Ten summers ago today,
we were singing this song
here for the first time.
To another ten summers together!
Ábalos, Calvo, Lastra, López, Robles y Sevilla, núcleo duro de Sánchez para un Gobierno - Duration: 10:19.-------------------------------------------
Omeprazole, A Pill Of Care To Consume It Can Cause You These Health Problems - Duration: 3:28.many blessings and health to all
our followers and welcome to a
new video from our channel today
we will talk about omeprazole a pill
careful to consume it can cause you these
health problems the omeprazole is a
of the pills that he took back his
popularity in many places in the world
because of its effectiveness in calming
havoc in the stomach because the
properties that make up this
decompressed are the ones in charge of
maintaining a healthy stomach flora prevents
combat and eliminate any kind of
discomfort that occurs after
consume certain foods however
there are some negative aspects of this
medicine and today we will talk about them
this medicine is one of the causes
of anemia because it causes insufficiency
of vitamin b12 and this may originate
that you have memory problems and
depression besides that alters the
nervous system generates diseases
psychological and creates insufficiency
cerebrovascular disease decreases calcium
your bones causing them to
become weaker and fracture with
more easily
It also affects the respiratory system
that increases the chances of
get infections and bacteria prevents
the formation of the proton pump and
without it hydrochloric acid is not created
avoiding the decomposition of
food the intestine possesses acids from
natural way certainly the acid of
our stomach is the first obstacle
natural to prevent bacteria virus
and fungi enter our body
also without the secretion of these the
Digestive enzymes do not work
correctly and consequently
begins to suffer from gas pains
stomach and overweight what is your
function this acid is indispensable for
carry out the digestion of the
food and in turn break down the
so it allows the food bolus
go correctly to the intestine and
absorb the necessary nutrients if there
inadequacy of this one there is not a good
absorption of calcium iron and magnesium in
this sense the foods are not
digested and accumulate in the stomach
indigestion constant nausea and vomiting
how to control acidity maintain a
diet and a healthy lifestyle is
the best way to control acidity
of gastric juices consume fruits
rich in fiber and foods that promote
the cleansing of the organism can you
be very helpful although one of the
main elements that are used
to reverse acidity is the
baking soda and if you ingest it
with a little water will make your
Stomach upsets disappear in
few time lapses if you suffer from
hypertension it is recommended that you look
other alternatives because of its great
amount of sodium you should also take in
mind that you go to bed immediately
finish eating allows the flows
gastric reach the esophagus and
consequently you will feel burning in the
stomach so avoid doing it if it has
liked this information share it in
your social networks if it turned out to be
utility this information share it with
your family and your friends
do not forget to subscribe to my channel to
many natural remedies
Timothée Chalamet y Robert Pattinson harán Shakespeare en Netflix - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Ábalos, Calvo, Lastra, López, Robles y Sevilla, núcleo duro de Sánchez para un Gobierno - Duration: 10:26.-------------------------------------------
CUANDO SEPAS PORQUE USAR DESODORANTE DEBAJO DE LOS PECHOS LO HARÁS DE INMEDIATO - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
The Koala, the Koala
always sleeps so happy
in the tree, in the branches
embraced dreams that:
walking around Australia
he found a big tree
with a thousands leaves of eucalyptus
and he ate all.
The Koala, the Koala,
always sleeps so happy
in the tree, in the branches
embraced dreams that:
People no longer fells trees
and the forest grow more
and he travels from branch to branch
without having to go down.
Las barritas de cereales: todo lo que debes saber - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
5 frases que debes evitar decirle a tu pareja - Duration: 8:40.-------------------------------------------
La leyenda de Sedna, la diosa inuit del mar - Duration: 7:06.-------------------------------------------
"Había venido disfrazada de Floricienta": Ángel de Brito destrozó a Jimena Barón - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Sevillanas Flamencas: Cruce 360º de la Segunda Sevillana, aprende por dónde circular - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
8 Ball Pool - New Pawn Cue - Ramadan Offer Low Prize With Free Cash 2018 - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
BR 50 DB (Fleischmann) - Duration: 7:03.The DRB class 50 was a vaporous German type 2-10-0, which began to be built
from 1939, standard, essentially for freight.
It had a front axle and five coupled axles and was one of the most successful designs produced
by the DR.
They came to build 3,164 engines of this type until 1948, on the occasion of World War II,
where they were very active, it is easy to see them in period films.
The 2,159 in operation after the war, formed the backbone of the freight traffic
of the DB, along with the DRG 44.
They also came to be used for passenger services.
Some were even by the Polish State Railways.
Finally they were removed in 1977, although the last ones lasted 10 more years.
One of them is kept in the Nuremberg Transport Museum.
Fleischmann, a few years ago, managed to edit a good product, a well reproduced model,
without delicate protuberances to grasp it, although it is convenient to take it carefully so as not
to force the hang of the tender.
Originally this model was analog, I was amazed to see it through the glass
of the counter, soon 30 years ago (in 1988), given the particular beauty that the vaporous
caused me at that time.
It was in Oxford, where I went to learn a bit of English in my youth.
And also a BR 80, smaller (both were together), a whim in those
days for my pocket (I do not remember what I paid in pounds, something like 10,000 of
the old ptas.).
I sent it digitizing about 10 years ago.
The greasing instructions and the dismantling instructions for
the casing to reach the engine are shown graphically on the cardboard.
Although it might seem otherwise, the engine is in the tender, as betray the
traction wheels, which carry grip rings (four altogether), something convenient
to be able to push the body of the boiler with comfort and a respectable convoy.
The casing of the plastic tender fits in place, so it is not necessary to unscrew
the lower screw.
When we remove it, it reveals an engine without flywheels of inertia (they did not exist at that
time), and we can see the filament bulb of tail illumination, easily
replaceable, as well as the cables that are directed towards the locomotive itself, in addition
of the counterweights, which provide greater grip to the whole.
The function of the lower screw is to attach the motor body to the chassis.
It is not complicated to remove the body of the locomotive that is fastened to the electrical transmission
group by, here, the two lower screws.
