Still D.R.E (By Dr. Dre)
윤덕여호, 아시안컵 본선 '모의고사'…알가르베컵 출격 - Duration: 2:22.1일 러시아와 첫 경기…지소연·조소현 등 최강 전력 구성 작년 10월 소집 때의 여자축구 대표팀 [축구협회 제공=연합뉴스] (서울=연합뉴스 김경윤 기자 = 윤덕여 감독이 이끄는 여자 축구대표팀은 오는 1일 0시 한국시간) '2018 알가르베컵 국제여자축구대회' 조별리그 B조 러시아전 출격한다
알가르베컵은 친선대회지만, 2019 프랑스 여자월드컵 출전권이 걸린 시아축구연맹(AFC) 아시안컵 본선의 '모의고사' 격이라 무게감이 남다르
국제축구연맹(FIFA) 랭킹 14위 한국 대표팀은 이번 대회에서 러시 (25위), 스웨덴(10위), 캐나다(4위)와 B조에 묶였는데, 조별리그 최약체로 꼽히는 러시아를 반드시 잡겠다는 각오다
여자대표팀은 러시아와 역대 전적에서 4승 1무 3패로 앞서있다. 특 2002년 이후 최근 5경기에서 4승 1무로 압도적인 성적을 냈다. 장 최근 경기였던 2015년 4월 두 차례 친선경기에서는 1-0, 2-0 로 완승했다
1차전에선 지소연(첼시 레이디스)이 골을 넣었고, 2차전에선 지소연과 조소현(아발드스네스)이 한 골씩 골 맛을 봤다. 스웨덴과는 한 차례 맞 어 대패했다
2003년 1월 호주 4개국 친선대회에서 무려 0-8로 졌다. 캐나다 역대 전적도 1승 6패로 밀린다. 2013년 1월 중국 4개국 친선대회 서 전가을(화천KSPO), 지소연, 정설빈(현대제철)의 득점포로 3-1 리를 거둔 뒤 3연패를 기록했다
한편 대표팀은 이번 대회에 주요 선수들을 대거 차출했다. '에이스' 지소연을 비롯해 주장 조소현, E-1 챔피언십(동아시안컵) 이후 일본 고 아이낙으로 이적한 이민아 등 해외파 선수들을 불러모았다
호주 멜버른 빅토리에서 뛰다 국내로 컴백한 전가을과 부상에서 회복한 서연(현대제철), E-1 챔피언십에서 제 실력을 보여준 한채린(현대제철) 손화연(창녕WFC), 장창(고려대) 등도 포함됐다
대표팀이 친선대회인 알가르베컵 대회에 최강 전력으로 나서는 이유는 이 대회가 아시안컵 본선의 전초전이기 때문이다. 대표팀은 알가르베컵 대회 직후인 4월 6일부터 20일까지 요르단에서 열리는 아시안컵 본선에 출전한
아시안컵은 2019 프랑스 여자월드컵 출전권이 걸려있는 '월드컵 예선 이다. 여자대표팀은 한국여자축구연맹에 요청해 올해 WK리그 정규리그 개 을 4월 말로 연기할 정도로 아시안컵 본선에 '올인'하고 있다
여자대표팀은 아시안컵 개막에 앞서 알가르베컵에서 마지막 점검에 나선다 알가르베컵은 포르투갈·덴마크·노르웨이·스웨덴 축구협회가 공동주최하는 선대회다
주최국 4개 팀과 초청을 받은 8개 팀 등 총 12개 팀이 3개 조로 눠 조별리그를 치른다. 매년 같은 기간에 출전했던 키프로스컵보다 대회 준이 높다
Showtime At The Apollo host...-------------------------------------------
2018 Spring Parade of Homes - WCCO-TV - 2/24/2018 - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Searching Nickels - Found Blank Planchets and Silver Again! - Duration: 8:44.hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and if you just watched my last
two nickel boxes you saw that I hunted some B of A boxes and this time
we've got some chase boxes two different banks though... two different chase
branches I should say so as always before you get into the hunt we need to
make sure we actually can hunt these so let's make sure there's no point looking
like it is definitely all right you know the drill
I'll start cracking the rolls if I see anything cold we'll loop you in all
right guys first roll in quick start pulled out a pretty nice 1957 Denver and
a few coins behind it we got a 47 Philadelphia worn pretty
flat but it's still a 40s Jefferson and we like that let's keep looking roll
there are two guys and I don't know what's going on lady with these but look
at this another nickel planchet blank I this is literally now four that I've
gotten in the last four boxes that's crazy
let's get back to the hunt roll number seven we've got another 40s coin here in
1947 Philadelphia put it with the other one a couple of 50s that blank planchet, an
'09 and I know it's a newer coin it's a 1990 but guys full steps maybe a couple
of surface scratches I'm pulling it aside any way kind of an odd crease on
it as you can see right under his chin and extends past his hair up to the word
Liberty thought that was kind of weird I'll look at her into the loop later
cornered aside for now let's get back to the 10th roll in
got ourselves another 1940s coin 1940 Philadelphia that makes three
all right roll number 11 guys we got ourselves a silver I didn't even catch
it it's a Philadelphia a 1943 Philadelphia
it's in pretty rough shape of course but you know what it's still silver 1943 first
one of the box we will take it and it looks like we might have another
candidate but something else right here
that's just a 56 Denver we'll take it though and now we have four from the 50s
to go along with three from the 40s that are not silver of 43 Philadelphia blank
planchette 2 '09's and a pretty nice coin I'll check later roll number 19 got
another 1940 nickel here another Philadelphia so that's four from the 40s
now starting to stack them up six from the 50s got a lot of these almost
uncirculated 2004 is in this box but I'm not keeping those so let's go back to
hunting alright roll number 28 got ourselves another 40s coin 1946
Philadelphia will take it put it right up here that's five for the 40's and
nine for the 50s plus the silver plus a planchette 3 - '09's let's keep looking
as I was filming let's keep looking this one caught my eye same roll guys 1945
another philadelphia that is two silver war nickels 1945 in 1943 I like it
roll number 35 got another 40s coin 1940
San Francisco will take it put it up here
that makes six from the 40s all right let's keep looking same roll
guys check it out boom! another one ridiculous we have now a
total of five blank planchet's in the last four or five boxes it's
unbelievable I can't believe it roll number 39 and we got another 40s
