Hi guys, my name is Alicia.
And my daughter's name is, Chloe and she's 10 years old.
And she's a Girl With Heart.
Hi, I'm Kimberly.
And this is Juliette.
And this is Ella.
And they're, Justice Girls With Heart Ambassadors.
Hi, I'm Laura.
And I am the mom of Girl with Heart Ambassador, Noelia.
Hi guys.
It's Noe , from Girls With Heart.
It's important to have fun while doing good.
And for us, we're part
of an afterschool club called, Samaritans 365.
And I actually run the club, at, the children's school.
And in this club, we have fun,
while learning about giving back.
So for fun.
I like to sew.
So, we get to sew together.
Chloe has her own non-profit organization
and she makes custom tote bags.
So those tote bags are made, how?
By a sewing machine by me and my mom.
Yeah, so she makes custom tote bags and it's really cool
'cause, she passes em out to homeless women.
And we decided to make a GoFundMe account
and, get donations from people that she knew.
And do other types of activity to collect money
to help those in need in Puerto Rico.
We actually collected $8,200.
And we traveled to Puerto Rico,
so she could see first hand the community
that she was helping.
She was helping rebuild their high school
that got destroyed by Hurricane Maria.
One of the ways that we like to give back is
by donating our gently used, shoes and clothes
to local foster care agencies
and to children in need in our community.
It's important to teach my daughter to give back
because I believe it's teaching her how
to be a community giver.
It's teaching her to be active in her community.
And it's also teaching her that,
it's always better to give than to receive.
I have always taught Noey,
that there are four major characteristics
that you should have
in order to be a successful human being.
One of them is have good grades.
So academics.
The other one is character.
The other one is literacy.
And the fourth one is community service.
I think it's important to teach children
from a young age the concept of giving back.
It helps them think about others.
Not just themselves.
And it also gives them a sense of gratitude and appreciation
for everything they do have.
I am extremely proud of my daughter, Chloe.
Because, I believe she's inspiring
so many other young girls and young boys
to give back in the community.
I believe she's inspiring other kids
to start their own businesses,
start their own organizations,
and really just, get out there and do stuff
without having limitations on them.
My hope is that by teaching them now the importance
of giving back will help them grow
into kind, compassionate adults
with a sense of social responsibility,
to help others in need.
I have fun giving back, because I get to help others.
It's fun to help others because it fills my heart
with the magic of giving.
I have fun giving back because it makes me happy.
And to me happy means fun.
It's important to give back because I think
that we all should do our part, in this world.
And also, I like giving back is because I get
to spend more time with my mom.
Yeah, we get to do a lot of community service projects.
And, with doing that,
I get to spend a lot of time with Chloe.
Which is also really cool because
it gives us an opportunity to bond all the time.
Even if you don't have an organization
that you're affiliated with.
Or you're unsure, about how to get involved.
There's always something you can do on your own.
By thinking of good deeds and things that you can do
to bring a smile to someone else's face.
Noelia, I am so proud of you,
for having a big heart and trying to help out, Puerto Rico.
And collecting all that money.
And going door by door.
And helping all those families and all those kids in need.
I am, you make me so proud.
Thank You I am so proud of you.
Thanks for watching our video.
Make sure to subscribe for more awesome Justice videos.
For more infomation >> HOW TO HELP OTHERS AND DO GOOD 💗 JUSTICE - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
Turpín y Troncoso invitan a "vivir una experiencia única" en La Cárcel - Duration: 5:43.
Izan al revés la bandera de México durante la conmemoración a este símbolo patrio - Duration: 0:31.
Trump utiliza la foto con una sobreviviente al tiroteo en Florida para reunir fondos de campaña - Duration: 0:32.
¿Qué significa para los dreamers la decisión de la Corte Suprema de mantener vivo DACA? - Duration: 2:37.
Spotlight de renovación a Medivh – Heroes of the Storm - Duration: 2:08.
Cant Help Falling In Love
U POKRETU / CEO FILM / ruski fimovi sa prevodom - Duration: 1:28:55.
একি! খালেদাকে মুক্ত করতে হাসিনার আইনজিবি ব্যারিস্টার রফিক উল হক!বিদেশি চাপে হাসিনা!খুশিতে বিএনপি! - Duration: 5:04.
Example solve 3 - Duration: 1:55.
