all right so in today's video we're going to talk about the prime lines
product U 10827 door reinforcement lock I will show you and I will explain you
how is it is to install this lock and why I recommend this lock to any front
door so stay tuned
okay so before we gonna start I want to introduce myself my name is coby and now
with Sylvia gay locksmith las vegas youtube channel if you're looking to get
your house your business or your bike more secure this is the channel for you
so don't forget to subscribe my channel in this button below and make sure to
take the bell icon so you'll get notified whenever I'm releasing a new
video when I release them okay let's move through the product okay so the
prime lines product U 10827 door Reinforcement lock I'm going to explain
you a little bit why this product is one of my favorite and why I recommend to
anyone to install this lock and I'm gonna make it really quick so the first
reason is this product have the highest recommended reviews online and you know
what don't take my word for it I'm going to share a link right below where you
can find some of the reviews of all these awesome products make sure to
click the link right below okay so let's move to the second reason this product
is super super simple to install doesn't matter if you're men a woman I recommend
this lock to anyone the reason why all you really need for the installation is
few simple tools you need one eight drill bit you will need a power drill a
screwdriver a chisel and a hammer now a chisel a hammer you don't really need
but it depends on the gap between the door frame and the door if you don't
have big gap I mean enough to install this lock you will need to shave the
word a little bit and I will explain you how to do it as well so it's very easy
installation that's the second reason now let's move to the third reason this
door lock is actually reinforcing the door more than a standard deadbolt it's
actually resist to up to 800 levers of force so it's acting better than your
standard deadbolt yes that's true so this is the third reason the fourth and
most important reason why this lock is because I am the one that
using it for many of my customers so from my own experience and from my
customer satisfaction I just love it love it it's an awesome product the
first and most important reason this lock is super cheap so you don't need to
spend money to someone to install a new deadbolt you can do it yourself and it's
not expensive so all these reasons telling you exactly why you want to
purchase this lock and install by yourself
super simple and as you remember if you not make sure to click the link right
below because I share a link where you can read some of those reviews and also
if you want to buy it online as well make sure to click the link right below
now let's move to the fun stuff I'm gonna open it and we're gonna show you
how to install it and all that good stuff so stay tuned okay guys the
installation now the first thing you want to check before you're installing
the lock and it's super important is gonna be the gap between the door frame
and the door usually what I like to do is to use 1/8 drill bit slide it in and
go up and down especially in the area where you want to install it and make
sure it goes smoothly up and down so that's basically saying that you have
enough gap to install this lock and if you don't and where you want to install
it there is not enough gap there is still way to install it don't go crazy
but you will have to use a chisel and a hammer and kind of Shaving the wood in
the space where you want to put this lock and I will explain you how to do it
it's very simple as well so let's move I know will show you from
close-up how to install it very quick okay so before we going to install it
I'm gonna check by myself with 1/8 drill bit the gap between the door in the
frame so I'm getting stuck here so that's not good but as I say we can use
a hammer and a chisel 1/8 chisel and we're gonna fix that problem really
quick let me show you what you need to do okay
so let's assume that's where you want to install lock what you want to do is put
it just like this slide it all the way in and then you want to use a pencil or
a pen just mark
this you see so now this is what you need to shave out just a little bit
enough that this door lock will sit flat with the door with the frame so let me
show you how to do it it's very very fast all right okay so I make it close
up as I can now what are you gonna use it's one inch chisel and a hammer and
you're just gonna go with the mark
slowly of course you don't have to go very deep
try to imagine the size of one h18 drill bit you don't need more than that
alright so we good here
all right the last part
make sure to do it straight it's gonna looks nicer all right
so we done here now we're going to shave it just a little bit follow me
depending on your wood sometimes it will go a little bit deeper but don't get
scared it's totally fine I'm gonna try to make it flat as possible
okay dan was done
trying to make it as flat as I can so it's going to look nicer
