Saturday, June 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 23 2018

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For more infomation >> Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Maluma, Nicky Jam, J Balvin, Shakira, Daddy Yankee - Duration: 1:20:50.


Encuentra tu propósito en la vida - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Encuentra tu propósito en la vida - Duration: 6:24.


Pepa Hat Finger Family Lollipop Nursery Rhymes Lyrics | Cartoons for Children - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Pepa Hat Finger Family Lollipop Nursery Rhymes Lyrics | Cartoons for Children - Duration: 1:54.


Top 25 Mejores Canciones De Reggaeton De 2018 ★ Mix Reggaeton 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo Bad Bunny, Ozuna ... - Duration: 2:06:02.

For more infomation >> Top 25 Mejores Canciones De Reggaeton De 2018 ★ Mix Reggaeton 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo Bad Bunny, Ozuna ... - Duration: 2:06:02.


El 'pisacharcos' Jaime Peñafiel sube el tono contra la Casa Real con un despiadado ataque contra .. - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> El 'pisacharcos' Jaime Peñafiel sube el tono contra la Casa Real con un despiadado ataque contra .. - Duration: 1:46.


장내 세균총을 강화하는 보라빛 사우어크라우트를 집에서 만들기 ► Love In The MoonLight Plus ► - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 장내 세균총을 강화하는 보라빛 사우어크라우트를 집에서 만들기 ► Love In The MoonLight Plus ► - Duration: 5:26.


Meghan Markle, quelque chose cloche avec ses chaussures (photos) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle, quelque chose cloche avec ses chaussures (photos) - Duration: 1:14.


GRE Experience - Duration: 6:53.

Hey everybody! Hope you're all doing great today

Today we're going to talk about GRE and how I

use different techniques from first time and second time


I know I touch very lightly in the past video

on how I didn't get the score that I wanted

however I did notice the difference in myself between the first time and second time

and I will tell you all about it

first time

what I did was

I studied

all the way up to the day before the test

which I took off meaning

I've studied for a year


I didn't stop studying until the day before the test

that I just quit cold turkey

on my second test, I didn't do that

I studied all the up to the week before the test and started paring back

my study time until the day before the test, I took the day off

what I mean by that is instead of studying for four hours, I pared back by three hours and

then next day, two hours; the next day, one hour; half hour, and; then :tongue clicks: none

I felt so much better becau..., because first time, I was not well rested

at all

Second time, I felt prepared, well rested, and ready to go

Second thing

I drank coffee for the first test

didn't drink coffee for the second test

I noticed the difference in energy level

the first time, my energy level took a nosedive in the middle of the test

while in the second test, my energy level stayed, well

technically, stayed the same throughout

from beginning to end

my, I mean, it was gradual going down

but not as severe as the first test

third thing that I've discovered

I ate cereal for the first test

it's not a bad thing, it's healthy cereal

not cocoa puffs or anything like that

it's honeybunch or something rather

very healthy

but not the fulfilling enough to where

I basically got hungry in the middle of the test

Second time, I ate

I want to say it's called egg in a hole

meaning a bread with a hole and you put an egg, cook it in there

with avocado spread on it

that lasted me throughout the whole test

the reason I'm telling you all the techniques is so you know

you gotta figure out what works for you

and that you gotta treat yo'self

take care of yourself make sure you're prepared mentally for the test

and even though I prepared myself

really well second time

instead of gaining those two points that I needed to get a minimum score for my school

I lost the two points, literally lost two points; one point from each section

:Loud sigh:

when I saw that, I was a little


and feeling stupid on top of that

even though my math knowledge has improved and

verbal semi-improved

reading comprehension is my worst ability

of all things I hate reading comprehension, I hate it, I just hate it

but I was proud of myself because I worked hard, I figured out what works for me

therefore the message to take away from this:

keep trying

don't let things get you down

don't let it stop you from pursuing your future

I turned in my application anyway

because why not

the worst thing they can say is no

which is fine like if they say no

Okay, I'll try again next year

Not a big deal

Just keep trying

Believe in yourself

and figure out what works for you

because that's saying one-size-fits-all

does not work on standardized tests

or anything else in life

Just keep trying

Alright, this is all I have for you today

If you have any questions

doesn't matter if it's about deaf life, deaf culture or life in general

please drop them in the comments below

and if you liked this video or found it enlightening

please press like

yeah this corner, isn't it?


Still running anyway

please press like for

for me to finally learn which corner that like button is

and I will see you next Saturday


For more infomation >> GRE Experience - Duration: 6:53.


¡Paren todo! Encontrar tu pasión no siempre significa la clave del éxito - Duration: 5:41.

Nos han vendido la idea de que seguir nuestra pasión es la fórmula mágica para encontrar el éxito, tal vez supiste cuál era tu vocación desde pequeño,  quizá has pasado gran parte de tu vida sin encontrar  tu pasión, de hecho, muchas personas la descubren hasta la edad adulta,  no importa, porque la Universidad de Stanford asegura que 'encontrar tu  pasión'  es sólo una verdad a medias

El  nuevo estudio realizado por psicólogos de la universidad, examinó  las implicaciones ocultas de seguir como caballos con anteojeras rumbo a  una sola meta, confiando solamente en los gustos, intereses y habilidades de las personas, determinando que esa, en lugar de ser una herramienta para triunfar, es una limitante en esta vida moderna

Y es que si bien es cierto que el éxito es tan relativo como la verdad, esta investigación liderada por los psicólogos Carol Dweck, Gregory Walton así como  el ex becario postdoctoral Paul O'Keefe, sugiere que el verdadero secreto no reside en encontrar  tu pasión, sino en desarrollarla

De tal forma que las personas que persiguen el éxito con el puro instinto de sus intereses, sólo encontrarán fracaso al toparse con desafíos  que los lleven a un sesgo, minimizando sus competencias  e inevitablemente  los conducirán  a renunciar a sus objetivos

En cambio, será más fácil encontrar el éxito, para las personas que complementen su pasión con algunas otras vocaciones y/o  disciplinas que enriquezcan el oficio o profesión

La educación no  reemplaza los intereses personales,  aun cuando las personas pasen de 15 a 25 años escolarizados, no hay garantía de que en el aula se encuentre la verdadera pasión

Pero entonces, ¿Son los intereses cualidades fijas que están intrínsecamente ahí, solo esperando a ser descubiertas? ¿O son cualidades de interés que requieren tiempo y esfuerzo para desarrollarse? Los investigadores  realizaron una serie de cinco experimentos con 470 voluntarios, para comprobar la teoría previa de la psicóloga Dweck, sobre la mentalidad fija frente a la inteligencia de crecimiento, donde explica que los estudiantes con una mentalidad  fija,  creen que sus habilidades básicas, su inteligencia y su talento, son sólo rasgos de su personalidad, a comparación de una mente de crecimiento que permitirá a una persona a vivir una vida menos estresante y de más éxito

En la primera serie de experimentos, los investigadores reclutaron a un grupo de estudiantes que identificaron como "techie" y  "fuzzy"  donde estudiantes interesados ​​en temas científicos eran los (techie) frente a las artes y humanidades (fuzzy)

Los investigadores hicieron que los dos grupos de estudiantes leyeran dos artículos, uno relacionado con la tecnología y el otro relacionado con las humanidades

Para su sorpresa, notaron que ciertos estudiantes que tenían una mentalidad fija,  o una 'pasión' en concreto, se mostraban menos abiertos a un artículo que estaba fuera de su área de interés, por lo que concluyeron que seguir una meta consolidada, no siempre será lo mejor

Al respecto, el profesor de psicología en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de Stanford y becario de la Universidad Michael Forman en Pregrado en Educación,  Gregory Walton, comprobó que una inteligencia fija, sesga la oportunidad de desarrollar otras habilidades que complementen la vocación

"Muchos avances en las ciencias y los negocios suceden cuando las personas unen diferentes campos, cuando las personas ven conexiones novedosas entre campos que quizás no se habían visto antes", afirmó

Por su parte, el psicólogo O'Keefe  agregó que "En un mundo cada vez más interdisciplinario, una mentalidad de crecimiento puede potencialmente llevar a este tipo de innovación, como ver cómo se pueden fusionar las artes y las ciencias"

Mientras que  Walton concluyó que "Si eres demasiado limitado y estás comprometido con un área, eso podría impedir que desarrolles intereses y la experiencia que necesites para unir ese trabajo", Pero ojo, no se trata de convertirse en multitask, sino de tener una especialidad con conocimientos de otras ramas que aporten a nuestro desarrollo, desempeño y competitividad

Por ejemplo, si entre tantas profesiones, tu pasión es lógico-matemática, quizá te enfoques tanto a  obtener la Medalla Fields (Medalla internacional para descubrimientos sobresalientes en Matemáticas) que dejas a un lado las habilidades para escribir un libro

Así mismo, con el resto de los experimentos detectaron que aun cuando los intereses personales sean geniunos, al momento de toparse con una serie de desafíos, la reacción más frecuente es abandonar la disciplina, por considerar que no se tienen las habilidades

"Tomados en conjunto, aquellos que respaldan una teoría de crecimiento pueden tener creencias más realistas sobre la búsqueda de intereses, lo que puede ayudarlos a mantener el compromiso a medida que el material se vuelve más complejo y desafiante"

Concluye el estudio Los autores consideran que  "desarrollar tu pasión" es mucho más aconsejable "Encontrar tu pasión", pero si encontraste tu profesión y te sientes confiado en que te puedes dedicar a ello, entonces ponte a prueba

Al respecto, Dweck, comentó: "Al principio, mis estudiantes de pregrado se entusiasman con la idea de encontrar su pasión, pero con el tiempo se entusiasman mucho más con el desarrollo de su pasión y con su propio crecimiento

Llegan a comprender que así es como se formarán ellos y su futuro,  y cómo finalmente harán sus contribuciones al mundo"

Al mismo tiempo, Walton aconseja que "Si miras algo y piensas, 'eso parece interesante', podría ser un área en la que podría hacer una contribución', entonces te dedicas a ello…Tómate un tiempo para hacerlo, te encontrarás con desafíos, pero con el tiempo crearás ese compromiso"

For more infomation >> ¡Paren todo! Encontrar tu pasión no siempre significa la clave del éxito - Duration: 5:41.


