Saturday, June 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 24 2018

Trent Reznor se encuentra haciendo una gira para promover el próximo álbum de Nine Inch Nails, Bad Witch

 En una parada, conversó con The Guardian en donde habló no sólo sobre el nuevo material, sino también de la administración de Donald Trump, sus adicciones y lo nuevo de Kanye West

El tema de Kanye West salió al hablar sobre la cultura pop, en donde también habló sobre Childish Gambino y Migos, Reznor comparó al trio Migos con un pastel, el cual es rico y no tiene nada de malo, pero a veces necesitamos recordar que existe algo más, algo mejor, como This is America de Gambino

Luego habló de lleno sobre Kanye y la saturación que hay de él en los medios. "¿Cuántos artículos The Guardian ha hecho sobre Kanye West el pasado mes

El tipo perdió la cabeza: ese es el artículo. Su nuevo disco apestó, y eso es. Ha hecho cosas geniales; no está en un buen lugar ahora", comentó Trent Reznor sobre ye, el más reciente álbum de West

Sobre la fama que vino con Nine Inch Nails, Reznor confesó que no estaba preparado para el efecto que la fama tendría en él, lo que lo llevó al alcoholismo

"Me sentí en un escenario incómodo en el que todos querían ser tus amigos. Tomarte un trago o dos estaba bien

Ayudó por un tiempo, hasta que comenzó a definir quién era. En cada escenario tenía que beber, porque eso es lo que era ahora", compartió en la entrevista

"Creo que ahora sé quién soy, siento que dejé el caos atrás, está la vida familiar y la estabilidad", finalizó

For more infomation >> A Trent Reznor no le gustó nada el nuevo disco de Kanye West - Duration: 2:29.


Muere Edu del Prado, exintegrante de UPA Dance, a los 40 años - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Muere Edu del Prado, exintegrante de UPA Dance, a los 40 años - Duration: 2:43.


En julio el Instituto de Geofísica de la UNAM iniciará licitación para sede alterna del Sistema Sism - Duration: 2:45.

 Pachuca, Hidalgo.- Para garantizar la operación las 24 horas y los 365 días del año del Servicio Sismológico Nacional, el próximo mes inicia la licitación del centro alterno, que operará en Hidalgo a finales del 2019, señaló la jefa de este instituto, Xyoli Pérez Campos

 Indicó que el proyecto que se ha trabajado desde hace varios años tiene como finalidad la creación de una Unidad de Investigación del Instituto de Geofísica de la UNAM, en donde se alojará el geoparque comarca minera y el centro alterno de monitoreo del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN)

 A partir de julio se llevará a cabo la licitación de la obra que quedará asentada en el polo de desarrollo científico denominado "Pachuca Ciudad del Conocimiento", que coordina Oscar Súchil Villegas

 La decisión que Hidalgo fuera la sede alterna precisó Pérez Campos, fue tomada a partir de la garantía que ofrece esta entidad en cuanto a seguridad, por los bajos riesgos naturales debido a que se presentan muy pocos fenómenos hidrometeorológicos como huracanes y tornados

  Foto: Especial  También se analizó el riesgo de sismicidad la cual es muy baja en esta entidad, además de que la logística fue un punto decisivo por la cercanía con la Ciudad de México, y la posibilidad de hacer traslado de personal de manera inmediata

 Actualmente no se puede garantizar una operación de 24 horas los siete días a la semana, ya que se puede dar una falla en alguno de los elementos del sistema y quedar fuera de línea, por ello la importancia de que se cuente con una sede alterna

 "No nos podemos dar el lujo que ante una falla no se pueda monitorear", señaló la funcionaria

 Explicó que si en algún momento hubiera algún problema en la Ciudad de México, entraría en función la sede alterna de Pachuca, que de inicio contará con cuatro técnicos del área de sistemas en telecomunicaciones y análisis, además de que se incluirá a investigadores

 Xyoli Pérez Campos, adelantó también que se tiene planeado que este centro alterno, reciba estudiantes desde servicio social hasta doctorado, además de que haya recorridos abiertos a público

  Foto: Especial  agv

For more infomation >> En julio el Instituto de Geofísica de la UNAM iniciará licitación para sede alterna del Sistema Sism - Duration: 2:45.


Rusia bombardea Siria por primera vez desde la tregua de 2017 - Duration: 4:05.

1 comentariosVer comentario Rusia bombardeo zonas controladas por los rebeldes en el sur de Siria este sábado, por primera vez desde que acordó un alto el fuego en la zona hace casi un año, según el Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos (OSDH)

 Unos 25 ataques golpearon localidades controladas por los rebeldes en la zona este de Deraa, provincia del sur de Siria que ha sido blanco de crecientes bombardeos del régimen en los últimos días antes de una previsible ofensiva por tierra

 "Intensos bombardeos rusos están golpeando localidades en la zona este de Deraa por primer vez desde que se acordó un alto el fuego en el sur de Siria el aáo pasado", dijo el director del OSDH, Rami Abdel Rahman

La ONG, con sede en Reino Unido, no disponía de cifras sobre posibles muertos. Rusia, Estados Unidos y Jordania acordaron en julio del año pasado crear una zona de distensión en partes controladas por los rebeldes en el sur de Siria para que cesaran las hostilidades en la zona

Desde entonces, los aviones de guerra de Moscú, que actúan en Siria desde 2015, no habían bombardeado posiciones rebeldes en el sur

 Pero la violencia ha aumentado esta semana, en un momento en que las fuerzas gubernamentales sirias se plantean recuperar el sur militarmente

 Las fuerzas leales al presidente Bashar al Asad empezaron a intensificar sus bombardeos aéreos y disparos de artillería en la zona el martes y al menos 19 civiles murieron desde entonces en las zonas controladas por los rebeldes, según el OSDH

 Por su parte, las fuerzas del régimen sirio ganaron terreno este sábado frente a los rebeldes en la provincia de Deraa

"Las tropas del régimen avanzaron en la región, haciéndose con las localidades de Al Butsan y Al Shumaria", había informado el Observatorio previamente este sábado

 La agencia de prensa oficial Sana también dio cuenta del avance de las tropas del régimen en el este de Deraa

 Según esta fuente, los disparos de mortero de los rebeldes mataron a dos civiles, incluido un niño, en la zona bajo control gubernamental de la ciudad de Deraa

 Tras haber asegurado Damasco, la capital, el ejército se concentra en el sur del país, donde los rebeldes siguen controlando la mayor parte del territorio de las provincias de Derra y Suwaida

 Esta estratégica región está ubicada cerca de los Altos del Golán sirios, ocupados en parte por Israel desde 1967

 El régimen perdió ocho de sus miembros en los enfrentamientos del sábado con los rebeldes, elevando a 13 sus pérdidas desde el martes, también según el OSDH

Más de 12.000 sirios huyeron de la provincia de Deraa en los últimos días.

For more infomation >> Rusia bombardea Siria por primera vez desde la tregua de 2017 - Duration: 4:05.


Pablo Lopez Grandes Exitos Enganchados | Sus Mejores Éxitos - Duration: 1:28:24.

For more infomation >> Pablo Lopez Grandes Exitos Enganchados | Sus Mejores Éxitos - Duration: 1:28:24.


이에 어서와! 한국은 처음이지는 MBC에브리원 최고 시청률을 기록하는 등 사랑받았다. 김현철 (희극인) - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 이에 어서와! 한국은 처음이지는 MBC에브리원 최고 시청률을 기록하는 등 사랑받았다. 김현철 (희극인) - Duration: 5:02.


Armani, Pavón y el déficit fiscal - Duration: 14:29.

Alejandro Borensztein Cristian Pavón   Siempre se ha dicho que en cada argentino hay un director técnico de fútbol

Y también que todos los argentinos somos ministros de economía. Lo que pocas veces ocurre es que seamos ambas cosas al mismo tiempo, como viene sucediendo en los últimos días

 Evidentemente, como opinar es gratis, allá vamos todos. La última iniciativa económica que circuló popularmente fue la de repartir los 50

000 millones de dólares del FMI entre los casi 50 millones de argentinos y así cada uno ligaba un millón de dólares

 Miles de potenciales ministros de economía se tragaron la ilusión óptica de que 50

000 millones dividido 50 millones te da un millón por argentino. Matemática básica: 50

000.000.000 dividido 50.000.000 es una cuenta fácil. Tachás 7 ceros de cada lado (50

000.000.000 / 50.000.000) y te queda una simple división de 5.000 / 5 = 1.000. O sea, sólo 1

000 dólares por cabeza. Para quien no tenga ganas de hacer cuentas, puede agarrar la calculadora que viene en el celular y chau

 Genios que dicen saber como se financia el déficit fiscal pero en realidad ni siquiera aprobarían Matemática de primer grado

 Sin embargo, un gran amigo mío que no es ningún burro me llamó con la misma propuesta: "Che, ¿Por qué no reparten los 50

000 millones y nos quedamos con un millón cada uno?". Es un tipo preparado, leído, muy buen productor de televisión

No voy a dar el nombre del personaje porque es conocido, es gomía y yo tengo códigos

 Pero mi amigo estaba convencido: "Es un palo verde para cada uno y no laburamos más", insistía

No lo nombro porque soy fiel y lo banco. Tal vez este razonamiento ridículo le surgió en un momento de confusión, durante el programa que tiene todas las mañanas en Telefe

Pero no. Más tarde me llamó y me lo volvió a decir seriamente. Ahí ya me preocupé

 El disparate es tan grande que, si yo no fuera un amigo leal, lo deschavaría para que entendamos nuestra locura

Pero la verdad es que Gerardo no se merece que yo le haga esto. Es un tipo serio, culto

Siempre hace programas impecables. No sería justo mandarlo al frente. Ahora con una mano en el corazón ¿Cómo puede ser que un tipo como Rozín me diga semejante pelotudez? ¿Puede ser que haya tanta gente haciendo la misma cuenta? Lo mismo pasa con el fútbol

Miles de taxistas, panaderos, homeópatas, vendedores de autos, torneros, escribanos, cantantes y demás argentinos que creen saber como se resuelve la economía, ahora también se la pasan diciendo que Sampaoli es un inútil porque contra Croacia armó una línea de tres y contra Islandia una de cuatro

Como si supieran. "Yo le hubiera pegado fuerte y al medio" dice un inmobiliario que pretende explicarle a Messi como se ejecuta un penal

 Ahora dicen que los croatas nos humillaron porque Chiqui Tapia, Angelici y Moyano son una banda de impresentables

Está claro que a ninguno de los tres le resultaría fácil vender un auto usado. Pero esa no es la razón por la que empatamos contra Islandia o perdimos contra Croacia

 A estas y otras eminencias que manejan el fútbol argentino les debemos los clubes fundidos, las barrabravas, la ausencia de hinchadas visitantes, el vergonzoso comportamiento en cada estadio del mundo, el botellazo a Gonzalo Bonadeo, las costillas rotas del pobre turista croata o que ni siquiera se sepa como va a ser el próximo torneo que arranca en 40 días

 Pero con este mismo simposio de camisas Extra Large que dirigen el fútbol, en el Mundial anterior llegamos a la final

Porque lo que hay que entender es que, más allá de sus dirigentes, el fútbol es fútbol

 ¡¡La derrota contra Croacia es la peor catástrofe desde el 6 a 1 contra Checoslovaquia en el Mundial de Suecia '58!!! gritan indignados

 En 1969, yo estaba en la cancha de Boca cuando Perú nos empató 2 a 2 y nos eliminó del Mundial de México ´70

¡¡Catástrofe!! En Alemania ´74, la Holanda de Cruyff nos hizo 4 goles, nos pegó un baile de novela y nos mandó a casa

¡¡Catástrofe!! En España '82, siendo campeones del mundo con Menotti, perdimos de entrada contra Bélgica y pocos días después nos comimos 3 goles contra Brasil y 3 contra Italia

A casita. ¡¡Catástrofe!! En Italia ´90 también estrenamos el título de campeones, esta vez con Bilardo, jugando el partido inaugural contra los africanos de Camerún

Y perdimos 1 a 0. ¡¡Catástrofe!!! Así y todo, después llegamos a la final. En las eliminatorias del ´94 nos jugábamos la clasificación contra Colombia en el Monumental y perdimos… 5 a 0!!! ¡¡Catástrofe!! En EEUU '94 lo agarraron a Diego en el antidóping

Drama nacional. ¡Catástrofe!! En Corea - Japon 2002 fuimos con el mejor plantel de la historia convencidos que traíamos la Copa, y en una semana nos eliminaron

No llegamos ni a desarmar las valijas. ¡¡¡Catástrofe!!! Todos estos desastres ocurrieron bajo la dirección de la misma aristocracia dirigencial

De Grondona a Chiqui Tapia, pasando por… (completar a voluntad). Pero también ganamos el Mundial del 78, el del 86 y llegamos a las finales del 90 y de 2014

Ganamos las Copas América con el Coco Basile, los 3 mundiales juveniles con Pekerman y las medallas de oro en Atenas y Beijing

Siempre manteniendo el mismo nivel de bestias peludas al frente de la AFA. En otras palabras amigo lector, esto es fútbol

Años de cancha me han enseñado que sólo me cabe disfrutarlo o padecerlo. Nunca creer que sé algo

De fútbol sólo saben los que juegan adentro de la cancha y los que dirigen desde el banco

 Ellos saben cómo se siente el jugador, cómo se llevan, quiénes están peleados, quién está mejor para jugar, quién se anima, quién arruga, quién durmió mal, quién extraña, cómo son los contrarios, cual tiene problemas en la rodilla y a quién hay que correrlo por la derecha o anticiparlo por izquierda

 Exceptuando a Macaya y a algunos estudiosos más, el resto miramos de afuera y creemos que sabemos

Millones de directores técnicos y millones de ministros de economía. Está claro que Sampaoli no es el técnico ideal

Que no se entiende como quiere que jueguen, que no está para ir a cenar a lo de Máxima Zorreguieta y que no le vendría mal una charlita con Gino Bogani

No es un orgullo nacional tener un DT que le gritó "¡cagón!" al jugador croata que pasaba por delante de él

 Pero esto es fútbol. ¿Y si el martes el equipo de Sampaoli clasifica? ¿Y si ganamos en octavos? ¿Y si llegamos a semi? ¿Y si Messi hace tres? ¿Y si Caballero te gana una definición por penales? ¿Qué vamos a decir? ¿De qué nos vamos a disfrazar? La novedad es que ahora, además de ser DT y ministros de Economía, aprendimos a combinar todas estas disciplinas y sacar conclusiones mucho más sofisticadas

 Por ejemplo, en un diario kirchnerista amigo explicaban la contradicción de pedirle a los argentinos que ahorren energía mientras a los jugadores se les exige que la derrochen

Remataban el razonamiento resaltando que los Panamá Papers involucran tanto al conductor de la selección (Messi) como al del país (Macri)

Como si Modric, el 10 Croacia, hubiera pensado en eso cuando le pegó como los dioses y la clavó junto al palo

 Mucho más original fue la explicación pública de Luis D'Elía y de Jorge Asís según la cual, detrás del mal rendimiento de Messi y la derrota de Argentina, estuvo Israel en represalia por el partido suspendido

 Todos sabemos que la inteligencia israelí es muy sofisticada. Pero nunca me hubiera imaginado que el Mossad tenia la tecnología necesaria como para lograr que Enzo Pérez, cuando íbamos 0 a 0 y con todo el arco libre, tirara la pelota afuera

A veces el antisemitismo y la estupidez se combinan de una manera desopilante. Por eso amigo lector, este es el momento de mantener la calma, recuperar el equilibrio y dejar de ser el DT y el ministro de economía que todo argentino lleva adentro

Serenidad, educación y humildad por sobre todo. Vos Sampaoli: ponelo a Armani en el arco, armá una buena línea de cuatro como Dios manda, pará en el medio un doble 5 con Mascherano, soltá un volante de creación para que Messi no tenga que bajar tanto a buscar la bocha y ponelo a Pavón de una buena vez, carajo

 Y vos Dujovne, bajame el déficit fiscal y buscate a un peluquero como la gente. Déjense de joder

For more infomation >> Armani, Pavón y el déficit fiscal - Duration: 14:29.


