Please take your coat.
-Are we missing anything? -No, Mom.
I'll go first.
I missed you, kids.
Jorge, Ricardo, take the kids.
I should kill you!
You were going to leave me...
after everything I've done for you.
Please understand I was trying to save our children.
Who was the man you were going to run away with?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Stop lying to me.
Julian told me everything.
What, did you expect my son would betray me too?
He said a man picked them up from school
and that you were going to escape together.
Who is he? Your lover?
I don't need that excuse to want to get away from you.
I don't want my children around a man
who does the things you do.
I asked you a question. Answer it!
He's not here.
I hired him to bring me the kids.
Don't touch me!
I don't believe you.
I'd give my life if it meant getting us away from this crap.
Is that so?
Where would you go?
You have nothing, Sofia. You're nothing without me.
I don't want Julian to grow up viewing women as objects
that can be bought and sold
or for Alondra to be constantly threatened by your accomplices.
If they stay here,
one day they'll be made to pay for your misdeeds.
Please let them go
and I swear you'll never be ashamed to look them in the eye.
I have to tell my dad something.
Dad said to wait in the car. Do as he says!
Dad, please let Mom come with us!
-Alondra! -Dad!
Get in the car, Alondra!
-Please let her come with us! -Stop it already!
Oh, ----!
Yeah, Patrick?
Yeah, Patrick. Yes.
Talk to me.
Move out of the way!
Joel, he's gone!
What did you say?
The hitman knocked me out and escaped.
He escaped!
I'm taking care of your unfinished business, Dad.
Don't worry.
Everything will go as planned. Trust me.
Do you know where the hell the gov's wife is headed?
No, boss, but they're staying at a nearby motel.
Maybe they're still there.
I'm well aware of the consequences of my actions.
In fact, I'm already paying for them.
But there's no way I can allow you to think I'm a criminal
who abused his power.
You were smuggling people! You can't play the victim here.
You knew what could happen
and you continued to protect those criminals.
No, no. We've been over this.
It's all part of a system that offers no easy way out.
I played the best hand we had,
one that offered the least damage.
Stop it!
You used my father's ranch and a journalist was murdered!
Why do you view me as the enemy?
I don't get it.
I want what you want.
I care about my family's well-being.
I can't believe you.
You're aware of the severity of the situation
and you sound like you're campaigning for my vote!
Juan is in prison. Isn't that what you wanted?
I did what you asked and he's paying for his crimes.
I'm trying to cover up my mistakes,
but I can't if you do things behind my back,
if you don't support me.
You're wrong to think you can fool me
and get me to go back to playing house.
Get you to play... What?
I'm sorry, but I have a happy family.
I'm very happy with my family.
Don't the last eight years mean anything to you?
Eight years of lies!
We got married to help your career.
Who told you that?
You chose me to be your wife,
you designed our love story at your party's headquarters.
"We need a woman who can propel your political career."
"Well, there's our idiot!"
That's how I was chosen!
Where did you come up with that?
It doesn't matter.
What matters is that our marriage was a sham,
a show everyone but me was aware of.
No, Sofia.
You are my wife. You are the love of my life.
I can't imagine a world without you.
You are the mother of my children.
Let me go.
If you really love me, let me go.
For once in your life, do something selfless
and don't make me stay by your side.
You're a snitch, Julian.
Why'd you accuse Mom?
So she'll stop being a traitor.
What's your problem? Don't say that about her!
Mom loves us very much.
She's not my mom. And she never will be!
My mom died. She's just Dad's wife.
You're not related by blood, but she loves you a lot.
Who looks after you when you're sick?
Who kisses you when you're sad?
Who plays with you? She does, right?
-You feel the same way. -She's not my mom.
I don't have to do what she says.
Wow, Julian!
If this were a race, you'd win.
It's your fault!
What? What did I do?
-What do you do? -Yes.
- SÍ.
-I'll show you what you do. -What?
Well, if you're not in the mood and you're tired,
-I guess I can understand. -I'm always in the mood.
-I don't know how to fake it. -Are you insinuating I do?
I don't know. You tell me.
Of course I fake it. Every time.
I learned it from movies.
Which movies? Pornos?
No, I don't like those.
I have a question.
Do you like this?
Let's see.
Do you like this?
Hmm... kind of.
Kind of?
You can't sleep here. You gotta go.
You guys are always looking for a free place to sleep.
I don't understand. I don't speak English.
-Do you speak Spanish? -No Spanish.
I don't speak Spanish.
Are you taking another bus?
You have to prove to me you're waiting for another bus.
Here are our passports.
I don't need your passports. I'm asking you about travel.
Tra... No, no.
No, we're not here to work. We're here to... vacation.
How can I get you to understand?
You can't sleep here! This is not a hotel.
What's wrong, Mom?
The officer is saying something about a hotel or something.
You're gonna have to prove to me
that you're gonna travel. Otherwise, you gotta go.
Can I please get some sleep?
Take all your things and get out of here.
Did you see the sign?
You can't sleep in this place.
What's with him?
This gringo is crazy!
No, no...
Wait, did he say I was crazy?
No, he didn't say you're crazy.
Please tell him your dad is coming to pick us up.
My dad... will come for us later.
Your dad is gonna come pick you up?
You got one hour.
Just one!
What did he say?
We can stay for one hour.
What's going on?
The governor arrived with his men
and he's in Mrs. Sofia's room.
What should we do? He'll take them with him.
Where are you going?
To see Mom. They're taking too long.
Dad said to stay in the car.
Why are you so stubborn?
You and I... could go very far together.
I hadn't wanted to tell you,
but the party wants me to run for president.
No, no! You as president?
Oh, God!
Tell me you wouldn't want to be First Lady.
Can you imagine what we could accomplish together
and all the people we could help?
Except the women and girls you and your partners prostitute
for money.
I pity this country!
I already have a plan to end all corruption
and all that's rotten. I need you with me, though.
-I need your support. -No, Ernesto.
To mask your ambition and desire to profit off others
you need someone just like you.
Paula, for instance.
You'd do well together. You're meant for each other.
It's over, then.
You're not going anywhere, though.
You won't stop being my wife.
Don't touch me!
The children and I will leave.
If you try to stop me, Mexico will learn the truth about you.
Sofia, please listen to me!
Everything's been said between us.
-Sofia! -Mom!
Listen to me!
For more infomation >> Al Otro Lado Del Muro | Capítulo 06 | Telemundo - Duration: 12:48.-------------------------------------------
Enemigo Íntimo | Capítulo 06 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:41.
You'll go to Las Dunas as a prisoner.
We'll give you a different name, a new identity.
You'll get all the information we need from Roxana Rodiles
so we can find the Professor.
I can make these ------- rape you, piss on you...
Or I can just decapitate you myself.
Please tell me you have good news.
I don't.
You left Switzerland like a criminal.
All evidence of the money laundering points to you.
This job is important.
You leave for Mexico immediately.
The Professor? Who's that?
Someone you never want to come across.
If I didn't know the Devil, I'd say he's Satan incarnate.
If you leave me alone,
once I fix my legal issues and I leave,
I'll pay you a lot of money.
If what you're saying is true, then it doesn't sound half bad.
Hey! Puma!
What's going on here?
Take it easy, babe.
