Well hello hello from our apartment in Kiev. I feel like it is time for an update because
on our channel we just finished showing you guys videos from Poland and then all of a
sudden we were in London and it is just a little bit chaotic. I feel like we need to
tie all of these strings together. Yeah. Is that an expression?
Absolutely. We've kind of just been all over the place. We've had a super busy schedule
and we've been doing all kinds of different things. So we just want to let you know what
we've been up to.
Alright, so let's rewind. After we finished in Poland we flew to Germany. No we didn't
we took the train. We took the train. Oh my gosh. We had a really eventful train ride.
We had an adventure riding the trains. Yeah. To Germany of my gosh.
We were in Szczecin for a few days in Poland and basically one of the commuter trains that
we were supposed to take just didn't arrive so it threw off our whole train schedule and
we had to reroute. Anyways, we went to Hamburg and traveled the whole country. The very scenic
Yeah, hahaha.
We didn't end up filming that because I don't know we were just really tired. It would have
been a nightmare. It would have been a nightmare. Although actually it would have made for a
pretty exciting vlog. I kind of regret that.
Anyways, we were in Düsseldorf for a project which was really cool. Yeah, so we were actually
filming for a client but we managed to get some footage that we're going to show you
So we have a little guide coming out for Düsseldorf. We were only there for like 4 days but we
did a lot. We did a lot. That is coming out at some point.
Yeah, that is going to come out after basically our UK content. Mmmhmmm.
So then from there we flew into London. We were there for roughly a week. We were mostly
just chilling out. We did a couple of day trips. We met up with some friends. We went
to a social event one evening. Yeah. And we also managed to get really really sick.
Yeah, so if you watched the videos from Oxford and Cambridge. Yeah. You know that we were
like arggh arggh.
Yeah. No voice. Yeah, especially in Cambridge we were really starting to get sick. Yeah.
Actually I was sick for almost 10 days with on and off symptoms. It was awful. I had like
a fever, I had like a really sore throat. It would be coming and going, coming and going.
Yeah, I feel like the weather didn't really cooperate. Yeah. It was like cold and damp
and rainy. Yeah, but anyways we absolutely loved like when we did go out in Wales when
we felt healthy enough to go out we really enjoyed Cardiff.
Did we say we went to Wales? So after London. Oh right.
Duh. We took a bus to Cardiff. Yeah.
It was a really short bus ride. Yeah. Just like a couple hours something like that. Yeah,
and that was actually the last country that we still had to visit in the UK. Yes.
So we've already done England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and we hit Wales. We hit Wales. All
Wales was awesome. We were probably if we had of been a little healthier we probably
would have done more day trips but we just kind of had to focus on Cardiff so we'll have
a guide and I think we have a couple of food videos coming out from there.
Oh, and in Cardiff we were staying at a really cool AirBNB. Yeah. It was in an old coach-house.
And they had like this indoor cinema setup so we were watching a lot of Netflix. So we
watched The Crown. Yeah, yeah. We saw the Crown.
The whole thing. We were actually watched a lot of Netflix because we were not feeling
good. It was just tea and Netflix. Um and yeah we have a full apartment tour of that
and that will be coming out as well.
And then basically after that we had two more work projects. Mmmhmmm.
Um, so we said goodbye to each other because you went back to London to do something. To
do a project. Yeah. I went to Northern Ireland. Again these are content for clients and they've
actually stipulated that they don't want our stuff to come out until January or February.
So we're going to be shelving that footage and having it come out in the New Year. Yeah
but I'll explain the concept.
So basically we were approached by Visit Britain to like travel to these different destinations
and experience 24 different moments across 24 hours. Yep. So Sam got Northern Ireland
and I got London and there were like a whole bunch of different people filming across the
And it was a crazy project because we had to be up at all hours of the day. Yeah. Like
there was one day I remember waking up at 1:30am in the morning to be out the door,
out of the hotel by 2:30am. Yeah. And I was like out making sourdough bread with this
guy in BallyCastle.
And uh yeah it was just crazy like we had to be up for all hours of the day so it was
a really busy project. We didn't get a lot of sleep and a week later we met up again
in Scotland. In Glasgow. In Glasgow and that was really cool because we had another project
that we were working on with Visit Scotland. We sound like busy bees right now.
It is normally not like this. It is normally not like that. We normally do like so you
guys have asked us about how we make money and one of the ways is that we sometimes partner
with tourism boards. We usually do like maybe anywhere between 4 to 6 projects a year. Sometimes
even a little bit more. Yeah. But it just so happens that we've had this summer was
all pssshh.
Oh my gosh we had so many projects all coming together at once and it was really really
fun but it has also been really tiring too. Yeah.
So we are so happy to be on our own schedule here in the Ukraine. But let's talk about
Scotland. Alright, of course. I feel like we've just rushed ahead. Yeah, we did.
So anyways the cool thing about Scotland I'll start off here in Glasgow was that we actually
visited last year for a few days. Yeah. And we filmed some footage for a city guide but
we felt it was incomplete. So we've been sitting on this footage since last year and now when
we had a chance to go back we got to do some cool other new things. Yeah.
And so what is awesome is that we actually think we have enough to make a guide to Glasgow.
Kind of like how we made it for Edinburgh last year. Yeah.
So that is going to come out. We also have I think a food vlog there. Some Scottish food.
Yes. But the main event. The main event. Come on it was the Highland Games. Yeah, the Highland
We went to the Cowal Highland Gathering in Dunoon. In Dunoon.
Um, a little road trip. Yeah.
Oh my gosh I had to drive the biggest van ever on the narrowest roads ever but we made
it. We made it the games which was really cool.
The games were awesome. Yeah, there was bagpiping, highland dancing, heavy athletics. Yeah.
Yeah, we've been to the games in Fredericton, New Brunswick in Canada. They also have Highland
Games there obviously borrowed from Scotland.
But it was at a much smaller scale but these games were massive. Like the actual area like
there was different fields, different stadiums being used. So yeah, it was such an awesome
experience and then from there we ended up we had to like we were only there for the
day to film the games so we had to drive back to Glasgow we checked in through our hotel.
There was a little bit of a mix up there. We had actually been booked in for the day
before. They let us stay in anyways. Yeah, they were so nice to let us stay there and
then we had to wake up at like two or three in the morning to catch a super early flight
to Kiev. Kiev!
So yeah, it is our first time in the Ukraine. We're like yes we when arrived I don't think
I've ever slept so long in my whole life. We slept 14 hours. No, I was 15 almost 16.
15 straight hours. Like I was that tired. That wiped out from all of the things that
we've been doing but now we feel like really refreshed and we feel recharged.
Oh, and we have clothes. Our luggage went missing. Oh right for like a day and half.
I forgot about that.
We hung out in dirty clothes. So we arrived without our bags. Um we had a really tight
connection. We made the connection but our bags didn't.
And so yeah it is so cool to be here in the Ukraine, a new country, yes. On our own schedule,
on our own time, on our own dime. I mean we're fully funding this trip and something that
we'd like to point out is that for most of our travels. I would say 80 to 90 percent
we do fund it ourselves. And so we do really appreciate these projects with tourism boards
but I think like to keep that authentic like that authenticity to our travels we really
like to do our own way. Just do our own thing. To be on our own schedule so while we are
here we hope to make a lot of food videos.
We're going to be in Kiev for just over a week and then after that we are going to the
city of Lviv. Lviv. I think that is how you say it. Yeah. It is spelled L V I V. At least
in English. Not a lot of vowels in there.
So hopefully that is correct. We're just going to be doing a lot of chilling out, a lot of
catching up on work. We're really behind on editing and yeah it is just going to be so
cool um we really like our apartment so far here in Kiev.
Yeah, we'll give you guys a tour. It is huge. A little closer. It is absolutely massive.
It is a big place, a great location in the city. Yeah, it has got some quirky charms
to it and a massive high ceilings.
So anyways and if it echoes that is why. Yeah, that is probably if yeah if you can hear an
echo that would be why because of the high ceilings.
But basically that is our update. That is basically our month of August. Everything
we've talked about that was all of August. Yeah. And what is today's date?
