Apple 270 gr | Water 40 gr
Egg 160 gr
Sugar 60 gr
Milk 125 gr
Wheat Flour 120 gr | Cacao powder 20 gr
Baking powder 3 gr | Salt 1 gr
Bake at 350ºF/180ºC for 45 minutes
Let it cool for 10 minutes
4 alimentos tóxicos y peligrosos para el desarrollo del bebé - Duration: 8:03.-------------------------------------------
Polémica en torno a las intimidades más tórridas de Belén Esteban y su novio - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
La historia de cómo descubrieron a los Turpin y sus 13 hijos escaparon del horror - Duration: 11:37.-------------------------------------------
LIGAMIENTOS DE PAREJAS Y AMARRES DE PAREJAS ENTRES HOMBRES GAY ! - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
DAEnUnMinuto: Alan confunde fechas y a Galilea se le "cae el cerebro" en vivo - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
Ningún Hongo Sobrevive a Este Potente Germicida de Vinagre Blanco! Así se prepara ! - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
5 Cosas Que No Sabías Sobre El Pase De Batalla Temporada 3! - Fortnite: Battle Royale [BySixx] - Duration: 10:04.-------------------------------------------
Tass - Run away - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
How an AK 47 works 3D animation - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
El Chapo De Sinaloa - Hola Mi Amor en Hoy - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
How I became a proud ecologist (Story Time) | Écolo imparfaite - Duration: 14:43.-------------------------------------------
How to Gain Real Personal Power - Duration: 6:24.You want ultimate power, like real power?
You start lifting others up and not pushing them down.
You lift your spouse up.
You stop minimizing other people.
You start saying, "You know what, real power,
"true human power is giving others love and validation
"without needing it back."
I think one of the greatest acts of human courage is
to open up yourself to the world,
demonstrate exactly who you are,
do exactly what you desire of life
without the need of power, without the need
of validation or love, doing it for the sake of doing it,
for the journey, not the outcome.
That's extraordinary power.
The most extraordinary powerful person
I've met in my entire life was the Dalai Lama.
I've been blessed to spend time with him twice
now in my life.
And I'll tell you, I've never met someone more powerful.
His grace and his energy is amazing.
Whether you believe in Buddhism or not,
he says his religion is kindness.
That's his religion.
And it's true.
I've seen in very very very volatile situations
in his past and his history where he could,
he just didn't.
And by holding that space of compassion,
kindness, mindfulness, he was unshakably powerful.
Unshakably powerful.
One of the most respected human figures alive today
and never tries to exert power over others.
Because where he grew up, and in his history,
when he was ousted from his country,
the powerful country at the time, China, was pushing
at his country and trying to take over that country.
And so he grew up with overt uses of power.
And people often when they grew up or see
or sense overt uses of power, they either choose to use it
and try to get it and take it or they recognize that
those who try to demonstrate power
actually are lacking in it because they need it.
How many follow?
Those who need that power over other people are
often the weakest of the lot.
It doesn't mean that they don't do bad things
or take over other people.
But true genuine personal power,
genuine personal power is the ability
to consciously choose one's own aims,
one's own attitude, one's own actions.
That's true power.
When I can choose and no matter the chaos,
I can choose a positive attitude.
No matter the chaos, I can choose what I want
no matter the situation.
I can choose my next action.
That's personal power.
The ability to will yourself into thinking,
feeling, doing something, that's real personal power.
And when you can do it with a positive bend towards humans,
towards others, then you're a leader.
When you can mobilize the self
to give more goodness back to the world,
you got power.
I think being yourself and being your best self is
the greatest personal power ever.
And we evaluate ourselves on that.
We ask ourselves, "Am I taking control of my life
"or am I not?"
Am I living the life I imagine for myself or am I not?
Because when I'm not, then this frame makes us feel bad,
guilty, sad, because aren't in psychology terms,
we aren't in a place of agency.
Meaning you're the agent, the controlling agent
of your life, right.
Somebody else is.
If you have a low level of agency in your life,
it means you have a low level of personal power or control.
A high level means you take command.
It means you're owning your reality
and you're responsible.
You're making yourself accountable and responsible
for your own decisions in life.
You want to see this, have this, feel it?
Then demonstrate it based on who you are.
Be yourself and keep yourself accountable
to positive emotions, thoughts, and actions,
and you'll feel like you have it.
Like I feel an extraordinary amount
of personal control in my life
even when I've been bankrupt.
Even when I was completely challenged
in my first business.
I left corporate America.
I started writing, started doing seminars,
and I had no idea what I was doing.
I mean there wasn't an expert's academy back then,
no place you went to learn all this.
It was just like you could go to a seminar over there
or something over here or something over there.
I had no idea what I was doing at all.
So I quickly went broke.
But during that time, I didn't lose that agency,
that part of like this is on me.
I can control my thoughts, my feelings, my behaviors,
to improve to get to this next level
and that changed everything.
Thanks for watching.
Make sure you subscribe to my new podcast,
The Brendon Show.
It's available on iTunes and Stitcher
and wherever else you get your podcasts
and it's the exclusive place where I share
my thoughts about life, about current events,
about what I'm going through, about my advice for you
as you seek to live an even more extraordinary life.
It's called The Brendon Show and it's available
anywhere you get your podcasts.
So make sure you subscribe.
And if you're ready to take your life
to a whole new level, make sure you grab
my book High Performance Habits,
How Extraordinary People Become That Way.
It's available on Amazon right now
and when you order your copy, you're really
supporting my channel and the message
and you're also getting a book
that will reveal to you 20 years of my research
into what is it that helps people go to a new level
of success in their life.
What does it really take?
What habits are proven to help you reach
long-term success in your career,
your health, your personal life, your relationships?
It's called High Performance Habits,
How Extraordinary People Become That Way.
It's available on Amazon right now.
And finally make sure you subscribe to my channel
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I release a new video and by subscribing
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So I'd really appreciate it.
Make sure you hit Subscribe.
¿La aromaterapia funciona? - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
MEDELLIN URBAN ART | MEDELLIN EN 3 - Duration: 3:13.En la mayoría de las ciudades, grafiti en las paredes es percibido de manera negativa.
Sin embargo, en Medellín, el espectacular arte urbano se ha convertido en algo común,
y de hecho codiciado para demostrar la transformación que ha vivido la ciudad.
En el episodio de esta semana, miramos de cerca la escena de arte urbano,
y como miles de extranjeros se están conectando con una de las subculturas más populares de Medellín.
Felipe, when did the city start to accept urban art?
In the last five years, the perception of graffiti in the city has evolved.
In the public sector, the mayor's office has used urban art as a tool to demonstrate the city's transformation,
and in the private sector as a form of publicity.
Urban art blatantly in the streets allows for a direct connection with people,
and is a way to debate issues within society.
This creates a sense of belonging and ownership for people who live in their neighborhoods,
and allows foreigners to get a sense of understanding of the culture in
city district (comuna) 13 and in other parts of Medellin.
In the past several years, foreigners have stopped coming here to partake in what we call "Narco tourism".
Urban art and graffiti have played a big role in demonstrating
the perseverance of the city of the eternal spring.
There are many urban art sectors and tours in the city,
not only for foreigners, but also for locals to be able to experience.
Jessica, ¿cual es tu percepción sobre la escena del arte urbano en Medellín?
Me parece muy bonito ver la transformación de como la ciudad
ha pintado sobre muchas de las cosas de ese pasado oscuro,
pero ya está lleno de vida, nos hace sentir bienvenidos, y todo el mundo es super querido.
Creo que afecta a las personas a un nivel de conciencia y por ende nos sentimos en un lugar mas feliz y brillante.
What types of events promote art within the city?
Recently, the city has been hosting an art festival called "Pictopia",
which is an event where the walls converse.
While we walk around daily criticizing things, the walls hear all that.
This event connects our walls with the citizens as they express what they feel through art.
Estas vistosas paredes están aquí, para quedarse en Medellín.
Ven a echarles un vistazo!
Remedios Caseros Para Los Fuegos En La Boca, Aftas Bucales, Llagas En La Boca, Llagas En La Lengua - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Sakunami Onsen Yuzukushi Salon Ichi No Bo - Miyagi - 作並温泉 ゆづくしsalon一の坊 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 4:25.Sakunami Onsen is a village onsen outside of Sendai city in Miyagi. Discovered in 1300,
Sakunami onsen quickly became quite popular and it still is to this day today.