Insultos, empujones y amenazas: el cruce entre alemanes y suecos en el banco de suplentes después de - Duration: 2:13.

El gol de Toivonen había puesto contra las cuerdas a Alemania. Como el conjunto de Joachim Löw arrastraba la sorpresiva derrota con México, una nueva caída obligaría al combinado germano a retirarse del torneo antes de lo planeado

Marco Reus le dio vida al campeón defensor en el inicio del complemento, pero la expulsión de Boateng redujo el poderío alemán

El duelo permaneció caldeado hasta las últimas circunstancias y cuando Toni Kroos improvisó el golazo que le devolvió la victoria a los germanos se desató el descontrol en los bancos de suplentes

El entrenador sueco fue el primero en reaccionar ante la provocación del alemán (Reuters) Un colaborador de Löw se acercó a la zona de los escandinavos y provocó a sus rivales con el grito del segundo tanto, una acción que no tardó en generar las respuestas de los nórdicos

Andersson, director técnico de Suecia, fue el primero en manifestar su bronca contra el alemán, pero a él lo siguieron los jugadores que se encontraban en la banca

Los insultos, empujones y amenazas continuaron por unos minutos hasta que el cuarto árbitro, el japonés Sato, logró calmar la situación

El pitazo final del polaco Marciniak selló el agónico triunfo por 2 a 1 de Alemania y puso el elenco de Löw en una posición que permite esperanzarse con la siguiente fase, dado que en el último compromiso del Grupo F, el tetracampeón mundial se medirá con Corea del Sur y los suecos tendrán que luchar frente a los aztecas, quienes lograron ganar sus dos partidos previos

Más sobre este tema Gary Lineker reformuló su axioma respecto del fútbol y los alemanes Alemania logró una victoria en la última jugada ante Suecia y evitó el fracaso Alemania-Brasil: qué resultados tienen que darse para que se juegue una "final anticipada" en octavos

For more infomation >> Insultos, empujones y amenazas: el cruce entre alemanes y suecos en el banco de suplentes después de - Duration: 2:13.


Cruz Azul cayó en su segundo juego de pretemporada - Duration: 2:29.

 La 'Máquina Celeste' de la Cruz Azul cayó por 2 a 1 frente a Querétaro en su segundo duelo de preparación de cara al Apertura 2018 en el Estadio 10 de Diciembre de la Ciudad Cooperativa de la cementera

 A pesar de que tomaron la iniciativa del encuentro, los cementeros no lograron levantarse del golpe inicial propinado por el delantero de los Gallos Blancos Everaldo Stum al minuto 42, sin embargo lograron igualar momentáneamente gracias al ecuatoriano Ángel Mena que anotó al '54

 La diferencia final fue marcada por el chileno Edson Puch, que a diez minutos del final descontó gracias a un tiro desde los doce pasos

 Por el lado de Cruz Azul, tanto Milton Caraglio como Elías Hernández dejaron ir oportunidades francas de gol en el primer tiempo y al menos en dos ocasiones el arquero Gil Alcalá intervino bajo palos queretanos para evitar la caída de su marco

 Los cementeros arrancaron con Guillermo Allison, Antonio Sánchez, Pablo Aguilar, Julio César Domínguez, Gerardo Flores, Iván Marcone (Javier Salas), Rafael Baca, Misael Domínguez, Elías Hernández, Roberto Alvarado y Milton Caraglio

 En el segundo tiempo el estratega celeste mandó al terreno de juego a Jair Peláez, Adrián Aldrete, Igor Lichnovsky, Jordan Silva, José Madueña, Javier Salas, Walter Montoya, Ángel mehna, Edgar Méndez, Andrés Rentería y Martín Cauteruccio

 Los cementeros cerraron de esta forma su pretemporada en Cruz Azul, Hidalgo, y el lunes volverán al trabajo en La Noria

El próximo 3 de julio se medirán a Monterrey en Estados Unidos. Finalmente, el 14 de julio chocarán con Toluca en el Nemesio Diez, en su último cotejo de preparación, previo al inicio del Apertura 2018

For more infomation >> Cruz Azul cayó en su segundo juego de pretemporada - Duration: 2:29.


En festejos por triunfo de México, agreden a elementos de PF - Duration: 2:13.

 La euforia por la victoria de la selección mexicana frente a la de Corea del Sur se desbordó en Uruapan, Michoacán, cuando aficionados "agredieron" a personal de la Policía Federal que se encontraban patrullando una las vialidades de la ciudad luego del triunfo de México 2-1

Te recomendamos: La Minerva luce con la segunda victoria de México en Rusia  En un video difundido a través de redes sociales, Manelich Castilla, comisionado general de la Policía Federal, acusó que un grupo de aficionados agredió a elementos y una unidad de la dicha corporación

 Castilla calificó el acto como una inadmisible falta de respeto a la autoridad y urgió a las autoridades aplicar las sanciones correspondientes

  Te recomendamos: "Estoy muy feliz" por interés del Real Madrid y Barcelona: 'Chucky' Lozano  En el video se muestra a un grupo de aficionados festejando con júbilo la victoria mexicana cuando de pronto se acercan a un vehículo de la Policía Federal que comienzan a mover con elementos armados y apostados en la parte trasera de la unidad

   Otros aficionados se acercan y les tiran espuma. Algunos intentan subir a la unidad pero no lo logran

  En medio del júbilo por el festejo del triunfo de @miseleccionmx, en #Uruapan un grupo de personas agredió a personal y a una patrulla de @PoliciaFedMx

Es una falta de respeto a la autoridad, INADMISIBLE. Exigimos a la instancia municipal aplicar las sanciones correspondientes— Manelich Castilla (@ManelichCC) June 23, 2018

For more infomation >> En festejos por triunfo de México, agreden a elementos de PF - Duration: 2:13.


Con apoyos para el Campo, AMLO promete acabar con huachicoleo en Puebla - Duration: 2:29.

 Andrés Manuel López Obrador prometió que si gana la Presidencia acabará con el desprestigio que tiene Puebla por el robo de combustible, dando apoyo al campo y privilegiando a las empresas locales

Te recomendamos: Por Mundial, simpatizantes 'plantan' a AMLO en Veracruz  El candidato presidencial de la coalición Juntos Haremos Historia fue recibido, pese a la lluvia, por miles de simpatizantes, lo que contrastó con su mitin semi vacío de Veracruz

 Acompañado del candidato a la gubernatura poblana, Luis Miguel Barbosa, el tabasqueño aseguró que en su gobierno será "primero México y luego el extranjero", por lo que se comprometió a apoyar a los productores locales

"Todos los productores de Puebla y de esta región del país son un ejemplo de laboriosidad y ahora está tan desprestigiada la zona agrícola de Puebla porque es ahí donde ha proliferado lo que llaman el huachicoleo, en esa misma zona es donde se trabaja más la tierra, donde trabajan familias completas desde muy temprano hasta muy tarde, toda esa zona se va a apoyar, se va a rescatar porque se va a dar apoyo a los productores", dijo

   Aseguró que sus propuestas para el campo, como dar fertilizante gratuito a aquellos que viven de lo que producen y apoyo para la siembra de parcelas, será suficiente para acabar con el huachicoleo

"Dicen que es muy difícil, pues les digo que me gustan los desafíos, me gustan los retos"

, comentó.   Se comprometió a volver a Puebla como Presidente electo y reiteró el llamado a estar alertas en las casillas la próxima jornada electoral, al considerar ese estado otro de los que tienen riesgo de un fraude

Te recomendamos: AMLO revela que Romo será el jefe de Oficina de Presidencia  Aprovechó para reiterar que de llegar a la Presidencia, enviará una iniciativa para que la compra de votos y el fraude electoral sea delito grave, "que vayan a la cárcel sin derecho a fianza"

Te puede interesar AMLO ofrece justicia en casos de desapariciones AMLO ofrece crear más universidades para que no haya rechazados

For more infomation >> Con apoyos para el Campo, AMLO promete acabar con huachicoleo en Puebla - Duration: 2:29.


Proof Rosie Williams resorts to the same breakup method every time - Duration: 4:37.

 Rosie Williams, a Solicitor from Wales, had her heartbroken by Adam Collard on this week's Love Island after his head was turned by new girl Zara McDermott

 After confronting the Geordie lad while he had a smirk on his face, Rosie was only more infuriated by his lack of reaction

 She then decided, along with model co-star Megan Barton Hanson, to have a sexy photo shoot to show Adam what he's missing

 Rosie explained to her pal that if she were in the outside world and a boy had treated her the way Adam has, she would hit back and make herself feel better with a series of saucy Instagram pictures

 And a quick scroll through Rosie's Instagram account backs up her theory, with hordes of sexy selfies and glamorous outfits posted on a regular basis

 If she's not in a cleavage-baring ensemble or a bikini, it's a close-up shot of the brunette bombshell pulling a sultry pose for the camera

Poolside pout  In one recent sexy snap Rosie shows off her derriere in an embellished black bikini while posing poolside

 She pouted for the picture, captioning the snap with a simple, mysterious dark moon face

Busty selfie  In another risqué photo, Rosie smouldered with her brunette locks tousled sexily around her shoulders

 The Love Island hopeful ensured her ample cleavage was in full view in a low-cut top

Related Love Island: Rosie gets dumped from the island Celebrities pay tribute to DJ and presenter Dale Winton Corrie: Mollie Winnard makes her debut as Kayla Rosie Williams Love Island job: Career as solicitor, law school training to quitting job Love Island Adam and Rosie: What's really going on between ITV2 stars Adam Collard and Rosie Williams? Expert explains Rosie Williams' power walk as heartbroken Love Island star confronts Adam Love Island: Rosie Williams confesses ex Jordan Davies didn't know she was on 2018 series Love Island: Rosie Williams could pick Adam Collard in recoupling despite Megan betrayal Lingerie glam  After having her makeup professionally done, Rosie made sure to show off the results with a sultry selfie

 However, this time she left little to the imagination in white lingerie, posing in a white lace bodysuit

 Although her Instagram uploads may receive hundreds of compliments from her pals, it seems her sexy shoot in the Love Island villa failed to win the reaction from Adam she was hoping for

 He said as Rosie and Megan posed up a storm in sheer lace robes: "That couldn't be more off-putting it's try hardish and cringe as f**k

 "If that was some sort of hail Mary to draw my eyes back to her it's not really going to work

That sort of stuff does not get all my attention at all."  However, Megan and Rosie were pleased with their shoot, saying in the beach hut: "We're women, if we want to take a photo of our gorgeous bodies we will

"  Love Island continues weekdays at 9pm on ITV2.

For more infomation >> Proof Rosie Williams resorts to the same breakup method every time - Duration: 4:37.


Prevención del delito es la clave: Mara Lezama - Duration: 2:45.

 Redacción/ SIPSECANCÚN, Q. Roo.- "La prevención del delito es una política clave que mi gobierno impulsará, para devolver la paz que tanto necesita Cancún", aseguró Mara Lezama Espinosa, candidata a la Presidencia Municipal de Benito Juárez, durante una reunión vecinal en el ejido Alfredo V

Bonfil.  También te puede interesar: Karla, aliada de las empresas  Luego de realizar una caminata en las secciones 173 Y 174 del ejido, explicó a los vecinos que su propuesta para combatir la inseguridad, tiene una visión integral basada en tres ejes: prevención del delito, mejorar las capacidades operativas y coordinación del municipio en el Mando Único con los gobiernos estatal y federal

 "Las tres vertientes son importantes y trabajaremos en ellas a partir del 1º de octubre

En el caso de la prevención, mi proyecto plantea programas para los jóvenes en escuelas públicas, centros de trabajo, los hogares y espacios públicos", indicó la candidata

 La candidata de la coalición "Juntos Haremos Historia", agregó que la eficiencia de los servicios urbanos está relacionada con la prevención, por lo que propone incrementar el uso de la tecnología LED en todo el alumbrado público municipal, así como construir y mantener parques y jardines, que estén libres para la circulación

 Mara Lezama, agregó que pondrá especial énfasis en acciones para evitar la violencia hacia las mujeres, que reforzará el Grupo Especial de Atención a Víctimas (GEAVI) y que establecerá un refugio para víctimas de la violencia de género y sus familias

 Para concluir las actividades del cuadragésimo primero día de campaña, la abanderada de Morena y PT, sostuvo una reunión vecinal en la Región 100, donde habló de su propuesta para ampliar y dar mantenimiento a la infraestructura deportiva, como parte de una visión general de la prevención mediante el esparcimiento

 "Nos vamos a asegurar que la comunidad aproveche los espacios públicos, que estos no representen un peligro para los vecinos y no sean utilizados para cometer fechorías

Por eso les pido su apoyo, salgamos a votar este 1º de julio por mi proyecto", finalizó


For more infomation >> Prevención del delito es la clave: Mara Lezama - Duration: 2:45.


Stormy Daniels And Kathy Griffin Just Got Repulsive New Job For Democratic Party - Duration: 6:13.

Disgraced Stormy Daniels And Kathy Griffin Just Got Repulsive New Job For Democratic


So, porn star Stormy Daniels and comedian hack Kathy Griffin have bonded and teamed

up against President Trump.

Considering their backgrounds, they were meant for each other.

