Monday, November 19, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 20 2018

     Sossio e Ursula, arriva il colpo di scena. Non l'abbiamo ancora visto in tv, perché è successo tutto nell'ultima registrazione del Trono over, dove, dopo aver chiuso a Temptation Island Vip, sono tornati entrambi

Il "reality dei sentimenti" condotto da Simona Ventura ha dato la botta di grazia alla storia tra la dama e il cavaliere ed ex calciatore di Campioni, che già scricchiolava

Più volte ospiti nello studio di Maria De Filippi che li ha fatti incontrare la prima volta, i due non hanno mai smesso di battibeccare, fino a quando lei ha messo la parola fine su quella relazione cominciata circa sei mesi fa

 Quindi la decisione, più che altro di lei, di sedere ancora nei rispettivi parterre per trovare l'anima gemella

E da quanto visto finora, sembrava che Ursula fosse proprio decisa a voltare pagina, nonostante l'insistenza di Sossio

Che non si aspettava di certo di già intenzionata a frequentare un altro cavaliere: Armando

(Continua dopo la foto) Ursula ha chiesto il numero di Armando alla redazione e sono usciti insieme

Si sono trovati in sintonia e quel feeling ha fatto subito 'scaldare' Sossio. "Continua a fare spettacolo senza me, tanto ci riesci

Sono single al 110%, per me quella porta si è chiusa. Sono qui per darmi una seconda possibilità", ha detto la 35enne di fronte alla reazione di Sossio, evidentemente infastidito dalla presenza di un altro uomo nella vita di lei

(Continua dopo la foto) Armando ci ha tenuto a sottolineare di non essere stato lui a cercare la dama, sebbene gli piaccia molto

Il cavaliere avrebbe preferito non mancare di rispetto a Sossio, che ha poi annunciato che non proverà a riconquistarla

Ma ora, stando alle anticipazioni, potrebbe cambiare di nuovo tutto tra i due ex

Con Armando la frequentazione si è arenata quando lui ha scoperto che Ursula aveva incontrato Sossio pochi giorni prima, dedicandogli qualche ora per chiarire quello che tra loro era rimasto in sospeso

(Continua dopo le foto) Ursula e Sossio si sono rivisti a Napoli insieme alle altre coppie di Temptation ma poi sono rimasti da soli per qualche ora in auto, dove hanno parlato della loro storia

In studio Sossio è scoppiato a piangere e pregato Ursula di tornare insieme. Qui la reazione inaspettata di lei, più morbida rispetto alle puntate precedenti, dove era sempre sembrata decisa a chiudere una volta per tutte: la dama ha ammesso che Sossio non le è completamente indifferente, nonostante quanto accaduto tra loro questa estate in Sardegna

Torneranno insieme, dopo questo riavvicinamento?  Dietro le quinte del potere

For more infomation >> Colpo di scena! Sossio e Ursula si rivedono da soli: ecco cosa confessa lei - Duration: 4:14.


Ex-BBB Paulinha emagrece 15kg e mostra antes e depois - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Paulinha emagrece 15kg e mostra antes e depois - Duration: 3:40.


Skyr e sciroppo di Yacon: alleati perfetti per la nutrizione sportiva - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Skyr e sciroppo di Yacon: alleati perfetti per la nutrizione sportiva - Duration: 3:32.



For more infomation >> EX-BBB CACAU POSTA CLIQUE DE BIQUÍNI E DEIXA REFLEXÃO - Duration: 2:29.


Vieni da me, Luisa Corna e la verità esplosiva su Flavio Insinna: "Cosa vuol dire lavorare con lui" - Duration: 2:06.

 Uno dei ricordi più belli che Luisa Corna dice di conservare tra le sue esperienze in televisione c'è quello con Flavio Insinna

Con il conduttore de L'Eredità, la cantante ha recitato in Ho sposato uno sbirro: "Insinna è un grande nel lavoro - ha detto la cantante -

Super professionale. Mi ha dato molta sicurezza. Quando entri nel meccanismo delle fiction, avere persone come lui vuol dire tanto"

 A Vieni da me con Caterina Balivo, la Corna ha poi ripercorso gli amori della sua vita, dall'ex interista Aldo Serena, passando per Alex Britti e Valerio Foglia Manzillo, fino all'attuale compagno Stefano, un ufficiale dei carabinieri a Brindisi: "Erano tanti anni che stavo da sola

Poi ho incontrato lui a Palazzolo. Ed è stato come un colpo di fulmine, che il mio angelo custode ha voluto donarmi

È una persona molto integra, forte, un uomo intelligente e che mi sa capire. Lui è già papà di due bimbi fantastici con cui ho uno splendido rapporto

Stiamo insieme da più di quattro anni. Lui ha riportato equilibrio e serenità in me"

For more infomation >> Vieni da me, Luisa Corna e la verità esplosiva su Flavio Insinna: "Cosa vuol dire lavorare con lui" - Duration: 2:06.