It is here, obviously, where the decoder is housed, curiously upright, in the
gap that seems to be made between the boiler and the cabin, something unthinkable
30 years ago.
It is a cable decoder placed afterwards.
The casing, in this case, is metallic, as we can see by its weight, which
helps in the contact of the linked wheels with the way to transmit the current.
It is possible to remove the platform, but it would be necessary to release the biela, which is not advisable,
as in almost all the vaporous ones.
When we return everything to its place we can check how the contact wheels rotate freely.
In rolling, it is not possible to be expected that a locomotive in analogical origin moves like
a digital one should do it, more taking into account that it does not count on flywheels of inertia.
However, although it is not usually convenient to digitize those, given its result,
its circular is acceptable, taking into account the circumstances, so it can be enjoyed
with it, both at low and high speeds, although sometimes the wheels of contact stop
turning temporarily.
[PARODIE] Pirates des Caraibes 2 : Le Secret du Coffre Maudit - Bande Annonce - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Tuto: Changer les 4 flexibles de frein sur Citroën Berlingo 1997 - Duration: 34:43.-------------------------------------------
汪涵儿子4岁照曝光,越长越帅成小美男,网友:爸爸基因太强大 - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
Disney A Wrinkle in Time-------------------------------------------
RUSK - BUSCAME - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI 77KW 5D Highline - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
8 Ball Pool - New Pawn Cue - Ramadan Offer Low Prize With Free Cash 2018 - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
남경필 지사의 해명이 무책임한 이유 - Duration: 10:43.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up! Executive - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Man Utd transfer blow: West Ham tell Jose Mourinho hands off Marko Arnautovic - Duration: 2:31.Man Utd transfer blow: West Ham tell Jose Mourinho hands off Marko Arnautovic
The Portuguese manager has been eyeing options to improve his squad as he looks to build a team more capable of competing on four fronts.
After a season without any silverware, Mourinho wants the chance to gun down Manchester City - who walked the Premier League.
And Austrian striker Arnautovic had been earmarked as a potential signing, with rumours flying after the United coach was spotted in the stands of an international match he was playing in.
But West Ham have been quick to nip the speculation in the bud by stating that their record-signing is not for sale, according to the London Evening Standard.
The 29-year-old arrived last summer for £20m with add-ons and after a slow start became a fan favourite, winning the club Player of the Year award.
The Hammers are currently in the process of rebuilding their squad after appointing ex-City manager Manuel Pellegrini.
The London Evening Standard report that the 64-year-old will be given £75m to make the east London outfit a force capable of European qualification.
And that means ruling out the departure of their star man Arnautovic, who has worked under Mourinho in the past.
Whilst in charge of Inter Milan, Mourinho had the ex-Potters forward on loan - but he was restricted to a handful of appearances.
United are expected to be busy this summer, with at least two transfers already lined up.
Shakhtar midfielder Fred and Porto right-back .
English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 53 - Duration: 9:34.English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 53
on Saturday morning the Hattie is in her room she is sitting on her bed she's
looking at some pictures from home she puts down the pictures then she looks
out her window she's a little sad she misses home Roger and grandma come
into her room they have a surprise for patty they are taking her to a special
place they don't tell patty anything about the place they just give patty her
bag and they take her outside
so where are we going we're going to a special place I know but what kind of
special place is it is it a restaurant Oh are we going to a buffet a buffet
are you hungry no but I am curious Patti this isn't a mystery just enjoy the day
are we going to a party patty okay okay no more questions
patty dear we're here where are we we're in Taipei type hey hey Daisy lives
here that's right we're going out with Daisy today really that's great go get
her I can wait in the car okay hello hi
Daisy we're here patty I'm coming okay
hi mrs. Jones thanks for inviting me you're welcome dear and Daisy please
call me grandma okay grandma I'm excited about today me too we're going to have
fun well is everyone ready says where are we going we're going to eat American
food really yes you miss home we know that so we wanted to do some American
things today thank you that will be fun
everything looks so good what do i order I'm ordering a hamburger what about your
grandma oh I don't know maybe I'll just order an appetizer what about you Daisy
I'm not sure yet you guys order first okay I'm ready let's order so we can eat
good idea I'll get this server
I'm so happy this food is so good thank you for bringing me here you're welcome
would you three like any dessert I'd love some hey isn't your birthday on
Monday yes it is why some restaurants in America give free desserts to people on
their birthdays do they do that here maybe let's ask our server I'm so full
that was great food yes it was thanks for treating us grandma you're welcome
where are we going now we're going to Miramar what's that it's a mall no way
I love malls we know well what are we waiting for it let's go
is that a ferris wheel on top of the building yes it is if you want to we can
ride it later I want to okay but first let's get
tickets for our movie we're seeing a movie - yes we're going to the IMAX
theater cool what movie are we watching you'll see
hello we would like four tickets for the 2:30 IMAX movie okay well would you like
to sit can we sit in the back row sure you choose your seats for a movie
theater here that's different yes every ticket is an assigned seat
interesting can we also buy tickets for the ferris wheel here yes how many would
you like we want four tickets please
no problem
there are a lot of people here yes they're all waiting to get on the ferris
wheel will we finish our ride in time for the movie sure the ride is only 17
minutes long we have a lot of time okay great
do a lot of people always write this ferris wheel I think so there are always
a lot of people here on the weekends
that was fun hey what time is it it's 2:10 we have 20 minutes before our
movie starts can we get some popcorn sure hey you me yes you what's your
problem problem is something wrong sir yes this kid just bumped into me and
spilled his soda all over me no I didn't I'm sorry sir but are you
sure we just got off the ferris wheel I'm sure I saw his red t-shirt when did
this happen this happened 10 minutes ago at 2 o
clock I looked at my watch when he bumped into me I'm sorry about your
shirt sir but you have the wrong guy Roger couldn't have bumped into you dear
journal I had a really great day yesterday grandma and Roger took me to
Taipei and we went out with Daisy I was sad because I missed home they all knew
that so they took me to do some American activities that really cheered me up we
went to a mall in Taipei we ate at an American restaurant and then rode on the
ferris wheel
something interesting happened to us after we got off the ferris wheel a man
came to us he said somebody bumped into him at two o'clock and spilled soda all
over him this man blamed Roger for spilling his
drink but Roger couldn't have done it the
ferris wheel ride is 17 minutes long we got on at 153 and got off at 210 Roger
was on the ferris wheel at two o'clock
when we told the man all of this keep up really bad he apologized and bought
Roger a hot dog after all the excitement we made it just in time for our movie I
really had a lot of fun on a chip to type a grandma and Roger were really
sweet to plan this day for me I really love my family and I'm thankful for good
friends like Daisy too homesick no more Patti
English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 52 - Duration: 6:39.English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 52
Grande Fratello 2018, Aida Nizar fermata dalla polizia e scatta la multa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 86pk Tour - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Artroza dłoni: oto 6 naturalnych składników, które przyniosą ulgę - Duration: 2:40.1. Olej rycynowy.Olej rycynowy ma właściwości przeciwbólowe i przeciwdziała stanom zapalnym, które powoduje artroza.
