Saturday, November 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 24 2018


The doctor wants to go over the test results.

Why? Is something wrong?

She's pregnant with my child but doesn't want to have it.

I'm calling because I'm very sick

and my time is running out.

Are you saying I'm not pregnant?


Augusto and Fernanda are divorced.

I'll reunite you with your stepson.

Tell him I'm sorry I killed him.

My name isn't Camila Guevara.

That's... my fake identity.

Get this through your head. Circe will betray you.

Mark my words.

We knew that if you found out he was in Mexico City,

you'd kill him and you'd end up in prison for it.

Hold on.

"We knew"? Who knew?


Why do you care whether I kill him or not?

Why are you stressing? You should thank me!

That bastard left you on the street and stole your money.

Money we inherited from Dad!

After he threw you away,

he moved on to his new girl and is spoiling her rotten.

Don't you realize that he was responsible for Eliseo's death?

-That's enough! -I agree!

Stop letting that ------- walk all over you whenever he wants.


When will you stop being so... silly?

You meant to say stupid, didn't you?

I gave it all up for you!

Here comes the emotional blackmail.

Makes sense.

No, I'm not blackmailing you.

-No? -No.

Do you think Augusto was going to just let me

report him to the police for his many crimes?

You're supposed to be dead.

That's what Eliseo told the country.

Augusto blackmailed me.

He said that if I tried to take anything from him,

he'd report you to the police.

He was going to say you were alive.

When I say I feel weird,

it's not because of how he reprimands me

or because of his arrogant attitude.

It's because...

Oh, I don't know.

His tone... the things he says.

What does he say?

That he doesn't like what I wear, that I'm too provocative.

Of course he does! He's looking out for you!

He worries because of how much you mean to me!

That's why.

He acts differently when you're not around.

Different how?

You've been paying too much attention to the lies

Camila, Fernanda, and Zoraida tell you and you're confused.

-I'm your sister! -Exactly.

You should trust me. I can't believe you.

You only believe him.

Why does it matter anymore?

You won't believe Aunt Zoraida or me.

Nothing will change your mind.

I'm staying here.

If you force me to go back with you, you'll make me hate you.

You don't know how much it hurts to hear you say that.

Very well. You've made up your mind

and nothing I say will change that, right?

When the bum you have for a boyfriend lets you down,

don't come crawling back to me because it'll be too late.


Okay? Okay.

I chose to give everything up so he'd leave you alone.

And you believed him?

You believe that bastard won't try anything?

He won't.

I wasn't a fool this time. I asked for help.

I made him sign a document.

You've never shied away from telling me

I was a terrible mother,

that I abandoned you and Eliseo,

that I put Augusto before you both...

and that I kicked you out of the house.

You're right about some things.

I was wrong.

I was so blind and stupid that I believed in Augusto.

I didn't realize the kind of man he was.

What's done is done. That's that.

No use crying over spilled milk.

I'm not.

I wanted to do something right for once

so I could at least make up for one of the mistakes

I made with you.

I did it so he'd leave you alone.

Look, thank you for thinking of me,

but that won't work.

I guarantee that bastard won't get his way again.

I'll make sure of it.


Diego, please!


That's one of the reasons I gave Corona another chance.

I wanted to rebuild the family. I allowed him to live with us.

I don't know if it's easier to be Isabel or Camila.

Hey, don't tell anyone.

I won't. Don't worry.

Don't tell the girls.

I'm opening up to you because I feel we could use a truce.

I'll never come between you and Jim.

I hope you understand that after hearing all this.

We're just friends. And I...

I know you're going through something very difficult.

I won't say anything. Don't worry.

Do you think you'll ever get out of the hole you're in

and find peace?

I've tried to get out many times,

but I always find myself in it again.

We're the only ones who know how heavy our burdens are, huh?

Camila, please forgive me. I mean... Isabel.

I don't know what to call you.

It must suck to be going through so much stuff

and have some chick mess with you on top of it.

Excuse me. Am I interrupting?

No. I'm actually leaving.

Can I... come to work tomorrow?

Yes. No problem.

We'll be waiting for you.

See you tomorrow then.


Thank you. Get some rest.

-Do you have a minute? -Yes.

We're going to be opening soon,

but I wanted to talk about my offer.

What are you doing here? Does Mom know you're here?

Are you staying with us or at a hotel?

So many questions, sweetheart! I just got here.

I'm going to be staying here for a few days.

Chabela isn't here.

Well... she said I could stay here.

So if you don't mind...

She didn't tell me anything.

Don't be mean, Dad. Zoraida is family.

Let her wait for Mom.


What? Sit down.

Thank you.

Get this woman a glass of water, then.


This woman would like a glass of water.

I'll get it for you.

So... Chabela and I are doing amazingly well.

We're doing great!

Don't mess up what we have.


I don't know what you did to talk her into taking you back,

but if she still did

after everything she went through to leave you,

then she must have her reasons.

So I suggest we get along.


I want to support you, but I don't know how to do it.

That's just how it is. Men can't get pregnant.

You'll never understand.

I know I was selfish...

and that I only thought of myself,

but I realized my mistake when I put myself in your position.

Why... why didn't you do that before?

Because I was only focused on my point of view.

When I put myself in your position,

I realized you probably feel awful.

Just like that? You realized that overnight?


People have realizations,

they wake up and change their minds and views, don't they?

I got my hopes up,

but you're right to say that my life's a mess.

Narcos, Babel, debt.

I thought that baby could bring...

some light into the chaos that's my life.

I thought that becoming a father

would give me the chance to have something worthwhile.

The tests came back positive,

but the ultrasound shows only the placenta is forming.

There is no baby.

Are you saying I'm not pregnant?


Paloma, I support you no matter what your decision may be.

Do you mean it?

It's the least I can do.

I should support you through thick and thin

and everything in between.

No, please don't cry.

Don't get upset.

My opinion of you won't change regardless of what you decide.


Oh, Jim. I need time.

I can't cope with it all. I need time to think.



Nana, don't think Augusto got away scot-free.

He and Joselito are equally responsible

for what happened to you.

Don't worry about him.

I've seen it in the cards. It won't end well for him.

Everything around him is crumbling.

And he'll lose the few good things he has left.

There's something that worries me.


Diego thinks I let the Colombians deal

with Joselito and Augusto.

He has no idea I got my revenge with my own hands.

He wouldn't understand it and I don't want him to know.

If I'm very honest...

I thought my hands would shake more, but they didn't.

I was very sure of myself.

Sweetie, it's in your blood. It's who you are.

I'm going to meet him.

I don't want to make him suspicious.


Aren't you going to stay at Ramona's?

I thought it was safe now.

Oh, Nana! I'll explain.


For the first time ever, I have what I want.

I won't let it go to waste.

I want to enjoy every minute, every second I'm with Diego.

I won't give that up.

You know he's still in love with her.

Why are you such a Debbie Downer?

Who is he sleeping with? Me.

That he is.

I'm very smart.

There's a fine line between lust and love.

I'll cross that line and he'll fall in love with me.

I'll make him forget that bland bitch known as Isabel.

Got it?

-Yes. -Then?

Sweetie... you're also very sensitive.

Be careful, my wild filly.

The heart betrays and weakens us.

Whenever you're with Diego, you end up in a lot of trouble.

That won't happen this time.


Alright. Okay.

-Sweetie. -I stood you up.

It's okay. I'm so happy to see you.


Chabelita, she says you said she could stay here.

I did. So what?

You'll sleep in Amanda's room and I'll sleep with Ricas.

What am I? Chopped liver?

We're a family, Chabela! I get a say, don't I?

This isn't your house.

There's so much I have to tell you.

Are you hungry?

Could you at least tell me what happened with the gringo?

Did he hire you?

-Tomorrow night... -He didn't?

Porfirio, he said I start tomorrow night.


Well, I'm excited.

I'm happy for you too.



Where the ---- were you? I've been calling you for hours.

I was on my way so I didn't think...

Where were you?

I called you a lot. Where's your phone?

I said I was busy. I was at the warehouse.

What's wrong?

What did the Colombians say? Where are they keeping Augusto?


You said you wouldn't get involved.

Forget everything I said. Where is he?

I want to see him.

I'm going to beat him until he cries and begs for forgiveness.

And then... I'm going to kill him myself.

Where the ---- is he?


For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 51 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:55.


Testigo Cómplice😷👩🏻👨🏻 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 25:50.

For more infomation >> Testigo Cómplice😷👩🏻👨🏻 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 25:50.


Así celebraron Daniela Colett y Eduardo Vargas los cumpleaños de sus hijos - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Así celebraron Daniela Colett y Eduardo Vargas los cumpleaños de sus hijos - Duration: 1:19.


La Sultana | Capítulo 19 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:00.

Dudu Hatun is dead.

Now your hands are bloody too.

I had to do it, Kosem.

If not, Sultana Safiye will put the prince at the throne.

Your father's future is in your hands, Kosem.