Концовки фильмов, которые серьёзно возмутили поклонников - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Концовки фильмов, которые серьёзно возмутили поклонников - Duration: 8:19.


|| Atta Hussain Balagi || New Majlis 2019 || - Duration: 36:20.

Like & Share

For more infomation >> || Atta Hussain Balagi || New Majlis 2019 || - Duration: 36:20.


#FREDDURE | EP.3 - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> #FREDDURE | EP.3 - Duration: 0:35.


COME SUPERARE LA PAURA DI VIAGGIARE DA SOLA | È noioso? È pericoloso? È solo per i giovani? - Duration: 13:06.

For more infomation >> COME SUPERARE LA PAURA DI VIAGGIARE DA SOLA | È noioso? È pericoloso? È solo per i giovani? - Duration: 13:06.


Renault Mégane Estate TCe 130pk Bose Camera, R-link, Climate, Park. Assist, 17'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate TCe 130pk Bose Camera, R-link, Climate, Park. Assist, 17'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:52.


メルセデス・ベンツ新型CLA, エンジンには日産GT-Rの技術を採用 - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> メルセデス・ベンツ新型CLA, エンジンには日産GT-Rの技術を採用 - Duration: 6:31.


All New Wrapples

For more infomation >> All New Wrapples


國民妹妹?IU超驚人「黑色T快爆」 網友羞紅臉:這身材根本「姊姊」(11P) - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 國民妹妹?IU超驚人「黑色T快爆」 網友羞紅臉:這身材根本「姊姊」(11P) - Duration: 2:58.


White House: Ivanka Trump Didn't Know She Couldn't Use Personal Email | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> White House: Ivanka Trump Didn't Know She Couldn't Use Personal Email | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 9:52.


Funny Tema Pretend Play with Toys and Cars for kids - Duration: 10:52.

Funny Tema Pretend Play with Toys and Cars for kids

For more infomation >> Funny Tema Pretend Play with Toys and Cars for kids - Duration: 10:52.


Anthony Salvanto: The President Wasn't On The Ballot - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Anthony Salvanto: The President Wasn't On The Ballot - Duration: 4:30.


Muziekvideo: De Zak van Sinterklaas (animatie-videoclip) - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Muziekvideo: De Zak van Sinterklaas (animatie-videoclip) - Duration: 1:53.


분리수거함에 버린 반려견이 자신 쫓아오자 잡아서 '2번' 버린 주인 - Duration: 2:43.

반려동물을 키우는 인구가 천만에 달했지만 이에 필요한 성숙한 의식이 부족함이 여실히 드러나는 사건이 발생했다.

최근 온라인커뮤니티와 각종 SNS에는 동네 분리수거함에 말티즈 강아지를 2번 버린 견주를 찾는다는 사연과 현장 사진이 게재돼 공분을 샀다.

사건은 지난 9월 9일 부천시 소사구 한 주택가에서 발생했다.

사연에 따르면 견주는 품에 안고 가던 살아 있는 흰색 털의 말티즈 강아지를 분리수거함에 버렸다.

말티즈는 주인이 자신에게 멀어지자 죽기 살기로 쫓아갔으나 견주는 녀석을 다시 안아 분리수거함에 2차로 유기했다.

해당 모습은 한 자동차 블랙박스에 모두 담겼으며, 이후 '9월 9일 분리수거함에 몰티즈를 두 번 유기한 견주를 찾습니다'라는 제목의 글과 함께 사진이 공개됐다.

글을 올린 게시자는 버려진 강아지는 현재 동물보호소에서 새 주인을 기다리고 있다며 버린 견주를 찾아 과태료라도 물게 해 처벌을 내려야 한다고 주장했다.

한편 우리나라 현행 동물보호법상 동물 유기 행위는 100만 원 이하의 과태료를 부과한다.