let's check
all right looks good to me and what do you want to do next is to start with
this hole just mark it right here in the middle just use a pencil and this is the
first one we need to start with and let me show you okay you will take your 1/8
drill bit and you're gonna drill the hole for the screw slowly of course
all right now we're gonna start I'm
gonna check it's in the middle all right and we're gonna start with the short
screw now there isn't why I need the hole in the middle that way we will give
us a little bit of a play inside and out if we need to locate the right position
all right okay are you going to tight the screw boney to go strong just enough
so it will hold it tight now we're going to close the door and check how it works
now we're going to use the 1/8 drill bit you want to use it all the way just just
like this and we're gonna drill the holes for the screws
that's one
let's to and number three alright so here is one of the three inch screws
that provided weight unlock we gonna install it one see how simple it is guys
nothing serious that's number two and number three
Don Dale guys let's close the door make sure everything is correct and we're
good to go okay so now we're gonna close Mitch that
he closed properly and the lock is in the right position all right let's see
all right close perfect let's close it make sure it's aligned with the door
yeah perfectly fine okay after all being said and done we are
finished now if you have any questions please just write a comment right below
I'm always willing to answer your questions and I also share a link where
you can find online reviews about this product and also where you can purchase
it so make sure to click the link right below and if you enjoyed this video
don't forget sums up and make sure to subscribe my channel in this button
below and take the bell icon so you'll get notified whenever I'm releasing a
new video when I release them we'll see you in my next video thank you so much
For more infomation >> Prime-Line Products U 10827 Door Reinforcement Lock - Duration: 13:01.-------------------------------------------
Bezmozek na silnici u Kladna - Duration: 0:26.
Mi Marido Tiene Familia | Robert descubre que Blanca y Eugenio perdieron un hijo - Duration: 1:53.
" Is this Miraculous Powers!? (Chat Blanc) " Part 10 Miraculous Ladybug Comic - Duration: 0:56.
Alice in Wonderland Cake Pops (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 12:43.
Subscribe and like ;)
Alice. I made 2 Alices but you can make only 1.
4 trees of Queen of Hearts
Chill for 15 minutes.
White compound chocolate coloured with blue oil based food colour.
4 wooden skewers
Paper straws
You can use the blue chocolate at this stage because the green chocolate will cover it.
Chill it for more 10 minutes.
Melamine white sheet/panel. The holes were made with a drill.
Wrapping paper, it should be a little see through.
We need to see through the paper, in order to be able to distinguish the holes to put the cake pops.
Non-stick baking paper
Gently shake it, up and down, to remove the excess.
And now a little more shakes, from side to side, to remove the marks of the drips.
Template printed on120g paper.
Sticky tape.
A closer look so you can understand better.
Use a styrofoam base to let the trees set.
To make the foliage look, first scratch some lines.
Then press the wooden skewer against the chocolate and pull it out. This will make a thread that will loosen up and fall uppon itself.
Repeat for every tree.
White and red fondant.
Sattin ribbon
Thank you for watching.
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Garden Cottage In Denmark | Charming Small House Design - Duration: 3:01.
Garden Cottage In Denmark
POKKEN TOURNAMENT DX: Gotta Love An Owl In A Bowtie! with Gigamax Games - Duration: 17:15.
Pokken Tournament DX: Demo
Hoe een voorschokdemper vervangen op een SKODA ROOMSTER 1 HANDLEIDING AUTODOC - Duration: 21:37.
Use a socket №16
Use a socket №10
Use a socket №18 and a open end wrench №18
Use a socket №13
Use a special tool to tighten the spring
Use a combination spanner №21 and a hex-nut wrench №7
Rio Mayo titi | Titi of The Amazon River in Peru | (Animals of the World) | Special countries | - Duration: 5:42.
the extension of the Amazons is very large being one of rainforests and forest
The world's largest, for an idea that comes to cover and reach are given multiple
South American countries, from Brazil who is best known, through Suriname, Guyana,
Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, which few people know or at least in an area
regional extra, is that much of Peru is covered by this enrome and beautiful
forest; and in this vast ecosystem, a small portion near the river May,
You can find the Rio Mayo titi or its other names, huicoco of the Andes or
colorado stump. This new world monkey, lives in the region
northern department of San Martin at altitudes of 750 to 950 meters above
sea, wandering among the trees in tropical forests, especially in the region
where the Andes Mountains, in the portion that corresponds to Peru.