Náboženství - Duration: 6:36.
Za dolar više - vestern sa prevodom - Duration: 2:12:45.
PUBGFODA (PUBG Parodia Bad Bunny - Amorfoda) - Duration: 2:24.
OMFG-Hello(Cover by Argyrisyolo1251) - Duration: 3:54.
Get Amazing Cheek Freckles Subliminals ⭐⭐⭐ Develop Beautiful Cheek Freckles Affirmations - Duration: 5:58.
I now develop the most beautiful freckles on my cheeks.
I now perfectly deposit melanin in my cheeks to create the most adorable freckles.
I now ask the melanocytes in my cheeks to manifest beautiful cheek freckles.
I now transform the pigment cells in my cheeks to develop gorgeous cheek freckles.
My cheek freckles are now developing in the most beautiful size and color.
My cheek freckles are now perfectly placed and positioned on my cheeks.
My cheeks now have the most beautiful adorable ephelides.
I now safely transform my DNA and MC1R gene melanocortin 1 receptor with the ability to give me the most beautiful cheek freckles.
I now safely produce the most optimal MC1R protein for adorable cheek freckles.
I now ask my DNA to safely express my freckle gene for gorgeous cheek freckles.
My face is forming beautiful cheek freckles that make me unique and complement my cheek bones.
My freckles are one of my defining traits, and as they form on my cheeks, they give me extra character.
My freckles are part of my trademark of unconventional beauty.
My freckles are a perfect addition of my natural beauty.
My freckles are mine and something I am proud of because they make my face uniquely beautiful.
My freckles give me a natural look giving me a gorgeous, natural beauty that is uniquely mine.
My cheek freckles are meant to be seen, since they naturally draw attention to my stunning eyes.
My cheek freckles give me a natural allure.
The freckles on my cheeks highlight my eyes and bone structure naturally.
My cheek freckles give my skin natural variations in color that attracts the admiration of others.
My cheek freckles are beautiful with a pattern that distinguishes me from everyone else.
My cheek freckles give me a youthful appearance, and they add interesting attractive detail to my face naturally.
My cheek freckles bring a natural warmth to my face.
I know that every freckle on my cheeks are where they is supposed to be for maximum beauty.
My cheek freckles are beautiful like a galaxy waiting to be explored, and my eyes are profound like the depths of space, entrancing those who gaze into them.
My cheek freckles make me look youthful and vibrant.
My cheek freckles are part of what makes me special.
My cheek freckles make my face look even more beautiful.
My cheek freckles make me uniquely beautiful.
My cheek freckles are now part of who I am and what makes me unique.
I now ask my body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.
I now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.
All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.
All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.
You now develop the most beautiful freckles on your cheeks.
You now perfectly deposit melanin in your cheeks to create the most adorable freckles.
You now ask the melanocytes in your cheeks to manifest beautiful cheek freckles.
You now transform the pigment cells in your cheeks to develop gorgeous cheek freckles.
Your cheek freckles are now developing in the most beautiful size and color.
Your cheek freckles are now perfectly placed and positioned on your cheeks.
Your cheeks now have the most beautiful adorable ephelides.
You now safely transform your DNA and MC1R gene melanocortin 1 receptor with the ability to give you the most beautiful cheek freckles.
You now safely produce the most optimal MC1R protein for adorable cheek freckles.
You now ask your DNA to safely express your freckle gene for gorgeous cheek freckles.
Your face is forming beautiful cheek freckles that make you unique and complement your cheek bones.
Your freckles are one of your defining traits, and as they form on your cheeks, they give you extra character.
Your freckles are part of your trademark of unconventional beauty.
Your freckles are a perfect addition of your natural beauty.
Your freckles are mine and something you are proud of because they make your face uniquely beautiful.
Your freckles give you a natural look giving you a gorgeous, natural beauty that is uniquely mine.
Your cheek freckles are meant to be seen, since they naturally draw attention to your stunning eyes.
Your cheek freckles give you a natural allure.
The freckles on your cheeks highlight your eyes and bone structure naturally.
Your cheek freckles give your skin natural variations in color that attracts the admiration of others.
Your cheek freckles are beautiful with a pattern that distinguishes you from everyone else.
Your cheek freckles give you a youthful appearance, and they add interesting attractive detail to your face naturally.
Your cheek freckles bring a natural warmth to your face.
