Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2018

 Cuando Amaia Romero y Alfred García hacían su aparición, este pasado lunes por la noche, en la alfombra roja de la gala People in Red, pocos acertaban a adivinar el huracán que generaría la exclusiva de LOOK anunciando su ruptura sentimental

El fin de un amor que lleva siendo una realidad unas semanas y que anoche tuvo un nuevo e incomodísimo episodio en Barcelona

Ambos estaban invitados al evento y tuvieron que hacer de tripas corazón porque entre ellos la cuerda está muy tensa: no se hablan, hay dolor y la reconciliación que pretende el catalán es poco menos que una quimera

 Evitaron verse durante toda la noche y el primer paso estaba claro, posar por separado en el photocall

Amaia y Alfred hicieron todo lo posible por no cruzarse ni las miradas, pero también por sacar la mejor de sus sonrisas pese al delicado momento personal que atraviesan

Pura frialdad. También es cierto que coincidieron con antiguos compañeros como Agoney Hernández o Ana Guerra y cualquier mala cara habría levantado suspicacias

La expareja ha preferido mantenerlo en secreto durante todo este tiempo, pero ya no pueden ocultar algo que es una evidencia

 La sonrisa de oreja a oreja de Alfred durante la gala esconde la profunda tristeza por la que está atravesando

Él quiere retomar la relación, pero la navarra se muestra firme en su decisión y considera que su historia de amor es un libro cerrado

Hay que destacar que apenas doce meses ha durado un noviazgo que enamoró a muchos, pero que también fue catalogado de producto comercial por otros, y que tuvo su epicentro cuando deleitaron al mundo con una actuación en Eurovisión que terminó convertida en batacazo

 Ahora la firmeza la representa fielmente Amaia. La cantante considera que es el momento de mirar hacia delante y centrarse en sus proyectos profesionales, que en ningún caso estarán cerca de los de su ya expareja

Su amor se ha ido y sin síntomas de que pueda regresar.   

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred: sin miradas ni contacto en su reaparición tras su ruptura - Duration: 3:10.


What-a-Waste? Environmental group calls for Whataburger to stop using foam cups - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> What-a-Waste? Environmental group calls for Whataburger to stop using foam cups - Duration: 2:27.


How To Make Crispy Roast Potato And Bacon || Glen & Friends Cooking - Duration: 4:49.

Crispy Roast Potatoes and Bacon! so there's a big potato event coming up and everybody's looking for a

different there's a lot of potato events coming up there's always a potato event

coming up we were tasting latkes today at work um so this if you saw the potato

stacks recipe we did a little while ago this is kind of a mishmash between the

potato stacks recipe and so this potato is horizontal this is potato horizontal

and or and it's halfway between that and a tartiflette a French

tartiflette there's no cheese on top so it's not a tartiflette hmm very

good good you know potatoes mm-hmm um so here's how I made it so I start out in a

small pan and I melt some butter while the butter is gently melting in a mortar

and pestle I grind together thyme and garlic cloves once it was most of the

way ground together I put in some black pepper

and then I scraped that into the butter to allow the butter to take on the

flavor of the garlic and the thyme well that was steeping and the pan that

I was going to bake the potatoes in I fried up some bacon and when the bacon

was partially cooked I threw in some sliced onions don't cook the bacon too

far because it's going to bake again in the oven when the bacon and the onions

were fried to a level that I thought was pretty good I pulled them out of the pan

pulled the pan off the heat I pulled out the mandolin and started slicing

potatoes mandolins are dangerous use the guards don't slice off your finger

please pay attention and then started putting the sliced potatoes in arranging

them in a circle so that they're all standing up how challenging was that um

it wasn't too bad not too bad at all but I think what I would do is I sliced

these really thin and then halfway through I started slicing a little

thicker and I don't know which is better whether the thick or thin and so I just

sort of mix them up a little bit so it wasn't doesn't look like it's sliced

potatoes all in a circle it's sort of a mishmash once I got them all in put in

some black pepper I put the bacon and onions on top then I took the butter and

garlic herb mixture and put that on top as well and tried to push it in a little

bit so that the butter and the herbs and the bacon and the onions sort of get

down into the potatoes

through that in the oven and this is what you wind up so things that I've

learned I think I would work harder at pushing the bacon and the onions into

the potatoes yeah it's a few of the Merlot crispy on top I was actually

surprised you said there was time and all those flavors in it so I'm not

really getting those flavors mm-hmm I mean they're great I love potatoes so

you can't I can't I just it is very light

yeah the flavor from the thyme and the garlic is very light mm-hmm I was a

little afraid with the amount of butter because there was already bacon fat hmm

so I think I'm you know you could double the amount of butter and thyme and and

really baste it in so those are your second lesson or is that just as an

aside based on what I just said that says to be things that's the second

lesson okay so I push everything in a little bit more I probably slice them a

little thicker and I'd use more butter and thyme three lessons three lessons

and I will reflect those in the written recipe that is above below beside but

generally you know a great finish mm-hmm when the presentation is really nice too

and you get to serve it in the same dish that you cooked it it yeah yeah

everything cooks in the same pan well almost everything cool look sir

what's the Johnny

For more infomation >> How To Make Crispy Roast Potato And Bacon || Glen & Friends Cooking - Duration: 4:49.


Karine Le Marchand sous le choc, drôle de réaction face à une grossesse surprise - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Karine Le Marchand sous le choc, drôle de réaction face à une grossesse surprise - Duration: 1:25.


Karine Le Marchand sous le choc, drôle de réaction face à une grossesse surprise -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Karine Le Marchand sous le choc, drôle de réaction face à une grossesse surprise -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:13.


46歲張惠妹減肥成功,嫩回「26歲」,「油物」變「尤物」! - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> 46歲張惠妹減肥成功,嫩回「26歲」,「油物」變「尤物」! - Duration: 5:11.


Charlène «tendue et glaciale» face à Caroline, elles s'ignorent à la fête nationale - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Charlène «tendue et glaciale» face à Caroline, elles s'ignorent à la fête nationale - Duration: 1:27.


The day we sent gifts to our subscribers [Gifts for you event] / Hoontamin - Duration: 2:36.

What are you doing?

To our subscribers who won the 'Gift for you' events

I'm preparing gifts for them

Now I'm writing a letter

Thanks to those who applied

I'd better give them a little letter

Subscribers' countries are so various

There are letters in English

And each country's language is added one by one

So there are many languages

I'm writing their names and my signatures directly

To our precious subscribers

I love you

Now is Cormie's turn

I'm painting the pictures

We pack the gifts one by one

We wish you a pleasant memory

We go to the post office

I have to write a lot of these waybills!

Names and addresses in multiple languages

We hope the gifts will be delivered safely

First dispatch is complete!

1st on 2nd November, 2nd on November 19th

Although some subscribers didn't win the 'Gift for you' event

We sent them Korean snacks

Thank you all subscribers!

For more infomation >> The day we sent gifts to our subscribers [Gifts for you event] / Hoontamin - Duration: 2:36.


💚dando comida a gente de la calle 💙 |PARODIA| ❤️ - Duration: 5:44.

Hi guys! We are here in the jasmin yalimar channel

that is me.

today we have a super interesting video

I brought a guest, a very special guest

that it's called:

exact exact!

we have thought a super video for you

What would you like?

and we also want to do a good deed for this world because there is a lot of poverty

then we think, and why not feed them ?!

why not give him some vitamins

guys, thank you very much for watching my video

click on subscribe

subscribe , subscribe!

my dog ​​got mad at me

click on the red button

in the comments I leave my social networks

and keep enjoying this video

And do not miss the end!

which is very interesting

I only see a hamburger

does not matter!

We have a hamburger!

and that hamburger is going to be the best in the...

Close it so they do not see that it was open.

that hamburger will be the best in the world,

the richest, the most nutritious of all

now you coming with us to find a homeless

Where are we going to find a homeless?


also smells a little bit

we know they are there

but schhh

then guys ! come with us

look there are there !!

We've found them guys!

today is our day

hey guy, you are homeless?

are you homeless?

what do you think?

We have found a homeless guys!

today is your day!

we have a youtube channel

and we want to talk a little about your life

Tell us, what have you worked on in your life?

Well, I've been on the street for 6 years

before I was a dietitian...

okay okay okay

you know what ! you know what !

Today is your Day !

We have bought you a hamburger

so you can eat it and enjoy it

Take, take

no.. no..

The truth is...

it's not for you

For more infomation >> 💚dando comida a gente de la calle 💙 |PARODIA| ❤️ - Duration: 5:44.


South Korea semiconductor Supreme boom is over and the next year's Korean economy is darkest ahead? - Duration: 5:28.

South Korea semiconductor Supreme boom is over and the next year's Korean economy is darkest ahead? (Translated by google.com)

Although it is a semiconductor industry that has strongly supported the Korean economy, the outlook for next year seems not to be bright next year due to price declines and China's antitrust law offensive.

