Sunday, November 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 5 2018

hmm, you clicked on subtitles with a no audio video?

weird... but I won't judge lol

guess I should maybe talk for you?


you are probably wondering why I uploaded this

the main reason is:

I didn't really have a good "end" to Geometry Dash

oh btw, that was a cipher on the description

you also might be wondering...

how this will relate to my actual "end" to Geometry Dash?

well, this is meant to symbolize my time in the game

starting from 1.8/1.9


and will eventually head into 2.0....

not the next part, but the part after :P

I will say "2.0" when that decoration will start (to let you know lol)


ha! you thought it was gonna be 2.0 here

or not since I told you previously it wouldn't be

and yes you are supposed to go through those blocks .-.

and yatta yatta shush ik those are not 1.9, but what are ya gonna do?

yell at me maybe .-. but oh well :P


the build up...


and yeah this is 2.0 part


yeah not thaaat good, but oh well may change

bye now :P

For more infomation >> a random level video - Duration: 1:30.


Diwali Brass Decor | How To Decorate With Brass - Duration: 8:03.

hello everybody welcome back I'm Dasha and I'm here to help you transform your

house into a home and today is the last video in our Diwali taker series and

today I have my tank of girls with me who are going to show us how to decorate

the brass because a lot of you wanted me to share the video on the same topic so

despite their busy schedule these there is took out the time specially for me

and you all and they shot the video and they sent me and send me the clips so

thanks to all these ladies and yes I'm gonna add links to their Instagram pages

in description box below so do check out because they keep sharing some awesome

wonderful home decor tips and ideas and some easy DIYs and lot more so you can

check out their talent on their pages I really hope you will going to

appreciate the efforts put in by each one of them because each one of them is

a power loss of talent and there is no comparisons because they are all unique

and they are awesome this is the positive place and we keep encouraging

and appreciating each other and that's hockey true so let's begin for my quick

brass minute today I have tried to mix and match Indian and African artifacts

and they look lovely together so I've started with this saree Rana and to add

a base on top of it here is a Mojave tea box to add height to the vignette and I

please to beautiful Balinese tattoos and to the right here is a ceramic bars in

which I have just put together some leaves from a friend's garden and let's

add some more brass over here I'll start by adding these lovely lamps here is an

incense burner which make a shape like a little dudes it

looks so pretty and what's a vineyard without some flowers so let's add some

flowers as well here we go so what do you think you we

are happy Diwali

I really hope you like the idea of decorating with brass and will be on

incorporating this in your this year's Diwali and that's all for today now I'll

be on a short vacation and I will see you after 15th November so wish you all

happy Diwali

For more infomation >> Diwali Brass Decor | How To Decorate With Brass - Duration: 8:03.


Cụ bà 70 tuổi lom khom bán snack hơn 30 năm giữa dòng đời bất tận - Duration: 36:52.

For more infomation >> Cụ bà 70 tuổi lom khom bán snack hơn 30 năm giữa dòng đời bất tận - Duration: 36:52.


Glosa: Jak je důležité míti přísného Kuneše. Krása a srdíčka nedělají službu divákovi - Duration: 7:42.

 Když se podíváme na životopis nového porotce ve StarDance Václava Kuneše (43), který nahradil Jana Révaie, jehož zlákala nabídka do Tváře, je to impozantní čtení

Skoro by se mohlo zdát, že se v Česku urodil takový místní Michail Baryšnikov, Kuneš se může chlubit nejen svou vlastní taneční skupinou, ale oslňujícím zahraničním angažmá

 Jen na Wikipedii, kde najdete vše pod jeho heslem, je výčet souborů, které ho angažovaly, a hvězdných umělců, s nimiž spolupracuje, tak mohutný, až oči přecházejí

Nikdo nepochybuje o tom, že Kuneš v tom, co dělá a čím se živí, dosáhl vrcholu a v porotě StarDance tak možná sedí člověk, jenž je znám v zahraničních uměleckých kruzích, zatímco jeho vlastní krajané se s ním teprve musejí sbližovat

 Ti, kteří čtou společenské plátky, si jej možná již spojili s moderátorkou a bývalou tanečnicí Kristinou Kloubkovou (41), oba jsou spolu žijí již nějaký ten pátek a doposud to bylo tak, že Kristina byla ve vztahu ta slavnější

Nebýt StarDance, bohužel pro Václava Kuneše by jej tady nikdo neznal, tak to holt bývá u lidí, kteří svou profesi směřují hlavně do zahraničí

 Kristina a Václav spolu studovali na taneční konzervatoři a znovu se potkali, respektive dali dohromady až tehdy, co si oba prošli manželstvím a mají z něj děti

 Je tedy dobře, že alespoň přes sledovaný pořad se Kuneš zaryje do povědomí veřejnosti tak, jak si pro své úspěchy zaslouží, teď ještě záleží na tom, jaký zanechá v divákovi dojem

 Prvně je třeba se zamyslet nad tím, že lidem, kteří jsou z povahy příliš pozitivní a dobrosrdeční, je zatěžko poukazovat na chyby druhých, či z nějakého důvodu odmítají vidět to špatné, protože se hlásí k teorii, že pochvala, byť i za maličkost, dokáže v jednotlivci vybudit větší snahu

 Václav Kuneš bude nejspíše přesně jedním z nich.Kritika má pomoci i těm, kdo posílají hlasy Od doby, co sedí v porotě StarDance, od něj ještě ani jednou nepřišla jediná výtka vůči hodnoceným párům

Kuneš používá obraty, za které by se nemusela stydět ani Lucie Bílá, která má v každé talentové soutěži osmkrát po sobě husí kůži nebo s každým druhým vystoupením tleská vestoje

 Jenže toto je trochu jiná disciplína než pěvecká show. Letošní porota je sympatická i díky věčně pozitivně naladěnému Kunešovi, jenž je v sestavě nováčkem

Ale i kritika je nutností. Pokud někdo umí nebo neumí zpívat, to laický divák slyší také, víc k tomu vědět nepotřebuje

Falešné tóny na sebe upozorní samy, ale u tance běžný divák chyby nevidí. Kritika je proto zásadní, ne aby shodila soutěžící, ale aby porotce prokázal divákovi službu

Diváci jsou ti, kdo hlasují, a přestože u nich rozhodují také sympatie, divák potřebuje návod od odborníka, jak by se měl rozhodnout

Je naprostá většina lidí u televizních obrazovek, která tyto tance tančit neumí, nezná terminologii a kroky, od toho je tam odborná porota, jejímž úkolem je to vysvětlit

 Na StarDance se také dívají novináři, neboť i ti pak píší shrnující články, ale jak se mohou zorientovat v tom, kdo se předvedl a kdo pohořel, když je porotce nenavede svým odborným hodnocením a namísto toho použije prázdnou frázi o kráse a srdíčku? Tancovala celebrita dobře? My nevíme

