Thursday, November 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 23 2018

hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with a fan-favorite pronunciation

question today how do I say the homophones write, right, rite,

and wright you're right they're all pronounced exactly the same way here are

the words for today right or correct write to put something down on paper

rite a ritual and wright used to mean a construction worker it still does but we

mainly see it as a surname um in the u.s. at least um so to pronounce these these

words correctly start with an R sound R make the sound as you know by now if you

watch my videos one of two ways Tongue pointed down or tongue tip pointed

back the key is do not touch your teeth and do not let the tongue slap back and

forth so that you move that R our R is very static R move to the long I vowel

I put eye underneath because that's how you pronounce the word eye or I

referring to myself it's the long I as you can see I open my mouth and then I

move to a smile end with the T sound by touching the tip of your tongue to the

back of your top front teeth right let me read all of those words for you

write, right, rite, and wright give it a try I know people are going to notice

the difference if you liked this video give us a like and a share leave your

comments in the comment section below and visit us at Tarle speech dot comm to

learn more about our classes and products thank you so much for being

here every week and I hope to see you again soon

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce WRITE, RIGHT, RITE, WRIGHT /raɪt/ - American English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 2:03.


Компиляция Construct 2 + Cordova CLI (FULL INSTALL) 2019 - Duration: 21:05.

Very weak PC settings

Create the necessary folders in advance

Download components from links under this video.

Install in the pre-prepared folder

First to the JDK folder

And this is in the JRE folder

Unpack in the right folder

When you first start the necessary components will be downloaded

SDK is also in the right folder

We do not run anything, but immediately look for the settings

We come into the variable Windows environments

It just for me, for example

Now repeat after me without error.



Install all of this. Just repeat for me

There is a small error in the document. Will then be fixed

See it if all is well

Installing 512 MB for Java Machines

Creating empty Cordova folders

For more infomation >> Компиляция Construct 2 + Cordova CLI (FULL INSTALL) 2019 - Duration: 21:05.


《我的恶魔少爷》定档11.24 暖心蜜恋高甜来袭 - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> 《我的恶魔少爷》定档11.24 暖心蜜恋高甜来袭 - Duration: 5:32.


Deborah Secco nada ao lado de tubarões e repreende Hugo Moura por falar palavrão - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Deborah Secco nada ao lado de tubarões e repreende Hugo Moura por falar palavrão - Duration: 3:12.


Ana Maria Braga ignora concorrência e homenageia Eliana na Globo - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Ana Maria Braga ignora concorrência e homenageia Eliana na Globo - Duration: 2:15.


Fernando Savater – Ética para tempos globais - Duration: 2:44.

Of course, over time the amount of people that we get to know

increased a lot. Let's consider for a moment that,

in the 10th century, someone living in an European village

wouldn't see more than 400 or 500 faces during his or her lifespan.

It is to say, they didn't get to know more than 400 or 500 people.

Nowadays, we probably meet 400 people in less than a week.

It is to say, we're always filing in our minds

people we meet, people we see in pictures

or whose stories we read in the Internet, etc. So…

nowadays, we are aware of mankind as a group in a way that

never happened before, it has never been like that, right?

What happens is that, of course, our ability to interact

with all of those people can vary. It is to say,

those who know only their own families

know only a few people, and they can interact with them in very simple ways

– their children, their wife, their siblings, etc.

At the same time, those who know millions and millions of other people

will inevitably know a lot of people with whom they can't interact in any way.

That's why, nowadays, we have this kind of situations

in which we see a tragedy happening,

a tsunami in Thailand… and we feel that it's impossible to help the victims directly,

although we see things as if they were happening right next to us,

but we don't have a direct opportunity to do something about it, right?

I believe... I don't think that we isolated.

But sometimes, we feel that we are unable to help a lot of the people we know,

and it makes us anxious in a way, right?

We establish this huge amount of human relations almost as if by accident.

People in the Middle Ages talked about ordo amoris,

meaning that love, the human filia for others,

has concentric circles. It is to say,

there's an inner circle in which most of my intimate relations, my relatives, are.

There's another circle, a little bigger, with my friends,

and another one where's my whole city, and others even bigger,

my country, my continent, etc. Until you include the whole humanity.

So the relevance and the ethical demand may vary

in the same extent that this circle of relations gets bigger and bigger.

I have a stronger obligation of saving my children

than I have of saving my neighbor's children, but if my children are safe,

then I have the obligation of saving my neighbor's children.

That's somehow raising new questions on ethics,

as we get to know more people and we establish more connections.

For more infomation >> Fernando Savater – Ética para tempos globais - Duration: 2:44.


4 плюса и 4 минуса Фантастических тварей: Преступления Грин-де-Вальда - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 4 плюса и 4 минуса Фантастических тварей: Преступления Грин-де-Вальда - Duration: 3:50.


Mosaic art project in review | Educational | Mosaic tile art - Part2 - Duration: 10:39.

this is educational video which is showing the end-to-end process on mosaic

art projects for people who want to make a good living by creating custom made

mosaic art project for clients. so no fancy edits just experience. ok let's jump to

the workshop process. so means the process has begun. materials to create

the project. tools to create this work and the studio. ok this was the studio.

it's kind of too big. we for this kind of a project you don't need this kind of a

studio. I just want to show everything which is related to this particular

project. and that's why I'm showing you this. the material. you first of all, this

project was in total I believe not more than 4 square meter or something like that. so

even a room is will be enough. in size to create this kind of let's jump

into the material. we have a very low quality picture in here. the photograph

showing how I made all these things. it's a different color. this is actually the

one that I had create for the the storyboard which I told you. to show him

how to look like. so something that we can catch in here, you see this nylon

this plant paper no not plant paper how we call that? this

a painter nylon thing. then you can catch here the mosaic mesh. ok. and here this is

disgusting yellow thing is the glue material which the adhesive which I've

used to stick the tiles the ceramic tiles on this mesh. I will follow up to

that later on. and

so this was the material this our ceramic tiles cut it into 15 by 15

millimeter. I resize them to get these tiles. how I cut them I will show

you in a few minutes. and there is no paper. there is a paper. I believe there

is a drawing here. yes correct there is kind of a drawing laying below the this

mosaic to follow up the lines and stuff. another thing can catch here? I don't

think so. so let's go into the tools that we have use. I use this thing all the

way here. this was I don't want to talk too much about this right now. it's not

the right moment. this was electric. it works with electric. it has one wheel

over here. it has some water is coming up into here. and you know. no there was no

water actually. no water. okay there was no water it was a dry cutter. you turn it

on it starts to turn you know like that. you can by using this thing... okay we go

on to this on another video. but the thing is I changed that to this. to have

this water because cutting ceramic is producing a lot of dust and stuff. this

is what I used to create the smaller tiles. It's 15 by 15 millimeter. I used

regular ceramic glass which was 30 by 30 centimeters big. I resize them into this