과태료를 부과하고 있으나 2015년 8만2000여 마리, 지난해에는 약 8만9000여 마리로 버려진 강아지의 수는 매년 증가하고 있는 현실이다.

특히 다가오는 추석 황금연휴같이 긴 연휴 기간에 버려지는 강아지의 수는 훨씬 많다.

실시간 유기동물 통계사이트 '포인핸드'에 따르면 올해 설 연휴(1월 27일∼1월 30일)에는 321마리가 버려졌지만 9일에 달했던 5월 황금연휴(4월 29일∼5월 7일)에는 2천120마리가 유기됐다.

유기동물 수가 기하급수적으로 늘어나자 정부도 처벌을 강화하기로 했다. 연휴가 길수록 버려지는 유기 동물이 훨씬 많은 것.

먼저 '동물보호법'이 개정돼 내년 3월부터 반려동물을 유기한 소유자에 대한 과태료가 현행 100만 원 이하에서 300만 원 이하로 상향 조정된다.

반려동물 등록률을 높이기 위해 등록되지 않은 반려동물을 신고하는 경우 포상금을 지급하는 신고포상금제도 시행된다.

For more infomation >> 분리수거함에 버린 반려견이 자신 쫓아오자 잡아서 '2번' 버린 주인 - Duration: 2:43.


Hannity 11/20/18 1AM | November 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:37.

For more infomation >> Hannity 11/20/18 1AM | November 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:37.


蒋劲夫日本女友晒受伤照疑遭施暴,蒋劲夫发文道歉:一直在忏悔 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 蒋劲夫日本女友晒受伤照疑遭施暴,蒋劲夫发文道歉:一直在忏悔 - Duration: 2:27.


Markelle Fultz Loses Second-Half Minutes to T.J. McConnell | - Duration: 4:06.

Markelle Fultz Loses Second-Half Minutes to T.J. McConnell |

Philadelphia 76ers second-year point guard Markelle Fultz hasn't exactly blossomed into the ideal first-overall pick.

While Fultz has shown small flashes at times, he's more cold than he's hot.

Right now, the Sixers don't seem to have an identity for the guards on their bench.

As Fultz continues to see regressed playing time, T.J.

McConnell picks up some unexpected minutes on Monday against the Phoenix Suns.

Just last week, the Sixers made a trade for Jimmy Butler, which forced Brett Brown to mix up the starting lineup.

The project that contained Fultz in the starting lineup was officially put to rest as they sent him to the bench.

From there, Fultz has seen his minutes drop from around 25 to the low 20's and eventually to the teens.

Meanwhile, T.J.

McConnell sat patiently on the bench as he hasn't played in the last three games, due to coaches decision.

Fultz's average of 8.6 points-per-game is underwhelming for now, but at least his defense has improved.

Despite the hope for Fultz, it looks like the Sixers may start looking to give McConnell more minutes, which means less for Fultz.

Will McConnell Jump Fultz's Spot?.

Since the trade for Butler, the Sixers got a taste of what it's like to have an established veteran superstar that has over three years in the league.

The second they made that trade, was the moment that the Sixers declared that they are no longer playing with a "process" type of team.

They are ready to win now.

With the idea of wanting to win-now, comes the decision of what they should do with Fultz.

Clearly, Fultz has been a bit underwhelming, which means they are looking to try something new.

So, on Monday night against the Phoenix Suns, the Sixers decided to trot out McConnell, instead of Fultz during the second half.

Fultz ended up finishing the game with zero points during seven minutes of playing time.

McConnell, on the other hand, dropped two points in nine minutes.

He didn't exactly see a significant jump in playing time, but this could be the beginning of a slow transition of the Sixers favoring McConnell over Fultz.

Could this mean something bigger for Fultz? Maybe a trade is in the talks? It's unclear, but it's definitely not out of the question at this point.

For more infomation >> Markelle Fultz Loses Second-Half Minutes to T.J. McConnell | - Duration: 4:06.


Hot Cross Buns | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children | Cartoons for Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:19.

Hot cross buns,

Hot cross buns,

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

If you have no daughters,

Give them to your sons,

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

Hot cross buns,

Hot cross buns,

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

If you have no daughters,

Give them to your sons,

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

For more infomation >> Hot Cross Buns | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children | Cartoons for Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:19.


English Rage: Setting Goals in English - Duration: 1:12.

When learning a second language nothing sucks more than seeing the gifted language learner.

You know the guy or girl who's really good at English!

They effortlessly order food, they easily chat up the opposite sex, and they talk and

debate about the latest news.