The village is nothing more than a huge resort now with a huge five luxury hotel complex tailored around enjoying the onsen.
oday's video was shot in one of these luxury hotels, the Yuzukushi Salon, who was kind enough to open its doors for us before opening hours.
part 1 (26.02.18) Dianhoa [Eng subs] - Duration: 3:28.Hi
Ortega, hi
How goes it? What happens? What is that so important you had to tell me?
Do you have a few minutes to have some tea?
Okay, yeah, I have like 10 minutes
Three cups?
Eh yes, three
One, two and three
Are we expecting somebody?
She told you too that she had something important to tell you?
Let's see girls, before you two tell me to get lost, I apologize to you for the setup
But it's just that this situation is becoming very awkward for the staff too
Come on, it's that it's obvious
You two got along very well, that you were very close friends and that you can't be together in a room
Look, maybe I should mind my own business but it's that I care a lot about the two of you
And I don't want to see you like that
So.. I ask you, please, for your own good eh,
and for the good of all, that you two try to work it out, okay?
Well I..if you'll excuse me..
I have a lot to do
Did you tell her?
Sorry it's that I wanted to talk with you about before
I wanted to talk with you too.
Because I don't know if you had something to do with that Clara thing but...things like that don't work with me
No, no, I didn't have anything to do with it
Everything was clara's idea, I guess she doesn't know what's happening between us and.. that's why she told us what she told us
It's normal
Because she thinks we've had a fight between friends and..
I know
And what do you want me to do about it?
What you've been saying since the beginning, that don't be scared of the truth
This is what always happens,
a big silence
What a character this Jesus, eh?
What a double life he leads
But what's with you? that you finds out everything always or what?
Girl, ones does what one can.
Well, nothing, it's that there's people who has very hard time telling the truth
Yes and it has to be very sad
Not being able to tell the truth to you partner or a longtime close friend...
It has to be hard
Hey Ortega
Look, I've been thinking about Ainhoa thing
Do you remember what I mentioned you that time?
Well I still think the same
I think what happens is that she's in love with you, you know?
And that's why she's so unfriendly, it's normal
Art Vlogs 269 // Mosaic Art Management Issues // Ayhan Keser - Duration: 10:23.hi and welcome to art vlogs 260 and blah blah and welcome to my life will come to
my studio I released yesterday at night their life
content which was about the creative 100 creative week which is this week has
started today and you don't want believe how many things I have already created
about this to Commission stuff absolutely zero I don't know if I'm too
tired am I too tired because of this weekend
at car driving and blah blah or I have two more things in my head I really
don't know it's just ridiculous I can't get in the point actually I can't get in
the point in the point I can't I tried to create some skulls
you know skull and nothing is coming out I guess this is the part when you
try to make a commission it design design ideas to turn them into
Commission so this is lot of pressure it's not like an artwork an art work
you're just you're just doing it you have not there's no question and nothing
no worries about selling that thing and so on and it's quite weird I work on
some schools you know and they turn to a regular nothing did not think there's also
that holidays and stuff nothing came out that's so weird I guess
I'm tired should I take this day off you know it's just when you promise
something in that block so you are supposed to do that kind of so this
gives you an extra pressure which is not so good I really was dreaming today
about some cool things and to start to make
them you know going to that copy center to get the enlargements and to start to
glue some cardboards and stuff but thing this is the worst part of vlogging to
when you promise something and you're still didn't do anything about that
content what am I gonna do now by the way that thing is still there you
remember the things over there I made it for a friend
he's quite busy you know he's changed his country because of business bam he's here
and bam he is there he is there I can't even reach them as a very real friend of mine
but I can't even reach them so this stuff is still waiting but we will bring
it to him definitely to see his reaction okay one interesting point is this stuff
in island Bozcaada we will be there as soon as possible that's correct
but the thing is there is one hotel which I already made a lot of mosaics
inside and stencils and everything and there is an other hotel it's almost on
same street so listen here's the thing in this hotel owners are hope there are
not watching if they are watching this will turn to something terrible
so these guys are good friends and one of them has a hotel a lot of my stuff
inside which makes that hotel unique at that island is what they said to me
because and none of these hotels are kind of that kind of mosaics design is
special for blah blah blah chosen colors everything
style there are stained glass and bathrooms there are ceramic mosaic tile
art in the rooms hang it you know that angel things and stuff
there are stencils stencil work cat mad cat if you remember at the entry
and there's another stencil at the facade and so they said that this hotel
is unique with all your stuff because of your stuff okay that's fine that's hotel
is unique because also how to manage everything it's clean and piko bello
it's amazing cool but the point is now his friend which is building the hotel
right now a couple of blocks away from that hotel he wanna also have some
mosaics bad if you know in home so the first hotel owner which I already worked
with a long time for a very long time is already good client of mine is paying
his has respect all of my designs showing respect of everything and there
is this other guy which is his friend so how we gonna do that
so the first hotel owner he said just do your business just go for it but I know
in his mind he's going like what happened if he made a lot of mosaics
inside the hotel from his friends so this two hotels home we become like on
the same line so that first hotel will be not unique anymore how are we gonna
do with that we have two ways to avoid this kind of a problem the first way is
you don't do it just say thank you to that second hotel how you can do
you can give him a very high prices like double it's a couple of times $4,000
just right for the 40.000 dollars that's the first rate but most of the
time people are accepting this prices just to let u know them if it's more
expensive it's more valuable so people are ready to buy it more easier than
what it's cheap okay I'm gonna do that the second way this if it's if it will
be a mosaic we can change the technical way you know how we do that the style of
breaking the tiles style of laying the tiles the style of colors shapes and
things like that we'll probably look different than the mosaics in that first
hotel but this is still the nth effect will be mosaic that's true
so that's a problem actually I don't want to let these two people you know
have a fight because of this mosaic stuff but I only don't know I really
don't know so there's lot of things to think about this issue
that's why I can not just jumped in an analyzer photo incentive prizes as I
said in yesterday's livestream in the vlog so this stuff is done today I
really don't know how to act to that thing what kind of technique I've
already used almost everything in the first hotel how can we do in our style
of mosaics in there can use marble but marble will be very hard to work with in
the details it's almost impossible because marvelous
like when you break when you try to break a marble tile in a very small size
it's almost impossible and a lot of pain in your hands because it's a very hard
material and it'll be quite heavy as well no not much colors to use in marble
so I really don't know how we're gonna do that so I will think about this one
day more as the German said eine Nacht drabber schlafen we need to sleep one
night more to find a good solution for that project that mosaic projects are
what about the skulls and the harley davidson I don't know I really don't know okay
the point is also should we make something very interesting actually not
we have to make something which will be get sold very quickly this is what the
owner wants actually you know if you come up with the Picasso and nobody is
ready to buy that so this will not turn to your commission if you know what I
mean we need something what people are ready to buy . A skull form on a white
like this thing here this white thing just paint the cardboard in white by
using brush to create some lines you know to show that this is not sprayed
just make by hand very randomly and then we can maybe spray a skull form in
black or flowing colors and stuff it should be interesting another point to
make it more interesting as make it big that's a quite important issue if you
don't know about that I don't know if you've ever been in the Tate Modern
in London the words of Rothko if you know what I mean are just very simple
colors you know like one color or not after another color but that thing was
huge they were so big that work of Pollock it was so big it was the whole wall or
cover it was covered with that work just one work so if you make it big it takes
more it looks more interesting to people to buy something big for a good price so
this is some technical stuff but selling and about attrack people's tension if
you know what I mean so it's almost I guess 2 p.m. or something there's still
nothing on the table I still couldn't didn't do anything but I try to I guess
I'm too tired I'm really tired I need a good sleep so excuse me for
today I promise yes there's something totally different but the week is not
over yet yet the next vlog
Example solve 4 - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
How an AK 47 works 3D animation - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Treat balanitis at home | How to identify and treat balanitis - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
How to paint the beach - Step by Step - Beginner Painting tutorial│♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 8:32.Hey guys, I hope you are all having an amazing day today, and in this video I will show you
how to paint the beach.
