Saturday, November 24, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 24 2018

c. 1826 - The first ever known, surviving photograph

1864 - Storefront of a slave trading business in Atlanta, GA

1895 - One of the first x-rays

1895 - Stockyards at Fort Worth, TX

1899 - Generator at Nicola Tesla's lab

1900 - One of the saloons smashed up by Carry Nation while campaigning for the temperance movement

1905 - Mount Rushmore before the sculptures were added

1906 - American Indians on horseback

1908 - Boys working in a glass factory in Indiana at midnight

1910s - Electric car and charging station

1911 - The first expedition to reach the South Pole

1912 - Niagara Square in Buffalo, NY

1917 - A US Marine being trained in trench warfare by French soldiers

1917 - Mexican President Venustiano Carranza poses with the Aztec Sun Stone

1919 - Vladimir Lenin and some of his commanders in Red Square in Moscow

1920s - The Kettering Aerial Torpedo, an early cruise missile

c. 1924 - Workers produce asbestos board at Beloyarsk, Russia

1930 - Adolf Hitler with NSDAP members shortly before his rise to power

1930 - Man on Roof, a photoshopped-like image well before Photoshop

1932 - One of the only photos of the US Supreme Court in session

1932 - Sunset over lower Manhattan, New York City

1935 - Communists marching in New York City for May Day

1936 - Effects of the Dust Bowl in Dallas, SD

1937 - The Metropolitan Opera House, demolished in 1967, New York City

1940s - ENIAC, the first electronic computer

1942 - Search lights converge during the Battle of Los Angeles

1943 - Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer inspect the biggest gun ever fired in combat

1945 - The first atomic bomb

1945 - An atomic shadow, the only trace left of a person incinerated at Hiroshima

1945 - Japanese guards bow to their former American prisoners after Japan's surrender

For more infomation >> Some Striking Scenes from the Past: Remarkable Historical Photos (Part 1) - Duration: 5:13.


Someone wrote Funny Manga About Red Hood x Tim in Batman.🐸 - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> Someone wrote Funny Manga About Red Hood x Tim in Batman.🐸 - Duration: 7:08.


ドライバーズカー選手権2018(2) 10〜5位に留まったモデル、そのワケは - Duration: 21:53.

For more infomation >> ドライバーズカー選手権2018(2) 10〜5位に留まったモデル、そのワケは - Duration: 21:53.


Asia Argento e Giorgio Manetti probabili naufraghi dell'Isola dei Famosi - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Asia Argento e Giorgio Manetti probabili naufraghi dell'Isola dei Famosi - Duration: 4:11.


12 Sinas de FALTA de VITAMINAS Que Muitos Ignoram Inclusive Você e Como Resolver o Problema ! - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 12 Sinas de FALTA de VITAMINAS Que Muitos Ignoram Inclusive Você e Como Resolver o Problema ! - Duration: 4:22.


Dybala quer jogar no Brasil! - Duration: 13:41.

Hello, Desimpedidos.

I'm speaking Spanish because I'm in Argentina...

It's an important day for the football of Argentina.

It's a final between River y Boca, which they call the Superclásico.

We don't know the result yet, we're recording it days before.

What matters is that we're at Argentina's TG

to have a chat with Dybala.

We'll interview the Juventus and Argentine National Team player.

Let's go!

Look who's waiting for us.

Desimpedidos is important, right?

Look, that's him. Dybala.

- Nice to meet you. - How are you?

- How do you do? - Fine, yourself?

I'm great. Can I speak in Portuguese?

My Spanish is terrible.

- Fifty-fifty. - Fifty-fifty?

- Thanks. - I understand it, but I can't speak it.

First of all, thanks for having us.

My first question is:

Today is a memorable day for Argentinian football.

River and Boca at a Libertadores final.

We're recording days before, so we don't know the champion yet.

What do you think of this moment for Argentinian football?

It's an important date for Argentinian football.

This has never happened before.

I think Argentinians should be very proud...

For having two clubs at the final of such an important cup.

I'm always hoping that the best wins.

I have no favorites.

You don't support either?

Would you like to play in one of them?

They're important clubs in Argentinian football.

Every children dreams of playing for Boca or River,

because they're two great clubs, but I don't prefer either of them.

You left Argentina very early.

You played one year in Argentina and then went overseas.

I played for a year for Instituto de Córdoba.

At the B Series. Then I left for Italy.

I've been there for seven years.

You're almost Italian.

They invited you to defend Italy, but you refused.

Yes, in my second or third year. At the time of Antonio Conte.

But I've always felt Argentinian.

I also had a Polish grandfather and I could get Polish citizenship.

But I always wanted to play for Argentina,

despite never been invited.

It was my dream, and here I am today.

You played a World Cup for Argentina.

Is it different to play at a World Cup?

I've never played a Copa América.

I've never had the chance, and ended up at the World Cup.

For a few minutes, but enough to have the feeling...

all children dream about, especially in Latin America.

Argentina and Brazil are passionate about football.

Entering the stadium with your compatriots rooting for you,

in Russia, a country so far away...

Playing the World Cup was beautiful, and of course...

I'll never forget it.

I hope I can have that feeling again.

The next competition is Copa América, in Brazil.

Do you believe you'll have more chances and time to play?

I can't say.

Our National Team has many important players,

especially in my position, so sometimes...

The competition is important and we must be prepared...

to do our best. Training well, doing well in Juventus, my club.

I hope I can go, because...

playing Copa América next year in Brazil is a goal.

We all always want to be on the field.

But I have to work for that, I'm not quite there yet.

In the two last Copas Américas, you ended as runners-up.

Do you see it as an encouragement or as some pressure?

Do you feel you must win?

As I said, football is very important for us.

It's almost like a lifestyle.

So I can't say if I'd call it pressure.

It's an important goal.

Some of my teammates played both finals,

but they couldn't win it.

But I hope we win the next one in Brazil.

Thanks, but I hope you don't!

I have another question.

Copa América will be played in different stadia.

Do you know them?

Do you know which clubs play in them?

No, my teammates are always joking.

Alex prefers one of them, Douglas prefers Grêmio's.

But I don't have a favorite.

I'd like to know them, because I've never been to Brazil.

It's all new to me.

So I'll show them to you, ok?

Try to guess which club plays in each stadium.

Do you know this one?


Cruzeiro plays here. Do you follow Brazilian football?

Yes, I do.

Our championships?


How about this one?

São Paulo?

No, Maracanã.

Flamengo and Fluminense play in this stadium.

How about this one?


That's right.

And this one?


You know all of them. This one?


You know everything about Brazilian football!

Last question before going to the pitch.

That's where you feel more comfortable, with the ball.

This is your special celebration.

Which is more beautiful, yours or Dele Alli's?


It's more original!

- But it's easier! - It is.

Do you have a new one for Copa América?

- No, this is the one. - Forever.

- Let's go to the pitch? - So people remember me.

Right. Let's go.

Let's go to the pitch!

Now we're at an environment Dybala is used to.

The pitch, the best environment.

We've seen your videos. You're very close to Douglas Costa.

Yes, we have a very good relationship.

Since he arrived, we're always together.

After practice, you always have a challenge, right?

Yes, we're always challenging and daring each other.

Both in and out of the pitch.

Sometimes playing PlayStation.

Everything's a bet?


And you never lose, right?

I have lost, but I usually win.

There's evidence in the Internet.

Douglas Costa is in debt. He's losing too much.

Do you prefer to kick from outside or from inside the penalty area?

What do you prefer as a player?

It depends. The odds are higher from inside, due to the distance.

But from outside, the goals are more beautiful.

They have a special feeling.

But I personally have no preference.

- A goal's a goal. - They're all worth one point.

How many are you going to score in Copa América?

I don't know, Copa América isn't easy.

I've never played any, so it's all new to me.

I hope many of them.

What if Brazil faces Argentina?

Brazilians will be upset with me.

Of course I'll defend my country, so I hope Argentina wins.

What final would you like to see in Copa América?

Argentina vs Brazil would be great.

1-0 to us.

That's not negotiable.

I'm kidding.

I brought you something. Give me the candy.

These are called "balas" in Brazil.

No, this is Argentinian.

Yes, but in Brazil we call them "balas".

In Brazil, candies are "balas".

We call them "balas" in Brazil.

We have other expressions using "bala".

Try to guess what they mean.

"Manda bala."

To send, to throw.

To send.

As in "do it"!

Good, that's right.

"Bala ao alvo."

I've no idea.

"Alvo" means "target".

So hit the target.

That's right.

Until Copa América, you can learn other expressions using "bala".

I'll have time to study.

That's right.

We have another host at the channel called Fred.

He holds challenges with Brazilian and foreign players.

He sent you a video.

It's not a challenge, it's a request. Can I show you?

Yes, of course.

Dybala, how are you, my friend?

Sorry, I'll speak Portuguese because my Spanish is terrible.

Dybala, you always score from outside the penalty area.

You're a quality shooter.

I'd like to take the opportunity, since Ale is with you.

Too bad I couldn't be there to see it from up close.

Show us how to do quality upper V shots.

Thanks. Goodbye.

You must hit the upper V.

He didn't come because he was afraid to lose.

He's afraid to lose to you? Maybe.

There's a challenge for you.

Maybe one day you'll teach him some quality shooting.

How about quality shooting, then?

Let's go.

These were Dybala's quality shots.

You said you once broke a camera in Italy.

Yes, while recording an ad.

They had a large camera.

I had to hit the glass, but wasn't hitting it.

In my last attempt, I hit it and the camera exploded.

No problem, Adidas will pay for everything.

Well, this was our show with Dybala.

I'd like to thank Adidas for bringing us to meet Dybala...

in the pitch and at the futsal court.

Thanks for your time.

Good luck in Copa América, I hope we don't face each other.

All right?

We'll see.

Regards to everyone in Brazil.

Thank you for all the kind messages in social media.

Send regards to Douglas Costa, call him a loser.

He'll be upset.

Thanks, goodbye!

For more infomation >> Dybala quer jogar no Brasil! - Duration: 13:41.


