An open letter to my best friend
My best friend Ginny.
An open letter to my best friend Garland.
Where to even begin.
Let me start this off by simply saying I love you.
I probably don't say it as much as I should,
but here it is.
And it's hard to pick just one thing to say
other than thank you for making me a stronger person.
Thank you for being the wonderful person
you are.
We've been through so much
and meeting you changed my life forever.
You were this snot-nosed 3rd grader
with an oversized pokemon shirt.
It was like Christmas, when you get a new puppy.
But instead I got someone I could call my best friend
my little brother.
It wasn't until we wrote that short play when I realised
this is a person I need to stay around.
This is someone who makes me better.
From that moment on,
it was pretty safe to say it was going to be the two of us forever.
And all the small victories I've had over the years
may have never happened without your support.
I laugh louder,
I smile harder,
I'm home.
I think what tied our bond forever though,
is when you decided that I was the friend that you would call
to tell your biggest secret to.
Throughout everything in my life that has changed,
rearranged and flipped upside down.
You are the constant.
Garland, your testimony is one of the most powerful things
I've ever heard.
It's a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.
I am so proud
of this amazing person you have become
and continue to be.
During one of the most difficult times of my life,
you were the life I needed in that very moment.
You are an inspiration to my life
and I could have never made it
to where I am without you being there for me
in so many ways.
You have helped me to keep fighting
to keep pushing, to get out, and try each day.
You've been the legs to my broken heart
pushing me through and carrying me on.
For that, I owe you my life.
Thank you for always setting me straight,
being the family that I needed through those times
and not giving up on me.
You continue to challenge me.
To face the parts of myself that I love,
that I hate,
and that I want to be.
You have seen me at my worst
and have brought me to my best.
But you are forever
and always a part of me.
You anchor me in my true self.
You make me feel loved.
You're my brother.
I love you.
That was written by my best friend, Haley.
My best friend Angela, she wrote this letter.
My best friend Melvin.
My best friend Diana wrote this letter.
Man, you got me in tears over here.
Oh my god, I f***ing love you.
I needed that. Thanks.
I love you too!
For more infomation >> An Open Letter [PEGI] - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Cómo hacer un pizarrón blanco de cartón - How to make a white boardboard - Duration: 7:09.
Misterio por muerte de española asesinada en México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:28.
Sara se estrella en su 'vuelta al cole': de Instagram a su misteriosa nueva aventura - Duration: 4:26.
La inteligencia artificial para crear nuevos modelos de negocio | Peter Eckersley - Duration: 8:16.
Vegan banana chocolate chip muffins - Duration: 3:02.
Today we are making vegan banana chocolate chip muffins.
The ingredients you need for this recipe are:
One cup of soy milk,
2 cups of flour (wheat flour this time),
2 ripe bananas,
1/2 cup of sunflower oil,
1 and 1/2 teaspoon of leavening,
1/2 cup of sugar,
1 teaspoon of cinnamon,
1/2 teaspoon of salt
and chocolate chips to taste.
The first thing you need to do
is pour the bananas in a bowl
and mash them with a fork.
Then, you add the sunflower oil,
the soy milk
and the cinnamon
and you keep stirring.
So that the dough becomes even,
we use the beater.
In another bowl, we pour the flour,
the salt,
the sugar
and the leavening.
And we stir well.
Then, we put all the ingredientes together and we keep stirring.
Then, we use the beater until it's all perfectly mixed.
To finish the dough, we just have to add the chocolate chips and stir.
In an oven plate, you put muffin moulds
and you fill them with the dough up to 2/3 of their height.
Then, we put the plate in the oven,
previously preheated to 180ºC (360F)
and we cook them for 20-30 minutes.
And that's it!
Our banana chocolate chip muffins are ready.
Taylor Swift no escatimó en gastos para crear "la venganza" más vista - Duration: 1:10.
5 tratamientos cosméticos que puedes preparar con limón - Duration: 7:51.
4-4 勞動契約的最低服務年限條款問題 - Duration: 7:29.
Superman's Hideout?
[MV] JEONG SEWOON, Sik-K(정세운, Sik-K (식케이)) _ JUST U (PROD. GroovyRoom) - Duration: 3:24.
