Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 27 2018

Why is Felisberto Hernández one of my favorite writers?

Felisberto was a writer and a piano concertist , however, his work did not change him in life

and has come to sell socks on public roads to support himself.

Excellent pianist and exquisite writer, influenced the literatura of the greatest latinamerican writers

The flooded house is, in my humble opinion,

its most charming story. In it, he embarks, literally, on the adventure

of discovering why a mysterious woman has deliberately flooded his house and what she hides,

while he is falling in love with her little by little.

His innocent, almost childlike prose describes what he sees and what he conjectures,

without apparent malice, like a boy who is amazed by what he observes.

The crocodile tells the strange skill that develops a street vendor of socks

and that gets unexpected results. I invite you to look for it, to discover it and to enjoy it.

Leave your opinion in the comments. If you liked the video, give LIKE, upload videos

every week, subscribe and activate the bell to have new stories instantly.

Thanks for staying until the end.

For more infomation >> FELISBERTO HERNÁNDEZ - Duration: 1:32.


6 remedios para las enfermedades del tracto urinario - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> 6 remedios para las enfermedades del tracto urinario - Duration: 7:08.


Orbital Air - Cyberpunk 2077 Megacorporations Lore - Duration: 4:41.

Greetings Earthlings!

Welcome to the Madqueen Show!

I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 lore video for you, and today we're

going to talk about the megacorporation Orbital Air

This megacorporation from Nairobi, Kenya

is the main cargo and passenger transport to Earth orbit company, offering also services

of maintenance of commercial orbital facilities

Orbital Air holds a key position in in the 21st Century: with their large fleet of French-made

Hermes space planes they monopolize all orbital lifting capability, with the exception of

a few governments, although none of which offers comparable service

Many corporations relay on Orbital Air for transport of cargo out of the gravity well

The Euro-Space Agency's Cristal Tower L-5 colony, a massive orbital hotel complex for

the ultra rich, would be out of business without them

With all commercial space cargo dependent upon them, Orbital Air is a lucrative position

that it would very much like to maintain

A large part of this megacorp's budget and covert resources are is put to use ensuring

that they remain the leaders of in orbital technology, and that the competition doesn't

make it off the ground

Or at least don't make it off the biosphere

because, you know, hostile takeovers, missiles, explosives...

In life, it is important to be one step ahead

that's how we created the fuel that moves your life

giving humanity hope

And we keep moving forward, to a better future for humanity

Our constant investigation in Biotechnology,

genetic engineering and biochemistry

helps us help you live a fuller life


One step ahead

Currently, their eye is on China, which is improving its commercial lift capability rapidly

Also, Euro-flight Corporation is expanding its operations, and expecting to bring orbital

services on line soon

This has Orbital Air slightly worried about their monopoly, that's why they're putting

so much effort in controlling the Johnson Orbital Facility, the transfer station for

passangers travelling to Crystal Tower, where they switch from the space-planes to space

transport shuttles assembled at the Orbital Air's workstations or purchased from the

Euro-Space Agency

Their equipment and resources are impressive: 35 orbit capable Hermes Scramjet space-planes,

35 corporate jets, 70 AV-7 urban assault vehicles… you name it

Orbital Air is well equipped, and has access to almost all levels of military equipment

It is primarily interested in space defense and air-superiority weaponry to protect its

orbital and air-borne resources

So, you know, if your aim in life is reaching the stars, Orbital Air will take you there

Well, folks, thanks for watching

Don't forget to visit our Cyberpunk 2077 lore playlist to know more about the dark future

See you in next videos and stay being amazing!

For more infomation >> Orbital Air - Cyberpunk 2077 Megacorporations Lore - Duration: 4:41.


¿Alergias? despídete de ellas con estos 4 trucos caseros - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> ¿Alergias? despídete de ellas con estos 4 trucos caseros - Duration: 7:38.


Se busca reducir el costo de los lanzamientos espaciales - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Se busca reducir el costo de los lanzamientos espaciales - Duration: 0:31.


EL VERDADERO PLAN DE FREEZER | La Traición de Freezer Contra EL Uni 7 | El Fin Del torneo Del Poder - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> EL VERDADERO PLAN DE FREEZER | La Traición de Freezer Contra EL Uni 7 | El Fin Del torneo Del Poder - Duration: 5:53.


Cactus Coloring Book and Drawing for Children | Learn Colors for Toddlers - Duration: 4:44.















For more infomation >> Cactus Coloring Book and Drawing for Children | Learn Colors for Toddlers - Duration: 4:44.


La Vérif : a-t-on atteint l'équité salariale dans la fonction publique canadienne? - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> La Vérif : a-t-on atteint l'équité salariale dans la fonction publique canadienne? - Duration: 1:59.


La sobrina del asesino de Susqueda monta en cólera en Twitter por ciertas fotos - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> La sobrina del asesino de Susqueda monta en cólera en Twitter por ciertas fotos - Duration: 1:43.


7 choses qui arrivent aux hommes lorsqu'ils ne font plus l'amour ! - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> 7 choses qui arrivent aux hommes lorsqu'ils ne font plus l'amour ! - Duration: 5:29.


¿Sientes tus pies cansados? Descubre cómo aliviarlos con 5 remedios caseros - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> ¿Sientes tus pies cansados? Descubre cómo aliviarlos con 5 remedios caseros - Duration: 10:16.


Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA

For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA


Watch: NCT U's Ten And Taeyong Are An Electrifying Duo In "Baby Don't Stop" MV(News) - Duration: 1:18.

Watch: NCT U's Ten And Taeyong Are An Electrifying Duo In "Baby Don't Stop" MV

NCT U members Ten and Taeyong have teamed up for a new track!. On February 27 at midnight KST, the duo released the music video for their song Baby Dont Stop.

Taeyong took part in the writing of the rap for the track, and its particularly exciting as it marks the return of Ten, who has been on hiatus from promotions due to reasons including an injury. Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. NCT is now an 18-member group, with NCT U being a rotational unit without a fixed lineup of members.

 Baby Dont Stop is the second release by NCT U this year (following Boss earlier this month) and both songs are part of the groups March comeback with the album NCT 2018.

For more infomation >> Watch: NCT U's Ten And Taeyong Are An Electrifying Duo In "Baby Don't Stop" MV(News) - Duration: 1:18.


6 bebidas para combatir el dolor en los riñones - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> 6 bebidas para combatir el dolor en los riñones - Duration: 9:06.


♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡When you smile♡TomEdd♡ - Duration: 0:11.

You so fuckin' precious when you smile


For more infomation >> ♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡When you smile♡TomEdd♡ - Duration: 0:11.


How to heal wounds fast home remedies | 5 Steps to Heal a Faster Wound - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> How to heal wounds fast home remedies | 5 Steps to Heal a Faster Wound - Duration: 6:27.


HOW TO PORT AIRCEL NUMBER TO OTHER NETWORK,TRICK! , aircel port number, Aircel UPC/MNP/PORT - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> HOW TO PORT AIRCEL NUMBER TO OTHER NETWORK,TRICK! , aircel port number, Aircel UPC/MNP/PORT - Duration: 3:09.


Škoda Superb 1.6 TDI Active Bns Navigatie, 18" - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Škoda Superb 1.6 TDI Active Bns Navigatie, 18" - Duration: 0:54.


[프로축구개막] ④ '푸른피' 데얀·돌아온 아드리아노…외인 경쟁 '불꽃' - Duration: 3:22.

서울 조영욱·전북 송범근 등 슈퍼루키…'우리도 주목해 주세요' 데얀[수 삼성 제공=연합뉴스] (서울=연합뉴스) 최송아 기자 = 다음 달 1 막을 올리는 2018 K리그 1에선 굵직한 외국인 선수들의 불꽃 튀는 쟁도 관심을 끈다

가장 주목받는 선수는 단연 FC서울의 붉은색 유니폼에서 수원 삼성의 른색 유니폼으로 갈아입은 '몬테네그로 특급' 데얀(37)이다. 데얀은 난해까지 수원의 라이벌인 서울의 간판으로 활약하며 K리그 사상 최고의 외 인 선수 반열에 올랐다

2011년(24골), 2012년(31골), 2013년(19골) K리그 최초로 3년 연속 득점왕, 외국인 선수 최초 300경기 출전 등 서울에서 뛰는 동안 갖가지 영예를 누렸다

2014∼2016년 중국 슈퍼리그에서 뛰다가 서울로 복귀한 이후에도 시즌 연속 두 자릿수(2016년 13골·2017년 19골) 득점을 작성 명성을 입증했다

하지만 지난해를 끝으로 서울과 재계약이 불발되면서 선수 생활을 계속 어갈 팀으로 수원을 택해 시즌 전부터 큰 화제를 낳았다. K리그 최고의 '흥행 보증수표'인 슈퍼매치에 '데얀 더비'라는 의미까지 더해지면서 이 기 또한 한층 뜨거워질 것으로 전망된다

아드리아노[전북 현대 제공] 우승 후보 '1순위' 전북 현대 유니 을 입은 아드리아노(31)는 K리그 복귀와 함께 득점왕 후보로 부상했다. 2014년 대전 시티즌에서 뛰며 2부리그 득점왕을 차지한 아드리아노는 듬해 FC서울 유니폼으로 갈아입고 1부리그에서도 활약했다

