Maruti Suzuki NEXA IGNIS - Personalize it your way | Shivam Autozone - Duration: 0:22.it's different its unique , personalize your Ignis your way style it drive it Ignis
none of a kind
留学ってどうなの? - Duration: 9:19.-------------------------------------------
ベース車は2000万円弱! GT-R50 by イタルデザインに1億円超えの価値はあるのか - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
I SEGRETI DEL CIBO: 2. Come ammalarsi con il cibo! - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
La Sultana | Capítulo 05 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:10.TELELEMUNDO NETWORK
Believe in miracles!
My love for you is a miracle!
Never give up!
What we deserve! What we deserve!
What we deserve! What we deserve!
What we deserve! What we deserve!
The following is the will of Sultan Ahmed Khan.
Listen closely, soldiers!
All of you should know this!
What you are asking for
will be added to your salary when you are paid.
Having said that,
those of you who reject the will of Sultan Ahmed Khan
and continue to rebel...
know that you will be beheaded.
If you accept, His Majesty will be merciful,
your life will be forgiven,
and no retaliation will be taken against you.
The Sipahi are done waiting, Dervish Aga!
It's been months!
We want what we deserve!
What we deserve! What we deserve!
What we deserve! What we deserve!
Abdi Aga is right.
The Janissary won't leave without what we deserve!
What we deserve! What we deserve!
Aga, since when do you speak on behalf of the Janissaries?
Have you forgotten that His Majesty is our leader?
Does our sacred book say we can kill a brother?
-No, it doesn't. -It doesn't.
He who is unfair to us is not our brother, Zulfikar Aga.
Janissary, march! We will tear those doors down!
If the Sultan does not meet us, we will drag him out!
What's wrong? Wake up, child!
Is she dead?
Call the doctor! Hurry!
-Hurry! -Prepare a room for her!
The Sheikh Effendi is here!
His Holiness Mahmud is here!
His Holiness is here!
Look around you, everyone.
Did Allah create the universe in a fit of rage?
Was it done with hatred?
How dare you force your way through a door
that must be opened...
with a loving heart
and respect?
Are you a friend only in good times?
Or are you someone who, like the Devil,
only appears in the darkest hour?
Are you someone who lacks principles,
who doesn't care about the well-being of the people,
and who disobeys his ruler's orders?
"He who obeys his orders, obeys me."
"He who disobeys his orders...
is against me."
Those were the words of the Prophet.
It is your duty to heed them.
We are His Majesty's subjects, Sheikh Effendi.
The Janissary agree to wait for the bonus.
Do you agree?
We agree!
And so it shall be!
The Sipahi will wait as well, Sheikh Effendi.
But if you break your promise...
there will be a hefty price to pay.
Let's go!
Praise Allah!
You are so generous, Sultana.
If anyone overheard you, they might think you helped Ahmed.
But it's obvious you made a deal to remain in the palace.
Make no mistake, you will soon leave this palace.
Is the woman with a mole an astrologist now?
The future has not been set in stone.
You may say whatever you want, but one thing is certain:
Your reign is over, Sultana.
And mine has just begun.
The soldiers who should be on my side are against me.
Loyalty is nothing but a handful of gold coins.
Only Allah can give without taking, my lion.
Thanks to Allah you have servants like Dervish
who are only loyal to you.
Who was the man who appeared just then, Dervish?
He is an important holy man who has gained the trust
and respect of everyone in Istanbul.
He belongs to the Jelveti Order in Uskudar.
Aziz Mahmud Hudayi.
His Holiness Hudayi.
Allah, heard my plea!
He heard my prayer and sent him here.
He sent him here to protect me!
Find a way to cure her.
Her fate is tied to mine.
If she dies, I will die too.
Let's go.
Our grandson is very stubborn.
He has the courage and pride any Sultan should have.
He is very smart, too.
I predict he will be a magnificent monarch.
He just has to obey us.
Vlog! Manor Abramtsevo. As we were not allowed into the museum with a dog - Duration: 6:18.-------------------------------------------
✅ Будущее России, Украины, НАТО, ЕС и других участников мировой политики (Суть вещей). Фельетон. - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
Using capitalism to save nature - VPRO documentary - 2017 - Duration: 44:49.-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni Una Vita: Elvira Valverde viene minacciata da Adela - Duration: 11:05.-------------------------------------------
Maulana Sami Ul Haq JUI-S Last Speech before assassinated in Urdu / English Subtitles - Duration: 4:32.blasphemy punishment is death sentence
Today all european not accepting it
they are accepting all, its not incredible
Finality of Prophethood law & blasphemy
Europeans do not digest
to forgive
its also blasphemy
because courts give contempt of court for themself
contempt of court, contempt of court
they most care about contempt of court but
they take sou moto notices for contempt of court
but blasphemy law is not contempt?
blasphemy is not crime?
i would say that these judges
treason with constitution
they also treason with blasphemy law
they rebel with constitution
my point of view is that
these judges not only suspended
in constitution where mentioned about blasphemy law
they (judges) deserve death sentence
Allah O Akbar (God is big)
Allah O Akbar (God is big)
Blasphemy law is great
Blasphemy law is great
these judges
deserve punishment according to blasphemy law as well
This Chief Justice Saqib Nisar
was gained very popularity
he was struggling against corruption and land mafia
and was catching the thieves
was also catching corrupt Ministers
we thought God gifted him to us, we thought he is like angel
but this angel become devil
He poured water on all his good deeds
his all good deeds finished after (Asia bibi case judgment)
so on this situation
i meet with PM Imran Khan
my first meeting and first demand was
about this matter (Asia bibi case)
i said, i heard courts going to leave / to set free Asia bibi
i asked, what is inside story of Asia bibi relieving?
He (Imran Khan) was upset
He never answered properly about my question
I said if you do this (relieved Asia bibi) God (Allah) will snatch your Government
because Nawaz Sharif
hanged Mumtaz Qadri immediately
even Pakistan & India never took this risk (quoted incident before partition)
its Pakistan bad luck that every new ruler
is worse than previous ruler
So this man (Nawaz Sharif) dont care
He hanged Mumtaz Qadri for happiness of US
So i told that all story to Imran Khan
I told Nawaz Sharif's story to him
take strict stand on this case (Asia bibi)
never take burden of international lobby
So now, these judges are like punishment for us
these judges deserve strict punishment
Imran Khan should stand and suspend those judges
or rollback the decision of Supreme Court judges
If he didn't do this than its my faith
that his humiliation days has came.