Although DRAM price declines for PCs are intense, it has been said that there is no effect for servers for which Korean manufacturers are the mainstay.

However, the expansion rate of the data center began to slow down, and already enough stocks are already secured and orders are also decreasing.

Furthermore, demand for mobile demand has begun to slow down as can be seen from the poor sales of iPhone.

Furthermore, it is adding pressure under suspicion of price bargaining against the Chinese government's Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix and Micron.

Market research firms and private economic research institutes are increasingly looking negative for the semiconductor market.

We believe that the global economic downturn and the risk from China will end the super economic boom.

Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix said that "there is no need to price bidding while Chinese companies are not a threat."

However, the purpose of the Chinese government is to put pressure on three overseas memories and to respond to dissatisfaction of domestic companies.

Article Source: http://bit.ly/2KizoHp http://bit.ly/2KkEZg5 http://bit.ly/2Kju1rh

Korean reaction

Where is the national budget of 475 trillion won next year but where will the semiconductor be scrapped if the semiconductor struggles? Eventually prices will be taxed and prices will go up and it will be harder for the people to live.

The government incompetent Korean economy is failing. The government is a vampire government that smokes the blood of the people.

Incompetence, falsehood, discontinuation, the Gongbei regime rattling and South Korea will become scorched.

The IMF will come to know something.

I wonder if it will get better at the end of the year?

If automobiles, semiconductors, chemistry, all industries are all-stop, will the North Korean related business be eating?

Good deal adjustment is good, but what about policy failure and the country ruining?

The semiconductor may have ended but the price of the apartment further rises.

The people's choice failed. The citizens were deceived by the fiction of Communism which unprepared people free.

There is never forever or absolutely. Still we do not break the semiconductors easily, and we have to look at the next three years further.

Let 's not let this government fail. Because the people who chose the president this time are citizens.

It's again a chicken game. In the past I killed Toshiba and Micron, but the next is Taiwan and China. Even if semiconductor prices fall, Samsung will survive and generate greater revenue.

I'm worried. If all the technologies are pulled out in Chinese spies and price competitiveness is lost, it is really a disaster.

The country is going to hell because of my parents' sale.

Whatever you say, the economy is China. If you abuse China, will the answer come out? I have to exploit it properly!

Punish those who delivered the technology to China punishment and confiscate property!

Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2Ki5YJe http://bit.ly/2KhZIRP

The idea of ​​Japanese editors

Over the past year, it has been rebounding once the press reports that the semiconductor booming is over is over.

However this time it seems that the super economic boom period finally ends. Even so, the super economic boom will only be booming.

Just say that growth slows down, stagnation, or decline.

We earn huge sums, pay a huge amount of taxes, a lot of employment has been born and a corner that has supported Korea begins to sink.

Various institutions in Korea also forecast at the moment that the growth rate in the next fiscal year will reach mid-2% or below.

Economic politics of the government is not functioning at all, but it has been largely supported numerically by the boom in semiconductors.

If this support is lost, the horrific circumstances of the Korean economy will come out remarkably.

It is the minimum wage that can raise cold water further to the Korean economy by 10% or more from January.

South Korea has not shown a clear position against the US - China trade war, so it has not received much treatment from China.

North-South economic cooperation has been suppressed from the United States, and North Korea's nuclear issue is somewhat isolated.

Unfortunately the Korean government will not be beaten. In another aspect, the government must support the Korean economy, but it has not been done so far.

Thank you for your viewing.

If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.

Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.

Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.

For more infomation >> South Korea semiconductor Supreme boom is over and the next year's Korean economy is darkest ahead? - Duration: 5:28.


Kate Middleton enceinte d'une fille, ça se précise - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton enceinte d'une fille, ça se précise - Duration: 1:44.


George et Amal Clooney « terreur en Italie », une bombe trouvée dans leur villa -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> George et Amal Clooney « terreur en Italie », une bombe trouvée dans leur villa -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:19.


Lily-Rose Depp « inquiétante », cette regrettable « passion » héritée de son père - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Lily-Rose Depp « inquiétante », cette regrettable « passion » héritée de son père - Duration: 1:23.


Live PD: Her Driving Scares Me (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Her Driving Scares Me (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:03.



For more infomation >> GETTING HIT BY PAINTBALL IN NEPAL! - Duration: 10:34.


How to Make House Project from Cardboard - Duration: 2:00.

How to Make House Project from Cardboard

For more infomation >> How to Make House Project from Cardboard - Duration: 2:00.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | HULK TRANSFORM & HULKBUSTER vs KING KONG Army - Duration: 11:25.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Prented Play | HULK HULK BUSTER vs KING KONG Army

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | HULK TRANSFORM & HULKBUSTER vs KING KONG Army - Duration: 11:25.


[ENG] Listen to LuHan (Interviewed by Lao Gao) PT.4 - Duration: 3:47.

Lu: Will I be recorded in the generation of internet? Just leave one stroke of me, that's ok!

Part 4: Just leave one stroke of me on the generation of internet, that's ok!

Gao : What do you think about the public focusing on your popularity?

So many people out there pay close attention to either decreasing or increasing of your popularity

Lu: i think this issue... maybe the anti are more focus on that

Gao: I agree with that

Lu: Actually i don't quite understand about that

i think they (anti) are the true love indeed, they have to follow, search and read my news everyday...

they almost want to buy a concert ticket and go watch it,

so that they can have the chance to say that "hey LuHan the concert is not full"

So i think all my haters are true true true love fans, I want to say thank you to them

Gao: Haters are the existence of fans in other form

Lu: Right, its more comfortable to think that way

Gao: So now, there are some articles against us earlier, after reading them, you feel?

Lu: you mean earlier? It never ends...

Gao: Yes they are always there. Lu: Always!

Lu: On this matter... I think not just me,

every artist has this experience, and almost in every moment

Gao: for you, you don't read much of them generally

Lu: i read, i surf in web... I get to weibo and do the search, I search Manchester United,

and after that I search something I'm interested in, right

Gao: and then you will see the hot search

Lu: i will have a glance on hot search but I'm not reading it everyday....

Because sometimes, hot search for me.. Not that I don't care but just a little bit

Gao: not that important anymore

Lu: yes yes

Gao: how do you think your relationship with your fans (sigh) haven't answered this for quite a while

Lu: Our relationship... My point of view has never changed, we grow up together,

yes we grow together, and we face difficulty together .

Lu: For example, someone tried to smear me, and my fans helped to... Gao: against..

Not against, but to clarify the fact.

When the fans do that they feel hurt too, because I'm the person they love and I'm their idol.

So i think its the experience and the growth we shared

Gao: There's a logic that success of "traffic artists" is based on the "data support" of fans (Traffic artist: very popular artists which have lots of fans)

loss of data will bring huge blow to artists.

Lu: In fact we cannot lump together, there are still lots of "traffic friends" own their business capacity.

In their professions, they have that abilities. For example, some of them are actors / actresses and they are good at acting,

some can really sing well and some can dance well. All of them are capable persons.

However, I think that it's easy for the public to have misconception

since they only notice the "traffic" and won't recognise those artists' flash point.

Sina: Some people defined you as "the one who started the traffic age of China". What's your opinion?

Lu: I...Then...Thank you! It's enough to have this comment!

Lu: Seriously! It's good to me to have that!

Sina: Can be written in the history right?

Lu: Will I be recorded in the generation of internet? Just leave one stroke of me, that's ok!

I think...it's not bad. Thanks for their recognition, thanks.

For more infomation >> [ENG] Listen to LuHan (Interviewed by Lao Gao) PT.4 - Duration: 3:47.


Nerf Rival Zeus Red Nerf Blaster Nerf Review Toy Blaster - Duration: 4:45.

Nerf Rival Zeus Red Nerf Blaster Nerf Review Toy Blaster

For more infomation >> Nerf Rival Zeus Red Nerf Blaster Nerf Review Toy Blaster - Duration: 4:45.


Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi GT-Line Pano.dak Nav. Xenon Leer Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi GT-Line Pano.dak Nav. Xenon Leer Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:09.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs High Up! Executive - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs High Up! Executive - Duration: 1:07.


Elisa Isoardi e Matteo Salvini di nuovo insieme: ecco come sono stati beccati | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Elisa Isoardi e Matteo Salvini di nuovo insieme: ecco come sono stati beccati | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:01.


Tarekhi Basharti Shab-e-Noha 6-Rabiulawal at Masoomeen a.s Incholi Karachi 2018 rabi ul awal status - Duration: 3:57.

Like & Share

For more infomation >> Tarekhi Basharti Shab-e-Noha 6-Rabiulawal at Masoomeen a.s Incholi Karachi 2018 rabi ul awal status - Duration: 3:57.


NOVO Volume Infusion maskara obogaćena keratinom i biotiom - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> NOVO Volume Infusion maskara obogaćena keratinom i biotiom - Duration: 0:17.


