Sunday, June 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 25 2018

Acantholipan gonzalezi, es el nombre de la nueva especie de dinosaurio descubierta por paleontólogos del Museo del Desierto, en el municipio de Ocampo, Coahuila, como parte del proyecto Dinosaurios de la Región Desierto de Coahuila, tras ocho años de investigación, informó el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

"Es un dinosaurio armado, de tipo nodosaurio, es como estos dinosaurios acorazados, solo que a diferencia de los anquilosaurios, que es el más conocido, este no tenía un mazo en la cola", explicó Hector Rivera Sylva, jefe e investigador del Departamento de Paleontología del Mude

El hallazgo fue resultado de un trabajo en conjunto de investigadores alemanes y mexicanos, del Museo del Desierto, el Museo de Paleontología Eliseo Palacios Aguilera, el Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Museo Estatal de Karlsuhe) y la Universität Heidelberg (Universidad de Heidelberg)

De acuerdo con Rivera Sylva, debido a que fue encontrado en sedimentos marinos no se encontró gran parte del esqueleto

Sin embargo con el estudio de los fósiles que se hallaron se determinó que se trató de un dinosaurio juvenil, de un poco más de media tonelada de peso y 3

5 metros de largo. "Los especialistas del Museo del Desierto recolectaron el material fósil clave, conocido como holotipo, que se emplea para determinar que este dinosaurio, Acantholipan gonzalezi, representa un nuevo género y especie", señala el Conacyt en su comunicado

Y, seguramente te preguntarás de dónde viene el nombre de este nuevo dinosaurio

Acantho viene de la raíz griega "acantos" que significa espina; lipan, de la tribu apache que vivió en la región donde se encontró el fósil

El "gonzalezi" se debe al maestro Arturo González González, director del Museo del Desierto, "debido al destacado apoyo e impulso a la investigación, difusión y divulgación del patrimonio paleontológico en México", según señalan fuentes oficiales

"Con este hallazgo confirmamos que México es un país de dinosaurios […] Aquí en México tenemos una riqueza paleontológica muy importante, específicamente en el estado de Coahuila

Tenemos esta riqueza paleontológica y vale mucho la pena que la población, los niños y jóvenes se involucren en conocer este patrimonio que es de todos los mexicanos", indicó el paleontólogo José Rubén Guzmán Gutiérrez

For more infomation >> Descubren una nueva especie de dinosaurio en Coahuila - Duration: 3:01.


Brasil gana en los últimos minutos, la selección de Costa Rica queda fuera - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Brasil gana en los últimos minutos, la selección de Costa Rica queda fuera - Duration: 3:11.


《扶搖皇后》扶搖黑化後,長孫無極為了點化扶搖,耗盡了所有精血 - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> 《扶搖皇后》扶搖黑化後,長孫無極為了點化扶搖,耗盡了所有精血 - Duration: 8:12.


¡Ve aquí el stream del concierto en vivo del nuevo disco de Gorillaz! - Duration: 2:13.

Una de las sorpresas más gratas de este año fue saber que Gorillaz estaba de vuelta antes de lo esperado con un nuevo álbum titulado The Now Now

 El álbum será lanzado el 29 de junio, pero la banda decidió adelantarlo a los fans por lo que realizarán un stream en vivo del concierto de todo el álbum, junto con un performance audiovisual

Hasta ahora Gorillaz ha compartido las canciones Humility, Lake Zurich, Sorcererz, Fire Flies y Hollywood, track en colaboración con Snoop Dogg

Además del lanzamiento de The Now Now se prepara la celebración de la segunda edición del Demon Dayz Festival

Si no puedes esperar a escuchar el disco completo, no te preocupes, porque puedes ver el stream del concierto del nuevo álbum justo aquí: The Now Now es el sexto álbum de la banda que combina los talentos de Damon Albarn y Jamie Hewlett

  La grabación de este nuevo material comenzó cuando la banda se encontraba de gira por Norte América por el Humanz Tour, razón por la que tiene menos colaboradores que otros discos

Una de las sorpresas que trajo este nuevo de Gorillaz fue que Murdoc Niccals, bajista de la banda, fue puesto en prisión y reemplazado por nada más ni nada menos que Ace, a quien recordarás por ser líder de La Banda Gangrena de las Chicas Superpoderosas

El primer sencillo de The Now Now fue Humility y de este salió un video bastante veraniego en el que seguíamos a 2-D y al actor Jack Black

For more infomation >> ¡Ve aquí el stream del concierto en vivo del nuevo disco de Gorillaz! - Duration: 2:13.


✅ Así se trabaja para el éxito de "Carmen Gloria a tu Servicio" - Duration: 2:38.

 Cada miércoles y jueves desde las 14 horas, el estudio 6 de TVN es testigo de las diferentes grabaciones de "Carmen Gloria a tu Servicio", espacio en donde la jurista se reencontró con su público

 Una fórmula que el equipo de la abogada conoce de sobra, es más, ella misma reconoce que "sin ellos era imposible hacer este programa

Me traje a grandes personas que me acompañan".  Te puede interesar: Carmen Gloria Arroyo se consolida en TVN con nuevo programa  Y sobre esta base conocida, innovaron: "Estamos trayendo a personas de regiones para que puedan solucionar sus problemas, ampliamos nuestra gama de profesionales con médicos, arquitectos, terapeutas de parejas

Este es un programa social, pero acorde a los nuevos tiempos. Por fin estamos haciendo el programa que queríamos", continúa Carmen Gloria en conversación con La Cuarta

 Con su permiso observamos todo un día de grabación, vimos las caracterizaciones de algunos denunciados, como se trabaja cada caso, el seguimiento posterior en la justicia ordinaria, resultados legales efectivos en pocas semanas y otros caramelos que el equipo guarda con recelo

Es el lado B que acá mostramos:    En cada caso un periodista está a cargo de la parte demandante y demandada, los productores dan instrucciones a los involucrados para que la grabación se haga con fluidez

      El maquillaje es clave, para los casos algunos incluso necesitan caracterización por medio de pelucas

      Tras el veredicto de Carmen Gloria, algunos casos continúan discutiéndose en camarines, acá los productores intentan lograr acuerdos finales y posteriormente entregar los antecedentes a la justicia

      Un hecho desconocido es que los niños que asisten al programa cuentan con una parvularia que los ayuda a distraerse mientras sus familiares están al aire

      El Código Civil y una calculadora son los fieles compañeros de Arroyo en cada grabación

For more infomation >> ✅ Así se trabaja para el éxito de "Carmen Gloria a tu Servicio" - Duration: 2:38.


✅ Ünlü oyuncu Beren Saat ile eşi ünlü şarkıcı Kenan Doğulu'nun evliliklerinde problemler yaşadıkları - Duration: 1:03.

Beren Saat ile Kenan Doğulu el ele oy kullanmaya geldi Ünlü oyuncu Beren Saat ile eşi ünlü şarkıcı Kenan Doğulu'nun evliliklerinde problemler yaşadıkları iddia ediliyordu

Ünlü çift oy kullanmaya el ele geldi. Habertürk'ün haberine göre evliliklerinin üzerinde kara bulutlar dolaştığı iddialarının aksine Kenan Doğulu - Beren Saat çifti oy vermeye el ele geldi

Etiler Anadolu Lisesi'nde oyunu kullanan Saat'i, eşi Kenan Doğulu kapıda bekledi

İkili gazetecilere "Kolay gelsin" diyerek evlerinin yolunu tuttu.

For more infomation >> ✅ Ünlü oyuncu Beren Saat ile eşi ünlü şarkıcı Kenan Doğulu'nun evliliklerinde problemler yaşadıkları - Duration: 1:03.


Weaving from paper vines. Little hedgehog. Master Class. - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Weaving from paper vines. Little hedgehog. Master Class. - Duration: 1:21.


Болельщики из Китая перепутали Вологду и Волгоград - Duration: 2:29.

 Китайские болельщики не смогли сесть на поезд в Волгограде, потому что он отправлялся из Вологды

Об этом сообщает «Р-Спорт». По словам министра транспорта России Евгения Дитриха, болельщики из Китая не могли найти свой поезд в расписании: «Было начало первого ночи, в 1:37 у него было отправление по билету

Посмотрели внимательнее на билет, и оказалось, что он должен был ехать из Вологды, а находился (китайские болельщики — прим

«Ленты.ру») в этот момент в Волгограде». «Следом за ним подошли две дамы, тоже из Китая, с той же самой проблемой

Им объяснили, что Вологда и Волгоград находятся на расстоянии около тысячи километров друг от дружки, но иностранным болельщикам не всегда можно это понять самим», —добавил министр

 Болельщиков посадили на другой поезд, который отправлялся через два с половиной часа

 Несмотря на то что сборная Китая не попала на ЧМ-2018, Россию, по данным Global Times, во время мирового первенства планируют посетить не менее ста тысяч китайских болельщиков

 Чемпионат мира по футболу проходит в 11 городах России и завершится 15 июля. Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня»


For more infomation >> Болельщики из Китая перепутали Вологду и Волгоград - Duration: 2:29.


