Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 21 2018

In war, there's only one rule: win- well actually, that's not true, or at least not true anymore.

In the aftermath of World War II, 196 nations ratified in whole or with some reservations

two additional treaties to the Geneva Conventions, detailing the basic rights of wartime prisoners,

establishing protections for the wounded and sick, and protecting civilians caught in a

war zone.

The conventions also laid down the framework for the international banning of certain weapons

of war, which we'll look at today, in this episode of The Infographics Show- Top Ten

Banned Weapons of War.

War is dirty business, and in the aftermath of the First World War the nations of the

world moved to limit the scope of its destructive impact.

Horrified by the mass casualties inflicted by chemical gas attacks, in 1925 at the initiative

of the United States, France, and Poland, the League of Nations drafted the Protocol

for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological

Methods of Warfare.

In essence, international law forbade the use of chemical or biological weapons in war.

Since then other weapons have been added to that list, all with the intent purpose of

limiting human suffering or damage to the earth itself.

Without further ado, here are the top ten banned weapons of war:


Mustard Gas – First synthesized in 1822, it wasn't until 1860 that the dangerous properties

of mustard gas were documented.

As a chemical weapon and dubbed the King of the Battle Gases, mustard gas is surprisingly

the least lethal of all the various chemicals that were used in World War 1, and it's estimated

that only about 1-5% of the people exposed to it were killed.

Mustard gas' real power lay in the terror it could sew amongst enemy troops, as well

as the incapacitating effect exposure had on unprotected soldiers.

Inhaled into the lungs it could be fatal, but while a gas mask would protect from inhalation

there was nothing soldiers could do to protect their exposed skin.

The effects of exposure were not immediate, but within hours the skin would begin to blister,

specially in moist areas such as the armpits and genitals.

As the blisters popped they would often become infected, which is where mustard gas became

one of the most lethal gas weapons ever used- infection typically kills more soldiers in

war than actual combat does.

Worst of all, exposure created sensitivity, and further exposure at even lower doses would

cause a reaction.


Chlorine Gas – Another of the gases used extensively in World War I, it was first deployed

by the Germans at Ypres on the 22nd of april, 1915.

Though an 1899 treaty had forbidden the use of gas in war, the Germans side-stepped the

wording on the treaty by releasing the gas from canisters, not projectiles as outlined

in the treaty.

Planning to release the gas from their own lines, the Germans waited until the wind turned

towards the French forces and then let the heavier-than-air gas drift across no man's

land and sink into the French trenches.

The attack was successful and 100 French troops were killed.

Chlorine gas irritates the eyes, nose, lungs and throat, and in high enough concentrations

can fill the lungs and kill by asphyxiation.

Though seen as a horrific weapon of war, the Germans argued that the intent was to actually

shorten the length of the war and thus limit overall suffering.


Phosgene Gas – Mustard gas may have been dubbed the King of the Battle Gases, but when

it comes to sheer lethality no other gas used in World War I could top Phosgene.

Colorless and smelling like moldy hay- not an uncommon smell in the trenches of Europe-

most troops did not realize they had even been exposed to phosgene until it was too


A slow-acting gas, victim's lungs would fill with fluid and after a day or two would suffocate

to death.

No treatment existed at the time and the best a medic could do is make victims comfortable.

Although the Germans were the first to use phosgene, it became the weapon of choice for

the Allies, and would ultimately be responsible for 85% of the 1.2 million casualties of chemical

warfare during World War I.


Nerve Gas - In 2017 100 people, including children, were killed in a nerve gas attack

in Syria by pro-government forces, with hundreds left injured.

An independent investigation later identified the culprit as Sarin gas, a highly lethal

nerve agent.

Banned by international treaty, nerve agents are some of the most lethal forms of chemical

warfare weapons and work by disrupting the ability for nerves in the body to transmit

chemical messages between each other.

Colorless, tasteless, and odorless, the first sign of exposure is uncontrolled drooling

from the mouth, followed by foaming.

Nausea and stomach cramps follow, along with uncontrollable urination and diarrhea.

Eventually the victim's lungs become paralyzed leaving them unable to breathe.


Plastic landmines – landmines have been around for centuries, albeit in very crude


Some of the first ever used were by the Chinese during the Song dynasty against an assault

by the Mongols.

Filling cast iron cannonball shells with gunpowder, they had an extremely long fuse which had

to be lit by hand by brave ambushers just hundreds of feet away from the enemy.

Modern landmines are completely autonomous and can vary in tripping mechanisms from pressure-sensitive

triggers to tripwires.

With the advent of the metal detector, land mines were designed using plastic in order

to avoid detection, however they were quickly banned internationally due to the difficulty

in locating fragments via x-ray by treating physicians.

This would cause prolonged suffering and was ultimately seen as inhumane.


Biological Weapons – Though around for nearly the entire time that man was waged war against

himself, biological weapons were only recently banned under international law.

Most biological weapons take the form of weaponized disease agents such as bacteria and viruses,

but they can also include fungi, toxins and rickettsiae- parasites that normally affect

arthropods but can be deadly in humans.

Modern conventions don't just protect people from biological weapons, but actually prohibit

their use against plants and animals as well, preventing nations from engineering plagues

that can wipe out a nation's livestock or crops and thus creating famine, which is seen

as unnecessary human suffering.


Flamethrowers – Made famous for their use in World War II and Vietnam, flamethrowers

were the answer to combating enemies entrenched inside fortified bunkers or underground tunnels.

In these confined spaces flamethrowers can actually be more lethal by sucking the oxygen

out of the atmosphere than from their actual flames.

While technically not illegal, their use around civilian areas has been banned due to the

incredible damage they can inflict on infrastructure and their inability to be properly 'aimed'.


Napalm – Another weapon made famous by the Vietnam War, napalm was actually developed

in 1942 at Harvard University.

As a mixture of a gelling agent and some kind of fuel such as gasoline, napalm was originally

designed to be used as an incendiary device against buildings, but was later primarily

used an an anti-personnel weapon.

As the sticky substance sticks to the skin it produces severe burns, and sharing in many

of the same characteristics as a flame thrower it can also make it impossible for individuals

to breathe.

Though not outlawed from military use, its use in civilian population centers is illegal,

once again due to the propensity for incredible property damage and inability to fully control

its effects.


Poisoned Bullets – Early bullets weren't very accurate or powerful, so militaries around

the world would spike them with small amounts of poison or fecal matter.

While not adding any immediate lethality, a poisoned bullet could deliver toxic compounds

deep into the body and result in serious infection that would set in long after a battle took


In modern projectiles the addition of poison would be largely pointless as well, as modern

bullets are already devastatingly powerful.

Because of the lack of immediate lethality and suffering caused long after a conflict

is over, poison bullets have long been banned by international law.


Dirty Bombs – Nuclear weapons are bad enough, and the international community has been unsuccessfully

trying to ban them since their inception.

Nuclear weapons are primarily designed to destroy military or civilian targets, yet

to achieve maximum explosive impact they are detonated high above their target where the

pressure wave can spread.

This has the side effect of causing most of the radiation released to be harmlessly blasted

up into space, or dispersed over a very wide area limiting its effect.

A dirty bomb however is a device that is designed primarily to create radiological fallout rather

than kill outright, with the goal of poisoning land, sea, and air for a very long time.

A regular nuclear weapon can be 'converted' into a dirty bomb by simply programming it

to detonate at ground level, thus creating massive plumes of radioactive debris and irradiating

dozens of square kilometers.

However, other devices such as a cobalt bomb can be detonated high up in the air and produce

tremendous amounts of radioactive fallout.

These dirty, or 'salted' bombs, have long been banned due to the long-lasting and catastrophic

damage they do to large swathes of the environment.

Man has waged war since his inception, but it's only in the last few centuries that we've

began to try and limit the scope of the destruction that we inflict on each other.

As technology progresses and makes more apocalyptic and destructive weapons available, perhaps

it's a sign of hope that even the most embittered enemies such as the Soviet Union and the USA

have abided by these international laws.

Maybe one day we can even move to outlaw war altogether.

So, what's the most horrific weapon of war you've ever heard


Can we ever truly put our warmongering ways behind us?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video called MOAB - the mother of all bombs!

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Weapons Even The Military Made Illegal - Duration: 10:01.


Fate/Grand Order - Parvati Voice Lines (English Subbed) - Duration: 8:20.

Hello, Master of Chaldea.

I am known as the goddess Parvati.

On this occasion, I've manifested by borrowing the body of a pure young girl.

I'm inexperienced with this situation as well so, will you grow together with me?

Conversation 1: It's unhealthy to stay in your room for too long, you know?

Do you want to go somewhere together?

Conversation 2: This is the first time I've been relied on for my fighting power.

Please make sure to give me plenty of commands, Master.

Conversation 3: Things like obeying someone, having someone obey,

I definitely think that a relationship of trust is important for that.

Ah, I have my trust in you Master, of course.

Conversation 4 (When you have Ishtar: That goddess from the Middle East, Ishtar-san, is it?

She's a pretty person, isn't she. I'm very interested in terms of cause and effect.

However, isn't she a bit too flashy…..

Acting too freely can be troublesome sometimes.


Likes: What I like, is it?

It's cooking of course.

Food for the one you love has to be handmade.

Dislikes: What I dislike?

For some reason, I seem to harbour negative feelings towards seaweed.

It's unpleasant, right, how it's slippery, slimy and salty.

A common dislike of humanity, that's what seaweed is.

Regarding the Holy Grail: The Holy Grail?

It's not something that's relevant to me now but,

I'm sure there are many people who had their fates messed up because of it….

During an Event: Huh? It seems like something has started, doesn't it.

Bond Level 1: If you stare so intently…..

I'm sorry. I'm not used to it so it's embarassing.

Bond Level 2: I'm doing the best I can but….

Um, the way I am now, it's not like I have the great power of a goddess….

And yet, why are you being so kind to me?

Bond Level 3: Geez…..

You can't, Master! You can't do something like this to anyone...

ah, is that so….

So it's only to me...

I'm sorry, that's, um….