are considered New World monkeys, the phenotypic characteristic of his nose
It is flattened, protruding less from the face compared to apes
Africa, Asia and Oceania, and their nostrils are lateral, as well as much of
their exponents have prehensile tails. They have a thick coat of brown
reddish much of his body while in the periphery of the eyes and cheekbones
his hair is white, discrete character are monkeys that measure 30 to 40 centimeters
without taking into account long tail becomes longer than its body measuring up
50 centimeters being hairy and which is not prehensile, his head is small rounded
and has opposable thumbs on the forelimbs, males have a strip
White front extending through the head, forming a triangle, while
in females it is visible being clearer.
These marmosets are arboreal spending much of their lives in them, heights
6 to 7 meters, using much of their day to day activities that require
rest and sleep through the foliage, followed by traveling in search of food and eating,
feeding on insects in a mostly fruit and foliage, being mainly omnivorous
insectivores, having a 80 percent success to catch his polished technique.
Rio Mayo Titi, as the vast majority of marmosets are monogamous living in small
family groups made up of mother, father and one of the children who do not have
old enough to form their own group in a territory that may have an extension
you can share with other fellow partly socializing with them but mainly
with his own family, sleeping normally performed in 3 to 5 sites during their lifetime,
but rarely they use 2 of them. The female has a gestation period of 5 months
giving birth once a rare breeding 2 and in these cases usually one of them dies, but
an awesome thing is that there have been cases where if the parents die, another family
adopt orphans to raise them, care is done by both parents, the
parent takes the children while traveling, while the mother feeds them, feeding
which lasts another 5 months and reaching sexual maturity at 2 years of age where it will be worth
alone and seek a partner to live with it all his life. monkeys are reaching
live up to 12 years in wildlife and reaching up to 25 years in captivity.
This primate inhabiting Peru, was I in danger of extinction, endangered classified
critical, including the 25 primates endangered and riskier
in its endemic country, this is due to deforestation and forest fragmentation,
decreasing the availability of space and mobility, food and protection, leaving
at the mercy of predators risking walk across the floor, besides the
traffic this animal as a pet, which often comes to killing parents
for the young. so some actions you can do to reinvest
this process is research and the transformation of forests in which they can grow
but while their trees is maintained and reforesting its extent, deforestation
where other planting trees to compensate promote its logging, breeding
This primate by the settlers and the fomentation of tourism for obtaining
income people and captive breeding by zoos for
they are integrated in its environment, which have different functions in
its ecosystem, such as seed distribution, control insect populations.
a curious primate, who live in a grand American country, giving you biological variety
to the world, we hope largest Peruvian jungle is more interested in him, that
It is the river titi May. I hope this video has been to his liking, if
I was so dale like and share it so that more people know this channel, I leave
my social networks that are in contact, and by that means ads will
As for the relevant channel. If you're new I invite you to subscribe and forget
leave a comment or a question that has arisen you, thank you very much for watching this
video, we're watching you later.
Peugeot 2008 Crossover Active 1.2 PureTech 82 PK | HOGE INSTAP - Duration: 0:45.
🐶 Musica Per Cani 🐕 Musica Rilassante Per Cani 🐩 Musica Per Cuccioli - Duration: 2:11:54.
🌊🔥Suono Della Natura Per Meditazione 4 Elementi Della Natura 🌎💨 - Duration: 3:02:16.
Lan Và Điệp 1 Và 3 - Hoàng Oanh, Trung Chỉnh, Đan Nguyên, Y Phụng [Bolero Entertainment] - Duration: 10:19.
Пошив кожаной юбки со вставками. Как легко сшить кожаную юбку! - Duration: 2:19.
Рулет из лаваша с крабовыми палочками. Закуска из лаваша. Простой, быстрый рецепт [Семейные рецепты] - Duration: 5:23.
