Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 22 2018

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events is purely coincidental.



What'd you do to my son?

Boss! Sir!

We need to bring him back!


Hey, get out of the way, you fool!

Yerbatero, please!


Move it!


One, two, three.


His heart rate's dropping!

Get back, get back!

Out of the way, you ------- dumbass!

One, two, three...

Mr. Teca, Mr. Teca.


<i> Old Major and that Sofia chick</i> <i> are on my list.</i>

That ---- tried to destroy my family.

Bebote died, but thankfully Chava's still around.

She didn't get to you either. You rescued your son.

Vicenta, no one's gonna hurt you.

Not Sofia and not the Pigs,

especially not when you're so close to an FBI agent.

That man is stronger than I thought.

Right now we need to run some tests

to make sure there's no brain damage.

As soon as possible.

Where the hell am I?

I'll take care of it. Pay him.

Boss, please calm down. Do you remember me?

Can you recognize me?

Boss, my name's Sofia Gomez.


I'm called Mandrake now.

I work for you. Do you remember me?

What happened?

The Aceros tried to kill you.

Salvador and Vicenta tortured you and almost killed you.

Those ------- ------ me up.

They wanted to end my bloodline.

Vicenta killed my son and Salvador tried to kill me.

Boss, don't!

Help me!


Give him some air.

I'm serious about the FBI.

You can count on my people and me.

I don't care what my new boss orders me to do.

If I have to shoot someone to protect you or your family,

I will.


But do you know what I feel like doing?

I feel like I want to raise Danielito like this.

I want him to be happy and go to school like any other kid

without having to be surrounded by so many thugs.

But that scares me.

Sometimes I'm afraid the day will come

when I have nothing to worry about and I'll feel empty.

I'm scared I'll miss the adrenaline rush

of shooting a gun.

But I don't want to be that sort of person.

Sir, please take it easy.

These men and I only want what's best for you.

We're only repaying the favor you did us.

Bring me Old Major.


Boss, I don't mean to disobey,

but that ------ stole your gold.

He showed up and threatened you.

He unplugged you! He tried to kill you!

He's a traitor!

Bring him!

I want to see him.

I want my gold.

As you wish, sir.


Or should I call the funeral home

and have them ready a dozen caskets?

Sofia, Mandrake, or whatever the hell your name is

take their guns.

Let's go.

Next time you want to kill someone, less talking.

I'm not scared of you, fool.

If I didn't kill you, it's because you're a great product.

What the hell are you talking about?

You might know a lot about cartels and drugs,

but I know how to make a name for myself.

I might not be a traditional capo.

I don't wear boots or have a beer belly,

but neither do you.

That'll be our brand.

I'm not some washing machine you sell door to door.

It's the future.

Cartels are like corporations. You're the emblem.

The cartel of the immortal Teca.

We need to think big if we're to leave a mark.

Sound good?

You'll be king and I'll be your manager.

I'll be happy if you simply shut up and get to work.

I know it's only been two months.

But, Vicenta, I've always been straight with you.

I don't know if this is karma or something,

but whatever it is, I don't like how it feels.

Hey, we can't be having our first fight.

I don't mean to argue.

No, but you're getting a taste of your own medicine.

So that's what you were doing?

You're punishing me because of my past.

No! I am in love with you.

Otherwise you wouldn't be sleeping in my roof

where my son is.

I am taking this seriously.

So why'd you make a big deal

when I asked you to take a leap of faith?

Vicenta, I like what I'm feeling.

I want to wake up next to you every day.

I like what I'm feeling too. I swear.

But I just don't enjoy talking about marriage

because of what happened to my son's father.

Marriage just gives me the heebie-jeebies.

That's all.

The Aceros breed like rabbits.

It's time we raided their burrow.

The problem's that Vicenta's with an FBI agent now.

A man by the name of Alberto Fuentes.

If it was hard before, imagine now.

I know Alberto Fuentes.

He and I have unfinished business,

but his time will come.

First, we must go after Salvador Acero.

Let's rid him of that need to shoot me in the chest.


You taught me that there's something worse than death.


When you're not free or healthy enough to enjoy it...

when yours have been killed and their ghosts haunt you...

Damn you, Old Major!


<i> Did you think we'd make it</i> <i> easy for you?</i>

<i> No, my darlings.</i>

<i> It's a shame, 'cause we</i> <i> really wanted you to be here</i>

<i>sharing this momentous occasion</i>

<i>in which Salvador and his family</i>

<i> entrust their souls to God.</i>

He's going to kill him. He's going to kill my brother!

No, they won't kill him. I can't hear him.

<i> Teca and I send you</i> <i> lots of kisses.</i>

<i> Don't worry, Vicenta.</i>

<i> -I'll kiss you in person.</i> -Can you find him?

-Yes, look at the background. -Call Leticia!

I will. Come on.

Let's go.

What's her name?

No, no...

Stop! I can't stand this anymore!

No, no...

Major, remove her gag.

What's your name, princess?

Don't touch her, -------!

I'm gonna kill you!

How old are you, princess?


You would've looked beautiful in your quinceañera dress.

It's a shame you won't get to wear it.

Boss... Elizabeth has nothing to do with this!

She's just a kid!

You have Salvador and his wife. He ordered your death!


Let my daughter go!

CC: THey, bitch! WORK capWhere are you going?m

You're going to rot in prison!

Are you alright? rgent. .

We're near the entrance of the building.

Where's Teca?

He and Sofia got away.

I need you to find them and kill them.

We need to move fast. You go after Teca, understood?

You're coming with me.


There he is! We're almost there!

Hey! Hold up!

Boss! Help me out!

Let's go.

Come on, boss.

Did you bring what I asked?

Yes, they're in the glove box.

Come on, boss.

Hold his hand.

I can't feel it.

I'm going to lose my hand!

Don't say that!

No one will ever ---- you over.

Press hard.

I am...

The nettle will help with the bleeding.

I don't care! Just press.

Hey, he's just trying to help.

Not all of us are doctors.

Just wrap it tightly.

Yerbatero's right.

There are things science can't explain.

That's right.

Yes, but science is what saved the boss!


I don't want the few soldiers I have left to fight!

Keep it raised.

What about the pig?

I went where he's supposed to be,

but no one was there.

He probably got caught again.

He's a dead man. The Feds are a pestilence.

Please hold on.

Don't go.

Please don't do this to me, bro.

What did your mom use to tell you?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sis.

Teca beat me.


No, boss! He's fainted!

Attention all units! We need backup!

Teca Martinez is getting away. He's in a black truck.

Send all units! Do you copy?

Sweetie, breathe.

Please breathe. They'll soon be here.

What did your mother use to say?

Hey! Whose eyes are those?

Whose eyes are those?

Open those eyes for me.

Please hold on, bro.


She needs her dad too.

Know what?

I need you too.

That's why you have to fight the Grim Reaper tooth and nail,

you hear me?

Our kids are fine. We've got a badass family.

You're the one who needs to rest.

Listen to me.


Open the door!

Hey, Elizabeth.

What's going on?

You're going to wake the baby!

She locked herself in, but she won't come out,

and now she won't even answer me.

Elizabeth? Hold on and relax.

Elizabeth, open the door, sweetie.

It's Azuceno.

Come on, this is no time to be doing this.


I'm worried she flew the coop, and then Rooster will kill me.

What do we do?

Open the door so I won't have to do anything I don't want.

Tell your dad it was an emergency.