Zawiera substancję zwaną kwasem rycynolowy, która wzmacnia działanie uśmierzające ból, co jest bardzo pomocne przy problemach ze stawami.Składniki.2 łyżki oleju rycynowego (30g).
Sposób stosowania.Podgrzej olej rycynowy i kiedy osiągnie temperaturę, która będzie bezpieczna dla Twojej skóry, natrzyj nim dłonie.Powtarzaj zabieg dwa razy dziennie, każdego dnia.
2. Nasiona kozieradki.Nasiona kozieradki zawierają również przeciwutleniacze, które pomagają oczyścić organizm z toksyn, co wspomaga funkcjonowanie Twojego układu limfatycznego.Składniki.1 łyżka nasion kozieradki.szklanka wody (200 ml)
Sposób stosowania.Namocz nasiona kozieradki w wodzie i pozostaw na noc.Następnego ranka odcedź wodę i zjedz nasiona.Stosuj tę kurację przez co najmniej 2 miesiące.
3. Sól Epsom.Sól Epsom ma właściwości zmniejszające stan zapalny i sztywność co jest doskonałym rozwiązaniem przy artrozie.Aplikacja miejscowa rozluźnia mięśnie i stawy, co wpływa na zmniejszenie bólu.
Składniki.1 szklanka soli Epsom (200 g).Ciepła woda (w razie potrzeby).Sposób stosowania.Wsyp sól Epsom do naczynia z ciepłą wodąi mocz ręce przez 20 minut.Powtarzaj zabieg przynajmniej 3 razy w tygodniu.
4. Ocet jabłkowy.Ocet jabłkowy zawiera kwasy organiczne, które pomagają utrzymać prawidłowe pH krwi, stymulując równowagę procesów zachodzących w organizmie.
Zawarte w nim substancje czynne, takie jak kwas octowy, zmniejszają ból rąk i stymulują krążenie.Składniki.1 łyżka octu jabłkowego (10 ml).szklanka wody (200 ml).Sposób stosowania
Rozcieńcz ocet jabłkowy w szklance ciepłej wody i wypij na pusty żołądek.Opcjonalnie, możesz również dodać ocet jabłkowy do naczynia z ciepłą wodą i moczyć ręce przez 20 minut.Powtarzaj te czynności codziennie.
5. Seler.Seler ma właściwości moczopędne i przeciwzapalne, które zapobiegają i leczą ból związany z artrozą
To warzywo, które jest również niezrównane, jeśli chodzi o zawartość przeciwutleniaczy. Zapobiega zatrzymywanie płynów w organizmie i pomaga utrzymać równowagę elektrolitów.
Sposób stosowania.Zrób napar z selera i wypijaj 2-3 razy dziennie.Stosuj terapię przez 2 tygodnie, a następnie zrób tydzień przerwy i zacznij od początku.
6. Olejek imbirowy.Olejek z imbiru to składnik o działaniu terapeutycznym, który dzięki właściwościom przeciwbólowym przynosi ulgę w dolegliwościach związanych z artrozą dłoni.
Jego aplikacja zapewnia przyjemne uczucie rozgrzewania, które poprawia krążenie i pomaga złagodzić sztywność i stany zapalne.Sposób stosowania.Weź niewielką ilość olejku imbirowego i wcieraj w ręce przez 3 do 5 minut.
Upewnij się, że stymulujesz uczucie rozgrzewające, aby uzyskać najlepsze rezultaty.Używaj codziennie, nawet dwa razy dziennie.
Należy pamiętać, że powyższe środki zaradcze stanowią uzupełnienie terapii na artrozę dłoni. Powinny one być stosowane wraz ze zdrowymi nawykami i leczeniem zaleconym przez lekarza.
Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95pk 5drs Edition - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Albano Carrisi parla di Ylenia e spegne le speranze di Romina Power | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Seat Leon ST 1.0TSI 132PK StyleConn|LED|17INC|DAB|Camer - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Audi A4 Allroad 3.0 TDI 245pk quattro Pro Line Interieurvoorv| Panodak - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Škoda Citigo 1.0 60pk 5drs Greentech Ambition - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Seat Ibiza ST 1.2 TSI 85pk FR Dynamic - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra 1.0 Turbo 105pk Innovation automaat - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
✅ Takhle se vraždilo před 28 lety: Smrtka na orloji zacinkala a…Terorista útočil trubkou a budíkem! - Duration: 3:59.Druhý červnový den 1990 byl jako vymalovaný, a tak bylo starobylé náměstí plné Pražanů i turistů
Mnozí obdivně zírali na orloj ohlašující čtvrtou hodinu odpolední… Smrtka na něm zacinkala a za chvíli už si chtěla vybrat kořist
Naštěstí ten, kdo předtím nepozorovaně u Husova pomníku odložil igelitku s trubkou, stolním budíkem, devítivoltovou baterií a malou žárovičkou, akci zpackal
Bezešvá třiceticentimetrová trubka, kterou nacpal střelným prachem a ocelovými úlomky, se neroztrhla
Terorista totiž použil jemný, milimetrový spoj na uzavření roury a při výbuchu tak byl roj střepin nasměrován jen směrem ke Staroměstské radnici
Pokud by víčka vydržela explozi a trubka se roztrhla, nezůstali by na dlažbě jen zranění… Náměstím se ihned rozezněly sirény policejních i sanitních vozů
Záchranáři ošetřili osmnáct zraněných, z nichž nejhůř byla postižena německá turistka
Té střepina poškodila mozek a život jí zachránil složitý neurochirurgický zákrok
Přišla však o oko. Policejní tým »Výbuch« téměř ihned zahájil rozsáhlé vyšetřování
Motivem teroru byl zřejmě fakt, že se za pár dní měly konat první svobodné volby po pádu totality
Pachatele tak hledali i mezi zarytými nepřáteli nového zřízení. Na místě kriminalisté zajistili obrovské množství materiálu, našla se trubka i části kovového materiálu, a to až ve fasádách domů lemujících náměstí
Vyšetřovatelé vyzývali k pomoci veřejnost, sestavili přesný časový sled událostí před výbuchem… Pachatele, který o dva měsíce později zřejmě útočil i na Hostivařské přehradě, se ale odhalit nepodařilo
V roce 2004 sice policisté dopadli důchodce, kterého podezírali dokonce z 18 bombových útoků
Ten však při zatýkání spáchal sebevraždu. Amatérská bomba nevybuchla na Staroměstském náměstí poprvé
Náloží tu kdosi útočil už v roce 1962. Tehdy byli cílem milicionáři, kterých se tu 7
listopadu shromáždily zástupy u příležitosti výročí bolševické Říjnové revoluce. Při útoku byli těžce zraněni dva lidé, z nichž jedna žena po roce zemřela
Skupina podezřelých stanula před soudem v roce 1976, ale kvůli mnoha pochybnostem byli nakonec zproštěni obžaloby
„Někdo prostě zkouší pevnost demokratické moci, demokratické vlády v naší zemi. A teď jde o to ukázat všem, že jsme schopni v této zkoušce obstát
Považuji za krajně důležité ukázat tvrdou ruku, ukázat, že svoboda a demokracie neznamená v našich očích, že si každý může dělat, co chce, vraždit děti na Staroměstském náměstí nebo udělat z naší země křižovatku mezinárodního nebo domácího zločinu
" Zřejmě stejný pachatel jako na Staroměstském náměstí útočil i na hostivařské přehradě, několik lidí bylo lehce zraněno Trhavina nastražená v lahvi zranila dělníka v areálu Sokola v Praze 5 Ve vestibulu stanice metra Karlovo náměstí explodovala bomba, kterou ohlásil anonym, umístěná v odpadkovém koši, nikoho ale nezranila V Praze 6 - Dejvicích explodovala nálož v plastové popelnici, škody byly jen materiální Výbuch granátu hozeného pod auto v ulici Na Příkopě zranil 16 lidí
Škoda Yeti 1.2 TSI 105pk Tour | Navi | Trekhaak | - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
OnePlus 6 vs Pixel 2 XL: In-Depth Camera Test Comparison - Duration: 10:01.Hi guys, its MTG here.
I am back home from MIT for my summer break, and I also have gotten a chance to take the
OnePlus 6 out and compare it to the best smartphone cameras out right now.
In this video, I'll be comparing the OnePlus 6 to what many people think is the best smartphone
camera out right now: the Pixel 2 XL.
I'll be comparing the cameras in various lighting conditions, and I'll also take a look at how
their video and audio qualities compare.
Let's get right into it.
The OnePlus 6 has a dual camera setup.
The main camera is 16 Megapixels.
The secondary camera has the same focal length, is 20 Megapixels, and is said to help the
overall image quality and help with portrait mode pictures.
They both have f/1.7 apertures.
The camera can record up to 4K at up to 60 fps and 1080p at up to 240 fps.
The main camera utilizes both gyroscope-based electronic image stabilization and optical
image stabilization.
The OnePlus 6's front camera is an impressive 16 Megapixels with an f/2.0 aperture.
It utilizes gyro-based EIS and has auto-HDR capabilities.
It can record video at up to 1080p at 30 fps.
The Pixel 2 XL has a single 12.2 Megapixel sensor with an f/1.8 aperture.
Using Google's image processing and machine learning, it can achieve portrait style pictures
on both the front and back cameras.
The camera can record up to 4K at 30 fps and 1080p at up to 120 fps.
It has both optical and electronic image stabilization.
The Pixel 2 XL's front camera is 8 Megapixels with an aperture of f/2.4.
It can record video at up to 1080p at 30 fps.
Right off the back, you could see that these two smartphone camera systems produce images
that are a lot closer than you may have expected.
The Pixel does tend to make pictures with more contrast, whereas the OnePlus 6 tends
to produce overall brighter and more saturated images.
We can also see that the Pixel 2 XL does tend to have the cooler images between the two.
If we zoom into this particular image, we can see that the image processing on the Pixel
2 XL is able to pick up so much detail.
The OnePlus 6 also picks up a ton of detail, but everything is more pronounced on the Pixel's
This image shows how the pictures from the Pixel may become over processed sometimes.
The Pixel 2 picks up a lot of detail once again, but the OnePlus 6 has the more true
to life colors in this image, while the Pixel's shot just looks too grey.
In many other instances, however, the Pixel 2's image processing creates near perfect
In this case, the Pixel's shot has the richer greens and more defined details in the sculpture
and concrete.
As we go through a couple more outdoor shots in great lighting, you can really notice the
trends of how the two phones process their images.
Some may prefer the contrast and detail-focus of the Pixel 2 XL, and others may really like
the brighter images of the OnePlus 6.
Both phones, no doubt perform great in great lighting.
But you aren't always going to be shooting pictures in perfect lighting conditions, so
I also like to test how cameras perform in more complex lighting scenarios.