VLOG#7 靜靜滴看著你裝逼 Emoji Dance Challenge with Friends - Duration: 3:12.
welcome to MeowTV
I am sin yee
this is my last assignment vlog
so, this time my topic is friends
some days ago, I went to my friend's hostel
and took an emoji dance challenge video with her
after some edit
the video have already came out
let's go and see now!
[오디오북] 특명! 뭉이와 뭉글이를 보호하라! - 김채영 - Duration: 3:01.
$4.25 Survey Available Now
Unprecedented Disaster - Duration: 5:02.
I have something very serious that
I want to discuss with you guys in this
video today we're not going to talk about photography
I'm going to talk
about the storm system - this hurricane
situation in South Texas right now many
of you know that I live in Texas and
I've had a lot of very kind people who
have reached out to make sure that I was
okay see how I was doing and I am doing
fine I appreciate that but I live in
Fort Worth which is in North Central
Texas so I am at least several hours
from any hurricane activity and I'm very
fortunate in that respect however
there are a lot of people in this state that
are not
and just to give you an idea of
what "unprecedented territory" means on
this my friend Brian Anderson who -
wonderful photographer great guy and
he's also a big meteorology enthusiast
and he's been posting a lot on his
Facebook page while this has been going on
which has been very interesting to follow
and one of them - his post he said it best
that he said never in my life have I
seen this situation where essentially
what you have is this hurricane that has
moved up through the Gulf and once it
has hit landfall it's been stalled out
with these two high pressure systems
that basically just hold it there and
then spin it so it's just like gears on
a clock and the whole while this is just
dumping water and I've seen conflicting
reports on this but it's anywhere
between 9 and 11 trillion gallons of
water that have been poured over 62
counties in more or less a two-day
period at the time I'm recording this
video and of course when you have that
much water that is dumped in that quick
a time span it does not have time to run
off and you have flooding and that is
what's going on and this is not just
Houston this is surrounding cities as
well and it is unprecedented it's a huge
area it's a lot of water it's going to
be a lot of damage and there are a lot of
people that need a lot of help right now
and I know that most of you see stuff on
the news right now and the media is
there and going through their reports
and stuff and the reality of the
situation is is that when the news cycle
drops off and it does look like this is
going to finally clear out later this
week it still as a few days to go but
when people are able to come back and see
what damage has been done I guarantee you
it is going to be biblical in scope
and it is not going to be good and
you're talking about people that you
know have either water damage severe or
total loss of their homes
businesses, schools, hospitals, road damage
just it's going to be a big deal and as
somebody who's grown up in Texas I have
a lot of friends that live down that way
and my heart absolutely goes out
to you guys
I can't even imagine the seriousness of
the situation one guy you guys would
know even Keith Carter
who I did the the last Artist Series video on lives in
Beaumont which is right there and in the
territory and Keith was not there I did
email with him last week and he was out
of town and we kind of went back and
forth about the storm a little bit so
fortunately he was safe but it's it's a
big deal and it's I wanted to do a video
to call this out a lot of people have
asked how they can help and you see a lot of
conflicting stuff on social media
that actually kind of you get tired of
looking at after a while if you want to
like show up I'm not even sure you can
get into the area right now because most
of its under water unless you drive a
boat but there is a lot of help from
people who are organizing relief efforts
and this is what I want to share with
you and I will put a link to this in the
show description here this is clearly
the best article I found on this is from
Texas Monthly which is a regional
magazine and very legit and this is one
of the best and they divide this up into
basically six categories of ways that
you can help and so it's like to help
kids, to help animals, to help people with
medical needs, to provide food, to help
the homeless and to help those displaced
and it's got a lot of wonderful things
on here everything from like the Texas Diaper Bank
for people with children to
miraculously the Driscoll Children's Hospital
which is located in Corpus Christi
survived the storm and they're
up and running and they are providing
relief SPCA is helping out with animals
who have been displaced finding foster
care until they can be reunited with
their owners people with medical needs
and this is a huge one people who can't
get medicine or even technology and
machines that they need to live
it's a dire situation food is a huge
issue and there are lists of about 10
food banks in here that you can help
donate to help with the homeless and
those displaced so I will put this link
in the show description if you have the
the means and the willingness and the
interest to do so your help is needed
this is a huge relief effort I mean we
are talking just on the surface
in insurance terms of
billions and billions of dollars in
reconstruction on this and another
reason my heart goes out to those of you
who live in Houston this is going to be
a long recovery period and
it's sobering to see and so that's kind
of why I wanted to do a video today I
know that we have a lot of fun on this
channel we talk about photography all
the time and all that good stuff but I
think this is something that really
needs to be said right now and it's
where our attention needs to go sometimes
there is a higher calling that we need
to answer to and I think this is
clearly it right now
anyway in the coming days we will get
back into the photography groove and we
will start to have fun and all that
stuff and I will see you guys then
until then later
Poland's Christmas in UK - Countryballs - Duration: 1:14.