It seems easy for them!

And you ask yourself why aren't you as good as them?

What's the secret?

Are they better than me?

And you hear them go Blahdee, Blahdee, Blahdee, Blahdee, Blahdee, Blah... in English.

And you think, couldn't they just stop sounding so f---ing good in English and shut up!

And this creates English Raaaage!

For more infomation >> English Rage: Setting Goals in English - Duration: 1:12.


Sunlight T64 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Sunlight T64 - Duration: 1:09.


Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 4:01.


Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 6:16.


How to completely close the aquaponics loop - Duration: 13:01.

Hello aquaponics growers.

So today, I have one question for you.

Do you think it is possible to completely close the loop in aquaponics?

So you know that in my different aquaponics videos, I always try to push sustainability

very far in aquaponics.

I focus on the size of the pump, on a lot of different things to reduce the consumption

of energy resources and the impact on the environment and today the question is will

we be able to run an aquaponics setup without adding anything in the setup and to run it

by itself in a completely closed environment?

That's what we're going to see today in this video.

So if you are new to this channel, please subscribe.

I'm going to release one video every week.

So what do we mean by closing the loop?

So let's take the example of the water.

You know, in aquaponics, we put some water in the system and the system is closed.

So the water remains in the system and runs continuously.

So we could think that the loop is completely closed, but what happens is that in aquaponics

we got some evaporation, right?

So there is the sun going in the setup and some water is evaporated.

Also, when the vegetables are growing, they are composed of a high percentage of moisture.

So when you harvest your vegetables, you remove water from the system which means that the

water level in your aquaponics system is decreasing, and you have to add water in the system.

So yes, somewhere we close the loop, but the loop is still open to the environment.

Because we have some evaporation, we consume some vegetables and we remove some water from

the system.

So the loop is maybe closed but we need to add new material.

And my question to you is would it be possible to basically stop adding new material not

from a water perspective but from a fish food or nitrogen perspective?

So let's be clear.

In aquaponics, we try to be super sustainable.

We limit the quantity of power, of energy that we need, you know.

If you compare it to a classic aquaculture or a classic hydroponic system, the consumption

of energy in aquaponics is quite low.

So that's a really good point.

The consumption of water as well is very low.

So the limited resources such as water are very, very well utilized.

In aquaponics, we are in a system where the water is kind of trapped and as I said before,

we got some evaporation but the consumption is definitely lower than a classic garden

and a class in aquaculture.

So from those perspectives, we are really good in aquaponics.

But there is one thing where we are not so good.

It's from the fish food consumption.

The fish food that we use in aquaponics is the same that the one is used in aquaculture

and therefore, we have a negative impact on the environment because the fish food is composed

of fish meal and this fish meal obviously, it's fish that are trapped in the ocean.

They are caught in the ocean.

They are processed and all this has an impact on the natural resources, on the population

of fish, the natural population of fish that are caught in the ocean and also on the energy

because you need a lot of energy to transform it into pellets and that's the pellet that

most of us use in aquaponics.

So the question is if we use an alternative to those fish pellets if we produce our own

fish food and we use it in the aquaponics setup and if we produce this fish food thanks

to what we produce with the setup, can we just close the loop and therefore being kind

of self-sufficient?

It's very interesting and there are different techniques, right?

I made some videos about duck weed.

So duck weed they are floating plants.

So I got some here.

You see those green things on my hand.

Probably you don't see much but I made a special video about it and you can produce them and

you can feed your fish with it.

They grow up very fast but the reality of duck weed is that only specific species of

fish are able to eat them.

You know, a fish that is carnivore, a fish that is a predator will not be able to eat

duck weed.

So depending on the species, you can use those duck weed and you can grow them with the water

of your aquaponics setup.

So in this way you could think that you close the loop.

It's same thing if you grow insects.

I made a video about insects and we can see that it's possible to grow insects and to

feed them, thanks to some vegetables that we will grow in aquaponics.

In this way, we'll use the vegetables to feed the insects and then we'll use the

insects to feed the fish and the fish when they pooh, they feed the plants.

So you see, we also close the loop somewhere.

I mean, it seems that we close the loop.

But when we think about it, you know an aquaponics system is like a black box.

What we do currently with our aquaponics systems is that we add some fish food in the system

and we get some vegetables and some fish.

So if we stop adding fish food in the system and obviously, we'll produce the fish food,

thanks to the system, but we continue to collect vegetables and to collect fish.