You know that every freckle on your cheeks are where they is supposed to be for maximum beauty.
Your cheek freckles are beautiful like a galaxy waiting to be explored, and your eyes are profound like the depths of space, entrancing those who gaze into them.
Your cheek freckles make you look youthful and vibrant.
Your cheek freckles are part of what makes you special.
Your cheek freckles make your face look even more beautiful.
Your cheek freckles make you uniquely beautiful.
Your cheek freckles are now part of who you are and what makes you unique.
You now ask your body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.
You now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.
All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.
All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.
Obligaron a BEBESHITA a Besar a GEOVANI Sufrió Mucho | Enamorándonos - Duration: 4:17.
MAGALY Demostró que Puede Aguantar a su Marido BRUNO | Enamorándonos - Duration: 3:08.
Allah is one By Yousuf Nasir - Duration: 1:25.
Asslamu O Alaikkum Dear Viwers
I hope every1 is fine by grace of Allah
If u see this Video u cannot stay without sharing it
We used one word God –This Word means David God
My request for u is that always read or write Allah
Gods is for No Muslim
Allah is one
For Student if 2 marks r cut no tension kids
Have a nice day Share and comment Have nice day Take Care
Thanks for Watching my Video
Niloya ve Maşa pazar alışverişine gidiyorlar Sepetlerine neler dolduruyorlar Niloya ve Maşa izle - Duration: 2:35.
New Artist To Watch
hey guys we'll go back to my channel and hello if you're new up make sure that
you subscribe before you leave that way you'll never miss out on another one of
my videos I do upload every single week today's videos gonna be really fun it's
gonna be laid back casual relaxed as you can see I have no makeup on and what
we're gonna do today is dye my hair so I randomly spur the moment spontaneously
got this hair dye and I'm just gonna try it out I'm gonna test it out on my hair
and when I take you guys along with me so this is the superior preference by
l'oreal paris it's a moose hair dye and it's in the color one zero to one
lightest icy blonde and also i have this for support so if you guys are
interested then keep on watching here's what I'm gonna be using here's a
close-up of the box I've never used a moose hair dye before okay so it comes
already prepared unlike the other ones where you have to mix it and shake it it
comes with some directions is there any gloves in here no gloves in
here the gloves are in here okay so this is
different from what I'm used to I'm used to like you know the ones where the
glove is interfere but like oh they give you two pairs of gloves okay so these
are nice black gloves usually they give you some nasty looking plastic ones but
okay so oh and this is the shampoo you have to mix anything we can just go
ahead and get started okay so first thing that I'm gonna do is just brush
out all the tangles from my hair puts us to shake it vigorously that's the best I
can do but and then you just kind of separate the hair into sections and put
it on so I'm gonna do it on my roots first just because the roots take a
little bit longer for me at least just because it is like my natural hair color
is super dark black so I'm gonna do the roots first and then I'm gonna go ahead
and dye the rest of my hair if you guys can see the rest of my hair is light
brown so it is gonna turn lighter than the roots but I'm playing with that I
just my roots look hideous and I just want to change up my hair color and
let's see if this works I'm a little bit nervous because this is my first time
using a mousse and my first time using a hair
that's so like first what I'm gonna do is put it on to my oh wow okay so put it
on my oh it's like whipped cream and then I'm just gonna slather that right
on to my roots of the back already I can feel like the mousse
Reds a little bit better than the other kind of hair dyes I don't know what the
results are gonna look like but as far as putting it on to the hair it feels a
lot more easier and better to like blend it out okay so I'm not a professional I
dye my hair the way that I want to and it just works for me this is how I kind
of do it I just separate sections from the back
and then move up to the front it's easier for me it works for me it
probably looks really scary the way to cutting my hair it's not professional
whatsoever I take about an inch down at a time and I just work in like one-inch
sections one inch increments so make sure to keep looking in a mirror like
right now I can see the back of my head through like the viewfinder and the way
I have my camera set up and mirror set up I can totally see everything that I'm
doing especially if you're doing this for the first time you want to make sure
that you see everything that you're doing and oh the thing I like with the
mousse is that you don't need a lot of mousse like I put a little bit a little