Merry Christmas
I got a present for you
New tea set?
Thank you Poland
I have something for you as well
It's brand new so you can keep up the good work
you can go try it out now
wow... yeah...
this is great...
Thank you so much
It has new vibrate feature
and AI
so it will help you to do the hard work
stupid England and stupid presents
worst Christmas ever
I'm gonna show him
wait a second
the new vibrate feature
yes... he he he he
sleep tight
sleep tight
Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 1:01.
Opel Astra 1.6i Sportive - Duration: 0:52.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort - Duration: 0:52.
Hyundai Getz 1.3I GL 5-drs | - Duration: 0:43.
Soy Luna 2 odc 56 Szczera rozmowa Luny i Juliany - Duration: 3:47.
Volvo C30 1.8i Sport - Duration: 0:59.
PLAYING FIFA 18 EARLY!!! ⛔ 🔥 (VLOG) - Duration: 15:15.
Toyota RAV4 2.0-16V VVT-I SOL | 1e Eig | ECC | Cruise | Trekh. Afn. - Duration: 0:55.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V PRESTIGE Airco / LPG-G3 - Duration: 0:59.
Citroën C3 1.4I EXCLUSIVE Airco, Cruise control, Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.
Hyundai Getz 1.3i GLS AIRCO, NIEUWE APK - Duration: 0:59.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration RIJKLAAR EN LEVERBAAR ACHTERUIT RIJ CAMERA, AIRCO - Duration: 0:54.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-CITE Airco, Cruise, 5drs, LM-velgen deuk in de dorpel, reparatie zit bij pri - Duration: 0:54.
Hyundai Getz 1.1i Active Young | 1e Eigenaresse | Trekhaak | Weinig KM NAP! | Bleutooth | Metaalkleu - Duration: 0:59.
Hyundai Sonata 2.0I-8V GLE / RADIO-CD / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:54.
Craft supply from ForEverRoseDesigns - Duration: 5:59.
GTA 6 free download 100% - Duration: 0:44.
$4.25 Survey Available Now
The Amazing Magic of APPEARANCE with the PHANTOM TUBE (SENSATIONAL) | Magic Bryan - Duration: 1:05.
Poznań: 14-latka walczy o życie. Zatruła się narkotykami - Duration: 1:15.
CS GO - MIRAGE SMOKES - 3 NEW SMOKES - Duration: 2:31.
Whazzup guys!
Welcome here to my channel
I'm Thiago "f4n" eto , your host
I would like to talk with you guys, about Mirage Smokes
On this video I will bring to you guys, 3 new Smokes
that we're gonna discuss
step by step
how to execute
how to throw them
On which bomb site we throw them
to improve your skills as a player
Let's go?!
