Alright, it's a brand new year, which means
one more chance to lose faith in humanity.
Okay, first off, laws are important.
Think of them as the glue of society.
They basically keep us civilized and prevent us
from running around naked, clubbing each other
over the head for food scraps.
I mean, look at this guy.
Would you want him knocking at your door
the Purge style, looking for food?
But somewhere along the line we may
have gone a bit over board.
A bit off track, shall we say,
and created some laws that are not only
unnecessary but also some that are actually
disturbing that a government would even think of them.
But regardless, the following laws I'm about
to tell of actually exist.
For better or worse.
So let's get right into it.
Here are the ten craziest laws in the world,
part two.
Number one is the one child law in China.
First off, obviously, in most developed nations
people are free to get it on and have as many
kids as they want, except when it comes to China.
China has had an over population problem for decades.
In fact, they're the most populated country on the planet
with about 1.4 billion people.
Because of this, the Chinese government decided to
step in it's own citizen's bedrooms and tell them
what they can and cannot do, specifically bump uglies.
That's right, they literally made a law that says you are
only allowed to have one child in China.
The one child policy was enacted in the 1970s,
and was extremely controversial for obvious reasons.
But what they didn't expect is that it had a devastating
effect on many people, specifically families
that had new born girls.
As many were abandoned or even killed
because they wouldn't carry on
the family name through marriage.
But in the end they accomplished what they wanted.
The Chinese government estimates that upwards of
400 million births were prevented because of this law.
And it wasn't until recently in 2015 that
the government just started to relax this law,
and occasionally allow two off spring,
mostly because there are now far more males
than females in China.
China literally created their own sausage party.
It must be hard to get a date.
Number two is the dyeing bunny law in Ohio.
Apparently, so many people in Ohio were dyeing rabbits
that they had to make a law to prevent it.
According to Ohio law, no person or company is allowed
to dye or otherwise color any rabbit,
baby chick or duckling.
Furthermore, no person, firm or corporation
can sell or even giveaway a colored bunny
or baby poultry, even of the dyeing occurred out of state.
Okay, so the people in Ohio have an obsession
with Easter, apparently, so this law was made
to protect bunnies and chicks.
Oh, okay I get it. Oh, man, wait there's more.
As if this law wasn't already weird enough,
law makers decided to add in, presumably just because,
a clause that says that no poultry younger than four weeks
can be sold or given away in lots of less than six.
Because, why not?
No separating them baby chicks from their brethren,
you monsters.
I have no real idea why this law was created
or how those two things I just discussed are related.
But Ohio citizens, uh, let's have
a little talk for moment.
You may want to get on your law makers
to do something important because at the moment
it would seem like they need something to do.
"Hey, John, do we get paid this month no matter what?
You betcha, let's make a crazy law.
Number three is the no crotch grabbing law in Italy.
In Italy people are very superstitious.
And one thing that they're superstitious about
is the evil eye.
The evil eye is basically when someone
wishes bad upon you, and that's no good.
So, how do you ward it off?
Obviously you grab your junk.
Yes, it is a long standing tradition that men
will grab their nards if a hearse passes by
or while discussing serious illness.
However, recently the supreme court ruled that citizens
are to act in accordance with public decency
and that everyone must abstain from conduct
that is potentially offensive to collectively
held feelings or decorum.
In other words, stop grabbing your dick.
The government feels that you should not be
touching that area until your in the privacy
of your own home.
And yes, they are enforcing this law.
Recently, a 42 year old man from Como
broke this law by shifting his junk in public
and was caught by a police officer.
So, you might be thinking, what did he get?
Like a little slap on the wrist?
Well, not quite, the man was fined 200 euro
in order to pay an additional 1,000 euro in legal costs.
Feel free to do the conversion to your own currency
but trust me when I say that's a lot of money
just to touch the one eyed Willie.
Number four is the no cheating law in India.
If you live in India and are thinking
of cheating on your next exam, don't. Don't.
"Oh, but Matt, what's the worst thing that could happen?"
Ha, I'll tell you. In 1997 a law was passed in India
making it super illegal to cheat on any academic test.
And I say super illegal because unlike here in North America
where we might, you know, at most
get expelled from the institution
that we're enrolled in.
In India cheaters can face up to ten years behind bars.
This law is meant to prevent unfair practices
in academic examinations, and believe me,
it is strictly upheld.
In fact, in June of 2016 a 17 year old girl
named Ruby Ray ranked first in her state exams,
which is great except that they were skeptical of her
so she was retested, failed and thus, sent to prison.
But this really shouldn't be that shocking,
India is super tough with their laws.
There's another law that says you will face a
five year prison sentence just for possessing beef.
Even if it's in the privacy of your own home.
(Mooing Sound)
So yeah, just something to think about if you feel
like slacking on studying or even just
have a hankering for steak.
Number 5 is the no potato hoarding law in Australia.
And the weird train continues.
If you live in western Australia be careful
how many potatoes that you have in your possession
because you could literally be breaking the law.
In western Australia it is illegal to possess more than
50 kilograms of potatoes.
Now, before you go thinking that that's a lot,
for context, this is a 4.5 kilogram bag.
So, if you have 11 of these, which could happen
say, if your throwing a big party or something,
you guys will be hanging out and all of the sudden,
what's that?
Whoop, whoop, that's the sound of the police!
This antiquated law was a product of regulation
for food during the Great Depression and post war period.
