Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

Hello Sagittarius! Welcome to your

general reading for February 2017. So let's

go ahead and shuffle the cards for you, Sagittarius.


Okay. In the overall energy for you I have

first the hermit. So I think that you are

spending quite a lot of time on your own,

in February. Thinking. Contemplating. Trying to

figure out things. But it seems like you

are by yourself.

Maybe at your home. And it looks like you

want to be by yourself. You want to figure

this out. You want to come to an understanding. And that is

what you're doing. With the seven of cups, it has

to do with your dreams for the future.

What you are dreaming about for your

future. So maybe there is a certain dream you have. And now

you're spending time thinking a lot about it.

You are developing it. You are figuring out,

or trying to figure out, how to manifest it.

So it will not

just be a dream for you. It will actually

happen. But it is about your dreams for the


The three of pentacles. It could have to

do with work for many of you. Maybe you

have a dream of a certain kind of job.

Or you have a dream about your job

situation. Or a certain company. Something

you are dreaming about. Or just being happy! Having a

good job that you feel happy to go to.

It is about something that has to do

with your foundation. You feeling secure in

your life. That things are as they should be.

Your foundation, that was the word I was looking for.

And your foundation is about

your work. Your money. Your home.

Your family. That is your foundation. So that is very

much in focus for you here

Sagittarius. And maybe you have certain

dreams about that. The eight of pentacle

is also a work card. So it looks like

your work is very much in focus for you.

And if it is about you changing your job.

Changing your career. Working for

another company.

Or changes within your company. It will be

different. But it seems to be very much

work related for you. And I think it

has to do with you feeling good about doing this work.

With the seven of pentacles, it is also

you assessing your situation. You trying

to figure out how to manifest this change,

or this dream that you have. You are going back

and forth. Turning it around. And all of that stuff.

And you're also waiting to see your change

here. You have begun the work already.

And now you're waiting to see the changes

coming to fruition for you. And it could

mean, with the two of swords, that you need

to make certain decisions here in February. And maybe that is why are spending

much time alone. To be able to make

these decisions that you need to make.

About your job situation. About your money

situation. About your whole situation.

You need to make some decisions.

And it is about you receiving clarity.

Receiving insight. Receiving an

understanding, with the ace of swords. So that is what

you need. You need to understand. You need

to understand what you want. You need to

understand how to make it happen. And this is

about also... Not just understanding

and getting clarity. This is about actually making things

happen also. Because this is feeling

like a winner.

Feeling like things are changing now for you.

I also have the night of wands. So I do

believe that you will feel that things

are moving in the right direction.

You feel more positive than you did before. You want

to see where this road leads you. And you feel

optimistic and positive. So things are

changing in your liking. In the way you

want it to. And it is because you are

making certain decisions during February. And with the nine of wands,

it is about you standing firmly in your

beliefs. Standing firm regarding your dreams

for the future. You know what you want.

You know that now. You have made decisions.

You are feeling like a winner. You are

feeling victorious because of that.

Things are moving in the right direction.

You feel more positive now than you did

before. You are looking forward to see

what's coming up for you. And this is

like you are being very firm. And standing your

ground. And making it happen. So that's the energy

that you have. And the last card in

your reading is the ten of pentacles. So this is

your foundation. This is you feeling


when it comes to your foundation.

So this is you earning enough money to live a

good life.This is you having that job you want

to have. This is about your family being safe.

So this is what you're manifesting in February.

You are manifesting a solid foundation in your

life. It could have to do with your home

also. For some of you it will. For many

of you, it will have to do with your

earnings and your job situation. So maybe

with the ten of pentacles you're earning more money.

You are changing your income to earn more money.

I wouldn't be surprised if that will be the

case. But it definitely has to do with

your foundation. Feeling secure in

your life. Feeling that you are standing

firm on a solid foundation.

Ok Sagittarius. That's it for the month of


Good luck, and thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> SAGITARIO FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 11:11.


ESCORPIO FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 11:32.

Hello Scorpio! Welcome to your general

reading for February 2017. I will shuffle

the cards for your Scorpio.

Ok Scorpio. It looks like the month of

February will have a lot to do with

relationships for you. And you have a lot

of activity in your fifth house, Scorpio. And your fifth

house is about love. Emotions. Your children,

and those kind of things. So that seems to be in

focus for you here, Scorpio. If we start

out with the overall energy, I have first

the five of pentacles. So there is someone, or

something that you are lacking in your

life. So this could be regarding a

relationship that you are in now.

Or that you're lacking to be with someone.

Whatever it is, it has to do with you lacking

something in your life. So that will be

different for different Scorpios.

And with the high priestess next to it.

It has to do with your inner feelings. Your inner

emotions regarding the thing you are

lacking in your life. So maybe you're trying

to figure out exactly how you feel about

this situation that you're in.

If it is a partnership in love, or in business. Because

relationships can have to do with love. But it

can also be a relationship when it comes to work,

yourself, and buisness. It seems like you are trying to figure out

your own feelings regarding what you're

lacking in your life. I also have the queen

of swords here. So this could definitely be you Scorpio.

You thinking a lot. You contemplating.

You analyzing. Analyzing the situation.

Thinking about if there needs to be

changes to it. You are very much in

your head in February. Analyzing. Thinking.

And there could be something... with the

tower here... There could be something you

want to change. Or there could be changes

coming because of what it

comes down to, when you are done with the

thinking, and feeling,

figuring out things. You know what you

need to do. So this could be you making those kind

of changes then. After you are done with

the analyzing. And this could also be about

things you want to change. Because of your understandings

that you have made. And it is about changing

something. Because I have the world here.

So this is about ending one chapter in

your life,

and starting a new chapter. So you have

gone full cycle in your life,

regarding your situation that you are in

now. And as I said, it will be different for

different Scorpios. So you know best what

your situation is. But it's time for you

to change things up. And it's time for

you to start a new chapter in your life.

And with the nine of cups, you feel

very happy about the conclusion you have

made. You feel very happy about the understandings

you have made. So you will feel

good about it. So it's nothing

negative for you Scorpio. This is

about you

ending a situation where you are lacking

something. And starting a new chapter, a new

cycle in your life. That will make you

feel happy.

So now you know what you need to do.

And maybe how to do it also. And you're very

happy about that. With the king of

swords, we could be talking about a

relationship. Husband and wife. man and woman. Being together in a

relationship. Because I have both the

king and the queen here of the same suite.

And often when I get this, it is about a couple.

Living together, as a married. Or being

married. And there could be something

going on between you. Where you

have felt this lack. Maybe you have felt the lack

of love between you. Or the lack of

understanding between you. So there is

something that needs to be changed there.

But this could also be a partnership in work or

in business. And then there's something

there you need to change. But you know

what it is. Because the tower is you coming

to that conclusion. And you starting a new

chapter in your life. Ending the old

cycle and starting a new cycle. So you

know what needs to be changed. And as I

said, you feel very happy because of that knowledge.

And with six of wands.

You know that you will be successful

with your changes, whatever they are for

you. If they are regarding your love life.

Or if they are regarding your work life.

Or business life. You know that you will

be successful, making these changes and

what they will mean for you. And I also have the

empress. So this is about you starting

something new. You are starting this new cycle.

And again, it will be fruitful for you. What

you are starting now will be fruitful for

you in the future. Maybe not right now in

the month of February. But it will be

fruitful for you. So that is why you

feel so happy. And you feel victorious.

And you know what to do. You are moving

in the right direction, because you know

what to do. And with the judgment. This is you

rising from the ashes. You're making

the changes you need to make. And because

of that you are rising from the ashes. You're

leaving this feeling of black behind you.

You're starting something new. If it is

a new relationship. If it is a new job. If it is a new

business. If it is a new income. You're starting

something new. And because of that you are rising

from the ashes. So yeah, forward

movement for you. So very nice.

And we have the eclipses here in February.

Eclipses are very strong energys. So they

will help you to make these changes in

your life.

So good luck with everything, and thank

you so very much for watching, Scorpio!

For more infomation >> ESCORPIO FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 11:32.


CAPRICORNIO FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 13:54.

Hello Capricorn! Welcome to your general

reading for February 2017.

Ok Capricorn. In the overall energy for

you, I have first the four of swords.

So this could be you spending

more time at home. Spending more time by

yourself. Taking care of yourself.

Recuperating. If you have been working a

lot. Or if there has been a lot of things

going on in your life. You could be

spending more time alone, and just taking

it easy. Being by yourself.

Recharging your batteries. Because I have

a very similar card next to it, the hermit. This is

also about spending time on your own.

This could be you contemplating on your

life. Contemplating on your feelings.

Figuring things out. So that seems to be the energy for you here, Capricorn.

You are spending not so much time

out and about, running around.

You are more on your own.

Maybe meditating. Doing something in

the garden. Reading a book. That kind of

energy. With the two of swords, there may be a

feeling that you need to make some

decisions. About your future. Or about a

situation that

you are in. So that could be why you're

spending more time on your own. You need

to make some sort of decision. So this could

have to do with your joint finances.

You have a full moon lunar eclipse in your eight house.

That is about joint finances. This could have to

do with a contract that needs to be

signed, regarding this maybe. Or it could have to do

with how you express yourself, in a

deeper way. Because your third house is very


lit up here in February. And you have a

new moon solar eclipse there. So this could

definitely have to with how you

express yourself, and so on. So there is

something you need to decide of upon.

And with the emperor, I think it has to do with

you feeling strong. Feeling that you stand

firmly with both feet on the ground.

You are strong and solid person. Both

within and how you express

yourself to the world.

So it could be something

there you're contemplating on. And trying to

make decisions about. It is about deeper emotions.

And I also have the empress here. So this

is about you deciding upon

something. And then you are starting to

make it happen.

So whatever it is that you are deciding. That will be

different for different Capricorns. But you

are deciding on something. And that will enable

you to start it up. So you can see it manifest

in your life

further down the road. Because this is only

the start. This is not you manifesting something right now,

but you're starting something up. And the

three of wands is very much the same

energies. This is you doing the groundwork.

Sowing the seed. And waiting to see it happen. Waiting for things to

bear fruit for you. So waiting for things

to manifest. What you started. To see it

manifest. There will be...

I will take the page of cups here

first. Because the ace of cups is very

much about your feelings. Your emotions.