Daniels actually considered running for the US Senate in 2010 against a Republican in


She would have been trounced because the good people of that state actually have morals

and don't elect porn stars and hookers to office.

Instead, Daniels and Griffin will get to take a leadership role in the Democratic Party.

How fitting for both a stripper and a has-been comedian who trashed her own career by displaying

an ISIS-style bloodied, decapitated head of President Trump in a photo-shoot.

The dynamic duo is heading to the border to somehow help with the migrant crisis.

It'll take a week though, as Stormy needs to figure out a course of action.

You know, paid for protesters, ginned up violence, who's going to pay her way, etc.

Her attorney, Michael Avenatti, beat her to the border mess already and is representing

detained migrants there… not because he gives a fig about them, but because it puts

him in the spotlight.

He also claims he's representing ICE whistleblowers.

Good luck with that.

Daniels tweeted Thursday afternoon in reply to a supporter asking her to go to the border.

"Stormy please use your platform to help Avenatti and these kids..

! We know how much you love your child and we need to help their parents get them back"

"I am headed down in a week.

Don't worry.

Just figuring out my best course of action to maximize my resources."

Do the math, she's looking for money.

Avenatti tweeted Thursday about his representing ICE whistleblowers, "We are now representing

whistleblowers within ICE, outside contractors, etc.

They have reached out to us to provide us with info as to what is really going on.

We are going to blow this wide open and take the info to the American people so they can

decide what happens next."

Sure you are, dream on.

Avenatti doubled down on his representation of Daniels, "Here come the haters again

trying to discredit me.

And falsely suggesting I dropped @stormydaniels (with whom I have an excellent relationship

& who I will represent to the end!).

Who attacks a guy trying to help mothers and children reunite?

They must feel very threatened!"

No, not so much.

Daniels went to Griffin's show in Boston to hang with her new bestie.

They took a selfie that was sheer class.

They flipped off President Trump together.

". @StormyDaniels it was an honor to have you at my Boston show tonight.

I support you 100%!


Psychos of a feather.

Griffin was shredded on Twitter after she posted the offensive pic.

Ken Martin asked, "How did @ ErnieBochJr let these rats in his theatre?"

Good question.

There's no accounting for taste, just greed with leftists.

One commenter called the two morality challenged women, "Classless A**less Whores."

The truth burns. posted these responses:

"Robert tweeted: "Ah, it's beautiful to see the 2 of you become each other's

role model.

I'm sure you'll have some reciprocal discourse concerning ethical principles like beneficence

and nonmaleficence.

Such an inspiring picture for kids to remember too; all is well in the world! #ethics #virtue"

"JETS responded: "That hashtag is perfect because if I'm not mistaken one of you claim

to have done just that… yet he's still the president.

When will the liberals learn?"

"And finally, in response to Griffin's vile post on Twitter, "counterbalance"

tweeted: "Courage?

Both are using the Trump angle for money.

Stormy is doing online s*x chats and strip joints with her new found fame and Kathy is

grasping for some relevancy.

Pretty pathetic actually.""

All spot on comments if you ask me.

Griffin also posted another pic showing the two women embracing in her dressing room,

with the caption, "I love this woman."

The porn star and the comedian… they should go on the road together… far, far, far away.

Stormy Daniels may be the only fan Kathy Griffin has these days and vice versa.

Griffin is also busy trashing Angel Moms over the immigrant crisis.

A mother whose son was murdered by an illegal immigrant slammed Kathy Griffin after the

comedian said President Trump is using angel parents "for propaganda."

Trump on Friday honored families in Washington who have had loved k****d by illegal immigrants.

Griffin tweeted that while she is sorry for the parents' loss, the president is using

them for propaganda.

That's just despicable and Griffin knows it.

It's absolutely not true.

Sabine Durden, who is a legal immigrant from Germany, said that her son Dominic was k****d

in 2012 when a truck slammed into his motorcycle.

The truck's driver, Juan Zacarias Tzun, was an illegal immigrant with two felonies

and two DUIs.

"[Griffin] needs to go [to] a stage somewhere in little back alley and entertain the two

people that are still following her," Durden said on "The Ingraham Angle."

"She just has no grounds.

She has no soul.

She has no heart.

And I pray to God she never knows this feeling."

Durden added that her son's k****r was jailed for just 35 days.

Griffin had that coming and much more.

The Democratic Party may embrace Daniels and Griffin and try to use them as media stars

on the border.

It won't work and nobody cares about them.

You know what they care about?

The wall and it's coming.

Maybe the porn star and the comedian can pose in front of it and then fade into oblivion

where they belong.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Stormy Daniels And Kathy Griffin Just Got Repulsive New Job For Democratic Party - Duration: 6:13.


Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Found Some Wheat Cents & Another Masonic Penny! - Duration: 4:53.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got a penny hunt

today I picked up my two boxes from Wells Fargo the other day this is box

one that's box two we've cracked them open there is circulated coins which is

always a good thing on this box don't see any wheat cent Enders but that's

okay we've only checked one side not gonna be checking inside until I hunt

but we're gonna get this hunt started and I'll loop you guys in as always

should I find something worth showing roll seven guys got our first wheat cent

here 1941 D pretty damaged but it puts us on the board

alright everyone we just pulled out roll number 13 and it's a wheatie let's crack

into it and see what it is god it's laid out here pretty good

detail though 55 d alright we'll take it second wheat cent of the box and one

that's in good condition finally roll number 19 we're gonna have our third

wheat cent here pretty beat up but it has decent details so it's probably

newer and it's last year nineteen fifty eight D roll 21 gonna have our fourth

wheat cent here 1952 nope 1953 Philadelphia roll 22 as I'm searching I

see one behind here another wheat cent

51s we'll take an S mint mark wheatie all day every day

roll 23 we hit a little hot pocket here we got another where we got our first

foreign find it's a Canadian 1972 roll 25 gonna have our sixth wheat cent here

it's a newer one 57 d so that's good halfway through the box we have six

wheat cents so no reason to think we can't make the ten

never know though roll 26 I just laid them out but I know I saw a dime when I

open it there it is never find the silver dimes in the rolls at at least

for me have you guys ever found a silver dime in a penny roll that would be cool

roll 29 another wheatie 57 d we're on roll 32 guys and look what we got here

another one of these Masonic or Freemason stamped coins right there it's

my second one it's not double stamped like the last one was on both sides but

wow I've got another one of these that's pretty cool all right put that down here

with the cool fines and keep looking for more stuff roll 36 gonna have wheat

cent and number 8 it's at 41 it is 41 filly we'll take it oldest of the box

and the best condition of those two oldest cuz that was a 41 D roll 50

guys last roll of the box fifth coin from the end wants to throw me a 46

Philadelphia I guess as a parting gift wheat cent number nine couldn't hit that

magic 10 really nothing to speak of as well a couple of 41's I guess three

from the 40s and the other six were all from the 50s so the wrap-up is getting

pretty simple a lot of copper a dime I got 13 of those 2009's one Canadian 5 59's

a couple of nice coins from the 60s and 70s - 69 S and again this one right

here little bit of Doubling on the TRUS barely but it was fun looking at it but

that's about it for that and I guess really the find of

the box in my opinion has to be this uh masonic or freemasons stamped penny

again I've got one of these are for before and now I have another one... hopefully

you enjoyed the hunt with me if you did please give the video a thumbs up and as

always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Found Some Wheat Cents & Another Masonic Penny! - Duration: 4:53.


Weir ភ័យខ្លួនមិនស្ទើរ ពេលត្រូវអ្នកគាំទ្រដៃរហ័ស លូកដៃបន្លំ, new 1st, Cambodia Daily24 - Duration: 10:16.



Nice to welocme

weir so happy

For more infomation >> Weir ភ័យខ្លួនមិនស្ទើរ ពេលត្រូវអ្នកគាំទ្រដៃរហ័ស លូកដៃបន្លំ, new 1st, Cambodia Daily24 - Duration: 10:16.


✅ Sila Sahin: "Es wird ein Wikinger!" Geheimnis um ihr Baby ist endlich gelüftet - Duration: 2:42.

 Am 23. Juli soll laut des errechneten Geburtstermins das erste Kind von Sila Sahin (32) und Ehemann Samuel Radlinger (25) das Licht der Welt erblicken

Rund einen Monat vor diesem Meilenstein im Leben des Paares hat es nun das Geschlecht bekanntgegeben

"Ein Junge!", verriet der österreichische Fußballer der Zeitschrift "Bunte" und bestätigte damit die Gerüchte, die seine Herzensdame selbst durch einen kleinen Verplapperer gestreut hatte

 Sahin hatte in einem Interview mit "RTL Exclusiv" im Februar dieses Jahres ausgeplaudert: "Es wird ein Wikinger!" - und damit natürlich die (richtige) Vermutung nahegelegt, es würde sich bei ihrem ersten Kind um ein Söhnchen handeln

  Schwangerschafts-Trubel vor der Geburt  Weitere Schlagzeilen schrieb die Schwangere, als sie bei Instagram enthüllte, in einem Flugzeug vorzeitige Wehen bekommen zu haben

Aus diesem Grund musste das Paar umplanen, wie es "Bunte" verraten hat: "Eigentlich wollte Sila in Berlin entbinden, nun wird unser Baby in Bergen zur Welt kommen - der Heimat der Wikinger", wird Radlinger zitiert

 Ihre Vorfreude auf den anstehenden Familienzuwachs kennt inzwischen keine Grenzen mehr, wie Sahin verrät: "Ich möchte den Kleinen jetzt kennenlernen

Die Schwangerschaft wird auch langsam anstrengend. Dabei will ich mich gar nicht über meine Problemchen wie Schlaflosigkeit beschweren

" Ein Körnchen Sorge sei aber noch immer vorhanden: "Nach der Fehlgeburt bin ich so erleichtert, dass bisher alles in Ordnung ist

Mein Glück fassen kann ich aber erst so richtig, wenn der Kleine auf meiner Brust liegt

"  Folgen Sie schon bei Facebook, Google+ und Twitter? Hier finden Sie brandheiße News, tolle Gewinnspiele und den direkten Draht zur Redaktion

 Hier gibt es das "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten - Das Kochbuch: Essen wie im Mauerwerk" zu kaufen

 rut//spot on news

For more infomation >> ✅ Sila Sahin: "Es wird ein Wikinger!" Geheimnis um ihr Baby ist endlich gelüftet - Duration: 2:42.


TRT'nin sevilen dizisi Diriliş Ertuğrul'un sezon finalinde 'Almıla Hatun' karakterine hayat veren oy - Duration: 2:29.

Diriliş Ertuğrul'da şaşırtan ayrılık! Almıla Hatun veda etti MAGAZİN HABERLERİ  | 08

06.2018 09:41 | 08 Haziran 2018 TRT'nin sevilen dizisi Diriliş Ertuğrul'un sezon finalinde 'Almıla Hatun' karakterine hayat veren oyuncu Gönül Nagiyeva, senaryo gereği öldürüldü  'Diriliş Ertuğrul'un sezon finali bölümünde şoke eden bir ayrılık yaşandı

'Almıla Hatun' karakterine hayat veren Gönül Nagiyeva, senaryo gereği diziye veda etti

     'Ertuğrul'un düşmanı 'Noyan'ın kız kardeşi 'Alangoya' (Almıla Hatun) karakterini canlandıran Nagiyeva, sezon finali yapan diziye 116'ıncı bölümde dahil oldu ve savaşçı kadın rolüyle dikkatleri üzerine toplamayı başardı

Diriliş Ertuğrul'un Almıla Hatun'u yeni imajıyla şaşırttı    Dizinin 121'inci bölümünde; Noyan'ın kız kardeşi olduğu açığa çıkan Almıla Hatun, Ertuğrul ve annesi 'Hayme Hatun' tarafından tuzağa çekilir

Kendisinin deşifre olduğunu anlayan Almıla Hatun, elinde hançerle Hayme Hatun'a yaklaşır

Tam o sırada 'Ertuğrul' içeri girer. Almıla Hatun birden duraksar ve Hayme Hatun, kılıçla Almıla Hatun'u öldürür

Dizide oynadığı düşman Moğol ajanı karakterinden dolayı birçok izleyicinin nefretini toplayan Almıla Hatun, gösterdiği oyunculuk performansıyla beğeni topladı

For more infomation >> TRT'nin sevilen dizisi Diriliş Ertuğrul'un sezon finalinde 'Almıla Hatun' karakterine hayat veren oy - Duration: 2:29.


ノーズブラやUSレンズなど…日本車をわざわざUS仕様にカスタムするUSDMとは? - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> ノーズブラやUSレンズなど…日本車をわざわざUS仕様にカスタムするUSDMとは? - Duration: 6:32.


Zindagi Di Hai To Jeene Ka | Ramzan Special Naat | जिंदगी दी है तो जीने का - Duration: 7:11.

Zindagi Di Hai To Jeene Ka

For more infomation >> Zindagi Di Hai To Jeene Ka | Ramzan Special Naat | जिंदगी दी है तो जीने का - Duration: 7:11.


Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Found Some Wheat Cents & Another Masonic Penny! - Duration: 4:53.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got a penny hunt

today I picked up my two boxes from Wells Fargo the other day this is box

one that's box two we've cracked them open there is circulated coins which is

always a good thing on this box don't see any wheat cent Enders but that's

okay we've only checked one side not gonna be checking inside until I hunt

but we're gonna get this hunt started and I'll loop you guys in as always

should I find something worth showing roll seven guys got our first wheat cent

here 1941 D pretty damaged but it puts us on the board

alright everyone we just pulled out roll number 13 and it's a wheatie let's crack

into it and see what it is god it's laid out here pretty good

detail though 55 d alright we'll take it second wheat cent of the box and one

that's in good condition finally roll number 19 we're gonna have our third

wheat cent here pretty beat up but it has decent details so it's probably

newer and it's last year nineteen fifty eight D roll 21 gonna have our fourth

wheat cent here 1952 nope 1953 Philadelphia roll 22 as I'm searching I

see one behind here another wheat cent

51s we'll take an S mint mark wheatie all day every day

roll 23 we hit a little hot pocket here we got another where we got our first

foreign find it's a Canadian 1972 roll 25 gonna have our sixth wheat cent here

it's a newer one 57 d so that's good halfway through the box we have six

wheat cents so no reason to think we can't make the ten

never know though roll 26 I just laid them out but I know I saw a dime when I

open it there it is never find the silver dimes in the rolls at at least

for me have you guys ever found a silver dime in a penny roll that would be cool

roll 29 another wheatie 57 d we're on roll 32 guys and look what we got here

another one of these Masonic or Freemason stamped coins right there it's

my second one it's not double stamped like the last one was on both sides but

wow I've got another one of these that's pretty cool all right put that down here

with the cool fines and keep looking for more stuff roll 36 gonna have wheat

cent and number 8 it's at 41 it is 41 filly we'll take it oldest of the box

and the best condition of those two oldest cuz that was a 41 D roll 50

guys last roll of the box fifth coin from the end wants to throw me a 46

Philadelphia I guess as a parting gift wheat cent number nine couldn't hit that

magic 10 really nothing to speak of as well a couple of 41's I guess three

from the 40s and the other six were all from the 50s so the wrap-up is getting

pretty simple a lot of copper a dime I got 13 of those 2009's one Canadian 5 59's

a couple of nice coins from the 60s and 70s - 69 S and again this one right

here little bit of Doubling on the TRUS barely but it was fun looking at it but

that's about it for that and I guess really the find of

the box in my opinion has to be this uh masonic or freemasons stamped penny

again I've got one of these are for before and now I have another one... hopefully

you enjoyed the hunt with me if you did please give the video a thumbs up and as

always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Found Some Wheat Cents & Another Masonic Penny! - Duration: 4:53.