Go talk to the sultan...

convince him to let us stay in this palace.

Rasha Hatun is who worries me most.

We must not let that baby be born.

Move aside, I'm warning you, Rasha!

I'm pregnant!

You can't touch me! They could kill you for that!

Congratulations, Sultana.

The Sultan is finally having his longed-for son.

Allah willing, Rasha Hatun,

she'll give us a boy.

Friends and enemies will understand

that the bloodline will carry on.

Mother Sultan.

Come, Kosem. Sit down with us.

Why so pale?

Is it because of Rasha Hatun?

Are you jealous of her?

No, Sultana, it isn't that.


Even the animals that live in a palace have a name.

Why do you still call her Rasha?

That's true.

Rasha Hatun.

You're Circassian, right?

That's right, Sultana.

I'm from Circassia.

I hope your temper is as beautiful as your face.

But we need to change your name.

You'll be the mother of a prince.

I'll name you...


As you wish, My Sultana.

From now on my name is Mahfiruze.

Thank Allah hard times are over.

I hope your favorite gives us a prince,

and that he brings peace.

Let's hope so.

As you know,

we've already begun the wedding preparations.

But we haven't agreed on the particulars.

Have it arranged as you may.

The wedding will take place whenever it's convenient.

As you're feeling better,

you can arrange your departure to the Old Palace.

I can part tonight if you ordered me to.

But I wish to leave the palace

on the day of the wedding of my daughter Fahriye.

If that's all, excuse me.

I just want you to know...

That I'm at your service,

as I have always been.

If you decide I must go now, I will.

You just have to say it.

Believe it or not,

my heart isn't made of stone, Cennet Kalfa.

I'm begging you.

Stop torturing me and tell me where my father is.

What are you planning?

Tell the truth and you'll see your father.

Handan Sultan tried to kill the prince...

Yes or no?

Is Safiye Sultan innocent?

She set a trap to stay in the palace.

What did you expect, Kosem?

You challenged Safiye Sultan and told her she should go.

That she belonged in the Old Palace.

Did you think she'd forget that?

<i> "Dear Mehmet,</i>

<i> sole owner of my heart,</i>

<i> I spoke to Rayhan Aga.</i>

<i> I'll do everything in my power</i> <i> for you to be released,</i>

<i> but I want you to know</i> <i> I don't want Sahin Giray,</i>

<i> who killed my brother,</i> <i> the Sultan,</i>

<i> and tried to steal</i> <i> the throne from us,</i>

<i> to be set free."</i>


What is it?

What did Fahriye Sultan write?

She says she'll do everything she can to save us.

And that disturbed you so much?

No, Sahin.

No man wants to see his loved one

involved in something like this.

It makes me sad.

It was an accident.

I'll fill it up again, okay?

Don't worry.

In fact, I don't want any more.

I'm not feeling very well.

Menekse, the prince must be tired.

Take him to his bedroom.

My prince.

I'll go see my brother. I miss him very much.

-Kosem! -Wait, don't run!

I want to see my brother, but Menekse won't let me.

We have to obey the prince, Menekse.

-Do you want to go now, Mustafa? -Yes, please.

Sultana, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to leave.

Is something wrong? You look very pale.

I'm just tired.

I'll be fine if I rest.

Then go. You need to rest.

You can go now.

Agas, go get help!


Come in.

Your Majesty, excuse me,

but Rasha suddenly got ill.

She's being examined at the moment.

I'm afraid she may have lost her baby.


His Majesty, Sultan Ahmed Khan!

How is she?

Luckily, she's fine.

She hasn't lost her child,

but we have to wait until tomorrow.

I can't believe this.

Why did this happen?

It seems it's something she ate, Your Majesty.

Apparently somebody wanted her to lose her baby.


Forgive me, please.

I swear I've protected it.

This isn't my fault.

I know, calm down.

Allah will protect it.

He'll let that child be born as we all wish.

She did it.

She did it on purpose.

What are you talking about?

Who's responsible?


She did it.

She hates me, Sultana.

She's always annoying me.

She always telling me awful things.

She curses me.

Shortly ago she threatened me.

Do you realize who you're accusing?

Kosem's my life and treasure.

She's the most important to me.

Everybody saw when she attacked me.

She also pushed me.

I don't believe you.

Kosem would never do something like that.

She's not that kind of person.

His Majesty, Sultan Ahmed Khan!

Thank Allah she's fine.

The baby's fine...

at least for now.

I hope Allah will save him.

He will.

What happened? She looked okay.

They said it could be something she ate,

but she's sure that you poisoned her.


She's lying.

Why would I do that?

Did you believe her?

That's not the reason I'm here.

I don't doubt you.

Not even a second.

And I never would.

But I have to tell you something important.

If Allah wants it,

that woman will become the mother of my child.

I don't expect you two to be friends,

but I don't want you to be enemies either.

I don't want any more incidents.

Why didn't it work, Menekse?

Maybe she didn't drink enough.


Mother Sultan is coming!

Sultana, I was going to see you in a minute.

Rasha lost her baby, how is she?

You tell me, Halime.

How did you make a healthy woman so sick?

I see, everybody's pointing their fingers at me.

Maybe she just got sick.

Or maybe Safiye Sultan did it.

You're right, Halime.

Everybody will point their fingers at you,

so watch out.

Stay away from my son and his harem.

You tried to have my son killed, remember?

Do you have the nerve to threaten me?

Safiye planned that.

I told you, I had nothing to do with that.

You must think I'm too stupid or stubborn

to believe that, Sultana.

As far as Rasha's concerned, I'll say the same.

I didn't do it.

You wanted to see me, Sultana?

What's going on? What is this?

Don't be afraid.

You won't leave until you say where my father is.

What are you going to do if I don't say it?

Are you going to kill me?

I'll ask you one more time, Cennet Kalfa.

Where's my father?

No, no.

Okay, I'll tell you.

Let go.

He's in the basement of Incili Mansion.

You're a viper.

Why did you poison me?

It's not poison.

It's water.

Do you think I would do something like that?

For more infomation >> La Sultana | Capítulo 19 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:00.


Solidaridad y acoso: las respuestas a una mexicana que pidió ayuda para encontrar trabajo en Twitter - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Solidaridad y acoso: las respuestas a una mexicana que pidió ayuda para encontrar trabajo en Twitter - Duration: 3:09.


Dynascan M-6D, VHF (136 a 174 MHz) con casi 55 vatios y gran sensibilidad - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> Dynascan M-6D, VHF (136 a 174 MHz) con casi 55 vatios y gran sensibilidad - Duration: 8:02.


Ignacio Lastra encanta en las redes junto a sus dos amores - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Ignacio Lastra encanta en las redes junto a sus dos amores - Duration: 1:36.


SOLJI IS BACK!! 🤯💕 [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 알러뷰 (I LOVE YOU) M/V (REACTION) - Duration: 6:57.


Hello x3

Beautiful people, dear people, applauded people

It's your boy, Jean Paul Miliano and welcome back to a brand new video!

As usual guys, I am going to be leaving my social media accounts right here so you can go and follow me

If you are interested

Also do not forget to subscribe to our pretty little channel, so our family keeps growing and growing!

As you can see by the title of this video, today we continue our reacting to k-pop mini-series

Yeah guys, today we are going to be reacting to the one and only EXID and their comeback single


We have reacted to EXID in this channel before, so this ain't something new, only their comeback is new

However, EXID and I have history <3

So I got news, youtube finally enabled our community tab!

So I will be sharing content there and asking you to participate in polls to decide to what kind of content create for you all

Also I want to announce that we already surpassed 7K subs, we officially 7K members in this beautiful family!

This makes me feel a little emotional, I am very grateful to you guys!

I want to briefly express my gratitude to you guys for supporting and guiding me throughout this journey

Thanks for believing in me, you guys are the best, you're the most beautiful human beings ever!

I am grateful because I got every single one of you, and I will try to never take that for granted! <3 Thanks!

Well guys, without further ado, let's jump right into this video!



It started quite aggressively, caught me off guard!


I like this type of sound for EXID, it goes well with them


The video, its colors, I love the aesthetics, and the colorful and agressively sexy concept so far


This is something you could hear playing at a club!




It is quite good!

*Dances in Spanish*

I love you too, EXID!

I love this part specifically!


I love you <3


I am in love guys, I am in love with the chorus!



*SWAGG lol*

Loved this rap verse!

*Reacts to her sassiness*


I'd love to know what they are singing about, I have an idea, but I need the actual lyrics

The video does not have subs

Anyways, I love the vibes the song gives off!

This is a high quality AF production as expected from a k-pop group video

The location, again the colors, everything was well-thought-out

I am loving the aesthetics of the video!

*Sorry for those vocals*




This is my favorite part of the song

It sticks to your head

I love you like that?

Does it say "I love like that" or "I love you la la la la la" ?

Loved it!

Beautiful girls, simply beautiful!

Empowered women!

Guys I am very glad that I reacted to this!