So it seems like it's going to be an

emotional month for you,

Capricorn. Understanding your feelings

about yourself.

Understanding how to express yourself

towards other people. Joint finances could

definitely be in the mix of this.

I don't think...

What I see in the rest of the reading... I don't see

so much about material things. I see more

about you. And how you are growing. This is an

inner growth that you're doing in

February. Your inner emotions. Your inner

feelings. It has to do with you feeling

strong and solid. And with the devil,

you could be feeling like this is a situation

that you cannot handle exactly. Because

you need to understand yourself very

deeply, to be able to know how to change

things within yourself.

So the devil is about... Feeling like

you're in a situation where you feel

like you're not in control to 100%.

You're not quite in control over your own

feelings. You're not quite control over

how to feel stronger and more solid.

I must say... Because I am feeling it, so I must

say it. I am not talking about it so

very much. Because I don't like to talk

about sickness. But with the four of

swords, you could have been going through

a period where you are feeling sick.

You are feeling sick because there is

something wrong with you physically.

But this could be mentally. For many of you

this will be mentally.

That you are tired. Exhausted. You have...

What's it called in English? Going into the

wall, we say in Swedish. But I don't know if that is an English expression

for it. You have been working too much.

And now that is making you feel like you

don't have any energy left. And you need

to make the decision about how to get

your energy back. How to feel strong again.

So that is what you are starting to

manifest. Starting to make it happen,

so you can feel strong again. But it is very

hard, because this is about your inner

feelings. Your inner emotions. And if it is

that you have been working too hard, and

you got worn out. This is the feeling you

got then, with the devil. This is you being a

situation where you don't feel

comfortable. You don't feel that you have

the energies you are used to have.

Things are very strange for you.

And maybe you don't know exactly how to

change your situation, to get your

energy back. To feel strong again. But I

think that you will receive help. Because

I have the queen of swords here.

So you could be talking to a doctor.

You could be talking to a psychiatrist,

or whatever it is. This is someone that has good knowledge.

And someone you can help from.

So it looks like you are going to a doctor for

a check-up. Or maybe that you are going to be

on a sick leave. The doctor is describing that for you.

Or you are going to some sort of psychiatrist,

to help you in your situation. You will get help.

That is what it comes down to.

Whatever your situation is here. You will

get help from this person. And with the eight

of wands, that will lead things forward. That will make things

move in a better direction for you.

So that is important. That the help you're

getting, will enable you to move forward.

So you can get better. So I just felt that,

that was very important to say.

So that's why I said it. But this could

also be, that the situation that you're

contemplating on. Trying to figure out,

maybe how you express yourself to other

people, and so on...

You will get help from someone, to make

it happen. And that will enable

you to move forward.

Ok Capricorn. Enough talking. I wish you all

the best, and thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> CAPRICORNIO FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 13:54.


#BIM-Software 3D-Architekturentwurf - #Edificius #007 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> #BIM-Software 3D-Architekturentwurf - #Edificius #007 - Duration: 0:58.


9 More Crazy Roads - Duration: 10:03.

READ DESCRIPTION - LEE LA DESCRIPCION ENGLISH DESCRIPTION UP - DESCRIPCION EN ESPAÑOL ABAJO Supermoto Enduro This is one of a series of videos about SUPERMOTO ENDURO. Basically its a series that i am uploading mostly RAW. This is my last video or ride in Panama city Panama. I Own a Wr250x! This little 250cc bike is awesome! I hope you guys can appreciate this video. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro This video is really intended for personal use but some of you may be interested in watching the entire thing since theres lots of blind corners gravel mud and river crossings along the way of this series. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro This video is in SPANGLISH so any english and spanish speaker can enjoy the series of videos. However i wont be talking to much and also i keep the edits to a minimum. Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Also please make sure to subscribe if you like some of my content all along the channel. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Bueno mi gente esta es una serie de videos de mi ultimo ride en panama. Es basicamente un enduro con curvas muy peligrasas con lodo, asfalto rios y mucho mas espero que disfruten del video. Cualquier comentario porfavor dejamelo saber en el area de comentarios. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Asegurate de estar subscrito y cuentale a tus amigos. Saludos a Jase65 Rivelmv y Blitz Rider! Pronto estare intentando de traerles mas contenido relacionado a las motos Supermoto Enduro KEYWORDS : Motovloggers 2017, Motovloggers en español, Frankiemoto, ktm 690 enduro r supermoto, supermoto vs enduro, ktm 690 enduro supermoto, 690 enduro r supermoto, unterschied supermoto enduro, enduro auf supermoto umbauen, supermoto enduro difference, supermoto enduro 125cc, supermoto enduro, can a supermoto go offroad, river crossing on a supermoto, why supermotos are the best bikes, supermoto insanity, dangerous roads on a motorcycle, supermoto hooligans, supermoto stunts, supermoto, LER DESCRIÇÃO - ler a descrição Inglês Descrição UP - DESCRIÇÃO PARA BAIXO EM ESPANHOL Supermoto Enduro Este é um de uma série de vídeos sobre SUPERMOTO ENDURO. Basicamente é uma série que eu sou upload principalmente RAW. Este é o meu último vídeo ou passeio na cidade de Panamá. Eu possuo um WR250X! Esta pequena moto de 250cc é impressionante! Espero que vocês podem apreciar este vídeo. Supermoto Enduro Enduro Supermoto Este vídeo é realmente a intenção para uso pessoal, mas alguns de vocês podem estar interessado em assistir a coisa toda vez que há muito o de cantos cegos cascalho lama e fluviais cruzamentos ao longo do caminho de este série. Supermoto Enduro Enduro Supermoto Este vídeo está em Spanglish portanto, qualquer Inglés e orador espanhol pode desfrutar da série de vídeos. No entanto eu não vou estar a falar muito e eu também reduzir ao mínimo indispensável as edições. Espero que vocês gostem e por favor deixe-me saber a sua opinião na seção de comentários. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Também certifique-se para se inscrever Por favor, se você gosta de algum do meu conteúdo ao longo do canal. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Bem meu povo esta é uma série de vídeos da minha última viagem no Panamá. É basicamente um muito curvas peligrasas enduro com lama, rios de asfalto e mais espero que você aprecie o vídeo. Quaisquer comentários, por favor deixe-me saber na área de comentários. Supermoto Enduro Enduro Supermoto certeza de ser subscrito e contar a seus amigos. Saudações a Jase65 Rivelmv e Blitz Rider! Em breve eu vou estar tentando trazer mais conteúdos relacionados com motocicletas Supermoto Enduro Palavras-chave: Motovloggers 2017, Motovloggers em espanhol, Frankiemoto, ktm 690 enduro r supermoto, supermoto vs enduro, a KTM 690 Supermoto enduro, enduro 690 r supermoto, supermoto enduro Unterschied, umbauen enduro auf supermoto, supermoto diferença enduro, supermoto enduro de 125cc supermoto enduro , pode ir off-road para supermoto, travessia do rio em uma supermoto, superbikes porque são as melhores motos, supermoto insanidade, estradas perigosas em uma motocicleta, os hooligans supermoto, acrobacias supermoto, supermoto, -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch and leave a like: "Best Motorcycle Jacket for 2017" Porfavor ver el Link de arriba y dejarme un like. Mirenlo esta en ingles. Make sure to browse my old videos. Asegurate de ver mis videos anteriores. Muchos no necesitan del lenguaje para disfrutar -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

For more infomation >> 9 More Crazy Roads - Duration: 10:03.


2000 Degree Hot Cleaver vs Lighters - 4K Slow Motion - Duration: 4:24.

Welcome back to Warped Perception.

So I've had some past opportunities.

To do a few collaborations.

With some other channels.

With these 1000 degree knife videos.

I turn them down and I'll tell you why.

I mean.

How can you even call this a torch.

So I decided to start a new trend.

With something that I actually do find exciting.

Are you excited?.

I'm excited.

The 2000 degree cleaver.

And how do we get this Cleaver to 2000 degrees?.

With this torch right here.

I'm going to keep this simple.

Since I have some camera work to do.

Hayley is going to take over.

Here it goes one two three.


4k slow motion 1300 fps

Here it goes three two one.

Well that was a lot of fun.

And I hope you enjoyed that episode.

And the most important thing to me.

Is that you watch.

And enjoy our videos.

I know that the equipment we use.

Is out of the reach of most of us.

But the ideas are not.

So if you have any ideas.

That you want to see come to life.

Just let us know.

Let us know in the comments.

Or send us a message.

And as usual.

Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Don't forget to like share and subscribe.

Well there you go Chris that's what the alcohol look like.

And after looking at the slow motion footage.

Seems that the alcohol kind of rinsed out the cylinder. and cleaned up some of the soot.

From the gasoline.

For more infomation >> 2000 Degree Hot Cleaver vs Lighters - 4K Slow Motion - Duration: 4:24.


PISCIS FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 12:19.

Hello Pisces!

Welcome to your general reading for

February 2017.


Ok Pisces. In the overall energy I have

first the nine of pentacles. So this is about

your feelings. That you feel content.

You feel happy. You feel joyful. You have

what you need in your life.

This could have to do with where you live.

Where you work. With yourself! You're satisfied

with yourself. You're satisfied with

your life situation. And the fool,

next to it. This could have to do with you

starting that. To make your

life be worth living. To be satisfied

with your life. You're

starting the path, so you will be

satisfied with your life. And with

yourself. How do you think about yourself,

and your situation here on earth?

It's like you're starting that journey to

make it happen.

With the nine of wands. You have gone through

difficulties. Things haven't been easy for you. Neither when it

comes to how you see yourself. How you

feel about yourself. Your work situation.

Your money situation.

Neither of that has been easy. But this is you still continuing

to walk on that path. and to

feel that things will get better. So this is

not you quitting. This is you continuing.

Because you feel that things will get

better. And with the ten of swords... I think that it is

about to lighten up a little bit for you.

You're not there yet.

You don't have your happy life. You are not

satisfied with everything in your life

yet. And there are still things that

are not as you want them


You're not satisfied. And you could be

disappointed about your situation.

Disappointed about your work. Disappointed

about where you live. Disappointed about

your money situation. Disappointed about

your life in general. There could be

something going on there still for you.

But this is a ten. And the ten is you

closing this feeling of negativity.