✅ PHOTO Véronique Zidane pose en maillot de bain, entourée de toute sa famille - Duration: 2:10.

Toute la famille Zidane prend un repos bien mérité à Ibiza. Après une année particulièrement chargée pour Zizou, qui a remporté il y a quelques semaines avec le Real Madrid la Ligue des champions en tant qu'entraineur

Il est temps pour l'ancien champion du monde de prendre du temps pour lui et sa famille

C'est donc sur la célèbre île des Baléares qu'il s'est envolé avec sa femme Véronique et ses enfants, Enzo, Luca, Théo et Elyaz

>>> Zinedine Zidane : découvrez pourquoi sa femme Véronique aurait pu ne pas l'épouser Les quatre fils du couple avaient d'ailleurs posé il y a quelques jours sur Instagram, dévoilant au passage leurs abdos en béton sur une jolie photo de famille

Cette fois, c'est avec leurs parents qu'Enzo, Luca et Théo ont posé. Si Elyaz n'était pas présent sur cette nouvelle photo publiée sur la toile, les internautes ont beaucoup apprécié de retrouver Véronique et Zinédine Zidane

En maillot de bain, l'ancien meneur de jeu de l'Équipe de France affichait un large sourire

Au milieu de la photo, Véronique portait elle un bikini jaune qui lui a permis de montrer une nouvelle fois son corps toujours aussi canon

Publié samedi 23 juin par Enzo Zidane, ce beau moment en famille a aussi été l'occasion pour les internautes de souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire à Zinédine

Hier, le célèbre footballeur était en tout cas très bien entouré pour fêter ses 46 ans !

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO Véronique Zidane pose en maillot de bain, entourée de toute sa famille - Duration: 2:10.


El expulsado del PAN debería ser Anaya y no yo: Cordero - Duration: 1:41.

Ciudad de México— Ante el proceso de expulsión del PAN contra el senador Ernesto Cordero, el legislador contestó que defenderá su derecho de militancia y aseveró que el candidato presidencial Ricardo Anaya es quien debiera ser expulsado, por faltar a los principios de honestidad del partido

En entrevista desde el Senado, dijo que él denunció ante la PGR al presidenciable de su partido porque en los estatutos internos se enmarca que su militancia debe "actuar de manera honesta y, en este caso, Ricardo Anaya faltó"

Tras la denuncia, el pasado martes, Damián Zepeda, presidente nacional del PAN, dijo que Cordero enfrentará una "inminente expulsión" por apoyar en distintas ocasiones al PRI, violando el reglamento interno panista; este miércoles, el coordinador de los senadores panistas, Fernando Herrera, agregó que dicho proceso será después de las elecciones

"Yo voy a defender mi derecho de militante del Partido Acción Nacional, porque en ninguna parte del Estatuto del PAN me obliga a ser tapadera de delincuentes y yo estoy en mi derecho de ir, presentar la denuncia como cualquier ciudadano y el tiempo me va a dar la razón"

Cordero Arroyo reiteró su llamado a la PGR, para que investigue la vinculación de Ricardo Anaya con la red de lavado de dinero presuntamente operada por el empresario Manuel Barreiro


For more infomation >> El expulsado del PAN debería ser Anaya y no yo: Cordero - Duration: 1:41.


La Pelopony viaja a Miami y la lía en sus redes sociales al declararse fan de Donald Trump - Duration: 3:17.

 Se dio a conocer con aquel "Prepárate a sentir, baby", y otra cosa no, pero titulares no han faltado a lo largo de su carrera artística

La Pelopony, que parecía haberse quedado como un fugaz intento de diva gay patria, resurgía de sus propias cenizas hace semanas con el vídeo donde contaba la infidelidad de su novio que acabó haciéndose viral

Si este episodio te pareció fuerte, no te vas a creer la que ha liado ahora Yolanda

   La artista se ha ido a hacer las Américas, pero no por trabajo (que ya le hubiese gustado a ella), sino por placer y para conocer la calida ciudad de Miami

Aunque para cálida, la acogida que sus vivencias por la ciudad de Florida está teniendo en las redes sociales

La cantante catalana se ha dedicado a contar su día a día en América a través de stories en su perfil en Instagram

 Camaleónica como pocas, Yolanda ya se ha hecho con los mandos de Miami, haciendo suyos los hábitos y la jerga que predomina en las calles de la ciudad

Tanto es así que su acento poco o nada tiene que ver con el acento que tenía hace escasos días, antes de cruzar el charco

Americana "de adopción", la interprete de "Androgénico", ama tanto la cultura americana que incluso se ha declarado fan de su presidente, el temido Donald Trump, asegurando que lo votaría "porque cuida de toda América"

Sin asumir las críticas No sabemos si realmente ella ha pensado en los efectos que estas declaraciones pueden tener en su imagen pública, y por ende, en su fan base (donde el 99% pertenece al colectivo LGTBIQ+, tan maltratado por Trump), o si directamente esto ha sido provocado por una insolación sufrida por sus largos paseos por la ciudad y que ella misma se encarga de retransmitir

Sea como sea, la cantante no ha querido retractarse de sus declaraciones tras las duras críticas recibidas en las redes sociales y se ha atrevido a tachar de "ignorantes" a los que la han criticado


For more infomation >> La Pelopony viaja a Miami y la lía en sus redes sociales al declararse fan de Donald Trump - Duration: 3:17.


Biegunka u dziecka: przyczyny, postępowanie - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Biegunka u dziecka: przyczyny, postępowanie - Duration: 11:05.





女排世排联总决赛央视全直播 黄子忠李颖解说 中国小组战荷兰巴西 - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> 女排世排联总决赛央视全直播 黄子忠李颖解说 中国小组战荷兰巴西 - Duration: 3:31.


Leif Alenstar's Channel - Duration: 2:47:07.

For more infomation >> Leif Alenstar's Channel - Duration: 2:47:07.


曾因學不好粵語被TVB冷待心淡離巢 如今在內地發展風生水起 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> 曾因學不好粵語被TVB冷待心淡離巢 如今在內地發展風生水起 - Duration: 5:33.


個子不高但是比例好的女愛豆——金泰妍、IU都輸給了161的她 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 個子不高但是比例好的女愛豆——金泰妍、IU都輸給了161的她 - Duration: 4:50.


Los 13 subcentros alternativos que podrían fortalecerse con las nuevas líneas de Metro - Duration: 6:29.

SANTIAGO.- Para los urbanistas, el mejor ejemplo es el Paradero 14 de Vicuña Mackenna

Según cifras de la municipalidad de La Florida, hoy transitan por él dos millones de personas diariamente, lo que lo convierte en el segundo empalme más importante del país después de Plaza Italia

Pero antes de la construcción de las líneas 4 y 5 de Metro, era sencillamente una rotonda

"Cuando se construye el Metro, inmediatamente comienza a producirse ahí una efervescencia de comercios y servicios que hoy son el mall más grande de Chile", explica a el decano de la Facultad de Aquitectura y Artes de la U

del Desarrollo, Pablo Allard. La llegada del Metro, asegura, provocó que la intersección de las calles Américo Vespucio y Vicuña Mackenna se convirtiera en un importante subcentro urbano

"La distancia desde la Plaza de Puente Alto hasta el Mall Plaza Vespucio es la misma que existe entre Estación Central y el Parque Arauco

¡Imagínate lo que se recorre para llegar recién al anillo de Vespucio! Antes la gente tenía que viajar el doble para acceder a comercios, servicios y trabajo, pero hoy en el Paradero 14 tienen una amplia oferta de comercios y servicios", señala

Por eso considera que la llegada de las nuevas líneas de Metro a lugares como Bajos de Mena y La Pintana permitirá la aparición de "subcentros de comercios y servicios en algunos puntos clave de barrios antiguamente segregados"

Los focos de interés estarán, asegura, en las intersecciones de las líneas nuevas y las principales arterias comunales

Es una visión que comparte la académica de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la U

de Chile, Natalia Escudero. "Se han construido barrios muy alejados de centros urbanos, que no tienen centros de salud, comercio, establecimientos educacionales, comisarías, áreas verdes, etc

y tampoco cuentan con un transporte público de buena calidad que los pudiera acercar a estos", asegura

"Por lo tanto, en la perspectiva de la sustentabilidad urbana, es absolutamente necesario construir nuevos centros y subcentros para acercar servicios y equipamientos de calidad a los barrios que lo requieran y mantener los límites urbanos, para no continuar con la dispersión urbana", añade

Nuevos centros que no serán el centroSe trata de un tema que el director de Espacio Público y magíster en Desarrollo Urbano, Iván Poduje, ha estudiado en su oficina Atisba

Allí, su equipo ha identificado 13 centros alternativos al eje Alameda-Providencia-Apoquindo, que históricamente ha congregado la actividad laboral y comercial

Cada mañana, el 45% de los viajes se dirigen a la franja entre los metros La Moneda y Manquehue

"Es imposible que surja otro centro con una envergadura equivalente", señala a . Es, a su juicio, un asunto de física

"Es la teoría de la gravitación de Newton: es muy difícil que una ciudad tenga dos centros con gravitación equivalente, porque lo que hace atractivo al centro metropolitano es la concentración de actividades que tiene

Se puede ir extendiendo sobre lo que ya existe, que es lo que pasado, pero siempre se mantiene

Y es lo que pasa en París, en Londres y en todo el mundo". dice.Y la concentración de esas actividades la mide en cifras que ahora comparte: 2 millones de metros cuadrados de oficinas, y entre 2 y 3 millones de personas como población flotante

"Pero sí pueden aparecer centros vecinales o comunales como pasó con el Paradero 14, o lo que ocurrió en la intersección de Pajaritos y Vespucio, en Maipú", comenta

Entre los 13 centros alternativos que han identificado (ver mapa), destacan Ciudad Empresarial, el cono industrial de Quilicura, la estación intermodal de La Cisterna, y el centro de San Bernardo

Además, identifican dos centros potenciales que se podrían desarrollarse con las nuevas líneas: uno en Bajos de Mena, a la altura del centro de Puente alto; y otro en La Pintana

For more infomation >> Los 13 subcentros alternativos que podrían fortalecerse con las nuevas líneas de Metro - Duration: 6:29.