El pacto por Colombia - Duration: 3:01.

 Seis días después de la elección del nuevo presidente de Colombia, el país ha empezado a ser testigo de una manera nueva de gobernar

Iván Duque Márquez no ha tenido una actitud arrogante ni triunfalista, todo lo contrario, desde el momento mismo en que pronunció su discurso minutos después de conocidos los resultados del pasado domingo, comenzó a reflejar en sus palabras y actitudes un talante propio los jóvenes de su generación, el cual antes que ahondar en odios y divisiones, privilegia el respeto por el otro, el encuentro de la diversidad en el diálogo y la toma de conciencia de que "cuando se construye y no se destruye, el futuro es de todos

"Desde el momento mismo en el cual Duque ganó la consulta interpartidista convirtiéndose  en el candidato del Centro Democrático, no dejó de insistir en cada uno de sus discursos sobre su propósito de propiciar una gran "pacto por Colombia", para  unir a los colombianos en una "agenda de país de largo plazo", que incorpore las reformas fiscal, de salud, educación, pensiones y justicia, con la participación de sectores políticos, sociales y económicos  cuya prioridad sea el futuro del país

 En ese espíritu, Duque logró ganar la primera vuelta, y en una votación sin precedentes en la historia del país, de manera contundente también ganó la segunda

En su discurso del 17 de junio, volvió sobre la idea del gran pacto nacional pronunciando palabras que oxigenan el polarizado ambiente político que imperó durante las campañas: "nosotros no vamos a despojar a nadie de los derechos que han conseguido en nuestro país, nosotros vamos a tener siempre una actitud constructiva en el Gobierno, deliberante pero motivada por consolidar esta idea del 'Pacto por Colombia', donde saquemos adelante esa agenda de reformas que ponga a este país a crecer, a derrotar la pobreza, a expandir la clase media, a irrigar esperanza de nuevo en cada rincón del territorio

" El miércoles pasado, cuando el presidente electo comenzó a estructurar su estrategia de empalme con el gobierno saliente, en una reunión con personas que apoyarán dicho proceso,  volvió sobre la idea del pacto nacional, pero esta vez fue claro y contundente en afirmar que el fruto de dicho gran acuerdo será la justicia social, la cual solamente se logrará a partir del diálogo nacional como instrumento fundamental para el encuentro de las ideas y el trámite de las diferencias

 Este ideal de diálogo social  ha sido y será permanentemente respaldado y promovido por Marta Lucía Ramírez, primera mujer en ser elegida como vicepresidenta de la república,  60 años después de que la mujer colombiana votara por primera vez en nuestro país

Marta Lucia, con su talante sereno, maduro y firme, de la mano del presidente Duque,  será una gran articuladora de la construcción de los necesarios consensos que demanda el país

 Sin ahondar en el contrastante discurso pronunciado por Gustavo Petro, quien no fue precisamente constructivo  al invitar a una movilización social permanente como expresión de oposición al gobierno entrante, valdría la pena que la Colombia Humana reflexionara sobre las palabras de Iván Duque y Marta Lucia Ramírez, pues todos los colombianos, incluido el petrismo, somos responsables de construir el futuro de Colombia

Es de esperar que por el bien del país la desafiante movilización social permanentemente  anunciada por Petro, no esté destinada a dividir, ni a destruir los consensos que se logren construir a partir del genuino y ben intencionado diálogo social que liderará el nuevo gobierno


For more infomation >> El pacto por Colombia - Duration: 3:01.


New Jeep Wrangler Raptor Attack Indoraptor Vs TRex Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom RC Unboxing - Duration: 13:17.

watch what happens and the mercenaries come face-to-face with the giant t-rex

and endure raptor or will they survive keep watching to find out okay when the

volcano is exploding we gotta save the dinos but we got a group of mercenaries

here that are shooting the dinos and trying to destroy them we gotta get a

New Jeep Wrangler Raptor Attack Indoraptor Vs TRex Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom RC Unboxing

only good chance to rescue

look it's a keep little baby t-rex I'm gonna wipe this guy out

turns another one look it's one of those Peter dinos yeah down down I will get

this one

we're little Dino give me your little guy clear so you wipe you out


who are you Jim I heard something out here Jim

we got em all wiped out we got them would be if I don't move

okay the other guys are not reporting in I guess they took off well should be

safe enough now let's have walk around yeah there wasn't even any big diners

around never gonna catch me just get me out again you're never gonna get me okay

rescued Balu time to get out of here I wonder whatever happened to those other

guys huh something must've got here damn rifle flying the way

I walk dinosaur am going hunting for dinosaur toys in my favor wishing store

says the best store in the world come along with me and check it out what are

we gonna buy today the Jeep Wrangler Raptor attack this is the Jeep Wrangler

Raptor attack control cool it says chase oh so long looks totally

awesome this says a raptor is on the attack can you escape from the path of

destruction and make it to safety so works with figures Raptor chases you

it says knock the raptor off before the attack

whoa let's check out what's inside okay this is what's in the box before I open

anything you've got to grab through the Jeep a remote control and a set of

instructions cool

let's check out the action feature on this classic Jurassic Park jeep up close

it is came out with Jurassic world but it does say Jurassic Park on the gene

but anyways if you press forward see the Raptor attack and at different times

this seat will lift and throw going out so it looks almost like the Raptor god

but one of the point is you have to knock the Raptor off before it actually

gets you so when you put the Raptor the Raptor just snaps right on to this part

here you put it on there and the point is you have to try to drive up against

something to knock off the Raptor before it gets you so if you have a rock or

something you could drive right up and knock the rap drop before it eats you or

if you just want to simply drive it with the Raptor on and not have the Raptor

knock you off you have a lock switch in there and then you could drive all you

want and you don't get thrown out of the Jeep all right the action feature what

this is when you do away oh go ahead it lock that must be

okay so that's the locking position the thing is with this - once you get thrown

out looks like the Raptor got you the Jeep will stop so that makes it a lot

more realistic and this is a powerful Jeep guys I mean I was driving this out

on what dick ground up chunks of mulch it did not have a problem but anyways

let's go ahead and take off the Velociraptor this is the character that

comes with it this is Owen nothing moves on him and it does not look like : that

much it's just supposed to look like Owen from a distance but the thing is

it's in scale so you could fit there our action figures this is dinosaur trainer

Owen it's one of the action figures that come with uh you could buy it in a set

it comes with baby Velociraptor blue but as you can see he fits in there

perfectly so that's nice you could replace this generic one with real

action figures so you can see it says Jurassic Park here it's got 28 the thing

is they probably find these jeeps again in the Jurassic world - I know they do

in Jurassic world 1 they find a beat-up blonde they fix it up so anyways JP 28

but it is from the new jurassic world toys from Mattel you can see very

classic ah rubber tires the rubber tires do say

BF Goodrich on this side so they are licensed tires inside not much detail

you can see like a dashboard steering wheel this is the lock position there

and so bottom this does use a double-a batteries so that's cool and this is the

remote that comes with it and also this is the Velociraptor so the Velociraptor

comes with this clear wheel so if you're not paying attention to this thing's

movie look at its legs move it looks like it's some type of circus Dino boy

if you're not looking close and you see this moving I mean it looks almost like

this thing is actually chasing the Jeep I mean they did a really cool job with

that look at that from a distance it looks like this thing's actually chasing

the Jeep so let's take a look at that action feature one more time I'm gonna

go ahead and unlock it and OH

let's go for it ah the Raptor going you can see there that the Jeep also stopped

until you go ahead and click it back into place

and then you could go again so it does on it does it have random time so you

never know when the Raptor is going to be

okay so you guys enjoyed that video I do that over a thousand more the rep

majority are drastic world drastic park Godzilla like King Kong transformers

Power Rangers Ninja Turtles and a lot more go ahead and check out the playlist

on my channel but for more fallen Kingdom videos check out the playlist at

to this end of this video you guys are awesome and I will see you tomorrow

click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun videos also click the bell

button to be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a

lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

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For more infomation >> New Jeep Wrangler Raptor Attack Indoraptor Vs TRex Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom RC Unboxing - Duration: 13:17.