blob on my hands and it's just going a really long way and spreading out pretty
evenly throughout my hair onto my roots and it's saturating the hair which I
like and I don't usually use like a hair dining brush or anything else to my
fingers just because I feel like it's easier for me to spread it out spread it
around wherever I want to I make sure to get like this bottom and then the top
part as well okay so I'm gonna finish up the rest of my hair in the back and then
I'm gonna come back and show you guys kind of how we do the front okay so
hopefully I am in focus in the camera but I'm just going to start doing
like from one side to the other side and I'll show you guys what I'm talking
about but I start from here then I'll just go this way I'm just gonna spray
this onto my hair right here and I'm just going to kind of blend it
in on both sides so make sure to get the sides and everything and I'm going to go
back and like do this part at the end to what I'm like doing my hairline and
everything okay next I'm gonna take an inch and take that and separate it this
is pretty easy I like using the mousse the results come out nice then I'm going
to start getting the mousse more often just because it's so much easier
especially with somebody for somebody with long hair mousse is a lot more
convenient than the other one okay so again take an inch and
I'm gonna separate my hair down the middle I'm going to start applying the
dye to the rest of my hair so I'm probably not gonna be talking while I'm
applying the rest of the hair dye to the rest of my hair so I'm just gonna fast
forward it really quick just so you guys get a gist of how I do it it's super
easy I will include it but super fast so enjoy okay guys so I just finished
saturating all of my hair with the dye that was more than enough dye for long
hair like me I feel like it was a lot more than I needed but it saturated all
of my hair no but I'm gonna do is tie this up into a bun and I'm going to
leave this on for 30 to 40 minutes so fingers crossed it comes out good and
I'll see you guys in a little bit so this is what the result will look like I
wanted to film this in like daylight in the sunlight so you guys get a good idea
of what the color looks like so there is a bunch of different colors let me
explain to you guys what's going on the areas where my hair was super dark
black like the roots area my natural hair color it turned into like a dark
brown color like or even a lighter brown color as you can see and then the
lighter parts of my hair that was already previously dyed turned into an
even more lighter color like a golden blonde color I loved all the colors in
my hair and if you I hope you guys can get like an idea of what it will look
like on previously dyed hair and on like dark hair you see like the dark brown
and the light brown going on here I hope you guys enjoyed this video
you guys so much for watching and I'll talk to you guys in my next one Mike
100 Years of Beauty - Poland - Duration: 2:46.
I'm Not the Only One - Sam Smith | Karaoke Version - Duration: 4:19.
I Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Personalizada - Duration: 2:54.
REISE: Morten kutter i skip som veier 4000 tonn! 3/3 - Duration: 3:53.
What if I've tried everything to help with my child's addiction? - Duration: 0:53.
Even though you feel like you've tried everything, you're watching this right
now so you're still trying and that's great. It's never too late to try and
change can happen. So say your child has come out of rehab and relapses, do you
consider that a failure? Perhaps you want to look at it as an opportunity to see
what did go well in treatment and also what your child would need to do
differently in order to have more success the next
time. So a lot of times parents are very focused on the end goal and they can
miss all the small victories along the way. So notice when your child does
things like the chores around the house or gets a part-time job or starts going
back to school. All those small victories can add up to larger positive changes
and it will help you remain more hopeful.
I CANT BELIEVE IT!!😱 | Fortnite Battle Royale | Jazzytm8 - Duration: 16:36.
[Szok] Edyta Herbuś i Piotr Bukowiecki na pierwszym wspólnym zdjęciu! || LVTszok - Duration: 3:25.
Edyta Herbuś i Piotr Bukowiecki na pierwszym wspólnym zdjęciu!
Edyta Herbuś pokazała pierwsze wspólne zdjęcie z Piotrem Bukowieckim.
Media oszalały na punkcie Edyty Herbuś i jej nowego partnera.
Gdy wyszło na jaw, że piękna Edyta jest znów zakochana,
że gwiazda spotyka się z ojcem dziecka Doroty Gardias, Piotrem Bukowieckim.
wszyscy umierali z ciekawości i niecierpliwie wyglądali wieści na temat jej nowego ukochanego.
Zrobiło się jeszcze ciekawiej gdy do prasy trafiła informacja,
Mówiło się nawet o zaręczynach i planowanym ślubie, ale Herbuś należy do grona gwiazd,.
które ściśle chronią swojego życia prywatnego i nie komentują spraw sercowych przed kamerami.