Wait, what?


I told you she flew the coop!



What happened to her?

What is this, Felipe?

How could you have this in the house?


Go get a plate of limes and sodium bicarbonate.

And some water.

Sweetie, don't...

Breathe, honey.

For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Recap (11/16/2018) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:11.


Falsa Identidad | Recap (11/16/2018) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:11.


I guarantee it!

You think they won't come to my house again

and bother my kids and me

if they decide to look for you once more?

-No. -Oh come on!

No, I'm certain of it.

That dog Joselo has been warned.

He cannot come near you or the kids.

Those Colombians will protect us.

And if Joselo doesn't understand that,

I remember very well

that when my wife became useless because of the chemo,

you'd crawl into my bed, wouldn't you?

Why'd you do it?

Pity? No.

You did it because you were horny.

Because you thought that over time I'd fall for you

and choose you and marry you.

and brought me to Alamos Yoand raped me.d.

I was a child!

You did that!

and I took it.

Since then, I've raised her

and loved her like no one else.

I convinced her she was born to be the queen of queens,

and I turned her against you.

So you could end up in this damn place,

your power in check.

Know what you should do?

You're going to tell me what I should do?

Yes, I am because it's what's best for you.

Go back to Corona.

What are you saying?

Give your family a chance.

Maybe you'll be safer there.

How dare you tell me what to do.

It's not what I want, but I think it's for the best.

For you and your kids.

What a big sacrifice you're making.

A sacrifice I make because I love you.

It's because I love you

that I protect you and have to let you go.

I don't believe a word you're saying.

You're a ------ person. I never want to see you again.

I hate you.

Let me go!



Remember not to shoot Topo.


What's up?

I'm sorry I made you wait.

Are we meeting the guys who want to do business here?

Yes, but they're not here yet.

Hold on.

Topo, do you smell a...?

A traitorous rat?

Hey, Piochas!


This cartel's divided between Gavino's followers,

who'll end up like that --------,

and my followers,

who'll have work and money for their families.


Yes, sir.

Spread the word.

No one betrays Jose Arturo Hernandez Esparza.

CoCalm down.a.

Apply pressure here and here.

Boss... Joselito realized we were trying to kill him.

<i> He...</i>

Piochas is with me now. He almost died.

I don't know what to do.

Help me.


<i> Keep applying pressure, man.</i>

that if Piochas dies, he'll have to answer to me.


What about Joselito?

We'll leave him alone for a bit.

Let him think Piochas is dead.

Eventually, we'll go after him with everything we've got.

Okay. Give me the doc's number. .

You wanted to leave me in here! You wanted me to die!

Piochas risked his life to get me out of here!

I don't know who's feeding you those lies.

You're getting old and senile.

Grow some -----, asshole!

- ¡TEN ------, ------! ¡TEN ------!

Grow a pair and admit it! Be brave!

You're nothing but a ------- rabid dog

who bit the hand of the man who fed him.

But you know what?

No one's going to hurt me in here.

This is my prison! I'm in control!

As soon as you leave this place, you'd better watch your back.

You're gonna find out what I do to traitors.


All there'll be left of your cartel is your name

because I'm its capo now.

She's in the warehouse with her people.

What are we going to do?

We'll stick to the plan.

I'm not going to hide anymore. I wasn't born to hide.

I was born to kick ass and kill fools.

Montes, keep an eye out and tell us in wine bottles.ything.t

If one of the bottles bursts, we take the loss.

Is everything okay?


Light the fireworks.

Let's make today unforgettable for them.

Topo, let's get this party started.


What the ---- was that?

Parce, go check it out!

It's the Gaonas!

Stay strong!

Circe, you can't get rid of me that easily!

Where are you?

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine!

But he's not.

Help me up.

Kill them!

Hey, babe. ----!

He found your house too? Are you and Felipa okay?

What do you mean by that?

He found your house too? Are you aCirce!ipa okay?

What happened?

You're hurt!



If I can't have you, no one can!

Let's go!

Come on!

She got away again.

We won't leave empty-handed.

We'll take all of their merch, you hear?

Alright. Come on, Chucho.

This is going to hurt. I'm going to loosen this first.

It's only a scratch.

-Damn! -What?

It's just a scratch, but it still needs to be cleaned.

My pride is what's really hurting.

He caught me off guard.

I don't know how many of my girls he killed,

but he's going to pay.

Look, you need to drop the tough act.

You're not leaving until you're safe.


So IShe had to flee.yoShe's.

Jose showed up and destroyed everything.

That ------- bastard is such a pain, damn it!

Where's my merch?

He took it!

It's a miracle we're still alive!

but I think you should try to forget about Diego.

Yes... I think I will.

but I think you should try A test? to forWhat for? Diego.

I'm pregnant, Jim.


No, Hot Mama. Don't get it twisted.

He's your problem and you have to deal with him.

I pay you to work for me.

You helped me by spreading the word to other cartels

We are when there's merch. Not when there isn't.

Don't worry about the merch.

I'll get it back if you help me get rid of Jose.

If you want me to get my boys involved,

you have to back what you promise with actions.

No problem.

Get me Jose's head and you can have that million.

Hold on.

You will always be mine.

You can fight me and turn me down, but you love this.

You love this.

<i> Hey, I can't</i> <i> come to the phone.</i>ENTITY

<i> Leave a message</i> <i> and I'll call you back.</i>

Diego... it's Isabel.

Well... I'm calling to let you know that I've thought it over

and... you're absolutely right.

I'm going to move on. I'll go back to being Isabel.

I'm going to give Corona another chance.

I want to try for us to be a family again.

Know why I haven't divorced him?

What worries me is that Jose took the

We can't meet now. It's too dangerous.

We have Jose's men breathing down our necks.

Don't be such a crybaby. I'll fix this my way.

Just hide and stay out of my w

You can't say I didn't try.

I understand why you didn't want me to come by.


I understand why you didn'What is it?o come by.

Remember how the Guevaras' aunt was looking for them?


Well, she found us.

Do you feel better? Did the sedatives help?

We'll give a cut to the judge who'll handle the case

and the governor.

What a bunch of bastards.

They turned their backs on me when I was arrested.

But after seeing what I've done here,

ThNo, but right now we needme to move the warehouse.

It's not safe for us here.

How long are we going to wait for exactly?

As long as it takes.

Why do you insist on knowing where Circe is?

Relax, Augusto.

Hey... something smells fishy here.

It reeks.

Do you think he's a traitor?

We're both in danger.

We need to focus in getting back the merch Joselito


This is your torment's address.

Get rid of Circe, Jose.

So we may all find peace.


For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Recap (11/16/2018) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:11.



For more infomation >> BAJELE DE HUEVOS / SONIK420 ( VIDEO OFICIAL ) - Duration: 3:46.


La Sultana | Recap (11/16/2018) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:31.

Is there anything else? Speak now.

You were too scared to do it.

Curse you, you coward! I almost died because of you!

I almost died!

Look at what was done to my face.

I left my post, Anastasia.

I swear everything was going according to plan,

but I failed and was caught.

I trusted you, Alexander! You promised you would come!

I made a promise. I will open that door.

You will get to go home. I will not break my promise.

If you fool me again...

I said I would do it. Why do you doubt me?

What is it?

Do it for Mehmet and those who have made you suffer.

You are a coward! Leave before I scream!

Sultana... my brother, Mehmet, will die because of you.

