Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 27 2018

That was too close...

Tarrant, Davis, get these scouts off me.

Roger, Commander.

I'll handle the interceptor.

Alright, let's see what you got.

Well, that's not great...

Hmpf... put him through.

Lena, I trust I haven't caught you at a bad time?

Always got time for you, Ram Tah.

Dig up anything interesting lately?

People dig for me these days, commander.

In fact, I might have something interesting for you.

Something suited to your... unique talents.

Don't have much time for archaeology these days…

Kinda busy!

A shame.

The past can teach us so much about the present

and my research into the Guardians has uncovered some fascinating finds.

But it's the potential technological applications that will interest you.

Applications that might help you level the field a little.

Like weapons?


All I ask is that you unearth a few dusty old relics for me.

It will certainly be safer than fighting Thargoids.

Okay Ram, you've got my attention.

If I do it, I can have my pick of your new toys?

That's right.


Count me in.

Ah, I am delighted to hear it.

Now, when I said it wouldn't be dangerous...

For more infomation >> Commander Chronicles: The Deal - Duration: 2:17.


"Tales From The Gas Station" Parts 3,4 & 5 | Creepypasta Readings | scary stories - Duration: 32:40.

There are times when this world drifts so close to the fabric of reality that I can

hear something calling me from beyond that veil.

Sometimes when I get too close, I can feel that thing on the other side tugging at the

corners of my mind.

I'm worried about Carlos.

He doesn't seem to be taking this so well.

In case you don't know, I work at the shitty gas station at the edge of our small town,

and weird things have been happening for as long as I've been here.

I've finally started to tell some of my stories, and if you haven't caught up yet,

I would like to invite you to read part one and part two.

When I returned to work after my post yesterday, I was delighted to find a stack of receipt

papers sitting neatly on the register counter with notes written in my own shaky hand-writing.

I don't remember writing all of these notes, but then again, I don't remember a lot of


It is possible that I'm working too hard.

Or maybe the fumes coming from beneath the gas station are playing tricks on me.

Or perhaps it's just another side effect of my condition.

At any rate, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Or any other animal in any other orifice, for that matter.

Admittedly, my handwriting isn't the best.

And at times, the scratches on the receipt paper become nearly illegible.

So if anything herein seems unbelievable, it's probably because I copied it wrong.

With that in mind, this is my best effort at a transcription:

7:00 – It's getting dark earlier these days.

7:30 – Farmer Junior came into the gas station tonight, asking about the hand plants.

I told him that they weren't there anymore.

He left his phone number scribbled on the back of a coupon for fifteen-percent off bulk

pig feed from an online retailer.

I think he's trying to send me a message.

9:00 – I think maybe some kids are playing a prank on me.

I found a lawn gnome behind the pork rinds.

I didn't think much about it, and put him in a box behind the counter.

But then I found another matching lawn gnome in the soda case.

I added this one to the box as well.

It wasn't until I noticed the third and fourth lawn gnomes that I started to suspect


I had taken out the garbage and found the gnomes perched atop the branch of a tree next

to the dumpster, staring down at me like gargoyles.

I used a chair and broom to knock them down, and I put them in the box with the other three.

When I got back to my desk, I found a note on my chair written in red ink.

It says simply, "I'm in the walls."

I don't know who wrote it, but the paper smells like oranges and plumeria.

10:00 – There is a strange scratching noise coming from the tiles above the cash register.

I fear Rocco and his brood may have infiltrated the building again.

11:00 – Farmer Junior called the store.

He asked about the hand plants.

I assured him that they weren't there anymore and if they ever showed up again, I would

call him.

I think he's beginning to suspect that I'm lying.

12:00 – One of the cultist recruits wandered in from the community in the woods.

(They hate it when I call them cultists.)

I know the recruits aren't supposed to interact with the outside world, but from time to time

they will sneak into town, never any further than this gas station, and buy cigarettes.

They aren't supposed to try and recruit new members until they graduate to the honorable

senior cultist status, but this one isn't a very good cultist.

I know they aren't supposed to have names, but I'm going to call this one Marlboro.

I'll let you guess why.

Marlboro stayed in the store for at least half an hour, trying to convince me to go

back to the compound with him.

(They hate it when I call their home a compound.)

He tried to appeal to my logical side, but I let him know politely but firmly that I

was not interested in logic.

I can't remember when he left.

2:00 – I found myself digging again.

Sometimes, on slow nights, I let myself drift.

My mind goes somewhere and when I come to, I wonder: where was I just now?

Who was that controlling my body while I was gone?

My body did those things I've done so many times before that I guess it's learned how

to do them without me.

My body restocked the cigarettes, my body rotated the frozen drink machine, my body

scraped the mold off the bottoms of the ice buckets, my body emptied the rat traps, and

somewhere along the way, my body found a shovel, went out back, and started digging a hole.

Actually, I shouldn't say my body "started" digging.

I have been, or rather "my body" has been digging this hole, off and on for the last

few months.

Usually, I come to after a few shovel-fulls.

This time, I added another foot deep before I snapped back to reality and asked myself,

"what the hell am I doing?"

3:30 – I just noticed a door at the end of the hallway past the walk-in cooler.

How long have I worked here and never noticed that door before?

It seems disappointingly ordinary as far as doors go, except for the fact that it's

warm to the touch and feels like it's vibrating.

I tried the handle, but it's locked.

When I got back to my register, I noticed a man in a trench coat standing outside beyond

the gas pumps, just outside the reach of our lights, dangerously close to the road.

I can't tell if he's looking at me, or if he's looking past the building at the

woods on the other side.

I wish he wouldn't stand there like that, stoic and still, with his arms reaching down

past his knees.

The scratching against the tiles in the ceiling over the counter is getting louder.

3:45 – A man came into the store, rolling a large white ice chest behind him.

He had sunken blue eyes, wiry hair coming from his nose and ears, long boney fingers,

and paper-thin skin revealing every blue and green vein beneath the translucent dermis.

He wore a bowler cap and smelled like milk.

I had definitely never seen him around before.

He asked if we would be interested in partnering up with him.

He sold ground meat at discount prices, but I told him that our store doesn't do well

with the "fresh foods" category, recommending he try his hand at making jerky.

Before he left, he scooped about a pound or so of raw ground meat from the ice chest onto

a piece of parchment paper and gave it to me as a "sample."

Once he had left, I took the meat into the cooler, where I found another lawn gnome waiting

for me.

I put the gnome into the box with the other seven.

4:00 – Carlos just told me something very strange about Kieffer.

4:30 – There was a kid named Spencer Middleton who went to the same high school as me and


Spencer was just a year ahead of me, but looked much older and acted much younger.

I live in a small town, and small towns get bored.

For entertainment, some turn to gossip, some turn to more sinister pass times.

The latter often fueled the former.

There were rumors around town that Spencer liked to torture and kill animals.

Rumors that Spencer's parents and siblings always locked their bedroom doors when they

went to sleep at night.

The rumors didn't slow down any after the fire at Spencer's house, where Spencer was

the only one to escape unscathed.

I once saw Spencer gleefully stomp on a lizard, throw his head back, and laugh.

Some short time after his house caught fire for the second time, Spencer left town.

The story went that he had gone off and joined the army.

I didn't know what to think about that, so I simply didn't think about that.

I would have been perfectly happy to never think about that, but after all these years

I'm forced to.

Because Spencer Middleton just came into the store and bought a cup of coffee.

He's sitting in one of the booths, talking to Kieffer.

Marlboro, is back.

He asked if I could spare him some time to talk about his fake religion.

(They hate it when I call it a fake religion.)

I told him he had to leave.

He seemed upset.

4:45 – Spencer and Kieffer sat around for a while and didn't buy anything but two

cups of coffee.

When they finally left, I let Carlos know.

He had been hiding under a blanket in the walk-in cooler, although I can't really

understand why.

Carlos explained to me exactly what happened.

He finished his shift a couple nights ago and had just left the gas station when he

saw Kieffer's SUV pulled over in a ditch at the bottom of the hill.

Carlos, being the good guy he is, decided to check and see if Kieffer needed any help.

He says that when he pulled up and got out of the car, he could hear what sounded like

a loud crunching noise coming from just beyond the tree line.

Carlos went to investigate.

That's when he saw something.

When I asked Carlos what he saw, he just started speaking Spanish in a fast, panicked sort

of way.

I don't speak Spanish, but I nodded along empathetically.

The only word I could pick up was "Strega," which is the name of a liquor we carry.

Whatever it was that Carlos saw, it made him race back to his car as fast as he could and

back out quickly, without looking.

And that's when he ran over Kieffer.

Carlos is a good guy.

But here he was in a bad situation.

He stopped long enough to get out, check on Kieffer, and confirm that he was definitely


There was nothing he could do that would change that fact.

It was an accident.

Carlos was on parole.

There was that thing in the woods, and Carlos had to make a decision.

So, he heaved the body into the trunk of his car and drove off.

Carlos took me to his car and showed me the body.

I can confirm, one hundred percent, that it was Kieffer in the trunk of his car.

Not just because of his unmistakable face, but also because of his phone and wallet that

were in his pockets.

5:00 – I finally got tired of the scratching and pulled our ladder out of storage to see

what the racoons were doing in the ceiling, but when I pushed back the tile, the only

thing up there was another gnome.

That makes one dozen so far.

6:00 – The man in the trench coat is still outside.

The cultist came back in, demanding an audience with me, insisting that if I would just listen

to him I would see that his reasoning is superb and flawless, and that I would be a fool not

to join him in the perfection of logic and nirvana that is his belief structure.

I agreed to listen to his pitch if he would agree to ask the man in the trench coat to


Our hasty verbal contract in place, I steeled myself to listen.

Honestly, he did make a few good points, but I suppose that's to be expected from a viral

thought experiment strong enough to convince perfectly normal people to abandon their real

lives and go live in a commune in the woods past the shitty gas station on the edge of


They call themselves "mathmetists."

They believe that humankind exists to fulfill two moral imperatives: to decrease suffering,

and to increase happiness.

A successful life increases happiness more than suffering.

A decent life decreases suffering more than happiness.

How good a person is can be determined by the spread between the happiness increased

and the suffering decreased.

Obviously, if the individual has a negative spread—that is, if they've increased happiness

less than they've increased suffering, or if they've decreased suffering less than

they've decreased happiness—then that means, very simply, that the individual is


Therefore, if an individual causes a tremendous amount of happiness and suffering, one can

simply determine which was higher, and use this perfect rubric to determine whether that

individual was good or bad.

Simple, right?

The mathmetists believe that the world has been going about good and bad in the wrong


For eons, we've been attempting to increase happiness, when instead we should have been

focusing on decreasing suffering.

As happiness is a fluid concept, and the more happiness you create, the harder it is to

sustain, as happiness has a clear set of diminishing returns.

Suffering, however, is consistent.

Suffering results from happiness coming to an end.

Suffering is pure, and eternal.

For a mathmetist to be supremely good, they must simply end all suffering.

That is why the mathmetists are working on a bomb to destroy the entire planet.

By ending all life on earth, they end an infinity of suffering into the future.

With every life they avert, an entire lineage of people that would be born into a life of

suffering will no longer.

Every death is a preemptive mercy-killing.

Every happy moment that will no longer occur pales in the face of all the sad moments that

are likewise prevented.

And so, as Marlboro explained, their murder cult believes that killing is a kindness.

I told him that his ideas were stupid and he was stupid and that now he now had to go

tell the man in the trench coat to go away.

6:30 – The phone rang.

This is strange for two reasons.

First, because it was not the land line.

It was the cell phone, even though we do not get cell phone service way out here.

And second, because it was the cell phone.

The one that I took off of Kieffer's body.