Opel Combo 1.3 CDTI TOUR 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Combo 1.3 CDTI TOUR 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:57.


Opel Combo 1.3 CDTI 95pk 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Opel Combo 1.3 CDTI 95pk 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:48.


I Went To ThinkerCon 2018! - Duration: 5:13.

And that was ThinkerCon 2018 my experience was super fun we learned a

lot of new things got a meet and greet some really cool content creators

some good German food even a surprise firework show at the end

what's up guys i'm ben from Authentech, and i just got back from ThinkerCon

2018 it really was a blast but before I show

you my experience I had there something you might not even know what Thinker con

is so real quick it was a one-night event held at the u.s. space & Rocket

Museum in Huntsville Alabama where there was about 100 different education and

science content creators and youtubers all coming together from around the

world for one night of thought-provoking conversation and fun

the main guy behind it all was Destin from smarter every day who partnered

with YouTube and a few others I had the major benefit of currently

living here in Huntsville so I just had to go and check it out tickets were 129

and there were three main show times okay okay so I'm getting ahead of myself

the date was last Saturday November 17th izip down the road to the US Space and

Rocket Center I've actually never been there before which I'm a little

embarrassed about but it's super cool place I'll definitely be back the sunset

was gorgeous and I pulled in right at 456 as they said gates would open at 5

p.m. on my walk in I check out a couple super red monuments and then I keep

going to find a nice long line and I'm aimed pretty long the website said there

were only 1,000 tickets but this sure felt like a lot more people than that

security was super tight which I actually really appreciated we're all

waiting and lined it's slowly moving forward my ticket was for the 6:00 p.m.

show and before you know it the clock struck six thankfully they were super

cool about it and since the line was moving slower than they had expected

they delayed that main show at 6:00 until we could all get in oh and real

quick if you're not following me on Instagram or Twitter that's where I post

all my behind-the-scenes shots also a lot of these shots were captured on my

new LGV 40 make sure you subscribe for those video reviews coming soon so then

I finally get through I enter into the National Geographic theater where the

main show began around 6:20 and I gotta say it was just super cool being

surrounded by people from all walks of life young and old

different parts of the country there are even some

from different parts of the globe all having this commonality of education and

learning in Destin from smarter every day when on stage did a little talk

then festival of the spoken nerd did some presentations we also heard from

many many others some really smart people and some jokes and music one of

my favorites was Barnaby Dixon with these highly detailed realistic finger

puppets they were simply amazing so then the main show ended and we went out

underneath that massive Saturn v Hall where everything else was taking place

there were talks and a demo stage every 30 minutes down at the other end there

was another panel staged with different people every half-hour from 6 to 8 there

was a beer garden dinner buffet served with delicious German food it was

different but still delicious throughout the hall you were surrounded by historic

artifacts and interactive exhibits from space exploration the event was

presented by YouTube so they had a couple of interactive booths to stop by

while you're walking around the hall and the event you could run into a number of

large youtubers and creators you've probably seen and maybe even already

subscribed to just to list a few there is Mark Rober, Derek from Veritasium

Alan the Captain Disillusion, Tom Scott Diana physics girl, Henry from

minutephysics Simone Matt Whitman from 10 minute Bible

our or no dumb questions podcast with Destin there are many many others and if

you waited in line you could say hello and have a quick chat to meet and greet

your favorite educational youtuber that's a pretty sweet deal ok so after

all this right around 10:45 p.m. they launched a firework show that was

accompanied by a voice over narration by Destin and a few others explaining the

science behind the fireworks this is the way the light is produced it's the

electrons jumping a specific energy to create a specific color of light that is

a lesson for

how that different colors are created and that sort of thing

why aren't shot number 17 that ones gold yes yeah this one's iron with a bit of

carbon in it all of this just outside the US Space and Rocket Center it was a

perfect ending to the night and that was my experience at thinker con 2018

overall it was a lot of fun thanks for tuning in guys if you're new around here

consider subscribing and until next time let's live off

For more infomation >> I Went To ThinkerCon 2018! - Duration: 5:13.


Wiatrówka rewolwer Schofield - dla fanów westernów i nie tylko - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Wiatrówka rewolwer Schofield - dla fanów westernów i nie tylko - Duration: 3:48.


Le Lido 2018 - The Day I Killed the Sun - Duration: 2:16.

everything is true

in a certain sense

false in a certain sense

meaningless in a certain sense

For more infomation >> Le Lido 2018 - The Day I Killed the Sun - Duration: 2:16.


Shimmer Paint Technique #3 | 2-Minute Tuesday Tip - Duration: 2:39.

Hello everybody it's Connie with Simply Simple Stamping .com. I'm here with

another 2-minute Tuesday Tip and as we've been sharing this month we are

talking about the shimmer paint. Guys I love this! In today's card- today's

technique- is called mother of pearl. I hope that you can see the shine and the

shimmer and it is; it's just kind of like a wonderful little pearlized paper. I'm

going to share with you how to create your own. Now the background color I

chose is balmy blue but guys any light color is gonna be beautiful with this

but I've also got a Stampin' sponge - I'm gonna ink that up and I'm just going to

start to tap. We're gonna tap this all over the glossy cardstock. We're then

going to begin to swirl ink and we're really just gonna be using the leftover

ink that's still on the sponge; there we go. You see we have some nice varying

colors but now we're gonna do the magic. I'm gonna bring in a clear block and my

champagne mist shimmer paint. I want to give that a really nice little shake.

And I want to pour just a dot and guys my magic is gonna be done with a

shopping bag. So I'm gonna cut myself Oh a good maybe 8 by 8 piece of the

shopping bag. So I'm gonna kind of flatten that out and give myself maybe

something about like that. Alright here comes the magic! I'm going to tap that

paint all over my clear block and of course it's all over my bag and now very

light touch my friends. Very light, let's just start dabbing that shimmer paint.

Cleanup couldn't be simpler we're just going to wipe off. Now before we do

anything else to this paper we want to let this really dry. If you're

impatient you can always come along with your heat tool and dry it. And now you

can take a tissue, a paper towel, a napkin, and just gently buff that card

stock and that's gonna bring that shine right back. There we go guys another

really great technique using Stampin' Up! Shimmer Paint. Remember you can order your

shimmer paint over at Simply Simple Stamping .com just click that online

order button. I would love to be your Stampin Up demonstrator! Guys thank you

again so much for being here for another shimmer paint tip and we'll see on the

next one. Bye

For more infomation >> Shimmer Paint Technique #3 | 2-Minute Tuesday Tip - Duration: 2:39.


How To Write a Killer Plot Twist! - Duration: 6:07.

- Hello everyone my name is Mandi Lynn.

I'm the author of the fantasy novels Essence and I am Mercy

and thriller novel She's Not Here

as well as the creator of AuthorTube Academy

and today we're gonna be talking about

how to write a plot twist.

(gentle music)

So first of all, what is a plot twist?

A plot twist is basically

when your readers are expecting one thing

and something completely different

ends up happening instead.

Now while plot twists aren't necessary in novels

they certainly make it a lot more fun.

That is how you get the readers hooked in

not only to that one book

but they also tend to get addicted

to your writing style as well.

So if they see a great plot twist done in one book

they'll be more tempted to read another book by you

just because they know that you know

how to manipulate a plot twist.

So how exactly can you accomplish a plot twist?

Well there's a few different ways you can go about it,

sometimes they are planned

and sometimes they happen on accident

when you just start writing your story.

So the planned version is when

you're sitting down to outline your novel

and you know the plot twist from the beginning,

so you're able to set things up so there's that mood,

you tend to lead readers into one direction

when you know something completely different

is gonna happen instead.

You can foreshadow things that you know aren't gonna happen

and you can just give them

every scenario in the book as a possibility

except the one that's actually gonna happen.

What you basically wanna do is that

you wanna make readers feel safe in one scenario.

You wanna make readers feel like that one scenario

or maybe a handful of scenarios

is the only scenario that is possible for the book.

You wanna lead them astray as possible,

so the way you do that is

with just little nuggets of information,

a little bit of false foreshadowing

and just do it very subtly,

because if you do it too much

and you force this information on a reader

a lot of readers are able to catch on

and realize that something's not quite right

in that what the author wants them to think

isn't what is actually gonna happen.

So there's a very fine line in terms

of how much information you can give.

An example of a plot twist that you can give

is a reverse role in characters.

So if you have someone who throughout the whole book

has been a hero, you can make them turn into a villain.

This is kind of a classic case

so it's a very hard sometimes

to do it successfully in a book

because it's become a classic plot twist

is that readers are sometimes able

to predict it from a mile away.

But if you do choose to go with this plot twist method,

do make sure that no matter what

you give your characters motivation.

If they are good, why are they suddenly turning evil?

If they are supposed to be evil, why are they good?

Always think of a reason.

No one acts without reason

and even if you do successfully make this plot twist,

if it's not done with proper motivations,

the reader will not like you for it.