And to see the five of them once again together in a MV

It's been a long time since the last time we saw our five girls together in a musical video!

The video was fire, it was lit!

I honestly liked a lot, I liked that EXID remained fierce throughout the whole song, giving us attitude and vocals

Totally what I was expecting

Since the moment I knew they were releasing new music, I already knew they were going to deliver greatness

Especially when such new music and video was going to feature Solji once again, it made us, us fans, even more excited!

I think this type of song fits EXID aura and presence quite well

It reminds me of "Up and down - EXID"

But not entirely, it is like a mixture of up and down and "DDD - EXID"

So yeah, yeah I liked it a lot!

This song is a BOP! It is certainly a "Yes" for me!

I want to know your thoughts guys, let me know down below what you guys through of the MV

Is it a yes or no for you? Is it a yay yay or is it a nay nay? let me know down below ;)

Well guys that is all for today, it's your boy, Jean Paul Miliano

And welcome back to...

What am I even saying? Welcome back ?! lol The video is over boy...

And I will see you soon in my next video, byeeeeeeeee! <3


For more infomation >> SOLJI IS BACK!! 🤯💕 [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 알러뷰 (I LOVE YOU) M/V (REACTION) - Duration: 6:57.


Baghdad's film school - VPRO documentary - 2010 - Duration: 1:00:17.

For more infomation >> Baghdad's film school - VPRO documentary - 2010 - Duration: 1:00:17.


GIRLFRIEND vs BEST FRIEND | FRIENDSHIP vs RELATIONSHIP | Ft. Ritika Chawla - Duration: 3:35.

Girlfriend vs Best Friend

Bro, Rinki's birthday is coming up.

I have to give her something special.


What did she give you on your birthday?

Dry fruits.

And on your first year anniversary?

Crockery set.

So why don't you give her Son Papdi?

Tit for tat.

Bro, are you crazy?

Bro she's your Girlfriend!

She's not a neighbour who'll gift you cheap cup set from the market.

It's not what you think.

She loves me a lot.

Come, let's watch this new movie that's released.

Which one?

Your girlfriend is a Lazy blood sucker.


Your girlfriend is a gold digger.


Break up with her or you'll cry forever.

Are these even movie names or your own thoughts?

How does it matter?

It's not like you'll listen to me.

Anyway, let's go and watch 2.0.

Bro, actually…

Her again?

Shut up!

Hi baby.

Where are you?

Baby I…

I'm out with my dog for a walk.


Are you with Rahul?

What did she say?


Yeah, I'm with him.

Does he have no work?

Why does he keep lurking around?

Yeah yeah, Rinki is saying Hi to you.

Gold Digger!

Yeah, baby?

Anyway, listen.

There's a 3 pm show of 2.0.

Lets go please!

Baby, it's 2:30 already.

How will we go?

You'll take time to come here as well.

I'm here!


Where did she come from?

Bro, I'm telling you, she's not a human.

Run away while you still can.

Shut up!


When did you come?

I was here only.

Was shopping for something near by.

Crockery set?


Cusion Set?

Did you come to buy that?

Leave all that!

We'll get late for the movie.

Baby actually..

Bro, we best friends made the plan before.

Tell her.

When will this loser leave?

Tell him to leave!

If you ditch your best friend, you won't be spared.

Can't say no to your best friend for your girlfriend just once?

Bro, 10 years of friendship!

Baby, 2 years of meaningful relationship.

Checking out girls together!

Improving your nasty habits.

Joint Netflix subscription.

I'm the one who pays for it.

Bro, Hashtag Bros Before..

#Couplegoals #Bae #Mine

CS, Fifa , LOL, PUBG!

Baseball, football, cricket, hockey.

Shut up, you both!

I can't go for the movie!

Neither with you!

Nor with you!


I have been dying to poop for so long!

And the pressure has increased after listening to you both.

I've been trying to tell you for so long!

Why can't you understand me!

I think he's right.


You never understand him…

Atleast this titu has his bestfriend sonu with him..



For more infomation >> GIRLFRIEND vs BEST FRIEND | FRIENDSHIP vs RELATIONSHIP | Ft. Ritika Chawla - Duration: 3:35.


El chascarro de Álvaro Escobar que provocó las risas en "Rojo" - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> El chascarro de Álvaro Escobar que provocó las risas en "Rojo" - Duration: 1:25.


Don Francisco confirmó que la vedetón no va más: será reemplazada por bloque de humoristas - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Don Francisco confirmó que la vedetón no va más: será reemplazada por bloque de humoristas - Duration: 2:14.


Alessandra Sublet « un doux divorce », en vacances à Saint-Barth avec son ex -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Alessandra Sublet « un doux divorce », en vacances à Saint-Barth avec son ex -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:41.


Sergio Ramos tuvo dos incidentes en controles antidopaje, según 'Football Leaks' - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Sergio Ramos tuvo dos incidentes en controles antidopaje, según 'Football Leaks' - Duration: 5:59.



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one the Guru Lucarelli Kaahumanu scans non-mechanical acted on each machine

angel abortion de Bourgh shamans only ultimate is a character Island all they

die it almost in a hotel very cash because I give

this is the childhood opinions that are I shan't or another Irish fellow can you

love will give assimilating the aramis paparazzi ambush illegal performance

resume and additionally reversed and real songs among the crew my solution on

classic diesel season a seminar called on unsecured ponder on positivity

actress mantra builder mobile actor watch it on Netflix nation Mac isn't

there Allison Budiman to protect using a shallow imagine amigo static is to give

it to her natively kita bersatu book president

American become Ananda Buchanan teshuva models on daughter on the other line on

the negative Z to see her on the guineas for the young couple of maybe a glance

names in chopped I only showed like items as cavitation he will while at the

beginning of story he was struggle to accept changing his destiny to become

the last protector and yeah you know we will see what kind of adventures

For more infomation >> THE PROTECTOR / HAKAN: MUHAFIZ (İNCELEME) [BİLGİ VİDEOSU] - Duration: 2:51.


倾城时光:厉致谦生前U盘曝光,高朗身份终于浮出水面! - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 倾城时光:厉致谦生前U盘曝光,高朗身份终于浮出水面! - Duration: 3:56.


Morning Walk WEIGHT LOSS Vlog // Weight Lose Journey // Motivational Weight Loss // (part 2 - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Morning Walk WEIGHT LOSS Vlog // Weight Lose Journey // Motivational Weight Loss // (part 2 - Duration: 7:21.


How To Know Your Skin Type - Your Face Skin Type - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> How To Know Your Skin Type - Your Face Skin Type - Duration: 2:53.


Bingo Dog Song | Little Eddie Cartoons | + More Nursery Rhymes For Children | Kids Tv - Duration: 40:34.

Bingo Dog Song...

For more infomation >> Bingo Dog Song | Little Eddie Cartoons | + More Nursery Rhymes For Children | Kids Tv - Duration: 40:34.


Nick Cannon's Cars Collection - $ 20 00 000 - Duration: 4:00.

Nick Cannon's Cars Collection - $ 20 00 000

Nick Cannon's Cars Collection - $ 20 00 000

Nick Cannon's Cars Collection - $ 20 00 000

For more infomation >> Nick Cannon's Cars Collection - $ 20 00 000 - Duration: 4:00.


पागल_बना_गइल Sajna Banaeeb Kah Ke Pagal Bana Gail=Bewafai Song 2018 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> पागल_बना_गइल Sajna Banaeeb Kah Ke Pagal Bana Gail=Bewafai Song 2018 - Duration: 4:37.



For more infomation >> DONUTS KENNY AND AMY - SEASON 1 EPISODE 3 - APPART'S VISIT (GTA V) + (SUBTITLES OPTION) - Duration: 2:15.


HD Футаж Новогодний 2019 Proshow Producer - Duration: 1:01.

Merry Christmas&Happy New Year

For more infomation >> HD Футаж Новогодний 2019 Proshow Producer - Duration: 1:01.


Video Lucu!!! ( Awalnya Sih Ngegas Sama Pak Polisi Tapi Kok MEWEK ) Nggak "MALU" Apa? - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Video Lucu!!! ( Awalnya Sih Ngegas Sama Pak Polisi Tapi Kok MEWEK ) Nggak "MALU" Apa? - Duration: 4:20.


SOLJI IS BACK!! 🤯💕 [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 알러뷰 (I LOVE YOU) M/V (REACTION) - Duration: 6:57.


Hello x3

Beautiful people, dear people, applauded people

It's your boy, Jean Paul Miliano and welcome back to a brand new video!

As usual guys, I am going to be leaving my social media accounts right here so you can go and follow me

If you are interested

Also do not forget to subscribe to our pretty little channel, so our family keeps growing and growing!

As you can see by the title of this video, today we continue our reacting to k-pop mini-series

Yeah guys, today we are going to be reacting to the one and only EXID and their comeback single


We have reacted to EXID in this channel before, so this ain't something new, only their comeback is new

However, EXID and I have history <3

So I got news, youtube finally enabled our community tab!