coin here in 1948 Philadelphia all right seven from the 40s 50s are stacking up
well good to plank Blanchett's and two silvers unbelievable
roll 40 another 40 s coin 1947 ooh San Francisco this time we'll take it 47
San Fran I could rearrange the coin so they can fit a little better all right
let's keep looking we're all number 44 and we got into the
40s coin 1948 s we will take it gotta love those estimate marks all
right roll over 46 kind of an interesting find look at this it's a
1961 it's likely not a clipped planchet just because even though it's a little
bit arc shaped it's not coin shaped and it's not clean
there's some play in there so but I think I'll pull it aside anyway sorry
for the dirty hands guys these coins are pretty dirty but I think I'll pull it
aside anyway just because it's unique who knows
alright put it up here and get back to the hunt
alright guys another box of nickels hunted let's go ahead and slide the
finds on over here we got four 2009's a couple really nice coins y'all take a
little closer look at this not clipped planted at all it looks like it's been
snipped but either way still kind of cool I might hold onto it we got a
couple of uh blank planchets I got two in a box I gave
one away to one of my loyal subscribers I got another one in the last box and two more
in this box crazy look at all these 50s coins seventeen from the 50s and all
kinds of years guys let's take a quick look
53 got a couple of those I've got a 54 we got 3 '55's then 2 '56's and I'll remind
everyone on the '54 you want to check the mint mark if it's an S and that one is
you want to look for an S over D and on the 55 you want to look for a D over
S we also got 4 '57's 1 '58 cool toning and 4 '59's so nice bunch of 50s! In the 40s we
ended up with 9 two 40s a 46 four 47 two 48 and then we got a couple of silver
war nickels - a 43 and a 45 P got to like that!
this box was pretty loaded with finds it was exciting y'all are still kind of
the 60s to get a tally on that when we roll all those if you liked the video
please give it a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching
#EwangeliarzOP | 27 lutego 2018 | (Mt 23, 1-12) - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Amma Varu In Kondapur Venkateswara Swamy Temple || DARSHANAM LIVE || INDIAN Temples - Duration: 1:37.DARSHANAMLIVE – Everything about INDIAN temples grandeur and visual feast
ख्वाजा पिया मेरी रंग दो चुनरिया | Khwaja Piya Mori Rang De Chunar | पिया मेरी रंग दो चुनरिया - Duration: 16:41.Khwaja Piya Mori Rang Do Chunariya
The Voice 2018 Blind Audition - Kelsea Johnson: "Like I'm Gonna Lose You" - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Hah! Mexican President Cancels Trip to White House After Trump I - Duration: 2:10.Hah!
Mexican President Cancels Trip to White House After Trump Insists Mexico Pay for Border
Wall in Phone Call
Mexican President Pe�a Nieto cancelled his trip to the White House this week after President
Trump insisted that the Mexican government pay for the border wall between the United
States and the failed state of Mexico.
The phone call was leaked to The Washington Post.
President Trump repeatedly promised during the election that Mexico would pay for the
border wall.
Trump told reporters again in July at the G20 meetings that Mexico would pay for the
The Washington Post reported:
Tentative plans for Mexican President Enrique Pe�a Nieto to make his first visit to the
White House to meet with President Trump were scuttled this week after a testy call between
the two leaders ended in an impasse over Trump�s promised border wall, according to U.S. and
Mexican officials.
Pe�a Nieto was eyeing an official trip to Washington this month or in early March, but
both countries agreed to call off the plan after Trump would not agree to publicly affirm
Mexico�s position that it would not fund construction of a border wall that the Mexican
people widely consider offensive, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity
to discuss a confidential conversation.
It makes you wonder if this call was purposely leaked to the liberal press
Search continues for mom knocked off I-5 while helping driver - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
#EwangeliarzOP | 27 lutego 2018 | (Mt 23, 1-12) - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Ivanka Offended By Interview Question - Duration: 3:14.>>RECENTLY
Holi: Boys Vs. Girls feat. Nazar Battu | Rickshawali - Duration: 4:24.Put the color
Anisha look water ballon
Water balloons mean you want to destroy the planet?
Anisha I was saying guys will hit you with the water ballon
Just be safe
Oh My!