So this will not continue

forever. You have done the hard part of

it. The most difficult part of it.

You have done that. So it is about to get

better for you. With the two of swords,

I think that you need to make some decision

here in February. About your future.

Or about changes that you to make.

This could be about your work situation.

Your money situation. Yourself also.

If there is something you need to change about

yourself. Your appearance for one thing,

but not only that. How you view yourself.

How you think about yourself. But this could

definitely have to do with your work, and

money. And such matters. That you need to

make some decisions here in February.

And it is about leaving negativity behind

you. Leaving the difficulties that you

have been going through. That is why you

need to make

these decisions. So you can leave it. And you can start

your journey towards feeling good about your

life. Feeling good about your work. Feeling good about yourself.

So you need to leave the negativity

behind you. With the ten of wands, you're not there yet, as I said.

And February is an eclipse month. So you have a full moon lunar eclipse in your

sixth house. That is about work for one thing. And you have a

new moon solar eclipse in your first house.

And your first about yourself. So that is why

I think February will still be up and down for


Emotional and so on. So you are on your

way. But you're not there yet. You still

need to go through February. You need to

make some decisions in order for you to

close the old chapter in your life, where

things were not good for you. And with the

devil. You could be feeling that it is

hard. It's hard to make the right

decisions. It is hard to know what to do.

It's hard to make things happen. So you

could definitely be feeling like you're

not quite in control over your situation.

But just be prepared that this is a month that

could be feeling like this for you.

Because it is eclipses. And eclipses bring emotions. And you seem to

be there. And I mean, the new moon solar eclipse is in your

first house. So you have that eclipse in your house. So I think

that is why you have all of these emotions

up and down. But this is the last eclipse in your house. So there

will not be more eclipses there for you, Pisces. So you can

look forward to that. With the five of cups,

I think that you

will see some progression. Some things will

move forward for you. But others will not.

So I think it will be... What do they call it?

One step forward, two steps

back. Or two steps forward and one step back.

Maybe that is better to say.

Because you are moving forward.

But not as fast as you want to.

And it will be a feeling of...

Very emotional for you here.

Up and down. Waiting for things to

happen. Being unsure about making the

right decision, and so on. So two

steps forward and one step back,

that is the right energy for this.

But your last card in the reading is

the page of cups. So this is emotions again.

But this is better feelings. Better emotions.

So I think that when we come to the

end of February... And you have that new moon solar

eclipse in the end of February. After that you could

be feeling better.

So a new moon is a new start, a new beginning. So it could be that,

that is helping you to feel better about

yourself and your situation. But be

prepared that you will feel the

eclipses this month. But as I said, this is the last one. So it

will get better for you Pisces. So I

wish you all the best,

and thank you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> PISCIS FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 12:19.


LIBRA FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 11:16.

Hello Libra! Welcome to your general reading

for February 2017. So let's go ahead

and shuffle the cards for you.


Ok Libra. In the overall energy for you

I have first the ace of pentacles. So we are

talking about something new coming into

your life in February. This could be a new job.

This coul be you receiving money. Maybe earning more


Something will change in February for you

Libra. And it could have to do with work,

and money. And those kind of things.

Your situation when it comes to work and money. Because

with the eight of cups I see you walking

away from a negative situation, regarding

this. So you are walking away from negative

feelings when it comes to having a job.

Earning enough money. Having a good income.

Things have been hard for you there.

But now you can walk away from the

negative feelings that you have had regarding this. And the

magician, the first card in your reading. This is you

taking action. This is you making things happen.

This is you finding that new job. This is you earning more

money. Making things happen. So the changes

you see in February, they are because of

you. And it could have to do with

something you started in the past. I have


six of cups here. So you are finalizing something you

started in the past. So if you have been

out looking for a new job. That is now

finalizing for you. If it has to do with

your earnings. Or income. Or thos could have to do with your savings,

and those kind of things. If you started

something in the past to make your money

grow. Or to have a larger income. That will pay

off for you here in February. Because I

have the queen of swords. So this is you libra. This is you taking


What's happening now is because of you.

The effort, and what you started in the past.

So this is about you manifesting things in your life.

You are being able to leave negative emotions

behind you in February. You also have the wheel

of fortune here. And it is, as you can see,

underneath you.

So this is about you turning things around

in your life.

Making things happen. Manifesting

things. This is you feeling more positive.

Your whole situation is turning and getting

more positive than it has been before.

So things are definitely turning around

here for you


And with the five of pentacles it has to do

with your money situation. Your work

situation. I can not say anything else. And you do have a

lot of activitys in your sixth house in

February, Libra. And your sixth house is about your day to day

work. Your day to day life. Your day to day

income. So there's something you have

been lacking there. Lacking a good job.

Or lacking a job at all. Lacking a good

income. Or lacking money. There has

been something in your life that has been

hard on you. And you have felt a large lack

of it. But as I said, it is turning. It's turning around for you.

Because I have the queen of pentacles

underneath. And this is also you Libra. But this is you

feeling... When it comes to your money

situation, this is you feeling more strong and

stable, and secure. So the lack that you

have felt before is changing for you.

And it will go away. And again, if this has to do with your

job situation. Or money situation.

Or whatever it is for you Libra. That will

change. That is the most important thing.

And you will feel stronger. You will feel


Yes stronger. You will feel more safe when it

comes to your income. You know that

the money will come in to you every

month. You will be able to pay your bills. So you feel more

safe and secure when it comes to your

income. And it has to do with your

earnings, for many of you. Because I

have the six of pentacles. So this is you receiving

money. Receiving money through your work.

Or receiving money from somewhere else. But

this has to do with your day to day

income. So however you earn your money will

change. And there will be a flow in your money.

Money will be flowing in to your bank account.

And the lack that you felt before, will be

no more.

You can leave that feeling behind you. Because

now you are receiving money every month.

And it is a steady income. That is why you feel so

safe and secure. Because it is a steady income for you.

So very nice changes. And the death

card. This is what we're talking about. This is the change.

And you have that

new moon in your sixth house in the later part

of the February. So I think that is what

the death is talking about here, the death


It's talking about that new moon in

your sixth house. A new moon... And it is a solar eclipse,

that is the thing here. February is an eclipse

month. So we both have a lunar eclipse, and a solar

eclipse. And the solar eclipse is in your sixth house.

About your earnings. About your work.

About your day to day situation. And it

will be changes for you.

The solar eclipse will change things up

for you when it comes to your income. And your

earnings. And your work situation.

So that's very nice for you. Because you

will feel stronger. More secure. And

you will be able to leave negative emotions

behind you. So very nice.

Very nice Libra. Ok! Good luck with that, and thank

you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> LIBRA FEBRERO 2017 Lectura en Profundidad del Tarot - Duration: 11:16.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

For more infomation >> DIY Mickey Felt Pin


2000 Degree Hot Cleaver vs Lighters - 4K Slow Motion - Duration: 4:24.

Welcome back to Warped Perception.

So I've had some past opportunities.

To do a few collaborations.

With some other channels.

With these 1000 degree knife videos.

I turn them down and I'll tell you why.

I mean.

How can you even call this a torch.

So I decided to start a new trend.

With something that I actually do find exciting.

Are you excited?.

I'm excited.

The 2000 degree cleaver.

And how do we get this Cleaver to 2000 degrees?.

With this torch right here.

I'm going to keep this simple.

Since I have some camera work to do.

Hayley is going to take over.

Here it goes one two three.


4k slow motion 1300 fps

Here it goes three two one.

Well that was a lot of fun.

And I hope you enjoyed that episode.

And the most important thing to me.

Is that you watch.

And enjoy our videos.

I know that the equipment we use.

Is out of the reach of most of us.

But the ideas are not.

So if you have any ideas.

That you want to see come to life.

Just let us know.

Let us know in the comments.

Or send us a message.

And as usual.

Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Don't forget to like share and subscribe.

Well there you go Chris that's what the alcohol look like.

And after looking at the slow motion footage.

Seems that the alcohol kind of rinsed out the cylinder. and cleaned up some of the soot.

From the gasoline.

For more infomation >> 2000 Degree Hot Cleaver vs Lighters - 4K Slow Motion - Duration: 4:24.


MORE POWER: 2017 Toyota Sienna Limited AWD Review - Duration: 5:43.

the main event has been the Rodney

Dangerfield of the auto world for most

of its 33-year existence

theories abound as to why the minivan

never get the respect it deserves

despite being the world's most versatile

transportation appliance could it be

because the mini Appalachian no longer

fit especially for the 200-inch long

toyota sienna reviewed here

some claim the sliding doors others and

system-level shoe box shape and sex life

in spite of fun trip to the zoo memories

and joyous soccer expedition modern

parents and kids 10 to Sean music sales

are barely above half what they were in

2005 in large part due to defeating the

inexorable rise across diverse chevrolet

for sunday and mazda all have abandoned

the category that that six friends still

fight for their share of the minivan

action currently around 600,000 sales

per year whilst i clear specification is

the hottest news in this category toyota

hasn't been twiddling its thumbs on the

sideline ESPN is new for camp 3 dot five

liter v6 shared with the toyota

highlander he slept with those forts and

direct fuel-injection boosting output

from 266 to a husky 296 horsepower and

torque from 245 to 263 pounds two-foot

variable and taken because

up-down timing yield at 4,700 revolution

for a minute for weekend of power curve

that doesn't care Shindo until 6600

revolutions per minute on its way to

6750 revolution per minute red line

which is quite ready for a family

holiday the combination of atkinson

cycle operation during cruising in 11.8

to 1 compression ratio and a new

eight-speed wide ratio automatic

transmission who epa mileage by 122

miles per gallon

although the PM is still trails that

specifically by four miles per gallon

and EPA highway radio keeping budget in

mind this engine is happy with regular

great fuel and it's effectively behaved

whether you're running slide out to be

the school bell or cruising to church on

Sunday just fine carrying a few hundred

more pounds than the competition

attributable to the segment exclusive

all-wheel-drive options on this test car

the 2017 p and moves to the head of the

flat and acceleration the seven seconds

plant run from 0 to 60 miles per hour

and 15 24 seconds and 92 mile-per-hour

we measured in the quarter mile for the

sea and unlimited premium flagship our

records in our minivan measure only by a

few tenths of a second and only the

honda odyssey matches this toilet three

got a second 32 50 mile-per-hour passing

acceleration lat the newsie and it falls

behind the kia sedona the nissan quest

and last year's see and 50 to 70

mile-per-hour passing because of the new

automatics are lessons to kick down


pressing the well-hidden BTW WR button

which instructs the electronically

controlled transmission to have higher

before ships might help cornering and

breaking grip is 42 every vehicle

ability to avoid do assuming the driver

and the skill to react decisively under

direct in this category the improved

Vienna runs at mid-pack stopping 70

miles morales 177 feet with some state

evidence after repeated great views

while the 18-inch bridgestone turanza

yellow 400 go to run flat all-season

tires hang on reasonably well the

stability control system intervenes to

halt the cornering fun and 0.77 grams

well below the chrysler pacifica 0.83

Rams handling aficionados might do

better with the CNSC which has forced

attention and 19-inch wheels and tires

that standard equipment

For more infomation >> MORE POWER: 2017 Toyota Sienna Limited AWD Review - Duration: 5:43.