I'm just getting rid of a spider she had in her hair.
That's all.
Yeah. That's all.
There was a Salvadorian spider in my hair.
Those are the worst.
That's enough. Get moving, Puma.
What are you looking at, nosy?
Have you been here long?
No, I just got here.
You might try to act tough,
but you don't look like a common criminal.
What do I look like?
I don't know.
You seem...
You're wrong.
Are you saying you've killed a lot of people?
I'll tell you...
but only if you tell me why you're here.
I'm being accused of money laundering.
Money laundering?
That crime's only done by rich people or narcos.
Very smart for a common criminal.
I try to be
when I want to impress a beautiful woman like you.
Shall we?
Hey, Ears.
What does your sacred Bible say
about those who steal from their mothers?
It says the fury of the Creator
shall mercilessly fall on them like a flaming steel hammer.
Something like that.
But with all due respect, Mother,
I don't think anyone's really that foolish.
You'd have to be a suicidal fool
with no respect for the miracle of life to steal from you.
Don't be so sure.
People often let stupidity get the best of them,
especially when money's involved.
Do you have any suspects?
It could be anyone.
That's why I need you to really open your eyes, Ears.
I need you to check your herd and determine
who the lost sheep is.
Don't worry, Mother.
And remember,
"The righteous will be glad when they are avenged,
when they dip their feet in the blood of the wicked."
Psalms 58:11.
I like the blood part.
I'm going to use it in my new poem.
Alejandro. Get some rest.
I'll head to my hotel soon. Don't worry.
Take cover. Come on!
Hold your fire!
Are we clear? Clear?
Find out if any of these bastards is alive!
Silvia, call an ambulance. We have several wounded.
It's the Dark Knights.
You have to be really stupid to attack us here.
Besides, these guys have beef
with the Mil Cumbres cartel, not with us.
I don't get it.
"Are you in love with her?"
What do you say? Is he in love with her?
-He's obsessed. -He loves her.
He's just hiding it.
Not really.
He's obsessed with her,
but he's not ready to deal with the baggage.
What baggage?
Well, abandoning his position
and accepting that he's living off of her.
Good morning.
How's it going?
You guys ready?
Let's just wait for everyone to get here so we can start.
I heard you had an unfortunate encounter yesterday, son.
Not at all, Father.
Remember that acting without Mother's consent is a sin.
I know. I'd never do that, Father.
Good, I absolve you of your sins.
In the name of the Father, of the Son...
How much do I owe you, Father?
Just tell me.
Where do you buy your drugs?
I used to buy them from Rocas, but his prices went up.
His prices went up?
Almost tripled.
He says the merch is purer and its effects stronger.
And to be honest, it is pretty cheap considering.
The things you find out.
You wanna start using too?
No, son.
I can get you some.
No, I just needed to know. Go with God.
Yes, Father.
See you.
And so the Duke arrives to Marguerite's box at the opera.
What's a woman like you doing in a dump like this?
Tell that to the prosecutor and the judge who had me sent here.
I had a nice time with you.
I had a nice time too.
But this isn't in my best interest.
I have a boyfriend
and when I get out, we're getting married.
And in the meantime?
Alright, everyone. That's it for today.
Please use your time to discuss the books
and not to catch up on prison gossip, alright?
See you next time.
And in the meantime what?
In an orderly manner.
"Federal Police Lieutenant. Operations Unit."
"Federal Police."
"Mexican Federal Police Database."
"Name: Augusto Montes de Oca."
Who is it?
Room service.
Come in.
Good morning, sir.
Here are your scrambled eggs.
Excuse me.
-Good afternoon. -Good afternoon.
I'm Lieutenant Augusto Montes de Oca.
I'm here to join the Special Operations team.
Go ahead, Lieutenant. Welcome.
Good morning.
Those are the documents? Send them to the office.
-Good morning. -Good morning.
Good morning, miss.
Can you tell me what room Captain Alejandro Ferrer is in?
You just missed him. You didn't see him?
No, I can't believe I didn't see my best friend.
Can I have your name?
Sure, I'm Lieutenant Augusto Montes de Oca.
He's in room 606.
I'll try to catch him.
-Good day. -You too.
They were flying high, man.
They did coke, meth, and heroin.
They went crazy and now they're all dead.
It was the only way to get them to take the risk.
And the damn captain's still alive, right?
The ------'s got nine lives.
Alright, Vulture.
At least my dad won't find out we did it.
Well, they're still scared. Trying to get back to work.
Yeah, it was bad.
We need to find out who's behind his.
The Dark Knights didn't do this.
They're not smart enough.
It's possible the Mil Cumbres Cartel is behind this.
We must investigate.
José José | Capítulo 33 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:54.
's in it for me?
My protection.
My friend Manuel needs a photographer for his venue.
How may I help you?
I want to know if this Victor Frenk is clean
or if he's mixed up in something.
This is my mom.
And that's you! In her belly!
Why does it say "1950"?
I was born in 1952.
The birth certificate you have is bogus.
That means I'm actually 23!
If I'm not mistaken, you are my father.
Nora said you wanted to make me an offer.
This is going to be the area's new happening bar.
Don't worry, I'll handle everything.
I can't sing, Fanny.
I could ask the producers to let you use a playback.
No, Fanny! I won't do playback.
If you do it well, nobody's going to notice.
Who was the guy you were talking to?
An acquaintance in the business.
Congratulations on the new show.
The song you debuted was wonderful.
Do you think it's funny to see me make mistakes?
Why'd you say that?
Something terrible is coming...
...that could cost you your life.
Anel, I'd like to apologize. I don't know what I said wrong.
Not at all, Mr. Manuel.
On the contrary, I should apologize to you.
Jose hasn't been himself lately.
That outburst was really troubling.
I know... but we also have to understand.
He's had a hard time recovering his voice
after his bout of pneumonia... and he's very irritable.
Goodness me!
I'd love to have him perform here a few nights a week,
but he needs to recover first.
I know.
I'll make sure to help him
and get him back to the Jose Jose we all know and love.
Hi, Anel! How are you?
Well, I'll be around if you need me.
Good evening.
It's a good time to bring in international investors.
Echeverria is doing a great job.
It's also a great time for you to approach Kiki.
It sounds awful,
but you have to strike now that she's vulnerable.
I'd say she's as unpredictable as ever.
Whip her into shape, Javier.
Make her your girlfriend. I'm sure you can do it.
I'd love to, Carlos. And I'll try one last time.
But if she doesn't feel the same,
there's nothing we can do.
It simply won't work.
Lorena, sit down.
I can't. I've wasted too much time.
I missed my doctor's appointment
and I won't be able to make it to my English class.
-I'm so anxious! -Lorena, please calm down.
We've both received some very shocking news today.
Yes, and I still haven't weighed the damages.
I want us to try to have a father-daughter relationship.
Although, I know we can't make up for lost time.
That's precisely the problem. The time we've lost.
You're young! You have plenty of time!
Why don't we go away together
so we can get to know each other better?
Let's go somewhere.
Sorry, but I can't right now.
I've already lost a year of my life.
I can't lose another week.
I'll be right back.
A second coincidental run-in?
I must admit I sought you out on set yesterday.
Well, this is a happy coincidence.