I can't do anything cuz you're so beautiful
I've gone away for more than a week
I can't hide it Look at you
You're playing my heart on purpose
Your charm in a glaring
transparent glass
So when I see you
I can't hide my feeling
Full of imagination
Imagination that I hope to come true
How are you so perfect
in every aspect
I want to know about you more
Hey Just u
Hey pretty Just u
Be careful, careful careful
I told myself looking at you
A monologue Just u
I got trouble with my baby
When you make a smile passing by me
My head gets blank and I lose control
I got trouble with my baby
Mayday Mayday
I fell in the sweet sea
I hold you with my eyes
from your head to toe
so that I can think of you sometimes secretly
cuz you don't give away your heart easily
If you say that's not ture I will ask
Beg your pardon?
The fact you don't know that I want you
is your only problem
Now baby can't you see?
I'm just looking at you
I spin round and round
in your head all day long
Baby please
How about having your eyes on me
before someone calls dibs on me
Please read my mind
before I can't stand saying it to you
Hey Just u
Hey pretty Just u
Be careful, careful careful
I told myself looking at you
A monologue Just u
I had no choice
Now that I've said it Shall we talk
I don't care
whether it's a mistake or not
I've already had a crush on you
Hey Just u
Hey pretty Just u
Be careful, careful careful
I told myself looking at you
A monologue Just u
I got trouble with my baby
When you make a smile passing by me
My head gets blank and I lose control
I got trouble with my baby
Mayday Mayday
I fell in to the sweet sea
Chrome: opgeslagen wachtwoorden bekijken - Duration: 1:47.
Xuân Trường ,Tuấn Anh Mặc Số Aó Lạ Hoắc Ở ĐTVN | Tin Mới | - Duration: 3:50.
Jak vyrobit Sliz - Jahodová Letní Inspirace DIY 2017 Relaxační NEON Sliz - Duration: 4:29.
Как приготовить баклажаны по-грузински на зиму - Duration: 2:41.
$4.25 Survey Available Now
My Blogging Story (& How I Make Money Blogging While Working Full time) - Duration: 11:25.
hello welcome back to my youtube channel I hope you're having a fantastic day I
am so excited you're here today because today I am going to be sharing with you
my entire blogging journey and how I've come from knowing nothing about blogging
to making money blogging and helping pay off my student loans from my blog income
okay so it all started in 2011 when I graduated law school with two hundred
and six thousand dollars in student loan debt take that in for a minute that is
an insane amount of debt and I had no idea at the time that I had that much
debt you know for a number of reasons I went to undergrad then I
went to law school figured I would be fine paying off my debt if I was an
attorney that was wrong I ended up taking a job as an attorney and you know
paying my student loans back but feeling like every single paycheck was just
going straight to my loans and I just had no idea how I had made it to that
point knowing absolutely literally nothing about personal finance I had never
taken a class about it never really talked about it in my home life nothing
like I knew nothing so being the type a person that I am I decided to start
learning about personal finance I started reading books I started
listening to podcasts and I soon found out that I was even more ignorant than I
had ever even imagined so knowing absolutely nothing about blogging I
decided that I would start a blog and you know take it from there my thinking
was that if I knew nothing about money I could share my experiences with my debt
and whatever else I learned about money and help other people do this obviously
there were other blogs already doing this but I was clueless I just thought
well I'm gonna start along so I did it wasn't long
after I started my blog that I realized there's this entire online world out
there where people are friends with each other they go to conferences together
they make money online like it was so crazy to learn all this stuff because I
was clueless before this and then I started realizing how much I really
loved personal finance and I loved learning about it and at the same time
in my law career I was like hating it like I was just hating law firm life it
was really really stressful the hours were nuts like sunup to
sundown all seven days of the week like I just and I didn't see that ending even
as I progressed in my career so I decided to pursue a career as a
financial planner I had already had my blog up and running
so I decided to apply for jobs as a financial planner and pursue a career in
that field I ended up getting a job as a financial planner and sitting and
eventually passing the certified financial planner examination however
during that time I continued to blog and I continue to make money blogging so the
first year I blogged I was a lawyer the second year I blogged I was a financial
planner and then this year the third year I was also a financial planner so
all of my success with making money blogging and blogging in general has
been done while I work full time this is like very different than a lot of other
bloggers out there who end up quitting their jobs and are just blogging
full-time or they have a full-time job but their blog is just sort of a hobby
that they're not interested in monetizing so I've found a way that
works for me to work full time and make money blogging the first year that I
blogged I made a total of five thousand dollars from my blog this included money
from advertisements affiliate marketing and maybe like one or two sponsored
posts but mostly freelance writing as well now with freelance writing I wasn't
actually making money from my blog but I was writing for other blogs and getting
paid for it this is like one of the best ways to make money blogging at first
because when I say blogging in quotes because it's not really from my blog but
it is an online form of making money the reason that I love this is because it