I'll admit, I was stuck in a bit of a moral quandary ever since Carlos confided in me.

On the one hand, Carlos had killed someone.

On the other, it was an accident and Carlos's parole officer may not see it that way.

I thought I would have more time to figure this out, but when the cell phone started

ringing, I knew I had to make a decision.

I answered it.

I didn't speak first.

The voice on the other line was one I recognized.

"You have something that belongs to my boss."

It was Spencer Middleton.

"His cell phone and his wallet," I answered.



We don't care about that shit!

We can buy more phones.

We can get more wallets.

You know what we want."

He was right.

I did.

"It was an accident," I explained.

"We know.

We want to make a deal.

You give it back, and we pretend this whole thing didn't happen."

"Can we do that?"


7:30 – Carlos came in for his shift half an hour ago, and I explained the deal to him.

He wasn't thrilled, but as I laid it out very clearly, he didn't have a choice.

We parked Carlos's Camry behind the gas station near the growth of handplants and

made a point to stand far enough away to not get our ankles grabbed.

Kieffer's SUV drove up a few minutes later.

Spencer was driving.

He and Kieffer got out without a word, sized us up, and opened the back of their vehicle.

Carlos popped his trunk.

Kieffer and I stared at each other, keeping eye-contact the whole time while Carlos and

Spencer transferred the body from one vehicle to the other.

Spencer had a tarp and blanket ready to wrap everything up.

When it was over, Kieffer put a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "You done


Then they left.

Carlos started crying as I went back inside the store.

It was almost day time, and that's when the new part-timer was supposed to take over.

8:00 – The new part timer is late, and I'm overdue for a lunch break.

I made the best of my extra time here by putting price stickers on all the lawn gnomes.

We're ringing them up as "miscellaneous grocery" for $9.99 each, and I've already

sold a couple.

I'm a really good employee.

8:30 – I went to the bathroom and saw a man standing there with his jeans at his ankles.

He wore red and white checkered boxers and a cowboy hat.

He smiled when he saw me and simply said in a somewhat sing-song voice, "Come on man.

Come onnn with it."

I took the opportunity to ask him something that has been burning at the back of my mind.

"Do you know, is everything going to be ok?"

The bathroom cowboy took a second to think, then he pulled up his pants, fastened his

enormous belt buckle, and walked past me, spurs clinking against the bathroom tile.

He stopped for a second when he was right next to me and said plainly, "I appreciate


Then he left.

I honestly have no idea what that means.

These are the entirety of the receipt paper notes, but I did make a point to continue

keeping this journal.

I think this will be a healthy way of chronicling the weird events at the gas station.

Maybe this will even help with my condition, I don't know.

The next time something strange happens, maybe I'll come back and write more.

Until then, I guess this is to be continued…

Edits: Sorry, upon further inspection, I realized that some of the scribbles on the receipt

paper may have been transcribed incorrectly.

I also made some adjustments to the spelling and fixed some typos.

While I was at it, I added another typo just for the observant reader.

Lastly, upon the advice of some of my readers, I removed the part where I listed Farmer Junior's

social security number and address.


I asked Carlos about it when he came in for his fourth shift today, but Carlos simply

looked at me blankly and told me that he doesn't speak Spanish.



should begin this entry by saying how truly sorry I am to anyone who read part 4.

I had no idea that was going to happen.

The agents have assured me that every trace of the story has been removed from the internet,

and that there is nothing to worry about.

If you were unfortunate enough to have read part 4: I beg you, for your own sake, try

to forget everything.

If you experience nose bleeds, dizziness, migraines, or hallucinations, go immediately

to the emergency room.

If you have a recurring dream of an island made of song, under no circumstances should

you approach or attempt to open the blue door with the painting of a crow on it.

If you did not read part 4: There was no part 4.

It does not exist.

Forget you ever heard of it.

By now, you probably already know that there is a shitty gas station at the edge of our

small town, and that weird things have been happening there.

The city council has personally asked me to stop talking about it, as there have been

some astute readers that not only tracked down our small town from the brief descriptions

I've given, but actually come and visited me at work.

I heard that one of them has joined the Mathematists, and as far as I know the other two are still


Once again, I am sorry.

I'm not working right now.

It's the first legitimate break I've had since I first started writing my stories on

receipt paper all that time ago.

Time moves funny here.

Flowing slow and fast all at once, like molasses out of a shotgun.

It's a good thing I've been keeping a journal.

I've got a few moments before my laptop dies, and I think now would be the perfect

time to transpose my journal entries, before the battery runs out or the blood loss gets


Right now it's a race to see what happens first.

Before any of you worry, I've already called Tom.

He said he's on his way here to give me a ride to the hospital, right after he picks

up dinner for the Ledford orphans, John-Ben and Little Sister.

Tom and the other deputies have been taking turns checking in on and bringing them food

in an attempt to make the whole thing less tragic.

They've been living on their own ever since the incident that totally did not happen (and

anyone who says otherwise is a damned liar).

There I go again, off on another tangent.

I guess I'll get to it, and type up my journal entries while I still can.


9:00 PM

So much has happened here since the Halloween incident that we aren't allowed to talk


I've been much busier than usual, dealing with the aftermath as well as the cult.

The Mathmetists have been cleaning out our inventory on a daily basis, planning ahead

for some kind of secret event that I only get to hear about in hushed mutterings and


Night is coming earlier, and the weather is getting colder.


2:00 AM

The man in the trench coat is back.

He's standing just outside the gas station door, staring in.

He's been there for almost an hour now.

On the bright side, I haven't had a customer come in since he showed up.

On the not-so-bright side, I can't help but feel like he's trying to put thoughts

into my head.

He won't be able to, though.

I've had way too much practice.

Kieffer came in earlier today, before the sun went down, and sat in a booth drinking

coffee for a while.

Eventually, Spencer Middleton showed up.

Spencer had a word with Kieffer, then came storming up to my register, screaming at the

top of his lungs.

He grabbed the display of lotto scratch-offs and threw it across the room.

It was obvious that something had upset him.

That's when I took the earplugs out.

"Everything ok?"

I asked, stupidly.

I knew damn well everything was never "OK".

"Did you hear a word I just said?"

Spencer asked.

I explained to him that I had taken to wearing earplugs in an effort to drown out the sounds

of screaming that periodically radiate through the air vents.

I guess the screams must have stopped a while ago, or maybe I had imagined them.

Either way, I didn't need the earplugs anymore.

At this point, Tom walked into the store.

His white hair looking even whiter than normal.

Spencer, I could see, became instantly aware of the deputy's presence.

"Where is he?"

He half-whispered half-growled, "Where is the other one?"


I asked.

Spencer sighed.



"He's not due for another twenty minutes."

"When he gets here, tell him we need to have a chat."

With that, Spencer Middleton let out a shrill whistle and left the store.

Kieffer jumped out of his seat and followed close behind.

Tom helped me pick up the mess and put the lotto display back together without asking

a single question.

I wish more people could be like Tom.

When Carlos got to work, he told me that he had been having strange dreams.

Dreams of something enormous, living, breathing, underground.

The dreams always end the same way: with the gas station collapsed into a giant sinkhole.

I told him that Spencer was looking for him.

That's when Carlos grew solemn and asked me if he could show me something.

In the freezer, behind a stack of boxes labled "Non aprire" (whatever the hell that means,

they've been here as long as I've worked here), there is a moving blanket.

And inside that blanket is another Kieffer.

My first question for Carlos was, "You stole the body back?"

He looked at the ground and shook his head sheepishly like a toddler that just got busted

for cooking meth.

"You killed another one?"

I asked.

Carlos explained: it was an accident.


3:00 AM

The man in the trench coat is finally gone.

He left claw marks on the glass of the front door.

I checked the security footage to confirm my suspicions.

He always stays just outside the range of our cameras.

Why can't I remember what his face looked like?

3:30 AM

Marlboro was the first "customer" in the store after the man in the trench coat left.

I told him that I was surprised he was still alive.

He mistook this for a compliment and said, "Thank you."

I asked him if he was ready for the big event, but then he just stared at me blankly.

I could tell he had no idea what I was talking about, so I filled him in on how I had put

it all together.

The unusual cultist activity, the whispers, the buying up all of our supplies.

I could tell that something was about to happen.

Marlboro went pale in the face as I was talking, then ran out of the gas station before I could

finish, the 99 cent frozen drink still in his hand.

I know I should write up an inventory loss slip for the theft, but I just can't bring

myself to do it.

As hard as it is to explain, there's just something about Marlboro that makes me genuinely

feel sorry for him.

6:00 AM

I caught myself digging again.

I don't know how long I was out there, or who was running the store while I was gone.

The hole is so deep now that I nearly couldn't climb out on my own.

I should maybe think about considering the possibility of one day asking a doctor if

this is normal.

8:00 AM

Marlboro is currently crying in the dry storage closet.

Through his sobs I could barely make out the story.

Marlboro was sent on some kind of "Vision Quest" for the last week and has no idea what

the other cultists had been stocking up for.

When he went back to the compound earlier tonight, he found the whole place completely


Beds were left unmade.

Some plates had food on them.

A fire still burning in the fireplace.

Everyone's clothes were still in their personal milk crates next to their sleeping bags.

But the people--all of the people--were simply gone.

Marlboro isn't taking this very well, but I have a business to run, so I asked Carlos

to help me carry him into the dry storage area.

I figure he can work through some stuff in there and then maybe when he's done he'll


I don't know... go home?


9:00 PM

The exterminators just left.

They say they got all of the snakes this time, but I have my doubts.


5:00 PM

Kieffer came into the store again today and made some thinly-veiled threats.

He asked about Carlos, too, but I told him that I was tired of being the go-between and

that if he had business with Carlos, he needed to take it up with Carlos.

That's when Kieffer started getting weird.

"You know this place is just a big experiment, and you're the little mouse?"

I asked Kieffer to buy something or leave, so he bought a pack of toothpaste, then started

to undress in the store and rub the toothpaste on his naked body.

"They tell me that something is wrong with your brain.

Is that true?"

I tried to be polite and avert my eyes as I answered, "Yeah."

"You have some kind of mental condition?"

I answered again, "Yeah."

"That's too bad."

At this point, Kieffer was completely naked.

He walked over to the frozen drink machine and filled a large cup with the sugary red

concoction before turning it upside down on top of his head.

Then he shook himself violently like a wet dog, flinging bits of cold, sticky debris

across everything from the ceiling to the walls.

Some of it even landing on my face, but I tried not to let him see my flinch.

I knew this was all just an attempt to intimidate me, and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"What is it, exactly?"

He asked as he crossed back to where his pile of clothes waited for him.


I asked.

"What is your condition?



The gay?"

"No," I answered, "I don't sleep."

"You don't sleep?"

He sounded genuinely interested.

"Like, ever?"

"I can't fall asleep.

I haven't slept a single day since high school.

It's a rare genetic condition with no cure and no treatment and one day, it will kill


But until then, I handle the effects as best I can."

Kieffer nodded.

"That must be it.

That must be why he can't reach you."

"Why who can't reach me?"

Right then, Spencer came into the store.

He threw a blanket around Kieffer and ushered him out to the waiting SUV.

A moment later, he came back into the store and offered me a hundred dollars for the security

tape from tonight.

I wonder what I'll spend my hundred bucks on.

9:00 PM

I was beginning to suspect something wasn't quite right in the store.

I've been finding empty candy bar wrappers strewn about, security tapes mysteriously

deleted, strange noises coming through the walls in the middle of the night when I should

be alone.

At least, more strange noises than usual.

At first, I assumed it was just the racoons.

But now I know the truth.

Now I know that Marlboro has been living here for the last two days.