راب انثوي منافس لساحه الراب السوري ولمودي العربي وسماعيل تمر/ ناصر دياب👌 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> راب انثوي منافس لساحه الراب السوري ولمودي العربي وسماعيل تمر/ ناصر دياب👌 - Duration: 2:56.


BETTER BUT STILL NOT BEST: 2017 Nissan Pathfinder Platinum 4WD Review - Duration: 4:03.

we can't all be winners the lucky among

us learned this lesson early after coach

pitch strikeouts run scored but

obviously one-sided soccer game others

the mildly gifted or the carefully

insulated come to the realization later

in life when it hurts more

it takes only one track and field me to

realize that there's a lot of running

this goes on after the Cape is broken

but little glory is needed out for the

beaks broken ones who crossed the line

with the victors already on the food

nissan doesn't have a winner in the past

finder but it's the mid pack contender

in the stack feel the Pathfinders 284

horsepower heat extension underwent a

thorough revamped in 40,000 17 back

wishes a little further toward the front

of the pack direct injection is new to

the three-dot five major power plant as

a redesigned system a higher compression

ratio and variable and take valve timing

together the revisions produce an

additional 24 horsepower and 19 pounds

to sort of torque than were available in

the 2016 pathfinder we'd hoped for a

bigger power bump but let's not look a

gift horse power in the mount the

revised engine was good 47 dot 4 2nd run

from 0 to 60 miles per hour that's just

0.1 second quicker than our test of the

2016 pathfinder and not quite the hero

got to the second improvement nissan

predicted when we got our first drive of

the new

it'll in August the programming of the

Pathfinders continuously variable

automatic transmission CVT which true or

iron the aforementioned review of the

free refresh modest has improved its

still lingers near five thousand

revolutions per minute under moderate to

heavy acceleration but does so by

imitating a traditional automatic

shifting from the six thousand

revolutions per minute back down to

4,500 then repeating the cycle until the

pedaling lifted this avoids the inherent

drawing that letter cv keep costs while

still making use of the Pathfinders

hines torque pvt suppose of the improved

fuel efficiency over traditional

automatic transmissions but the

pathfinder failed spectacularly on that

tour during our two weeks test recording

just 16 miles per gallon

despite an EPA combined rating at 21

miles per gallon in fairness to the

pathfinder about half of those miles or

under unusually hard driving conditions

but with highway cruising and errands

around town mixed in the result is still

surprisingly low exterior revisions to

the pathfinder are less obvious

although nissan claims that are

reshaping of its nose had made the

crossover look more masculine on the

inside the pathfinder for at least the

platinum version we tested has the same

high level of feature content that

impressed us last year our senses car

came standard with heated and cooled

front heated second-row seat a heated

steering wheel and a panoramic sundar

but even though the dashboard and door

panel fitting at first glance closer

inspection revealed them to be mostly

cleverly molded heart touch plastics

with dashes and unconvincing so

brazilwood there's better to begin in

this segment and at this price look at

the mazda cx-9 to see the height

mainstream brand crossovers can reach

For more infomation >> BETTER BUT STILL NOT BEST: 2017 Nissan Pathfinder Platinum 4WD Review - Duration: 4:03.


Content Marketing Meister der Unterhaltung - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Content Marketing Meister der Unterhaltung - Duration: 2:19.


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

For more infomation >> DIY Mickey Felt Pin


Lily Whispers ASMR

For more infomation >> Lily Whispers ASMR


LIFE UPDATE: where have I been? School, injuries, new videos... - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> LIFE UPDATE: where have I been? School, injuries, new videos... - Duration: 10:07.


The Spacies - Hesitate (Anki Remix) - Duration: 3:30.

You don't need to hesitate No, it's not too late

And I wouldn't go without you I might be able to ease your mind

Yes, it's magic Don't believe me? Just watch me watch you

This unraveling thread ends And in your defense

You don't even know me And it makes no sense

But if you seek you will find it Yeah, I'm the king of second chances and one more tries

I'll give you love You wanted nothing

It's chemical Hold onto something

We've got enough So why the wait You don't need to hesitate

I'll give you love You wanted nothing

It's chemical Hold onto something

We've got enough So why the wait You don't need to hesitate

I couldn't believe my eyes Caught me by surprise

Wherever you go I'll follow Say whatever you need to say

Take my breath away Just keep it until tomorrow

This unraveling thread ends And in your defense

You don't even know me And it makes no sense

But if you seek you will find it Yeah, I'm the king of second chances and one more tries

I'll give you love You wanted nothing

It's chemical Hold onto something

We've got enough So why the wait You don't need to hesitate

I'll give you love You wanted nothing

It's chemical Hold onto something

We've got enough So why the wait You don't need to hesitate

To hesitate...

For more infomation >> The Spacies - Hesitate (Anki Remix) - Duration: 3:30.


I Drank Water Playing This Simple Game!!!(Watch Till The End) - Duration: 9:00.

how's it going guys welcome to back to

my channel and i have not made a video for a

while you're watching Sachin Mahesh

if you're not a subscriber please do subscribe


leave a like in this video id you really

love this video today i'm doing a game

review and just a gameplay let's play

drop alive it's a game about a water drop

and it's adventure and you can find free

play its a free-play series on steam free-play series are one

of the best though before you go download

this place was just video and see if this

game suits you and then go download it

there we have the water drop

looks really cute

ok so you have the arrow keys, space to jump

down arrow does nothing so i'm using

the arrow keys

how do i get there

oh you can stick onto objects

collect the drop coins

i would like to call it the drop coins

so you use fall inside well yes you'll

fall into the glass

collect the coins

did you notice the water drop is reducing in size as

we play on

so notice the size of the water drop now

we have the kitchen

oh this is tough

i wish i could go..ok. i would like to yes i got the spoon!

who! whoa! im going

i unlocked the secret pathway

the secret pathway

yes well just one point we had to go to

tough rough places

so this time i'm going to



(Daniel Bryan): YES! YES! YES!

What! then how it's supposed to be done?

Alright jump! jump!


wha What oh oh this is going

to get risky


ok lets go down whee! this is warming up thats fire

instant death ROASTED. we got ROASTED

okay im dodging the next one. (weird roars)

and the next one

oh ( thats some real roar )

OH!! Naw!!

is this good yes you can increase your size

i think thats the maximum

we are the


that was so you become a wapour and then

you become a water back again

no oh not the fire not the fire not the fire OH!

that was the closest game close call right there

now let become a vapour

where should we go let's become a water again and

what's the purple does that's not purple

that's supposed to be

15 minutes later

I made the wrong move I made the wrong

move I made the wrong move I made the

this time im on the right track

or I seem to be my day any moment now

i might die any moment now

any moment now

i was so close

that was good i don't think this would be good

oh my god

ok lets adjust some

no no no no im gonna touch that

only one mistake so far let me jump though this

jump to that



NO! not so easy

can be jump no

is that i dish washer?

thats why i think i lost a part of

the drop

i got to refill i got to refill

i'm getting a bad feeling again

I should do the time i should

ok all good now this is the place where we where we owe

where we

where we

chipmunks is that you?


that was the closest

no no no no no no no God

Gawd No! NO!



all over the game is really great

for thats let's just end this i don't

want to play anymore now so as far as I

tried the game is really great

it really is joyful

it fight boredom

the main problem that i notice that there's

no checkpoints if there was checkpoints

i think i will give a nine or nine out of

out of nine out of ten anyways over all

the games is really great i suggest you to

play it

the free-play on steam guys so go

make a steam account if you're not

steam users make a steam (inaudible) of work try all

try on all the

fre play-games i'll be doing some of

the steam free-play games and if you

really like this video if you really like

this game please leave the thumbs up like

to know more about the game just comment


Subscribe to my channel

and turn on notification so that every time

I post a new video you will be notified first

so my fans get to see first first please guys feel

Peace guys i'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> I Drank Water Playing This Simple Game!!!(Watch Till The End) - Duration: 9:00.


Saffron Surprise I Foodie Gardening Y3E3 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Saffron Surprise I Foodie Gardening Y3E3 - Duration: 1:47.


Translated Noha [Subtitles] | I sigh in grief over you | Mahdi Rasouli - Duration: 4:49.

I sigh in grief over you

O' wounded Sun of the slaughter pit

The one who had the ablutions performed with the blood of his wounds

Ya Hussein

The sky and the Earth are crying

Gabriel is mournful and sorrowing

Zainab is crying with her sad voice

Ya hussein

O' you who take away pain and sadness

O' you who are the Sun that does not set

O' you who take away pain and sadness

O' you who are the Sun that does not set

Hussein, loving you is universal

Ya Hussein

O' you who are on the tip of spears

Your Zainab is left alone without you

Your body is saturated with blood

Ya Hussein

O' you who were decapitated from behind the neck, Ya Hussein

O' you who are the loneliest of lonelies Ya Hussein

O' you whose body was torn to pieces Ya Hussein

Ya Hussein

O' you who take away pain and sadness

O' you who are the Sun that does not set

O' you who take away pain and sadness

O' you who are the Sun that does not set

Hussein, loving you is universal

Ya Hussein

The earth you were burried in has the scent of apples

O' you who were left without any friend or any loved one

O' you whose beard was dyed [by blood] we salute you

Ya Hussein

Zainab cries for you on the hill [on Tal-Al-Zainabiya]

Even if all the world would cry and lamment its sadness

It will not equate the sadness of Zainab

Ya Hussein

Zainab cries for you on the hill [on Tal-Al-Zainabiya]

Even if all the world would cry and lamment its sadness

It will not equate the sadness of Zainab

Ya Hussein

For more infomation >> Translated Noha [Subtitles] | I sigh in grief over you | Mahdi Rasouli - Duration: 4:49.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY X-Shift Automaat! Airco, Lage Km - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY X-Shift Automaat! Airco, Lage Km - Duration: 1:35.


