating around our slice of lemon.
I don't know if the ants enjoyed the added moisture of the lemon slice or if there was
indeed something in the lemon that was relieving the ants perhaps of the discomfort caused
by the mites.
I could only speculate at this point.
Looking at the tubes now, I could still see mites, but I did catch ants grooming themselves
and each other.
This to me was a very promising sign.
Perhaps the lemon was somehow making it easier for the ants to rid their bodies of the mites,
or causing the ants to want to groom more?
Again just speculation.
The other tube connecting the nest and outworld was our control study.
I purposely did not attach any lemon to this tube in order to help determine if the lemon
had any real effect on our mite problem, and indeed, this control tube was still riddled
with mites.
I planned on continuing to have this tube be our control by keeping it un-lemoned.
Based on all this, I figured perhaps it was too early to tell if the lemons were actually
working at getting rid of our mites.
Meanwhile, I had to do more.
So, I made sure to change the hydration medium in the colony's Hybrid Nest, and made sure
they continued to have fresh hydration medium over the next few weeks.
And I also decided to change their water test tubes much more frequently.
I also resolved to only let food lay around in the outworld for 1 or 2 days max.
Everything needed to be extra clean now.
Now, let's fast forward to one week later...
The ants were finally warming up to our lemon juice test tube.
Our lemon slice was now kinda dried up so I had to replace it.
Oh no, this slice was a little big.
Looks like we're going to have to settle with a little lemon juice pond at the bottom there.
As for the tube a week later, I was surprised to note that it did look much cleaner with
less mites!
Could this mean that the lemon is working?
Looking into the outworld, I found this interesting!
The ants were eating their food on the lemon.
See that cockroach they've dragged up there?
So what could this mean?
So far we still don't know if these mites are parasitic or if they are just eating the
ants' food and garbage.
If the mites were indeed repelled by the lemon, could this behaviour of the ants eating by
the lemon be the Golden Empire's way of controling the mites, by making sure they don't get at
their food?
And if so, could this then be a sign that the mites aren't parasitic afterall, but instead
phoretic, but also somehwat of a nuissance to the Golden Empire?
It's been a week and the colony is still alive and thriving, so could we safely conclude
then these mites aren't the lethal parasitic kind?
So many questions, but overall it seemed like 1 week with 2 slices of lemon was producing
visible results, so it was time to increase their dosage!
I cut up more slices of lemon and completely filled up their outworld.
I know it looked a bit more crowded now but this needed to be done.
Ant mites aren't a widely researched topic, so we needed to do this in the name of science.
We are all now officially scientists hoping to make a discovery to see if lemon will eradicate
an ant mite problem.
Exciting stuff.
The next day, looking into their water test tube, somehow it seemed the ants looked healthier,
still with mites, but perhaps with less mites.
But what shocked me the most was this.
Droves of Golden Empire workers congregating in the tubes.
Our control tube still with tonnes of mites, not so crowded.
The sight was amazing, and perplexing.
So AC Family, here's where I need your help again.
My questions are as follows:
1) Do you think the lemon therapy is working and should we continue this regimen?
2) Do you think these mites might be beneficial to the ants and we should stop this lemon
therapy all together?
3) Should we mix this lemon therapy with some other treatment, and what treatments do you
suggest we try?
Let your answer be heard AC Family by voting on this icard poll here, and if you choose
option 3 please leave some suggestions in the comments section for ideas.
[I have been thinking additional treatments like giving the Golden Empire a huge terrarium
natural nest to give them a much more open and natural setup.
I have also considered releasing predatory mites to eat these mites.
Or maybe we should just leave the mites and allow them to live on the Golden Empire ants'
I would hate to see these amazing ants die.
Please help me decide our next step in this Golden Empire Saga.
AC Family, the Golden Empire depends on us.
Thank you guys so much for watching this video!
Now although the Golden Empire isn't off to a great start into the new year, I would like
to wish you all a Happy and joyous New Year 2017.
I look forward to another epic year with you guys, the AC Family, further exploring and
discovering the amazing world of ants!
For those of you who haven't subscribed yet please do join us by hitting that subscribe
This channel relies heavily on you, the viewers, and the fate of these ants depends greatly
on you the AC Family.
We upload a brand new video every Saturday at 8AM EST, and we also upload hidden videos
like this one here, where you can simply do more ant watching with less of me talking!
We call those who watch these videos, the Inner Colony.