I shot this picture to test the HDR capabilities of both phones.
In previous years, flagships struggled to capture quality images when light came in
through windows.
However, in this case, both phones did an excellent jobs.
The OnePlus 6 has the slightly brighter foreground, whereas the Pixel 2 XL is able to capture
more detail in the wall outside.
In this image, the Pixel's post processing shines.
Its able to maintain more detail in the top window, and is able to keep the foreground
brighter overall.
Again, this complex lighting scenario was handled well by both phones.
Again, the details look more pronounced on the Pixel 2's image, but the OnePlus 6 maintained
a brighter foreground and background.
In this video, I want to also take a look specifically at both phone's portrait modes.
Remember both phones do not have telephoto cameras, and although the OnePlus 6 does get
help from its second camera, both phones rely heavily on software to achieve the depth effect.
The OnePlus 6 takes wider-angle portrait shots.
I took these two standing in the same exact spot.
I actually had to take a big step forward on the OnePlus 6 to achieve the same angle
as the Pixel.
Although the Pixel is able to pick up more detail in the subject's face, I think the
OnePlus 6 did the better job with distinguishing the foreground from the background.
For some reason, in the Pixel's image, the top half of the hedge is blurred, but the
rest of the right side of the image isn't blurred at all, even if it is in the background.
This next image shows just what the Pixel 2's are capable of when they do get the blur
The Pixel 2 XL is able to pick up great colors, great levels of detail, and I look perfectly
The OnePlus 6's photo isn't bad by any means, but details on my face aren't preserved as
much, and I do appear to be slightly over-exposed.
The Pixel 2 XL is able to pick up so much detail once again, but again, it doesn't do
as good of a job with blurring the background.
For some reason, the Pixel thought the entire ledge was in the foreground and didn't blur
Also the OnePlus 6's blur looks less fake than the Pixel 2's in this image.
Both phones have terrific selfie cameras.
The OnePlus 6 has the sheer megapixel count and HDR capability advantage, but the Pixel
2 XL exceeds that with pure image processing.
The Pixel 2's are even able to take excellent portrait mode pictures with their front cameras.
As I shift into video, note that the OnePlus 6 can shoot 4K at up to 60 fps, but since
this video is uploaded at 30 fps, I set them to 4K at 30.
*video montage* Both phones have great 4K video quality.
And both phones really try to make the colors pop.
In both cases, it may lead to a video that is saturated too much, but many people have
openly liked colors that pop, so I guess that's why OnePlus and Google went that route.
In terms of stabilization, they both utilize electronic and optical stabilization.
OnePlus appears to have the more aggressive stabilization algorithms, which makes for
steadier walking, but also for more jittery, less natural panning.
But a plus with electronic image stabilization is that it can be tuned later in via software
OnePlus carries over its electronic image stabilization to its front camera as well.
This makes for a very stabilized video.
However, to achieve this, OnePlus has to crop into the image a bit.
The OnePlus 6 is able to pick up a lot of detail, whereas the Pixel 2 XL's colors look
more true-to-life.
In terms of audio, both phones have pretty aggressive noise cancelling, which does eliminate
a lot of wind noise, but also makes for tinny audio.
In terms of overall volume, the OnePlus 6's audio is significantly louder.
All the pictures I shot in lowlight were without flash, and I'd say a lot of the pictures turned
out great.
Both phones were able to capture a lot of detail, and take in a surprising amount of
light given the circumstances.
In this instance, the Pixel 2 XL is able to process the image very well and produce the
brighter, more detailed image.
Both phones are able to minimize noise in the sky despite it being very dark at the
time, and both do a pretty good job of not letting light sources get blown.
In this image, the OnePlus 6 handles the light strip better, but the Pixel 2 XL again is
able to produce the brighter image.
In this last lowlight shot, we can see that sometimes the Pixel can unnaturally brighten
the image sometimes.
The OnePlus 6 deals with all of the colored lights better, whereas the Pixel 2 XL always
tries to simply brighten the image.
As you can see, this camera comparison was probably closer than you would've expected.
I've had some people tell me to not even make this camera comparison because of how one-sided
they thought it would be.
At the end of the day, the Pixel 2 XL probably still has the better camera, but how much
of a better camera?
I'll be comparing both the phones fully in a future video, but for now I wanted to just
show you how the cameras stack up.
A lot of the preferences on image quality will come down to what you prefer.
Some people like the really high contrast images, while others prefer brighter, more
saturated images.
Let me know in the comment section your thoughts.
I will be making camera comparisons between the OnePlus 6 and iPhone X and S9+ too so
make sure to subscribe and click that notification bell to see those.
That's all I had to talk about today.
Thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next video.
The Boy Next Door I Ep. 7 Can we kiss? - Duration: 6:57.-------------------------------------------
How to Make a Resin River Table | Never repeat my mistakes - Duration: 7:02.Hello dears!
Today I will start to do for me new
and one of the most difficult projects at the moment.
I'll make a epoxy river table out of a slab.
This slab of elm I bought as usual in Bumans.
I chose one of the smallest slabs that were available,
first to get him into the trailer,
and secondly, because this is my first project from the slab.
In the last video I already started prepare for this project and made
a carriage for the milling cutter that will serve me as a thikness planer.
And today to understand that it is possible to make with this slab
I sat in photoshop, cut virtually this slab.
and now I know what part I need.
what I will cut and what size will be table.
so I can get to work!
In the last video I did not do a detailed overview of how the carriage works
because it was supposed to this video will show the results and results of the work
As you can see, I hung the wire. So it's much more convenient.
well, the actual result of the work on one side can be seen on the video
everything's smooth enough.
there are no big bands which I think is very easy to get stoned.
because they are quite minor.
in General, I am happy with the result
and I start processing the second sides
so I finished the prep work. before pouring
the first thing I want to say that I realized that polyethylene for these purposes is not suitable
since applying wax on it and it stretched and stood up
and it will be bad for the epoxy fill,
but I plan to fix it with a bootstrap.
layer from the bottom at the end of the work.