!!!!PRIMER DIRECTO DEL VERANO!!!!!!REVENTANDO en FORTNITE!!!!!Fortnite Battle Royale-Ninja

For more infomation >> !!!!PRIMER DIRECTO DEL VERANO!!!!!!REVENTANDO en FORTNITE!!!!!Fortnite Battle Royale-Ninja


Ultimas Noticias hoy - El Gobierno no puede mirar para otro lado en la campaña contra Felipe VI - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Ultimas Noticias hoy - El Gobierno no puede mirar para otro lado en la campaña contra Felipe VI - Duration: 5:28.


Boriša Falatar - uloga člana Predsjedništva BiH u 21. vijeku - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Boriša Falatar - uloga člana Predsjedništva BiH u 21. vijeku - Duration: 2:15.


Timnas INDONESIA u23 vs KOREA Selatan u23 1-2 Goals Highlights Friendly Persahabatan 23 Juni 2018 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Timnas INDONESIA u23 vs KOREA Selatan u23 1-2 Goals Highlights Friendly Persahabatan 23 Juni 2018 - Duration: 2:31.


Top 25 Mejores Canciones De Reggaeton De 2018 ★ Mix Reggaeton 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo Bad Bunny, Ozuna ... - Duration: 2:06:02.

For more infomation >> Top 25 Mejores Canciones De Reggaeton De 2018 ★ Mix Reggaeton 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo Bad Bunny, Ozuna ... - Duration: 2:06:02.


ವಾಟ್ಸ್ ಆ್ಯಪ್ ನಿಂದ ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಹಣ ಗಳಿಸಿ Earn money whatsapp kannada - Duration: 4:53.

Welcome to Tech Tricks In Kannada

In this video how to earn money from WhatsApp

Watch full video

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For more infomation >> ವಾಟ್ಸ್ ಆ್ಯಪ್ ನಿಂದ ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಹಣ ಗಳಿಸಿ Earn money whatsapp kannada - Duration: 4:53.


Liverpool transfer : Jurgen Klopp 'keeping tabs' on three Premier League defenders ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:07.

LIVERPOOL are watching three top-flight centre-backs as they look for a potential long-term partner

for Virgil van Dijk.

Jurgen Klopp has spoken highly of Dejan Lovren recently but it's believed he still wants

an upgrade on the Croatian.

And the German manager has drawn up a list of young English defenders with Premier League


Top of the list is highly-rated Newcastle captain Jamaal Lascelles.

Chelsea and Tottenham have also been linked with Lascelles following an impressive campaign

leading Rafael Benitez's side to a 10th-placed finish.

Next up is Leicester's Harry Maguire, who enjoyed an excellent season for the Foxes

after joining from Hull City.

Maguire made it on the plane to Russia and his stock has risen significantly since moving

to the King Power for £17m just 12 months ago.

Leicester will want to at least double their money, especially since Manchester City are

also keeping a close eye on the defender.

The scenario could generate another bidding war like the one which saw Southampton eventually

sell Van Dijk for £75m.

Last but not least on Klopp's list, according to the Guardian, is Burnley star and former

Brentford player James Tarkowski.

Tarkowski made Gareth Southgate's standby list for England's World Cup selection but

pulled out through injury.

The 25-year-old signed a new deal in January which runs until 2022.

Arsenal were heavily linked with Tarkowski in January, but that was while former boss

Arsene Wenger was in charge.

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer : Jurgen Klopp 'keeping tabs' on three Premier League defenders ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:07.


We're Going To Find A Treasure! | HiDino Kids Songs With Fun Stories - Duration: 2:04.

HiDino Kids Songs

Running and running and running

Running and running we are

We're running towards the X on the map

We're going to find a treasure!

Running and running and

Jumping and jumping and

jumping Jumping and jumping we are

We're jumping towards the X on the map

We're going to find a treasure!

Running and running and

Jumping and jumping and

Rolling and rolling and rolling

Rolling and rolling we are

We're rolling towards the X on the map

We're going to find a treasure!

Running and running and

Jumping and jumping and

Rolling and rolling and

Swimming and swimming and swimming

Swimming and swimming we are

We're swimming towards the X on the map

We're going to find a treasure!

Running and running and

Jumping and jumping and

Rolling and rolling and

Swimming and swimming and

Crawling and crawling and crawling

Crawling and crawling we are

We're crawling towards the X on the map

We're going to find a treasure!

Running and running and

Jumping and jumping and

Rolling and rolling and

Swimming and swimming and

Crawling and crawling and

Digging and digging and digging

Digging and digging we are

We're digging at the X on the map

We're going to find a treasure!

We ran and we ran and

We jumped and we jumped and

We rolled and we rolled and

We swam and we swam and

We crawled and we crawled and

We dug and we dug and

We found the treasure at the X on the map!

Hi there,

HiDino creates songs with fun stories for children

We hope you enjoyed our videos.

Subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> We're Going To Find A Treasure! | HiDino Kids Songs With Fun Stories - Duration: 2:04.


TOP 3 The World's RICHEST People have which CAPRICONS zodiac sign - Duration: 4:43.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> TOP 3 The World's RICHEST People have which CAPRICONS zodiac sign - Duration: 4:43.


Adulting 101: How to get out of a Rut Ep. 1 | Hair Makeover - Duration: 4:24.

Whats up everybody welcome back to my channel if you are new here whats goodie my name is

Tiffany and thank you so much for tuning in today.

In this video I redo my hair, this is not going to be a how to video i am just showing

the process that I went through to achieve the style that I have which I am trying to

keep a secret until the end of the video hence the cone head look, but thats besides the

point (lol).

I hope that you all enjoy this video and i will see you at the end with my final thoughts

I am really loving this whole Cruella Deville look this is something new that I have never

done before which is why I think I really enjoyed the process of doing my hair

this time around, unfortunately it is really hot here, this hair is very annoying and my

scalp is very itchy, so…not quite sure how long I am going to be rocking this look but

it will work for the time being and i can honesty say that doing my hair really definitely

helped a lot so this is something that I am

100% going to be implementing when ever I feel stuck and in my feelings so yea

That is all i had for this video you all , thank you so much for watching and on that note

I am about to chuck them duces and ill se you guys in my next video. Bye! 😊✌🏿

For more infomation >> Adulting 101: How to get out of a Rut Ep. 1 | Hair Makeover - Duration: 4:24.


Kia Soul 1.6 CVVT 126pk AIRCO - LMVELGEN - DEALERONDERHOUDEN - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Kia Soul 1.6 CVVT 126pk AIRCO - LMVELGEN - DEALERONDERHOUDEN - Duration: 1:05.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline | Lichtmetalen velgen | Bluetooth - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline | Lichtmetalen velgen | Bluetooth - Duration: 1:08.


Kia Sorento 2.4 GDi 192pk 7 PERSOONS - DEALERONDERHOUDEN - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Kia Sorento 2.4 GDi 192pk 7 PERSOONS - DEALERONDERHOUDEN - Duration: 1:13.


U&D, Giorgio sente la mancanza di Gemma: 'E' capace di gesti meravigliosi' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> U&D, Giorgio sente la mancanza di Gemma: 'E' capace di gesti meravigliosi' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:55.


Man Utd transfer news: Toby Alderweireld move in the balance as Jose Mourinho awaits deals - Duration: 2:25.

 Jose Mourinho is a big fan of the Belgium star and is keen on doing a deal with Tottenham this summer

 But Manchester United are worried about being held to ransom by Tottenham for a player who turns 30 next season

 United are desperate to add strength to their defence and have held talks with Spurs over a deal for Tottenham

 They did initially want to do a deal before the World Cup but it quickly became apparent that Tottenham would not negotiate easily

 Tottenham are inclined to sell this summer ahead of next season when a clause in Alderweireld's contract can be triggered and he can be signed for just £25m

 They are looking for around £60m this summer with United seeing if they can get better value elsewhere

 A lot could depend on Raphael Varane's availability at Real Madrid while Seville's French defender Clement Lenglet is another option

 Alderweireld though comes with Premier League experience and if they can get him for the right price would be a superb addition

 He would be expected to slot in alongside Eric Bailly, although he lost his place towards the end of the season with Chris Smalling and Phil Jones given runs in the team

 United have already signed midfielder Fred for £52m and Diogo Dalot to add competition in defence

 But they still want a centre-back, another midfielder and a forward. They are waiting to see on potential forward deals, with Gareth Bale an option, to weigh up how much money they have for other areas

 Varane would also be more expensive than Alderweireld but would be a younger option should Madrid decide to sell after the change of manager

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Toby Alderweireld move in the balance as Jose Mourinho awaits deals - Duration: 2:25.


Man Utd transfer news: Luka Modric revelation made by Jamie Redknapp - Duration: 3:57.