Allah (God) will disgrace him
and his power will be lost. InshaAllah
And all parliamentarian
giving speeches
Shahbaz sharif also came to parliament and give speech
on Kashmir, but no one member of parliament
stand on this issue
either Shahbaz Sharif
either no other member of parliament
All opposition is silent on this issue
who never toook stand for our beloved Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
what he will be?
No one paying lending on this issue
All members should stand on this issue
Fight against enemy of our beloved prophet
is deobandi (our) responsibility
we will be in first row on this issue
and we will take this movement
uptill these judges (who give judgment on Asia bibi case)
must be punished, we will not stop movement
May Allah (God) protect all of us
Il belga ne fa 3 (superato Careca tra i bomber di sempre). Di Insigne, Milik e Caputo le altre reti - Duration: 7:13.NAPOLI - Insigne raggiunge Savoldi, Mertens stacca Careca, facendo una tripletta, e un assist, lo dicono i numeri, il Napoli vince perchè trasforma in oro tutto quello che tocca
La differenza atlantica tra Napoli ed Empoli sta tutta nel peso specifico degli attaccanti, nella qualità e nel cinismo negli ultimi metri, nelle soluzioni letali delle punte di Ancelotti
Perchè, dice l'antico adagio, l'Empoli gioca e il Napoli segna. Dice bene Mertens alla fine: "Empoli gioca bene, ma noi abbiamo avuto "il momento"
Il Napoli coglie gli attimi. Parte con un undici di scorta, c'è il Psg alle porte, ma ha in più, rispetto al passato, tanto cinismo sotto porta
Alla fine le distrazioni che fanno agitare Ancelotti (e secondo noi avrebbero mandato in bestia Sarri), sono dimenticate, anche se al tecnico non sempre sono piaciute le distanze tra reparti
Cinque a uno, contano i numeri: e il Napoli supera di slancio l'ostacolo Empoli
In effetti i primo pensiero a fine primo tempo, accompagnando le squadre negli spogliatoi, è che il Napoli del recente passato, partite come queste, rischiava di perderle o comunque non le vinceva
Forse ha ragione Ancelotti, sarà la fortuna dei generali. Sta di fatto che il primo gol arriva da una cavalcata imperiosa di Koulibaly, chiusa con apertura per Insigne e delizioso tocco di esterno di Lorenzo il magnifico che toglie il tempo a Provedel
Un colpo da biliardo. Trovato il gol, l'Empoli cresce. Peccato per l'avvio timoroso: il centrocampo toscano ha prevalenza su quello del Napoli-2
E' come se l'ospite abbia rubato il copione all'attore protagonista. Pressione alta, Diawara invisibile, Rog e Zielinski quasi, Ruiz - bene in avvio - che a sua volta si eclissa
La differenza, nella parte centrale del tempo, la fa Koulibaly che chiude tutto quello che c'è da chiudere e cancella di fatto la parte terminale della buona trama di approccio di un Empoli che vede, giustamente, annullato un gol di Antonelli: per fuorigioco
Meglio l'Empoli, alla fine vince il possesso palla, ma il Napoli è sornione. E, se possibile, ancora fortunato, quando Di Lorenzo appoggia indietro a un compagno che non c'è e Mertens ringrazia
Il belga, all'inizio più altruista che mai, stavolta dice: ci penso io. Sgroppata di 30 metri al trotto, tiro in diagonale, un po' come quello di Insigne, a cercare il paletto lontano e a mettere fuori tempo il tuffo del lungo Provedel
Nella ripresa sembra proprio che Napoleone Ancelotti abbia richiamato le sue truppe a una maggiore attenzione
Prova ne è un'attenzione superiore in avvio di tempo, in mezzo si torna a correre
E invece l'Empoli, quando meno te l'aspetti, che fa? La riapre. Colpa del Napoli sbilanciato, quando Krunic trova il corridoio e Caputo fugge e indovina il diagonale
2 a 1.Per alcuni minuti lo Squadrone traballa, Koulibaly deve fare gli straordinari, non gli va affatto e lo esterna platealmente
Ancelotti mette la pezza: ecco Allan e Callejon per Rog e Ruiz. La risposta è immediata, alla prima azione
Ruggito d'altri tempi: se stava piovendo, Mertens ci mette. il suo arcobaleno. E fa 3 a 1
E' il gol chiave del match, perchè l'Empoli abbassa la testa sul manubrio, ma sbatte sugli scogli
E gli altri, in campo aperto, lucidano largenteria. Un paio di colpi sull'acceleratore, nell'ultimo chilometro
Milik, dieci minuti in campo, gira in porta il 4 a 1 al termine dell'azione più bella del match
Ma sul traguardo è giusto che sia Mertens ad alzare le braccia al cielo. Splendido invito di Insigne, scatto a superare l'uscita disperata di Provedel: scavalcato Careca nella classifica dei bomber azzurri di sempre, ed è subito 5 a 1
NAPOLI: Karnezis - Hysaj, Maksimovic, Koulibaly, Malcuit - Rog (63' Allan), Diawara, Zielinski (83' Milik) - Ruiz (63' Callejon), Mertens, Insigne
All. Ancelotti EMPOLI: Provedel - Di Lorenzo, Silvestre, Maietta, Antonelli - Acquah (66' Zajc), Bennacer, Traorè - Krunic (68' Pasqual), Ucan (80' La Gumina) - Caputo
All. Andreazzoli. ARBITRO: Pairetto RETI: 9' Insigne; 38', 64' e 93' Mertens; 58' Caputo; 89' Milik
NOTE: Angoli 7 a 0 Empoli. Ammoniti: Di Lorenzo, Bennacer. Recupero 0' e 3'.
Cartoon - Teach Children How to Be Tolarant | AmoMama - Duration: 1:33.Children can be rather cruel, that's why it's so important to teach them to accept those who are different!
There was a boy who didn't play with other children
Hey, there! Pass the ball!
Lazy ass! Weirdo! Grandma's little boy!
Let's play together!
Forget about this turkey-cock!
Don't pay attention, my dear
What do you want?!
We can play together!
Teach children how to be tolerant to those who are different
ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №137. Ремені для зброї. РЛС AN/TPQ [ENG SUB] - Duration: 19:33.Anton Douhnovsky translation
For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us: ansky@pm.me, facebook.com/pg/AnSkyTranslator
War technologies
Pressure on Azov Sea growth. Russia bring there 120 ships and cutters. Among them only one fourth part has armament
From release you will know
Are already able Centaurs move by their own?
For how long deploy system Bars-8MMK?