2016년에는 30경기에서 17골로 득점 2위에 오르고, 6도움을 보 최다 공격 포인트도 작성했다. K리그에서 4시즌 동안 92경기에서 59 을 뽑아냈다

중국 슈퍼리그로 옮겨갔다가 '1강' 전북을 통해 K리그에 돌아오면서 얀 등과의 경쟁이 시즌 시작 전부터 기대를 모은다. 아드리아노 외에 전 에는 포항 스틸러스와 성남FC를 거치며 경쟁력을 보인 티아고도 합류해 스 드를 한층 더 탄탄히 했다

경남 말컹의 골 세리머니(서울=연합뉴스) 김인철 기자 = 27일 오후 서울 서대문구 홍은동 그랜드힐튼호텔에서 열린 2018 K리그 개막 미디어 이 기자회견에서 경남 말컹이 골 세리머니를 하고 있다

2018.2.27 yatoya@yna.co.kr 지난해 K리그 2 호령한 경남FC의 '특급 골잡이' 말컹(24)이 1부리그에 올라와서 어 모습을 보여줄지도 팬들의 관심사다

말컹은 지난 시즌 K리그 2에서 22골을 터뜨리는 물오른 골 감각을 내며 경남이 우승을 차지해 '직행 승격'하는 데 앞장섰다. 득점왕은 물 시즌 베스트 11에 포함되고 최우수선수(MVP)까지 거머쥔 그는 경남을 지키며 1부리그 데뷔를 앞두고 있다

조영욱[FC서울 제공] 외국인 선수만큼이나 프로 무대 데뷔를 앞둔 신인 선수들의 활약도 리그에 활력을 불어넣을 것으로 보인다. '대어' 으로 거론되는 선수는 FC서울의 공격수 조영욱(19)이다

그는 지난해 국제축구연맹(FIFA) 20세 이하(U-20) 월드컵에서 한국의 주축으로 활약했고, U-23 대표팀에서도 선배들을 제치고 주전을 찼다

서울은 '제2의 박주영' 수식어를 달 정도로 큰 기대감을 숨기지 않고 다. U-18 대표 출신 공격수 오세훈(19)은 고등학교를 졸업하자마자 울산 현대에 입단해 프로 생활을 시작한다

193㎝의 장신으로 헤딩과 발기술을 모두 갖췄다는 평가를 받는 그는 난해 후반기 고등리그 왕중왕전에서 4골을 터트려 현대고의 우승을 이끌었고 대한축구협회 '올해의 영 플레이어'로 선정되기도 했다

출사표 밝히는 전북 송범근(서울=연합뉴스) 김인철 기자 = 27일 오 서울 서대문구 홍은동 그랜드힐튼호텔에서 열린 2018 K리그 개막 미디 데이 기자회견에서 전북 송범근이 출사표를 밝히고 있다

2018.2.27 yatoya@yna.co.kr 신예 골키퍼로는 북의 송범근(21)이 눈에 띈다. 그는 막강 전력을 자랑하는 전북의 고민 리로 꼽히는 주전 골키퍼 경쟁을 당당히 뚫고 30경기 출전과 '10경기 상 무실점 경기'를 남기겠다는 패기 넘치는 각오를 다지고 있다

권창훈(디종), 류승우(제주) 등과 U-20 대표팀에서 함께 뛰었던 윤구(25·대구)는 J리그와 K3, 내셔널리그를 거쳐 '늦깎이 신인'으로 K리그 무대를 밟는다


For more infomation >> [프로축구개막] ④ '푸른피' 데얀·돌아온 아드리아노…외인 경쟁 '불꽃' - Duration: 3:22.


Как выбрать антиперспирант и дезодорант в 2018. Нужно ли мужчине пользоваться дезодорантом. Мои Дезы - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> Как выбрать антиперспирант и дезодорант в 2018. Нужно ли мужчине пользоваться дезодорантом. Мои Дезы - Duration: 5:52.


Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA

For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA


The Chris Gethard Show - I Don't Give A Butt - Music Video (ft. The LLC) | truTV - Duration: 2:39.

[ "I Don't Give a Butt" plays ]



♪ Do you wonder what I say at work when ♪

♪ The boss is mad that I'm late? ♪

♪ I'm gonna tell you what ♪

♪ Do you wonder what I tweet to haters ♪

♪ When they're tweeting their hate? ♪

♪ She's gonna tell you what ♪

♪ What I say to dudes who try to mansplain ♪

♪ Some shit I already know ♪

♪ What, what, what, what? ♪

♪ What I'm thinkin' when I should be workin' ♪

♪ But I'm bingin' my shows ♪

♪ We're gonna tell you what ♪

♪ What do I say when the invite says formal ♪

♪ But I'm not in the mood to dress up? ♪

♪ Oh, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ No, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ No, no, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ Sorry, I don't give a butt ♪


♪ Wanna know just what I say when I hear ♪

♪ They're dishin' dirt about me? ♪

♪ Oh, please tell me what ♪

♪ What I'm thinkin' on a crowded subway ♪

♪ When I'm feeling farty ♪

♪ I'm gonna tell you what ♪

♪ When they say that my phrase isn't really a phrase ♪

♪ It's just a thing I went and made up ♪

♪ Oh, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ No, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ No, no, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ There's a brand-new phrase you won't wanna miss ♪

♪ And a brand-new dance, kids, it goes like this ♪

♪ You put your arms up into an "X" ♪

♪ Like a big "I don't" right in front of your chest ♪

♪ You put your finger up ♪

♪ Point it into the air ♪

♪ And then you wave it around to show you just don't care ♪

♪ You put your palm out ♪

♪ Give it a push ♪

♪ You gotta slide it right down ♪

♪ Past your tush, tush, tush ♪

♪ And when everybody sees the new moves that you got ♪

♪ Well, then they're gonna know quite clearly ♪

♪ That you don't give a buuuuuuuutt ♪

♪ I don't give a butt ♪

♪ No, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ No, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ No, I don't give a butt ♪

♪ I don't give a butt ♪

♪ I don't give a, I don't give a ♪

♪ I don't give a ♪

♪ I don't give a butt ♪

♪ I don't give a, I don't give a ♪

♪ I don't give a ♪

♪ I don't give a butt ♪

♪ I don't give a, I don't give a ♪

♪ I don't give a ♪

♪ I don't give a butt ♪

For more infomation >> The Chris Gethard Show - I Don't Give A Butt - Music Video (ft. The LLC) | truTV - Duration: 2:39.


Tonya Harding Gives Her Review of "I,Tonya" (2018) - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Tonya Harding Gives Her Review of "I,Tonya" (2018) - Duration: 1:03.


New Beyblade Burst Battle! Hasbro vs Takara Tomy tournament! Best Beyblades challenge! - Duration: 10:04.

hi guys welcome back to the blast zone look what I got two packs Gaianon g2

Doomscizor, Jormunor j2 and Fengriff - I'm gonna battle them Hasbro

based versus these four - carrot show me awesome attack packed base and don't

forget to subscribe to our news giveaway three t-shirts from my new teespring

store let's open this one first here is going on G - it sounds awesome like a

blob shaped this looks like an armored head the back it's all orange really

cool let's put dying on g2 together doom sizer it's the same one as black one I

like this color because blue is my favorite color

I don't think it's a very good attack type cuz this tip looks more like stamina

on step I think this is actually a balanced type but we'll see you when it

battles let's put it together now let's open Jormuntor storm on tour J - I

look so cool it looks like exactly like the two carretoni but this is like a

little darker for tips looks the same as your twenty-twos wow this tip is really

cool that's why I'm dormitory is called the

awesome venomous snake slithers like a sunni spin destiny bang grip FQ it's so

awesome I think this has a very good advantage in battle forge every strike

does damage to the bay for Foreman's tip Jaggi it's a very good attack type

performance tip it moves around a lot it's very aggressive on to these awesome

savage battles the first battle will be dying on g2 vs victory Valkyrie


Valkyrie awesome awesome battle he got going on off his toes freak out freak

it's two to one that's battles

two to two

sign on it's an outrage next battle join the tour j2 vs. tornado wyvern let's do

this let's go Jack yeah it looks like tornado why everyone's gonna go through

a big attack oh wow II got oh my off almost tie dormant or

wins by survivor finish the scores once dizzy

yeah X&Y Ron looks like white Ron's gonna go for a huge attack torment or

isn't even budging yes Oh tornado wyvern is why Ron I want you

at least win one come on the score is two to zero torment scores winning quit

stamina 32 I am tornado tornado it's not gonna face going on yet deep chaos

versus fan grip remember guys when this guy is an action he has a very good

stable tip so he could go like that and roll round disc yes keep the penis

attack yes great job deep chaos that was awesome

scores 1 2 0 D chaos is we need to rip bang bang fuck come on you got this

oh great oh crap he's doing under attack

yes he holds its capability maybe even quick

whoa bring out finish for Bhangra it's two to one

let's see if the fingers can make his way back to 2 1 3 2 1 go deep chaos yeah

great attack keep attacking he's getting off balance

no don't let him beat you the first the Terra told me they win is because going

in the winner's circle the next Bey battle boom sizer get your

guy off to car Tony let's do this yes yes great punch leaving guys very good

at sucking so soon buzzer but doing sides are couldn't take that neat spin

finish take it daya 1-0 he'll attack sizer

Tsukiko oh my god you Tigers juiciness oh my god well this battle even get

contact come on big guy crushes dreams do cutter spin finish doing size where

the scores 101 anyone can win this match

so quake launched incisor to incisor no

finish for picking guy up to the one this is very action-packed face

he moves on to the winning circle the semi-finals

the first title will be swimming toward j2 versus dying on G to do this Zack

going on yes it feels good attacks it going on swim

counter we dormitories handling all to Tex

push him back more push your back and more spin finish poor darlings Ward 1 is

0 next battle come on going on oh yes great attack Oh bring out finish or

dormant or J 2 is 2 2 0 1 4 dominating

Saxon yes go going on no swing counter join me towards ami Longhorn tours

moving on to the finals drum tour I know you destroy anyone who's in your path

the semi final battle is the chaos versus doom sizer scores to 0 that was

way back to battle PCAST yes Roy damn in a little bit

yes oh don't let him hear your view your will count probably gonna go down greats