Even if it's a contract just for battle…..

I'm happy.

Bond Level 5: I've gathered my courage to ask this but…

Master, am I not a burden?

I'm told that I'm heavy so….

I was wondering if I was being a nuisance…

Ah, I'm not talking about it in a physical sense!

I mean in an emotional sense!

Bond Level 5: Thank you very much. For treating someone like me so caringly.....

As the goddess Parvati, as well as a young girl harbouring a deity.[1]

I have a troublesome nature but, as your Servant, I will wholeheartedly serve you until the very end.

Regarding the Spiritual Costume: When I wear these clothes and get wrapped up in Chaldea's liveliness,

I get the feeling that it's as if this place is a school.

Though, since I've never been to school before, I'm saying this based on "her" sensations.

Have I become a little bit more like a goddess?

Trust is hard to come by. I'll do my best so please continue to take care of me.

How is it, does it suit me?

This time, I tried going for a modest outfit that won't have its hem disarrayed, even in battle.

Truthfully, I would have preferred a pink garment but,

it wouldn't suit me as I am now so….

For me to get this far….

Everything is thanks to you.

Thank you very much.

Ufufu, I've become stronger.

Waa... even though I wasn't expecting to be comfortable in these clothes, they're actually calming.

Ufufu, how does it look? Master?

Battle Start 1: I will do the best I can.

Battle Start 2: I'm not a deity of battle but....

Skill 1: I'll wrap this up quickly!

Skill 2: I'm a goddess after all!

Command Card 1: Yes!

Command Card 2: Over there?

Command Card 3: Over here?

Noble Phantasm Card 1: May it reach.

Noble Phantasm Card 2: Even I will get angry when I'm mad.

Noble Phantasm Card 3: Eh? A-Are you sure?

Attack 1: Tei!

Attack 2: Ring, Anahata! [2]

Attack 3: If it's this much!

Extra Attack: I shall bring down divine punishment.

Noble Phantasm: Please feel it.

This is my wave of love that will reach the heavens.

『Trishula Shakti!』

Damage 1: Kyaa!

Damage 2: Ow!

Defeated 1: No way...

Defeated 2: Uuu…. I'm not fit for this after all...

Victory 1: It's a victory for the power of love!

Victory 2: Fuu~...

Hmmm, so she's called Parvati?

That child. It looks like she's possessed by a divine spirit like me's strange.

I feel like we'd get along really well, but there's this shiver on the back of my neck.

Is she really a goddess of love?

Oh my! Tidy and sweet and yet, she is like the embodiment of tolerance.

A wonderful Heroine Servant Found!

How nice is her regal blue Indian Goddess garment.

Her Modesty compared to that goddess of Venus is different should I say...

To be frank, she is my ideal self

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Parvati Voice Lines (English Subbed) - Duration: 8:20.


From College or Nothing to College Without Debt - Duration: 5:05.

Even when the US economy is humming along it contains a strange paradox.

Employers have a hard time finding workers, yet many workers have a hard

time finding appropriate employment. This mismatch can be explained in part at

least by the change in requirements in the labor market. For example, of 100

workers in 1950, only two needed a college degree, today it's almost 50. In

1950, only ten needed prior work experience, today it is more than 70. As

it turns out, many employers have started to demand a college degree even if the

job does not necessarily require one in order to screen for general work

maturity. They just can't seem to find a better indicator for promising employees.

That might be fine if most people had a degree and the applicable experience,

however it may be surprising to hear that in the United States out of every

100 ninth graders only 21 graduate from college within nine years. What sounds

like an alarming statistic is actually nothing unusual for a healthy economy.

College degree rates are similar all around the world, but as long as

employers continue to screen applicants for a college degree they're missing out

on the vast majority of our national talent. Critical positions go unfilled

and workers can't find good jobs in addition even degree holders may find it

difficult to enter the workforce as they lack the experience many employers

require so what if there was an alternative path to filling these

well-paying jobs there is it's called an apprenticeship some have come to call it

college without debt it's an ancient educational model still in use in the

United States that combines classroom instruction with job training in the

workplace in the u.s. apprenticeship is actually widespread and very successful

in the trades and in recent years we have seen it start to spread to other

professions as well yet still apprenticeships currently involve less

than 1% of available jobs what if we could scale this up and offer this

education and career pathway to all students in Switzerland which has about

the same rate of college graduation 21 out of 1

nearly all the remaining students 75 out of 100 go through apprenticeship

programs from bank tellers to computer technicians from nurses to bus drivers

their education exactly matches what the job market needs similar numbers exist

in other European countries what would it take for apprenticeship to go

mainstream in the u.s. like it has elsewhere well the Swiss start young

typically in the last two years of high school and they don't expect schools to

teach work apprentices learn academic skills in the academy but learn job

skills on the job they follow a carefully balanced model that combines

one to two days on campus with three to four days on the job each week employers

stay directly involved in eliminating the skills gap apprentices also earn

money while they learn so instead of falling into debt they can make a living

and even start saving from day one in addition and this is another surprise

Swiss employers also earn money while apprentices learn they have figured out

how to train workers at no net cost to them and in fact at a substantial profit

this is because trainees who work at low training wages increase business

productivity so much that they increase company profits even while being paid

for attending school and going to work this win-win-win-win has turned

Switzerland into one of the most resilient innovative and competitive

economies in the world now imagine what the US economy would look like if its

apprenticeship investment were scaled up to this level US businesses would invest

around 150 billion into their training and earn around 165 billion on that

investment during the training period alone instead of its current 445,000

apprentices the US would have more than 6 million student debt would be reduced

by almost 160 billion per year and the youth unemployment rate would fall from

a current 10 to 15% to 3% the mismatch between what employers are looking for

and what they find in the job market would be erased many of the ingredients

that are needed to make such a future a reality are already present here in the

US and in places where employers in collaboration with highs

schools and community colleges have embraced professional style

apprenticeships students and their parents have embraced them too when the

idea of college or nothing becomes college without debt and students

develop industry valued professional skills as part of their education we

begin to solve the strange American paradox of both too many job openings

and too many job seekers and best of all we rediscover the depth of our national


For more infomation >> From College or Nothing to College Without Debt - Duration: 5:05.


About The Eugenia Cooney & Amberlynn Reid Negativity - Duration: 10:06.

very understandable that you can't help people who don't want help but that doesn't mean we still can't help eugenia cooney & amberlynn reid or even ourselves.

For more infomation >> About The Eugenia Cooney & Amberlynn Reid Negativity - Duration: 10:06.


Comparando a Terra e Marte - quais suas semelhanças e diferenças - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Comparando a Terra e Marte - quais suas semelhanças e diferenças - Duration: 2:32.


วิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง-จุดอ่อน: ลิเวอร์พูล เชลซี และอาร์เซน่อล - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> วิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง-จุดอ่อน: ลิเวอร์พูล เชลซี และอาร์เซน่อล - Duration: 3:26.


Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 1:11.


Memória de Santa Cecília, Virgem e Mártir (Homilia Diária.1011) - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Memória de Santa Cecília, Virgem e Mártir (Homilia Diária.1011) - Duration: 5:47.


Uomini e Donne oggi, mercoledì 21 novembre, il trono over: Tina Cipollari furiosa con Gemma Galgani - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne oggi, mercoledì 21 novembre, il trono over: Tina Cipollari furiosa con Gemma Galgani - Duration: 4:12.


Comparando a Terra e Marte - quais suas semelhanças e diferenças - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Comparando a Terra e Marte - quais suas semelhanças e diferenças - Duration: 2:32.


► TAG DE LO QUE NO VES | Porque me odiaban tanto - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> ► TAG DE LO QUE NO VES | Porque me odiaban tanto - Duration: 14:43.


Calcinhas Absorventes - Pensamentos da Bela | Bela Gil - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Calcinhas Absorventes - Pensamentos da Bela | Bela Gil - Duration: 4:27.


11/21/18 3:50 PM (1020 E Belt Blvd, Richmond, VA 23224, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 11/21/18 3:50 PM (1020 E Belt Blvd, Richmond, VA 23224, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


David Brazil defende Neymar e expõe toda a verdade sobre Bruna Marquezine - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> David Brazil defende Neymar e expõe toda a verdade sobre Bruna Marquezine - Duration: 3:59.


Atenção! Lista de Melhores Chás para Pressão Alta que você Deve Conhecer! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Atenção! Lista de Melhores Chás para Pressão Alta que você Deve Conhecer! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 5:49.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : HAITI VIVE CLIMA DE INSEGURANÇA, COM MANIFESTAÇÕES, TIROTEIOS E SAQUES - Duration: 3:35.


Últimas notícia de hoje : TORTURA É PRATICA GENERALIZADA NO BRASIL - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : TORTURA É PRATICA GENERALIZADA NO BRASIL - Duration: 2:46.


Ohio included in state list of people sickened by E. Coli from romaine lettuce - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Ohio included in state list of people sickened by E. Coli from romaine lettuce - Duration: 1:56.


Meditação: Descubra os benefícios da meditação | Roberta Dias - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Meditação: Descubra os benefícios da meditação | Roberta Dias - Duration: 5:47.


Maryland doctors: Romaine lettuce warning is serious - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Maryland doctors: Romaine lettuce warning is serious - Duration: 1:59.


Road Trip #339 - I-59 North/I-20 East - Alabama Mile 17-45 - Duration: 11:52.

Welcome back to 504 Road Trips! Today we continue north on I-59,

concurrent with I-20 East, beginning at Mile 17 in the city of Livingston,

Alabama, the county seat of Sumter County. The weather was looking a little

bad here, but things cleared up within a few miles. Livingston was incorporated in

1835, and has an estimated population of 3,333. Livingston is home to the

University of West Alabama and is named for Edward Livingston, an American

jurist and statesman from New York.

At Exit 23, we pass near the western edge of the town of Epes, which has a

population of 172.

We cross the Tombigbee River on the Sally S Minus Memorial Bridge, built in 1976.

Then we enter Greene County, named in honor of Revolutionary War General

Nathanael Greene of Rhode Island. Greene County has an estimated population of

8,350, making it the least populous county in Alabama.

