Welcome back to Pike Fight.
This is the competition where Söder Sportfiske challenges other legendary brands,
in a pike competition.
We are still in Trosa Skärgård and this will be the second half of the first competition day.
Today, the first points will be distributed.
It's a ten kilo pike!
Last week we got an impressing start from two of the teams while the two other struggled.
The only team with a full paper with five fish is Team Storm
Who are also in the lead at the moment.
At a solid second place, Team Westin.
Who ended up with a 87 cm pike in the last couple of casts of the first half of the day.
Just before reporting in.
Just a few centimeters behind we've got Söder Sportfiske and ABU Garcia.
Both teams invested a good chunk of time into transportation...
but now they've got stuff going and are looking really hot.
If you missed the first episode, here's a quick walk through of the rules.
Four teams
Three days
Three locations
Each team's five longest pike per day will transform into points.
BIG FIVE: Each team's five longest pike during the whole competition.
This is Pike Fight 2016 - Battle of the Giants.
Let's do this!
Regarding our own tactic, we've not cleared this hot area just yet.
The wind calmed down a bit now so we'll head out a bit to find some good wind.
Keep going like we've done.
For another one or two hours.
Then we'll see...
If we keep going we'll hopefully have another couple of 80-90 fish.
If so, we can head further out and look for bigger fish.
I think they're fishing exposed spots with clear water.
There you'll catch a lot of fish up to 80 centimeters.
So, they're in the lead now.
Yeah, they are. And they probably have a lot of fish too.
But they'll get in trouble if...
some other teams start to find big fish.
We'll just keep doing our thing
There are always big pike around with these surroundings.
This is the decider, of course we stay put here.
We'll keep fishing in the mud. Doesn't matter.
We need one more fish to get up to five, and then we need to get rid of that 65 cm fish.
Our plan is to stick to this area for a while.
At least a couple of hours.
Then contemplate how we should do.
I've got a few other spots but they are quite far away.
Alright, now we know the plans of all teams.
Let's start with team Storm!
Maybe all the other teams have been trying...
to catch these really big fish.
Their aim is to get around 470-480 cm total.
And when they realize that plan isn't working, they just go in the shallows and bag five quick smaller fish.
Yeah, they probably know exactly what they are doing.
Small one again...
That's the risk here...
super small fish.
No, only small ones...
I got so much slack line in the strike¨.
Bass style fishing, had to reel in 7 meters and then set the hook.
Energetic fish!
The water is too clear here.
Tons of pike but they are all too small. Barely good fish.
We're heading back to the two big ones we missed earlier.
Try to see if there are any more bigger fish there.
They hang around there so...
It's a matter of if one hour fishing is enough.
Let's go there and try to feel them in.
Usually they recover from a strike quite fast and we'll head back and try to get them in the boat this time.
Maybe we'll try to change up the baits,
We might even anchor up in the middle of the bay.
Something like that.
Storm keeps catching fish, but are still missing the bigger ones.
The challenge of the afternoon will clearly be to get in contact with those big pike.
Håkan and Tobbe lately got into some active fish.
And as they said before, their tactic is "Go big or go home"
They rather end up last place than second.
Sneaky cast there.
Holy crap, lots of baitfish here.
That was a pike chasing them.
Might be perch too.
You'll get him now!
You do a cast there too.
That was atleast a grown up fish.
You never know.
You think it was one or two fish?
That was a nice fish!
On the McHybrid!
How big was it? Couldn't really see it.
Big one, 90 cm plus.
You saw him go at it in the surface?
Could only see his big jaws open.
He missed the bait didn't he?
He hit the bait but missed the hooks.
Too unlucky now...
Would've been a really nice catch now.
Finally he fell for it.
He was the one.
Maybe six kilos?
So big? Really?
Damn it...
Didn't you see him turning behind the bait?
Just barely, no clear sight.
Söder Sportfiske, who also decided to stay put just filled their paper with a fifth fish.
Since they have a nice fish of 92 centimeters they feel comfortable in todays competition plus...
a really nice fish for their Big Five score.
I've been certain we'd get five fish and now we've got them.
We'll stay put here and hope for some bigger fish soon.
I think there's a big flatbed of weed in the end of this bay,
Probably super hard to fish in but this is where we'll find them.
Tons of weed.
You're calling me a whimp?
Whimp? Really?
In war all means are allowed.
With these conditions even more.
You can do whatever as long as you catch fish.
"Do whatever as long as you catch fish"
You never know...
Might be an upgrade.
3 centimeters more. Many teams would like that today.