It is very close to September. I think it is the 30th or 31st of August. Well, there
you go. So we're basically coming to you from real time here in the future. And after the
Ukraine we know that we are going to uh a conference in Austria. Mmmmhmm.
Which is going to be really cool. And then after that we're not entirely sure. We're
thinking maybe a little bit more travel in Austria. Maybe going uh and finally heading
down to the Balkans like we had talked about earlier. Oh yeah. I think that is most likely
how we're going to end off our year here in Europe but um yeah we're kind of open to things
so if you guys have any suggestions like places that you think we should visit or anything
like that it would be awesome if you let us know. Mmmhmm.
Alright, well that is it for today. See ya later! See ya! Bye. Tata.
For more infomation >> Travel Update: Busy Schedule in August + Future Travel Plans - Duration: 9:44.-------------------------------------------
She Was Lovin' Me (Versión 2010) Michael Jackson - Subtitulado en Español - Duration: 5:23.
Porque hablo 5 idiomas - Duration: 10:14.
Good morning, it's Friday morning
Time for a new vlog video and today. I want to talk about a question that I was asked a little while ago,
which is: Why do I speak English?
Which I think is an interesting question and,
if you don't mind, I would like to expand that to why I speak a total of five languages.
And I wanted to share my experience about that with you.
So, I grew up speaking
two languages, I'm bilingual natively.
My first language is Frisian my second language is Dutch. Frisian is a language,
a smaller language that we speak in a certain region of my native country. Dutch of course is the language of my country itself.
By the way, in my country the Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Netherlands there are two more languages
Papiamento and Papiamentu, which are spoken in the Dutch Caribbean.
So I grew up speaking two languages natively,
which I think gave me already an
advantage in learning multiple languages.
On top of that I've always had an interest in languages, and I've always had an interest in communication.
I remember very well when I was, I don't know must have been eight nine and
we were on vacation in Germany.
Now, Germany as you all know, is right next to my country and
with my family we used to go on vacation there all the time.
Very quickly I found out that I couldn't actually speak to the people using the languages that I had.
so I started asking my parents for some simple phrases,
some simple sentences, some words that I could use to speak to those people in German.
Which also led to very funny situations.
Because obviously there are false friends between German and Frisian and Dutch,
I remember very vividly, for example, that we were told
That "Ihr müsst fahren".
"Varen" and Dutch means "to sail" whereas in German it means "to drive".
You can imagine
our surprise when we never go to a boat as you know,
as an eight, nine Year old kid
At that age I already started learning my first words in different languages, and I started understanding that I needed
multiple or other languages to be able to communicate.
And that drove me
to start learning new languages.
So I already mentioned German, German was first,
I think it was the first foreign language that I really started learning well.
I was in high school already when I really started learning German again because I'd met some german people and I was
more or less able to communicate with them, but not very well, so while I spent time with them
I really had to learn
and practice my German and learn some German at school as well, obviously
German is from, at least when I went to high school,
it was obligatory in the second year of High school.
I probably knew some German by that time. So I started picking up German very quickly already.
And, by the time I was at the end of my first high school, we have a different school system,
so my first high school, I remember that my teachers were very surprised at me not scoring tens.
That's the quality of my my german at that time. So I spoke a lot about German so far.
In the last year of primary school, we already started with my first English classes.
Now, it wasn't much.
I don't even remember the amount of hours that we had, but it was certainly less than one hour a week.
Maybe it was one hour every two weeks. I honestly don't remembe. What I do remember is that when I went to high school,
I started having my first
English classes, my first real English classes, because it was an obligatory subject from the first year of high school.
So I learned English already as well in high school,
from a fairly early age, I was 12.
That's the obligatory part, now the question:
Why do I speak English?
And why do I speak five languages. By the way, I'll get to my Spanish.
Why do I speak five languages, well,
I started noticing very quickly that not everybody on the planet speaks the languages I speak.
Very important to keep that in mind.
Any country you know, not everybody speaks the same language as you do. It doesn't matter how many people speak your language,
eighty percent of the people speak only 20% of the languages and
there are many people who speak Spanish or English natively, but not the other way around.
By which I mean, not all Spanish-speaking people speak English and not all English-speaking people speak Spanish, so
Early on I saw that if I want to communicate with people from a different country,
I will need to be able to speak different languages.
Now English of course is
the international language at the time.
Hasn't always been like that, it has been Italian, it has been French,
I remember that the Japanese at some point only allowed Dutch for some reason.
Trade reasons possibly.
So I really started speaking English because of necessity and because I wanted to.
I love languages, I think it's a wonderful
way of communicating and that's the goal. I want to be able to communicate with people from
That has led me also, of course I moved to spain, I live in Madrid you all know that
I speak Spanish now
just because I have to and because I want to. I speak Spanish because this is the native language of this country,
and it's pretty darn difficult to get by without speaking that language.
So as I said, I speak five languages fluently
my German is a bit rusty. I've told you that before.
But I know a lot of small important words in other languages of countries, I've been to. Why?
Because people will appreciate it if you're able to say some words in their language.
I love it when somebody comes up to me and is able to say "Goeie moarn", which is "good morning" in Frisian.
I love to be able to go to Lithuania and say "ačiū",
which means thank you.
Ir if I would go to Hungaria, "egészségére", which means
cheers in Hungarian.
All those little things,
give you a better impression, and that's why I like to speak different languages.
When I walk around here in Spain and
people just keep telling me, they're surprised by how good my Spanish is.
I practice a lot, I needed a lot of practice, I've practiced and I keep on practicing.
But, I think it is very interesting and it is very necessary to be able to speak to people
from a different country, because in your own hometown you might encounter somebody as well.
Why do I speak English?
Personal Interest,
Sounds like I'm making a list. It's not really list,
Communication and interest, those are the two reasons I speak English and why speak all the languages that I speak.
Hope this video helps you a little bit in your motivation to speak different languages.
Mainly English, but you know any other language will help.
As I said,
20% of the languages is spoken by 80% of the people and vice versa.
There are many countries where different languages are spoken, where people do not speak English
and it really helps if you know at least a little bit in
their language. I have a very good experience with it
and I hope you will get it too. So that's it for today. Thank you very much for watching.
Give me a like downstairs a thumbs up.
Please subscribe to my channel as well, obviously,
If you're interested in having classes with me, English classes then please check out the links down below.
You also find my instagram my Facebook my twitter. You know all the social networks. You know them.
I hope you enjoyed the video and
That's it. Until next time and until that time don't forget to practice.
海賊王霸國:元帥赤犬是漫畫中最成功的男人!大將並不是對等關係 - Duration: 3:23.
Hola (Presentacion del Canal) - Duration: 10:33.
1 4 Dance - Summertime
[ซับไทย] SHINee MY SMT "พี่คือลีดเดอร์ที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับเรา" - Duration: 6:04.
She Was Lovin' Me (Versión 2010) Michael Jackson - Subtitulado en Español - Duration: 5:23.
Spotify® RapCaviar
Iron Man Concept Art Reveals Never Before Seen Mark I Design - Duration: 3:37.
never-before-seen concept artwork for Iron Man's first battle suit the mark I
has been released online the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had its after
hits after its with their movies in the last several years they were able to
come up with a new Hollywood formula that worked tremendously well and almost
all other film studios want to emulate it hoping they will also enjoy the same
level of success in terms of box office but before the Avengers even became a
thing the whole franchise was built on the shoulders of technically a beulas
character in the comic books Tony Stark fortunately for them the huge risk paid
off with director Jon Favreau brilliantly calling the shots behind the
camera and Robert Downey jr. brilliantly portraying his role of a lifetime almost
ten years since the now massive MCU was kicked off by Tony Stark's origin story
he has already appeared in seven films with another two on the docket and being
the tinkerer that is stark always comes back sporting a different kind of suit
one or two that will fit the occasion there was even a point when he had a
slew of them in Iron Man 3 due to his paranoia about being in danger after the
Battle of New York but no matter how many more suits he comes up with there
was just a different nostalgic feel that the mark I gives off that exact feeling
of nostalgia was what Marvel artist Ryan my nerding evoked when he recently
posted his concept artwork of the Mark Ayanna's official Instagram account the
photo which you can see below look so intricate with all its exposed
technological mechanics which is only fitting given that stark crafted the
suit with limited time and resources in under duress my nerding also got a bit
sentimental in the post as he also wrote a lengthy caption with it if anything
the mark I symbolizes how far the MCU have come since 2008 it continues to
evolve much like Starks suit design parallel with a variation of films that
Marvel Studios has released recently the genius billionaire playboy
philanthropist was snapped sporting a different looking arc reactor for his
armor on the set of Avengers or gone was its usual streamlined design
infants that a more complex one is slapped across his chest which could be
a direct nod to a more complicated and definitely difficult battle coming his
way in Avengers infinity war stark alongside the rest of the Avengers the
guardians of the galaxy and their other allies in the MCU is set to band
together to fight the mad Titan Panos and his minions the black order in
infinity war folks behind the massive film has teased about the end for some
of our favorite MCU heroes and if this is the way Ironman goes out looking back
at the mark I is a great way to commemorate how he started by now famous
superhero franchise
How to insert icons in Powerpoint - Duration: 2:02.