I somehow WON with someone who doesn't speak my language (Random Duos) - Communication! - Duration: 10:46.

He doesn't talk until the first time he gets down at 2:00

For more infomation >> I somehow WON with someone who doesn't speak my language (Random Duos) - Communication! - Duration: 10:46.


Find out YOUR lightsaber HILT style! (Legends) - Star Wars Quiz - Duration: 12:31.

Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.

In this episode I have prepared a quiz to determine what your lightsaber hilt style

would be in the Star Wars legends universe.

If you are enjoying the videos please give them a like, share, and subscribe to the channel

so I can continue making them for you!

Now before we begin, grab a pen and paper or something to keep track of your answers

and scores.

After each question, select one response that aligns with how you'd choose to be in the

Star Wars universe.

It will then reveal how many points each response is worth, add that number to your tally.

At the end we will add up all the points from the questions to determine which result you


Alright, let's begin!

Question 1: During a fight, clone troopers in your squad are in danger, but your master

tells you not to worry about them.

Do you...


A. Shoot down your master's ship.

No one tells you what to do.

B. Tell your master to buzz off.

You will save them if you like.

C. Listen to your master.

You trust in his wisdom.

D. Apologize to your master, as you have to go help them.

E. Do nothing.

You are torn between helping them and disagreeing with your master.

Question 2: You stumble across someone trying to abandon ship while you're under threat.

Do you…


A. Taser them.

What they are doing is disgraceful.

B. Leave them alone.

You don't care whether they leave or not.

C. Join them, you don't want to be on this ship that is under attack.

D. Ask for credits.

They will wipe your memory of ever seeing them down there.

E. Find out why they are trying to leave.

Then you can try to convince them to stay.

Question 3: You captured an enemy who knows the whereabouts of a map to Luke Skywalker.

Do you…


A. Torture him until he tells you.

Then, end him mercilessly.

B. Mind probe him to extract the map.

You are more powerful than he is.

C. Offer him a chance to join your side if he tells you the whereabouts.

D. Ask him politely to tell you Luke's whereabouts.

Afterall, you catch more flies with honey.

E. Leave him alone.

You heard this Luke Skywalker was only a legend anyway.

Question 4: You are walking through a dicey area when your clumsy companion bumps into

a dangerous thug.

Do you…


A. Hide and pretend you don't know your companion.

B. Get rid of both your companion and the thug.

They are just a nuisance.

C. Persuade the thug with the Jedi Mind Trick to leave your companion alone.

D. Start a fight with the thug.

No one messes with you or your companion.

E. Try to reason with the thug, you will do what you must.

Question 5: Your speeder crashes next to an enemy AT-AT.

Do you…


A. Defend yourself against the AT-AT if you need to.

B. Surrender.

You do not want to cause anymore death and destruction.

C. Use your grappling shot to scale up and throw a grenade inside.

D. Enter the AT-AT and slaughter everyone inside.

Now it is your AT-AT.

E. Run away.

This is not your fight anymore.

Question 6: Your father visits you to reconcile your past differences.

Do you…


A. Reconcile with him.

Despite your differences he is still your father.

B. Let the past die...

Kill it if you have to.

C. Tell him you never want to see him again.

This is the easiest way to get rid of him for good.

D.Use the Mind trick to see what he is really up to.

E.You know what you have to do, but you don't know if you have the strength to do it…

Question 7: Some Jawas try to sell you a faulty droid.

Do you…


A. Ask for a refund.

Do not bother buying another droid from them.

B. Tell them you want a discount.

You can easily fix the droid after, and save some money.

C. Become upset with them.

What are they trying to push on you...

D. Demand a new droid for free.

If they ever want business from you again, they will agree.

E. Accept the faulty droid.

You do not want to confront the Jawas.

Question 8: You need to get information from a Geonosian leader to save your padawan.

Do you...

(CW S2E8)

A. Offer him money as an incentive to help you out.

B. Punch him and use Force choke to try and extract the information.

C. Leave him alone if he will not talk.

Your padawan can take care of themselves.

D. Slice off a limb to let him know you mean business.

He should talk pretty quick now.

E. Try to persuade him to help you.

It is the right thing to do given the circumstances.

Question 9: How did you get your lightsaber?

A. You created it yourself.

B. You killed someone in combat for it.

C. You paid for it fair and square.

D. You stole it from someone who was sleeping.

Question 10: What do you use your lightsaber for?

A. To look cool and impress others.


For maintaining peace.

C. As a tool to help you make a living.


For destroying your enemies.

Alright that was the last question, good job on finishing the quiz.

Now just add up all the points from the questions and we'll find out which result you have in

the Star Wars universe.

Between 10 and 17: You got the Protosaber or Retroblade Saber

The protosaber, also known as the archaic saber was the original lightsaber design.

Similar to the later lightsabers, this version still had a crystal inside the hilt and an

emitted blade.

The main difference was this protosaber was connected to a powerpack via a cable.

Because of this connection, the lightsaber was not very versatile.

It had limited operational time and mobility.

The Retroblade saber was similar to the protosaber, although it had the main advantage of a belt-mounted

pack which allowed for a short power surge.

This surge created a temporarily more powerful blade which gave the users an advantage during


Between 18 and 25: You got the Guard Shoto

The guard shoto, also known as the lightsaber tonfa, was similar to the shoto-style lightsaber

except that it featured an elongated hilt with an alternative handle sticking out 90

degrees perpendicular from the main hilt.

When used by it's alternative hilt, this lightsaber style was especially good for blocking.

However, the alternative hilt made it difficult to deliver powerful attacks, causing a loss

in offensive capabilities.

On top of that, in the hands of an unskilled wielder, it could be extra hazardous.

Between 26 and 33: You got the Long Handle Lightsaber

The long handle lightsaber had an extra long hilt which provider its wielder more surface

area and subsequently more leverage in attacks.

This lightsaber required a specific fighting style that utilized the wielders entire body,

using their joints as fulcrums from which the saber could be levered.

Unfortunately, similar to the double bladed saber, this long hilt was easily targeted

by opponents.

Between 34 and 41: You got the Dual phase Lightsaber

The dual-phase lightsaber had a blade that could change between two different preset


The purpose of this was to act as element of surprise during duels.

Unlike the standard lightsabers, which had a manual adjustor for changing the blade,

the dual phase lightsaber did so almost instantly.

On top of that, dual phase lightsabers had the ability to adjust the width of the blade

and they had the capacity to carry different crystals.

Between 42 and 49: You got the Lightclub The lightclub, also known as the great lightsaber

or great saber, was pretty much the opposite of the shoto-style lightsaber, featuring a

blade that could reach 3 meters in length.

This was done by a specific focusing crystal and power system.

They were most commonly wielded by individuals of large stature

Between 50 and 56: You got the Light foil The lightfoil was a style of lightsaber designed

in secret by the Sith Order of Mecrosa.

These small and delicate swords were weaker than a typical lightsaber because of the poor

quality of the focusing crystals they used.

They were lightweight and perfectly balanced, so that the user could wield them with only

one hand.

Wielding a lightfoil did not require any connection to the force, and therefore they were easily

used by non-force sensitive users.

Between 57 and 63: You got the Lightwhip

This rare form of lightsaber featured a blade that was several meters in length and flexible.

This lightsaber style was formed by multiple small crystals instead of just one, and the

plasma in the blade had no cell barriers to keep it straight.

Typically there was only one blade emitted, however having multiple blades was not unheard


This exotic style of saber was used in a whip-like manner, which benefited the wielder, as it

gave them the element of surprise.

Between 64 and 70: You got the War Dragon's Lightsaber

This lightsaber variation was wielded by a warrior who rode an Ubese Thorn-Back War dragon.

It consisted of two hilts and three separate blades, one on each end and one that connected

the two hilts.

Interested in finding out more about who you'd be in the Star Wars Universe.

Check out my other quizzes.

Anyways, I hope you had fun completing the quiz.

So which one did you get?

Let me know down below in the comment section.

And remember to like, share, and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.

I hope to see you all again in Leia's Lair.

For more infomation >> Find out YOUR lightsaber HILT style! (Legends) - Star Wars Quiz - Duration: 12:31.


This Left The Audience SPEECHLESS | This Is WHY You're Not HAPPY (An Eye Opening Video) - Duration: 12:22.

well a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors

and emotions that's acquired through repetition the habit is when you've done

done something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than

your mind so if you think about it people wake up in the morning they begin

to think about their problems those problems are circuits memories in the

brain each one of those memories are connected to people and things at

certain times and places and if the brain is a record of the past the moment

they start their day they're already thinking in the past each one of those

memories has an emotion emotions are the end product of past experiences so the

moment they recall those memories of their problems they all of a sudden feel

unhappy they feel sad they feel pain now how you think and how you feel creates

your state of being so the person's entire state of being when they start

their day is in the past so what does that mean the familiar past will sooner

or later be predictable future so if you believe that your thoughts have

something to do with your destiny and you can't think greater than how you

feel our feelings have become the means of thinking by very definition of

emotions your thinking in the past and for the most part you're going to keep

creating the same life so then people grab their cellphone they check their

what's up they check their text they check their emails they check facebook

they take a picture of their feet they post it on Facebook they tweet something

they do Instagram they check the news and now they feel really connected to

everything that's known in their life and then they go through a series of

routine behaviors they get out of bed on the same side they go to the toilet they

got a cup of coffee they take a shower they can trust they drive to work the

same way they do the same things they see the same people that push the same

emotional buttons and that becomes the routine and it becomes like a program so

now they've lost their free will to a program and there's no unseen hand doing

it to them so when it comes time to change the redundancy of that cycle

becomes a subconscious program so now 95% of who we are by the time

or 35 years old is a memorized set of behaviors emotional reactions

unconscious habits hardwired attitudes beliefs and perceptions that function

like a computer program so then person can say what their five percent of their

conscious mind I want to be healthy I want to be happy I want to be free but

the body's on a whole different program so then how do you begin to make those

changes well you have to get beyond the analytical mind because what separates

the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is the analytical mind and as for

meditation comes in because you can teach people through practice how to

change their brainwaves slow them down and when they do that properly they do

enter the operating system where they can begin to make some really important

changes so most people then wait for crisis or trauma or disease or diagnosis

you know they wait for loss some tragedy to make up their mind to change and my

message is why wait and and you can learn and change in a state of pain and

suffering or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration I think

right now the cool thing is that people are waking

up the the stronger the emotional reaction you have to some experience in

your life the higher the emotional quotient the more you pay attention to

the cause in the moment the brain puts all of its attention on the cause it

takes a snapshot and that's called the memory so long-term memories are created

from very highly emotional experiences so what happens then is that people

think neurologically within the circuitry of that experience and they

feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and so when you have an

emotional reaction to someone or something most people think that they

can't control their emotional reaction well it turns out if you allow that

emotional reaction it's called a refractory period to last for hours or

days that's called the mood I say to someone hey what's up and so

I'm gonna move well why are you in a mood well I have this thing happen to me

five days ago and I'm having one long emotional reaction if you keep that same

emotional reaction going on for weeks or months

that's called temperament why is he so bitter I don't know let's ask him why is

he so bitter why are you bitter well I had this thing happened to me nine

months ago and if you keep that same emotional reaction going on for years on

end that's called a personality trait and so

learning how to shorten your refractory period of emotional reactions is really

where that work starts so then people when they have an event what they do is

they keep recalling the event because the the emotions of stress hormones the

survival emotions are saying pay attention to what happened because you

want to be prepared if it happens again turns out most people spend 70% of their

life living in survival and living in stress so they're they're always

anticipating the worst-case scenario based on a past experience and they're

literally out of the infinite potentials in the quantum field they're selecting

the worst possible outcome and they're beginning to emotionally embrace it with

fear and their conditioning their body into a state of fear do that enough

times body has a panic attack without you you you can't even predict it

because it's programmed subconsciously so then you say to the person why are

you this way and they'll say I am this way because of this event that happened

to me 15 or 20 years ago and what that means from biological standpoint is that

they haven't been able to change since that event so then the emotions from the

experience tend to give the body and the brain a rush of energy so people become

addicted to the rush of those emotions and they use the problems and conditions

in their life to reaffirm their limitation so at least they can feel

something so now when it comes time to change you say the person why are you

this way well every time they recall the event

they're producing the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event is

occurring firing and wiring the same circuits and sentence the same emotional

signature to the body but what's the revelant behind that well your body is

the unconscious mind it doesn't know the difference between the experience that's

creating the emotion and the emotion that you're creating by thought alone so

the body is believing is living in the same past experience 24 hours a day

seven days a week 365 days a year and so then when those emotions influence

certain thoughts and they do and then those thoughts create the same emotions

and those same emotions influence the same thoughts now the entire person's

state of being is in the past so then the hardest part about change is not

making the same choices either the day before a period and the moment you

decide to make a different choice get ready because it's going to feel

uncomfortable I think that the bigger thing is that we we keep firing and

wiring those circuits they become more hardwired so there you have a thought

and then the program runs but it's the emotion that follows the thought if you

have a if you have a fearful thought you're gonna feel anxiety the moment you

feel anxiety your brains checking in with your body and saying yeah you're

pretty anxious so then you start thinking more corresponding thoughts

equal to how you feel while the redundancy of that cycle

conditions the body to become the mind so now when it comes time to change the

person steps into that river of change and they make a different choice in all

of a sudden they don't they don't feel the same way so the body says well

you've been doing this for 35 years well you're gonna just stop field suffering

and stop feeling guilty and stop feeling shameful and you're not gonna complain

or blame or make excuses or feel sorry for yourself well the body's in the

unknown so the body says I want to return back to familiar territory so the

body starts influencing the mind and it says start tomorrow they're too much

like your mother you'll never change this isn't going to work for you this

doesn't feel right and so if you respond to that thought as if it's true that

same thought will lead to the same choice which will lead to the same

behavior which will create the same experience which produce the same

emotion I want to talk about that notion of give me a little more detail what you