This week's Inner Colony hidden video is of the ants reacting to lemons for the first
On this channel, we have also taught hundreds of thousands of people how to keep pet ant
colonies, so we welcome all of you guys to watch our free tutorial videos on this channel,
join this neat hobby, and check out our professional ant keeping gear at our shop.
And of course we can't end the video without the AC Question of the Week.
Last week we asked:
The honey into which the Dark Knights' cockroaches were dipped came from what country?
Congratulations to Jad Gamerz who correctly answered Canada!
Congratulations, Jad, you just won a free AC Test Tube Rack v2 from our shop!
And for this week's question of the week we ask:
What is the techincal term for insect blood?
Leave your answer in the comments section and you could win a free ebook handbook from
our shop which contains everything you need to know about ant keeping and in my opinion,
is a literary necessity for any new ant keeper.
Until next week, AC Family, it's ant love forever!
Home Remedies For Skin Tightening | How To Skin Tightening In 10 Munites | Skin Tightening Tips - Duration: 1:12.
Home Remedies For Skin Tightening Home Remedies For Skin Tightening
Home Remedies For Skin Tightening Home Remedies For Skin Tightening
Home Remedies For Skin Tightening
How to Make Rilakkuma Character lunchbox (bento) - BOOWHOWOO mom - Duration: 9:21.
Sorry for bad angle, please stay tune a bit more.
a laver Kolirakkuma
It is more difficult to arrange with balanced than cutting the laver
hmmm...not yet
a laver Rilakkuma
also a laver Kiiroitori
soy sauce
food coloring
Rilakkuma finished
Kiiroitori finished
Rilakkuma finished
Thank you for watching!
Learn Magic the Gathering Trample - Duration: 4:01.
Welcome Young Mage, I'm the Rhino.
I'm going to teach you what I know.
You are here to learn more about Magic the Gathering.
Let's go over the ability Trample right now.
Trample is a static ability that modifies the rules for assigning an attacking creature's
combat damage.
The ability has no effect when a creature with trample is blocking or is dealing noncombat
Creatures with Trample get damage through that is more than the toughness that's blocking
We need to have a few examples of this.
Arborback Stomper is a big Trample creature.
If he's blocked by a little 1/1 Cliffside Lookout
One damage will go to take out the Lookout and the other 4 will hit my opponent.
In the same example if I cast a Dead Weight on the Cliffside Lookout before damage is
The Lookout dies immediately and all 5 damage hit my opponent.
And the third possibility here is if my opponent double blocked with two Lookouts.
The Stomper has to do enough damage to take out both blockers before it does damage to
my opponent.
So only 3 damage will get through.
Now here's an interesting question.
If my Stomper is attacking a Planeswalker that only has 3 Loyalty left, what happens
to the extra two damage?
Does it hit my opponent or does it go away?
The answer is it goes away.
The Planeswalker isn't a blocker, it is the target.
So more than enough damage was dealt to take it out.
The extra two damage just goes away.
Has this been helpful to you?
Comment below and tell me what you think.
I'm running my December 2016 12 days of Christmas giveaway right now.
All you have to do is subscribe and comment on any of my videos published in the month
of December.
You can also get extra entries by sharing with
the hashtag #YoungMageGiveaway
We are giving away all sorts of Magic stuff.
If there is a winner today, we have put the Winner in description below.
But we have a lot to give away this month.
So keep commenting and sharing on each of my videos to be entered.
I have more videos coming out soon.
And until then, Rhino Out.
Games for Kids Learn Colors with Tom Cat Talking Animated Series Kids Video Android Youtube Kids - Duration: 2:48.
Games for Kids Learn Colors with Tom Cat Talking Animated Series Kids Video Android Youtube Kids
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I want to hear a lot of noise.
Eindhoven, Dreamersland.
...hear you!
Guys, I want to introduce you to someone.
I hadn't seen her in a while. Leave my vodka alone.
Here she is.
A nice big hand for...Carmen.
She's coming with us tonight.
Would you like to say something about yourself?
Single guys? Don't look at that, look into the camera.
Tell us about you.
So I...
This is not mine.
That's mine, I added a bit more vodka.
Because real women drink.
This is so awkward.
I can't do this.
I don't know what to do when there is a camera in my face.
Well, at least now you're being real.
This is the real me.
Would you like to say something to all the single guys?
Don't call.
This is the best moment.
Where are we going?
Where do we play?
Klokgebouw or Beursgebouw.
Yes, the Beursgebouw.
And it's called...
Listen and weep.
A couple of days ago I got a message from this guy.
His name is Sylvester.