Líbit se nám to může, ale „líbění se" k ničemu není. Když nám to porotce neřekne, jsme v koncích a čtenář, který přenos neviděl, ale chce si přečíst, jak kdo tančil, bude ve stejných koncích jako nevědoucí autoři článků

 Mezi Tatianou Drexler a Kunešem se rozevírají nůžky, oba jsou od sebe nejdále, co se týče hodnocení

 Mezi Václavem Kunešem a Tatianou Drexler (a pomalu již i zbytkem poroty) se začínají rozevírat největší nůžky, zatímco Kuneš sází vysoká čísla, Tatiana k jeho osmičce přiřadí pětku a pozornému divákovi neunikne, že se u toho občas usměje

Proč to tak je? Směje se jen tak, nebo ji pobavilo kolegovo vysoké číslo?  Je těžko si toto vyložit

I katů se lidé v soutěžích nemohou dočkat Václav Kuneš se věnuje hlavně choreografii a baletu, alespoň co se píše v jeho profesní historii, nemá za sebou jako jeho kolegové z poroty závody v tancích, nemusí si možná být jist, že jeho hodnocení bude relevantní, ale toto by ho nemělo držet zpátky

 Jako zkušený tanečník jistě rozpozná minimálně v základech chybu a správnost, ale musí nám to i říct

 Rozhodně by se neměl bát toho, že by ho snad měl mít někdo o to méně raději nebo že by ztratil něčí sympatie, ostatně Zdeněk Chlopčík umí soutěžící i rozplakat, a přesto se na něj každý rok těší všichni, právě pro jeho přísná hodnocení

 Kritika, věcná, konstruktivní a jasně pojmenovaná, pomáhá k lepšímu výkonu více než pochvala za nic

Minimálně ale pomůže těm, kdo se na StarDance dívají, protože o jejich hlasy jde v první řadě

Kuneš je stále pozitivně naladěn, a to je dobře, i výtka se nejlépe přijímá, když je řečena s úsměvem

 Když ovšem není žádná, ze soutěže se stane jen souboj v sympatiích a namísto StarDance tu můžeme mít Miss tanečního parketu

For more infomation >> Glosa: Jak je důležité míti přísného Kuneše. Krása a srdíčka nedělají službu divákovi - Duration: 7:42.


Man Utd news: De Gea in Sanchez mutiny, Mourinho drops Real Madrid confession, Jones plan - Duration: 3:12.

 Manchester United players and fans are no doubt enjoying their weekends following the dramatic 2-1 victory over Bournemouth at the Vitality Stadium

 Once again, the Red Devils fell behind, with Callum Wilson firing Eddie Howe's side into a deserved first-half lead

 However, Manchester United responded in emphatic fashion with Anthony Martial and Marcus Rashford securing all three points

 Express Sport brings you all the latest news in the aftermath of that game.De Gea in Sanchez mutiny Manchester United star David De Gea is refusing to sign a new contract because of Alexis Sanchez

 That's according to the Daily Mirror, who claim the Spaniard wants pay parity with the Chile international

 The Red Devils are willing to offer him a huge extension worth £300,000 a week. But with Sanchez's own salary gazumping that, the Spaniard feels he is in line for an even bigger deal

 De Gea's current contract expires in 2019, though the club are able to trigger a one-year extension

Mourinho drops Real Madrid confession Journalist Duncan Castles has claimed Mourinho has ruled himself out of the Real Madrid job to close confidants

 "Mourinho has always told people around him he won't go back to Real Madrid because of the negativity of the experience and how it ended there," Castles told the Transfer Window Podcast

 "He elected to terminate his contract and go back to English football, specifically to Chelsea at that time

 "What I'm told is if Jose Mourinho were to be out of work now, had he been out of work at this moment, were he to become sacked by Manchester United in the next weeks or months Florentino Perez would do everything in his power to bring him to the club

 "He tried to do it before when Rafa Benitez was sacked as manager inside six months of his appointment as Real Madrid manager

" Jones plan Manchester United are planning to listen to offers for Phil Jones. That's according to the Metro who say that, though they are primed to extend his current deal by a further year, the England international may be sold

 Mourinho reportedly privately rates him, comparing him to John Terry. But Jones' performances for United have, ultimately, left much to be desired

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: De Gea in Sanchez mutiny, Mourinho drops Real Madrid confession, Jones plan - Duration: 3:12.


Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 8) {Diamonds} - Duration: 19:16.

Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 8) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 8) {Diamonds}

For more infomation >> Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 8) {Diamonds} - Duration: 19:16.


Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 7) {Diamonds} - Duration: 20:16.

Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 7) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 7) {Diamonds}

For more infomation >> Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 7) {Diamonds} - Duration: 20:16.


Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 6) {Diamonds} - Duration: 16:32.

Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 6) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 6) {Diamonds}

For more infomation >> Choices: Stories You Play - Rules Of Engagement Book 1 (Chapter 6) {Diamonds} - Duration: 16:32.


Why House of Cards Season 6 SUCKS (Spoiler-Free Review) - Duration: 0:59.

House of Cards Season 6 sucks for multiple reasons but let's start with the writing.

The dialogue between characters is mediocre and the lines that are quotable are quotable

for all the wrong reasons.

The new characters are boring and most of the old characters feel like they've been

violently castrated.

Claire Underwood is a very unlikable main character and her fourth wall breaks suck.

She honestly comes off like an edgelord 13 year old bragging to a 12 year old about stealing

beer out of her parents fridge.

I will say that I do like some of the show's editing choices, just because they're so bad

they become great.

This is gonna shock you, but I also hate the ending of this beautiful season.

As a season finale, it would've been bad, but as a series finale, it's horrible.

I'm gonna go hang myself again, please tell my wife I love my girlfriend.

For more infomation >> Why House of Cards Season 6 SUCKS (Spoiler-Free Review) - Duration: 0:59.


Titibo tibo (Gift for The Endangered Guest) - Duration: 1:02.

When we went to college,

Was just when I gave you

My sweet "yes" That you've worked for 10 months

Instead of chocolate and typical moves,

You captured me with your poems

And your corny songs.

Even if I am

Even if I am boyish

My heart still

My heart still beats

My heart still beats for you

Just one kiss from you, and you've got me hooked

And the woman in my is awakened

Just like a blooming flower


You care for it with water and sufficient

Light of your everyday love

That makes my life sweet

For more infomation >> Titibo tibo (Gift for The Endangered Guest) - Duration: 1:02.