mean by the body becomes the mind or the unconscious mind what do you mean by

that exactly well those are two different things your

body is your unconscious mind in a sense if you're sitting down and you start

thinking about some future worst-case scenario that you're conjuring up in

your mind and you begin to feel the emotion of that event your body doesn't

know the difference between the event that's taking place in your world outer

world and what you're creating by emotion or thought alone so most people

then they're they're constantly reaffirming their emotional states so

when it comes time to give up that emotion they can say I really want to do

it but really the body is stronger than the mind because it's been conditioned

that way so the servant now has become the master and the person all of a

sudden once they step into that unknown they'd rather feel guilt and suffering

because at least they can predict it being the unknown is a scary place for

most people because the unknown is uncertain people say to me well I can't

predict my future I'm in the unknown and I always say the best way to predict

your future is to create it not from the known but from the unknown what thoughts

do you want to fire and wire in your brain what behaviors do you want to

demonstrate in one day the act of rehearsing the mentally

closing your eyes and rehearsing the action by closing your eyes and mentally

rehearsing some action if you're truly present the brain does not know the

difference between what you're imaging and what you're experiencing in 3d world

so then you begin to install the neurological Hardware in your brain to

look like the event has already occurred now your brain is no longer a record of

the past now it's a map to the future and if you keep doing it priming it that

way the hardware becomes a software program and who knows you just may start

acting like a happy person and then I think the hardest part is to teach our

body emotionally what the future will feel like ahead of the actual experience

so what does that mean you can't wait for your success to feel empowered you

can't wait for your wealth to feel abundant you can't wait for your your

new relationship to feel loved or you're healing to feel whole I mean

that's the old model of reality of cause and effect you know waiting for

something outside of us to change how we feel inside of us and when we feel

better inside of us we pay attention to ever or whatever caused it but but that

means then is that from the Newtonian worlds that most people spend their

whole life living and lack will hitting for something you change out there

what do you mean the Newtonian world Newtonian world is all about the

predictable it's all about predicting a future but the quantum model of reality

is about causing an effect the moment you start feeling abundant and worthy

you are generating wealth the moment you're empowered and feel it you're

beginning to step towards your success the moment you start feeling whole your

healing begins and when you love yourself and you love all of life you'll

create an equal and now you're causing an effect and I think that's the the

difference between living as a victim in your world saying I am this way because

of this person or that thing or this experience they made me think and feel

this way when you switch that around you become a creator of your world and you

start saying my thinking and my feeling is changing an outcome in my life and

now that's a whole different game and we start believing more that we're creators

of reality

For more infomation >> This Left The Audience SPEECHLESS | This Is WHY You're Not HAPPY (An Eye Opening Video) - Duration: 12:22.


Can you Trust Wikipedia? - Duration: 4:18.

Wikipedia: everybody's favourite source of information on potentially rigged Super Bowl

games, the flat Earth society, and the conspiracy theory that claims the early middle ages never


Despite the craziness you might find on there, Wikipedia has a lot of interesting and useful

information, but can you really believe what you read on Wikipedia?

The main concern is that anyone can edit Wikipedia, thus resulting in vandalism and complete nonsense.

However, that's not exactly true.

Nobody can actually edit Wikipedia.

You can only edit a new version into existence.

All previous versions of articles are saved in case of of vandalism.

So you can only really add to Wikipedia, not change it permanently.

Contrary to popular belief, the site is not a dumping ground for everybody's nonsense.

There are actually a quite large number of people who actively monitor, improve, and

add to Wikipedia.

Before we go any further, we need to know what exactly Wikipedia is.

It is simply an online encyclopedia.

Just like Encyclopedia Britannica, or others, but online, thus opening itself up to the

constantly evolving influx of information.

It is not a political system, a newspaper, a source of opinionated articles, or anything

else that is not strictly neutral and informative.

At least, that's the intent.

There are obviously people who don't appreciate those values, but nevertheless, the site is

as strong as ever.

But if you really need to know something, should you believe what you read on Wikipedia.

The answer is yes, with an asterisk.

Say for example you wanted to know the capital city of Vietnam.

First, you look on Wikipedia.

You find that it's Hanoi without difficulty.

But say you are skeptical.

You want evidence.

Click on Hanoi and scroll down to the references and the evidence speaks for itself.

However, a country's capital city is fairly objective.

With an obvious exception, there's no dispute over capital cities for the most part.

Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam without question.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada without question.

The problems on Wikipedia tend to arise when concerning subjective or qualitative subjects,

rather than objective or quantitative.

Although there have been a few critical errors found in science-related articles, the people

who desire that kind of information are less likely to be using Wikipedia to find it, as

there are much more reliable sources elsewhere.

While people seeking information concerning popular culture, art, and other topics are

less likely to be dependent on whether or not that information is 100% accurate.

In other words, a particle physicist would be less likely to check Wikipedia for information

about supersymmetry, considering it is their own field of study and there are much better

sources in the world of academia, while a fan of Star Wars would probably check Wikipedia

for information on Darth Vader's characteristics as the subject is fairly trivial and there

are few consequences for misunderstanding the personality of a fictional supervillain.

Every once in a while, something slips through the guards of Wikipedia, and a false piece

of information becomes accepted.

A famous example of this is the Brazilian aardvark.

In 2008, a student jokingly said that a Coati, a type of raccoon, was also known as the Brazilian

aardvark on Wikipedia.

Despite his intentions, the name quickly caught on and a number of articles from relatively

reputable media outlets were produced without fact-checking.

An article from the Independent then became the cited source on Wikipedia, thus completing

the circle.

This is a famous example of circular reporting, where a piece of information seems to come

from a number of sources, but really comes from one; especially when the one source is


However, the subjectivity of the topic at hand caused the false information to eventually

become true.

You can't use Wikipedia as a source for the exact reason we just discussed.

It enables circular reporting.

There's even a section on Wikipedia which says "we do not expect you to trust us".

It goes on to say that the site is primarily useful for gaining familiarity with the subject.

Another article suggests you should not use Wikipedia for making important decisions.

In other words if you wanted to familiarize yourself with rocket science, Wikipedia is

the place to go.

But if you wanted to build a rocket and leave this planet, which may I remind you has many

illegal components, Wikipedia probably isn't the way to go.

However, the sources Wikipedia gives are often useful.

So, after you escape interpol while making rocket fuel in your basement, you finally

launch, but the space police are onto you.

Where will you go?

Watch this video on why the moon is probably not your best bet on harbouring life, despite

its close proximity to Earth.

For more infomation >> Can you Trust Wikipedia? - Duration: 4:18.


【Kagamine Len V4X】Looking For You in The Sky (君を捜す空) - Duration: 2:47.

(Skip to 1:38 to skip past the intro)

For more infomation >> 【Kagamine Len V4X】Looking For You in The Sky (君を捜す空) - Duration: 2:47.



Hello, Guys!

Today is the day!!!

First day of summer.

And I'm already happy and positive.

And I don't have any homework to do.

So, I just feel lighter.

Today, I am going to Lake George, NY.

And it's five hours to drive up there.

So it's going to be a long car ride!

The weather is going to be beautiful today.

Like you!

So, I'll see you later!

Alright, I'm going to show you a mini tour of this sweet cabin.

We'll start off, in my room.

I just got back from the lake, and I got sunburned. Badly.

You can tell on my face.

And it hurts. I'm just hiding the pain.

There's stripes on my legs too.

My knees.

So, you came to the end of this video.

I hope you really liked this.

And give it a thumbs up, subscribe if you haven't, and I'll see you next Friday!


For more infomation >> ADVENTURES WITH ABBY : LAKE GEORGE, NY VLOG 2018 - Duration: 7:36.


New 'Scorpion' Billboards Have Appeared All Over Toronto - Duration: 1:10.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

We are a mere six days away from the release of Drakes highly anticipated album 'Scorpion,'

and you know it's not Drizzy season without some mysterious and fan-theory- worthy billboards

popping up all over the place.

This album run is no different.

Images of billboards put up by the 6 God started appearing at different locations in Toronto.

All the billboards are black featuring text in all caps reading different phrases.

Of the ones spotted they read, "IS THERE MORE," "DON'T HIT ME WHEN YOU HEAR THIS," "CHANGING


The latter is drawing up the most theories, with a lot of people thinking that Drake is

about to drop a double album on us.

Complex's own Trace William Cowen is betting his money on the billboards revealing some

track titles instead.

You gotta admit that a track titled "Don't Hit Me When You Here This' has a very Drake-like

ring to it.

The billboards could also reveal some excerpts from any number of songs on 'Scorpion.'

Really the Billboards can mean anything, but the good news is we only have to wait until

next Friday to find out which theory is correct.

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> New 'Scorpion' Billboards Have Appeared All Over Toronto - Duration: 1:10.


Monterey County runners take part in inaugural "Race For Open Space" - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Monterey County runners take part in inaugural "Race For Open Space" - Duration: 0:24.


Bishop Curry Reveals the Moment He Knew Meghan and Prince Harry Really Love Each Other - Duration: 6:24.

Bishop Michael Curry is a firm believer that the love between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

is the real deal.

The Chicago-based minister didn't spend very much time with the lovebirds before delivering

a powerful sermon during their wedding in May, but knows the exact moment he was convinced

that their union was meant to be.

"They look at each other like they love each other," said the reverend during a chat with

US Weekly, adding, "I remember thinking after the sermon, once I preached the sermon, I

said, 'These two people love each other.'

They look at each other and their love brought the rest of us together."

When it comes to love, the 65-year-old knows what he's talking about.

He had the Royal Family and famous faces like Elton John, David and Victoria Beckham, Priyanka

Chopra captivated as he spoke about the power of love during his 15-minute address and has

since elaborated on the incredible impact Harry and Meghan's relationship has had on

the world.

"Their love for each other brought two countries together, in Great Britain and the United


They brought people of different religious perspectives and different religions together.

They brought people of different political persuasions, people of different sexual orientations,

people of different classes, people of different races, people of different nations," he told

the publication.

"Their love, even if it was just for a few moments, showed us the power of what unselfish

love that gives itself to another can actually do."

Though Meghan and Harry, he explained, selected the scripture passage, Michael was given free

rein when it came to the powerful speech he presented inside St. George's Chapel that

day – but he had no idea how powerful it truly was for the world who got to witness


"I honestly didn't know what reaction there was to the sermon for almost 24 hours, because

I had gone to a service," he revealed to Us.

"I didn't know the sermon connected.

I really didn't.

I'd say what surprised me, but in a hopeful way, for some reason the message of love resonated,

which tells me we all are longing not only to be loved but to actually be people of love."

The look of love.

Bishop Michael Curry reveals the relatable way in which Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan

showed their adoration for each other at the royal wedding.

Curry didn't know the couple before being asked to speak at their May 19 nuptials, but

it didn't take long for him to discover what they have is real.

"Once I realized this was really happening, it was a real blessing to be a part of that.

Because what they did, you could see it.

They actually love each other.

They really do," he told Us Weekly at the 2018 VH1 Trailblazers event on Thursday, June


"They look at each other like they love each other.

I remember thinking after the sermon, once I preached the sermon, I said, 'These two

people love each other.'

They look at each other, and their love brought the rest of us together."

The 65-year-old bishop felt the magnitude of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's affection,

which he conveyed in his sermon.

"Their love for each other brought two countries together, in Great Britain and the United


They brought people of different religious perspectives and different religions together.

They brought people of different political persuasions, people of different sexual orientations,

people of different classes, people of different races, people of different nations," he


"Their love, even if it was just for a few moments, showed us the power of what unselfish

love that gives itself to another can actually do."

Curry said the bride and groom selected the scripture passage, but he was given the freedom

to form his own sermon.

His power of love-themed message became one of the highlights of the royal wedding, though

the bishop did not know about its effect until much later.

"I honestly didn't know what reaction there was to the sermon for almost 24 hours,

because I had gone to a service.

There were a thousand teenagers at a service in St. Alban's Cathedral.

Literally, I left the reception and went up to the church.

Then I got on an airplane the next morning," he told Us.

"I didn't know about Saturday Night Live.

I didn't know about any of that until I got back here, a good 24 hours, so I had no


I didn't know the sermon connected.

I really didn't.

I'd say what surprised me, but in a hopeful way, for some reason the message of love resonated,

which tells me we all are longing not only to be loved but to actually be people of love."

In the moment, Curry — who hopes he played a role in advancing royal traditions — was

just himself, despite the millions of eyes watching the Windsor Castle ceremony from


"It was episodic, momentarily, periodically," he said of the big day.

"Every once in a while, I would feel [the pressure], but once I got up, I became a parish

priest again.

I've probably done hundreds of weddings, and it became they were a couple who had their

family there and friends and a couple billion other people.

I basically turned into a parish priest again and talked to them like I'd talk to any

other couple."

What spiritual advice does Curry have for Meghan and Harry moving forward?

"The truth is, if you're involved in the work of trying to make a better world, you

need a relationship with a power greater than yourself in order to help you do that, because

you're going to try to change the world and to change lives.

You're going to encounter resistance.

It's not going to be easy.

It doesn't happen overnight, and the truth is, you need a God behind you, because the

resistance ahead of you is going to be real," he reasoned.

"Finding ways to cultivate a spiritual life that informs and enables your life of service,

that's what makes it possible."

He added: "Doing it together with other people of goodwill, whatever their faith,

other people of goodwill, because they're out there.

There are more good people in this world than bad ones."

For more infomation >> Bishop Curry Reveals the Moment He Knew Meghan and Prince Harry Really Love Each Other - Duration: 6:24.


Barcelona are already trying to convince N'Golo Kante to leave Chelsea - Duration: 1:41.

 Barcelona have entered the race to sign N'Golo Kante this summer, according to reports in France

 Last week, it was claimed that Paris Saint-Germain had already opened talks with Chelsea's hierarchy in London over a potential deal for the midfielder

 Kante has established himself as one of the best defensive midfielders in the world and already playing a key role in France's World Cup campaign this summer

 But according to Le Parisien, Barcelona will rival PSG for Kante's signature and the Spanish champions have already begun their efforts to persuade the player to move to Camp Nou

 The report claims that Barca officials invited Kante's family members to attend one of the last matches towards the end of the last season

 Kante, who has a deal with Chelsea until 2021, evaded questions about his future at Chelsea when asked a week ago

 'I am not concerned with all that.  'Today, I am at Chelsea, and today I am currently living and playing in the World Cup, that is what comes first

 'I am not paying attention to what is being said on the club side of things at the moment


For more infomation >> Barcelona are already trying to convince N'Golo Kante to leave Chelsea - Duration: 1:41.