Join and watch a new and exciting feature in Powerpoint
Which will make it much easier for you to create great presentations.
Stay tuned and se it here.
Hi, and welcome to another Fridaytip
Icons, and simple symbols are popular for web pages and presentations
To illustrate a point in a simple and understandable manner.
Searching for good icons for presentations can often mean a lot of time of "Googleling" on the web
To find icons that match your presentation.
And often you may find some poor with a resolution or a watermark
Which makes the presentation not looking good or professional.
But now Microsoft has made a small addition in Powerpoint that does this whole job
much faster and much easier for you.
The new icon / symbol menu can be found here.
If you do not have this in your Powerpoint then it's because you have an older version of the Office package,
Or that you are not yet fully updated by Microsoft.
Contact your Office 365 Partner for assistance.
As you can see, Microsoft has included an entire library of icons that you can choose from
Once you've found the icon you want to use, click on it and choose to insert it into the slide.
Now, just place the icon wherever you want.
The icon is vector based so you can make it larger or smaller without compromising quality.
You can also choose which color you want.
And this is an example of how it can look
Try it yourself
It is very simple and the result looks very good.
That was all we had for today.
Thank you for watching.
If you liked the tip and wan't to see more videos from us?
Subscribe to our Youtube channel.
See you in another video.
This is what ima do to Faetal when I see him IRL - Duration: 0:13.
Runescape - The Great Gielinor Run - Duration: 35:39.
Skip to 33:16 to see me escape Meiyerditch
강성훈 사기 구속 유죄, 무죄 정리 - Duration: 6:03.
Albin's Crisps - 13 - OLW's Creamy Taco - Duration: 4:34.
♫ Taco taco. Burrito. Taco. ♫ ♫ Taco taco. ♫
♫ Don't think just because I got a lot of money ♫ ♫ I'll give you taco-flavored kisses, honey ♫
♫ Fullfill all your wishes ♫ ♫ With my taco-flavored kisses ♫
♫ Taco taco... ♫
Hi, and welcome to another episode of Albin's Crisps!
What is more Swedish than tacos? Today I will try...
OLW's "Creamy Taco".
This flavor had sting. A very spicy flavor.
Is it really tacos...?
I expected taco-spice on crisps.
"The bag you are holding contains crisps with classic taco flavor and refreshing sour cream."
I can taste a little sour cream there...
The sour cream is almost a bit disturbing.
I never put sour cream in my tacos. Maybe that's why.
It's not so hot it burns and annoys me, but I think it was more...
...chili flavor than taco flavor.
If someone gave me a bowl of these, and told me to guess what flavor it is...
I would never have guessed tacos, actually. No, I wouldn't say this is taco flavor.
One of the top ingredients is chili pepper.
No, I'm a bit disappointed. I wanted taco Friday!
This was just... Chili crisps. It should say "Sour Cream & Chili".
Now I've had a few, and I almost feel that I've grown tired of the taste. This chili...
It's almost all I can taste now. Just chili, chili, chili.
I think I had too high expectations. I thought "Taco crisps. That can only be great!"
But no.
But really... If you have a crisps factory... All you have to do is make "lightly salted" crisps...
Hell, I should do that!
I was just going to say what the crisps manufacturers could do. But I realized I could do it myself.
I'll do it, god damn it!
Be right back.
Let's see...
I've bought lightly salted crisps, and taco spice mix.
You could say I'm making my own crisps here.
Let's start by tasting them...
They are so boring!
No, for real!
This is for 500 grams of meat. And this is 275 grams of crisps.
Let's try...
This could be really amazing.
But it could also be really disgusting.
This looks exciting. Some of them look like this.
And some look like this.
Oh! That one was hot.
This will be really hot.
I guess you shouldn't do this.
It sounds strange, but they feel like very dry crisps. But it's probably because...
It's the spice mix that lands like a dusty coating.
So it feels like eating dusty crisps.
Not the best idea I've had.
I'll let the people who actually can make crisps handle this.
I thought this would either be really, really tasty and superb.
"Kill me now. This is pain."
But this was like...
It was like "meh". Kind of.
Maybe that disappointment made me appreciate these more.
Here they've tested their way to a good balance.
I'm still confused about why they named it "Taco".
I son't think they taste like tacos.
Now the chili has stunned my tongue so much that I can eat these.
And just when I said that I felt "Nope. My tongue is still burning."
How do I sum this up?
They were okay. I don't think they tasted like tacos.
They were hot. I think they should be called "Chili & Sour Cream"
And if I should review these crisps...
That's all for now. See you next week. Bye!
I'm disappointed in both of you. Mostly you.
But I created you.
I really shouldn't create my own flavors. Unless I get help from some...
...crisps manufacturer.
If someone gave me a bowl with these crisps and said: "Try these crisps!"
I would have said: "Okay. I like crisps."
"I don't wanna taco 'bout it"
Ile warte jest drzewo? – prof. Jakub Kronenberg - Duration: 4:16.
Ian Wright slams Arsenal's Alexis Sanchez deal saying they should 'Take the f*****g money' - Duration: 2:47.
Ian Wright slams Arsenal's Alexis Sanchez deal saying they should 'Take the f*****g money'
IAN WRIGHT just about summed up every Arsenal fans deadline-day distress when he changed his profile picture on Twitter. It featured a suicidal Gunners mascot, Gunnersaurus, turning the famous Arsenal cannon round onto himself.
The Arsenal legend posted this picture saying What Arsenal can do to a brother and sister.
It has been a dismal start to the new Premier League season for Arsenal fans, who have seen the Gunners lose their last two games, and they saw no relief as the transfer window slammed shut.
The final 24 hours were hyped up to bring some joy to Arsenals misery with Thomas Lemars arrival among others looking likely, and an unmotivated Alexis Sanchez set for his long-awaited departure.
But as the clock ticked down, Lemars arrival hit a roadblock, Sanchez didnt get the exit he wanted and on top of that Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain left for Liverpool.
Wright was the voice of Arsenal fans around the world as he went into a twitter meltdown, venting his frustrations and saying theres a monkeys tea party going on upstairs.
The Arsenal legend let it be known his thoughts on the Alexis Sanchez situation too. He tweeted its bad business to keep him another year and to Take the f*****g money!.
Deadline-day was a disaster for Arsenal with wantaway Alexis Sanchez failing to depart. Despite his rant and obvious frustrations, Wright remains Gunner faithful tweeting: Whoever leaves or whoever comes, AFC is still a great club.
Chelsea 'sign Italy and Torino defender Davide Zappacosta for £23million.
Barcelona don't realise they can get Philippe Coutinho from Liverpool for £147m - Hunter - Duration: 2:55.
Barcelona don't realise they can get Philippe Coutinho from Liverpool for £147m - Hunter
That's the damning opinion of Spanish football expert Graham Hunter. Coutinho is wanted by the Nou Camp club and he's desperate for a transfer.
But with the clock ticking and time running out to seal a move, a Liverpool exit for Coutinho looks highly unlikely.