The 2020 Bitcoin halving is previewed in the Bcash fork pump situation, Lite.IM, Initiative Q spam - Duration: 25:22.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is November the 4th 2018

what's that sure say strong hand long-term thinking one Bitcoin equals

one Bitcoin this game is not rigged run confiscate a bull personal

responsibilities name tryla kurtal culture the furrow of gratification I've

said too many sayings so basically a big point on Friday was awesome check it out

it's linked to below disrupt meister comm watch all my old videos Tech ball

comm TCH BLT comm watch all the old this week in Bitcoin videos tech fault is my

Twitter handle on between out all sorts of stuff so yeah Friday show is good

yesterday's beyond Bitcoin show was hilarious as usual if you want to hear

my Halloween and Thanksgiving stories and who knows what else goes on on this

weekend Bitcoin so not only this weekend well this forget on fiat to be on big

one show get them all confused and this is the

one Bitcoin show of course welcome so speaking of the one Bitcoin show on I

think I'll shirt Thursday's show this comment was left in the chat section

from Steve Brule he said three years ago people should have tried to own 10

Bitcoin now people need to try and own one Bitcoin three years from now

everyone will try to own point one Bitcoin so imagine three years ago you

don't want to be in the situation that like you are now regretting oh I could

have bought ten Bitcoin back in 2005 first of all don't be like that now but

so just the first step is to get that first Bitcoin but back in 2021 when

struggling to get that point one Bitcoin don't be that guy saying oh I would I

wish I would have gotten one Bitcoin back in the days of the one Bitcoin show

on the bitcoinmeister channel in 2018 so yeah

value you're off the Bitcoin that dude definitely is okay so the be cash pump

let me cash crypto dividend we everyone's starting to talk about it now

this weekend pal strange and we can learn a lot from this situation now the

people are starting to talk about it and coinbase apparently came out with this

announcement now I've seen this retweeted I didn't see it from coin

basis mouth but today's today's Sunday the the fourth of November and be cash

did pump yesterday and today actually and this is part of the reason but I'll

get any more into it and in this record they said in the unlikely event that

multiple viable chains persist after the fork coinbase will ensure that customers

have access to their funds on each chain okay so in the unlikely and you people

are the market is saying right now people are getting pumped for their to

being to be caches so I don't think it's too unlikely here okay but that that's

besides the point so coin base now is put that out there

and now people are like oh there's going to be a be cash fork

I should there be cash I'm going to end up with to be caches and this

information about the be cash fork as you all know I've been talking about

this since at least August all of the informations been out there yet you get

tweets like this one to let me let me show you let me show you how the

situation is how it's going on on social media now at the be cash like this is

completely new news okay this really is going to be the easiest money I ever

made just sit back and watch the fork do all the rest I think people forget that

be cash has done three X out of nowhere many times for a lot less

foolish news this trade is a no-brainer all the be cash haters will cry okay -

and so so replied to that now this reply explains the current situation really

well and that with that dude just said probably is going to happen that P cash

is gonna pump even more this is it this is a real tweet can you explain how the

fork works to me to the newbies or send the link so here's a guy replying to a B

- fork related tweet and he is he's a noob he has no idea that such things

have already happened before that be cash just a little over a year ago this

is the way it was bloomed from a fork this is how this is how it works so

there there are people who going to be buying be cash on all these rumors of oh

it's it's the next big thing it's splitting into without the experience of

the of the past and without the knowledge as this was even going to

happen it's just it's just news to them now and again ah oh yeah I'm sorry I

just read that ah so people are just waking up to these 11 days beforehand

despite it being talked about here for I getting all on this channel for months

they it's not like they've been hiding this information it's not like this is

insider information but yet it is insider information isn't it because

everybody people just don't pay attention people don't read articles I

mean and so that so now there's a hysteria a hysteria so there's only 11

days to get into this thing and so the price is pumping now why am i why I

ain't even going into such detail with all of this stuff it's because this can

be applied to the Bitcoin having in 2020 clearly clearly we all know there's

going to be a Bitcoin happing in 2020 we've known it for a while we've been

talking about it since the 2016 have a look at the reactions that this is the

fist to the beat cash to the be cash fork look at the people's reaction all

over social media like it's brick its news it's the biggest thing it's a new

thing something like this has never happened before or some people referring

to some mystical event a long time ago that it did happen

before okay this is hella 2020 happy it's almost Sun gonna palpable to see

the scene because coinbase is going to talk about it some other exchange is

going to talk about some other exchange and it's it's not until the exchanges

talk about it and the other the exchange is talking to the Trish then it gets

into these 80 percenter traders radar and then they're just like holy

moly I know well now I got to get into it now I got to start hyping you and so

you're gonna see a similar situation again in you know these are these are

two big point is the rock and but this be cash is a top-tier all coin so this

is a smaller scale of what's going to happen but so so so let's analyze this

situation go back to this situation that these newbies who have not been through

this before who not who don't understand that there be cashed was even formed

this way are gonna be buying more and more as they want to or who'd who knows

why they're gonna get into this hype so here's again another announcement and

this is going to keep triggering people this is from Nova exchange and they

straight up say be cash will undergo a hard fork on the 15th of November we

will support the new chain satoshis vision and airdrop it to our be cash

holders check news page for more information so expect more more

announcements like that from all sorts of exchanges saying hey keep your be

cash on our exchange or get your free asset oshi vision also and again this

was all i could have all been expected again i was saying it a while ago i mean

i mean i've been talking about this board for a while but I've been also

saying that yeah because of the height because of the newbies that probably the

new one plus the old one are gonna add up to more than just what the old one

was and this is the reason why because you got people asking in threads about

the fork what the heck's a fork they don't even that they they don't know

about crypto evidence they're newbies they just don't pay attention they're

like fancy sets and graphics will learn nothing pal that frickin like button for

this type of darn show we actually learned something

so no I'm not saying about me cash all these freakazoids are saying to do it

azad what i have to recast now again if you happen to have be cash you're gonna

have to learn you're gonna have to make a decision here your value to out the

bitcoin how can you take this situation to get the most big point possible for

that be cash that you have are they gonna pump it up to a level beforehand

that will I mean just be very much worth your while to turn in the big point then

who knows but basically I think before this pump started you know it was at one

7% of a Bitcoin I would have to say that the two coins afterwards and there would