They take their spuds so seriously down under
that there's literally a potato board that oversees
not only the production of potatoes from farmers
but helps law makers enforce this law.
"Oh, but that's just one law."
Nope. There are more.
Other antiquated laws include a requirement
for bars to stable, water and feed the horses
of their patrons if they have one.
I guess a horse wouldn't be drinking and driving.
There was another law that required taxi cabs
to carry a bail of hay in the trunk,
and finally, children are not allowed to purchase
cigarettes but they can smoke them.
(Crazy Sound)
Number six is the no dueling law in Canada.
Canada is mostly known for being a peaceful pacifist
country that doesn't like conflict.
So of coarse, fighting would be outlawed.
Except, as a Canadian I can confidently say
that we went a bit too far on this one.
According to the criminal code of Canada
anyone who challenges or attempts by any means
to provoke another person into a duel or even a fight
has committed an indictable offense.
Yeah, okay, let's first put aside the obvious
oddity of the mentioning of dueling,
as I don't know anyone who carries around a sword with them.
However, fighting of coarse is still something that
occasionally happens except that those who start
a fight in Canada probably aren't aware
of the heavy consequence.
Literally, just by provoking a fight,
like, you know, a little poke, poke,
a little push, push,
they can be subject to imprisonment for
a term of up to two full years.
Gather around children, it's law class time.
To put that into context, you could grow five hundred
weed plants for the intent of trafficking illegal
marijuana, and get six months less jail time
than for pushing someone.
Duh, any questions?
Number 7 is the no idiots can vote law in New Mexico.
Oh, my god, hold back. Resist making a political joke.
Okay, the best thing about a democracy is the freedom
that everyone has to vote, for anyone or anything.
Well, the state of New Mexico decided
to do something about that.
They decided that idiots cannot vote. Literally.
According to the New Mexico constitution everyone
over 21 who lives in New Mexico can vote
except idiots and insane persons, and persons
convicted of a felanous or infamous crime.
Now, yes, the word idiot is there,
but it should be mentioned that the word idiot
back when their constitution was written
means something very different from today's definition.
Back then, it meant relating to a mental illness
or disability. Which now that I think
about it is way worse.
In January of 2013 changes to the constitutional language
were proposed, but only related to references
of him and his to be more gender neutral and equal.
In other words, they actively decided to leave the idiots
and insane persons part untouched.
Ugh, this is what happens when law makers
spend too much time on Tumblr.
Number 8 is the no women driving law in Saudi Arabia.
No women can drive? Did we just go back a hundred years?
No, for real though, this one may or may not
shock you, depending on how much you know
about Saudi Arabia.
First off, it's important to say that although
technically there is no specific law banning
women from driving, the country is ruled by
deeply religious beliefs.
One of them being, that female drivers
undermine social values.
In April of 2016 Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud
officially stated that Saudi Arabia is just
not ready for women drivers.
But obviously, not everyone agrees with that.
In fact, a 34 year old women named Shima Jestania
tried to change the country's beliefs
by starting a movement by driving.
The result? She was flogged by government officials.
And if you think that's bad, women can also not
interact with men in any way, compete in any sports,
go swimming or even try on clothes when shopping.
But they did just get the right to vote
in late 2015, so progress?
Number 9 is the no dirty cars law in Russia.
Russia is a very cold country with a lot of snow.
Now, being from Canada I can tell you that
snow creates a lot of slush and makes things dirty.
Especially the cars that drive through it.
But that doesn't matter to Russian law makers.
Because in the city of Chelyabinsk it is actually
illegal to drive in a dirty car.
The fine for doing so is 2000 rubles or 62 dollars.
Which doesn't sound so bad but, see Russian police
aren't exactly known for being the
kindest people in the world.
So you'd best not get pulled over for breaking this law.
"Wow, Matt, that's a weird law. It doesn't get any weirder."
In 2013 Russia made an even worse law
that received international criticism.
It enacted an anti-gay law which was designed
to prevent distribution of non-traditional
sexual relationships ideas among minors.
They're also proposing a ban on McDonald's,
smoking for women under 40, rock music and treasure hunting.
But you know what, I think we should stop
here while we're ahead cause this is just . .
And number 10 is the no buying prostitution in Sweden.
Right now you might be thinking, "Well yeah, Matt,
of coarse prostitution is illegal. Duh."
Except that it's not.
Prostitution is actually legal in Sweden.
Huh? Yeah, it's confusing. Let me explain.
The laws of Sweden are so that selling sex is illegal,
but buying it is not. And in the past few years
Iceland and Norway have also adopted this weird
and confusing law as well.
Okay, logically I genuinely don't understand this.
The government is basically saying the following,
"Well, we don't encourage prostitution but
we don't discourage it either."
(Laughs) You know.
Yo, Sweden you want us to have prostitutes or not, man?
Speak up!
So those were the ten craziest laws in the world, part 2.
But I want to know from you guys in the comments,
are there any crazy laws around
the world that I may have missed?
As always leave a comment below and let me know
exactly what they are, and which country they're from
because I want to know just how weird this world gets.
And of coarse, thank you guys so much for watching.
Remember to subscribe to my channel
because I release new videos
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
If you want to watch more, including Crazy Laws part 1
you can press or click either of the two video
thumb nails that you see on your screen right now.
And don't forget to check out my second channel,
link is in the description.
Have a great day, don't break any laws!
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