15 by 15 millimeter. you can use this kind of a dry, you know it's a ceramic

cutter by Rubi brand. you can find it on the description below at Amazon.

and you can use this actually to. to cut this kind of a tile. you can even cut one

by one millimeter tiles with this simple ceramic cutter. I have a video that link

is in the description below. will also will pop up here somewhere the video you

can go and check if you're interested in to cut this kind of a small ceramic

tiles. and this was the tool. okay I use that one on this project. but I could

also produce it by using this kind of a tool. so another important tool that I've

used is, um, excuse me for this bad image but at that time 2005 it wasn't that

good you know. the phone camera was not, that and it's

also a bit shaky I believe it's blured. so whatever. you see this wood? you call

that here this frame like you know. this was to give it to right-size. okay. I

believe what I did... so it's at the same level. this wood is at the same level. so

I believe, I mean, what I remember is I've created this kind of a frame by using

just some wood. you know some wood how you call that here you see. I glue it I

believe on another wood plate. which is below that. and just to have the right

sizes. okay. because if you want to create something like... hold on. if you want to

create something like. that so this is one tile. okay. and here you have many

mosaic tiles inside. this is the next tile. okay. and this is the next tile. so

each tile must have the same dimensions without any mistakes.

you know. what I mean. by by millimeters it's important. okay that's why I've

created a wood frame to have, to stretch the mosaic. I think what I did was, hold

on please. first I glue all that stuff okay.

and then this wood frame you can't see it in here. then I believe I put this on

a wood frame like like a tray and then I stretch the tiles a bit you know to have

the right size. this is what I believe. I'm not sure. okay another thing that I

use to create this is, you can see it right. here this is the studio actually

inside. see the boxes in here. so that's the messy glue that I've used for such a

long time. it was... look I'm not saying that this is a terrible adhesive if to use

no. it was not the right adhesive to use in this kind of a project. I will

tell you why in a minute. and you can also see the most like nipper. where is

it? so you see this is the other tool that you can use to create this kind of

a 15 by 15 or even 1x1 minim millimeter tiles you can use this here. I can't see

the mosaic nipper. anyway you know how much like nippers look like right?

I will find you hold on.

okay so this, this is another project in the same studio we'll talk about that

later on. you see still here the messy you know that stinky it smelled terrible.

everywhere the same you know it was a big mistake.

but I didn't know what kind of fur glue to use at that time. so this is the

mosaic nipper that I've used. it's not even very clear. there are different type

of Mosaic nippers. okay here it's more clearly. this is how it looks like okay.

not the one with the wheels. this is another project we will look at that in

another video. and this was the only tool that we used to create that I've used to

create this. you see another one here. I believe... I you know... you're lung how you

call. that this stuff what you need in your body to breathe. I damaged them a

lot by using this yellow. you know. just terrible. anyway you see the mash in here.

okay evidence showing how I create this

pieces. you see one piece one piece these are all separate pieces. and I'm also

checking them if the size is correct you can support artists if you think this

video was helpful for you. you can do this by buying goods design it by the

artist. thank you

For more infomation >> Mosaic art project in review | Educational | Mosaic tile art - Part2 - Duration: 10:39.


Sabrina Paravicini di Un Medico In Famiglia rivela il motivo dell'assenza dalla tv - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Sabrina Paravicini di Un Medico In Famiglia rivela il motivo dell'assenza dalla tv - Duration: 9:41.


kỳ lạ heo đẻ ra voi - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> kỳ lạ heo đẻ ra voi - Duration: 1:30.


SULTAN II. MURAD TÜRBESİ / ŞEHZADE ALAADDİN TÜRBESİ ( Fatih Sultan Mehmed Çandarlı Halil Paşa ) - Duration: 4:01.


For more infomation >> SULTAN II. MURAD TÜRBESİ / ŞEHZADE ALAADDİN TÜRBESİ ( Fatih Sultan Mehmed Çandarlı Halil Paşa ) - Duration: 4:01.


How to Pronounce WRITE, RIGHT, RITE, WRIGHT /raɪt/ - American English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 2:03.

hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with a fan-favorite pronunciation

question today how do I say the homophones write, right, rite,

and wright you're right they're all pronounced exactly the same way here are

the words for today right or correct write to put something down on paper

rite a ritual and wright used to mean a construction worker it still does but we

mainly see it as a surname um in the u.s. at least um so to pronounce these these

words correctly start with an R sound R make the sound as you know by now if you

watch my videos one of two ways Tongue pointed down or tongue tip pointed

back the key is do not touch your teeth and do not let the tongue slap back and

forth so that you move that R our R is very static R move to the long I vowel

I put eye underneath because that's how you pronounce the word eye or I

referring to myself it's the long I as you can see I open my mouth and then I

move to a smile end with the T sound by touching the tip of your tongue to the

back of your top front teeth right let me read all of those words for you

write, right, rite, and wright give it a try I know people are going to notice

the difference if you liked this video give us a like and a share leave your

comments in the comment section below and visit us at Tarle speech dot comm to

learn more about our classes and products thank you so much for being

here every week and I hope to see you again soon

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce WRITE, RIGHT, RITE, WRIGHT /raɪt/ - American English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 2:03.


Компиляция Construct 2 + Cordova CLI (FULL INSTALL) 2019 - Duration: 21:05.

Very weak PC settings

Create the necessary folders in advance

Download components from links under this video.

Install in the pre-prepared folder

First to the JDK folder

And this is in the JRE folder

Unpack in the right folder

When you first start the necessary components will be downloaded

SDK is also in the right folder

We do not run anything, but immediately look for the settings

We come into the variable Windows environments

It just for me, for example

Now repeat after me without error.