He just walked out of the supply closet wearing a bathrobe, nodded to me as he grabbed a stick

of meat jerky, and went into the bathroom.

It had not even occurred to me that Marlboro never left.


4:00 AM

It finally happened.

I suppose it was only a matter of time.

I know I should feel regret, or shame, or any of the other emotions that normal people

feel after something like this happens, but all I feel is embarrassed.

I came to a couple hours ago with a shovel in my hand.

I had been digging again, and this time I had made some serious progress.

The hole was at least seven feet deep, the steep walls made of loose, red clay.

It took me a while to realize that I was staring up into an inky black night peppered with

uncountable stars.

When some of the bigger celestials started to move, I realized that those stars were

actually just the soulless red eyes of the mutant raccoons staring down at me over the

edge of the hole.

Probably looking for food, those shameless beggars.

I chucked the shovel out of the hole, and that's when I heard it.

Imagine the sound of a butcher's knife hitting a watermelon.

Like a solid, wet, thwack.

Now imagine the watermelon gurgling and falling over like a sack of potatoes.

Oh man, this metaphor has really gotten away from me...

When I climbed out of the hole, I saw the shovel standing upright: the business end

firmly lodged inside the open chest wound of a still-twitching Kieffer.

The Kieffer was dead before I got to his side.

In a final act of defiance, he had turned both of his middle fingers up to me.

I felt just the slightest amount of respect for him before I went into a mental state

that I can only describe as "subdued panic."

The first thing I wanted to do was find something to wrap the body in because, surely, Spencer

Middleton would come for it soon.

When I went into the gas station, I was surprised to find that Marlboro had taken it upon himself

to work the cash register while I was gone.

He was ringing up one of our regulars, Charles, a great big fat man that always buys soap

and boiled peanuts.

I nabbed a tarp off the shelf and took it outside.

That's when I learned something.

Kieffer is heavy.

Like, really heavy.

I understand that a human body is basically just a meaty fleshy water balloon full of

guts and excrement, but nothing could prepare me for how leaky and gross and heavy a dead

man can be.

It was only by some miracle that I managed to drag Kieffer through the back door and

into the freezer without being seen.

It took all of my strength to pull the mass behind the boxes and onto the stack with the

other three.

When I finally finished, I had worked up a sweat, and even the cold of the freezer wasn't

enough to keep me cool.

As I stood there letting my breath come back and adrenaline wear off I took stock of my


That's when it dawned on me.

There were four Kieffers in that freezer with me.



Where the hell did the other two come from?

The freezer door opened and Marlboro entered, dragging a dead Kieffer by the legs.

He stopped and made eye contact with me.

When he saw the Kieffers at my feet, I said the only thing I could think of.

"Well this is awkward."

Marlboro and I decided to open a bottle of Strega Liquore and have a few drinks.

He explained that he had accidently killed Kieffer a couple times.

I totally understood.

The guy was just so easy to kill.

At one point, Carlos came into the freezer to grab a box of cookie dough.

He didn't even acknowledge all the Kieffers.

My laptop's battery is currently at 2%.

It's obvious now that I won't have time to transcribe the rest of my journals before

it dies.

I don't have time to tell you how I ended up at the bottom of this hole underneath the

store with a broken leg.

But I can tell you that I hear someone moving around above me, which is good because I don't

think I'm alone down here.

If you're reading this, it means I managed to upload my story.

If you're not reading this, then…

I don't know, what even are you?

Someone just called my name from the top of the precipice.

I think it was Carlos.

I wonder what happened to Tom.

Why didn't Tom ever show up?

Come to think of it, I seem to remember Tom didn't survive the Halloween incident.

Wait, who the hell have I been talking to this entire time?

I promise, that if I survive long enough to recharge my battery I will come back and tell

the rest.

Until then, I guess this story is to be continued.

For more infomation >> "Tales From The Gas Station" Parts 3,4 & 5 | Creepypasta Readings | scary stories - Duration: 32:40.


Configurer Wi-Fi Hotspots sur votre appareil Android - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Configurer Wi-Fi Hotspots sur votre appareil Android - Duration: 1:35.


WiFi Hotspots instellen op je Android toestel - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> WiFi Hotspots instellen op je Android toestel - Duration: 1:39.


Sasha Obama Lifestyle | School | Boyfriend | House | Cars | Net Worth | Family | Biography 2018 - Duration: 3:18.

Sasha Obama Lifestyle 2018 | School | Boyfriend | House | Cars | Net Worth | Family | Sasha Obama Biography 2018

Sasha Obama Lifestyle 2018 | School | Boyfriend | House | Cars | Net Worth | Family | Sasha Obama Biography 2018

Sasha Obama Lifestyle 2018 | School | Boyfriend | House | Cars | Net Worth | Family | Sasha Obama Biography 2018

For more infomation >> Sasha Obama Lifestyle | School | Boyfriend | House | Cars | Net Worth | Family | Biography 2018 - Duration: 3:18.


한 방울만 넣어도 시력 확 높여주는 '슈퍼 안약' 개발됐다 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 한 방울만 넣어도 시력 확 높여주는 '슈퍼 안약' 개발됐다 - Duration: 2:15.


Mi Dios Porque Ellos Nunca Me Dijeron Esto Antes: NUNCA MÁS UTILICE HISOPO DE ALGODON EN EL OIDO! - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Mi Dios Porque Ellos Nunca Me Dijeron Esto Antes: NUNCA MÁS UTILICE HISOPO DE ALGODON EN EL OIDO! - Duration: 3:54.


점멸 예측 1 자막 있음 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> 점멸 예측 1 자막 있음 - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Summertime


BBB 18: Lucas diz que é sério e bonitão e afirma que Kaysar é refugiado e triste - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> BBB 18: Lucas diz que é sério e bonitão e afirma que Kaysar é refugiado e triste - Duration: 3:50.


Barbara D'Urso e la sua decisione inaspettata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso e la sua decisione inaspettata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


Uomini e Donne: Sara Affi Fella e l'esterna shock, pronta la scelta? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Sara Affi Fella e l'esterna shock, pronta la scelta? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


Enquete UOL BBB18 atinge impressionante marca de 1.455.345 votos e diz quem sai | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Enquete UOL BBB18 atinge impressionante marca de 1.455.345 votos e diz quem sai | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:33.


Canna gate: Staffelli e Laudadio partono per L'Honduras|Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Canna gate: Staffelli e Laudadio partono per L'Honduras|Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:10.


Porque Ele Vive - Victor Valente | Conferência Dunamis 2017 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Porque Ele Vive - Victor Valente | Conferência Dunamis 2017 - Duration: 5:40.



For more infomation >> HOMEM CONVERSA COMO DIRIGE - Duration: 2:48.


Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D180 AWD S | 19"LM | Panoramadak | DAB+ - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D180 AWD S | 19"LM | Panoramadak | DAB+ - Duration: 1:08.


BBB 18: Lucas diz que é sério e bonitão e afirma que Kaysar é refugiado e triste | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> BBB 18: Lucas diz que é sério e bonitão e afirma que Kaysar é refugiado e triste | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:01.


Alberto Manguel – Multiculturalismo: benção ou maldição? - Duration: 4:29.

The story of the Tower of Babel

is the story of a god who punishes a society with multiculturalism.

But certain places, like Canada,

managed to turn this curse into a blessing.

And the fact that today there's not a single language,

habits, and identity

that governs this society

became a formidable wealth for this society,

because, what it means to be Canadian?

Being Canadian is

being anyone who calls themselves Canadian.

This isn't possible in Brazil,

or in the United States, or in Argentina,

because to call yourself Brazilian or Argentinian,

or American in the USA sense,

one must accept the norms

this society gave to itself.

In Canada… Is the only country

that, in all the Americas,

isn't born after a revolution,

but a counter-revolution. In other words,

from the desire of not defining themselves as independent.

And this, that in the 18th or 19th century

could be regarded as

a reactionary and conservative gesture,

became, in the 20th and 21st centuries,

a generous proposal of freedom.

What it means to be Canadian?

Being Sikh, or Mexican, or Ukrainian,

in Canada.

There's an anecdote I like a lot and that defines

what it means to be Canadian.

Each country has arbitrary symbols,

that become a caricature.

Carmen Miranda, as a symbol of Brazil,


The gaucho Martín Fierro, as a symbol of Argentina.

Or a football player as a symbol of the USA.

In Canada, this symbol is the Mounted Police,

is the policemen with a red uniform,

the boots and the big hat.

When Sikh immigration reached Canada,

several Sikhs became Canadian citizens,

and every Canadian citizen has the right

to join the Mounted Police.

And a Sikh took the tests

and joined the Mounted Police.

But then he put on the uniform,

and, as a Sikh, he couldn't simply take his turban off

and replace it with a hat.

Well, in any other country they would've told him,

"Then you can't join the Mounted Police,"

because that's like having a Carmen Miranda without bananas,

or a gaucho without a poncho and slingers.

In Canada they said, "He is a Canadian citizen,

and he must keep his turban on,

so we're changing the uniform".

That's what multiculturalism means in Canada.

For more infomation >> Alberto Manguel – Multiculturalismo: benção ou maldição? - Duration: 4:29.


Uomini e Donne: la scelta di Nicolò è già scritta? I dubbi del pubblico |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: la scelta di Nicolò è già scritta? I dubbi del pubblico |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:12.


Jéssica passa mal, vomita e até defeca no 'Big Brother'; assista | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Jéssica passa mal, vomita e até defeca no 'Big Brother'; assista | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:07.


Previsão Março 2018 - SAGITÁRIO ANIMADO - Duration: 1:43.

The month starts well, with Mars and Uranus helping you

to make very interesting personal revolutions if you did your part.

The retrogradation of your ruler, Jupiter, also relieves you in the middle of those recent closures.

At that time you also get very focused on home and family; it may be redecorating your

place and Venus gives you inspiration for it.

As the month goes on, you feel more and more excited, and may even fall in love

You just need to check if it's real love!

Money also comes in a crazy way in the second part of March, provided you open yourself

up to revolutionize life and get financially organized, as Saturn wants.

My tip: you can even spend a little with fun and beauty, as long as you don't overspend.

Take note: focus on home and family: first half of the month; animation: the whole month;

money coming in: second half of the month.

You're so happy you should like, share and subscribe our channel!

Follow the weekly forecasts on Facebook and daily tarot on Instagram.

We'll be back soon with Taurus and Cancer forecasts.

For more infomation >> Previsão Março 2018 - SAGITÁRIO ANIMADO - Duration: 1:43.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 d Business Solution AMG Wide Screen Comand - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 d Business Solution AMG Wide Screen Comand - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E280 / Automaat / Schuifdak / Geen roest! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E280 / Automaat / Schuifdak / Geen roest! - Duration: 1:01.


Silvio Santos aperta e ex-BBB Monique diz por que Globo calou sua boca por anos - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Silvio Santos aperta e ex-BBB Monique diz por que Globo calou sua boca por anos - Duration: 4:23.


Heloisa Rosa - Casa do Pão (Live Session) - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Heloisa Rosa - Casa do Pão (Live Session) - Duration: 4:24.


Após anos, verdade sobre suposto abuso no BBB aparece e Globo é desmascarada - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Após anos, verdade sobre suposto abuso no BBB aparece e Globo é desmascarada - Duration: 4:14.


Paredão: Noiva de Lucas faz revelações e enquete mostra resultado impressionante - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Paredão: Noiva de Lucas faz revelações e enquete mostra resultado impressionante - Duration: 3:43.


Assassinato, acidente e tapa na cara, agitam 'O Outro Lado' nesta 2ª, dia 26 - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Assassinato, acidente e tapa na cara, agitam 'O Outro Lado' nesta 2ª, dia 26 - Duration: 6:18.