At one point, we're going to decrease the quantity of proteins, of nitrogen available

in the system.

It's not only nitrogen but also minerals and a bunch of other things which means that

at one point or another, the system is going to be weaker and weaker and at one point the

system is not going to produce.

It's almost going to be empty.

If you see the representation of the ecosystem as a black box, you can imagine that at one

point you're going to empty the system of all the nitrogen or the nutrients that are

necessary for the system to work and therefore at one point, you empty everything and you

can't produce anymore.

So we need to add something in the system but it doesn't necessarily need to be fish


So the fish food we use at the moment as I said before is not sustainable and it has

a negative impact on the planet.

So if we use those two ways of recycling or of producing some fish food so duck weed or

insects, then we can add nitrogen under another form.

Instead of adding it under the form of fish food, we can simply add in it in terms of

nutrients for the plants.

So it could be simply adding some fertilizer or adding just a compost tea.

You know you compost or the organic waste that you have at home.

You can collect them, collect the compost tea and this compost tea is very high in nitrogen

as well and very high in minerals and other things so you could technically add this compost

tea in your aquaponics setup.

I'm not saying that's a good thing to do because there are some risks because under compost

you do, you got a lot of pesticides on the fruits, on the on the skin of the vegetables

that you are eating, right, and that's why sometimes we peel the vegetables off.

We put them in the compost but then if you put this in your aquaponics system, you have

some risk to add some pesticides in the system.

So if you do this, please wash your vegetables before throwing anything into the compost,

but the point is you can definitely instead of adding fish food in the system, you can

swap it for fertilizer for the plants.

I mean, as long as you add nitrogen in the system somewhere, then the system can continue

to run and you can collect the vegetables and the fish in the other side.

So it's even better, right, because the fish food we need to buy it but the compost at

home you got waste.

We all got waste, right?

We call it table waste.

So it's organic waste.

So I was talking about it, the fruits, the vegetables that you eat even if you have leftover

of meat or whatever, all this can be composted, fermented, and you can basically get the juice,

what we call the tea, and this can go back in the system and some people are experimenting

of putting a compost bin on top of the aquaponics setup where basically the compost tea is going

directly in the setup.

But then you need to be able to manage the quantity of nitrogen in your system so if

you take this option, you will have to record those levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate

that you have in your water and the pH as well.

But it's one option.

Now, is it possible to completely close the loop?

The response, the obvious response would be no, right?

If you completely close the loop, if you don't add any nutrients, if you don't add any compost

tea in your system, the system is going to be weak, weak, weak.

That's the obvious response but there are some tricks to basically maintain a good level

of nitrogen in a system without physically adding nitrogen in the system and that's what

we're going to talk about right now.

So if you look at the atmosphere, you understand that the atmosphere is composed of different

gases, right?

We got oxygen 20%-21%.

We got CO2 and other rare gas 1% but there is one gas that is in very high concentration

78%, and that's nitrogen and nitrogen is what we need to grow our plants, right?

Then it's just different forms of nitrogen and the plants, most of the plants are unable

to absorb the nitrogen that is in the atmosphere but there are some specific family.

We call it the Fabaceae and those species they have developed a symbiotic relationship

with some bacteria and those bacteria are basically able to trap the nitrogen that is

in the air and to transform it into nitrogen that is available for the plants.

So you can think of it.

I'm not saying that I am able to manage this or that anyone is able to do it at the moment,

but in the future, you can completely think of a system where you have in your grow bed

a very big grow bed and a low concentration of fish and in this grow bed you have different

plants plus you have a lot Fabaceae plants that are basically releasing nitrogen into

the soil.

And therefore the concentration of nitrogen is always present so your plants are always

producing and then from those plants you can then feed your fish or you can just use the

water that is high in nitrogen to grow some duck weed and feed your fish or you grow some

insects and feed your fish, but you understand the principle.

Here, you close the loop, never completely close the loop because you still have a problem

of minerals.

At one point or another, you still need to have potassium, calcium, and a lot of other

minerals in the loop but not in big quantities.

So you see somewhere, we are very close to be able to close the loop on the paper, in


Now, in practice you would need a very big grow bed to be able to do that, but it's

still a possibility.

So I hope this opened your mind and respond to the question.

can I completely close the loop to my aquaponics setup?