Install all of this. Just repeat for me

There is a small error in the document. Will then be fixed

See it if all is well

Installing 512 MB for Java Machines

Creating empty Cordova folders

For more infomation >> Компиляция Construct 2 + Cordova CLI (FULL INSTALL) 2019 - Duration: 21:05.


《我的恶魔少爷》定档11.24 暖心蜜恋高甜来袭 - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> 《我的恶魔少爷》定档11.24 暖心蜜恋高甜来袭 - Duration: 5:32.


Wrapples Music Video

For more infomation >> Wrapples Music Video


ZERO: Mere Naam Tu Song | Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif | T-Series - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> ZERO: Mere Naam Tu Song | Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif | T-Series - Duration: 2:01.


5 Common IELTS Mistakes to Avoid - Get a Higher IELTS Score with These Tips - Duration: 16:36.

Hi, I'm Maria.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you'll see five common IELTS preparation mistakes that we often see.

Are you planning to take the IELTS exam?

At Oxford Online English, we meet and teach many IELTS students.

Often, these students find it difficult to prepare for IELTS and get the score they want.

It's not because they don't have the ability.

It's not because they don't work hard.

So, why is it?

It's because they make simple, avoidable mistakes.

The IELTS preparation mistakes you'll see in this video are very common; we see them

all the time!

Making these mistakes will make it more difficult to get the IELTS score you need.

We'll explain how you can avoid these common mistakes and prepare for IELTS more effectively.

Ok, this might seem obvious.

It might seem boring.

People leaving exam preparation too late?

What a surprise!

But, it's the number one mistake that IELTS students make.

The problem is that many students see IELTS like exams you probably had at school: exams

which tested your knowledge of facts.

With that kind of exam, you could start revising a few days before, memorise a load of information,

and maybe get a good mark.

We've all done that, I think, right?

I know I have!

But, here's the problem:

IELTS isn't an exam about facts.

It's a test of your practical skills in English.

Those skills take time to learn and develop.

You can't spend a few days with your books and magically get a higher IELTS score.

You're probably thinking: so how long does it take?

The answer is: longer than you think.

In our experience, moving your IELTS score half a band—so from six to six point five,

for example—takes around two to three months of study.

Moving up one full band takes around six months.

Remember that we're talking about regular study here: two or three hours of lessons

per week, plus several hours of study in your own time.

Also, these are averages.

How long it takes you depends on your exact situation, it depends on your strengths and

weaknesses, and it depends on what kind of learner you are.

So, it's possible that you could do it faster…

…but it might also take you longer.

If you need to take IELTS, probably it's important to you.

You're applying to university, or you're planning to emigrate to an English-speaking


So, don't leave it too late!

Even if you just think that you might need IELTS in the future, it's a good idea to

get into good habits now.

Here are some suggestions:

One: start reading in English every day.

You don't have to spend a lot of time: ten to fifteen minutes is enough.

Try to read a variety of things.

Two: listen to something in English every day.

Again, you don't need to spend a lot of time on this, but you should try to listen

to varied materials; don't listen to the same thing every day.

Three: if you need IELTS in the next 12 months, find a teacher and ask for a speaking and

writing assessment.

This way, you'll know where you are now, and how much work you have to do.

Start preparing early, and it'll be much easier to get the IELTS score you need.

Often, people ask us questions like:

"Can you tell me some tricks to improve my reading score?"

"What are some linking words I should use in my essay?"

"How do I get a higher score in the listening exam?"

All these questions are looking for a trick.

You think that there's some secret to getting a higher IELTS score, and if you could just

find someone to give you the secret, everything would be okay.

Here's the secret: ready?

The secret is… there's no secret.

Seriously: the IELTS scoring systems are public.

You can read them, and we recommend that you do!

Take the reading exam.

Many people ask how to improve their reading score.

They want to know: what's the trick?

What's the secret?

Again, there's no secret.

To get a high score in the IELTS reading exam, you need to be good at reading.

The listening exam is the same.

These are skills that take months or years to develop.

People ask: what are some linking words I should use in my essay?

They think that using more linking words equals a higher score in the writing exam.

Here's something which might surprise you:

We've seen hundreds of IELTS writing tasks.

We have never seen a task which got a lower score because it didn't use enough linking


We have seen many tasks which got a lower score because they overused linking words,

or used them incorrectly.

It's the same with vocabulary.

We see students memorising sentences, idioms and academic vocabulary because they think

that it will boost their score.

Again, if you do this, you're likely to hurt your score, because you'll misuse

the vocabulary that you just memorised from a list.

If you want to improve your IELTS writing score, it's not simple: you need to learn

to write more effectively, and that requires a lot of time and work.

You can't memorise some sentences or a template and expect to get a high score—it won't


Although, there is one case where there might be a kind of 'trick' to improve your score


In the speaking and writing exams, if you don't understand how the exam and the scoring

system work, you might be making mistakes with how you approach the tasks.

For example, if you don't write in clear paragraphs, that will have a big negative

effect on your score.

Correcting that problem—which is very easy to do—can make a big difference.

If you think that in the speaking exam, giving longer answers will always improve your score,

then that can have a negative effect, because your answers also need to be relevant.

Longer answers can easily lose focus and go off-topic.

Again, correcting this can make a big difference quickly.

However, this isn't really 'improving' your score; you're just getting the score

your English should get.

This brings us to our third mistake:

How are IELTS scores decided, and what do

they mean?

Do you know?

As we said before, the IELTS scoring systems are publicly available.

You should read them!

There are links for you below the video.

There are two mistakes which people make here.

First, don't think of IELTS scores as numbers.

Your IELTS score looks like a number, but it isn't really.

It's a very detailed description of what you can or can't do in English.

Why is this important?

Many students think about IELTS scores like tests at school: "I got five.

I need seven, so I just need two more…

Maybe if I try again, I'll get a better score?"

Two more…

Two more what?

The difference between band five and band seven is huge.

It's the difference between speaking basic English and speaking at a level that

is enough to study for a Master's degree or work in a high-level job.

IELTS scores aren't numbers.

Secondly, by learning about the scoring system, you can see what the examiners are looking


This is very important, because you need to do different things at different bands.

For example, is your target band six?

You need to focus on communicating clearly.

You don't need to worry about making grammar or vocabulary mistakes so much.

Are you aiming for band seven?

You need to speak and write without making many language errors.

It's very different to band six.