Right now, all boats are experiencing slow fishing.
Söder Sportfiske thou, just upped their total with a couple of centimeters,
super important for the competition.
Never forget, three centimters might mean the world in the end of the day.
This is over 80!
Bigger head?
Or is he just fat?
Important fish for Söder Sportfiske.
Slowly but surely taking centimeters back from team Storm.
Right now on second place with only a 12 centimeter difference from Storm,
who havn't caught anything since lunch.
Team Westin also brings a full paper and is now seen releasing their fifth good fish of the day.
Five good fish!
Not the biggest fish, but a fish anyways.
67 centimeters, let's trade him up immidately.
If we see no change in 30 minutes,
our plan is...
We know this spot hold big fish.
We've had really cautious bites, two hooked in the belly. Not like it should be here.
They're just checking the baits out.
Quick nibble on the bait and then turn around.
We're going with plan B and a 20 minute transport.
More wine.
To the people.
Mathias takes all his chances to get some body contact.
No, it's always Mikko who puts himself in front of me thinking...
"Now he's gotta get up close around me"
It's love.
Team spirit is high in team Storm.
Competition in all it's glory, but everyone needs some love from time to time.
Unfortunately, that's not givning any extra points.
You got one?
Havn't seen it yet.
Our total is not enough.
Not enough.
All teams will be at around 400 centimeters by the end of the day.
Top teams will be at around...
450 or above.
Left to fish.
Storm says their lead is in danger
and they struggle finding those bigger fish.
We've had a rough afternoon.
Håkan started off with missing a nice fish.
Now it's been really calm for a while.
Neither me nor Håkan are easily stressed people.
So we decided to head back to the spots we belive hold nice fish.
And now we've found the baits of the day. Smaller lures works best for us.
So we've been catching on the small McPike for example.
Iv'e had pretty much all my contacts on this bait today.
Ten grams head,
with a stinger,
and a spike in the belly.
And I also mounted a rattle chamber in the tail.
Cast it out...
Retrieve it slowly just above the weed.
The pike decide wether this tactic is working or not. If they bite they do.
All that matters is to have a decent weight on the head and keep the right tempo.
Then you just wait them out.
I knew it!
There's always nice fish on this edge here.
Is not that big but...
It's a good fish.
It's a pike at least!
I thought it was a lot bigger.
It looked a lot bigger in the water.
Super important fish for team ABU.
A couple of hours of really slow fishing is now paying off.
ABU seems to have found a spot where the pike are active and hunts all that moves.
I think we can grind this place for a while.
Was it a pike?
Must've been.
What a splash!
Keep rod rod tight!
Think i'm stuck in a fence...
He's in the fence...
This reel is casting so far, i'm not used to that.
I've been casting five meters far all day.
That's why you shouldn't have this good reels.
You'll only end up casting too far.
No need for strong casts.
I think this is a bream.
I won't take any chances.
It's a pike!
It was in here hunting for bleak!
Good fish!
I believe.
On the Mc Hybrid!
Finally we've got five.
Maybe the smallest bait did the trick!
Small baits have been far successive.
Tobbe and Håkan are hot right now. Full paper and they are getting closer the other teams.
One fish might change it all.
Söder Sportfiske also improved their score, from 381 cm to 388.
Now they're only trailing the lead by five centimeters.
I'm so offhand all the time. Not even thinking...
Care that post!
I've got it!
Håkan just asked me, "You really believe in that one?"
He said, "That is by far the worst color."
"I've had enough just looking at it!"
I told him I don't care about colors.
I'm just casting.
Well done man!
A seventy-niner and ABU are getting even closer.
Now, they are head to heel with the other teams.
It's a nice fish.
Good strike on this one.
I don't think it's over the other.
Can you flip that over?
It's not a giant for team Westin,
but they still improve their total by 4 centimeters.
Now we've only got two hours left of the first day.
and at the moment there are very small differences between the teams.
Söder Sportfiske is only trailing by five centimeters behind the leaders, Storm.
Is it better!?
You think it's an improvement?
We'll 71 is our smallest.
Yeah it might then. We'll use the net.
Without knowing it, Söder Sportfiske just tied the leader.
If two teams end up on the same number at days end, the longest pike will be the decider.
Moreover, Henke just got tipped off by a friend about a hot spot further away.
They were far in a big bay, got one at 6,5 kilos and then scare another bigger one.
It's a wild card...
We'll get 40 minutes fishing time if we go now.
One of those fish and we'll be...