Happy for whom?
You didn't let me finish yesterday.
I wanted to invite you to a party.
What party?
The kind where men have fun and women charge a pretty penny.
Look, I don't know what you think of me,
but leave before I make a scene
to signal how rude you're being.
Spare me the innocent routine, Anel.
Just recently I saw you
precisely at one of those events.
-Hello. -Honey.
Excuse me.
-Is that your friend...? -Please lower your voice.
Is he an old friend?
He's not my friend. I don't know him.
That's not what you said yesterday!
I know.
But he's not a friend.
I know him... from my past.
From the parties.
I don't do that anymore, darling.
I'm going to talk to him.
No, don't. There's no need.
I know how to deal with people like him.
Then why'd you tell me yesterday that he was an old friend?
Because I was ashamed.
This is certainly rude, my dear listeners!
After disappearing for a long period of time,
Jose Jose showed up on a pre-recorded show
to offer a live performance...
but he used a playback!
You heard right! Playback!
His fans were shocked, alright!
Could it be that the two-bit singer's voice
has been ruined due to his vices?
And guess who had to save him once again?
I really don't know what women see in him.
In addition to being ugly and a bigamist, he's depraved!
We have his wife Kiki on the line to support our claims.
Kiki, thank you for taking our call.
How are you?
Alfonso, thank you so much for granting me this time to speak.
My separation from Jose Jose has been very difficult on me.
Oh, honey. You don't look well at all.
Don't worry, Mom. I'm fine.
No, you should move with me to Satelite.
That way, I can look after you and you'll recover.
I don't want to be a burden.
Besides, you're too old to be looking after me.
Children will always be children.
Who better than me to look after you?
So... I wanted to ask you for a favor.
Maria is reopening her café. You remember it, don't you?
Well, she turned it into a bar.
She wanted to know if you could attend the grand opening.
I don't feel well. I'm still recovering.
No, she doesn't want you to sing.
You just need to cut the ribbon and stick around for a bit.
She's family, honey.
You're right. I'll be there.
Thank you so much, sweetheart!
Please eat something! I need to know you're well!
I need you to recover!
Look at all this food! Are you trying to fatten me up?
I say this because it truly has been complicated.
Mr. Jose Jose hasn't looked after me, his marriage...
There's unfinished business between us.
I've yet to hear from Mr. Jose Jose.
I say this because I want your listeners to know the truth
about Jose Jose, the big star.
They should know what he's like as a husband.
Those are the facts.
I am an Herrera-Calles
and everyone knows what an honorable family I belong to.
<i> Thank you for placing</i> <i> your trust in us, Natalia.</i>
<i> I've always been </i> <i> on your side.</i>
I always saw how he used and took advantage of you,
and if I'm honest, that's just not fair.
Someone as important as you shouldn't be treated like that.
Thank you!
I send my love to your listeners.
Thank you for your time.
It's good to know there are people we can trust.
By the way, I heard you're going to debut a new album.
What's this? What are you doing here?
I'm studying English.
I really don't get you.
If I'd been told to take time off,
I'd be at the beach, beer in hand.
Yeah, you would. You're lazy.
Don't be so mean, Rosie the Robot!
I already told you I have to get back the year I lost.
Again with that? You're so stubborn!
You know how you could help me?
Coming up with ideas.
What have you been up to this last year?
-You really want to know? -Yes.
Well, I fell in love with a psycho,
was kicked off my soccer team,
I was cheated on, then it turned out I wasn't the father
of the baby I thought was mine...
Fell in love with a psycho...
What are you doing?
Well... I'm making a list.
Maybe something good can come out of it.
Maybe I'll get some ideas.
Kicked off your team.
I was cheated on.
I'm glad you're here.
Few have the guts to face me. You're brave.
You have to understand.
I went to work for RVG because I like music.
The terrible things you say about Jose,
one of our best artists, does not inspire much confidence.
And yet you're here
because you want to know about the label's strange dealings.
Not the label's.
Maybe it's someone working at the label.
Everyone else works on albums, promotes artists
and makes music.
I used to be like you.
Just as idealistic.
But they don't call it a hard knock life for nothing.
That may be, but I'm still clean.
Then you won't want to know about what Pedro Salas
and Victor Frenk are up to.
With all this chaos, I've been getting anxiety attacks
because I realized there's so much I want to do and haven't.
My list keeps growing and growing...
Could you please stand up?
What for?
It'll be quick.
-Stand up. -What's going on?
A while ago I spoke to Pedro about Claudia Lozano.
Better known as Blondie.
-Have you heard of her? -Yes.
I didn't think much of it because Pedro and Blondie
are not compatible.
They're like oil and water.
Though sometimes oil and water end up in the same container...
I could do without the metaphor.
They're involved.
Blondie isn't with Pedro by choice.
She's with Pedro because she was asked to keep him happy.
Who asked her to?
Victor Frenk.
What are you doing? What are you looking for?
My suit, but I can't find it.
Your suit? Why do you want it?
You should be getting into your PJs.
I'm attending a ribbon cutting at my cousin's bar.
What? Are you crazy?
You should be resting, sweetheart.
I told my mom I would. Everyone's expecting me.
I won't be long.
Honey... you don't know how to say no, do you?
I promised my mother, Anel.
Okay. Just promise you won't be long.
Are you coming home tonight?
Of course. I'll even give you a massage.
Hey... why are you wearing so much perfume?
I'm wearing the amount I usually wear.
Everything's fine.
Are you feeling alright?
You have a fever.
I'm fine.
Are you drinking the vitamin shakes?
Make sure you do. They're good for you.
Don't be long.
Convincing him wasn't as difficult
as I thought it would be.
Plus, Carmona owed me one.
I helped him out with the company.
He needed some land, and I gave him a hand with that.
Hmm... great.
So when are we going to talk about my album?
That's why we went out to dinner together, right?
Yes, but relax. Everything's interconnected.
Carmona opened a huge venue at a well-known hotel.
-Really? -He's doing great
and I thought...
Why don't you perform there?
That sounds great!
First I need an album, though.
No, we're going to do it the other way around.
You'll perform first and then you'll work on your album.
People need to become familiar with you as a singer.
Take this to table two right away.
Alicia, take a bottle of champagne to table six.
We're almost full.
Yeah, right.
-Maria! -Auntie!
You look very nervous. Calm down!
You should be happy! The place is packed!
This place has never been this full.
That's because everyone's here to see Pepe...
but he's not here!
You know he's very busy.
But he promised he'd be here. He'll be here.
Yes, but what if something happened to him?
Don't scare me!
Right. I'm sorry.
I'm so nervous.
Go keep yourself busy.
I'm going to make all your dreams come true.
Javier, I know we have a history together.
We dated at one point.
But I'm not looking for anything this time around.
I just want your friendship.
I know.
But time might favor me in the end.
Who knows what could happen.
Such a great phrase!
That should be the title of my album.
<i> Time Might Favor Me in the End</i> by Natalia Herrera-Calles.
No. Kiki.
We're selling drinks like we would during happy hour.
The place will be packed as soon as Jose Jose arrives.
Right, but why isn't Pepe here?
Relax. Jose's a star.
They always show up late.
You know what? I'm going to call...
No, you need to have fun.