Últimas notícia de hoje : SEGUE A CAÇA AO PT: LULA, DILMA, PALOCCI E MANTEGA VIRAM RÉUS - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : SEGUE A CAÇA AO PT: LULA, DILMA, PALOCCI E MANTEGA VIRAM RÉUS - Duration: 2:26.


✅ Uomini e Donne, frecciatina di Martina a Andrew: Teresa? "Fuori non l'avrebbe guardata" - Duration: 2:04.

Uomini e Donne, l'ultima frecciatina di Martina Sebastiani ad Andrea Dal Corso: Teresa? "Fuori non l'avrebbe mai guardata"  Se c'è una persona poco convinta del percorso di Andrea Dal Corso a Uomini e Donne quella è Martina Sebastiani

L'ex protagonista di Temptation Island, che ha frequentato Andrew dopo il programma, oggi è apparsa molto perplessa nei confronti di Andrea

Martina, durante Non succederà più (trasmissione condotta da Giada Di Miceli su Radio Radio), ha infatti lanciato una chiara frecciatina all'ex tentatore

Quando le è stato chiesto di commentare le ultime scelte di Andrea? Del fatto che abbia deciso di corteggiare Teresa dopo Mara la Sebastiani ha detto: "Lui ora corteggia Teresa, è passato di fiore in fiore, vorrei trovare la sua stessa facilità nel fare conoscenze con altri ragazzi"

   Martina Sebastiani, sempre a Radio Radio, ha avuto anche da ridire sui motivi che avrebbero spinto Andrea Dal Corso a dichiararsi per Teresa Langella

Secondo la ragazza, nello specifico, più che interessato alla tronista Andrew potrebbe essersi fatto influenzare dal contesto

Questo vuol dire ad Andrea importa solo di stare in TV? A questa domanda Martina, senza girarci intorno, ha risposto affermando: "La situazione penso ti faccia prendere e coinvolgere da persone che magari fuori non avresti mai guardato "

  Uomini e Donne, Andrew parla di Teresa Langella: ecco che cosa pensa di lei  Teresa Langella, durante le ultime registrazioni del Trono Classico, è apparsa molto restia nei confronti dei suoi corteggiatori, tanto che i suoi dubbi, alla fine, l'hanno spinta ad eliminare tutti

Prima che venisse mandato via, però, Andrea Dal Corso aveva speso delle belle parole nei confronti della napoletana

A Uomini e Donne Magazine l'ex tentatore aveva dichiarato: "Teresa mi fa pensare alla famiglia, ha delle radici molto forti

Ritengo che le nostre differenze siano un punto di forza più che un problema". 

For more infomation >> ✅ Uomini e Donne, frecciatina di Martina a Andrew: Teresa? "Fuori non l'avrebbe guardata" - Duration: 2:04.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection - Duration: 1:06.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection - Duration: 1:06.


BTS (방탄소년단) 'To My Boyfriend' Official FMV - Duration: 2:04.

Hey you, look at my way

And tell me I'm beautiful

Imagining you falling in love with me

I put on my first skirt

Look at my timid lips

And do not hesitate

Like yesterday's movie, hug me

And tell me you want to kiss

Look at my way, always in your eyes

I'm a little girl

It's still strange to say it's love

But in her heart, I became a lady

My love, I have now opened my eyes

Call me, call me, call me, call me

Give a call

Whatever you want I'll give

The love that I've kept has been for you

Call me, call me, call me, call me

Give a call

Whatever you want I'll give

So, in his arms

Take me

I'm yours~

For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) 'To My Boyfriend' Official FMV - Duration: 2:04.


agora terá animações feitas no... - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> agora terá animações feitas no... - Duration: 1:08.


what is the BEST printer to buy for printing 2019 review of the BEST Printers - Duration: 10:45.

we are going paperless at a faster rate than ever we still have to print many

number of pages of documents each day we have went ahead and sifted through

hundreds of models to arrive at the top four printers in the marketplace a

number for getting things started is the Canon Pixma TS 802 o wireless be sure to

check out the video description below for anything we may have missed in the

video the TS 80/20 is a three function all-in-one printer able to print scan

and copy but not fax it comes in your choice of four colors black like our

test unit white red or brown it measures a petite 5.5 by fourteen point seven by

twelve point eight inches and weighs just fourteen point three pounds the

front panel which can be tilted upwards for easy access includes a 4.3 inch

color touch LCD paper handling consists of a 100 sheet main tray and a 100 sheet

rear feeder the TS 80/20 also includes a tray for direct printing onto optical

discs it has an auto duplexer for two-sided printing on top is a letter

size flatbed scanner and to the left of the output tray is a slot for an SD card

it is a very connected printer and connect directly to a computer via USB

or to a network via Wi-Fi it also supports Near Field

Communication NFC direct printing from a compatible Android device it is AirPrint

compatible and mo pria certified for direct printing from iOS and compatible

Android devices and you can print from the Canon print app as well it also

supports Google Cloud Print which lets you send documents to your printer from

any web-connected computer smartphone or other mobile device home ink Jets are

not known for their document printing speed and the TSA t20 is no exception

but it did prove very fast in printing photos it averaged just 20 seconds per

4x6 print the TS 80/20 it uses six ink tanks which

include both dye and pigment based black inks which helped it excel in both photo

and text printing and gray in addition to the usual cyan magenta and yellow the

TS 80/20 s overall output quality is well above par for an inkjet with

excellent text above par photos and slightly above par graphics text is

among the best seen for an inkjet and should be good enough for any business

use even those requiring small fonts with all these features and a top-notch

print quality this one is very hard to skip at number three we have the HP

Officejet Pro 8720 Wireless HP's hulking officejet pro 8720 is one of the biggest

a4 inkjet multifunction peripherals out there that's largely down to an unusual

printer design where paper is ejected away from you into a 150 sheet tray most

octets print towards you the top portion contains a flatbed scanner with a 50

sheet automatic document feeder ADF the Officejet Pro 8720 is perfectly

specified for a small busy office with support for wired and wireless

networking as well as a USB host port or walk-up print and scan jobs speeds are

high with HP claiming up to 24 pages per minute for black a for printing and 20

pages per minute for color the paper tray holds 250 sheets but if you need to

expand you can add another paper tray for a 500 page total both printer and

scanner support automatic duplexing so you can print scan copy or fax

double-sided documents there's a big color touchscreen for control and NFC

for quick and easy pairing with mobile devices it's a particularly fast printer

delivering black text at 21.4 pages per minute and at draft quality reaching

25.4 pages per minute faster than HP's claimed speed

color prints are impressively fast too at 8.6 pages per minute fortunately this

speed doesn't come at the cost of quality black text was crisp and dark

and graphics were strong and free of obvious grain or streaking photocopy

quality was also very high with single copies taking about 14 seconds and a 10

page mono copy just 65 seconds the same job in color needed 90 seconds which is

still quite quick scan performance is good at 300 dots per inch

a4 scan took just 9 seconds and there was a 46 second wait for a 600 dpi photo

scan the HP Officejet Pro 80 720 is a solid all-rounder with reasonable

printing costs and good print quality there are a few niggles but overall it's

a very solid product the updated pricing and other information about this and all

other products can be found in the video description number two we have the canon

imageclass lb p1 v 1 DW measuring nine point four by fifteen point seven by

thirteen point two inches and weighing nineteen pounds including the cartridge

the lb p 151 DW should be easy for one person to move and small enough to

comfortably fit on many desks there are several controls marked by icons to the

left of the main paper tray they include the power button a Wi-Fi button for use

in setup with an indicator light that turns on when you are connected

wirelessly a job cancel button and a paper indicator button the ladder will

flash when you are out of paper or if the paper is the wrong size once you

refill the tray pressing the button will restart printing it includes a 250 sheet

main paper tray and a one-sheet multi-purpose feeder as well as an

automatic duplexer for printing on both sides of a sheet of paper the printer is

set by default to two-sided printing as a paper and money saving measure

the LBP 151 DW offers Ethernet USB and 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi connectivity

it supports printing with the Canon print business and mo priya print

service apps as well as Google Cloud Print printer drivers include canons

host based u FR - driver as well as PCL 6 the LBP 151 DW proved a speedster in

our testing printing out at 10.1 pages per minute in its default duplex mode in

ad hoc testing in simplex mode it was rated at 28 pages per minute but it

tests it at an even faster thirteen point two pages per minute overall

output quality was average for a mono laser with slightly above par text

graphics a bit below par and average photos text should be good enough for

any business use except for ones requiring tiny fonts and running costs

are lower than many competing products the canon imageclass LBP 151 DW is a

compact and capable mono laser printer for use in a micro or home office or as

a personal printer

and number one top of our list is the brother HL l 8 3 6 0 CW to find out some

more info we may have missed check out the video description below the L 8 3 6

0 CDW comes out of the box with a paper

capacity of 300 sheets split between a 250 sheet paper cassette and a 50 sheet

multi-purpose tray the HL - L 8 3 6 0 CDW in addition to the 3 250 sheet

cassette option also supports 2 500 sheet paper trays for a maximum capacity

of 1300 sheets physical connectivity options on the HL

l 8 6 3 0 CDW include Gigabit Ethernet Wi-Fi and connecting to a single PC via

USB it supports peer-to-peer Wi-Fi direct

and a slew of cloud and other prints mobility features but the HL l 8 3 6 0

CDW also supports NFC which allows you to

print by touching your smartphone or tablet to a hotspot on the printer in

addition it supports brother's office print cloud app for printing from

Microsoft Word Excel PowerPoint 365 and onedrive it allows you to print from USB

thumb drives via a port located on the left front side of the chasis just below

the control panel the HL - L 8 3 6 0 CDW comes with a 2.7 inch color touch screen

display that among other things allows easy connectivity to most popular cloud

sites security features includes secure function lock for restricting specific

features such as printing in color for up to 200 users and secure print for

making sensitive documents accessible only through inputting the correct pin

brother rates the HL - L 8 3 6 0 CDW at 33 pages per minute for both monochrome

and color pages and the print quality in both text and graphics output is

acceptable for most business scenarios including brochures and other marketing

material the HL - L 8 3 6 0 CDW supports higher yield toner car

6500 pages for both the black and three-color cyan magenta and yellow

cartridges and if you print thousands of pages each month the HL l 8 3 6 0 CDW is

the perfect option for you the good speed and quality coupled with the

security features makes it a great choice for any office don't forget to

take a look at the description where you will find more info on this and all

other featured products

For more infomation >> what is the BEST printer to buy for printing 2019 review of the BEST Printers - Duration: 10:45.