I-59 passes along the western edge of the town of Belogee, incorporated

in 1926 and accessed by Exit 32. Belogee has an estimated population of

302 people.

Exit 40 provides access to the Tom Bevill Lock and Dam Visitor Center, an authentic

reproduction of a mid 19th century plantation house surrounded by extensive

lawns, with scattered rows of shade trees. The lock and dam is one of four lock and

dam structures on the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway that generally lie

along the original course of the Tombigbee River. It's located near

Aliceville Alabama, and impounds Aliceville Lake. It is named for Tom

Bevill, a proponent of the Tenn-Tom waterway. This is the town of Eutaw, which

is the county seat of Greene County.

We conclude today's video at Exit 45 near the town of Union Alabama. Thanks

for watching. If you'd like to help support our channel, please check out our

merchandise at

If you like this video, please give us a thumbs up, post a comment, subscribe, share

and follow us on social media, and join us for our next 504 Road Trip!

For more infomation >> Road Trip #339 - I-59 North/I-20 East - Alabama Mile 17-45 - Duration: 11:52.


About The Eugenia Cooney & Amberlynn Reid Negativity - Duration: 10:06.

very understandable that you can't help people who don't want help but that doesn't mean we still can't help eugenia cooney & amberlynn reid or even ourselves.

For more infomation >> About The Eugenia Cooney & Amberlynn Reid Negativity - Duration: 10:06.


Kaleb Mitchell - LIGHT [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:05.

[Hook] I'm just tryna glow

They was tryna dim my light So I had to to let em go

I'm not the one to play games with Just to let you know

And I'ma make it happen And I put that on my soul

Put that on my soul Yeah yeah yeah

[Verse 1] I been the man since the age of 9

And been a man since the age of 5 Remember momma screaming and crying

She on the phone, her sister said Her brother died

That very moment I knew That I had to go for mine

And ain't nobody finna stop my shine Take a look up at the clock

I think it's bout that time A decade and a year straight

I been on my grind Putting pen to the paper

Tryna speak life through these lines Know one day we gon be fine

[Hook] I'm just tryna glow

They was tryna dim my light So I had to to let em go

I'm not the one to play games with Just to let you know

And I'ma make it happen And I put that on my soul

Put that on my soul Yeah yeah yeah

[Verse 2] I stay away from the bottle

Cuz I seen people turn hollow They drown they self in that liquor

Just tryna swim from they problems The surest way to destruction

Is just repeating the cycle I'd made a vow that I'd break it

I put my hand on the bible Wanna keep me a nigga

They wanna keep me a victim They wanna see us in bondage

They wanna keep us in prison Wanna keep all my freedom

They wanna blurry my vision But I refuse to get got

So I keep that shit out my system

[Hook] I'm just tryna glow

They was tryna dim my light So I had to to let em go

I'm not the one to play games with Just to let you know

And I'ma make it happen And I put that on my soul

Put that on my soul Yeah yeah yeah

[Outro] Run boy, you better run boy, you better aye

Better Run boy, you better run boy, you better aye

Better Run boy, you better run boy, you better aye

Better Run boy, you better run boy, you better aye

Better Run boy, you better run boy, you better aye

Better Run boy, you better run boy, you better aye

Better Run boy, you better run boy, you better aye

Better Run boy, you better run boy, you better aye

Better run

For more infomation >> Kaleb Mitchell - LIGHT [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:05.


Romaine lettuce warning sends people to farmers market - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Romaine lettuce warning sends people to farmers market - Duration: 2:40.



Hello how are you?

Can I help you?

We are looking for a sofa

living room sofa or sofa bed?

It can be a sofa bed

I have this new

the wood is strong and resistant

It's good for the apartment, takes up less space

He opens


show my butt to who?

shut up!

If you don't like it, I can show another!

What's the other option?

you're doing it on purpose

Let me go!

I didn't do anything too much.

has a furniture store there in front, can't go there!

Thank you, good afternoon!

boy, you can come back later!

Hello how are you?

can I help you?

A couch?

I'm Monique

We have many sofas at the store

Has this new model, look at the tissue


I have his promotion today

If you take, take this little table

She's new!

like the table?

the table I like, I don't like your position!

I needed to get the table

you are a seller or what?

It's just a table

look at the position that you are getting

This is a store that has married man!

I am also married.

Let me go!

don't touch me!

When you decide, you call me

you will see, halloween is over, but they don't.

unprecedented prank!

Liked it?

Too, loved it!

Here's a little witch, imagine in there

how much is it to join?

20 reais

Let's go inside so you can see if you like it

Come on ...

came another little monster

That p * is this?

What I said out there?

I want a witch as well

She's just there to attract you, silly

I want my money now!

are you kidding?

I want one of those!

look at how wonderful!

If bypass is why don't you like!

All right?

This grabber women!

Halloween night!

It's full of good stuff

20 reals, imagine what's inside

come on?

What is this?

I want a witch

I told you about halloween night

Are you crazy?

You said you had a witch like her!

Go with him!

Your crazy!

Look what you've done with my dress!

I'm sorry, girl

You are in the middle of the street

Do you have a problem?

Calm down!


your crazy!

Look what you've done with my dress!

girl, are you crazy?


It's not my fault that she sprayed me!

Want to see more pranks like this?

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Volvo V40 D2 R-Design - Duration: 1:07.

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Weapons Even The Military Made Illegal - Duration: 10:01.

In war, there's only one rule: win- well actually, that's not true, or at least not true anymore.

In the aftermath of World War II, 196 nations ratified in whole or with some reservations

two additional treaties to the Geneva Conventions, detailing the basic rights of wartime prisoners,

establishing protections for the wounded and sick, and protecting civilians caught in a

war zone.

The conventions also laid down the framework for the international banning of certain weapons

of war, which we'll look at today, in this episode of The Infographics Show- Top Ten

Banned Weapons of War.

War is dirty business, and in the aftermath of the First World War the nations of the

world moved to limit the scope of its destructive impact.

Horrified by the mass casualties inflicted by chemical gas attacks, in 1925 at the initiative

of the United States, France, and Poland, the League of Nations drafted the Protocol

for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological

Methods of Warfare.

In essence, international law forbade the use of chemical or biological weapons in war.

Since then other weapons have been added to that list, all with the intent purpose of

limiting human suffering or damage to the earth itself.

Without further ado, here are the top ten banned weapons of war:


Mustard Gas – First synthesized in 1822, it wasn't until 1860 that the dangerous properties

of mustard gas were documented.

As a chemical weapon and dubbed the King of the Battle Gases, mustard gas is surprisingly

the least lethal of all the various chemicals that were used in World War 1, and it's estimated

that only about 1-5% of the people exposed to it were killed.

Mustard gas' real power lay in the terror it could sew amongst enemy troops, as well

as the incapacitating effect exposure had on unprotected soldiers.

Inhaled into the lungs it could be fatal, but while a gas mask would protect from inhalation

there was nothing soldiers could do to protect their exposed skin.

The effects of exposure were not immediate, but within hours the skin would begin to blister,

specially in moist areas such as the armpits and genitals.

As the blisters popped they would often become infected, which is where mustard gas became

one of the most lethal gas weapons ever used- infection typically kills more soldiers in

war than actual combat does.

Worst of all, exposure created sensitivity, and further exposure at even lower doses would

cause a reaction.


Chlorine Gas – Another of the gases used extensively in World War I, it was first deployed

by the Germans at Ypres on the 22nd of april, 1915.

Though an 1899 treaty had forbidden the use of gas in war, the Germans side-stepped the

wording on the treaty by releasing the gas from canisters, not projectiles as outlined

in the treaty.

Planning to release the gas from their own lines, the Germans waited until the wind turned

towards the French forces and then let the heavier-than-air gas drift across no man's

land and sink into the French trenches.

The attack was successful and 100 French troops were killed.

Chlorine gas irritates the eyes, nose, lungs and throat, and in high enough concentrations

can fill the lungs and kill by asphyxiation.

Though seen as a horrific weapon of war, the Germans argued that the intent was to actually

shorten the length of the war and thus limit overall suffering.


Phosgene Gas – Mustard gas may have been dubbed the King of the Battle Gases, but when

it comes to sheer lethality no other gas used in World War I could top Phosgene.

Colorless and smelling like moldy hay- not an uncommon smell in the trenches of Europe-

most troops did not realize they had even been exposed to phosgene until it was too


A slow-acting gas, victim's lungs would fill with fluid and after a day or two would suffocate

to death.

No treatment existed at the time and the best a medic could do is make victims comfortable.

Although the Germans were the first to use phosgene, it became the weapon of choice for

the Allies, and would ultimately be responsible for 85% of the 1.2 million casualties of chemical

warfare during World War I.


Nerve Gas - In 2017 100 people, including children, were killed in a nerve gas attack

in Syria by pro-government forces, with hundreds left injured.

An independent investigation later identified the culprit as Sarin gas, a highly lethal

nerve agent.

Banned by international treaty, nerve agents are some of the most lethal forms of chemical

warfare weapons and work by disrupting the ability for nerves in the body to transmit

chemical messages between each other.

Colorless, tasteless, and odorless, the first sign of exposure is uncontrolled drooling

from the mouth, followed by foaming.

Nausea and stomach cramps follow, along with uncontrollable urination and diarrhea.

Eventually the victim's lungs become paralyzed leaving them unable to breathe.


Plastic landmines – landmines have been around for centuries, albeit in very crude


Some of the first ever used were by the Chinese during the Song dynasty against an assault

by the Mongols.

Filling cast iron cannonball shells with gunpowder, they had an extremely long fuse which had

to be lit by hand by brave ambushers just hundreds of feet away from the enemy.

Modern landmines are completely autonomous and can vary in tripping mechanisms from pressure-sensitive

triggers to tripwires.

With the advent of the metal detector, land mines were designed using plastic in order

to avoid detection, however they were quickly banned internationally due to the difficulty

in locating fragments via x-ray by treating physicians.