Hunter said on the Transfer Window podcast: "I think they (Barcelona) are less clear on the idea that Coutinho can go for €160m, than they should be. "I think they are worried it may not happen.
"What is in doubt is that Liverpool clearly have the ability to say 'sorry, your price might be right, but we didn't get our man (to replace him), so he's not coming.
"Right now, Barcelona are looking to see if they can go back to (Juventus star Paulo) Dybala, or (Monaco's Thomas) Lemar. "The two they think they can get are Coutinho and Angel Di Maria.".
Liverpool have publicly insisted Coutinho will NOT be sold this summer. But fellow Transfer Window podcast guest Duncan Castles claims it's a different case behind the scenes.
"What Philippe Coutinho has been told is that there is an agreement in place between Barcelona and Liverpool for him to join Barcelona, Castles said.
"The fee will be a potential total of €160m (£147m) - some of that performance-related variables - so FSG have got the price that they asked for several weeks ago in negotiations that they kept secret.
And the hold-off is to allow Liverpool time to sign replacements for Coutinho and put other guys into the team which weve seen starting to happen." Despite Castles' claim, Starsport understand there is NO chance of Coutinho leaving Liverpool today.
Barcelona have extra time to complete a deal with the Spanish window not closing until tomorrow, although the Reds stance is no deal will be done.
Xxtralash & Hi Brow - 6 week review | K A N I - Duration: 7:19.
hi guys welcome back to my channel. it has been a long time and I was meant to do do this review a few weeks ago
so turned it into six week
review. so if you have already watched my hard to grow ridiculously thick
eyelashes just click up here to watch that video first and if you haven't
watched how to grow every trick wonderfully full thick brows click up
here too to watch that video so as I said earlier today I'm just gonna do a
six week with you to see how I Presley went with these two products because
these are products that people have mentioned on the market that work and
have created amazing results for them so it's been six weeks for me and I've been
using the products consistently as per the instructions that came in the
packaging so it's been six weeks now and I can honestly say that it didn't see
any difference in my lashes with extra lash so I wouldn't say spending a
hundred pounds for a product like that that doesn't actually work is beneficial
so I wouldn't recommend the extra lash to grow ridiculously thick lashes and I
am going to experiment with other services that people provide and
products to see what actually truly works and if there's any natural
alternative to growing thicker lashes when it came to the high brow gel that
was to condition my brows to get thickened fuller I did not see the
difference there either it was really frustrating because I was combing my
brows I even decided to just get them threaded a little bit to get shape so
right now the kind of grown out but even though I did that I coated my brows
religiously in the morning and in the evening and I didn't see anything my
brows didn't get any thicker they getting longer nothing changed so using
both these products the extra lash and the high brow I saw no difference in my
lashes or brows so even though I was really excited to see how these products
go I don't think I would recommend them to anyone to spend the heart and money
on this because it's just a waste of time you're busy painting your eyelashes
hoping that something will grow and meanwhile nothing hatched but maybe I'll
keep using it for a little bit longer to see if anything changes but it's been
six weeks and nothing has changed for me and then with the serum it's it's just
literally a brush it just brushes your brows and does nothing and I didn't see
any any big changes so I hope this this review has been informative in in some
way I was really really excited to use these products because you know when you
go to beauty shows or go to product launches sometimes they do sell you a
big dream you can achieve all this if you use this product and I feel like
I've used these products and nothing has changed my brows look exactly the same
as they were before and nothing's changed about them and my lashes look
just as thin as before I know my lashes look different right now but I went and
got some extensions done and I will do a review on that a bit later because I was
just really frustrated that it's already spent six weeks on a product that you
know I thought was going to do something and didn't do anything for me
so if you're out there thinking about investing in in products that you think
might grow your lashes would grow your brows
my suggestion is don't don't spend your money on it because it's just going to
be a product that's going counter or when you make a bag or just
in your bathroom doing nothing when you don't see any result and that's money in
somebody else's pocket and I'm a big believer in saving money and buying
products that's actually work and I wouldn't want to recommend products to
anybody that I feel don't work as I said I got those products with me and even if
I paid for them I would be really upset because I would have spent like a
hundred and thirty pounds or so on two products that don't do anything for
me and we live in a world where we want to have beautiful skin look lovely and I
want to pay for something that works I want to give someone my money to create
what I want and I know it's true it it it works it gives me the satisfaction
that I I truly deserve because I paid for it so I guess this is the end of the
review and if any of you have any questions about how I went on with these
products please drop them in the comment section below I do respond to to anyone
who comments so if you have questions about the products or how I went on with
them how many times they use them what if you think I use them completely wrong
and I'm talking a whole bunch of crap just you know comment below I would love
to hear from other people who've had success stories with these products it
could just be me I could just not be well suited for these products and
there's other products that might do better for me but anyway guys I want to
say thank you for watching and please stay tuned for more videos I am planning
a very fun-filled schedule of videos so I know this one's a bit of a boring one
but I honestly wanted to give my honest feedback about what what some of these
products rave on about and how I feel and what they did for me so that is the
end of the video guys please do comment in the section below
don't forget to like please do you like it does help me a whole lot it doesn't
make me any money but if it does helps get my video out there into the YouTube
community and don't forget to subscribe to stay tuned to more exciting funnel
filled videos for me if you like my content and I will see you in the next
one bye
Travel Update: Busy Schedule in August + Future Travel Plans - Duration: 9:44.
Well hello hello from our apartment in Kiev. I feel like it is time for an update because
on our channel we just finished showing you guys videos from Poland and then all of a
sudden we were in London and it is just a little bit chaotic. I feel like we need to
tie all of these strings together. Yeah. Is that an expression?
Absolutely. We've kind of just been all over the place. We've had a super busy schedule
and we've been doing all kinds of different things. So we just want to let you know what
we've been up to.
Alright, so let's rewind. After we finished in Poland we flew to Germany. No we didn't
we took the train. We took the train. Oh my gosh. We had a really eventful train ride.
We had an adventure riding the trains. Yeah. To Germany of my gosh.
We were in Szczecin for a few days in Poland and basically one of the commuter trains that
we were supposed to take just didn't arrive so it threw off our whole train schedule and
we had to reroute. Anyways, we went to Hamburg and traveled the whole country. The very scenic
Yeah, hahaha.
We didn't end up filming that because I don't know we were just really tired. It would have
been a nightmare. It would have been a nightmare. Although actually it would have made for a
pretty exciting vlog. I kind of regret that.
Anyways, we were in Düsseldorf for a project which was really cool. Yeah, so we were actually
filming for a client but we managed to get some footage that we're going to show you
So we have a little guide coming out for Düsseldorf. We were only there for like 4 days but we
did a lot. We did a lot. That is coming out at some point.
Yeah, that is going to come out after basically our UK content. Mmmhmmm.
So then from there we flew into London. We were there for roughly a week. We were mostly
just chilling out. We did a couple of day trips. We met up with some friends. We went
to a social event one evening. Yeah. And we also managed to get really really sick.
Yeah, so if you watched the videos from Oxford and Cambridge. Yeah. You know that we were
like arggh arggh.
Yeah. No voice. Yeah, especially in Cambridge we were really starting to get sick. Yeah.
Actually I was sick for almost 10 days with on and off symptoms. It was awful. I had like
a fever, I had like a really sore throat. It would be coming and going, coming and going.
Yeah, I feel like the weather didn't really cooperate. Yeah. It was like cold and damp
and rainy. Yeah, but anyways we absolutely loved like when we did go out in Wales when
we felt healthy enough to go out we really enjoyed Cardiff.
Did we say we went to Wales? So after London. Oh right.
Duh. We took a bus to Cardiff. Yeah.
It was a really short bus ride. Yeah. Just like a couple hours something like that. Yeah,
and that was actually the last country that we still had to visit in the UK. Yes.
So we've already done England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and we hit Wales. We hit Wales. All
Wales was awesome. We were probably if we had of been a little healthier we probably
would have done more day trips but we just kind of had to focus on Cardiff so we'll have
a guide and I think we have a couple of food videos coming out from there.
Oh, and in Cardiff we were staying at a really cool AirBNB. Yeah. It was in an old coach-house.