"Sangki" - Afrobeat x Wizkid x Drake x Shenseea x Dancehall Type Beat - Duration: 4:27.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> "Sangki" - Afrobeat x Wizkid x Drake x Shenseea x Dancehall Type Beat - Duration: 4:27.


Bacaan Firman Tuhan | Apakah Pekerjaan Tuhan Begitu Sederhana Seperti yang Dibayangkan Manusia? - Duration: 16:39.

For more infomation >> Bacaan Firman Tuhan | Apakah Pekerjaan Tuhan Begitu Sederhana Seperti yang Dibayangkan Manusia? - Duration: 16:39.


#EwangeliarzOP | 25 Nov 2018 | (John 18, 33b-37) - Duration: 1:43.


It is very difficult to accept God, Gospel and Jesus with His open, healing heart

by those who think they're terribly bright.

Who objectively are very intellectual, have read a lot and can generate pretty wise thoughts.

Those find it hard to accept Jesus - why?

Because they feel so wise and do not see wisdom, intellectual proficiency is not everything,

that in addition to intellect we still have morality, the layers of our attitudes - how we are treat others.

And there is a lot of cowardice, smallness, selfishness that need a very strong cleansing

we are not able to do, but the Lord - the one who is the king of human existence, a humble king,

the crucified king - He can do it.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 25 Nov 2018 | (John 18, 33b-37) - Duration: 1:43.


Como Emagrecer Enquanto Dorme? FireBlack Emagreça Enquanto Dorme Rapidamente 2019 - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Como Emagrecer Enquanto Dorme? FireBlack Emagreça Enquanto Dorme Rapidamente 2019 - Duration: 6:40.


[#PI_Pesquisa] 3. Tumax em prosa com as imagens da exposição na UFRGS, 2016 - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> [#PI_Pesquisa] 3. Tumax em prosa com as imagens da exposição na UFRGS, 2016 - Duration: 9:06.


Медведева «провалилась» во Франции - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Медведева «провалилась» во Франции - Duration: 0:29.


FireBlack Emagrece Mesmo? Onde Comprar FireBlack | Preço - Efeitos Colaterais - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> FireBlack Emagrece Mesmo? Onde Comprar FireBlack | Preço - Efeitos Colaterais - Duration: 7:09.


Como Eliminar a Celulite Perdendo 1kg Por Dia Com Esse Suco Depurador - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Como Eliminar a Celulite Perdendo 1kg Por Dia Com Esse Suco Depurador - Duration: 3:08.


Remédio caseiro para impotência MASCULINA|Chá natural CASEIRO , - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Remédio caseiro para impotência MASCULINA|Chá natural CASEIRO , - Duration: 2:52.


Book Review: The Bones of Paris [SPOILER] - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> Book Review: The Bones of Paris [SPOILER] - Duration: 9:03.


Some Striking Scenes from the Past: Remarkable Historical Photos (Part 1) - Duration: 5:13.

c. 1826 - The first ever known, surviving photograph

1864 - Storefront of a slave trading business in Atlanta, GA

1895 - One of the first x-rays

1895 - Stockyards at Fort Worth, TX

1899 - Generator at Nicola Tesla's lab

1900 - One of the saloons smashed up by Carry Nation while campaigning for the temperance movement

1905 - Mount Rushmore before the sculptures were added

1906 - American Indians on horseback

1908 - Boys working in a glass factory in Indiana at midnight

1910s - Electric car and charging station

1911 - The first expedition to reach the South Pole

1912 - Niagara Square in Buffalo, NY

1917 - A US Marine being trained in trench warfare by French soldiers

1917 - Mexican President Venustiano Carranza poses with the Aztec Sun Stone

1919 - Vladimir Lenin and some of his commanders in Red Square in Moscow

1920s - The Kettering Aerial Torpedo, an early cruise missile

c. 1924 - Workers produce asbestos board at Beloyarsk, Russia

1930 - Adolf Hitler with NSDAP members shortly before his rise to power

1930 - Man on Roof, a photoshopped-like image well before Photoshop

1932 - One of the only photos of the US Supreme Court in session

1932 - Sunset over lower Manhattan, New York City

1935 - Communists marching in New York City for May Day

1936 - Effects of the Dust Bowl in Dallas, SD

1937 - The Metropolitan Opera House, demolished in 1967, New York City

1940s - ENIAC, the first electronic computer

1942 - Search lights converge during the Battle of Los Angeles

1943 - Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer inspect the biggest gun ever fired in combat

1945 - The first atomic bomb

1945 - An atomic shadow, the only trace left of a person incinerated at Hiroshima

1945 - Japanese guards bow to their former American prisoners after Japan's surrender

For more infomation >> Some Striking Scenes from the Past: Remarkable Historical Photos (Part 1) - Duration: 5:13.


Someone wrote Funny Manga About Red Hood x Tim in Batman.🐸 - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> Someone wrote Funny Manga About Red Hood x Tim in Batman.🐸 - Duration: 7:08.


ドライバーズカー選手権2018(2) 10〜5位に留まったモデル、そのワケは - Duration: 21:53.

For more infomation >> ドライバーズカー選手権2018(2) 10〜5位に留まったモデル、そのワケは - Duration: 21:53.


Introduction to VR Concepts

For more infomation >> Introduction to VR Concepts


ROBLOX is Down!! | Don't Buy Ad's!! - Roblox - Duration: 1:41.

ROBLOX is Down!! | Don't Buy Ad's!! - Roblox

ROBLOX is officially down(again)!! Do Not, I repeat, DO NOT buy ad's on ROBLOX!! - It will just be a waste of your Robux! Make sure to share this video, or at the very least, tell your friends who may make ad's of this problem! Thanks!! :D ------Link's------ ► Roblox: ► Twitter: ► Discord: ► YouTube: ----Contact Me---- ►Email: ►Discord: @3MtnBros#5325 *3MtnBros*

3MtnBros,#gaming,roblox,roblox lag,roblox error,roblox broken,roblox down,roblox glitch,kid friendly,child friendly,family friendly,no swearing,no cursing,greenlegocats123,cowcow,green lego cats

For more infomation >> ROBLOX is Down!! | Don't Buy Ad's!! - Roblox - Duration: 1:41.


The Real Reason Why We May Never See Alien 5 - Duration: 8:30.

The Alien movies are some of the scariest and best-looking sci-fi horror movies ever


Unfortunately, while the Xenomorph queen might be unkillable, it doesn't look like the franchise

has quite the same luck.

Here's why we're afraid that Alien 5 might never make it to the big screen.

When Ridley Scott revealed that he was developing prequels to Alien it was a huge day for fans

of the franchise, but maybe we shouldn't have gotten so excited.

2012's Prometheus wasn't exactly a disaster, but the numbers it posted at the domestic

box office were a cause for concern.

"A king has his reign, and then he dies.

It's inevitable."

The movie failed to recoup its $130 million budget domestically, though success in overseas

markets just about made a sequel viable.

2017's Alien: Covenant wound up underperforming both critically and commercially, however,

leaving the status of the franchise in jeopardy.

Scott was open about his plans to start filming a sequel within a year of Covenant's release,

but it doesn't seem like the box office returns were good enough for him to get a green light

from the studio.

Of course, no more Alien prequels doesn't necessarily mean no more Alien sequels, but

confidence and interest in the series is low following Covenant, echoing the fallout that

followed 1997's disastrous Alien: Resurrection.

The franchise was put back into back hypersleep for years, and the same could be happening

right now.

H.R. Giger's contribution to the Alien franchise has been well-noted, but Scott is of the belief

that Giger's iconic creation has now lost its ability to scare audiences.

He told Hollywood Reporter that:

"I think the beast has almost run out, personally...

You've got to come in with something else.

You've got to replace that."

The franchise is named and based around the existence of this vicious alien, so if it

just isn't scary anymore, is there even any point in making an Alien 5?

It was terrifying in its day, but maybe it's possible that it takes more than a creature

from outer space to excite audiences.

Meanwhile, one of the biggest complaints Alien fans had with Prometheus?

The lack of Xenomorphs.

Scott attempted to remedy that with Covenant, bringing the Alien back for another go despite

the director's earlier claims that the creature wasn't scary anymore.

It was a fickle move that didn't go unnoticed by fans or critics.

After the film flopped, he reverted to his original stance and stressed that he wanted

the franchise to explore artificial intelligence.

"I don't understand."

"I guess that's because I'm a human being, and you're a robot."

And even though he did bring the Xenomorphs back in Covenant, much of the focus remained

on Michael Fassbender's android, David.

Scott even clarified that any further prequels would keep the focus squarely on the androids.

Scott laid out a vision for a planet led by David, but that vision sounds closer to Blade

Runner than it does Alien.

The further the franchise drifts away from its roots, the less likely it is we'll ever

see round 5 of Ripley versus the Xenomorph.

While Alien films could still be released under the Fox studio name in the coming years,

they'll probably be made under the supervision of its soon-to-be parent company Disney.

Alien is one of the many properties that Disney will have access to when it fully completes

its takeover of Fox, which is a cause of concern for some, Ridley Scott included.

Speaking to Digital Spy, the veteran filmmaker expressed concern over what rating any future

Alien movies would shoot for.

"I've been with Fox for a number of years now.

I'm hoping I'll still probably be there, so whether or not [Disney] go ahead with such

a dark subject as Aliens remains to be seen."

Disney's got a lot of franchises it's juggling at the moment: The Marvel Cinematic Universe

continues to dominate Hollywood, and Star Wars isn't exactly a small franchise either.

That's not even mentioning any of their many other films and projects, all of which might

get in the way of pushing out more Alien films any time soon.

Disney has a lot going on and will no doubt be wary of messing with Alien canon, whether

that be with Scott's prequels or any potential sequels.