 That's according to Jamie Redknapp, who says Sir Alex Ferguson phoned his father, Harry, personally to discuss a deal for the Croatian

 Manchester United went into the 2011 showdown against Barcelona with a central midfield of Michael Carrick and Ryan Giggs

 But they were outclassed by their Spanish opponents, who had Sergio Busquets, Xavi and Andres Iniesta at their disposal

 The midfield trio shined as Barcelona ran out 3-1 winners at Wembley, thanks to goals from Pedro, Lionel Messi and David Villa

 Redknapp says Ferguson came to a realisation about the man he needed to take his United team to Barcelona's level after the defeat

 And he's lifted the lid on the phone call the United legend made as he plotted a transfer raid on Premier League rivals Tottenham

 "The day after Manchester United lost to Barcelona in the Champions League final at Wembley in 2011, my dad received a call from Sir Alex Ferguson," Redknapp told the Daily Mail

"He wanted to sign Luka Modric. "Xavi and Iniesta had raised the bar for midfielders

The best had to be players who could take the ball off either foot, dribble and pass through the lines

 "Having seen just how impressive those two were against United, Sir Alex identified Modric as the player to take his team forward

" Redknapp believes Modric showed his enduring quality in Real Madrid's Champions League final victory last month, as well as at this summer's World Cup

 "When your team are under the cosh, there is no better player to handle the pressure," Redknapp added

 "Modric is always willing to receive the ball and will keep hold of it to take the sting out of the game

That is the mark of a brave player.  "When he first came to Tottenham, the pace and intensity of the Premier League took him by surprise but he adapted quickly

 "He is now comfortable playing in a midfield two or even as a No 10. He ran the show for Real Madrid against Liverpool in last month's Champions League final and did so again to defeat Argentina

 "While Jorge Sampaoli had a team of individuals, you could see the Croatia players all pulling together with Modric at the centre

 "How far Croatia can go in Russia remains to be seen. What is certain is that any floating voters will have been convinced that Modric is a class act

" United legend Ryan Giggs believes Jose Mourinho needs a player of Modric's calibre now, as well as another defender

 "In midfield I'd like to see - we've been saying it for a long time, we thought [Paul] Pogba would be that attacking midfielder I would like to see," Giggs said

 "They don't grow on trees unfortunately, a Modric, a [Toni] Kroos type who can keep the ball

 "And also I think a centre-half we need."

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Luka Modric revelation made by Jamie Redknapp - Duration: 3:57.


Uomini e Donne, Giorgio Manetti choc: 'Ho nostalgia di Gemma Galgani' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Giorgio Manetti choc: 'Ho nostalgia di Gemma Galgani' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:19.


Gossip U&D, Sara e Luigi confermano la crisi, Lorenzo li prende in giro su Instagram | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Sara e Luigi confermano la crisi, Lorenzo li prende in giro su Instagram | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.


Man Utd transfer news: Nemanja Matic asks Sergej Milinkovic-Savic about summer move - Duration: 3:03.

 Milinkovic-Savic has emerged as a target for Jose Mourinho as he looks to add to his midfield options at Old Trafford

 Although any deal will have to wait until after the World Cup, where the Lazio ace is currently on duty with Serbia

 Matic is playing alongside Milinkovic-Savic in Russia, with the duo starters in Mladen Krstajic's midfield

 The latest reports indicate Matic is trying to get an answer out of his compatriot regarding where his future lies beyond the summer

 According to the Manchester Evening News, Matic has looked to find out how keen on a move Milinkovic-Savic is

 However, it seems Milinkovic-Savic is playing his cards close to his chest by refusing to speak at length about the matter

 That means Manchester United are not currently aware of whether the 23-year-old, who is under contract until 2022, is eager to call time on his Lazio stay

 United are said to have reservations about paying Milinkovic-Savic's £88m (€100m) price tag due to his lack of Champions League experience

 But he remains in their sights, as well as those of fellow European heavyweights Real Madrid and Juventus

 Earlier this month, Milinkovic-Savic's father revealed he has told his son to join Juventus

 "I've told him many times that Juventus would be perfect for him, the ideal club," said Nikola Milinkovic

 "In Turin there is a prestigious club with multiple trophies that has been dominating the scene for years

He'd have the opportunity to grow and improve until reaching full maturity. "After three seasons in Rome, Sergej knows the Italian championship perfectly, he has settled and integrated in a big way, he has learned the language well

 "With top quality teammates like Paulo Dybala, Douglas Costa and so forth, he could win the Scudetto, Coppa Italia and why not give an important contribution to triumph in the Champions League? "Juve always go far in that competition and if they were to win the most prestigious trophy, Sergej could even dream of the Ballon d'Or

" United, meanwhile, confirmed the signing of Fred as Michael Carrick's replacement earlier this week

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Nemanja Matic asks Sergej Milinkovic-Savic about summer move - Duration: 3:03.


(PVE & PVP ) Wanna Join In? Just Ask - Destiny 2 Gameplay Walkthrough - Duration: 32:01.

For more infomation >> (PVE & PVP ) Wanna Join In? Just Ask - Destiny 2 Gameplay Walkthrough - Duration: 32:01.


U&D, Luigi replica alle critiche: "Mio fratello è un pezzo importante della mia vita" - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> U&D, Luigi replica alle critiche: "Mio fratello è un pezzo importante della mia vita" - Duration: 3:55.


Uomini e donne, Sara e Luigi sono in crisi: lo rivela la tronista ad un magazine | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Sara e Luigi sono in crisi: lo rivela la tronista ad un magazine | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:48.


Success Doesn't Happen By Accident | Advice On Life With Tim Grover - Duration: 10:29.

we're sitting in the cab and he's counted the money and the meter gets to

I forget what the number was and my dad tells the cab driver to stop and you're

a little boy a little boy I was four years old I said stop

and we're like what's going on my dad goes hey listen we're in a new country I

want you to enjoy the scenery so we get out and grab all the luggage excuse me

I get real emotional and we're walking down the street

it's a hustle sir

you got it yeah we're walking down the street with his luggage and he's showing

us a different scenery and so forth never knew he didn't have any more money

in his pocket

but he got ya got you there that's you imagined that little boy walking down

that Street turns out to be you then amazing yeah so in those scenes into you

everyone has a dark side everybody has a dark side alright we've all been through

something alright and it's how you handle that situation determines what

kind of individual you're going to you're going to become you have

individuals that make excuses all the time I came from a broken home I didn't

have this I didn't have that and you got other individuals that take that hey my

mom raised me or my dad raised me and they take that as as motivation as power

to say watch me I'm going to show you okay I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna let

that hold me back it's not it's not annex it's not an excuse that's your

that's your dark side so if you keep telling yourself over and over again all

right you start to believe it but once you start to believe it you got to

figure out the path to make it happen you know and most people you know

they'll tell themselves something but then when they got to go through that

path that path is not straight okay usually that path goes down first yes

okay and I have a saying I said you know the road to paradise starts in hell yeah

it Louis that's what that's where it starts alright so many people are

willing to do that no they're not you know what here's the thing I deliver a

different message you did I deal with it just a new one that's a it's a truth and

I deal with reality you know what happens people don't want to hear the

truth they don't want to deal with the reality and it's funny you know we

idolize individuals you know we want to sit here and we want to be part of the

right clique we want to be part of the right for a fraternity sorority we make

sure you get invited to the right party your kids have to be in this social

group and who's the people we idolize most the ones that stand alone

oh my gosh it's so good that's the ones that's the ones we idolize are the ones

that we stand alone but you're so worried about worrying about what this

person says and what this person thinks if you really really think about it look

at your circle look at your entourage okay

you think they're helping you the majority of them are holding you back

but the thing is they all have the same thing in common where they're never sat

they're never satisfied alright whatever they do it's not it's

not good enough you know when you talk listen you know when you know Wayne

glint gray you sit there he could not tell you his top ten scoring goals but

he could tell you the top three he missed

gosh that's true but she could tell you the top three that he missed they don't

think about listen Muhammad Ali hey when he gets in the ring I'm supposed to

knock the guy alright that's my job I'm not supposed to lose I'm not supposed to

lose Michael Jordan hey girl listen I'm supposed to score points I'm supposed to

get rebounds I'm supposed to make my teammates better I'm not supposed to

turn the ball over I'm not supposed to create files I'm not supposed to miss

free-throws those are the things that stick with them everyone wants a pat on

their back for doing the things that they're supposed to do yeah okay that's

it everybody hey they want to get acknowledged with things they're

supposed to do you get somebody that applies for an application for a job you

know first thing on the resume I'm a hard worker

that's what that's that's your top thing that's what you're starting with okay

you know what you know what I'm wrong I'm looking for the person on the resume

that says I'm the most laziest person that's a person I'm supposed to I'm

supposed to hire right at some point in life hard work became a skill I don't

understand this freaking true they don't understand what I must have slept

through that day because I missed it I don't

don't get it but everyone no one wants no one wants to glide yeah they just

want the end result you can't get the end result without the grind it might

not be a physical grind but it's sure in Hell it's going to be a mental break

what is there a difference at all just curious who's work with both of them

just a sports think he indulge me what is a difference between Kobe and shorten

was there a difference in the two because there's tons of similarities is

there a difference in the two I always say this call be worked out harder

Michael worked out smarter is that ready yes with they both they were extremely

hard but Michael was always Michael was always smile Kobe was it was this

constant push push push push and he had to kind of even when you reel them in

all right you'd get a call it you get a call at 3:00 a.m. in the morning he said

what are you doing it's 3:00 a.m. I'm sleeping that's what you should be doing

right let's go back to the gym really all right and I'm like no it's

really not a good idea well here's the thing even if I tell him it's not a good

idea I still got to go to the gym cuz he's gonna show up at the gym no kidding

yeah he's no no he's gonna freak he's gonna she's gonna show up at the gym

were they the two hardest workers yes you know your most successful

individuals it doesn't happen by accident right it doesn't you listen

there's a lot of talented people that succeed at nothing mm-hmm and absolutely

nothing now when you have that individual that's talented you have that

individual that knows how to work hard all right and they have the intelligence

okay and this is key this is key because this is what's missing now with

individuals all right you have the talent you have the intelligence all

right you know how to compete you don't have

the resiliency the resiliency you don't have that what failure comes kicking it

comes your kicking your ass yeah all right you you crumble and you

feel all right Crum what you gotta have that resiliency

over and over again but at some point that resiliency has got to turn into

something a cleaner is an individual that's going

to get you that end result over and over again no matter what's thrown at him mmm