This would cause prolonged suffering and was ultimately seen as inhumane.


Biological Weapons – Though around for nearly the entire time that man was waged war against

himself, biological weapons were only recently banned under international law.

Most biological weapons take the form of weaponized disease agents such as bacteria and viruses,

but they can also include fungi, toxins and rickettsiae- parasites that normally affect

arthropods but can be deadly in humans.

Modern conventions don't just protect people from biological weapons, but actually prohibit

their use against plants and animals as well, preventing nations from engineering plagues

that can wipe out a nation's livestock or crops and thus creating famine, which is seen

as unnecessary human suffering.


Flamethrowers – Made famous for their use in World War II and Vietnam, flamethrowers

were the answer to combating enemies entrenched inside fortified bunkers or underground tunnels.

In these confined spaces flamethrowers can actually be more lethal by sucking the oxygen

out of the atmosphere than from their actual flames.

While technically not illegal, their use around civilian areas has been banned due to the

incredible damage they can inflict on infrastructure and their inability to be properly 'aimed'.


Napalm – Another weapon made famous by the Vietnam War, napalm was actually developed

in 1942 at Harvard University.

As a mixture of a gelling agent and some kind of fuel such as gasoline, napalm was originally

designed to be used as an incendiary device against buildings, but was later primarily

used an an anti-personnel weapon.

As the sticky substance sticks to the skin it produces severe burns, and sharing in many

of the same characteristics as a flame thrower it can also make it impossible for individuals

to breathe.

Though not outlawed from military use, its use in civilian population centers is illegal,

once again due to the propensity for incredible property damage and inability to fully control

its effects.


Poisoned Bullets – Early bullets weren't very accurate or powerful, so militaries around

the world would spike them with small amounts of poison or fecal matter.

While not adding any immediate lethality, a poisoned bullet could deliver toxic compounds

deep into the body and result in serious infection that would set in long after a battle took


In modern projectiles the addition of poison would be largely pointless as well, as modern

bullets are already devastatingly powerful.

Because of the lack of immediate lethality and suffering caused long after a conflict

is over, poison bullets have long been banned by international law.


Dirty Bombs – Nuclear weapons are bad enough, and the international community has been unsuccessfully

trying to ban them since their inception.

Nuclear weapons are primarily designed to destroy military or civilian targets, yet

to achieve maximum explosive impact they are detonated high above their target where the

pressure wave can spread.

This has the side effect of causing most of the radiation released to be harmlessly blasted

up into space, or dispersed over a very wide area limiting its effect.

A dirty bomb however is a device that is designed primarily to create radiological fallout rather

than kill outright, with the goal of poisoning land, sea, and air for a very long time.

A regular nuclear weapon can be 'converted' into a dirty bomb by simply programming it

to detonate at ground level, thus creating massive plumes of radioactive debris and irradiating

dozens of square kilometers.

However, other devices such as a cobalt bomb can be detonated high up in the air and produce

tremendous amounts of radioactive fallout.

These dirty, or 'salted' bombs, have long been banned due to the long-lasting and catastrophic

damage they do to large swathes of the environment.

Man has waged war since his inception, but it's only in the last few centuries that we've

began to try and limit the scope of the destruction that we inflict on each other.

As technology progresses and makes more apocalyptic and destructive weapons available, perhaps

it's a sign of hope that even the most embittered enemies such as the Soviet Union and the USA

have abided by these international laws.

Maybe one day we can even move to outlaw war altogether.

So, what's the most horrific weapon of war you've ever heard


Can we ever truly put our warmongering ways behind us?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video called MOAB - the mother of all bombs!

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Weapons Even The Military Made Illegal - Duration: 10:01.


Fate/Grand Order - Parvati Voice Lines (English Subbed) - Duration: 8:20.

Hello, Master of Chaldea.

I am known as the goddess Parvati.

On this occasion, I've manifested by borrowing the body of a pure young girl.

I'm inexperienced with this situation as well so, will you grow together with me?

Conversation 1: It's unhealthy to stay in your room for too long, you know?

Do you want to go somewhere together?

Conversation 2: This is the first time I've been relied on for my fighting power.

Please make sure to give me plenty of commands, Master.

Conversation 3: Things like obeying someone, having someone obey,

I definitely think that a relationship of trust is important for that.

Ah, I have my trust in you Master, of course.

Conversation 4 (When you have Ishtar: That goddess from the Middle East, Ishtar-san, is it?

She's a pretty person, isn't she. I'm very interested in terms of cause and effect.

However, isn't she a bit too flashy…..

Acting too freely can be troublesome sometimes.


Likes: What I like, is it?

It's cooking of course.

Food for the one you love has to be handmade.

Dislikes: What I dislike?

For some reason, I seem to harbour negative feelings towards seaweed.

It's unpleasant, right, how it's slippery, slimy and salty.

A common dislike of humanity, that's what seaweed is.

Regarding the Holy Grail: The Holy Grail?

It's not something that's relevant to me now but,

I'm sure there are many people who had their fates messed up because of it….

During an Event: Huh? It seems like something has started, doesn't it.

Bond Level 1: If you stare so intently…..

I'm sorry. I'm not used to it so it's embarassing.

Bond Level 2: I'm doing the best I can but….

Um, the way I am now, it's not like I have the great power of a goddess….

And yet, why are you being so kind to me?

Bond Level 3: Geez…..

You can't, Master! You can't do something like this to anyone...

ah, is that so….

So it's only to me...

I'm sorry, that's, um….

Even if it's a contract just for battle…..

I'm happy.

Bond Level 5: I've gathered my courage to ask this but…

Master, am I not a burden?

I'm told that I'm heavy so….

I was wondering if I was being a nuisance…

Ah, I'm not talking about it in a physical sense!

I mean in an emotional sense!

Bond Level 5: Thank you very much. For treating someone like me so caringly.....

As the goddess Parvati, as well as a young girl harbouring a deity.[1]

I have a troublesome nature but, as your Servant, I will wholeheartedly serve you until the very end.

Regarding the Spiritual Costume: When I wear these clothes and get wrapped up in Chaldea's liveliness,

I get the feeling that it's as if this place is a school.

Though, since I've never been to school before, I'm saying this based on "her" sensations.

Have I become a little bit more like a goddess?

Trust is hard to come by. I'll do my best so please continue to take care of me.

How is it, does it suit me?

This time, I tried going for a modest outfit that won't have its hem disarrayed, even in battle.

Truthfully, I would have preferred a pink garment but,

it wouldn't suit me as I am now so….

For me to get this far….

Everything is thanks to you.

Thank you very much.

Ufufu, I've become stronger.

Waa... even though I wasn't expecting to be comfortable in these clothes, they're actually calming.

Ufufu, how does it look? Master?

Battle Start 1: I will do the best I can.

Battle Start 2: I'm not a deity of battle but....

Skill 1: I'll wrap this up quickly!

Skill 2: I'm a goddess after all!

Command Card 1: Yes!

Command Card 2: Over there?

Command Card 3: Over here?

Noble Phantasm Card 1: May it reach.

Noble Phantasm Card 2: Even I will get angry when I'm mad.

Noble Phantasm Card 3: Eh? A-Are you sure?

Attack 1: Tei!

Attack 2: Ring, Anahata! [2]

Attack 3: If it's this much!

Extra Attack: I shall bring down divine punishment.

Noble Phantasm: Please feel it.

This is my wave of love that will reach the heavens.

『Trishula Shakti!』

Damage 1: Kyaa!

Damage 2: Ow!

Defeated 1: No way...

Defeated 2: Uuu…. I'm not fit for this after all...

Victory 1: It's a victory for the power of love!

Victory 2: Fuu~...

Hmmm, so she's called Parvati?

That child. It looks like she's possessed by a divine spirit like me's strange.

I feel like we'd get along really well, but there's this shiver on the back of my neck.

Is she really a goddess of love?

Oh my! Tidy and sweet and yet, she is like the embodiment of tolerance.

A wonderful Heroine Servant Found!

How nice is her regal blue Indian Goddess garment.

Her Modesty compared to that goddess of Venus is different should I say...

To be frank, she is my ideal self

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Parvati Voice Lines (English Subbed) - Duration: 8:20.


From College or Nothing to College Without Debt - Duration: 5:05.

Even when the US economy is humming along it contains a strange paradox.

Employers have a hard time finding workers, yet many workers have a hard

time finding appropriate employment. This mismatch can be explained in part at

least by the change in requirements in the labor market. For example, of 100

workers in 1950, only two needed a college degree, today it's almost 50. In

1950, only ten needed prior work experience, today it is more than 70. As

it turns out, many employers have started to demand a college degree even if the

job does not necessarily require one in order to screen for general work

maturity. They just can't seem to find a better indicator for promising employees.

That might be fine if most people had a degree and the applicable experience,

however it may be surprising to hear that in the United States out of every

100 ninth graders only 21 graduate from college within nine years. What sounds

like an alarming statistic is actually nothing unusual for a healthy economy.