Cải lương hồ quảng trọn tuồng - Người tình trên chiến trận - Duration: 2:16:50.

For more infomation >> Cải lương hồ quảng trọn tuồng - Người tình trên chiến trận - Duration: 2:16:50.


Grypa sezonowa, ptasia grypa, grypa żołądkowa - najczęstsze objawy i leczenie - Duration: 9:37.

For more infomation >> Grypa sezonowa, ptasia grypa, grypa żołądkowa - najczęstsze objawy i leczenie - Duration: 9:37.


Platonically (Short Animatic) - Duration: 0:23.

Jared: So you're trying to say "I'm trying to hYUCK everyone..."

Jake: Jared's trying to hYUCK? Jared: Cause I can't do that-

Like... with everyone's history... and stuff like that-

I- it- it'd be weird.

Amalia: I'll pla- I'll platonically hYUCK Jared. I don't care.

*Jake begins laughing*

Hannah: That doesn't make any- what the hYUck!?

*Jake's lungs shatter like pink diamond did supposedly*

Jared: Yeah...

*Amalia blows into her phone mic*

Hannah: What the hYUCK?

*Amalia dissolves internally from laughter*

Hannah: What the hyUck?

Amalia: I killed Jake!

For more infomation >> Platonically (Short Animatic) - Duration: 0:23.


Balneologia - czym się zajmuje i jakie zabiegi oferuje? - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Balneologia - czym się zajmuje i jakie zabiegi oferuje? - Duration: 6:53.


Eleonora Brigliadori sostiene che i servizi di Nadia Toffa siano 'fake news' - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Eleonora Brigliadori sostiene che i servizi di Nadia Toffa siano 'fake news' - Duration: 4:34.


A Bipolar Cure: Do You Think About It? | HealthyPlace - Duration: 2:10.

Hey guys, it's Hannah.

A bipolar cure?

Is there one? Would you be cured?

These are questions I receive often.

I did a little research

just in case overnight, magically, there was this cure.

But there is not.

And research says there is no bipolar cure.

I do not believe there will ever be one.

Do I want to be cured?

Well I know that it's not possible,

so I don't think about it.

And, you know, this is the mind I was given

and I want to put my effort towards

managing my symptoms

and learning how to treat it.

But that took a long time to do.

It's not easy to accept the fact

that you have a long-term illness

that needs to be treated.

But it's necessary and it takes time.

It took a lot of time for me.

But I don't even think about the idea

if I could be cured

because I can manage my symptoms.

And that already takes a lot of time,

as I've explained before in previous videos.

So check those out

and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I don't think there will ever be a cure

for bipolar disorder.

And that's not me being a pessimist.

I don't know what it's like to live without it.

So I've accepted that

and kind of moved away from this idea

of finding other methods

to cure me of bipolar disorder.

I feel like it sets me up for failure

because they're unattainable expectations.

And, most importantly,

I think this bipolar cure idea

reinforces the fact

that you think negatively about your disorder.

So I'm really curious to hear

what you guys have to say

because I'm sure the opinions

and thoughts are going to vary.

So please share those below

or do a response video.

And I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> A Bipolar Cure: Do You Think About It? | HealthyPlace - Duration: 2:10.


I'Z FRONTIER~アイズフロンティア~7410・7412 サマーデニム リリース - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> I'Z FRONTIER~アイズフロンティア~7410・7412 サマーデニム リリース - Duration: 0:54.


fortnite free v bucks | get free vbucks | how to get vbucks | fortnite v-bucks | free skins - Duration: 4:08.

fortnite free v bucks | get free vbucks | how to get vbucks | fortnite v-bucks | free skins

For more infomation >> fortnite free v bucks | get free vbucks | how to get vbucks | fortnite v-bucks | free skins - Duration: 4:08.



For more infomation >> F-35C, CONTINUANO I TEST: SI "ROMPE" L'ALA DI UN CACCIA - Duration: 2:51.


15 Things on Introverts Mind When It Comes to Parties - Duration: 5:00.

Being introverts is not easy especially when it comes to social gathering like parties.

Simply said, Introverts and parties probably are as smooth as oil and water, in other words,

they are not getting along together.

So, if you're a real introvert in the core, you'd absolutely rather spend your night alone

at home, watching nettflix and reading some book than going out to the party and getting


However, if this time is the party you should attend to, even if you don't really want to

go, all the weird thoughts will immediately flooding in your mind.

In this video, we've been compiled 15 thoughts that introverts usually have at a party.

Let's check it out.

If you're new to our channel, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video until

the end to know the complete information.

#1 - We've been talking too long.

Even though you just only ask how their day was and whether you enjoy the weather, they

will think that it's been hours of talk.

This expression indicates that introverts actually have hard time in talking to others.

#2 - How long do I have to stay?

Believe it or not, this question is even raised before entering the venue.

introverts cannot stand too long with people especially those who they rarely talk to.

#3 - Is 'x' minute enough?

They calculate everything from talking, drinking, going to bathroom, and walking away from party.

It is to ensure that they actually spend time more on counting instead of enjoying the party.

#4 - Ah a friend!

Introverts seek someone they know especially those who invited them at the very first place.

After that, they will be so happy especially if they are accompanied.

#5 - Oh no! someone's approaching him or her.

When a friend is noticed, introverts may not have a turn to approach him, or her.

It's simply because other people are taking a head start.

#6 - Maybe, I just have to stand near the person.

They want attention from your friend, but he is distracted by more extroverted guy.

#7 - What if I walk away?

It seems that universe does not allow introverts to meet other people.

however, it also does not allow introverts to walk away from crowd.

#8 - I probably need to take some more time.

Introverts take time to think before doing something.

That also includes deciding whether to stay or walk away.

#9 - Wait, whats wrong!

While thinking, you may notice something that will you note for change.

#10 - It is like forever here.

Though it is only 30 minutes, introverts do not like being in a crowd too long.

They do not feel comfortable.

#11 - I think I know him.

This is the moment when you embrace yourself and start to be more active.

#12 - Finally a conversation.

It is difficult to start, but this person really can help me stay in a conversation.

#13 - What's wrong with me?

You don't know why you feel exhausted, and it is actually introvert hangover.

#14 - I'm exhausted but i'm really proud.

Meeting and talking to people are great achievement.


#15 - Finally it is almost over.

The party is over, and you can recharge yourself.

it is better than anything.

Well, those are the 15 things on introverts mind when it comes to parties.

So Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Things on Introverts Mind When It Comes to Parties - Duration: 5:00.


VLOG ENTRY 3 | BANGKOK | How To Share | Rot Fai Market - Duration: 4:37.

What's up everyone and welcome to the third entry of these vlogs, today we're going to talk... wait where am I?

Welcome back everyone we'll figure out where this location is as we go

I'm so thankful for everyone who's been sharing my content and I want to say "Hi" to all the new subscribers

We're actually moving close to 100 and that is completely insane. Thank you everyone for supporting me

It really means a lot

I have noticed that my content is filling up your facebook timelines, which of course is amazing for me

But I don't want to fill your timelines. I want your timelines to be about you

But at the same time I want the support

So... I found a way for us to both support our friends and keep our timelines for ourselves

Let's watch it

With this trick you'll be able to support your friends content on facebook without it showing on your own timeline

That's exactly what I want

So here we are logged in on an up-and-coming youtuber's Facebook page

scrolling down to find his amazing unique creative vlog that we want to support

such a charmer that guy

We simply press share and choose share on a friend's timeline now

Remember I said friend's content? The trick is to share the content on that

friend's timeline. So in this case you write his name here and it will pop up down here for you

I'll use his brother's name for the sake of the video to show you that it works

I'll write "sharing test" and give him a cute monkey emoji to let him know I come in. peace

Oh, yeah you don't want to mess with that guy. He's not dangerous or anything... he's just...

you know

I press post and there we go

Now let's reload this timeline to see if it appears there and as you can see it doesn't it's still his own

Now, let's check Thim's timeline and there it is

Let's check the newsfeed and see if his friends can see oops. Not that one, and voila

Here we have it. This is the best and only way to support someone on facebook without it touching your own time

This was made on a computer, but it works just as well on the phone. You just wow, that was truly amazing

I know I'm gonna use that one for sure. Oh, you wanted to know how to share it on your phone?