Lionel Messi: Argentina ace savaged and told he should be ashamed of World Cup show - Duration: 2:45.

 Messi and Argentina are on the brink of early elimination after their draw with Iceland and defeat to Croatia

 Messi cut a forlorn figure after the match and is expected to hang up his boots from international football

 But former France and Arsenal midfielder Petit thinks he should be looking at himself

 He told Paddy Power: "Excuse my language, but Argentina look s**t. It was shameful to watch them

To see Messi walking with his head down, he should be ashamed. I don't feel sorry for him, either

 "I think Messi should wake up a bit more, because when things don't go well for him, he's always down on the pitch, he shows no reaction

 "He's not a leader. He's no Ronaldo in that regard. Messi is one of the best players ever, but he needs to show that mentality

 "He needs to wake up! When things go well with Barcelona he's a terrific player. We've seen it in the Champions League though, when things don't go well, he can disappear on the pitch

He's not there anymore. "He's not running, he's walking. He's not concerned about the ball

Come on. "The whole team's body language was so poor, no confidence, no trust between each other

The way they looked, I cannot see Argentina qualifying now.  "It would be a shame to see them qualify, because against Iceland they looked terrible, with no inspiration, nothing at all

And the manager, Jorge Sampaoli, has made so many mistakes since the start of the tournament, in choosing his team, making substitutions, everything

 "You remember so many Argentina teams with great players in the past, but this team is so far from those

I'm not that surprised though, I've been saying it since before the World Cup, there was no chance they would win it because of that defence

They look terrible."

For more infomation >> Lionel Messi: Argentina ace savaged and told he should be ashamed of World Cup show - Duration: 2:45.


장윤정 "임신 5 개월. 첫 번째 이후, - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 장윤정 "임신 5 개월. 첫 번째 이후, - Duration: 3:09.


এটি আপনাকে গরিব থেকে ধনী করবে || Best Habits That Make You Rich or Poor || Story in bangla. - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> এটি আপনাকে গরিব থেকে ধনী করবে || Best Habits That Make You Rich or Poor || Story in bangla. - Duration: 5:57.


venomgt911 Live Stream - Duration: 48:06.

For more infomation >> venomgt911 Live Stream - Duration: 48:06.


venomgt911 Live Stream - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> venomgt911 Live Stream - Duration: 0:52.


✅ Hilary Duff conceals her growing bump in a sweater as she runs errands in LA - Duration: 1:47.

She announced earlier this month that she was expecting her second child, a girl. And on Saturday, Hilary Duff concealed her growing bump beneath a loose sweater, as she ran errands in LA

 The 30-year-old grabbed items from a grocery store, and picked up son Luca from jiu-jitsu.  The Houston native paired her cozy top with a pair of jeans and ankle boots

  Hilary accessorized with a wide brim hat, several items of jewelry and a purse. Son Luca Comrie, six, was seen in his white jiu-jitsu robe and sneakers

  On June 8, Hilary took to Instagram to announce she was pregnant. The blonde beauty is expecting a daughter with musician Matthew Koma, 31, whom she's been on-off with for a year

 'Guess what guys! @matthewkoma and I made a little princess of our own and we couldn't be more excited!!!!!!' This will be the first child for New York native, Matthew

Prior to their relationship, Hilary was married to former ice hockey star, Mike Comrie, 37. The couple were married from 2010 until 2016, and co-parent son Luca


For more infomation >> ✅ Hilary Duff conceals her growing bump in a sweater as she runs errands in LA - Duration: 1:47.


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gives birth to a 'healthy baby girl' - Duration: 3:58.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave birth to a baby girl on Thursday, becoming the second elected world leader in modern times to have a child while in office

After days of eager anticipation across New Zealand, Ardern's daughter arrived at 4:45 p

m. local time, weighing 7.3 pounds, the prime minister announced in an Instagram post

"Welcome to our village wee one," Ardern said. "Feeling very lucky to have a healthy baby girl

" "Thank you so much for your best wishes and your kindness," Ardern, 37, added. "We're all doing really well thanks to the wonderful team at Auckland City Hospital

" Her partner, Clarke Gayford, also posted a photo on Twitter, saying: "So happy to announce our little girl has finally arrived! Everyone healthy and happy

" Ardern, who in October became New Zealand's youngest prime minister in more than a century, drew international attention in January when she announced she was pregnant with her first child

She became a symbol for working mothers everywhere, her story serving as a reminder that women should not have to choose between motherhood and a position of leadership

"I am not the first woman to multitask," Ardern said at the time. "I am not the first woman to work and have a baby

" The only other elected head of government known to have given birth while in office was Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto, who had a child while she was prime minister in 1990

Bhutto was assassinated in December 2007. Fittingly, Ardern's daughter will share a birthday with Bhutto, who would have turned 65 today

When she went into labor at 5:50 a.m., she handed off her duties to New Zealand's deputy prime minister, Winston Peters

 After a six-week maternity leave, she plans to return to her job. Gayford, who hosts a television show about fishing, will be their daughter's full-time caregiver

New Zealanders have been waiting in excitement for the arrival of the baby, who was due on Sunday

One group started a campaign, #KnitForJacinda, to knit baby clothes for hospitals and women's shelters in celebration of Ardern's news

From the moment Ardern's office announced she was in the hospital, New Zealand media outlets dispatched reporters to the scene and kicked off live blogs documenting the day

(One live blog has actually been up and running since Sunday.) The hashtag #babywatch spread on Twitter

The prime minister's office brought food for reporters waiting at the hospital. Ardern's pregnancy was unexpected, she said in January

 She and Gayford had "been clear we wanted to be parents but had been told we would need help for that to happen

" Once she became prime minister, she put those plans on hold. Then came the surprise

The couple will now be "joining the many parents out there who wear two hats," she wrote

"I'll be Prime Minister AND a mum, and Clarke will be 'first man of fishing' and stay at home dad


For more infomation >> New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gives birth to a 'healthy baby girl' - Duration: 3:58.


Best Budget phones You can buy right now From 7k to 15k | Is Xiaomi trying hard to be everywhere?! - Duration: 8:21.

'The Budget Segment' of smartphones is surely overcrowded these days with so many brands

giving a lot of feature rich mobiles at affordable prices but then, that leads

to lot of confusion too among the consumers.

Many of us are not sure which phone's right for our money and our needs?

well,this video might just help you make up your mind

I've tried to pick out the best value for money mobiles out there from the range of

7k to 15k.

I couldn't find a decent smartphone under 7k.

There are a few but they're not worth it.

I believe 7k should be the minimum one should spend on a smartphone.

So lets get started:

For 7k: Go with the Redmi 5A.

You'll get 3Gb of RAM & 32Gb of storage.

Remember there's also a 2/16Gb variant at 6k but I would suggest, do'nt buy it.

B'cos It makes more sense to spend just a thousand extra

and get 3/32Gb model.

Also in 2018 2Gb RAM & 16GB of storage may not be sufficent.

Next time when you're buying any smartphone, pls make sure to get atleast the 3Gb RAM model.

Coming back, The Redmi5A has a 5 inch ips lcd panel at 720p resolutuion.

A SD425 Quadcore chipset which is decent& powerefficient.

It has 3000Mah battery.

A single 13Mp camera on the rear and a 5Mp one on the front.

It also has an IR blaster, FM radio & there's a dedicated microSD slot

For 9k: Here you have two choices; the Oppo RealMe 1 and Redmi 5.

Both of them are 3/32Gb models.

The Oppo RealMe 1 is recent in the market & already a huge success.

It comes with a highly powerful Medeatek Helio P60 chipset which can compete even with higher

end mobiles.The RealMe1's huge 6 inch screen with a fullHD+ resolution.

A 13Mp camera on the back and 8Mp one on the front.

Both the cameras use AI capabilities of the chipset to take photos.

A decent 3400Mah battery

and also has a dedicated microSD slot to expand upto 256Gb.

The only con I can think of is that its average build quality.

Its diaomond cut design is definitely great to look at but its made of

fibreglass material, so durability might be an issue.

The Redmi 5 is a compact 5.7 inch device at 720p resolution.

It comes with SD 450 chipset which is fairly decent.

A 3300Mah battery.

It comes with a 12Mp camera on the back and 5Mp one on the front.

I would suggest to go with the RealMe 1

because for the price, its the best deal one can get.

Go with the Redmi 5 only if you're not a heavy user and someone who likes a compact 5.7 inch


And slightly better build quality.

For 10k: Interestingly, here you have two choices and both of them are redmi phones!

One is Redmi y2 which's recently launched.

The other one's the Redmi Note5.

Both of them are powered by the same processor i.e.,

SD625 chipset and 3/32Gb of RAM & storage.

If camera is your highest priority then go with the Redmi Y2. because it has

12+5Mp dual cameras on the back.

And a 16Mp front camera for selfies.

Go with the Redmi Note5 for higher battery, i.e 4000Mah instead of 3000Mah on the Redmi


And also better screen quality because it has

a fullHD+ resolutuion whereas the Redmi Y2 has just a 720p screen.

For 11K: Here you have three choices, the Honor9 lite, the Asus zenfone max pro(m1)

both at 3Gb of RAM & 32Gb of storage, and the RealMe 1 4/64Gb variant.

If you like a good looking, compact device, then honor9

lite is your choice.

'cos it's the best looking phone in the budget segment.

It has 13+2Mp dual cameras on both rear and front.

Of course they're nothing exceptional but good enough.

comes with a 3000Mah battery.

And is powered by Kirin 659 chipset which is slightly better than the SD625 chipset.

Despite the good looks, the phone is made of glass on front and back sandwitched to

an aluminium frame.

And its not Gorilla glass.

So build quality is doubtful.

the Asus zenfone max pro m1 is a fairly large 6 inch display and comes with a massive 5000Mah

battery and is powered by the SD636 chipset which is more poweful compared

to the kirin 659 chipset.

It has 13+5Mp dual rear cameras and an 8Mp one on the front.

Another advantage is it comes with stock android 8.1 out of the box and the company

promised at least two android version updates.

I would suggest to go with the Asus Zenfone max pro, if you're a heavy user and likes


For 12K you have the Moto G6 play.

I'm not saying its value for money device but if you're some one who likes the motorolla's

unique style of design& build, then you can go with it.

It has 5.7 inch 720p display and a large 4000Mah battery.

A single 13Mp camera on the back & an 8Mp one on the front.

But the biggest problem with this is the processor.

It has a very very mediocre SD430 chipset which's huge letdown by the motorolla.

moving on for 14K you can buy the Oppo RealMe 1 with 6Gb of RAM and 128Gb of storage.

this is the only mobile to give such whopping RAM & storage at this price point.

And for 15K we've the Redmi Note5 Pro.

It's 5.99 inch tall display with fullHD+ resolution and comes with 12+5Mp dual rear cameras and

on the front it has a 20Mp lens for selfies.

It has a 4000Mah battery and is powered by the SD636 chipset.

It comes with 4Gb of RAM and 64Gb of storage.

This is the only mobile in the budget segment so far with almost flagship grade camera performance.

Because it comes with Sony lenses which are usually seen on the higher end mobiles.

And finally, if your budget is between 15 to 20k then, I would suggest not to buy anything

right now because in the coming 2 or 3 months, we are expecting great many

launches starting with the Nokia X6,

the Lenovo Z5, the Asus Zenfone 5 and the Xioami Mi8

SE which will be launched in India as Mi8i.

Its the first mobile in the world to come with the SD710 chipset.

So I would suggest you to wait a little longer because these mobiles are definitely

worth your wait.

For more infomation >> Best Budget phones You can buy right now From 7k to 15k | Is Xiaomi trying hard to be everywhere?! - Duration: 8:21.


김건모 재산은?? 지금까지 공개된 부동산 재산은 아래와 같아요...-Tistory News - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> 김건모 재산은?? 지금까지 공개된 부동산 재산은 아래와 같아요...-Tistory News - Duration: 5:43.


What To Do After High School

For more infomation >> What To Do After High School


Após o Brasil GANHAR Jogo, Juninho Pernambucano DETONA Galvão Bueno por causa de Neymar e COMOVE - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Após o Brasil GANHAR Jogo, Juninho Pernambucano DETONA Galvão Bueno por causa de Neymar e COMOVE - Duration: 1:46.


É assim que te quero, amor - Pablo Neruda - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> É assim que te quero, amor - Pablo Neruda - Duration: 4:31.


Temor e incertidumbre entre la comunidad inmigrante en Ohio por frecuentes redadas de ICE - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Temor e incertidumbre entre la comunidad inmigrante en Ohio por frecuentes redadas de ICE - Duration: 2:05.


Mensagem de fé para Hoje, dia 24 de Junho – Senhor, eu sei que tu me sondas - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Mensagem de fé para Hoje, dia 24 de Junho – Senhor, eu sei que tu me sondas - Duration: 7:04.


Diário de viagem: fomos à Califórnia! - Duration: 2:13.

Ooooooooooi! Michelly aqui! Já tá batendo uma saudade de me encontrar com vocês aos sábados, no Plug

Mas pra gente não ficar tão distante, durante a Copa do Mundo, resolvi dividir um pouco da nossa rotina aqui no site! Não! A gente não parou de trabalhar, rs

Estamos gravando muito nesse período e aproveitamos para viajar. Esta semana, passamos por uma cidade incrível, a nossa Califórnia paranaense

Lá, a gente gravou os famosos canudinhos doces que fazem tanto barulho na região! Os moradores cozinham pra quermesse da igreja, mas o doce é muito encontrado em outros pontos comerciais da cidade

O mais legal é que é tudo feito artesanalmente: eles fazem o canudinho, cilindram, enrolam, cortam, modelam e fritam

Ficam assim! (Foto: divulgação/RPC) Depois, ainda tem o doce de leite que vai dentro

É saborosíssimo! Eu amei, sensacional. Olha que delícia! (Foto: divulgação/RPC) Logo, logo vocês vão poder conferir tudinho no programa

Até lá, vamos conversando por aqui? <3 Fique ligado na programação da RPC Acompanhe a RPC nas redes sociais: curta a página no Facebook, siga no Twitter e no Instagram

For more infomation >> Diário de viagem: fomos à Califórnia! - Duration: 2:13.


Mundial 2018. Były mistrz świata bez litości dla Messiego. "Powinien się wstydzić" [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:46.