Nic dziwnego, że najnowsze zdjęcie, które pojawiło się na jej InstaStory wzbudziło tyle sensacji!.
Edyta, która obecnie bierze udział w serii koncertów tematycznych związanych z muzyką filmową pochwaliła się pierwszym zdjęciem z nowym partnerem tuż po jednym z wydarzeń.
Na fotografii, którą celowo rozmazała, widać gwiazdę wtuloną czule w ramię mężczyzny.
Drugą ręką przyciskała do siebie ogromny bukiet czerwonych róż.
Uśmiechnięta, z przymkniętymi oczami, wyglądała jak prawdziwa królewna z bajki.
Tak rozmarzonej i promiennej od dawna jej nie widzieliśmy!.
Na zdjęciu napisała tylko:. Dziękuję kochanie za niespodziankę.
Wygląda na to, że w jej trzymanym w ścisłej tajemnicy życiu prywatnym jest ostatnio naprawdę różowo!.
Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i Anniversary Automaat Cruise control - Duration: 0:54.
Where do I find the GALILEO password? - Duration: 1:37.
In this tutorial, we will discuss where you can find the GALILEO password for
the current semester. GALILEO is a place where you can find journal articles and
more for your papers and projects. Have you ever seen this box when trying to
access library resources off campus? If so, you need the GALILEO password for the
current semester which can be found either through your GIL-Find account or
D2L. You only need it if you see this box specifically asking for it. To access
your Library account, go to MGA's home page. Click menu. Scroll down to Library
and then choose GIL-Find.
In order to retrieve the current semester's GALILEO password you must be
signed into your GIL-Find account. Click sign in.
Choose your appropriate user group and then enter your MGA email and
corresponding password.
Once signed in to your GIL-Find account, you will click "Get GALILEO password" and
then the GALILEO Password tab.
The current semester's GALILEO password is found here.
When logged in to your D2L account, you can locate the GALILEO password on your
home page. You should also note when it expires.
Should you require any further assistance, please feel free to contact
How do I log in to GALILEO off campus? - Duration: 0:56.
GALILEO is a place where you can find journal articles and more for your
papers and projects. In this tutorial, we will discuss how you can log in to
GALILEO while off campus. There are two different ways we can log in to GALILEO.
The first requires you to use your institution email credentials. If you see
this box, you will enter your first name dot last name in the top box and then
your MGA email password in the second. Also notice there is an alternative
login available should it be required. This box allows you to enter the GALILEO
password that is unique to MGA and valid for the current semester only. You can
find this password on your D2L home page, in your GIL-Find account, or by calling
the library.
Should you require any further assistance, please feel free to call us.
Hyundai i20 1.2i DynamicVersion Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 0:59.
Q&A NA ŻYWO, przeglądam yt, oceniam kanaly za suba i robie intra - Duration: 14:19.
Le Iene, la tragedia di Erika: il marito le uccide i figli - Duration: 7:54.
"I've missed only you!" - Elif Episode 676 | Season 4 Episode 116 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 5:36.
Are you sure you don't want dessert?
Really, that'll be too much.
Alright, fine.
Some other time then.
Would you like to have something else?
I'll have a Turkish coffee, neat.
Süreyya, you?
Can I have a soda please?
Oh, careful!
Ahhh... I got it!
- It's alright, isn't it? - Just water, nothing happened.
But it's the second time today.
If there was somebody else,
I'd say we'd been coveted.
You look really chic today, ma'am.
Thank you.
Tell me, we never had the shot. How did you decide to get back here?
In fact, I always wanted to get back.
I never thought of staying there.
And I thought, when you got a job there,
I thought that you're going to stay there.
I mean, yes, I worked at some companies, to have some experience.
But if I am to say, I was counting days to get back.
Well, me, too. Alright, living abroad,
I don't know, funny, colourful, but...
you just miss here.
I've even missed the smell of the bagels.
- Bagel? - Yes, bagel, as you know it.
What else, baklava, pastry,
whatever comes to your mind.
What did you miss the most?
I've missed, only you, Kerem.
One and only you.
Not just since the moment I went abroad,
As a recent graduate from high school teenage girl,
since the day I left the mansion, I've been missing you, Kerem.
Süreyya, I...
I mean...
I didn't know about that.
Of course you don't know.
I've lived my love to you, all by myself.