He had sent me a message saying he thought I was cool and that he would love to meet me.
He would even pay for that.
Tonight I'm playing at the Beursgebouw in Eindhoven.
And he's coming.
So I told him to come backstage, which means I'll meet him soon. And so will you.
Such a good story.
I can't believe he has to pay € 250,- for that.
Why not? Normally it's €500,-.
Yes, big shout out, my name is Benny Rodriguez, you know me.
I just told you about that guy Sylvester who sent me a message.
Here he is.
Ok, you messaged me.
That you wanted to pay.
What if I had said, sure, will cost you €100,-.
I would have paid.
Yes, what else.
No man.
What was I to do?
You can't be serious.
That's crazy.
Let me hear you one more time.
Very good, very good, very good.
I'm gonna come down to you guys.
I want to hear a lot of noise.
Eindhoven, Dreamersland.
...hear you!
What shall we drink, seven days straight.
I don't have to say anything else.
Improvise now.
It'll all be great.
Everybody, take a step back.
We'll make a mosh pit.
I think this one is so gay.
It's such a gay song.
It's all fun and games...
...I've passed it so many times.
This sign.
Look at this, it's insane.
Look, the camera can't even handle it.
You just can't see.
This is just not done.
All these people driving past.
They are all blinded.
Honestly, I never vandalise or break things.
But this is so absurd, and has been for a year already.
We're all blinded by this sign.
I can't even keep my eyes open.
So a small wee against it doesn't hurt anybody, right?
Or does it?
We're back and I would like to introduce you to someone.
He's already here.
Paul, from Kingalert.
Paul, from Kingalert, yes.
And we're gonna do something.
But I'm not gonna tell you what it is.
You've already discussed it, so I don't know how much...
You can say it.
It's my road to DJ.
I turn forty the May 2nd, and my goal is to be doing a show that day.
So following DJ Jean, you would like to be the oldest DJ in the country.
Yes, but then not fail on RTL Live.
So we'll get this meeting started. See you in a bit.
I have a surprise for you.
Yes, I'd seen it, but what is it?
Yes, well, Wendy told me to bring something, right before Ieft. She said I couldn't come empty handed.
That's women.
You know what I hate most?
I never know what to do.
It's so awkward.
Don't expect an expensive cologne. - It's so sweet.
See, it's just...
These are really nice.
Yeah, they're nice right.
They really are.
The kids are not happy, they're missing it right now.
Thank you.
I need two...
Fist bump.
He's going home.
It's done.
I'm ready for my work out.
A bonfire already.
What is this?
My dad is burning up all this wood. Dad!
Talk about a work out with handicaps. Hello everyone.
Come on.
You're doing well.
He's not doing well.
Yes he is.
To save you guys from...
...fifteen minutes of boring exercises.
It's father and son time.
Daddy and me.
We're having dinner. Come.
With my slippers on.
He has to remove the ice.
I don't have a proper scraper.
I wasn't talking to you, but sweet of you to answer.
It's 10.00am.
For me still sleeptime.
Daddy is wide awake and we're going to an important meeting.
We have a meeting in Hilversum at the Mediapark.
With RTL.
Is that at the Mediapark, it is right?
Dad is driving because I'm still too tired.
So much fun.
I don't what exactly...
Fuck off.
You like this right?
You like it.
Ouch, sorry.
Look at this fag.
I hate this so much, Star Wars.
Is it a good meeting?
The best.
You ok?
Oh, he's coming in.
She was just asking if she could have a piece of chocolate.
Yes, she can. - Yes, great.
You are such a... You will pick this up now.
This is so not ok.
I agree.
So I went up to him... No, no!
What is it?
Do you have the keys?
One, two.
Great, I'll send it to you.
Who's taking it?
I don't know.
I'm gonna say goodbye.
It was great seeing you again.
We'll stay in touch.
Give Justine a big kiss for me.
Bye bye.
We just had...
...such a good meeting.
I can tell you a lot.
It has to do with what I do.
It has to do with RTL.
But more info will follow soon.
So annoying if I can't really tell you guys.
But soon, very soon.
Great talk though, dad with me.
As you can tell by my eyes.
I'll be out for two and a half hours.
Night night.
There's no doubt about whether or not I slept enough.
Because I was out for three hours.
I got a package.
What would it be?
Oh, nice!
A Hanni Hanna shirt.
A Hanni Hanna shirt.
Thanks dude, so cool.
Ok, Bryan juts figured something out.
Right? - Yes.
Which is a new feature of the Facebook Messenger app.