I am offering you a chance to change his fate.

what have you done?

Almonds make you sick. Your stomach will hurt.

But I like them so much!

You have eaten enough. Do not eat any more, alright?




I am here.

I kept my promise.

Get up!

Come on, Shayesteh!



He is not ill! He was poisoned! She is dead because of me!


You were with my son last night.

What did you do to him?

He is not ill! He was poisoned!

You escaped after poisoning him!



What is wrong with him?

You dare ask?

Tell me what type of poison you used

so the doctors may treat him!

Handan Valide Sultan, what poison do you speak of?

Why did you run away?

Question her.

Torture her until she confesses to what she did.

Take her away!



Sultana, tragedy has struck!

Casnigir Aga died in his bed. You should have seen his face!

Please stay away from him!

This is not the work of a poison!

It is smallpox!

Everyone out!


I am a traitor, a murderer who kills her own kin.

A guilty conscience is more dangerous than smallpox.

His fate has been sealed.

You should focus... on the future.

The future?

I ruined everything!

Allah knows I am beyond hope.

I have committed a terrible sin.

Prince Mustafa...

will soon become ill.

He is infected too.

-Did you help her, Golge? -Hagi Aga.

The Sultan will recover.

When he wakes up, he will ask to see me.

What will you tell him then?

How will you explain your escape?

You were detained for a reason. Take her away right now.

If you touch me, I will have you killed!

Hagi Aga, what is going on here?

My apologies, Pasha. This woman is crazy.

She insists on going inside, but worry not.

I will deal with her immediately.

Dervish Pasha, please allow me inside.

Let me see him one last time.

Afterwards, you can throw me in a dungeon or kill me..

I do not care what you do!

Do not say such nonsense! DeI am looking for a girl.s!

Her name is Anastasia.

I do not have an Anastasia,

However, if we sense a revolt is brewing,

Prince Mustafa must claim the throne.

We will stay in the Old Palace until that day.

He is very important... and we must protect him.

Halime Sultan must be happy with the news.

She is thrilled.

It is hard to miss the hatred and wrath in her eyes.

I am sure she will exile us as soon as she takes over.

That is why we must get rid of Halime Sultan quickly.

<i> My son, Prince Mustafa,</i> <i> will soon sit upon the throne.</i>

<i> I can grant you whatever</i> <i> position you desire.</i>

<i> Ease the Sultan's suffering,</i> <i> Dervish.</i>

<i> So we may see a new dawn.</i>


If the worst were to occur,

if the Sultan and Prince Mustafa succumb to illness,

who but the descendants of Genghis Kahn

could keep the empire going?

We should ask Allah to strengthen

and help the Prince feel better.


So the tail may not lead the serpent's way.

You are speaking to a member of the dynasty.

The noble blood of Genghis Kahn courses through my veins.

Make no mistake, Sultana. I am not your slave.

How dare you speak like that? Guards, arrest him!

Please! Let me stay.

Let me be by your side.

Regardless of what fate has in store for us.


Handan Valide Sultan.

Did we not dream of this day just years ago?

I would claim the throne and you would be my Grand Vizier.


Escort this man out and never allow him back into the palace!

hd How could you?

They are your nephews, your family, your blood!

In the name of love you cast your family and dynasty away?

What you did... will be the end of us all.



Because I am your daughter!

From you I learned to look after myself first,

to think of myself before anyone else!

My dear prince.


Your brother's now officially married

to my daughter, Fahriye Sultan.

And he's the Sultan we want.

What is it?

It is a small box.

It contains protection prayers for His Majesty the Sultan.

If it's Allah's will, those prayers will heal him.


you were his favorite.

I am to blame...

for Sultan Mehmed's death.

You were looking for the Sultan's murderer.

Here I am.


Safiye Sultan.

<i> My mother's beloved daughter</i>

<i> and the apple</i> <i> of my father's eyes.</i>

<i> My name is the flower</i> <i> of the almond tree</i>

<i> that has seen no tempest,</i> <i> only a calm, still sea.</i>

<i> I was conceived</i> <i> as somebody else's dream.</i>

<i> The dream of a prince,</i> <i> of an empire far away from me.</i>

<i> When does the seed</i> <i> bond with the soil?</i>

<i> Who says when it's supposed</i> <i> to sprout?</i>

<i> When does a boy</i> <i> become a man?</i>

<i> What makes him grow?</i>

<i> Is it milk, honey,</i>

His doctors are treating him.

They're looking for a cure.

If they don't find it today, they will tomorrow.

Our sultan will rise again.

I believe so, and so do you.

I know Allah will help them!

No, she's lying! DonThey have gone!

Open the doors, Handan!

We will all die because of you.

Who will protect the empire? Who will remain alive?

-She's not dead. -I saw her die.

-It's impossible. -It can't be.

Don't speak nonsense! She's a witch!

We have to kill her! Get her, now!

I can't believe what I'm seeing.

How can it be?

Come on, we have to kill her!

His Majesty Sultan Ahmed Khan.

Do what you can,

use every lady's weapon at your disposal,

to convince him to change his decision about my exile.

I understand, Sultana.


there's one thing you don't understand.

I'm of the same opinion as our Sultan.

It's time for you to leave.

Your place is the Old Palace.



For more infomation >> La Sultana | Recap (11/16/2018) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:31.


Sin Neymar y Mbappé, el PSG puede caer eliminado de la Champions League - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Sin Neymar y Mbappé, el PSG puede caer eliminado de la Champions League - Duration: 4:14.





Carla Conte: "Casi no existe mujer que no haya tenido 'un episodio feo' con Mariano Iúdica" - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Carla Conte: "Casi no existe mujer que no haya tenido 'un episodio feo' con Mariano Iúdica" - Duration: 3:44.


Speed Drawing - Zero Two y Hiro from Darling in the franxx (FanArt) - Duration: 7:03.

Hi, how are you? First of all thanks for clicking on my video from between the others.

I wanted to apologize to you for leaving the channel abandoned.

Although I know we are not many, we are growing little by little.

I've been busy with a personal project, so I have not had time.

Thanks to Kamisama I'm back and I'll try to upload more videos, at least on average every 10 days

This draw, the truth, that I put a lot of effort.

and I did it in honor of the series, or at least until the arch of the klaxosaur princess.

since for me, that's where the series ended.

and the last thing I have to say is that I'm late doing this video ...

which is why I hadn't edited it, and in the memory where I had a part of the video. . .

It was formatted, pitifully.

And I couldn't recover the files.

So if you see me skip a part of the video, a thousand apologies!

I didn't thought on upload it anyway.

But I decided to finish it at the end.

I hope you like this video very much, and if so. . .

You can support me on any of my three channels, commenting on what video you would like to see. . .

in the future...

and sharing my channel with any of your friends. . .

for more diffusion.

And with nothing more to say, let's get to work.

For more infomation >> Speed Drawing - Zero Two y Hiro from Darling in the franxx (FanArt) - Duration: 7:03.


LULU vs CHUCHU (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:11.

Oh~ Kitties are playing tug-of-war!



Lulu: Hi~

Lulu: It's Lulu...


Did you just hear something interesting?

What is this?

What is this~?

Purr~ Purr~

DD: !!

Oh, you wanna catch this?

(Winding up a spring)

I'll shoot it for you~

One, two~



Wow! That is awesome!



DD, come here!

I'll shoot this from here.