Second. I applied the sealant to the front.
to ensure that the epoxy does not spill all over the table
so I don't want to make a completely glossy surface.
I want to process the wood in the end with oil.
For this project, I chose the epoxy company artline.
first because it is perfectly transparent,
second because it's fluid.
it's easy out bubbles.
so it should be simple enough to work.
This epoxy has two main characteristics
this is the maximum fill layer of 1 cm and the full solidification time of 24 hours
Since the slab is 3.5 cm, I will fill three to four times
But since I don't want there to be visible border between the layers of fill
I'm going to do it during the incomplete curing of the epoxy
that is, in ten-twelve hours'
Included with the epoxy are different dyes
for it project i chose green and blue dye
to mix the turquoise color
this is the end of the first part of the video
at the moment I almost finished working on the project
and, in principle, very satisfied result
But in the process things didn't go perfectly smoothly
and I'll tell you about it in the second part of the video next Saturday
Don't forget to check it out.
and now the results of the competition which I conducted Vkontakte.
this t-shirt was won by Alexander Kuzmenok
with what it and congratulations!
Bye now!
Emerging Markets: From Vulnerability to Opportunity | Edward Misrahi Expert View | Real Vision - Duration: 1:49.Historically, if you look at the old-- maybe 15, 20 years ago-- I think rates in EM-- and
the dollar would have been the most fundamental issue that you had to worry about because
these countries were generally all funding themselves constantly with large current account
deficit and needed the access to capital all the time.
And whenever rates went up, they would basically struggle.
And whenever their rates were good, they would get inflows of money that would create dynamics.
I think that there's no question that there's still a correlation with the fact of, let's
say, the conditions of a strong dollar, which tend to be higher yields in the US and tightening
And I think these things still are a factor for EM-- not across all the EM, some countries
in EM more than others.
But I think the degree of that correlation is lower than, let's say, it was 10, 15 years
So I think, on aggregate, when you look at EM, the sensitivity and the vulnerability
to a stronger dollar and to higher yields is lower now than it was.
But it's definitely there, and it's something that you have to think about in the scheme
of investing.
So I think now that it looks like we're potentially moving into a reversal of a very weak dollar--
the environment we've had for 18 months, I think that there is a reasonable chance that
you'll have a little bit of a hiccup as a result of it.
But I don't think-- whereas in the 90s and part of the 20s, that could be terminal for
a country in EM and the banking sector, I don't think that is the case now.
There's healthier.
They're more balanced.
They are floating exchange rates.
So I think that it's a much more-- it's a factor, but I don't think as dominant as it
MY NEW CAR (Youtube Money a Buy) - Duration: 10:10.-------------------------------------------
Come evitare e trattare i talloni screpolati - Duration: 6:16.-------------------------------------------
Nissan QASHQAI 1.6i 16V TEKNA | BOVAGGAR. | CLIMA | DEALERONDERHOUDEN - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai ix35 2.0i Style AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
KBS 전현무 예고된 방송사*고, 얼마나 힘들면 펑크낼까 - Duration: 6:32.-------------------------------------------
FRIZ I KINGA ROBIĄ PRANKA NA KOLEDZE! - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Клип к дораме "История восхождения" | I Loved You - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Uno dei migliori regimi alimentari secondo gli esperti: la dieta mediterranea può aiutare ... - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0I LX APK 06-10-2018 KOOPJE! Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Kyushu's first dinner in Nagasaki 長崎の夕食は喜三郎でご当地グルメはハトシと雲仙ハム:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 3:58.It's Kisaburo that I have the first dinner at Kyushu.
That is seafood Izakaya of introduction in the hotel where I stayed.
I entered Kisaburo as soon as opened it without reservation.
I was taken to the counter seat.
There were many dishes which attract my attention on the menu.
This is ganmodoki of Appetizer.
Green onion is topped.
Beer of a first bite.
With hardly sleeping last night, and I played for one day.
So beer is the best.
This is seafood Izakaya, so I ordered an assortment of sashimi.
Five kinds of sashimi is brilliant.
I eat tuna first.
Tuna has so much fat.
It is not an exaggeration to say moderately fatty tuna.
Next it's red snapper that I eat.
This sea bream is probably a snapper caught locally.
This seasonal local red snapper is very popular.
This is salmon.
This is Bigfin reef squid.
The squid is characterized by texture and sweetness.
What sashimi I will season with ponzu.
It is bonito.
Assorted sashimi is worth a visit.
I'd like also to eat grilled fish.
I liked Burikama, so I ordered.
Small part.
Burikama is the best.
That probably seems to have been hot.
Burikama is very easy to eat.
I said "Yummy".
What is this?
This is Hatoshi.
This is fried bread dish which interpose minced of shrimp.
This is Nagasaki's local food.
That seems to have been soft.
This is the food I eat for the first time, so I'm happy.
I got a part of big yellowtail.
I separate the flesh from the bone.
That's the pleasure which eats Burikama.
I'm having a meal, so I ignore an message alert tone.
The one I ordered additionally is Unzen-ham.
This seems to is not ham but a slice of Frankfurter sausage .
I ordered the local dish of Nagasaki.
But this is likely food in any region.
But I was surprised by the taste of this.
The elastic food texture.
Gusto of pork.
I need to add drinks.
This is high ball.
This is too tasty so I eat little by little.
So Hatoshi is soft and easy to collapse, attention is necessary.
I failed.
But the very good taste.
In other words, it's Hatoshi is goo.
Many people would think so.
Dinner is drawing to the end.
I eat the rest of Burikama.
I also eat the one like styrene which got on a dish of Hatosh.
I enjoy Unzen-ham slowly.
I drank highball.
My Nagasaki dinner is a huge success.
Day 18: Sing a song. Even if you can't sing! (ReUPLOAD) - Duration: 6:42.-------------------------------------------
今天開始後,這幾大生肖咸魚翻身【有望一夜暴富】 - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Jaanu Meri Jaan Remix 😍 DJ Song 🔥 80's Song 🔥 Old Is Gold ! - Duration: 5:03.Jaanu Meri Jaan Remix 😍 DJ Song 🔥 80's Song 🔥 Old Is Gold !