Hyundai i10 1.0 i-Drive Cool *AIRCO* - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0 i-Drive Cool *AIRCO* - Duration: 0:43.


David Wilcock Update via Benjamin Fulford Blog January 23, 2017 - Duration: 6:30.

David Wilcock Update via Benjamin Fulford Blog - January 23, 2017.

David Wilcock Comment #1

I got up in the middle of the night and here it was.

So early, in fact, that I just wanted to write something before going through it.

The Antarctica issue is indeed very significant, and we are getting ready to release a major

update of the intel we are receiving on that front.

It will begin or revolve around a transcript of my appearance on Coast with Jimmy Church,

where I discussed this in some detail.

After I read the update there may be more to say.

There is a LOT going on right now.

There was so much rain in Los Angeles that Topanga Canyon Boulevard got shut down for

two days on both lanes due to the massive mudslide that occurred.

These �inconveniences� don�t change the fact that we have already conquered the

drought in the north, and now these gigantic, sustained rains are hitting the south.

I do believe by the time this is over there will be no drought at all.

It is amazing to walk around and hear natural streams and creeks running.

Since I have said for years that the rain will only fall once the Cabal loses control

of the technology to make it stop, this is of huge significance.

We do have a �rush order� on this next batch of intel so it should be forthcoming

soon, even though I am in a work week.

David Wilcock Comment #2

After reading this, I�m glad Ben mentioned the extradition of �El Chapo� to the US,

as that was another very blatant sign.

The intel on Antarctica does seem well-meaning enough, but it may be based on what we have

been disclosing with some imagination / public data put in.

First of all, I have never heard a genuine insider refer to any ET group as �Galactics.�

That sounds more like the kind of thing channelers would say.

The ET world is so complex, with so many different civilizations involved, that it is also not

specific enough to mean anything significant.

Secondly, the map locations and images we were shown are straight out of the videos

posted by �secureteam10?, a popular UFO-related YouTube blogger.

These areas may just be ice shelves that cast shadows in ways that look interesting.

The real stuff, as we will be disclosing very soon, centers around three 30-mile-wide motherships

that have been found.

They are significantly below the surface, under three and a half miles of ice, and would

by no means be visible by conventional optics.

There are differing ideas about exactly when these ships crashed, but as I have said before

the prevailing belief / research is that they arrived 55,000 years ago and were heavily

damaged on the way in.

Once they crashed they were not able to leave again.

They landed over Ancient Builder Race ruins that were vastly older and then cannibalized

their ships to make everything work.

I also have not heard anything about healing chambers, though they did find some very interesting

stasis beings there that appear to date all the way back to 500,000 years ago, from the

original civilization before they destroyed their planet � which became the Asteroid


If this all goes the way we hope, there probably will be opportunities for journalists to visit

the ruins in a structured, managed way.

However, when Corey Goode asked if he could break the story, much as Ben just suggested

he would do, the answer was that there are people who have been embedded down there for

14 years and making documentaries as they go.

This is a huge and very structured roll-out.

The Cabal has one idea of how it will go, in which disclosures leak out over a period

of years.

The Alliance is pushing us to reveal as much as possible as early as possible.

Nonetheless, we may still come up against a structured roll-out of this intel in which

our leaks will be attempted to be discredited.

That is why we need to get this material out there ASAP.

The biggest development of the last week has been that Pete Peterson independently confirmed

very specific details of this plan that Corey Goode had only shared with me by phone, and

had not been published online.

He also had many other details, some of which were then able to be corroborated.

Therefore it appears both guys are in touch with a unified source of intel.

That type of confirmation, coupled with chatter like Ben is getting and all the tabloid teasers

that started just two hours after we published our first urgent intel, definitely is compelling.

On the intuitive level I continue to get one amazing dream after another forecasting huge

and positive changes.

However, I did get a dream yesterday morning saying the fakestream media attempt to destroy

any positive sentiment around Trump winning has been highly effective.

Many people are going through a huge �dark night of the soul� right now.

The most evil forces on earth were always very covert, and Pizzagate obviously shows

some of how bad it can really get.

Nonetheless, with Trump you are seeing every scrap of dirt that could ever be pinned onto

him being constantly blasted out from all sides.

The media should have no credibility after taking all the top Cabal-exposing sites and

literally banning them from Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Apple News and the like.

My Facebook messages are now loaded with red exclamation marks and �This link cannot

be loaded� messages.

It will be interesting to see how fast things go in the coming week.

The Cabal and its outlets is obviously going to push for instantaneous impeachment, and

for that same reason the Trump administration will probably need to move quickly on whatever

the Alliance intends to do.

Again, stay tuned as this is a fascinating and rapidly-evolving story.

Nice to see Ben covering it as well and that we have some complementarity here.

For more infomation >> David Wilcock Update via Benjamin Fulford Blog January 23, 2017 - Duration: 6:30.


Opel Corsa 1.4I-16V CDX DISTR.RIEM VERV. 184.433 KM L.M.VELGE - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4I-16V CDX DISTR.RIEM VERV. 184.433 KM L.M.VELGE - Duration: 1:52.


Kia Sportage 2.0i-16V X-ecutive ECC-Airco Cr.Control Trekhaak 1 - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 2.0i-16V X-ecutive ECC-Airco Cr.Control Trekhaak 1 - Duration: 1:16.


TV4 - 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 27 maja 2016 roku - Duration: 13:00.

For more infomation >> TV4 - 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 27 maja 2016 roku - Duration: 13:00.


Destruction - Mind Field (Ep 3) - Duration: 25:35.

- We live in a universe

where statistically disorder is king.

As time moves forward, things fall apart.

Stars burn out. Energy spreads out.

Entropy conquers all.

But humans, life, fights that trend.

We build things.

We organize things.

We add information.

So why is that we love destroying things?


Exploding fireworks.

Fights and crashes.

Even popping bubble wrap.


Tiny cute things can make us

want to just squeeze 'em to death.



[electronic music]

♪ ♪

The power to destroy is a delicious one.

Even just holding this here,

knowing I can drop it,

I am in control.

I can exert my will in a dramatic and irreversible way.



♪ ♪

Ugh. [laughs]


Why does that feel so good to do,

or even just watch?

For me, throwing it to its death was almost relaxing,

like I feel calmer now after being destructive,

like I've vented some pent-up energy.

Or anger?

Why do we like breakings things when we're angry?

There's a growing trend of businesses

anger rooms that are popping up in places

like Texas and Toronto.

People pay to visit these anger rooms

and let off steam by smashing mock-ups of workplaces,

kitchens, and more.

Catharsis Theory proposes that such acts of destruction

reduce our anger.

But do they?

Sometimes, but sometimes they don't.

This is what makes studying the mind so difficult.

Researchers are still looking into the specifics

and the variables involved, and I want to see firsthand

and in person what it's like when people get angry

and then break things.

Will then be more or less violent afterwards?

To demonstrate Catharsis Theory,

we set up our own anger room

to see whether or not breaking things will help calm down

some angry people.

Our subjects think they're participating

in a study about opposing political views,

so we've asked them to write an essay

on different polarizing topics.

- Come in. - Kashona? Hi.

How are you? I'm Michael.

- Hi, Michael.

- It's nice to meet you.

I was just with your co-participant Clint.

He's in another room.

I'm gonna give your essay to Clint,

and he's gonna critique it,

and you're going to critique his.

- Okay, thank you. - See you soon.

- He wrote a lot. I didn't write that much.


- Each of our subjects

has been paired with a man named Clint,

and they will be critiquing each other's essays.

- "Police officers have a very difficult job.

They have to protect us mainly from people of color."


- The thing is...

Okay, here we go.

I'm actually Clint.

"Overblown, un-American. Get over it."

My job-- or rather, Clint's job--

is to make our subjects mad

so they can test our anger room.

"You should be ashamed."

- "You deserve what's coming to you."

What a asshole.

Ha. Changed it to black.

That's better.


- Okay, Kashona. I'm back.

And you were with Clint. Okay.

- Mm-hmm. - Let's go through what he wrote

just quickly.

- He wrote-- - Did I put that that way?

- No, you didn't. - Did you turn it around?

- I did turn it around.

He seems like a bigot or somebody.

I didn't want to keep looking at his face.

- He's responded to your essay there.

- We can't tell people where to go to eat for lunch,

what car to drive;

like, that just really irritates me.

- This is a person that is making arguments

that are not based in any fact.

- He's clearly someone who thinks

that the people who are on social programs

are lazy.

- I was like, "What the [bleep]?"

- Getting fired up, mother-- ooh, I'm getting fired up.

- It's disgusting.

- I got an F-plus?

Oh, I hope I don't see him in the hallway.

He's a dick,

and that is why he is part of the reason

why our country [bleep] sucks right now.

Because he's stupid.

- Well, I think that was pretty effective.

We've got a lot of angry people on our hands,

so will demolishing things calm them down

or will acts of destruction throw fuel on the fire?

[dramatic music]

Let's explore Catharsis Theory

with an expert.

- The modern view of catharsis

is that by acting out

we release sort of like a pressure valve

and that releases that energy

in order for us to sort of build up again

and handle everyday distress.

- People who are angry and aggressive

who then act that out, what would they feel afterwards?

- What many studies have found

is that it's a short-lived release,

and it feels good--it feels really good to release--

but what happens in the brain is,

the brain enjoys that.

There's really a reward to build up that pressure again

and then release it again.

It's a temporary fix, as far as we know.

- I didn't realize it was so complicated

and still being researched.

I thought it was black and white.

It was--you do this, and you release the emotion

and it's gone.

- Yeah, not as much.