Which advantages to warriors of Donbas give radars from USA?
With what lack luck to cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov?
And what unmanned in first fly up in Beneath Heavens?
Equipment of modern warrior thought forward so, that not provide excessive moves or uncomfortness. Exist elements, which for dozens of years changed to unrecognized. And exist such, that silently came across from Second world war
Are mighty to bring to them, for example, automatic rifle belt? With this question take in charge our journalist Gennadiy Salivon
First models of fire-arms soldiers carry simply in hands or on shoulder. Shotguns was only muzzle-loading, thou in combat belt will only disturb
When gun already move behind spine, used leather, and soon, tarp belts
It is belt from automat PPSh. He has leather attachments. They do not sound when touch gun, but very limited in lengths regulation. He used only for carrying
Such two points belts use more than a hundred years in all armies of world. When begin creating sections, recognize, that right choice of belt increase combat mights of fighter
In 2014, when Ukrainian militaries begin by their self or with help of volunteers upgrade their weapons, became very popular three points belt. On that time them already produce in Ukraine
When me make first 3-point and sell to militaries, after 3 days call – we can't understand, how to attach it
Yes, true, to use all mights of construction, needed to have necessary skills. Other way your modern belt just became beautiful set of plates and stripes. But construction of each element has it purpose
This 3-points was invented in USA and called Jaald bend, consist of back attachment, which can be attached on sling, forward attachment and drop system or system of additional lengths. Intelligently regulated belt might combat qualities of gun in times increase
Three point allow comfortly carry a gun, fast switch in combat position, change stock from right to left shoulder, free hands for changing weapon or other job. Exists mights in whole comfortly attach weapon behind back
It might be used, when you climb down by rope. Weapon should not disturb you. Weapon at us attached on 2 stripes
Do not disturb movement. Get very easy. Distress fixator by one hand. Weapon leading to combat position. Or this element serve us for dropping a weapon
Three-point easily recreated in one-point. It is simple loop, what wearing on one shoulder. Such might be done from any two-point belt
Often using special gun carbines type H/K. And special welding rings. It is obligately, to not fail you. It is allows to fastely de-attach carbine from sling and switch it to one point position
Advantage of one-point – simplicity, and disadvantage – when your release weapon from arms, she hangs, as she wants
Now get popularity two-points belts, which regulated fast. They avoid one-point disadvantages and simplier than three-point
With two-points belt weapon trustfully attached. Does not hit genitals, when you release her, as with one-point. At belt there are no ends, that hangs and disturb aiming. Fixation very valuable, thou weapon not hit legs at walk
Here automate in position behind spine. He easily switched to position of shooting forward, from this position easily switched on chest. Or I might switch to position behind spine. From this position
I easily move it on chest and already from this position I can lead fire. Add lengths to it, same fast might shorten it. At it I might also fast switch him in one-point position in such case it allows me switch on one shoulder and on other
But apart from trustful fixation, modern two-point belts supply also fast leading weapon to action
In case of emergency at giving medical help there are function of fast weapon release. Pulling this ring you release weapon from fixation. It is system of fast leading gun to fire
If earlier at belt producing use mostly tarp, leather, iron, so today changed way to materials of stripes and furniture. Additionally should surely know with what equipment use will use it
For producing automate belts using poly-amide stripes. Special buckles, enforced, made as rules from acetal. Always exists problem, that pillow of automate belt not very well stick to armored-vest. In this case use belts with stripes modification
Also will show monkey-hand. It is attached at backside gum with fast-removing attachment, where we might fastely attach automate. Using at landing from helicopter, when we use rope stripe
If belt chosen and fit right, it is essentially increase soldiers combat abilities. But, by thought of specialists, reserves for modernization of this element almost gone away
Seen nearly appeared new product, which namely constructors call «third hand»
For truth, it is early prototype. We use interest, that call this development for further work. Third hand helps take out weight of gun from soldier hands
We test her with MGs М249 and М240. Third hand take out from hands up to 27 pounds of weight
Maybe most of viewer remember clips from 1st part of fantastic block-buster «Alien». There one among space special-assignment use something like MG which was attached on body
Then requisites use «steady-cam» - device was for video-camera stabilization. And he looks very alike project «third hand». Thou, as we see, fantasy became real
In 184th Study center of National infantry academy open studding-training complex of school for preparing fire-guards
New infra-structure and list of specializations there very actual, computing explosions on stores from last years. With this begin informational block of MIC for week
Yagorlyk, located in the south of Ukraine, in the Kherson region, is near the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and large-scale military exercises are taking place. There are firing firings using a wide range of anti-aircraft missile systems
In particular, several modifications of the C-300, Buk, Osa, Tor and many more. In addition, during the exercises there are tests of anti-aircraft missile systems, which have undergone a deep modernization at the enterprises of the Ukrainian defense-industrial complex
Navy aviation of Ukraine turn 25 years. Now she formed from one brigade, that came out Crimea and guide out part of technique, with huge risk. And in its part planes Be-12, An-26, helicopters Ka-27, Ka-29, Mi-14 and Mi-8
Btw in rayon of providing United Forces Operation helicopter pilots train to install mine obstacles
On Dnipro river notice descendant-storm cutters «Centaur», that passing factory tests
Crews of cutters type Island, that give us in USA, start shipping and communication prepare
That time I Mariupol squad of sea defense DPSU make agreement on repairing cutter body BG-118 Arabat for 725 thousand grivnas
Harkiv's CB of the Morozov name give to armies first 7 APC BTR-4, produced from Ukrainian armor. SpecStal pass all exams, and bodies from it produce Lozivsk forge-mechanic factory
Now in work more 40 such and boil them will be on Factory of the Malishev name and on Kiev armor-tank factory
Mobile mortar Bars-8MMK successfully pass stage of designation-intelligence tests. Automatic system allow to deploy it for one minute. Ammunition of 120-mm system – 60 mines
Btw, Kiev prosecution tell to director of CB «Artillery arms» about suspicion in over-spending 1,4 mln grivnas
CB Pivdenne added with new production department for assembling and testing space-crafts under 2 tones. Square of production places 275 sq.m., and rest – 210
Btw in SpecTechnoExport also achieve production powers. Same, in USA bought machine for assembling cartridges caliber 7,62х54 R, which for one hour gives 3600 ones
To Armed Forces begin arrive transportable stations of satellite connection ZTK-1/S development and production Data-group
They supply telephone connection and data transfer with speed from 5 to 20 Mb per second, and also organize local network for 3 users. Nutrified system from accumulators, or network. Weights 21 kg