I've kept my love from you for years, Kerem!
What happened, you were lost in thoughts. Was that too much to ask?
What? I couldn't follow.
You, I'm saying, who did you miss at most?
E-everything, everyone.
You, people.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, God bless your hands. The dinner was amazing.
Hope you enjoyed it, sir.
- When are you closing? - We're open until 1AM.
Nice. I really liked this place,
the decoration, design and so on...
Post Malone - Psycho (Lyrics) feat. Ty Dolla $ign - Duration: 3:39.
Hey :P
Nożyczki wielofunkcyjne, do cienkiej blachy i przewodów, Tajima DKBB50B/W1 - Duration: 1:12.
Solve the Mystery
Lucas critica comportamento de Wagner: "É o famoso morde e assopra" - Duration: 2:58.
PEELING CASEIRO PARA O ROSTO: Deixe Sua Pele Lisa Como Seda Em Minutos! - Duration: 3:27.
Black Ranger - Black Panther Official Trailer Style - Duration: 2:26.
L'oK - Direction X ( Mashup Music Video ) - Duration: 1:59.
Produzindo Vídeos para Facebook - Facebook Canvas - Duration: 1:52.
¡El código de acceso al subconsciente revelado! - S. N. Lazarev - Duration: 5:22.
El Final De It Explicado - Duration: 7:26.
Homemade Vegan Pulled Pork with The Edgy Veg || $30 Dinner Party - Duration: 8:56.
- Hi!
Hi! Hi!
Hey, I'm Lee Kalpakis, segment chef at Thrillist
and this is "$30 Dinner Party."
Thrillist is sending me all over New York City
to help people just like you throw killer dinner parties
for very little money.
None of this, only this.
We're gonna plan, we're gonna shop, we're gonna cook,
and we're gonna serve your people incredible food
without breaking the bank.
Plan, shop, cook.
It's not hard, it's totally easy.
Do you like exercise? Me neither.
And I'm gonna show you how it's done.
Mel is currently transitioning careers into education
and is super-passionate about sustainable urban agriculture.
Right now money's tight, but she wants to prove to her
carnivore friends once and for all that plant-based food
can be a delicious dinner for anyone.
- Ya gotta eat your spinach if ya wants to be strong.
- To help plan the perfect menu to win over
even the most skeptical meat eaters --
I'm looking at you --
we went to YouTube's resident vegan superstar, Edgy Veg.
- Today on "The Edgy Veg," I'm going to show you how to make
bean and cheese taquitos, pumpkin chili,
black ice cream, because it's cool and gimmicky.
I'm Candice, The Edgy Veg, and I just wrote a cookbook.
It has really good food puns.
- [Lee] Is there, like, a recipe
that doesn't have a pun in it?
- No. I just did a pumpkin video and I said, "Oh my gourd".
- [Lee] That's a 10 out of 10.
- [Candice] Thank you. - [Lee] Mmmmhmm.
You know about our friend Mel, right?
- Now I think I can relate to Mel a lot,
because I have friends that eat meat.
You know, when you tell someone you're vegan or plant-based,
right away they're like, OK, you eat, you know,
salad, and granola, and I think when people think "vegan,"
they think that you have to buy
really over-the-top ingredients.
$8 almond milk. - Yes.
- But you can actually make a lot of this stuff at home
from scratch, using ingredients
that you already have in your home.
So I think we could definitely
nail like a really good dinner party for $30.
- Hi!
- [Candice] Hi!
- Can I hug you?
- [Candice] Of course! - [Mel] I'm so excited!
- Thank you so much for coming.
- I'm nervous but I feel like
it's like you have a very chill vibe,
so I feel like I'm absorbing it, or trying to.
So I feel like as a plant-based person,
a lot of times I'm super excited about,
you know, the newest seitan or tempeh recipe
and my friends are like, "That sounds disgusting."
- We're trying to convince your friends that,
like, plant-based is awesome and cool,
and can be really hearty, so,
like a pulled jackfruit sandwich with some slaw --
really meaty, lots of barbecue sauce.
- That's a rule, I think that every meat eater
loves barbecue, that's a fact,
We can all agree on that.
- And then, like, a nice salad, but like a good salad,
not a boring salad, so like a kale salad?
Maybe with some pesto? - Yeah.
- [Lee] That's nice and hearty for a salad,
I like that, that's pretty good.