Another plot twist you can try out is killing someone.

Kill someone who is thought to be untouchable.

Now a good example of this I would say is The Walking Dead.

There's a lot of characters on there

a lot of people thought of as untouchable.

So now I'll admit I haven't watched the recent seasons

but I did watch the season where,

spoiler alert, Glenn was killed.

Now Glenn has been almost killed multiple times

so when he almost gets killed

people expect that he won't get killed,

he's from season one, he's untouchable.

Anyone who is a fan of The Walking Dead learned the hard way

that there's no one untouchable in The Walking Dead.

And that honestly is sometimes what's so great about it

because you really don't know what's gonna happen next

and that's the best part of a good plot twist.

So to develop a good plot twist

the best thing you can do is

to get into the head of your reader.

Now this is difficult to do

because you are stuck in your head very much,

so in your head it's very common sense

for the plot twist to be what's gonna happen.

So it's very hard to separate yourself

and try to predict the unpredictable.

So what you wanna do is that you wanna take a step back,

read your manuscript and try to get as ignorant as you can.

Try to get into the head of the reader

who knows nothing about this world

except what you write on that piece of paper.

And you want to think in terms of,

if I was the reader of this book,

if I was experiencing this story for the first time

what do I expect to happen next?

Now take the expected

and flip it 360 degrees into the unexpected

and that is how you create a good plot twist.

Now once you've created your plot twist

and you've finished your manuscript

or at least you feel you've finished your manuscript,

what you wanna do is take that manuscript

and give it to your beta readers.

Now beta readers are readers

who are just sample reading the novel

to kind of give feedback.

So what you wanna do is have them read it

and then when they're done reading it

ask them did you expect this to happen?

And if they say no, you've done a good job.

If they say yes, you need to do some tweaking

and maybe figure out how to make them think

that something else is gonna happen instead.

Anyways that is it for today's video.

I hope you guys enjoyed learning how to write a plot twist.

If you enjoyed it be sure to give this video a thumbs up

and subscribe to my Author newsletter.

Links are down below.

Otherwise be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel

and I'll see you guys next time.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How To Write a Killer Plot Twist! - Duration: 6:07.


Турция: Выпал снег. Горный перевал. Дорога из Аланьи в Конью - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> Турция: Выпал снег. Горный перевал. Дорога из Аланьи в Конью - Duration: 14:28.


15 Eyebrows Tutorials Compilation 😱 Step-by-Step Eyebrows Tutorials to Perfect Your Look 2018 - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> 15 Eyebrows Tutorials Compilation 😱 Step-by-Step Eyebrows Tutorials to Perfect Your Look 2018 - Duration: 10:53.


3/9 - #2 I Will Seek Wisdom - Seven Decisions For Success - Duration: 7:51.

David gets to meet King Solomon in a difficult situation.

You might know the story from the Bible, about the Judgement of Solomon.

In this story two women both claim to be the mother of a child.

After hearing their arguments King Solomon gives out order to get his sword.

He suggests to cut the baby in two, and give each woman half of the child.

Now the true nature of the non-mother comes in: she agrees with his idea.

The actual mother cries, and begs him on her knees not to do it, and give the child to

the other woman.

What the king did, is an awesome example of impartial judgement, and it shows the wisdom

in his ruling.

David receives the Second Decision For Success from the king after witnessing this famous


I will train my eyes and ears to read and listen to books and recordings that bring

about positive changes.

I will read and listen only to what increases my belief in myself and my future.

I will associate with people whose lives and lifestyles I admire.

I will listen to the advice of those who are wise.

By learning from other people's wisdom, I add their knowledge and experience to my

own and dramatically increase my success.

I will not look for someone to open my door; instead, I will seek to open the door for

someone else.

In the author's opinion, seeking wisdom contains 3 elements.

- Reading (and listening) books - Taking counsel of others, seeking their

wisdom - Be of service to others

I read that in the US the average number of books people read is less than 2, a year.

If your kids in school read that much, they get labelled 'slow'.

Wisdom is not in magazines, newspapers, or social media.

But books can help you grow your wisdom, and it's so easy to get them.

Instead of reading you can also listen to them!

In the car, while your working out, just let it in.

If you don't know where to start, let me know, I'll be glad to give you some tips for great


Life is full of changes, you know that.

But instead of following the main stream, why not take control and guide the direction

of your own change?

The second part is even more important; the people you surround yourself with.

If you have kids, are you not super concerned about who they hang out with?

Of course you are!

You know that it will affect them.

Just like you were influenced by your friends!

And when did that stop?

It didn't!

It's still the same in your adult life.

If you surround yourself with negative whiners and complainers, do you think that will help

you forward?

Solomon uses a beautiful analogy in case you want to learn how to fly…

He says that if you hang out with chickens you'll only learn how to scratch the ground

and eat the crumbs.

But if you get to hang out with eagles you can learn to fly to great heights!

Taking that analogy into your own life, you'll see it's critical to choose your friends

with care.

Surround yourself with people who can help you grow.

Since my wife and I started our online business last year, we got to surround ourselves with

an awesome group of people who are far more smarter, brighter and successful than we are.

And we get to hang out with them, learn from them, and mastermind with them.

They let us grow!

Most of my life I made decisions based on my own 'wisdom', on what I already knew.

Hey, I'm a big boy, I can make my own decisions.

But some of them didn't work out very well.

Just because I kept doing it with the same 'package'.

We all want to grow, have success and be happy.

But how can we expect to grow if we refuse to grow?

Adding other people's wisdom to my own, gave me new perspective, and allows me to

make better choices.

The last one is serving other people.

I'll be brief about that, it's a mindset.

And it's not just about saving the world.

But opening the door for somebody.Get off your seat for somebody.

Bring your loved one a cup of coffee.

It can be so simple.

But people who serve attract people who serve.

And that's when the magic can happen....

So, how will you seek wisdom?

For more infomation >> 3/9 - #2 I Will Seek Wisdom - Seven Decisions For Success - Duration: 7:51.


6/9 - #5 Today I Will Choose To Be Happy - Seven Decisions For Success - Duration: 4:56.

The story of Anne Frank has an extra touch for me, because I'm Dutch too.

I've never really heard much about the war casualties in my family.

But I did experience from close by what war can do with people.

Even if they're not physically hurt, the human psyche can only take so much pain.

My father was in his early twenties during the war, and went through a lot.

After the war, he suffered from post-war issues until he died in '88.

He hardly ever talked about it, but he watched every TV program or documentary about the


And like clockwork, the next week he was sick in bed….

Why am I telling you this?

Because I can imagine that it must be incredibly difficult to live in a situation like that,

and still being able to choose to be happy…

That's what Anne Frank did.

In the book, David arrives with the Frank family during a razzia in the neighbourhood.

Gestapo soldiers are knocking and checking the walls of the annex (Achterhuis in Dutch)

where they're hiding.

They trust that if they stay calm and silent, it will pass.

And after a while it does.

David follows Anne up to the attic where she can oversea Amsterdam, the Westertoren(tower),

and the famous chestnut tree.

That's a place where she can dream about a better life.

They also visit Anne's room where David spots 1 dress on a hanger.

Anne and her sister share 3 dresses.

She tells him that she's deeply grateful for that, even though it may not seem much

of a luxury.

She just thinks about people who don't have anything at all.

No bed to sleep in, no food to eat.

Being grateful is her way to keep focused on what makes her happy.

The walls of her room are full with pictures and postcards of beautiful things and places,

and movie stars.

Looking at them, makes Anne live in a different world, a different life.

Every day she chooses to be happy.

It's good to laugh.

Laughter is the fuel that runs the world.

So, wake up with a smile every morning, and laugh for at least 7 seconds.

How you start your day, makes how your day will be.

One of the biggest secrets in the whole books is learning to smile when you talk to somebody.

See and feel the effect.

I know, being happy is not a snap of the fingers.

You can't be happy every moment of the day.

But it's a choice to be grateful.

A choice that most people never think about.

Try this exercise: take a piece of paper and write down at least 100 things that you're

grateful for.

When you're finished, how do you feel?

Let me know if you can't come up with 100 things.

Send me what you did write down.

It's a lot of wisdom from a 14 year old girl.

No surprise that she gives him the Fifth Decision For Success.

Happiness is a choice.

I am enthusiastic about each day.

I am alert to its possibilities.

I will become the master of my emotions.

I will greet each day with laughter.

I know that enthusiasm is the fuel that moves the world.

The world belongs to the enthusiastic, for people will follow them anywhere!

My smile has become my calling card.

It is, after all, the most important weapon I possess.

I am the possessor of a grateful spirit.

I almost forgot…

There's a creative twist in this story…

Anne wrote the decision for David in her diary.

She has to tear the 4 pages out to give them to David.

Remember the myth that has grown about the missing pages of Anne's diary?

Now you know…

😊 Now go, and choose to happy!