it doesn't matter what the circumstances are what crisis they have going on at

work what crisis they have going on at home they know how to separate the two

they're going to get you that end result not one time not two times but over and

over again because what they did before doesn't matter is that one of the traits

of a clear they can repeat it they it's one of the most important traits the two

most important traits of a cleaner is one they can do it many many times you

repeat over and over again and this is the most difficult one is can they

elevate the individuals arrival which is the most difficult you have a lot of

players you're dealing in sports you have a lot of people in business they're

successful for themselves yeah okay or the team they put up great numbers but

the team never wins all right it's funny a person that wants to be a cleaner they

they kind of show themselves I agree okay they kind of show they're not the

ones hiding they're not the ones constantly celebrating they're the ones

that you know they're the ones that show up early they're the ones that live

there are the ones that leave late but it's not just a body you get people that

say oh listen I got it you know you don't have to work you don't have to

work harder you got to work smarter no hole right you got to work harder and

you got to work smarter you got to do both of them that's not a substitute

you're not substituting one so when you find those individuals they're the ones

that come in they're not they're not easily distracted all right they come in

they ask for more work they're the ones you want to put they're the ones that

are asking for pressure situations they're you know they're the ones that

are not always set they're not the ones that are always celebrating they're not

worried about when you criticize them or when you give them feedback think I got

it and they're going to improve themselves and they constantly show you

show that here's the end result don't settle for watches don't settle for cars

don't settle for houses settle for timepieces settle for automobiles and

settle for these states oh good anybody can own a watch anybody

can drive a car anybody can live in a half anybody can

live in a house all right but if you really want to set some goals and you're

willing to do what it takes and sacrifice to push yourself around there

and not worried about what everybody else is gonna say not worried about

hurting feelings okay this is no BS and this is this isn't about feelings

because I always say this emotions make you weak okay

and a lot of people attack people's emotions cuz that's weight thing you

know they can control you if they can control you I think think bigger

think that don't think homes think estates don't think cars think

automobiles don't think watches think timepieces are because like what you

said there's the wave it all starts with a thought

For more infomation >> Success Doesn't Happen By Accident | Advice On Life With Tim Grover - Duration: 10:29.


No way i'm having black bob hair? หัวเห็ดผมดำ? - Duration: 4:28.

The lightning is so bad guy

Did I just say lightning?

I'm so sorry You know what

just ignore it Yeah Yeah

I'm gonna record anyway

so today

I'm gonna be doing my hair

Yeah guys I'm going to do my hair today

If you can tell by my title

and because I'm blond right now

The reasons why I'm wearing cap because

I didn't watch my hair for like 5 days

it's so frizzy it's like oily

It just I can't

I know I'm going to salon today

I'm just like you know what I'm not washing my hair

I'm not washing my hair I'm gonna let her wash

because I'm paying for it so I'm just like

let her do it I'm not doing it

I'm gonna be travelling for like an hour

cuz my salon is far away

I keep saying SAlon instead of saLON

so y'all already know English is not

my first language and Thai is my first language

so I'm sorry I apologize

and I appreciate it

Y'all watching my video

I love y'all so much

my outfit is so comfy


and let's see how it goes

I'm just here editing my video

and realizing how BEAUTIFUL Thailand is and


I love my country I'm so proud of it

/Thai anthem/

Y'all should come over come visit me

I'll be your guide

Do y'all ready for

I'm back

and I'm black hair

What do you think?

because I don't really know what I think

I dyed my hair black guys

I know it's kinda weird

because I don't really

know what to think

so the reasons why I dyed my hair black

because I needa go to Thai school which is

I have to wear uniform and dye my hair black

It is what it is

I hope you guys like it too

I don't really know what to think

okay It's like a wig

I wanna take it out tho

but this is my real hair

I can't take it out

it's my real hair

maybe y'all don't like it

Do I look like Kylie Jenner?


I just licked my finger

Yeah Thank y'all for watching

and I love y'all to the moon and back

I give you a BIG heart






For more infomation >> No way i'm having black bob hair? หัวเห็ดผมดำ? - Duration: 4:28.


Arsenal transfer news: Gunners exit revelation - 'It's not about the money' - Duration: 3:20.

 Sagna spent seven years on the books at the Emirates after joining the Gunners from French side Auxerre

 And during his spell in north London he racked up 284 first-team appearances, as well as helping his side win the FA Cup

 Sagna quit Arsenal for Premier League rivals City when his contract expired at the end of June 2014

 The 35-year-old has now lifted the lid on his decision to swap the Emirates for the Etihad - a choice which drew criticism at the time

 "Many people didn't understand why I left but I'm going to clear this up one more time," he told Arsenal's official website

 "It's not about the money because I stayed with Arsenal for six years on the same contract, I never asked for anything

 "I just needed a new challenge and I needed to challenge myself and I think it was the right time for me to leave and when I eventually did it was really difficult because Pablo Zabaleta was one of the main players of the team and the first year was quite difficult for me, but I kept training hard and during the second year I was one of the players who played the most and I think I did well

 "During the second year I went to the European Championships and we reached the final against Portugal and we lost unfortunately

 "Then I came back a bit tired and I got injured last year. I had a good four years but I always kept an eye on the team

" Sagna was released by Manchester City last summer and endured a six-month wait before he was picked up by Serie A strugglers Benevento

 He's opened up on his plans for the future, with a move into management looking unlikely

 "Now I've got some thinking to do with my agent," added Sagna. "I still want to play and I think I still have a few years left in me but once I retire, I'm not sure being a manager will suit me because I'm too nice

 "It will make me sad to put one player out of the team, so more agent maybe because of what I've been through over the past year

 "I think I've seen a lot about football and it's not football that I imaged when I was a kid

 "I think the past year was very interesting for me because I learned a lot. "Even at 34 I saw some stuff - crazy stuff - and I don't want young kids and young players to go through that process

 "Maybe being an agent I will try to give my experience to them and advise them as best as possible to help them avoid making the same mistakes I did


For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Gunners exit revelation - 'It's not about the money' - Duration: 3:20.


Krewella - Mine (Lyrics) feat. BKAYE - Duration: 2:45.


For more infomation >> Krewella - Mine (Lyrics) feat. BKAYE - Duration: 2:45.


SW Ersätta färgen på objekt i en bild färgersättning photoshop - Duration: 1:10.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about.

Replace the color of objects in an image.

Select the object you want to change.

In the Adjustments panel, click the Hue/Saturation icon.The selection becomes a mask on the adjustment layer.

In the Properties panel, change Hue and Saturation settings to replace the object's color.

If the original color tints the new color, select Colorize, and readjust settings.

If necessary, enlarge or reduce the affected area by painting on the mask with white or black.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> SW Ersätta färgen på objekt i en bild färgersättning photoshop - Duration: 1:10.


Honda FR-V 1.8i V-TEC - LIFESTYLE - 6 persoon - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Honda FR-V 1.8i V-TEC - LIFESTYLE - 6 persoon - Duration: 1:08.


Belgium 3 1 Tunisia I World Cup 2018 I first half - Duration: 5:38.

GOAL! Belgium 2-0 Tunisia (Lukaku 16).The in-form Lukaku makes it two! He's sent racing down the inside-left channel by Mertens

He takes a touch to his left, then slams a low shot into the bottom right through the legs of Syam Ben Youssef

Easy, easy.GOAL! Belgium 2-1 Tunisia (Bronn 18).Tunisia hit back immediately! A free kick for Tunisia on the left

Khazri curls in. Bronn rises highest and glances one into the bottom right! That was pretty simple too

What a start to this game!.19 min: It's so nearly 3-1. The ball comes into the Tunisian box from the Belgian right

Meunier's deep cross is met by Carrasco, coming in from the other flank. He pearls a half-volley towards the right

Ben Mustapha parries. Mertens can't convert the rebound. And breathe! Is there time to breathe?