still not be two coins afterwards and that's another factor to take into

consideration but if there are two points afterwards they'll add up to more

than up some percent of a Bitcoin all right so let's let's move on here

digital currency con-com but but I can go to it before I move on for all the

big cash haters and I know there many of you just look at the city's whole

situation as a learning experience and how even though all the information is

out there that the hype cycle doesn't start till the very last minute until

their trusted third party sources like coinbase say it's okay or you know that

all the exchanges start saying that it's going to happen oh yeah and this will

happen this will happen with be having also all these people who didn't know

that the Bitcoin supply is going to get cut in half and you before they're all

going to like holy well I got to get it now I got to get it now coin base just

mentioned this Bitcoin having on this beautiful day of January 11th 2020 I

better I better get it now before the main happy so this is the way crypto

works the informant the insider information is

out there and it is insider information because all these jacks out there

they don't pay attention they're just too much into life trying to turn ripple

and iota into into tron into whatever ICO

that they're not reading the basics that are out there you know crypto dividends

having x' forks it's it's been it's been there done now we've seen it and we've

seen this this pattern before of these heights all right and whatever eighty

percent of us are going to do way 80 percent is our gonna do if they're not

gonna learn and they're gonna just learn at the very last second or try to grasp

at the very last second they're not they're not prepared and they're gonna

do silly things again you learn so that you're prepared so there is no panic so

there are no last-minute moves long-term thinking so yeah

digital currency con-com I'll be in New Orleans speaking there on December 3rd

and 4th that it's coming back up in a month wow the discount code is below

meister use them to get 20% off and here we go big coin punishes the 80

percenters yeah that's true so there's somebody informed me about something

called light dot i am and i link to their a tweet about it and i link to an

article about it you can now send and receive light coin on facebook messenger

using light that i am we are happy to announce that light IM is now live on

facebook messenger 2 billion Facebook users now have direct access to easily

and securely direct access to easily and securely send and manage and invest in

light coin alright manage any but it's not that easy first of all it's like

eight different steps you got to take to integrate something on top of your

facebook Messenger so that you can send light coin okay then I think there's a

lot of that's nuts that someone built a little app that you can use with your

facebook Messenger but this is not like Facebook saying just building it into

them into their messenger so that everyone with Facebook can send easily

send like point that's up to situation and again this is a cool thing

but like you already have to be a light going fan to even go through these steps

to do this okay it's a it's not like people on Facebook are gonna want to

like go to light I am and do this there's no incentive

there's nothing again so what's going to be big one and what will can't to make

it this will be made completely useless one day when Facebook either creates

their own cryptocurrency or integrate some cryptocurrency into their platform

and makes it very easy to store that cryptocurrency

on Facebook it makes Facebook like a crypto back of some sort or something

there may be something I cannot even envision but they can make it super

duper easy this doesn't make it easy it's cool it's it's for all the litecoin

Hyper's out there they can say this is awesome you can but again it's like the

people that are building I mean it it's not it's not the easiest thing in the

world just like and again you have to give your you have to give your personal

information to I believe you have to have a you have to create an account and

all this again it's it's a nice try and you know the people are in motion but I

just I just want to say that Facebook can easily cancel it all out and just

tow it and they will one day one day these big social media giants in the

United States in the Western world will integrate some

type of cryptocurrency into their platform whether it be their own private

cryptocurrencies whether it be Bitcoin which it should be or king of the trolls

convince them to do to do be cash and again a Twitter will do something like

that so again that that's why some of these top-tier cryptos which are

centralized in a certain level which have marketing teams do have an

advantage over Bitcoin do real pump why some of them will pump again when these

so busy social media platforms are giant I mean everybody and their mothers on

Facebook and people are on Twitter you we all we you know and when people get

banned from them at the end of the world we've seen

we've been there we've done that so when one of them finally jumps on

cryptocurrency it's going to be a big deal imagine if they picked B - I

brought this on before and I'm the big cash fan but again king of the trolls is

a Salesman you go to Jack at Twitter and sell and say make this your official

cryptocurrency make it easy to use on your platform and Jack it and one second

can do that but again hopefully they'll take Bitcoin but the whole point of this

whole talk was that yeah like that I am is a lot more complex and it isn't being

forced in people's faces it's something they have to opt into again the social

media platforms if they choose to go with the cryptocurrency what they throw

it right in your face okay it'll be unavoidable they throw

everything in your darn face okay they just turn a guy your old are like one

there to show you which one of your friends they pick the friends that you

see in your feet and everything all right so pound that like bun let's talk

about some and some would say they they kind of spam you in certain ways and

certainly and speaking of spam and this is real spin again if you Facebook will

spam your email like reminding you hey you ever checked your Facebook in a

while look what your friends say so there's something called I mentioned

this on a previous email something called a previous show of mine something

called initiative Q and right after I mentioned it coincidentally people in my

comment section people think YouTube accounts you might in my comment section

start leaving comments about initiative Q and leaving affiliate links for

initiative Q you sign up for an initiative Q they get some initiative Q

okay I'm getting that big connect taste in my mouth okay you don't give them any

information don't even don't play this game they're saying in the next Bitcoin

I I'm just talking about it so you all know about it in advance so you'll be

like oh yeah this is the big new a bit connect thing Adam was talking about a

few was I again I talked about about a week ago now it was last week whatever

so be prepared don't fall into the trap Bitcoin is in

Bitcoin don't get bit connected up the yin-yang I don't know how anybody could

fall well 80% of do what any persons are going to do just like how they find out

about forks at the last moment you think they're the biggest news in the world

that be cash is gonna fork better buy my beat cash they're gonna find about

initiative Q and I'll never have heard of a big connect oh oh this sounds great

and again maybe maybe initiative Q will be okay I don't know all I know is that

all of sudden all these people are centers posting ridiculous thing

ridiculous things that look somewhat identical in my comments in and it gets

spam but they're just leaving these affiliate links and no yes this is spam

that kind of stuff which is left by robots i erase again if you're an

initiative Q fan and you leave a real comment oh me of course I'll leave it up

there but I get rid of all spam and trust me there's a lot of spam that

still comes in here from all sorts of other scans but its various its various

stuff like pump groups it's ridiculous this is this is a pretty organized

effort out there and it seems like they might have some backing behind them and

it might catch on because it's again it's got that big connect type of a feel

to it matter they all first notified me - this melts right in my face leave in

comments okay so the tether tether fun is like gone now totally because big the

big FedEx premium is like what $60 $50 now it's disappearing so that's that's

old news let's let's close that chapter it shouldn't have given you a big point

week and anyway and you know that tomorrow they might announce some ETF

thingamajiggy or whatever it's not the major ETF you shouldn't you shouldn't be

looking forward to it okay don't it doesn't mean they're gonna

get approved eventually this isn't the solid x1 anyway the van hack whatever

the hell of heck it's called so you know don't I tell people don't get too

excited don't get too down just keep an even keel and yeah it's they might have

some announcement tomorrow some sort you still have no matter what they announce

you still have the same amount of Bitcoin as you previously did again the

ETS stuff because 80 percenters or whoever you want to call because most

the market doesn't care to do research they don't realize there's going to be

an ETF eventually there so if it doesn't happen tomorrow they can that's the type