See you next time.

For more infomation >> 6/9 - #5 Today I Will Choose To Be Happy - Seven Decisions For Success - Duration: 4:56.


You Know Life is Hard When.... - Duration: 2:03.

You're about to eat your favorite food

And just then,

Right on Time

Somebody comes and

You have to share your food with them

When you finally decide to get out of the house

And the weather is so good

That you have no excuse to go back inside

When your favorite fruit is

Ice Cream

When you're trying to hover in a public toilet

But the seat is too high

And it touches your rear.

When your parents are

Good Looking

And your siblings are Good looking

But you look like


When there's finally someone who loves you,

But it's your Dog.

When you finally understand Math

But it's too late

You're out of school

And You're 50.

When you're afraid of the raccoon,

But the raccoon isn't afraid of you.

When the only instrument you can play is,

A whistle.

When you wanna eat some Peanut Butter

But you already finished it the last time.

When you finally decide to be productive in life

And suddenly,

The new season of your favorite show pops up.

When all your friends are

Getting married and having babies,

And you don't even know what exactly babies are.

When all your friends are dating,

but not you,

And you have to be the Third-Wheel all the time.

When you finally start getting likes on social media,

But everybody else has already moved on to a new social media site.

When everybody is going crazy about a Meme,

And you don't even know what it means.

When you're excited about watering the plants

And it starts raining,

Out of nowhere.

When there's no cheese on your burger.

For more infomation >> You Know Life is Hard When.... - Duration: 2:03.


5/9 - #4 I Have A Decided Heart - Seven Decisions For Success - Duration: 6:34.

Now Columbus was something special.

I translated a decided heart for myself into super determined, focused.

And that's what he was.

He spent 19 years of his life, trying to find a way to take on his journey west, to what

would be The Americas.

Everybody thought he was crazy.

But he didn't care what other people were thinking.

He made a decision and stood by it.

Of course, he also made stupid decisions.

In that case he tried to make it right, or made a new decision.

But he never doubted his mission and vision.

David meets Columbus in the middle of the Atlantic, where his men are getting restless

and starting to lose belief in their captain's mission.

They've been sailing west for over 2 months already, and no land yet, "There's nothing

here boss!...."

Most of them want to go back.

But Columbus has no doubts.

"Can't you see it?

I can see it!".

Every day he climbs up into the crow's nest and looks west.

And he has a complete picture in his mind that the next morning he will discover land.

Beautiful land with trees, fruit, animals, and people who will welcome them as heroes.

And he finds it.

We all know how the story went from there.

David gets to spend some time with Columbus up there in the crow's nest and listens

to his wise words.

He is not a witness of Columbus finding land, but up there, he does receive the Fourth Decision

for Success.

I am passionate about my vision for the future.

The power to control my direction belongs to me.

Today I will begin to exercise that power.

I will awaken every morning with an excitement about the new day and its opportunities for

growth and change.

Yes, I have a dream.

It is a great dream.

My hopes, my passions, my vision for the future are my very existence.

A person without a dream never had a dream come true.

My course has been charted, and my destiny is assured.

I have a decided heart.

A decided heart means how you make decisions, and what you do after you've made it.

A decided heart has a steady course, a vision, no matter the challenges or difficulties there

may be.

And that's the way to a lifetime of greater fulfilment.

If you're a decisive person you have a clear goal, no doubts, even if you haven't got

the complete picture yet.

Dream big, and make it true.

Remember that people without dreams, never had a dream come true.

My goals and dreams are in front of me every day.

On my desktop I have a vision board that helps me to visualize my ideal day, where I want

to be, what person I want to be, my purpose, some motivation quotes…

It's a great way to focus every now and then, and

make decisions that will lead me forward to my goals.

I also love the insight in this 3rd decision, about the way you deal with other people's

opinions, their thoughts about you or your ideas.

The impact that they have on our lives is huge, and most of us don't even realize


Actually, it already begins when we're young.

No wrong or right in their intentions, but how many times has someone told you 'you

can't do this', 'you're not smart enough', 'that's not gonna work'?...

And in our adult life, it stays that way.

You were born in a certain environment, call it your culture, and it's pretty hard to

get out of that.

If you make a move 'out' of it, people will try to keep you there.

They're afraid of loosing you.

I see it in our own journey since we started educating ourselves again to become online

entrepreneurs, and work on our personal growth.

We've done so many things that are 'different', which have changed and improved our life,

but just a few people are open-minded enough to encourage and acknowledge it.

Most people are negative, criticising, maybe even feeling rejected or offended….

"Oh, so now we're not good enough for you?"

If we don't decide on the things that are important to us in our life, won't we end

up doing things that are important to others?

And is that we want?


Your future does not depend on other people's thoughts or opinions, let alone their permission!

There's this beautiful quote in the book: "A decided heart will look for a solution.

An un-decided heart will look for an escape" So many people have trouble with making a


They keep analysing the pros and cons and never come to a conclusion.

They keep asking people around them if the decision will be the right one.

And when they finally made a decision, it's time for doubts again…

Did I do the right thing?

Will it work out for me?

Passion, belief, and trust make a decided heart.

Columbus had a clear vision in his mind that made him unstoppable.

He ignored the many people who thought he was planning a mission impossible, and that

he had lost his mind.

He proved them wrong.

Where will your decided heart lead you?

See you next time.

For more infomation >> 5/9 - #4 I Have A Decided Heart - Seven Decisions For Success - Duration: 6:34.


4/9 - #3 I Am A Person Of Action - Seven Decisions For Success - Duration: 7:04.

This Chamberlain guy is not famous like the other persons.

But according to the history books, his actions are an important reason that the US has become

what it is now, instead of a cut up continent like Europe.

They think it would have been like that if the South had won….

Chamberlain was a teacher who signed up for the Union Army to do the right thing, and

he made one crucial decision to take action, which led to the end of the war.

That's what the historians say.

David arrives close to Gettysburg, during the famous battle of Little Round Top, next

to Colonel Chamberlain.

After several heavy attacks by the Southern army, half of the men on the hill are dead

or wounded.

It's seems hopeless.

They hardly have any ammunition left, but they're still hanging in there.

Chamberlain is faced with a problem.

The Confederate regiment is reinforced and getting ready to engage and finish the job.

He makes a bold decision.

There's no choice but taking action.

They can't stay, and they can't leave.

Both would mean being killed.

He orders the men to fix their bayonets on their rifles.

They think he's gone mad.

Still, when the enemy is coming closer, he leads the way shouting 'Charge, charge,

charge!', and all men run downhill with him, yelling 'Charge, charge!'.

And then the miracle happens.

The Confederates get so confuses that take a run for it, and it means a turning point

in the war.

And maybe it even changed the world…

What would have happened in World War 2 if the US had not existed?

The world as we know it today, could well be the result of this one decision to take

action, made over 150 years ago.

Anyway, just before that crucial move, the colonel hands the Third Decision For Success

over to David.

I will create a new future by creating a new me.

I inspire others with my actions.

I am a leader.

Knowing that laziness is a sin, I will create a habit of action.

I will walk with a spring in my step and a smile on my face.

My activity will create a wave of success for the people who follow me.

As a leader, I have the ability to encourage and inspire others to greatness.

I do not fear failure, because failure exists only if you quit.

I am courageous.

I don't quit.

I am a person of action.

I seize the moment.

I choose now.

Maybe this decision is the most important.

None of the decisions really matter if you don't take action, right?

Action starts in the morning.

I get up at 6am every day, summer or winter.

Getting up before the world around you does, gives peace of mind.

I think it's easier to get in the receiving mode and let in new ideas.

And in this time of the year, I also get to see the most beautiful sunrises day after


I read a great quote that said: "Early to bed and early rise

makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.".

I love that, thought I don't always go to bed early, but that's just what you want.

😊 One of my mentors taught me it's better

to take imperfect action, than perfect in-action.

You have to do something to get things moving, no matter if it's right or wrong.

Make a decision, make a choice, take action.

The funny thing is, deep down we all know how it works, but somehow we ignore this.

Most of the time, when people get depressed or have a hard time, they hang on the couch

with the TV on, or glue their faces to their iPhone.

"I fee bad…

Just let me sit here…"

They're waiting…

But for what?

It's easy to sit back and wait for God, a God, the universe, whatever, but maybe in

this case, whatever you call God is waiting for you.

We get most of our knowledge, our information, our inspiration, encouragement from other

people, right?

Then keep in mind that you will not find those people next to you on your couch being depressed

with you!

You gotta get out and do something!

The past has gone, you can't change it.

But your future is right in front of you, right now!

So, take action now!

If you're faced with the choice of to do nothing or to do something, always choose

to do something!

Make a decision and take action on it.

Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly.

Unsuccessful people make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly.

Thoughts don't change a thing, until you take action on them.

Action changes everything, and every action matters.

Every decision to don't take action, also matters.

This is a black or white decision.