People who come to bars can feel the vibes the owners give off.
If you're having fun, they'll have fun too.
-Okay? -Yes.
Smile and work the room.
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Five Little Ducks | Junior Squad Nursery Rhymes | Cartoons by Kids TV - Duration: 1:03:15.
Five little ducks Went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack."
And only four little ducks came back.
Four little ducks Went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack."
And only three little ducks came back.
Three little ducks Went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack."
And only two little ducks came back.
Two little ducks Went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack."
And only one little duck came back.
One little duck Went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack."
And all five little ducks came back!
Another Free Lyrics Song | Night Caller |【SherrysheziiVEVO Release】2018 No Copyright Song. - Duration: 4:56.
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February 2018 Reading Wrap Up [CC] - Duration: 22:49.
Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and this is my February 2018 Reading Wrap Up.
If you're not already aware, I do a weekly wrap up of everything I read, watch, and
listen to on this channel, but recently I have started doing monthly wrap ups of just
the books, which is what we're doing today.
I'm going to start with the hardcore, nerdy stats and charts, and then work from my lowest
star rating books to my highest star rating books.
All of these stats, by the way, are from a spreadsheet that I found online by Brock Roberts,
whose channel I will link down below.
He put it out into the world for anyone to use for free.
In February, I read 21 books and DNF'd 1 other book, for a total of 6981 pages.
This takes into account converting audiobook minutes to pages, so 1830 of those pages were
actually about 53 hours of audio.
The age breakdown for these books was 11 adult books, and 11 YA books.
This month I read mostly contemporary, at 63.6%, followed by mystery/thriller at 13.6%,
9.1% fantasy, 9.1% for science fiction, and 4.5% for [poetry].
When you adjust for amount of pages in each genre, it doesn't change much.
Unlike last month.
77% of these books, no surprise, came from the library, where I work, but I managed to
work some books I already owned into my Contemporaryathon TBR, and read my most recent BookBathBox book.
I read five audiobooks, six paperback books, and eleven hardcover books.
The majority of my books were in the 200-299 pages range,
and about half of them were published last year.
Most of the books were by female authors, and most of the protagonists were also female.
I mostly read books set in the United States, but also sneaked in some books set in Australia,
the UK, Canada, and other worlds.
In terms of diversity, most of my reads had some aspect of diversity, be it mental health,
race, queer rep, or physical disability.
This was a pretty good reading month if you go by star ratings.
This month I read one 2 star book, two 3 star books, five 3.5 star books, two 4 star books,
six 4.5 star books, and six 5 star books.
So let's talk about them.
My 2 star read this month was the book I DNF'd, and that is The Natural Way of Things by Charlotte
Wood. This book takes place in the Australian desert and follows women who have been in
the news for sex scandals or rape accusations, and they find themselves on this compound
where they have a couple of guards, and they can't leave, and they don't know how they got there.
I was initially compelled by the synopsis, but I didn't really get on with the writing,
and I DNF'd this at page 122.
Because I DNF'd the book, I don't really have much else to say about it.
My first 3 star book of the month was The Visitors by Catherine Burns.
This books has a middle aged, female protagonist who lives at her family home with her brother,
both of their parents have died.
And some weird things happen there.
She's been fairly isolated all her life, and occasionally her brother has visitors that
stay down in the basement and you know from the get go that he is weird and that there's
probably something super shady going on.
I read this as my dark or taboo contemporary for ContemporaryAThon, and it was a pretty good read.
Slowly, over time, you come to understand that what you had assumed was going on was
a little bit different.
And I like when a book can slowly reveal to the reader that what they've assumed is incorrect,
and things are still horrible, but in different ways.
My other 3 star read this month was also for ContemporaryAThon, and it was The Devil's
Panties, Volume 3 by Jennie Breeden.
This volume is about a decade old now so there is a little bit of dated language to it, but
it's a product of its time.
Basically, Jennie is a webcomic artist, you can actually find all of these comics online,
which is how I originally read them, and then I happened to get a volume from a friend.
Or maybe I bought this one through the website.
It's been a while, so I don't remember.
In any case, in this specific volume, she is going to different conventions in the states,
in the UK, and in Canada, and you get to see some of her family dynamic, as well as the
dynamic with the boyfriend she had at the time.
My first 3.5 star read of the month was True Letters from a Fiction Life by Kenneth Logan.
This book centres around James, who is a star athlete at his school and has a secret sexuality.
He also gets through his frustrations by writing letters to people that he never sends.
He just puts them in a desk drawer.
Which is obviously where we get the title.
This one had some really cute flirtations as well as some friends that were, just, great
examples of what everyone should be if somebody happens to come out to them.
There's a little bit of mystery and intrigue around what was happening with these letters,
and overall I found it pretty cute.
My next 3.5 star read was Pilot X by Tom Merritt.
This is a time travel book, so it takes your brain a little bit to wrap yourself around
where in space and time he is.
In this society, your first name changes based on your rank, so Pilot X goes from that to
different names and then sometimes back to Pilot X, and the fact that his career isn't
linear is really fun because obviously the plot isn't linear either.
This is the book I got in my final Book Bath Box, so if you would like to see me unbox
it, I will link that down below.
My next 3.5 star read was The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.
This is the book that had actually been on my Goodreads To Read shelf for the longest.
I put it there in January of 2013, and just finally got around to it, because my local
Nerdfighter book club decided that this was the read for this month.
As I mentioned in my weekly wrap up, I listened to this one, and I felt that with this particular
book, it would be a better idea to read it because this one also jumps around a little
bit in time and location, and being able to just flip through the pages and see where
you are is a little easier than just listening to the narrator and then, kind of, having
to ignore what year it happens to be 'cause you're not going to remember.
That being said, though, I did really enjoy this book.
I really enjoyed picturing what this circus would look like.
I enjoyed the twists and turns that you found out about The Challenge, and there were a
lot of characters that I really came to cherish.
My next 3.5 star read was Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin.
This one is in an interesting format, and that's something I didn't know going into
it, and part of me is really excited that I didn't know, but also I feel like you guys
should know because it's cool.
So instead of starting out with chapters from the titular character, you get the point of
view of her mother, and then you get her point of view, and then you get someone else's point
of view told in pen pal letters, and then you get another point of view in a Choose
Your Own Adventure style.
And what I liked most about this changing format is the story does change depending
on whose perspective you're coming from.
That's true of all stories.
For example, my story currently has a little bit of frustration because there's a murder
of crows outside that won't shut up.
They're probably having a great time.
They are highly impacting my life, and I have nothing to do with their lives right now.
"Highly" was a little bit dramatic, but they are annoying me.
I guess I should actually tell you what this book is about instead of just raving about the format.
This book is about a girl who has an affair with a married congressman, and the fall out
after that is discovered.
My last 3.5 star read this month was Bonfire by Krysten Ritter.
Yes, that Krysten Ritter.
She wrote a book.
This book is about a young lawyer who goes back to her home town after not being there
for ten years to try to solve what's going on with an environmental factor of the town.
While she's there, it is a small town, and she drudges up a lot of small town crap that
she went through as a child.
And a mystery that she's tried to forget about for her entire adult life kind of floods back
into her senses and she can't get it out of her mind.