You actually do the same thing

you just press share and this page comes up

And as you can see on top it says newsfeed if you press

newsfeed you get a scroll down and you can choose to share it on your friends timeline and that' it's exactly the same

and now to the good part

That's right

I'm taking you through Talat Rotfai, commonly known as the night trade market or the Rot Fai market

this is where we learned that we've paid way too much for everything

and this was right before we left Bangkok

Wait a minute left Bangkok?

The market is famous for it's vintage collectibles and antique style, combined with its cool restaurants bars and snack stalls

It's guaranteed to be an experience above the rest. You could find clothes for a third of the price

or even less, everything's just so cheap! And as painful as it was

comparing how much we paid to how little we could have paid the feeling of just being there really made it worth it

You know the feeling when your mom yelled from downstairs that the food was ready and halfway down the stairs

you can feel the smell and you realize that it's pancakes. I think you know what I'm talking about

Like if you know what I'm talking about. Walking along the stalls with toys and clothes made it feel like Christmas morning

And instead of gift wrapping they had cheap prices and the question wasn't. "Oh, what's in this one?"

But rather "how low can I get this price" Rot Fai market is an experience

I would recommend to everyone visiting Bangkok

They have a little bit of everything gathered in one place with good prices and a cool vintage vibe.

Bali! That's where I am! I'm in Ubud guys, and it is very different from Bangkok in so many ways

So expect some changes in the scenery soon

and as always

Thank you guys for watching and as we say in Sweden "Ha det bra!" and I will see you guys in the next video.

For more infomation >> VLOG ENTRY 3 | BANGKOK | How To Share | Rot Fai Market - Duration: 4:37.


Banan: cudowny wpływ na nasze zdrowie - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> Banan: cudowny wpływ na nasze zdrowie - Duration: 6:35.


Zrozpaczona Marta Kaczyńska w żałobie. Śmierć odebrała jej radość życia - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Zrozpaczona Marta Kaczyńska w żałobie. Śmierć odebrała jej radość życia - Duration: 2:34.


Let's go to Karuizawa! - Duration: 3:30.

Translator: First, I'd like to thank you for giving us this special experience.

けんは本当にかっこいいと思います (Ken, I think you're cool*)

もいちどうあいたいです。 (Let's meet again)

For more infomation >> Let's go to Karuizawa! - Duration: 3:30.


강진 실종 여고생 추정 시*신 알*몸에 부패 진행 립글로스 발견 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 강진 실종 여고생 추정 시*신 알*몸에 부패 진행 립글로스 발견 - Duration: 3:01.


Woman drives with guy on hood of car | 95 Florida - Duration: 0:54.

Woman drives with guy on hood of car | 95 Florida

For more infomation >> Woman drives with guy on hood of car | 95 Florida - Duration: 0:54.


✅ Inbetweeners star Emily Atack wants to marry Love Island's Alex George - Duration: 2:21.

 Inbetweeners star Emily Atack has never hidden her love of , and now it seems that one particular Islander has caught her eye

 The single actress has admitted that dishy Dr Alex has caught her attention during his quest to find love in the villa.  Not only does she fancy him, but she can hear wedding bells!  Speaking to OK! Magazine, she confessed: 'I'd probably end up marrying Alex because he's husband material!'  While he's holed up in the villa though, Emily is more than happy to be living the single life, even though there's 'someone she likes who she's spending time with'

 'I've really found a happiness on my own,' she told them, before later adding: 'There is someone I like who I'm spending time with, but I'm fully focusing on work

It's the only time I've ever been able to do that because I'm not exclusive with anyone.  'I'm getting to know myself a lot and I quite like myself

'  Meanwhile, Alex is getting closer to Ellie in the villa, despite her leaving him a little bit hurt by claiming she felt the relationship was 'robotic'

 Newly dumped Islander Rosie also didn't think they were built to last, and said after leaving the villa that they were trying too hard to make the relationship work

   'They overthink a lot them two, and I think when it comes to relationships it should be natural. You shouldn't really think "oh am I touching her in a certain way? Am I speaking to her in a certain way?"  'You should just go with the flow and that's when real things are built and I just hope for their sake they can just chill out a bit and enjoy each other's company now they are in a couple

'  Read the full interview in OK! Magazine, out today.

For more infomation >> ✅ Inbetweeners star Emily Atack wants to marry Love Island's Alex George - Duration: 2:21.


她是最美豔港姐,曾「被周潤發、張國榮深愛」,婚後息影「為愛守寡10年」,如今58歲的她... - Duration: 14:35.

For more infomation >> 她是最美豔港姐,曾「被周潤發、張國榮深愛」,婚後息影「為愛守寡10年」,如今58歲的她... - Duration: 14:35.


Avondale Sunday Market-Auckland NZ- Trip & Haul [WITH CHN SUB] - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Avondale Sunday Market-Auckland NZ- Trip & Haul [WITH CHN SUB] - Duration: 2:35.


天王的女兒學校不肯收,如今長大的劉向蕙,長相甜美酷似朱麗倩! - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> 天王的女兒學校不肯收,如今長大的劉向蕙,長相甜美酷似朱麗倩! - Duration: 3:43.


GOT7's Youngjae Pleads With Sasaengs To Stop Sending Him Messages - Duration: 1:54.

GOT7's Youngjae Pleads With Sasaengs To Stop Sending Him Messages

In addition to posting a photo of his dog Coco,.

he wrote, "Stop sending me KakaoTalk messages.

Please. Stop.

It's been going on for five months.

Seriously, please.


This isn't the first time that GOT7 has spoken out about sasaengs.

In June 2016, Youngjae politely asked fans to stop invading his privacy via a post on his Instagram.

In September of the same year, fellow GOT7 member Jackson was involved in a car accident due to fans following him on his way to the airport in China.

In July 2017, GOT7's Mark also wrote about being followed to their dorm from the airport by fans and asked them to stop.

GOT7 recently embarked on their "Eyes on You" world tour, which will take them to 17 cities around the world.

For more infomation >> GOT7's Youngjae Pleads With Sasaengs To Stop Sending Him Messages - Duration: 1:54.


Hajj o Umrah Ghr sy Nikalty Waqt KI Duayn by Dr Farhat Hashmi گھر سے نکلتے وقت کی دعائیں - Duration: 26:03.

Yajooj Majooj Kon hyn by Dr Farhat Hashmi یاجوج ماجوج کون ہیں؟

Hajj o Umrah,Duran E Safar ki Duayn by Dr Farhat Hashmi دوران سفر کی دعایئں

Qissa Hazrat Yousuf A S by Dr Farhat Hashmiمصر کی عجیب و غریب داستان

Hafiz E Quran by Dr Farhat Hashmi حافظ قرآن

Mossa as Ka Ilm Sekhny Ka waqya by Dr Farhat Hashmi موسیؑ کے علم سیکھنے کا واقعہ

For more infomation >> Hajj o Umrah Ghr sy Nikalty Waqt KI Duayn by Dr Farhat Hashmi گھر سے نکلتے وقت کی دعائیں - Duration: 26:03.


Independência: jovens conquistam o sonho de morar sozinhos - Duration: 2:29.

Chega uma hora em que os jovens casais decidem que ter um lugar "pra chamar de seu"

Seja para ter uma independência, para colocar sua personalidade na casa, pra receber amigos ou mesmo pra iniciar sua própria família

Após viver anos pagando aluguel, o casal José Wilson e Eula Paula, decidiu investir num apartamento próprio

Eles têm um filho, o Bernardo de 3 anos, e queriam um lugar confortável, com muita opção de lazer e em uma região tranquila

Pra o início dessa nova vida eles escolheram uma unidade no Condomínio Clube Vista do Bosque, em Centro da Serra, perto de Serra Sede

1 Foto do apartamento decorado referente à unidade 2Q Coluna 06 (Foto: Foto divulgação) O empreendimento da construtora Morar tem diferentes plantas para apartamentos de dois quartos, que incluem cozinha americana e espaço para trabalhar em casa

Além disso, ele se encaixa no programa federal Minha Casa Minha vida e tem diversas facilidades no pagamento

Com essas facilidades, o Condomínio tem sido uma das opções mais procuradas por jovens casais que querem um bom lugar pra começar uma nova etapa de vida

Em Movimento: Independência: jovens conquistam o sonho de morar sozinhos Foto do apto decorado referente à unidade 2Q Coluna 06 (Foto: Foto divulgação) Foto do apto decorado referente à unidade 2Q Coluna 06 (Foto: Foto divulgação) Foto do apto decorado referente à unidade 2Q Coluna 06 (Foto: Foto divulgação) Foto do apto decorado referente à unidade 2Q Coluna 06 (Foto: Foto divulgação) Foto do apto decorado referente à unidade 2Q Coluna 06 (Foto: Foto divulgação)

For more infomation >> Independência: jovens conquistam o sonho de morar sozinhos - Duration: 2:29.