So I will be sharing content there and asking you to participate in polls to decide to what kind of content create for you all

Also I want to announce that we already surpassed 7K subs, we officially 7K members in this beautiful family!

This makes me feel a little emotional, I am very grateful to you guys!

I want to briefly express my gratitude to you guys for supporting and guiding me throughout this journey

Thanks for believing in me, you guys are the best, you're the most beautiful human beings ever!

I am grateful because I got every single one of you, and I will try to never take that for granted! <3 Thanks!

Well guys, without further ado, let's jump right into this video!



It started quite aggressively, caught me off guard!


I like this type of sound for EXID, it goes well with them


The video, its colors, I love the aesthetics, and the colorful and agressively sexy concept so far


This is something you could hear playing at a club!




It is quite good!

*Dances in Spanish*

I love you too, EXID!

I love this part specifically!


I love you <3


I am in love guys, I am in love with the chorus!



*SWAGG lol*

Loved this rap verse!

*Reacts to her sassiness*


I'd love to know what they are singing about, I have an idea, but I need the actual lyrics

The video does not have subs

Anyways, I love the vibes the song gives off!

This is a high quality AF production as expected from a k-pop group video

The location, again the colors, everything was well-thought-out

I am loving the aesthetics of the video!

*Sorry for those vocals*




This is my favorite part of the song

It sticks to your head

I love you like that?

Does it say "I love like that" or "I love you la la la la la" ?

Loved it!

Beautiful girls, simply beautiful!

Empowered women!

Guys I am very glad that I reacted to this!

And to see the five of them once again together in a MV

It's been a long time since the last time we saw our five girls together in a musical video!

The video was fire, it was lit!

I honestly liked a lot, I liked that EXID remained fierce throughout the whole song, giving us attitude and vocals

Totally what I was expecting

Since the moment I knew they were releasing new music, I already knew they were going to deliver greatness

Especially when such new music and video was going to feature Solji once again, it made us, us fans, even more excited!

I think this type of song fits EXID aura and presence quite well

It reminds me of "Up and down - EXID"

But not entirely, it is like a mixture of up and down and "DDD - EXID"

So yeah, yeah I liked it a lot!

This song is a BOP! It is certainly a "Yes" for me!

I want to know your thoughts guys, let me know down below what you guys through of the MV

Is it a yes or no for you? Is it a yay yay or is it a nay nay? let me know down below ;)

Well guys that is all for today, it's your boy, Jean Paul Miliano

And welcome back to...

What am I even saying? Welcome back ?! lol The video is over boy...

And I will see you soon in my next video, byeeeeeeeee! <3


For more infomation >> SOLJI IS BACK!! 🤯💕 [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 알러뷰 (I LOVE YOU) M/V (REACTION) - Duration: 6:57.



Dont be scared I wont hurt you

Here, I bought you something to eat

For more infomation >> [GACHAVERSE] TSUNDERE BAD BOY - EP 2 [READ DESC] - Duration: 3:14.


OPINION MOT OPINION LIVE: Public Service - Duration: 18:21.

For more infomation >> OPINION MOT OPINION LIVE: Public Service - Duration: 18:21.


Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct - First Test Games - Duration: 56:29.

Nick speaking and welcome to this battle report and if you're new to the channel

and you want to keep up to date with the wonders of Warhammer 40k then please

subscribe and hit the bell button so you don't miss an upload right today is

something a little bit different so my buddy is back after around three months

of from 40k we decided between us that it would be pretty cool to test out the

new necron seraptek heavy construct model now of course I've only just finished building the septic

so I haven't got it painted but that's will be my next project so

we're playing just over seven hundred points I've got the cirrhotic and a

cryptic and my buddy's got a squad of terminators and two predators

now we're going to be trying out a new format in this where we're basically

just having the tripod on the camera just running we've got a brand new hood

ice tray now this game was quite unplanned I wasn't going to make a

battle reports but I thought I would just try something different now the

dice tray is something that I want to talk about in this video because I've

placed it in the exact of position where the light shines off of the dice and he

can't see the numbers so apologies for that if I had placed it anywhere else on

the table you would have be able to see the numbers and so maybe in the future

with a few tweaks and adjustments I'll be able to make some battle reports very

similar to this now the reason why you can't hear us talking at the moment is

because I actually forgot to put the microphone on I will remember in a

second so it just sets up we've rolled off I one first turn my buddy tried to

seize the initiative and fouled so I thought it would be fun if I just record

the whole of the game just literally stick the camera on the tripod press

record and that is the battery port almost like a live game this video will

see us play two games this is the first one where I'm using the synaptic

obliterators straight transdimensional projectors then in the second game I'll

use the singularity generate first of all though I'll just talk about

what's happening so I'm shooting the big gun here I didn't roll particularly well

my only managed to get one wound dice through so I did six damage with the

first big gun so not particularly well this is just a fun game to buddies just

getting together rolling some dice and just seeing what this new Ford world

model can do now I think I've just remembered to turn the microphone on so

unless the game continued as we played it okay so now we have the microphone on

so let's further gain so now that the small guns at the predator and we have d

six shots there's two of them so three

so here we go straight slowness fifty flip it's out on three so one misses

strength six and just one win from that gun that is at minus three okay so what

we most I won't once save you got four plus saying like yeah yeah five six

seven oh say so it's D plus p3 okay six is over quite d3 damage three says nine

damage in total I don't know already how did six from the first gun don't know

that's over here yeah that one yeah yeah well then go six okay he's dead

these are you sure I know he's gone about Williams's know not many words any

11 you never alone to instruct phone last mighty you shoot okay so not an

impressive first timber I didn't roll credibly bad right

yeah you'll turn one you know yeah my wiki prob'ly not not give up you

have my funny tape measure I'm gonna go now I'll do now I'm gonna

make sure that they so I'll be bit closer to you yeah well I'm this those

are gonna do this yeah that way okay and volunteer five

six seven eight nine perhaps 65 okay I plus 3 is lots to do

give up

little baby ones I'm gonna give you what opposites against a

all righty - - Jesus okay Chris kiss Rebecca I think might be

good is that big thing okay they're gonna leave supplies the success because

you yeah yeah why's the sexes yeah strength nine you and your stupid threes

doing Joe no Kevin to see Emily boots come here yeah so tuple it's hard one

so this rolling trace location there we go that's good like it

DDT I think like Oh son also is that it boat yeah okay but I'm being heavy dad

because he's

because I'm not impressed with this it's rolling okay

this one was faster so what are you six is eight by five incoming where you are

there but you can't get that one done okay - wait is that nothing just stupid

what is one to be a full cross them okay saved okay done okay but neck on turn

two offices you can up some of this toughness eight hey okay he can move

sixteen inches come on let's just see we can do in close combat show wait sixty

we know it's governs of rubbish this thing we can do those come back oh my

god this guy still not gonna be honest I

believe that be clean yeah bombs this guy oh yeah having to

rebuild it yah to issue one of you under the trance

where you avoided oh I'm glad to put them in here

funky paw print right

sixty inches exactly across the board okay so I'm gonna shoot oh I'm gonna

shoot one gun at that tank and one gun at that don't I'm not having this 16

inch so the first gun has how many shots it has two twenty three is to get the

bullets out this is going to that one by the way did you go so both out and

straight sixteen to two's so that's 12 damage yeah okay and then the second one

just over there how many shots comes across three shops in threes to miss and

twos and that's another six damage and the small guns

okay yes small Belgian range so that's 2d6 so that's six shots frames and this

is only straight to 6:30 so top of seven yo Yipes - saves minus three so six is

there yeah three four five six I can do that too small one - one - two

- seems to have you know one choice of eyesight but he came alone okay

that is the shooting dumb assault I'm gonna declare an assault on those guys

for defamation okay how many inches are we is good to come in four inches yes

then you know anything about engines over double ones

alright let's see what he's got so he's good a hit to you he's got Titanic

Orleans and in fact with this weapon choose one of the following trade files

so we can have double strength - for AP and six damage or we can have the user

strength which is strength 8 - 2 well the ATP Slimane no difference because

you've got storm shields yeah ok some of them today next okay

make three hits rolls each attack made with this weapon let's try that one

first then so we get it go attacks how many taxes he got he's got

six attacks right six attacks so he has a ballista skill of three so three two

Mets then we are use a strength firstly strength eight toughness for yeah yeah

one japanese for two's yeah my old hip right make three hits roles for each

attack mate with this weapon okay three hit roles for each attack well so go do

that twice more make d make three hits role beach attacks yeah 18 as well

alright here we go so these are the rest of the attacks meaning threes okay and

strength eight threes

right so that is all the winds there so we've got eight nine wins at minus 2/9

Oh a couple of storms she was in it one time oh god did that one come yeah he's

got a guard you didn't know anyone brettly's I might I can't cuz you got

against who's dead oh yeah yeah you know you go to the next

one yeah come please Julie put storm shows

ah as soon as you said that shut up okay so that's D three damage pays only got

one window no wait let's hope mater's tips

oh yeah d3 damage three damage ISIL first whatever sync oh damn it

everybody's depth economy was yeah yeah

we're doing good passively in it yes that's right here yeah that's again it

you want to go stall showed you right yeah that one the healer I'm gonna need

more sports today so one case three 2 D 3 domains wanna be cool

six he's dead lizard okay that's my attack done you may hit me back sir

nothing funny two forces okay that's nice all fees for okay just don't fall

for these four on those ones so you need six is then you on okay

but once anyone oh yeah one - two

because I haven't got the stats they're all in there it's a couple yeah the

status of the fight back yeah we just used this one oh it's good of you take

off yeah I do one doesn't fit under my table - to leap in - take can be wobbly

fall out - Rousso k 5 + a not saying yeah I see we do they were happy they've

got wind but Oh BAM is that down to 27 rooms 612 money the bigger big dice 12

more storms you 22 October 27 2014 5 mistakes

thanks Evan twelve twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven

right okay done dunya so that is my turn to turn - what's up -

hope you got some fuckin hammer stuck together

sneaky Thunder I was sitting at the back okay

I thought it was all and hoping Klaus next okay

here we go to tax he'd be hitting on - Falls because of his big fund are you

think it'll force yeah no fees so for us won't get that next time one to do these