- Messiego a Ronaldo dzieli przepaść jeśli chodzi o grę w reprezentacji. Argentyńczyk powinien się za siebie wstydzić - ocenił mistrz świata z 1998 roku, Emmanuel Petit

Brak strzelonego gola, niewykorzystany rzut karny, apatyczna postawa w meczu z Chorwacją - lista grzechów Lionela Messiego na mistrzostwach świata w Rosji się wydłuża

Chociaż bez gwiazdora Barcelony reprezentacji Argentyny nie byłoby w ogóle na turnieju, kibice nie mają litości dla zawodnika

Zwłaszcza, że po drugiej stronie widzą Cristiano Ronaldo. Portugalczyk strzelił już cztery gole dla swojej reprezentacji i jest jej absolutnym liderem

Mistrz świata z 1998 roku z reprezentacją Francji Emmanuel Petit nie ma litości dla Argentyńczyka

- Messi powinien się wstydzić. Jego spuszczona głowa, jego miny z meczu z Chorwacją oznaczały jedno: nie potrafi być liderem i wstrząsnąć partnerami z drużyny - przekonuje były piłkarz m

in. Arsenalu i Barcelony.Petit uważa, że porównanie z Ronaldo wypada fatalnie dla Messiego

- Obu dzieli przepaść jeśli chodzi o grę w kadrze. Jeden jest liderem, drugi nie - podsumował Francuz

Mimo fatalnej postawy Messi i Argentyna wciąż ma realne szanse na awans do fazy pucharowej MŚ

Wystarczy im do tego pokonanie Nigerii i brak zwycięstwa Islandii nad Chorwacją w ostatniej kolejce


For more infomation >> Mundial 2018. Były mistrz świata bez litości dla Messiego. "Powinien się wstydzić" [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:46.


Bernie Sanders makes more than $1million for second year in the row - 247 news - Duration: 3:42.

Bernie Sanders has raked in more than $1million in income for the second year in a row

The Vermont senator, 76, made nearly $1.06million in 2017 thanks to massive advances and royalties

The royalties and side jobs earned the Independent politician $885,767 in addition to his $174,000 Senate service income, according to a May financial disclosure report

He first hit the million mark in 2016 following his lucrative book deal for Our Revolution, a book on his failed presidential campaign, VTDigger reported

  Sanders is now officially part of the one per cent, a group he has long slammed for creating economic inequality

 The junior senator has long been a harsh critic of millionaires and billionaires and a defender of the working class, and for many years his income was one of the lowest in Congress

 In 2014 he earned little more than his congressional salary and reported $330,000 in assets

 However he claims his newfound million-dollar wealth does not undermine his fight against wealth inequality

 Sanders' senior political adviser Jeff Weaver said such a claim would be 'ridiculous'

 'Bernie Sanders continues to fight for working class people across this country so I think it's a pretty ridiculous question,' he said in an interview with VTDigger

  Share this article Share Weaver did not comment on whether Sanders will donate a portion of his wealth to charity, as he did in 2014 donating four per cent to nonprofit organizations

 Sanders himself has founded two nonprofits in 2016 - political organization Our Revolution and The Sanders Institute, a think tank co-founded by his wife Jane O'Meara Sanders and his stepson

 As for his 2017 income, $505,000 came from advance against royalties from publisher Macmillan - St

Martin's Press, which is also set to publish a book by the senator later this year

$306,000 in royalties also came from the aforementioned publishing house for his bestseller Our Revolution, which was released a week after Trump was elected into office

The Vermont senator disclosed a total of six royalty agreements, including book projects from 1990 and a spoken-word folk music album recorded back in 1987

   Sanders owns three homes, which includes a retreat in the Lake Champlain islands near Vermont

In 2016 he purchased the $575,000 North Hero summer home and faced accusations of hypocrisy from critics

'Bernie is a homeowner in Vermont. After 16 years of renting in DC he took the radical step of buying a small row house

And like many Vermonters he and Jane have a camp on Lake Champlain,' Sanders said

Also in the 2017 he lists two mortgages, one on a property with a value between $100,001 and $250,000, and another between $250,001 and $500,000

 In comparison, Senator Patrick Leahy did not report any addition earned income in 2016 or 2017

For more infomation >> Bernie Sanders makes more than $1million for second year in the row - 247 news - Duration: 3:42.


Yulin dog meat festival 2018 facts: What is the Yulin dog meat festival? - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Yulin dog meat festival 2018 facts: What is the Yulin dog meat festival? - Duration: 4:46.


A Trent Reznor no le gustó nada el nuevo disco de Kanye West - Duration: 2:29.

Trent Reznor se encuentra haciendo una gira para promover el próximo álbum de Nine Inch Nails, Bad Witch

 En una parada, conversó con The Guardian en donde habló no sólo sobre el nuevo material, sino también de la administración de Donald Trump, sus adicciones y lo nuevo de Kanye West

El tema de Kanye West salió al hablar sobre la cultura pop, en donde también habló sobre Childish Gambino y Migos, Reznor comparó al trio Migos con un pastel, el cual es rico y no tiene nada de malo, pero a veces necesitamos recordar que existe algo más, algo mejor, como This is America de Gambino

Luego habló de lleno sobre Kanye y la saturación que hay de él en los medios. "¿Cuántos artículos The Guardian ha hecho sobre Kanye West el pasado mes

El tipo perdió la cabeza: ese es el artículo. Su nuevo disco apestó, y eso es. Ha hecho cosas geniales; no está en un buen lugar ahora", comentó Trent Reznor sobre ye, el más reciente álbum de West

Sobre la fama que vino con Nine Inch Nails, Reznor confesó que no estaba preparado para el efecto que la fama tendría en él, lo que lo llevó al alcoholismo

"Me sentí en un escenario incómodo en el que todos querían ser tus amigos. Tomarte un trago o dos estaba bien

Ayudó por un tiempo, hasta que comenzó a definir quién era. En cada escenario tenía que beber, porque eso es lo que era ahora", compartió en la entrevista

"Creo que ahora sé quién soy, siento que dejé el caos atrás, está la vida familiar y la estabilidad", finalizó

For more infomation >> A Trent Reznor no le gustó nada el nuevo disco de Kanye West - Duration: 2:29.


✅ Dziś mija pięć lat od imprezy Rafała Maseraka w Toruniu: "Stara k*wo, śpij, a nie dzwonisz na pały - Duration: 3:05.

 Pięć lat temu Rafał Maserak wybrał się do Torunia, gdzie gościł na obchodach miejskiego święta. Po wypełnieniu obowiązków służbowych udał się na przyjęcie, które odbywało się w prywatnym mieszkaniu na toruńskim osiedlu Wrzosy

Niestety, o świcie zabawa wymknęła się spod kontroli.  Wczesnym porankiem 23 czerwca sąsiedzi wezwali patrol policji, skarżąc się całonocną, głośną imprezę na balkonie

Jak wspominali w rozmowie z funkcjonariuszami, około piątej nad ranem pod blokiem było słychać krzyki i wyzwiska. Początkowo policjanci nie rozpoznali tancerza Tańca z gwiazdami, pamiętali jednak, jak darł się pod ich oknami  To on krzyczał: "Skurwy**** jeszcze śpicie - ujawnił jeden z sąsiadów podczas rozprawy sądowej

Wrzeszczał z niego do kobiety z mieszkania obok: "stara kur** śpij, a nie dzwonisz na pały".  Jak się okazało, niechęć Rafała wzbudziła 42-letnia Daria K, która wezwała policję

 Wyszłam na balkon i poprosiłam, żeby się uciszyli, ale zostałam wyzwana. Nie wdałam się w pyskówkę, tylko zadzwoniłam na policję - wspominała kobieta

 Funkcjonariusze weszli do mieszkania Darii K., żeby sprawdzić, co się będzie działo, gdy poprosi imprezujące towarzystwo o zachowanie ciszy nocnej

 Jedna z kobiet, ok. 40-letnia blondynka, zwymyślała ją wtedy od "kurew" i "dziwek" i zapowiedziała: "Jak wezwiesz policję, to cię uduszę" - zeznał jeden z policjantów, obecnych podczas interwencji

 Maserak na widok radiowozu dodał błyskotliwą uwagę od siebie: Widząc nas, powiedział: "Pierdol*** pały, kur** przyjechały" - wspominał funkcjonariusz

 Następnie próbował olśnić policjantów swoją sławą.  Mam wyjeb*** kur**, idę do taksówki, a wy spierda****** - zapowiedział odważnie

Wy psy, ja wam pokażę pierdo**** pały. Skurwi***, nie wiecie z kim zadarliście, ty kur**, co ty możesz mi zrobić? Z takimi kurw*** to ja się policzę, bo jestem znany

 Zapomniał chyba jeszcze dodać tylko, że uprawiał seks z Małgorzatą Foremniak.  Badanie alkomatem wykazało, że Rafał miał we krwi ponad promil alkoholu

Po wytrzeźwieniu zapewniał, że padł ofiarą policyjnej przemocy.  Podejrzewał, że funkcjonariusze uwzięli się na niego, ponieważ jest sławny  Komenda w Toruniu dała chyba informację, że taki człowiek jak ja się tam znajduje - wyznał wtedy

Myślę, że inaczej nie mogło być. Nie naruszyłem prawa, żeby w taki sposób mnie traktować. Ja całe życie mam pecha, od małego dziecka

 Na sądzie sława Maseraka ani jego trudne dzieciństwo nie zrobiły jednak wrażenia. Niespełna tydzień po otrzymaniu aktu oskarżenia, 14 października 2013 roku zapadł wyrok uznający tancerza winnym i skazujący go na trzy tysiące złotych grzywny

For more infomation >> ✅ Dziś mija pięć lat od imprezy Rafała Maseraka w Toruniu: "Stara k*wo, śpij, a nie dzwonisz na pały - Duration: 3:05.


Z nimi zagramy o wszystko. Jest się kogo bać? - Duration: 0:21.


For more infomation >> Z nimi zagramy o wszystko. Jest się kogo bać? - Duration: 0:21.


Niño muere electrocutado mientras jugaba en un inflable - Duration: 1:09.

 Un niño murió electrocutado cuando estaba jugando en un ‘inflable‘ instalado en sus primaria por los festejos de fin de curso, en Los Mochis

 No te pierdas: Niño dibuja sus propias estampas del álbum del Mundial  Se dio a conocer que Alejandro “N†de 12 años, del ejido Cuatro Milpas, El Fuerte, se encontraba en el juego inflable cuando recibió la descarga por unos cables pelados que se encontraban junto a una pared contigua

 El menor fue trasladado de manera urgente a un hospital de la región, en donde murió mientras recibía atención médica

También puedes leer: Publimetro México Expulsan a sacerdote que abofeteó a niño durante bautismo "Fue mi último bautismo", asegura el sacerdote

For more infomation >> Niño muere electrocutado mientras jugaba en un inflable - Duration: 1:09.


Kirby - Pesadelo Na Terra Dos Sonhos 004 - Jardim Das Uvas - Duration: 21:29.

For more infomation >> Kirby - Pesadelo Na Terra Dos Sonhos 004 - Jardim Das Uvas - Duration: 21:29.


Faça Desaparecer as Dores nos Joelhos, Coluna e Nas Articulações! - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Faça Desaparecer as Dores nos Joelhos, Coluna e Nas Articulações! - Duration: 8:52.


Músicas Internacionais Antigas - Músicas Romanticas de Cantores Famosos - Duration: 1:32:43.

For more infomation >> Músicas Internacionais Antigas - Músicas Romanticas de Cantores Famosos - Duration: 1:32:43.


Armani, Pavón y el déficit fiscal - Duration: 14:29.

Alejandro Borensztein Cristian Pavón   Siempre se ha dicho que en cada argentino hay un director técnico de fútbol

Y también que todos los argentinos somos ministros de economía. Lo que pocas veces ocurre es que seamos ambas cosas al mismo tiempo, como viene sucediendo en los últimos días

 Evidentemente, como opinar es gratis, allá vamos todos. La última iniciativa económica que circuló popularmente fue la de repartir los 50

000 millones de dólares del FMI entre los casi 50 millones de argentinos y así cada uno ligaba un millón de dólares

 Miles de potenciales ministros de economía se tragaron la ilusión óptica de que 50

000 millones dividido 50 millones te da un millón por argentino. Matemática básica: 50

000.000.000 dividido 50.000.000 es una cuenta fácil. Tachás 7 ceros de cada lado (50

000.000.000 / 50.000.000) y te queda una simple división de 5.000 / 5 = 1.000. O sea, sólo 1

000 dólares por cabeza. Para quien no tenga ganas de hacer cuentas, puede agarrar la calculadora que viene en el celular y chau

 Genios que dicen saber como se financia el déficit fiscal pero en realidad ni siquiera aprobarían Matemática de primer grado

 Sin embargo, un gran amigo mío que no es ningún burro me llamó con la misma propuesta: "Che, ¿Por qué no reparten los 50

000 millones y nos quedamos con un millón cada uno?". Es un tipo preparado, leído, muy buen productor de televisión

No voy a dar el nombre del personaje porque es conocido, es gomía y yo tengo códigos

 Pero mi amigo estaba convencido: "Es un palo verde para cada uno y no laburamos más", insistía

No lo nombro porque soy fiel y lo banco. Tal vez este razonamiento ridículo le surgió en un momento de confusión, durante el programa que tiene todas las mañanas en Telefe

Pero no. Más tarde me llamó y me lo volvió a decir seriamente. Ahí ya me preocupé

 El disparate es tan grande que, si yo no fuera un amigo leal, lo deschavaría para que entendamos nuestra locura

Pero la verdad es que Gerardo no se merece que yo le haga esto. Es un tipo serio, culto

Siempre hace programas impecables. No sería justo mandarlo al frente. Ahora con una mano en el corazón ¿Cómo puede ser que un tipo como Rozín me diga semejante pelotudez? ¿Puede ser que haya tanta gente haciendo la misma cuenta? Lo mismo pasa con el fútbol

Miles de taxistas, panaderos, homeópatas, vendedores de autos, torneros, escribanos, cantantes y demás argentinos que creen saber como se resuelve la economía, ahora también se la pasan diciendo que Sampaoli es un inútil porque contra Croacia armó una línea de tres y contra Islandia una de cuatro

Como si supieran. "Yo le hubiera pegado fuerte y al medio" dice un inmobiliario que pretende explicarle a Messi como se ejecuta un penal

 Ahora dicen que los croatas nos humillaron porque Chiqui Tapia, Angelici y Moyano son una banda de impresentables

Está claro que a ninguno de los tres le resultaría fácil vender un auto usado. Pero esa no es la razón por la que empatamos contra Islandia o perdimos contra Croacia

 A estas y otras eminencias que manejan el fútbol argentino les debemos los clubes fundidos, las barrabravas, la ausencia de hinchadas visitantes, el vergonzoso comportamiento en cada estadio del mundo, el botellazo a Gonzalo Bonadeo, las costillas rotas del pobre turista croata o que ni siquiera se sepa como va a ser el próximo torneo que arranca en 40 días

 Pero con este mismo simposio de camisas Extra Large que dirigen el fútbol, en el Mundial anterior llegamos a la final