And they had like this indoor cinema setup so we were watching a lot of Netflix. So we
watched The Crown. Yeah, yeah. We saw the Crown.
The whole thing. We were actually watched a lot of Netflix because we were not feeling
good. It was just tea and Netflix. Um and yeah we have a full apartment tour of that
and that will be coming out as well.
And then basically after that we had two more work projects. Mmmhmmm.
Um, so we said goodbye to each other because you went back to London to do something. To
do a project. Yeah. I went to Northern Ireland. Again these are content for clients and they've
actually stipulated that they don't want our stuff to come out until January or February.
So we're going to be shelving that footage and having it come out in the New Year. Yeah
but I'll explain the concept.
So basically we were approached by Visit Britain to like travel to these different destinations
and experience 24 different moments across 24 hours. Yep. So Sam got Northern Ireland
and I got London and there were like a whole bunch of different people filming across the
And it was a crazy project because we had to be up at all hours of the day. Yeah. Like
there was one day I remember waking up at 1:30am in the morning to be out the door,
out of the hotel by 2:30am. Yeah. And I was like out making sourdough bread with this
guy in BallyCastle.
And uh yeah it was just crazy like we had to be up for all hours of the day so it was
a really busy project. We didn't get a lot of sleep and a week later we met up again
in Scotland. In Glasgow. In Glasgow and that was really cool because we had another project
that we were working on with Visit Scotland. We sound like busy bees right now.
It is normally not like this. It is normally not like that. We normally do like so you
guys have asked us about how we make money and one of the ways is that we sometimes partner
with tourism boards. We usually do like maybe anywhere between 4 to 6 projects a year. Sometimes
even a little bit more. Yeah. But it just so happens that we've had this summer was
all pssshh.
Oh my gosh we had so many projects all coming together at once and it was really really
fun but it has also been really tiring too. Yeah.
So we are so happy to be on our own schedule here in the Ukraine. But let's talk about
Scotland. Alright, of course. I feel like we've just rushed ahead. Yeah, we did.
So anyways the cool thing about Scotland I'll start off here in Glasgow was that we actually
visited last year for a few days. Yeah. And we filmed some footage for a city guide but
we felt it was incomplete. So we've been sitting on this footage since last year and now when
we had a chance to go back we got to do some cool other new things. Yeah.
And so what is awesome is that we actually think we have enough to make a guide to Glasgow.
Kind of like how we made it for Edinburgh last year. Yeah.
So that is going to come out. We also have I think a food vlog there. Some Scottish food.
Yes. But the main event. The main event. Come on it was the Highland Games. Yeah, the Highland
We went to the Cowal Highland Gathering in Dunoon. In Dunoon.
Um, a little road trip. Yeah.
Oh my gosh I had to drive the biggest van ever on the narrowest roads ever but we made
it. We made it the games which was really cool.
The games were awesome. Yeah, there was bagpiping, highland dancing, heavy athletics. Yeah.
Yeah, we've been to the games in Fredericton, New Brunswick in Canada. They also have Highland
Games there obviously borrowed from Scotland.
But it was at a much smaller scale but these games were massive. Like the actual area like
there was different fields, different stadiums being used. So yeah, it was such an awesome
experience and then from there we ended up we had to like we were only there for the
day to film the games so we had to drive back to Glasgow we checked in through our hotel.
There was a little bit of a mix up there. We had actually been booked in for the day
before. They let us stay in anyways. Yeah, they were so nice to let us stay there and
then we had to wake up at like two or three in the morning to catch a super early flight
to Kiev. Kiev!
So yeah, it is our first time in the Ukraine. We're like yes we when arrived I don't think
I've ever slept so long in my whole life. We slept 14 hours. No, I was 15 almost 16.
15 straight hours. Like I was that tired. That wiped out from all of the things that
we've been doing but now we feel like really refreshed and we feel recharged.
Oh, and we have clothes. Our luggage went missing. Oh right for like a day and half.
I forgot about that.
We hung out in dirty clothes. So we arrived without our bags. Um we had a really tight
connection. We made the connection but our bags didn't.
And so yeah it is so cool to be here in the Ukraine, a new country, yes. On our own schedule,
on our own time, on our own dime. I mean we're fully funding this trip and something that
we'd like to point out is that for most of our travels. I would say 80 to 90 percent
we do fund it ourselves. And so we do really appreciate these projects with tourism boards
but I think like to keep that authentic like that authenticity to our travels we really
like to do our own way. Just do our own thing. To be on our own schedule so while we are
here we hope to make a lot of food videos.
We're going to be in Kiev for just over a week and then after that we are going to the
city of Lviv. Lviv. I think that is how you say it. Yeah. It is spelled L V I V. At least
in English. Not a lot of vowels in there.
So hopefully that is correct. We're just going to be doing a lot of chilling out, a lot of
catching up on work. We're really behind on editing and yeah it is just going to be so
cool um we really like our apartment so far here in Kiev.
Yeah, we'll give you guys a tour. It is huge. A little closer. It is absolutely massive.
It is a big place, a great location in the city. Yeah, it has got some quirky charms
to it and a massive high ceilings.
So anyways and if it echoes that is why. Yeah, that is probably if yeah if you can hear an
echo that would be why because of the high ceilings.
But basically that is our update. That is basically our month of August. Everything
we've talked about that was all of August. Yeah. And what is today's date?
It is very close to September. I think it is the 30th or 31st of August. Well, there
you go. So we're basically coming to you from real time here in the future. And after the
Ukraine we know that we are going to uh a conference in Austria. Mmmmhmm.
Which is going to be really cool. And then after that we're not entirely sure. We're
thinking maybe a little bit more travel in Austria. Maybe going uh and finally heading
down to the Balkans like we had talked about earlier. Oh yeah. I think that is most likely
how we're going to end off our year here in Europe but um yeah we're kind of open to things
so if you guys have any suggestions like places that you think we should visit or anything
like that it would be awesome if you let us know. Mmmhmm.
Alright, well that is it for today. See ya later! See ya! Bye. Tata.
신성일 김영애 사진,신성일 바람 외도 노망 나온 이유 - Duration: 10:12.
My Favourite Veto Pro Pac for Tools | Mr. Locksmith Video - Duration: 3:24.
Barcelona hope to open talks with Liverpool for Philippe Coutinho this afternoon - Balague - Duration: 2:20.
Barcelona hope to open talks with Liverpool for Philippe Coutinho this afternoon - Balague
The Spanish giants have been chasing Coutinho all summer. But Liverpool have refused to sell and insist they wont be changing their mind. Starsport have been told the club will NOT be selling the Brazilian star.
However Balague says Barcelona are planning one final raid for Coutinho. He wrote on Twitter: Barcelona hoping Liverpool start negotiating for Coutinho this afternoon.
They have offer ready but havent sent it. Barcelona have some leeway to get a deal done. Thats because the Spanish transfer window doesnt close until tomorrow.
Brazil coach Tite wants Coutinho to do what makes him fell good. I told him (Coutinho) that I want him to go wherever he feels happy, he said ahead of Brazils World Cup qualifying matches.
The Brazilian team doctor has spoken to Liverpools doctor and our director with their directors. I havent been in touch because I dont speak English, he added.
We are not going to take any risks but, on the other hand, we are not going to do without him in the squad. Tite isnt happy the transfer saga has interuppted Brazils build-up to their game with Ecuador.
It affects us and it will continue affecting us until the end, said Tite, whose side have already qualified for the World Cup finals. It effects the players emotionally.
It also affects the coach, who has to take into consideration situations which are nothing to do with the field of play..
Liverpool expecting Barcelona to launch new Philippe Coutinho bid tomorrow - Kike Marin - Duration: 2:19.
Liverpool expecting Barcelona to launch new Philippe Coutinho bid tomorrow - Kike Marin
Coutinho is wanted by Barcelona but no deal has been done.
The English transfer window closes at 11pm but Spanish clubs have an extra day to get transfers over the line. Liverpool are adamant he wont be sold, and Starsport understand they wont be shaken on their resolve to keep Coutinho.