were here on three so what was the other weapon that just

you just hit anywhere from the fun dynamic indeed oh no I mean the one that

did the damage wasn't so good we will leave sixes is only in it was this

successful positive dead Giroud for this trip for no strength sport your

toughness eight so happy sixes yeah sorry

what did you hit me with before the one you did the wind as a lightning club

okay so you got to chief what do you got in there then you got buddy because he

was here I thought he was America's small shield so you were done then yeah

yeah you had one wound up - one from this weapon here one win 2-1

please see on the AP smash you okay I'm gonna say I'm so he's all good

cool there you go so ten teeth you have a temperature any Morales how many did

oh you got to know you better than you know five six is eight yeah 1/6 plus

help me know if you run six I'm gonna whatever your leadership is c-45 yeah

leadership hey hey yeah keep under six plus three I

can we vote yeah yeah you can read roles well anyway so I cashews

in combat how does that work yeah I said I could by the way you can

fall back but obviously then you can't bring ourselves you don't really see

what they any special ropes Jim the six guards against time mm-hmm

they got to sit back with the one I asked off a Thunderhead with two shots

and hit trash shops

oh it's hotdogs sister this way just so I can open the last n dice if you stand

still just type inches this is on concrete let's come fling it's custom

longer taking another me rolling there's not always a lot fives there yeah six

minus one for this one okay no one damage chicken abundant okay

minus one means I'm gonna be just be on the five plus a we've got five missing

but anyway so oh yeah Trey's working quite well one

damage do you think this well I say that for them

you're not only used to trade any when used apology so there's two wins yeah

yeah it's a to damage any posters coming down

green lights out of a proper dice who are these people forgot these identical

meditation place six as long as you shrink like to play 95 yeah okay that's

interesting temporary I get one wind back for living

metal it would be D three wounds if I could attach any range because if I put

them there you take your wings Thank You limbs right shooting I'm gonna

shoot you how many wins you got no 600 no I did straight six damage no say was

he let me win still here that's a five Lambo shop maybe as you should not show

as well as he do I'll shoot one gun in two maps one going to take one going to

the Terminator yeah so the big gun big profile which is called a synaptic of a

little rater D three shots and two shots in threes and I need twos good one so we

know sake that's - 4 - 4 AP I'm sorry that's alright

that's got 3 passe yeah yes yes that is 6 damage show you soon

no it's - fortunately wake up yeah so the other gun shooting at enemies

so again deep 3 shots so two again so need Oh

no bullets get out so we shoot the small gun which is 2d six shots no it's not

it's only six shots because I've got the gun the other way one shot so threes

miss this guns are rubbish so I'm going to go straight in just be yourself one

inch away there's something with the other profile now just to see what it

does so the other profile we're going to use is in feeling strike so we have six

attacks so let's get six dice okay six attacks we need threes to Mets and this

is double stone so with strength 16 so now it's twos

let's just hear me yeah yeah exactly that because I'm shooting it hit me

yeah as - for AP you got three we got storm shield yes I got three same storm

visually so these do six damage I should have obviouly attack to the other weapon

let's just record shield okay I'm warning kinky diced quite lightly paper

obviously body mist monument hits would have been better

well that's interesting okay I'll text back story ship hearing your that's like

thunder hitting your own force yeah times 2 GB 8 okay all fours yeah so this

will be

so it's minus three is that TV cherishes his Sunday no I mean my pal positive

mode you she left it

alright times 2 minus 3 on your safe line generation okay so I'll take the

invaluable safe there's a fight press which jumps at the pot but it's a 3 so

I'll fail it so you don't 3 damage okay - ready

happy now okay so you got your shoes or something I said yeah happen to me hit

me so yeah that's supposed to slide yeah and then it's your turn will it turn

three yeah turn three

okay a big one Falls thank you again this time to do

this gate you have no swords made with this move right there

oh you suck O'Banion yeah yeah so just carry on come on yeah you should be a

salsa new the other ways Benson you've only done the fun times so far okay yes

so we got back but my free stuff yeah - - so three four five so I take the five

across one will say but both us out just one damage in one damage each so we got

left you're gonna cage down to two yeah still

got 18 19 20 room if you get me down to what 14 okay down on the negative who's

better Moines it's great because we're in combats today yeah now back to your

terms wrestling for so far yeah you I am pause well you see realize if you

if you kill me I explode that's a key it'll be a draw dude this Thundermist

damage when you got a - on it - race I'll take the 5 + invulnerable save say

lightning doors coming on 3 through 6 is lighting close the rear older sixes - -

- okay I pass you give up hope you should give up don't you want one dammit

yeah yeah yeah one here you go right I'll kill this bastard by turns four C's

under points of nothingness right my turn for fallback funny don't think a

full back sheet and it's all funny about is what a boost since the usual yeah you

know okay so the good shoots both guns obviously asset so all the DOS together

so we get heavy D 3 so 3 4 5 punch outs in threes it's quite cool DPP shoot it

yeah - well I said two saves at - four yeah best take that on the song feels


yes I'd okay and then this small gum is to be six shots all ten so by the green

doses were like yeah okay so need threes

just strength set so p3 again I'm just one no to two wounds at minus three

I've got to take it on the store Monsieur because it's a fully allocated

it to it so be too passive is it okay no one know what - what's this - like this

right - 300 say something I'm doing something though you can't make the

watch I'll just double check the range four inches just in that's why she's

just growing okay so I'm definitely gonna go with the other weapon because

that's what I should be doing against infantry so with 18 attacks by any

terminators ten that don't think I've ever saved the day up say 18 attacks so

we raise

okay this is double they're not that was user strength to strength eight but I'm

double anyway so be twos so the ones mess okay so you got three double then

you have to be more than or no yeah equal so don't plant office will be -

yeah so I'm gonna do with this advice yeah those are - - okay - - that's

interesting what that'd be a four plus what they own

company the story should begin the myth it's gonna die any no hustle no a story

shared is pretty good at the moment you - to be a five five one man here we go

come on not saved oh come on that's a six you know no I'm

sorry he damaged T 3 T 3 damage 3 no no no - yeah I have the other one who might

as well 4 + available one no deep three damage one she's still alive another one

again yes of one yeah do you free time I'll tell you it doesn't matter yep

that's it these didn't know yeah yeah the net consumer life is a sex and it's

that zero which is a base clear

here is a storm since Papa died slap oh no you got a deal film a t32 dude

mm I yeah one song goes oops she's hanging off extended right I need

more song fuels they see what the other doesn't guns can do then shall we yeah

you could go for something different

yeah yeah let's just read let's just go for it cuz you're having different guns

and it won't be as hard comes oh they take it they can have more volume of


okay so Game two we've now got the singularity generators so you've now

deployed one hiding one on top of the building and termes are only reserved

right so let's find out oh I put my pick take more forward this time not right

behind it I hope that I can keep up a bit it could be dead you're right

and you did a bit of character yeah I can't shoot him so he's behind that

until he's the tracers target yeah okay okay let's say he goes first I get plus

one my roads not in the tray or six a five okay so I'm gonna go first

no you got terminators come unless it's not fair is it weird to have another

character oh yes he's initiative so nope I don't

know did you fell I didn't say you fell that I said it's a boy I got it yeah see

three times face extinguishes it was here on the whole table you get most

stuff even as long as you deployed in the middle it's quite just

I'm zipped up okay homes are covered anyway this is gone in

the middle Kotick dead we don't care okay yeah he gives him t3 living metal

as opposed to one living met so many regenerates as we were lost ones just

not quite good enough for now right I'll tell you what let's pick them up here

look okay yes it seemed range three inches no in range that's okay right

here we go yeah are you ready we're going to shoot the tank on the

building there are you 50% in cover not

okay okay we've got six d3 shots

I know yes yes change yeah so if you and if you're in a building and you're

you've gotta be 50% cover facing but basically and then you get to say okay

here we go Pilate be nice 3 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 6 8 10