Porque lo que hay que entender es que, más allá de sus dirigentes, el fútbol es fútbol

 ¡¡La derrota contra Croacia es la peor catástrofe desde el 6 a 1 contra Checoslovaquia en el Mundial de Suecia '58!!! gritan indignados

 En 1969, yo estaba en la cancha de Boca cuando Perú nos empató 2 a 2 y nos eliminó del Mundial de México ´70

¡¡Catástrofe!! En Alemania ´74, la Holanda de Cruyff nos hizo 4 goles, nos pegó un baile de novela y nos mandó a casa

¡¡Catástrofe!! En España '82, siendo campeones del mundo con Menotti, perdimos de entrada contra Bélgica y pocos días después nos comimos 3 goles contra Brasil y 3 contra Italia

A casita. ¡¡Catástrofe!! En Italia ´90 también estrenamos el título de campeones, esta vez con Bilardo, jugando el partido inaugural contra los africanos de Camerún

Y perdimos 1 a 0. ¡¡Catástrofe!!! Así y todo, después llegamos a la final. En las eliminatorias del ´94 nos jugábamos la clasificación contra Colombia en el Monumental y perdimos… 5 a 0!!! ¡¡Catástrofe!! En EEUU '94 lo agarraron a Diego en el antidóping

Drama nacional. ¡Catástrofe!! En Corea - Japon 2002 fuimos con el mejor plantel de la historia convencidos que traíamos la Copa, y en una semana nos eliminaron

No llegamos ni a desarmar las valijas. ¡¡¡Catástrofe!!! Todos estos desastres ocurrieron bajo la dirección de la misma aristocracia dirigencial

De Grondona a Chiqui Tapia, pasando por… (completar a voluntad). Pero también ganamos el Mundial del 78, el del 86 y llegamos a las finales del 90 y de 2014

Ganamos las Copas América con el Coco Basile, los 3 mundiales juveniles con Pekerman y las medallas de oro en Atenas y Beijing

Siempre manteniendo el mismo nivel de bestias peludas al frente de la AFA. En otras palabras amigo lector, esto es fútbol

Años de cancha me han enseñado que sólo me cabe disfrutarlo o padecerlo. Nunca creer que sé algo

De fútbol sólo saben los que juegan adentro de la cancha y los que dirigen desde el banco

 Ellos saben cómo se siente el jugador, cómo se llevan, quiénes están peleados, quién está mejor para jugar, quién se anima, quién arruga, quién durmió mal, quién extraña, cómo son los contrarios, cual tiene problemas en la rodilla y a quién hay que correrlo por la derecha o anticiparlo por izquierda

 Exceptuando a Macaya y a algunos estudiosos más, el resto miramos de afuera y creemos que sabemos

Millones de directores técnicos y millones de ministros de economía. Está claro que Sampaoli no es el técnico ideal

Que no se entiende como quiere que jueguen, que no está para ir a cenar a lo de Máxima Zorreguieta y que no le vendría mal una charlita con Gino Bogani

No es un orgullo nacional tener un DT que le gritó "¡cagón!" al jugador croata que pasaba por delante de él

 Pero esto es fútbol. ¿Y si el martes el equipo de Sampaoli clasifica? ¿Y si ganamos en octavos? ¿Y si llegamos a semi? ¿Y si Messi hace tres? ¿Y si Caballero te gana una definición por penales? ¿Qué vamos a decir? ¿De qué nos vamos a disfrazar? La novedad es que ahora, además de ser DT y ministros de Economía, aprendimos a combinar todas estas disciplinas y sacar conclusiones mucho más sofisticadas

 Por ejemplo, en un diario kirchnerista amigo explicaban la contradicción de pedirle a los argentinos que ahorren energía mientras a los jugadores se les exige que la derrochen

Remataban el razonamiento resaltando que los Panamá Papers involucran tanto al conductor de la selección (Messi) como al del país (Macri)

Como si Modric, el 10 Croacia, hubiera pensado en eso cuando le pegó como los dioses y la clavó junto al palo

 Mucho más original fue la explicación pública de Luis D'Elía y de Jorge Asís según la cual, detrás del mal rendimiento de Messi y la derrota de Argentina, estuvo Israel en represalia por el partido suspendido

 Todos sabemos que la inteligencia israelí es muy sofisticada. Pero nunca me hubiera imaginado que el Mossad tenia la tecnología necesaria como para lograr que Enzo Pérez, cuando íbamos 0 a 0 y con todo el arco libre, tirara la pelota afuera

A veces el antisemitismo y la estupidez se combinan de una manera desopilante. Por eso amigo lector, este es el momento de mantener la calma, recuperar el equilibrio y dejar de ser el DT y el ministro de economía que todo argentino lleva adentro

Serenidad, educación y humildad por sobre todo. Vos Sampaoli: ponelo a Armani en el arco, armá una buena línea de cuatro como Dios manda, pará en el medio un doble 5 con Mascherano, soltá un volante de creación para que Messi no tenga que bajar tanto a buscar la bocha y ponelo a Pavón de una buena vez, carajo

 Y vos Dujovne, bajame el déficit fiscal y buscate a un peluquero como la gente. Déjense de joder

For more infomation >> Armani, Pavón y el déficit fiscal - Duration: 14:29.


MŚ 2018: Marciniak ponownie na świeczniku. Mógł podyktować rzut karny dla Szwedów - Duration: 3:33.

MŚ 2018: Reprezentacja Niemiec pokonała w ostatniej minucie Szwecję 2:1 i nadal pozostaje w grze o wyjście z grupy

Jednak sytuacja mogła potoczyć się inaczej gdyby sędzia Szymon Marciniak podyktował rzut karny w pierwszej połowie

Jakim Orłem jesteś? Weź udział w konkursie i wygraj idealny zestaw do kibicowania! Drugi mecz na mundialu Szymona Marciniaka i drugi raz kontrowersje

Tym razem polski arbiter nie podyktował, zdaniem mediów, ewidentnego karnego. – Przypominała mi się sytuacja z Champions League, kiedy sędzia Szymon Marciniak nie podyktował trzech rzutów karnych

Dla mnie to ewidentna jedenastka – powiedział w studiu TVP Sport Adam Matysek. Większych pretensji do do naszego arbitra nie miał szwedzki trener

Być może dla tego, że sytuacji nie widział. – Gdyby sędzia podyktował karnego byłoby na pewno łatwiej

W przeciwieństwie do moich asystentów nie widziałem jeszcze tej sytuacji, ale oni powiedzieli mi, że to był oczywista jedenastka

Ufam im, ale póki sam tego nie zobaczę, nie mam zamiaru krytykować sędziego – mówił skromnie selekcjoner Janne Andersson Jedyny głos rozsądku i pozytywny w kierunku naszego sędzia zasłyszeć można było w studiu TVP Sport

Rafał Rostkowski wyjaśnił w prosty sposób działanie systemu VAR na mundialu i postawę Szymona Marciniaka w meczu Niemcy – Szwecja

– Pretensje są bezpodstawne. Sędzia nie może czekać na podpowiedź. Musi podjąć jakąś decyzję

Podjął taką a nie inną. Wszyscy go krytykują, ale jest to bezpodstawne. FIFA ustaliła takie zasady, że VAR nie ma poprawiać wszystkich decyzji, tylko te najpoważniejsze, rażące

Generalnie cała trójka sędziowała bardzo dobrze. Popełnili dwa, trzy błędy. Zaważyła ta jedna kontrowersja – ocenił w studiu TVP Sport międzynarodowy sędzia

Autor: Szymon Piórek Źródło: Przegląd Sportowy

For more infomation >> MŚ 2018: Marciniak ponownie na świeczniku. Mógł podyktować rzut karny dla Szwedów - Duration: 3:33.


Kibice są ósmym zawodnikiem Motoru. "Mamy dla kogo jeździć" - WP SportoweFakty - Duration: 4:37.

W ubiegłą niedzielę Speed Car Motor Lublin udał się na wyjazdowe spotkanie do Krakowa

Mimo że lider tabeli mierzył się z autsajderem ligi i wynik był do przewidzenia, za beniaminkiem pojechała rzesza fanów

W 2017 roku, gdy ligowy żużel powrócił do Lublina, kibice chętnie przychodzili na mecze Speed Car Motoru

Lubelski klub w swoim pierwszym sezonie działalności od razu awansował z 2. Ligi Żużlowej do Nice 1

Ligi Żużlowej. Nic więc dziwnego, że przed obecnie trwającymi rozgrywkami fani wykupili ponad 3000 karnetów na mecze na zapleczu PGE Ekstraligi

Podczas inauguracyjnego mecz z Orłem Łódź na trybunach zasiadł komplet - 8219 kibiców

W pozostałych spotkaniach trybuny także zapełniały się niemal do ostatniego miejsca

    Żużlowcy Motoru Lublin mogą liczyć na wsparcie swoich zawodników nie tylko na meczach domowych

Póki co lublinianie odjechali cztery spotkania wyjazdowe i na każdym z nich była raz większa raz mniejsza delegacja kibiców

Nawet w oddalonym o ponad 700 km Daugavpils.      W ubiegłą niedzielę Speed Car Motor udał się do Krakowa na mecz z outsiderem ligi

Mimo że wynik spotkania był do przewidzenia to za swoją drużyną pojechało ok. 200 kibiców z Lublina

Sami zawodnicy się tego nie spodziewali. - Już po raz kolejny w tym sezonie nasi kibice udowodnili, że naprawdę są naszym ósmym zawodnikiem, wspierają nas i mamy dla kogo jeździć

My to naprawdę słyszymy i wiemy, że są z nami. Zawsze dajemy z siebie więcej, aby im podziękować za taki doping - powiedział Oskar Bober

- To jest naprawdę miłe zaskoczenie, że tylu ludzi nas dopingowało w Krakowie. spodziewaliśmy się tego

Oby to dalej szło w tym kierunku - dodał Paweł Miesiąc.   Już w niedzielę 24 czerwca ekipę trenera Dariusza Śledzia czeka najtrudniejszy do tej pory mecz

Motor wybierze się do Rybnika, aby zmierzyć się z miejscowym ROW-em. Już na kilka dni przed meczem wiadomo, że z Lublina pojedzie podobna ilość kibiców jaka dopingowała swój zespół w Krakowie


For more infomation >> Kibice są ósmym zawodnikiem Motoru. "Mamy dla kogo jeździć" - WP SportoweFakty - Duration: 4:37.


TRT'nin sevilen dizisi Diriliş Ertuğrul'un sezon finalinde 'Almıla Hatun' karakterine hayat veren oy - Duration: 2:29.

Diriliş Ertuğrul'da şaşırtan ayrılık! Almıla Hatun veda etti MAGAZİN HABERLERİ  | 08

06.2018 09:41 | 08 Haziran 2018 TRT'nin sevilen dizisi Diriliş Ertuğrul'un sezon finalinde 'Almıla Hatun' karakterine hayat veren oyuncu Gönül Nagiyeva, senaryo gereği öldürüldü  'Diriliş Ertuğrul'un sezon finali bölümünde şoke eden bir ayrılık yaşandı

'Almıla Hatun' karakterine hayat veren Gönül Nagiyeva, senaryo gereği diziye veda etti

     'Ertuğrul'un düşmanı 'Noyan'ın kız kardeşi 'Alangoya' (Almıla Hatun) karakterini canlandıran Nagiyeva, sezon finali yapan diziye 116'ıncı bölümde dahil oldu ve savaşçı kadın rolüyle dikkatleri üzerine toplamayı başardı

Diriliş Ertuğrul'un Almıla Hatun'u yeni imajıyla şaşırttı    Dizinin 121'inci bölümünde; Noyan'ın kız kardeşi olduğu açığa çıkan Almıla Hatun, Ertuğrul ve annesi 'Hayme Hatun' tarafından tuzağa çekilir

Kendisinin deşifre olduğunu anlayan Almıla Hatun, elinde hançerle Hayme Hatun'a yaklaşır

Tam o sırada 'Ertuğrul' içeri girer. Almıla Hatun birden duraksar ve Hayme Hatun, kılıçla Almıla Hatun'u öldürür

Dizide oynadığı düşman Moğol ajanı karakterinden dolayı birçok izleyicinin nefretini toplayan Almıla Hatun, gösterdiği oyunculuk performansıyla beğeni topladı

For more infomation >> TRT'nin sevilen dizisi Diriliş Ertuğrul'un sezon finalinde 'Almıla Hatun' karakterine hayat veren oy - Duration: 2:29.


✅ Survivor spoiler: Αυτός είναι ο παίκτης που αποχωρεί - Duration: 2:01.

 Από τη Γεωργία Τσίντζα,  Τις τελευταίες εβδομάδες στο Survivor έχουν έρθει τα πάνω κάτω. Μετά την αναδιάταξη των δυο ομάδων, η εισβολή της 48ωρης ψηφοφορίας- όπως είχε γίνει και πέρυσι- άλλαξε για ακόμη μια φορά τα πράγματα καθώς πλέον ο παίκτης που αποχωρεί είναι αυτός που βρίσκεται πιο χαμηλά στη προτίμηση του κοινού κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής

 Πιο συγκεκριμένα, η ομάδα που χάνει βγάζει δύο υποψήφιους – αφού και η ατομική ασυλία είναι πλέον μια. Ο ένας υποψήφιος βγαίνει από την κάλπη και ο άλλος αποφασίζεται από τον παίκτη που έχει κερδίσει την ατομική ασυλία

Ο παίκτης που αποχωρεί είναι αυτός που μεταξύ των δύο βρίσκεται πιο χαμηλά στην προτίμηση έτσι όπως προέκυψε από την ψηφοφορία

 Στον πρώτο αγώνα, μετά τη λήξη της 48ωρης ψηφοφορίας, νικητές αναδείχθηκαν οι Διάσημοι με τους Μαχητές να οδηγούνται στο συμβούλιο

Από την κάλπη των Μαχητών υποψήφια αναδείχθηκε για ακόμη μια φορά η Ροδάνθη ενώ ο Νικόλας Αγόρου έχοντας κερδίσει την ατομική ασυλία υπέδειξε ως δεύτερο υποψήφιο τον Πάνο

 Κι αν μέχρι τώρα η νεαρή φοιτήτρια έχει καταφέρει να «εξολοθρεύσει» τους μισούς παίκτες του Survivor , ανάμεσά τους και το μεγάλο φαβορί, Νάσο Παπαργυρόπουλου, μάλλον έχει έρθει η στιγμή της αποχώρησής της

 Σύμφωνα με τα spoiler η 20χρονη είναι αυτή που συγκέντρωσε τις λιγότερες ψήφους και τελικά αποχωρεί από το παιχνίδι με τον Πάνο να παραμένει στην ομάδα των Μαχητών

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