Look! one, two~



Take a look at this, DD~

(Winding up a spring)

Ugh, ugh!! Purr~ Purr~

One, two~


What's wrong, DD?


Check this out, kitty!


Shoo shoo~ Shoo shoo~

Kyut Kyut Kyut Kyut~

Oh, did you do hunting? Well done!

The string's got loosen... It's dead...


The string is dead... (RIP)

What do I do??

Oh my god...! Is a string dead?


Oh, the string is dead! What do I do?

Oh my god!


Don't know what to do! (lol)

Come here, kitty.


All cats in the house are coming after me!

Huh? Someone bit the string!

No way! (lol)

I'll help you, Mr. String!

Huh? Where is it?


Oh my...!


Where has it gone??

Where is it? Huh?

Oh, here it is!

Purrr~ Follow me, kitties!

Let's go!

YAP! Let's go, kitty!

(Toy flapping)

(Toy flapping)

Are you tired? Are you done? Oh~

Oh~ You look tired!


Come here, sweetie. Well done!

Oh my god... you're huffing and puffing, little kitty!

Oh~ You look tired. Need to take a break!

What else do we have~?

A ball!


(Looking for toys)

Lulu: Meow~


Wow! Do you want this?

Lulu: Meow~

Oh, you wanna have it?

Let's play with a ball!

Let's go! Let's go play!

Shall we? You want it?

Lulu: Meow~

Oh, alright. You want it?

Do you?

Oh~ OK.

OK. Let's go!

Come here, kitty!

I throw the ball, you go get it. OK?

Shoo, shoo! OK. Hoy!

One, two, PING~!

Go go! (lol)

Come here, kitty!

Kitty! Where are you?



It's alright...

What are you doing, kitty?


I hear It's deflating, though.

Give it to mommy.

Give it to mommy.


What about now? I got one more~

I got one more~

Here it is!



People call you 'Vampire cat'.

That canine tooth...


I'm gonna put on hip hop music at this part.

I'll make you world famous hip hop kitty!

Du dum chit! Du dum chit!

Du dum chit!


what's that grrr for?!

Take a look, kitty.

See what I brought at the fridge.


Trying to eat having a ball in the mouth... (lol)


Catching two with one shot...

They are playing tug-of-war! (lol)

Oh~ Kitties are playing tug-of-war!



Trying not to lose...

Chuchu won!


Who's gonna win?


Who's winning??


It seems like Lulu won this time.



Gotta pull harder! Who's that?

Is that your friend? (lol)

What are you going to do?

Ah~! Not gonna give him? Keep pulling?



They're not giving an inch.





Chuchu won! (Applause)


Oh, Lulu!

Oh, Chuchu took the ball!

Oh... Purr~

I'll get you something else. Come here.

OK! Let's play with the ball!




Let's go!! (lol)



(lol) Hey!

Oh, you're kicking in the air. (lol)

For more infomation >> LULU vs CHUCHU (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:11.


Brigitte Macron : on connaît ENFIN son secret pour rester jeune ! - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : on connaît ENFIN son secret pour rester jeune ! - Duration: 1:46.


Droe - Improntus ft. ElPutoMenda [Opus 23] (Prod. Zerh Beatz) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Droe - Improntus ft. ElPutoMenda [Opus 23] (Prod. Zerh Beatz) - Duration: 3:57.


Mimie Mathy face à la maladie, « son combat pour vivre » - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Mimie Mathy face à la maladie, « son combat pour vivre » - Duration: 1:19.


Tras el reclamo al aire, Flor Vigna le respondió a Marcelo Tinelli: ¿vuelve o no al Bailando 2018? - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Tras el reclamo al aire, Flor Vigna le respondió a Marcelo Tinelli: ¿vuelve o no al Bailando 2018? - Duration: 6:33.


Nail Art - Color Blocking Abstracto - Linda165 - Duration: 5:12.

Hello guys! In today's video I'll show you an abstract color block design and to add a different touch,

I used tape and golden studs.

If you want to see how I did it, please keep watching and if you have not yet subscribed to my channel

please do it now for more tutorials like this one

These are the products that I will be using

Well guys, that's all for now.

Tell me in the comments if you like or hate to use decorations like these on your nails and I'll see you in the next video

Take care and take care of your nails.


For more infomation >> Nail Art - Color Blocking Abstracto - Linda165 - Duration: 5:12.


Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth, Drake Latino Exitos - Las mejores canciones pop de 2018 - Duration: 48:08.

For more infomation >> Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth, Drake Latino Exitos - Las mejores canciones pop de 2018 - Duration: 48:08.


El motivo por el cual Pampita nunca fue a un albergue transitorio - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> El motivo por el cual Pampita nunca fue a un albergue transitorio - Duration: 10:56.


Albergues en el Condado de Butte, Cruz Roja Americana - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Albergues en el Condado de Butte, Cruz Roja Americana - Duration: 0:40.


Charlène de Monaco « bébé en route », bientôt la confirmation ? - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco « bébé en route », bientôt la confirmation ? - Duration: 1:19.


Le fils de Vanessa Paradis « angoissée », son fils serait-il atteint d'une maladie génétique - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Le fils de Vanessa Paradis « angoissée », son fils serait-il atteint d'une maladie génétique - Duration: 1:20.


The Ultimate NOFAP Guide [NEVER RELAPSE] - Duration: 11:42.

I am on day 315 NoFap and I'm never gonna end

I'm gonna teach you guys in this exact video how to start NoFap or no nut

November and never ever end not only for the duration of November but forever my

last video talked about how no fap changed my life mentally and physically

spiritually dentally whatever it may be no fap changed my life for the greater

good and in my last video I told you guys exactly how we did I got a lot of

positive feedback a lot of likes a lot of comments a lot more views than I

thought I'd get and you guys I've been showing a lot of love so this video will

tell you guys exactly not how it changed my life but how it's gonna change your

life after you follow these five steps of starting no faith so just follow

these easy five steps follow every single one and watch this video in its

entirety so you guys can get the maximum effect I promise you you guys will learn

a laugh in this video and it will allow you to be successful in your life step 1

find the reason why you want to start no FAP this seems kind of stupid but just

listen up for one minute so no FAP gives you a bunch of benefit whether that be

increased motivation increased energy increased mental clarity increased

testosterone whatever you need it for find the golden your life and then allow

no fat to be the ladder or stepping-stone for you to get there so

my goal in life is to become a youtuber which it literally is because I'm

recording this video guys watching this video I want to be a youtuber up here so

I'm currently right here and I need no theft to get me there how am I using no

fab to help me out because of the increased motivation the increased

energy and the increased mental clarity so I can just sit down make these videos

and become successful in life that's that point and that's for me you guys

have to allow that to morph and integrate into your own life if you guys

wouldn't be the best student in the world you guys are gonna get better

grades you guys don't want to work out more you guys when I get more buff you

guys are gonna go friends every morning follow these steps you guys have to for

an example I want to be the world's best athlete you have to start no-fat allow

the energy and motivation and increased mental clarity to help you become a

better athlete so don't start no fad for the sake of starting and doing a little

challenge oh my god I'm not gonna affect no it has to be a real reason this has

to be a life-changing reason and this reason

more importantly has to be better or bigger than yourself to me YouTube is my

entire life if I ever fail YouTube then I'm going to be shoe me too you know sad

and depressed and if I ever do make it then I'm gonna feel like I've actually

made it here on earth so it has to be that important to you guys they can't

just be I'm gonna get better grades no it has to be like I'm gonna be the best

student in the entire world because if you guys think like that you will

actually get it step number two unfollow every single Instagram model ever if you