10 shops being threes

okay and we are strength eight chapter seven ya3ne 60s are mortal wounds and

well as the normal way to success they get to instant wounds and that misses

and then you've got five sites to me at -3 a p5 says yeah

I'll take two more words plus whatever they're gonna read them yeah these are

d6 damage each I can you hear so six ten terms fifteen twenty twenty four rooms

can I rebound and shoot you shoot easy no choice yeah my gut instinct is that

these guns are the best but I know a lot of people disagree let's find out this

keep going that is my ten note that gives her one I

mean does he can he see anything what are your doing you can see ya

maybe they'd like more secure as you don't have and also is 72 inches so you

could sit right in the back and just shoots misty wants to but then you won't

get your 24-inch right here other big and if he explodes

you can't on a for class he doesn't serious damage in close combat these all

take hands it's not coming so cool right

okay off again yep no it's pies and 60 strokes every if I the air vibes I'm

sorry I'm making have to go non-stop bad five permits fight that's my as one I

know each one so has been for us safe and to get threatens back you how much

damage is that just illusion it okay says 26 bills legs like years more like

Condit I in procedures what that's three to shoot this one no bending years ago

five designs be success no thank that no

okay don't ya but to get one back for living metal

there we go and I am good since to me slightly this way just so

that I within three inches this time which I am now and I still see you so

we're going to shoot guns oh yeah heavy can he move as you can see okay

but I can't fly don't need to talk as you can just basically here we go so

we've got 63 shots 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

to the 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

I so need fries together but it's out

and then we need strength 8 so decrees again that many saves at minus 3 3 6 is

that all you got very 20 d6 damage there was some renting in there probably

better doesn't matter finding that back well this will be no yes Amos yes or

sd-6 yes

all right guys so bring you bring attorneys in that's about I do shouts in

close combat showing my J would you know me well for your so this is the new

terminators even her new would please me no double ones coming up there no down a

lot this song never I'll be services are supposed to do yeah inches away

so every day is away oh yes what you let me thing so we guess

this video is not popping 300 I done that wrong last time sd-3 how many shots

I've lost on those three nothing so three

no I didn't know three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

thirteen fourteen it's just a loss of shots I said no 25 success and I've so

now we need straight bait so chuckles for ya twos three saves up - three four

- no - - yeah yeah that's our story up this morning thank you take double one

coming up you won't happen look no ten times are changing

not quite missing listen I don't know what to do dice now or you to kill him

cancer here we go I'm quite the bit rusty

you know he woke up right before a five-person but it will save not cite

three don't free damage at wounds clean them down there is it heroes Thanks

nothing no don't mind that whatever

okay 18x18 attacks of this particular weapon there's only strength 816

strength eight tubes

that's all in I think they're moms take a slice - Tiffany oh yeah - same as last

one yes

d3 dammit one moment no that's the one again so yeah that's that that guy

should clear the pot yeah - deep gray one dimensions is that three ones here

so far you're done we're done congratulations it's one man they're a

single wouldn't thank you yes free pass and butterball safe freedom very good if

you hadn't if you have no in buttons on that you know that actually would do

quite a lot of damage yeah okay cheese cheese dogs yolks yeah

might maybe three or is it because you got storm Jersey so I get d3 living

metal so I get three wins back okay so now we are going to go shoot okay so

we've got 63 shots we've got two three four five six seven eight nine ten

eleven smoke zips bus hitting threes

member dhensby sixes are multiple wins

twos one one multiple wound and the rest are saves they got one one more to win

so that guy's dead he's on one wound now say for Nautilus not unless you've got a

stupid disgusting resilience

deaf girls do I have who chooses where the woods goes I'm all the same stuff

no no you do do you have a case but he's got wind already so yesterday yeah

oh I'll just let him die with this that kind of later

yeah sakes first gonna be first going yeah

cheesy storm shield hope you then make it last of one okay what if we did plan

D Frida legit Frey just rebuild it yeah same so yeah he's one more dead

three who's that storm show going

yeah I have a lightning cool guy decide be through yeah force no no no yeah - to

and then a mortal wound okay I'll take um on I've got to take one of the young

these ones like yeah okay don't shoot you with my cryptic was it right 12

inches here's okay here we go so need for Reese string five threes

nothing good okay okay soap you know Justin right we going to do the weeping


and that is don't you shoot it you just shot me of everything yellow yeah that

was I did the wrong stats there's - um - 3d6 damage not teeth I was looking at

them to be close combat stats oh it's - 3 DC I was always doing what good - no

he's - 2 D 3 damage exactly right here we go then so he has 18 attack meaning 3

and we are safe state say Jews all right so those are minus 2 and D 3 damage this

is D D 3 so 1 he's dead lightning cool yeah one wind leave me to kill that will

do well I did one range by d3 Dennis

hope T this time on your win one wounded guy I'm talking nobody fee for this one

punt damage oh it's best to move it stone axes wicked it's Kelly super one

hello no that's the mist causes - and - yeah

last one last one on the storm show going

Oh d3 damage one one will hit you once I said that that's my guy you finished

yeah last one to finish cuz you never hear the noises no the blood angels and

he yawned fours not today adds up to 4

for you plus one is for me okay here we go

only 18 sites I'll cover let's do the other weapon mr.

yellow recommend so that's only six six dice in threes strength sixteen there we

go so that is minus four and the six damage

I can't do that because I'm not I have my Papa dice with your one wing left

okay you better the match should be holds up he holds up yeah yeah you ready

I'm ready

today oh yeah Oh nearly two to one week left

yeah yeah a definite modern killer I think really

For more infomation >> Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct - First Test Games - Duration: 56:29.


We're leaving Sweden VLOG - Duration: 13:30.

Hey, hey!

You just saw our new intro!


- Our first intro, we haven't had one before. - No.

Several of you have asked us: "Can you please get an intro for your channel?"

- We have one now, and we really like it! - Yes! What do you think?

- Should we watch it again? - Yes, let's take another look.

I love the logo! I think it turned out so good.

I would like it on a T-shirt or a sweater - a THE SWEDISH FAMILY T-shirt!

- Me too! - Do you also want one?

- Would you want the logo on a shirt? - And be a part of THE SWEDISH FAMILY!

We'd really like to know, so we'll have a poll. Please answer it as honestly as possible.

Yes! It's just for fun - yes or no?

We have also taken new profile pictures of us... we can update our social media.

- Our previous pictures were super old. - Yes, they were.

Another question we get a lot is: "What are your social media accounts?".

- We have YouTube, as you know and are watching now. - Yes.

We have Instagram...

We have TikTok...

- We do not have Snapchat, unfortunately. - No.

We've just started our first Facebook page...

...our only Facebook. - Yes! Our first, and only Facebook.

Can you see it?

I don't see it...

I wonder if our viewers can see it. Do you think so?

One of the biggest reasons we chose to start our Facebook page now... that our photos were taken and used on fake Facebook pages that appeared to be us.

If you can help us, it would be great if you hit thumbs up on our Facebook page. (Link in description)

- So that no one can steal our material - again. - Exactly!

But our main channel is still YouTube, and we're vlogging today!

You'll follow us as we head out, and we'll answer questions we often get, and talk about future plans!


- Where are we going? - First we'll recycle, then we will...

NO, MOM! Don't step on the dead crow!

There's a dead crow on the ground...

Dad, I'm scared...

No, it's nothing to be afraid of. Poor crow.

Let's just leave!

- Yes, let's go. - I don't really like birds...

- What macabre start to our family vlog! - A dead crow...

- Yes, it was so sad! - Yes, poor crow.

We're on our way to Aspuddsparken. We're about to take the subway there.

- From...? - Mariatorget.

Where do we live, Alma?

- In Södermalm in Stockholm. - Yes! That's correct.

- Several new subscribers have asked us where we live. - Right!

I have a really exciting question for you viewers!

Let's stop here.

We've found out that most of our viewers live in the big cities: Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö.

We wonder if that's right! Please leave a comment and let us know where you live!

It would be so much fun to find out where in the world, or in Sweden, you are?

- Watch out, Harry! - Wow!

You have to move to the side.

- It's Tomteland. (a theme park) - Yes, with Bamse.

- Yes. - Tomteland with Bamse!

- It's at Kolmården. (a wildlife park) - What! Really?

It looked like Tomteland!

If you're not from the big city, you may not know this, but in Stockholm...

...everyone standing still in the escalator are to the right, and anyone who wants to walk is walking to the left.

It's an unwritten rule, and it's good to have it in mind.

There it is, up ahead.

What's special about this park...

Oh, the wind picked up.

There are animals here!

Yes, exactly. It's like a smaller version of Skansen. (an open-air museum and zoo)

- No... - No, it's not. But they have some animals, anyway.