Pietra e primas brincando de pintar com as 3 cores surpresa - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Pietra e primas brincando de pintar com as 3 cores surpresa - Duration: 8:36.


❤️Супер поздравление с ДНЁМ МОРЯКА❤️Поздравление моряку❤️ - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> ❤️Супер поздравление с ДНЁМ МОРЯКА❤️Поздравление моряку❤️ - Duration: 1:24.


Gosti iz galaksije (1981) - Duration: 1:25:11.


Written by


One of the few inhabited planets of the cold and inhospitable Universe

is little Planet Tugador, hidden in the deep of Galaxy Arkan.

Ihnabitants look like people but have godlike abilities.

Their space ships are capable to develop such speeds so they can

set on expeditions even in the farest Galaxies.

Targo and Ulu came along on one of such journeys,

accompanied by Andra.

Tugadorians had a perfect charts of space

and they knew about all inhabitant planets

Earth, that revolved around big, shiny star, was making them curious

from ever.

Andra, robot woman, Targo and Ulu are approaching to the surface

of, to them planet misterious and unknown, planet.

Robert, coffee is on the table.

Biba, I asked you not to interrupt me.

I'm not interrupting. Im' just informing you, coffe is ready.

I know, but I don't have time right now. I wanna finish this.

Finish what? -Chapter I started.

You think to spend whole day with that can on your head?

Why did you call me then? To sit here and watch you writing.

Biba, please leave me alone now.

For three space travelers time meant nothing,

cause they wield time like we wield faucets for hot or cold water.

We don't wield them we're turning them around.

Good day Biba honey. Is Robert home? -Yes.

But he's working now. -I know, just a few words.

Robert... What is that on your head? -You needed me?

I have one problem, I got to tell you. You know that I'm alone,

alone between four walls.An now when I found a friend, Tony wants to kick him out.

But what can I do?

But you can!

Tell him that's not the way to treat a mother.

What do I have of my life? I won't let Viki go. -Ok, I'll try.

Don't worry. But when I finish this.

But tell him for certain. Tell him... to...

Don't worry, I'll try. I'll try. Goodbye.

This is horrible.

And please, don't open door to anyone.


Robert, open the door.

Robert, you told my mother it's wonderful to have a dog in the house

If you like Viki so much, here you are.

Tell him to leave it.

Look what he did. Chewed my films spilled the chemicals...

He'll get use to it, he needs time. -But I won't get used to it.

How did I desrved this? Robert, tell him something.

You, you promised me...

Get that thing off of your head.

I'm sorry. It's not Viki's fault. Tony ruined his nerves.

What are you doing? Buying the typewriter. Putting that thing on you head.

And imagine that you're some kind of writer.

I don't undertsand any of it. What do you need that for? Eh?

Just like that.

Why does it bother you? -It bothers me.

We're wasting our time because of some stupid Andra.

If you like her so much, marry her.

And Targa and Tulu you can adopt. It's not Tulu.


Oh yes!

Biba please, can I tell you something? -I'm listening...

Hello! Hello Biba! It's good to see you. Sorry Biba.

We got new Hover Dekland that you aksed for. "Crabs from the galaxy of dead"!

Have you read it? -In a breath.

There is that android with transparent head? Yes. -And I know somebody with empty head.

Bye! -What happened?

Bibica honey I have to show you something.

-I don't have time. -But for our Stela you must have some time!

I can't. -You got to. We worked so hard. Come and see how it fits her.

It's remarkable! And when you see that you'll be facinating!

Welcome! -Hello.

Always gibbering. Come in.

There. -Hello Biba! -Hello.

You like it? -You look fabulous! -You see?

And you're arguing all the time. -But mom...

And here will be purl. -I don't like purl. -But Stela honey, it would be beautiful.


And how about some quite in here?

Of course, everything you say. Everything will be alright.

Grandpa, grandpa! Leave that for the wedding.

For the wedding!

It looks like they split.

That will be good!

I would call it... How did you named that Galaxy?

Arkana. -Monster from the Galaxy Arkana.

Wait but I don't have any monster there. -Get one in!

Ekland has one that is tearing heads off.

You don't write fairytales. -I know but I can't manage with three charachters

and now I have to deal with the monster.

Maybe I can threw that boy Targo out.

That's right. He's out and instead of him, cosmic monster. Eh?

Wait! I got it now! Yeah, what?

It will be toy.

What would be the toy? -Monster will be mad toy!

Man you're lost. That monster have to be dreadful,

people need to be scared, they want that. Give them what they want.

Ciao! -Bye!

That's the secret of succes!

Andra and Ulu,

mysterious beings from space gifted with misterious abilities

and powers that can danger people's lives,

are approaching to Earth's surface.

They are not alone, monster from Galaxy Arkana is coming along.

Are we ready? For that encounter?

Robert we have arrived.

We're waitng for you on the isle.

Can you hear us Robert?

Who is talking?

Andra speaking.

I'm here also, Ulu.

Come Robert.

Don't be afraid.

...are approaching to Earth's surface.

They are not alone, monster from Galaxy Arkana is coming along.

Are we ready? For that encounter?

Oh hello. -Tony can you please give me keys to the boat?

Now? Where are you going in the middle of the night. -I'll explain later.

Uuuh. Get in.

Bussines is getting better I see.

Don't think that all my life I'm going to picture tourists. I need something to confirm my talent.

I have to succed. With this garbage I don't stand a chance.

Where to? -That's you Robert! I have to tell you something.

I have a problem. -I know! Some other time!

It is time to meet.

I am Andra.

I am Ulu.

I am Targo. You wanted to get me out of story but you failed.

This is Mumu. The toy that you wanted.

Why did you do that?

Targo, come back!

Hallucinations also can be visual.

Luther had experienced fight with the devil in the middle of tough argument with Pope.

He even threw ink bottle on him. Spot has left on the wall.

But you see, there's nothing left recorded on dictaphone.


Are you an alcoholic?


Have you been treated from some mental disorder?

No, never.

Are you taking drugs? -Ridiculous.

Alright! So you saw something that doesn't exist?


I really didn't tell you all about me.


Do tell. I'm listening.

You see, my mother died young,

so my father took care of me.

It was not easy for him.

One day, a very strange thing happened.

I was very hungry and I was screaming like a monkey.

When I saw bottle of milk, I stop crying.

Unfortunately, my father was pretty unhandy

so my concert started again.

There was no more milk in our home.

If mother was alive that would be no problem,

she would unbutton her blouse and that's it.

I felt milk with my whole body, I was thinking only of milk

and then, something fantastic happened. Something that nobody would believe in.

My father told me that when I grew up.

You're the first person that I've been told.

May I smoke? - You may. -Thank you.

You're smoking?

Only when I'm feeling very bad or when I'm feeling very good.


Excuse me?

Your case is extraordinary interesting.

That's phenomen in parapsychology known as telurgy.

It's not scientificaly proved yet. But often...

And what's that?

Strong power of will that can create something material.

Something bothers you? Obssesion with something, some kind of pressure?

Well, book that I'm writing. It's always on my mind and that burdens me.

You must not exaggerate.

Take some rest. It's good to relax from time to time.

What's that book?

Was it there all the time?


I put it there...

Moment ago...

I wish you well.

Don't work too much.

If you'll take my advise, that's really great stuff.

Interplanetars massacres, new space monsters.

Hello. - Hello. -Did you get this book?


Robert Novak. That's you. -Yes.

What's this?

The book that I'm still writing.

Impossible! -What's impossible?

Let's take a look.


Those printerhouse.

Get another copy. -But we don't have this book.

It hasn't been printed yet.

Can I ask you something? -Yes. Go ahead.

When does the boat leaving for the isle?

It leaves on every half an hour

so in 28 minutes. -Thank You. -You're welcome.

How can I help you? -Boy, I asked key for the room no. 211 and this is 112.

I apologize, it happens. -Doesn't matter.

That's not the way you can do it here young coleague. You're forgeting you're on probation.

And shave yourself already.

Why did you run away Robert? We are yours.

We must meet Robert. We're bringing you greetings from the planet Tugador.

I'm waiting for you Robert. Why are you afraid? Yours Targo.

Watch out!

Your guy came again.


What do you want?

Strange things are happening. -Stop imagining.

Can't you see?

They're calling me!

Biba, you must help me!

I'll answer the door.

Good evening. -Come in. -I would just...

You just come in.

Alright, I'll wait here. -No, no. We must talk.

Cecilija, don't get involved in this.

I'm not getting involved. But I still feel responsible for you.

Mhm. You're responsible for all of us. -Hello Robert!