If you are new to aquaponics, you know, that I offer you a six-step guide training that

is available in the description of the video just below, and in this training you will

find some crucial very, very important information to be able to build your own aquaponics setup

but also to manage it in the best conditions and to be able to produce sustainable, healthy,

and tasty food at home in your own backyard.

So download it.

It's just below.

You just have a link to follow.

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I really hope to see you soon, and I wish you a fantastic success with aquaponics.

Have a good crop!

For more infomation >> How to completely close the aquaponics loop - Duration: 13:01.


'센 척' 포기하고 아빠가 주는 우유 사이좋게 먹는 '세젤귀' 레서판다들 - Duration: 2:02.

귀여운 외모와 다르게 까칠하고 포악하기로 유명한 레서판다가 세상에서 가장 좋아하는 시간이 있다.

부드럽고 따뜻한 우유를 마시고 싶어 아등바등 몸부림치는 녀석들의 모습은 보는 이들에게 웃음을 안긴다.

최근 온라인 미디어 굿타임즈는 일본의 레서판다 사육장에서 찍힌 사진을 공개했다. 바로 간식 시간.

공개된 사진 속 레서판다 두 마리가 우유가 든 병을 사수하려 사육사 아빠의 몸까지 점프해 올라간 모습이다.

얌전하고 온순한 표정으로 우유를 음미하는 레서판다들.

녀석들은 순식간에 우유를 다 먹어치운 뒤 빈 병을 바라보며 아쉬운 듯 젖병을 핥아댔다.

사육사 아빠가 다 먹은 빈 병을 뺏어가려 하자 레서판다들은 손에 힘을 꽉 주며 절대 놓지 않으려 애썼다.

그 모습에 사육사 아빠는 웃음을 터트렸다.

사실 레서판다는 보기와는 다르게 매우 예민한 성격을 지닌 동물이다.

좋아하는 음식을 먹을 때를 빼고는 주변을 잘 경계하며 사람을 따르지 않는 편에 속한다.

또 먹이를 봤을 때 포악해지는 녀석들은 주변에 동료가 다가오면 앞발을 들어 올리며 공격적인 행동을 취하기도 한다.

한편 레서판다는 전 세계적으로 심각한 멸종위기에 처해있다.

현재 지구 상에 단 5천 마리밖에 남아있지 않은 것으로 알려졌으며, 환경이 파괴될수록 녀석들의 개체 수가 사라지는 속도는 더 빨라질 것으로 전문가들은 내다봤다.

For more infomation >> '센 척' 포기하고 아빠가 주는 우유 사이좋게 먹는 '세젤귀' 레서판다들 - Duration: 2:02.


Man Utd news: Jose Mourinho makes £77m bid for Serie A defender ahead of January window - Duration: 3:09.

 Jose Mourinho was desperate to sign a centre-back in the summer but missed out on several targets

 The likes of Jerome Boating, Harry Maguire and Toby Alderweireld were all linked with a switch to Old Trafford

 Now Argentinian broadcaster TyC claim United have made a £77m offer for Koulibaly

 But Napoli have rejected the bid and said the defender is not for sale. The reports claim the Serie A side are holding out for £89m to part with the central defender

 Koulibaly has been consistently linked with United in recent months as Mourinho looks to bolster his backline

 The Special One is under pressure following a poor campaign so far. Before the international break Manchester United were well beaten by arch rivals Manchester City

 That has left the Red Devils eighth in the table, a massive 12 points behind the champions after just 12 matches

 United return to action against Crystal Palace on Saturday at 3pm. And Juan Mata is looking forward to playing at Old Trafford once again following the international break

 He wrote in his blog: "Hi everyone. International football has finished and this week we get back to our day-to-day routine to focus on our next game and train with the team

 "For me, it is a wonderful routine because I am lucky enough to be able to dedicate my time to something that I'm so passionate about like football

I'm fortunate. "I've looked back and we haven't played at Old Trafford since 28 October [the 2-1 win over Everton], which was more than three weeks ago

 "It's been a long while and the team misses it, as you'd expect when your home is somewhere so special

You want to get back to playing there as soon as possible and put in a good showing for the fans

 "After such a long time, we are heading towards two consecutive home matches. This week we play Crystal Palace before, three days later, we go up against Young Boys in the Champions League

 "We aren't going to fall into the trap of thinking that these are games that are easier than others


For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Jose Mourinho makes £77m bid for Serie A defender ahead of January window - Duration: 3:09.