Target spotted
Tell my mom I died a martyr death
I will remove your color
Even i will do it
Color is not going
Wait i have dove
It will go
It's not going with dove
I have Ghadi Detergent Bar
First use it than trust it
Are you mad? Noways!
One from this side
I'm not coming in this angle
Okay this angle
Now it's perfect
My 250 k Instagram likes picture is spoiled
How much hard work we did for this picture do you even no?
Do you know how much hard work is required?
Whole day we played Holi
Perfectly applied color
We are even wearing matching clothes
We play nicely by putting color
After 500 poses we get 3 good pictures
Out of which one candid image we get which you guys spoilt it
You want to listen more?
Oh my!
Hope you like this video
It's in collaboration with Nazar Battu boys and Disha
Link is in the description
If you like the video do press the like button, comment and share.
If you do everything all would be fine
Oh my!
The Perfect Night for an Introvert - Duration: 3:39.The Perfect Night for an Introvert (All Introverts Should Try)
Introverts love different settings that other people may think weird.
However, the introverts definitely have life that actually quite fun especially at night.
They really like unique things, but they usually don't want to bring along other people.
They prefer doing things alone, and it is one of the elements that make a night perfect
for introverts.
There is always perfect night for introverts more often than not even though they don't
have friends with them.
Here is some perfect night all introverts must do every once in a while.
#1 - Staying home
Perfect night is always calm nighttime alone in a favorite room.
The quiet night gives peaceful state of mind, and it is absolutely the best thing that introverts
can enjoy every single night.
Phone off, TV off, environmental noise off, and lamp off.
It is absolutely perfect.
This condition allows your mind to focus and enjoy what you are doing.
You definitely only want to have this kind of night every time.
#2 - Reading a book
If you happen to be in the room without any distraction, reading is always the best thing
you can do.
You can learn something new, and you can find interesting imaginary world for your dream
That is why it is absolutely perfect night to enjoy the book you have purchased lately.
Of course, you are also interested in some old books.
You also read them, but you only read them when you need to reflect.
Somehow, you also want to read the missing stories.
#3 - Canceled party
Sometimes, nighttime can be miserable thing for introverts especially if their friends
have asked them to go out.
However, that disasters plans can turn into something perfect if it is canceled.
You can spend this time for doing spontaneous activity that you never think before.
You also can use this time for doing tasks that you haven't completed.
It is a blessing in a disguise, and you definitely can get a boost of energy for tomorrow's
#4 - Watching TV
There is nothing better than sitting on the coach alone in quiet darkness with your favorite
TV shows.
You don't need anyone else, and you can play the shows in marathon as if you do not
have to worry for tomorrow.
There are so many TV shows for introverts that will trigger their emotion.
This ensures them to be more aware of surrounding which is also great for awakening process
of introvert.
#5 - Snacking
In addition to just watching TV or reading book, you may need some healthy hearty meals
to join you.
You can purchase it from your favorite food shops or you can make it on your own.
It all depends on what your intention, and it is the best way to satisfy your special
However, introverts actually prefer experimenting, especially if there is no one around.
If their experimentation goes successful, they will earn some sort of personal satisfaction.
They also can offer their best dish to people they like to share the next time they have
a chance.
This is when introversion becomes a great weapon to surprise others.
Well, that's some the perfect night for an introvert.
So, what's your perfect night stories as an introvert?
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Toyota Avensis Touring Sports 1.8 VVT-i SkyView Edition Automaat, Navigatie, VOORDEEL! - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
How to Get a Guy to Like You Again - Duration: 13:44.the guy who's once clearly into you is now showing little interest perhaps even
told you his feelings have changed how can you get him to like you again
hey ladies even North here thanks for popping by in this video I want to talk
about something that most of us have experienced and that's what to do when
the man who was once into you is no longer romantically interested as you
probably know that feeling isn't a pleasant one and if you're into him you
may find yourself desperate to make him want you again
of course showing this desperation is never a good idea
now before I share some foolproof tips for winning back his affection I want to
get your opinion on something since I often get video topic requests
I've gone through and put together a list of videos to create for all of you
to vote on what my next video should be take a moment now to click on which
topic you would like to see next your choices are in the top right hand
corner of the screen so go ahead and vote right now also if you enjoy this
video or find the pointers I share your hair helpful then subscribe to my
channel and be sure to click the bell icon below when you do you'll be
notified any time I release a new video okay let's get started
whether it's an ex a crush or someone you were casually seeing when the spark
fades between you and your love interest it can feel like all hope is lost the
good news is that this is most definitely not the case in fact because
you held his heart at one point in time to do so again is that much easier the
truth is oftentimes people don't realize what they have until it's gone and just
because he's not feeling the vibe the two of you are sharing right now it
doesn't mean that he won't start to miss you and develop those romantic feelings
towards you again if you play your cards right think about it for a minute
there's likely been a point in your life where you found yourself questioning
your feelings or debating if breaking things off so-and-so was a good idea
even though it probably was otherwise you might be with them right now you had
your share of doubts once the reality of the situation kicked
in and you started to miss what is two of you shared well ladies that's what's
going to happen with your latest loss too but again only if you play your
cards right allow me to explain if you make it known to the guy who's no longer
interested in you that you devastated about
change of heart or desperate to agree ignite his feelings towards you then
he's not going to suddenly like you again actually the opposite is likely to