I'm not getting paid for this by the way, we literally just found out.
But it lets you call multiple people at the same time.
And I've wanted something like the Tony Junior phone or something for a while now, but it's complicated.
But now we can call ten people at the same time.
So we made a Facebook page.
It's called Tony Junior Fancall.
It's only been online for a few seconds and Bryan was wondering if I had posted anything already.
Because we have already ten friendship requests.
That's hilarious.
So we're about to call some fans, let's see if it works.
This is so weird.
I'm talking to all these people from Argentina and Equador and then all of a sudden a Dutch guy that is still awake.
Listen, you just said something...
...which is pretty cool.
Join you on the farm for a day.
What is it that you do, the cows?
Feed the cows, wash the sheep.
That is awesome.
Yes sure.
Ok, that's a deal.
Look, it's on camera.
So, we're in the vlog saying that we'll do this.
Oh, that's fine.
So it's a deal, yeah?
So you want to play FIFA with us?
Yes, that would be awesome if possible.
But that would be so embarrassing for you.
Guys, this was a productive day.
Actually not a lot has happened, but a great meeting.
Ok, Bryan in the shot in three, two, one.
Yup, you're here.
What else did we do?
It wasn't a productive day at all, it sucked.
Boring, I'm going to sleep.
A very good morning to you.
I'm going into the city for Dim Sum with a very good friend of mine who has also worked here.
So let's grab my scooter.
They turned on the heaters here.
You used to be my boss back in the days.
A couple of years.
For pepperminds.
After, I became...
After, I became your boss at Starsound.
Yes, true.
That worked better.
And in the mean time we became friends.
Yes, exactly.
So once in a while we have Dim Sum together.
Enjoy your meal.
Thank you.
Look at his amazing cap.
What's your name?
Rico, would you like a T-shirt too? Or do you have that already?
No, I haven't yet.
That's dope, so dope.
What did you just tell me?
You're having IMMRTL tattooed?
Yes, for sure.
Where exactly?
On my arm.
This arm has a sleeve of music related things.
Let's see.
Zooming in.
So you're adding an IMMRTL logo.
When it's done, you have to come back.
I will, I will.
Yeah? If you do, you'll get another T-shirt.
Was a great day.
When I got home, I was happy to give him that T-shirt.
It was great to see that he had bought an IMMRTL cap.
Ronko is here, working.
It's a remix for you.
And look who is here lurking in the shadows.
That was so not ok.
Let's get some work done in the studio.
Hello, I'm here with my buddy.
This is one of my bestest buddies.
I already went to visit him once.
And I was supposed to go again in January.
But planning it didn't go very smooth.
So I decided not to go.
But I've just decided...
...to go anyway!
Fucking awesome, January 3rd to 14th I'll be in the States en you're coming with me. See ya.
#BestOf2016 ❤ ELISABETTA PISTONI - Duration: 3:35.
Dear 2016,
Thank you for all the places I visited
Thank you for all the emotions I've experienced
Thank you for all the beautiful people I have met
Thank you for making my love even stronger and bigger
Thank you for all you have taught me
and for all that is yet to come
Welcome 2017!
【大胃王】萌梓MOE|挑战5.4kg豪华鳗鱼饭24000kcal|中文字幕 - Duration: 5:49.
Happy New Year 2017, wishes, images, whatsapp video download, wallpaper, animation, greetings, clock - Duration: 0:58.
Happy New Year 2017, wishes, images, whatsapp video download, wallpaper, animation, greetings, clock
Love Fifth Harmony?
The Bye Bye Man
Minirozhovor - Ryan North o Squirrel Girl - Duration: 2:05.
REVIEW - Sony E 55-210mm f/4.5-6.3 OSS E-Mount Lens - Duration: 7:47.
Hello everybody. Welcome to another video. I'm André Fernandes and look...
Today we're gonna talk about this little beauty here 55-210 for Sony mirrorless.
Another mirrorless lens here. Video makers will go crazy. Photographers as well.
This isn't the most versatile lens for those who wanna take pictures at night. It's a little dark lens,
the versatile part is because its a zoom, from 55 to 210 mm,wich is a good range.
f4.5 to 6.3. f4.5 at 55mm and f6.3 at 210mm.
But in bright sun light it's really good.
It hasn't take great bokeh because it's f6.3 against other models that are f2.8 or f4.0
but the optical stabilization is great. So we're gonna straight to video,
so you photographers can see the stabilization, and sure for the video makers that work at day and want a telephoto.