Ridley Scott isn't the only director who could have made Alien 5.

Neill Blomkam, the director of District 9, was in talks to direct a sequel that would

have picked up immediately after Aliens, avoiding the baggage from Alien 3 and Resurrection.

Both Sigourney Weaver and Michael Biehn would have returned as Ripley and Hicks, and Biehn

even floated the possibility of Newt coming back as a 27-year-old woman.

"Can I dream?"

"Yes, honey.

I think we both can."

Fans hoped that this long-awaited sequel would inject some new acid blood into the fading


So what happened?

In two words: Alien Covenant.

Blomkamp said that preparation for his sequel really got going in 2015.

This was around the time that Ridley Scott had just finished his work on critical and

commercial sci-fi smash The Martian, leaving him with an open slate waiting to be filled.

This effectively gave the studio a choice, and they sided with Scott's prequels over

a Blomkamp sequel.

In January 2018, Blomkamp tweeted out that the Alien 5 project was 100% dead and buried,

and that he had moved on to other work.

There's a really good reason that Neill Blomkamp wanted his movie to take place after James

Cameron's Aliens, the first sequel to Ridley Scott's original.

1992's Alien 3 was trashed by the majority of critics, who praised director David Fincher

for taking some admirable risks but concluded that too few of them paid off in this plot

hole-riddled script.

Why did the ship crash land?

If the ship's sensors picked up the fire, then why didn't the ship's sprinkler system


How did the egg even get on the ship after the events of Aliens?

Alien 3 left us with more questions than answers and the very premise of the movie was dubious.

Alien: Resurrection was only slighter better received, with a story that made little sense

and a bizarre escalation of the classic Alien design.

In fact, the most impressive and memorable moment in Resurrection belongs entirely to

Sigourney Weaver sinking a basketball through the basket behind her back, without the help

of special effects.

Ridley Scott ignored all Alien films not directed by him when he began work on his prequels,

and 2017's Covenant more or less erases them.

At this point, nobody really knows where Alien 5 would fit into all of this.

When he revealed that Hicks and Newt were potentially returning in Neill Blomkamp's

planned Alien 5, Michael Biehn also suggested that Sigourney Weaver would be bowing out

in favor of a new lead who would be able to carry the franchise going forward.

Speaking to Icons of Fright in 2015, Biehn said that:

"They're planning on bringing me and Newt back, and at this point, Newt will be around

twenty-seven years old.

I know that every actress in Hollywood is going to want to play this one, it's really

a passing of the torch between Sigourney and this younger actress who would play Newt.

It would keep the franchise alive, and the studios would make money, because that's what

the bottom line is now: money."

"I ain't here to be your friend.

I'm here to make money.

You got that?"

It doesn't look as though Newt will be returning any time soon, but Biehn is right about one

thing: money talks in Hollywood, and franchise longevity is key.

Would bringing Sigourney Weaver back for another run out as Ripley achieve that?

It would probably be easier for Disney to simply wipe the slate clean and start over

with the Alien franchise, putting the prequels, original series, and any chance of an Alien

5 to bed.

In fact, prior to the acquisition deal with Disney, Fox was reportedly planning on doing

just that.

But who said the reboot had to be on the big screen?

Fresh rumors of a TV show set in the Alien universe emerged in April 2018.

It was welcome news for fans after Blomkamp's Alien 5 died, but things went quiet in the

months that followed, making the rumors seem less like insider information and more like

eager fan predictions.

Fox was never likely to greenlight an Alien television show with the Disney deal looming


However, now that the merger it basically a done deal, Disney might just go ahead and

do it for them.

We know that Disney is heavily investing in an upcoming streaming service in an effort

to establish a foothold in the Netflix-dominated field.

The new service will boast original Marvel and Star Wars shows when it goes live in 2019,

and adding an Alien series to the mix could only add to the hype.

It might not be Alien 5 but you may be seeing more of your favorite acid-blooded, deadly

Xenomorph queen sometime soon on the small screen.

"Get away from her, you BITCH!"

For more infomation >> The Real Reason Why We May Never See Alien 5 - Duration: 8:30.


Most People Will Fail This Test – Can You Find The Odd Emoji Out? - Duration: 3:08.

I have always loved brainteasers.

Years ago, I used to spend my free time doing quizzes and math problems, but recently I

am more inclined to do crosswords, sudoku, and picture puzzles.

No matter what, it's important to exercise your brain regularly.

The mind gets a little blurry after a long day at work, scrolling through your phone,

or even watching TV at home on the couch.

Taking a break and allowing the mind to be present, with a task that heals the connection

with our brain, so we can relax and reset our thoughts, it's vital for our health.

In any case, that's my opinion — but why don't you try it, sit down for a minute,

let go of your stress, and enjoy a good puzzle.

With that in mind, I have three puzzles for you.

Just think about it, worst-case scenario, you rested for a few minutes — I promise

you'll see how fun it is to challenge yourself.

These three picture puzzles have the same requirements — focus your eyes and sharpen

your brain, you need to find the emoji that stands out from the rest in every picture.

Most people fail To not make it too easy, you only have 10

seconds to complete each puzzle.

Don't cheat — this a way to train your willpower.

The challenge is simple, but with the time limit, things become more interesting.

These puzzles come from the Youtube channel EG Mines — according to them, most people

fail on the first try.

I asked four of my friends to solve them, and only 1 could do all three on the first


In other words, is not so simple.

So let's start — can you find the emoji that stands out?

Were you able to find the odd hammer out?

Here you can see the solution!

There it is — to the very left in the fourth row from the top!

Time for the second puzzle!

Find the symbol that stands out.

Did you find the clapping hands emoji that doesn't look like the others?

Here, the answer!

Similar to last time, the solution was on the very left — in the third row from the


The symbol is a little brighter than the others.

A different digit Time for the third and final challenge!

If you successfully completed the first two, you might get a hat-trick!

Can you find the odd digit out?

Among all 9's there's another figure hidden.

I can tell you that it's a 6 if you're looking for a clue, but maybe you already

know that!

Chances are that you already found it.

Otherwise, here you can see the solution!

There is the 6 — at the bottom, in the middle!

Did you find at least 1 emoji?

Then press SHARE to challenge your friends!

For more infomation >> Most People Will Fail This Test – Can You Find The Odd Emoji Out? - Duration: 3:08.


Hey Steve: Stopping Criticism from Grandma - Duration: 3:25.

- So I am here with my mother today,

who I love dearly.

But we have some issues with each other

when it comes to parenting.

I would like to be the mother to my three teenagers

without her giving her feedback

or negative, or any comparison.

How do I get my mother to just be a mother

and if I want to ask her a question or opinion,

how can she just answer it

without tryin' to compare anything in the past

against me, like whenever I grew up,

or anything like that?

I would like for her just to be a grandmother.

- Well you know, a lot of parents are that way.

They compare because you got the new school way

of raisin' kids and you got the old school.

We, who are from the old school

think that our way is better, we just do.

New parents, my kids, are all raisin' their kids

by talkin', reasoning, sharing,

they negotiate with their kids,

I'd be lookin' at them, I'd be goin' who the hell?

(audience laughs)

Who you talkin' to?

Do you want to go to bed?

What, who you askin'?

Now how old are your kids?

- I have a 20 year old, 18 year old,

and a 15 year old.

- Okay.

And she still in there?

- What's that?

- She still involved in it?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, but okay let me ask you a question.

She's a great grandmother?

- She is, yeah.

- Okay, let's give her that.

Did she do a good job raising you?

- Yeah, I believe so.

- Oh is that her?

- That's her.

- Oh hey could you stand?

(audience applauds)

Oh well listen, we can fix this right here.

Hey mama, how you doin'?

- Good.

- Good, good, good, you love your grandkids?

- Spoiled all of them.

- [Steve] She has a new style of rasin' them?

- Yes she does.

- Yeah, and you particularly don't care for it sometimes?

- Oh I've been good for the last year.

- Yeah but let me ask you something.

Let me ask you something now, mama.

Does she have good kids?

- Very good, proud of them.

- [Steve] Huh? - I'm very proud of them.

- Okay, so she doin' somethin' right.

- [Grandmother] Yes.

- Yes, so you gotta let them have it.

I think you've done a wonderful job as a parent.

I think your mother did a wonderful job as you,

just gotta give a little bit of credit.

She did better this year.

Mama gonna back up a little bit,

cause the kids, the 20 year old,

you ain't gonna be able to tell them nothin' in a minute.

The 18 year old is in that phase

where he think he know everything.

The 15 year old, that's the worst age.

That's when they think they know everything.

They're at their absolute stupidest.

15 year old, is the dumbest human being on, 15?

Think they know everything, don't know la di da.

You be lookin' at em like how stupid are you?

One of my sons told me somethin' one time,

I looked at him and I said,

I went in and told my wife, I said,

you sure that's my son?

(audience chuckles)

So hang in there, just enjoy the last few years

they gonna be at home, you gonna miss em,

and you and your mama start hangin' out,

take some trips together, all right?

Hey, we'll be right back everybody.

For more infomation >> Hey Steve: Stopping Criticism from Grandma - Duration: 3:25.