Jaanu Meri Jaan Remix 😍 DJ Song 🔥 80's Song 🔥 Old Is Gold !
Jaanu Meri Jaan Remix 😍 DJ Song 🔥 80's Song 🔥 Old Is Gold !
Jaanu Meri Jaan Remix 😍 DJ Song 🔥 80's Song 🔥 Old Is Gold !
Jaanu Meri Jaan Remix 😍 DJ Song 🔥 80's Song 🔥 Old Is Gold !
Jaanu Meri Jaan Remix 😍 DJ Song 🔥 80's Song 🔥 Old Is Gold !
預言大師:2018六月份12星座整體運勢(全)! - Duration: 19:56.-------------------------------------------
How To Pick Up Girls in Sydney?! ft. Main Man Tian - Duration: 7:24.-------------------------------------------
Próby Ognia: Popularność, szczypanie się po tyłkach [polskie napisy] - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
Buy Red Sparrow Today-------------------------------------------
6 Tipos de Mulheres Difíceis de Lidar - parte 2 de 2 | Ivan Maia - Duration: 5:16.-------------------------------------------
The Boy Next Door I Ep. 7 Can we kiss? - Duration: 6:57.-------------------------------------------
¿Son los Lácteos Malos para Ti? - 6 Verdades sobre los Lácteos - Duration: 10:26.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : PCdoB pode abrir mão da pré-candidatura de Manuela D'Ávila, diz líder - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 [Using 1Kg OF Pollock Roe] Melty Mentai Mochi Cheese Gratin!!! 8000kcal 5Kg [Use CC] - Duration: 5:54.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I made some creamy gratin using mochi and mentaiko fish egg
I made an overflowing amount
I used 1 kg of mentaiko fish egg
Will it taste a bit too strong ? I did follow the recipe though...
But anyways, it looks so yummy And look at all this cheese I use here
Alrighty let's see how it's made
These are the ingredients Potatoes, milk, butter, salt and pepper, mentaiko, mochi
cheese, white sauce, shredded seaweed, and milk
Chop up the mochi
Remove the mentaiko from the membrane
we have about 1kg
According to the recipe we're supposed to use potatoes But since I have these mashed potato packets I'll use them up
Add the butter and milk to make them Into mashed potatoes
This might be a bit drier than regular mashed potatoes
Add salt and pepper I bought an electric grinder
hey this....
it grinds when you stand it up
I bought this off of amazon I'll post a link to it below
add the white sauce to a bowl
add milk to the white sauce
The mashed potatoes took up more milk than I expected so I'll add this soy milk in its stead
Wrap it up and microwave for a minute and a half
Add half of the mentaiko eggs
It's turned into such a pretty pink color
ok, time to prep the mold
mashed taters
The mentaiko and cream sauce mixture
And in the middle add the rest of the mentaiko
and add plenty of cheese
Then let Grill in a toaster for 7 minutes
tadaa its all done
it looks pretty hot itadakimasu
thick cheese
it looks so yummy
don't it look so yummy
You can really taste the mentaiko flavor This is so yummy
It goes perfectly with cheese
The mochi is yummy as well
its so very chewy
And we have some potatoes underneath
The potatoes are so yummy with the cream and mentaiko sauce
I totes forgot the shredded seaweed
Seaweed makes things taste so yummy
its the best
This is got to be the biggest Gratin That I have ever made
its filled with mochi and its so yummy
And in the middle we have a big clump of mentaiko .. so extravagant
Add some more seaweed
The potatoes are so nice and hot and steamy
I used 3 bags on mashed potato mix I turned into quite a lot here
Last mouthful itadakimasu
the mochi and mentaiko cream gratin was so yummy
it was so full of mentaiko fish egg
and the cheese mentaiko and seaweed tasted so good together
With all the Mochi it was very yummy as well
It was all so yummy once you all please give it a try as well
And as always thank you for watching if there is anything Do you want me to do or eat please tell me in a comment
Section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Come evitare e trattare i talloni screpolati - Duration: 6:16.-------------------------------------------
How To Pick Up Girls in Sydney?! ft. Main Man Tian - Duration: 7:24.-------------------------------------------
CUANDO SEPAS PORQUE USAR DESODORANTE DEBAJO DE LOS PECHOS LO HARÁS DE INMEDIATO - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
Próby Ognia: Popularność, szczypanie się po tyłkach [polskie napisy] - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
쌍용차 'G4 렉스턴'..디스커버리·익스플로러·모하비와 경쟁 - Duration: 4:25.-------------------------------------------
Kinsey - celý film s CZ titulkami - Duration: 1:53:37.-------------------------------------------
🧑 5 Sweet Shabby Chic Teenage Girls Bedroom Ideas 🧑 - Duration: 5:08.Here are some sweet shabby chic ideas for teenage girls
that you can do for their bedroom.
Decorating a teen bedroom can be quite a daunting task.
They are in this stage where they still want to include cute and adorable items
but they don't want to make it overly childish.
Shabby chic is known for its flexibility as well as cool tones.
Some of these ideas can be done on your own,
meaning that you don't necessarily spend extravagant money to have them.
This is 5 Sweet Shabby Chic Teenage Girls Bedroom Ideas by simphome.com
5. Romantic Bedding
With the combination of right color and also the right texture,
you can enjoy this shabby chic theme.
In fact, this is one of the simplest sweet shabby chic ideas for teenage girls without spending a fortune.
If you don't really like ruffles, you can replace them with laces or bows –
they will create the same stunning effect.
Don't forget to pay attention to the colors.
After all, shabby chic theme is associated with soothing and cool feminine colors,
like turquoise, white, light blue, beige, and light gray.
4. Storage Ladder
If you have an old and unused ladder,
why not transforming it into a storage area?
If the ladder is too small, you can use it for accessory or décor for the bedroom.
Paint the ladder with any color that young girls like.