Do you need seven point five in the speaking test?

That means you need two scores of seven and two scores of eight.

Where can you get eight?

What do you need to improve to make sure you get at least seven in every score?

You need to have answers to these questions in order to prepare effectively.

Are you looking to improve your score in the writing exam in a short time?

You should probably focus on the task achievement and coherence/cohesion scores, which are easier

to change, especially if you don't have much time.

We could go on.

The point is: depending on your target, where you are now, and how much time you have, you'll

need to prepare differently.

Understanding the scoring system will help you make an effective study plan and avoid

wasting time.

If you aren't sure where to start, ask an experienced IELTS teacher for advice.

Let's move on to mistake number four.

Many IELTS students have been preparing for IELTS or trying to get a certain score for

some time.

In our experience, these students often think a lot about what they 'should' say.

What does the examiner want to hear?

Is this a good answer to this question?

If I include some interesting facts in my essay introduction, will the examiner like

it more?

This causes a problem: you feel paralyzed, because you feel like you can't find ideas.

You don't know what to say.

Here's the truth: the examiners do not care about your ideas or your opinions.

Not one bit.

There's no 'right' answer.

If your answer is relevant and clear, then it's a good answer.

If it's not relevant or not clear, then it's not a good answer.

Let's do an example.

Here's a common IELTS speaking question:

Tell me about your hometown.

Often, students will give answers like this:

Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand.

It has a population of ten million.

There are many tourist attractions in Bangkok, such as the Grand Palace, which is very famous

and beautiful.

More than three million tourists visit the Grand Palace every year.

Now, this isn't a bad answer.

It's quite good, in some ways!

But, it's also very unnatural.

Think about it.

If you were in a social situation, like a party, and someone asked you, "Hey, what's

Bangkok like?" would you give an answer like this?

No, almost certainly not.

Maybe you would, and that's fine!

But, most people wouldn't.

Many IELTS candidates try to talk and write in this very unnatural way, because they think

it's what the examiners want.

Here's the problem: taking an exam is stressful.

Speaking a foreign language is hard.

Taking an exam in a foreign language is stressful and hard.

Trying to talk in a very unnatural way, which is totally different from how you communicate


That just makes it harder.

Look at an alternative answer:

Bangkok's never boring!

There's so much going on all the time.

It has so many different neighbourhoods, and they all have their own character.

Some things irritate me, but honestly I really like living here and I couldn't imagine

living anywhere else.

This answer sounds much more natural.

To be clear, 'natural' doesn't mean anything for your score.

Both answers you saw are good answers.

However, the second answer is more natural, which means it's probably easier for you

to produce.

It's closer to how people talk in everyday life.

IELTS is a test of your ability to communicate.

It doesn't matter what your ideas or opinions are.

It matters that you can express your ideas and opinions clearly and in detail.

That sounds so easy, but many IELTS students tell us, "I don't have any ideas for most

of these topics.

I just don't have anything to say."

What about that?

Many students say, "I don't know what to talk about!", especially for the essay

in the writing exam, or in parts two and three of the speaking test.

IELTS questions and topics are designed to be international.

They're not about UK culture or US culture, or any single country.

However, that also means they're not based in your culture.

There might be topics which people don't talk about in your country.

There might be topics which aren't very relevant to where you live.

The IELTS exam is about your ability to communicate in an English-speaking environment.

That includes talking about things you may not have thought about before.

Plus, sometimes, IELTS questions are just plain weird.

"Have you ever planted a tree?"




It's a weird question, but it was in a real IELTS speaking exam in the past.

You need to be ready for anything when you go into the IELTS test.

So, what can you do?

Preparing for IELTS isn't just about your English.

You should also read, write and speak about many different topics, and work out your own

ideas about them.

For example, should children always obey their parents?

Should the government put taxes on fast food?

Is it better to choose a course at university that will lead to a good job, or is it better

to study something you love learning about?

To be a strong IELTS candidate, you should have clear, detailed opinions about all these

topics, and many, many more.

You should also try to be aware of other people's ideas.

Maybe, in your country, people choose a subject at university that will lead to a good job.

Maybe you never even thought about the idea of studying something just because you're

interested in it.

Fine, no problem.

We're not here to tell you what to think!

But, in some parts of the world, people have different ideas.

You'll be a better IELTS candidate if you realise that.

So, read widely, write about different things, and talk to as many people as possible about

as many topics as possible.

You can do this in your own language, but of course it's smarter to do it in English

if you can.

Don't have anything to say about a topic?

Ask your friends, relatives, colleagues and anyone else for their opinions.

Decide if you agree or disagree with what other people say.

That way, you'll start to form your own opinion.

Again, this is a long-term process.

Preparing for IELTS isn't just about going to a class and studying from a textbook.

It's about becoming a more effective communicator.

Let's review the five things you need to do to avoid the common IELTS mistakes you

saw in this lesson.

One: don't leave your preparation too late.

Two: don't look for 'secret techniques' or short cuts.

You'll waste your time and money.

Three: read the scoring system, and understand how scoring works.

Four: focus on expressing your own ideas, not on what you think the examiners want you

to say.

Five: read, talk and learn about a wide range of ideas and topics, so that you have well-developed

opinions of your own.

Thanks for watching, and good luck if you have an IELTS exam coming up soon!

See you next time!

For more infomation >> 5 Common IELTS Mistakes to Avoid - Get a Higher IELTS Score with These Tips - Duration: 16:36.


Guidance du 25 novembre au 2 décembre UNE PHASE D'EVOLUTION - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Guidance du 25 novembre au 2 décembre UNE PHASE D'EVOLUTION - Duration: 9:41.


'얼굴 깡패' 댕댕이도 털 발이라는 사실 증명하는 미용 전·후 사진 7 - Duration: 2:03.

강아지의 외모는 '털 빨'이라는 말이 있다.

덥수룩하게 자라는 털을 어떻게 다듬느냐에 따라 강아지의 얼굴이 더 돋보이기 마련.

여기 반려인들 지갑을 절로 열게 하는 강아지 미용 사진이 공개돼 놀라움을 안겼다.

최근 온라인 미디어 보어드판다는 강아지들의 미용 전과 후 모습이 담긴 비교 사진을 공개했다.

공개된 첫 번째 사진에는 앞이 잘 보이는지 궁금한 허만(Herman)이 보인다.