Volvo S60 1.6 T3 150 Pk R-Design ECC/Navi/Cruise/PDC/18'' LMV/NL auto/166.653 Km!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 1.6 T3 150 Pk R-Design ECC/Navi/Cruise/PDC/18'' LMV/NL auto/166.653 Km!! - Duration: 0:54.


R-Buchstabenlied für Kinder - ABC Song Deutsch | instasmart KIDS - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> R-Buchstabenlied für Kinder - ABC Song Deutsch | instasmart KIDS - Duration: 2:43.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Barista (LEER!!!/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Barista (LEER!!!/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 0:46.


Renault Clio TCE 90pk Intens (CAMERA/R-link/Airco/16''LMV) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCE 90pk Intens (CAMERA/R-link/Airco/16''LMV) - Duration: 1:00.


Stargate: Puddle Jumper - Spacedock - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Stargate: Puddle Jumper - Spacedock - Duration: 3:08.


Rep. Gohmert on enforcing gun laws - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> Rep. Gohmert on enforcing gun laws - Duration: 8:56.


Commander Chronicles: The Deal - Duration: 2:17.

That was too close...

Tarrant, Davis, get these scouts off me.

Roger, Commander.

I'll handle the interceptor.

Alright, let's see what you got.

Well, that's not great...

Hmpf... put him through.

Lena, I trust I haven't caught you at a bad time?

Always got time for you, Ram Tah.

Dig up anything interesting lately?

People dig for me these days, commander.

In fact, I might have something interesting for you.

Something suited to your... unique talents.

Don't have much time for archaeology these days…

Kinda busy!

A shame.

The past can teach us so much about the present

and my research into the Guardians has uncovered some fascinating finds.

But it's the potential technological applications that will interest you.

Applications that might help you level the field a little.

Like weapons?


All I ask is that you unearth a few dusty old relics for me.

It will certainly be safer than fighting Thargoids.

Okay Ram, you've got my attention.

If I do it, I can have my pick of your new toys?

That's right.


Count me in.

Ah, I am delighted to hear it.

Now, when I said it wouldn't be dangerous...

For more infomation >> Commander Chronicles: The Deal - Duration: 2:17.


"Tales From The Gas Station" Parts 3,4 & 5 | Creepypasta Readings | scary stories - Duration: 32:40.

There are times when this world drifts so close to the fabric of reality that I can

hear something calling me from beyond that veil.

Sometimes when I get too close, I can feel that thing on the other side tugging at the

corners of my mind.

I'm worried about Carlos.

He doesn't seem to be taking this so well.

In case you don't know, I work at the shitty gas station at the edge of our small town,

and weird things have been happening for as long as I've been here.

I've finally started to tell some of my stories, and if you haven't caught up yet,

I would like to invite you to read part one and part two.

When I returned to work after my post yesterday, I was delighted to find a stack of receipt

papers sitting neatly on the register counter with notes written in my own shaky hand-writing.

I don't remember writing all of these notes, but then again, I don't remember a lot of


It is possible that I'm working too hard.

Or maybe the fumes coming from beneath the gas station are playing tricks on me.

Or perhaps it's just another side effect of my condition.

At any rate, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Or any other animal in any other orifice, for that matter.

Admittedly, my handwriting isn't the best.

And at times, the scratches on the receipt paper become nearly illegible.

So if anything herein seems unbelievable, it's probably because I copied it wrong.

With that in mind, this is my best effort at a transcription:

7:00 – It's getting dark earlier these days.

7:30 – Farmer Junior came into the gas station tonight, asking about the hand plants.

I told him that they weren't there anymore.

He left his phone number scribbled on the back of a coupon for fifteen-percent off bulk

pig feed from an online retailer.

I think he's trying to send me a message.

9:00 – I think maybe some kids are playing a prank on me.

I found a lawn gnome behind the pork rinds.

I didn't think much about it, and put him in a box behind the counter.

But then I found another matching lawn gnome in the soda case.

I added this one to the box as well.

It wasn't until I noticed the third and fourth lawn gnomes that I started to suspect


I had taken out the garbage and found the gnomes perched atop the branch of a tree next

to the dumpster, staring down at me like gargoyles.

I used a chair and broom to knock them down, and I put them in the box with the other three.

When I got back to my desk, I found a note on my chair written in red ink.

It says simply, "I'm in the walls."

I don't know who wrote it, but the paper smells like oranges and plumeria.

10:00 – There is a strange scratching noise coming from the tiles above the cash register.

I fear Rocco and his brood may have infiltrated the building again.

11:00 – Farmer Junior called the store.

He asked about the hand plants.

I assured him that they weren't there anymore and if they ever showed up again, I would

call him.

I think he's beginning to suspect that I'm lying.

12:00 – One of the cultist recruits wandered in from the community in the woods.

(They hate it when I call them cultists.)

I know the recruits aren't supposed to interact with the outside world, but from time to time

they will sneak into town, never any further than this gas station, and buy cigarettes.

They aren't supposed to try and recruit new members until they graduate to the honorable

senior cultist status, but this one isn't a very good cultist.

I know they aren't supposed to have names, but I'm going to call this one Marlboro.

I'll let you guess why.

Marlboro stayed in the store for at least half an hour, trying to convince me to go

back to the compound with him.

(They hate it when I call their home a compound.)

He tried to appeal to my logical side, but I let him know politely but firmly that I

was not interested in logic.

I can't remember when he left.

2:00 – I found myself digging again.

Sometimes, on slow nights, I let myself drift.

My mind goes somewhere and when I come to, I wonder: where was I just now?

Who was that controlling my body while I was gone?

My body did those things I've done so many times before that I guess it's learned how

to do them without me.

My body restocked the cigarettes, my body rotated the frozen drink machine, my body

scraped the mold off the bottoms of the ice buckets, my body emptied the rat traps, and

somewhere along the way, my body found a shovel, went out back, and started digging a hole.

Actually, I shouldn't say my body "started" digging.

I have been, or rather "my body" has been digging this hole, off and on for the last

few months.

Usually, I come to after a few shovel-fulls.

This time, I added another foot deep before I snapped back to reality and asked myself,

"what the hell am I doing?"

3:30 – I just noticed a door at the end of the hallway past the walk-in cooler.

How long have I worked here and never noticed that door before?

It seems disappointingly ordinary as far as doors go, except for the fact that it's

warm to the touch and feels like it's vibrating.

I tried the handle, but it's locked.

When I got back to my register, I noticed a man in a trench coat standing outside beyond

the gas pumps, just outside the reach of our lights, dangerously close to the road.

I can't tell if he's looking at me, or if he's looking past the building at the

woods on the other side.

I wish he wouldn't stand there like that, stoic and still, with his arms reaching down

past his knees.

The scratching against the tiles in the ceiling over the counter is getting louder.

3:45 – A man came into the store, rolling a large white ice chest behind him.

He had sunken blue eyes, wiry hair coming from his nose and ears, long boney fingers,

and paper-thin skin revealing every blue and green vein beneath the translucent dermis.

He wore a bowler cap and smelled like milk.

I had definitely never seen him around before.

He asked if we would be interested in partnering up with him.

He sold ground meat at discount prices, but I told him that our store doesn't do well

with the "fresh foods" category, recommending he try his hand at making jerky.

Before he left, he scooped about a pound or so of raw ground meat from the ice chest onto

a piece of parchment paper and gave it to me as a "sample."

Once he had left, I took the meat into the cooler, where I found another lawn gnome waiting

for me.

I put the gnome into the box with the other seven.

4:00 – Carlos just told me something very strange about Kieffer.

4:30 – There was a kid named Spencer Middleton who went to the same high school as me and


Spencer was just a year ahead of me, but looked much older and acted much younger.

I live in a small town, and small towns get bored.

For entertainment, some turn to gossip, some turn to more sinister pass times.

The latter often fueled the former.

There were rumors around town that Spencer liked to torture and kill animals.

Rumors that Spencer's parents and siblings always locked their bedroom doors when they

went to sleep at night.

The rumors didn't slow down any after the fire at Spencer's house, where Spencer was

the only one to escape unscathed.

I once saw Spencer gleefully stomp on a lizard, throw his head back, and laugh.

Some short time after his house caught fire for the second time, Spencer left town.

The story went that he had gone off and joined the army.

I didn't know what to think about that, so I simply didn't think about that.

I would have been perfectly happy to never think about that, but after all these years

I'm forced to.

Because Spencer Middleton just came into the store and bought a cup of coffee.

He's sitting in one of the booths, talking to Kieffer.

Marlboro, is back.

He asked if I could spare him some time to talk about his fake religion.

(They hate it when I call it a fake religion.)

I told him he had to leave.

He seemed upset.

4:45 – Spencer and Kieffer sat around for a while and didn't buy anything but two

cups of coffee.

When they finally left, I let Carlos know.

He had been hiding under a blanket in the walk-in cooler, although I can't really

understand why.

Carlos explained to me exactly what happened.

He finished his shift a couple nights ago and had just left the gas station when he

saw Kieffer's SUV pulled over in a ditch at the bottom of the hill.

Carlos, being the good guy he is, decided to check and see if Kieffer needed any help.

He says that when he pulled up and got out of the car, he could hear what sounded like

a loud crunching noise coming from just beyond the tree line.

Carlos went to investigate.

That's when he saw something.

When I asked Carlos what he saw, he just started speaking Spanish in a fast, panicked sort

of way.

I don't speak Spanish, but I nodded along empathetically.

The only word I could pick up was "Strega," which is the name of a liquor we carry.

Whatever it was that Carlos saw, it made him race back to his car as fast as he could and

back out quickly, without looking.

And that's when he ran over Kieffer.

Carlos is a good guy.

But here he was in a bad situation.

He stopped long enough to get out, check on Kieffer, and confirm that he was definitely


There was nothing he could do that would change that fact.

It was an accident.

Carlos was on parole.

There was that thing in the woods, and Carlos had to make a decision.

So, he heaved the body into the trunk of his car and drove off.

Carlos took me to his car and showed me the body.

I can confirm, one hundred percent, that it was Kieffer in the trunk of his car.

Not just because of his unmistakable face, but also because of his phone and wallet that

were in his pockets.

5:00 – I finally got tired of the scratching and pulled our ladder out of storage to see

what the racoons were doing in the ceiling, but when I pushed back the tile, the only

thing up there was another gnome.

That makes one dozen so far.

6:00 – The man in the trench coat is still outside.

The cultist came back in, demanding an audience with me, insisting that if I would just listen

to him I would see that his reasoning is superb and flawless, and that I would be a fool not

to join him in the perfection of logic and nirvana that is his belief structure.

I agreed to listen to his pitch if he would agree to ask the man in the trench coat to


Our hasty verbal contract in place, I steeled myself to listen.

Honestly, he did make a few good points, but I suppose that's to be expected from a viral

thought experiment strong enough to convince perfectly normal people to abandon their real

lives and go live in a commune in the woods past the shitty gas station on the edge of


They call themselves "mathmetists."

They believe that humankind exists to fulfill two moral imperatives: to decrease suffering,

and to increase happiness.

A successful life increases happiness more than suffering.

A decent life decreases suffering more than happiness.

How good a person is can be determined by the spread between the happiness increased

and the suffering decreased.

Obviously, if the individual has a negative spread—that is, if they've increased happiness

less than they've increased suffering, or if they've decreased suffering less than

they've decreased happiness—then that means, very simply, that the individual is


Therefore, if an individual causes a tremendous amount of happiness and suffering, one can

simply determine which was higher, and use this perfect rubric to determine whether that

individual was good or bad.

Simple, right?