down holding up yeah you should will one that wild to saucers didn't even stand a

chance against chaos final battle chaos let's just drop into our teens to this

first battle yeah great stability yes

yes yes yes balance worst finish long for once is the winner of the final

battle thank you guys for coming back to blossom please cry please comment and

don't forget to subscribe to our new giveaway three two shirts from my to

spring and sure to check out my teaspoon store to see maybe you want to buy rib

and check out our new design says if you win you get the to your design we only

pick it for you smooches bye guys record remember be chaos the dormant or are

both savages

For more infomation >> New Beyblade Burst Battle! Hasbro vs Takara Tomy tournament! Best Beyblades challenge! - Duration: 10:04.



what is going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today we

actually have a ton of news and updates for you guys as well as of course

checking out the cryptocurrency markets at the end of the video so before we get

started guys if you want to see daily cryptocurrency videos make sure you

subscribe hit subscribe button down below and turn on and hit the bell icon

to turn on notifications and get notified every time we release a new

video we are almost at 11,000 200 subscribers growing like crazy so for

more of you guys by the time you're watching this video you might even have

gotten there I don't know what the situation is gonna be but yeah subscribe

- guys haven't subscribed already anyways a few updates before we jump

right into the news first things first light pay is officially up for you guys

who want to sign up all you have to do is click you know you click get started

and here we go you can either log in or you can sign up go ahead and do that I

know they were having some issue with card providers before hover now I think

everything is sorted don't quote me on that but I'm pretty sure everything's

sore so you guys go check out light Bay and go make your account second thing

we're talking about Tron a lot of you guys I know like Tron there's a lot of

people out there who like Tron there's a lot of people out there who dislike

Tron's so we're gonna talk about kind of what we talked about previously which is

I am now I told you guys when Justin announced the release date of Tron main

mint has been advanced now what happened is he now they were gonna give details

later and he said details will be released this week so we're excited for

that we're hoping anytime now we're gonna be receiving news on Tron and the

maintenance and see what day it's actually going to be now this was also

an interesting tweet he said at Tron we work 24 hours a day seven days a week

when Beijing is midnight San Francisco's working when San Francisco's midnight

Beijing is working when both Beijing and San Francisco is daytime we are working

together tron never sleep hashtag TRX t writes right so one thing I don't really

like about this is that he is continuously hyping the coin without any

factual backup without any actual thing there so yes this is great that they are

working I would hope that they were working non-stop you know they don't

have a working product out yet so I would be out

I would hope that they were working non-stop I you know I'm glad he

reassured me I would hope they were working on stuff because we are waiting

to see an actual product but at this time with the development of every other

coin every other cryptocurrency and where things are headed we need trying

to have a working product if it's going to go anywhere because right now it is

all hype and other you know other coins other investments are looking a lot

better at this exact moment so that's one thing I wanted to point out I'm

excited again you guys know I'm excited for the end of March when we start

seeing you know a beta version and actual working products come out the

maintenance was also great I'm excited for all this but you know it has to live

up to hype it has to live up to expectations and I have no more comments

other than let's wait and see what happens I don't want to say anything too

much now let's jump right into the news for you guys this series is for you guys

daily to get updated with the biggest news and what's going on in the market

so currently the two biggest articles I want to share with you guys is first

that there's a company there's an investment management giant with which

owns five point seven trillion dollars in assets trillion US dollars that's a

lot of money right in assets um they they control that much they still stand

behind saying that cryptocurrency is going to be widely used in the future so

I believe the company's name is Blackrock and they say cryptocurrency

will be widely used in the future they have been bullish on cryptocurrency

before and they are continued to be bullish and they continue it they're

bullish forecast for cryptocurrency saying it's going to be widely used so

this again is a huge investment firm investment management giant whatever you

want to call them that are supporting cryptocurrency and are realizing the

potential and the reality that cryptocurrency isn't going anywhere so

again this is just more steps every day we see more and more steps toward mass

adoption and people accepting cryptocurrency

as something that's here to stay which surprisingly enough I know in our

community we know that a lot of people out there don't a lot of people out

there don't don't believe in it which usually spans from not doing your own

research just kind of hearing someone talk about it you're just like well that

doesn't make any sense because you don't understand it it's gonna though come

around eventually right now this is another sad article um so a Russian

crypto developer was beaten and robbed of 300 Bitcoin on Moscow streets

300 bitcoins the equivalent like three million dollars well that's a lot of

money right so for unknown men they kidnapped him and the creator of

cryptocurrency prism so obviously he knows what he's know he's created a

cryptocurrency not bad and if they then beat him you know caused harm to him and

what their point was is that they were trying to steal Bitcoin now

cryptocurrency isn't a hard thing to get into guys right there's the part that

fascinates me some people take out so much energy not

much energy they probably took to create this plan to kidnap him and like you

know when we're how they were gonna get it

blah blah blah blah DEET like you could have just researched cryptocurrency and

gotten into it yourself you don't have to steal people's right but

unfortunately that is the world we live in it said people are looking for the

easiest way to get stuff without actually putting in any work and you

know that's the same in every industry we have that everything we have that's a

shame but you know just shows you know as cryptocurrency becomes more popular

you are going to be your life your holdings are gonna be put in danger if

you have a lot and you publicly make it known that you have a lot you know so

you know for example right here this guy I guess if what I don't know who he is I

don't know much about cryptocurrency prism however I guess over there maybe

it was a bigger thing and they realized you know what this guy can create his

own cryptocurrency probably has a good amount of cryptocurrency so there it is

very unfortunate but yeah stay safe all of you guys stay safe

anyways alright I thought I misread some let's go

- the overall cryptocurrency market right here let's see where where I just

refresh the page if we can load it there we go alright so

didn't change much from yesterday it's like a 10 billion dollar increase from

yesterday Bitcoin dominance at 39.5% almost half

40% which shows altcoins are taking they're taking a hit which

they are a lot of a majority of all coins are in red and red today Bitcoin

is in the green not buy too much though but it's always good to see green now a

lot of all coins in the red with the exception of course of a few like neo

AOS I own is practically zero Manero is up a little bit and of course yours

truly I'm going to keep talking about this in every single video because ha ha

ha can't even highlight it correctly come

on there we go up 96% in the week 20% again today nanos currently sitting at

fifteen point eight two dollars guys I picked up more nano at literally like

seven eight dollars and now it's at fifteen I doubled my investment in nano

within a week I wish I had bought more um that was definitely sad so definitely

something I have to work on I know investment like I know the investment I

want to make I know the investment I should make and I always under invest in

it right I always get worried I so I don't put in too much money because I

don't want them you know risk blah blah blah the big thing I need to get over

let me know if you guys have the same problem down below in the comments it's

a stroke cuz now I look at this I was like wow so I could have made you know a

lot more money had I just invested more money into a project that I had a

feeling was going to pump because of how good it is and how under priced it was

you know currently it's at ranked at 18 it was just at 22 23 not too long like a

few days ago now we're at 18 getting close to jumping into 17 passing tether

yeah I think we got a long way to go now definitely could break into the top 10

here in not too much time once people again gain confidence in it after the

whole hack thing that happened people lost faith in nano even though it wasn't

knatoms fault just saying now this is interesting you

guys remember before I showed you guys on trading view that they said technical

analysis summary you should be selling Bitcoin according to so many people well

looks like the tables have turned they are now saying three people say sell

fifteen say buy eights a neutral these Nucci will probably move over to the buy

now I don't know how this is calculated don't get me wrong I just think it's

fascinating that they were saying you should sell Bitcoin when it was at like

here it's a pretty bad investment a pretty bad investment advice and for

those of you guys then who are following this channel instead of this thing you

guys are not in you guys are not upset at losing your Bitcoin because we held

strong we know that that was this is all time to buy this is I these are all

times to buy before we get back here long-term thinking now here we go um

some move this over so you guys can actually see it in my big head doesn't

cover it we're gonna look a sync chart we talked

about until brick Bitcoin breaks you know this chart then we're going to keep

this chart held right here what we see is again we're testing and this

resistance point could we break this today hopefully could we bring it

tomorrow hopefully and if we do then I see a very nice run up to you know maybe

over here possibly um I don't know exactly what price that is right now

just looking at it from the chart we could definitely have a nice nice run up

now could we also dip back down and start correcting down to here because we

bounce we couldn't break this resistance and we're gonna go back down to the

support again it is possible that that would happen however Bitcoin is looking

strong the last few days we see a blue line here just cross the red line not

going into too much detail what this means but it's it's a good sign and the

RSI is looking like it could potentially still make a run up again I'm talking in

simple terms because I don't want to confuse anyone with too much information

but it is looking like Bitcoin could have ad

next week / month which guys it's the 27th we were talking to 26th it's that

time of the month of February where we think there is a rethought as a

community I know why you guys agree with me a lot you guys shared in the Facebook

group we thought that this could be where Bitcoin starts to make its

comeback starts to make its a bull run so let's hope that is what we see guys

that's gonna be it for today's video just a little quick short one not too

much going on not too much different from yesterday but if you guys still

enjoyed these daily videos make sure to smash that thumbs up button and leave a

comment down below letting me know what you guys think also let me know what I

was talking about before when it comes to the investment and you always regret

not investing more because you were comforting the investment yeah I can't

explain what it is like I'm confident in the investment but at the same time I'm

not ever comfortable putting in too much I don't know how to explain it maybe

it's a good thing that I do that I don't know let me know what you guys think

down below in the comments and as always subscribe to the channel if you guys

have or are new and you guys have not subscribed yet and turn on post

notifications to get notified every time we release a new video guys thank you so

much for watching I will see you tomorrow for another video



Poland's Most Artistic City? - Duration: 5:37.