Hvidvask-skandalen: Så mange advarsler fik Danske Bank - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Hvidvask-skandalen: Så mange advarsler fik Danske Bank - Duration: 5:13.


5 FACTS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT ALASKA'S BIG FIVE 🐻 | Wildlife, Animal Facts, Denali 2018 - Duration: 5:59.

Oh! There's some bear poop.

Bear poop.

Hey, bear!

Hello fellow adventurers!

We're Doris & Matthias, looking for wildlife and adventure.

Alaska: Impressive glaciers,

high peaks and complete remoteness.

But we were mostly excited to find wildlife...

... roaming in its natural habitat.

and there is no better place than Denali National Park!

Named after Mountain Denali, North America's highest peak,

this area is true wilderness.

You can only explore it on a local bus and get off wherever you want.

to hike the backcountry.

But be aware! Even though there are no trails and hardly any people around,

you're never really alone.

Because this is the home of Alaska's Big Five.

Let's get right to number 1.

In Europe caribou are known as reindeer.

Did you know that they are the only deer where male and female both grow antlers?

Caribou migrate further than any other land mammal.

Some of them travel more than 5000 kilometers a year.

That's more than traveling from New York to Los Angeles.

Dall sheep are the Northernmost wild sheep in the world.

Their horns grow through their entire life, unlike antlers which are shed every year.

"Oh, no!"

To be safe from predators, they live at high altitude – very high altitude.

Can you spot them? We neither.

They're huge, so huge! Their shoulder height of up to 2.3 meters

makes them taller than the average basketball player.

Moose shed their antlers every year. This makes them 30 kilos lighter.

Can't believe how they can balance this on their head.

Because they're so "a-moose-ing".

*awkward silence*

There are around 70 wolves living in 10 packs in Denali.

Naturally wolves are very shy and rarely seen.

Luckily, these pups are still very curious and came out on the street to check out our bus.

Wolves have gone extinct in Europe and right now their numbers are growing again.

What a shame, that the return to their origins,

causes such an emotional debate in our home country Austria.

Would be great, if they find a welcoming home there.

Seeing Grizzlies in the wild – for the first time ever – that's what we came here for.

And Denali totally lived up to our expectations.

Can you believe that this busy bear eats more than 100,000 berries a day?


Brown bears are on top of the food chain. They can easily take down a huge moose.

But they mainly eat berries, grasses and roots.

While hiking in bear country, we carry bear spray, are very cautious not to surprise them

and watch out for tracks and traces.

We're just hiking up the "Cathedral".

Hey Bear!

This is a bear track.

There are more bear tracks.

Oh! There's some bear poop.

Bear poop?

All of this – is bear poop!

Bear poop!

Someone had a lot of berries, and leaves. I'm checking if it's still warm – but it's not!

Hey bear!

Probably better to turn and take another way.

And that led us to this little fella. And he beats the big five in cuteness.

The Arctic ground squirrel found a rather "cool" way to survive the long harsh winter.

While it sleeps for eight full months, its body temperature drops as low as –2.9 °C. the

The lowest measured in a living mammal.

Their major organs slow down, while others shut down entirely.

Alright, have a good sleep little friend!

Denali was for sure a big highlight of our trip through Alaska and

we definitely recommend going there.

Find more of our Denali adventure over on Instagram (@bugsandbears).

Which one of the Alaskan Big Five was your favorite?

Let us know and comment below.

If you would like to see more animals in the wild, subscribe to our channel

and become part of our wildlife travel community.

See you on the next one ... ... and stay curious!

For more infomation >> 5 FACTS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT ALASKA'S BIG FIVE 🐻 | Wildlife, Animal Facts, Denali 2018 - Duration: 5:59.


Rams beat Chiefs 54-51 in highest-scoring MNF game - Duration: 9:34.

High-powered offense was the marquee attraction for Monday night's game between the Rams and the Kansas City Chiefs, the NFL's highest-scoring teams

 And there was plenty of it. Advertisement  Jared Goff's 40-yard touchdown pass to tight end Gerald Everett with less than two minutes left gave the Rams the lead, and cornerback Marcus Peters and safety Lamarcus Joyner intercepted passes to help preserve a wild 54-51 victory before 77,002 at the Coliseum

 Goff passed for four touchdowns and ran for another, and defensive tackle Aaron Donald forced two fumbles that led to touchdowns as the Rams improved their record to 10-1 heading into a bye week