College degree rates are similar all around the world, but as long as

employers continue to screen applicants for a college degree they're missing out

on the vast majority of our national talent. Critical positions go unfilled

and workers can't find good jobs in addition even degree holders may find it

difficult to enter the workforce as they lack the experience many employers

require so what if there was an alternative path to filling these

well-paying jobs there is it's called an apprenticeship some have come to call it

college without debt it's an ancient educational model still in use in the

United States that combines classroom instruction with job training in the

workplace in the u.s. apprenticeship is actually widespread and very successful

in the trades and in recent years we have seen it start to spread to other

professions as well yet still apprenticeships currently involve less

than 1% of available jobs what if we could scale this up and offer this

education and career pathway to all students in Switzerland which has about

the same rate of college graduation 21 out of 1

nearly all the remaining students 75 out of 100 go through apprenticeship

programs from bank tellers to computer technicians from nurses to bus drivers

their education exactly matches what the job market needs similar numbers exist

in other European countries what would it take for apprenticeship to go

mainstream in the u.s. like it has elsewhere well the Swiss start young

typically in the last two years of high school and they don't expect schools to

teach work apprentices learn academic skills in the academy but learn job

skills on the job they follow a carefully balanced model that combines

one to two days on campus with three to four days on the job each week employers

stay directly involved in eliminating the skills gap apprentices also earn

money while they learn so instead of falling into debt they can make a living

and even start saving from day one in addition and this is another surprise

Swiss employers also earn money while apprentices learn they have figured out

how to train workers at no net cost to them and in fact at a substantial profit

this is because trainees who work at low training wages increase business

productivity so much that they increase company profits even while being paid

for attending school and going to work this win-win-win-win has turned

Switzerland into one of the most resilient innovative and competitive

economies in the world now imagine what the US economy would look like if its

apprenticeship investment were scaled up to this level US businesses would invest

around 150 billion into their training and earn around 165 billion on that

investment during the training period alone instead of its current 445,000

apprentices the US would have more than 6 million student debt would be reduced

by almost 160 billion per year and the youth unemployment rate would fall from

a current 10 to 15% to 3% the mismatch between what employers are looking for

and what they find in the job market would be erased many of the ingredients

that are needed to make such a future a reality are already present here in the

US and in places where employers in collaboration with highs

schools and community colleges have embraced professional style

apprenticeships students and their parents have embraced them too when the

idea of college or nothing becomes college without debt and students

develop industry valued professional skills as part of their education we

begin to solve the strange American paradox of both too many job openings

and too many job seekers and best of all we rediscover the depth of our national


For more infomation >> From College or Nothing to College Without Debt - Duration: 5:05.


About The Eugenia Cooney & Amberlynn Reid Negativity - Duration: 10:06.

very understandable that you can't help people who don't want help but that doesn't mean we still can't help eugenia cooney & amberlynn reid or even ourselves.

For more infomation >> About The Eugenia Cooney & Amberlynn Reid Negativity - Duration: 10:06.


Comparando a Terra e Marte - quais suas semelhanças e diferenças - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Comparando a Terra e Marte - quais suas semelhanças e diferenças - Duration: 2:32.


วิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง-จุดอ่อน: ลิเวอร์พูล เชลซี และอาร์เซน่อล - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> วิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง-จุดอ่อน: ลิเวอร์พูล เชลซี และอาร์เซน่อล - Duration: 3:26.


Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 1:11.


How to Achieve Med School Goals

For more infomation >> How to Achieve Med School Goals


Admitted Hoarder Reveals Why She Can't Throw Anything Away - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Admitted Hoarder Reveals Why She Can't Throw Anything Away - Duration: 3:01.


"Bomber" Dave Mastiff vs. Tyson T-Bone: NXT UK, Nov. 21, 2018 - Duration: 1:57.

Tried for the punch.

>> And again now Mastiff now overpowering T-Bone.

>> T-Bone covering up, hugging the middle rope as well.

>> Mastiff just trying to pull T-Bone out.

>> Ooh! >> Another stiff right, and now T-Bone

laying in the shots, trying to wear down, trying take down the big Mastiff.

>> T-Bone a veteran of the British scene who actually ran away to America

in his mid-20s to train under Hall of Famer, Killer Kowalski.

And we're seeing that killer attitude now.

>> And Mastiff is down.

Big Mastiff is down, and T-Bone dropping an elbow to the back.

>> This is the first time since we have seen Mastiff appear on NXT-UK,

we've seen him down and hurt in this way.

>> Look at these punches with precision from T-Bone.

Into the cover, Mastiff able to kick out in one.

>> Rabid punches to the back of the neck.

And again, back on top.

>> A little fish hook from T-Bone.

Again, those heavily taped fists

of T-Bone have paid dividends in the early going night.

Mastiff trying to break the grip of T-Bone.

The Mastiff back onto his feet, and!

>> Straight into a bear hug, and you can see that reaction from T-Bone,

the power and the strength of Mastiff immediately damaging the ribs of T-Bone.

>> And Mastiff, up goes T-Bone, T-Bone trying to take down Mastiff.

>> No!

>> Just sits down right on the chest of T-Bone.

T-Bone is 270 pounds, Nigel.

>> Just like a cruiser weight.

Here he comes.

>> Huge tracks of land covered by Mastiff.

For more infomation >> "Bomber" Dave Mastiff vs. Tyson T-Bone: NXT UK, Nov. 21, 2018 - Duration: 1:57.


Nightcore - come out and play (Billie Eilish) (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:55.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - come out and play (Billie Eilish) (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:55.


The Most Impressive Dads In The Animal Kingdom - Duration: 3:02.

Imagine you're about to be a proud new father,

but first, you have to give birth to 2,000 babies.

Sounds painful, right?

Well, if you're a male seahorse, that is part of the job.

Turns out, there's a lot of animal dads out there

who do all of the hard work.

The hardhead catfish takes parental sacrifice

to the extreme.

To protect the eggs, he'll hold them in his mouth.

And it's not just one or two eggs.

It could be as many as 65.

The eggs take up so much space that he can't eat

because he might swallow one.

So he'll fast for over two months while the eggs develop.

Believe it or not,

the male giant water bug takes on an even heavier load.

Females lay up to 100 eggs on the male's back.

He'll carry the eggs for the next two to three weeks

as they develop.

But during that time, the eggs and mucus glue his wings down

so that he can't even fly,

making him vulnerable to predators.

Plus, the eggs weigh him down so much he has to rely

on slower, easier prey like snails.

Or he just doesn't eat at all.

But it's worth it to ensure his future offspring are safe.

Luckily, for the water bug,

he can return to his regular life after the eggs hatch

because the babies fend for themselves.

That's not the case for the male rhea.

He doesn't just stick around to raise his chicks on his own,

he raises multiple families at once.

During breeding season, the male rhea will build a nest

to attract as many females as possible.

He'll form a group of about five to seven females

and mate with them that season.

The females lay their eggs in his nest and then skedaddle.

Like, for good,

leaving him to raise and defend all 30 or so chicks

until they're about six months old.

Talk about the challenges of being an only parent.

Last but certainly not least, is the male emperor penguin

who does a lot of the hard work early on.

Female penguins entrust their eggs to the males.

But since penguins don't have nests, the males have to play

a delicate balancing act.

They keep the egg warm atop their feet

and away from the frozen ground they stand on.

But they can't hunt or forage for food.

They have to stay put and protect that egg.

But the hard work doesn't even end there.

By the time the chicks hatch,

the fathers are starved from fasting for weeks on end

but the chicks need to be fed.

So, Dad manages to regurgitate some food

from his esophagus to feed the chick until Mom returns.

Delicious, thanks Dad.

Love it when you cook dinner.

Looks like there's a lot of animal dads who deserve an award

for Father of the Year.

For more infomation >> The Most Impressive Dads In The Animal Kingdom - Duration: 3:02.


The Untold Truth Of DanTDM - Duration: 4:03.

Better known to his millions of fans as DanTDM, British YouTube star Daniel Middleton has

built an empire making videos about kid-friendly games like Minecraft, Roblox, and Tomodachi


He's become so popular with kids that he even won a Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Award.

As famous as he is, though, there's probably a lot you don't know about the man behind

it all.

Here's a look at the untold truth of DanTDM.

Stacking shelves

Many popular YouTube gamers personalities and Twitch streamers started off as professional

gamers, bringing with them pre-existing fanbases.

But DanTDM took a very different route, literally building things from scratch as he parlayed

his skill stocking shelves and stacking boxes at the supermarket into a career stacking

Minecraft blocks on YouTube.

Yes, it's true: DanTDM was actually working at the local Tesco supermarket when he decided

to combine his love of filmmaking with his love of Minecraft and start a YouTube channel.

When he announced his plan to quit his job and become a full-time YouTuber, his parents

were… pretty skeptical.

Dan told The Mirror,

"When I started, it was less well known that you could turn it into a job.

The difference between five years ago and now is massive.

But I told them how much it earned compared to my Tesco job and they were, like, 'OK,

that makes sense.'"

Stacking cash

So, just how much sense did it make for DanTDM to quit his supermarket job?

In 2017, Forbes reported that Dan was the highest paid YouTube star in the world, earning

over $16.5 million just in that year alone.

And it's no wonder: as of 2017, his videos had already accrued more than 11 billion total


Dan told The Guardian that the open nature of YouTube helped spur his growth in a way

traditional media doesn't allow.

"What's cool about YouTube, unlike TV, is that there isn't that competition element.

I mean, you could make it into that, as there's obviously numbers involved, but people are

free to watch whoever they want."

Stacking books

DanTDM has never been shy about expanding into new and different ventures.

His world tour, for instance, put on a live, scripted show for his fans around the globe.

But perhaps his most unlikely success comes from the world of publishing, as Dan is a

certified New York Times and Amazon bestselling author.

Yep, it's true.

Based on his Minecraft character Trayaurus, the graphic novel Trayaurus

and the Enchanted Crystal tells the tale of how Trayaurus and DanTDM go on an adventure

to stop the evil Denton from growing even more powerful and dangerous.

Is there anything Dan can't do?!

Think of the kids

DanTDM makes content for kids.

Sure, some adults and find his YouTube videos entertaining, but the truth is, Minecraft

and the other games he covers are huge with the younger population.

Dan's demeanor in his videos, along with the characters he's created, are made for that

audience, and he's proud of the fact that he keeps it clean.

He told Paste Magazine,

"I do these meet and greets before the live show, and most of the comments I get from

parents are things like, 'Thanks for being such a safe environment for my kid to enjoy

content online.'

Which is obviously really important, not just for the kids but maybe even more so for the


Backdraft backlash

DanTDM may be one of the most squeaky clean YouTubers around, but even he managed to get

in some hot water when he gave a toy a hot foot in early 2017.

After posting a video where he set fire to a Hatchimal with a blowtorch, the London Fire

Brigade issued a stern rebuke, calling the video "irresponsible and thoughtless," adding

"We 100% condemn this reckless behaviour and would urge the YouTube vlogger to remove the

clip immediately as it may inspire 'copycat' incidents which may go tragically wrong."

You might say that DanTDM… got burned.