Wroclaw, Poland is an extremely charming city and it's been called the 'Polish Venice'

because it has 130 bridges that connect 12 islands.

I also made videos about the best places to eat in Wroclaw,

where I stayed,

and the incredible Christmas market there so I'll link those videos as well, if you're interested.

If you're new to my channel, don't forget to subscribe for more videos.

Wroclaw is bursting with art and culture and in 2016 it was even named the European Capital of Culture.

You cannot miss the Market Square in the centre of the town which dates back to the 13th century.

I was actually lucky enough to stay right on the square with an incredible view

and the square is lined with seriously photogenic pastel-coloured buildings,

including a pair of cute houses known as Hansel and Gretel that are joined together by an archway.

And it's easy to see when you're walking around that this city really embraces art

and my first clue was actually seeing all of these tiny little gnome sculptures around the city.

Nobody seems to know the exact number anymore

but there are over 400 of these cheeky little dwarves all over the city.

They're all under a foot tall and they have an interesting history.

The dwarves were the symbol of the Orange Alternative

which was an anti-Soviet movement that started in Wroclaw

and it helped to bring down Poland's Communist regime.

Among other things, the group protested against the regime

by defacing Communist propaganda with images of dwarves

and the idea was to show how absurd it all was

and to just encourage people not to be afraid.

And now the dwarves are all over as sculptures or other art like graffiti -

you see them everywhere - and they represent different parts of Wroclaw's history

and the daily life there.

Wroclaw really is full of public art including what was, for me, a really memorable sculpture

and the Polish name translates to 'Passage' or 'Transition'

and it was installed in 2005 in Wroclaw because that's a 'city of transitions.'

And it's a sculpture that shows 7 human figures descending into the ground on one side of the street

and then 7 figures emerging on the other side,

rising out from the ground and standing tall again.

The figures represent many different walks of life.

You'll see a woman with a baby carriage,

there's a man with a briefcase,

another woman looks like an artist or architect,

a woman with an umbrella,

and a man with a tire who looks like a mechanic.

My favourite was an older woman with a cane.

And Transition represents the period of martial law in Communist Poland

that existed from 1981 to 1983

and the piece is said to symbolize how martial law drove people underground in fear

and also people who were arrested and disappeared.

And the citizens rising out of the sidewalk on the other side

represents their reemergence when martial law ended in 1983.

There's another piece of art in Wroclaw that's sort of like the crown jewel of the city's art scene

and, very appropriately, it's stored in a rotunda that looks like a royal crown

and it was actually specifically built to house this artistic treasure.

You walk up a winding pathway that spirals you up

and reveals this enormous 360 degree painting as you ascend the ramp

and it's a panorama that depicts a battle for Polish independence that took place on April 4th, 1794.

There are staged objects in the foreground and they blend seamlessly with the painting behind it

and it just makes it feel really realistic and brings the history to life

in a way that I've never really experienced before.

The painting is enormous: it's 15 metres high and wraps 114 metres around you.

Apparently it took nine months to paint and used 750 kilos of paint.

If you're in the mood for love or find yourself in Wroclaw on a first date

then Tumski Bridge, also known as Lovers Bridge, is where you need to go.

It's a very popular spot for couples who place a lock on the bridge to symbolize their love

and then throw the key in the river.

I saw a couple there who were either looking for a place to put their new lock

or looking for a lock they left behind.

I don't know.

I also saw a giant red lock which must represent some pretty serious lovin'.

The bridge was decorated with hearts and twinkling lights when I saw it, which was really pretty,

and it connects you to Cathedral Island which is the oldest part of Wroclaw

and it's also a lovely place to walk around.

This area was also where I saw something I've never seen anywhere else in the world:

a lamplighter walking around lighting gas lanterns by hand.

Lamp lighting is, of course, a very old and now very rare profession

and I think the lamplighter must be one of the most photographed men in Wroclaw

because on multiple days I saw him walking along those beautiful old streets at dusk

with his cape on brightening up the dark with an actual flame.

It's just beyond charming.

And if you're like me and you find the idea of time travel very appealing

then this is a way to get a sense of travelling back in time.

Nearby Cathedral Island and Lovers Bridge is Wroclaw's Market Hall

where you can grab some food or souvenirs from the stalls

or see locals doing their shopping

and the heavy concrete arches are by far my favourite part.

And, to me at least, they make it feel like a sort of underground cathedral in Mad Max.

Thank you so much for watching this little peak around Wroclaw.

I'd love for you to leave a comment and like the video, if you enjoyed it,

and don't forget to subscribe for more videos.

For more infomation >> Poland's Most Artistic City? - Duration: 5:37.


Should You Build an EMAIL for your Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 7:45.

invisible selling machine by Ryan Deiss this book all about email marketing it's

very good people do say all the money's in the list right you got to start an

email list but if you have an Amazon affiliate niche site do you really need

an email list that's what we're going to talk about today so Ryan Deiss is the

founder or at least one of the founders for digital marketer it's a great

website I'll put a link below again this book is very good it talks about email

marketing and just the benefits it actually goes through some nice how-to

stuff now the thing is business partner and I we read this book we were very

into digital marketer in the way that they were running you know their sites

they're a very good case studies very compelling very well-written

we got so convinced especially after reading this book it's so inspiring that

we decided we wanted to try and build an email list for one of our sites which

technically it was a niche site but we wanted it to be more and we tried for a

very long time to implement an email list and we just had a rough time

actually making money from it let's go into the pros and cons of having an

email list for your niche site you probably shouldn't start an email list

until you're ready it might surprise you but most of the time we need to be

patient so I do love email marketing and I have an email list for a niche site

project if you're not on that email list by the way you can go to a niche site

project com hit the green button and put in your

name and email address and I'll send you some freebies I have a couple niche

sites which have fairly big email lists one of them has about 4,000 people in

the list and another site has about more than 10,000 but thing is if you don't

have a clear way to make money from the list then you probably shouldn't start

one so here are a few of the pros of having an email list number one you can

sell affiliate offers so it could be an info product like from Clickbank or you

could market things directly in your email to people via share sale other

affiliate programs and that sort of thing

you can also drive traffic so let's say you just do Amazon affiliate marketing

and you have blog post or ever on your site you can send out an

email and drive people to your content so you publish something new you can get

people over there key things to know you can't actually you're not allowed to

place Amazon affiliate links in your emails it violates the Terms of Service

you're just not allowed to do I could send out an email and send you know

multiple hundreds of people to a new post

additionally right so not just thinking about your site but let's say you have a

YouTube channel you can send an email out and drive people to watch a YouTube

video another Pro is you could build a positive relationship with your audience

so you're able to send the emails tell them about you know yourself and they

can reply back and you could build a relationship why does that matter if

you're just trying to like sell affiliate offers well if they know like

and trust you you can send out an email and make a recommendation for a product

they're more likely to take a look at it and value your advice

in your opinion another cool thing you can do with an email list is you can

actually just send out a survey you can figure out new content to write you can

ask them what questions they have what issues are experiencing and you can

write content around what they want you could create your own product right so

you can send out a survey to your audience and they can say they want to

learn about topic a and you can write an e-book on topic a and then market it to

them it's a valid business model and it's a great way to bridge the gap from

an affiliate model to selling your own products so the Provos sound awesome it

sounds like you should definitely have an email list but here are some of the

cons the number one issue is that people try to build an email list when they're

just starting with their site they'll spend time signing up for an email

provider I use Aweber by the way so a lot of people focus on setting up an

email list too soon so they spend time signing up setting up the opt-ins

developing lead magnets and writing an email autoresponder all this stuff is

fairly straightforward however it does take a lot of time people are building

these sites on the side they don't have like

time to start investigating you know email lists and stuff so people start to

sue let's say you even launched with a few pieces of content and you're able to

get some traffic let's say you're getting 20 visitors per day if you spend

all this time trying to build an email list as well and you're trying to build

an email list you're probably only gonna get like one subscriber or two

subscribers per week something like that you're not gonna get very many because

you just don't have enough traffic it would be better if you spent your time

adding more content or getting backlinks for example let's say you're able to

build your email list to 50 people over several weeks a few months you have 50

people on your list and you send out an affiliate offer you may only get like

one conversion if that so if your sample size ie your email list is so small like