오래 미용을 피해왔던 허만은 눈가와 입 주변에 노랗게 물이든 꼬질꼬질한 상태다.

하지만 전문가의 손길을 거친 허만의 모습은 놀라웠다. 초롱초롱한 눈동자가 훤히 보이는 것은 물론 자신감마저 생겼는지 한층 더 밝은 표정이다.

두 번째 사진에는 얼굴이 복슬복슬한 털에 감춰진 보위(Bowie)는 미용을 받고 난 후 살아있는 인형으로 변신한 듯 귀여운 미모를 뽐냈다.

허만과 보위처럼 사진 속 강아지들은 미용을 받기 전과 후가 극명하게 차이가 난다.

평범한 푸들에서 스타일리쉬한 푸들로, 털이 엉켜있는 시츄에서 지나가는 사람의 발길도 멈추게 하는 '꽃미모' 시츄로 변신한 강아지들.

강아지 사진들은 모두 미국 캘리포니아주 로스앤젤레스에 사는 동물 전문 사진작가 그레이스(Grace)가 촬영한 것이다.

애견 미용샵도 함께 운영하는 그레이스는 "강아지 미용 전후 사진을 통해 반려인들이 미용의 중요성을 알게 됐으면 좋겠다"며 SNS에 차이가 극명한 강아지 사진을 게재하고 있다.

For more infomation >> '얼굴 깡패' 댕댕이도 털 발이라는 사실 증명하는 미용 전·후 사진 7 - Duration: 2:03.


Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Grand Wedding Reception at Banglore - Duration: 2:06.

Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Grand Wedding Reception

For more infomation >> Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Grand Wedding Reception at Banglore - Duration: 2:06.


Hannity Special 11/23/18 1AM | November 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:53.

For more infomation >> Hannity Special 11/23/18 1AM | November 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:53.


Cock A Doodle Doo | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Children | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 59:08.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has lost her shoe,

My master's lost his fiddlestick,

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!

What is my dame to do?

Till master's found his fiddlingstick,

She'll dance without her shoe.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has found her shoe,

My master's lost his fiddlestick,

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!

What is my dame to do?

Till master's found his fiddlingstick,

She'll dance without her shoe.

For more infomation >> Cock A Doodle Doo | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Children | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 59:08.


Though Our Paths May Diverge [cover] - Mili - Goblin Slayer ED/OST Ep. 7 - Duration: 1:51.

Though Our Paths May Diverge (Death of Goblin Slayer) by Mili [Goblin Slayer OST Ep. 7] Cover by Magical Girl Caroline feat Rafik El Jar

Sleep my child, They don't know your wars. That they stand who you're fighting for. Praises!

Sleep my child, They don't know your war. Always give meaning to your end.

Falling, die for happiness. Thyne path be divert.

Help me make more amazing music - support me via Patreon!

Goblin Slayer and Mili fans, don't forget to check out my cover of the Goblin Slayer OP, Rightfully!

Thanks for watching! <3

For more infomation >> Though Our Paths May Diverge [cover] - Mili - Goblin Slayer ED/OST Ep. 7 - Duration: 1:51.


Dipping my toes gently into the world of robotics - Duration: 16:52.

a few videos back I mentioned just in passing that I was working on this thing

but I didn't really explain what it was so I am hoping to start tinkering on

kind of remote control vehicle / basic really really basic robotic kind of

things so the first thing I decided that I probably needed is some kind of a base

motion platform base platform thing basically something rigid with wheels on

it that can carry an Arduino around and do stuff so this is that one thing that

I found that seemed that getting to be reasonable that could hold stuff and

take it off that phone is this whole VHS case so I grabbed a couple of these

gearhead motors just you know toy motors I can't remember exactly what they're

called there they're all over I bathe oh and bolt them on there nothing fancy and

then to make it move I hooked up a motor driver just a standard little h-bridge

motor driver module and and Arduino Nano and through a little bit of code at them