Company BAE Systems develop new aiming system on basis of smart oculars. Wireless system includes oculars and scope FWSA. He works, in night, and in thermal regime in day and night
Allow to shoot from cover. American army and marines will get system already in next year
In Dubai present new off-road Beast Patrol for local police. He has open-wide doors, and in saloon 10 displays for different purposes
That time Belgium deicide to buy 60 French AVs «Jaguar» and 382 «Griphon»
And group Denel show new variant of AWD AV PG-31 for fire support
Company Saab equip more than 340 military machines of Norway with systems of sight improvement with armored cameras and displays for crew
And in internet appeared photo of new Chinese AA self-propelled system 10х10. System has 76-mm cannon, which guide by locator and supplied with ammo-reserve on 100 shots
In Moscow present anti-drone gun REX-1, that suppress drone signals on distance 500 m, and GPS – on range 2 km
Algeria purchase Chine UAV CH-3 and CH-4, that well recommend itself in Iraq
That time in Beneath Heavens first fly make new UAV of early warning Sky Pipe
Sweden fighter «Gripen-E» from company SAAB successfully pass first test on dropping fuel containers, after what launch missile Iris-T
Same time became known, that AF of Iraq get from South Korea on-turn party of super-sonic study-combat planes T-50IQ. According contract sign in 2013
Near border with Russia, OSCE lost UAV, that filmed move of column of 7 trucks
In Afghanistan falls helicopter and died 20 militaries and deputies
And in Murmansk floating dock, where repairing Admiral Kuznetsov, drawn cause of break in electricity. Last hit for aircraft carrier make tower crane, that left hole 4 on 5 meters
With Columbia make agreement about building two cutters-interceptors MMI for Honduras Navy
Australia fleet accept on arms destroyer Brisbeni, that became second boat type Hobart
And in web show up video of Chinese small submarine of unknown type and photo of transporting of new unmanned strike cutter
Until today she is basic radio-locationing station for revealing enemy artillery positions in army of USA and stand on arms of 18 countries in world
For forty years of production from conveyor came out 300 magnificent radars of different modifications. On system costs nearly half million dollars. Serves model in Armed Forces of Ukraine
On Independence square brought section of transportable radio-locationing stations of counter artillery fight AN/TPQ-36
This system designed to revealing and tracking artillery shots and missile launches, and also for supply of counter-artillery fight in any obstacles conditions. She have electronic control of radar and allow to co-work t tactical control of fire
Time of system deploying from companies Northrop Grumman and Sails Raytheon Systems– 15 minutes, and preparing for march – only 5
AN/TPQ-36 FireFinder includes in it three off-road Humvee: recon or cargo, machine of control with Q-36 on tug and same with generator and wires
Automobile of control might be on range up to 50 meters from RLS. Whole system able to get commands on distance twice bigger.
According to united system of electronic type signs GETDS name ANTPQ-36 marks: AN means Army and Navy, T – transportable and unseparated part of transport device
P – marks on radar, Q is sign for radar of special design, and 36 means family generation of TPQ-radars
System might reveal and track at once 99 targets and differ 10 types of enemy arms. Effective range of work against barrel artillery – 14,5 km, against mortars – 18, and against missile artillery – up to 24 km
Next Goal. Artillery, height 392. Coordinates 696 ...
You are not mistaken, it is Ukrainian military-servant surely guide American AN/TPQ-36. From 2015, when from USA to Ukraine fly such systems, it is became usual image. Courses for crews of 5 fighters each goes for 3 weeks
Ukrainians impress me with their persistence. They for such short time learn to control these radars. For truth it was pleasure to teach them, now our task is to make their knowledge solid and they give it further
Already in 2017 Armed Forces of Ukraine begin prepare own instructors for preparing personnel for present radars. They might lead courses, as in rear, and so on Donbas
Month – preparing of instructors, 3 weeks is preparing them as teachers. After determined period of time will be 3rd stage, on which will be American presenters. Mean they will watch, how our instructors teach our crews
I have experience of work on our analogs, it is help me much. In principle very well made methodical part of studding. Machine in basic computerized, main – be attentive and do not disturb machine from work
War on East demand from our army new methods, so stations AN/TPQ might integrate to recon system «Kropiva». Their exit codes constructors bureau «Logica» already give to Armed Forces of Ukraine
Also American radars use in combined sections of Operation of United Forces…
According to commanders decision of OUF, general-lieutenant Sergiy Naev, formed recon-fire contours. To his part included fire devices, means batteries 2A36, UAV system A1-S «Furia» and stations AN/TPQ
For years of aggression from Russia partners from USA give Ukraine 11 counter-artillery systems of such type. Two last arrived in 17 of August…
Namely these radars, and also package of additional services, means repair, preparing, all these costs 15 million dollars
We over-usually glad give these two additional systems on plus to those 9, that already are. They save to Ukrainians life and make army more effective
Valuable to admire, that for these 4 years American boards bring to Armed Forces of Ukraine two more types of counter-mortar fight systems. It is few dozens AN/TPQ of 48th and 49th generations
AN/TPQ-49 – light counter-mortar radar, created for using in expedition forces. Thanks to 3D-antenna have un-interrupted view on 360 degrees. Coordinates of position with 81-mm mortar might detect on distance up to 8 km, and 120-mm mortars – up to 10 km
Mistake of revealing fire point under 60 meters. Diameter and height of radar – 1,25 meters, model weight – 68 kg. Time of deploying and closing by two military-servants – 20 minutes
Is next evolution after AN/TPQ-48, what developed in quality of fast react system for USA special forces commandment
Btw, namely «48» well show itself under time of combats for Donetsk airport
Use not only for fight against mortars, and even against MLRS. Influence on enemy, who up to 700 per day on us falls ammo. We should react. Thanks to that station we additional eyes
Ukraine is first country, which American militaries give right to provide self-made service and repair for present technique. It is in question, which often ask, are mighty military-servants of armed forces own high-technology equipment
Even 90% of these radars brakes crews might remove in field conditions in middle for 30 minutes, already have insurance for rest 10%
In Summer to Armed Forces of Ukraine start arriving mobile service laboratories, for serving three types of AN/TPQ-stations
Next time you will know about multi-tools and fighters for Ukrainian army. On today that's all. All releases search on site of 24th channel and YouTube of Military TV of Ukraine. Will see each other
Benim Adım Bücür 😊 Şarkısı | Çocuk Şarkıları Bücür Kedi Çizgi Film | #KONDOSAN Eğlenceli Şarkılar - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Fuori dall'euro ? come difendersi ? - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
M.İ | ''Lazım Deyil'' - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
8 Cappuccetto rimbambita e il Lupo dal ciuccio rosso CAPPURIMBA favole per bambini fiabe racconti - Duration: 11:32.-------------------------------------------
Marubozu Candlestics Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 12:54.