You are a person of action or you're not.

It's a decision, not a process.

Are you a person of action?

See you next time.

For more infomation >> 4/9 - #3 I Am A Person Of Action - Seven Decisions For Success - Duration: 7:04.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | HULK TRANSFORM & HULKBUSTER vs KING KONG Army - Duration: 11:25.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Prented Play | HULK HULK BUSTER vs KING KONG Army

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | HULK TRANSFORM & HULKBUSTER vs KING KONG Army - Duration: 11:25.


General Knowledge TORTURE Challenge | #Gameplay #Roleplay #Fun #Sketch #Anaysa #ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 13:59.

Today we've brought for you an amazing Challenge video

and that is

don't you even know the challenge name

Its" General Knowledge Torture Challenge"

in this one will get tortured

until she has given the correct answers to at least five questions

and we'll tied her with a rope

first hit LIKE to this video

50,000 LIKES for her

50,000 LIKES for me

and she is newcomer..give for her at least 25,000 LIKES...LOL

don't say like this. I too will get 50,000

make that laugh

If I'll do so. will you hit LIKE for me?

yes they will

listen it carefully

she is a newcomer

We will be together and try to trap her

So who is going to do face this challenge first?

how can we determine this? would we pick the slip to know this

that is so boring

so what we'll do?

we'll do that we did in our childhood

ok I'll do. then somebody else after me


so how you're feeling

so first we'll tied her with this rope

so that she might not get stand

so we've tied her well with this rope

now we'll start with Q & A

I'll answer so easily

this is so tough one

so think well before answering

solve this riddle

two birds in front of a bird

and two at the back

two right and two left

so now tell us how many birds are there?

its so simple the answer is five

ok next question

I know he's

actually I am asking about the Vice President

If she's is not able to answer it we'll start torturing her

now we'll serve her,,.

with milk

no.. with the lime water

it smell so weird

I'll be waiting for your turn girls

plz do it fast

when you've stop doing home remedy?

it almost around one year back

so answer to this question?

and the options are

I don't need options dear

it is used as a disinfectant

ok what's the next question?

I don't even know I've my account in which bank

I don't know

so get us one more stuff to torture

is it husk?

how you're feeling?

you'll feel better whenever you'll come to me for applying foundation

i'll add that itching powder in your foundation..LOL

don't mind it dear. its a challenge plz take it as a challenge

No no... I don't mind

ok next question

Gobar gas contains mainly which gas?

need options

ok give me the options

i had read it 7th class

I think its Methane

she has given the right answer

ok will tell her its wrong

We've a discussion its wrong answer

its methane

I'll waiting for my chance

Do you read Newspapers?

ok then tell us the Full Form of NEWS

making guesses. Nothing will happen

again get another stuff for torture

even I am getting the chance

so why you're giving the wrong answers

why don't you tell us full form of NEWS

What's our fault if you don't know the answer

I'll make you sit in mini skirt for this challenge

you know when Arjun Bahiya's Birthday falls?

yeah its 5th April

and Anu's bithday??

21st july

your father's?

28th August

and what about Grand father's birthday

even he don't know

even his mother don't know about it?

so how may I know??

its not like that

ok next question

When a tiger is not a tiger

its so simple

in front of his wife

in front of a tigress

means in his own house or in his own cave

I've listened that you sing well

ok then sing a song


I don't like this

not singing it well

ok give her a one more chance

sing another song

now you'll get the next torture

as your hair messed a lot so we'll so shampooing

ok get me the shampoo

its not a shampoo this is a handwash

so what we're shampooing your hair with it

why you gonna do this to my beautiful hair

feeling much better

ok you've done shampooing so rinse it off too

you got this much at this cost

now you gonna to repeat this tongue twister

so the tongue twister is

its wrong

ok you just repeat it first line.. I'll give you all my property

ok just get me free now its your turn

we don't play

If you've liked this video seeing me tortured a lot

do LIKE & SHARE this video

also SUBSCRIBE to my channel ShrutiArjunAnand

follow me on Instagram

For more infomation >> General Knowledge TORTURE Challenge | #Gameplay #Roleplay #Fun #Sketch #Anaysa #ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 13:59.


Nerf Rival Zeus Red Nerf Blaster Nerf Review Toy Blaster - Duration: 4:45.

Nerf Rival Zeus Red Nerf Blaster Nerf Review Toy Blaster

For more infomation >> Nerf Rival Zeus Red Nerf Blaster Nerf Review Toy Blaster - Duration: 4:45.


Lana Rose VS Queen Froggy 2018 || WHO IS MORE FAMOUS. - Duration: 10:24.

Lana Rose VS Queen Froggy 2018 || WHO IS MORE FAMOUS.

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So I'm crazy what you've been that bad for me we post on got your feet both love you

get to flap with me

You can take you down fall

Take you over

The crosswalk it played lucky

Oh baby

So I'm crazy

My baby

Can sleep in this room so I'm crazy but you've been that bad

we musta got your feed

you get to fly

We can take you down for take you around

Fucking block

You can cause my reflection thinking about information it was supposed to be the ones who day

But then I'm not loving maybe time told us that we did


Are you


My baby

Cuz they've written it you so I'm crazy

What you've been that bad for me?

Meatballs done got your feet

you get to with me I

Can take you down for a ride?

Take you

Crosswalking lucky

Oh baby

So I'm crazy

My baby

So I'm crazy but you've been that bad

we musta got your feet

you get to fly

I can take you down for right

Take you around

Crosswalk o'clock

You can bus my reflection thinking about


it was supposed to be the ones who take every last

Nothing I'm not loving maybe times orders that we did


For more infomation >> Lana Rose VS Queen Froggy 2018 || WHO IS MORE FAMOUS. - Duration: 10:24.


4k in 2019? | 4k Explained Super Easy | 4K로 찍으면 개이득? - Duration: 6:41.

hello youtube welcome to JuwonFilm School

today we're going to talk about 4k. what is 4k?

this may sound a little bit tricky for you

don't worry about it though I'll explain it the easiest possible way on the planet

what is 4k?

4k is a resolution it's also called 2160p

you don't need to memorize any numbers

I will visualize it for you

this is 4k size canvas and I'm going to place a 1080p size picture on top of it

Look how big 4k canvas is. it's huge isn't it?

In order to cover 4k canvas with 1080p pictures

I need four separate 1080p size pictures

4k resolution has this much information compared to 1080p

in fact 1080p or Full HD is not a bad resolution at all

this is end of November 2018 and it is still one of the most popular resolutions on YouTube

Do I need 4K resolution?

well it's just a matter of choice now

let's say that you are watching a Netflix movie

which resolution would you choose?

probably you will choose the highest resolution possible

as long as you pay the same money

that's an easy question to answer

well then can I just start shooting in 4k?

unfortunately it's not an easy question to answer

why? because watching a video in 4k and making a video in 4k are totally different matter

what's so different

let's find it out

let's do A/B comparison

it became so easy to shoot 4k videos now

Even a smartphone has 4k option

to demonstrate a point, I will make a short video of both in 1080p and 4k with a smartphone

for your information I shot this video in 4k and down scaled it to 1080p

sorry... it sounds too complicated isn't it? I'll rephrase it

I shot this video in 4k and compressed it down to 1080p

so when you guys are watching it on YouTube

there isn't going to be 4k option available

why did I do that

because it has its certain advantages

I'll talk about that in a minute

let's take a look at the sample videos

the one on the left is 4k

and the one on the right is Full HD

can you see the difference

for now depending on the condition of your display, the differences may not be visible

I'll zoom in a little bit



now the differences are obvious right?

how about this?

This is 720p

once again 4k on the left, 1080p on the right

if we take a closer look at the pictures 4k downscale to 1080p is much sharper than 1080p

because of this chroma subsampling

but let's not go there yet

it's too much

if you're interested in learning what chroma subsampling is I'll put down the link below

now let's compare the size of the files

I shot it for 20 seconds

4k footage is nearly three to four times larger than 1080p

these huge files not only cost you more hard drives

but also more time to process it

if you don't want to spend too much time rendering your 4k videos

you need to buy a fast computer

so people found out a particular way of using their 4k

footages in their 1080p video

it's not a brand new skill

it has been going on for a while in film industry

as well as YouTube

what are the advantages of shooting 4k and downscale it to 1080p?

this is kind of a "buy one get one free" situation

even if you shoot a medium sized shot you can punch in

and get a nice close-up shot

once you understand the benefit of doing this

you can apply this skill to any other scene

take a look at the example again

it is shot in 4k and it is a fixed shot

you can zoom in zoom out

slide left and right up and down without losing the quality of the image

remember the enormous size of 4k canvas

even if you crop it down to 1080p

your picture quality stays the same as long as your output is in 1080p

am I going to upload 4k videos in 2019

in order for me start uploading 4k videos

price for hard drive has to go down

it has been going down every year so I'll see what happens in 2019

but I'm not planning to change my computer so I don't think it'll happen in 2019

if I have money to spend on my equipment

I'd rather invest on faster lens and small Lights

I'll tell you why in another episode

this is my conclusion but I don't mean that you need to follow my example

here are some suggestions that I can make

I recommend you that you upload 4k videos if you're doing cooking channels

documentary style video, especially when you're filming nature and gaming video

in these cases your audience will enjoy watching your video in higher resolution

but I don't recommend you that you upload 4k videos

if you're doing Beauty vlogs,

especially beauty blogs because it will make your pores and wrinkles so much clearer

family and kids channel because you will need too much storage space

ASMR and talk show style channels where your audio is more important than visuals

do you guys remember that the DVD was once considered as high-end quality videos back in the days

in fact the standard resolution of DVD was 720p

someday people will be ready to watch everything in 4k

just like the way we did with 1080p

if you're thinking about the resolution of your video all the time

that means you're serious about filmmaking

if you are,

I suggest you that you spend some time studying camera movements, lightings, color grading

and storytelling techniques as well as resolutions

that's it for today's episode

thank you for watching guys have a good day

don't forget to subscribe to JuwonFilmSchool

For more infomation >> 4k in 2019? | 4k Explained Super Easy | 4K로 찍으면 개이득? - Duration: 6:41.