just to experiment with making it move so my first bit of code that I wrote

which okay back up a little bit here matter of the

wheels on there took in negligible amounts of time hooking this up

negligible amount of time at the speed I code it took an evening to get a little

bit of code figured out to just spin the wheels and make and prove that I could

control them so what it's doing is it's ramping up the speed in one direction

ramping up speed the other direction over here doing the same thing ramping

up the speed but slower and then in Reverse and it's just gonna repeat

that yay that's cool that's simple yeah it took me a long time to figure it

out the only hard part I had in hardware stop him so he's not making noise was I

had to add this little capacitor it's 220 micro farad capacitor that was just

one that was conveniently located I didn't do any math or anything and

that's across the VCC and ground the five volts and ground or goes from the

Arduino to here because these motors were making all kinds of gross noise and

causing this thing to occasionally hang up and or reset that's bad so that

smoothes it out cleans it up haven't any problems with that since for now I'm

just using an Arduino Nano with one of these pin breakout board things I think

a matter what they called me some kind of a prototyping board or something or

other sensor board that's what they call and just because it gives me the pins

broken out easily that's all and it'll lets me put in power more than

just the USB five volts because it's got underneath here it's got you can't

really see well let's pull this over do I have a different one of those no this

is close enough it's not exactly the same but it's got a similar arrangement

underneath there it's got its own little 5 volt regulator and so does this one

here and it's smoothing capacitor to everything huh why don't they have it

more of those I need to order more of those they're super handy anyway where

was I right I've got 7 and bit volts coming in

from my power supply and when this thing is running at full speed with one motor

it's about 200 and some milliamps this won't show it a little bit better when

it gets up to speed 250 milliamps so 500 milliamps from both of those were run

and whatever else I get up to that's just they didn't want to overload me a

USB power that's all so I've got that I've proven to myself that I can make

the motors do different things under program control which for me and my

programming skill that's a milestone well let me show you the horrendous code

that I get to do that okay here's what I've come up with for

my first experiment on my little VHS robot as you can see I freely admit that

I've stolen a lot of this from the LED fade example and then just sort of added

scabby code on top of it so first of all initially is a variable to identify the

four PWM outputs that are going to the motor drivers motor one forward is pin

three motor one reverses five motor two forward is six and motor two reverses

nine and then in setup I send them all at 255 so full PWM 100 percent duty

cycle is interpreted by this particular motor driver board as zero speed and as

PWM zero zero percentage is defined by it as full speed it's upside down to

normal thinking and it took me a while to figure that it would anyway that's

just the way it is other motor drivers may be differently I also may be using

this one wrong but that's what makes it work so I'm going with that so then in

the loop there's just a bunch of these repeated over and over again so motor

one forward rent speed up and yeah this this part here is straight out of the

fade example sketch this sketch right here the fade example sketch

all it does is it PWM fades and LED up and down right you can look that up in

your own Arduino IDE but it's it's pretty basic but I don't know if I would

have come up with that that my level of coding skill so it's it's doing a PWM

right I'm doing a PWM right it's changing value that's what I wanted okay

no if a value is greater than equal to zero then subtract five I think and then

analog right that to the forward so it down a little bit so that the

acceleration is a little bit slower and repeat when you drop out of that

basically 200-year Oh to 255 in five in steps of 5 we wait for part of a second

and then we ramp it back down again and then I had a little bit of trouble early

on I may not need this anymore but I put this in here anyways so after it's faded

up into a ramp speed up and round speed down I just set it to its stop value and

then wait and then go to the other wheel and do the same thing no that's not

right then we wait a hundred milliseconds and then we ramp the speed

up in Reverse exactly the same thing we ramp the speed down in Reverse exactly

the same thing and then we tell it to stop and wait and then we go to motor

two and do exactly the same thing these sections are literally copy and paste

and then just modified so nothing to that once you figure it out that that

give me a little bit of confidence even though it took a long time to figure out

in any order mistakes so then the next thing that I've come up with on another

night is to add these two joysticks to a couple of analog inputs Michael at

the 1 analog 0 & 2 just the vertical up-and-down I haven't

got the side-to-side connected yet which is why I left the the odd-numbered ones

not used I thought I might need those at some point so I just reserved them I

know how often do you think about the future so what this does let's just turn

the power on there is one joystick operates each wheel and just drives it

proportionally in speed forward and reverse so this one I'm not sure that's

that this one is on analog 0 and it's this wheel so if I slowly inch it

forward I can control the speed with PWM using the analog input here both forward

and reverse and that way I can get them both going simultaneously and that draws

about 450 Millions or there abouts and that's just taking

the previous bit of code and building on to it this took like two minutes to add

those and probably another evening plus for me to wrap my brain around the code

because all of a sudden I'm not basing it off somebody else's code I'm doing

this myself so let's go and take a look at that abortion of code nests so here

is the joystick modified version so I defined a couple of joysticks a created

value variables for them and just set that to the middle of the range the

analog inputs range from screwed off the ADC from 0 to 10 12 so I just picked

that right in the middle just so that nothing weird happens and I start I

created before I wasn't using PWM variables now I am so I've created some

variables and initialize them to start at at full stop speed defining the motor

drivers that seem as before do an analogue right actually

in the setup that's no longer necessary cuz I've already initialized them there

so this is redundant down here and I did a lot of troubleshooting so I created a

serial monitor so in the loop read through joysticks that's just a

note to myself there so if joystick ones value is below 450

which is the one inch of the dead band then or map its actual value to between

450 and 0 which is what it's going to be if it's bullet 450 map that to range

between 255 and 0 which is the the PWM so I could have done that with math just

to ratio it but in our do we know world this map function exists so I'm going to

use it because it's lazy and I don't anymore math so if the joystick one

value is not lower than 450 will set the PWM for motor 1 forward to stop then

we'll read juristic 2 and look for the same below and again the same thing

there and then based off that same joystick read if the joystick is

actually above 530 then we'll map its value which in 530 is the other side has

dead band well map its value out and 532 10:23 is

what it's going to be somewhere in that range

now map that from 255 to to 0 from anywhere from stop to start and if it

isn't that yeah yeah and then fall through there and then the same thing

logistic to and fall through to the 255 because if it's not any of these it's

gonna fall through anyway it's not gonna change those values so once we get

through all that that took a lot of head-scratching and a lot of trial and

error and error in there err which is why I was printing them all

out I wasn't even doing the analog rights for a while hit those commented

out and I was just printing them out to a serial monitor just to see what the

hell's going on anyway once we fall through all those then all four of our

PWM valve should have a value but two of well if any of the joysticks are moved

then those are going to have this so if both joysticks are moved then two of

these are going to be default 255 and two of them are going to be whatever

they're set to so it's right all four of those and then hit the bottom of the

loop and go back up to the top I'm sure there's more elegant ways of doing it

and if this gets too messy and out of control I may throw it at my teenager

and get him to clean it up for me but in the meantime that's what I've got so

that's as far as I've gotten on this thing yeah it's not that impressive yet

this is going to be an ongoing project it'll pop up every few months and I'll

have done more stuff to it the next things that I think I want to do to it

is move these joysticks to another Arduino and hook up a pair of these n RF

modules in between the two of them so I'm gonna have to cut I'm not sure where

I'm going to divide the code actually whether I'm going to just send the raw

joystick number values over the air and then have this one keep figuring it out

or am I going to do the math on the transmitters side and just send the PWM

values across not sure yet I'm more inclined to just send the raw joystick

values across and then let the one on the on the board on here it can be

mobile by that point you know because there won't be any any loose wires I can

just throw five volts into this thing and make it go so I'm not sure which one

of those I'm going to do but I'm still so I'm still a little

shaky on the nrfu remember several months ago when I was tinkering with the

NRF modules I forgot most of what I learned then but

I've still got my my scraps of code that I created for that and I think I've

still got the links to the references so hopefully I can work off of those in the

meantime I hope somebody found this interesting

um maybe inspired you to wander way out of your comfort zone into either

hardware a code whichever one is not your comfort zone comments etc down

below as usual go for it I like to hear what you guys are thinking after

watching these things if you're a real coder yeah I know my code sucks a large

part of the point of this exercise is me figuring out myself

because I mean I could just go upstairs into my teenagers cave and throw it at

him and say hey code this and he'd be back in five minutes but I won't have

learned anything so if you got some references you want to point me out that

would help me learn great that will be awesome

um yeah oh yeah I think that's everything for today thanks for watching

I'll talk to you later

For more infomation >> Dipping my toes gently into the world of robotics - Duration: 16:52.


Präteritum mit "haben" & "sein" - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #11 - Duration: 6:24.

This video is sponsored by Lingoda.