Before I get into the video I wanted to tell you that even though I will be using oil paints
for this tutorial, in this particular instance the only difference between oil paint and
acrylic paint is the drying time which I fixed by adding some fast drying medium so, feel
free to paint this with whatever medium you feel comfortable with.
I started off by adding some masking tape to create a rectangular frame to contain my
Then I started priming my page using gesso, so that the paint has something to bind to
and it doesn't seep through the page.
The colours I will be using are the following: Titanium White,
Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ochre,
Phthalo Blue, Cobalt Blue Hue,
Viridian Hue and Burnt Umber.
I first took some of my fast drying medium and I started mixing the cobalt blue with
some titanium white and I am trying to a create a quantity of the colour because this will
be my base which I will cover my page with.
Then, I started painting with the colour I just created from the top of the page going
downwards in a horizontal motion.
Then, I took some titanium white to add to the gradient that we are creating.
So, as we move downwards it will get lighter.
Then I picked up some yellow ochre and I mixed it with the titanium white so that my gradient
will go from blue to white and then to yellow ochre.
And then I started painting in horizontal motions mixing everything together.
Now, I took some more yellow ochre and I mix it with white to increase the opacity of the
sand that we will be painting at the bottom of the page.
Then, I took a large clean brush to blend the colours together evenly.
Now, that my background is completely dry, I will start painting the water.
For the water, I picked up some phthalo blue and I mixed it with some viridian hue.
I took my flat headed brush and I started drawing a horizontal line of the water which
will be my horizon.
Then I added some white into the paint mixture to continue painting the water.
Now, I went back with the dark colour I just mixed to re-define the horizon.
Then, I continue with the lighter colour of the water and I move downwards.
Now I added more white into the paint mixture to move downwards as we are creating another
gradient effect for the water.
Then, I am adding more white into the paint mixture and again, I am adding more white
for our water gradient.
And now I am mixing a tiny bit of yellow ochre for the sand.
And finally I am blending everything out as smoothly as I can.
I took some of my white colour and mixed it into the yellow colour we used for the sand
because now we will define the shape of the beach.
And I am applying more of that colour on the right hand side as well.
And then, I took my fluffy brush to blend it out very smoothly.
I took some of the light blue colour I had in my palette and then I took some white and
mixed both of them really well to come up with a light blue colour to paint the little
waves on the surface of the water.
I am doing that using my flat headed brush and I am drawing really small horizontal lines
on the water.
Now I took some viridian hue to start painting the large wave in the middle, I added some
lemon yellow in the mixture and then a little bit of titanium white.
And then I started painting the large wave in the area that we left blank in the middle.
I added some more white into the mixture to lighten the colour and then I continued tapping
my brush on the paper.
Now using the same colour, I am drawing those curvy vertical lines the blend the colour
with the rest of the water.
And by doing that we start seeing the wave forming.
Now I took some of the darker colour I created earlier for the horizon and I started by painting
the base of the wave using the same brush strokes.
And now I am blending the water and the waves together.
And I went on top to re-paint the base of the wave as well.
And now, using the same colour I am painting the shadow of the wave on top.
Now I took my darker colour and I am re-painting the water on top.
I keep using the darker value for the bottom of the wave as well.
Now, I took a fluffy brush to blend the bottom of our wave with the water.
And then using the same brush I try to expand the wave using vertical motions.
Now, I took some of the lighter colour to paint the small waves on the water again and
I am doing that by tapping the tip of my brush on the paper.
Using the same brush I started adding some highlights to the bigger wave.
Now I took some of my titanium white on my detail brush and I started tapping on top
of my wave to paint the foam.
Now, I took my detail brush and a darker tone and I started painting the shadow of the wave.
For this part dipped a q-tip into the titanium white and I started tapping on the foam of
the wave.
Then I took my detail brush using the same colour I started drawing the water that follows
the wave going upwards.
Then, I drag those lines on the rest of the water doing a zig zag pattern.
Now, I am starting to paint the foam on the edge of the water as well.
And again I took my q-tip and I started tapping the paint on the paper.
Now I am adding some burnt umber into my yellow ochre mixture to paint the shadow of the water
on the beach.
And then I took some titanium white to paint the sparkles on the wet sand.
And then I took my detail brush to blend the shadows of the big wave with the water.
Now I continue painting the waves using a q-tip and the white paint.
And then I switched to my detail brush to add those little dots that represent the water
splash from the foamy wave.
And finally I took some of my darker colour to add in between the light waves as shadows.
And finally, I gently remove the masking tape.
So this is the finished painting, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and found it helpful,
in the description I have links to all the products I am using if you guys are interested.
I also have prints of my work available on my website if you would like to have a look.
Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next video.
Bye x
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Episode 4: Gym Leader Brock - Duration: 11:07.And now, the Gym battle.
Now it give me the boost...
Polémica en torno a las intimidades más tórridas de Belén Esteban y su novio - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
Remedios Caseros Para Los Fuegos En La Boca, Aftas Bucales, Llagas En La Boca, Llagas En La Lengua - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Audi A4 Avant Lease Edition 2.0TDI 150pk S-tronic + 19 inch - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
This Is How U Eat A Big Mac. Try Me B*tch - Duration: 0:07.This
is how you eat a Big Mac, n*gga!
Try me, b*tch!
Τα τρία μυστικά της αληθινής ομορφιάς. - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
Dropshipping: Do I pay products before selling online? [Oberlo weekly Q&A] - Duration: 1:16.Dropshipping: Do I pay products before selling online [Oberlo weekly Q&A]
Hey everyone, my name's David – and it's question time.
Just like each week, we're taking a closer look at questions that the community dropped
into the comments of videos on our YouTube channel.
If you have questions of your own, don't be shy!
Alright, let's get to it:
So this question is from an anonymous viewer who wants to know if they need to purchase
products before they import them to their online store.
Great question!
And the answer -- is no, you do NOT need to purchase any products before you import them
to your online store.
That's part of the beauty of dropshipping.
You never need to hold any inventory.
Instead, when you receive an order, you'll purchase the products from a supplier, and
that supplier will ship them directly to your customer's door.
That means the startup costs are virtually nothing.
Of course, there's still plenty of work for you to do: you need to come up with a pricing strategy
you need to take care of marketing, make sure all your ads are running you want them to,
but you don't need to worry about paying for the products until your customers have paid for the products.
We've included some resources to help you choose products that you can sell online in
the description.
Good luck!
Do you have a question you want answered?
Let us know.
We check through the comments section every day and we'd love to use your question in
our next video.
And if you liked what we spoke about today, consider subscribing, so you can get new videos
every week!