What I particularly liked about this book is the narrator became quite unreliable over
time, so you doubted the pieces of the puzzle that she was collecting.
And then when it wraps up, you come to find out why she's become so unreliable, and it
all, sort of, makes sense.
Besides her trusting a character near the end that I was like, "yeah, no, I can see
exactly how the rest of this novel is gonna go down," it was full of twists and turns
that I really appreciated.
My first 4 star book of the month was Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie.
This is a surprise to me that it was a 4 star book because the only other Agatha Christie
book I've read I did not enjoy.
But that one was a Miss Marple, and I have problems with her as a character because she
doesn't do her own detective work, and I grew up on Nancy Drews, whereas Poirot was the
main character of this one and I think that changed things for me.
Unfortunately, the end of this book was spoiled for me, so I went through reading this book,
mostly just not really caring about the clues because I knew where they were leading, and
that sucked, to be quite honest.
I talked about this before, but when you're trying to wrap up a book, you don't go,
"you know, the one where-" and spoil the ending.
You go "[you] know, the one where a bunch of people are on a train and a murder happens".
That's how you should talk about this book.
Anyway, this is a book about a bunch of people on a train and a murder happens.
And since Poirot is there on board, and they're stuck in the snow anyway, one of the board
members of the company who is also traveling on the train asks Poirot to solve the mystery
so that when they get to the authorities, they can just hand it to them and it will
make it much easier to continue on their journey.
If you are going to read this book, I highly recommend reading the audiobook version with
Kenneth Branagh [if you are able].
Because his accents are just great.
He made me love certain characters, hate certain characters - it was wonderful.
He did a very good job.
My other 4 star read this month was Bellevue Square by Michael Redhill.
This book takes place in Toronto and follows a woman named Jean who owns a bookstore.
Two of her clients come in and say that they've seen someone else who looks exactly like her,
and then weird things start happening with those patrons.
Unfortunately, this is one of those books where so many things happen that that's really
the only synopsis I can give you because things get twisted quite quickly, and all of those
twists are potential spoilers for you.
And this was another book where the narrator became unreliable, and you didn't know which
parts of the narration were true.
Through no fault of the protagonist, by the way.
This protagonist has thoughts that I used to have as a kid, and I think that they might
be kind of universal thoughts that everyone just thinks that they're the only one that
thinks that and it's weird and maybe they should just not tell anybody.
This book really boils down to what's real, and what isn't, and that's kind of a universal
question about life.
All right, the next 12 books were either 4.5 star reads or 5 star reads, so, like I said,
this was a great reading month.
The first 4.5 star read this month was One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus.
This book follows a group of students who all get detention one day because a teacher
found cellphones in their backpacks, but none of those cellphones where actually their cellphones,
so it seems like a trumped up charge, and they shouldn't have to be there.
However, before detention ends, one of those students is dead.
You spend the rest of the book cycling through the four other students as narrators to try
to figure out who killed the other student.
I really loved this format.
You really get to know each of these characters and by the end, you have no idea which one
of them could possibly be lying.
And I love a book that can keep you guessing, so this was that.
My next 4.5 star read was The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black.
This takes place in a world where vampires are a thing.
And in order to contain what the world has basically decided is a disease, there are
these places called Coldtowns.
Coldtowns are where vampires live and when they quarantines were set up, if you happened
to be in the town at that time, sorry, you have to live there now.
Which mostly means that you are prey for vampires.
Because these cities are set up as quarantines, if you're bitten on the outside, you're supposed
to go to quarantine.
In addition to that, there are some people that just want to become vampires, so they
say that they've been bitten so they can get in, to hopefully be bitten.
You know, instead of being killed, because vampires.
This book follows a protagonist who wakes up after a very big party to find out that
everyone at the party has been murdered by vampires.
Well, almost everyone.
I really enjoyed the world building in this.
I really enjoyed how vampirism was talked about and the solutions that people would
come up with, and the fact that they weren't perfect, because they wouldn't be.
And how the protagonist just wants to do what's right throughout the book, and how that keeps
screwing her over.
My next 4.5 star read was Renegades by Marissa Meyer.
I went into this thinking this was a stand alone, and it's the first in a duology, so know that.
There will be a cliffhanger at the end, because of course.
This is about a society that had an anarchy revolution, and then a bunch of people came
in and messed up the anarchy, and then a bunch more people came in and kicked the anarchy
out, and blamed all the problems of those twenty years on the anarchy, even though it
was just, like, violent gangs were the biggest problem.
And the people that ended the age of anarchy happen to have super powers.
In fact, super powers are pretty common in this world.
I think it was, like, 10%.
And you can be born with them or you can acquire them, like super powers in comic books, to be honest.
Those are pretty much the ways you get them.
This is a dual narrative between two people on different sides of society.
One of them being from the age of anarchy, and one of the them being the kid of super heroes.
This is another book where I just really enjoyed all of the characters.
I really enjoyed the super powers, and how they acquired them, if they acquired them.
And what their powers could be used for.
There were tons of themes throughout this, like corruption of the "good" guys, and the
idea of family vs. found family, and I just really enjoyed it.
So if you like super powers, this is a good book to pick up.
My next 4.5 star book is very different, and it was American Queen by Sierra Simone.
This is some smutty, smut, smut.
What you find out int he very beginning is out main character, Greer, is marrying the
President of the Unites States, but also has something going on with the Vice President
of the United States, who is also the best man.
This is called the New Camelot Trilogy, because it bases some of the characters and a couple
of things happening on the Camelot myth, which I found interesting because Greer is a middle ages professor.
So even though the main purpose of this book is smutty, smutty, sexy times, there was a
lot of plot in it, which I appreciate, because I can read smut, but I don't need it to be
sex on every page.
There was one sort of questionable consent thing near the beginning, but other than that,
everything that they do is consensual, and, just, it was great smut.
I think I'm going to ignore the epilogue because from what I've heard, the next two books in
the series aren't the greatest, and there are plot points that I know will come up based
on what happened in the epilogue and I don't want to see them.
But overall, if you are looking for the smut, this is very good smut.
I read this for Chelsea and Julie's book club, by the way, and I'll link down below the live
show where we all talked about it.
My next 4.5 star read was I Hate Everyone But You by Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin.
I think there might be a wood chipper outside.
That's... that's great.
Murder of crows, wood chipper.
I'm just trying to shoot a video.
This is another dual point of view novel between Ava and Gen, who are college students on opposite
sides of the country, but best friends.
This one is told in email and text format, and I really enjoyed it.
One of the criticisms I've seen people have is this is basically fanfiction for Gaby Dunn
and Allison Raskin because if you know anything about their personalities, you can tell who
wrote who, and who is basically who but in younger form, but I really didn't have a problem
with this. I mean, you're told to write what you know, and then when people do that, other
people get upset about it.
It's weird to me.
So I found this a really cute story of two friends going through a very stressful time,
and if that is something that appeals to you, give this one a try.
It's quite easy to read because it goes by really quickly.
My last 4.5 star read was Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen.
If you have spent any amount of time on Facebook or Twitter, you have seen a comic by Sarah Andersen.
I am quite sure of it.
These comics are snippets of quotidian happenings, and they're so relatable to me because the
artist is obviously an introvert and obviously and awkward human, and it me.