Hey, you know this? Eh? -No.

I don't know. -You don't know what's good. "Top Ten!"

I will be honest to you.

Biba told me everything. And if you don't know are you sane,

she can't help you with that. Go to the doctor and leave my sister alone!

Please stop! -I don't know why you had to tell her,

that's only our concern. -Leave it!

You're forgeting that I'm older sister so it does concerns me too.

Let's go. -Where are you going?

Jupiter or Mars. Further away from your preaching.

Good night, older sister!

That's all because of your writing. You're going crazy!

But what if it's all true?

It can't be true!

Push that gas pedal.

I must wake up early. I would like to sleep a little bit.

Where's the guard? -I don't know, maybe he's gone somewhere.

And what if he sees us? -So what? Let's go.


It happened here.

Where does this leads to?

I'm afraid! -Don't be!

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid. Come on!

Andra, Targo and Ulu.

It's true! -They killed the guard. -No, they put him asleep.

They're having something like anatomy class. Examing his body.

Is that possible?

It's possible! Everything is possible...

Maybe this is... just a dream.


I will touch it. -No!


Why did you do that?

Why you did that Robert?

I'm sorry.

I just touch it. -Touching is not a part of the program.

Part of the program are just meteor hits and magnetic storms.

What now Andra?

How do we get back?

In tough situations we turn back the time.

We must remember this.

Maybe this is... just a dream. -Wait.

I will touch it. -No!


Don't touch it!

Let's run, please Robert let's go! -Don't be afraid, they won't hurt us.

Why did you brought her?

We wanted to speak just with you.

Tell her why did you brought me!

Tell her!

She will complicate this situation.

I'm going! -Wait! -She can't leave!

You still don't know that Targo.

Next time don't bring her along.

Why are you afraid? We are yours. Nobody is closer to you then us.



Can you hear me Biba! -She can't hear you,

she temporary changed the shape.

You have a heart here?

Yes, like everyone else.

We don't have a heart.

Are you a mammal?

Well, yes. -Mammal and very primitive one. -Targo!

You said that this creatures are on very low level of evolution. -Yes!

But in Robert you must se the one who created us,

and our whole Galaxy Arkana and our planet Tugador.

That's nice from him. But if he was on higher level of consciousness

our eyes would have paralasers now.

And our brain could have intergalactic intuition center.

Everyone has it today.

Human. Primitive being who's being wasting energy on emotions.

That's why I'm interested the most.

Tell me, what are we going to do in the second chapter of your novel.

You are beautiful.

I am excatly how you made me.

I belong to you.

You can't come with me. That's impossible now.

You don't want us to be together?

Someone could see you. Imagine what can happen then!?

Why? When people are waiting for us for so long.

Ulu, you don't know what people are like,

they would tear you to pieces just to make suovenirs.

He want us to stay in this hole!

His behavoiur is hideous! -Targo!


I'll come for you later. But please, stay here for awhile.

Be patient untill I prepare ground back there.

What doess that waving means?


Contact? Your task is to have contact with us.

You need this? -No.

I will not do that anymore!

What happened?

Where is Biba?

Please don't yell. You'll wake up someone.

I will if you don't tell me what have you done to my sister.

Nothing. I'll give her to you right away.


Now she looks like this. But that's temporary,

she'll be fine soon.

Take her, please. -What this should mean Robert?

Why you dare to make a fool out of me?!

I can't find her.

Now Biba has to spent night here.

Everyone has camera today!

Toni, take a picture of this, they're searchng for something in the sea.

No! Smaller!

Even smaller than that!

What's that? Japanese toy? She catch a cold.

We could expact that.

-Who catch a cold? -Biba.

Biba? She's really in there?

And you brought her from isle in this small box?

Robert, give me back the boat key. -Yes.

Believe me, she changed her shape just temporary.

You don't have to bother! I'm not interesting in your story!

You'll have to admit what have you done with my sister!

Let's try open it.

Maybe Biba is really in there!


Biba is not in there!

She is this little cube! Why can't you understand that?


You're Biba again! -My Biba! Bibica!

What happened? -It's alright now!

Where was I?

It's important that you're here now.

Honestly people, they were so small.

And what they wanted from you?

Nothing. They observed me. My whole body.

They took my heart out! I saw my own heart!

And where have you seen it? On X-ray?

You don't have to believe me. But I don't lie buddy! I don't!

Pavo, have you seen some cube? -What cube?

Little one. -No!

How come you don't know where that happened?

I don't know. It was all blue, like ball of some kind,

it looked like... like... -UFO. -UFO?

How can I know what does it called?

I just know that I woke up right here in restaurant.

Yes, beside an empty bottle.

Stop bothering guests! Go to sleep!

Hey, Mr. guard! Did that migets had some kind of antenas?

You're funny guy. -You don't say. Have you also came from some other planet?

You look like you did.

Finger! -What is it? -I found a finger!

Daddy, daddy, look! A finger!

Phew! Throw that away! -I won't!

What are you looking for? -Finger! -Come on people, what finger!?

That we want to know also! What finger? Who's finger it is?

We want to see! -Let us see!

Show us, come on. -I won't! -Show them, let's solve this.

Listen your dad, show it. -Show it when I say so!

Don't push around!

Just a moment!

That's not the finger from the Earth's creature.

Are those creatures dangerous?

In the case we meet them, we must make no sudden moves.

It's best to stay calm and smile.

We should search the isle. Then we'll know where we stand!

You must be crazy! Don't get involved in this!

He's right. Let's search the isle!

Wait people! You haven't paid!

Not only in one group. We should divide!

Where is the phone? -There!

Look what have you done!


It's me.

What are you talking about? What son of a cook?

In the meat mince?

Robert, you have to tell me!

First that cube and now finger.

Don't tell me you don't know anything about it. You've been on that isle twice for the night.

It's chaotic here.

Wait! Listen to me!

It looks some aliens have landed there.

I'm sure you have something to do with them. Please tell me where are they.

I want to be the first to take some pictures.

Your Toni is asking you.

That's my chance of a lifetime.

Don't you get it that I don't have nothing to do with that. Where did you get that idea?

Toni please, don't create panic!


Who is searching the isle?

Please, may I get out for the moment? It's urgent! I'll be right back!

You may. And please, don't come back anymore.

Leave those guns! Don't carry them with you!

Sure, sure!

Andra, charge me!

Me too.

They are very small.

Let's try to catch them alive.

Here they are!

What is it? What happened?

They've attacked us! -Where are they? -They're hidden in the cave!

How they look like?

Very small, there's about ten of them! -Show me their size.

Like... like this. -Show me once more!

Let's go, come on! In the boats everybody!

Finally they arrived! Let's welcome them with love!

Stop them!

They must not go!

Stop! Stop right here!

We must show that we're not hiding anything!

That we don't have any kind of weapons! We're people of good will!

Let's take all our clothes off!

This cow will ruin everthing. -This is not the way to be done.

Don't take your clothes off! -Why? And I'm being of good will. Take it off!

Damn it. I forgot the flash.

Welcome to planet Earth! Let's give hands to each other

and let us be brothers!

If you see them don't make any sudden moves.

Stand still and smile.

Show yourselves! We are your friends!

We opened our hearts for you!

Please stop! There's nobody here! Can't you see!?

Look what I got! Great sensation!

Finger of an alien.

Why are you bothering us Toni? -What is it?

Photography of a century!

What do you say? -Did you have a sunstroke?


This is minced meat for a meal.

Well the finger of an alien dropped in and ther it is on top of meat.

Toni. Go back to your tourists, please.

I have witnesses, believe me!

Come on.

Hello! -Hello! I think that Biba came.

Excelent! She came in the perfect time!

Biba! When did you get here?

What are you doing?

I'm cleaning.

It has been a long time since the last cleaning here!

You made quite a mass on the isle.

And I lost my job!

Somebody saw you?

Don't worry!

How did you get here then?


the window was open.

The ball. Where is it now?

Yours and our terms of time and space are quiet different.

Very much.

And where are the kids? -They are resting.

Earth gravity is tiring them. You want something to eat?

I wanted. -And what do you want?

Tell me what do you like. Some specialty from planet Tugador?

No but thanks. I would rather have... steak.



French fries... salad...

Here you are.

I haven't taste steak like this in my life.

It's pitty that it's so small.

There's enough for your needs.

And can I get some coffee?

Coffee, coffee!

And some milk.

Andra, you are truly fabulous.

Touch me.

Touch me.

Touch me.

Touch me. Touch me...

Touch me.

Don't be afraid! Point at him and press it.


Don't pretend your're sleeping Targo!

And remember, next time I'll think again before I take you with me.

I'm not guilty.

I have a feelings which I never expirienced before.

Maybe it's some kind of Earthly infection.

Andra got it too.

Finally! Where have you been!? -How are you?

Here you are. You shouldn't. Please, do come in. -Thank you.

And what's with you two? We're waiting for you!

We'll be back soon. -Take Robert with you!

And if there's no roses?

Take anything you find.