Maruti Suzuki NEXA IGNIS - Personalize it your way | Shivam Autozone - Duration: 0:22.it's different its unique , personalize your Ignis your way style it drive it Ignis
none of a kind
留学ってどうなの? - Duration: 9:19.-------------------------------------------
ベース車は2000万円弱! GT-R50 by イタルデザインに1億円超えの価値はあるのか - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
Diabetes won't stop Martin.-------------------------------------------
What If People Don't Like The Music I Make? - Duration: 5:43.What is going on what if someone doesn't like your music when you take the time
to release an album or become a music producer rejection is definitely a
reality in this video we're gonna discuss how to deal with rejection in
the music industry but first I'd like to let you know that episode 4 of the
samplers podcast is live right now at the daydream sound website this week's
episode deals what the question of is the barrier to entry to low for music
producers in 2018 and of course you could always support our work here by
liking and subscribing to our channel and with that let's get to it
rejection and general dislike of our music by the general public is the
plight of all musicians we all go through this over the duration of our
career and it's something that has to be managed and put into perspective or the
consequences that can be suffered from continuous rejection can cause an early
end to our careers and music you know it's one thing to get general hate from
people who you don't know like if you put out an album or you're making beats
and someone just says well I don't like that I don't like this guy I don't like
your music I don't like you well it's never something that we want to hear
it's still really an anonymous opinion what can really shake us up is negative
feedback from people whose opinions we actually respect when you receive
negative comments about your music from people like this it can really dominate
your thoughts and while your self-esteem may not be shaken
you will be bothered enough to wonder how can someone evaluate your entire
work that you put so much effort in and just flippantly dismiss your creation so
we're gonna go over three things to help you deal with this number one
have great people around you this can be friends acquaintances business partners
your core team the people that you interact with most have to be people
that will snap you back into the present whenever things like this happen they
will remind you why you make music in the first place and these aren't yes men
or women that I'm talking about here these are people that will see you
spiraling out of control overthinking things and snap you back
into reality and they'll do all this because they know and above all things
you chose to make music and as long as that is your goal they'll hold you to
that number two now when you do receive comments or feedback or negative
reactions in general about your music you're gonna have to deal with it this
isn't something that you can run away from and the most beneficial way to deal
with this sort of thing is to turn it into a learning experience sometimes the
most valuable Intel that you can gain about your music and your craft comes
from a genuine insult and in knowing this you can take the criticism from
others extrapolate what works for you and what you can use and discard the
rest this is a very important step because you're not going to be able to
move forward unless you do this and a technique like this is a great way of
finding out exactly who your audience is and what they like and if you find that
you're receiving the same vein of criticism consistently about your music
it doesn't say anything negative about your music what it is saying that
possibly the audience that you have isn't the type of audience that you need
and since we live on earth with a lot of people there is definitely room for you
to find the audience that will react favorably to your music oh and one last
thing before we move on a genuine negative comment is not to be confused
with a dedicated listener or client or fan recognizing that you may have took
shortcuts and intentionally put out subpar music hoping that they wouldn't
realize if your audience is calling you out on this in what might seem like a
negative comment it's time for you to stop take a step back and realize that
that particular person or people is giving you the biggest for most
port you can ever get what they are saying is that they enjoy your music so
much and they're invested in you so much that they want to see you do better
because they know you can do better and rather than silently move on to
another artist they'd rather let you know to step your game up and that's a
big sign to let you know that you have the right audience and you have a
dedicated audience number three keep it moving once you've gone through the
process of step one and two realize you're still here to make music and as
artists we don't have time to stop the cultivation of our craft to mourn over a
negative reaction to our music it's best for us to realize that when we take
risks and music people will hate what we do today and love what we do tomorrow
we've seen this time and time again throughout the history of Arts in
general sometimes our audience isn't all ready to accept what we're doing and
sometimes the reactions may vary from positive recognition to all-out hate so
we have to put everything in perspective but what we can't do is stop a career in
music can be a serious mental rollercoaster with extreme highs and
ridiculously low lows kind of like life and no matter what part of the journey
we're on we have to keep on being creative and if we deal with rejection
and negative reactions from our listeners in this way we can ensure
longevity in our careers without burning out mentally anyway thank you for
watching if you liked and learned something today
subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the next one in the
meantime take care of yourself peace
Funny Tema ride on cars Sportbike Power Wheels Jeep Police car Pretend Play with Magic toys - Duration: 3:23.Funny Tema ride on cars Sportbike Power Wheels Jeep Police car Pretend Play with Magic toys
蓝洁瑛逝世,生前最后一张公开照片及亲笔信曝光 - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Man Utd transfer news: Jose Mourinho dreams of Real Madrid star but United made decision - Duration: 3:34.Manchester United boss Mourinho signed Varane for Real Madrid during his time at the Bernabeu
Together, the duo struck a positive working relationship with the defender helping Mourinho scoop La Liga and Copa del Rey titles
Manchester United are currently pursuing a centre-back with just two days of the transfer window remaining
And the Manchester Evening News say Mourinho would love the chance to reunite with Varane at Old Trafford
The France international impressed at the World Cup this summer, flourishing alongside Samuel Umtiti and helping Didier Deschamps' side reign supreme
The report says Mourinho dreams of signing him despite pursuing deals for Tottenham's Toby Alderweireld and Leicester's Harry Maguire
However, despite Varane being a boyhood United fan, the MEN say the Red Devils realised he was unattainable
The 25-year-old has been a huge hit at Real ever since his arrival from Lens six years ago
And Real would be reluctant to sanction his exit, particularly after an already tricky summer at the Bernabeu
United missed out on signing Gareth Bale, but Cristiano Ronaldo chose to turn his back on the club for Juventus
Luka Modric also wants out of Madrid, with Inter Milan interested. Meanwhile, speaking in 2015, Varane lauded Mourinho for the role played in his development
The Real defender said: "During my second year at Madrid, Jose Mourinho gave me a kick up the backside
"I wasn't doing well, I wasn't managing to do what he wanted me to out on the pitch
"So he chided me, saying: 'Why don't you run in training?' My first reaction was to mutter, 'Oh come on
' But I knew he was right, I had more to give." United have just two days to sign the centre-back they crave
But who they end up with remains to be seen.Who is Real Madrid star and Man Utd transfer target Raphael Varane? Age: 25 Country: France Honours: La Liga (2012, 2017) Copa del Rey (2014) Supercopa de Espana (2012, 2017) Champions League (2014, 2016, 2017, 2018) UEFA Super Cup (2014, 2016, 2017) FIFA Club World Cup: (2014, 2016, 2017) World Cup (2018)
Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:14.Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after
Then up Jack got and home he ran,
As fast as he could caper.