happen and that's he'll be glad you got away if you're thinking well that's not
me or I'm not acting desperate then it's important to rethink your actions and
behaviors ask yourself if you've been blasting off sad messages meant to make
them feel guilty about losing feelings or if you're unintentionally giving them
the cold shoulder or subtly showing that you're not impressed with him think
about whether or not you've been shooting them dirty looks or giving them
the sad puppy-dog eyes all these actions big or small let him know that you're
upset about the situation this is tricky because yes on one hand you want them to
know that you're upset about what's happened and in a way it makes sense
that you would need to do this if you're hoping to get him back but what most
women don't realize is that men and women are so different when it comes to
breakups and rebuilding attraction for starters women are more likely to get
back together with a man if they feel bad for him or worried about its
well-being or loneliness I'm not saying this is the right thing to do but rather
up the reality is that our emotions play a huge role when deciding whether or not
to get back together with someone men on the other hand can't be guilted into
taking you back and even if it does work for you and you do manage to win him
over it's only a matter of time until he realizes that he's been dumped into it
and again calls it quits really this will only get you right back to where
you are right now the difference being that trying a third time to stir up
romantic feelings will be much tougher than the situation you're currently in
so then if you can't give them puppy-dog eyes haslam flee bargains or some nasty
looks how can you get a guy to like you again well believe it or not the number
one thing you can do to make a man develop romantic feelings for you again
is to act like you don't care that he's changed his mind about you now before
you freak out about how this sounds like the worst idea ever hear me out guys
like having the work woman over which is why if you act like him changing his
mind about you doesn't bother you then it's going to introduce an entire new
challenge for him not to mention that acting on face will also make him wonder
why you seem so I'm bothered by the situation
he may even question if he's made a huge mistake and if you were the one you were
the best he'll ever have I mean if he was that great
you'd be upset about his change of heart but since you're not maybe you were the
catch that got away believe me ladies this is a great way to
reverse roles and get him chasing you again this all sounds great and I know I
said you should act like you don't care that he's changed his feelings towards
you but that doesn't mean you get to just sit around and wait for him to come
back that's not going to work instead there are some key things you need to do
to really turn up the heat and make him feel overwhelmed with desire for you
don't get beat up by the fact that he's had a lapse in his feelings but instead
use this time to remind him why you fell for you in the first place when you
think about yourself envision a strong independent happy woman ready to take on
the world this mindset may be a bit tough to
tackle at first but believe me practice makes perfect and this really does work
there are loads of other things you can do to help boost your confidence too for
instance makes smiling a part of your daily outfit and stand tall with your
head high since it's tough to feel down when your body is speaking so positively
you'll find it much easier to adopt a pleasant positive mindset or if you're
looking for some more concrete ideas you can leave yourself post-it notes around
your house with your favorite inspirational quotes or revamp your
wardrobe so you feel like a million bucks every morning when you get dressed
when extra sneaky confidence booster that I love is wearing sexy lingerie
sure no one's going to see it but just knowing what you have tucked under your
outfit will make you feel like a seductive vixen give it a try and you'll
see exactly what I mean if you're interested in learning more foolproof
powerful ways to boost your confidence become the fierce goddess any guy would
go crazy over then we'll visit my site and watch the free video presentation
the URL is coach NORTHCOM and I'll be sure to share the link in the
description below alright so once you've started thinking positively and are
feeling confident the next thing you're going to want to do to get the guy into
you again is to keep yourself busy since there's a good chance that he expects
you to be down and out by the situation by behaving in a way that shows him that
you're still busy and loving life well he's going to first off be surprised but
he loves to be a bit jealous and he's not it on the fun since you don't want
to be communicating with him on a constant basis right now after all
you're too busy for that you can use social media interview
friends to relay the same message for instance by posting attractive photos of
you and your friends having a good time together or checking into hot spots
around town on Facebook he will see that you're not sitting around wishing he was
still into you but instead you're happily moved on in a cool flying solo
this can be helpful for making him realize what he's missing now I
mentioned mutual friends here because they can be great for sharing stories
subtly of course with the guy you're into for instance let's say that you
went to a killer party on the weekend if a mutual friend of the two of you
casually relays the message that you had a blast dancing the night away together
and he's going to wish that he was a part of your epic night out and again be
reminded how much fun you are to be around now you may be wondering why you
can't just tell them this yourself and the reason for it is because you want to
give them some space right now depending on your situation how much space do you
give them well vary for example if you work with this guy then you're still
going to be around from on a regular basis in which case you'll want to limit
your communication to work topics to start at least however if this man is
someone you know from elsewhere then cutting down communication will be much
easier for you a question I get asked by women often is when he just forget about
me if I give him space after he's changed his feelings the simple answer
is no see giving him some time and space to himself may seem counterproductive
but in reality it will give him the chance to miss having you in his life
and before you know it he'll be reaching out to you again this is why it's
important that you keep busy and focus on yourself
yes rubbing it in their life it's fabulous will work for stirring up
feelings in him but this won't work at all if you're not genuinely keeping
yourself busy meaning if your thoughts are solely
about him and your focus is on getting him back then her efforts to seem busy