If you want to add planks to the ladder, feel free to do so –
it will provide the extra storage for your girl's needs.
Don't hesitate to decorate the ladder if your girls want to –
after all, it will be the part of their bedroom.
Such seemingly simple item can provide great addition in the bedroom décor.
3. Shabby Chic Dresser
Transform an old dresser into a new one by having a new paint job and adding the extra mirror.
The dresser can be turned into a stylish makeup station.
Repaint it with new color and don't worry about alternating different hues within the same platform.
If you have an old wall mounted mirror that you haven't used,
add frame around it and place it on the dresser.
It's a simple sweet shabby chic idea for teenage girls that can be done for any theme.
2. Romantic Wall Sconces
If you are quite crafty, you can combine unused glass Mason jar with wooden work.
For The wooden board, simply cut into a rectangular form, seal it with varnish, and add a hook.
The hook will be used to hang the Mason jar.
Place light bulbs into the jar and you have your own DIY wall sconces with romantic atmosphere.
This idea can also be applied for your outdoor setting, if you want to add up lights.
Before we get to number 1, I invite you to check subscribe button under this video.
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Thank you for that.
1. Curtain Lights
Looking for a way to bring fairy atmosphere or ethereal flair into the bedroom.
Curtains with lights will do it just perfectly.
Just make sure that it is safe and the lights won't burn the curtain when it goes out.
Don't forget to also make sure that the ceiling wall is sturdy and solid
if you want to do this last sweet shabby chic idea for teenage girls bedroom.
That's it for now.
if you learn new things from this video,
express your feeling using like or share button under this video before you leave.
if you don't like it, share you mind using comment area under those buttons and Tell us what you want.
Then Dislike it if you feel have to.
See you again later sometimes in the near future and Thanks for watching.
DENTES AMARELOS? Ela Misturou 2 Ingredientes e Passou Nos Dentes ➜ Dentes Brancos Como Nunca! - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Neden Milyoner Olamıyorum? Karma Yasası ve Kişisel Gelişim - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
✅ Tiyatro oyuncusu Asuman Dabak: - Duration: 2:17.Asuman Dabak'tan şok eden 'uyuşturucu' açıklaması Tiyatro oyuncusu Asuman Dabak: "Set ortamlarında o kadar çok uyuşturucu madde kullanılıyor ki, inanılmaz
" Hürriyet'in haberine göre Esenyurt Boğaziçi Okulları tarafından düzenlenen 'Bağımlılık' paneline konuk olan oyuncu Asuman Dabak, "Türk sinemasında alkol ve uyuşturucu madde üzerine bir dünya kurulmuş durumda
'Ne olacak canım, herkes kullanıyor' mantığı hakim. Yozlaşmış toplumda biz sanatçıların da payı var" dedi
DABAK: 'SAĞLIKLI OYUNCU ADAYLARI İÇİN ÖZENLİ DAVRANMALIYIZ' Türk sinemasında alkol ve uyuşturucu madde üzerine bir dünya kurulduğunu söyleyen Asuman Dabak, bunun topluma yansımasını şu sözlerle anlattı: "'Ne olacak canım, herkes kullanıyor' mantığı hakim
Yozlaşan toplumda biz sanatçıların da payı var. Set ortamlarında o kadar çok uyuşturucu madde kullanılıyor ki, inanılmaz
Sosyal ortamda hepimiz alkol alıyoruz. Keyiflendiriyorsa sorun yok ama, alkol sonrası ertesi sabah sete vaktinde gidemiyorsanız, ezberinizi yapamamışsanız bu işe dur demek gerekiyor
Oyun arkadaşınıza saygısızlık yapmaya hakkınız yok. Bizim işimiz performans, alınan madde performansı düşürüyor
Benim üç tane oyunculuk atölyem var. Sağlıklı öğrenciler, oyuncu adayları yetiştirmek istiyorsak, o derecede özenli davranmalıyız
Duruşumuzu takip eden kitleleri görmezden gelemeyiz. Bugün ünlü bir sanatçı uyuşturucudan ceza alıp, kısa sürede çıkmışsa, piyasada hala kaşesi yüksek işler yapıyorsa, çocuklara ne anlatacağız? İyi aktör olmanın yolu setin bir kenarında sigaralık sarıp içmekten geçmiyor
Bir barın köşesinde viski yudumlamak şöhret getirmiyor. Hepimizin sorumlu davranması lazım
Co dzieci myślą o miłości? | SAVICKI Share Your Love - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Ex-globais, Carla Vilhena e Evaristo Costa vão juntos ao SBT se encontrar com Silvio Santos - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Governo publica decreto com reajuste do Bolsa Família - Duration: 1:57.O governo federal formalizou, na edição desta sexta-feira (1º/6) do Diário Oficial da União (DOU), o reajuste de 5,67% no valor mensal do Bolsa Família, que já havia sido anunciado pelo presidente Michel Temer na véspera do Dia do Trabalho
O decreto da decisão informa que o aumento entrará em vigor daqui a um mês, no dia 1º de julho
Segundo o texto, o programa atenderá pessoas em situação de pobreza e de extrema pobreza, caracterizadas pela renda familiar mensal per capita de até R$ 178 e R$ 89, respectivamente
Hoje, esses valores são de R$ 170 e R$ 85, que beneficiam 13,8 milhões de famílias
Mais sobre o assunto Antes do reajuste, União exclui 392 mil beneficiados do Bolsa Família Após dois anos sem reajuste, Bolsa Família terá aumento em 2018 Com o decreto, onde houver gestantes, crianças de até 12 anos ou adolescentes de até 15 anos em extrema pobreza um benefício mensal de R$ 41 a mais será concedido, até o limite de R$ 205 por família
Atualmente esse benefício é de R$ 39, até 195 por família. Para as famílias com adolescentes de 16 a 17 anos de idade matriculados em estabelecimentos de ensino, o benefício variável passará de R$ 46 para R$ 48, até o limite de R$ 96 por residência
Sem o reajuste, o limite por família é de R$ 92.
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