Take live online German lessons with native speakers whenever you want.

Click the link in the description and get started learning German with Lingoda today.

Preterite with "haben" & "sein" - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim #11

The two most important verbs in the German language are "haben" (to have) and "sein" (to be).

You have already learned these verbs in the present tense and in the present perfect tense,

but today we are talking about the preterite.

This tense is also known as the "imperfect", the first past

(the present perfect is known as the second past),

or the simple past.

This tense earned that last name,

because it only uses one verb in comparison to the present perfect,

in which one uses "haben" or "sein" as a helping verb.

While the present perfect is mostly used when speaking,

the preterite is mostly used when writing.

With both tenses you express that an event has ended.

Technically speaking the present perfect is supposed to be used when the event is completely finished

and the preterite is used when the event is not complete.

As a rule of thumb you can say: Present perfect while speaking, preterite while writing.

Unfortunately it isn't so simple sometimes.

Because the verbs "haben" and "sein" are used as helping verbs in the present perfect,

there are two forms of "haben" or "sein" in the same sentence.

Ich bin da gewesen. - I was there.

Ich habe einen Hund gehabt. - I had a dog.

Therefore the preterite is often used with "haben" and "sein" also when speaking.

The preterite is also one of the basic forms for the pluperfect and the subjunctive,

but we will have to put these topics on a shelf,

because we are not ready for that yet.

We start today with "haben".

In the preterite, you conjugate "haben" like this.

ich hatte - I had

du hattest - you had

er, sie, es hatte - he, she, it had

wir hatten - we had

ihr hattet - you had

sie, Sie hatten - they, you had

Rainer used a few sentences with "haben" in the last video.

My buddy, Jim, had a birthday party.

He had almost all Ninja Turtle action figures.

Therefore he had a Ninja Turtle birthday party.

I never had a themed birthday party.

They also didn't have that much money.

We had magnetic chess and chutes and ladders.

My family never had a motorcycle.

The verb "sein" is conjugated like this in the preterite:

ich war - I was

du warst - you were

er, sie, es war - he, she, it was

wir waren - we were

ihr wart - you were

sie, Sie waren - they, you were

In English there are often mix-ups between "was" and "were",

because many people don't understand the difference between "preterite" and "subjunctive".

For example: If I was in the shopping center… -

Wenn ich im Einkaufszentrum war…

vs If I were in the shopping center… -

Wenn ich im Einkaufszentrum wäre…

In the first sentence, I was really in shopping center.

In the second sentence, I was not.

In German the counterparts of "was" and "were"

and their differences are more clearly distinguishable.

Here are a few examples with "sein" from the last video.

I was 9 years old.

Jim was my best friend.

My parents were not poor.

When I was eleven years old, I was bullied, because I was a so-called "Dirt Kid".

When I was fourteen years old, my father graduated from the university.

Our financial problems were at an end.

When I was sixteen years old, my parents took us for the first time on a family trip.

I knew it was bit, but I didn't think it was that gigantic.

Unfortunately, this memorial wasn't finished yet, when we were there.

It was stinking boring.

Was that all?

This trip wasn't just our first family trip, but also my first trip that went further than 100 miles.

Because none of these sentences use "du", "ihr", or "Sie", I will now show a few other examples.

Because Germans are supposed to be efficient, I will use "haben" and "sein" in every sentence.

When I was in the fourth grade I had a bowl cut (hairstyle).

Did you have your own car when you were sixteen years old?

If my mother was home, my brother had no idea.

When we were in Munich, we didn't have a dog.

Did you have enough time, when you were in the bank?

When it was Halloween, the children had too much chocolate.

It's that easy.

If you can conjugate these two verbs in the preterite tense,

you can talk about or write in the past with "haben" and "sein"

If you are looking for online German lessons with native speakers,

you should check out Lingoda.

Their teachers are native speakers and their lessons are fantastic.

There is a link in the description for that.

In the next video Rainer will read a book in the airport.

This video will show you a lot of examples of the preterite tense.

In the next grammar lesson, I will talk about other verbs in the preterite.

If you are bored, you can click these links.

For more infomation >> Präteritum mit "haben" & "sein" - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #11 - Duration: 6:24.


'I've made a tremendous difference in this country': Trump says he is thankful for HIMSELF - Duration: 7:13.

'I've made a tremendous difference in this country': Trump says he is thankful for HIMSELF

President Donald Trump said he's thankful for himself and the difference he made in this country along with his family, most of whom he enjoyed turkey dinner with at his Mar-a-Lago estate on Thursday evening.

Asked on Thanksgiving Day to reflect on what he's 'most thankful for,' the president responded: 'For having a great family and for having made a tremendous difference in this country.

'I made a tremendous difference in the country,' he added. 'This country so much stronger now than it was when I took office that you won't believe it.

And I mean, you see it, but so much stronger that people can't even believe it. Trump spent his holiday speaking on the phone with U.S. soldiers, visiting a local Coast Guard station and then heading to his Trump International Golf course.

He had dinner with his family at in the ballroom at Mar-a-Lago that evening.

The president sat in between Barron, in a suit, and Melania, who wore a floor length black dress with long black lace sleeves at a table in the center of the room.

Other members of the Trump family were also seated at the same table - Tiffany, in a mint green dress; Ivanka, in a strapless floral white dress, with her children; and Eric Trump and his wife Lara.

Missing from the menu was romaine lettuce, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned U.S. consumers not to eat as it may be contaminated with E. coli.

Chefs were serving food in a corner of the room. Several tables had long gold clothes with autumn centerpieces and guests ate off of white plates edged in gold.

The president and first lady smiled and waved at the reporters who came into the room to see the dinner festivities.

According to Stephanie Grisham, a spokesperson for the East Wing, the menu included: a full salad bar including Caesar, wedge, tomato/mozzarella, and Greek salads, deviled eggs, and duck prosciutto & melon.

However, despite the traditional ingredients in a Caesar salad, romaine lettuce was not used in any of the dishes, the White House confirmed. A chilled seafood display w Florida stone crab, oysters, jumbo shrimp, and clams.

A carving station with turkey and all the trimmings, beef tenderloin, lamb and salmon. Entrees of Chilean Sea bass, Red Snapper, Braised short ribs. Sides include whipped potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables and traditional stuffing.