aren't going to work and as I mentioned earlier if he picks up on your
desperation and realizes that you're faking your fabulous life
well you're ruining your chances of getting him to like you again instead of
risking this keep busy with friends find new hobbies and honestly enjoy yourself
this will prevent you from overthinking and obsessing both of which are
dangerous paths to go down in the midst of your newfound busy life make sure
that you look good on a regular basis this means putting in the extra little
bit of time to comb your hair and your clothes look clean and smell fresh
you don't have to go over the top with stilettos and miniskirts in fact it
would be weird if you suddenly did and you would realize pretty quickly that
you were grasping for his attention but instead looking well-groomed and
presented will take you far since this man has had feelings for you in the past
he may have shared with you some of his personal favorites of yours for instance
maybe he shared that he loved seeing you in son dresses or perhaps high-waisted
jeans or his thing if you're lucky enough to know these favorites of his
then use this information to your advantage and wear something you know he
likes like most tips on this list though you'll want to be careful not to overdo
it in exclusive Billy wears favorites because it only be a matter of time
until he realizes what's actually going on once you've made it known that you're
happily living your busy life you're looking good and you're feeling positive
you will get to the point where you become comfortable chatting with him
again around the same time you'll want to reintroduce flirting into your
conversations the best way to do this is to start small ask how his weekend was
smile when you see him make eye contact when he talks to you and laugh at his
jokes tell him some exciting stories when he asks what you've been up to and
do your best to radiate happiness once you master how to lose positivity and
playfulness you'll have him inching closer to you just be sure to avoid
going from 0 to 100 when it comes to giving him attention if you've been
keeping some distance lately then don't make him the center of your world once
you're back to chatting regularly it's fine to hint that you're interested but
if you cross that fine line between interest and obsessed you'll end up
sending out a needy vibe which will most likely repel him once you are chatting
more frequently you may try to stir up his romantic feelings for you but we're
calling something fun the two of you experienced together in the past for
instance maybe it was a night out on the town together a mutual friends party you
both attended or a nice home-cooked dinner you shared of course don't go
overboard and jump right into sexual experiences but instead remind him of
times that you know meant something to him of course if you want to steadily
bring up a sexual memory you can just be sure it's not at the heart of your story
for instance let's say the two of you first got together after a steamy night
at a Blues bar instead of talking about the sexual interaction you shared simply
talk about the blues bar when you do make sure you talk through
the memory and as much detail as possible this will allow him to mentally
picture the scenario and the more vividly he can do so the better chance
that he'll keeps thinking deeper into it and alas end up at the sex scene again
be careful not to overdo it because you don't want to give the impression that
you're trying to win back his affection another easy way to introduce flirting
is by complimenting him since all guys love to be told that they look good make
a point to acknowledge his physical appearance you'll be amazed by how great
of an impact simply telling him that he looks nice or commenting on his shirt
will have on him a nice feelings towards you once you put all of these tips to
use it will only be a matter of time until you've won back his feelings and
from there on out you'll be on your way to a happy healthy relevant relationship
just be sure that at the heart of all your actions is your genuine positivity
if you're faking it or holding on to the hope of winning back as a section before
being happy again then you will have a much tougher time than if you really
feel your own happiness before I wrap up this video though I do want to share
with you three pointers that are out of the mouths of men since this advice is
straight from the guys you will most definitely want to take note some of
these ideas we've already discussed but hearing it from men may help to hit home
the most important pointers the first tip is if you make it obvious that
you're intentionally trying to make them chase you or when you back you'll
realize it since guys don't like feeling manipulated this will do you no good
when it comes to winning his affections instead you need to play it cool the
second tip is that a woman who puts up a wall around herself won't get a man to
chase her we already talked a bit about cutting back on communication while in
your quest to win him over but this doesn't mean you should completely block
them out or make yourself seem unapproachable the key here is balance
you want to give him space but you don't want to make him feel like you're
intentionally ignoring him he needs to know that there is hope to win you over
and that he won't be rejected if he does approach you and the last tip for men is
to stay sane this is perhaps the toughest tip to pop follow especially
when you're feeling smitten with someone or a longing for things to be how they
once were however guys know when you'll bend over
backwards for them and it's a huge turnoff
don't seem desperate and again play it cool well
that does it for this video I hope you found it helpful if you did enjoy it
then please take a moment to subscribe to my channel and be sure to share this
video with your girlfriends as always if you have any questions or comments about
what I covered here or if there's a topic that you'd like to see me tackle
then feel free to post those in the comments below and I'll do my best to
personally get back to each of you ASAP so ladies until next time take care and
good luck
Searching Nickels - Found Blank Planchets and Silver Again! - Duration: 8:44.hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and if you just watched my last
two nickel boxes you saw that I hunted some B of A boxes and this time
we've got some chase boxes two different banks though... two different chase
branches I should say so as always before you get into the hunt we need to
make sure we actually can hunt these so let's make sure there's no point looking
like it is definitely all right you know the drill
I'll start cracking the rolls if I see anything cold we'll loop you in all
right guys first roll in quick start pulled out a pretty nice 1957 Denver and
a few coins behind it we got a 47 Philadelphia worn pretty
