Marvolo.. Mar.. Mar.. MarVOLo.. Marvolo? Marvolo?
Fuck, you know, sometimes I get high...
always I get high before I film, and then
start questioning the pronunciation and
I know [that] I know it but then, like, a couple
times after saying it I just..
Ugh, I get tongue-tazzled.
Hello Internet! It is MarissaSmokes and today
I'm going to be doing the Youtuber Tag. I
was tagged in this by Marvolo. I am
going to have her channel linked below,
right up top, so you can click it and go
check her out and subscribe.
I'm also gonna be like talking about her
several times throughout this because we
know each other personally and have worked
together and, you know, she's just gonna
be part of some of these answers.
If you notice me looking over
I have the questions blown up, written
over there so I don't forget or miss any
of them.
Number 1. One. How long have I been on
YouTube? My first video went up on June 13,
2015. So, about a year-and-a-half.
Number 2. How many videos do I have on my
channel currently? As I am filming there
are 88 videos up but I think that there
might be a video or two that goes live
before this one, so there might be more
by the time this is out. I don't know
Number 2. What was my
favorite video to record? So, I have not
gotten to do very many, in fact I have
done one collaborative video
and that.. Oh, well, I guess you could count
my behind-the-scenes videos with
photographers collaborative as well, and
those are fun to film. But what I was
going to say was, you know, a
collaborative video with another
YouTuber which was Marvolo. We did some
smokes seshes on her channel and then on my
channel we did two model Q&A videos. I'll
have those linked up in the little info
and probably down below as well, all of
the collab videos that we've done, if you
are interested in watching them. And
those were super fun to film. My other
favorite videos to create are anything
where I was, like, traveling, like my very
first Oregon Country Faire video that
I did way back when, and then my
Portland and Pendleton videos that I did, that are
kind of like roadtrip videos. I think those
are fun, just because I'm traveling
somewhere and that's always fun. And then
I really do enjoy live seshes. Those
are, like, really fun to me even though I
don't get a ton of viewers all the time.
That's on me, because I'm really bad at,
like, promoting them ahead of time. So,
maybe I should start doing, like, weekly,
on a certain date and time, live seshes.
If that's something you'd be interested
in, let me know in the comments please.
Number 4. Who is my favorite YouTuber?
The very first YouTuber that I can
remember getting online regularly to
watch videos for, and this was, like, a long
time ago when her channel first started,
was Grav3yardgirl and I still sub to
her and I still watch her videos from
time to time.
Not all of them, her channel has changed a
lot, but I still do like her the person a
lot. That's, like, why I've subbed to her for so long.
So her videos are ones I really, really,
enjoy. Also Philip Defranco Show is
really bomb, also DeFranco Family I enjoy
as well. His wife's a bad ass. And then
recently, I've been really liking The
Gabbie Show and Gabby Vlogs. I just find her
personality quite entertaining.
I like her, I don't know what else to say
about that. Number 5. If I had to pick
a YouTuber to collab with, who would it be?
I would be down to collab with Marvolo
anytime. And, kind of, like, a goal collab
would be Josh, Strain Central. I've subbed to
his channel since I, like, found out about
weedtube, which Marvolo also introduced me to,
but I've unsubbed to a lot of other weedtubers,
just because, I don't know. It just
didn't keep me hooked in the long run,
and StrainCentral's videos always have.
They're.. They're fun to smoke along to.
I like them, so it'd be cool to do, like,
a collab with him, right? Number 6. What quote do I
live by? This first one is going to sound
really cliche, but then let me explain it,
and it's, just, like, to live without regret.
And that doesn't even make sense because,
like, I can think of, off the top of my
head things that I was like, ugh, I should not have
done that. But it's not that I think
that I should, like, live my life without
those, like, things.
But just to learn from them, to learn
from the mistakes that I've made in the
past and to, like, not make them again.
That's what I think it means to, like,
live without regrets. And then also
question everything. Just question
everything, all the time.
Trust nothing, question everything.
Number 7.
What challenges have you faced as a
YouTuber? I think my number one challenge
when I started was, just, kind of finding
my comfortability behind the camera, and
then, like, a niche. You know, a person, a
group that I wanted to, like, create
content for. I thought I was going to do, like,
fashion or unbox things or something
like that, but that didn't really end up
clicking with me. And then I found
weedtube, and I feel like I'm kind of a weird,
fringy weedtuber because I also, like, I
don't want it to just be weed. I want it
to be more than that, because I think,
like, stoners are more than just weed.
That's been, like, one of my challenges
was just kind of finding a..a.. a. buhh. buhh buhh buhh buh buh buh..
a purpose! Something to make videos
for. And then another huge challenge was
losing my equipment because I didn't
think that I could film on a cruddy
camera. I thought that this was, like, my
worst nightmare, but really this isn't
too bad.
Number 8. Where do you see your
channel in the future? I want to continue
doing smoke sessions because I want to
keep breaking down stoner stereotypes. I want to
do more educational videos about
cannabis. I want to do more videos about my
mental health and educational videos as
well, in that regards.
I really like to the DIY that I did during
Vlogmas and I want to do more DIYs and
crafty sorts of videos. I also really
like cooking and baking so that's
something that I've thought about doing.
I want to do a lot of stuff. I like
vlogging. I really want to keep doing
that. Did I already say that? I don't know. I
just, I want to be varied. I want to
diversify. Number 9.
Why did i start my YouTube channel? I've
watched YouTube videos for a long time and I
always had this feeling that I wanted to
create. And then my friend, Marvolo
started her channel and she really kind
of encouraged me to just go for it and
start my own, and so I did. And that's how
i started a channel. Number 10.
What inspires me to make videos? My life
inspires me to make videos. My mental
health inspires me. The things that I
struggle with, the things that I really
enjoy, like, when I have personal triumph.
My life, I guess, is where I draw my
inspiration from.
Okay, lastly, I am supposed to tag three
YouTubers. The first YouTuber that I wanna tag
is Scarilyn Monrawr. Maybe this will
encourage her to come back and make
another video! I follow her on Instagram
and she follows me there and that's what
we've done, like, a lot of our interactionm
but she does have a YouTube channel and
I'll have it linked down there. The next
person that I'm gonna tag is Betty
Krocker. She is an awesome weedtuber and
she post pretty much daily, I think.
I really enjoy her. She, like, tells it how
it fucking is.
And then lastly I'm gonna tag StrainCentral,
why not?
Maybe he'll do it, that would be neat.
Thumbs up if you like this tag video
and, yeah, until next time guys, peace! Stay
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