23 min: This has been gloriously entertaining so far. But the momentum comes crashing to a sickening halt as the Tunisian goalscorer Bronn turns his knee in the turf

He's in severe pain, and is carted off on a stretcher, minutes after the joy of scoring a goal in the World Cup finals

Sport can be so cruel.27 min: De Bruyne sends Lukaku free down the inside right. The striker should enter the box and get a shot away, but he takes a heavy touch

Instead he's put off by the advancing Ben Mustapha, who ushers him wide right and out of play for a goal kick

Lukaku goes over after a slight brush from the keeper, but he's barely fallen to the turf before he sportingly sticks a palm up to signal he's not claiming for a penalty

That's lovely to see.30 min: Khazri tries for goal while wide on the right. It's that sort of game

31 min: Now Sassi drags a shot wide left from 20 yards. This is really fine entertainment! Here's Hubert O'Hearn: "I guess Roberto Martinez heard that this is the lowest scoring World Cup since 2002 and said, hold Belgium's greatest export

9-8 anyone?".33 min: Meunier crosses low from the right. Ben Mustapha should claim easily, but nearly spills it at the feet of Mertens

This game of football is absurdly open, and what could possibly be wrong with that? I'm beginning to have a rough idea what the 1954 World Cup felt like

35 min: Lukaku was down getting a bit of treatment back there. A bit of spray on the foot, and a slight worry for Belgium

39 min: De Bruyne has been relatively quiet. He tries to spring Lukaku free down the inside-left channel, but his pass forward is always going through to Ben Mustapha

Up the other end, Fakhreddine Ben Youssef chests down and attempts to Le Tissier a volley into the top right

It's an admirable effort, but always going high and wide.41 min: Tunisia are forced into another substitution

Syam Ben Youssef has picked up a knock, and he's carted off on the stretcher too

Benalouane replaces him. That's half of Tunisia's back line carried off, and we haven't even reached the break

GOAL! Belgium 3-1 Tunisia (Lukaku 45+3).The free-scoring Lukaku gets another! The excellent Meunier glides in from the right, draws a couple of defenders, then dinks a pass through for Lukaku, down the inside-right

Lukaku draws Ben Mustapha and clips the ball over the keeper. Simple but beautiful

For more infomation >> Belgium 3 1 Tunisia I World Cup 2018 I first half - Duration: 5:38.


M jak miłość. Iza i Kinga siostrami? Nie uwierzycie co je łączy! - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość. Iza i Kinga siostrami? Nie uwierzycie co je łączy! - Duration: 1:55.


Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive Cool ( Rijklaarprijs ) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive Cool ( Rijklaarprijs ) - Duration: 1:04.


Opel Corsa 1.2I-16V ONYX NAP / Stuur bekr. / Centr. Vergr. / El. Ramen / El. Spiegels / LM Velgen - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2I-16V ONYX NAP / Stuur bekr. / Centr. Vergr. / El. Ramen / El. Spiegels / LM Velgen - Duration: 1:00.


「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ Despacito ✗ New Rules ✗ Rockabye ✗ Swalla and MORE (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 2:13.

「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ Despacito ✗ New Rules ✗ Rockabye ✗ Swalla and MORE (Switching Vocal)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ Despacito ✗ New Rules ✗ Rockabye ✗ Swalla and MORE (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 2:13.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Business Automaat.Navi.Panorama.Camera - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Business Automaat.Navi.Panorama.Camera - Duration: 1:14.


Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.0I TOURING Trekhaak - ECC - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.0I TOURING Trekhaak - ECC - Duration: 0:50.


Citroën C1 1.0i 5-drs Collection Airco/LED/BT - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0i 5-drs Collection Airco/LED/BT - Duration: 1:11.


"Bloccare i porti sconfigge i trafficanti In Libia centri moderni per i controlli" - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> "Bloccare i porti sconfigge i trafficanti In Libia centri moderni per i controlli" - Duration: 2:57.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION AUTOMAAT Trekhaak | Camera | Cimate Control | Navigatie | Nu met - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION AUTOMAAT Trekhaak | Camera | Cimate Control | Navigatie | Nu met - Duration: 0:54.


KTO KOGO KOPIUJE? - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> KTO KOGO KOPIUJE? - Duration: 12:08.


[ENG SUB] Dimash: Restart my love 重启爱情 mv (version 2) - Duration: 3:56.

Since the time you said "Thank you"

I have not been able to let go

I am willing to give up everything

for a chance to meet again

The hurt is so intense

A feeling I have never experienced before

Perhaps I will love again

But it will no longer be you

The thought of letting go is unbearable

The hurt you gave will never heal

Only this one chance in life

For you, I will give my all

Hold me tight. Don't let me go

Allow me to hang on to your love

Pretending to reach an unreachable distance

Bearing doubts like never before

Time be my witness.

This obstinance is only to restart my love

Perhaps I will embrace again

But it will no longer be you

The thought of letting go is unbearable

The hurt you gave will never heal

Only this one chance in life

I will give my all to hold on to the memories

Hold me tight. Don't let me go

Allow me to hang on to your love

Cherishing my obsession with you

Proud to stand against tragedies

Time be my witness. I swear to be by your side

Please have no doubts

Stay away from rumors and hearsay

We have chosen each other. I will not run away

Determined to never let you cry again

But at the end, reality has chosen remorse

Hold me tight. Don't let me go

Let me hang on to your love

Cherishing my obsession with you

Proud to stand against tragedies

Time be my witness

This obstinance is only to

restart my love

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Dimash: Restart my love 重启爱情 mv (version 2) - Duration: 3:56.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i Terra Airco - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i Terra Airco - Duration: 1:02.


Volvo V40 2.0I Sports Edition Navigator - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0I Sports Edition Navigator - Duration: 0:53.


Aitana, Cepeda, Maestro Joao o Lara Álvarez dan la bienvenida al verano en la Summer Party 2018 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Aitana, Cepeda, Maestro Joao o Lara Álvarez dan la bienvenida al verano en la Summer Party 2018 - Duration: 3:05.


✅ Rafa Brites radicaliza o visual, passa a tesoura e comenta: "Me deu a louca" - Duration: 2:49.

 Ex-Vídeo Show e Mais Você, Rafa Brites decidiu mudar radicalmente o seu visual e passou a tesoura reduzindo o comprimento das madeixas para menos da metade

 A apresentadora abandonou os fios longos e adotou o corte estilo chanel em um salão de beleza em Ipanema, zona sul do Rio de Janeiro

 "Me deu a louca, gente, e eu vou acabar com esse cabelo", disse a mulher de antes de deixar o cabeleireiro "passar a tesoura" no salão de beleza

 Em dia de jogo, ela estava vestida com uma camisa da seleção brasileira, e foi acompanhada do filho, Rocco, e da irmã, Lu Brites

"Trouxe a minha irmã, minha apoiadora oficial, e vou picotar tudo esse negócio. Cansei! Cansei!", falou

 + Deus Salve o Rei: Catarina planeja morte de Diana e Amália toma atitude  Após a mudança, Rafa Brites divulgou o resultado em seu perfil no Instagram: "Um belo dia resolvi…", legendou ela

Seguidoras famosas elogiaram a transformação. "Bem-vinda ao clube dos cabelos curtos!", parabenizou a atriz anã Juliana Caldas

"Vai viciar! você vai ver… deve ter ficado mais linda ainda!", comentou Monica Benini, mulher de Junior Lima, irmão de Sandy

   Em entrevista para o programa TV Fama, , marido de Rafa e também apresentador da Globo, resolveu falar e comentou a decisão da mulher

"Essa é uma decisão dela, da equipe do Vídeo Show, foi um negócio pensado, ela já sabia o que estava fazendo", contou

 "A galera gosta de ficar inventando, criando assunto onde não tem, mas enfim eu sei a pessoa que a Rafa é, como ela lida com as coisas, sempre com muita ética, muita honestidade, com muito cuidado, muito carinho e é o jeito que ela é

Tudo que ela fez na vida dela foi assim, inclusive a saída do Vídeo Show", acrescentou Andreoli, que apresenta o Esporte Espetacular ao lado de Fernanda Gentil

For more infomation >> ✅ Rafa Brites radicaliza o visual, passa a tesoura e comenta: "Me deu a louca" - Duration: 2:49.


O Raajaathi Raajan Video Song | Manal Kayiru 2 Video Songs | Ashwin Video Songs | Poorna Video Songs - Duration: 3:21.

"Call all eligible princes duly"

"I'll break their hearts easily with my beauty surely"

"Ask him to 'will' me 1/2 his kingdom's treasury"

"Under my eyes' sway ask him to be my slave"

"Our earth will diligently revolve around me"

"As a forest sprite carefree I went on this boon spree"

"Aw! My lightning speed Oh! My quickening need"

"Who will tick the wish list of this pretty miss?"

"Who the hell 24x7 will make your life a heaven?"

"Whose son is he? What will he do, dear me?!"

"How will he tackle trapped in this shackle?"

"Whose son is he? Where does he work, tell me?"

"How will he manage this mad marriage?"

"She can be the princess from wherever"

"It is no big deal to me; whatever"

"Ask her to meet me face to face bravely"

"Under my eyes' sway ask her to be my slave"

"I need a girl made for me"

"I will live only with her happily"

"Aw! My lightning speed Oh! My quickening need"

"Who will tick his wish list?"

"Who the hell 24x7 will make your life a heaven?"

"Whose daughter is she?"

"Where does she work, tell me?"

"How will she tackle trapped in this shackle?"

"All the princes I assure you are your slaves true"

"You broke my heart truly with your beauty, my lovely"

"Head to toe I surrendered In a dizzy spell I was suspended"

"My heart desires to hold your hand and live as one in this land"

"Whose child is this darling? What is he doing?"

"How will he tackle trapped in this shackle?"

"How will she bear this bond forever?"

"Awful or awesome off-spring?"

"What does (s)he do for a living?"

"Is it a curse or bliss? How will (s)he cope with this?"

For more infomation >> O Raajaathi Raajan Video Song | Manal Kayiru 2 Video Songs | Ashwin Video Songs | Poorna Video Songs - Duration: 3:21.