flat but it's still a 40s Jefferson and we like that let's keep looking roll
there are two guys and I don't know what's going on lady with these but look
at this another nickel planchet blank I this is literally now four that I've
gotten in the last four boxes that's crazy
let's get back to the hunt roll number seven we've got another 40s coin here in
1947 Philadelphia put it with the other one a couple of 50s that blank planchet, an
'09 and I know it's a newer coin it's a 1990 but guys full steps maybe a couple
of surface scratches I'm pulling it aside any way kind of an odd crease on
it as you can see right under his chin and extends past his hair up to the word
Liberty thought that was kind of weird I'll look at her into the loop later
cornered aside for now let's get back to the 10th roll in
got ourselves another 1940s coin 1940 Philadelphia that makes three
all right roll number 11 guys we got ourselves a silver I didn't even catch
it it's a Philadelphia a 1943 Philadelphia
it's in pretty rough shape of course but you know what it's still silver 1943 first
one of the box we will take it and it looks like we might have another
candidate but something else right here
that's just a 56 Denver we'll take it though and now we have four from the 50s
to go along with three from the 40s that are not silver of 43 Philadelphia blank
planchette 2 '09's and a pretty nice coin I'll check later roll number 19 got
another 1940 nickel here another Philadelphia so that's four from the 40s
now starting to stack them up six from the 50s got a lot of these almost
uncirculated 2004 is in this box but I'm not keeping those so let's go back to
hunting alright roll number 28 got ourselves another 40s coin 1946
Philadelphia will take it put it right up here that's five for the 40's and
nine for the 50s plus the silver plus a planchette 3 - '09's let's keep looking
as I was filming let's keep looking this one caught my eye same roll guys 1945
another philadelphia that is two silver war nickels 1945 in 1943 I like it
roll number 35 got another 40s coin 1940
San Francisco will take it put it up here
that makes six from the 40s all right let's keep looking same roll
guys check it out boom! another one ridiculous we have now a
total of five blank planchet's in the last four or five boxes it's
unbelievable I can't believe it roll number 39 and we got another 40s
coin here in 1948 Philadelphia all right seven from the 40s 50s are stacking up
well good to plank Blanchett's and two silvers unbelievable
roll 40 another 40 s coin 1947 ooh San Francisco this time we'll take it 47
San Fran I could rearrange the coin so they can fit a little better all right
let's keep looking we're all number 44 and we got into the
40s coin 1948 s we will take it gotta love those estimate marks all
right roll over 46 kind of an interesting find look at this it's a
1961 it's likely not a clipped planchet just because even though it's a little
bit arc shaped it's not coin shaped and it's not clean
there's some play in there so but I think I'll pull it aside anyway sorry
for the dirty hands guys these coins are pretty dirty but I think I'll pull it
aside anyway just because it's unique who knows
alright put it up here and get back to the hunt
alright guys another box of nickels hunted let's go ahead and slide the
finds on over here we got four 2009's a couple really nice coins y'all take a
little closer look at this not clipped planted at all it looks like it's been
snipped but either way still kind of cool I might hold onto it we got a
couple of uh blank planchets I got two in a box I gave
one away to one of my loyal subscribers I got another one in the last box and two more
in this box crazy look at all these 50s coins seventeen from the 50s and all
kinds of years guys let's take a quick look
53 got a couple of those I've got a 54 we got 3 '55's then 2 '56's and I'll remind
everyone on the '54 you want to check the mint mark if it's an S and that one is
you want to look for an S over D and on the 55 you want to look for a D over
S we also got 4 '57's 1 '58 cool toning and 4 '59's so nice bunch of 50s! In the 40s we
ended up with 9 two 40s a 46 four 47 two 48 and then we got a couple of silver
war nickels - a 43 and a 45 P got to like that!
this box was pretty loaded with finds it was exciting y'all are still kind of
the 60s to get a tally on that when we roll all those if you liked the video
please give it a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching
My Favorite Song #3 - Duration: 4:32.Still D.R.E (By Dr. Dre)
Sun Choke - Here Comes The Sun - Duration: 3:31.Here comes the sun
Little darlin'
Here comes the sun
I say
It's alright
It's alright
Here comes the sun
Little darlin'
Here comes the sun
I say
It's alright
It's alright
Little darlin'
It's been a long
Cold and lonely winter
Little darlin'
It feels like years
Since you've been here
Here comes the sun
Little darlin'
Here comes the sun
I say
It's alright
It's alright
Little darlin'
The smiles have returned
To the faces now
Little darlin'
It seems like years
Since you've been here
Little darlin'
It's been a long
Cold and lonely winter
Little darlin'
It feels like years
Since you've been here
(Here comes the sun)
Here comes the sun
Aren't you glad to see it?
I say
It's alright
Here comes the sun
Little darlin'
I say
It's alright
Little darlin'
(Here comes the sun)
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
I say
Little darlin'
It seems like years
Since you've been here
Little darlin'
Here comes the sun
It's alright
You can come on out now
It's alright now
You can come on out now
OH MY GIRL(오마이걸) _ Secret Garden(비밀정원) OTAMATONE COVER [오타마톤 커버] - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Hannity - 2/26/18 | Exclusive Interview Devin Nunes, Carter Page, Sean Spicer - Duration: 42:54.-------------------------------------------
AFTER LENDING/STAKING WHATS NEXT? MUST LISTEN - Duration: 10:19.What's going on good people, this is Mike again with another video so a couple days ago
I posted a video, and I told you that crystal token will be the last
Lending slash staking platform that I will ever get into and at this point on after crystal token
I will not touch a lending slash staking platform, so I'm done personally with a lending staking platform
I'm just gonna take one more chance with the crystal token and move on and
The reason I picked crystal token is not because I wanted to pick one just like that no I have done extensive research
I had 12 to look at and I was planning on pointing out one more before I even
finish with this model forever
With that being said crystal token was chosen for many reasons and many valid reasons. I look at it this way right now
They have their ICO open and they just opened their trading bot functions you can actually see it on their website
So that's moving towards the right direction
And I kind of like that personally now. What are we gonna do from here?