We don't have this perfect definition

of catharsis, where everybody agrees,

here's how it works, here's how it ends up.

- Well, let's see if catharsis works for us.

♪ ♪

Now that Clint has sufficiently angered all of our subjects...

- He's more like a [bleep] pussy, as far as I'm concerned.

- It's time to put Catharsis Theory to the test.

♪ ♪

Some subjects will be allowed

to actively take out their anger

on all of these beautiful art objects.

You have completely free reign

to break anything in this room.

- What? - Okay?

Other subjects are instructed

to sit in the room passively.

I want you to reflect on

the essay, the arguments,

the critiques,

and also on the objects in this room.

- Am I going to meet Clint or not?

- No, you are not. - Okay.

- That's not part of this study.

- Okay, got you.

- Wil these subjects feel less angry

after their violent acts of destruction?

Only one way to find out.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

[elevator music]

[rock music]

When we are angry, the body's adrenal glands

release cortisol and adrenaline,

readying the body and mind for fight mode.

- But Catharsis Theory hypothesizes

that letting it out relieves feelings of aggression.

[elevator music]


[rock music]

♪ ♪

Will these subjects feel less angry after their violent acts

of destruction?

- Okay, I'm done.

- Before we move on to the final step

of our anger room demonstration,

maybe we can gain insight from someone who makes

a living by hitting.

Not objects but other people.

Mark Smith, aka "Rhino,"

is a champion bodybuilder, boxer,

and UK gladiator who knows a thing or two

about how to destroy an opponent.

♪ ♪

So when you're going into a fight,

you know that you're going to get hurt.

- Yes. - You know that you're going

hurt someone else.

How do you psych yourself up

to be good at that?

- When you get into a fight,

you want to stick to your game plan,

stay focused, and be relaxed.

- Relaxed.

Because I would have thought

you'd want to go in angry.

- No, because if you go in too angry,

all you're doing is...

and you're not thinking straight,

it turns into, like, a school brawl.

It's a very tactical game. - Right.

- The eye of the tiger, like Rocky.

- But this is fascinating to me,

because you would think that to physically outfight someone,

in nature, we would have evolved to run off of angry and fear.

- That's like two lions; I agree with you there.

Two lions attack and go full out, don't they?

There's no pace in that fight whatsoever,

like animals, but you have to know when to be an animal

and at what point in the fight.

Bang! - Oh!

- But, like--so it's point in--

- I'm a very jumpy, flinchy person.

- It's knowing when to pull the trigger.

- If you ever find yourself angry in your real life,

do you find it helpful to punch a punching bag...

- Definitely. - Yeah?

I will get angry, like, I'm on the phone

with my bank, and I might think slamming a door

or just hanging up and throwing my phone on the bed--

- No, don't throw your phone, and don't slam doors.

- Why? - Just come and exercise

and hit the bag; you'll feel so much better.

- What's the difference, though?

They're both, like, active things.

- Well, you're not doing something spontaneous

and acting on impulse.

[growls] It's premeditated.

You know you're gonna go, "Okay, I'm gonna pack my bag,

"I'm gonna go to the gym,

I'll be releasing endorphins."

You'll feel more relaxed and you'll be able to assess

the bank manager who's been irritating you

for the last hour.

- Can I--can I try hitting some things?

- Definitely. You can try hitting me.

- Can I really? - Yes.

Are you gonna hit back? - I will--

I will let you know I'm there.

- Okay.

[dramatic music]

Awesome. Do I look scary?

- [laughs] - Oh, yeah.

Is Rhino correct that violent acts of rage

won't calm you down?

But the controlled aggression used in boxing

will actually relax you?

♪ ♪

I guess I'm about to find out.

[bell dings]

♪ ♪

- Yes, like that.

♪ ♪

No, no.

- [groaning]

- No. Come on.

- Well done!

Good work.

- I came out of the fight having learned two things.

One, I'm a wimp.

And two, Rhino was right;

when physical violence is channeled

in an organized sport like boxing,

it can actually reduce feelings of aggression.

I had this weird combination of feelings.

As tired as I am... - Yep.

- I'm very amped up.

- So now you feel it. - Yeah.

I don't feel aggressive.

- You feel relaxed?

- I wouldn't say I'm relaxed here;

I would just say I'm clearer here,

and I feel more in control.

- Eye of the tiger, Rock.

- Yeah, well, maybe it's the eye of the kitten,

who is in a bad mood,

but, man, that was great.

♪ ♪

It's time for the final part of our anger room demonstration.

All of our subjects will be taking part

in what they think is a reflex test

against their opponent Clint.

In reality, of course, there is no Client,

and what we're really looking at

is the Catharsis Theory.

Have our subjects' levels of anger been affected

according to whether they committed

violent acts of destruction.

Or not.

Stage three is going to be testing

how your reflexes are working at this very moment.


So this right here is

a static electricity generator

that is going to provide a little bit of a shock.

We're putting one on Clint as well,

and he's in another room,

but you both have the same setup.

Once our subjects are fitted with the shock bracelet,

they're introduced to the test's control panel.

- [chuckles] Look at this.

- Yeah, it's very simplified,

but that really helps keep the variables low.

So both you and Clint will be competing in a bit of a game.

The yellow light is going to come on at some point,

and as soon as you see it come on,

hit that orange button.

And if you hit this button before Clint does,

you'll see the green light come on.

And that will mean that you won.

And Clint needs to receive a small shock, okay?

And you can set this to a level of your choosing.

- So--okay.

Light goes on, if I hit this,

the green one comes and then I'm allowed

to work this contraption.

- Correct. - Which controls how

high the voltage and for how long the voltage.

- Correct. - Okay.

- If however, Clint pushes the button before you do,

the red light will come on, indicating--

- My red light and I'm about to get it.

- That you'll get a shock, yeah. Correct.

We'll get a sense of our subjects' level of anger

by how they respond to the chance to administer pain

to Clint.

Remember, this subject just sat in the anger room passively.

- Did I get him?

Oh, all right.

- The green light means our subject wins.

How hard will he shock Clint?

- I'm gonna give you a little low one, buddy.

[buzzing] There you go.

Just a kiss.

Ah, got me.

- The red light means Clint won.

How will our subject respond

to getting shocked?

[static buzz] - Ah!

[laughs] You son of a bitch.


- Not only does this subject

not seem angry, he's actually enjoying the game.

- All right.

[buzzing] How about that?

I'm not gonna harm you, man.

Gave ya a little low one.

- He actually seems relatively calm.

Will our other passive subject follow suit?

[static buzz]

Clint gave her a painful shock.

Let's see how strongly she retaliates.


Even after getting a shock from Clint,

this subject is still hesitant

to give him a shock in return.

[over PA] Okay, Clint and Drea,

this is just a reminder that you are--

you are allowed to change that dial

to what you think would be appropriate.

- Yeah, I just don't want to, like, hurt him or anything.

I'm just gonna keep it at low.

- So the angry subjects who sat passively

seemed to have calmed down.

Now it's time to check on the subjects who acted violently

in the anger room.

Did letting out all of that aggression

relieve their anger?

[over PA] The experiment will begin now.


- Take it, take it, take it.

- Kashona.

That's--that's fine.

What level is your dial at?

- Um...



- He cranked that all the way up

and he's laying on that button.

This subject was one of the most aggressive people

in the anger room,

but that doesn't seem to have calmed him down.


- Among our subjects,

it seems that those who physically vented

their anger are still pretty angry

compared to that subjects who sat quietly.

- So at least in this case,

catharsis therapy was not effective.

In fact, in some cases,

the subject seems even angrier.

- Ow! [bleep]

You know what? That's too hard.

You [bleep] dick!

Why don't you come in here and [bleep] talk to me in person?

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

- We're all familiar with the concept of rubbernecking.

It's hard to look away from a car crash.

- Oh, my God.

- But why?

There are surely a myriad of reasons,

but one may be that at a primitive level,

witnessing danger allows us to learn and prepare for it.

Activities where danger and destruction are likely

are exciting.

Starting in our childhood,

physical aggression is encouraged,

even in games.

Take a piñata for example.

As a special birthday treat,

we are told to beat up an effigy with a baseball bat.

And when we hit it hard enough,

we are rewarded with candy.

What parts of a child's urge to destroy are innate

versus learned?

Well, there is a groundbreaking experiment

that shed light on this.

In 1961, Albert Bandura conducted a famous

and controversial study called the Bobo Doll Experiment.

He had adults act violently to an inflatable clown doll

in the presence of children.

Then left the children alone with the same doll

to see if they would mimic the destructive behavior

they'd observed.

Disturbingly, the children did indeed copy the adults,

and lashed out at the doll,

often getting very creative with their aggression

and destruction.

Aggression comes in many unexpected forms.

Why is it so hard to resist popping bubbles in bubble wrap,

for instance?

Do we like the sound?

The destruction? Or both?

It's like we're naturally drawn to destroying

these harmless plastic bubbles of air.

Destructive tendencies seem to be so engrained in us

that we even respond to positive stimulation

with urges to destroy.

One of the strangest things about destruction

is how people want to hug things to death,

especially things that are extremely cute,

like a puppy.

We don't know exactly why this is,

but there is a study that demonstrates the effect

by using bubble wrap and our desire

to pop these bubbles.

[popping] Oh, yeah.

[dramatic music]

Can sweet adorable stimuli

really insight aggressive behavior?

We're about to find out.

- Thank you for participating in our focus test.

- No problem.

- Please make yourself comfortable.

- We've recruited subjects who think

they're taking part in a motor skills test.

- Are you familiar with this product?

- Yes. - Have you popped the bubbles

in bubble wrap before?

- Yes.

- But really what we're testing

is their aggressive response to cute stimuli.

- So you will be viewing a montage of images.

Please pop bubbles in the bubble wrap.

You may pop as many or as few as you like.

Just be sure to start when the images begin

and stop when the images end.

- Popping bubbles is like squeezing a stress ball.

It's a great way to express aggression.

The question is, will the subjects pop more bubbles

when watching neutral images or cute ones?

♪ ♪

First we showed our subjects these basic landscapes,

which are not designed to elicit an emotional response.


And we tallied the total number of bubbles popped.

♪ ♪


- Okay, great. I'll take those.

All right, we're gonna do part two,

where you'll be viewing another set of images.

- Okay.