- So for the dessert I'm thinking something
really quick, easy, cheap,
we could make a coconut-based ice cream?
Grab some fruit, strawberries.
- I don't know if on $30
in New York, that's gonna fly.
- I'm a bit skeptical myself,
but I think we can pull it off.
- I'm willing to try.
- I'm a little nervous.
- I know what this is, but do you?
- [Lee] If I smell it, I'll know.
- [Candice] Smell it.
- [Lee] Horseradish. Actually it just smells like dirt.
These are those kiwi berries!
- [Mel and Candice] What? - [Lee] You bite into it
and it's like a baby kiwi.
- Stop.
- It's the cutest thing ever.
- This is like the size of a child. Like you could like...
- [Lee and Mel] Yep.
- [Candice] Let's go get some greens.
- Let's start with the salad.
Let's start with the pesto for the salad.
You can buy a smaller amount of basil
if you use the entire thing.
The stems taste exactly like the basil itself.
Half the sunflower seeds here,
and then we'll use the other half as a nice crunchy garnish.
Some salt, and about a quarter cup of oil.
My favorite way to cut kale is
to roll it, and then cut it on an angle.
Most people find kale to be bitter, the typical heath food.
- [Lee] Yeah, but then Beyoncé wore a sweatshirt
that said "kale" on it, and now...
- Now everybody loves kale.
- [Mel] I feel like kale kind of is like
the hip and trendy thing, so I feel like my dinner guests
are gonna be excited for a kale salad.
- Hip and trendy.
- Hip and trendy!
We're so hip and trendy!
- That's what it should be called,
"Welcome back to 'Hip and Trendy.'"
- [Candice] Toss the dressing in there.
We're going to wash our hands and start massaging.
- OK, let's make some pulled "pork" sandwiches.
This is young jackfruit, and you can do it in water or brine --
just not syrup, or else you will have a syrupy, sweet,
disgusting mess.
Salt, pepper, little bit of cayenne pepper,
and then some garlic powder.
And toss it right into the pan here
with a little bit of oil.
Cook that down, and make some homemade barbecue sauce.
Because we're on a budget.
- [Lee] We're gonna start with a ketchup base,
and then we have some maple syrup.
Most barbecue sauce has Worcestershire -- anchovies
in that -- so instead, we have liquid smoke, totally vegan,
[and] just a little bit of soy sauce.
Some white vinegar, some hot sauce.
- [Candice] Take half of this beautiful homemade sauce,
and once we've thrown that into the pan,
we can turn it down, and just let it simmer
for about 15 to 20 minutes
or until the fibers start to fall apart a little bit.
Mash the heck out of it. You can also do this with a fork,
but I find the potato masher is the quickest and easiest
way to do it. Plus, you can get out some aggression
that you've been holding on to from a long week.
So for the slaw, you can just buy a super-cheap slaw mix.
And then we can put together a nice little dressing,
with just some apple cider vinegar, some oil, some salt,
and some garlic powder, and some cayenne.
- [Lee] This is breaking apart really nicely.
That's amazing. - [Candice] Right?
- [Lee] Yeah, it looks like pulled pork, that's so cool!
- [Candice] Isn't that wild?
- [Lee] Yeah!
- [Candice] Nature is amazing!
So for dessert, we are going to make
a super-simple strawberry ice cream.
Start with the strawberries. To help it break down,
you can add a little bit of sugar.
And then squeeze some lemon juice on there,
some coconut cream.
You want to incorporate half of this into the ice cream
so there is a consistent strawberry flavor throughout
the whole thing, and then a little bit of vanilla extract,
about a teaspoon, and then blend it up again.
So you can pour that right into the pan,
and then we are going to fold the remainder
of the mashed strawberries into the ice cream.
And put it in the freezer, for I would say at least
four hours, but it's much better overnight.
OK Mel, I have all the confidence in the world
that you can pull this off.
I know your friends will love this meal
that you're putting together.
- [Mel] Hopefully I can convince
some non-vegetarian or vegan people that eating that way
is awesome and tasty and just like what
they're eating every day.
- [Candice] Exactly, and you know what? I know you will.
- I'm a little bit nervous, I'm like really excited.
I love dinner parties, but I really don't know
how my non-veg friends are gonna feel about this meal,
I think it came out really well, and I think
Candice had some really good tips
but we'll see what they think.