How To Think In English - 3 Practical Exercises - Duration: 7:41.attention this video is aimed at pre-intermediate speakers and
intermediate speakers but if you are an Advanced one hey you're welcome too
many people misunderstand the concept of thinking in English in today's video I'm
going to give you three practical exercises that are going to help you
think in English and consequently become a better and more confident English
speaker hey friends Teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere
anytime in English thanks for coming back for another video and if it's your
first time here thanks I hope you enjoy today's lesson and make sure to
subscribe because every week I post different kinds of videos as well as
live videos so in this video I'm going to give you three practical exercises
okay that you can do anytime anywhere so here we go exercise number one
connect your exercises to mental work priscila what do you mean I imagine
that you study English I believe that most of my subscribers and
followers try to study English at home so the idea of this exercise is to use
all those reading exercises you do and combine them with mental exercises I'm
gonna give you a more practical example imagine you are going to spend this
afternoon reading an article on the internet or reading a few pages of a
book you like or reading about a subject you like on the Internet now what are
you going to do during this moment while you are reading the article on the
internet or on the book you are going to start asking yourself questions but not
out loud right here you are going to think og questions what kind of
questions for example what's the main idea of this article what do we
understand here in this paragraph what are the main ideas of this subject maybe
it's a subject you like and that you know very well so you can ask yourself
am i learning something new here what new information Am I learning
here you can also ask yourself questions about the vocabulary what new words am i
learning here in this article or in this paragraph and then think about the
meaning of the words that you're learning try to find the meaning if you
need to try to look up the words in the dictionary
so all this mental work will induce your brain to think in English when you start
doing this it will be a little bit difficult a little challenging but as
you persist every time you start reading something on the internet or reading a
magazine or reading a paper you will start asking yourself questions but here
many students like to read out loud and there are moments when you should do
this exercise but to practice thinking in English doing the mental work
thinking to yourself is a wonderful way to practice thinking in English with
time you will be thinking in English without realizing you are and that's my
goal with this exercise now let's talk about exercise number two come up with a
routine that will help you think in English now this is an interesting
exercise because many times the students believe that they need to go above and
beyond when it comes to thinking in English what do I mean by that they need
to change their routine completely they need to start doing different exercises
studying different things and the truth is you need to be simple the small
things in your routine will help you think in English what I'm trying to say
is actually what can you do during your routine that will help you think in
English I'll give you some practical examples you can ask questions to
yourself throughout the day for example every time you are doing something and
you have a moment to think because sometimes you're just too busy but let's
imagine you had dinner and now you are washing the dishes
this is a perfect moment when you can think about things in English okay why
am i washing the dishes hmm because I had dinner Oh what did I eat for dinner
oh I had chicken I had salad I had some vegetables but now I'm washing the
dishes how am I feeling I don't like washing the dishes
it's boring so all these questions that you can ask yourself while you are
washing the dishes you didn't need to change your routine or stop everything
you're doing just to think in English you're there and you're trying and let
me tell you one thing there will be moments when you try to do this and you
won't know all the words you need and it's okay no pressure
don't pressure yourself into knowing all the words when you're trying to think in
English this is practice you're exercising okay so this is a good moment
when you can think in English without any pressure and without having to
change your routine completely so that's my idea for exercise number two for
whatever you do try to bring English into your life all the exercise I'm
going to suggest here are really connected to mental conversation instead
of speaking verbally you will be here thinking and that's a very powerful
activity that if you persist you will be very successful hmm nice tips don't you
think are you enjoying today's video I hope so I have one more exercise for you
but before I move on to exercise number three how about you share this video
with someone special got it nice let's go to exercise number three
which is listening to podcasts listening to podcasts is something that I believe
most of my students do I believe most of you guys do I have some podcasts on my
blog you can go check it out I'll leave the link in the descriptions but
listening to podcasts is something that everybody does consequently it's an
amazing opportunity for you to think in English okay well how do you do that
I'll show you whenever I am listening choice speaker during the podcast I
imagine myself talking to the person you know the the the speaker is saying
something that I agree with so I start to think yes you're right I agree with
you uh-huh yeah that's a good point exactly and I do all this conversation
this internal conversation in English because I want to practice thinking in
English so while you do the listening while you listen to the podcast
this is a perfect moments to explore that many
students get caught up in just understanding the podcast and even
translating why not think about it and ask yourself questions hmm what did I
understand here did I understand this part do I need to go back and listen
again so all this communication can happen
right here with the podcasts you can do that because it's something that you
probably already do it's probably an exercise that you already do but now you
can explore this mental practice of checking if you can understand if you
are following the the ideas in the podcasts and the good thing is it's
nothing new it's something you probably already do but now with the thinking
part after you finish listening to the podcast you can stop for a minute or two
and think about it what was the main message you can do the same thing you do
with the article but here with the podcast what was the main message what
did the speaker want to say so you can think about these things and remember
you can start thinking in English today do exercises in combination with
thinking in English and I am sure you will see wonderful results thank you so
much friends and I'll see you next time bye
"This is Me" The Greatest Showman - ASL - Duration: 4:01.I'm not a stranger to the dark
Hide away, they say
'Cause we don't want your broken parts
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one will love you as you are
But I won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be,
this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies,
this is me
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
*Chorus: oooh oo ohhh oo*
*Chorus: oooh oo ohhh oo*
Another round of bullets hits my skin
Well, fire away
'cause today,
I won't let the shame sink in
We are bursting through the barricades
And reaching for the sun
(we are warriors)
Yeah, that's what we've become
Won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
Gonna send a flood,
gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be,
this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies,
this is me
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
*Chorus: oooh oo ohhh oo*
*Chorus: oooh oo oooh oo oo*
(This is me)
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
And I know that I deserve your love
There's nothing I'm not worthy of
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood,
gonna drown them out
This is brave, this is bruised
This is who I'm meant to be,
this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies,
this is me
*Chorus: ooohhhh*
I'm gonna send a flood
Gonna drown them out
...this is me
Evelyn did it first and I copied her (plus face reveal..sorta) - Duration: 0:26.FOOR SCOOR AND NIENDEH SIXX YAERZ AGGO
And that's my story.
Andrew Zimmern Cooks: Cooking with Bamboo Steamers - Duration: 0:54.I love working with Chinese steamers. They're made in sizes that fit inside
all of the pans that I have but more importantly, it allows me to build from
the bottom up with the things that take the most time
to cook. You can just take out a whole section. If you wanted to serve these hot
to people as an hors d'oeuvre, just let them dip them in seasoned butter and you
can just plunk that down on a towel. See how nice a bamboo steamer is. The
original was three levels, costs I think $14.99, and then for another couple of
dollars you get the individual levels. At home
I'll go eight high because, depending on how you arrange it, as long as you don't
include the steam, you can cook 20 pounds of asparagus at once if you want. Think
about that. There's no other device on earth that can do that, well except a
very, very big pan that you don't have.
Why Build Links to an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration:'s why you should build things to your Amazon affiliate site links for one
at the top three factors for rankings how do I know this well a Google
engineer told us I'll place a link so you can see my reference point here a
search quality senior strategist at Google said that the top two ranking
factors were content number one and links number two yes there are like 200
ranking factors or more and when it comes down to it there are many other
factors however if you're gonna focus on smaller number of areas links and
content are the way to go so let's dig into it so why am i covering this topic
at all well there is a contingent of people who think that links don't matter
in fact probably about once a week I'll get a comment on one of the videos that
says I'm crazy I am you know spreading propaganda by telling
people that links matter and they should spend time building links and oftentimes
these people will say hey you should spend time on social sharing you should
do these other things additionally there are some videos from
my friends over at income school they have a video this title link building is
useless do this instead I'll put a link below so you can check it out and make
it you know decision for yourself but I mean the title is pretty clear link
building is useless I disagree with that I think link building has this place and
in fact Google tells us it's one of the top two rankings factors that are out
there so we should spend time on it now when we go back and we look at some of
the early iterations or early ideas from Google they actually use sort of an idea
from like medical journals and like professional journals where the more
cited and author was like a researcher was the better they were the more
authoritative they were so for example a specific sort of idea made up example of
course but if a you know researcher was cited in 20 different journals that was
good that was better than someone who is only cited and
and if you look at you know people that are that do well in academia and stuff
they're often publishing in journals all the time and it helps them become
well-known and it indicates that they know what they're talking about Google
took this similar idea they sort of made that the backbone of the rankings still
holds true today as I mentioned the quote before one of the top two factors