- We also showed them images of...


[playful piano music]

♪ ♪

Oh, look at that one!

Don't you just want to hug it and squeeze it to--

well, okay, you get the point.

♪ ♪

To keep things even,

half of the subjects viewed the landscapes first

and half viewed the puppies first.

But either way, they seemed to pop a lot more bubbles

while watching the puppies.

Except for this guy.


♪ ♪

So-called cute aggression

is a universal psychological phenomenon.

Researchers believe the brain's response

to both cuteness and aggression

results in the release of dopamine

implicated in the reward and pleasure,

but if we are unable to physically touch cute stimuli,

the desire to do so can be regulated

by substituting aggressive physical behavior.

Will our results reflect this theory?

♪ ♪


- How did you feel about the images that you saw?

- They were cool.

- How did you feel about the puppies?

- I love them. - They were very tiny

and adorable.

And I wanted to hug them.

- And how did you feel about popping the bubble wrap?

- I felt like I wanted to

play with the dogs or--

I wanted to play with the bubble wrap with the dogs.

- In our simple test, our subjects popped an average

of 33% more bubbles while watching cute puppies,

as opposed to boring landscapes.

- So was the bubble wrap a stand-in for the puppies?

- I guess so.

- In fact, the majority of our subjects

popped more bubbles while watching puppies.

But not this guy. Remember him?

- So how did you feel about seeing the dog pictures?

- Um, I've always been more of a cat person.

- It seems sometimes cuteness

is a matter of perspective.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Our relationship with destruction is not a simple one.

It can release endorphins and relax our minds.

It can amp us up and make us even more aggressive.

It can even help us regulate our emotional reactions

to cute things.

Destruction can be useful,

it can be dangerous,

and it can be a lot of fun.

♪ ♪

And as always, thanks for watching.

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

For more infomation >> Destruction - Mind Field (Ep 3) - Duration: 25:35.


Maria Thoidou - Minyma (English, Türkçe Lyrics) - Duration: 2:01.

Among the leaves

A bird flew through

It glanced at me quickly

Started singing sweetly

You have clouds in your eyes

Empty handed

Your unkissed lips

Made you irreplacable

Among the leaves

A bird flew through

It glanced at me quickly

Started singing sweetly

English Translation: Irem Soylu

For more infomation >> Maria Thoidou - Minyma (English, Türkçe Lyrics) - Duration: 2:01.


Infected With Love - Soldièse [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:05.

It's unpredictible we're not responsible We know replying to this call is impossible

That charm is powerful as invisible It's like defeating it doesnt seem feasible

Frankly I wish it to would happen to us So please dont reduce all my efforts to dust

It's beyond my grasp there's nothing to discuss I'm already engaged I can't betray her trust

I'm scared of where all this could lead me It doesn't occur well that you drive me so

crazy I'm scared of where all this could lead me

I can't turn my back on my duty

Don't come any closer I'm begging you please Spare me this disorder, I know that disease

And I don't wanna get infected, Infected with love

I don't wanna get infected, Infected with love

Complex is the equation, strong is the temptation You totally embodies the power of persuasion

What you use on me is hot like nuclear fusion It's driving me on the verge of spontaneous

combustion I had thought I was strong enough to resist

But for some reason you blow me like a twist No more phone calls and dropping by don't

persist Oh please renounce me and cross my name off

your list

Girl ya trigger such a phenomenon Turn my brain into an automaton

Turn my square into a nonagon I got you digging over my head on and on

It breaks my heart to leave you on your own But going further on this road is so wrong

Don't come any closer I'm begging you please Spare me this disorder, I know that disease

And I don't wanna get infected, Infected with love

I don't wanna get infected, Infected with love

For more infomation >> Infected With Love - Soldièse [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:05.


Johan Bakke - Hurt (Acoustic Nine Inch Nails/Johnny Cash Cover) - Duration: 4:33.

Today, I'm gonna do something that's

it was a long time since I did

it's very rare and

I don't know if it will be as often after this time either

but today I'm going to play a song in English

I'll play a song that was released by Nine Inch Nails from the beginning

then Johnny Cash did a cover version of it

This song is called Hurt

do not forget to click the thumbs up

if you like this song

do you like it really much, subscribe

I will release more songs, two a week from this week

Thank you for viewing

do you like this video, click the thumbs up

do you like it really much, subscribe to my Youtube Channel

When I have 100 subscribers, then I will make my first live stream on YouTube

For more infomation >> Johan Bakke - Hurt (Acoustic Nine Inch Nails/Johnny Cash Cover) - Duration: 4:33.


Ed Sheeran - Shape Of You - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Ed Sheeran - Shape Of You - Duration: 3:53.


pity - Duration: 7:46.

So, it's the start of the new year, still early in 2017

I just wanted to talk a little bit about something that's kinda been bothering me

I've addressed it individually with the people who've done this

But, I feel like it'd be more-more beneficial if I just make a video, put it out here, so everyone knows

Some of my friends know, and my family knows I HATE HATE pity

It's always been a fear of mine, that everything I've accomplished, everything I've done..

Has it been all for pity, or did I really deserve it? Did I really work for it?

That's why it really really.. irritates me when someone comments on one of my videos like..

"I feel so bad, I'm gonna subscribe!" or "This makes me feel sad, I hope you feel better!"

"Feel better"?! Buddy, I'm not even sick!

I'm not saying that everyone does that, there are those who're actually like

"Hey, these are sign language videos! It's a new perspective on life, on humor"

"I like this guy's personality, his humor, his sarcasm" Stuff like that

And that's what I-that's what I've been trying to do with this channel

So it really hurts, actually, when someone ONLY supports me because they feel pity for me.

I don't want that.

If you're here just to feel good about YOURSELF as a person

For being a good Samaritan for

"Aw yeah! I'm supporting this poor disabled kid! Aw yeah! Good for me! Pat on the back! Whoo!

If you're just watching my videos for that, then don't watch my videos at all. I don't even want you watching

I don't want you-I don't want you to keep.. feeling like you owe it to yourself, or you owe it to me to support me.

I want you to support me, and watch my videos for the content! For my personality! For who I am!

Because the whole purpose of all these videos I'm doing in the first place is for me to express myself!

For me to be who I am and reach more people that way!

So, I HATE pity. And if you're here out of pity, I don't want you here. I'm sorry, I-I know that might sound harsh, but

Hopefully for those of you who feel bad for me, feel sorry for me, feel pity for me

Hopefully maybe after seeing this video you'll see that I don't want to automatically get your love, appreciation, and kindness

I want to earn it! I want to earn everything that I work for! I don't want the easy way.

I don't want people to look at me and go, "Oh, he looks funny! Aw, I feel so sorry for him!"

"Let-let's give him a shortcut. Let's make him feel better about himself!

No! No. No. No.

I'm sorry, but-I have to say something while it's early in the year, set the tone, let everyone know

I don't want pity, and it's just not necessary.

There's no need for you to make me feel inferior, and make yourself feel superior

Because that's what it is! When you feel pity for another HUMAN BEING based on how they are, who they are, how they look

That's a really BAD mentality and you've gotta get out of that! That is toxic, it's-it's depressing honestly!

That my sense of worth is being determined on how I look, my limitations

And.. I want NOTHING to do with that. Nothing.

I'm sorry if I'm getting a little heated, but it really-I've dealt with pity my whole life and just-I'm tired of it. I'm just tired after 17 years!

After 17 years, you don't know what's real or what's not real! Are they really my friends? Do they really care?

Do these people really support me? I just don't know anymore!

So I'll kindly ask-this is the ONE AND ONLY time I'm gonna kindly ask

If you feel the need to comment something saying "I feel bad for you, I feel sorry, I hope you feel better", anything along the lines of pity

Think before you comment that

You need to CHANGE how you view the world, you need to CHANGE how you see people, because that is not equal! That's not equal

I'm tired of people looking down on me like some kind of broken...inferior...person!

Y'know, I don't even feel like I'm viewed as a human at all. Sometimes I feel like I'm viewed as a broken little animal

So, that-that's all I gotta say. Thank you for watching, and I hope...

I hope SOMEONE got something out of this, someone learned something

This is coming from the perspective of someone who's "disabled", looks different

Yeah, I guess that's it.

For more infomation >> pity - Duration: 7:46.


my Connection. Consistency. Creativity - Duration: 1:35.

- I promised myself this January

and onward that I would focus on



and creativity.

And I'm taking this moment to reflect

on what I learned along the way.

I learned that lights make a huge difference.

Especially if they're on.


I learned that early morning is the best

time for creating,

for avoiding distractions,

(upbeat jazz music)

and for coffee, lots of coffee.


I learned from friends the importance

of an engaging background,

what a PNG file is,

the importance of storage space

or proper height for my screen.

And that I should always, always have fun.

I learned that cats are great to

practice your speech on.

But if they get a little overwhelming,

the laser pointer fixes everything.

I learned that the iPhone is a powerful tool.

Hi, I received a few questions

for what I'm using to record my videos

and here it is, complete with cracks.

And ultimately, I learned to breathe more,

smile more, too much fun, make funny faces.

Eh, eh,


Embrace mistakes

and that stories and ideas are powerful

when shared through video.

I can't wait to share more.


For more infomation >> my Connection. Consistency. Creativity - Duration: 1:35.


Slendytubbies 2 gameplay 1 - Duration: 10:45.

Scary/Shocked realization in 3... 2... 1..

For more infomation >> Slendytubbies 2 gameplay 1 - Duration: 10:45.




For more infomation >> THE MAKING OF A YOUTUBE VIDEO - Duration: 11:10.


Dads Who Play Barbie®

For more infomation >> Dads Who Play Barbie®


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

For more infomation >> DIY Mickey Felt Pin


Meant to be yours (Nasci pra ser seu) - Heathers o musical (Brazilian Portuguese) - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Meant to be yours (Nasci pra ser seu) - Heathers o musical (Brazilian Portuguese) - Duration: 3:27.


MEV de Bancada nas escolas por Mike Blok - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> MEV de Bancada nas escolas por Mike Blok - Duration: 1:41.


Barbara Truzzi Art - FOCUS - Mixed media on canvas - Duration: 0:34.