you're probably not going to get any conversion all the advantages all the

good things like if you don't have enough people on your list it's not

gonna matter anyway so my argument is people start too early and they spend

time and energy on something that doesn't really pan out until sometime in

the future basically if you have traffic on your site let's say you have 300 to

500 visitors a day you should be making some revenue varies widely if you're

getting 300 to 500 visitors a day you may be making a few hundred dollars in a

week or something or a few hundred dollars a month or you could be making

many thousands of dollars per month it all depends on your products and the

kind of content and how much content you have if you have traffic and you are

making money that is good you probably have the resources number one to invest

in an email service provider right so if you can cover the cost with the traffic

you should be able to make some additional sales using the email list

drive a little bit of traffic and that sort of thing if you're getting a

hundred visitors a day but you really want to test out email marketing and you

have time to do it sure give it a shot on the other side I didn't start

worrying about building an email list on some size until they were getting like

over a thousand visitors a day because my main goal for that particular site

was someone lands on a page they read a product review they

Amazon and buy it like that was the goal so if you have a clear picture of the

goal for a page you can orient it that way now are there some caveats here yeah

let's see you have some content and it's getting a pretty good amount of traffic

probably in the hundreds per day if you have that content and it's not affiliate

oriented it's merely an informational article that's probably a really good

piece of content where you can create an opt-in you can creatively eat magnet and

you could start building your email list the goal for an info piece of content

could be to help build your email list right you're not trying to sell anything

there you're just trying to get them on the list and from there you can you know

drive them to different areas using the email list using good copywriting to

sell an affiliate offer you can drive traffic to a particular page or you can

build you know rapport with your audience here's the question of the day

let me know if you have an email list on your site in your opinion on the pros

and cons of an email list on a niche site really interested in what you have

to say so I read all the comments I try to reply back to all of them let me know

what you think I'm Doug cutting ten take a look around if you like the videos

please subscribe

For more infomation >> Should You Build an EMAIL for your Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 7:45.


Come combattere i pidocchi in modo naturale - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> Come combattere i pidocchi in modo naturale - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:47.


Storie Storie I The Monster (World Book Day) - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Storie Storie I The Monster (World Book Day) - Duration: 3:04.


How to IMPROVE at ANY SKILL You Want! | How to Master Any Skill You Want - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> How to IMPROVE at ANY SKILL You Want! | How to Master Any Skill You Want - Duration: 7:59.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-02-27 15:09:11 I-81, Salem, VA 24153, USA - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-02-27 15:09:11 I-81, Salem, VA 24153, USA - Duration: 1:16.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. "Verkocht" - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. "Verkocht" - Duration: 0:59.


Come combattere i pidocchi in modo naturale - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> Come combattere i pidocchi in modo naturale - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:47.


Toyota Avensis Verso 2.0i 7 pers luna - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis Verso 2.0i 7 pers luna - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Play 5-drs. AIRCO/LED/CAMERA/1E EIGENAAR - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Play 5-drs. AIRCO/LED/CAMERA/1E EIGENAAR - Duration: 0:59.


Renault Clio 1.2i-16v 5-deurs Special Line met Airco / Centr. Vergrendeling / Elec. Ramen. - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.2i-16v 5-deurs Special Line met Airco / Centr. Vergrendeling / Elec. Ramen. - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0I SDRIVE AUTOMAAT LIMITED SERIES *40.000km* / LEDER / NAVI / STOELVERW. / AIRCO-ECC / TREK - Duration: 1:00.




Hi everyone, it's me and this is Say Something by KZ Tandingan | Singer 2018 Episode 7 REACTION

Say Something



I feel those emotions that she transmits


She has a beautiful voice


This is simply a perfect live performance



I'm crying because I feel these emotions





Girl, what you showed here was beautiful


I really like this song, it was a good choice

Your performance was beautiful, it was emotional, I felt these emotions

Wow, it was really beautiful


I don't know what to say

You have an amazing, beautiful voice


You surprised me with such a beautiful performance


It was a beautiful performance of this song, you have a huge talent

I do not know what to say (because it was so beautiful)


For more infomation >> KZ TANDINGAN "SAY SOMETHING" - SINGER 2018 EPISODE 7 REACTION (POLISH) - Duration: 5:21.


Tamanna bhatia hot scene I Tamanna bhatia kiss scene I Tamanna bhatia Bikni scene - Duration: 3:27.

Hot Scene of Tamanna bhatia

For more infomation >> Tamanna bhatia hot scene I Tamanna bhatia kiss scene I Tamanna bhatia Bikni scene - Duration: 3:27.


[VOICEOVER SPEEDPAINT] Pony J.D - Duration: 3:45.

Hey guys! It's FlyingArtist VGS here and I was just gonna make a little voiceover

speedpaint of JD, and i was gonna talk about his character a little bit if you didn't

know him. Now, I'm not gonna give a whole lot of spoilers but I will mention some

songs that you need to look up to get where I'm coming from.. There is a song

called Freeze Your Brain (link in comments) and it's one of his one of his few solos that he gets

and it's in the very beginning of the musical but I'm just gonna say at the

end of it he talks about drinking slushies or Slurpees before he—before he

hurts himself so to speak. Freeze Your Brain is about well getting a

brain-freeze and just ignoring pain and what's going on so yeah he's not the best kind

of person mentally. Over time, in Dead Girl Walking he gets with a girl named

Veronica, who ultimately has sex with him, and before that Veronica was wasted [from a party] and

in the song Me Inside Of Me ,before the song had started JD and

Veronica had went to this girl named Heather Chandler, she was at home and she

was having a hangover because of the party that Veronica was just at, and JD

and Veronica were going to give her something to help with her hangover but,

instead JD had poured a mug of draincleaner but they did not mean to give the

drain cleaner to her that was pure accident, Heather Chandler drank the

drain cleaner and she didn't— well it wasn't intentional but it sparked something

inside of JD that caused him to go crazy. But it doesn't - it isn't really shown

until the song meant to be yours. in meant to be yours

he is very possessive and abusive as he shows obvious traits of abuse towards

Veronica and he tries to get her to go to the pep rally that they were going to

blow up now that was mentioned also and meant to

be yours about blowing up the school now the original intent was was to kill

everybody except for him and Veronica, but at the end of the musical sadly he

blows himself up just just as hope show Veronica that he really really really

loves her and he wasn't going to stop loving her anytime soon... the whole song

was a little depressing—, that song where he dies is I am damaged, it's

really depressing because he he showed that he loved her and he died

while showing that he loved her and she watched and she doesn't care so yeah

sorry this was the crappiest video of all time for you to listen to if you

don't want to hear my voice I'll just put the video I just put th song back on alright see you guys in next video!

For more infomation >> [VOICEOVER SPEEDPAINT] Pony J.D - Duration: 3:45.


FBA For Canadians - Can Canadians Successfully Sell On Amazon.com? | Every Mans Empire - Duration: 4:24.

- If your Canadian and looking to sell on Amazon.com,

then this video is for you.

(upbeat techno music)

- Alright Empire Nation, my name's Nick,

I'm a seven figure Amazon FBA seller.

I sell on Amazon.com, like I said in the video,

I do not sell in Amazon in Canada, I sell only in the U.S.

I sell a lot of beauty products.

Now, let's just dive into it.

So, is it viable for Canadians to sell on dot com

and what are the thing you have to look out for.

So, a couple of thing that you've gotta look for is,

banking, bank account right?

So your bank account is going to be different.

You're probably gonna go with the BMO Harris account,

so like, it's, I won't go into too depth

in this video, but you'll understand the reasoning,

why I'm doing this video later on.

So, number one is the bank account.

So, number two is taxes and legal side so like entities,

like LTD rather than your LLC in the states.

You've also gotta make sure you're doing things

and you're not getting double taxed,

also mastercards, what not and there's a lot of other things

we're going to be bringing up in this video as well.

And also, shipping, so when you're living in the states,

you can actually like buy on a different account,

with your own product, maybe ship to buy your own,

maybe ship it to your self for photos,

for whatever it may be, images, for you know,

whatever it may be, just see what it is.

So, that could be an issue because you actually

don't live in the states, you can't actually ship it,

unless it does ship internationally,

which is not the case for all products.

So those are some of the difficulties

that people struggle when, trying to sell in Canada

or trying to sell from Canada in the U.S.A,

so today we kind of what to go over that,

and we created an ask page, so like Russel Brunson does

when he launches any course out there,

and yes we are launching a Canadian FBA course,

because we do have a lot of Canadian people

that enjoy our course, maybe because I am Canadian,

and a proof of that is S.K. right here, he's Canadian.

A.N. I believe he's from Texas.

This guy is literally a half an hour away from my home.

He's all the way from Toronto and this guy's from Vancouver.

So, we literally have a lot of Canadian success stories,

only one American out of the five.

We have lots of other success stories,

but these are the ones on the board.

These are our most successful stories,

so congratulations to them, but we created an ask page

because we want you guys to ask us,

or ask any question whether it be dumb or,

whatever you think it might be,

you think it's stupid just ask anyways.

We want to know what you have

struggles with if your Canadian,

what you are struggling with if you're Canadian,

what are your fears

when you're trying to sell as a Canadian?

Maybe you're looking into it, whatever it maybe.