that's the type of people we have here and since it won't happen tomorrow this

it all never happened even though you know 2019 2020 whatever so it's not

priced in that there's gonna be BTS yet it's not priced in yet because people

are just in there in denial even though it is it is going to happen they need it

to be some magical mystical authorities say it will happen and then they'll be

like okay coinbase said it will happen thus it will happen but that and that's

not gonna happen either they so they're not gonna believe it until they see it

type of thing again as someone who understands the space you should know

financialization is inevitable you might not be tomorrow you might not be next

week it's inevitable so you get in you get in before everybody realizes that

it's an inevitable you've got that insider information that should not even

be insider information it's completely ridiculous that everything I talk about

on this on my videos almost every single thing I talk about on my videos is

insider information because people are just so enamored with the most

ridiculous things on the planet that they cannot take the moment to

understand what is going on but whatever that's the way the world works

and you make the most of it don't worry about what other people are doing you're

saying that what the 80% what's cool you know don't try to fit in it's overrated

pound the frickin like button and you won't end up like damn complaining about

why did all this beam of insider information I didn't why are they so

rich it's unfair that's why I find a way to take away their big coin I thought my

coin was I thought whatever Q and if Q is the next Bitcoin government

confiscate your Bitcoin but just like you could confiscate my initiative

chooses it was centralized no dude you really don't get it

it's uncomfortable pound that frickin like button it's 20 23 real wealthy

you're not you should have known twenty eighteen eighty I'm hearing the present

you're watching this in the future you're crying your eyes out

20:18 okay bench and meat cows out in Tahiti sipping a fine glass of wine

alright so in its 1215 2023 I mean right now you know he's still got his strong

he's got his strong hand we've all got our strong hand in the present as we

know about the future all right so well Panda has has something about here's

what here's a final warning to everyone out there a final story that should make

it think and well panda sums it up this way college kid starts trading crypto in

2017 goes from five thousand dollars to eight hundred and eighty thousand

dollars by the end the Year loses a lot of money at the start of 2018 and now

has to pay four hundred thousand dollars in taxes even though taxation is theft

obviously you still want to prepare yourself for it this is an amazing

reddit thread this kid and he is just a kid he's 21 or 22 years old that a whale

panda is referring to he was he bought from me bought aetherium from coinbase

it appeared he made a lot of transactions on coinbase I mean you he

got a tax form from coinbase he the kid even posts the tax form on reddit he was

so scared because he should have already paid his taxes for 2017 alright and he

hasn't paid his taxes for 20 for 2017 yet and it's an interesting story this

is why you shouldn't be a trader this is why you shouldn't be going back and

forth a million times but between crypto and coinbase and where they've already

got your Social Security I mean again you signed up for coinbase you signed up

for this kiddo you signed up for your 400,000 dollar

tax bill when you don't have I think he doesn't have $100,000 anymore or

something like it's pretty bad it's pretty big and he's delayed it he's

delayed it already should have paid his 2017 taxes already and so they're a cat

he posted this one I think they read it tax form and so look they're serious

accountants they're saying dude you are in big trouble you got to take care of

this ASAP again don't get into these distant whole

people have a strong hand don't play he was going for you aetherium

i ciose this that yeah you know where the heck he was doing if he would have

stay with the rock he'd still act value his Wolcott Bitcoin he still all have

all his Bitcoin he wouldn't have to pay taxes cuz he went in sold his Bitcoin

it's that simple but now the etherium that adopt he

played games and now it's a disaster for the guy and he said did crypto ruined my

life I think that was the title of it and no it didn't ruin his life so you

know if he comes down does the right thing you can get over anything you can

get over anything even a mistake like that

the think long-term diary well that big point so you don't get into a situation

like that pound that freaking light button I'm Adam I should have

bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember subscribe this channel like

this video this video check out the links section below I will say hi to use

in the chat bye and hold

For more infomation >> The 2020 Bitcoin halving is previewed in the Bcash fork pump situation, Lite.IM, Initiative Q spam - Duration: 25:22.


Anniversary BIITHC - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Anniversary BIITHC - Duration: 0:55.


塔罗牌心测:在爱情中,你需要注意什么?超准 - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> 塔罗牌心测:在爱情中,你需要注意什么?超准 - Duration: 7:10.



November 11 also known as Remembrance Day Armistice Day it's a time when we

salute our soldiers who fought and died to keep our countries free we remember

that we also salute those who are fighting other Wars of today. we wear a

simple emblem like the poppy and have a two minutes silence to honor and

remember them it's not very much for those who have lost their lives and also

for those who have been away for months on end I am sure there's a lot of things

that they had to do that they will not talk about but we can sleep in peace

they've been away from their families so that ours could stay safe they've

sacrificed a lot in life so that we could live free let's take a moment to

reflect you wear clean clothes every day the soldier will wear the same clothes

day after day sometimes week after week you go to bed

at night and sleep with a nice soft bed this is what the soldier will sleep in .

you get upset when the boss asks you to work half an hour overtime the

soldier is told he has to stay another two to six months we wouldn't be living

in a free country today if it wasn't for our military and our soldiers who gave their

lives so that we could live in this free country the soldier sees so much death

and dying innocents that are killed by their own countrymen and then remembers

why he is fighting this war they have sworn an oath to our country

and they will stand by this oath because they are a soldier

and also a veteran


For more infomation >> TWO MINUTES OF SILENCE / REMEMBRANCE DAY - Duration: 3:23.


What do you think should not exist? - Duration: 3:12.

hello friends I'm dragonate and welcome to another dragonate reading your

hands our video last week I asked you what is your favorite meme you guys

answered now I'll be reading your answers in this video but before we do

we need a new question for this week what do you think should not exist leave

your answers in the comments below and I'll read the next week first comment

comes from XX kuma XX who says my favorite meme is fortnight

memes and it cuz pub G is better I agree I agree pub G's better play for tonight

a couple times I don't hate it but I I prefer pub G my mom says I like the song

drunken sailor with the gun rolling on the exercise balls that one is funny we

totally did not just look that one up last week or randomly find it I should

say funny fluffy says I don't know why but

that skedaddle skadoodle meme is probably my favorite your dick is now a

noodle that one is pretty pretty stuck in your head kind of idea and me too

with her favorite meme is the riso risu-ukko meme perhaps it was popular when

I was in my confirmation campaign it was a constant joke there I don't know if I

pronounced that correctly I probably did not and I also have not looked it up so

give me one second here

well I have no clue what it would be except this guy here I don't know what

it is don't know what it's for and I certainly don't understand what he's

saying in the in the little video there so sadly that's is the answer but it

seems like it has something to do with know being in the forest or something

like that I have no clue I am probably completely 100% wrong on that but

regardless my favorite meme are at the memes you see behind me here

these old memes where you where they just have text on them because sometimes

these simple things can be really really funny and as you can see here I actually

made both of these ones this one here is how I feel right now memes are crap well

I mean the this one and also this one I feel the same way for it for both about

about how memes are right now they're terrible there's a lot of stupid pieces

of junk out there and don't make any darn sense or anything else so that is

that regardless that's it for this one - think I'll so much watching hope you

enjoy and have a wonderful rest of your week don't forget your crutch for this

week which is again what is something you think should not exist leave your

answers in the comments below and I'll read them next week and that is it

see you bye bye and Godbless oh don't forget to click up there for the Humble

Bundle stop by games look at bundles and stuff like that they have book bundles

and such good bye

For more infomation >> What do you think should not exist? - Duration: 3:12.