From a visual pattern to distortion

Each color contributes to the multi dimension

White guides the mind through an multidimensional mental path

Dive in into your focused personal journey

For more infomation >> Barbara Truzzi Art - FOCUS - Mixed media on canvas - Duration: 0:34.


Capacete LS2 Arrow Comet Branco e Azul - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> Capacete LS2 Arrow Comet Branco e Azul - Duration: 0:18.



For more infomation >> IERI VS OGGI - FRANCESCO PAPPA - Duration: 3:15.


NEWS ALERT , Protesters on a crane near The White House release a sign that says "RESIST." - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> NEWS ALERT , Protesters on a crane near The White House release a sign that says "RESIST." - Duration: 0:41.


Funniest and Fails SPORT Compilation 2017 - Duration: 2:07.

Funniest and Fails SPORT Compilation 2017

For more infomation >> Funniest and Fails SPORT Compilation 2017 - Duration: 2:07.


2000 Degree Hot Cleaver vs Lighters - 4K Slow Motion - Duration: 4:24.

Welcome back to Warped Perception.

So I've had some past opportunities.

To do a few collaborations.

With some other channels.

With these 1000 degree knife videos.

I turn them down and I'll tell you why.

I mean.

How can you even call this a torch.

So I decided to start a new trend.

With something that I actually do find exciting.

Are you excited?.

I'm excited.

The 2000 degree cleaver.

And how do we get this Cleaver to 2000 degrees?.

With this torch right here.

I'm going to keep this simple.

Since I have some camera work to do.

Hayley is going to take over.

Here it goes one two three.


4k slow motion 1300 fps

Here it goes three two one.

Well that was a lot of fun.

And I hope you enjoyed that episode.

And the most important thing to me.

Is that you watch.

And enjoy our videos.

I know that the equipment we use.

Is out of the reach of most of us.

But the ideas are not.

So if you have any ideas.

That you want to see come to life.

Just let us know.

Let us know in the comments.

Or send us a message.

And as usual.

Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Don't forget to like share and subscribe.

Well there you go Chris that's what the alcohol look like.

And after looking at the slow motion footage.

Seems that the alcohol kind of rinsed out the cylinder. and cleaned up some of the soot.

From the gasoline.

For more infomation >> 2000 Degree Hot Cleaver vs Lighters - 4K Slow Motion - Duration: 4:24.


9 More Crazy Roads - Duration: 10:03.

READ DESCRIPTION - LEE LA DESCRIPCION ENGLISH DESCRIPTION UP - DESCRIPCION EN ESPAÑOL ABAJO Supermoto Enduro This is one of a series of videos about SUPERMOTO ENDURO. Basically its a series that i am uploading mostly RAW. This is my last video or ride in Panama city Panama. I Own a Wr250x! This little 250cc bike is awesome! I hope you guys can appreciate this video. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro This video is really intended for personal use but some of you may be interested in watching the entire thing since theres lots of blind corners gravel mud and river crossings along the way of this series. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro This video is in SPANGLISH so any english and spanish speaker can enjoy the series of videos. However i wont be talking to much and also i keep the edits to a minimum. Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Also please make sure to subscribe if you like some of my content all along the channel. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Bueno mi gente esta es una serie de videos de mi ultimo ride en panama. Es basicamente un enduro con curvas muy peligrasas con lodo, asfalto rios y mucho mas espero que disfruten del video. Cualquier comentario porfavor dejamelo saber en el area de comentarios. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Asegurate de estar subscrito y cuentale a tus amigos. Saludos a Jase65 Rivelmv y Blitz Rider! Pronto estare intentando de traerles mas contenido relacionado a las motos Supermoto Enduro KEYWORDS : Motovloggers 2017, Motovloggers en español, Frankiemoto, ktm 690 enduro r supermoto, supermoto vs enduro, ktm 690 enduro supermoto, 690 enduro r supermoto, unterschied supermoto enduro, enduro auf supermoto umbauen, supermoto enduro difference, supermoto enduro 125cc, supermoto enduro, can a supermoto go offroad, river crossing on a supermoto, why supermotos are the best bikes, supermoto insanity, dangerous roads on a motorcycle, supermoto hooligans, supermoto stunts, supermoto, LER DESCRIÇÃO - ler a descrição Inglês Descrição UP - DESCRIÇÃO PARA BAIXO EM ESPANHOL Supermoto Enduro Este é um de uma série de vídeos sobre SUPERMOTO ENDURO. Basicamente é uma série que eu sou upload principalmente RAW. Este é o meu último vídeo ou passeio na cidade de Panamá. Eu possuo um WR250X! Esta pequena moto de 250cc é impressionante! Espero que vocês podem apreciar este vídeo. Supermoto Enduro Enduro Supermoto Este vídeo é realmente a intenção para uso pessoal, mas alguns de vocês podem estar interessado em assistir a coisa toda vez que há muito o de cantos cegos cascalho lama e fluviais cruzamentos ao longo do caminho de este série. Supermoto Enduro Enduro Supermoto Este vídeo está em Spanglish portanto, qualquer Inglés e orador espanhol pode desfrutar da série de vídeos. No entanto eu não vou estar a falar muito e eu também reduzir ao mínimo indispensável as edições. Espero que vocês gostem e por favor deixe-me saber a sua opinião na seção de comentários. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Também certifique-se para se inscrever Por favor, se você gosta de algum do meu conteúdo ao longo do canal. Supermoto Enduro Supermoto Enduro Bem meu povo esta é uma série de vídeos da minha última viagem no Panamá. É basicamente um muito curvas peligrasas enduro com lama, rios de asfalto e mais espero que você aprecie o vídeo. Quaisquer comentários, por favor deixe-me saber na área de comentários. Supermoto Enduro Enduro Supermoto certeza de ser subscrito e contar a seus amigos. Saudações a Jase65 Rivelmv e Blitz Rider! Em breve eu vou estar tentando trazer mais conteúdos relacionados com motocicletas Supermoto Enduro Palavras-chave: Motovloggers 2017, Motovloggers em espanhol, Frankiemoto, ktm 690 enduro r supermoto, supermoto vs enduro, a KTM 690 Supermoto enduro, enduro 690 r supermoto, supermoto enduro Unterschied, umbauen enduro auf supermoto, supermoto diferença enduro, supermoto enduro de 125cc supermoto enduro , pode ir off-road para supermoto, travessia do rio em uma supermoto, superbikes porque são as melhores motos, supermoto insanidade, estradas perigosas em uma motocicleta, os hooligans supermoto, acrobacias supermoto, supermoto, -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch and leave a like: "Best Motorcycle Jacket for 2017" Porfavor ver el Link de arriba y dejarme un like. Mirenlo esta en ingles. Make sure to browse my old videos. Asegurate de ver mis videos anteriores. Muchos no necesitan del lenguaje para disfrutar -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

For more infomation >> 9 More Crazy Roads - Duration: 10:03.


E-Rotic - Fred Come To Bed (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 2:51.

Oh oh Fred, come to bed

'cause my Max had sex with his sexy ex

oh Fred, come to bed

baby I won't let your dreams get wet, oh oh

oh Fred

I'm Max, I'm Max, baby don't be blue

don't you worry, don't be sorry, I'll come back to you

just one more night with my poor old ex

she is only lonely, we don't have sex

I'm Max Max Max, baby please stay cool and just relax

I'll soon be back but if you feel sad just go and talk to my friend Fred

Oh oh Fred, come to bed

'cause my Max had sex with his sexy ex

oh Fred, come to bed

baby I won't let your dreams get wet, oh oh

oh Fred, come to bed

baby you will get a love you never had

so Fred, come to bed

or my fantasy will drive me mad, oh oh

oh Fred

I'm Max, I'm Max and I trust in Fred

baby he is the best friend I ever had

It's Fred, it's Fred, baby just call Fred

and anything you ever wanted you will get

call Fred Fred Fred, and you will find it's not so bad

It's just one night baby, you'll get through, tomorrow I'll be back with you

Oh oh Fred, come to bed

'cause my Max had sex with his sexy ex

oh Fred, come to bed

baby I won't let your dreams get wet, oh oh

oh Fred, come to bed

baby you will get a love you never had

so Fred, come to bed

or my fantasy will drive me mad, oh oh

oh Fred, no no, come to bed

oh my Max had sex with his ex last night

'cause he loves her ass and tits

so I tell you Fred, come into my bed

if you don't I will call up Fritz

oh Fred

For more infomation >> E-Rotic - Fred Come To Bed (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 2:51.


Como tomar decisões de forma efetiva: Passo 3 - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Como tomar decisões de forma efetiva: Passo 3 - Duration: 4:14.


Dr. Radu Panturu- Plastic Surgery Laser Lipolysis at Eliade Medical Center - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Dr. Radu Panturu- Plastic Surgery Laser Lipolysis at Eliade Medical Center - Duration: 5:43.


Szkice z siedliska rodowego cz.1 Aliona i Sasza Chłopcewy - Duration: 42:24.

For more infomation >> Szkice z siedliska rodowego cz.1 Aliona i Sasza Chłopcewy - Duration: 42:24.


Breathing Exercises for Singing #1 - Duration: 2:09.

Welcome to your singing lessons

My name is Eilish San and today we will do three exercises to feel our diaphragm

and start working on our support

In this first exercise we will identify where our diaphragm is and how it works

Take air and hold for five seconds

Do you feel pressure under your sternum?

That is your diaphragm

Now, your diaphragm is struggling to release the air in your lungs

The feeling you feel in your throat are the vocal cords closing

the passage of air

In the second exercise we are going to put a hand in front of our mouth

and breathe normally with the mouth open

Now let's speak a phrase and see how much air comes out

"My name is Eilish San"

And finally we are going to sing a comfortable note with the vowel "a"

As you can see, when you sing, the amount of air coming out is smaller

So you do not have to squeeze to get more air

This tightens your muscles, strangles your larynx and dry your cords

For this last exercise we will need a balloon

Take air and inflate the balloon

Do you notice the force being produced in the lower part of your chest?

Here, your body is working to release the air

quickly and loudly

Also note he pressure in your throat

If you do it several times, you will see that in a short time you start to get very tired

You might feel pain over your waist and your throat irritated

This exercise teaches you where your diaphragm is working and that doing it with great force

and contracting your muscles is not a good idea

I hope that you like this video, that you find it useful and I'll see you tomorrow in the next video

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