He went to bed to mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper.
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after
Muffin Man | Supremes Cartoon | Songs And Nursery Rhymes by Kids Tv - Duration: 2:03.Muffin Man...
Using capitalism to save nature - VPRO documentary - 2017 - Duration: 44:49.-------------------------------------------
Ariana Grande Disses Pete Davidson on Twitter After Split | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:45.Ariana Grande Disses Pete Davidson on Twitter After Split | Heavy.com
Ariana Grande aired out her grievances towards ex-fiancé Pete Davidson on Friday morning.
The pop starlet took to Twitter to criticize Davidson for making fun of their break up on a recent Saturday Night Live promo video and to state that she is completely over him.
In a series of tweets that have since been deleted, Grande wrote: "for somebody who claims to hate relevancy u sure love clinging to it huh?" She then tweeted "thank u, next," squashing any rumors that the two may get back together, and concluded her mini-rant by retweeting a video post of the SNL promo with a fan caption that reads: "SNL is about to milk their breakup just like they did with the engagement.
Ariana Grande tweet.
In the aforementioned SNL promo, Davidson turns to musical performer Maggie Rogers and asks her to marry him.
When she denies him, he mutters, "0 for 3," referencing to his previous long-term relationship with comedian Cazzie David and his engagement to Grande.
Watch the entire clip, featuring Rogers and Jonah Hill, down below.
This isn't the first time that Davidson has poked fun at his relationship with Grande.
The comedian appeared at the comedy show Judd & Pete for America last month, where he admitted to feeling heartbreak over the split. "Well, as you could tell, I don't want to be here," he told the crowd.
"There's a lot going on… Does anybody have any open rooms Looking for a roommate?".
Davidson also addressed the tattoos he got during his time with Grande.
"Um, I've been covering a bunch of tattoos, that's fun," Davidson said.
"I'm (expletive) 0 for 2 in the tattoo (department).
Yeah, I'm afraid to get my mom tattooed on me, that's how bad it is.
We broke up or whatever, but when me and [Grande] first got engaged, we got tattoos.
And it was in a magazine like, 'Was Pete Davidson stupid?' And 93 percent said yes.
So my boy, he was like, 'Don't listen to that (expletive) man.' … And the other day we were in my kitchen and he was like, 'Yo, bro.
Turns out you were stupid.' ".
"Given the events of the past couple of years, Ariana is going to take some much needed time to heal and mend," her team went on to tell PEOPLE.
"She will be staying close to home and using this period to spend time with her loved ones and work on new music without deadline.
She thanks her fans for their understanding.".
Grande has kept the details of the split private, but she did allude to the fact that music has been an outlet for her over the past few months.
When a fan praised her latest album, Sweetener, the singer responded by writing: "how u think i survived these 2/3 months ksjsksjs ……… damn love u.".
Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:56.-------------------------------------------
Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:47.-------------------------------------------
蓝洁瑛穷困时在台湾讨生活,却被狄莺堵住暴打,肚子上还遭飞踹 - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Why Claudia Kim keeps getting roles in Hollywood? Because of her English? - Duration: 3:54.Hello, it's Jinger.
Claudia Kim lived in America
from 5 to 11. So she speaks like a native speaker.
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.
She took the role as Nagini.
People said Nagini casting is racist.
Korean actress appearing in a blockbuster movie
I think it's positive.
It's not a stupid, ridiculous role.
Nagini is Voldemort's snake!
I totally support Claudia Kim.
So I made this video.
Jinger English
(English & Korean subs will follow.)
Seal means to close securely.
When your lips are sealed, you can't talk.
So it means to keep secrets.
My lips are sealed.
means 'It's a secret'.
Native speakers use it a lot.
I love her voice when speaking English!
It sounds great.
She's beautiful
and intelligent.
From 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron
The Dark Tower
Marco Polo
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
she took many roles.
I'm sure people are jealous.
But she didn't get them easily.
Avengers audition
meant a lot to me.
I acted in front of the director.
Do it again!
He said.
That praise
helped me to recover my self-esteem.
I thought I got the role.
But it was almost taken away from me.
Because I wasn't as well known as other actresses.
I decided let it go.
But then, the role came to me.
She became Nagini
because the original actress
got pregnant
so Claudia Kim took it.
She was lucky.
But if she weren't a great actress
would the role become hers?
Of course not.
You can catch a chance when you're ready.
Other people get chances
but why not me?
Have you ever thought like that?
Then think about yourself. Am I good enough?
You might not be ready
or maybe you didn't see it coming.
Until I could get a better chance
I will keep trying hard.
My name is Jinger.
If you like this video
See you next time
罗家英发文悼念蓝洁瑛:一路走好,以后你终于无灾无难了 - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
黄景瑜与前任亲密合影曝光,内含疑似结婚照,曾被指家暴已离婚 - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
Haunted House Monster Truck Cartoons | The Gift | Kids Channel Cartoon Videos - Duration: 2:28.Haunted House Monster Truck ...
唐嫣婚礼捧花交给了她,正面照曝光,明道甜蜜牵手 - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №137. Ремені для зброї. РЛС AN/TPQ [ENG SUB] - Duration: 19:33.Anton Douhnovsky translation
For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us: ansky@pm.me, facebook.com/pg/AnSkyTranslator
War technologies
Pressure on Azov Sea growth. Russia bring there 120 ships and cutters. Among them only one fourth part has armament
From release you will know
Are already able Centaurs move by their own?
For how long deploy system Bars-8MMK?
Which advantages to warriors of Donbas give radars from USA?
With what lack luck to cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov?
And what unmanned in first fly up in Beneath Heavens?