Biba can you believe? Andra is here! -Let that thing go while you're talikng to me!

Aren't you ashamed?

I fear for you, I worry about you. And you're pulling something like this!

There's nothing wrong with that. Touch her. Everything on her is playing music!

I wouldn't touch her for anything! Why did you bring her here?

Well... she came by herself. -You lie somebody else, baby!

And find some other idiot! -Biba you shouldn't be like this!

Andra is perfect!

You can't imagine what she's capable of! -That I can imagine!

Why does she bother us again? -What?

What did you say? -Biba don't! -You stupid machine!

You silly robot! -Biba!

Does that pile of metal can turn you on?

Show how perfect you are. Come on!

Look at me. Pure erotic. Take it off! All of it.

Let's see what do you have under that armor.

What is it? You're afraid that your screws will start to fall off?

Take a look at me!

If you're not afraid that your fuses might burn. You stupid tractor!

Please don't act like stupid! Get dressed!

Look, you yellow can! -Andra, forgive me.

"Forgive me Andra!" "Forgive me Andra!"

Stop it! -Who's actually that looney Andra?

Fridge, washing machine... -Biba please, calm down!

Get back to your planet you bloody cosmic slush!

I would not stand you around here! Get out! -Biba, somebody will hear us!

And you brought them too!?

You made a cosmic playground here baby? Throw them out!

I can't, don't you understand?

To understand what? That you really gone mad?

If you can't I can and I will!

Biba calm down, please. -Get out!

Get lost! I don't wanna see you! -Biba calm down, stop it!

Out! Get out!

No Toni, no! Don't shoot!

You can't do that. No one can know about this! Please! Stop!


Robert! Open up!

That's my chance of a lifetime!

Just one picture, Robert! -Toni no!

Help me Robert! Robert! -Andra, let her go!

Should I transform her into the cube?

No Andra! I couldnt' stand the cube again!


That was your trick? Trick with the cube?

No! -You little bastard!

What are you doing? Are you insane?

I had enough of it!

Here are your rags!

Let her washed them! That machine of yours!

You were my lover and you will be her machinist!

Biba, calm down. You're acting really afwul.

Get away from me! Me or her!

What is it?


But they are something else.

You know that they are just my imagination.

If it is like that, do something.

Make them go away. To disappear.

Biba, come on. Calm down. Calm down, please.

Get them back in that Aran. -Arkan.

Arkan! Let them go to hell!

Everything will be fine.

Let them disappear.

Alright, alright. Biba, please calm down.

Do something!

Come on!

Alright, I'll try.

I can't get rid of them.

I'll get rid of you!

You will not see me again!

Not even in your imagination!

You wanted us to disappear!

Can't you see the situation I'm in?

You're already here.

I'm not feeling well. Go without me.

I got them! This time I really got them. Take a look.

Great sensation!

Here! I'm the first man who took a picture of an alien.

This is Andra. Woman from space.

Biba yelled at her: "You cosmic slush!"

And these are little martians.

What is it?

You have a photos of a century in front of you and act like that.

Like I showed you Kraut on a donkey.

Where's editor?

He's not here. He's on a wedding, his nephew is getting married.

You'll lucky he's not here. He'd throw you out with your martians.

But I have witnesses! Believe me! I'll get Biba!

Get her! Then we'll talk.

You don't have a nose for real stuff. You'll stay county newspapers forever.


Good evening, I'm sorry to bother you.

I would like to talk with Biba.

It's really important, I'm friend of Robert.

I won't let her to talk with the friend of that man in any case.

Don't bother! Don't bother! You'll talk in vain!

Robert. He's calling Biba through some friend.

He doesn't dare to do that himself.

What is that?




Here's something terrible!





Who is this now? Who is this?

Who is this? What is this? -Wait!

No, no, no!

Don't shoot! That's something unseen!

Room! Give me some room!

Watch out! That's service from Cecilija. -Daddy!

You stupid! We could have it alive!

Don't tell me what to do! This is my home, I'll do anything I like!

Control yourself, please! -Shut up!

Don't panic!

Take photos Toni, That's a big sensation and opportunity for our papers!

Mine too!

Don't go near that!

My friends! We are witnessing historical event!

We encouner with the creature for which I'm certain that's not from Earth!

And how dou know it's not from Earth?

We learned some schools. -What schools!? -Dear madam...

Looks hideous!

Space monster. Ekland anticipated that.

That means, that I'm the first man ever killed a space creature.

Beast is moving!

It will get another bullet and it'll be finished!

Please! In the name of science, stop! Don't shoot! -Leave me alone!

Please, don't shoot anymore! You'll ruin the whole apartment!

Not in the head! No! -In the head!

You must not damage the brain! -What to shot then?


No! No! No!

Olga! Don't be afraid.

Daddy! Dad!

Dear, how do you feel?

Not so well. I have a feeling I'm missing something.

Open that door! Quickly! -Move that!

There, open window! -Let me first! Let me!

Open one over there!


Don't shove! Don't shove!

Don't step over me!

Olga where are you?


That's Olga's shoe.



Stelica honey!

Where are you going?Stela! Stelica! Say something!

Don't panic! She's alive.


I'll show... it to you... Beast!

Beast! You... you..

No! That's not possible! Please say that it's not possible!

Wait! Wait!

I figure it all out now. Yes!

That's a mass halucination.

Listen! That monster does not really exist!

We are all in a state of shock. We see and hear something

that isn't really there!

Let's check that out!

Come! Come here!

See for yourself!

Don't be afraid!

Don't be afraid! Come! -Watch out!


Watch out! -You see?

Don't be afraid! I'm touching,

and there is nothing. Eh?


That's not possible! That's not possible!


I'm buying all your photos just if we stay alive!

You didn't believe me. It all started from that finger.


What happened? -You'll see on the photos.

Kill him mom.


Help me!

Help me! Help me!

Biba! Don't be afraid!

Biba, don't be afraid!

Biba. -"Don't be afraid?" Eh?

He made a massacre!


We can't be mad at toy. -Wonderful toy!

And you have a lot of similar toys.

Punish him!

Calm down!

What's the best thing to do now?

Turn back time.

Finally! Where have you been!? -How are you?

Here you are. You shouldn't. Please, do come in. -Thank you.

And what's with you two? We're waiting for you!

We'll be back soon. -Take Robert with you!

And if there's no roses? -Take whatever you find.



What is it?

That's a ball from Galaxy Arkana.

Toni, come fast! Toni!

Look, that's... it's a... it's a ball...

What did you say from where?

From Galaxy Arkana.

Take a shot!

Take a photo! That's your chance!

Well, I think that I already had some chance.

But I'm feeling brainwashed.

Shoot it!

Shoot! What are you waiting for?

Mom, it's not worth it.

Nobody is going to believe me.

And where is Robert?

Moment arrived when Andra, Targo and Ulu had to get back to their planet Tugador

in the faraway Galaxy Arkana.

On their way back, they were remembering their experiences on Earth.

Birds singing and murmur of the sea.

Wind and rain.

Smell of the flowers.

"We don't have that back home." Targo sigh.

"That was wonderful trip." Ulu smiled.


Coffee is on the table.

You're smoking?

Only when I'm feeling very good or when I'm feeling very bad.

Thanks Mumu.

Biba speaking.

Robert, please. Where are you?

Speak to me Robert.

I'm traveling to Galaxy Arkana.

OK. Take care and get back as soon as possible. I made you a dinner.

And that trip to Arkana leave to cosmonauts.

They're coming later.

For more infomation >> Gosti iz galaksije (1981) - Duration: 1:25:11.


Час Х все ближе: Россия сливает американские бумаги. США рушатся медленно, но верно. Доллар все! - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Час Х все ближе: Россия сливает американские бумаги. США рушатся медленно, но верно. Доллар все! - Duration: 4:19.


Los fandangos que definen a "El Cabrero" - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Los fandangos que definen a "El Cabrero" - Duration: 3:05.


✅ Ten list może cię zaskoczyć! ZUS wyliczył, ile da ci emerytury - Duration: 4:15.