The Guinness Book of World Records

Not many YouTubers are officially listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, but DanTDM


In fact, he actually holds a number of Guinness World Records.

Some you might expect, such as the record for "most views for a dedicated Minecraft

video channel."

Others, though, are a little unexpected considering they both came in a game he's not really known

for playing: Rocket League.

Not only did DanTDM earn the World Records for "most goals in a game of Rocket League

(team of three)" by scoring 41 against an AI team, he and streamer Syndicate also obtained

the record for the most goals scored by a team of two with 11.

And he did both in front of a live audience!

Talk about being cool under pressure.

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of DanTDM - Duration: 4:03.


Space heater started Newport News house fire - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> Space heater started Newport News house fire - Duration: 0:17.


Preview: You Can't Knock Me Down | Season 1 | PROVEN INNOCENT - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Preview: You Can't Knock Me Down | Season 1 | PROVEN INNOCENT - Duration: 1:05.


Sister: Murdered preschool teacher 'didn't deserve what happened' - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Sister: Murdered preschool teacher 'didn't deserve what happened' - Duration: 1:53.


Mother doesn't 'feel comfortable' after son shot while walking to bus stop - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Mother doesn't 'feel comfortable' after son shot while walking to bus stop - Duration: 2:27.


You Won't Believe How Tiny These Deer Are! | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:24.

(They're so cute and tiny)

(mini mukbang)

(not much bigger than a cellphone)

(even a pen)

(I whip my tail back and forth)

(Where are you off to?)

(camera shy)

(I go by many names including the Chevrotain, Tragulidae and the mouse deer)

(That tongue tho)

(They only have two toes)

(Lean legs)

(Whatchu staring at?)

(Living their best life)

For more infomation >> You Won't Believe How Tiny These Deer Are! | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:24.


Ignite!「Miitopia 🛡😨🗡Ep11」 - Duration: 1:01:44.

For more infomation >> Ignite!「Miitopia 🛡😨🗡Ep11」 - Duration: 1:01:44.


Crews scramble to make sure weather doesn't ruin Portland Thanksgiving tradition - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Crews scramble to make sure weather doesn't ruin Portland Thanksgiving tradition - Duration: 1:54.


How to take the best holiday pictures - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> How to take the best holiday pictures - Duration: 1:50.


Ninja RESPONDS To Backlash After Stream Sniping Accusation - Duration: 4:42.

twitch superstar ninja has responded to an enormous backlash after he reported

another forum night player for stream sniping welcome to inform overload I'm

your host jöhnny Rogers and if you're new to the channel we tell you about the

most interesting news stories we find on the Internet

and we make them more entertaining the phenomenon and fortnight known as stream

snipers is changing the playing field for popular live streams for those of

you who don't know what this is allow me to explain the stream sniper is the

practice of playing a game against the streamer while watching their broadcast

to gain an advantage so basically screen picking taken to the

next level this is a big topic of controversy especially involving the

popular streamer known as ninja who recently reported someone for stream

sniping which resulted in a player being banned until an investigation by epic

proved him to be innocent however this did take some time to clear the players

name and in the meantime ninja felt the fury of what feels like the entire

fortnight community on top of him the incident occurred when ninja was killed

by another player and as he was celebrating the win they believed he was

stream sniping the gamer in question is known as ic5 and the controversy came

down to that emote celebration its timing was almost too perfect at the

time ninja and dr. Lupo were in the game and both had been killed by ic5 when dr.

Lupo asked ic5 to do the emo dance trying to bait a stream sniper to

confirm that he was watching their stream ic5 did just that what they

didn't know was that ic5 was just celebrating his win over the two players

he then posted this on Twitter attempting to clear his name by

directing an at ninja and dr. Lupo he states that he would upload the video

from his end to show that he was only doing the dance to impress the six

people that were watching him take them both out the original tweet garnered

three thousand likes and over 388 retweets it also brought the two

streamers into the comment section to have a dialogue ninja then responded by

saying talk about timing when he emoted when Ben asked

odds were in my favor but I guess I was wrong good thing epic just investigates

when I question a player and not ban them immediately this response was good

enough for some for Knight fans to forgive him but for ic5 it's just

angered him further I see five Ben responded saying

I don't understand why you raged called me an idiot and then said you were going

to try and get me banned I know that you can get me banned because of how much

power you have within epoch you are the face of fortnight now ninja has assumed

that this comment warranted enough of an apology to the gamer but many don't

think so he even went on to blame alcohol for the actions and words about

the accused stream sniper following that with calling people too sensitive and

then leaving the comment section but what do you guys and gals think about

this should ninja have to put out a public apology for reporting people with

no evidence or should everyone just calm down because it's only a game the

backlash on ninja didn't just exist on Twitter either most of his critics took

to Reddit and started a number of threads some with more than 44,000

upvotes people were really starting to worry

that because Ninja is one of the top fortnight users that he would be working

with epic to ban people whenever he sees fit this is a rumor that ninja

constantly denies stating the epic investigates all claims and is standing

within the company has nothing to do with their final decisions epic games

actually commented on reddit by saying that ninjas report had been investigated

by IC 5 had been cleared due to the lack of evidence which also poses another

issue with stream sniping the ability to properly prove when people are actually

doing this is an issue it's easier to point out when gamers are using an

aimbot and move to direct locations but unfortunately other users will always be

thrown into the mix even if they're just playing normally with that let's

entertain your brain with some comments unknown one says hand over the Batman

shirt Johnny never Batman is mine forever

mister nobody says as much as I enjoy watching these videos I hate when the

hosts read the comments just report the story maybe make a special comment

response video once a month well do you care less now that you've been featured

na huh avi Cobb says how do you guys determine which backgrounds to use well

we pray to the background gods and just take what they give us be emerald potion

says what if the potato King and Queen II potatoes off-camera

who told you now got 101 says you is Taco King nah be the taco king is old El

Paso get your facts straight thank you for watching inform overload

hit that thumbs up button if you enjoyed this video and if you're new here don't

forget to subscribe plus I'd love to get your take on this

so comment down below with what you thought do you think that ninja went too

far or do you think that his actions were justified if you want more videos

like this one just click the playlist on the screen and if you have any hot tips

on any new and exciting stories that you want us to cover just find my Instagram

in the description below and send me a DM from informed overload I'm Johnny

Rodgers and until next time take care

For more infomation >> Ninja RESPONDS To Backlash After Stream Sniping Accusation - Duration: 4:42.


You've tossed your romaine lettuce. What do you do now? - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> You've tossed your romaine lettuce. What do you do now? - Duration: 2:06.


How The New Halloween Could Have Ended A Lot Differently - Duration: 3:16.

Director David Gordon Green's Halloween, the reboot-sequel that directly connects to John

Carpenter's original film and retcons the many less-awesome follow-ups that came after

it, featured an ending that finally gave Laurie Strode, played by Jamie Lee Curtis, the closure

she'd sought for 40 years, while keeping Michael Myers' fate relatively open for interpretation.

But Halloween almost concluded on much different note.

Obviously if you've come this far in this video you should know: spoilers for the 2018

Halloween ahead.

By the end of the film, Laurie, her daughter Karen, and her granddaughter Allyson trapped

Michael inside Laurie's basement, then set the entire house ablaze.

It'd have been safe to assume Michael would be burnt to a crisp until the film cut back

to the flame-filled basement that now appeared to be Michael-free.

Fans who stayed through the credits heard his breathing just before the lights went

up, which further signaled that he may have made it out of the fire alive.

But an early version of the film saw things play out differently.

In a May 2017 script draft posted to Twitter, Laurie, Allyson, and Karen originally named

"Shanah" come together outside Laurie's house, where Laurie engages in a one-on-one battle

with Michael.

Rather than a game of cat and mouse that ends up with Michael locked in the basement, the

alternate ending sees Laurie and Michael getting into a knife-fight outside.

Laurie's luck against Michael runs out when he drives a knife into her chest.

She swings her own knife and slices his arm.

Here's where Karen/"Shanah" enters the scene, slowly opening the front door, armed with

"a high tech crossbow."

After Michael twists the knife further, "forces [Laurie] to the ground," and then "pulls the

blade out," Laurie's daughter shoots Michael in the chest — at least that's what we can

assume happened.

There's a page missing from the Halloween script that was shared on social media.

Next we see Laurie's daughter and granddaughter flagging down a pick-up truck, loading Laurie

in it, and pulling away with the unnamed driver seemingly in search of a hospital, somewhat

similarly to the way the final cut of the film ends.

The script then cuts to a dark forest, where Michael staggers through the trees as he yanks

an arrow out of his chest.

He ends up "standing among the shattered artificial faces of mannequins" — likely a reference

to the area of Laurie's property where she and her daughter held target practice, which

we saw in the film.

He then walks to a tree and sits down, touches the wounds in his chest and looks at his missing

fingers, all while breathing laboriously.

As the script notes, he's exhausted, and possibly taking his final breath.

Compared to how Halloween actually ended — Laurie, Karen, and Allyson having survived and only

Michael's ultimate fate left ambiguous — this original conclusion would have featured Laurie

and Michael both on the brink of death.

Pretty thrilling, and more than enough room for a sequel, right?

So why didn't they go with this version?

Two words: test audiences.

The filmmakers held reshoots after test audiences made it known that they didn't like the ending

very much.

And as cool as a knife-fight and crossbow scene would've been, it's hard not to agree.

Sure, the original ending sounds pretty solid in most regards, but it was probably a good

thing that it was changed for the final cut.

Imagine it: Laurie anxiously awaiting Michael's return for 40 years, training and raising

her daughter to fight and kill him, to the point where the authorities had to take her

away — only to be stabbed and left bleeding in the back of a pick-up truck?

That would've been a massive bummer.

With critics and fans having highly praised Halloween, and the flick raking in hundreds

of millions of dollars at the global box office, it's all but inevitable that we haven't seen

the last of Michael, Laurie, Karen, and Allyson.

Maybe Laurie will still get to have that knife fight, and Karen will hoist the crossbow for

another moment of utter badassery, in the possible sequel?