I'll go to the temple, here soul are treated - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> I'll go to the temple, here soul are treated - Duration: 2:13.


Short Sale Myths - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Short Sale Myths - Duration: 2:24.


free spotify premium - how to get spotify premium free - spotify premium android - Duration: 2:58.

free spotify premium how to get spotify premium free

For more infomation >> free spotify premium - how to get spotify premium free - spotify premium android - Duration: 2:58.


SERIE: O PESTINHA DO BAIRRO - EP 2 - Duration: 6:21.

Oh nigga!

Are you arsehole?


Change that sound there, crazy song nigga!

Put "Igor Kannario"

[Chicken sound]

or put another song there nigga, it's not cool

I know this sound man!

You know that sound?

Yes, but I do not want to hear that sound

Put another thing there.

Man, he's back!

He what man?

Come here "homi"

What is this little boy doing here?

Have not I already said that it is the pros who live on the street?

On the track "homi"!

- Who told you to bring the pivete? - Go!

IT'S THE PITCH FOR # $ @ §§A !!!

What boy is that?

You came back!

You already know me, do not you?

And I do not even know why you're still alive.

Oh praí véi, "what a trip" of this beast!

Oh Pivete, in the same moral Pivete ...

Get out there, see.

No no no no! Leave him here, leave him here.

Let him work with us guys


Working is on the pistete track

I also want to be a bad guy!

Boy, there's no bad guy here.

There's a thug in here.

So doing what there?

Making a run!

This is peanut "homi"

sell peanut pros to the clue.

What's up?

You are an employee, You have to go to the pow lane.

Pivot, sweetheart!

No, no, no!

- Not. - He plays like that.

- Get that bastard out of here. - Just kidding

- Get that bastard out of here. - No no no no no

I'm going to hit him.

Did you lose sight of it?

Who will lose sight is you Rasta.

I also think!


Leave Manuel, leave Manuel

Leave Manuel there.

Manuel, what boy?


What's up?

Is that what boy?

I'm going to the black lane!

To clue what boy?

Were not you going to work here today, boy?

Oh, oh, oh, the old man's gone.

You played Manuel, did not you?

That was it!

I played Manuel [...] for you to bring [...]


Come here to want to disturb [...]




Thinking you're going where you're going?



Come on!



Come here!


Are you kidding about hurting yourself?

I do not like that, buddy.

Do not you like it? Will you leave me playing alone?

Not... Bora!

It will not hurt much

Sit down!

Now I'll push just a little bit more?

I'm going to talk to my brother!

Aaaai, my arm!

Come here boy, you dung dick

Come here

Was it you who hit him went?

Was he the one who hit you for # $ @ §§a?

Speak of

Was it you who hit my brother went?

No no no no!


Do not.

Not what boy? Talk who it was.

It was was

- It was was - Who was?

It was him?

It was him, it was him.

Come here, you hit him, did you?

It was me?

- Was. - You hit him, did you?

Did I hit?

- No, no - Was! You hit him.

Did not hit no.

- Uh? - Boy!

Come here boy, you're crazy is it?

- Come here boy, you're crazy is it? - LOOK AT ME



Say ok

SPEAK FACE # $ @ §¶O

I do not think it was him. He did not


"Was he not?" - Looks

- IS. - It's very much the same, but not equal to is it not

Who was a boy?

I was naked

The eye was naked - You hit him, did you?

It pays to give a cassette so in your face.

so for you to see oh!

- If I catch you - Go

With my sword here

I'll give one to you. - What a sword, it's a little sword.

You you [...]

Here you shit on foot and pissed-down boy lad

what were you thinking


Look, download your little ball, see?

Download your ball

Do not keep the story business here, have not you?

What are you thinking?

"I'll eat your reggae", you know?

Are you thinking that I'm going to eat your reggae?

Are you crazy?

Which is?

Aaaaaah ...

Gonna cry.

I'm a sissy, oh, my

Hey, treme! Oh! Go of tremelique go.


Did you stop playing my music because?


For more infomation >> SERIE: O PESTINHA DO BAIRRO - EP 2 - Duration: 6:21.


¿EXISTE EL DESTINO, O PODEMOS CAMBIARLO? con Yolanda Soria - Conferencia en Espacio TonAle - Duration: 53:34.

For more infomation >> ¿EXISTE EL DESTINO, O PODEMOS CAMBIARLO? con Yolanda Soria - Conferencia en Espacio TonAle - Duration: 53:34.


Jeniffer Nascimento rebate críticas após vencer o "Popstar" - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Jeniffer Nascimento rebate críticas após vencer o "Popstar" - Duration: 2:27.


Chipotle Maple Turkey - Duration: 2:44.

Do you make the same turkey for Thanksgiving every year some people

prefer the traditional and our family we like to twist it up and this year we are

going to make a maple chipotle turkey that is out-of-this-world delicious and

so insanely easy I think it's about to become a family tradition.

We are roasting the turkey today and in a GoodCook Jumbo Roaster it's made of carbon steel is

durable nonstick and you know what I love about it it's extra gigantic so

it's perfect for those family turkeys that are over 30 pounds I'm going to

place a thawed turkey inside of the GoodCook roasting pan. Surround the turkey

with acorn or butternut squash, purple onions, garlic and sliced lemons a nice

drizzle of olive oil over all of our vegetables and our turkey and it's time

to create our basting layer. Next you'll need a can of chipotle peppers and adobo

sauce. Now we're not going to use the peppers but the adobo sauce here is what

we are after. Go ahead and pour that into your bowl. Add in pure maple syrup. Not

the fake kind you really want to pay a little bit extra to get the pure stuff.

Some garlic puree and paprika that's gonna give us a really nice pop of color.

Mix that all together and it's time to baste our turkey. Generously baste the

turkey with this sauce. I mean generously. It's so good you're gonna want a lot of

it on that turkey

We're gonna cook this at 275 degrees for about 10 minutes per pound, but before we

stick it in the oven we're going to tent it with some aluminum foil. After the

turkey has cooked at this temperature for 10 minutes per pound, we're gonna

pull that tin foil off, raise the temperature in our oven to 375

degrees and then start basting every 30 minutes with a little more of our sauce

to give it this nice color this added carmelization and then we're going to

start checking the temperature of our turkey until it reaches 165 degrees and

the way that we're going to check that is with the GoodCook Instant-Read Thermometer

And there you have it spicy and a little bit sweet, Maple Chipotle Turkey. You guys

if you are looking to switch it up this year this recipe is about to make your

Thanksgiving great.

For more infomation >> Chipotle Maple Turkey - Duration: 2:44.


Встреча команды в Москве - Duration: 6:04.

To wake up at 3 AM or not to go to sleep at all to meet your favorite team at the airport -

I thought there won't be too many people like this in Moscow, but in reality, tons of people have gathered to meet Virtus.pro with their first Champions' Cup of this season.

I've never seen so many fans waiting to meet the winners at the airport. This is just awesome!

Actually, this looks more like some presidential campaign of some candidate:

We've gathered quite a crowd and now, we're giving away caps to the youth!

Who are you voting for?

I'm going to vote for our guy, from the people.

His name's Alexey. - Alexey Berezin? - Yeah. He's our guy.

How could they play like this on the Major? Share your impressions.

It was truly clutch. The guys kept me on the edge of my seat till the end. It was just ... wow.

Everyone showed up, especially Pasha with his initiations. Well, I was very loud and kept waking up my neighbors - all in all, was happy!

As any of the true fans, really. I really enjoyed everything and even shed a tear - a little!

The finals turned out to be spectacular. All the maps were truly final-worthy.