Equipment of modern warrior thought forward so, that not provide excessive moves or uncomfortness. Exist elements, which for dozens of years changed to unrecognized. And exist such, that silently came across from Second world war
Are mighty to bring to them, for example, automatic rifle belt? With this question take in charge our journalist Gennadiy Salivon
First models of fire-arms soldiers carry simply in hands or on shoulder. Shotguns was only muzzle-loading, thou in combat belt will only disturb
When gun already move behind spine, used leather, and soon, tarp belts
It is belt from automat PPSh. He has leather attachments. They do not sound when touch gun, but very limited in lengths regulation. He used only for carrying
Such two points belts use more than a hundred years in all armies of world. When begin creating sections, recognize, that right choice of belt increase combat mights of fighter
In 2014, when Ukrainian militaries begin by their self or with help of volunteers upgrade their weapons, became very popular three points belt. On that time them already produce in Ukraine
When me make first 3-point and sell to militaries, after 3 days call – we can't understand, how to attach it
Yes, true, to use all mights of construction, needed to have necessary skills. Other way your modern belt just became beautiful set of plates and stripes. But construction of each element has it purpose
This 3-points was invented in USA and called Jaald bend, consist of back attachment, which can be attached on sling, forward attachment and drop system or system of additional lengths. Intelligently regulated belt might combat qualities of gun in times increase
Three point allow comfortly carry a gun, fast switch in combat position, change stock from right to left shoulder, free hands for changing weapon or other job. Exists mights in whole comfortly attach weapon behind back
It might be used, when you climb down by rope. Weapon should not disturb you. Weapon at us attached on 2 stripes
Do not disturb movement. Get very easy. Distress fixator by one hand. Weapon leading to combat position. Or this element serve us for dropping a weapon
Three-point easily recreated in one-point. It is simple loop, what wearing on one shoulder. Such might be done from any two-point belt
Often using special gun carbines type H/K. And special welding rings. It is obligately, to not fail you. It is allows to fastely de-attach carbine from sling and switch it to one point position
Advantage of one-point – simplicity, and disadvantage – when your release weapon from arms, she hangs, as she wants
Now get popularity two-points belts, which regulated fast. They avoid one-point disadvantages and simplier than three-point
With two-points belt weapon trustfully attached. Does not hit genitals, when you release her, as with one-point. At belt there are no ends, that hangs and disturb aiming. Fixation very valuable, thou weapon not hit legs at walk
Here automate in position behind spine. He easily switched to position of shooting forward, from this position easily switched on chest. Or I might switch to position behind spine. From this position
I easily move it on chest and already from this position I can lead fire. Add lengths to it, same fast might shorten it. At it I might also fast switch him in one-point position in such case it allows me switch on one shoulder and on other
But apart from trustful fixation, modern two-point belts supply also fast leading weapon to action
In case of emergency at giving medical help there are function of fast weapon release. Pulling this ring you release weapon from fixation. It is system of fast leading gun to fire
If earlier at belt producing use mostly tarp, leather, iron, so today changed way to materials of stripes and furniture. Additionally should surely know with what equipment use will use it
For producing automate belts using poly-amide stripes. Special buckles, enforced, made as rules from acetal. Always exists problem, that pillow of automate belt not very well stick to armored-vest. In this case use belts with stripes modification
Also will show monkey-hand. It is attached at backside gum with fast-removing attachment, where we might fastely attach automate. Using at landing from helicopter, when we use rope stripe
If belt chosen and fit right, it is essentially increase soldiers combat abilities. But, by thought of specialists, reserves for modernization of this element almost gone away
Seen nearly appeared new product, which namely constructors call «third hand»
For truth, it is early prototype. We use interest, that call this development for further work. Third hand helps take out weight of gun from soldier hands
We test her with MGs М249 and М240. Third hand take out from hands up to 27 pounds of weight
Maybe most of viewer remember clips from 1st part of fantastic block-buster «Alien». There one among space special-assignment use something like MG which was attached on body
Then requisites use «steady-cam» - device was for video-camera stabilization. And he looks very alike project «third hand». Thou, as we see, fantasy became real
In 184th Study center of National infantry academy open studding-training complex of school for preparing fire-guards
New infra-structure and list of specializations there very actual, computing explosions on stores from last years. With this begin informational block of MIC for week
Yagorlyk, located in the south of Ukraine, in the Kherson region, is near the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and large-scale military exercises are taking place. There are firing firings using a wide range of anti-aircraft missile systems
In particular, several modifications of the C-300, Buk, Osa, Tor and many more. In addition, during the exercises there are tests of anti-aircraft missile systems, which have undergone a deep modernization at the enterprises of the Ukrainian defense-industrial complex
Navy aviation of Ukraine turn 25 years. Now she formed from one brigade, that came out Crimea and guide out part of technique, with huge risk. And in its part planes Be-12, An-26, helicopters Ka-27, Ka-29, Mi-14 and Mi-8
Btw in rayon of providing United Forces Operation helicopter pilots train to install mine obstacles
On Dnipro river notice descendant-storm cutters «Centaur», that passing factory tests
Crews of cutters type Island, that give us in USA, start shipping and communication prepare
That time I Mariupol squad of sea defense DPSU make agreement on repairing cutter body BG-118 Arabat for 725 thousand grivnas
Harkiv's CB of the Morozov name give to armies first 7 APC BTR-4, produced from Ukrainian armor. SpecStal pass all exams, and bodies from it produce Lozivsk forge-mechanic factory
Now in work more 40 such and boil them will be on Factory of the Malishev name and on Kiev armor-tank factory
Mobile mortar Bars-8MMK successfully pass stage of designation-intelligence tests. Automatic system allow to deploy it for one minute. Ammunition of 120-mm system – 60 mines
Btw, Kiev prosecution tell to director of CB «Artillery arms» about suspicion in over-spending 1,4 mln grivnas
CB Pivdenne added with new production department for assembling and testing space-crafts under 2 tones. Square of production places 275 sq.m., and rest – 210
Btw in SpecTechnoExport also achieve production powers. Same, in USA bought machine for assembling cartridges caliber 7,62х54 R, which for one hour gives 3600 ones
To Armed Forces begin arrive transportable stations of satellite connection ZTK-1/S development and production Data-group
They supply telephone connection and data transfer with speed from 5 to 20 Mb per second, and also organize local network for 3 users. Nutrified system from accumulators, or network. Weights 21 kg
Company BAE Systems develop new aiming system on basis of smart oculars. Wireless system includes oculars and scope FWSA. He works, in night, and in thermal regime in day and night