But the Merseyside giants are still expecting one final attempt by Barcelona for the Brazilian. El Confidencial journalist Kike Marin wrote on Twitter: In #Liverpool they believe that #FCBarcelona will tomorrow last bid by Coutinho, the reds will once again say NO..
Daily Record and Sunday Times journalist Duncan Castles claims the midfielder has been told an agreement is in place for him to move.
He said on The Transfer Window podcast: "What Philippe Coutinho has been told is that there is an agreement in place between Barcelona and Liverpool for him to join Barcelona.
The fee will be a potential total of €160m (£147m) - some of that performance-related variables - so FSG have got the price that they asked for several weeks ago in negotiations that they kept secret.
And the hold-off is to allow Liverpool time to sign replacements for Coutinho and put other guys into the team which weve seen starting to happen." Despite Castles claim, Starsport understands NO deal will be done for Coutinho this summer.
Liverpool want Real Madrid ace Vazquez to replace Barcelona target Coutinho - report - Duration: 2:12.
Liverpool want Real Madrid ace Vazquez to replace Barcelona target Coutinho - report
Coutinho has been chased by Ernesto Valverde for several weeks. However, Liverpool bigwigs are determined not to sell their star man and have snubbed repeated bids. But Barca keep pushing and the Catalans are confident a deal could still be struck.
Spanish news outlet Diario Gol reckon the Reds are eyeing a replacement and Vazquez could fit the bill. The Spain international is only a fringe player at the Bernabeu and Zinedine Zidane might be tempted to cash in.
The 26-year-old is a product of the Real academy having progressed through their youth ranks and into the first-team. Reports yesterday suggested Coutinho had held crunch talks with Jurgen Klopp in a bid to force through a deal.
The Brazilian reportedly warned Klopp that things won't go back to normal at Anfield if the club refuse to sell him. The former Inter Milan ace is desperate for a move and has told Klopp to stop spurring Barca's advances.
Spanish daily Sport claimed the Liverpool dressing room realise Coutinho isn't bluffing - even if Klopp doesn't.
BBC pundit Garth Crooks has urged Liverpool to sell Coutinho and develop another player. He said: "Liverpool are a wonderful club with a magnificent stage and they are very capable of finding another Coutinho.
Coutinho has made 138 appearances for Liverpool and scored 34 goals.
Koh Pich - Best In Phnom Penh For Mekong View And Seafood - Koh Pich, Riverside, Cambodia - Duration: 10:11.
Hi guys.
We are at Koh Pich Now
The best location for Mekong view and for not expensive seafood.
I'll show you my favorite restaurant, the people, and the foods.
But first
we will take a walk alongside the river...
Please subscribe for Phnom Penh tips and for
the best and cheap restaurants and other places
mostly not yet discovered by tourists.
Don't forget, if you will hang out mostly at touristic places
you will lose time and spend more money.
i like this view, i like this place.
It's real Phnom penh
Only local people are around, and no tuktuk drivers.
Wikipedia Time....
Mekong is 12th longest river in the world.
It has a length of about 2,700 miles (4,350 km).
Aquatic biodiversity in the Mekong River system is the second highest in the world after the Amazon.
The Mekong boasts the most concentrated biodiversity per hectare of any river.
Today is wednesday and Koh Pich is not crowded,
but still you can see a lot of people around.
At the weekend, it's hard to find empty seat in some restaurants after sunset.
Because Khmer People likes eating outside.
For Tipsy Seafood Restaurant (my favorite), you have to wait for a table if you are late.
So, it's better to come here before sunset and enjoy the view.
I'm coming here at 4pm to get good seat at the weekend.
and ofcourse, i like to drink before sunset.
new big buildinds are all around the city
i don't like them but there's nothing to do...
now it's time to heading back to the restaurant.
i will show you my favorite dishes.
Btw, my camera is not good. it have focusing problems.
Sorry for this in advance.
But don't worry, you can see clearly my meal after few seconds of processing time :)
i should buy new camera soon
Is there any advice for camera? for usd 500-600? please comment.
and sorry for my basic English. It's not my native language.
ok, faster... I'm starving.
this is Tipsy Seafood Restaurant.
it's not cheap as street food but i can not say it's expensive.
Tipsy is the most popular restaurant in this area.
But maybe you can not have river view when you are sitting at Tipsy.
But there is a lot of options at Koh Pich.
Some restaurants have high tables in front of them. They are good for Mekong view.
here is my blurred meal :)
Really tasty...
as you see the restaurant is full.
thank you for wathing guys.
please subscribe for next videos
Philippe Coutinho to Barcelona: £138m deal agreed, 7pm announcement - report - Duration: 2:10.
Philippe Coutinho to Barcelona: £138m deal agreed, 7pm announcement - report
Barcelona have sealed a £138m deal for Coutinho, The Sun claim. Liverpool finally accepted defeat in their bid to keep hold of the Brazilian playmaker. Coutinho handed in a transfer request earlier in the window, showing his strong desire to join Barcelona.
And it now appears he will finally get his wish. The 25-year-old has been targeted by the Catalan giants as a replacement for Neymar.
Having seen three bids rejected for Coutinho by Liverpool owners Fenway Sports Group, a fourth offer seems to have been accepted. The £138m move will be the second-biggest transfer in football history after Neymars £200m switch to Paris St-Germain from Barcelona.
Liverpool have already looked to replace their chief creator, despite insisting their recent transfer business was not to do with Coutinhos future. The £40m signing from Arsenal of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain was announced at 12pm today.
Monaco winger Thomas Lemar and Southampton centre-half Virgil van Dijk are still being targeted too in a potentially expensive final day of the summer for Liverpool.
But it looks like Coutinho will go, with a 7pm announcement from Barcelona suggested by The Sun.
Paulo Dybala to Barcelona practically impossible: Focus on Philippe Coutinho - reports - Duration: 1:53.
Paulo Dybala to Barcelona practically impossible: Focus on Philippe Coutinho - reports
Barca are determined to sign at least one more new star before the Spanish transfer window closes tomorrow. The La Liga giants recently signed Ousmane Dembélé from Borussia Dortmund for £138m and they are keen on a number of other top players.
Barcelona still have funds at their disposal following Neymar's £200m move to Paris St-Germain but further deals are proving difficult. Spanish outlet Marca claim one man who will not be heading to the Nou Camp is Juventus' Dybala.
It is said a move for the Argentine is all but impossible and that could spell bad news for Liverpool.
Their failure to land Dybala will see Barcelona step up their attempts at landing Coutinho. Liverpool are determined to keep their Brazilian star and have already rejected several huge bids.
But Ernesto Valverde's side will continue to try and secure his signature right up until their transfer deadline tomorrow evening. Other Barcelona targets include PSG's Angel Di Maria, Monaco's Thomas Lemar and Riyad Mahrez of Leicester.
박준금 나이 재산 전남편,박준금 이혼 사유 공개 - Duration: 4:23.
Spotify® RapCaviar
Caroline Wozniacki criticises scheduling of Maria Sharapova at US Open - Duration: 4:29.
Caroline Wozniacki criticises scheduling of Maria Sharapova at US Open
Maria Sharapova marches on in a grand slam comeback that has bristled with drama and style in two matches on the US Open's main stage, as she makes the numbers as feverishly as she did before her 15-month suspension for failing a drugs test.
However, Caroline Wozniacki, a two-times finalist here who was beaten by the game's supreme giant-killer Ekaterina Makarova in a late‑night struggle on an outside court hours after the top-drawer wildcard was soaking up the applause on Arthur Ashe, echoed the sentiments of many when the former world No1 accused the United States Tennis Association of giving the Russian preferential treatment.
"Putting out a schedule where the No5 in the world is on court five, fifth match on, that's unacceptable," Wozniacki told the website of the Danish paper Ekstrabladet, in a video interview on Wednesday night after Makarova had beaten her 6-2, 6-7 (5), 6-1, in a match that started at 9.
50pm and finished after midnight.
"When you look on centre court [Ashe], I understand completely the business side of things but someone who comes back from a drugs sentence and performance-enhancing drugs, and all of a sudden gets to play every single match on centre court, I believe is a questionable thing to do.