No more lending. No more staking what am I gonna?
do so I'm thinking that we have a lot of platforms that show a lot of promise right and
Some of these platforms are have come into fruition, and they 3 X 4 X like fine coin. Why not give them support
Why not support fine coin and bit fee need and monetize and fine and lend their and many others
Right why not focus on what we have already so we can make them successful
So we have good people we have good teams
We have good platforms that we can actually benefit from them and make a lot of money
So if you have 5 6 legit platforms that aren't spinning
BTC every single day you can make 20,000 30,000 dollars a month
No, that is not a 100% thing because they might exit they might leave, but we all understand
What kind of risk this involves? This is the space we are in it's very risky however. It's very
reward for
so with that being said
Looking at fine coin
you know the price went up to two dollars and some change then a drop to less than a dollar then now back to a
Dollar and eighteen cents, but if you go down and you look at the amount of buy holders
There are 13 pages and the sell orders there are nine
This only means one thing that the week hands are out of the way, and we can only see an uptrend form here
So let's support this platform
Let's show some love stop the fund stop the negativity because this is how we're gonna be able to make money by focusing on these
Next one I want to talk about is between each bit finis it opened up their exchange
They had a little mishaps here and there do not be upset
But you know I want to show you something some people are selling their tokens at one penny
Right even though the price is already at a dollar in 83 cents. Why would you sell out one penny?
This is the problem that we have with some people that they do not deserve to be in this space at all it's good
Sell your token. I want penny get out of the way so we can actually make some decent
Return on these platforms before they ruin it for us
These are what we call the weak hands the people that don't need to be in this in this space
They need to be not investing at all so
Basically the few bad apples that we have in these platforms are ruining it for everybody. That's
Anticipating a big growth for everything, but I know that they do have a plan
But we need and I know what their next plan is going to be
Which is gonna be good for everybody that invested with them, but right now we want all the weak hands to sell their tokens
So we can get them out of the way, and we can move on start making generating some good profit
Monetize on the twenty-eighth is going to open its exchange
And if you don't know what monetize is it's the largest of them all with a lot of promise with a lot of anticipation
With a lot of loyal followers. I think monetize can go places of course once the exchange opens
What's going to happen all the weekends are gonna say? Oh 10 cents? That's great profit
Let me just dump at 10 cents and make my $3 and I'll be very happy
So let them sell don't be discouraged if the price drops. It's just normal it has become normal
In this space you know when the war opened up people knew what the risk was they understood
What the plan was and the price opened up at five dollars over went to seven dollars and then from there it?
went up shut up so high and
People started getting into it and it became very successful
Regardless of what happened at the end look at the beginning opened up at five dollars went up to eight dollars
some people start selling because they were happy with their profits, but nobody sold at ten cents and fifteen cents and
Five dollars or four dollars or three dollars they didn't they didn't do it because these
People understood what needs to be done in order for them to go to the moon?
And if you have this quality investors
And this is what it goes down to it the intention of a lending or the people behind the lending platform is always good you
Can't tell me their intention is bad unless they exist scam right away their intention is good if they're still here
And I'm gonna tell you why because their intention is to make themselves more
Money, and how does that happen by growing their platform to something that they never could imagine to grow it to write
Their token value goes up their platform will go back up and that's their main motivation if this is played right this token
right here could shoot to thirty dollars and forty dollars if the cards are played right if
The people understand what kind of business you are into and if you understand
What opportunities will be if you just are a little more patient next one is five coin?
I want to let you know that in a couple of weeks
I will have an interview with five coin developers
and they are going to show their faces and the reason I want to show their faces is because they
Are coming out and saying we are 100% legit. We don't have to hide our faces
We have cleared all the legal issues
With our lawyers and our legal the apartment, and we are here to stay for the long run
They have been paying me personally every single day without stop, and I am loving it
So I'm looking forward to this interview. There are four million four point five million out of nine point eight
Already in staking. I don't know if people don't know that staking is in effect
There's still half of that still on the market so if you have some five coins go ahead and stake and make some money
Don't let them sit in your wallet without
Staking your coins all you have to do is just sign in go to staking tab and stake your coins
So you can generate some aetherium that comes straight to your own wallet so after lending and staking
Platform what direction am I gonna go to if you have been a part of my team and you have been following?
Me for a while I always look for great opportunities
This opportunity that I'm working on is going to be involving
Traditional icos what I'm planning on doing is to get in the ico before it even
Starts before it even hits and get the token at a wholesale price
So we can instead of making to 3x when it's exchange will guarantee ourselves
And I say guarantee very conservatively, please understand that this is risky, and you might not get any return
Or you might lose somebody, but in the most cases
We'll guarantee ourselves over you get it way cheaper than the ico price a5 6x so how can you do this?