And on to the 5 star reads, the first one being The Princess Saves Herself in This One
by Amanda Lovelace.
I loved this.
I read this in my bathtub, because I read a lot in my bathtub.
Every Wednesday at least.
And I think that something automatically gets a 5 star rating if I want a tattoo from it
while I'm reading it.
That tattoo, by the way, would read, "a bookmad girl never dies".
So now I need to come up with a good design for that.
Anyway, this is a poetry collection about Amanda Lovelace's life, her childhood, growing up.
There are trigger warnings for many things.
In fact, the beginning of the book has a whole page of the trigger warnings, so be sure to
check that out if that is a consideration for you.
But if you find that this is something you can read, this was just an extremely well
put together poetry collection.
My next 5 star read was Draw the Line by Laurent Linn.
This is a very fandom-y read, and maybe that's why it got 5 stars, because it's fandom-y
and it's also queer, and I like these things.
This is about a boy who spends his spare time drawing this kind of web comic.
He sort of updates every once in a while.
His friends know he's gay but he's not out at school because he doesn't want to be the
victim of hate crime.
And then, of course, later in the book he witnesses some hate crimes against a fellow
gay student.
He wants to get justice for this, and he doesn't really know how, and he turns to his art to do it.
My next 5 star read was Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu.
I read this as my hyped book for the ContemporaryAThon, and it deserves the hype.
It's pretty great.
Vivian lives in a small town where dudes get away with so much crap in her high school,
and girls are treated quite badly.
And she starts a feminist revolution.
She finds this box from her mom's past in her mom's closet that has all of these zines,
and I remember making zines with my friends because I'm cool and old.
And she decides to make her own zines and spread them around the school, and it's just great.
Like, I may be old, but I'm not old enough to forget the type of crap that I put up with
in high school that is still going on, obviously, because people are writing about it.
It's relatable, it's feminist, it's fantastic.
You should read it.
My next 5 star read was Dress Codes for Small Towns by Courtney Stevens.
This book is about a group of friends called the Hexagon, and there is just so much to
love about this.
There are characters questioning their sexuality.
There are characters that assume other people's sexualities, and just don't actually know.
There's a bunch of small town shenanigans, and people being labeled as things by their neighbours.
And the ramifications of doing that.
Sometimes you feel like you know your neighbours when you live in a small town, but that's
really just because you've made assumptions about them.
The friendships and relationships in this book are just so well done, and I just wanted
to hug every single character, basically.
And my last two reads of the month were both rereads, and obviously they were rereads because
I loved them so much that I wanted to read them again.
Hence, obviously, they were 5 star reads.
I don't know about you, but I don't think that if I gave something, like, a 3 star rating,
I'd want to read it again.
But that might just be me.
I'm also not a really big rereader anyway.
There are so many books in the world to read, that why would i do that?
I don't know.
Anyway, the first of the two was Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowly, which was my favourite
book of last year.
This is an Australian contemporary following Rachel, who moved away from the town that
she lived in all her life, a few years ago, and is coming back, and Henry, the boy she
confessed her love to when she moved away, and didn't hear anything back about it.
This book is just a stunning study of grief and friendship, and relationships, and feelings,
and I just absolutely adore it.
I will link some videos down below where I go on in detail about how much I love this book.
And the other reread of this month I picked up because I found it as an audiobook through
my library, and I figured it would be interesting to read it in this other format, and that
was Radio Silence by Alice Oseman.
This was also in my top books of last year list and I am so glad I found this book because
this was a cover buy for me.
I saw it one day, and went, "I don't know what this is, but it's beautiful and I want
it" and it is SO GOOD.
And so right up my alley.
This book is about Francis, who has basically two forms of herself: school Francis, who
tries to get all the A's so she can get into Cambridge, and then home Francis, who really,
nobody knows, except for her Mom, who, like, wears cool leggings and meme shirts and draws
fan art for this really cool podcast she's obsessed with.
One day, she is contacted by the creator of the podcast - and nobody knows who it is,
by the way, because it's a secret - asking if she wants to do art for the podcast.
Which, if you've ever been somebody who is a huge fan fan of something, obviously this
is a huge deal.
This is a book about friendship, and fandom, and sexuality, and learning when to lean on
other people, and it's just so great.
And I keep seeing other people are picking it up recently, and I'm just really excited
for all of them to read it.
And there we have it.
Those are the 22 books I read this month.
I also wanted to make a side note about the amount that I read this month.
If it wasn't for doing BookTube, I wouldn't read as much as I do.
I basically read all of the time and don't go out very often because I'm super introverted
and I'm happy with that being my existence.
Also, this month, I hurt my back, and I wasn't allowed to go to work, so I had to basically
lay in bed reading, so there was that.
And then when I got a doctor's note saying that I could go back to work because my back
was fine, I picked up a cold, so there was more reading time I had based on the fact
that, again, I was just in bed, and all I could do was read.
And I wanted to mention this for two reasons.
One is I've seen people feel kind of upset at themselves that they don't read as much
as other people on BookTube, and don't be upset.
Honestly, you are doing other things with your time that are just as valid.
The other reason I wanted to mention this I'm sure that my March wrap up will have way
less books because I'm spending about a third of March in Florida visiting friends.
Originally, I was just planning a trip to go visit my friends Paige and Sarah from the
Princess and the Scrivener, but then our friend Rowan decided she wanted to do a huge Disney
trip and include a bunch of people, so I will also see Rowan.
I'll also see my friend Annie.
I will also see other people from the YouTubes.
And I am very excited, but will be reading much less, except for, like, the plane rides
there, and the plane rides home, probably.
And, also, on Wednesdays, in Sarah's bath tub.
She's so nice.
She's already bought me a bath bomb for my bath on Wednesday, and I'm just, like...
I love that one of the things people know about me is on Wednesdays I need to have a bath.
And she's already prepared for this to happen.
In any case, that sums up February.
This video is probably going to be very long.
It's gonna take a while to edit it.
But I am pretty excited about it.
I kind of like this format.
I hope you guys are also liking this format.
It seemed like you liked this format.
I know it's new to my channel, but I'm going to keep doing the weekly wrap ups, and the
monthly wrap ups for those who just want only books.
Don't care about the tv shows I'm watching.
Although, you should, because they're amazing.
If you want to hear me talk more about these books, and other books for that matter, the
playlist for all of my Weekly Entertainment Wrap Ups is always down in the description below.
If you have read any of these, please let me know about it down in the comments below.
On the way down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.
You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you next time.
[outro music]
Fiverr, COO, Vered Raviv-Schwarz - Duration: 1:38.
Hello Nina my name is Vered Raviv-Schwarz and I'm COO of Fiverr.
I think what's cool about having a start-up in Tel Aviv is the very special community that we have.
I think the Tec Hub in Tel Aviv is probably the second largest after Silicon Valley,
but it also has this very warm and family like atmosphere where everybody wants to help each other,
so it's easier to succeed when you really can reach out to any leader in any company in Tel Aviv if you have a question.
Well the most difficult thing about having a start-up in Tel Aviv is that naturally the market is not there, it's a very small market,
most of us look for the US as our main market or to Europe and other locations,
so it's really about bridging that gap, about adapting to other locations, that's the difficulty.