Como plantar Berinjelas - Tour no Beco das Berinjelas / How to plant Eggplant - Eggplant Alley Tour - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> Como plantar Berinjelas - Tour no Beco das Berinjelas / How to plant Eggplant - Eggplant Alley Tour - Duration: 6:39.


Kontuzja polskiego piłkarza! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kontuzja polskiego piłkarza! - Duration: 1:01.


Este remedio casero es la cura para la visión borrosa - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Este remedio casero es la cura para la visión borrosa - Duration: 4:20.


WEREWOLF IN A GIRL'S DORMITORY | Lycanthropus | Barbara Lass | Full Length Horror Movie | English - Duration: 1:22:39.

For more infomation >> WEREWOLF IN A GIRL'S DORMITORY | Lycanthropus | Barbara Lass | Full Length Horror Movie | English - Duration: 1:22:39.



For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of NORTH CAROLINA! DOJ JUST LAID DOWN THE HAMMER!!! - Duration: 1:59.


Botafogo deve anunciar Marcos Paquetá no fim de semana|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Botafogo deve anunciar Marcos Paquetá no fim de semana|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:25.


GRAND DAY Story #7 | Danmachi Memoria Freese | EN/ES - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> GRAND DAY Story #7 | Danmachi Memoria Freese | EN/ES - Duration: 8:21.


5 alimentos que no deberías guardar en un tupper de plástico - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> 5 alimentos que no deberías guardar en un tupper de plástico - Duration: 5:55.


El 'pisacharcos' Jaime Peñafiel sube el tono contra la Casa Real con un despiadado ataque contra .. - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> El 'pisacharcos' Jaime Peñafiel sube el tono contra la Casa Real con un despiadado ataque contra .. - Duration: 1:46.


Jarosław Bieniuk Próbuje Odzyskać Martynę Gliwińską. Jego Komentarze Są Jednoznaczne - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Jarosław Bieniuk Próbuje Odzyskać Martynę Gliwińską. Jego Komentarze Są Jednoznaczne - Duration: 2:46.


New Jeep Wrangler Raptor Attack Indoraptor Vs TRex Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom RC Unboxing - Duration: 13:17.

watch what happens and the mercenaries come face-to-face with the giant t-rex

and endure raptor or will they survive keep watching to find out okay when the

volcano is exploding we gotta save the dinos but we got a group of mercenaries

here that are shooting the dinos and trying to destroy them we gotta get a

New Jeep Wrangler Raptor Attack Indoraptor Vs TRex Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom RC Unboxing

only good chance to rescue

look it's a keep little baby t-rex I'm gonna wipe this guy out

turns another one look it's one of those Peter dinos yeah down down I will get

this one

we're little Dino give me your little guy clear so you wipe you out


who are you Jim I heard something out here Jim

we got em all wiped out we got them would be if I don't move

okay the other guys are not reporting in I guess they took off well should be

safe enough now let's have walk around yeah there wasn't even any big diners

around never gonna catch me just get me out again you're never gonna get me okay

rescued Balu time to get out of here I wonder whatever happened to those other

guys huh something must've got here damn rifle flying the way

I walk dinosaur am going hunting for dinosaur toys in my favor wishing store

says the best store in the world come along with me and check it out what are

we gonna buy today the Jeep Wrangler Raptor attack this is the Jeep Wrangler

Raptor attack control cool it says chase oh so long looks totally

awesome this says a raptor is on the attack can you escape from the path of

destruction and make it to safety so works with figures Raptor chases you

it says knock the raptor off before the attack

whoa let's check out what's inside okay this is what's in the box before I open

anything you've got to grab through the Jeep a remote control and a set of

instructions cool

let's check out the action feature on this classic Jurassic Park jeep up close

it is came out with Jurassic world but it does say Jurassic Park on the gene

but anyways if you press forward see the Raptor attack and at different times

this seat will lift and throw going out so it looks almost like the Raptor god

but one of the point is you have to knock the Raptor off before it actually

gets you so when you put the Raptor the Raptor just snaps right on to this part

here you put it on there and the point is you have to try to drive up against

something to knock off the Raptor before it gets you so if you have a rock or

something you could drive right up and knock the rap drop before it eats you or

if you just want to simply drive it with the Raptor on and not have the Raptor

knock you off you have a lock switch in there and then you could drive all you

want and you don't get thrown out of the Jeep all right the action feature what

this is when you do away oh go ahead it lock that must be

okay so that's the locking position the thing is with this - once you get thrown

out looks like the Raptor got you the Jeep will stop so that makes it a lot

more realistic and this is a powerful Jeep guys I mean I was driving this out

on what dick ground up chunks of mulch it did not have a problem but anyways

let's go ahead and take off the Velociraptor this is the character that

comes with it this is Owen nothing moves on him and it does not look like : that

much it's just supposed to look like Owen from a distance but the thing is

it's in scale so you could fit there our action figures this is dinosaur trainer

Owen it's one of the action figures that come with uh you could buy it in a set

it comes with baby Velociraptor blue but as you can see he fits in there

perfectly so that's nice you could replace this generic one with real

action figures so you can see it says Jurassic Park here it's got 28 the thing

is they probably find these jeeps again in the Jurassic world - I know they do

in Jurassic world 1 they find a beat-up blonde they fix it up so anyways JP 28

but it is from the new jurassic world toys from Mattel you can see very

classic ah rubber tires the rubber tires do say

BF Goodrich on this side so they are licensed tires inside not much detail

you can see like a dashboard steering wheel this is the lock position there

and so bottom this does use a double-a batteries so that's cool and this is the

remote that comes with it and also this is the Velociraptor so the Velociraptor

comes with this clear wheel so if you're not paying attention to this thing's

movie look at its legs move it looks like it's some type of circus Dino boy

if you're not looking close and you see this moving I mean it looks almost like

this thing is actually chasing the Jeep I mean they did a really cool job with

that look at that from a distance it looks like this thing's actually chasing

the Jeep so let's take a look at that action feature one more time I'm gonna

go ahead and unlock it and OH

let's go for it ah the Raptor going you can see there that the Jeep also stopped

until you go ahead and click it back into place

and then you could go again so it does on it does it have random time so you

never know when the Raptor is going to be

okay so you guys enjoyed that video I do that over a thousand more the rep

majority are drastic world drastic park Godzilla like King Kong transformers

Power Rangers Ninja Turtles and a lot more go ahead and check out the playlist

on my channel but for more fallen Kingdom videos check out the playlist at

to this end of this video you guys are awesome and I will see you tomorrow

click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun videos also click the bell

button to be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a

lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jeep Wrangler Raptor Attack Indoraptor Vs TRex Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom RC Unboxing - Duration: 13:17.


Olga Krzyżanowska nie żyje. Miała 88 lat - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Olga Krzyżanowska nie żyje. Miała 88 lat - Duration: 2:10.


Adulting 101: How to get out of a Rut Ep. 1 | Hair Makeover - Duration: 4:24.

Whats up everybody welcome back to my channel if you are new here whats goodie my name is

Tiffany and thank you so much for tuning in today.

In this video I redo my hair, this is not going to be a how to video i am just showing

the process that I went through to achieve the style that I have which I am trying to

keep a secret until the end of the video hence the cone head look, but thats besides the

point (lol).

I hope that you all enjoy this video and i will see you at the end with my final thoughts

I am really loving this whole Cruella Deville look this is something new that I have never

done before which is why I think I really enjoyed the process of doing my hair

this time around, unfortunately it is really hot here, this hair is very annoying and my

scalp is very itchy, so…not quite sure how long I am going to be rocking this look but

it will work for the time being and i can honesty say that doing my hair really definitely

helped a lot so this is something that I am

100% going to be implementing when ever I feel stuck and in my feelings so yea

That is all i had for this video you all , thank you so much for watching and on that note

I am about to chuck them duces and ill se you guys in my next video. Bye! 😊✌🏿

For more infomation >> Adulting 101: How to get out of a Rut Ep. 1 | Hair Makeover - Duration: 4:24.



For more infomation >> EXPLOSIVE BUTT COM LAUREN SIMPSON!! - Duration: 10:39.


Justyna Steczkowska komentuje utratę prawa jazdy. Ma pretensje do policji. "Jestem zdruzgotana" [Wi - Duration: 2:43.