The mathmetists believe that the world has been going about good and bad in the wrong


For eons, we've been attempting to increase happiness, when instead we should have been

focusing on decreasing suffering.

As happiness is a fluid concept, and the more happiness you create, the harder it is to

sustain, as happiness has a clear set of diminishing returns.

Suffering, however, is consistent.

Suffering results from happiness coming to an end.

Suffering is pure, and eternal.

For a mathmetist to be supremely good, they must simply end all suffering.

That is why the mathmetists are working on a bomb to destroy the entire planet.

By ending all life on earth, they end an infinity of suffering into the future.

With every life they avert, an entire lineage of people that would be born into a life of

suffering will no longer.

Every death is a preemptive mercy-killing.

Every happy moment that will no longer occur pales in the face of all the sad moments that

are likewise prevented.

And so, as Marlboro explained, their murder cult believes that killing is a kindness.

I told him that his ideas were stupid and he was stupid and that now he now had to go

tell the man in the trench coat to go away.

6:30 – The phone rang.

This is strange for two reasons.

First, because it was not the land line.

It was the cell phone, even though we do not get cell phone service way out here.

And second, because it was the cell phone.

The one that I took off of Kieffer's body.

I'll admit, I was stuck in a bit of a moral quandary ever since Carlos confided in me.

On the one hand, Carlos had killed someone.

On the other, it was an accident and Carlos's parole officer may not see it that way.

I thought I would have more time to figure this out, but when the cell phone started

ringing, I knew I had to make a decision.

I answered it.

I didn't speak first.

The voice on the other line was one I recognized.

"You have something that belongs to my boss."

It was Spencer Middleton.

"His cell phone and his wallet," I answered.



We don't care about that shit!

We can buy more phones.

We can get more wallets.

You know what we want."

He was right.

I did.

"It was an accident," I explained.

"We know.

We want to make a deal.

You give it back, and we pretend this whole thing didn't happen."

"Can we do that?"


7:30 – Carlos came in for his shift half an hour ago, and I explained the deal to him.

He wasn't thrilled, but as I laid it out very clearly, he didn't have a choice.

We parked Carlos's Camry behind the gas station near the growth of handplants and

made a point to stand far enough away to not get our ankles grabbed.

Kieffer's SUV drove up a few minutes later.

Spencer was driving.

He and Kieffer got out without a word, sized us up, and opened the back of their vehicle.

Carlos popped his trunk.

Kieffer and I stared at each other, keeping eye-contact the whole time while Carlos and

Spencer transferred the body from one vehicle to the other.

Spencer had a tarp and blanket ready to wrap everything up.

When it was over, Kieffer put a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "You done


Then they left.

Carlos started crying as I went back inside the store.

It was almost day time, and that's when the new part-timer was supposed to take over.

8:00 – The new part timer is late, and I'm overdue for a lunch break.

I made the best of my extra time here by putting price stickers on all the lawn gnomes.

We're ringing them up as "miscellaneous grocery" for $9.99 each, and I've already

sold a couple.

I'm a really good employee.

8:30 – I went to the bathroom and saw a man standing there with his jeans at his ankles.

He wore red and white checkered boxers and a cowboy hat.

He smiled when he saw me and simply said in a somewhat sing-song voice, "Come on man.

Come onnn with it."

I took the opportunity to ask him something that has been burning at the back of my mind.

"Do you know, is everything going to be ok?"

The bathroom cowboy took a second to think, then he pulled up his pants, fastened his

enormous belt buckle, and walked past me, spurs clinking against the bathroom tile.

He stopped for a second when he was right next to me and said plainly, "I appreciate


Then he left.

I honestly have no idea what that means.

These are the entirety of the receipt paper notes, but I did make a point to continue

keeping this journal.

I think this will be a healthy way of chronicling the weird events at the gas station.

Maybe this will even help with my condition, I don't know.

The next time something strange happens, maybe I'll come back and write more.

Until then, I guess this is to be continued…

Edits: Sorry, upon further inspection, I realized that some of the scribbles on the receipt

paper may have been transcribed incorrectly.

I also made some adjustments to the spelling and fixed some typos.

While I was at it, I added another typo just for the observant reader.

Lastly, upon the advice of some of my readers, I removed the part where I listed Farmer Junior's

social security number and address.


I asked Carlos about it when he came in for his fourth shift today, but Carlos simply

looked at me blankly and told me that he doesn't speak Spanish.



should begin this entry by saying how truly sorry I am to anyone who read part 4.

I had no idea that was going to happen.

The agents have assured me that every trace of the story has been removed from the internet,

and that there is nothing to worry about.

If you were unfortunate enough to have read part 4: I beg you, for your own sake, try

to forget everything.

If you experience nose bleeds, dizziness, migraines, or hallucinations, go immediately

to the emergency room.

If you have a recurring dream of an island made of song, under no circumstances should

you approach or attempt to open the blue door with the painting of a crow on it.

If you did not read part 4: There was no part 4.

It does not exist.

Forget you ever heard of it.

By now, you probably already know that there is a shitty gas station at the edge of our

small town, and that weird things have been happening there.

The city council has personally asked me to stop talking about it, as there have been

some astute readers that not only tracked down our small town from the brief descriptions

I've given, but actually come and visited me at work.

I heard that one of them has joined the Mathematists, and as far as I know the other two are still


Once again, I am sorry.

I'm not working right now.

It's the first legitimate break I've had since I first started writing my stories on

receipt paper all that time ago.

Time moves funny here.

Flowing slow and fast all at once, like molasses out of a shotgun.

It's a good thing I've been keeping a journal.

I've got a few moments before my laptop dies, and I think now would be the perfect

time to transpose my journal entries, before the battery runs out or the blood loss gets


Right now it's a race to see what happens first.

Before any of you worry, I've already called Tom.

He said he's on his way here to give me a ride to the hospital, right after he picks

up dinner for the Ledford orphans, John-Ben and Little Sister.

Tom and the other deputies have been taking turns checking in on and bringing them food

in an attempt to make the whole thing less tragic.

They've been living on their own ever since the incident that totally did not happen (and

anyone who says otherwise is a damned liar).

There I go again, off on another tangent.

I guess I'll get to it, and type up my journal entries while I still can.


9:00 PM

So much has happened here since the Halloween incident that we aren't allowed to talk


I've been much busier than usual, dealing with the aftermath as well as the cult.

The Mathmetists have been cleaning out our inventory on a daily basis, planning ahead

for some kind of secret event that I only get to hear about in hushed mutterings and


Night is coming earlier, and the weather is getting colder.


2:00 AM

The man in the trench coat is back.

He's standing just outside the gas station door, staring in.

He's been there for almost an hour now.

On the bright side, I haven't had a customer come in since he showed up.

On the not-so-bright side, I can't help but feel like he's trying to put thoughts

into my head.

He won't be able to, though.

I've had way too much practice.

Kieffer came in earlier today, before the sun went down, and sat in a booth drinking

coffee for a while.

Eventually, Spencer Middleton showed up.

Spencer had a word with Kieffer, then came storming up to my register, screaming at the

top of his lungs.

He grabbed the display of lotto scratch-offs and threw it across the room.

It was obvious that something had upset him.

That's when I took the earplugs out.

"Everything ok?"

I asked, stupidly.

I knew damn well everything was never "OK".

"Did you hear a word I just said?"

Spencer asked.

I explained to him that I had taken to wearing earplugs in an effort to drown out the sounds

of screaming that periodically radiate through the air vents.

I guess the screams must have stopped a while ago, or maybe I had imagined them.

Either way, I didn't need the earplugs anymore.

At this point, Tom walked into the store.

His white hair looking even whiter than normal.

Spencer, I could see, became instantly aware of the deputy's presence.

"Where is he?"

He half-whispered half-growled, "Where is the other one?"


I asked.

Spencer sighed.



"He's not due for another twenty minutes."

"When he gets here, tell him we need to have a chat."

With that, Spencer Middleton let out a shrill whistle and left the store.

Kieffer jumped out of his seat and followed close behind.

Tom helped me pick up the mess and put the lotto display back together without asking

a single question.

I wish more people could be like Tom.

When Carlos got to work, he told me that he had been having strange dreams.

Dreams of something enormous, living, breathing, underground.

The dreams always end the same way: with the gas station collapsed into a giant sinkhole.

I told him that Spencer was looking for him.

That's when Carlos grew solemn and asked me if he could show me something.

In the freezer, behind a stack of boxes labled "Non aprire" (whatever the hell that means,

they've been here as long as I've worked here), there is a moving blanket.

And inside that blanket is another Kieffer.

My first question for Carlos was, "You stole the body back?"

He looked at the ground and shook his head sheepishly like a toddler that just got busted

for cooking meth.

"You killed another one?"

I asked.

Carlos explained: it was an accident.


3:00 AM

The man in the trench coat is finally gone.

He left claw marks on the glass of the front door.

I checked the security footage to confirm my suspicions.

He always stays just outside the range of our cameras.

Why can't I remember what his face looked like?

3:30 AM

Marlboro was the first "customer" in the store after the man in the trench coat left.

I told him that I was surprised he was still alive.

He mistook this for a compliment and said, "Thank you."

I asked him if he was ready for the big event, but then he just stared at me blankly.

I could tell he had no idea what I was talking about, so I filled him in on how I had put

it all together.

The unusual cultist activity, the whispers, the buying up all of our supplies.

I could tell that something was about to happen.

Marlboro went pale in the face as I was talking, then ran out of the gas station before I could

finish, the 99 cent frozen drink still in his hand.

I know I should write up an inventory loss slip for the theft, but I just can't bring

myself to do it.

As hard as it is to explain, there's just something about Marlboro that makes me genuinely

feel sorry for him.

6:00 AM

I caught myself digging again.

I don't know how long I was out there, or who was running the store while I was gone.

The hole is so deep now that I nearly couldn't climb out on my own.

I should maybe think about considering the possibility of one day asking a doctor if

this is normal.

8:00 AM

Marlboro is currently crying in the dry storage closet.

Through his sobs I could barely make out the story.

Marlboro was sent on some kind of "Vision Quest" for the last week and has no idea what

the other cultists had been stocking up for.

When he went back to the compound earlier tonight, he found the whole place completely


Beds were left unmade.

Some plates had food on them.

A fire still burning in the fireplace.

Everyone's clothes were still in their personal milk crates next to their sleeping bags.

But the people--all of the people--were simply gone.

Marlboro isn't taking this very well, but I have a business to run, so I asked Carlos

to help me carry him into the dry storage area.

I figure he can work through some stuff in there and then maybe when he's done he'll


I don't know... go home?


9:00 PM

The exterminators just left.

They say they got all of the snakes this time, but I have my doubts.


5:00 PM

Kieffer came into the store again today and made some thinly-veiled threats.

He asked about Carlos, too, but I told him that I was tired of being the go-between and

that if he had business with Carlos, he needed to take it up with Carlos.

That's when Kieffer started getting weird.

"You know this place is just a big experiment, and you're the little mouse?"

I asked Kieffer to buy something or leave, so he bought a pack of toothpaste, then started

to undress in the store and rub the toothpaste on his naked body.

"They tell me that something is wrong with your brain.

Is that true?"

I tried to be polite and avert my eyes as I answered, "Yeah."

"You have some kind of mental condition?"

I answered again, "Yeah."

"That's too bad."

At this point, Kieffer was completely naked.

He walked over to the frozen drink machine and filled a large cup with the sugary red

concoction before turning it upside down on top of his head.

Then he shook himself violently like a wet dog, flinging bits of cold, sticky debris

across everything from the ceiling to the walls.

Some of it even landing on my face, but I tried not to let him see my flinch.

I knew this was all just an attempt to intimidate me, and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"What is it, exactly?"