gives you an income stream that you can use to put towards blog expenses because
what a lot of people don't realize is that if you really want to turn your
blog into like a successful business it costs money and you will have to pay for
things and you sort of get back what you put in and if you're not willing to do
that it's gonna be really really hard to monetize and then scale your blog up
fast forward to my second year blogging and I made just shy of a thirty thousand
dollars blogging and this was while I was working full time and studying to
sit for the certified financial planner examination so it was a lot I had a ton
of stuff going on but I still did it I was able to do it and the way that I did
it was just having a very structured schedule you know putting in time slots
in my calendar when I was going to be studying versus when I was gonna be
blogging around my work schedule and it really paid off and part way through
that second year I stopped freelance writing and shifted my focus to just on
affiliate marketing and ads now I forgot to mention that I also did sell digital
products for a little bit in the very beginning but that was before I knew
anything about the online world and I I definitely did it way too soon I plan to
do this again in the future I just took six-figure blogger which is
a course that shows you actually how to monetize with digital products but when
I did it I knew nothing about marketing nothing about sales and like I was just
not ready at all for it so that and it wasn't a significant
amount of my income at all so second year blogging mostly ads and affiliate
marketing my third year blogging is this year and I'm so excited
right now it's August I don't know how much money
make this year but I can tell already that it will be more than $30,000 and
that is while I'm working full-time again it's from display advertising of
an affiliate marketing only and I'm hoping that next year I will
incorporate digital products and then I'll make even more money but this year
I just spent really focused on fine-tuning my blog how it looks the
design of it and then my strategy for monetization and most of that is what I
learned from the six-figure blogger course and from making sense of
affiliate marketing so with those two courses again I had to pay for them and
that you know that's money that some people hesitate to spend but it's like
that's how I learned how to make more money on my blog and I use this money
for my student loan payments when I shifted from being a corporate attorney
to being a financial planner I took a 50% pay cut which was really
hard on the budget because of my student loans the biggest expense in my budget
for sure is my student loans so I had to find a way to continue to pay those off
as quick as possible while working in my dream career which is with personal
finance and helping people with their money so the way that I do this is with
my blog and if I if I did not have my blog 100% I would not be able to stay on
a standard repayment plan and pay more on my loans instead I would probably
have to go on an income driven plan and because my debt is so high I would
unlikely even be able to pay for the interest every month so my blog is truly
a life saver I pay a minimum of fifteen hundred dollars a month onto my student
loans and sometimes more like last month I paid $2,700 but that was a little
unusual although I hope it continues to grow and I hope that I
can continue to pay that much on my debt I still have just over $100,000 in
student loans to repay my goal is to repay that in the next two years but
that only works if I can exponentially increase my blog income and so far I've
been able to do that I went you know from 5k my first year to 30k my second
year and you know verdicts still out on my third year but it will be more than
30k so if I can just keep this up and repay my debt in the next two years life
will be good so that's my blogging story so far a lot of people ask me how do I
do it how do I get so much done and a lot of it has to do with how much I plan
so at night I plan for the following day and I make sure I have in my gcalendar
and my productivity planner what I'm going to do the next day so I'm so good
at time management because I use these tools that I actually increase my
productivity significantly and it sort of takes away the idea that I can choose
when to do things because I've thought about it ahead of time I won't just act
on how I feel that day I'll actually follow my plan I highly recommend this
if you're trying to blog and work full-time or balance all of that and for
me what works is to often blog in the morning before work like you know I I'd
get up at 4:30 a lot of times if not 5:00 and then I blog before work and
sometimes I blog after work or on the weekends but I'll look at my week ahead
of time and make sure that I've allotted enough time for me to do it and all of
this is to say obviously I love blogging like if I didn't this would be way too
much time spent on it so if you're thinking about starting a blog only do
it if you really love it yes you can make money blogging and I'll link to
some resources for you in the notes below but really only do it if you think
you can really find a passion that I think you have to put in too much
time if it's not something you're gonna fall in love with so that's all I wanted
to share with you today it's my personal story of blogging if you guys have any
questions please share them in the comments below I love talking with
people about blogging and a link to a few of my resources my how to start a
blog post and my five-day blogging bootcamp they're both free and you can
sign up for them and learn how to start a blog right now that's it for this week
thanks for tuning in and I hope you have a great week bye bye
Hyundai ix35 2.0i i-Catcher AUT. - Duration: 0:54.
Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Drive Sound / AIRCO / LMV / CC - Duration: 0:57.
SP Racing F3 i-Bus Setup - Duration: 4:08.
Hi everyone I am Mirko and today we see how to connect iBus receivers
to the SP Racing F3 flight controller
In this video I will use an IA6B
but the procedure is the same for all iBus receivers
The first thing to do is take this six-pin JST cable
which is provided with the flight controller
And remove wires we do not need
we will have to keep the first three wires
that is black, red and white
So we help with a cutter
and take the others off
Let's lever up in the plastic tab
we get up and take it off
The end result will be this
we will have the jst connector on the one hand
and servo cable on the other
As we have seen in the review
SP Racing F3
It can not be connected directly to a lipo battery
but it must be powered by 5V BEC
we will then use a pdb
We will then connect the BEC 5V cables
in this set of pads here
remembering to respect the polarities
Now let's connect the JST cable we've prepared
in I\O 2 port
this way we will use the UART3 port
the end result will be this
Now we connect the servo cable to the receiver
in IBUS port
which is
in this set of pin
you see, here
Let's make sure we get it
signal cable down
5V centered and the ground upwards
After connecting the receiver to the flight controller
we are ready to make the configuration in Betaflight
We connect the flight controller to the PC
click Connect
first thing to do is go in Ports
and activate Serial RX in UART3 port
since we have connected our i-Bus receiver to this port
Now go in Configuration
and scroll down
until find Receiver
Then go to the drop-down menu and select Serial-based receiver
In the menu below
select IBUS
then Save and Reboot
adesso proviamo il ricevitore
We move the throttle upwards
bgood 55 00:03:19,980 --> 00:03:21,200 yaw
left, right
up, down
left, right
it's all ok
this was my how connect
i-Bus reciever
to SP Racing F3 flight controller
thanks for watching, please like and subscribe
BMW X3 2.0i xDrive Executive / NAVI PROFFESIONAL / LEER - Duration: 1:00.
Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Vision - Duration: 0:48.
Honda CR-V 2.2i CTD-i ELEGANCE Rijklaar - Garantie - Nw. APK!!! - Duration: 0:58.
Hyundai i10 1.1 I-DRIVE COOL (70pk) Airco/ Stuurbekr./ C.V Afstand/ Elek. ramen/ Radio-CD&AUX/ 89.00 - Duration: 0:59.
Hyundai i10 1.2 I-CATCHER - inclusiefprijs - Duration: 0:57.
Opel Astra 1.6i-16V Sport - Duration: 0:54.
Fiat Panda 1.2I Edizione Cool Airco - Duration: 0:59.
Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0I LX 5DRS ELRM/RADCD - Duration: 0:56.
Hyundai ix35 2.0i 163pk 4WD Automaat Dynamic - Duration: 0:56.
Q&A ♥ Thank You for 90 subscribers! - Duration: 3:11.
This is the long awaited Q&A!
Without further ado... First question:
What's Your favourite computer game?
"Undertale" and "Sally Face"
Who's your favourite animatronic from Fnaf?
I think it's Lolbit or Funtime Foxy
What's your hair colour?
My hair is brown
What brand is your computer?
My computer doesn't have a brand. Every part of my computer is different brand
Do You have a brother or sister?
Nope, but I have a cat and a dog.
How many years have you been drawing?
On the tablet only 5 months (more or less)
But overall it's about 3 or 4 years
What program do You use for drawing?
Paint Tool Sai
What's Your graphic tablet?
Wacoom Bamboo One
What's Your favourite ship from Adventure Time?
I do not ship anyone...
What's Your favourite song?
Here it is! (link in the description)
What's Your favourite Anime?
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Sekaitsu
Cheescake or waffles?
It depends on whether the cheesecake is cold or warm
Do You like Melanie Martinez?
Yes, I like her songs very much
What's Your name?
How old are You?
How many years do you think I have when you see my drawings?
Why aren't you using your microphone?
1. I don't like my voice 2. In my videos there's no need to use microphone
And the last Question:
What's on Your avatar?
That's my OC Martilla, she will be in every video.
That's all! Bye, bye!