讓美國氣憤不已!石油制裁只剩三天, 危急時刻中國先發制人, 宣布一項新禁令, 美國徹底懵了, - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 讓美國氣憤不已!石油制裁只剩三天, 危急時刻中國先發制人, 宣布一項新禁令, 美國徹底懵了, - Duration: 4:42.


Flying teacup injures three at Leeds Castle fair after launching into crowd - Duration: 4:30.

 A giant teacup at a popular tourist attraction launched straight into a crowd of people and injured three when it came loose from a ride on Saturday night

 The teacup flew struck people lining up to ride the fairground attraction at the event at Leeds Castle in Kent

 On-site paramedics rushed to the scene to attend to three people who were injured after becoming trapped under the teacup, and a witness described seeing a girl with a neck injury who was violently shaking

 The witness, Dee Sturgess, said she was just minutes away from getting on the ride with her three-year-old daughter but had moved on after she noticed that it kept stopping

 Ms Sturgess, of St Mary's Island, Kent, said: "We were stood at the hook a duck stall when I heard screaming coming from the teacup ride which was just 15 feet away from us

 "I could see that there was a teacup that had left the ride base and was spinning through the air and it hit the people that were watching the children on the ride

 "The ride continued to move and everyone was screaming. I could not believe my own eyes

"  The loose cup was hauled back onto its base and organisers have said the ride will be removed from Leeds Castle, in Maidstone, Kent, ahead of a planned fireworks display which will still go ahead today

 Organisers at Leeds Castle said their on-site medical team treated three people for minor injuries and the ambulance service was not required

 A spokesman for the castle said: "Leeds Castle can confirm that an incident occurred yesterday evening before the fireworks event involving a low-level fairground ride falling from its revolving platform

 "As with any event of this size, Leeds Castle has a full team of paramedics on site who arrived within moments of the report of the incident, the ride being but fifty yards from the medical station, as did Leeds Castle's Chief Executive and Health & Safety Officer who had both been in the control room when the incident was reported

 "Whilst the incident was attended by Kent Police, no other emergency service was called upon and Kent Police departed the site satisfied with the immediate response

 "Three people were directly involved and, while understandably shocked, none sustained significant physically injury and were able to watch the full fireworks display

 "The ride was being operated by an independent contractor who had all the necessary licences and up-to-date safety certificates for the rides at the event

The ride will be removed from the site once further inspections have taken place

All other rides are being inspected as a matter of course. The display will go ahead again this evening, Sunday 4th November


For more infomation >> Flying teacup injures three at Leeds Castle fair after launching into crowd - Duration: 4:30.


獨立的起因令無數人捧腹!美國一市長因不滿美國政策, 獨立建國, 並向美國宣戰 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 獨立的起因令無數人捧腹!美國一市長因不滿美國政策, 獨立建國, 並向美國宣戰 - Duration: 4:37.


Flying Vertibirds in Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. - Duration: 1:49.

Welcome to mikegolden Games and welcome to Fallout 76 beta I was just running

through here and there are vertibirds flying around no idea if they're gonna

be friendly or not but I figured why not see what they're doing it looks like

they may be landing or they're gonna crash into each other there's something

down here let's get up Oh scenario they're gonna try to play with us we're

probably about the Scorch beast that was fun yeah yeah we ran across the Scorch

Beach George that ran across a scorched beast that was level 50 completely

destroyed us okay so are these guys gonna land it's at level 20 vertibird I

want to see the Brotherhood of Steel come out of there well I know that they

through like a brotherhood in here with war yeah and they did the same with the

Enclave but the Enclave makes sense for the area not not this with the

Brotherhood okay they're flying south they're going outside the map of the

game no don't leave me don't leave me in this place we must go just go explore

that town we could it actually looks a lot nicer than the one we were just in

like look at that okie in death like easeful and looks

like it just hit autumn yes autumn death autumn I choose Auto okay I'm gonna

leave this episode here hope you guys enjoyed it lemony we thought in the

comments blue take it easy guys

For more infomation >> Flying Vertibirds in Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. - Duration: 1:49.


a random level video - Duration: 1:30.

hmm, you clicked on subtitles with a no audio video?

weird... but I won't judge lol

guess I should maybe talk for you?


you are probably wondering why I uploaded this

the main reason is:

I didn't really have a good "end" to Geometry Dash

oh btw, that was a cipher on the description

you also might be wondering...

how this will relate to my actual "end" to Geometry Dash?

well, this is meant to symbolize my time in the game

starting from 1.8/1.9


and will eventually head into 2.0....

not the next part, but the part after :P

I will say "2.0" when that decoration will start (to let you know lol)


ha! you thought it was gonna be 2.0 here

or not since I told you previously it wouldn't be

and yes you are supposed to go through those blocks .-.

and yatta yatta shush ik those are not 1.9, but what are ya gonna do?

yell at me maybe .-. but oh well :P


the build up...


and yeah this is 2.0 part


yeah not thaaat good, but oh well may change

bye now :P

For more infomation >> a random level video - Duration: 1:30.


Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids | MISSED THE TRAIN - Duration: 15:05.

Welcome to our channel.

"Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids" is an animated series full of imagination for children.

You are watching the episode "Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids | MISSED THE TRAIN"

Please Like, share our videos and do not forget to subscribe for not missing any.

For more infomation >> Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids | MISSED THE TRAIN - Duration: 15:05.


A British baker has created cakes in the likeness of the royal family … and they are terrifying - Duration: 2:02.

 It's rare that we've encountered a cake we haven't liked. But these creations from UK baker Lara Mason really push the friendship because they are, frankly, terrifying

 Mason spent more than 250 hours crafting a 127kg "showstopper" cake, which allegedly depicts Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

 The cake, which is almost 2m tall, is currently on display in Birmingham in the UK as part of Cake International, The Sugarcraft cake decorating and baking show

 The baked treat was made from 300 eggs and 50kg of fondant icing. Meghan's hair is constructed from delicious chocolate ganache, FYI

 Ms Mason told The Mirror she was inspired to create the sugary depiction of the royal couple ahead of this year's royal wedding

 She said: "It was my biggest challenge to date. The faces were the hardest part and halfway through I worried I didn't have any likeness at all

" The Harry and Meghan creation wasn't Ms Mason's only royal contribution to the show

 She also whipped up this charming little edible Queen: And she also tried her hand at Princess Diana with her young sons Harry and William

 It would be very important to eat these cakes quickly so they don't come to life and kill you as you sleep

For more infomation >> A British baker has created cakes in the likeness of the royal family … and they are terrifying - Duration: 2:02.