is in fact backlinks so they are still important even if there are many other
factors even if there are ways to get around it like the keyword golden ratio
maybe you don't need as many links because it's not so competitive but if
you add links with good keyword research that it is always better than no links
the links are high quality and not you know garbage spammy links so high
quality links do matter but the idea is you know each one of these backlinks is
sort of like a vote for your site so the more backlinks particularly high quality
backlinks the more votes right the better it is for your search ring and
that's why people try and get backlinks right it's a whole like multi-million
dollar industry and it's a big deal to get backlinks so if you start studying
SEO most people will say you need backlinks if you take a look at
backlinko Brian Dean one of the influencers in the SEO space we can see
right here he says pack links are very important and makes a couple references
to the article that I mentioned as well and then they actually over a backlink
oh did analysis on the rankings factors and they found backlinks had the highest
correlation to high ranking so I'll leave it at that
I hope I convinced you it's important so back to the people that comment on some
of the YouTube videos or maybe they send me emails and say you know you shouldn't
tell people to build backlinks it's useless right here's my hutch most the
time when I talk to them and I say hey I'm happy to see your side of the story
here why don't you tell me some case studies tell me an example where you
know no backlinks led to you know ongoing passive income I
usually don't hear back when I ask questions like that and try to engage
I'm happy to have a conversation by the way leave a comment think backlinks
don't matter we'd love to hear from you and then if you could please put a link
for it an example like a case study or you can send me an email and just let me
know one on one if you don't want it to be public but basically it's very rare
where you can have say social sharing make something ranked like make a page
ranked having social shares could be important but it's not the main factor
here's the thing a lot of those folks will say you know what if you go to
Pinterest and you spend a lot of time on Pinterest you build up a following
you pin things a lot you can in fact drive a lot of traffic through Pinterest
or fill in the blank right it could be Facebook maybe they say it's reddit
maybe some other platform that's not even around yet they say that you could
drive a lot of traffic through social channels I have two main arguments why
that is not a good idea for me perhaps it's a good idea for you but for me the
the first thing is it's usually a decent amount of work to continue to have an
active social Channel right so in the Pinterest side it takes a little while
to build up an audience just like any platform it takes a while to build an
audience and then once you have that audience you have to keep their
attention that's flaw number one with say the
Pinterest model plot number two is it's not as targeted so my traffic that I
prefer comes from organic SEO people will go to Google if they type in a
search term and usually it's a buyer's term I hope they end up on my site they
get over to Amazon they make a purchase I get a small Commission that works well
right if they don't have buying intent it's much harder to make that sale to
make the Commission my thought is on Pinterest people are usually looking for
like projects or ideas to pin they don't necessarily go to Pinterest to make a
purchase right and then again we could fill in other channels right so on
Facebook I don't know I go to Facebook to get distracted maybe you watch some
sort of cat videos or something to waste my time I want to be distracted I
usually don't go to Facebook ever too purchase I'm a weird guy I think most
people would agree with that I'm weird right I know that other people maybe
they do go to Pinterest and maybe they do shop on Pinterest maybe they go to
Facebook and they buy things on Facebook and it's much better for me to have that
organic SEO traffic where it's targeted people literally want to buy something
and I know it because what they're searching for is something that a buyer
would search for and then they make the purchase I have fairly high conversion
rates on Amazon and I'm confident that that model works well additionally once
you have that sort of SEO traffic funneling over to your site it's pretty
stable we're on the Facebook and Pinterest side for example you may have
to keep that stuff active all the time you know when it comes down to it you
have to actively manage those for the SEO side sure it could take a while to
build up that traffic once it's there it's usually fairly stable and the Third
Point there's the contingent of people that say don't build links you don't
need them you could just publish great content will that work potentially right
potentially that could work thing is most of the time there's so much content
on the internet on any given topic that it's really hard to actually rank with
no backlinks the exceptions could be the keyword golden ratio it's literally a
data-driven way to find keywords that other people are not targeting you'd
find keywords that people are searching for but there's not enough people
targeting let me ask this as sort of a it's not the exact question of the day
but there are two sites with roughly the same amount of content same kind of
quality content one person builds zero backlinks other person builds ten which
one do you think will rank higher I'm stacking the deck right I told you that
Google told us that links matter it's literally wanted to top two reasons a
site can rank for a given term so when I asked the question I think I know what
you're gonna answer but if you don't think the links matter let me know what
you think matters some of the most useful comments are from the the
audience at large so let me know what you think I would love to learn
something new here if there's some other mystery ranking fact
that we don't know about aside from content and links please let us know we
could have a great discussion about it if you think the links do matter let me
know your favorite link building tactics if you have any questions or anything
just let me know in the comments I try to answer every single one I may be a
little slow but I do try and answer every single one thanks for watching my
name is Doug Pennington be sure to take a look around at other videos and
subscribe if you like what you see
Omegamon Zwart 20,000+ AT - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
If I Want To Look Younger, What Procedures Can You Recommend - David Bogue, MD Plastic Surgery - Duration: 0:42.Many patients come in asking what I can do for them when it comes to facial rejuvenation.
My response is always the same: what bothers you?
What's the priority?
Is it your eyes?
Do you not like the jowls?
Maybe it's your neck.
Let's identify the problems that you see and I'll develop a plan to fix those.
For more information or a free consultation, call me at 561-886-1000 or visit our website
I'm Dr. David Bogue, board-certified plastic surgeon.
Mary Lou Melloy - "I Was a Feisty Mother" - Duration: 6:46.[Instrumental music]
Cindy was born July the 15th, 1958.
And on December the 24th, 1958, we were told that Cindy was blind and deaf and mentally
retarded and that we should place her in a residential facility.
And my response was that they didn't know what they were talking about because I knew
that when I dropped a cookie sheet, Cindy would jerk, and I knew that when we drove
at night she would lift her head back and follow the lights.
So, I knew-- so then I decided that maybe they were wrong.
Who knew what they were wrong about.
And so, a very unhappy, aggressive mother left the room.
When we lived in Columbus Indiana, they ran an ad in the paper for people to sign their
children up for kindergarten.
And so, I took Cindy to enroll her in kindergarten and I was told by the principal of the school
that they wouldn't take, they didn't serve children like Cindy.
I told you before I was a feisty mother and I wanted them to say the word and he wouldn't.
But when I went home, he called me and he said it takes 13 children for us to be able
to start a class for handicapped kids and I said, "OK.
So if I find 13 kids, it-- you'll have a class?"
And he said, yes.
So, I went on a trade show where young mothers listened all the time where they could
get cheap furniture and baby sitters all this kind of stuff and I said to the people, I
am looking for handicapped children.
Would you please give me a call?
And I had 33 calls.
But the day after, I compiled my list and everything, we were transferred to Indianapolis
and I didn't have the nerve to call the school and tell them we weren't going to come back,
so I just kind of snuck out of town and I don't know if they started classes then or
what, you know.
I started looking for a school and I went to
every one of the school corporations in Marion
County and I decided that it would-- I had applied to Noble and their facility was not
what I wanted.
Their facilities were not good for Cindy.
The -- there were steps everywhere and the parking lot wasn't paved.
To be honest with you, it wasn't what I really wanted.
I wanted her in public school so I went to -- I decided
Washington Township schools would be the easiest school to strong
arm to take Cindy because there was -- we had a dual diagnosis, we had physical and mental,
and we needed -- we kind of needed both but that wasn't done, so they agreed to take her
on a trial basis but I had to drive her.
And I remember it was December the 5th and they call me, the principal of the school,
and he called me to tell me to come in and I was ready to fight because I just knew that
he was going to tell me this wasn't working out.
But when I got to his office, there was a beautiful little red tricycle and he wanted
to know if we would pay for the adaptive things so that Cindy could be taught to ride a tricycle.
So we knew that we had her in and that we were going to be OK and that she would
be OK.
And so she went to school there till she was 18.
They would have kept her three years longer but I didn't like the way they trained the
older handicapped kids.
They didn't teach him to think for themselves.
And so I asked for a letter of exclusion and put her in the workshop at Noble out on Tibbs Street.
So, Cindy went there.
Until we had an executive director that was really ahead of his time and we didn't like
him because he was ahead of his time and it was change and we were afraid as parents,
and they started talking about doing a way with the workshop and integrating handicapped
kids into the public.
And I-- Don and I personally sent all of the parents a letter objecting to have a big meeting
to fight this.
And after we had the meeting, the next morning I called and I said "OK.
Find her a job."
And that's just exactly, if you think this is work, you're the professional, you find
her a job.
And about 2 weeks later, they call me and Cindy went on a job and she worked there for
20 plus years.
And it just went away when it was being outsourced to Plainfield.
And so she has successfully worked in the community for 20 plus years.
And it was -- it was
the way for Cindy to go.
Cindy, It was the most wonderful opportunity for Cindy and
I will tell you that there are other mothers
that had children the same age as Cindy and they were afraid to let their kids go
out in the community and my statement to those mothers was you don't have the right
to deny them the opportunity to try this.
And several kids did go out because of Cindy.
[Instrumental music]
[Szok] Mikołaj Krawczyk i Sylwia Juszczak – szczegóły ślubu || LVTszok - Duration: 5:15.Mikołaj Krawczyk i Sylwia Juszczak – szczegóły ślubu
Szczegóły ślubu Mikołaja Krawczyka i Sylwii Juszczak.
W mediach roi się od doniesień na temat wojny,
jaką Mikołaj Krawczyk i Aneta Zając toczą na oczach wszystkich.