Co-working spaces in Tel Aviv, there're so many of them. It's such a collaborative economy
We have beautiful We Work spaces in Tel Aviv, but we also have local spaces like
Mindspace and Workspace and mixture and others, so there's a lot to choose from.
Hello Nina, waiting to see you in Tel Aviv I'm sure you'll love it! See yoöu soon.
Formuepleje Ejendomme 2 - Duration: 1:12.
The Finger Family Car Family Nursery Rhyme | Car Finger Family Songs - Duration: 2:14.
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Clairol Temporary Root Touch-Up: Application and First Impression - Duration: 6:58.
hey everybody welcome back to my channel so today's hair review is on the
clear-all temporary root touch-up if you'd like to see a demo and my first
impressions then please keep on watching make sure you subscribe to my channel
hit that notification Valley upload a video every single day of the week I
don't want you to miss any so that's going to get started so I did get this
for free in an Influenster box this is in the shade light brown it is a
temporary concealing powder it instantly covers roots and defines eyebrows oh
that's cool I didn't know that you could use on your brows - okay so it comes in
a really pretty sleek packaging black with gold and it comes with a full size
mirror and it comes with a little brush and then you got your powder okay so I'm
just gonna go ahead and so I haven't read I'd my hair I just kind of want to
see what this looks like it's I don't know if you guys will be able to see it
but like the powder has like it looks like little flecks of shimmer in it but
it's pretty so let's go ahead and just get some on the brush brush things nice
very very pigmented which is nice okay so what I was thinking it would be good
for too is if you have like thinning hair you could probably put it in those
areas like I mean I know hair is supposed to be thinner right here so I'm
gonna just trying to see if I can just do make it look a little bit thicker
right here
paired to this side yeah
it definitely does help to cover up those roots and to make the hair look
thicker that's awesome that's way cool okay I'm also going to just fill in a
little bit right here just oh what's pigmented let's blend that
I think this would definitely be good for people that maybe have some thinning
I'm gonna take me Ping's down cuz I went in a little too harsh but guys you saw
how pigmented it was but guys that definitely you know I think that
definitely works for definite helps to cover the roots and guys it's not coming
off on my fingers that is awesome I
think this would be really good too I'm just gonna try filling in that part a
little bit oh let's just part my hair a little then I definitely want to try it
on my eyebrows okay so obviously the parts not perfect guys but I just kind
of want to see I'm gonna go a little bit lighter this time
comes in like six different shades the Influenster didn't offer red so
but it really does make the hair look thicker which i think is really really
cool so okay so yeah I really do like that in
the hair it definitely helped cover up some of my roots and it just makes the
hair look thicker in those areas too which is really really nice so now I'm
going to try this on my brows it's definitely the wrong type of brush for
doing brows but I think that it's cool that you can do for both so let's go
ahead and
definitely makes them look thicker
definitely I would use a Morse like a smaller angled brush to do the brows but
looks really natural I think if you have very like patchy brows I think this
would work great
yeah I like this a lot I like that also the little brush tits just fits right
back in there so it really could be traveling so yeah I like it a lot it's
it's staying put it stays until you wash it out which is really really nice and
we definitely recommend checking out the Clairol temporary root touch-up
concealing powder it's awesome I'm definitely gonna try it in my eyebrows
with an angled brush next time and but it definitely helps to make hair look
thicker which is nice I mean not that I have like extremely thin hair but
sometimes when you wear your hair and starting to hairstyles it can look a
little thin in places so I think it's really really cool for making it look
thicker and it does help to cover those roots so thumbs up for that but guys
this is available at the drugstore I would definitely recommend checking it
out it's really really awesome it's very pigmented even though it looks kind of
shimmery in the palette in the pan guys it is matte and guys it is like pretty
budge proof that's incredible but yeah I definitely recommend this that's awesome
yeah really really enjoying this but yeah you play powder to dry hair hold
hair against head and press powder onto roots and then you can also use it in
your apparatus that says using a precision brush which I will definitely
try next time but you guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed
this week's hair review if you did that please go ahead and give it a thumbs up
also make sure you share this video I haven't seen any videos on the Clairol
temporary root touch-up concealing powder also make sure you guys follow me
on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat it's all
at budget glam babe and I will see you guys tomorrow for another video
I'm great one guys
Checkout and Shipping | How To Buy Online - Duration: 0:59.
Hi guys I'm Emily from SmartBuyGlasses and in this video we're going through
the last stage of purchasing the checkouts at our secure checkout you can
of course pay with both card and PayPal simply enter your information and you're
only one click away from having bought your brand-new pair of high-quality
glasses after this phase all you need to do is sit back and relax whilst we
manufacture your lenses quality control the glasses and then ship them straight
to you you can track your order using the tracking number you receive in the
shipping confirmation email if you have any other questions please check out our
FAQ section feel free to email us or Facebook us I hope you guys enjoyed our
guide don't forget to subscribe to our channel to learn more about the latest
eyewear trends and thanks for watching
Ready for WAR? China shows off MISSILES in shock video amid US tensions - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:50.
Ready for WAR? China shows off MISSILES in shock video amid US tensions
CHINA has flexed its military might as Beijing revealed never-before-seen footage of nuclear
cruise missiles which are already in US bases.
Chinese state media published footage of the DF-10 weapons being fired from ground-based
The weapons have a range of up to 930 miles, which puts the weapons in reach of US military
bases in South Korea and on the Japanese island of Okinawa.
People's Liberation Army commanders are ramping up their military power, with President
Xi Jinping demanding his forces to be able to win "any war".
Tensions have been raging in recent months with US as the war of words over the South
China Sea looks set to flare up once again.
USS Carl Vinson sailed through the disputed seas last week in a move designed to send
a message to China.
Video published by Chinese state televisions showed six of the weapons being fired from
the back of trucks.
Two rocket launcher vehicles fired three missiles each in the footage accompanied by stirring
China regularly shows off its weapons, with the nation having the biggest military in
the world.
DF-10 missiles – also known as CJ-10s or "long swords" – can carry nuclear warheads
weighing up to 500kg.
They are designed for ground attack and can either be mounted on missile trucks, submarines
or warships.
Versions of the weapon have also been specialised to take-out ships, to have increased stealth
capability, and some are even capable of supersonic speeds.
Warships and warplanes have been flooding into the region amid growing tensions and
fears of conflict over the South China Sea.
Beijing has been transforming the region into a fortress as it builds up a series of manmade
islands packed with missiles and aircraft.
China claims the South China Sea as its own by right – ownership disputed by the US
and their allies in Asia.
The US and China have been at loggerheads since 2016 when the UN ruled against Chinese
attempts to claim islands in the South China Sea.
Billions of dollars worth of trade passes through the dispute sea every year – which
is bordered by China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
South China Sea tensions are believed by many to a be flashpoint for a conflict that could
spiral into World War 3.
7 consigli per rilassarsi durante una crisi d'ansia - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:50.
Find Your Face Shape | How To Buy Online - Duration: 2:14.