guys are following a bunch of girls that show off cleavage or show off their

bodies you guys can't be seeing it that's gonna throw you off that's gonna

get you a lot of mental uncertainty I said I give you a lot of brain fog as

they call it and you guys don't want any of that if you guys want to be study

focused on your work kernel vision all day you guys cannot be indulging in

these Instagram girls these little pixels on your phone that is so childish

grow up and get over that you guys have to see success you have to see the light

and you're not gonna be seeing that success if you're still looking at a

girl's booty on your phone it's not where it's at bro you guys have to get

past that also well I have done instead of just on following them I've gone the

extra step I've turned off all notifications for every social media and

I have also deleted my Instagram and Twitter so that's a lot I would actually

add snapchat you know what come to think of it I don't have any social media yeah

that's the best thing to do don't have any social media at all only keep your

text messages and maybe whatsapp if you guys had to text somebody and that's it

don't you snapchat don't use Instagram don't use Twitter these apps are

designed by psychologists to get you to really stop me every time you open the

app so that you can get addicted to opening that every single time if they

have to show you a girl's booty or some girls cleavage on Instagram every time

you open the app they will to get you to be on the app as long as you possibly

can and make them more money because they're showing you more ads the same

way that YouTube is doing it to you right now stay well step 3 make your

hard to relapse that basically ties in with my last step you guys have to make

it hard for you to relapse if you have to block every site that you usually

watch it on on your phone or on your internet on your router put on parental

controls if that might seem like it's too hard but you always want to get as

far away from it as you can so it's not comfortable for you guys to open up

those apps for an example I don't want to go on Instagram because I'm gonna

have to go that's one I have to go sign into the

app and then I have to go look for the girls that I don't want to see so just

put these barriers in your way of failure so that you won't ever reach

failure and take away all the barriers of success so you can reach success just

make it as hard as it possibly can be to fail don't sit next to that hot girl in

math class don't look at that teacher don't walk down the same hallway that

you think she's gonna walk in just basically straight away in any logical

decision that you can make to stay away from all of this self involvement do it

don't be eating junk don't be indulging in anything and mental slavery and stay

far away from indulging because this will allow you to have more urges and

the more urges you have the more failures and by the way if you guys need

help on breaking your urges or you know basically stopping your urges once they

come I've made a badass video talking about how to break down every single

urge so watch the video on the card right now if you guys need help with

that step 4 take cold showers when you usually get the urge so for the first 15

days these have to be when usually get the urge so that you can fight it

because the first 15 is are always the hardest in my opinion you guys want to

start taking cold showers usually after you come home from school if you get the

urge then or at nighttime and you're by yourself take the cold shower then cold

showers make you uncomfortable and that is extremely healthy not only do they

help you burn fat they help you burn fat that's one increase testosterone and

they give you a huge shot of energy those three things help a lot and

there's a bunch more tips that I will add right here you guys also want to

take hot showers because it makes you uncomfortable so what is fapping and why

do we do it so much we do it because it's so comfortable you can do it at our

own leisure we don't have to have a partner to reach climax we can just go

to our bathroom door thing and then walk out with no one else's help it's

extremely easy right so if you make it extremely

uncomfortable or if you make your body uncomfortable then you're not gonna go

wanna go back down to that first level of fapping again you're gonna take that

a cold shower you're gonna feel like a million bucks and you're gonna have so

much energy the way that I take cold showers that I start off at lukewarm

water and then like minute by minute I'll just turn it slow slow slow so it's

like freezing cold and like the last 10 seconds of my shower will be ice bed

you guys want to just walk out of your shower some way somehow absolutely

freezing burns fat more testosterone and it helps you stay away from fapping

start your cold showers today v but not the last but not the least step is

number five which is cell formations this is extremely important because I

didn't follow this at first and I wish I would have because I felt so many times

trying to get here and if I did follow this step I would have been on day 600

by now so it's important that you start using this step today self affirmations

are basically when you talk to yourself and tell yourself who you are who you

want to be say over and over again like I will never fit again or I will be the

most successful student I'll be the most successful athlete I'll be the best

youtuber ever I'll write the best book ever and I will use no fab to help me

get there you guys want to make sure that your brain knows what you're doing

to it don't just start following these actions then by the time your brain gets

old you saying hold up you're probably not gonna make this dude you're just not

that smart you're not that strong you're not that powerful you don't have

that much energy you're not that creative just give up because our brain

is very very good at making us fail because it likes to choose the most

comfortable route and that's back from our ancestors that used to go hunting

every day they used to choose the most comfortable route so still our genetic

breakdown talks about being as comfortable as you possibly can we like

to be warm when it's cold outside like to be cold when it's warm outside that

just how our body works so you guys have to make yourself be uncomfortable that

ties into my cold showers and also talk to yourself in the mirror and tell your

sounds weird sounds stupid but honestly do it and also the most important part

of self affirmations is writing down why you started I'm not sure if I talked

about this earlier but you guys want to drop it down in the comments below

exactly why you're starting no fab don't be shy we all have our reasons I want

you to comment right now why you are starting Northup and how no fat benefits

will help you get to where you want to be in life and it's important to write

this down because I didn't write it down and I felt so many times and if I did

write it down I'd be a lot more successful so you have to take the step

that I failed on I didn't follow it I was being lazy just like you probably

are right now I'm urging you if you're not gonna go put it in your little

notebook or your diary or in your notes and your phone app comment it it's so

simple to scroll down comment I am starting no-fat because one two and

three screenshot it save it to your favorites in your camera roll and you

guys can look back at this any time you think about failing in ten days when you

say oh my god I have the worst urge right now I'm about to just go break my

no.5 streak look at that picture and say wow I started because of this and that

and it's really important to me because I commented it on a youtube video of

some guy that I don't even know so it must be that important for you guys to

comment it down there and they're there for you guys will stick to your roots

and you guys won't ever break your fapping streak depending on why you

started it so do all those five steps I will leave a breakdown alright here you

guys can check that out and I'll be talking about it as well so step number

one was to find the reason why you want to start no fat that's step number one

number two is to unfollow every model you ever see ever and stay away from the

hot girls in your school because they might be urging you if you guys can feel

me step number three make a heart to relapse get away from all of that delete

social media do not let it be in front of your eyes a lot what your eyes can

see or allow any logical reason or any logical reasoning that you guys can stop

from happening before it starts and number four take cold showers and

usually get the urges cold showers help a ton I still take them till this day so

I've been taking off for about a year now they give you a bunch of energy that

burn fat I have lost weight from them trust me cold showers to give it a shot

so I feel lukewarm I start to knock it down a little bit as you go and number

five is self affirmations talk to yourself tell yourself why you want to

see success and drop a comment down below of why you want to see success so

badly so that after you guys screenshot it you could come back to it and say oh

I dropped the comment saying this and that I'm going to live up to my word

because I'm not a sheep and I'm not a slave to myself I'm gonna actually get

what I say I am I love you for watching this video if you're still here to the

very very end which you probably aren't because like 90% of all my viewers leave

by now you want to actually see success and I'm proud of you for still being

here if you're still here please ask me any questions you guys need I will

answer literally every single one of you so drop me a comment with any questions

you may have and if you haven't already please for the love of God dude I don't

want to go to college or work a 9 to 5 job so just please hit that subscribe

button I beg you so much I don't want to ever work a job that's so boring I

wanted to do you two forever thank you for being here hit that sub button and

bells if you're feeling happy I love you stay dreaming stay lucid I'm out peace

For more infomation >> The Ultimate NOFAP Guide [NEVER RELAPSE] - Duration: 11:42.