Justyna Steczkowska straciła prawo jazdy na 3 miesiące. W piątek została zatrzymana przez patrol policji w okolicach Grodziska Mazowieckiego

Według doniesień przekroczyła prędkość w terenie zabudowanym o 64 km. Funkcjonariusze ukarali ją mandatem i odebrali prawo jazdy

Justyna Steczkowska komentuje utratę prawa jazdyWokalistka początkowo nie chciała udzielać mediom komentarzy

Ostatecznie zabrała jednak głos na Instagramie. W obszernym oświadczeniu potwierdziła doniesienia

Przyznała, że pechowego dnia zaspała i spieszyła się do sądu, z tego powodu znacznie przekroczyła prędkość

MOJA WINA. Kochani! Jak zapewne zdążyliście się już od wszystkich dowiedzieć straciłam prawo jazdy na trzy miesiące za przekroczenie prędkości

Należało mi się. Spieszyłam się do sądu, ale to mój problem, że zaspałam. Przyjęłam mandat bez żadnych dyskusji, byłam miła dla pana policjanta, który uczciwie wykonywał swoją pracę

W ten sposób dołączyłam do 100 tysięcy Polaków, którzy po zaostrzeniu prawa z tego samego powodu co ja stracili prawo jazdy

Nie można nikogo za to winić, bo prawo jest prawem i dla dobra ogółu należy go przestrzegać

W dalszej części wywodu Justyna Steczkowska stwierdza jednak, że czuje się "zdruzgotana", ale nie utratą prawa jazdy, a faktem, że sprawa tak szybko trafiła do mediów

Wokalistka uznała, że została potraktowana jak "obywatel gorszej kategorii", co wywołało "falę hejtu" na jej osobę

Niestety czuję się zdruzgotana, że Komenda Powiatowa Policji w Grodzisku Mazowieckim bezpardonowo złamała chroniące KAŻDEGO OBYWATELA prawo (Art

13 Prawo prasowe) dzwoniąc na Gorącą Linię radia RMF FM i robiąc sensację z tego, że mnie złapano i powodując faję hejtu na moją osobę

Jak mam się czuć w kraju, w którym uczciwie płacę podatki, NIGDY nie byłam karana, brałam udział w niezliczonej ilości akcji charytatywnych, a pomimo tego traktuje się mnie jak obywatela gorszej kategorii, tylko dlatego, że jestem artystą (patrz

osobą ogólnie znaną z racji wykonywanego zawodu). I robi to POLICJA - stróż prawa opłacany z NASZYCH PODATKÓW

Justyna Steczkowska jesienią wydaje nową płytęWokalistka ma pretensje nie tylko do policji, ale też do mediów, że mniej chętnie piszą o jej koncertach i sukcesach zawodowych

Przypomniała, że jesienią wydaje nową płytę. Czekacie na nowe dokonania muzyczne Justyny Steczkowskiej?Justyna Steczkowska na egzotycznych wakacjach chwali się ciałem w bikini

Wygląda fenomenalnie!WJ

For more infomation >> Justyna Steczkowska komentuje utratę prawa jazdy. Ma pretensje do policji. "Jestem zdruzgotana" [Wi - Duration: 2:43.


¡Paren todo! Encontrar tu pasión no siempre significa la clave del éxito - Duration: 5:41.

Nos han vendido la idea de que seguir nuestra pasión es la fórmula mágica para encontrar el éxito, tal vez supiste cuál era tu vocación desde pequeño,  quizá has pasado gran parte de tu vida sin encontrar  tu pasión, de hecho, muchas personas la descubren hasta la edad adulta,  no importa, porque la Universidad de Stanford asegura que 'encontrar tu  pasión'  es sólo una verdad a medias

El  nuevo estudio realizado por psicólogos de la universidad, examinó  las implicaciones ocultas de seguir como caballos con anteojeras rumbo a  una sola meta, confiando solamente en los gustos, intereses y habilidades de las personas, determinando que esa, en lugar de ser una herramienta para triunfar, es una limitante en esta vida moderna

Y es que si bien es cierto que el éxito es tan relativo como la verdad, esta investigación liderada por los psicólogos Carol Dweck, Gregory Walton así como  el ex becario postdoctoral Paul O'Keefe, sugiere que el verdadero secreto no reside en encontrar  tu pasión, sino en desarrollarla

De tal forma que las personas que persiguen el éxito con el puro instinto de sus intereses, sólo encontrarán fracaso al toparse con desafíos  que los lleven a un sesgo, minimizando sus competencias  e inevitablemente  los conducirán  a renunciar a sus objetivos

En cambio, será más fácil encontrar el éxito, para las personas que complementen su pasión con algunas otras vocaciones y/o  disciplinas que enriquezcan el oficio o profesión

La educación no  reemplaza los intereses personales,  aun cuando las personas pasen de 15 a 25 años escolarizados, no hay garantía de que en el aula se encuentre la verdadera pasión

Pero entonces, ¿Son los intereses cualidades fijas que están intrínsecamente ahí, solo esperando a ser descubiertas? ¿O son cualidades de interés que requieren tiempo y esfuerzo para desarrollarse? Los investigadores  realizaron una serie de cinco experimentos con 470 voluntarios, para comprobar la teoría previa de la psicóloga Dweck, sobre la mentalidad fija frente a la inteligencia de crecimiento, donde explica que los estudiantes con una mentalidad  fija,  creen que sus habilidades básicas, su inteligencia y su talento, son sólo rasgos de su personalidad, a comparación de una mente de crecimiento que permitirá a una persona a vivir una vida menos estresante y de más éxito

En la primera serie de experimentos, los investigadores reclutaron a un grupo de estudiantes que identificaron como "techie" y  "fuzzy"  donde estudiantes interesados ​​en temas científicos eran los (techie) frente a las artes y humanidades (fuzzy)

Los investigadores hicieron que los dos grupos de estudiantes leyeran dos artículos, uno relacionado con la tecnología y el otro relacionado con las humanidades

Para su sorpresa, notaron que ciertos estudiantes que tenían una mentalidad fija,  o una 'pasión' en concreto, se mostraban menos abiertos a un artículo que estaba fuera de su área de interés, por lo que concluyeron que seguir una meta consolidada, no siempre será lo mejor

Al respecto, el profesor de psicología en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de Stanford y becario de la Universidad Michael Forman en Pregrado en Educación,  Gregory Walton, comprobó que una inteligencia fija, sesga la oportunidad de desarrollar otras habilidades que complementen la vocación

"Muchos avances en las ciencias y los negocios suceden cuando las personas unen diferentes campos, cuando las personas ven conexiones novedosas entre campos que quizás no se habían visto antes", afirmó

Por su parte, el psicólogo O'Keefe  agregó que "En un mundo cada vez más interdisciplinario, una mentalidad de crecimiento puede potencialmente llevar a este tipo de innovación, como ver cómo se pueden fusionar las artes y las ciencias"

Mientras que  Walton concluyó que "Si eres demasiado limitado y estás comprometido con un área, eso podría impedir que desarrolles intereses y la experiencia que necesites para unir ese trabajo", Pero ojo, no se trata de convertirse en multitask, sino de tener una especialidad con conocimientos de otras ramas que aporten a nuestro desarrollo, desempeño y competitividad

Por ejemplo, si entre tantas profesiones, tu pasión es lógico-matemática, quizá te enfoques tanto a  obtener la Medalla Fields (Medalla internacional para descubrimientos sobresalientes en Matemáticas) que dejas a un lado las habilidades para escribir un libro

Así mismo, con el resto de los experimentos detectaron que aun cuando los intereses personales sean geniunos, al momento de toparse con una serie de desafíos, la reacción más frecuente es abandonar la disciplina, por considerar que no se tienen las habilidades

"Tomados en conjunto, aquellos que respaldan una teoría de crecimiento pueden tener creencias más realistas sobre la búsqueda de intereses, lo que puede ayudarlos a mantener el compromiso a medida que el material se vuelve más complejo y desafiante"

Concluye el estudio Los autores consideran que  "desarrollar tu pasión" es mucho más aconsejable "Encontrar tu pasión", pero si encontraste tu profesión y te sientes confiado en que te puedes dedicar a ello, entonces ponte a prueba

Al respecto, Dweck, comentó: "Al principio, mis estudiantes de pregrado se entusiasman con la idea de encontrar su pasión, pero con el tiempo se entusiasman mucho más con el desarrollo de su pasión y con su propio crecimiento

Llegan a comprender que así es como se formarán ellos y su futuro,  y cómo finalmente harán sus contribuciones al mundo"

Al mismo tiempo, Walton aconseja que "Si miras algo y piensas, 'eso parece interesante', podría ser un área en la que podría hacer una contribución', entonces te dedicas a ello…Tómate un tiempo para hacerlo, te encontrarás con desafíos, pero con el tiempo crearás ese compromiso"

For more infomation >> ¡Paren todo! Encontrar tu pasión no siempre significa la clave del éxito - Duration: 5:41.


Problemy żony Kamila Glika na lotnisku w Moskwie! Marta jest zbulwersowana! - Duration: 2:10.

Przed rozpoczęciem mistrzostw świata w

Rosji polskie media żyły głównie kontuzją Kamila Glika,

która przekreśliła jego udział w pierwszym meczu z Senegalem.

Piłkarz jednak się zawziął, a żmudna rehabilitacja przynosi efekty.

Wielu liczy, że nasz słynny obrońca jeszcze pokaże, na co go stać.

Mecz polskiej reprezentacji Kamil mógł oglądać za to z żoną,

która wraz z innymi WAGs przyleciała do Rosji.

Po przegranej biało-czerwonych Marta z pewnością nie miała dobrego nastroju.

Do tego wściekłość spotęgowała nieprzyjemna sytuacja na moskiewskim lotnisku,

gdy po meczu wracała na kilka dni do kraju.

Glik pożaliła się na Instagramie, że jej droga powrotna była mordgęgą.

Wszystko przez linie lotnicze, na ktorych zresztą nie zostawiła suchej nitki.

Jej lot opóźnił się o kilka godzin, a to i tak nie było najgorsze...

"Flylot po raz kolejny mnie zawodzi i prawda jest taka, że dobro pasażerów Was w

ogóle nie obchodzi (walizka została w Moskwie a ja zamiast o 19 będę w

domu o 2...)" - wściekała się Marta na InstaStories.

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