Scary Urban Legend About The Bunny Man Turns Out To Be True - Duration: 4:26.

a scary urban legend about the bunny man turns out to be true

welcome to inform overload I'm your host Johnny Rogers and if you're new to the

channel we tell you about the most interesting news stories we find on the

Internet and we make it more entertaining a bridge on Colchester Road

in the fairfax county is known as one of the most dangerous locations in all of

northern virginia but not due to any normal fears it's labeled as a dangerous

spot because of its history surrounding the urban legend of the bunny man and as

the legend goes in 1904 there was a mental asylum located not too far from

the bridge and because the residents didn't want mental patients wandering

near their homes they voted to have it shut down and while the patients were

being transported by bus to a nearby prison reports say that the bus swerved

off the road and crashed as the story goes the police were able to locate all

of the inmates except for one the one they didn't catch was Douglas Griffin

not too long after rabbit corpses began popping up all over the woods to which

some believed Douglas was using to stay alive he also would oddly display them

by hanging them from the bridge it's believed that after that incident on one

Halloween night Douglas attacked and killed a group of teens who were hanging

out near the bridge and after he killed the kids they were then gutted and hung

from the bridge in a similar fashion to the rabbits making most people believe

that he was responsible for the murders now critics of the urban legends say

that there was no asylum in that area and the idea of a bus on the road at

that time is pretty far-fetched however most urban legends grow like a

game of broken telephone but all begin with a morsel of truth a man named Brian

Conley who worked as an archivist for Fairfax County was sick and tired of

telling people that they didn't know if the bunny man was real or not so he dove

into the county's history to find the truth and what he found was shocking to

say the least in 1970 a couple had parked not too far from the overpass and

had a scary encounter with the bunny man a man dressed in white with something on

his head began yelling at the couple saying they were trespassing and then

threw a hatchet at their car window of course when we told that something on

his head morphed into bunny ears a second sighting of the bunny man also

appeared two weeks after the incident when a security guard reported seeing a

man yielding a hatchet as he was chipping

away at a port railing as you could imagine these reports soon transformed

into stories that kids would tell each other to strike fear into their friends

during Halloween the mad man soon became a man in the bunny suit who would chase

children through the woods with a hatchet many refused to believe conley

saying that the county must be trying to cover up evidence but if anyone has

taken part in a rumor you'll know how fast the stories can change Conley says

while it's fun to debunk the bunny man legend it's even more fun to believe it

today the bunny man urban legend has spread far and wide with merchandise

bunny man beer and even its own horror movie franchise while he may not have

been wearing bunny ears the idea of a man throwing a hatchet at someone's car

window because they were trespassing is equally terrifying what I want to know

though is what you think about this do you believe the story grew from a simple

incident or is the urban legend of a man with bunny ears disembowelling kids

being covered up by the fairfax county let us know down in the comments below

now let's entertain your brain with some featured comments Kazuma Yami says I

love IO but I don't get featured there is your feature now run home and tell

your parents you're on TV Bradley Barker says I'm really starting

to get used to the potato Queens gesture why Thank You Bradley you'll now be my

second-in-command basically what you'll have to do is toss me potatoes as I

juggle them for the Queen's entertainment Elizabeth Ramirez says

notification squad I love IO they make everything so interesting we do our very

best to make these strange stories even more interesting than they already are

peanut butter Pikachu says everyone needs a break once in a while you are so

right also your name makes me want to email Reese's peanut butter cups because

I think we need a Pikachu shea butter cup Walmart Triple H says don't like

Johnny boy sounds like someone needs a hug well guess what I love you your name

is the perfect combination of my favorite store to be Borden and my third

favorite wrestler thank you for watching in forum overload hit that thumbs up

button if you enjoyed this video and if you're new here don't forget to

subscribe if you want more videos like this one

just click the playlist on the screen and if you have any hot tips on any new

and exciting stories that you want us to cover just pop my Instagram in the

description below send me a DM from inform overload I'm Johnny Rogers and

until next time take care

For more infomation >> Scary Urban Legend About The Bunny Man Turns Out To Be True - Duration: 4:26.


Unfortunate way Harry and William may remind Prince Charles of their mother: Princess Diana! - Duration: 11:54.

Unfortunate way Harry and William may remind Prince Charles of their mother Princess Diana

It's no secret that Prince Charles had a seriously rocky relationship with his wife Princess, Diana

Even their wedding day was far from perfect as Reader's Digest

Reports some even believe Charles was still in love with his ex-girlfriend and current wife Camilla parker-bowles

Charles and Diana eventually divorced before Diana's untimely death and there were affairs from both sides along the way

Now however, it's decades later and the dust has certainly settled around this royal family drama

Charles has two sons who are constantly in the news cycles Prince, Harry and Prince William

while the current state of the older Royals relationship with his sons is

Constantly up for debate one report claimed Harry and William were reminding their father of his ex-wife due to one specific personality trait

One report says Harry and William were hot-tempered

Because of royal protocol the public never witnesses Harry or William acting out of line in public

but according to veteran royal correspondent Robert Jobson

The brothers do actually have a hot streak when it comes to their personality says The Daily Mirror

Jobson said both Harry and William have exhibited extreme mood swings that are reminiscent of how Princess Diana

Reportedly used to act when she was upset

The brothers also apparently aren't afraid to argue with their fathers ideals either

William has even been known to speak firmly in his father's face

Reminiscent of his mother's hot temper which Charles had to deal with on a regular basis during their marriage Jobson added and Harry in

Particular tends to wear his heart on his sleeve

Naturally making him the more outwardly emotional of the brothers

Jobson also said that other royal family insiders agree that the boys mood swings can be quite hard to predict

Diana also reportedly had an explosive side to her personality

But is it true if Harry and William really do have a short fuse many suspect it's in part due to Diana's own instability

but according to Phil Craig and Tim Clayton who wrote Diana story of the princess any

Explosive aspects of Diana's personality were totally overblown

ABC News reports Craig and Clayton explained that as Diana and Charles's marriage became worse and worse

Diana was sold to the public as totally mad and suffering from many different mental illnesses

While the princess herself has talked about her depression in the past

it seems the public may have run off with the story and

Painted her is severely mentally ill when this may have not been the case

It's fair to say during the last few years of Diana's life that she was perhaps

Disturbed at times but to say she was mentally ill throughout her life is nonsense

Craig said it seems diana may have also wanted the public to understand just how much she wanted out of her marriage

By blowing up certain negative aspects to the authors explain that diana did tend to have a manipulative streak though

She was also immensely complicated

What is Harry and William's relationship with their father really like Diana may no longer be with us

but what we can observe now is Harry and William's relationship with their father are they're really

Explosive toward each other and do the son see Charles regularly

Though many tabloids have reported on the negative aspects of their relationship

It seems all the men have a tighter relationship than ever now The Daily Mirror

reports Harry even spoke kindly of his father when reflecting on his mother's death -

He said one of the hardest things for a parent to do is to tell your children that the other parent has died

But he was there for us and he tried to do his best to make sure we were protected and looked after

Charles may not have spent as much time with his kids when they were growing up

But good housekeeping assures that it was because work duties consumed him and when he did spend time with the boys

He was very engaged with them. Now as a grandparent Charles is seemingly making up for lost time

he renovated Williams old tree house for Prince George to play in and has commented on how excited he is for Harry's baby -

What do you think about this?

Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and do not forget like and share the video with

Everyone if you feel this video is useful

Princes William and Harry open up on devastating moment their dad had to break the news beloved. Mom. Diana was dead

Prince Harry admitted he was in disbelief and refused to accept it as he praised Prince Charles for being there following the tragedy

Princes William and Harry have opened up about the moment

They were told of Princess Diana's death in the pain and confusion of the days that followed

Harry also praised his father Prince Charles for being there for them as they reeled from the shock disbelief and feelings of being completely numb

They made their heartbreaking testimonies for BBC documentary Diana seven days

Which also features insight from Diana's family including her sister Lady Sarah mccorkadale and former Prime Minister, Tony Blair

Harry said about his initial reaction to being told while at Balmoral that his mother was dead

disbelief refused to accept it

There was no sort of sudden outpour of grief

He added about Prince Charles

One of the hardest things for a parent to have to do is to tell your children that your other parent has died

How you deal with that? I don't know

But you know, he was there for us

He was the one out of to left and he tried to do his best and to make sure that we were protected and looked


But you know, he was going through the same grieving process as well

Prince William said I remember just feeling completely numb

Disorientated dizzy you feel very very confused

You keep asking yourself. Why me all the time. Why what have I done? Why why has this happened to us dot?

Also reveals, the princes conflicted feelings at walking behind her coffin aged just 15 and 12

Having to greet the screaming and grieving crowds after her death and how they suppress their emotions. So they were never seen crying in public

William said about viewing the flowers and notes outside the gates of Balmoral

I was very touched by it

But none of it sank in all I cared about was I'd lost my mother and I didn't want to be where I was

when we go out and do things like that in order not to

Completely and utterly break down. We have to put on a bit of a game face and

You have to be quite strong about it because otherwise you're a walking mess

Harry said looking back now. Probably the last thing I wanted to do was read what other people were saying about my mother

Yes, it was amazing. It was incredibly moving to know but at that point I wasn't there. I was still in shock

He added that suppressing his emotions in public has had a lifelong effect

saying if someone tried to get me to cry in public I couldn't and

That's probably from all of that from whatever happened then has changed me in that sense

The princess also praised the Queen for her decision to keep them away from the spotlight in the first few days

Despite growing public pressure to return to London

Harry said it was a case of how do we let the boys grieve in privacy?

But at the same time when is the right time for them to put on their Prince hats and carry out duties?

William said I think it was a very hard decision for my grandmother to make

She felt very torn between being a grandmother to William and Harry in her Queen role

but when they did eventually return to Kensington Palace

The brothers reveal how peculiar they found the wailing from the crowds who had never met their mother

William said people wanted to grab us to touch us

They were shouting wailing

Literally wailing at us throwing flowers and yelling sobbing

breaking down people fainted

collapsed and

Harry said what we were doing what was being asked of us was verging on normal then

But now it's like you did. What dot

The brothers described the decision to walk behind Diana's coffin as a group one with William adding. It wasn't an easy decision

He described it as one of the hardest things I've ever done and a very long

lonely walk

adding the balance between me being Prince William and having to do my bit versus the private William who just wanted to go in a

Room and cry because he'd lost his mother

I just remember hiding behind my fringe it was kind of like a little tiny bit of safely blanket

I know it sounds ridiculous

But at the time I felt if I looked at the floor with my hair in my face, no one could see me

Harry said I

Was just so focused on getting it done and doing everything that was asked of me there and then and making sure that I did

my mother proud

William said there is this element of duty and responsibility that you have to do things you don't want to do?

But I have to say that whenever it becomes that personal as walking behind your mother's funeral cortege, it gets to another level of duty

But I just kept thinking about what she would want and that she'd be proud of Harry and I being able to go through it

Harry said that he struggled to contain his emotions during the funeral service

Adding when the shutters came down and I refused to let myself get sad about the fact that my mother had died

there was certain things that there was like someone firing an arrow straight into that barrier in the head of it getting through an

Elton John song was incredibly emotional

that was part of this whole trigger system, which nearly brought me to the point of crying in public which I didn't do and

William said about the public grief


couldn't understand why everyone wanted to cry as they did and show such emotion as they did when they didn't really know out mother I

Did feel a bit protective at times about that. I?