Nerwowe kwestie finansowe i te związane z opieką nad dziećmi sprawiają,.
że byli partnerzy regularnie chodzą „na noże i wszystko wskazuje na to, że sprawa skończy się w sądzie.
O ile kontakty Krawczyka ze śliczną Zając można, delikatnie rzecz ujmując,.
nazwać skomplikowanymi, o tyle z nową ukochaną dogaduje się świetnie.
Na tyle świetnie, że tuż przed świętami w 2017 zaprowadził ją do ołtarza.
Informacja o cichym ślubie Sylwii Juszczak i Mikołaja była szokiem dla wszystkich.
Nikt się tego nie spodziewał, nie podejrzewał nawet,.
a zakochani powiedzieli sobie sakramentalne „tak jeszcze przed Bożym Narodzeniem,.
więc powodów do radości było w święta dwa razy więcej.
Co zaskakujące, na przyjęcie zaproszeni zostali synowie Mikołaja,.
ale zaproszenie dla Anety gdzieś się zapodziało – czy to dlatego nie oddał jej synów na czas w Wigilię?.
Jak czytamy w najnowszym wydaniu magazynu Party, Mikołaj potwierdził oficjalnie, że doszło do ślubu:.
Owszem pobraliśmy się w zeszłym roku.
Jestem teraz najszczęśliwszym facetem na ziemi – powiedział.
Wyszło również na jaw nieco sekretów związanych z samym ślubem.
Jak się okazuje, prosta, ale seksowna suknia panny młodej,.
która odsłaniała jej plecy w całej okazałości, została zaprojektowana przez Natalią Jaroszewską.
Na przyjęciu bawiło się zaś jedynie ścisłe grono najbliższych przyjaciół.
Aneta nie skomentowała jeszcze tego faktu, ale głos zabrała Agnieszka Włodarczyk,.
która również miała w przeszłości epizod z aktorem Pierwszej Miłości.
Ku zaskoczeniu wszystkich, jej komentarz był krótki i dosadny:.
Cieszę się jego szczęściem – odpisała w odpowiedzi na komentarz jednego z fanów.
Myślicie, że teraz faktycznie będą szczęśliwi?.
CZUUX - co sądzi o RAFONIX, BOXDEL i ADAMZ - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
How to Gain Real Personal Power - Duration: 6:24.You want ultimate power, like real power?
You start lifting others up and not pushing them down.
You lift your spouse up.
You stop minimizing other people.
You start saying, "You know what, real power,
"true human power is giving others love and validation
"without needing it back."
I think one of the greatest acts of human courage is
to open up yourself to the world,
demonstrate exactly who you are,
do exactly what you desire of life
without the need of power, without the need
of validation or love, doing it for the sake of doing it,
for the journey, not the outcome.
That's extraordinary power.
The most extraordinary powerful person
I've met in my entire life was the Dalai Lama.
I've been blessed to spend time with him twice
now in my life.
And I'll tell you, I've never met someone more powerful.
His grace and his energy is amazing.
Whether you believe in Buddhism or not,
he says his religion is kindness.
That's his religion.
And it's true.
I've seen in very very very volatile situations
in his past and his history where he could,
he just didn't.
And by holding that space of compassion,
kindness, mindfulness, he was unshakably powerful.
Unshakably powerful.
One of the most respected human figures alive today
and never tries to exert power over others.
Because where he grew up, and in his history,
when he was ousted from his country,
the powerful country at the time, China, was pushing
at his country and trying to take over that country.
And so he grew up with overt uses of power.
And people often when they grew up or see
or sense overt uses of power, they either choose to use it
and try to get it and take it or they recognize that
those who try to demonstrate power
actually are lacking in it because they need it.
How many follow?
Those who need that power over other people are
often the weakest of the lot.
It doesn't mean that they don't do bad things
or take over other people.
But true genuine personal power,
genuine personal power is the ability
to consciously choose one's own aims,
one's own attitude, one's own actions.
That's true power.
When I can choose and no matter the chaos,
I can choose a positive attitude.
No matter the chaos, I can choose what I want
no matter the situation.
I can choose my next action.
That's personal power.
The ability to will yourself into thinking,
feeling, doing something, that's real personal power.
And when you can do it with a positive bend towards humans,
towards others, then you're a leader.
When you can mobilize the self
to give more goodness back to the world,
you got power.
I think being yourself and being your best self is
the greatest personal power ever.
And we evaluate ourselves on that.
We ask ourselves, "Am I taking control of my life
"or am I not?"
Am I living the life I imagine for myself or am I not?
Because when I'm not, then this frame makes us feel bad,
guilty, sad, because aren't in psychology terms,
we aren't in a place of agency.
Meaning you're the agent, the controlling agent
of your life, right.
Somebody else is.
If you have a low level of agency in your life,
it means you have a low level of personal power or control.
A high level means you take command.
It means you're owning your reality
and you're responsible.
You're making yourself accountable and responsible
for your own decisions in life.
You want to see this, have this, feel it?
Then demonstrate it based on who you are.
Be yourself and keep yourself accountable
to positive emotions, thoughts, and actions,
and you'll feel like you have it.
Like I feel an extraordinary amount
of personal control in my life
even when I've been bankrupt.
Even when I was completely challenged
in my first business.
I left corporate America.
I started writing, started doing seminars,
and I had no idea what I was doing.
I mean there wasn't an expert's academy back then,
no place you went to learn all this.
It was just like you could go to a seminar over there
or something over here or something over there.
I had no idea what I was doing at all.
So I quickly went broke.
But during that time, I didn't lose that agency,
that part of like this is on me.
I can control my thoughts, my feelings, my behaviors,
to improve to get to this next level
and that changed everything.
Thanks for watching.
Make sure you subscribe to my new podcast,
The Brendon Show.
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as you seek to live an even more extraordinary life.
It's called The Brendon Show and it's available
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So make sure you subscribe.
And if you're ready to take your life
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that will reveal to you 20 years of my research
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What does it really take?
What habits are proven to help you reach
long-term success in your career,
your health, your personal life, your relationships?
It's called High Performance Habits,
How Extraordinary People Become That Way.
It's available on Amazon right now.
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Episode 13, where I feel like a popsicle by the sea - Duration: 1:34.I didn't realise
how I miss my Osaka
before I hopped on to the Shinkansen
I even missed Shinkansen
even with its very weird smell
Osaka was my first introduction to Japan.
And my first Love
The day before my shooting there
I had some time to have a meal in my favorite vegetarian place
Wait for the special video about it
My week was great on artificial hair,
markers art my own hair
and lots of freezing wind
But it was accompanied by joyful dances,
liters of coffee
and great people around
And dear to heart sea..
KUCHNIA ANGIELSKA: nie tylko owsianka, herbata i pudding - Duration: 12:32.-------------------------------------------
Chrysler PT Cruiser 2.4I CLASSIC 145PK Airco Schitterende staat met NAP - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Come coltivare i mirtilli in casa - Duration: 8:20.-------------------------------------------
Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - kolejne 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 17 stycznia 2018 roku - Duration: 13:45.-------------------------------------------
ASMR Twins Tapping [A bit fast and chaotic] - Duration: 10:30.Today, I feel like doing some tapping.
I feel like doing some tapping today.
Let's get started.
CHEESY 3kg Chainsaw Massacre BURGER Challenge!! - Duration: 7:59.Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and
proud owner of! Extra-extra very very excited tonight!
I'm going for overall wave number 509 but more importantly it is Saturday, June
24th I am 31 today so there are so many people here to watch we are in Kew of
Melbourne, Victoria and Australia we are at the Burger Block I'm taking on their
Chainsaw Massacre Challenge! Now this is a massive three kilogram burger there
are sixteen burger patties along with all kinds of cheese sixteen slices then
there are sixteen slices of bacon a bunch of different sauces it just looks
freaking awesome but I've got 35 minutes to finish this thing if I fail it's
going to be 100 Australian dollars so we do not want to do that if I win I'm
going to get the meal free along with some other prizes which I'll explain at
the end if I get the win let's get this challenge started!
All right now I'm trying to break the record is what I'm really going forwards
by my friend Olli "The Ressler" who had the record for the Don Burger I did a
few days ago but it's 17 minutes and 50 seconds so the burgers look extra juicy
along with all this cheese it's really gonna help everything go down got some
water just to help but let's get it started so many people here I have to
win go ahead do the countdown okay everyone from three!