We have an ask page down in link in the description

and you guys can go to ask questions and as a result

of you asking a question there you will get 50% off

on our launch date, so when we launch the course,

you get 50% off, now for the people

that already have joined the course,

we might just give it to you for free

so there's no issues there,

but for people who are looking into it,

make sure to just hit that ask page because that

really helps us build out something for you guys.

We don't want to just launch a course

just trying to make money, we want to help out the audience

we want to help out you guys.

We want to make sure that everybody is successful.

Like I said in other videos, you know

10% of our students are successful

and what successful means for Empire Nation

is 10,000 per month in revenue.

Alright? So that might be whatever,

like three, four thousand dollars a month in profit,

that's what we consider to be like a success story.

Because otherwise we could be like other YouTubers saying

we have 50% success rates which we do not have,

I will unfortunately say that, I wish we did

but we will get to that eventually.

So, also of course,

we've only been out for two and a half months

but, guys make sure to ask as many questions as possible

because we are making sure this one is absolutely the best.

I know I sell from Canada myself.

I am from Vancouver B.C or Outerbank 'couver.

But, there are a lot of things that will help.

Whatever the questions you guys ask, we will literally

send them off to a lawyer, to whoever it may be

and we're gonna get every single possible answer

in the most correct way possible,

the most systematic way of how to get set up,

how to help you guys do it in the course

and stuff like that, we really wanna make sure you guys have

a guaranteed success rate, and so

that's the video for today guys.

I hope you enjoyed it, if you did

make sure to hit that subscribe button.

Smash that like button, like, yeah I actually did smash it

but my fist is pretty sore right now.

I don't know if you guys have seen it from the other videos

I did actually injure my fist, I hit somebody,

but, that was off topic, but besides the point.

Just make sure you hit that subscribe button,

and the like button and make sure to hit that,

or check out the ask page

and I'll see you guys in the next video.

Did you like that?

- [Man] I did actually, hit somebody. That's funny.

For more infomation >> FBA For Canadians - Can Canadians Successfully Sell On Amazon.com? | Every Mans Empire - Duration: 4:24.


Lady and the Tramp

For more infomation >> Lady and the Tramp


O que fazer com seu primeiro salário? - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> O que fazer com seu primeiro salário? - Duration: 4:34.


Do Easy Taxi ao Singu: o caminho da criação de empresas modernas, com Tallis Gomes - Duration: 11:52.

Good morning, my name is Gabriel Costa

from Resultados Digitais and today I'm here with Tallis Gomes,

founder of Easy Taxi and Singu

and chosen by MIT as one of the world's most innovative young people.

Welcome Tallis and thanks a lot.

Thank you for the invitation.

It's a pleasure being at the magic island again.

Cool. Tallis, let's start from the very beginning.

What motivated you to leave the country side of Minas Gerais,

to create a company that is one of the major

entrepreneurial success cases in Brazil?

Saying like that it sounds like a straight line.

-I left... -Very quick, right?

and the next day I was in 35 countries.

That is not true. I became an entrepreneur at 14,

my first company came out of necessity.

I talk about Easy, explain it in details, but I think here is not the place.

My second company

went bankrupt in 9 months.

I was in college. Them I left college

and opened my third company after college,

then I created Easy Taxi

when I was 24 years old, that was my fourth company.

So, it was a very sinuous path.

But my motivation was always to build something big.

I always had that big dream of...

I thought it was possible to do something different,

I've always been very interested in technology.

I wanted to do business with a social aspect

I just didn't know how to connect this with my desire to make money as well.

And with Easy Taxi I was able to put together

business and social aspect,

creating a direct impact on the society

making money as well.

So, I'd say I had a purpose and lots of resilience.

And how did you create Easy Taxi?

What were the major challenges in this path?

Challenges change depending on the company's moment.

At first the major challenge was to be ready

to really be an entrepreneur who can scale the business.

Because anyone can have an idea. I'm sure everybody

who is watching this has had a good idea before

and shared that with some friends,

but then, in the end of the day, they did not make it happen.

This is lack of training, many times lack of attitude as well,

but especially lack of qualification.

They don't know how to make the basic project, scientific,

of hypothesis validation, building a prototype

and then transform that prototype in a beta,

turn this beta into a main version.

It seems easy, but to do this, is quite hard.

So the big challenge at that moment is to get the idea out of the paper.

Then, when you do that,

The big challenge is to find a group of partners.

How to convince capable people

to become part of your partners group, to leave their jobs,

-leave their salaries. -To believe in a dream.

Exactly! To believe in a dream that probably

almost nobody else believes.

And when innovation is disruptive,

the idea tends to be horrible.

People say: there's no way this can happen.

That means it's a tough task to the founder,

to make a co-founder team.

An then to scale the business, Imagine Easy Taxi.

We got our first investment in September 2012.

Over a year after founding the company.

And one year after that we were in almost 20 countries.

So, to scale a business that fast brings a bunch of other challenges,

I talk about these challenges in the book Nada Easy.

I give details about the tools I used that helped me

overcome them. But more than that,

what are the main processes and learnings

I got from each phase of Easy Taxi's construction

so that people can get shortcuts

which I discovered along the way.

Cool. Let's go back a bit, you mentioned qualification,

which is the first step and many times a limiting factor

to the execution of ideas.

How did you prepare yourself?

I dropped out college...

-What was your major? -Marketing at ESPM.

And I dropped out and I built for myself

a grid of the subjects I should learn.

I should learn financial math,

I should learn economics, more specifically

micro and macro, I really wanted to know how to analyze an economic scenario,

I really wanted to be able to analyze reports

to better predict the economic scenario

so that I could make decisions

in the company based on that.

I wanted to know a bit about programming, so I learned Phyton.

I wanted to know a lot about management, a lot.

So, Harvard Business Review.

I may have read almost all papers they have.

Khan Academy, I learned lots of math in Khan Academy.

I learned programming in Khan Academy.

Udacity. There I studied management,

and economy.

So, I built my curriculum

and looked for these contents, learning constantly

and I got a lot from people as well, I'm a very curious guy.

I accessed a lot of people who had a lot to teach me

and with that, I learned a lot.

After you left Easy Taxi,

you created Singu. First, explain to us

what is Singu and what motivated you to create that company.

Singu is a meritocratic mechanism for social ascending.

I, as a libertarian, always say we must "walk the talk".

I always say there are ways that the private sector

can create a business, which encourages people

not to depend on the State. And how do we do that?

Giving people opportunities to grow.

You create a business that makes these people understand

through their own effort, that they can change their reality.

And Singu is just that. My mother is a hair dresser.

So, I know how this segment works.

This segment exploits professionals.

Beauty parlors get 70% of these professionals pay

and we wanted to turn that around, stay with 30% and give them 70%.

And allow this people to work every day if they so desire.

That is different than the market that closes on Sundays and Mondays.

They can start working very early in the morning

and go until late in the evening if the so desire.

And what encourage me to do that?

To change people's reality.

Sometimes we get people, single moms, from poor communities,

extremely poor, obviously, and change their reality

in metter of months. There are manicurists working with us

making R$ 6 thousand a month.

That changed these women's lives completely.

Singu was about that, you know?

I was proving my point, not just for myself,

but to society as well

creating a business that has a real value

to the modern woman who can't find time to go to the parlor,

who doesn't want to waste her weekend

and that woman who can get home at 9PM

and call a manicurist who will be at her home in 2 hours, you know?

You've sent to our group

some examples of manicurists who were able to buy a car.

There are many nice stories of people

ascending socially, which is your purpose, right?

This is the idea. We want that person,

this woman who works with us, or this men

working with us to work on their kids education

so that the poverty cycle in the family can end at that moment.

So that their kids can have a better education,

can eat better.

Can focus on what a teenager, a kid

should focus in order to develop.

We don't need the State for that. We don't need to rob poor people

through taxes and make these people's lives even worse, you know?

We need to do this via private sector,

giving these people opportunities.

Tallis, Easy has grown incredibly

and Singu is also growing in an unbelievable pace.

What is the role of a strong culture

in the growth of these two companies?

How do you not only create

but keep this culture when you start hiring more people

and the company grows?

Leadership is always responsible for carrying the culture.

Culture is a set of habits

founders start to create inside the company

and the first employees follow the founders,

absorb this set of habits and make that

something they carry inside the company.

To anyone who comes in, they pass this set of values.

It's important to say that because people think culture

is to say a bunch of cute things, write a cute text,

make a sign on the wall with mission, vision and values.

Nobody reads that, nobody cares for that.

Culture is a set of values, period.

Culture is what happens when you're not in the room,

when you are not in the company, period.

I always do what I did at Singu.

It's "walk the talk". So I say, for example,

our culture at Singu is to work hard,

never to deliver a ticket after the deadline.

I'm not going to have mine late,

otherwise, I open space for others to do the same.

I'm always the example.

I worry a lot about leaders.

How much they can "walk the talk".

Because this is the only way to keep a culture.

You can imagine Easy Taxi cases, for example.

35 different countries, 34 cultures that are different from mine,

giant geographical differences, since we are in 4 continents,

how do you keep the culture?

Then you see the second point: communication.

Things we think are obvious to people, are not

We need to communicate each detail,


Let's remember that in this company we do it this way.

We do things in this way.

And constantly communicate that.

Repeat, repeat, repeat to the leadership

so that they can do the same with employees.