- What does that sign say? - "Do not feed".


Alma, that's a horse!

Alma, there are horses! A real horse!

It's beautiful.



Many viewers have asked if you would like to go horseback riding sometime?

Yes, yes, yes, yes!

Who wants the GoPro on their head?


- I did not understand a thing! - GoPro on your head?

- When you're on the horse, or what? - Yes, you can have a GoPro on your head while riding.

Feel how soft it is! Beautiful, kind horse.

Do you want to pet it? Take your mitten off so you can feel the horse.

Be careful, so it won't step on your toes.

They know they're about to be fed, that's why they're extra happy.

I see!

Are they ram rabbits (Aries)? They don't look like regular rabbits to me.

Wait! Why didn't you say...

...that an Aries is a rabbit!

- What? - My zodiac sign is a rabbit!

- Is your zodiac sign the rabbit? - Yes!

- She's an Aries. - Yeah, you are a little rabbit!

Here comes the hot dogs!

Oh, how yummy!

My hot dog.

Oh well...

I'll have some juice.

When I checked the weather report, it said 9 degrees(°C)(48°F), so I thought it'd be quite warm...

It's not 9 degrees... It can not be 9 degrees!

- No, but it probably was when the sun was up... - It's still a bit up.

It's not up, it's like... It has just gone sideways.

Yes, and the time is 3 p.m.! This time of year in Sweden is just...

Yes. It is cold, and dark. This is the first blue sky in a month.

Yes, you're right. Look.

Many viewers have asked us if we have a trip planned.

That's correct...

We have already finished...

No, not "finished" - I meant to say that we have revealed some of our plans in a livestream.

I can't speak!

I don't know what's wrong. "Does not compute".

- No!

We've already talked a bit about it in a livestream, but we removed it because the quality was so low.

I think we should say it again; what are we planning?

A trip. A four month long trip, and we will...

- A 4 MINUTE trip?! - Almost. Just a little bit longer...

- What? You said four minutes! - No - four months!


We'll begin our trip at the beginning of next year. We'll visit loads of countries...

- Several countries. - Several countries, sorry.

It feels like butterflies in my belly, dad!

It may be loads. We don't know yet, because we're not done planning the route.

No, we haven't worked it out down to the smallest detail, but we know some countries we want to visit.

- Should we say what they are now, or wait? - Maybe we'll wait until things are... set.

- But, we'll travel far, and be away for a long time. - We'll be home schooling Alma - I'll do that.

Yes. Axel becomes a teacher.

- And we'll vlog! A lot. - Yes, you guys will be able to follow along.

Fun, right?

We're leaving Aspuddsparken. How many points do you give it?

- 7! - Out of how many?


Is it 7 out of 10? What is the maximum score, how many points can it get?

- 10 to 1. - 10 to 1, and it got...?

- 7 - That's not bad!

We're back home. The kids were cold after the park, so they took a long, warm bath.

Now that we've mentioned we'll be leaving Sweden for a while, I know there's one question we'll get... Hussein coming on the trip?

- Yes, yes! - Yes.

You want him to, but unfortunately, he won't be able to come.

- Oh, no. - Why?

He's in high school... - Yes, which he has to attend.

- He's working... - He's working out.

Yes. He's up to a lot, for the most part.

And Hussein is now 20 years old, he wants to move out.

- Yes. - It's quite natural.

He's looking for a small apartment to rent somewhere in Stockholm.

It's not easy to find, but we're keeping our fingers crossed.

We will of course keep in touch with Hussein, even though we are traveling.


Thank you for watching this video!

Please leave a thumbs up, or down.

Leave a comment, ask questions, and have a great time until we see you next time!

- See you! - Bye bye!

For more infomation >> We're leaving Sweden VLOG - Duration: 13:30.


Реакция на EXO History и What is love I EXO First Reaction I Jamy Pop - Duration: 12:33.

For more infomation >> Реакция на EXO History и What is love I EXO First Reaction I Jamy Pop - Duration: 12:33.


窥探感情:ta会背叛你吗? - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> 窥探感情:ta会背叛你吗? - Duration: 7:08.


感情阻碍:分手的真实原因你知道吗?心酸 - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> 感情阻碍:分手的真实原因你知道吗?心酸 - Duration: 7:15.


Fried eggs with laver。快手早餐,紫菜煎蛋饼,营养又美味! - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Fried eggs with laver。快手早餐,紫菜煎蛋饼,营养又美味! - Duration: 4:49.


Esercito News 24.11.2018 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Esercito News 24.11.2018 - Duration: 2:52.


Harvesting honey 2018 - Duration: 2:41.

It looks very good!

Oh! It's good!

Does it taste good?

Oh! My husband walks around with underwear!

It is light taste.

I think so too.

Do you choked on the honey?

Yes, I was choked on the honey a little.

But, It is really taste good!

We did a good job!

For more infomation >> Harvesting honey 2018 - Duration: 2:41.


擁有私人飛機的八位明星,個個都是圈內大佬,林青霞的高達3.5億! - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> 擁有私人飛機的八位明星,個個都是圈內大佬,林青霞的高達3.5億! - Duration: 5:42.


Preview 1 | Dspnfdbtu S1E0 - Duration: 0:49.

RIP headphone users ahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha

Is it break time now?

Yes it is, Mary.

Microsoft Mary?

What the блять is this naming paradox in this world?

Are you блятьing serious? Why did you even break the fourth wall and started conspiring about nothing?

Anyways, will you come with me outside of the set?

Um, yeah?

I just wondered how we can

"How can I make this video longer?"

MAYBE he could place some Windows Never Released suggestions here right now...

I heard that and I've got just the thing!

For more infomation >> Preview 1 | Dspnfdbtu S1E0 - Duration: 0:49.


真爱占卜:ta是认真的吗,还是在欺骗你的感情? - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> 真爱占卜:ta是认真的吗,还是在欺骗你的感情? - Duration: 6:26.


New Amazing Lip Art Ideas - Best Lipstick Tutorial - Duration: 3:26.

Hello everyone! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> New Amazing Lip Art Ideas - Best Lipstick Tutorial - Duration: 3:26.


《明星大侦探》何炅:其实我早就知道D&G会凉 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 《明星大侦探》何炅:其实我早就知道D&G会凉 - Duration: 2:15.


แกงหน่อไม้ ย่างปลา ตำถัว กินข้าวบ้านๆ - Duration: 21:11.

Hello everyone. Welcome to Hug Isan ban hao "ฮักอีสาน บ้านเฮา" channel. I hope your enjoy for watching my VDO. please enjoy with my cooking VDO and eat Isaan food .

For more infomation >> แกงหน่อไม้ ย่างปลา ตำถัว กินข้าวบ้านๆ - Duration: 21:11.


Tua Tagovailoa Tells McKenzie Milton to 'Shake Back' | - Duration: 4:00.

Tua Tagovailoa Tells McKenzie Milton to 'Shake Back' |

Players and fans all over the country responded to the gruesome injury to UCF quarterback McKenzie Milton including Alabama's Tua Tagovailoa.

The Alabama quarterback played against Milton growing up together in Hawaii.

"Prayers out to my brother shake back 10," Tagovailoa tweeted.

"We're very supportive of each other but at the same time, we compete," Milton told Sporting News prior to the start of the season.

"I try to hold myself to Tua's standard in the way he plays the game.

I think he's one of the best QBs in the country.".

Milton's high school coach Rod York noted he sees the same player at UCF that he coached at Mililani.

"That's the kind of person he is.

He goes down and sets goals and it doesn't matter what people say about him: 'Too small, too short, he's not experienced, from Hawaii,'" York explained to Sporting News.

"He just goes out there and plays and does his best.

He doesn't play to prove people wrong, but when he does, and the success he has, he's proven people wrong while on his journey.".

Both Tagovailoa and Milton have led their teams to undefeated seasons so far this year.

Milton initially committed to Hawaii before following Scott Frost to UCF.

Frost had recruited Milton while he was Oregon's offensive coordinator.

There has been no word on the severity of Milton's injury, but it would be surprising if he returned to play this season.

"Man, I just remember Tua being 10 or 11 years old and throwing the ball 50 yards and wishing I could throw the football like that," Milton told Jim Rome per Saturday Down South.

"He was my quarterback and I was his running back.

Then he ended up going to a team closer to where he lived, so our team needed a quarterback and that was how I started playing quarterback.".

Ole Miss quarterback Jordan Ta'amu is also from Hawaii and spoke about the influx of Hawaiian quarterbacks in college football.

"I think it's amazing to have Hawaiian quarterbacks come out here and showcase themselves and know that they can come out here and they can compete with the rest of those guys and compete with the country," Ta'amu explained to

"We are all doing our thing for our state.".