But we'll loose a lot of fishing time. If we stay here we'll get one and a half hours.
Thinking about a big move.
Thinking about trading some fishing time for travel time and do a long spot switch.
We would place it all on one bet. And try to get one big fish for the Big Five.
Well be there half past...
30 minutes fishing.
Wanna do it?
Of course we should.
Let's do it!
Let's go now then.
It's a make it or break it move.
One fish...
We've got to win this now.
We've got one and a half hour fising time left, and it will take us one hour to get back.
We'll get 30 minutes fishing there.
But, it's hopefully worth it.
We'll do it!
No one remembers a whimp.
We are getting close now.
Team Söder Sportfiske chooses to make a move,
and team Storm who havn't improved score since lunch,
heads further out in the archipelago for bigger fish,.
This was easy to get trough.
No wind at all in here!
Better fish!
You said you would pick up the net?
Maybe big enough to improve.
It's stuck in some weed.
Let him go.
I'll be here.
Almost fell over.
Still not a 85 or 90 fish.
No but it's still an improvement of the score, Mr Pessimist.
Stop it now!
You just caught a big one, better than our smallest.
I'm not dead on sure it is...
Mikko lands a fish, and if its over 76 centimeters, they will take over the lead from Söder Sportfiske.
The question still stands, is the fish enought?
I still believe it's enough.
Please be over 76.
Then all of them are 80-85 centimeters, all the fish we've seen here.
Storm now totals at 397 centimeters and puts enourmous pressure on the rest of the teams.
I mean, it's still imoportant.
When you get into this phase where...
There it is.
Now they like that curly tail.
Get the motor up!
Net it!
Net it!
He's under the motor.
He's coming on this side!
He got loose.
90? Is it really 90?
Don't let him under there again.
Very nice!
85 centimeters, at least!
This is the one!
Nice pike once again. RIP Rigger with a RIP Curly.
Letting this one go back now, really nice girth.
Storm keeps up the good work and increases their score with 4 centimeters.
Söder Sportfiske just arrived at the hot spot they heard about.
There's always a lot of baitfish here. And now the sun is setting which gives the pike some good light to hunt in.
Only 20 minutes left, what will happen?
Will Söder Sportfiske succeed with their last hope?
How are ABU doing, the team that were going strong last we saw them,
and how about team Westin, who only need one fish at 82 centimeters to take back the second place,
or 89 centimeters to win.
What wind did we have yesterday? South?
Missed one. Look at that whirl.
This day is...
Look at it.
God damn it.
This can't be true.
Was it big?
*Swearing in danish
Today, cant describe it...
*Swearing in danish
It was nice, really nice.
80 or 90 centimeters.
Nice fish.
It never took the bait, just followed.
Oops, small one.
Yeah, small one.
We'd like to have it's grandmother.
That's how you do it.
Even thou Westin have had contact with fish all day, they didn't succeed in increasing their total.
Team Storm is still on their previous result of 401 centimeters.
We have great fishing now, fish is active when it gets darker and with one more hour...
we'd have a lot better result.
During Mathias fight with this fish we saw two more bigger ones swimming behind it.
But now it's over. For all of us.
We did our best.
I'm happy with our feat, and we'll see how far it will take us.
No there's nothing left but reporting in. Getting exited!
Team Storm is in the lead when we head in to the last report of the day. We'll see how far it will take them.
I sincerely hope we beat them. We've got 379 and I don't wanna see anything else than that we beat them.
With 393 centimeters, Söder Sportfiske doesn't beat team Storm,
but they end up ahead of Team Westin and bags a second place.
We beat them!
That is so nice!
Now we've only got team ABU left to beat.
This is where we see them sending in 113, 111 centimeters etc.
Now we'll see, our neighboring team. ABU Garcia.
Tobbe and Håkan.
Question is, did they leave or stay put over there?
With 373 centimeters team ABU end up on a last place.
Which means, the winners of the first day of Pike Fight 2016 is...
Team Storm!
We won one day at least.
Sooo nice!
The points distributed are as follows:
Winners, team Storm, four points.
followed by team Söder Sportfiske, three points.
Team Westin two points and ABU Garcia one point.
On next weeks episode we are fishing on Mälaren and can already guarantee that Pike Fight will deliver big fish.
Today, out on Mälaren, we are super psyked.
Finally we're here.
This can't be true!
That was a big one, real heavy fish.
We'll see you next week. Same time, same channel.
Don't forget to subscribe.
That was a nice one!
It that happends again, I'll break my rod,
jump over board,
swim ashore and scream.
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