A horror fan can only hope.

For more infomation >> How The New Halloween Could Have Ended A Lot Differently - Duration: 3:16.


If you want it, you gotta work for it! | #TheWord s2e11 - Duration: 4:55.

How long is your reach?

But, I mean, like, if you're really, REALLY trying?

(selah – musical break)

Well, สวัสดีครับ (S̄wạs̄dī kráp), brothers and sisters, and good morning,

or good afternoon, or good evening depending on whatever time of day you're watching


Welcome to Mission: Zer0!

If this is your first time here: my name is Shawn, and this is The Word With Friends,

the show where we take a deep dive into language and communications in order to bring us all

closer together!

The thing that I think we need to talk about today is how we can be more exuberant in life,

and we're going to do that by talking about the word "effectual."

In the book of James, chapter 5, verse 16, James says, "the effectual fervent prayer

of a righteous man availeth much."

To put that in a little more modern context: he's saying, "the effectual fervent prayer

of a man who obeys God will bring about huge impact in the world."

Now, the words "effectual fervent…" that's actually one Greek word, and I want

to dive into that word today, and it's the word "energeo."

(selah – musical break)

Now, the word "energeo" is made up of two component words, "en" and "ergon."

Let's talk about "ergon."

It is a verb that means "to work," or "to labor," or "to travail," or "to

be *oomph*!"

"To be putting yourself into it!"

This is an emotional state; this is talking about being just… kind of… *rrragh*!

This is, "*gah* I can't sit still!"

In Battle Cry on Monday we talked about how David, in Psalm 37, was talking about being

giddy; this is sort of the energetic version of that.

This is to be raring to go!

To understand the word "en," the Greek word "en," you have to understand two

other Greek words: "ek" and "eis."

Now, "eis" means "to come into; to come towards."

It's a directional statement.

And then there's "ek."

We've talked about "ek" a bunch of times in the past, but "ek" means "from"

or "out of."

It's also a directional statement and it's going out.

"En" is right in the middle of those two.

Between the coming in and the going out there is "en."

It is to be firmly in a state.

There's no directional movement; you're there.

And so, "energeo" means "to be in the midst of that *oomph*, that drive, that focused

part of your labor, your work."

It's to be "*rrraaagh*," but constantly!

(selah – musical break)

Now, there's a lot of pastors who will tell you, "It's not about you.

It's not about emotions.

Emotions are this thing that you just have to keep under control, and you've got to…


I'm going to tell you: the emotional component of "energeo" is absolutely critical to


This is 100% about your emotions and your emotional state.

Because that's where power comes from.

This is where you set aside your past, and your future, and all of your concerns, and

all of your chaos, and you are just in the zone.

In that excitement of prayer.

This is the prayer that stops the sun in the sky.

This is the prayer that sets captives free.

This is the prayer that raises the dead.

This is miraculous prayer.

And it doesn't come from being neutral.

It comes from being completely and wholly "energeo."

(selah – musical break)

There's my exhortation to us; there's my challenge for us and my question: what's

holding you back from living in "energeo?"

What's the thing that you will stretch for?

What's the thing that you will reach to attain in your prayer life?

And so, take this message, whatever piece of it you can, whatever rings to you, and

use it to be the you-iest you that you can possibly be, and may God pour out the blessings

of drive, and energy, and *oomph*, and passion in us this week, to have miracle prayer.

And I Love you so, so deeply.

Peace out!

For more infomation >> If you want it, you gotta work for it! | #TheWord s2e11 - Duration: 4:55.


Healthy Holiday Tips | Mindful Eating - Duration: 9:38.

What's a holiday season without good

food and great company.

In this video we're going to talk about seven

mindful eating tips for the holidays

to help you savor every moment

even more.

Hey balanced

beauties. I'm Yentl Lega

holistic dietitian

and certified mental health professional

and we are here excited

about the holidays.

So we're going to go over how

to be able to enjoy each moment

even more

with some mindful eating tips.

Tip number one

don't skip meals.

Most of the time we have the idea of

starving ourselves until

Thanksgiving dinner

or some of us have an early

Thanksgiving lunch.

But we have the idea of starving

ourselves to save our appetite

for that big meal.

What happens is that we

actually don't end up really saving

much of our appetite.

And instead, we

end up stuffing ourselves

because we have been depriving ourselves

the entire day.

And then in the end we actually

don't even feel good about it anymore.

We get so stuffed that we don't even get

the chance to really enjoy

the food.

So instead of waiting

and starving until the

big meal.

Actually have your regular meals throughout

the day. You know,

if you normally eat breakfast if you normally

have lunch,

have those meals,

don't skip them.

Think about it this way,

when you starve yourself

waiting for that big meal

you get really hungry

and really cranky.

There's even a term for it called hangry

because you're hungry

and angry.

And when you're hangry all

you're thinking about is when

you're gonna get fed when you're gonna be able

to devour that food.

And what does that do?

Well, it detracts

from you spending time

with your family and actually makes

you more cranky around them.

It makes you not even want to spend

time with them because all

you're doing is looking at the time

to say OK when are we going to eat.

And that's why it's best

to not get to that point of deprivation

and instead have your regular

meals so that when that

nice big meal comes

you are pleasant

and you can enjoy it more.

Tip number two.

Stay hydrated.

Sometimes when

we're hungry we're actually thirsty

if we're not well hydrated.

So the best thing to do is

to make sure

that you drink enough water throughout

the day.

How much water is enough?

It's very different

with each person.

So a good rule of thumb is to

at least drink a cup of water

in the morning before anything else,

first thing,

and then drink a cup of water between

each meal.

At least, mindfully,

you can drink four cups

of water

and then the rest of the times when you're eating meals

you can drink whatever else you like

or more water.

Tip number three.

Sit while you eat.

Now this can be a tough one if

you are the host because

naturally you're going to be walking around

trying to spend time with everyone

and it's very tempting

to grab a bread roll

or grab any little thing that's around

and just keep on walking.

But it's very important to be

able to sit down

while you eat.

Part of eating mindfully

is to really

savor your food so

if you sit it helps

you to really be able to savor

each moment. Which brings us to

our next point.

Tip number four.

Savor your food

and your surroundings.

So if you sit down,

then you are able to really

take in all the flavors of those

foods because you're paying attention

to the fact that you are eating

and, not only that,

but you're paying attention also to the people

that you're spending time

with instead of just walking

by while stuffing your


You actually get to sit down

and talk to somebody for a little bit.

Take time to actually ask,

"Who made this food?

Who Brought the food?

Cause, you know,

some of us don't cook.

But at least start a conversation

around the food

and start a conversation around each other

so that you get to enjoy

that person's presence

and be more present.

And make sure you chew well.

Digestion starts in the mouth

and part of mindful eating

is knowing when

you're full so you can stop when

you're full and knowing when you're hungry

so you eat when you're hungry.

But you want to also have the food

fall good to your stomach

and not give you any indigestion.

So chew your food well

and that's part of also savoring

those flavors of the food.

And also try not

to talk with your mouth full.

So when we talk

with our mouth full It also

detracts from the fact that

we have food in our mouths

and, you know,

we can cause for some

maybe debris when you're talking to

somebody. So it's actually better

to try not to talk

with your mouth full so that way

you're not only taking that time to

really listen to the conversation

to the person that you're talking to

or the people that you're talking to.

But you're also really

enjoying the fact that you have

some really yummy food in your mouth.

Tip number five.

Share a plate.

So do it Tapas style.

You know, if you want to

try a little bit of everything

that is being served

but you're looking at this huge

buffet-like table of

food then share a plate

and do it Tapas style

with a friend

with your family



a bunch of the things that you want to try together

and share that plate together.

And when you share not

only does it make you more mindful

of how much you have because you

kind of don't want to take

over all the food because you're sharing

it with somebody,

but also it makes for

an amazing conversation

with someone else.

When you're sharing food you're talking

about the food you're telling each other this

was good and this wasn't so good.

So when you share a plate

you're not only sharing food,

but you also have the opportunity to

share a conversation

with them when you normally would

have just focused on your own plate.

Now you are able to start

a closeness

with someone that maybe you

probably wouldn't have started a conversation

with if you had your own plate.

Tip Number Six.

Pause before going for seconds.

This is a very important one because

it does take a little bit of time for

our brain to be signaled that we're


So if you pause for a little

bit, wait maybe about 20 minutes,

before going for a second

helping, then you

might realize that you're probably already


And that helps you to prevent

yourself from overeating

and getting to the point where you are uncomfortable.

Tip number seven.

Prepare for leftovers.

So most of the time,

we go prepared to eat,

but we don't go prepared to

take leftovers.

And sometimes we treat that meal

like if it's the last supper.

We eat whatever we can

because we think that we're not going to

ever eat this food again

or we're going to have to wait another year

to eat this food again.

But there's always leftovers.

So have some Tupperware

handy, some of your own Tupperware,

especially if you're traveling.

When traveling it can be a little tough to

take extra food.

But if you have Tupperware it makes it

easier to have it in a container

that is safe for traveling.

And a lot of the times,

your hosts

will thank you for taking food because most

of the time they don't want to be left

with so much food.

So do them a favor

and do yourself a favor

and prepare for leftovers.

It is not the last supper.

So just enjoy your meal

and know that you can enjoy it again

the next day.

And one final bonus


Focus on fun,

not food.

After all, the holidays is really

more about the people that we spend it

with because you can have great food,

but if you have horrible company

you can lose your appetite

and you probably won't even remember how great

the food was because you

just didn't enjoy your time.

So focus more

on the whole reason

for the season,

which is getting together

with people that we love.

If you found these tips helpful please

hit the Like button

and if you'd like to see more tips

on unfolding your healthy,

balanced, and beauty-filled life

then hit the subscribe button

and share this

with a loved one so that you can

enjoy the holidays

and be more present together.

Let me know in the comments below if you tried

any of these mindful eating tips during

this holiday season

And if you have a mindful eating tip of your own,

please share it in the comments as well.

And remember silence the standards

because you are more.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Healthy Holiday Tips | Mindful Eating - Duration: 9:38.