Man Sadly Loses Wife Of 72 Yrs-Decides To Turn His Life Around By Helping Others - Duration: 1:59.
Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :
Leo Kellner loves helping others.
It does it nearly everyday.
And he does it in the sweetest way possible…literally!
It all started back in 1993, after his wife of 72 years had passed away due to dementia
Kellner didn't know what to do with himself.
"I didn't know what to do with myself.
I was moaning and moping, and I said, "I've got to have something to do,' and that's
how it started," said Kellner.
He began to help others by doing something he knew how to do best.
He began baking.
The first year without his wife, he ended up making 144 pies for people in need.
He started reaching out to local funeral homes and organizations, and told them that he would
like to connect with families having a hard time.
He then would make up a storm during their time of need.
Because everyone knows that sweets make everything better!
"I knew what it was to be poor, and a lot of times we just had eggs and flour mixed
up together.
So as long as I can do it, I will.
A lot of people donate stuff to help; I bake," stated Kellner.
And if anyone knows hardships, it is this fellow.
He grew up living through the Great Depression, when his family had lost their farm.
He went around from state to state looking for work as a young adolescent.
But now, he is getting to help others, and he is making quite the impact.
He has even received thank-you cards from Alaska, where a family attended a funeral
for which he had made a cake for.
But this gentleman does more than just bake cakes and pies for funerals.
He also holds parties at his home and attends gatherings, always baking something sweet
for everyone.
He even taught some children to bake, so they will be able to spread love, just like him.
He found joy in baking for others, and making people's day.
It helped him not feel lonely, and we are so happy for him.
We are so thankful he is doing so well, and we wish him many more baking years!
Alexis Sanchez could leave Arsenal for Man City while Granit Xhaka will join Shkodran Mustafi - Duration: 6:33.
Alexis Sanchez could leave Arsenal for Man City while Granit Xhaka will join Shkodran Mustafi on the scrapheap
MANCHESTER CITY will make a fresh £60million bid for Alexis Sanchez as Arsenal face deadline-day meltdown. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is already heading to Liverpool for £40m, though the Gunners plan to hijack City's bid for West Brom's Jonny Evans.
Alexis Sanchez could leave Arsenal for Man City on transfer deadline day.
Granit Xhaka is set to be cast aside as Wengers patience runs out. But the stampede out of the Emirates is likely to continue with boss Arsene Wenger swinging the axe and admitting making a £90m triple blunder with last summer's deals.
That could see Granit Xhaka, Shkodran Mustafi and Lucas Perez — plus Calum Chambers — on the Emirates scrapheap, all after Kieran Gibbs moved to West Brom in a £7m deal.
City chiefs will table another straight cash offer for Sanchez just 24 hours after their first £50m bid was rejected. Defender Evans, 29, seems set to join Arsenal for £30m.
But losing Sanchez, 28, will be a hammer blow to Gunners fans after Wenger vowed he would not let him quit and preferred to let the South American run down the final year of his contract.
Now the Gunners boss is facing up to the inevitable and City officials have flown to Chile ready for Sanchez's medical. Per Mertesacker compares Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger to Richard Gere during rapid fire questioning.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is on the verge of a move to Liverpool.
A furious Arsene Wenger is ready to give his midfield an overhaul.
Etihad chiefs remain adamant they are only interested in a cash deal and that Arsenal proposed either Raheem Sterling or Sergio Aguero moving in part-exchange.
Ox turned his back on Chelsea to join Jurgen Klopp's Anfield side on a five-year deal worth £120,000 a week — £60,000 a week LESS than he was offered to stay at Arsenal.
Oxlade-Chamberlain, 24, was having his Liverpool medical at England's St George's Park HQ last night before travelling with the Three Lions for tomorrow's World Cup qualifier in Malta.
Klopp told Oxlade-Chamberlain he wants him at the heart of his team in central midfield while Antonio Conte hoped to use the versatile star as a wing-back at champions Chelsea.
England football squad including Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain train in preparation for qualifier against Malta. Kieran Gibbs left Arsenal for West Brom on Wednesday.
Xhaka has proven to be a flop at Arsenal after signing for £30m last summer.
Wenger has targeted Jean Michael Seri to give his midfield a boost. SunSport understands Wenger has finally accepted his midfield needs a major overhaul after Sunday's 4-0 thrashing at Liverpool with last summer's three major signings all on their way out.