I think it doesn't set a good example. "I think someone who has fought their way back from injury and is five in the world deserves to play on a bigger court than court No5.
Finally, they moved us to court No17, which is a really nice court, actually, and we had a great atmosphere out there. But they should look into what they need to do in the future.".
Makarova, 29, had won two of 16 sets in seven successive defeats to Wozniacki but struck 52 clean winners and broke her six times from 13 opportunities in two hours and 20 minutes.
She has had an extraordinary run against elite players this year: 9-2 against top 10 opponents, while 0-5 against those ranked 11 to 20.
Wozniacki was one of six remaining players in with a statistical chance of finishing the tournament as the world No1. Makarova, who next plays Carla Suárez Navarro, is ranked 40 in singles and No3 in doubles.
Her compatriot Sharapova, who won this title 11 years ago, is ranked 146 in her comeback run and has the American world No139, Sofie Kenny, in the third round on Friday.
The tournament favourite and reigning Wimbledon champion, Garbiñe Muguruza, had to wait until early evening before being allocated a court because of the backlog of matches caused by rain wiping out most of the schedule on Tuesday.
The Spaniard's mood may have been lifted by an easy 6-4, 6-0 win against the world No92, Duan Ying-Ying of China, in just over an hour.
"It was a very tricky day because I came very early not knowing what was the situation," she said. "I know my match was to be arranged there in a corner.
We were in the gym at almost 10pm. At the end it was the court that was finishing earlier. I'm happy it was Grandstand. Nice court and it's not that late.".
Chwyla - Za horu sonce - Duration: 4:32.
Travel Update: Busy Schedule in August + Future Travel Plans - Duration: 9:44.
Well hello hello from our apartment in Kiev. I feel like it is time for an update because
on our channel we just finished showing you guys videos from Poland and then all of a
sudden we were in London and it is just a little bit chaotic. I feel like we need to
tie all of these strings together. Yeah. Is that an expression?
Absolutely. We've kind of just been all over the place. We've had a super busy schedule
and we've been doing all kinds of different things. So we just want to let you know what
we've been up to.
Alright, so let's rewind. After we finished in Poland we flew to Germany. No we didn't
we took the train. We took the train. Oh my gosh. We had a really eventful train ride.
We had an adventure riding the trains. Yeah. To Germany of my gosh.
We were in Szczecin for a few days in Poland and basically one of the commuter trains that
we were supposed to take just didn't arrive so it threw off our whole train schedule and
we had to reroute. Anyways, we went to Hamburg and traveled the whole country. The very scenic
Yeah, hahaha.
We didn't end up filming that because I don't know we were just really tired. It would have
been a nightmare. It would have been a nightmare. Although actually it would have made for a
pretty exciting vlog. I kind of regret that.
Anyways, we were in Düsseldorf for a project which was really cool. Yeah, so we were actually
filming for a client but we managed to get some footage that we're going to show you
So we have a little guide coming out for Düsseldorf. We were only there for like 4 days but we
did a lot. We did a lot. That is coming out at some point.
Yeah, that is going to come out after basically our UK content. Mmmhmmm.
So then from there we flew into London. We were there for roughly a week. We were mostly
just chilling out. We did a couple of day trips. We met up with some friends. We went
to a social event one evening. Yeah. And we also managed to get really really sick.
Yeah, so if you watched the videos from Oxford and Cambridge. Yeah. You know that we were
like arggh arggh.
Yeah. No voice. Yeah, especially in Cambridge we were really starting to get sick. Yeah.
Actually I was sick for almost 10 days with on and off symptoms. It was awful. I had like
a fever, I had like a really sore throat. It would be coming and going, coming and going.
Yeah, I feel like the weather didn't really cooperate. Yeah. It was like cold and damp
and rainy. Yeah, but anyways we absolutely loved like when we did go out in Wales when
we felt healthy enough to go out we really enjoyed Cardiff.
Did we say we went to Wales? So after London. Oh right.
Duh. We took a bus to Cardiff. Yeah.
It was a really short bus ride. Yeah. Just like a couple hours something like that. Yeah,
and that was actually the last country that we still had to visit in the UK. Yes.
So we've already done England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and we hit Wales. We hit Wales. All
Wales was awesome. We were probably if we had of been a little healthier we probably
would have done more day trips but we just kind of had to focus on Cardiff so we'll have
a guide and I think we have a couple of food videos coming out from there.
Oh, and in Cardiff we were staying at a really cool AirBNB. Yeah. It was in an old coach-house.
And they had like this indoor cinema setup so we were watching a lot of Netflix. So we
watched The Crown. Yeah, yeah. We saw the Crown.
The whole thing. We were actually watched a lot of Netflix because we were not feeling
good. It was just tea and Netflix. Um and yeah we have a full apartment tour of that
and that will be coming out as well.
And then basically after that we had two more work projects. Mmmhmmm.
Um, so we said goodbye to each other because you went back to London to do something. To
do a project. Yeah. I went to Northern Ireland. Again these are content for clients and they've
actually stipulated that they don't want our stuff to come out until January or February.
So we're going to be shelving that footage and having it come out in the New Year. Yeah
but I'll explain the concept.
So basically we were approached by Visit Britain to like travel to these different destinations
and experience 24 different moments across 24 hours. Yep. So Sam got Northern Ireland
and I got London and there were like a whole bunch of different people filming across the
And it was a crazy project because we had to be up at all hours of the day. Yeah. Like
there was one day I remember waking up at 1:30am in the morning to be out the door,
out of the hotel by 2:30am. Yeah. And I was like out making sourdough bread with this
guy in BallyCastle.
And uh yeah it was just crazy like we had to be up for all hours of the day so it was
a really busy project. We didn't get a lot of sleep and a week later we met up again
in Scotland. In Glasgow. In Glasgow and that was really cool because we had another project
that we were working on with Visit Scotland. We sound like busy bees right now.
It is normally not like this. It is normally not like that. We normally do like so you
guys have asked us about how we make money and one of the ways is that we sometimes partner
with tourism boards. We usually do like maybe anywhere between 4 to 6 projects a year. Sometimes
even a little bit more. Yeah. But it just so happens that we've had this summer was
all pssshh.
Oh my gosh we had so many projects all coming together at once and it was really really
fun but it has also been really tiring too. Yeah.
So we are so happy to be on our own schedule here in the Ukraine. But let's talk about
Scotland. Alright, of course. I feel like we've just rushed ahead. Yeah, we did.
So anyways the cool thing about Scotland I'll start off here in Glasgow was that we actually
visited last year for a few days. Yeah. And we filmed some footage for a city guide but
we felt it was incomplete. So we've been sitting on this footage since last year and now when
we had a chance to go back we got to do some cool other new things. Yeah.
And so what is awesome is that we actually think we have enough to make a guide to Glasgow.
Kind of like how we made it for Edinburgh last year. Yeah.
So that is going to come out. We also have I think a food vlog there. Some Scottish food.
Yes. But the main event. The main event. Come on it was the Highland Games. Yeah, the Highland
We went to the Cowal Highland Gathering in Dunoon. In Dunoon.
Um, a little road trip. Yeah.
Oh my gosh I had to drive the biggest van ever on the narrowest roads ever but we made
it. We made it the games which was really cool.
The games were awesome. Yeah, there was bagpiping, highland dancing, heavy athletics. Yeah.
Yeah, we've been to the games in Fredericton, New Brunswick in Canada. They also have Highland
Games there obviously borrowed from Scotland.
But it was at a much smaller scale but these games were massive. Like the actual area like
there was different fields, different stadiums being used. So yeah, it was such an awesome
experience and then from there we ended up we had to like we were only there for the
day to film the games so we had to drive back to Glasgow we checked in through our hotel.
There was a little bit of a mix up there. We had actually been booked in for the day
before. They let us stay in anyways. Yeah, they were so nice to let us stay there and
then we had to wake up at like two or three in the morning to catch a super early flight
to Kiev. Kiev!
So yeah, it is our first time in the Ukraine. We're like yes we when arrived I don't think
I've ever slept so long in my whole life. We slept 14 hours. No, I was 15 almost 16.