And despite what people say - that Virtus.pro only beat Secret because they've already played against them and realized what to do to win,

I'm sure that if they had faced Secret for the first time in the finals instead of getting knocked down to Lower Bracket, they'd still have defeated them.

RuHub's analytics studio - take notes on this guy!

They won a fantastic first Major of the season - it is, by far, not their first victory,

but we saw the emotions they've experienced this year in contrast to their loss - not the greatest result, rather - on The International.

many casters and analysts noted that the emotions they've expressed were so powerful - which made it worth to come here and thank them for awesome Dota!

Yeah, I woke up at 3:30 AM.

I think if Virtus.pro had a class teacher, it'd be her!

What's this?

It's a silver badge.

With the logo.

Oh my God!

So cool! Is it really silver? - Yeah. - Did you make it yourself? - Yeah.

Tell us more! What do you do?

I'm a jeweler.

What's your name? - Maxim. - Ah, shame that not Sanya. Maxim, you're my jeweler! [old Russian meme]

So cool!

Dudes, a VP tattoo! Really, when did you get it?

About 3-4 months ago.

Are you gonna get the new logo on the other hand?


Old logo one love? - Yeah, it only.

Why did you get it?

Well, because it love this team - this much!

Thanks for the great draft!

I believe that the best 4th in the game solo carried - RodjER is the man!

Mustache for the win!

Ramzes one love!

Sven on the 4th - new meta!

Roman? Are you shocked? Are you?

I wanna sleep.

Where'd your mustache go?

I shaved it off.

Seems like the Mustache of Hope has outlived its usefulness and disappeared.

Ay, coach. How's your first Cup in your first Major?

Just like winning StarLadder Pro League.

The handsome Vladimir Nikogosyan was left without mustache and beard, but got a Cup in return.

How do you like your fan meeting at the airport?

It's very heartwarming to see so many people get up so early to meet us. It's the first time I see something like this.

This is so sweet, really.

You've probably talked to the fans already. What was the best thing someone told you?

That I'm better than Lil.

Very touching.

Will you start growing out your glorious beard again? - Yes, yes.

Can't not ask you this: what are your feelings on winning the season's first Major? You guys certainly pleasantly surprised everyone and made yourselves heard again.

To be honest, we gained momentum over the course of the tournament. When I first saw LGD's and Secret's performance, I didn't think we'd overtake them.

But we did because we were getting better with every game.

Ultimately, we realized the way they play, and our strategy worked out better.

You're so cool! It's 6 AM, but you're so fresh and collected and giving interviews! It's our Vova - he's awesome!

Good job! - Thank you, thank you!

Thank you!

[The last one, please! Just the last one!]

For more infomation >> Встреча команды в Москве - Duration: 6:04.


EXTRATERRESTRES EXISTEM - O CONTACTADO - Dr Carlos Carvalho - Duration: 36:53.

For more infomation >> EXTRATERRESTRES EXISTEM - O CONTACTADO - Dr Carlos Carvalho - Duration: 36:53.



For more infomation >> GUIDE LEVELING SINX LEVEL 80+ RAGNAROK M: ETERNAL LOVE - Duration: 8:03.





Vídeo íntimo de MC Brisola se masturbando vaza na web e detalhe choca fãs - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Vídeo íntimo de MC Brisola se masturbando vaza na web e detalhe choca fãs - Duration: 1:53.


Tatá Werneck e Grazi Massafera beijam muito no "Lady Night" - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Tatá Werneck e Grazi Massafera beijam muito no "Lady Night" - Duration: 2:57.


SA300: 300 San Antonians: Sister Michele O'Brien - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> SA300: 300 San Antonians: Sister Michele O'Brien - Duration: 1:42.


The day we sent gifts to our subscribers [Gifts for you event] / Hoontamin - Duration: 2:36.

What are you doing?

To our subscribers who won the 'Gift for you' events

I'm preparing gifts for them

Now I'm writing a letter

Thanks to those who applied

I'd better give them a little letter

Subscribers' countries are so various

There are letters in English

And each country's language is added one by one

So there are many languages

I'm writing their names and my signatures directly

To our precious subscribers

I love you

Now is Cormie's turn

I'm painting the pictures

We pack the gifts one by one

We wish you a pleasant memory

We go to the post office

I have to write a lot of these waybills!

Names and addresses in multiple languages

We hope the gifts will be delivered safely

First dispatch is complete!

1st on 2nd November, 2nd on November 19th

Although some subscribers didn't win the 'Gift for you' event

We sent them Korean snacks

Thank you all subscribers!

For more infomation >> The day we sent gifts to our subscribers [Gifts for you event] / Hoontamin - Duration: 2:36.


A Fazenda: Léo Stronda se desentende com Evandro Santo e dispara: "Eu tinha que ter tido um filho?" - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Léo Stronda se desentende com Evandro Santo e dispara: "Eu tinha que ter tido um filho?" - Duration: 3:46.


Interview - Marxism and the Hard-Left - Duration: 4:18.

















































































For more infomation >> Interview - Marxism and the Hard-Left - Duration: 4:18.


Mulher esfaqueia e mata homem no RJ após relação sexual. Vídeo - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Mulher esfaqueia e mata homem no RJ após relação sexual. Vídeo - Duration: 1:58.


How To Make Crispy Roast Potato And Bacon || Glen & Friends Cooking - Duration: 4:49.

Crispy Roast Potatoes and Bacon! so there's a big potato event coming up and everybody's looking for a

different there's a lot of potato events coming up there's always a potato event

coming up we were tasting latkes today at work um so this if you saw the potato

stacks recipe we did a little while ago this is kind of a mishmash between the

potato stacks recipe and so this potato is horizontal this is potato horizontal

and or and it's halfway between that and a tartiflette a French

tartiflette there's no cheese on top so it's not a tartiflette hmm very

good good you know potatoes mm-hmm um so here's how I made it so I start out in a

small pan and I melt some butter while the butter is gently melting in a mortar

and pestle I grind together thyme and garlic cloves once it was most of the

way ground together I put in some black pepper

and then I scraped that into the butter to allow the butter to take on the

flavor of the garlic and the thyme well that was steeping and the pan that

I was going to bake the potatoes in I fried up some bacon and when the bacon

was partially cooked I threw in some sliced onions don't cook the bacon too

far because it's going to bake again in the oven when the bacon and the onions

were fried to a level that I thought was pretty good I pulled them out of the pan

pulled the pan off the heat I pulled out the mandolin and started slicing

potatoes mandolins are dangerous use the guards don't slice off your finger

please pay attention and then started putting the sliced potatoes in arranging

them in a circle so that they're all standing up how challenging was that um

it wasn't too bad not too bad at all but I think what I would do is I sliced

these really thin and then halfway through I started slicing a little

thicker and I don't know which is better whether the thick or thin and so I just

sort of mix them up a little bit so it wasn't doesn't look like it's sliced

potatoes all in a circle it's sort of a mishmash once I got them all in put in

some black pepper I put the bacon and onions on top then I took the butter and

garlic herb mixture and put that on top as well and tried to push it in a little

bit so that the butter and the herbs and the bacon and the onions sort of get

down into the potatoes

through that in the oven and this is what you wind up so things that I've

learned I think I would work harder at pushing the bacon and the onions into

the potatoes yeah it's a few of the Merlot crispy on top I was actually

surprised you said there was time and all those flavors in it so I'm not

really getting those flavors mm-hmm I mean they're great I love potatoes so

you can't I can't I just it is very light

yeah the flavor from the thyme and the garlic is very light mm-hmm I was a

little afraid with the amount of butter because there was already bacon fat hmm

so I think I'm you know you could double the amount of butter and thyme and and

really baste it in so those are your second lesson or is that just as an

aside based on what I just said that says to be things that's the second

lesson okay so I push everything in a little bit more I probably slice them a

little thicker and I'd use more butter and thyme three lessons three lessons

and I will reflect those in the written recipe that is above below beside but

generally you know a great finish mm-hmm when the presentation is really nice too

and you get to serve it in the same dish that you cooked it it yeah yeah

everything cooks in the same pan well almost everything cool look sir

what's the Johnny

For more infomation >> How To Make Crispy Roast Potato And Bacon || Glen & Friends Cooking - Duration: 4:49.


A Fazenda: Após ter sido colocado na roça, João Zoli faz desabafo e fala o que pensa sobre berlinda - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Após ter sido colocado na roça, João Zoli faz desabafo e fala o que pensa sobre berlinda - Duration: 3:06.


Tipos de telas de celular | Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Tipos de telas de celular | Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 2:12.


Fim de A Fazenda e sem Fábio Porchat, Record acende sinal de alerta e fica preocupada; entenda - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Fim de A Fazenda e sem Fábio Porchat, Record acende sinal de alerta e fica preocupada; entenda - Duration: 3:53.


Toko Namiki, part 3 - Hots TV - Duration: 3:02.

Thank you all for watching the video. Please subscribe to the channel to support me. have a nice day

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