HSN | Chef Curtis Stone Holiday Prep 11.04.2018 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Chef Curtis Stone Holiday Prep 11.04.2018 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


CHOCOTACO ONE GUN CHALLENGE WIN | PUBG November 4 - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> CHOCOTACO ONE GUN CHALLENGE WIN | PUBG November 4 - Duration: 10:33.


[📖YAKKONG TOON] What if my friend who imitates me is trying to take my boyfriend away? - Duration: 2:48.

Hello. I am an ordinary female college student.

I have a friend who's been a little annoying lately.

I got to know her because of the group assignment

and I thought she was a good friend at first.

But these days, she's starting to feel uncomfortable.

I recently wanted to dye my hair to a color I hadn't done before,

so I dyed it Ash Violet color.

But after a few days, she dyed her hair exactly the same color as I did.

And it got cold and I bought a new coat. But...

She also wore a coat similar to mine a few days later.

She went to the same places

I updated on social networking sites and even ate the foods I ate.

I felt a little uncomfortable with her,

but I just put up with it because it was mostly a trivial matter.

But recently something very angry happened.

Boyfriend : "Baby, I'm here."

My boyfriend came to see me.

Friend : "Wow, your boyfriend?"

Friend : "Hey, Treat me to dinner♥"

She asked my boyfriend to buy her dinner. far, that was fine.

And three of us went to a restaurant for dinner.

I stepped out for a moment to go to the restroom.

Well, in the meantime...

Friend : "May I have your cell phone number?"

Friend : "I have a personal question for you."

She was asking my boyfriend for his phone number.

I was so upset at the moment, and my boyfriend's reaction was...

Boyfriend : "Well..."

Boyfriend : "If you have any questions, ask me through my girlfriend."

Fortunately, my boyfriend flatly refused her. But the more I think about it, the more I get angry with her.

Why is she asking my boyfriend's phone number when I'm not there?

Perhaps she is attracted to my boyfriend.

Was my thought rash?

Would it be better for me to ask her honestly? But our friendship will end.

Or I'm not sure if I'd rather just let it go.

What are your thoughts?

Please reply your comments to the bottom of the video.

Subscribe and Like Button!👍 please💕

For more infomation >> [📖YAKKONG TOON] What if my friend who imitates me is trying to take my boyfriend away? - Duration: 2:48.


心理测试:凭感觉选择一条路,秒测你今生是富贵命还是孤独命? - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:凭感觉选择一条路,秒测你今生是富贵命还是孤独命? - Duration: 6:31.


就是不嫁豪门!6位女星"甘愿嫁给平凡夫" 梁咏琪嫁卖蛋糕的、Ella替老公还房贷.... - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 就是不嫁豪门!6位女星"甘愿嫁给平凡夫" 梁咏琪嫁卖蛋糕的、Ella替老公还房贷.... - Duration: 4:22.


Diwali Brass Decor | How To Decorate With Brass - Duration: 8:03.

hello everybody welcome back I'm Dasha and I'm here to help you transform your

house into a home and today is the last video in our Diwali taker series and

today I have my tank of girls with me who are going to show us how to decorate

the brass because a lot of you wanted me to share the video on the same topic so

despite their busy schedule these there is took out the time specially for me

and you all and they shot the video and they sent me and send me the clips so

thanks to all these ladies and yes I'm gonna add links to their Instagram pages

in description box below so do check out because they keep sharing some awesome

wonderful home decor tips and ideas and some easy DIYs and lot more so you can

check out their talent on their pages I really hope you will going to

appreciate the efforts put in by each one of them because each one of them is

a power loss of talent and there is no comparisons because they are all unique

and they are awesome this is the positive place and we keep encouraging

and appreciating each other and that's hockey true so let's begin for my quick

brass minute today I have tried to mix and match Indian and African artifacts

and they look lovely together so I've started with this saree Rana and to add

a base on top of it here is a Mojave tea box to add height to the vignette and I

please to beautiful Balinese tattoos and to the right here is a ceramic bars in

which I have just put together some leaves from a friend's garden and let's

add some more brass over here I'll start by adding these lovely lamps here is an

incense burner which make a shape like a little dudes it

looks so pretty and what's a vineyard without some flowers so let's add some

flowers as well here we go so what do you think you we

are happy Diwali

I really hope you like the idea of decorating with brass and will be on

incorporating this in your this year's Diwali and that's all for today now I'll

be on a short vacation and I will see you after 15th November so wish you all

happy Diwali

For more infomation >> Diwali Brass Decor | How To Decorate With Brass - Duration: 8:03.





Brigitte Poupart comédienne dans le film ''Les salopes ou le sucre naturel de la peau'' TLMEP - Duration: 16:08.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Poupart comédienne dans le film ''Les salopes ou le sucre naturel de la peau'' TLMEP - Duration: 16:08.


수고했고 고맙다. 미안하다!!! 8개 키워드로 본 삶 - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> 수고했고 고맙다. 미안하다!!! 8개 키워드로 본 삶 - Duration: 10:47.


História de Santa Isabel e São Zacarias - Os pais de São João Batista - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> História de Santa Isabel e São Zacarias - Os pais de São João Batista - Duration: 5:05.


Cụ bà 70 tuổi lom khom bán snack hơn 30 năm giữa dòng đời bất tận - Duration: 36:52.

For more infomation >> Cụ bà 70 tuổi lom khom bán snack hơn 30 năm giữa dòng đời bất tận - Duration: 36:52.


Inflamación de las articulaciones - S. N. Lazarev - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Inflamación de las articulaciones - S. N. Lazarev - Duration: 1:27.


What do you think should not exist? - Duration: 3:12.

hello friends I'm dragonate and welcome to another dragonate reading your

hands our video last week I asked you what is your favorite meme you guys

answered now I'll be reading your answers in this video but before we do

we need a new question for this week what do you think should not exist leave

your answers in the comments below and I'll read the next week first comment

comes from XX kuma XX who says my favorite meme is fortnight

memes and it cuz pub G is better I agree I agree pub G's better play for tonight

a couple times I don't hate it but I I prefer pub G my mom says I like the song

drunken sailor with the gun rolling on the exercise balls that one is funny we

totally did not just look that one up last week or randomly find it I should

say funny fluffy says I don't know why but

that skedaddle skadoodle meme is probably my favorite your dick is now a

noodle that one is pretty pretty stuck in your head kind of idea and me too

with her favorite meme is the riso risu-ukko meme perhaps it was popular when

I was in my confirmation campaign it was a constant joke there I don't know if I

pronounced that correctly I probably did not and I also have not looked it up so

give me one second here

well I have no clue what it would be except this guy here I don't know what

it is don't know what it's for and I certainly don't understand what he's

saying in the in the little video there so sadly that's is the answer but it

seems like it has something to do with know being in the forest or something

like that I have no clue I am probably completely 100% wrong on that but

regardless my favorite meme are at the memes you see behind me here

these old memes where you where they just have text on them because sometimes

these simple things can be really really funny and as you can see here I actually

made both of these ones this one here is how I feel right now memes are crap well

I mean the this one and also this one I feel the same way for it for both about

about how memes are right now they're terrible there's a lot of stupid pieces

of junk out there and don't make any darn sense or anything else so that is

that regardless that's it for this one - think I'll so much watching hope you

enjoy and have a wonderful rest of your week don't forget your crutch for this

week which is again what is something you think should not exist leave your

answers in the comments below and I'll read them next week and that is it

see you bye bye and Godbless oh don't forget to click up there for the Humble

Bundle stop by games look at bundles and stuff like that they have book bundles

and such good bye

For more infomation >> What do you think should not exist? - Duration: 3:12.