15 straight hours. Like I was that tired. That wiped out from all of the things that
we've been doing but now we feel like really refreshed and we feel recharged.
Oh, and we have clothes. Our luggage went missing. Oh right for like a day and half.
I forgot about that.
We hung out in dirty clothes. So we arrived without our bags. Um we had a really tight
connection. We made the connection but our bags didn't.
And so yeah it is so cool to be here in the Ukraine, a new country, yes. On our own schedule,
on our own time, on our own dime. I mean we're fully funding this trip and something that
we'd like to point out is that for most of our travels. I would say 80 to 90 percent
we do fund it ourselves. And so we do really appreciate these projects with tourism boards
but I think like to keep that authentic like that authenticity to our travels we really
like to do our own way. Just do our own thing. To be on our own schedule so while we are
here we hope to make a lot of food videos.
We're going to be in Kiev for just over a week and then after that we are going to the
city of Lviv. Lviv. I think that is how you say it. Yeah. It is spelled L V I V. At least
in English. Not a lot of vowels in there.
So hopefully that is correct. We're just going to be doing a lot of chilling out, a lot of
catching up on work. We're really behind on editing and yeah it is just going to be so
cool um we really like our apartment so far here in Kiev.
Yeah, we'll give you guys a tour. It is huge. A little closer. It is absolutely massive.
It is a big place, a great location in the city. Yeah, it has got some quirky charms
to it and a massive high ceilings.
So anyways and if it echoes that is why. Yeah, that is probably if yeah if you can hear an
echo that would be why because of the high ceilings.
But basically that is our update. That is basically our month of August. Everything
we've talked about that was all of August. Yeah. And what is today's date?
It is very close to September. I think it is the 30th or 31st of August. Well, there
you go. So we're basically coming to you from real time here in the future. And after the
Ukraine we know that we are going to uh a conference in Austria. Mmmmhmm.
Which is going to be really cool. And then after that we're not entirely sure. We're
thinking maybe a little bit more travel in Austria. Maybe going uh and finally heading
down to the Balkans like we had talked about earlier. Oh yeah. I think that is most likely
how we're going to end off our year here in Europe but um yeah we're kind of open to things
so if you guys have any suggestions like places that you think we should visit or anything
like that it would be awesome if you let us know. Mmmhmm.
Alright, well that is it for today. See ya later! See ya! Bye. Tata.
Está difícil? Então Glorifique a Deus! #GRANDES Coisas estão para acontecer!! - Duration: 1:39.
Tour Virtual - Le Champ - Cuiabá MP4 por Leka Broker - Duration: 6:54.
Porque hablo 5 idiomas - Duration: 10:14.
Good morning, it's Friday morning
Time for a new vlog video and today. I want to talk about a question that I was asked a little while ago,
which is: Why do I speak English?
Which I think is an interesting question and,
if you don't mind, I would like to expand that to why I speak a total of five languages.
And I wanted to share my experience about that with you.
So, I grew up speaking
two languages, I'm bilingual natively.
My first language is Frisian my second language is Dutch. Frisian is a language,
a smaller language that we speak in a certain region of my native country. Dutch of course is the language of my country itself.
By the way, in my country the Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Netherlands there are two more languages
Papiamento and Papiamentu, which are spoken in the Dutch Caribbean.
So I grew up speaking two languages natively,
which I think gave me already an
advantage in learning multiple languages.
On top of that I've always had an interest in languages, and I've always had an interest in communication.
I remember very well when I was, I don't know must have been eight nine and
we were on vacation in Germany.
Now, Germany as you all know, is right next to my country and
with my family we used to go on vacation there all the time.
Very quickly I found out that I couldn't actually speak to the people using the languages that I had.
so I started asking my parents for some simple phrases,
some simple sentences, some words that I could use to speak to those people in German.
Which also led to very funny situations.
Because obviously there are false friends between German and Frisian and Dutch,
I remember very vividly, for example, that we were told
That "Ihr müsst fahren".
"Varen" and Dutch means "to sail" whereas in German it means "to drive".
You can imagine
our surprise when we never go to a boat as you know,
as an eight, nine Year old kid
At that age I already started learning my first words in different languages, and I started understanding that I needed
multiple or other languages to be able to communicate.
And that drove me
to start learning new languages.
So I already mentioned German, German was first,
I think it was the first foreign language that I really started learning well.
I was in high school already when I really started learning German again because I'd met some german people and I was
more or less able to communicate with them, but not very well, so while I spent time with them
I really had to learn
and practice my German and learn some German at school as well, obviously
German is from, at least when I went to high school,
it was obligatory in the second year of High school.
I probably knew some German by that time. So I started picking up German very quickly already.
And, by the time I was at the end of my first high school, we have a different school system,
so my first high school, I remember that my teachers were very surprised at me not scoring tens.
That's the quality of my my german at that time. So I spoke a lot about German so far.
In the last year of primary school, we already started with my first English classes.
Now, it wasn't much.
I don't even remember the amount of hours that we had, but it was certainly less than one hour a week.
Maybe it was one hour every two weeks. I honestly don't remembe. What I do remember is that when I went to high school,
I started having my first
English classes, my first real English classes, because it was an obligatory subject from the first year of high school.
So I learned English already as well in high school,
from a fairly early age, I was 12.
That's the obligatory part, now the question:
Why do I speak English?
And why do I speak five languages. By the way, I'll get to my Spanish.
Why do I speak five languages, well,
I started noticing very quickly that not everybody on the planet speaks the languages I speak.
Very important to keep that in mind.
Any country you know, not everybody speaks the same language as you do. It doesn't matter how many people speak your language,
eighty percent of the people speak only 20% of the languages and
there are many people who speak Spanish or English natively, but not the other way around.
By which I mean, not all Spanish-speaking people speak English and not all English-speaking people speak Spanish, so
Early on I saw that if I want to communicate with people from a different country,
I will need to be able to speak different languages.
Now English of course is
the international language at the time.
Hasn't always been like that, it has been Italian, it has been French,
I remember that the Japanese at some point only allowed Dutch for some reason.
Trade reasons possibly.
So I really started speaking English because of necessity and because I wanted to.
I love languages, I think it's a wonderful
way of communicating and that's the goal. I want to be able to communicate with people from
That has led me also, of course I moved to spain, I live in Madrid you all know that
I speak Spanish now
just because I have to and because I want to. I speak Spanish because this is the native language of this country,
and it's pretty darn difficult to get by without speaking that language.
So as I said, I speak five languages fluently
my German is a bit rusty. I've told you that before.
But I know a lot of small important words in other languages of countries, I've been to. Why?
Because people will appreciate it if you're able to say some words in their language.
I love it when somebody comes up to me and is able to say "Goeie moarn", which is "good morning" in Frisian.
I love to be able to go to Lithuania and say "ačiū",
which means thank you.
Ir if I would go to Hungaria, "egészségére", which means
cheers in Hungarian.
All those little things,
give you a better impression, and that's why I like to speak different languages.
When I walk around here in Spain and
people just keep telling me, they're surprised by how good my Spanish is.
I practice a lot, I needed a lot of practice, I've practiced and I keep on practicing.
But, I think it is very interesting and it is very necessary to be able to speak to people
from a different country, because in your own hometown you might encounter somebody as well.
Why do I speak English?
Personal Interest,
Sounds like I'm making a list. It's not really list,
Communication and interest, those are the two reasons I speak English and why speak all the languages that I speak.
Hope this video helps you a little bit in your motivation to speak different languages.
Mainly English, but you know any other language will help.
As I said,
20% of the languages is spoken by 80% of the people and vice versa.
There are many countries where different languages are spoken, where people do not speak English
and it really helps if you know at least a little bit in
their language. I have a very good experience with it
and I hope you will get it too. So that's it for today. Thank you very much for watching.
Give me a like downstairs a thumbs up.
Please subscribe to my channel as well, obviously,
If you're interested in having classes with me, English classes then please check out the links down below.
You also find my instagram my Facebook my twitter. You know all the social networks. You know them.
I hope you enjoyed the video and
That's it. Until next time and until that time don't forget to practice.