Was like you didn't even know her why and how are you so upset?

the brothers also spoke out about the intense scrutiny diana faced throughout her life and in death

with harry saying I think one of the hardest things to come to terms with is the fact that the people that chased her into

The tunnel were the same people that were taking photographs of her while she was still dying on the back seat of the car

The prince's both revealed that 20 years on they understand more than ever what Diana gave the world and want to continue her legacy

Harry said years after I spent a long time in my life with my head buried in the sand

Thinking I don't want to be Prince Harry. I don't want this responsibility. I don't want this role

Look what's happened to my mother. Why does this have to happen to me?

But now all I want to do is try and fill the holes that my mother has left and that's what it's about for us

Is trying to make a difference and in making a difference making her proud?

She was the Princess of Wales and she stood for so many things but deep down inside for us. She was a mother

William added I wouldn't let it break me. I wanted it to make me

I wanted her to be proud of the person I would become and I didn't want her worried or her legacy to be that William

Or Harry were completely and utterly devastated by it

she loved Harry and I dearly

Even so that I can sit here after 20 years and I still feel that love

I still feel that warmth 20 years on which is a huge testament to her if

I can be even a fraction of what she was. I'll be proud and I'll hopefully make her proud in what I've done

For more infomation >> Unfortunate way Harry and William may remind Prince Charles of their mother: Princess Diana! - Duration: 11:54.


Top 10 Scary Easter Eggs In Disney Movies - Duration: 10:03.

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet I am your host Rebecca

Felgate and today I am talking about the Top 10 Scary Disney Easter Eggs!

For those that don't know what an easter egg is, like my mum….hi mum….no it isn't

a delicious spring time snack - it means something cleverly and purposefully hidden in like say

a movie or TV show that only super eagle eyed people spot….they're like little nods

to fans.

Disney is absolutely filled with them.

Honestly, I have watched so many of these movies so many times and I had no idea that

if you pause at exaaaactly the right moment you can find something truly horrifying hidden

in the frame!

Before we get into this list, I want to ask you guys if you have spotted any Disney Easter

Eggs Before – if so, let me know!

They don't have to be scary ones.

While you are down there leaving me a comment – also tell me how you are doing today!

Why don't you also hit that thumbs up button and share this video with a movie or

Disney loving friend.

OKAY 10 - Scar is a RUG in Hercules Nobody likes scar…the oddly British brother

of King Mufasa who ends up conspiring to murder him.

Scar is a badddddd lion.

I categorically don't agree with hunting animals and I find decorating with death a

bit morbid , but it happens – and some people have say moose heads on plaques on their wall

or say polar bears or lions turned into rugs.

WELL anyway In the Lion King, sassy ol Zazu says that scar would make a very handsome

rug….and, well….

It seems he did.

At the end of Hercules' Zero to Hero sing song, he dances with a lion pelt which he

throws on the ground in the style of a rug………looks a lot like scar, doesn't it.

Dead, skinned scar.

9 - Clayton's Corpse in Tarzan I knew that Clayton died in Tarzan, but I

never realised that his dead body flashed before my eyes as a child.

So Tarzan and Clayton fight….

But unfortunately for Clayton, he takes a few wrong moves and ends up falling into vines.

A long drop and a scream was enough for me to realise someone had died in Disney, although

realistically I guess something could have saved him….

But nope…Disney makes it super clear without any of us realising.

If you look what happens when lightning flashes – you can see him hanging.


8 - Swastika on Pongo's back The late Walt Disney has regularly been accused

of being an anti-Semite – he created a dubious and tone deaf cartoon of Donald Duck dressed

as Hitler reading Mein Kampf and he also hosted popular Third Reich Nazi film director Leni

Refenstahl in his studios.

If all of that didn't happen then perhaps, I would consider this more of a coincidence,

but have a look at Pongo's spots on his back in this frame from 1961s 101 Dalmations

? Weird, right.

Honestly I think this is more awkward coincidence than Easter Egg, but a lot of people think

than one of the animators at Disney's Studios had something to do with it.

7 - Full frontal Nudity in Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Adults might not find this so scary …but this is definitely worrying and inappropriate

for a Disney Film.

There is straight up full-frontal nudity in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

To be fair, the character of Jessica Rabbit is pretty not okay for kids anyyyyway, what

with her daily mail headline inducing skin tight dress with a thigh high slash… but

it seems that Disney animators added a minor detail….

She is going commando and we find out in one frame when she is in a car accident and is

flown thorough the air and tossed to the ground.

I get it….

You cant get smooth lines in a dress like that with pants on.

6 - The Lemon Party in Cars 2 I am sorry but what the lemon is going on

here Disney.

If you haven't heard of the phrase Lemon Party – you must have missed our things

you shouldn't google series.

Lemon party is most certainly a thing you shouldn't google andddd it is also one of

those reddit bro chat fist bump gross things that lads lads lads in their late 20s and

early 30s like to discuss over sips of bottled beer in their San Francisco design studios.

Too descriptive…sure.

Anyway, some cheeky animator made a reference to it in Disney's Cars 2….

And… if you know what it was, you would know that that isn't okay.

It is so obviously a lemon party, too….

There are lemons in abundance and party hats!

I never noticed this, but now I have I am pretty scared – at number 5 we have Snow

White getting groped by a handsy forest – As Snow White encounters the huntsman, she

runs away into the woods – far into the forest.

The only thing is that the woods are a scary place to be… and as she runs for a few seconds,

the woods appear to be alive and hell bent on groping the young princess.


Look….the branches have fingers.

How terrifying and non-consensual.

Not okay!

4 - The Muses are the Haunted Heads Yey, we are back to Hercules!

I love Hercules!

Hercules and Disneyland share a scary little easter egg!

As the muses sing with Meg in I Wont Say I am In Love – they line up like this….which

turns out to be exactly ….EXACTLY how the head statues are in the haunted mansion attraction

at the Disneylands.

What is Disney trying to tell us?!

I have to say….

Hercules is one of my favourite Disney movies and the haunted mansion is one of my favourite

Disneyland rides…sooo.

3 - Jack Skellington In the Princess and the Frog

I love Jack Skellington, but he is a scary dude.


He is the pumpkin king of Halloween Town, a scary town filled with the macabre – where

children through heads instead of snowballs and the whole place is an absolute scream.

Yeah, we know he is a loveable if a little chaotic guy, but I honestly would be scared

to see him lurking in the shadows…..annnd it seems that this is exactly what he is doing

in The Princess and the Frog.

Have a look at that shadow there….looks a lot like the spooky Pumpkin King, does it


2 - Skull in Gaston's Eyes.

Gaston is gas-gone after his fight with the beast.

He has nobody else to blame but himself, either.

He breaks into the beasts home, shoots him and stabs him.

He is noooot a gracious loser.

There is no way that he could have survived the fall from those turrets to the ground,

but in case we were amid any confusion, Disney pops in a scary morbid Easter Egg – for

a few terrifying frames, we see skulls in gastons piercing blue eyes.

What a way to tell the audience that he was doomed!

1 - The Shining in Toy Story Have you guys seen the shining?

It is terrifying but it is one of Stanley Kubrick's finest works.

The story is about a man who goes mad, is haunted by ghosts and tries to murder his

whole family.


Film buffs tend to love Stanley Kubrick and Toy Story creator Unkrich is no exception.

The Shining is referenced throughout all of the Toy Story movies…heavily!

The number 237, the number of the spooky hotel room, comes up all the time in the movie….annnd

that carpet – the same carpet from the Overlook Hotel in the horror film.

If placing nods to one of the scariest books and films of all time in a children's movie,

isn't a scary easter egg, I don't know what is.

Well that was kind of fun wasn't it!

Which of these did you find the scariest?

Let me know in the comments section down below…..also don't forget to let me know your favourite

Disney movie!

Comments from Disney Urban Legends video - Maia Gonzalez wrote: rebecca ily but did u

just call the cast members staff members …..yelp…

I think I did!

Songbird's play had some wild ideas – they said: My theory is that all the stress that

was put on Walt to make great movies lead him to the making of club 33 and that the

alcohol is laced with some mind controlling substance and now I only have two more words

to say, Illuminati CONFIRMED

King Thimio said: What Happened to Danny…… you tell me mate.

A final heart warming comment from Misty Dawn –

People constantly dump there loved ones ashes in Disney land.

Staff sweep them up and there put in the trash so guys that's not dust on that ride its human


For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Easter Eggs In Disney Movies - Duration: 10:03.


Balanced Position On A Snowboard - Duration: 2:26.

Your snowboard is what you balance over, it's your base of support so you want to

try and keep the majority of your weight stacked over your board to maintain

balance. With your front foot strapped in, stand with your free foot on the

board next to your back binding. A good place to start is a strong neutral

position; Knees flexed, back straight, head up and hands over your nose and

tail. This is a great base to start from. You need to be comfortable moving all

over your snowboard. Try doing a few small hops, it'll start putting a bit of

stress on your neutral position forcing you to make small adjustments to keep


As you start moving on your snowboard, you're always going to be adjusting to

stay balanced. Now try some squats, getting as low as you can. Think about

using your ankles, knees and hips while keeping your back straight. It's very

common to bend at the waist to get lower but all it does is move a ton of your

weight over the snow making it difficult to keep balance. Once you're comfortable

moving up and down, try moving towards the front of your snowboard. See if you

can grab your nose. Instead of just leaning over, which can be tough to

balance, get low and use your ankles, knees and hips to centre yourself

towards the nose of your board then grabbing the nose is much easier. Do the

same thing towards the back and see if you can get a hand on your tail. When you

start doing turns, you're going to be moving from your heel edge to toe edge

and vice-versa, so practice rocking on your heel edge then toe edge. Push your

knees towards the ground pressing into the tongues of your boots to get onto

your toe edge, then slightly squatting down and flexing up on your toes to get

onto your heel edge. If you lose balance at any point you have your back leg free

to swoop in and save the day. Don't segregate yourself to standing in just

one spot, you have a whole snowboard to use and explore so practice moving

around in all kinds of different positions. Who knows what kind of funky

shapes you'll end up in while you learn to ride. This tutorial has been filmed at

Whistler Blackcomb. I'm Duncan Mainland from Snowboard Addiction, our goal is to

improve your riding!