Just over seven minutes in we're doing really good gonna keep it going
Try to break that record!
Randy on 8 minutes now, and you have six patties left!
Randy's on ten minutes and 39 seconds and he has 4 patties left to go
Go on Randy!
17 minutes and 38 seconds is what I stopped the clock at! Barely beat the record
by 12 seconds it was 17 minutes and 50 seconds by my friend Ollie The Ressler
but awesome awesome challenge did not take any time to enjoy that just wanted
the record on my birthday but during that time I was eating it was awesome
loved the sauce the cheese the bacon on there perfectly cooked burgers but I got
the 100 Australian dollar meal for free and then I'm going to get I think 20
percent future purchases which is good for tomorrow I guess and then I'm going
to get a $50 gift card to be useful later which I'm definitely going to use
after Mitch completes the Saw Challenge, they've got the Kimchi and Ramen Burger
which just looked pretty awesome but yeah so thank you to the Burger Block
here and Kew of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia it was an awesome challenge!
Most importantly thank you so much
so much everybody the games concluded Channel 7 News and done the Herald-Sun
and then yeah so thank you guys so much thank you to Brenda and everybody here
at the Burger Block. Thank you guys for watching!
How to Manifest - Duration: 5:48.(upbeat, bright music)
- Today we're gonna explore a popular topic,
There are many great books and teachers who lecture
on the topic,
and some of my favorites include Esther Hicks,
the late great Wayne Dyer,
and of course my dear friend Gabby Bernstein.
But the basic premise of manifesting is this,
our thoughts have the power to create our reality.
Really take that in.
Our thoughts have the power to create our reality,
and those thoughts create feelings,
which create energy that attracts more of the same,
either positive or negative.
So basically you have the power to attract what you like,
but also what you don't like by what you
consistently focus on.
That's why you wanna point your thoughts in the
positive direction of your souls desire.
Now this doesn't mean that unforeseen circumstances
don't take place
or that you can never have a negative thought or feeling.
That's impossible.
But on a day-to-day practical basis,
what we think, how we feel,
and the energy with put out in the world
all contribute to what we get back.
So again, the goal of manifesting
is to align your thoughts and energy
with the energy of what you desire,
and then the next step is to believe and trust
that what you wanna call forth into your life
is on it's way.
What you seek is also seeking you.
You're worthy of your dreams, and the universe supports you.
Here's an example. So,
years ago, one of my goals was to work at the
Sundance Theater Institute,
this was back when I was an actor and dancer,
and Sundance was one of the hottest gigs to get.
So I whipped out my date planner,
which at the time held all my daily auditions,
and I wrote my desire on a page that I'd see
each and every day.
Every time I looked at that paper,
I dreamed about what it would be like,
what if would feel like,
how fun it would be, how creative it would be,
the incredible people I'd meet.
I saw the audiences smiling faces.
I live the experience as if it had already happened,
and I trusted that one day it would.
But I didn't just sit around staring at my date planner.
I kept auditioning, perfecting my craft,
and putting myself out there.
I took as many jobs as possible,
including summer theater in quiet sleepy little towns.
Well one of those jobs introduced me to a director
who liked working with me so much
that he hired me for other jobs.
So one day he called me up and he said hey,
I just got a job directing the big summer musical
at the Sundance Theater Institute,
I'd love for you to be in it
and to also be my assistant director and choreographer,
are you interested?
Haha haha, yeah!
My bags have been packed for years.
See you in Utah.
Well it was amazing,
everything I dreamed it would be and more,
and what's best,
it challenged me to rise to a level of leadership
that was both scary and exhilarating,
and I was able to bring my best self to the experience
because I already had a dress rehearsal in my mind.
Now I have lots of examples like this,
including more serious examples around
finding my oncologist.
So you see this practice isn't just for getting stuff
or accomplishments.
Manifesting can help you align your thoughts and actions
in a direction that helps support your life.
So let's recap the manifesting steps:
number one, get clear on what you want.
See it in your mind's eye, dream about it,
journal on it, share it with your best friend,
write it in the sky if you have to,
put it out there.
Number two,
feel what it feels like to embody your dream.
Feel your feelings as if what you desire
has already happened.
Live those feelings with total belief that what you seek
is also seeking you,
and as you cultivate these feelings,
you begin to raise your vibration
and release energy that becomes a magnet for manifesting.
Number three, take inspired action.
What's one thing you could do today,
this week, or this year to bring you closer to your dream?
And if you're not sure, that's okay.
Just stay in the feeling and let your intuition guide you.
Remember, life isn't a straight line.
We zig, we zag,
but when we practice elevating our energy,
creating the life we wanna live
is far more likely to occur.
Number four, trust.
Even though you may not know the timeline
or understand how to get there,
trust that it's all coming together,
and don't be surprised if what you desire
manifests in a different or unexpected package.
You may even discover that your dreams were too small,
or what seemed like a failure was the universe
pointing you in an even better direction.
So now it's your turn.
What's one thing you wanna manifest?
Share in the comments below,
or share a great manifesting story from your own life.
I hope this serves you and helps you live like you mean it.
Remember to go to
and sign up for my newsletter,
it's filled with tips and treasures
to help supercharge your life,
plus some free goodies.
See you soon.
(upbeat music)
Solve the Mystery-------------------------------------------
Reforma da Previdência | Separe o Joio do Trigo - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
#DoubleDate | Episódio 7 | #CasaDoCais - Duration: 16:44.-------------------------------------------
COMO SALVAR SEU RELACIONAMENTO - Uma simples ferramenta que irá mudar sua vida! - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
(AT) Eva Bartlett - Všetko, čo vám bolo povedané o Sýrii, je lož - Duration: 7:57.-------------------------------------------
[Subtitulat] Què opina sobre el referèndum de l'1-O? - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
Além de falsos cognatos: Quando o cognato não é a melhor tradução - Duration: 8:51.-------------------------------------------
CZUUX - co sądzi o RAFONIX, BOXDEL i ADAMZ - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
O Homem Mosca (Safety Last!, 1923) - Legendado - Duration: 1:13:34.-------------------------------------------
Piripkura: Por Que Assistir? - Manoela Miklos - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
[Culture] 5 Things You May Not Know About - Japan (JP) - Duration: 10:03.-------------------------------------------
Santa Receita | Aprenda a fazer um delicioso pastelão de forno com Roberto Augusto - 26 de fevereiro - Duration: 17:18.-------------------------------------------
Patrícia alfineta Lucas e reproduz possível fala de Tiago Leifert no paredão: "Sentindo falta - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
1 Ano Samba Play - Clique e conheça mais! - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Makeup Tutorial Compilation | March 2018💄💋📷 - Duration: 8:37.
How to Gain Real Personal Power - Duration: 6:24.You want ultimate power, like real power?
You start lifting others up and not pushing them down.
You lift your spouse up.
You stop minimizing other people.
You start saying, "You know what, real power,
"true human power is giving others love and validation
"without needing it back."
I think one of the greatest acts of human courage is
to open up yourself to the world,
demonstrate exactly who you are,
do exactly what you desire of life
without the need of power, without the need
of validation or love, doing it for the sake of doing it,
for the journey, not the outcome.
That's extraordinary power.
The most extraordinary powerful person
I've met in my entire life was the Dalai Lama.
I've been blessed to spend time with him twice
now in my life.
And I'll tell you, I've never met someone more powerful.
His grace and his energy is amazing.
Whether you believe in Buddhism or not,
he says his religion is kindness.
That's his religion.
And it's true.
I've seen in very very very volatile situations
in his past and his history where he could,
he just didn't.
And by holding that space of compassion,
kindness, mindfulness, he was unshakably powerful.
Unshakably powerful.
One of the most respected human figures alive today
and never tries to exert power over others.
Because where he grew up, and in his history,
when he was ousted from his country,
the powerful country at the time, China, was pushing
at his country and trying to take over that country.
And so he grew up with overt uses of power.
And people often when they grew up or see
or sense overt uses of power, they either choose to use it
and try to get it and take it or they recognize that
those who try to demonstrate power
actually are lacking in it because they need it.
How many follow?