 Linebacker Samson Ebukam returned a fumble and an interception for touchdowns, and he also pressured Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes into a late interception, which fell into the hands of Peters, the two-time Pro Bowl player who the Chiefs traded to the Rams last March

 The outcome still was not decided until Joyner intercepted a long pass with 13 seconds left

 The Rams needed all of those plays to hold off Mahomes. The second-year pro completed 33 of 46 passes for 478 yards and six touchdowns, but the Chiefs fell to 9-2

 Goff completed 31 of 49 passes for 413 yards. He lost two fumbles, one that was returned for a touchdown

But he came up big when his team needed him most, finding Everett for the second of the tight end's two touchdown catches

 The victory ended another emotional week for the Rams.  The day after they defeated the Seattle Seahawks in Week 10, the Rams left Southern California for Colorado to prepare at altitude for their role as the "home" team in an International Series game against the Chiefs at Mexico City's Azteca Stadium

But the morning after coach Sean McVay and his players arrived in Colorado Springs, the NFL switched the game to the Coliseum, citing poor field conditions

The Rams decided to stay put before returning Saturday night.  On Monday, they played before a crowd that included thousands of first responders and others affected by the mass shooting in Thousand Oaks and deadly wildfires that destroyed homes and forced the evacuations of thousands, including Rams players, coaches and staff

 The score was tied, 23-23, at halftime, and the Chiefs appeared on their way to a fast start in the second half

But Donald, who forced a Mahomes fumble that resulted in a first-half touchdown, stripped the ball from the quarterback again, and rookie John Franklin-Myers recovered the ball

 Goff put the Rams ahead with a seven-yard scramble for a touchdown, and then celebrated by jumping and tossing the ball over the crossbar

But Mahomes answered with a touchdown pass to tight end Travis Kelce to tie the score, 30-30

 Gurley caught several passes on the ensuing drive that stalled inside the 20-yard line, and Greg Zuerlein came on to kick a field goal for a 33-30 lead

That set the stage for Ebukam, who had returned a second-quarter fumble for a touchdown

 The second-year pro picked off Mahomes' pass and returned it 25 yards for another touchdown and a 40-30 lead

Mahomes' answered with a 73-yard touchdown pass to Tyreek Hill early in the fourth quarter to pull the Chiefs to within 40-37

 On the ensuing possession, Chiefs linebacker Justin Houston sacked Goff and knocked the ball loose

Tackle Allen Bailey grabbed it and ran two yards for a touchdown and a 44-40 lead

Advertisement  But Goff completed a long pass to Robert Woods, setting up his short touchdown pass to Everett for a 47-44 lead with 9:38 left

Mahomes' sixth touchdown pass, a 10-yard strike to Conley, put the Chiefs back ahead, 51-47, with 2:47 left

 Goff put the Rams in front with a 40-yard touchdown pass to tight end Gerald Everett with 1:49 left, setting the stage for the final possession

 Both teams turned strip-sack fumbles into touchdowns during a first half that ended with the score tied, 23-23

 Two Chiefs penalties during the opening drive helped the Rams, as Goff found Brandin Cooks for 30 yards and then passed to him again for a short touchdown and a 7-0 lead

 Two more penalties against the Chiefs on the ensuing possession helped the Rams force a punt, giving Goff another opportunity to showcase his talent

 His completed consecutive passes to Josh Reynolds, Tyler Higbee and Robert Woods for first downs, and finished a 10-play drive with a short touchdown pass to Reynolds

Greg Zuerlein missed the extra-point attempt, leaving the Rams with a 13-0 lead.  Mahomes answered with touchdown pass to Tyreek Hill, cutting the lead to 13-7

 The Rams increased the lead with Zuerlein field goal early in the second quarter, and the defense came up with a big stop to hold off the Chiefs

 Mahomes had completed several passes to Hill as he drove the Chiefs to the one-yard line

But on third-and-goal, Rams safety John Johnson stopped Hunt, forcing the Chiefs to settle for a field goal

 The Chiefs turned the momentum when they sacked Goff and forced and recovered a fumble

Mahomes passed to Hunt, who ran 27 yards for a touchdown and a 17-16 lead.  But later in the quarter, Rams tackle Aaron Donald stripped the ball from Mahomes, and Ebukam returned it 11 yards for a touchdown and a 23-17 lead

 The Chiefs got the ball with less than two minutes left, and Mahomes drove then 82 yards and tied the score with an eight-yard touchdown pass to Chris Conley

Harrison Butker missed the extra-point attempt.

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