- I'm a little skeptical, I don't know what's gonna happen.
- I'm a little on edge.
- I definitely think you can make a really nice
gourmet dinner for $30,
you just have to be really smart at the grocery store.
- Tastes like barbecue.
- [Friend in black shirt] Yeah, that's so good!
Do you like it?
- It's OK.
- [Friend in black shirt] All right.
This is really good.
- I think it went swimmingly, I mean,
everyone seemed pretty well-fed, it was on a budget,
we had a good time, there was good conversation,
what's not to like?
- I thought Mel did a really awesome job.
She made some incredible vegan food,
she threw a really cool party,
and she impressed her skeptical friends,
all for just under $30.
I think it's safe to say that we won this one.
As for me, it's taco time.
- [Man] Taco time, I like that.
- [Lee] Yeah! All right!
- [Man] She's good, she's good.
- [Lee] I'm good at tacos!
- Don't forget to subscribe to Thrillist's YouTube channel,
you can watch more episodes of "$30 Dinner Party,"
and you can like and comment below.
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How to Steal Our Videos | We the Internet TV - Duration: 3:39.
Here at We The Internet TV, we're always hoping that our videos blow up.
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In fact, sometimes the sucky ones require the most time and money.
Which really sucks.
But we love all of our digital babies.
Like real babies, we secretly have our favorites, but we want what's best for all of them.
That's why, when we release them into the inter-wilderness, we hope they grow up big and strong,
and go viral.
Which is the only kind of virus you ever want to catch.
Trust me.
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Even if you're doing, like, a split-screen thing with us over here and the porn on the other side, thank you.
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But unfortunately, some rippers have bad manners.
They don't even credit the work they rip.
In the past, our videos have contributed millions of views to Milo (twice),
and Americans Defending the 2nd (but not defending intellectual property).
Most recently, we released a video with 30 Rock's Grizz Chapman called 'Shocking Prison Secret.'
The video blew up on Instagram, Imgur, and Reddit.
It's chasing the 800,000 view count on the WTI Facebook page.
But all that pales in comparison to a ripped version of the video
that's nearing the 7 million mark on this other page.
See, we're even crediting them.
Because we're not dicks.
They ripped our video, and didn't credit us until long after it had passed 6 million views.
And we had to ask them a few times before they finally did it.
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Steal from us. Steal. From. Us.
Steal every single thing that we make. Rip and upload WTI until your modem crashes.
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With all the free stuff available online, you may never have to pay for content again.
So at the very least, give the creators some props.
I'm beginning to think it's me.
A few years back, when I was on OkCupid, some dude plagiarized lines from my dating profile.
In his OkCupid profile, he wrote, "I'm made up of only the best parts of your ex-boyfriends."
That was my line.
I'm the one who's made up of only the best parts of your ex-boyfriends.
And if you think my lines are corny, imagine being the lame asshole who stole them from me.
And he's probably getting laid, and that's fine with me.
All I ask is that after you get laid, you credit We The Internet TV, and tag me in the video.
It's not too much to ask.
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Shake the flask to change the balance
Translation and subbs by @jezvkei
"It would be smart for a clown to rest"
I don't know what you mean with it
"We are the one"
who says that?
Selfish reality where people think they are God
I hate Sundays,
in the crowd,
I low my head
Hierarchical relationships
sell flatterings and
forget their true faces
friendly people get behind
attractive and popular people
which would be the correct answer?
Answer me by tomorrow.
"Shake the flask to change the balance"
and the eclipse of the moon will collapse
the light will reverberate
in absolute zero
in an insignificant lifetime.
I was kept testing me.
to show love like a fish
"Don't make me laugh"
among hundreds of millions of human beings
I am A and you are B
today as usual I'm breathing,
what is natural, isnt it?
among hundreds of millions of human beings
I can't understand this equation
among hundreds of millions of human beings
"Shake the flask to change the balance"
and the eclipse of the moon will collapse
the light will reverberate
in absolute zero
in an insignificant lifetime
the patient noticed and shouted
to his own weakness,
he shed tears
defamation blesses the eternity,
ask for good luck in your destiny
One moment represents the eternity,
and eternity represents all of your life.
Life represents a moment,
and the moment is now
people are all the same,
even so the humanity is full of contradictions
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