He asked as he crossed back to where his pile of clothes waited for him.


I asked.

"What is your condition?



The gay?"

"No," I answered, "I don't sleep."

"You don't sleep?"

He sounded genuinely interested.

"Like, ever?"

"I can't fall asleep.

I haven't slept a single day since high school.

It's a rare genetic condition with no cure and no treatment and one day, it will kill


But until then, I handle the effects as best I can."

Kieffer nodded.

"That must be it.

That must be why he can't reach you."

"Why who can't reach me?"

Right then, Spencer came into the store.

He threw a blanket around Kieffer and ushered him out to the waiting SUV.

A moment later, he came back into the store and offered me a hundred dollars for the security

tape from tonight.

I wonder what I'll spend my hundred bucks on.

9:00 PM

I was beginning to suspect something wasn't quite right in the store.

I've been finding empty candy bar wrappers strewn about, security tapes mysteriously

deleted, strange noises coming through the walls in the middle of the night when I should

be alone.

At least, more strange noises than usual.

At first, I assumed it was just the racoons.

But now I know the truth.

Now I know that Marlboro has been living here for the last two days.

He just walked out of the supply closet wearing a bathrobe, nodded to me as he grabbed a stick

of meat jerky, and went into the bathroom.

It had not even occurred to me that Marlboro never left.


4:00 AM

It finally happened.

I suppose it was only a matter of time.

I know I should feel regret, or shame, or any of the other emotions that normal people

feel after something like this happens, but all I feel is embarrassed.

I came to a couple hours ago with a shovel in my hand.

I had been digging again, and this time I had made some serious progress.

The hole was at least seven feet deep, the steep walls made of loose, red clay.

It took me a while to realize that I was staring up into an inky black night peppered with

uncountable stars.

When some of the bigger celestials started to move, I realized that those stars were

actually just the soulless red eyes of the mutant raccoons staring down at me over the

edge of the hole.

Probably looking for food, those shameless beggars.

I chucked the shovel out of the hole, and that's when I heard it.

Imagine the sound of a butcher's knife hitting a watermelon.

Like a solid, wet, thwack.

Now imagine the watermelon gurgling and falling over like a sack of potatoes.

Oh man, this metaphor has really gotten away from me...

When I climbed out of the hole, I saw the shovel standing upright: the business end

firmly lodged inside the open chest wound of a still-twitching Kieffer.

The Kieffer was dead before I got to his side.

In a final act of defiance, he had turned both of his middle fingers up to me.

I felt just the slightest amount of respect for him before I went into a mental state

that I can only describe as "subdued panic."

The first thing I wanted to do was find something to wrap the body in because, surely, Spencer

Middleton would come for it soon.

When I went into the gas station, I was surprised to find that Marlboro had taken it upon himself

to work the cash register while I was gone.

He was ringing up one of our regulars, Charles, a great big fat man that always buys soap

and boiled peanuts.

I nabbed a tarp off the shelf and took it outside.

That's when I learned something.

Kieffer is heavy.

Like, really heavy.

I understand that a human body is basically just a meaty fleshy water balloon full of

guts and excrement, but nothing could prepare me for how leaky and gross and heavy a dead

man can be.

It was only by some miracle that I managed to drag Kieffer through the back door and

into the freezer without being seen.

It took all of my strength to pull the mass behind the boxes and onto the stack with the

other three.

When I finally finished, I had worked up a sweat, and even the cold of the freezer wasn't

enough to keep me cool.

As I stood there letting my breath come back and adrenaline wear off I took stock of my


That's when it dawned on me.

There were four Kieffers in that freezer with me.



Where the hell did the other two come from?

The freezer door opened and Marlboro entered, dragging a dead Kieffer by the legs.

He stopped and made eye contact with me.

When he saw the Kieffers at my feet, I said the only thing I could think of.

"Well this is awkward."

Marlboro and I decided to open a bottle of Strega Liquore and have a few drinks.

He explained that he had accidently killed Kieffer a couple times.

I totally understood.

The guy was just so easy to kill.

At one point, Carlos came into the freezer to grab a box of cookie dough.

He didn't even acknowledge all the Kieffers.

My laptop's battery is currently at 2%.

It's obvious now that I won't have time to transcribe the rest of my journals before

it dies.

I don't have time to tell you how I ended up at the bottom of this hole underneath the

store with a broken leg.

But I can tell you that I hear someone moving around above me, which is good because I don't

think I'm alone down here.

If you're reading this, it means I managed to upload my story.

If you're not reading this, then…

I don't know, what even are you?

Someone just called my name from the top of the precipice.

I think it was Carlos.

I wonder what happened to Tom.

Why didn't Tom ever show up?

Come to think of it, I seem to remember Tom didn't survive the Halloween incident.

Wait, who the hell have I been talking to this entire time?

I promise, that if I survive long enough to recharge my battery I will come back and tell

the rest.

Until then, I guess this story is to be continued.

For more infomation >> "Tales From The Gas Station" Parts 3,4 & 5 | Creepypasta Readings | scary stories - Duration: 32:40.


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For more infomation >> 점멸 예측 1 자막 있음 - Duration: 1:11.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Bob Costas Anymore - Duration: 5:24.

For 24 years, Bob Costas was the prime-time anchor for NBC Sports, covering the NBA, the

NFL, and everything in between.

Along the way, he racked up a staggering 28 Emmy Awards while establishing himself as

one of the preeminent sports broadcasters of our time.

Recently, though, he seems to have just disappeared.

So why wasn't Costas present at the 2018 Winter Games?

Here's a look at the real reason you don't hear from Bob Costas anymore.


In February 2017, Costas announced on Today that he would no longer be hosting the Olympics,

"passing the torch" - Get it? - to another veteran broadcaster, Mike Tirico, who already

had a couple decades under his belt over at ESPN.

"Now you're filling these shoes."

"And someone who I grew up idolizing…"

But Costas wanted to make it clear that he wasn't ready to just fade away.

"This doesn't mean retirement or even anything close to it.

It opens up more time to do the things that I feel I'm most connected to."

Sacking the NFL

Costas has long been a critic of the sport of football, particularly when it comes to

discussing the NFL's handling of pervasive brain injury issues.

During an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher, Costas said that NFL players' brains

during collisions were

"[...] rattling around inside the skull like a pickle inside a jar."

And during an appearance at the University of Maryland, he doubled down, saying

"The reality is that this game destroys people's brains.

[…] If I had an athletically gifted 12- or 13-year-old son, I would not let him play


Given that NBC has spent billions of dollars partnering with the NFL for Thursday and Sunday

night broadcasts, it's safe to assume these comments didn't sit well with the brass upstairs.

Why wasn't he at Super Bowl LII?

As part of his quasi-retirement announcement, Costas said he would do one last Super Bowl.

But come game time on Sunday, February 4th, 2018, Costas was not in the anchor chair for


Costas told The Associated Press,

"Dan [Patrick] and Liam [McHugh] have done the job hosting NBC's NFL coverage all season.

It wouldn't be right for me to parachute in and do the Super Bowl."

That sounded good, but Costas hinted at a deeper reason when he told Sports Business

Daily that he has

"[...] long had ambivalent feelings about football, so at this point, it's better to

leave the hosting to those who are more enthusiastic about it."

For those who believe there's a major rift between NBC and Costas over his comments about

the NFL, it all just provided more grist for the rumor mill.

Political kerfuffle

Costas ruffled even more feathers when he strongly criticized President Trump's decision

to publicly attack Colin Kaepernick and other NFL stars protesting police brutality among


During a September 2017 CNN appearance, Costas suggested Trump was fishing for "cheap applause


"Do you want a President of the United States, who even if you give the benefit of a doubt,

is so tone deaf to the racial implications of this?"

Costas went on to say that

"In his own way, Colin Kaepernick, however imperfectly, is doing a patriotic thing."

"Patriotism comes in many forms.

Martin Luther King was a patriot.

Susan B. Anthony was a patriot.

Dissidents are patriots.

Schoolteachers and social workers are patriots."

Though many lauded his comments, some felt that the only time a sportscaster should talk

about patriots is when they're discussing Tom Brady.

Mike Tirico sounds off

Though both NBC and Costas have repeatedly downplayed any animosity between them, Costas'

replacement, Mike Tirico, apparently felt the need to point out that he wasn't going

to editorialize the way Costas has in the past.

Speaking with Sports Business Daily, Tirico said,

"I'm much more a believer of 'Here are the facts, you decide.'

[…] I don't want to say (more) than Bob, but just in general, that's my approach to

most of these things.

You don't see me in 27, 28 years doing a lot of commentary within sports on 'The NFL should

do this,' or 'How dare the NBA.'"

Message received loud and clear, Mike!

On call

What makes his absence even stranger is the fact that, according to an interview with

the New York Post, Costas is still under contract for several more years with NBC.

So he's getting paid a lot of money to do nothing.

In fact, the Post estimates he making "seven figures (possibly eight) to work the Kentucky

Derby, maybe fill in on some events and appear on special shows."

You'd think that with his experience and that kind of salary, NBC would use him for their

Olympics coverage.

But Costas told the New York Times that the 2016 Rio Games were the perfect send-off,

as hosting the Olympics just doesn't hold that much interest for him anymore because

of the way modern broadcasting works.

"I wasn't getting bored by it, but over time the formats changed a bit.

At the beginning it was more freewheeling and there were more spaces for me to contribute.

And it became more tightly formatted as the years went by."

Even though fans miss him at the Olympics, it's good NBC isn't forcing him to do events

he doesn't like.

We'd hate to see a legend like Costas reduced to covering minor stuff like monkey baseball

just to fulfill a contract.

Hall of Fame

In July 2018, fans will get to see Costas one more time when he receives the prestigious

Ford C. Frick Award for broadcasting excellence during the National Baseball Hall of Fame

and Museum awards presentation.

It's an extremely high honor, shared by only 41 broadcasters before him, which according

to the National Baseball Hall of Fame's official website, is awarded for "commitment to excellence,

quality of broadcasting abilities, reverence within the game, popularity with fans, and

recognition by peers."

So don't feel too bad for Costas.

He may not be on TV as much anymore, but he does what he wants, says what he wants, and

is a certified Baseball Hall of Famer.

Sounds like a pretty nice retirement.

"I be rollin' torpedoes, get blitzed with rastas, for a hefty fee I'm on your record,

like Bob Costas."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Bob Costas Anymore - Duration: 5:24.


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11 Things NOT To Do With Narcissists, Ever - Duration: 5:27.

11 Things NOT To Do With Narcissists, Ever

Having a business with a narcissists is the worst thing that can happen to you.

Narcissists basically a type of people who will bring you down to the hell without you

realizing it.

They will do it carefully, slowly, and painfully.

It takes quite long process that you will not notice even the slightest possibility

of evil intention.

However, when you have noticed you are dealing with narcissists, please avoid these.

There are 11 things that you should not do with narcissists.

#1 - Don't take them at face value

They have worked hard to make their face look valuable both physically and mentally.

That is why if you only look at them through both dimensions, they will be happy and they

will win.

If they win, they will be boasting up, seeing them as a more powerful person than you are.

#2 - Don't share sensitive personal information

Some personal information such as your worst experiences and your flaws can be the weapon

against you when you feel desperate.

Be sure to not share them once you meet narcissists.

Otherwise, you are again risking yourself to be used by the narcissists.

#3 - You should not justify yourself

Just keep your feeling to yourself especially when you are fighting against narcissists.

Otherwise, they will only make you suffer through arguments, debates, and misleading

opinions that will never end.

It is just exhausting.

Unless you have time, never do that thing to narcissists.

#4 - Don't minimize their misbehavior

People around narcissists may be tired for their misbehavior.