That's the only way you can keep a culture

on what you believe no matter if it's growth or other values.


To finish, you published a book

a few months ago, August or September, I think.

Tell us a bit about this book.

What is the idea, how did you get it

and more importantly, to who should read it.

I wrote in Nada Easy everything I'd like to have heard

when I started in business.

But I went a little further.

In the beginning I though: I think I'm going to write

to people starting a business.

Then, in the middle of the book I said: but I have to talk

to people scaling a business,

who is building a team, improving metrics.

And at the end, also because of a conversation with Eric,

Eric RD's CEO called me

and said: I'm scaling to other countries

and brought a bunch of doubts. We talked for one hour

and that talk became the last part of the book.

I said: I also need to write

about how I scaled this company to other countries,

what strong points made me scale,

what were the major learnings I got

with the developed company

in order to communicate the company's culture,

what did I learn at exit moment,

what should I have done before.

So, the book speaks with all kids of entrepreneur

and mainly with executives

who want to implement innovative processes in their businesses.

It's for these people.

It's all I'd like to have heard

in different phases as an entrepreneur.

It's important to say that the book

is the country's second best seller in the business segment.

So, I recommend it a lot to people starting businesses.

Many people ask me questions

that are answered in Nada Easy and I say: read Nada Easy, man.

Nada Easy is a quite honest book,

straight to the point, no beating around the bush.

It's exactly who I am.

Direct, clear e and simple.

I read it and I recommend it a lot. It's also polemic.

You forgot to mention this word.

-As usual, just like me. -Right!

Thank you very much, I'm very happy with this interview.

Thanks for the visit and I wish you success with Singu and your book.

It was a pleasure coming here. Thanks guys!

For more infomation >> Do Easy Taxi ao Singu: o caminho da criação de empresas modernas, com Tallis Gomes - Duration: 11:52.


O Cinema de Andy Warhol - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> O Cinema de Andy Warhol - Duration: 8:10.


Superlógica Xperience 2017: A fórmula à prova de falhas para achar o product-market fit - Duration: 40:38.

For more infomation >> Superlógica Xperience 2017: A fórmula à prova de falhas para achar o product-market fit - Duration: 40:38.


CONFEDERAÇÃO GALÁCTICA enfrentando forças não confederadas nas órbitas média e baixa da Terra - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> CONFEDERAÇÃO GALÁCTICA enfrentando forças não confederadas nas órbitas média e baixa da Terra - Duration: 2:24.


Como criar a sua startup e mais, com Romero Rodrigues | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 12:43.

Hello, I'm Debora Brauhardt,

partners implementation coordinator at Resultados Digitais,

and I'm here with Romero Rodrigues,

Redpoint Eventures' partner and director

and also the founder of Buscapé.

-Welcome Romero. -Thank you Debora, it's a pleasure.

Romero, your story in well known

because of Buscapé,

which was created during the internet bubble.

Tell us what you think about starting a business

from zero again today, in the moment we are now.

Well Debora, it's very different

to open a business compared to 20 years ago, when we started Buscapé,

I think the first change is

technology is no longer such a big barrier.

When we started Buscapé,

there were no finished pieces. I joke saying there were no Legos.

You had to make your own in order to build your toy.

If you wanted to create an e-commerce store,

you had to really make it,

make a catalog, create an inventory control,

you had to create a company for payment.

This used to take a year and cost US$ 1.5 million.

Today, with US$ 50 you buy much superior technology

and instantly you have a store.

So, the entrance barrier is no longer...

technology is no longer innovation entrance barrier,

this has shifted to business model.

Innovation is in business model,

but it represents a small entrance barrier.

So, when a website shows up today,

it's common to see competitors coming one after another.

That's why the go to market,

your marketing and sales strategy became much more important

than the technology itself.

The other thing that has changed

is the internet democratization.

If you think about the first cycle, companies from the bubble era,

all of them had a computer engineer as a partner.

It was rare not to have an engineer.

Now, you see many companies that

have no engineer as founder.

Sometimes you see an architect and a vet

building a technology company.

Because the Legos are ready and make building things easy.

Cool! I worked for a while with entrepreneurs,

with business development, incubators and so on.

And there was a doubt I see

still remains a little when I talk to some entrepreneurs.

How to get the first investment for a startup?

It depends a lot on how much of your idea can be

developed with no capital.

I'll give an example: Buscapé, since we were all developers,

we were able to have a site working

with no investment.

The investment was our time, human capital.

If that isn't your case,

your investment to create MVP, to create a prototype,

must come from people you know.

The famous 3F's: family, friends and fools.

They will give you the first capital for you to give

your startup's first step, which is to create a prototype.

So, it's a bit of an illusion to think:

"I have a great idea and I have a good pitch,

I make a good presentation and if the investor

gets my idea, he'll invest". Is that a myth?

It's more difficult, but it happens.

For example: If you have a good track record,

if you opened a business before,

if you brought good results to the investors,

if you know them,

then it's not impossible to get capital with just an idea

on paper, Power Point.

But that isn't common. I wouldn't bet all on that.

If you hit a wall and can't get capital with an idea on paper,

I suggest looking for close people that will give you

the first capital injection, the support to your business

and then you climb step by step.

So, you prove your idea really works,

that it's a good idea

not just in your mother's opinion.

Exactly. Venture capital is simply financing by stages.

And financing by stages

is to take great risks from the table one at the time.

So, you'll raise your first capital

to take the first risk from the table.

That is to make the prototype. Then your company's worth a little more,

because it's less risky and you raise a little more capital

for the second stage, to get a bit more traction.

The next is to test business models,

the next, to create the sales machine.

And so on and so forth. So, it's very important

to understand, as a startup entrepreneur,

that you have just one thing to do in each stage.

Which is to remove the big risk from the table in that stage.That's all.

Well, and Florianópolis today is known as Silicon Island, right?

People make this comparison, we see here many technology companies.

What is your opinion about it?

Of course, considering the differences in proportions.

But how is your take on the island

becoming this technological spot?

I think it's very nice. I see in the whole world

innovation ecosystems developing through density.

That means, you need people to meet,

to bump into each other.

There's a word I love and I'm going to use it in my lecture.

It has no exact translation to Portuguese: serendipity.

Serendipity is that coincidence when destiny suddenly unites

two people creating a happy story.

It can be a boy meeting a girl at a bakery line, they marry

and build a wonderful family.

It can be me on my first day at university.

I got a bus in Paulista Avenue going to USP.

I had no idea where I should go off and the bus was empty.

There was a bald Japanese guy in a T-Shirt written Poli.

I said: This guy must know. I sat by his side and started talking.

He became my business partner in Buscapé.

This is serendipity. So, to concentrate people

from the same ecosystem in one place helps, I believe that.

We at Redpoint, along with Itaú,

founded Cubo, which is an attempt

-thanks God, a successful one- to create density,

to create these collisions in the physical world, in São Paulo.

Without collisions, there are no innovations.

Of course I haven't dealt with startups for as long as you have,

but I remember when we worked with incubators,

we still used a lot the word incubator,

there were just a few accelerators, we almost didn't hear about business model,

we worked with business plans,

those huge plans and etc.

This has changed a bit with time

and Brazil startup weekend movement

and other startup events.

Many movements came along to support entrepreneurs.

You see this is quite strong today.

How is Brazil's environment to the entrepreneur,

how is the economic scenario?

We mentioned the differences between the first and second cycles

and one of them is related to the academy,

to business administration sciences.

Major corporations are coming to get knowledge from startups.

Major corporations and their great executives

are coming to the startup environment

to learn how to manage a company with purpose,

with self growth and innovation.

And startups today have all of that available.

20 years ago, there weren't any

business model canvas,

the books Lean startup or Crossing the Chasm did not exist,

nobody spoke, MVP did not exist, neither did product market fit.

These terms were created in the last 20 years,

looking back and seeing what the pioneers did.

How did AOL, Yahoo, Google,

Amazon got where they did? How did Buscapé got where it did?

And so on.

I'd say today, when entrepreneurs start,

they do it much better prepared

because they don't need to figure out a bunch of things.

We already have frame works, the academy is there to help them,

but now they have a bigger responsibility

because what we're doing here

is much more than just building a startup or an ecosystem.

We are building a new country.

What startups do today

does not influence just the startup ecosystem.

It influences large corporations,

it influences the whole country.

And you feel we have...

Brazil has always been known for its creativity,

for stating new business and etc. We've always had this characteristic.

But for a while we did it more because

of necessity than opportinity.

Do you feel that today Brazilians are looking more at

business opportunities, targeting specific things

and taking action because of this?

Totally. Before, entrepreneurs didn't have options

to raise capital.

And not so long ago, before 1999.

The option they had was go to Caixa Econômica Federal

and give their car or house as collateral,

or to sell any real estate they had

and risk it, to jump head first, insert it all in the company

But many people didn't have a car or real estate.

So, there were no options

and we practiced a necessity kind of entrepreneurship.

I'm going to open a hot dog stand, I'm going to open a door to door business.

And even so, great business came out of that.

What we created in the last 20 years was an ecosystem

of innovation incentive,

where you have different investors

assuming different risks and roles in this ecosystem

in order to help this huge company

to start while it's still very small.

This is a real watershed.

That's been happening since the 60s in the US,

but in Brazil it's been 15 years.

And I think this also changes people's mentality as a whole.