Let's record. There are some people at the beach. I'm at 55mm, just let me focus.
I'm handheld. Let me go to 210mm. It's handheld and the stabilization is amazing.
Silent focus.
Further away. Focusing. Closing there.
Let's try to follow someone surfing. Here. Where is he? He wiped out.
Here I'm at 210mm and here I'm at 55mm.focus and follow without shaking a bit.
Wiped out. Let's try to do that without the stabilization.
Let me turn of the stabilization. If with the nitty fifth already was shaky.
Let's go. At 55mm without stabilization.
And now at 210mm. What a shit.
Man this is hard.
The focus is OK, but the shakiness is a thing. The focus is good.
Man what a difference.
Now let's try the focus speed. To see if it's slow. Because from 55 to 210 the focus has to work hard.
First at 55, focus is on Maha.
Background, back here.
And now at 210. Let me get just a little further back. About here is good. Background,
and Maha.
The one passing there. Lost it. And get it.
Where's Maha? Here he is. Background, and Maha.
Maha looks like a broomstick. Broomstick head. He can't hear what I'm saying.
He's listening. But the wind is against. And he doesn't have a earplug.
I'm just talking here. Maha has a broomstick head. Did you hear it now?
I'll pretend I don't. It's better.
Even though it's a telephoto lens it's incredibly lightweight.
It's all aluminum, it has only 3 elements and 7 blades.
And believe it or not it weights o lying 350 grams.
The price range is about US$ 350,00. And it's for crop sensors.
A little change of mood this lens is great for street photography.
Sure, same as before, just during the day because at 210mm it is f6.3.
But it's a discreet lens, because of its size.
Lightweight, with a little body like this one, it's amazing. Let's shoot a little.
We will just...
Let just say hi. Are you from Laguna?
No, we're from Tubarão. Just wanted to say hi.
What the hell?
To avoid being sued we've hired some models to stay here, so we can shoot.
Just don't look to me, otherwise it isn't street.
This models don't learn. And don't stop asking for food.
That's all folks. Hope you've liked this video. This was a mini review of this 55-210mm.
You can find us on the social networks. And also on the PhodCast.
Give us a like, send to your friends that uses Sony. And I'll see you soon.
Mads Mikkelsen: Rozhovor pro XTB 18. 11. 2016 (CZ titulky) - Duration: 11:41.
Olhar do Riso - Especial de Ano Novo "Erros de Gravação" (Special new year bloopers) - Duration: 3:10.
Special new year bloopers
We want to thank all of you who have honored our channel
You have to have patience is a lot of patience
This text is mine
What is yours is also my Carvalho.
What's mine is mine?
what's mine is yours?
So you can pay my debts
You can pay that shirt is still with the label has not yet been paid
I just have something to say
me too
happy New Year
Wishing you all a happy new year
Buon Anno! Felice 2017 a TUTTI e GRAZIE da Addicted 2 Games! - Duration: 1:53.
#BestOf2016 ❤ ELISABETTA PISTONI - Duration: 3:35.
Dear 2016,
Thank you for all the places I visited
Thank you for all the emotions I've experienced
Thank you for all the beautiful people I have met
Thank you for making my love even stronger and bigger
Thank you for all you have taught me
and for all that is yet to come
Welcome 2017!
Zulfiqar Safi - Duration: 3:33.
Gherdi Salo Poor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Ta Ju Ghechan Choor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Gonji B Drashkeko Lot Naan, Zhirzholo Gharaz Zhani
Jipa Shot Chamboor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Duderia Chayotey Ghor Ray Dosi Chigirgiran Ney
Shoya Sa Af Choor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Hato Ihtimamo Poshi Kushtaya Reshu Reko
Shakho Su Kalkoor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Ta Chakey Dundini Daro Be Hajat Ray Af Pechey
Tan Tey Daar Chonjoor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Mosimo Khabar Ganiko Yodur Sharshadav Ray Tat
Beri Khot Qor Qoor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Schoola Ghair Hazir Biti Hoo bahu Pitiko Bash
Bahna E Kam choor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Wa Ka Mahjabeeno Prushta Tan Liginio Plash Pechi
Khyalan Noghor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Ka Gulab Ta Hosta Diti Ishq O Che Wafa Tan Ray
Tan Hosta Khongoor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Pachana Mano Af Diti Veregha Shapikar Bee
Zaho Ju Thakoor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
Bosk Toqol Kitaba Luan Zulfiqar Safi Tatey
E Jumla Shokoor Ki Arer Torkhowechi Waar Hasey
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