About The Eugenia Cooney & Amberlynn Reid Negativity - Duration: 10:06.

very understandable that you can't help people who don't want help but that doesn't mean we still can't help eugenia cooney & amberlynn reid or even ourselves.

For more infomation >> About The Eugenia Cooney & Amberlynn Reid Negativity - Duration: 10:06.


PARÍS | Nuestro recorrido favorito por la capital de Francia | VagaJuntos en Europa #2 - Duration: 17:14.

Guys, it's 5 am.

We are about to leave.

The car is loaded with lots of Ramírez-Estrada.

And one Schuster.

And one Schuster, indeed.

And where are we going?


Join us!

We are making a small pitstop for gasoline and breakfast.

And what does Mónica want?

A bouquet of flowers.

Because it's her birthday.

Just kidding.


It's really early and I'm still tired.

But I haven't slept in the car.

But she is also hungry because she's always hungry.

Yes, Schuster and I are the fattest ones of this family.

Unfortunately yes.

But at least we enjoy it.

Let's go again.

Two and a half more hours.

After 5 hours we finally made it to Paris.

We planned on getting here earlier but since it's a working day there was lots of traffic and it took us one more hour.

First we'll give you a tour of this apartment that we rented on Airbnb.

We are in Saint-Denis, which is actually a bit outside of Paris.

But that's because here we found an apartment where we have free parking.

And normally parking in the city is really expensive.

And apart from that we aren't allowed to enter the city because we haven't bought the ecological permit for cars to enter French cities.

So that's why we're here.

But from here we can easily take the metro, tram or train to the city.

And we'll get there fast.

This apartment costs 25 euros per night/per person.

It has everything you need, like this kitchen.

There are two bedrooms

where 6 people can sleep.

Here is the livingroom.

There is my father-in-law.

We are really glad to be here and we'll go out in a bit.

We did it, we finally managed to leave.

We are ready to explore Paris.

Wanna see the Eiffel Tower?


Let's go to the city center.

While arriving here it was raining and the weather report says that it will be like this the whole day.

But it look like

the rain has took off for a bit.

And that we'll be able to enjoy the city.

Fingers crossed

that it will stay like this the whole day.

Welcome to Paris.

Our first stop here in Paris is the Arc de Triomph.

For those who didn't know:

this monument was built by Napoleon Bonaparte

after one of his many victories.

We'll show it in detail.

In the center if the arc there is a tomb

which is the tomb of the unknown soldier.

This is a monument in memory of all soldiers that died during the First World War

and of whom they haven't been able to discover their identity.

There is a tomb like this here in Paris.

But there is also one in other European capitals like Rome, Brussels and Madrid.

As always, after visiting the Arc de Triomph we stroll down the Champs-Elysées towards

the Musée du Louvre.

This is a pretty common walking route here in Paris.

So if you're here and you don't want to spend all your money on the metro,

just start at the Arc de Triomph and walk towards the Louvre and than the Notre-Dame.

It's all within walking distance.

So we'll be showing you our favorite walking route.

And that way you get an idea on how to save on metro fares.

Grand Palais.

Petit Palais.

Gran Palais.

Petit Palais.

We have arrived at Place de la Concorde.

This is where the Champs-Elysées ends.

This is one of the most important squares of the city

because this is where the execution of King Louis XVI and his wife Marie-Antoinette took place

when the Frence Revolution ended.

We came to this park to enjoy the few sunrayes that Paris is giving us right now.

The sun finally came out, as Mónica already mentioned.

When arriving here in the morning, it looked like it was going to rain the whole day.

But we are lucky now.

We are currently in Jardin des Tuileries.

This is a park that's located between Place de la Concorde and the Louvre, over there in the distance.

That's where we're going now.

Well, at least after the ladies stop being lazy.

The sister that always sleeps.

Good night.

Good night.

The sun just came out and we are happy because

when we arrived it was super cloudy.

It was raining.

But the weather is pretty nice right now.

A few minutes rest to continue our tour.

With this sun we can recharge our batteries.

One hour resting time?

No, less, three hours.

This city is definitely super interesting.

It is like an open-air museum.

You can find something to see, to learn or to take photos with every 5 meters.

Exactly, we were in the Jardin des Tuileries just a moment ago

and now we have arrived at the Louvre museum.

This is where the famous Mona Lisa is located.

Fun fact about the building where the museum is located

is that it was previously home to the French kings.

But for Louis XIV is wasn't enough

so he decided to built the Palace of Versailles.

Since that moment on the French kings moved over there,

leaving this building completely abondoned.

Guys, once more we are trying to get into a museum on a Tuesday,

but unfortunately it's closed.

Do you remember that the same happened to us in Seoul?

If not, that go watch that video.

And keep in mind not to visit museums on Tuesdays because they will probably be closed.

After a walk of aproximately 10 km starting at the Arc de Triomph,

we are about to arrive at the most iconic place in Paris.

We are already a bit tired

but at least it didn't rain.

There were moments when it almost started

but the skies have been mercyful.

So we are almost arriving at this highly iconic place.

You probably already know what we're talking about.

She's beautiful.

And we aren't even close yet.

But I am right here.

No, the tower.

Mónica and I have been to Paris lots of times already.

And we have also visited the Eiffel Tower lots of times.

But there is something new.

You can't get underneath the tower anymore without having yourself and your things checked thoroughly.

Extremely thoroughly.

You have to take everything out of your backpack and show everything.

Look, everything is closed all around the tower.

We do understand the point of this all.

France is constantly threatened with terrorist attacks.

Which is really sad.

As a person you can decide not to let terrorism determine your life.

But in some way it will always change the way we live life.

All this security is thanks to them and we have to live with that, even if we don't want to.

And that's really sad.

This place loses part of its charm because of all this.

But we are here now,

we are going to get up there

and we aren't going to let anything ruin our fun

and the first time Lizette and my in-laws are here.

Our climb has started.

We are obviously taking the stairs, which costs 10 euros per person.

It will be a long way up there.


we are in shape, so

no complaining here.

What do you think?

We've only climbed 80 steps and I'm already tired.

But we've been to Indonesia to climb volcanoes

and huge cliffs.

So we can do this!

What's up Nancy?

I think she's already tired.

This is for all the exercise that I haven't done in a whole year,

or half a year.

But after this you will be in shape again.

After this I won't have to do anymore exercise until next year

because this is hard enough.

There are Mónica's parents.

Waiting in line for the elevator.

But we forgive them because the stairs are pretty hard.

I'm also already tired.

You obviously know the Eiffel Tower.

But we wouldn't be VagaJuntos if we wouldn't have at least one fun fact for you, right?

The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 for the World Expo.

This was exactly 100 years after the French Revolution.

And exactly 100 years before the birth of Mónica and me.

So in some way the Eiffel Tower is also a bit ours, no?

475 steps until this point.

And many more to come.

Don't think I'm keeping count, each step has a number on it.

She's right!

490 steps at this point.

669 steps later, we have arrived at the second floor of the Eiffel Tower.

This morning everything was looking pretty cloudy

and the weather wasn't great.

But we were lucky.

For a brief moment we thought we were going to have a view like we had in the Shanghai Tower.

If you haven't seen that video yet, the link is in the description box.

From up here we can see all the places we've visited today.

The Arc de Triomphe.

The Grand Palais and the Petit Palais in front of it.

Place de la Concorde.

And the Louvre.

And we walked from all the way over there to come and see the Eiffel Tower.

It was worth it.

We didn't really pay attention at the entrance and we forgot to buy our ticket to go to the top.

So we won't make it further than the second floor.

My parents where smater so they will be able to do the thing we haven't managed to do in 5 times we've been here.

So we'll give them the camera to take some photos up there.

If we would still want to go up, than Kevin would have to go all the way down to get our tickets.

And I would have to buy my ticket for the stairs again.

So we'll just leave that for the next time.

And now you know:

if you want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower,

you'll have to buy the right ticket downstairs.

Good morning guys.

Second and also last day in Paris.

At 6 pm we return to Belgium.

But obviously to travel to more places.

Today we'll be visiting the two most famous churches of Paris.

And maybe something else if we still have time.

We are currently in Montmartre

which is the world famous neighbourhood in the north of Paris,

where you can also find the Moulin Rouge.

After all those stairs we have made it to the church that for us and for many others is the most beautiful one in Paris.

The Basilique de la Sacré Coeur.

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart in English.

I'll simply invite you to enjoy this next sequence

because this place is really worth a visit.

This is Juanito, my travel companion.

I have already done some solo trip,

well not entirely solo because Juanito was always there with me.

And now he was invited to join us on this trip to Europe.

So this is Juanito from "Juanito, solo around the world".

The time is getting the better of us.

We didn't leave the appartement really early today

because since we didn't arrive until 1 am yesterday,

we went to bed really late.

Now it's almost 4 pm

and at 7 pm we leave Paris.

I managed to get one more hour from the owner of the apartment

But although we are running our of time there is always time to sing 'Despacito'

and to visit the Eiffel Tower.

We are currently at Trocadero, the building in front of the Eiffel Tower,

on this side of the Seine.

From here you'll definitely have the best view

and the best photos of the tower.

This is the view you get from Trocadero.

With the sun that's coming out, this is definitely the best spot.

We'll have some great pics from here.

Although for some reason they have put these things here

which prevent us from going up to that wall for some better photos.

But from here it's also not that bad.

As I already told you,

we are running out of time,

so we are headed for the last place we want to visit here in Paris.

And maybe we also find something to eat

before hopping into the car and driving 4 hours back to Belgium.

The end of our trip to Paris has come.

It have been two days full of walking

and full of interesting sites.

But that's Paris.

Two days is perhaps not that much,

but it's enough if you don't have more time.

Behind me you can see the Cathédrale Notre-Dame,

another major attraction of this city.

But as Mónica already mentioned, our two days here have ended.

We go back to Belgium now, but we keep traveling, as promised.

So stay with us and don't miss the next videos

because if you want to know our next destination,

you shouldn't miss the next video of VagaJuntos.

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