💊 What You Must Know About Probiotics and Prebiotics - Duration: 6:19.

Hi, it's Dr Sam Robbins,

A few months ago my friend was telling me about

how she had stomach problems and so forth. I won't get into all the details, but she

mentioned how her doctor said she should eat some yogurt for the "beneficial bacteria…

the probiotics".

I told her that yogurt ok and there are much better options, which I'll reveal to you

in a minute.

However, I also mentioned to my friend that she must also take some prebiotics, in addition

to the probiotics.

Then, with a surprised and confused look on her face asked, "what the heck are those?....

I've never even heard of them?... What's the difference between the pro and prebiotics?"

And this is the typical response I get when I tell someone about prebiotics - most people

have never heard of them.

And this is a really important topic for you because healthy "gut bacteria" is vital

for BOTH your physical and mental/emotional health.

Also, if you've ever taken antibiotics, then you should for sure watch today's video

because antibiotics kill off these important bacteria and it can take months before your

gut bacteria is back to healthy levels.

Many people have heard of probiotics, but not too many have heard of prebiotics and

that's what I'm going to quickly discuss today - The differences in the two and why

you should take both.

Plus, the best foods and supplements to get both from.

Difference Between Probiotics and Prebiotics Even though they sound similar, the two play

different roles for your health.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, while prebiotics are food for these bacteria.

Even though they play different roles in your body, both are extremely important and work

best when taken together. In a short summary:

Probiotics: These are live bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. They can

provide numerous health benefits, such as:

Help prevent and treat diarrhea Keep your regular and your colon healthy

Improve mental and emotional health Keep your heart healthy

Boost your immune system Even help lose weight and belly fat

Prebiotics: These substances come from types of carbs (mostly fiber) that humans can't

digest. The beneficial bacteria in your gut eat this fiber.

Basically, PREbiotics are fuel for the PRObiotics. PREbiotics help feed the PRObiotics and healthy

bacteria in your gut.

Thus, with the addition of prebiotics, the probiotics you take will do more and continue

to grow and get stronger.

Where To Get Your Probiotics You can get these from food and supplements.

Food As far as food sources, yogurt is one that

most people have heard of. If you make home-made yogurt, it's much healthier and has higher

prebiotics than the store bought ones.

However, I prefer fermented foods such as Sauerkraut - which has REALLY high amounts

Kimchi Kefir (dairy and non-dairy, I suggest NON)

Supplements Your other option is in supplement form, which

is what I personally do. Now, this can get really complicated because there are so many

strains and quantity

Some are just 2 strains and have a few million "microorganisms" and "cultures". Then

we have those that might have as many as over 12 strains and 90+ BILLION "microorganisms/cultures"

The higher the amounts, the more effective.

Again, this is too complicated to get into the details in today's video.

However, I will give you some suggestions. The higher the amount, the more effective

it is. Start low and build up. If you take too much

or too high of strains/cultures, you'll be going to the bathroom a lot.

Keep switching brands, strains and culture amounts every 1-2 months to prevent your gut

from adapting and to introduce new strains and cultures.

Keep it refrigerated, so it stays fresh, active and "alive".

Where To Get Your Prebiotics Similar to probiotics, you can get these from

food and supplements.

Food Prebiotics are types of fiber found in carbohydrate


Foods that are high in prebiotic fiber include: Legumes, beans and peas.

Oats. Bananas.

Berries. Asparagus.

Garlic. Leeks.


However, keep in mind that you do need to eat a lot of these foods to get a good amount

of prebiotics.

Supplements This is why I just take a supplement for it,

to guarantee I get a good amount of prebiotics. There are many brands that sell prebiotics.

If you want to keep it simple and really inexpensive, which is what I do -- I just take Inulin powder.

I take it at night and you don't need much -- just ¼ or ½ TEAspoon to start with. You'll

feel it in the morning and your colon will thank you for it.


The prebiotics help feed and fuel the probiotics. You don't need to take them at the same

time, but you should take both daily.

These two are one of my favorites, "gotta have supplements" and "foods" in my

diet for overall health, fitness and longevity -- inside and out, physical and mental/emotional.

So if you aren't taking them, please do so.

Have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 💊 What You Must Know About Probiotics and Prebiotics - Duration: 6:19.


DELTARUNE: [Lancer's Theme] + English Lyrics - Duration: 3:11.

Now pick a card, And tell me what will suit your fantasy

(It's called your destiny) Now for the heart

I think you've got a grasp on that part.

(You must be Kris indeed) A diamond shines, and from the rough they'll

grow eventually (The strong dino Susie)

Or join the club, make love not war as some of them may dub

(The gentle one Ralsei)

But there's one more, I saved the best like me, Lancer's all I'll be

Tricks up my sleeve, we shuffle to the beat, you ain't seen bad till you've seen the spade


Ace in the whole wide world of dark, your future looks Stark, escape's a no, so say

goodbye because I'm the bad guy

For more infomation >> DELTARUNE: [Lancer's Theme] + English Lyrics - Duration: 3:11.




For more infomation >> HOW I GOT STOCK IN THE STORM IN UTAH - Duration: 1:46.


Make a joke for the monkey, she is angry - Duration: 1:18.

Naidou wants to eat it right away.

Can you open it by yourself?

Naidou, please stand up.


She holds the bottle tightly in her little hands.

I take it away, Ok?

Oh, just a kidding.

For more infomation >> Make a joke for the monkey, she is angry - Duration: 1:18.


神准塔罗:现在有人在暗恋你吗?结果准哭了! - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 神准塔罗:现在有人在暗恋你吗?结果准哭了! - Duration: 5:26.


中國潛艇曾近距離跟蹤美航母,美軍竟未發現,直至浮出水面才知曉 - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> 中國潛艇曾近距離跟蹤美航母,美軍竟未發現,直至浮出水面才知曉 - Duration: 5:53.


神准塔罗占卜:这个冬天,你的运势转折点是什么? - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> 神准塔罗占卜:这个冬天,你的运势转折点是什么? - Duration: 7:01.


运势占卜,抽张塔罗牌,年底前职场要注意什么? - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 运势占卜,抽张塔罗牌,年底前职场要注意什么? - Duration: 7:25.


[ENG][traVlog]EP30.Daily Vlog in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia [trip around the world] - Duration: 9:07.

This is a guest house.

We decided to take a rest for three days here until the car arrived.

Fried rice made by Chan!

We go to Seoul club.

(There was no club we thought.)

She is in photosynthesis.

Grow up! Little man -

Turn around only twice.

The height is low.

It's like 88 trains in Seoul Land?

There's a coffee bean(Korean coffee shop) here.

(This is Mongolia.)

Ah! Is that a game room?

This is Mongolia and I have to pay for Korea ..!

This is a real one.

There is a coin karaoke and a shooting range.

Let's see what's in the claw machine game!

There are Gudetama and Moomin

This is different...

from the gun we saw in Korea.

I think my face will look big.

Your face is really big. ^^!

(This is Mongolia. 222)

Chan loves bread

Watch your wallet.

You can eat whatever you want.

I will really buy everything.

You told me I could buy everything.