For more infomation >> Balanced Position On A Snowboard - Duration: 2:26.


Among Spies - A Sunny Fall Day In The Woods - Duration: 1:03:10.

"1 (Euro) Cent" (2016).

Not that old, but still...

I'm at the location. I don't know what to expect.

Let's go!

Sounds like iron.

Probably the same target but different angle.

I think, I will go over there.

Where are the finds?...


Probably nothing special.

When I arrive somewhere, I have no clue "where" to look.

I need to find a lead first...

This was iron too.

And this is foil.

I had to remove a spider.

It's a pinfire cartridge.

I think, this is my first trace (from 1800's).

I will stick around...

Sounds good.

In case you wonder, why I'm using this orange pinpointer...

I placed the electronics of my Pro-Pointer II into my broken Pro-Pointer AT.

I had to bent the LED, but it works.

A pistol ball.

A man was standing (50 meters) behind, watching me.

Now a woman came out of nowhere, joined the man and they are both starring at me.

They are probably Russian spies!

They split. The woman is slowly coming in my direction...

That's a silver coin. Not now!

I will show you the spies.

Behind the tree!

I guessed their names, but I'm probably very close.

"1 Silbergroschen" coin (1825).

GPS ("POI") #1.

Undercover as mushroom collectors. Right...

I think, they are here to measure my psychic powers.

I saw what happens then... in the "Firestarter" (1984) movie.

I have to be careful. The camera perspective gives the wrong impression.

In reality, they are much closer.

Oh no, a good signal.

I'm using the same setting as in my previous video.

Hmm, another silver coin.

Let's hope their measurement instrument did not register it.

"1 Silbergroschen" (1846).

Both coins are not in the best shape.

3.2" (8cm) - this coil goes deep.

Just a bullet...

I think they are gone...

A crocodile?

It's probably a boar.

I like boars.

I'm not sure about the sound of this target.

It disappeared.

Without the hole, the pinpointer is not that sensitive anymore.

It's a small lead ball.

It's a nail. I have no idea how old.

A bullet casing. The "older model".

It's cold, but the ground is not frozen.

What is this?

Looks like a "pen", but it's probably a bullet.

A weird shape...

Let me change my setting.

Sounds broken.


Still nothing...

Cufflink buttons.

With glass (or a stone).

There it is.

Again, a good target with real bad audio.

This is DISC "2" and still not clear...

Another cufflink button?

I have to make the Deus louder.

I can hear it, but I'm not sure if the camera microphone is picking it up.


I have no idea.

It's in the wood.

Not a chance.

That thing is indestructible.

Oops, the blade could break.

It's probably a bullet, I will leave it...

The valley looks interesting.

But I will check this portion first.

Still nothing...

A bullet, fired from an airplane.

What a beautiful day...

Time to check out the valley.

WWII shrapnel.

I think, I should go back to the previous hill.

It's a button.

Not in the best shape.

GPS (POI) #5.

The GPS device shows that I'm 1h:37min into the hunt.

What is this?

Skin from a snake?

Another button.

This one has some sort of pattern.

It's a shotgun cartridge.

I have pinpointing problems today...

Probably the combination of "Audio Response" set to "5" and new pinpointer tip.

A piece of foil.

A big, but "modern" coin.

"5 German Mark" (1975).

One year back and this would be a big silver coin...

This looks like a path.

Maybe I should go back (a few meters) in this case.

Just a piece of foil.

What is this?


I will mark it.

There is this "snake skin" again.


Talking about "strange", what is this?


There it is again!

Hmm, the sound - is there a hollow room below?

Probably part of a pinfire cartridge.

A bone.

The outside ring from a shotgun cartridge?

And the rest of it.

This sounds like iron, but I will take a look.

It's a big, old nail.

It could be medieval, maybe even older...

Iron again.

Another old nail.

I found my next target in the tree.

Not a chance.


It's a musket ball.

It's a "5 Pfennig" coin (1940).

A bottle screw cap.

Long time no see - rabies vaccine.

This will be my last find.

A bullet casing from 1943.


I didn't want to end it with a casing...

Maybe I should check this out.

This probably holds the casings in place.

Obviously not this one.

There is more.

Probably the fitting part.

Now it's really time to go.

Who are you?!

"1 (Euro) Cent" (2016).

The "eyeball find".

"5 Pfennig" (1940).

Made of zinc.

I have no idea.


Maybe something from a vehicle...

Musket balls.


A "5 Mark" coin (1975).

1974 would be silver...

This was once a button.

Next button.

A cufflink button?

Two more cufflink buttons.

"1 Silbergroschen" silver coin (1825).

"1 Neu Groschen" silver coin (1846).


And treasure. Detecting time: 3h

For more infomation >> Among Spies - A Sunny Fall Day In The Woods - Duration: 1:03:10.


The Journal Editorial Report 11/24/18 3PM | November 24, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 31:50.

For more infomation >> The Journal Editorial Report 11/24/18 3PM | November 24, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 31:50.


Basic Animals ASL - Duration: 3:40.

Hello! This is Wakewolf *sign name*

I have a list of animals sign

Are you ready and are you excited?

That's all for now

I will make more list later.

Enjoy the video and I will make ASL gif.

Enjoy to watch and learn! Have fun!

Don't forget to hit "like" and "subscribe" button!

Thank you very much for watch this video! I appreciate that.

For more infomation >> Basic Animals ASL - Duration: 3:40.


how to get free xbox codes | free xbox live codes live | free xbox live gold 2018 - Duration: 2:23.

how to get free xbox codes | free xbox live codes live | free xbox live gold 2018

For more infomation >> how to get free xbox codes | free xbox live codes live | free xbox live gold 2018 - Duration: 2:23.


China's Environmental Crackdown on Manufacturers to Continue in 2019 - Duration: 3:14.

This week's top stories include China's environmental crackdown on

manufacturers to continue in 2019, contract signing scam in China

targets foreign businesses and consumers struggle to tell counterfeit products

apart from real ones. Remember to click the link below for the full stories and

two other featured articles.

First up, China's environmental crackdown on manufacturers to continue in 2019. To

improve pollution, the government has pressed residents to give up coal stoves

and furnaces, required higher quality gasoline for vehicles and closed coal-fired

power plants. But industrial manufacturers are the target of new

anti-pollution initiatives. At the beginning of next year, a new soil

pollution law will take effect. The law specifically applies to manufacturers,

business operators and land use rights holders. Businesses are also the focus of

air pollution inspections, which will increase threefold in coming months. China

is stepping up inspections and punishments. But officials are also

increasing incentives for companies that reduce pollution. If you operate in China

stay alert for additional measures in the coming months. Next up, contract

signing scam in China targets foreign businesses. Companies are emailing

lawyers at Harris Bricken about a "come to China and sign a contract scam". The

scam often follows a pattern. A Chinese company emails the foreign company

expressing interest to buy their products or service. The contract is

negotiated and agreed upon remotely. The Chinese company tells the foreign

company it needs to meet with officials in China to sign the contract. Money is

exchanged during the foreign company's visit to China. Then the Chinese company

disappears and doesn't respond to further communication. The scam only

happens when companies fail to thoroughly research their fictitious

counterpart. Thoroughly vetting a Chinese counterpart is always a good idea,

even when it doesn't involve a contract or signing ceremony. Last up,

consumers struggle to tell counterfeit products apart from real ones.

One in five online shoppers in India have received fake products over the

past six months according to a survey by local circles. 69 percent of respondents

said they didn't know how to identify a fake product. But if a customer doesn't

realize they bought a fake product any issues they have with that product

could impact their impression of your brand. Almost 80% of survey respondents

said disclosing seller entity details could help minimize the sale of counterfeits.

You could also consider helping consumers identify authentic goods through

your packaging. Establishing a unique consistent packaging design and color

consistency can make it more difficult to counterfeit your product. And helping

consumers identify your product can give them greater purchase security. Whatever

you choose to do, the survey shows customers need more support. Those are

just the top three stories from this week. To read the other two, follow the

link in the description below. Thanks for watching and tune in next week on

Best in Manufacturing!

For more infomation >> China's Environmental Crackdown on Manufacturers to Continue in 2019 - Duration: 3:14.


The birdman's true face? | The Quiet Man | Part 4 - Duration: 45:04.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to The Quiet Man. Let's continue this game

I hope I will finish this game soon. Oh god... This game is kinda long. It's pretty common, right?

Ok, you're done

Shut up and fight! Bring it on!

Two big men. Ok

Too many of them

Finally, it's over

This game is trash

That cop is useless. He didn't even help me

I don't know what are they talking about

You think you're a tough guy. I would grab his shit man bun and smash his face on the table repeatedly

Over 100 times until he dies

Oh shit... No. Oh goddamn it no!

I bet they're going to the roof

I guess... I forgot the guy's name

Oh right. It's Dane

Dane will kick him off the roof

From like the fifth floor to the ground

Blood splash

Yes, that's definitely him. I saw him on Facebook

He knows Japanese Sign Language and American Sign Language. Also, Japanese and English

I think four languages, I'm not sure. I don't know about him well

I don't understand! Who is the real birdman?

Use sign language! Come on!

I knew it!

Oh god, that's him...

He - - Oh shit!

Who turned on the lights?

Thank god. It's over. Let's go... to the roof, I guess

No... I guess. Oh wait, yes. This is the roof


He's dead already!

I can't move. I dunno

He has unlimited ammo. WTF?

How many bullets does he have now?

Finally, it's over

You ran out of ammo. Just admit it already

Just give up already

Are we going home soon?


It's over! That's enough! I want to go home!

Finally, it has closed caption now

Oh, what to say, when the right words, fail to find the light of day

Oh, when everything is lost

and mixed feelings seed a hurricane of hearts

Coz the trouble with you, is the trouble with me

As the weeks and months and years dragged on when we didn't do our thing

Oh to life the smile, do we have to raise the dead?