Co roku ZUS wysyła listy do ubezpieczonych. W piśmie znajdziesz informacje o składkach, jakie wpłynęły na twoje konto emerytalne w ZUS, wartość wpłaconych składek oraz szacowana wysokość twojej emerytury

Szacowana, ponieważ w przypadku osób, którym do emerytury zostało jeszcze kilkanaście czy kilkadziesiąt lat trudno przewidzieć, jak potoczy się ich kariera, ile będą zarabiać

A to przecież od składek, potrącanych z naszych pensji zależy wysokość emerytury. Co ważne! To wszystko tylko prognoza. Wyliczona emerytura nie uwzględnia waloryzacji składek – a np

tegoroczna czerwcowa waloryzacja wyniosła 8,68 proc. W rzeczywistości więc emerytura może być wyższa. I tak wiele osób wyliczeniami ZUS będzie jednak rozczarowanych, bo nie ma co ukrywać – przyszłe emerytury zbyt wysokie nie będą

Przedstawimy ściągawkę, na co należy zwrócić uwagę w liście. – Informacja o stanie konta ubezpieczonego daje nam wgląd w nasze finanse

Dzięki niej widzimy efekty odprowadzonych składek i zyskujemy pogląd co z tych składek nam przysługuje – wyjaśnia rzecznik ZUS Wojciech Andrusiewicz

Ale uwaga, nie do wszystkich ubezpieczonych ZUS takie pisma wyśle. Nie dostają ich te osoby, które mają założony profil na Platformie Usług Elektronicznych czyli PUE ZUS

To dlatego, że takie osoby na bieżąco mają wgląd w swoje konto, a na podstawie dostępnego tam kalkulatora sami mogą wyliczyć przyszłą emeryturę

1. Tyle masz na koncie U góry listu znajdziesz informacje o łącznej kwocie składek, jakie są zapisane na twoim koncie – to zarówno kapitał początkowy, jak i składki odprowadzone od 1999 r

do końca 017 r. Uwaga, ważne! Pracowałeś przed 1999 r., a ZUS napisał, że twój kapitał początkowy to 0 zł? To oznacza, że jeszcze nie wystąpiłeś o jego ustalenie

Powinieneś to jak najszybciej zrobić, bo bez tego dostaniesz niższą emeryturę. . Twoje składki z zeszłego roku Tę rubrykę warto dokładnie przeczytać

Znajdują się tu składki, jakie każdego miesiąca 017 r. odprowadził za ciebie twój pracodawca. 3. Tyle masz na subkoncie Warto wiedzieć, że w ZUS mamy także subkonto

To specjalne konto, które mają osoby należące do lub te, które zaczęły pracę po 31 stycznia 014 r. i do OFE nie należą. Tu znajdziemy informacje, ile środków na nim zgromadziliśmy

4. W sumie składki W tym miejscu ZUS sumuje wszystkie zgromadzone składki na koncie i subkoncie. 5. Składki należne i wpłacone Ten punkt też należy przeczytać bardzo uważnie! Tu ZUS wskazuje wysokość należnych składek, na podstawie dokumentów, które przekazał twój pracodawca

Jeśli te kwoty różnią się od składek wpłaconych na subkonto lub do OFE, to oznacza że pracodawca nie wpłacił do ZUS tyle, ile powinien

Warto tę sprawę z nim wyjaśnić. 6. Obliczona emerytura W tym punkcie znajdziesz kilka wariantów przyszłej emerytury. Te ZUS wylicza każdej osobie, która ukończyła 35 lat

Wariant I – to wysokość emerytury, jaką mógłbyś dostać gdybyś pracował do kończenia wieku emerytalnego i zarabiał tyle, co do tej pory

To wyliczenie na podstawie kwot, jakie zebrałeś na koncie emerytalnym. Wariant II – taką dostałbyś emeryturę, gdyby na twoje konto nie wpłynęła już żadna dodatkowa składka

Uwaga!W tym punkcie ZUS przedstawia, o ile wzrosłaby emerytura, gdyby opóźnić moment przejścia na świadczenie o jeden, dwa, trzy, cztery i pięć lat

7. Emerytura z ZUS i OFE Tu znajdziemy kolejne warianty wyliczonych emerytur. W III wariancie ZUS pokazuje jakie może być twoje świadczenie, jeśli będziesz pracować dalej i zarabiać tyle, co do tej pory – ale z uwzględnieniem pieniędzy, jakie masz na subkoncie w ZUS

W wariancie IV – gdybyś przestał pracować w 017 r. i na konto i subkonto nie wpływałyby już żadne składki. Gang okradał emerytów

For more infomation >> ✅ Ten list może cię zaskoczyć! ZUS wyliczył, ile da ci emerytury - Duration: 4:15.


Come registro la voce in studio - PostProduzione | Tutorial | Red - Duration: 23:52.

For more infomation >> Come registro la voce in studio - PostProduzione | Tutorial | Red - Duration: 23:52.


Acabe Com as Olheiras da Noite Para o Dia Com Esses Remédios Naturais! - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Acabe Com as Olheiras da Noite Para o Dia Com Esses Remédios Naturais! - Duration: 8:06.


Como Eliminar as Rugas em Casa sem o Uso de Nenhuma Substância Tóxica! - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Como Eliminar as Rugas em Casa sem o Uso de Nenhuma Substância Tóxica! - Duration: 4:49.


Beba Isto Antes de Dormir e Queime a Gordura da Barriga Super Rápido! - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Beba Isto Antes de Dormir e Queime a Gordura da Barriga Super Rápido! - Duration: 4:27.


Como fazer torta salgada low carb de couve-flor - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Como fazer torta salgada low carb de couve-flor - Duration: 2:41.


Desconto prometido no diesel ainda não chegou às bombas - Duration: 3:33.

Após quase 20 dias do fim da greve dos caminhoneiros, o preço do óleo diesel se mantém em patamar elevado, acima do que planejou o governo quando concedeu subsídio aos consumidores

Ao fechar acordo com os grevistas, a expectativa era que o litro do combustível ficasse R$ 0,46 mais barato na bomba

Mas, até agora, isso não aconteceu. O desconto médio nos postos de gasolina no Brasil está limitado a R$ 0,16, segundo levantamento da Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP), que divulgou na segunda-feira (18/6) a pesquisa relativa à semana passada

    Mais sobre o assunto Importadores ameaçam deixar mercado de diesel Fazenda contesta previsão de impacto maior de subsídio ao diesel Custo do subsídio ao diesel supera o previsto pelo governo Para fechar o acordo, o governo aceitou tirar R$ 9,5 bilhões do seu caixa, dinheiro usado para compensar as refinarias da Petrobrás e importadores por não elevarem muito suas tabelas

Esse grupo de empresas, situado na ponta da cadeia produtiva, fornece o diesel para as distribuidoras que, em seguida, repassam o produto para os postos, após misturarem biocombustível a ele

Além dessa medida, o Congresso aprovou a desoneração do PIS e Cofins incidentes no diesel e, em alguns Estados, como no Rio de Janeiro, a alíquota de ICMS foi reduzida  No fim das contas, a previsão é que mais de R$ 13 bilhões de dinheiro público sejam gastos para baixar o preço aos consumidores e para que o acordo firmado com os caminhoneiros finalmente seja cumprido

Mas não é certo que isso aconteça, porque, como por lei distribuidoras e revendedores têm liberdade de definir seus preços, não há garantia de que o desconto atingirá os motoristas

 A greve dos caminhoneiros foi iniciada no dia 21 de maio, quando o preço do combustível disparou nos postos

Antes disso, o litro do diesel estava sendo negociado, em média, a R$ 3,788 em todo o País

Com a intervenção do governo, chegou a R$ 3,434 na semana passada. Para que o acordo firmado pelo presidente Michel Temer com os caminhoneiros seja considerado exitoso, com desconto total de R$ 0,46 por litro na bomba, é preciso que o combustível não custe mais que R$ 3,328

 Na cidade de São Paulo, a redução de preço foi maior do que a da média brasileira

Na capital paulista, o litro do diesel está R$ 0,27 mais barato, sendo comercializado a R$ 3,271


For more infomation >> Desconto prometido no diesel ainda não chegou às bombas - Duration: 3:33.


Envolva Seus pés em Folhas de Repolho e Você Ficará Surpreso com os Resultados! - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Envolva Seus pés em Folhas de Repolho e Você Ficará Surpreso com os Resultados! - Duration: 4:01.


La acupuntura será asignatura optativa de Medicina en la Universidad de Málaga - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> La acupuntura será asignatura optativa de Medicina en la Universidad de Málaga - Duration: 3:18.


[Wiadomości] ||Steczkowska komentuje utratę prawa jazdy. Mocne słowa ? - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> [Wiadomości] ||Steczkowska komentuje utratę prawa jazdy. Mocne słowa ? - Duration: 4:56.


Diga Adeus aos Cabelos Brancos Naturalmente Usando Apenas 1 Ingrediente! - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Diga Adeus aos Cabelos Brancos Naturalmente Usando Apenas 1 Ingrediente! - Duration: 3:37.


[Wiadomości] ||Poruszające zdjęcia prowadzącej „Pytanie na śniadanie". Odważyła się na to ? - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> [Wiadomości] ||Poruszające zdjęcia prowadzącej „Pytanie na śniadanie". Odważyła się na to ? - Duration: 2:55.


Sebevražda v metru: Muž (†61) ve stanici Pražského povstání skočil pod vlak - Duration: 1:25.

 „Jednalo se o sebevraždu muže," potrvdil pro server policejní mluvčí Tomáš Hulan

Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy (DPP) mezi Kačerovem a Pražského povstání úplně zastavil provoz a ve vyloučeném úseku

Na místo povovali hasiče DPP, kteří ve spolupráci se dvěma pražskými hasičskými muže zpod soupravy vyprostili a předali do péče záchranářům

 „Muž bohužel utrpěl mnohačetná poranění, a na místě zemřel," uvedli záchranáři na Twitteru


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