Those who need that power over other people are
often the weakest of the lot.
It doesn't mean that they don't do bad things
or take over other people.
But true genuine personal power,
genuine personal power is the ability
to consciously choose one's own aims,
one's own attitude, one's own actions.
That's true power.
When I can choose and no matter the chaos,
I can choose a positive attitude.
No matter the chaos, I can choose what I want
no matter the situation.
I can choose my next action.
That's personal power.
The ability to will yourself into thinking,
feeling, doing something, that's real personal power.
And when you can do it with a positive bend towards humans,
towards others, then you're a leader.
When you can mobilize the self
to give more goodness back to the world,
you got power.
I think being yourself and being your best self is
the greatest personal power ever.
And we evaluate ourselves on that.
We ask ourselves, "Am I taking control of my life
"or am I not?"
Am I living the life I imagine for myself or am I not?
Because when I'm not, then this frame makes us feel bad,
guilty, sad, because aren't in psychology terms,
we aren't in a place of agency.
Meaning you're the agent, the controlling agent
of your life, right.
Somebody else is.
If you have a low level of agency in your life,
it means you have a low level of personal power or control.
A high level means you take command.
It means you're owning your reality
and you're responsible.
You're making yourself accountable and responsible
for your own decisions in life.
You want to see this, have this, feel it?
Then demonstrate it based on who you are.
Be yourself and keep yourself accountable
to positive emotions, thoughts, and actions,
and you'll feel like you have it.
Like I feel an extraordinary amount
of personal control in my life
even when I've been bankrupt.
Even when I was completely challenged
in my first business.
I left corporate America.
I started writing, started doing seminars,
and I had no idea what I was doing.
I mean there wasn't an expert's academy back then,
no place you went to learn all this.
It was just like you could go to a seminar over there
or something over here or something over there.
I had no idea what I was doing at all.
So I quickly went broke.
But during that time, I didn't lose that agency,
that part of like this is on me.
I can control my thoughts, my feelings, my behaviors,
to improve to get to this next level
and that changed everything.
Thanks for watching.
Make sure you subscribe to my new podcast,
The Brendon Show.
It's available on iTunes and Stitcher
and wherever else you get your podcasts
and it's the exclusive place where I share
my thoughts about life, about current events,
about what I'm going through, about my advice for you
as you seek to live an even more extraordinary life.
It's called The Brendon Show and it's available
anywhere you get your podcasts.
So make sure you subscribe.
And if you're ready to take your life
to a whole new level, make sure you grab
my book High Performance Habits,
How Extraordinary People Become That Way.
It's available on Amazon right now
and when you order your copy, you're really
supporting my channel and the message
and you're also getting a book
that will reveal to you 20 years of my research
into what is it that helps people go to a new level
of success in their life.
What does it really take?
What habits are proven to help you reach
long-term success in your career,
your health, your personal life, your relationships?
It's called High Performance Habits,
How Extraordinary People Become That Way.
It's available on Amazon right now.
And finally make sure you subscribe to my channel
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So I'd really appreciate it.
Make sure you hit Subscribe.
How an AK 47 works 3D animation - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Taern - WATAHA, Czym sie kierowac? Test fyo + Wataha dla ryca! - Duration: 14:13.-------------------------------------------
Samba Talks - Andrea Iorio - Tinder - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
How To Think In English - 3 Practical Exercises - Duration: 7:41.attention this video is aimed at pre-intermediate speakers and
intermediate speakers but if you are an Advanced one hey you're welcome too
many people misunderstand the concept of thinking in English in today's video I'm
going to give you three practical exercises that are going to help you
think in English and consequently become a better and more confident English
speaker hey friends Teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere
anytime in English thanks for coming back for another video and if it's your
first time here thanks I hope you enjoy today's lesson and make sure to
subscribe because every week I post different kinds of videos as well as
live videos so in this video I'm going to give you three practical exercises
okay that you can do anytime anywhere so here we go exercise number one
connect your exercises to mental work priscila what do you mean I imagine
that you study English I believe that most of my subscribers and
followers try to study English at home so the idea of this exercise is to use
all those reading exercises you do and combine them with mental exercises I'm
gonna give you a more practical example imagine you are going to spend this
afternoon reading an article on the internet or reading a few pages of a
book you like or reading about a subject you like on the Internet now what are
you going to do during this moment while you are reading the article on the
internet or on the book you are going to start asking yourself questions but not
out loud right here you are going to think og questions what kind of
questions for example what's the main idea of this article what do we
understand here in this paragraph what are the main ideas of this subject maybe
it's a subject you like and that you know very well so you can ask yourself
am i learning something new here what new information Am I learning
here you can also ask yourself questions about the vocabulary what new words am i
learning here in this article or in this paragraph and then think about the
meaning of the words that you're learning try to find the meaning if you
need to try to look up the words in the dictionary
so all this mental work will induce your brain to think in English when you start
doing this it will be a little bit difficult a little challenging but as
you persist every time you start reading something on the internet or reading a
magazine or reading a paper you will start asking yourself questions but here
many students like to read out loud and there are moments when you should do
this exercise but to practice thinking in English doing the mental work
thinking to yourself is a wonderful way to practice thinking in English with
time you will be thinking in English without realizing you are and that's my
goal with this exercise now let's talk about exercise number two come up with a
routine that will help you think in English now this is an interesting
exercise because many times the students believe that they need to go above and
beyond when it comes to thinking in English what do I mean by that they need
to change their routine completely they need to start doing different exercises
studying different things and the truth is you need to be simple the small
things in your routine will help you think in English what I'm trying to say
is actually what can you do during your routine that will help you think in
English I'll give you some practical examples you can ask questions to
yourself throughout the day for example every time you are doing something and
you have a moment to think because sometimes you're just too busy but let's
imagine you had dinner and now you are washing the dishes
this is a perfect moment when you can think about things in English okay why
am i washing the dishes hmm because I had dinner Oh what did I eat for dinner
oh I had chicken I had salad I had some vegetables but now I'm washing the
dishes how am I feeling I don't like washing the dishes
it's boring so all these questions that you can ask yourself while you are
washing the dishes you didn't need to change your routine or stop everything
you're doing just to think in English you're there and you're trying and let
me tell you one thing there will be moments when you try to do this and you
won't know all the words you need and it's okay no pressure
don't pressure yourself into knowing all the words when you're trying to think in
English this is practice you're exercising okay so this is a good moment
when you can think in English without any pressure and without having to
change your routine completely so that's my idea for exercise number two for
whatever you do try to bring English into your life all the exercise I'm
going to suggest here are really connected to mental conversation instead
of speaking verbally you will be here thinking and that's a very powerful
activity that if you persist you will be very successful hmm nice tips don't you
think are you enjoying today's video I hope so I have one more exercise for you
but before I move on to exercise number three how about you share this video
with someone special got it nice let's go to exercise number three
which is listening to podcasts listening to podcasts is something that I believe
most of my students do I believe most of you guys do I have some podcasts on my
blog you can go check it out I'll leave the link in the descriptions but
listening to podcasts is something that everybody does consequently it's an
amazing opportunity for you to think in English okay well how do you do that
I'll show you whenever I am listening choice speaker during the podcast I
imagine myself talking to the person you know the the the speaker is saying
something that I agree with so I start to think yes you're right I agree with
you uh-huh yeah that's a good point exactly and I do all this conversation
this internal conversation in English because I want to practice thinking in
English so while you do the listening while you listen to the podcast
this is a perfect moments to explore that many
students get caught up in just understanding the podcast and even
translating why not think about it and ask yourself questions hmm what did I
understand here did I understand this part do I need to go back and listen
again so all this communication can happen
right here with the podcasts you can do that because it's something that you
probably already do it's probably an exercise that you already do but now you
can explore this mental practice of checking if you can understand if you
are following the the ideas in the podcasts and the good thing is it's
nothing new it's something you probably already do but now with the thinking
part after you finish listening to the podcast you can stop for a minute or two
and think about it what was the main message you can do the same thing you do
with the article but here with the podcast what was the main message what
did the speaker want to say so you can think about these things and remember
you can start thinking in English today do exercises in combination with
thinking in English and I am sure you will see wonderful results thank you so
much friends and I'll see you next time bye
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