However, it is one tactic that they do for preventing you from realizing their flaws.

Be sure to stay awake and be rational.

Don't argue with them, but be aware every time they make movement.

They can read you, and they can start attacking you.

#5 - Don't put any responsibility

You cannot trust narcissists to do even the simplest tasks.

They will do, at its best, but they have hidden intention later on.

At some point, they will neglect their responsibility, making it impossible to complete your task.

Basically, you are putting responsibility to wrong person if you do.

#6 - They don't share your ideas

They have another vision of the real world, their imagination.

That is why you actually play in a level in which you cannot reach.

It is just completely useless.

It is practically impossible to grasp their ideas because it just does not exist.

#7 - Don't play their games

They are expert in manipulating people, and that is why you should not try playing the

same game for manipulating them.

It will just waste your valuable time.

#8 - Don't take their actions personally

If you believe what they say, if you get mad because what they do, they become excited

and satisfied.

It feels like they have won the battle because no one is happier than they are.

#9 - Don't expect empathy

Their nerve for empathy have long gone, and they only have power to make you suffer instead.

#10 - Don't expect them to change

It is unfortunate, no matter how you love this person, that narcissistic is a disease

that cannot be cured so easily.

It is because they do not consider themselves to be sick, disabling the curing process.

That is why they will never change.

#11 - Don't underestimate

They are basically powerful people who have nothing to lose.

They will always in search for satisfaction through sufferings from other people around


Well, that's all of the 11 things not to do with narcissists, ever.

So, what do you think about this?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Things NOT To Do With Narcissists, Ever - Duration: 5:27.


Q&A with founder, Dmitry Shyshov and our advisor, Andrew Playford - Duration: 41:48.

For more infomation >> Q&A with founder, Dmitry Shyshov and our advisor, Andrew Playford - Duration: 41:48.


1972 Alfa Romeo Alfetta: Verde Pino - Duration: 5:18.

It was my neighbor who indirectly got me hooked on Alfa Romeos.

Hers was the only car in the neighboorhood that really stood out.

When you're surrounded by Renault 21s and Peugeot 205s and the like,

which are definitely standard cars, but they don't really instill passion.

And I would see her give it special care on the weekends, hear her starting it up,

hear that metallic rumble that is characteristic of the Boxer engine.

I don't think that directly influenced me,

it hadn't even crossed my mind when I bought this car,

but ultimately, it did subconsciously influence my purchase

and led me to explore other models, like the GTV and the GTV6

and of course my '72 Alfetta Verde Pino,

as well as a 2000 Bertone Coupe from '75.

So I was able to develop my tastes, notably for Alfa Romeo's early models,

models from the golden age, if I may.

One benefit is that I get to combine my passion with my work.

I've been representing this brand in France for more than five years.

I'm so lucky and honored to be recognized in France for my know-how

and that people can turn to me for expert advice on these cars.

Right now, my fiancé and I are looking for a golden-era Alfa,

so something from before '75-'80.

An Alfa with stainless steel bumpers and everything reminiscent of Italy

and the golden age of Italian design.

I've always liked looking at cars,

their lines and contours,

and seeing each designer's work, but also listening to the motors.

We've been dating for six years, so I've been able to develop that knowledge,

which has turned into a passion for Italian cars and their contours.

There was no doubt in our minds that we should buy that Alfetta.

Innovation was the key trait of this model.

It was the first Alfa to feature a transaxle,

yet it kept all the mechanics of the 1750 Berlina and the Bertone.

In my view, we got the best of both worlds

meaning the mechanics of the 105, the innovation of the 116.

It has thin grille "scudo stretto", and a front inspired by Bertone.

It has all of the power and nuance that come with Alfa Romeo,

meaning that in Italy, it was the car of the good and of the bad.

It was used by both the Mafia and the Carabinieris.

So it definitely has character and also a wonderful history.

After searching online for months, if not one whole year,

we finally found this beautiful Alfetta Verde Pino.

We really liked that it was from '72, so undoubtedly one of the first models.

We found out that it was the 115th one manufactured,

so one of the oldest registered in Europe.

But the color was what did it for us,

so on the spur of the moment, we carpooled to the Netherlands to go buy it.

There we met an 85-year-old who had had the car in storage since 1999.

He gave the car a basic tune-up so that we could easily drive it back to France,

an oil change, replacing the battery, checking the fluids,

all to ensure a safe drive home.

The car wasn't in perfect condition, but we still got home without any hiccups.

So in the end I knew we had bought a decent car.

The Alfetta was definitely an instant favorite for the both of us.

Later on, Tristan decided to reaffirm his passion by buying a Bertone Coupe.

I personally am more into sedans,

and I dream of getting a 1750 Berlina.

Our Alfetta is without a doubt a car we will have our whole lives.

We'll surely have it when we get married.

It has brought with it so many memories, so many miles and experiences.

It goes beyond monetary investments. It's more about time and passion.

We will never sell this car.

Even if there was a big problem that made that necessary...no.

That car will always be with us, wherever we go.

For more infomation >> 1972 Alfa Romeo Alfetta: Verde Pino - Duration: 5:18.


Mikolas Josef - Lie To Me (Czech Republic) Евровидение 2018 | RUSSIAN REACTION - Duration: 5:38.

Hi everyone! It's Ramusic! So..

We're back to Eurovision

As you know last year we had a blast talking about it

we eve watched it LIVE

Subscribe if you aren't!

People love Eurovision reviews here, you're gonne like it!

Now it's time for ESC 2018! It will be on May 8-12

And we're watching the constants! You asked for it, I'm here for it!

I'm curious too, I've been watching Eurovision since I was little

Czech Republic is the next one

Mikolas Josef

with the song "Lie To Me"

Maybe the guy wants the girl to lie to him

He likes to play these dirty games))

Okay let's watch!

Let's get right into it! Link to the full performance is in the description!

He has a music video already!

let's check it out

oh wow, just like that!

He dances, plays and sings..

His lipsync skills are weak))

Don't pretend your voice is that deep))

okay a handsome guy, girls are gonne love him!

a nice clean white room

takes a lot of time to clean though

Dances like crazy AND sings?

What''s that move is about? It's our Olga Buzova's move!

You know what this reminds me of, right? I think you'reon the same page with me on this

It all sounds like Ed Sheeran a little bit

Actually only his voice remins me a bit of Ed, the song itself sounds like another hit from the US..

Yep I think the guy is mainly a dancer and a singer after that

I think that's a nice minimalistic video and nice clean camel :)

Looks like a young Justin Bieber)

Why are they filming him from the chest up?

He's not fat or anything

At leat he looks more mature at 22

than Liam Payne with his "masculinity" at 24)

Okay now they added some girls and shirtless guys

at the end of the song lol


I'm curious how much did they pay those guys who were in the video for 5 seconds?

That was Mikolas Josef with "Lie To Me" guys

Very good video, I liked it

I liked the song too

I'm sure many ESC fans who don't listen to other music

might say that this sounds like Moldova's entry in 2017)

remember that Epic Sax guy?

I don't think so))

The song doesn't sound like

any other song

that are released

This is not exactly Ed Sheeran, only an inspiration...


But the song is cool. Mikolas himself is fine too

young. There's nothing to sing there really))

But when Eurovision required VOCALS for the win?

Exactly. Remember Lena from Germany?

An easy song, nothing to sing

So I like Czech Republic as well.

A really nice entry this time. Guys,

let's discuss that together, because

I think the song has potential. I haven't seen him live yet, that's a music video

so can he sing AND dance like here?

I need to check this out

haven't seen any of it. And want to know the production of the performance lol

It's gonna be very interesting with Mikolas

because something tells me that he's more of a dancer, than a singer

And he's gonna struggle

In fact, with a huge production and huge set

these part with the lower register doesn't sound very good

got it?)

so this is for the debate but I hope he will succeed

But for him to succeed

We have to succeed too! So subscribe to the channel

Come to my insta and twitter, links are the same

Sub to our VK group and Telegram channel with links to all new releases

And I'll see you very soon with another contestant! Bye-bye!

For more infomation >> Mikolas Josef - Lie To Me (Czech Republic) Евровидение 2018 | RUSSIAN REACTION - Duration: 5:38.


Dad Dies Months Before Son Is Born. Then She Looks At Photo, Sees Something That Makes Her Gasp - Duration: 3:28.

Dad Dies Months Before Son Is Born.

Then She Looks At Photo, Sees Something That Makes Her Gasp

The time leading up to the birth of a baby is usually one full of excitement and joy.

The expectant parents can't wait to hold their new son or daughter in their arms, and

they spend hours talking about baby names and setting up the nursery and dreaming about

the future.

Such was the case for Jesse and Amanda Snyder.

The couple married on March 10, 2017 and was excitedly anticipating the birth of their

son in August.

They had already picked out the name Jameson William Snyder – the same initials as his

father – and were dreaming about what the future held for their little family.

Then tragedy struck.

On May 27, 2017, Jesse was helping his parents cut down trees on their family's property

when a tree that had just been cut hit another tree on the way down, struck a limb, and killed

Jesse instantly.

In a moment, all of the couple's dreams came crashing down.

Amanda was devastated and didn't know how she would be able to carry on, but she knew

that she had to – for their son.

As heartbroken as she was, Amanda still wanted to do a maternity shoot to commemorate her


Even though Jesse wouldn't be able to be there in person, she knew he would be there

in spirit.

She contacted photographer Shanna Logan and asked if she could somehow incorporate Jesse

into the shoot.

When she got the photos back later she was speechless – as heartbreaking as it is not

to have Jesse by her side, these photos will always serve as a reminder to her and Jameson

that Jesse is watching out for them from above.

Shanna shared some of the poignant photos on her Facebook page and wrote about the painful

but beautiful experience of doing this photo shoot.

"She talked about him the entire time we shot," Shanna recalled.

"How she felt he was still there with her.

How she is so happy for this gift, baby Jameson and that she was going to be the best mom

she could.

Tell him stories of his dad and carry him on.

Let him know how loved he is and dad will always be there in spirit."

Shanna said both she and Amanda cried and hugged during the emotional session and Amanda's

pain was clear on her face, but the incredible mom-to-be told her she was finding the strength

to carry on.

Amanda told Shanna that there had recently been a storm and a power outage and she had

been walking down the hall in the middle of the night when a license plate decoration


When she picked it up she saw the words written on it: "Whatever it takes."

Amanda said she uses that phrase for strength when things get hard – to know that whatever

it takes, she is going to make it through this difficult time and Jesse will be with

her and Jameson every step of the way.

Little Jameson William Snyder was born on August 2, 2017.

Though he will never know his father in person, we know Jesse's spirit and love will be

alive and well in their home.

"He is a little miracle, and a gift," Shanna wrote, "and dad would be so so proud."

Will you join us in keeping this precious family in your thoughts and prayers?

So share this!

Subscribe to our channel for more : http://bit.ly/2lB6QeW Visit our website : http://newzmagazine.com/

For more infomation >> Dad Dies Months Before Son Is Born. Then She Looks At Photo, Sees Something That Makes Her Gasp - Duration: 3:28.


Dad Films Daughter's Birth, But What Baby Does Next Leaves Entire Delivery Room Stunned - Duration: 1:54.

Dad Films Daughter's Birth, But What Baby Does Next Leaves Entire Delivery Room Stunned

The moment a baby enters the world is always incredible and miraculous, but sometimes there

is just something extra special about the birth that makes us all stand back in awe.

Such was the case during this birth at the Santa Monica hospital in Brazil.

Brenda Coelho de Souza, 24, was delivering her baby via C-section and the baby's dad

was filming the beautiful moment when their daughter arrived.

But it's what happened after baby Agata Ribeiro Coelho's birth that has really taken

the internet by storm.