I like everything if you are happy.

I will enjoy this food-

Me, too.

This bread is like a king dumplings.

This is your face size.

Do you think it is Kimchi dumplings?

Mine is like roasted meat dumplings.

Oh! real kimchi in this?

It seems delicious. (I like kimchi.)


It seems delicious.

U cna try.

It is real kimchi.

Is this really a kimchi dumplings?

Ah! (No soul)



When we were eating bread

we were invited to a Mongolian friend.

This is a gift for their family.

A restaurant with a family of Mr.Amu.


(Western style, Korean style, Mongolian style, etc. There is a family restaurant with a variety of food.)

Where to go tomorrow again .. We are ..

Once we had booked for 3 days. But our car has not arrived yet.

Chan made black-bean-sauce noodles!

We stayed for three days and will stay for the next four days.

I have to take off my shoes and wear slippers.

This is the first toilet ..

And second..

The washing machine is completely old and I have to water it myself.

This is a dorm room.

This is a double room.

This is the kitchen.

There are many kinds of seasonings. (But the amount is small.)

We came here because there was a dryer,

It is not a dryer but a drying hood.

Facilities are good.

I spent $ 100 in three days for alone(One team).

It is cheaper if you use it with other people.

I bought it because I thought it was Jo-ri-pong ... it really tastes like Jo-ri-pong!(Korean snack)


Stir-fried spicy pork made yesterday

Red meat -

Red meat -

I made it, but it looks delicious. (Pinocchio)

The weather is not good.

Obviously there is a car they said they would arrive this morning.

That's our car.

There is no news.

The car did not come yet, but thanks to it, we played, ate and rested every day.

Today's breakfast and lunch!

My chair is pushed back.

Enjoy breakfast! Lunch! today!

(This is Mongolia333)

Please give me this one too.(ok-)

You can order in Korean. It is a branch of Mongolia.

Do you want to eat fish paste?


You are now a happy panic.

Is this like a fried glutinous rice crackers with pork?

A fried glutinous rice crackers with chicken?

This is fried potatoes and ..

What are you doing now?

I will eat for myself.

I was also tricked.


I think this is a stir-fried spicy pork source.

I think there is a little chili sauce on toppokki.

It's not spicy. (disappointed)

There are many quantities.

If it is 2500 won, it is a lot in Korea.

What is this? Half-dried Pollack?

It smells like Half-dried Pollack.

(Half-dried Pollack flavored chicken.)

The fish paste was..

The fish paste was just dry.

It is not put in soup.

This does not feel wet.

(Dyed in black.)

Do we turn so quickly?

You turn around quickly (laughs)

Go quickly!

Go- quickly!!

Today is the day we finally repair our car.

(This is Hyundai in Mongolia)

(Will this be fixed?)

For more infomation >> [ENG][traVlog]EP30.Daily Vlog in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia [trip around the world] - Duration: 9:07.


黃曉明家庭背景終曝光,隱瞞整整10年,網友誇贊:楊穎好眼光! - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 黃曉明家庭背景終曝光,隱瞞整整10年,網友誇贊:楊穎好眼光! - Duration: 5:56.


盤點整容失敗的女星:金喜善假體掉下來,而她半張臉徹底毀掉了! - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> 盤點整容失敗的女星:金喜善假體掉下來,而她半張臉徹底毀掉了! - Duration: 7:20.


free spotify premium - how to get spotify premium free - spotify premium android (IOS & ANDROID) - Duration: 3:00.

free spotify premium - how to get spotify premium free

For more infomation >> free spotify premium - how to get spotify premium free - spotify premium android (IOS & ANDROID) - Duration: 3:00.


[FREE] SPEEDART Minecraft Render - WitherMC #26 - Duration: 3:14.

mikeboi missed


For more infomation >> [FREE] SPEEDART Minecraft Render - WitherMC #26 - Duration: 3:14.


"Anyone can become a gamer." - Duration: 0:18.

Anyone can be a gamer,

Even if it's like...

Doing.. a...

Sud𝐮ku on your phone.

Curb your enthusiasm theme because YouTube doesn't work that way.

Good luck pal.

For more infomation >> "Anyone can become a gamer." - Duration: 0:18.


五代機放棄治療,法國直接拿出六代機方案,望跨代趕超中美俄 - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> 五代機放棄治療,法國直接拿出六代機方案,望跨代趕超中美俄 - Duration: 7:12.


Thanksgiving sign language// Deaf_Life_ [CC] - Duration: 4:21.

What's up? Welcome to my channel back!

I'm Nicole!

Check it out on my latest video.

So, I will teach you today is give thanksgiving signs.

Are you ready to learning sign?


Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Thank you for watching

Don't forget to subscribe and like this video!

See you in next video!

For more infomation >> Thanksgiving sign language// Deaf_Life_ [CC] - Duration: 4:21.


if BTS were on RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE || slouistherin - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> if BTS were on RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE || slouistherin - Duration: 6:00.


Antony Karagiannis, Casey Anthony's Boyfriend: 5 Fast Facts | - Duration: 9:18.

Antony Karagiannis, Casey Anthony's Boyfriend: 5 Fast Facts |

Antony Karagiannis is the Florida man allegedly dating Casey Anthony.

According to the entertainment website Radar Online, the pair was spotted together at a bar called Bru's Room in West Palm Beach, Florida.

The site published a photo of them on their date, which you can see here.

Karagiannis described Anthony as "very friendly" to Radar Online, and said that he did not care about her background.

"Her past is none of my business.

I don't know anything about it… When I first met her, I knew the name, but I never really read into it.".

Anthony was accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, in 2008.

She became a household name as the trial stretched on for more than two years, dominating national headlines.

The jury acquitted Anthony in 2011, a verdict which largely stunned the public.

Since then, Anthony has kept a low profile for the most part.

Here's what you need to know.

Antony Ray Karagiannis Has a Daughter of His Own.

Antony Ray Karagiannis was born March 9, 1980.

An online records search shows that he lives in Boynton Beach, just a few miles south of West Palm Beach in Florida.

According to his Facebook page, Karagiannis is originally from Detroit, Michigan.

He appears to have moved south after high school.

His page states that he attended Palm Beach State College and works at a bar.

Karagiannis has one daughter, who he likes to post pictures of on his Facebook page often.

It is unclear whether he was married in the past.

Radar Online quoted a source who claimed that Karagiannis broke up with his previous girlfriend "because he wanted to sleep with other women.

Karagiannis Was Accused of Posing as a Police Officer in Miami in 2014, But No Charges Were Ever Filed.

A Miami Dade police report claims that Antony Karagiannis impersonated a police officer multiple times in 2014, in order to secure a better parking spot.

The report, which you can see in full above, states that Karagiannis often tried to park in a gated area reserved for residents whenever he visited his girlfriend.

Witnesses told police that each time Karagiannis was asked to move his vehicle, he claimed to be an officer with Miami Dade police.

He also would imply that he had a weapon in the vehicle.

According to the report, this happened at least four times between December 2013 and January 2014.

The report reads that Kaeagiannis "never produced, displayed or threaten any security with the weapon just implies that it is in the vehicle.

When asked for police identification he refuses to show a badge or a identification card." No charges were ever filed.

Report: Karagiannis was Arrested in 2005 After Being Accused of Battery.

Radar Online reports that Anthony Karagiannis was accused of assaulting his roommate back in 2005.