On the underpas you're going walk to the final door
This final Arch
and on this corner
you're gonna drag your aim right above this pipe, where is shown
you're gonna throw the grenade with the left buttom of the mouse
and will bounce and close the Jungle position like this
making impossible for the CT on the A bomb to see
who's going to the window or E Stairs
on the hall close to the Stove, of bomb B
you're gonna go to that window and aim at the corner
and between the 3 wood from the right and the second from below
you're gonna throw on the wire your grenade
it will bounce on the rooftop and fall down to the B Apartments
closing the vision from the Bench position
The player on that position can't see the enemy from the B Apartments door's anymore, maybe from the window
what gives more cover for the player that is on the B Apartments
on T Spawn, you're gonna do the following position
you're gonna get closer to the garbage can and the edge on the wall
and you gonna find that dot
when you find it, you gonna use that wall as a guide, as is marked right now, ok?
you're gonna hold the left mouse buttom and when you reach that grid on red
you're going to jump and throw the grenade like this
it will fly all the middle and landing on the window, closing the defender's view
making easier to dominate the middle
I hope that you liked those three new smokes that I brought to you
it will help you to improve your game
if you're like that video click on the like buttom, share with your friends
I hope that you like it
See ya later!
"Taki jak ja" Etiqueta Negra z TINI STOESSEL #TiniEnVerano - Duration: 0:17.
Jo 11h30 Gugu - Duration: 18:47.
Rio Mayo titi | Titi of The Amazon River in Peru | (Animals of the World) | Special countries | - Duration: 5:42.
the extension of the Amazons is very large being one of rainforests and forest
The world's largest, for an idea that comes to cover and reach are given multiple
South American countries, from Brazil who is best known, through Suriname, Guyana,
Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, which few people know or at least in an area
regional extra, is that much of Peru is covered by this enrome and beautiful
forest; and in this vast ecosystem, a small portion near the river May,
You can find the Rio Mayo titi or its other names, huicoco of the Andes or
colorado stump. This new world monkey, lives in the region
northern department of San Martin at altitudes of 750 to 950 meters above
sea, wandering among the trees in tropical forests, especially in the region
where the Andes Mountains, in the portion that corresponds to Peru.
are considered New World monkeys, the phenotypic characteristic of his nose
It is flattened, protruding less from the face compared to apes
Africa, Asia and Oceania, and their nostrils are lateral, as well as much of
their exponents have prehensile tails. They have a thick coat of brown
reddish much of his body while in the periphery of the eyes and cheekbones
his hair is white, discrete character are monkeys that measure 30 to 40 centimeters
without taking into account long tail becomes longer than its body measuring up
50 centimeters being hairy and which is not prehensile, his head is small rounded
and has opposable thumbs on the forelimbs, males have a strip
White front extending through the head, forming a triangle, while
in females it is visible being clearer.
These marmosets are arboreal spending much of their lives in them, heights
6 to 7 meters, using much of their day to day activities that require
rest and sleep through the foliage, followed by traveling in search of food and eating,
feeding on insects in a mostly fruit and foliage, being mainly omnivorous
insectivores, having a 80 percent success to catch his polished technique.
Rio Mayo Titi, as the vast majority of marmosets are monogamous living in small
family groups made up of mother, father and one of the children who do not have
old enough to form their own group in a territory that may have an extension
you can share with other fellow partly socializing with them but mainly
with his own family, sleeping normally performed in 3 to 5 sites during their lifetime,
but rarely they use 2 of them. The female has a gestation period of 5 months
giving birth once a rare breeding 2 and in these cases usually one of them dies, but
an awesome thing is that there have been cases where if the parents die, another family
adopt orphans to raise them, care is done by both parents, the
parent takes the children while traveling, while the mother feeds them, feeding
which lasts another 5 months and reaching sexual maturity at 2 years of age where it will be worth
alone and seek a partner to live with it all his life. monkeys are reaching
live up to 12 years in wildlife and reaching up to 25 years in captivity.