Soon after Agata was born, she was placed right next to her mother's face so the two

could begin to bond.

As the pair lay next to each other, eyes closed, Agata did something remarkable – she reached

her tiny arm around her mother's face and held on tight in an incredible display of

love Brenda soaked up the special moment as Agata

even appeared to try to give her mother a kiss (though she may have just been looking

for some milk).

The sweet moment has since gone viral – people just can't get enough of the tender embrace

between this mother and daughter as they meet for the first time.

"It was an incredible moment when my daughter hugged me for the first time," Brenda recalled.

"The medical team were great and were all really surprised that she acted this way,

they couldn't believe how affectionate she was with me."

Baby Agata is now three months old, and the love shared between her and her mom is stronger

than ever.

"I love being a mother," said Brenda.

Were you touched by this incredible moment between mother and daughter?

So share this!

Subscribe to our channel for more : http://bit.ly/2lB6QeW Visit our website : http://newzmagazine.com/

For more infomation >> Dad Films Daughter's Birth, But What Baby Does Next Leaves Entire Delivery Room Stunned - Duration: 1:54.


11 Indian TV Actresses Married Two Times | You Won't Believe - Duration: 6:17.

11 Indian TV Actresses Married Two Times | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> 11 Indian TV Actresses Married Two Times | You Won't Believe - Duration: 6:17.


OMG! Why Dutches catch Loni baby cruel like this|Little monkey try to take baby back|Monkey Daily324 - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> OMG! Why Dutches catch Loni baby cruel like this|Little monkey try to take baby back|Monkey Daily324 - Duration: 11:30.


1096 Sq. Ft. Vacation Rental in Big Bear City, CA | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 2:52.

1096 Sq. Ft. Vacation Rental in Big Bear City, CA

For more infomation >> 1096 Sq. Ft. Vacation Rental in Big Bear City, CA | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 2:52.


Origami Heavy Duty 3Tier Rack 2pack - Duration: 24:17.

For more infomation >> Origami Heavy Duty 3Tier Rack 2pack - Duration: 24:17.


What is mass and kinetic energy? - Duration: 9:20.

What is mass?

This is a fundamental question,

which has recently, specially since the discovery of the Higgs boson five years ago,

has often come up in questions or discussions

on the IFT videos.

So I'm going to explain what mass is.


this has to do with the Higgs boson in the sense that the Higgs fields in the vacuum

is the origin of the mass of particles with non-zero mass.

But let's cut the chase and let's find out what is mass.

To do that, we're using the scientific method,

which is as follows:

First, choose some concepts

which we consider fundamental,

and preferably defined in a practical way.

Next, study the relations among them,

both theoretically

and experimentally,

to reach our conclusions, if any.

And, if by doing more experiments,

we find that our conclusions are wrong,

we go back to point 1,

and start all over again.

Ok, let's choose two concepts that we consider fundamental:

space, which can be measured by distances,

in practice measured with my own ruler;

and time, which I can also measure with my watch.

If we now take an object

which is moving a given distance in a given time,

with no external forces,

we find that something, the quotient of distances and times,

which is the velocity, is constant.

Well, the velocity not only has a magnitude, which I call "v", but also a direction,

and is hence a vector, something that points in a certain direction.

So let's play a bit with vectors.

I should remind you about how to add up two vectors.

If I have a given velocity, which is a vector pointing in some direction,

and which I call "v1",

and a second velocity, which I call "v2",

the question is what is the sum of "v1" and "v2".

Easy! To add up,

we apply parallel transport to "v2"

until its tail is a the head of v1

and the vector from the tail of v1 to the head of v2

is the sum "v1" + "v2"

These are all the maths we need to go on.

Ok, next thing

is to do experiments in a billiard table.

An ideal billiard table, with perfect and frictionless surface,

with perfect balls, perfectly spherical,

as ideal as possible.

And then, two billiard champions are training by making pairs of balls collide;

each one smacks on a ball, and they check what happens after they collide.

These are vectors.

So the balls bounce back with velocities

in general different from the original ones, this with velocity v2'

(the ' meaning "after the collision)

and this with velocity v1'.

So what we find after many such experiments is the following:

the sum of v1 and v2

before the collision

equals the sum of v1 after the collision and v2 after the collision.

And this holds for any collision.

We also discover

that v1 squared + v2 squared

(these are numbers, so I can take their squares)

equals v1 squared after the collision

+v2', after the collision, squared.

Great! We're on a good track, we have discovered,

it seems, certains laws for collisions,

certain laws of nature in the dynamics of particles.

Let's now change things and perform the same experiment,

but with balls still of the same size, but made of different materials.

In such case, we immediatly find that these formulas are wrong.

To fix them, the most natural suggestion

is to associate a quantity, which I'm calling "m", to each of the two balls,

"m1" for the first, and "m2" for the second.

And we'll find, after much experimenting,

that the combination m1 v2 + m2 v2

is conserved.

And also here if we also add these two things, m1 and m2.

But this holds only for a given ratio of m1 and m2,

a certain ration is the only one such that these laws are valid.

Ok, we have then discovered two interesting things:

one is the conservation of momentum,

which for instance for particle 1 is m1 v1,

and second, the conservation of enegy,

the energy before and after is the same.

Note that the convention, for reasons having to do with other conventions,

such as what is a force and so on,

the formula for the energy we have discovered is 1/2 m v^2.

The enegry 1/2 m v^2

is a conserved quantity in particle collisions.

Ok, it seems we all should be happy that these laws work out.

But if we now do these experiments

with particles whose speed is not much smaller than the speed of light, called "c",

if their speeds are comparable with that of light,

then these conclusions are again wrong.

And the quantity m1 v1,

for the conclusion to hold,

must be divided by the square root

of 1 minus the particle velocity squared divided by the speed of light squared.

This formula must also be modified,

by replacing by c^2 here, removing the 1/2, and dividing by the same square root of 1-v^2/c^2.

Once we do that

the formulas for the conservation of energy and conservation of momentum are now correct.

In the meantime we have also discovered another fact.

I could rotate the billiard table without rotating the balls,

or rotate the balls without rotating the billiard table,

and independent of the orientation of this my reference system,

the laws are still the same.

Thus the basic laws of Mechanics are invariant under rotations.

One last point

Let me

take units in which the speed of light is 1.

Then using these formulas,

we find that, for a given particle, E^2-p^2=m^2

The energy and momentum depend on the velocity with respect to the observed, but the mass does not.

So energy and momentum are not relativistic invariants;

but the mass we have introduced here, which is the intertial mass, is a relativistic invariant.

When we introduce gravity and move on

to Einstein's Theory of General Relativity,

it turns out that the mass sourcing gravity is the same as this.

Inertial mass and gravitational mass are one and the same thing.

For more infomation >> What is mass and kinetic energy? - Duration: 9:20.


Best of Just For Laughs Gags Compilation 2018 | Funny Pranks Videos - Duration: 3:42.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Best of Just For Laughs Gags Compilation 2018 | Funny Pranks Videos - Duration: 3:42.


Warming Oregon Trail Tiny House on Wheels by Tiny Smart House - Duration: 2:13.

Warming Oregon Trail Tiny House on Wheels by Tiny Smart House

For more infomation >> Warming Oregon Trail Tiny House on Wheels by Tiny Smart House - Duration: 2:13.



For more infomation >> JE TEST ENFIN MON PREMIER SUBWAY ''DEGUSTATION SUBWAY'' - Duration: 6:10.


30 - How to Pole Dance - The Air Walk - Duration: 5:37.

Hello my friends!

Our today's lesson is devoted to the Air Walk and it's variations.

First, let's discuss the technique of the "steps" in the air and their kinds, using

a basic narrow grip - like for the Chopper.

For practicing and understanding, start with a basic climb, not too high, and, holding

the pole with both your hands, one hand is higher than the other one, at your face level,

bring your body to the side of your upper hand and lower your legs down to get into

the Pencil.

Squeeze the pole with your armpit hard.

Let's begin with the "steps", when feet are pointed.

Similar movements you do, when riding a bicycle - when you leg is straightening while moving


So, you should bring one of your legs, which is bent, slightly forward, straighten it and

then, keeping the leg straight, bring it backward.

Bring your leg really far away, don't stop it in a line with your torso.

Notice that, when you walk on the ground, your back leg is behind you.

This is so because, it remains on the ground, but your body weight transfers to your forward


Thus, we don't need to bring the leg backward on purpose, with our muscles and we don't

pay any attention to it, while walking.

However, on the pole, you have to "walk" in the air and you have to bring your back leg

backward on purpose, with your muscles, moving it behind your torso.

It is especially felt, when you "walk" in the air, using an armpit hold, as you body

is in a slight diagonal position to the pole.

But, after such training, it will be easier to do "steps" in the air, using a split grip.

Now let's go on to the "steps", when feet are flexed.

The easier way is just to hold your feet flexed and repeat all the movements, you did earlier.

The more difficult way is, when your leg, which moves forwards, is with a pointed foot,

but, when you lower it down, you, like, "stand on the ground", so you, like, "have to" flex

your foot and bring your leg backward, keeping the foot flexed.

Don't forget to bring your leg really far away, behind you.

Also, when you sort of lift your leg up from "the ground" into the air, you need to point

your foot again.

If it is necessary, you can practice these movements really on the ground, standing tiptoed

on the floor and working on each leg separately.

After that, you can climb the pole and work on both legs together.

When one of your leg moves forwards, the other one moves backwards, then, this leg moves

forwards again and you continue to "walk" in the air.

During your work on your steps it is very important not to rush.

It often happens that, lots of people start not to walk, but, kinda, run in the air, as

they need to hold their bodies in the air with their hands for a while and, they might

get tensed up or tired.

Of course, "running" can be used for some kinds of dances, but it won't allow to really

perfect the technique of the Air Walk.

It is better to take not more than two or three steps, but properly and slowly, get

back on to the pole or even the floor to relax a little bit and then, go on training.

Always practice "walking" on both sides not to overburden only one side of your body.

It is possible to practice, lying on your side on the floor.

This way can be used as a fine preparatory exercise.

And one more thing, it is a nice idea to work on your steps, when you are in the Pencil

position on a dynamic pole, starting spinning on the ground.

And, it is time for the Air Walk, using a Split Grip.

If you don't know or don't remember the grip, you should watch the video lesson, devoted

to the Boomerang Spin and the Boomerang Trick, using a Split Grip.

In general, one can distinguish two positions of a body for taking the "steps": when facing

the pole and a side to the pole.

The Air Walk, when you face the pole, looks nice on a static pole, while the Air Walk,

when you are a side to the pole, looks better on a dynamic one, with the "steps", taken

in the direction of rotation.

Ideally, you must try to coordinate your steps with a rotation of the pole so that, when

your foot is, like, "step on the ground", after moving backwards, remains in place for

an audition.

This way, your air walk will look as a real one.

It is very important to work on the "walk", using a split grip on both sides, that is,

to switch hands to engage muscles of both arms equally.

Always bring you legs back on to the pole after practicing the "steps", using a split

grip, don't jump down on to the ground.

Also, don't take as many "steps" as possible, just take enough to be able to hold your body

for a while to bring your legs back on to the pole.

It is particularly necessary, in case it is difficult for you to hold a split grip for


Maybe, it would be better to practice "walking" in the Pencil position and work on the Boomerang


And one more thing, during your trainings don't lose control of your arms and torso

- keep your shoulders pulled back and down, squeeze your shoulderblades together, your

arms should be straight and strong, don't ever twist your wrists, keep your back straight.

So, today we have learnt how to do the Air Walk and it's variations.

Share your results in instagram using the hashtag #poledream_online . Wish you the best

of the best!


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