The website says that a clerk with the Del Ray Police department confirmed that Karagiannis and his roommate got into some sort of altercation and he was arrested.

The clerk did not have the arrest report on file, telling Radar Online that the files had been destroyed in a leak at the department.

Charges in this case were either never filed or have been expunged.

An online search of records reveals a few traffic violations in Karagiannis' past, but nothing more serious beyond that.

Casey Anthony's Father Acknowledged During a TV Interview That She Had Been Dating Someone & Commented on Remarks She Had Made About Potentially Wanting to Have Children in the Future.

Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, appeared on the Dr.

Oz show in late October 2018.

During the extensive interview, George Anthony commented that he was aware that his daughter had been "seeing someone." But it's unclear how much he knows, because he also acknowledged that Casey isn't really in their lives anymore, and that he feels Casey was responsible for Caylee's death.

George Anthony also commented on the idea that his daughter is open to having children again.

People cited a friend of Casey's in early October, who said that "she's now open to it in a way she hasn't been before.".

George said that if Casey has another child, he wishes the best for her and hopes that the father loves the child and Casey "immensely." He said that it would be very unlikely that he would have a chance to have a relationship with a future grandchild, because he and Casey "are like oil and water… I wish I could be part of her life.

But I would never feel comfortable around her.

I can't trust her." During the murder trial, Anthony and her defense team alleged that George had molested Casey.

Those claims were never substantiated.

Casey Anthony Kept a Low Profile After Being Acquitted in 2011; She Stated Publicly in 2017 That She Does Not Know How Caylee Died.

Casey Anthony was acquitted of murder in 2011, but convicted of lying to police.

She served a total of three years behind bars.

Since then, she has lived a fairly quiet life outside of the public eye in Florida.

During the trial, she was often labeled as "the most hated mom in America.".

In 2017, she gave a series of interviews to the Associated Press, her first since the jury ruled in her favor.

Anthony said that she sleeps "pretty good at night" and claims not to care what people think of her.

Anthony still says she does not know how Caylee died.

Anthony also told the Associated Press that she imagines Caylee would have been a "total badass" had she still been alive.

At the time of the interview, Caylee would have been 11 had she lived.

Anthony said, "I would like to think she'd be listening to classic rock and playing sports and not taking sh*t from anybody.".

READ NEXT: Florida Man Admits Having Sex With a Miniature Horse.

For more infomation >> Antony Karagiannis, Casey Anthony's Boyfriend: 5 Fast Facts | - Duration: 9:18.


Kemba Walker Seeks to Outdo Victor Oladipo Tonight in Matchup Against Pacers | - Duration: 2:39.

Kemba Walker Seeks to Outdo Victor Oladipo Tonight in Matchup Against Pacers |

Victor Oladipo missed the Pacers' last matchup–a game against the Utah Jazz on Monday night–but if I were Kemba Walker, I'd hope he plays tonight.

Oladipo's absence would certainly give the Hornets an advantage tonight.

The team is somewhat surprisingly sitting at 7th in the Eastern Conference, just below the struggling Celtics, and a win against the 3rd-ranked Indiana Pacers would be a statement.

But the Hornets themselves don't have much hope for any kind of playoff run, and whatever success they're seeing now will probably be short-lived.

Kemba Walker, though, is making statements on a nightly basis against the supposed best players in the league.

He dominated against the rising Philadelphia 76ers last week–scoring 60 points against the Eastern Conference powerhouse–then did the same thing in the following game against the Boston Celtics.

Walker is now the top scorer in the league with an average of nearly 30 points per game, and he's proven that the likes of Jimmy Butler, Joel Embiid, and Kyrie Irving are no problem at all.

Tonight, if Oladipo plays, he'll be able to further drive the point home.

The Pacers guard has been a breakout star in the last few seasons since being traded to Indiana for Paul George's OKC experiment, a slight that seems to have put a fire under him as he became a remarkable player to watch last season.

The two teams face off tonight at 6:00 pm CST in Charlotte.

READ NEXT: JR Smith Trade: Three Options for the Veteran Cavs Guard.

For more infomation >> Kemba Walker Seeks to Outdo Victor Oladipo Tonight in Matchup Against Pacers | - Duration: 2:39.





Tras el reclamo al aire, Flor Vigna le respondió a Marcelo Tinelli: ¿vuelve o no al Bailando 2018? - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Tras el reclamo al aire, Flor Vigna le respondió a Marcelo Tinelli: ¿vuelve o no al Bailando 2018? - Duration: 6:33.


Latest Bhajan 2018 | Maiya O Ambey Maiya | Anil Chirag | Neeraj Sharma | Birthday Party | PR Music - Duration: 13:21.


For more infomation >> Latest Bhajan 2018 | Maiya O Ambey Maiya | Anil Chirag | Neeraj Sharma | Birthday Party | PR Music - Duration: 13:21.


João & Poliana - Como Se Fosse Pra Ser - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> João & Poliana - Como Se Fosse Pra Ser - Duration: 3:12.


Speed Drawing - Zero Two y Hiro from Darling in the franxx (FanArt) - Duration: 7:03.

Hi, how are you? First of all thanks for clicking on my video from between the others.

I wanted to apologize to you for leaving the channel abandoned.

Although I know we are not many, we are growing little by little.

I've been busy with a personal project, so I have not had time.

Thanks to Kamisama I'm back and I'll try to upload more videos, at least on average every 10 days

This draw, the truth, that I put a lot of effort.

and I did it in honor of the series, or at least until the arch of the klaxosaur princess.

since for me, that's where the series ended.

and the last thing I have to say is that I'm late doing this video ...

which is why I hadn't edited it, and in the memory where I had a part of the video. . .

It was formatted, pitifully.

And I couldn't recover the files.

So if you see me skip a part of the video, a thousand apologies!

I didn't thought on upload it anyway.

But I decided to finish it at the end.

I hope you like this video very much, and if so. . .

You can support me on any of my three channels, commenting on what video you would like to see. . .

in the future...

and sharing my channel with any of your friends. . .

for more diffusion.

And with nothing more to say, let's get to work.

For more infomation >> Speed Drawing - Zero Two y Hiro from Darling in the franxx (FanArt) - Duration: 7:03.


Полмиллиона пользователей Android скачали опасный вирус - Duration: 2:22.

 Эксперты в области кибербезопасности обнаружили в магазине Google Play 13 поддельных приложений, замаскированных под оригинальные программы

В общей сложности их скачали более 560 тысяч раз, пишет сотрудник компании ESET Лукас Стефанко (Lukas Stefanko) в своем Twitter

 Все вредоносные приложения-игры были опубликованы в магазине от имени разработчика Luis O Pinto

Сразу после установки программы удаляли свою иконку с экрана и запускали загрузку другого приложения в фоновом режиме

— Lukas Stefanko (@LukasStefanko) 19 ноября 2018, 13:17  Вторая программа, в свою очередь, маскировалась под сервис Game Center, который сразу же запрашивал разрешение на полный доступ к сети и автозапуску при включении смартфона

После одобрения пользователя троян начинал крутить рекламу на экране каждый раз, когда владелец телефона разблокировал его

 Журналисты The Bleeping Computer отметили, что модераторы Google Play не удалили приложения даже после того, как зараженные пользователи оставили множество отзывов о поддельном ПО

Ситуация изменилась лишь после того, как эксперты обнародовали информацию о вредоносных программах

Больше мрачных и странных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дна». Подписывайтесь!

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