Xhaka, who cost £38. 25m from Borussia Monchengladbach, is the highest-profile casualty after the furious Arsenal boss' patience snapped in the aftermath of his side's Anfield drubbing. Arsene Wenger in awkward Arsenal post match press conference after shocking 4-0 Liverpool loss.
Mustafi is also a casualty of Wengers clear-out but the Arsenal boss is holding out for £30m.
Thursdays Arsenal exodus back page echoes The Sun's iconic front page of April 9, 1992 which helped swing the General Election in favour of the Tories.
Swiss star Xhaka was ridiculed for trying a crazy back-heel in his own penalty area and was at fault for Roberto Firmino's opener.
Wenger also accepts Mustafi's time is already up, barely a year after signing the German defender from Valencia for £34. 85m.
Perez, a £17m signing from Deportivo La Coruna a year ago, has scored just once and is set for a loan back to the Spaniards.
Wenger also has his eyes on Leicester's Algerian winger Riyad Mahrez and Nice's £40m-rated midfielder Jean Michael Seri. Liverpool 4-0 Arsenal: Firmino, Mane, Salah and Sturridge score as Reds smash terrible Gunners.
Keep up to date with all the latest news, gossip, rumours and done deals in SunSport's live transfer blog. Some of the best Premier League goals for the month for August.
Why not? With Imo. - Duration: 5:36.
BLACK CYCLONE IS DEAD?!?! - Duration: 5:56.
Good for you for turning subtitles on
Ok so,
Before i tried against the
Black cyclone,
and I got it down to 11%
Just with this team here
I think it's because of this guy here
Cooldown cat
Soo uhh
I'm gonna try again
11% heath
let's try better this time
It's just this time that we have rich cat
And hopefully i'll get bronze cat outta this
So what I did last time was
Those three
Just to counter the Doge Darks
And then once those three died
I sent out Jameria
Then three again
Then three erasers
Alright now
Get this...
Alright, it's umm...
Wargod Kenshin
If you don't know that
This maybe making it to Youtube...
I'm 70% sure it will be
Just because I got it down to 11% without thinking about a strategy
PROBABLY will be able to clear this IF i had a sniper cat...
What?! I DO have Megidora!
Alright, Megidora
I thought I didn't have it in my team last time...
Well I must've been an idiot
This is right after the try, so...
Black cyclone!
(Taps veraciously)
The music just stopped for some reason
I dunno. Weird glitch?
I need a bit more meatshielding...
Oh never mind it's slowed
Is the boss Nyandam?
I'm not sure (He's not)
I only hit it once last time...
Could not of nearly killed it with one hit...
I keep slowing it, freezing it...
All of that...
I'm doin' tons of damage to it!
I want this to be the first Cyclone for me to beat
Just because I have like NO anti black..
The black...
The boxer k's
(black boxer k)
Is VERY annoying...
Oh my gosh!
This is definitely it!
Below like 50 heath now..?
Emperor Nyandam keeps annoying me...
Nice! Alright...
Oh btw 'Thunderbolt'
Once Bahamut is dead I think i'm done for...
I get enough money...
No way x3
(Get another Bahamut)
No music??
(Relief of completion)
Where is it..? Bronze cat!
UHHH. Not enough XP!
Michelangelo cat is the,
The second form.
OH NO WAY GUYS! We got it! (well I got it)
Idk what I said here
Cleared it...
Finally have something effective against metal enemies
(Joy and happiness)
I, I really can't believe it...
I didn't expect that..!
Tydelig September - fra Engasjert Byrå - Duration: 1:10.
Z DZIOBA #2 | Beak to Beak #2 | 31.08.17 [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:46.
Spotify® RapCaviar
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25 - O Menino do Lago - Legendado Pt Br - Duration: 24:23.
An Open Letter [ESRB] - Duration: 3:44.
An open letter to my best friend
My best friend Ginny.
An open letter to my best friend Garland.
Where to even begin.
Let me start this off by simply saying I love you.
I probably don't say it as much as I should,
but here it is.
And it's hard to pick just one thing to say
other than thank you for making me a stronger person.
Thank you for being the wonderful person
you are.
We've been through so much
and meeting you changed my life forever.
You were this snot-nosed 3rd grader
with an oversized pokemon shirt.
It was like Christmas, when you get a new puppy.
But instead I got someone I could call my best friend
my little brother.
It wasn't until we wrote that short play when I realised
this is a person I need to stay around.
This is someone who makes me better.