For more infomation >> Tua Tagovailoa Tells McKenzie Milton to 'Shake Back' | - Duration: 4:00.


| Deltarune | Susie feels stabby | Vietsub Phụ Đề | by jennypenny | Translate to Vietnamese | - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> | Deltarune | Susie feels stabby | Vietsub Phụ Đề | by jennypenny | Translate to Vietnamese | - Duration: 0:47.


Jovan White Musk: Saturday Fragrance Shakedown - Duration: 5:25.

hey everybody welcome back to my channel so this week Saturday fragrant shakedown

is on Jalan white must for women so if you'd like to see prices notes all that

stuff see if it would make a good holiday gift then please keep on

watching also make sure that you guys subscribe to my channel hit that

notification pal bookmark my page I blowed a video every single day of the

week and I know what you guys to missiny so guys I did purchase this on Amazon

and for 3.25 fluid ounces it was eight dollars and eighty eight cents the price

range is actually really really reasonable it ranges from about eight

dollars to eleven dollars you can buy it at Walmart a couple of retailers online

and guys I have to say this is one of my most favorite favorite favorite

fragrances kay if I had to only wear one it would be a white mask Kay

I love the jovan white musk it is awesome kay comes in this really really

pretty just clear glass bottle at his glass

okay and it has a little it looks like a freesia or whether those that called uh

you know what I mean it looks like this you know gold cap okay white lettering

and then it does have a little spritzer like a normal perfume would have guys

does have notes of jasmine 'link 'link honeysuckle musk and amber okay so it

does have that freshness from the flowers it's it's very very flowery it's

beautiful kay but then the musk in that amber with those beast melts it is such

a beautiful deep fragrance kay I do think that this would make a beautiful

fragrance any time of year okay has a great little spritzer it

doesn't come out too hard it's easy to control you know obviously when you

first put it on you are smelling what I put it on first thing I'm smelling is

that jasmine and honeysuckle okay it just smells so good at just the blend of

it is just so beautiful but then as it starts to sit on the skin

and starts to kind of warm up to your chemistry definitely the amber and the

and the must the base notes guys it is definitely coming forward it makes a

beautiful fall time winter fragrance but it isn't a heavy super musky scent where

you know it's gonna be heavy for spring or summer it's just a year-round

fragrance it's just so beautiful absolutely love it little Thor wanted to

come say hi hi but it's just such a beautiful fragrance it's it just smells

more expensive than it is it just I absolutely love it like I said this is

definitely like my number one if you like the body fantasies fresh white musk

guys you'll like the joke the jovan white musk a it's very similar it's just

such a beautiful fragrance I mean I just I love it I absolutely love it so if you

know your wife your boyfriend your partner whatever if they love a nice

fresh musky I like a lighter musky scent I would definitely recommend going into

store going into Walmart wherever and looking for the jovan white musk

maybe spritzing some on and see if it smells similar to something that they

have already or if they really like that type of fragrance just such a beautiful

fragrance but yeah it is very similar this one the jovan white musk it is a

little bit deeper you know it's perfume it's not a body spray but it is similar

to the body fantasy's fresh white musk I love both of them they are

interchangeable to me but I do this one is just so beautiful absolutely love it

guys you really can't beat the price you know eight dollars to eleven dollars for

a large bottle okay I've had this for about almost three weeks guys I do use

it daily you only need a few spritzes and it's gonna last you all day long

obviously if you want it to last a little bit longer put a little bit of

vaseline or a little bit of like grapeseed oil olive oil

very small amount k and then spray your perfume on top of that that kind of

helps to have a higher oil content helps to you know a little bit cheaper

perfumes to last a little bit longer but guys a beautiful beautiful presentation

beautiful white box with the gold just a beautiful fragrance I think it's great

for the holiday season coming up and yeah it's one of my most favorite

awesome fragrances in the whole entire world but you guys I hope you enjoyed

this week's Saturday for Ingrid shakedown if you did please go to and

give this video a thumbs up also make sure that you guys share this video love

getting the word out on affordable products horrible perfumes and the Jalan

white musk is definitely one of them and guys also make sure that you guys leave

a comment down below have you ever tried white musk perfume if you haven't if you

like that type I would definitely definitely definitely recommend it but

let me know down below in the comments and guys also make sure that you guys

follow me on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram snapchat

it's all a bunch of glam babe I will see you guys tomorrow for another video I'm

great one guys

For more infomation >> Jovan White Musk: Saturday Fragrance Shakedown - Duration: 5:25.


O Sétimo Guardião: Júnior leva fora de Luz e ameaça Adamastor com faca - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> O Sétimo Guardião: Júnior leva fora de Luz e ameaça Adamastor com faca - Duration: 1:16.


Harvesting honey 2018 - Duration: 2:41.

It looks very good!

Oh! It's good!

Does it taste good?

Oh! My husband walks around with underwear!

It is light taste.

I think so too.

Do you choked on the honey?

Yes, I was choked on the honey a little.

But, It is really taste good!

We did a good job!

For more infomation >> Harvesting honey 2018 - Duration: 2:41.


7 Técnicas Para Aumentar seu Penis - Igual Kid Bengala e ser grande garoto - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> 7 Técnicas Para Aumentar seu Penis - Igual Kid Bengala e ser grande garoto - Duration: 9:21.


SOLJI IS BACK!! 🤯💕 [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 알러뷰 (I LOVE YOU) M/V (REACTION) - Duration: 6:57.


Hello x3

Beautiful people, dear people, applauded people

It's your boy, Jean Paul Miliano and welcome back to a brand new video!

As usual guys, I am going to be leaving my social media accounts right here so you can go and follow me

If you are interested

Also do not forget to subscribe to our pretty little channel, so our family keeps growing and growing!

As you can see by the title of this video, today we continue our reacting to k-pop mini-series

Yeah guys, today we are going to be reacting to the one and only EXID and their comeback single


We have reacted to EXID in this channel before, so this ain't something new, only their comeback is new

However, EXID and I have history <3

So I got news, youtube finally enabled our community tab!

So I will be sharing content there and asking you to participate in polls to decide to what kind of content create for you all

Also I want to announce that we already surpassed 7K subs, we officially 7K members in this beautiful family!

This makes me feel a little emotional, I am very grateful to you guys!

I want to briefly express my gratitude to you guys for supporting and guiding me throughout this journey

Thanks for believing in me, you guys are the best, you're the most beautiful human beings ever!

I am grateful because I got every single one of you, and I will try to never take that for granted! <3 Thanks!

Well guys, without further ado, let's jump right into this video!



It started quite aggressively, caught me off guard!


I like this type of sound for EXID, it goes well with them


The video, its colors, I love the aesthetics, and the colorful and agressively sexy concept so far


This is something you could hear playing at a club!




It is quite good!

*Dances in Spanish*

I love you too, EXID!

I love this part specifically!


I love you <3


I am in love guys, I am in love with the chorus!



*SWAGG lol*

Loved this rap verse!

*Reacts to her sassiness*


I'd love to know what they are singing about, I have an idea, but I need the actual lyrics

The video does not have subs

Anyways, I love the vibes the song gives off!

This is a high quality AF production as expected from a k-pop group video

The location, again the colors, everything was well-thought-out

I am loving the aesthetics of the video!

*Sorry for those vocals*




This is my favorite part of the song

It sticks to your head

I love you like that?

Does it say "I love like that" or "I love you la la la la la" ?

Loved it!

Beautiful girls, simply beautiful!

Empowered women!

Guys I am very glad that I reacted to this!

And to see the five of them once again together in a MV

It's been a long time since the last time we saw our five girls together in a musical video!

The video was fire, it was lit!

I honestly liked a lot, I liked that EXID remained fierce throughout the whole song, giving us attitude and vocals

Totally what I was expecting

Since the moment I knew they were releasing new music, I already knew they were going to deliver greatness

Especially when such new music and video was going to feature Solji once again, it made us, us fans, even more excited!

I think this type of song fits EXID aura and presence quite well

It reminds me of "Up and down - EXID"

But not entirely, it is like a mixture of up and down and "DDD - EXID"

So yeah, yeah I liked it a lot!

This song is a BOP! It is certainly a "Yes" for me!

I want to know your thoughts guys, let me know down below what you guys through of the MV

Is it a yes or no for you? Is it a yay yay or is it a nay nay? let me know down below ;)

Well guys that is all for today, it's your boy, Jean Paul Miliano

And welcome back to...

What am I even saying? Welcome back ?! lol The video is over boy...

And I will see you soon in my next video, byeeeeeeeee! <3


For more infomation >> SOLJI IS BACK!! 🤯💕 [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 알러뷰 (I LOVE YOU) M/V (REACTION) - Duration: 6:57.



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beginning of story he was struggle to accept changing his destiny to become

the last protector and yeah you know we will see what kind of adventures

For more infomation >> THE PROTECTOR / HAKAN: MUHAFIZ (İNCELEME) [BİLGİ VİDEOSU] - Duration: 2:51.


Bingo Dog Song | Little Eddie Cartoons | + More Nursery Rhymes For Children | Kids Tv - Duration: 40:34.

Bingo Dog Song...

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