You know far too much regret hangs off your head

In the time that it takes, for a smile to cross the room

In the time that it takes, to be finally understood

In the time that it takes from being one of us to two

Is the time it takes to make the break to win at life, again

It's hard to read closed caption, ok

Stargazer, storm chaser, bought for dust, sold for gold

But will the true cost ever be known?

Can I even begin, to comprehend what you must have been through

You're still tunneling dirt, to escape the hurt

In the time that it takes, for a smile to cross the room

In the time that it takes, to be finally understood

In the time that it takes from being one of us to two

Is the time it takes to make the break to win at life, again

How dar will you go?

This calls for drastic measures

When you're so far away from pleasure

Can somebody mediate?

Coz your love comes across at hate

These pieces just don't add up

Listen, listen to the quiet voice of your heart

Who's saving who?

In the time that it takes, for a smile to cross the room

In the time that it takes, to be finally understood

In the time that it takes from being one of us to two

Is the time it takes to make the break to win at life, again

In the time that it takes, for a smile to cross the room

In the time that it takes, to be finally understood

In the time that it takes from being one of us to two

It's the time it takes the moon to rise

We can start anew, let's win at life again

Oh silent world,

rest assured that love lies beyond words

Thank you. Thank you

I tried my best

Please don't tell me... Not again... Please


Is that Lala on the phone?

Ok, I admitted that game is good but the major problem is... closed caption

What the hell

At the beginning of the game had the subtitle then... almost the whole game had no subtitle

Until it finally had the subtitle in the ending of the game

That's why... Many people reviewed this game and it was really bad

I saw the most reviews are negative

That's their problem because they didn't add the subtitle for the whole game

That plot twist...

Lala told the guy that she wanted him to kidnap her

Wow, that's unbelievable

Thank god. It's over. This game is a pain-ass

That's all, folks. Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever that will help me

a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> The birdman's true face? | The Quiet Man | Part 4 - Duration: 45:04.


Behind The Scenes of a YouTuber with 3K Subscribers! - Duration: 3:29.

Welcome back everyone to another video.

I know i haven't been uploading in my normal schedule

it's because i have to deal with some personal stuff. I have to prepare for

my college exams. I promise you i will be uploading on schedule as soon as i finish

with that. I recently hit 3000 subscribers which i'm

very grateful for and i wanted to say Thank You for your support.

So a few days ago i go access to the community tab on youtube and i posted a poll where i

asked you guys what you want me to do for the next post. The majority of you voted for

the behind the scenes video so here it is as requested.

I will be doing more polls like

So whats the first thing i do before anything?

First, i just watch a s#it ton of youtube videos..

Sometimes from my subscription feed and sometimes i just type in a random word into the search

bar and watch a random video. This helps me come up with video ideas.

Another thing that also helps me come up with video ideas is interacting with other youtubers.

I'm mostly active on the Nick nimmin discord server where a bunch of other creators get

to talk about random stuff.

Then when I have an idea and I decide this is an idea that is worth making a video into..

Then i first put up my earphones, fire up a lit dubstep playlist.

I will then open up OneNote and write a script. The script has everything I need to say in

a video. I script my videos mainly because of my english speaking skills.

Sometimes I have to look up some words to make sure the sentence and the grammar is correct.

My scripting template is divided into 3 things. The hook, the body and the outro.

The rest is all freestyle, sometimes I use bullet points and sometimes I just write everything down in a paragraph format

Once I have scripted my videos it is then time to record the script like i'm doing right now

Recording the script is straight forward,

I will find a quiet corner in my home, place blankets in the corners, plug my mic into

the laptop and start recording..

After recording, I will edit the whole thing in Audacity.

I will first remove all the unnecessary clips, outtakes and breaks to make it seamless, and

then apply a preset that I've created. And lastly, I will export the audio.

Once the audio is ready. I will than decide between 2 things.

#1 f I should animate everything And #2 if I should record everything.

Animating is hard but my analytics tell me I should animate it because they perform very well

I will do cinematics when I feel like it fits the video theme. I should also mention

that I do not own any slr camera, so I if I have to do cinematics, I will record them

with my Nokia 6.1 Plus. And the animations are mainly done in After Effects.

And last but not least.. I will take everything, fire up premiere pro and start editing the

whole thing. I will not go through my editing process because way too many things happen

in this process. If you guys want me to make an extended video on this as well, there will

be a poll in the card above where you can vote for it.

And that is how my video editing process goes, nothing fancy, nothing fun but since you guys

asked for it, I thought why not.

If you're new to the channel and you like

to have fun and learn, make sure you subscribe and hit that bell icon so you don't miss the next video

I hope you've enjoyed this video. Thank you again for your support and for 3000 subscribers,

it really means a lot. I will see you in the next video.

Peace out.

For more infomation >> Behind The Scenes of a YouTuber with 3K Subscribers! - Duration: 3:29.


Chelsea player ratings vs Tottenham: David Luiz horror-show – team fails, ONE star shines - Duration: 3:18.

 Chelsea crumbled against Tottenham in a 3-1 defeat at Wembley with a defensive horror-show that left the visitors doomed to fail

 The Blues grabbed a consolation thanks to Olivier Giroud, but Dele Alli, Harry Kane and Son Heung-Min had already dealt irreparable damage

 David Luiz was destroyed for the third goal to cap off an abysmal afternoon, while the midfield failed to get any kind of control over proceedings

 Take a look below to reveal our Chelsea player ratings against Tottenham.Kepa Arrizabalaga – 7 Without Kepa, it really could have been five or six… He didn't deserve to be on the losing side

Cesar Azpilicueta – 4 The experienced Blues star was overwhelmed in the first half

He was exposed and crumbled.Antonio Rudiger – 5 Not a great display, but did well considering he had to cover for Azpilicueta on numerous occasions, while Luiz lost his head on multiple occasions

He was pulled all over the place.David Luiz – 4 Luiz inspires no confidence, no authority, no calm

Messy from start to finish, and utterly destroyed by Son Heung-Min for the third goal

Marcos Alonso – 5 Simply lacked quality. He couldn't bomb forward, and that significantly dampened his effectiveness

N'Golo Kante – 5 Out-of-sorts at Wembley. There has been a lot of talk about his new role, but regardless, Kante offered very little going forward or defensively

Jorginho – 4 Couldn't get his passing game flowing, offered no protection for the back four, skinned for pace by Son

Mateo Kovacic – 4 Ponderous on the ball, predictable moving forward, and winner of the 'Most Pointless Rabona in World Football' award

Willian – 4 Utterly devoid of quality in the final third. His passing was abysmal and really struggled to even scratch Spurs' defence

Alvaro Morata – 4 The Spanish striker has been offside more times this season than AFC Bournemouth following his display today

Whenever Chelsea looked like carving out a chance, Morata quickly put an end to the hope

Eden Hazard – 5 Provided Spurs fans with a couple of heart-in-mouth moments in the first half but wasn't on top form

For more infomation >> Chelsea player ratings vs Tottenham: David Luiz horror-show – team fails, ONE star shines - Duration: 3:18.


Someone wrote Funny Manga About Red Hood x Tim in Batman.🐸 - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> Someone wrote Funny Manga About Red Hood x Tim in Batman.🐸 - Duration: 7:08.


Video: Son embarrasses Luiz to score solo goal for Tottenham - Duration: 1:50.

 Tottenham winger Heung-Min Son scored a superb solo goal for Spurs against Chelsea this evening, David Luiz was left embarrassed as Son skipped past him with ease

 In the 54th minute of the match Dele Alli launched a through ball down the pitch which Son latched onto, the South Korean used his lightning pace to get away from Jorginho before skipping past David Luiz

 Son finished the move off with a cool, calm and composed finish – slotting the ball into the back of the net

 Check out the wonderful solo-goal below:  Chelsea should be ashamed with their defending today, it wouldn't look out of place during a Sunday league game

  More Stories / Premier League "Disgusting and desperate" – These fans not impressed with "embarrassing" moment from Chelsea star in clash vs Spurs November 24, 2018 18:40 'What exactly does he offer' These Chelsea fans blast Mateo Kovacic attempts 'rabona' cross while Blues are 2-0 down against Tottenham November 24, 2018 18:36 Damning Romelu Lukaku stat highlights Manchester United star's struggles at Old Trafford November 24, 2018 18:13

For more infomation >> Video: Son embarrasses Luiz to score solo goal for Tottenham - Duration: 1:50.


Photo: Paul Pogba's reaction to Jose Mourinho decision vs Crystal Palace epitomises these Man United - Duration: 2:28.

 Jose Mourinho made some questionable decisions against Crystal Palace this afternoon, ones that didn't necessarily go down too well with Paul Pogba or Man United fans

 The Red Devils drew 0-0 with Roy Hodgson's side at Old Trafford, a result that now means they are 14 points behind league leaders Man City with just 13 games played

 In the second half, Mourinho made the questionable call to take Pobga off, a decision that seems bizarre when you consider the fact that United were chasing a goal that would've ended up winning the match

 This decision didn't sit down too well with Pogba, who was seen with his head in his hands on United's bench following Mourinho's call to haul him off

Pogba's reaction to Mourinho's decisions sums up that of all United fans  This reaction pretty much epitomises what all United fans were thinking, as they too let their frustrations at the decision known on Twitter

 When the Premier League action draws to a close, be sure to tune into tonight's mammoth La Liga clash between Atletico Madrid and Barcelona to see which side will draw first blood in the La Liga title race

 Click here to find out how you can watch the action LIVE on your mobile, online or through the comfort of your television

More Stories about Jose Mourinho Video: 'What a warrior' – Victor Lindelof impresses Manchester United fans with impressive commitment in final moments of Crystal Palace game November 24, 2018 17:47 "This football club is really finished" – Absence of five Man Utd players vs Watford sends these fans into collective meltdown November 24, 2018 14:22 Mino Raiola taking Zlatan Ibrahimovic advice on getting Paul Pogba transfer away from Manchester United November 24, 2018 13:44

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