It's impossible
No, it is possible, and I have a way to do it
And I've been working on this project for three and a half weeks now
So I will tell you guys what needs to be done
How you can join this team or this group of people that are going to participate in these icos?
But my number one rule. I don't want no footers. I don't want no negative people in this group
It's always gonna be positive, and I want people that understand the risk of
Traditional icos because even traditional icos guys have a lot of risk. You know projects might fail
legal issues might happen and
Many other things you know the number one ICO that has had the most success with electing more than
250 million dollars
That's called Tasos and tezo's is still not on exchange and it's been a year because of legal issues and other stuff
so if you buy into a traditional, ICO
And it takes more than four months five months to hit the exchange understand that this happens very often
with traditional icos so these are the kind of people that I want in this group that are going to benefit and getting the
price of the token much cheaper than what it is so
With that being said like for instance this one right here. You can buy
to ETH the way
I will get it is I would get that half price 50% off or if you buy one you'll get another one for free
However, you want to look at it
It's going to be double profit for us and sometimes
More than double, and I do have a way, and I have verified that one hundred percent. You just have to be patient
Make sure you hit that notification bell
so you'll be amongst the first one that know what to do and
Where to join and where to go in order for you to join this team, but tell me what your thoughts are leave
em in the comments below
Let me know if you want me to proceed with this project yes or no, and we'll move accordingly
But guys I am NOT a financial advisor. I don't tell you what to do you do what you want to do
That's up to you 100%
Everything I'm talking about here is very extremely risky like always guys. I appreciate you so much. Thank you so much for watching
until next time stay safe
Winter in foothills brings snow day and icy roads - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
KIMPLAYS WITH ALEXIS VOLODARSKY/ROBLOX/Flood Escape /Flood Escape 2 - Duration: 14:39.-------------------------------------------
아직 몰라? 데킬라가 건강에 주는 효능 12가지 - Duration: 11:18.-------------------------------------------
Australian Wedding Preparation - 2 June 2017 / SUBTITLE BAHASA INDONESIA - Duration: 13:00.-------------------------------------------
ERROS FORAM COMETIDOS! KKKKK - Duration: 6:06.Hello guys, are you okay? I am okay. Let's start this video!
Today's topic is about mistakes.
Mistakes I've made throughout my 'kind of' short lifetime, regarding "what I want to be when I grow up".
Since I was 9yo I wanted to be a singer.
I always wanted to be a singer! It was and still is my biggest dream.
And I think it will always be.
Because there was no money for me to study music, play and instrument or have singing lessons,
I did not have the background, what was necessary to start and artistic career.
So obviously I was always really lost, thinking about what I WANTED to do and what I SHOULD do.
Because we grow up and we need to choose a path, specially at school.
I believe, nowadays, if I had to give an advice to my younger self it would be just
Its is natural for you not to know what you want to do, specially if what you want to do is not something achievable at that time.
And here comes the first mistake. 'DO NOT GIVE UP!'
We will think about giving up many times, I've done it, I know I will eventually still do it.
Until one day someone finds me or I find someone or something happens and changes and I finally get to work in the music industry.
Even if you feel unmotivated, do not give up.
Because the artistic field is very difficult, particularly nowadays, since it's already overcrowded.
This takes us to another common mistake, which is self-destruction.
You cannot do that! If you don't believe in yourself or like yourself and what you do, no one else will!
Guys, we need to keep trying, doing things and exploring.
And it is difficult but it is important that you don't self-destroy!
And when we do it, most of the times, we don't even notice.
We just say "I am gonna stop for a while". Well, this time is already too much time that could have been used for something else.
Another frequent mistake is PROCRASTINATING!
Procrastination is a human flaw guys.
And everyone here suffers from it.
By that I mean those times when you just let it go, or when you kind of give up but you actually didn't...
Or when you are lazy. Guys, I am a bit lazy. Is true! Not all the time, not with everything but I am.
I guess all of us have a bit of that. It's normal, after all we are human.
And we will do that sometimes in our lives.
However, I am trying everyday (more and more) not to be like that.
Not being so lazy. That's why I am trying so many different things at the same time.
You need to do something, move. We cannot stop, okay!
That takes us to an mistake that is, mostly, not made up by ourselves but others.
By society or the opinion of other people, which is losing focus.
How many times did I think: "Maybe I should be a doctor. That way my life will be granted." No...
"Ah my mom told me maybe I should be a lawyer because blablablaa..." (FUCK IT)
No! I hate Law, is just not my cup of tea xD
The important thing is that you don't lose focus.
I ma not saying: "Don't go to University, don't have a degree, don't do nothing with your life..."
That's not it. What I am saying is that, many times, that is not the way to go.
If you are feeling pressured, if you feel inside that one is not the way, then maybe is not.
So you have to follow your instincts a bit and kind of workout what you have around you.
Mate, just do it! xD Don't care too much.
Which brings us to our last mistake.
With this one, you need to be really careful.
Guys please! Let's not... compare each other.
Because that is such a.... poisonous thing!
I feel "old" to start my career because I see Beyonce is a musician since she was 10 yo, or less! MJ is the same...
But these are people who were "born" in that world.
The factors are countless....
My life is completely different from someone I admire....
Our paths are very different from one another, so...
If this person goes straight maybe you will have a lot of curves on your way.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Shit happens!
So, thank you very much for watching until now! Let's move on, don't lose it and I will see you in the next video!
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