This primate inhabiting Peru, was I in danger of extinction, endangered classified
critical, including the 25 primates endangered and riskier
in its endemic country, this is due to deforestation and forest fragmentation,
decreasing the availability of space and mobility, food and protection, leaving
at the mercy of predators risking walk across the floor, besides the
traffic this animal as a pet, which often comes to killing parents
for the young. so some actions you can do to reinvest
this process is research and the transformation of forests in which they can grow
but while their trees is maintained and reforesting its extent, deforestation
where other planting trees to compensate promote its logging, breeding
This primate by the settlers and the fomentation of tourism for obtaining
income people and captive breeding by zoos for
they are integrated in its environment, which have different functions in
its ecosystem, such as seed distribution, control insect populations.
a curious primate, who live in a grand American country, giving you biological variety
to the world, we hope largest Peruvian jungle is more interested in him, that
It is the river titi May. I hope this video has been to his liking, if
I was so dale like and share it so that more people know this channel, I leave
my social networks that are in contact, and by that means ads will
As for the relevant channel. If you're new I invite you to subscribe and forget
leave a comment or a question that has arisen you, thank you very much for watching this
video, we're watching you later.
Heather O'Rourke (08 29 2017) - Duration: 1:18.
8 Hesitation Fillers to Speak Fluently - Duration: 6:19.
Hi! My name is Jason Palmer and I'm an English teacher from Toronto, Canada.
Today we're going to talk about eight ways that you can sound more natural by
using hesitation fillers. One problem you might have as a non-native speaker is
speaking with big breaks between your words and this could make you sound very
unnatural and not very fluent. So, in order to increase your fluency a good
idea is to learn a lot of hesitation fillers. So, these words that we can fill
the gaps with and give you time to think, but also sound make you sound more like
a native speaker. Okay, so the first way you can do this is with our first filler
word - first filler word is "well". So, sometimes we can use the word "well" to
sound more natural. For example, I could say "well, I think I'll do that later
today'. It gives me time to think about what I'm going to say next. So, that's a
good example. The next one we can use is "you see" or "let's see". Maybe someone asks
you a question about when you would like to have a meeting next week, you
could say "well, let's see, maybe Tuesday would be a good time for me". The third
one we could use is "alright". For example, if someone asks you, would you like to
move the meeting to Wednesday, you could say "alright, we can do that, Wednesday
sounds good". Our fourth filler is "I see". This is a good filler to use when you
responding to some information that someone told you.
For example maybe someone told you that we can only have the meeting on
Wednesday at 5 o'clock, your response might be "I see, well, I guess I can change
my schedule and use that time". So our fifth filler is "you know." This is an
example we can use when we want to create a kind of pause. So, for example
maybe someone tells you that the meeting will be on Friday at five o'clock, you
could respond by saying "you know, I think that would be good,
let's do Friday". So, here we've created again another break that gave you a
chance to think about it. Okay, our sixth filler is the word "like". Now
this one is used quite a lot as a filler in English. So, a lot of people will say
"like" maybe too often but an example of how you might use this. You could say
"well, yesterday I went to the park and it was like a good day to visit". Now of
course we don't use like in the grammatical sense there, but as a filler
we can throw that in there. The 7th filler I have for you and a very useful
one, especially for non-native speakers. This is a filler that even native
speakers use when they can't remember or think of a word that they need to use.
This filler is "what do you call it" or we could also say "what's the word", something
like this. So, for example when you're speaking you could say something like
"yesterday I went to the store and I saw, what do you call it, it's a machine
for cutting grass... Oh, yeh, a lawnmower . And for the eighth way to use the hesitation
filler, I want to tell you about the common fillers that we often use in
English that it really just sounds. This is one way that you can sound really
natural. Native speakers in English use these sounds quite often between words
and sentences. These are sounds like "um..." "hmm ..." "eeee", something like this. So, for
example you could be thinking of something to say and you could say "well,
tomorrow I'm, um, going to go to the mall with my friends". This is a great way to
fill in blank space in the words you're saying or speaking about and you really
do sound like a native speaker, when you use "um", "hmm", "eee", "huh". These kinds of sounds
are great to practice and try to use and see how they work for you. To review
our 8 ways to use hesitation fillers are using the words "well", using the phrase
"you see" or "let's see", also "alright", "I see", "you know", "like", "what do you call it" or
"what's it called", "um", "hmm" and "um". All of these sounds these are great ways that
you can use fillers and sound more like a natural native speaker,
but that's it for me today. Please subscribe to our channel below and I'll
see you next time.
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