Hi guys I'm Emily from SmartBuyGlasses and today I'm here to help you buy the
perfect frame shape for you
glasses should complement your look but with so many different styles to choose
from how can you find out the ideal frame shape for you first you need to
find out what face shape you have to do this look in the mirror and with a bar
of soap outline the shape of your face once you've done this step back and look
at the shape you've just you're on if you have a strong jaw with the width
roughly the same as your forehead and your cheeks and the size of your face
are straight then you have a square face a square shape works best with glasses
that are softer and rounder to balance your angular features if your face is
pretty much the same width or length creating a circle like shape and your
face is widest that your cheekbones then it saves to say you have a round shape
face you should look for more angular frames to add dimension and you should
try to stay away from styles which are round so let's say your face is slightly
longer than it is wide your forehead and jawline are roughly the same width and
your jawline is slightly rounded then you have the most versatile shapeable
oval the sky is the limit and you can rock almost any shape you like but you
should try and avoid oversized frames if you have standout cheekbones a broad
forehead and a narrow almost pointy jaw then you have a heart-shaped face soft
shapes look great and you should try to avoid boxy or rectangular frames which
will only highlight the width of your cheeks you should also try to avoid
styles which are too heavy or bold so the general rule is to go for frames
that counterbalance your face shape for softer face shapes and angular pair of
frames will sharpen up your look while softer frame Styles complement more
robust face shapes
so now you know the perfect frame shape you it's time to get started have a look
at our next video to help you on your way
#VLOGG 10 - Små äventyr! (Eng sub) - Duration: 7:56.
Vlog 10
Little adventure
Hello and welcome to my vlog
to my channel, to this video
I am Pradip and you are watching when I am hanging in Nepal
Oops.. a table
We are gonna go to the
reception today
I will show you
Look at this
Full handsome
We have packed a lot of stuffs
for the
We are finally here
but we are two hours late
She is single
She is single so if you want a girl
from Nepal
here is she, my little sister
Do you remember mehendi(henna)?
This is the result
And now we are sitting
here is one of us
this is me
Its a good disco
I will take care of this and I'll see you soon
To buy a sim card here in Nepal is a long process
Cause you need Id card or driving license or passport
adress and other stuffs
We are getting me a sim card
cause I don't have Nepali number
cause I have been with my people
but today I am gonna explore a little by myself
with a little help
One of my habits is that
no matter which country I am in
even if I know the launguage, even in Sweden
I speak english
here in Nepal, even though I know the language
I speak in english
Its comfortable
How do you feel if you don't have a phone when you are outside
A phone without internet
I don't have any google maps
I have to ask a lot of people
It's fun
to communicate with
someone almost all the time
Let's see if I can find my way
I am gonna meet a friend and she is gonna help me with
I think I am in the right place
not this spot
but right area
Now I have to find her
You should also try!
By the way, I found her or she found me
I just came here with this
with her
in this traffic
We are in a super fancy restaurant
but this can be boring for you so you watch the traffic
I have to find my way back now
to our apartment
The best part is I don't even know the adress
So I am trying to find it anyway
I am having a blast inside
I don't know if you saw that
big temple (Swayambhunath Stupa)
It's close to that temple
I am trying to find that temple.
I am on the right track
It feels like it
I recognize this uphill
I think I here
I found the place
Do you see that?
I can't even speak, I am that happy
Thats the place
I walked
I asked
And I found this place
While I am running
remember to like my video
share this video
and what more?
Subscribe to my channel
if my content makes sense
I will keep on running
See you soon, bye
Super Hacker UNLEASHES HELL on Obama and Hillary - Duration: 12:58.
Super Hacker UNLEASHES HELL on Obama and Hillary
On Sunday, Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom accused former president Barack Obama, ex-Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton and the Deep State of bankrupting the U.S. of its civil liberties.
"The deep state favored a Clinton presidency because CIA & NSA powers massively expanded
under Democrat leadership.
They had laxity and wanted to maintain the status quo.
The first black President did more harm to your rights than any other President, and
he did it with a smile," tweeted Dotcom.
"Only dumb people cheer for @BarackObama & @HillaryClinton.
They have destroyed your liberty.
You're living in a surveillance state with secret courts.
Everything you do is recorded.
The state knows everything about you.
One day it will be used against you.
Cheer some more, dummy," Dotcom added.
On Saturday, Dotcom said he believes the Deep State is a larger foe to the American people
than Russia and China.
"The biggest enemy of the US isn't Russia, China or Trumps effort to have good relations
with them.
Your biggest enemy is a deep state that profits from conflict.
CIA is a business.
Every war, terror attack and crisis means more money for them.
So they cause war, terror and crisis," the internet entrepreneur tweeted.
"Every Hollywood movie about heroic spies & soldiers & the fantastic US military had
CIA support either via direct funding, tax incentives or access to US military machinery.
Hollywood is a CIA propaganda tool to brainwash the world into thinking the US Govt is righteous.
It's not," he added.
Dotcom made international headlines last May after claiming that Democratic National Committee
employee, Seth Rich, was involved in the leaked emails released by WikiLeaks.
He admitted earlier that month that he was part of an operation along with Seth Rich
to get stolen DNC emails to WikiLeaks.
In late May, Kim Dotcom shared that he was willing to come to the US and give
testimony if
is required.
Raw Milk Won't Help Lactose Intolerance, Study Shows - Duration: 3:30.
Raw Milk Won't Help Lactose Intolerance, Study Shows
despite tough D a warnings against drinking on pasteurized
the milk some parents continue to choose int for their families citing a number of health claims including that it is a gentler alternative
for lactose intolerant people have a new study published in the annals of family medicine has
found however that no such link with lactose intolerance exists
more from only a small population of people drink unpasteurized milk also known as
raw milk but it's increasing popularity has some medical groups concerned
some raw milk advocates argue that it's healthier for us since raw milk contains no
antibiotics or hormones while others say it's better for people with lactose allergies
or its part the FDA advises against drinking raw milk which can contain bacteria from fecal matter and sometimes be fatal
and has long stated that it doesn't help with lactose intolerance
that a new study published in the annals of family medicine is definitively poking holes in the allergy theory by reporting that lactose
intolerant people have the same symptoms from wrought in pasteurized milk
advocates for raw milk claim that it contains good bacteria that can help with lactose absorption
when I heard that claim it didn't make sense to me because
regardless of the bacteria the Milken pasteurized milk at the same amount of lactose in them said study author Christopher guard
nor a professor of medicine at the Stanford prevention research center in a statement
that I liked the idea of taking this on since it seemed like the relatively straightforward and
answerable question because the symptoms of lactose intolerance are immediate
the study was small with only 16 lactose intolerant participants
all 16 tried three different types of milk raw pasteurized
insulate over multiple an eight day periods
for eight days the participants were randomly assigned to one of the three milks and they drank an increasing amount of that milk as the
study. Went on they then reported there allergy symptoms
which were usually gas diarrhea and cramping
and rated them on a scale of 0 to 10
their breaths were also measured for hydrogen
which can indicate on digested lactose in the colon and intolerance
after the first eight days of drinking one type of milk the participants took a week off where they drank no milk and then started up again
with another eight days of a different type of milk
two masked which type of milk participants were drinking
researchers randomized the order and added sugar free vanilla sear up sorry which doesn't contain lactose acted as the control
researchers found no differences in the hydrogen breath tests between consuming pasteurized or unpasteurized milk of
participants also rated their symptoms severity the same regardless of the type of milk they drank