A man began performing 'Music of the Night' from Phantom of the Opera shortly before reporters came in to see the president dine - a request from the president Grisham said.

The president started his morning speaking to various troops for about 25 minutes, talking with an Air Force Unit in Afghanistan, Marines in Kuwait, Army soldiers in Afghanistan, Coast Guard officers in Bahrain, and a Navy Commander.

He spoke partially from a script, the pages of which were visible in front of him as he spoke on the phone. He took questions from the press afterward.

The president and his family are spending the Thanksgiving holiday at his estate of Mar-a-Lago. First lady Melania Trump and his son Barron, last seen in August, boarded Air Force One with the president on Tuesday when he left the White House.

Also traveling on the presidential plane were Ivanka Trump and her three children, and Tiffany Trump. Eric Trump, his wife Lara and their son - who are based in New York - arrived separately to join the family for the holiday.

Ivanka Trump and her children were spotted outside of Mar-a-Lago while Trump was on the phone with troops who are stationed overseas. Outside the residence, servers were setting up tables for the first family's holiday dinner.

'Melania and I want to express our gratitude for the sacrifices you make to defend your nation while you are away from your family and loved ones,' he told troops at the start of the call.

'I hope you will take solace in knowing that all of the American families that you hold close to your heart we're all doing well,' he added.

After Trump spoke to the troops and the press, delivered a tray of giant sandwiches to a Coast Guard troops inFlorida on Thanksgiving Day and warned them to watch out as they could gain 'five pounds' from one.

There was no sign of first lady Melania Trump at the president's stop at the Coast Guard Station Lake Worth Inlet in Palm Beach, Florida. She had joined him last year in the sandwich delivery.

The president noted he'd come to the same station last year but added he hoped the food was better this year. 'You gain about five pounds when you eat one of those,' he said of the giant submarine sandwiches.

He offered to take questions from the troops but no one asked. He wished the crowd a 'Happy Thanksgiving' and praised Coast Guard members for their work in hurricane responses, saying they had saved thousands of lives since he became president.

He also shook hands and met with kitchen staff.

For more infomation >> 'I've made a tremendous difference in this country': Trump says he is thankful for HIMSELF - Duration: 7:13.


Peas Porridge Hot | Videos For Kids | Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Abc Tv - Duration: 19:00.

Peas Porridge Hot

For more infomation >> Peas Porridge Hot | Videos For Kids | Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Abc Tv - Duration: 19:00.


VLOG #12 | Trip On SUNDARBAN WATER - Duration: 9:08.





































For more infomation >> VLOG #12 | Trip On SUNDARBAN WATER - Duration: 9:08.


Détour n°7 : Savoir aimer - Florent Pagny - 1997 - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Détour n°7 : Savoir aimer - Florent Pagny - 1997 - Duration: 0:49.


Fixed Customs Duty Facility at Pakistani Airports - Fixed Custom Duty in Pakistan on LED TV & Others - Duration: 5:50.

Fixed Custom Duty in Pakistan on LED TV

Fixed Custom Duty in Pakistan on LED TV

Fixed Custom Duty in Pakistan on LED TV

Fixed Custom Duty in Pakistan on LED TV

Fixed Custom Duty in Pakistan on LED TV

Fixed Custom Duty in Pakistan on LED TV

For more infomation >> Fixed Customs Duty Facility at Pakistani Airports - Fixed Custom Duty in Pakistan on LED TV & Others - Duration: 5:50.


Forbes and radio Kommersant FM told about Nixie Clocks! - Duration: 4:40.

In the summer, 2016 Forbes magazine contacted me.

But, as a result, Kommersant FM made episode about us in their program "Russian Start-up".

Now, I`ll tell you about it.

In June, 2016 Elena Krausova, suddenly, wrote me on Facebook.

She is journalist of Forbes magazine.

It really surprised to me, because Forbes is a quite big magazine.

I`ve never sought to be in the mass media. I had no such purpose.

It turned out, that she had been writing article about new company "VacuumGlow".

The founder of this company was Vadim Garnaev, the former Executive Director of the "Rain" channel.

He launched a huge PR-company on a lot of mass media.

They also planned to produce a tube clocks, but went the other way than us.

He decided to make a high marginality, 5-10 times higher than my clocks.

At that time, the simplest of their clocks costed from $1600

Returning to the article, Elena asked me all the details.

How did I get it? How did my company appear?

How did my clocks appear? In General, all the details.

My story seemed very interesting to her.

She said, she would like to write an article about me, but, unfortunately, they had been writing about "VacuumGlow".

She offered to introduce me to Zera Chereshneva, presenter the "Russian Start-up" episode on Kommersant FM.

A few days later an article was published in Forbes, but meanwhile we had been talking with Zera.

She came to my showroom to see my clocks. At that time, the showroom had just opened.

She also asked me a lot of questions. How did my clocks appear? How did my company appear?

She asked a lot about my grandfather, the mastermind of the whole project.

We had a little time before the episode, and she asked me to quickly record a fragment about the tubes,

which was put into the episode.

I had been recording it in the kitchen 10 or 20 times.

Zera rejected them all the time, but, in the end, they chose the most optimal. It was funny!

As a result, on the 25 of July the episode was released аbout me and my clocks on Kommersant FM.

It was played for a couple of days.

The link to this episode and to the article in Forbes I`ll definitely give under this video.

I want to say that it was quite an interesting experience.

Experience of communicating with journalist.

Later, I used it.

Аn interesting fact is, that every journalist presents all the information, which you tell him, through the prism of his perception

and from the point of interesting presentation of material.

Some moments, for example, about my grandfather and childhood, Zera quite much exaggerated.

But, generally, it was quite interesting.

I`ll definitely tell you, how I worked with other mass media.

I really want to say thanks to Elena Krausova, because she introduced me to Zera Chereshneva.

And thank to Zera Chereshneva for such a wonderful episode about me and my workshop.

Since then, several more publications were published about us,

including design mass media, Architectural Digest magazine, ELLE Decoration magazine,

in RBK magazine, even in the Chinese edition Gooood, Tinkoff magazine and couple of YouTube channels.

In future, I`m planning to talk about, how these mass media have affected to us,

how they came on us and about my experience with these mass media.

Write comments, like this video, be friends with us. See you next week!

For more infomation >> Forbes and radio Kommersant FM told about Nixie Clocks! - Duration: 4:40.


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