From that moment on,
it was pretty safe to say it was going to be the two of us forever.
And all the small victories I've had over the years
may have never happened without your support.
I laugh louder,
I smile harder,
I'm home.
I think what tied our bond forever though,
is when you decided that I was the friend that you would call
to tell your biggest secret to.
Throughout everything in my life that has changed,
rearranged and flipped upside down.
You are the constant.
Garland, your testimony is one of the most powerful things
I've ever heard.
It's a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.
I am so proud
of this amazing person you have become
and continue to be.
During one of the most difficult times of my life,
you were the life I needed in that very moment.
You are an inspiration to my life
and I could have never made it
to where I am without you being there for me
in so many ways.
You have helped me to keep fighting
to keep pushing, to get out, and try each day.
You've been the legs to my broken heart
pushing me through and carrying me on.
For that, I owe you my life.
Thank you for always setting me straight,
being the family that I needed through those times
and not giving up on me.
You continue to challenge me.
To face the parts of myself that I love,
that I hate,
and that I want to be.
You have seen me at my worst
and have brought me to my best.
But you are forever
and always a part of me.
You anchor me in my true self.
You make me feel loved.
You're my brother.
I love you.
That was written by my best friend, Haley.
My best friend Angela, she wrote this letter.
My best friend Melvin.
My best friend Diana wrote this letter.
Man, you got me in tears over here.
Oh my god, I f***ing love you.
I needed that. Thanks.
I love you too!
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【MUKBANG】 Get 5000Yen OF Mc-Card! [Meshi Quest x McDonald's] 5000Yen Of MCD items! 5983kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 10:49.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subs by ~Aphexx~)
so today! tadaa I'd like to introduce you to this app called "meshi quest"
I have some of Mcd's menu here
and why you may ask its because its 'Meshi quest's" first collab done with along with Macdonald's
and during their collab if you go to a Mcd's store they unlock new levels for you to go to
oh wow this makes me so excited and makes me want to visit a tonne more Mcd's stores
and so I'll be playing some of the levels they're doing during this collab
there's even a Mcd's store and a Ronald Mcdonald as well KAWAII
I'll be playing stage/level 2
the second level is rather easy
I've heard this one is going to be tough I'll be skipping to level 10
I've managed to clear stage 10
I'm really good aren't I
this was super tough but it was the just the right difficulty for me
once you clear stage 10 you get this message screen
and if you open up stage 10 like I just did
you can be 1 of 100 winners for a Mcd's card worth 5000 yen
and what I have in front of me is worth around 5000 yen
and since I managed to clear that level its time to eat itadakimasu
just look at this I wanted to eat this thing forever its a 'black thunder' mcflurry
its kinda weird to start with dessert but I don't want it to melt so I'll be eating this first
its got bits of cookies in it and looks sooo Yummy
love that rich chocolate flavor the black thunder ice cream is the 'bestest'
its so crunchy its got yummy chunks of choco as well
and one of the fries that I made so much of (in the game)
I was so happy when I got customers ordering fries
sweet things go so great eaten with salty foods
tadaa one of my all time faves a grand teriyaki
teriyaki is one of my most favorite foods
tadaa looks yummy
the bun is so fluffy with a hint of sweetness
and the burger patty is so juicy its also got tomatoes in it
when you add tomatoes to burgers it makes it way way tastier
totes yummy
yup, I even bought a salad today you guys
its nice that mcd's sells salads as well ~you can get almost anything~
the sesame dressing is so yummy
~you're supposed to mix the dressing into it aren't you~
my first time trying their salad I never knew.... (Kinoshita gains 1 point of wisdom)
omg this is next level
an even coating of dressing... wow
#nuggs there's a bunch in here
grand bacon there's cheese in it
I added sooooo much cheese to stuff today didn't I
since its got bacon and cheese in it it really is satsfying
shrimp burger
these are always sooo yummy
and last up big mac
these guys are soo tough to make because there's 2 burger patties in them
but they're so darn yummy
last mouthful itadakimasu
these were so yummy I was so happy to try out all sorts of things today
there are many more challenging stages besides the 10th stage that I played on that offer prizes
for clearing wont you all give it a download and try it out
and when playing and making stuff in the game It made me realize that there are all that many
different styles of buns and certain things use 2 burger patties ....
and all sorts of thing that really make me understand what Mcd's employees go through which is a good thing
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like button and subscribe BAI BAI
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