중3 영어 과외구하기로 공부잘하는 방법을 알아내다 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> 중3 영어 과외구하기로 공부잘하는 방법을 알아내다 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:24.


Glosa: Jak je důležité míti přísného Kuneše. Krása a srdíčka nedělají službu divákovi - Duration: 7:42.

 Když se podíváme na životopis nového porotce ve StarDance Václava Kuneše (43), který nahradil Jana Révaie, jehož zlákala nabídka do Tváře, je to impozantní čtení

Skoro by se mohlo zdát, že se v Česku urodil takový místní Michail Baryšnikov, Kuneš se může chlubit nejen svou vlastní taneční skupinou, ale oslňujícím zahraničním angažmá

 Jen na Wikipedii, kde najdete vše pod jeho heslem, je výčet souborů, které ho angažovaly, a hvězdných umělců, s nimiž spolupracuje, tak mohutný, až oči přecházejí

Nikdo nepochybuje o tom, že Kuneš v tom, co dělá a čím se živí, dosáhl vrcholu a v porotě StarDance tak možná sedí člověk, jenž je znám v zahraničních uměleckých kruzích, zatímco jeho vlastní krajané se s ním teprve musejí sbližovat

 Ti, kteří čtou společenské plátky, si jej možná již spojili s moderátorkou a bývalou tanečnicí Kristinou Kloubkovou (41), oba jsou spolu žijí již nějaký ten pátek a doposud to bylo tak, že Kristina byla ve vztahu ta slavnější

Nebýt StarDance, bohužel pro Václava Kuneše by jej tady nikdo neznal, tak to holt bývá u lidí, kteří svou profesi směřují hlavně do zahraničí

 Kristina a Václav spolu studovali na taneční konzervatoři a znovu se potkali, respektive dali dohromady až tehdy, co si oba prošli manželstvím a mají z něj děti

 Je tedy dobře, že alespoň přes sledovaný pořad se Kuneš zaryje do povědomí veřejnosti tak, jak si pro své úspěchy zaslouží, teď ještě záleží na tom, jaký zanechá v divákovi dojem

 Prvně je třeba se zamyslet nad tím, že lidem, kteří jsou z povahy příliš pozitivní a dobrosrdeční, je zatěžko poukazovat na chyby druhých, či z nějakého důvodu odmítají vidět to špatné, protože se hlásí k teorii, že pochvala, byť i za maličkost, dokáže v jednotlivci vybudit větší snahu

 Václav Kuneš bude nejspíše přesně jedním z nich.Kritika má pomoci i těm, kdo posílají hlasy Od doby, co sedí v porotě StarDance, od něj ještě ani jednou nepřišla jediná výtka vůči hodnoceným párům

Kuneš používá obraty, za které by se nemusela stydět ani Lucie Bílá, která má v každé talentové soutěži osmkrát po sobě husí kůži nebo s každým druhým vystoupením tleská vestoje

 Jenže toto je trochu jiná disciplína než pěvecká show. Letošní porota je sympatická i díky věčně pozitivně naladěnému Kunešovi, jenž je v sestavě nováčkem

Ale i kritika je nutností. Pokud někdo umí nebo neumí zpívat, to laický divák slyší také, víc k tomu vědět nepotřebuje

Falešné tóny na sebe upozorní samy, ale u tance běžný divák chyby nevidí. Kritika je proto zásadní, ne aby shodila soutěžící, ale aby porotce prokázal divákovi službu

Diváci jsou ti, kdo hlasují, a přestože u nich rozhodují také sympatie, divák potřebuje návod od odborníka, jak by se měl rozhodnout

Je naprostá většina lidí u televizních obrazovek, která tyto tance tančit neumí, nezná terminologii a kroky, od toho je tam odborná porota, jejímž úkolem je to vysvětlit

 Na StarDance se také dívají novináři, neboť i ti pak píší shrnující články, ale jak se mohou zorientovat v tom, kdo se předvedl a kdo pohořel, když je porotce nenavede svým odborným hodnocením a namísto toho použije prázdnou frázi o kráse a srdíčku? Tancovala celebrita dobře? My nevíme

Líbit se nám to může, ale „líbění se" k ničemu není. Když nám to porotce neřekne, jsme v koncích a čtenář, který přenos neviděl, ale chce si přečíst, jak kdo tančil, bude ve stejných koncích jako nevědoucí autoři článků

 Mezi Tatianou Drexler a Kunešem se rozevírají nůžky, oba jsou od sebe nejdále, co se týče hodnocení

 Mezi Václavem Kunešem a Tatianou Drexler (a pomalu již i zbytkem poroty) se začínají rozevírat největší nůžky, zatímco Kuneš sází vysoká čísla, Tatiana k jeho osmičce přiřadí pětku a pozornému divákovi neunikne, že se u toho občas usměje

Proč to tak je? Směje se jen tak, nebo ji pobavilo kolegovo vysoké číslo?  Je těžko si toto vyložit

I katů se lidé v soutěžích nemohou dočkat Václav Kuneš se věnuje hlavně choreografii a baletu, alespoň co se píše v jeho profesní historii, nemá za sebou jako jeho kolegové z poroty závody v tancích, nemusí si možná být jist, že jeho hodnocení bude relevantní, ale toto by ho nemělo držet zpátky

 Jako zkušený tanečník jistě rozpozná minimálně v základech chybu a správnost, ale musí nám to i říct

 Rozhodně by se neměl bát toho, že by ho snad měl mít někdo o to méně raději nebo že by ztratil něčí sympatie, ostatně Zdeněk Chlopčík umí soutěžící i rozplakat, a přesto se na něj každý rok těší všichni, právě pro jeho přísná hodnocení

 Kritika, věcná, konstruktivní a jasně pojmenovaná, pomáhá k lepšímu výkonu více než pochvala za nic

Minimálně ale pomůže těm, kdo se na StarDance dívají, protože o jejich hlasy jde v první řadě

Kuneš je stále pozitivně naladěn, a to je dobře, i výtka se nejlépe přijímá, když je řečena s úsměvem

 Když ovšem není žádná, ze soutěže se stane jen souboj v sympatiích a namísto StarDance tu můžeme mít Miss tanečního parketu

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