I usually say:

the first thing a young American does at age 5 or 6,

is the lemonade stand exercise.

They build a lemonade stand and sell to neighbors.

So, during their entire lives, Americans learn to be entrepreneurs.

Later they decide if they will be entrepreneurs or employees.

In Brazil it's the opposite. We just learn...

or it used to be this way. Thankfully we've been changing that.

We just learn how to be an employee.

And later, with time, if you want, you abandon that

and go learn, go to try to become an entrepreneur.

We need to change this thought, change this mindset.

I think it's nice as well the mindset in which

I'm not an entrepreneur because I want to leave

and get rid of the company I work for.

So, it's really to change to a profile

to: I'm going to be an entrepreneur because that's what I desire.

This is my life dream.

And above all that, it's nice

to see that corporations up until now were focused on two things:

operation excellence and profit.

And the vibe of upcoming corporations, which today are the startups,

is to focus on innovation and purpose.

This changes the game completely.

For sure. And to finish our chat,

if you could give a golden tip

to an entrepreneur who is starting today

and needs an advice

from someone doing this for a long time, what would that be?

Look, it depends a lot on the person's moment.

There are many differences depending on the stage.

If you already have an idea, if you're already building it,

my main tip is: don't do anything alone.

Surround yourself with good people.

In the end of the day, the core of every technology company,

the only asset they have is the team, it's the talent they have inside.

You'll build a culture to keep this talent,

you'll make everything to keep that talent excited.

So, surround yourself with the best.

If you're still looking for an idea,

I usually say you need to follow a little word,

the one that carries the most opportunity, realization

and success, which is "impossible".

You have no idea how many "impossible" I heard when I started Buscapé.

I'm sure the guys,

Eric, and all of them, did too. Talking about Eric, he just passed here.

They also heard a lot this word in life.

So, if you've heard "impossible", get your notebook and write it down.

Your startup is in there.

Great. Thanks a lot, Romero.

It was a pleasure to be here with you.

Thanks for sharing here with your interview

-and see you next time, right? -See you. Thanks!

For more infomation >> Como criar a sua startup e mais, com Romero Rodrigues | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 12:43.


Dúvidas Platinadas - Como ter o platinado perfeito? - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Dúvidas Platinadas - Como ter o platinado perfeito? - Duration: 4:13.


ORAÇÃO PARA SE LIBERTAR DO PECADO - (Minuto de Oração) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> ORAÇÃO PARA SE LIBERTAR DO PECADO - (Minuto de Oração) - Duration: 1:10.


DIABETES TEM CURA ➜ Médico Ensina Receita Que Cura Diabetes Em Poucos Dias! - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> DIABETES TEM CURA ➜ Médico Ensina Receita Que Cura Diabetes Em Poucos Dias! - Duration: 4:02.





Pokonałem Rosję! - Duration: 3:36.

"I defeated Russia!"

Russia: Hello.

I am Russia and ...

I have enough of this!

I already have virtually everything!

The boundaries,

Red Square with the Kremlin,

President Rasputin

money from PZU

I already have everything!

I am completely addicted to vodka.

I can not do it anymore!

I have no idea how to share here.

Who will take on this task?

I do not know that.

My dream:


Me: Immediately. You have no idea?


I'll show you what once I just recorded about you. It even exists.

Russia: YYY ... Who are you, the guy not washed away ?! xD


Polish flag...

and two sevens.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ....


Me: Yes, it's me. I heard your worries.

I want to fulfill your dream.

Russia: Seriously?

You are not an angel, not even a reaper. xD

So how do you want to help me?

Me: Here is the tip!

Go to my channel.

Russia: Your channel is called "Alex M77"?

Me: not really.

Recently I changed the name to "Polski \ Alek [s] / M77 '(I know that it is difficult; -;)

Russia: OK.

I typed.

And which is your channel?

Me: Oh, where I have a sweatshirt with sevens.

And this drawing was drawn by BloodisTVGeneral,

whom I greet. (friend ^^)

Russia: OK.

And what's next?

Ja: Now go to the playlists

and find one named "Guess".

Russia: OK XD

And those drawings who did?

Me: these two drawings for thumbnails

these are the works of my friend Angela Laura

which I also greet my best as a friend ^^

The one with a subdivided Russia is the movie I told you about.

Ready? xD

* Sigh *

Russia: Yes.

I turn on.

* After watching the movie, where you will find in the description of this movie *

* Russia has XDD autism *

Russia: Kill me. -;

Me: Hey! Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China!

China: Hello, citizen!

What do you wish?

Me: Russia wishes death. xD

I would like you to dismantle it with your factors. [They will take over Russia (as at three partitions of Poland)]

China: It's getting done, citizen!

Russia: Goodbye, cruel world! -;

You will never know the great former Russia. -;

Cyrillic, Kremlin, Rasputin ...; -;

Excuse me! ; --------;

* death sound *

Dolan: I'm deceased because he died.


Me: You have not forgotten something yet, Dolanie ?!

* Dolana XD short autism *

Dolan: And I declare victory because XDD won.


For more infomation >> Pokonałem Rosję! - Duration: 3:36.


10 consejos sobre los antiácidos - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> 10 consejos sobre los antiácidos - Duration: 8:53.


Os Quatro Desconhecidos (Kansas City Confidential, 1952) - Legendado - Duration: 1:39:17.

For more infomation >> Os Quatro Desconhecidos (Kansas City Confidential, 1952) - Legendado - Duration: 1:39:17.


Gravei um PvP frenético !! — [Servidor com Counter Strike] - Duration: 10:35.

For more infomation >> Gravei um PvP frenético !! — [Servidor com Counter Strike] - Duration: 10:35.


CHICKEN AND CREAM CHEESE PIE 🥧 • Low Carb Pies #3 - Duration: 1:47.

CHICKEN AND CREAM CHEESE PIE 🥧 • Recipe of Low Carb Pie •

To a fry pan, add:

1 tablespoon of olive oil

1/2 medium onion, chopped

and 1 tablespoon of minced garlic.

Cook them until tender.

Now add: 500 grams of shredded chicken breasts

1 tablespoon of ground cumin

3 tablespoons of fresh parsley, chopped

and 1 cup of cream cheese.

Season with salt and black pepper to taste.

Let it cook for more 5 minutes.

Now, in a bowl, mix together:

4 medium eggs

1 cup of tahini

1 teaspoon of salt

and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder.

Line a parchment paper on a baking pan, pouring of this batter in.

On the video my pan is a 24cm square one.

Now, we do a layer with the chicken.

Followed by a final layer with the remaining batter.

Preheat oven to 160°C (320°F), baking it for 50 minutes.

Or until the surface is golden brown.


This pie gives you a total of 9 generous slices.

And each slice has 5.2 grams of net carbs.


For more infomation >> CHICKEN AND CREAM CHEESE PIE 🥧 • Low Carb Pies #3 - Duration: 1:47.


How to Throw Your Dog a Birthday Paw-ty | Evite DIY 🐶 - Duration: 1:40.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> How to Throw Your Dog a Birthday Paw-ty | Evite DIY 🐶 - Duration: 1:40.



For more infomation >> ¡NUEVA ARENA "MAZMORRA" y NUEVA CARTA LEGENDARIA "REFLECTOR" y COHETE - Clash Royale [BySixx] - Duration: 10:04.


Nástroj Access Consciousness - Komu to patří? - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Nástroj Access Consciousness - Komu to patří? - Duration: 5:14.


Alimentos Ideales Para Perder Tallas - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Alimentos Ideales Para Perder Tallas - Duration: 3:15.


#0021 Knight Rider (Matchbox 1998) - Duration: 3:08.

Hello Friends, Welcome to Wheels-O-Rama !!

Today we have a special program, and I think it is not necessary to make a lot of presentation

about today's model.

But if you have not recognized the background music, or you do not know what this box means, circling,

I explain to you that inside it, there is a vehicle of Matchbox at 1:64 scale of KITT, El

Knight Rider.

It is not the first one that I show you, and neither will be the last, since as a good fan of the

series, I have many versions of different brands and scales of this car.

But hey, let's set aside the box, because what We are really interested in the Car.

This special version belongs to a collection of Matchbox called STAR CAR COLLECTION, and

which consists of 14 pieces, among which we can see a Ferrari from the Magnum series, a Jeep

of the MASH series

, A car from the movie Grease, and even a plane fighter of TOP GUN !!

This collection appeared in the catalog of Matchbox in 1998, and this model of

Knight Rider is none other than a version more of the Pontiac Firebird SE that was already manufactured

from 1982 to 1989 in several versions within the series 1-75 and then in Superfast.

As you can see, the tampographies are they have put him in the famous red lights in

the nose, the rear pilots and on the sides of the vehicle, which although for my liking

they spoil, but there they are ... In case someone does not recognize the model.

The interiors are not detailed according to the vehicle in question, limiting itself

to the original model that appeared in 1982 and that has nothing to do compared to

Hotwheels, to give an example, that it is much more detailed.

Also, the crystals are so transparent, so you can see the interior pretty well,

which at least I could have disguised to have made them darker.

Even so, a beautiful piece of collection which I am proud to have in my collection

of Knight Rider Cars.

And even if it's a bit repetitive, in the next videos I will show you other Knight Riders

I have so that you can see them and compare them.

I hope you liked this video and I I read and answer in the comments.

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Thanks for visiting and greetings to all!

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