Allow to shoot from cover. American army and marines will get system already in next year
In Dubai present new off-road Beast Patrol for local police. He has open-wide doors, and in saloon 10 displays for different purposes
That time Belgium deicide to buy 60 French AVs «Jaguar» and 382 «Griphon»
And group Denel show new variant of AWD AV PG-31 for fire support
Company Saab equip more than 340 military machines of Norway with systems of sight improvement with armored cameras and displays for crew
And in internet appeared photo of new Chinese AA self-propelled system 10х10. System has 76-mm cannon, which guide by locator and supplied with ammo-reserve on 100 shots
In Moscow present anti-drone gun REX-1, that suppress drone signals on distance 500 m, and GPS – on range 2 km
Algeria purchase Chine UAV CH-3 and CH-4, that well recommend itself in Iraq
That time in Beneath Heavens first fly make new UAV of early warning Sky Pipe
Sweden fighter «Gripen-E» from company SAAB successfully pass first test on dropping fuel containers, after what launch missile Iris-T
Same time became known, that AF of Iraq get from South Korea on-turn party of super-sonic study-combat planes T-50IQ. According contract sign in 2013
Near border with Russia, OSCE lost UAV, that filmed move of column of 7 trucks
In Afghanistan falls helicopter and died 20 militaries and deputies
And in Murmansk floating dock, where repairing Admiral Kuznetsov, drawn cause of break in electricity. Last hit for aircraft carrier make tower crane, that left hole 4 on 5 meters
With Columbia make agreement about building two cutters-interceptors MMI for Honduras Navy
Australia fleet accept on arms destroyer Brisbeni, that became second boat type Hobart
And in web show up video of Chinese small submarine of unknown type and photo of transporting of new unmanned strike cutter
Until today she is basic radio-locationing station for revealing enemy artillery positions in army of USA and stand on arms of 18 countries in world
For forty years of production from conveyor came out 300 magnificent radars of different modifications. On system costs nearly half million dollars. Serves model in Armed Forces of Ukraine
On Independence square brought section of transportable radio-locationing stations of counter artillery fight AN/TPQ-36
This system designed to revealing and tracking artillery shots and missile launches, and also for supply of counter-artillery fight in any obstacles conditions. She have electronic control of radar and allow to co-work t tactical control of fire
Time of system deploying from companies Northrop Grumman and Sails Raytheon Systems– 15 minutes, and preparing for march – only 5
AN/TPQ-36 FireFinder includes in it three off-road Humvee: recon or cargo, machine of control with Q-36 on tug and same with generator and wires
Automobile of control might be on range up to 50 meters from RLS. Whole system able to get commands on distance twice bigger.
According to united system of electronic type signs GETDS name ANTPQ-36 marks: AN means Army and Navy, T – transportable and unseparated part of transport device
P – marks on radar, Q is sign for radar of special design, and 36 means family generation of TPQ-radars
System might reveal and track at once 99 targets and differ 10 types of enemy arms. Effective range of work against barrel artillery – 14,5 km, against mortars – 18, and against missile artillery – up to 24 km
Next Goal. Artillery, height 392. Coordinates 696 ...
You are not mistaken, it is Ukrainian military-servant surely guide American AN/TPQ-36. From 2015, when from USA to Ukraine fly such systems, it is became usual image. Courses for crews of 5 fighters each goes for 3 weeks
Ukrainians impress me with their persistence. They for such short time learn to control these radars. For truth it was pleasure to teach them, now our task is to make their knowledge solid and they give it further
Already in 2017 Armed Forces of Ukraine begin prepare own instructors for preparing personnel for present radars. They might lead courses, as in rear, and so on Donbas
Month – preparing of instructors, 3 weeks is preparing them as teachers. After determined period of time will be 3rd stage, on which will be American presenters. Mean they will watch, how our instructors teach our crews
I have experience of work on our analogs, it is help me much. In principle very well made methodical part of studding. Machine in basic computerized, main – be attentive and do not disturb machine from work
War on East demand from our army new methods, so stations AN/TPQ might integrate to recon system «Kropiva». Their exit codes constructors bureau «Logica» already give to Armed Forces of Ukraine
Also American radars use in combined sections of Operation of United Forces…
According to commanders decision of OUF, general-lieutenant Sergiy Naev, formed recon-fire contours. To his part included fire devices, means batteries 2A36, UAV system A1-S «Furia» and stations AN/TPQ
For years of aggression from Russia partners from USA give Ukraine 11 counter-artillery systems of such type. Two last arrived in 17 of August…
Namely these radars, and also package of additional services, means repair, preparing, all these costs 15 million dollars
We over-usually glad give these two additional systems on plus to those 9, that already are. They save to Ukrainians life and make army more effective
Valuable to admire, that for these 4 years American boards bring to Armed Forces of Ukraine two more types of counter-mortar fight systems. It is few dozens AN/TPQ of 48th and 49th generations
AN/TPQ-49 – light counter-mortar radar, created for using in expedition forces. Thanks to 3D-antenna have un-interrupted view on 360 degrees. Coordinates of position with 81-mm mortar might detect on distance up to 8 km, and 120-mm mortars – up to 10 km
Mistake of revealing fire point under 60 meters. Diameter and height of radar – 1,25 meters, model weight – 68 kg. Time of deploying and closing by two military-servants – 20 minutes
Is next evolution after AN/TPQ-48, what developed in quality of fast react system for USA special forces commandment
Btw, namely «48» well show itself under time of combats for Donetsk airport
Use not only for fight against mortars, and even against MLRS. Influence on enemy, who up to 700 per day on us falls ammo. We should react. Thanks to that station we additional eyes
Ukraine is first country, which American militaries give right to provide self-made service and repair for present technique. It is in question, which often ask, are mighty military-servants of armed forces own high-technology equipment
Even 90% of these radars brakes crews might remove in field conditions in middle for 30 minutes, already have insurance for rest 10%
In Summer to Armed Forces of Ukraine start arriving mobile service laboratories, for serving three types of AN/TPQ-stations
Next time you will know about multi-tools and fighters for Ukrainian army. On today that's all. All releases search on site of 24th channel and YouTube of Military TV of Ukraine. Will see each other
Cartoon - Teach Children How to Be Tolarant | AmoMama - Duration: 1:33.Children can be rather cruel, that's why it's so important to teach them to accept those who are different!
There was a boy who didn't play with other children
Hey, there! Pass the ball!
Lazy ass! Weirdo! Grandma's little boy!
Let's play together!
Forget about this turkey-cock!
Don't pay attention, my dear
What do you want?!
We can play together!
Teach children how to be tolerant to those who are different
Maruti Suzuki NEXA IGNIS - Personalize it your way | Shivam Autozone - Duration: 0:22.it's different its unique , personalize your Ignis your way style it drive it Ignis
none of a kind
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