Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 30 2017

Hello everyone, I'm Nohan, i hope you guy are doing fine, i'm myself, doing great.

In today's video we are facing eliotropes

So, against eliotropes, fights are so long because some of them need some time to deploy their game

And by playing well you can stop or delay them from deploying, So

Fights are long, therefore i cut moments where nothing was happening

Tell me what you thought about it in the comment section below, and i let you with the video

Why did he came closer?

Something i couldn't show you, but i tell it to you, at some point

The eliotrope had 2 portals in a corner and 2 in the other, I managed to block 2 of them, and therefore i was waitin'

him to move them, but he was waiting for me to move my ass

So we were looking at each other just like Cowboys wainting for the other to do something

It lasted 6 minutes

All of that and i still lost

Thanks for watching this vdeo, Don't forget to hit that like button, it helps a lot

share and comment too. Subscribe if you haven't already and

click on that little bell to have notifications

I'm on social media like facebook and Twitter. Don't hesitate to follow me, link in description

Thanks again for watching and see you later.

For more infomation >> The longest fights | You move, not me ! | Bazinga ! - Kolossium1v1 Dofus - Duration: 5:50.


'Chucky' Lozano confía en que ante Panamá asegurarán el pasaje al Mundial de Rusia - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> 'Chucky' Lozano confía en que ante Panamá asegurarán el pasaje al Mundial de Rusia - Duration: 0:59.


WORLD'S BEST BREAKFAST! | The Route of the EMPANADA (San Antonio de los Altos, Venezuela) - Duration: 7:41.

Very tasty

What is tasty?

The guasacaca

What is tasty?

The Route of the Empanada (San Antonio de los Altos)

The Route of the Empanada

Hello to our viewers

To all who give it a chance to our videos

Today, we will do the route of the empanada

we will go to several places that offer empanadas

to well known places in our city

we will make a kind of measurement scale

of the empanadas

and which place is "better"

in our opinion

probably, we are going to say that all the empanadas are good, because the empanadas are the best

and also we are hungry

The route of the empanada

We just started the route of the empanada

we are going to taste empanadas

and rate it

the route of the empanada! :D

She's Alma, the guest of the video

The route of the empanada begins

I'm going to hit the car

We arrived to "La Ma-Z"

3.500bs meatloaf's empanada

and 7.000bs...

"full equipo" empanada

I love empanadas

It's my favorite meal

Empanada Boy

Everything fried

I just ate the tip

It's crunchy

very well fried

I'll put a lot of guasacaca in it

these empanadas are a bit sweet

Qualification: 8/10

or maybe 7/10

I give it a 7 but isn't too soft

I give it a 7 but is because the dough is a bit sweet and I don't like it like that

I don't know, the dough is sweety

Here it is, our meatloaf's empanada

the stew is good

Now, they the put the guasacaca in that bottles with the pinky cap I don't know why

because is too easy to open an hole in there

Recycle it

The 3 "R"

Reuse, Recycle and Reduce

I look like Maluma

but cuter

What is Guasacaca?

The guasacaca is a mixture of spices and vegetables

It has coriander,

sweet pepper,




and many more things

It's as if your mother went to the market and put everything in the blender

This was "La Ma-Z"

Let's go for more empanadas

We arrived to "El Mesón del Minero"

Known in San Antonio de los Altos for opening 24 hours a day

This is a chorizo empanada


Qualification: 4/10

It's bad


Empanada Boy said 2 of 10

hot spicy

it's good the spicy?

How many points do you give to the sauce?



And which guasacaca is better?

This is better

These empanadas were a bit disappointing

When you come drunk at 3am the empanadas are more delicious

We leave the other place

we're going to another

The smiling orange

"La Naranja Sonriente"

What did you ask for, Dani Kubrick?

A "Full Equipo" empanada

This empanada has cheese, meatloaf and black beans

it looks very good

Garlic sauce and guasacaca

this is very very good

I give it 8.5/10

It's very good, I give it 8/10

"Full Equipo"

It's very fatty, what the fuck is this?

yes, it deserves a 9


It's good

I didn't like this guasacaca

Very tasty

what is tasty?

the guasacaca

what is tasty?

I think that "La Naranja Sonriente" is winning

We arrived to "El Rincón Zuliano"

What did you ask for?

mushrooms with cheese

It's an exquisiteness

It's a gourmet empanada

mushrooms with cheese

What did you ask for, Gianpi?

Pabellón Empanada (cheese, black beans, plantain and meatloaf)

The classic one

it's really good

How much score do you give to that empanada?

I give it 7.5/10

The mushrooms are very tasty

How was that?


This is tasty

How was that?

Isn't soft

Yes, it looks like they fried it for a long time

Or maybe it's been since 6am cooling down

How many score do you give to empanadas?

This was the route of the empanada

We bought empanadas of pabellon, "full equipo"

mushrooms and cheese was excellent

the worst was the one that brought chorizo

and it was the most expensive

The winner was "La Naranja Sonriente"

These are the most frequented places in San Antonio to eat empanadas

after get drunk

don't forget to comment below if you know another gastronomic route

Any gastronomic route we will do it if you put it in the comments

As long as it is not too expensive

Subscribe here

more of my videos

For more infomation >> WORLD'S BEST BREAKFAST! | The Route of the EMPANADA (San Antonio de los Altos, Venezuela) - Duration: 7:41.


Conferencia Médica Dr. Joshua Plant en Quito, Ecuador (Spanish) - Duration: 1:22:05.

For more infomation >> Conferencia Médica Dr. Joshua Plant en Quito, Ecuador (Spanish) - Duration: 1:22:05.


4 beneficios obtenidos al caminar todos los días - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> 4 beneficios obtenidos al caminar todos los días - Duration: 6:48.


Full Trunk - Hey Hey

For more infomation >> Full Trunk - Hey Hey


CUPE 3903: Who We Are - Unit 2 - Julia Sasso - Duration: 1:45.

My name is Julia Sasso.

I am a contract faculty at York since 2006.

I teach in the dance department.

I am a member of CUPE 3903 and I am a part of Unit 2.

Unit 2 members are contract faculty teachers that are not full-time graduate students.

The union matters greatly.

Without the union I probably would not be teaching at York.

I probably would not choose to teach at York.

The union has been very proactive in ensuring that contract faculty have a decent wage.

And also the benefits are a big draw for teaching at York.

It's all a dance.

The union is physically present.

It's an exchange of energy.

Whether it's a large union meeting, or walking the picket line to make something happen, that's another kind of dance.

It's a big dance.

For more infomation >> CUPE 3903: Who We Are - Unit 2 - Julia Sasso - Duration: 1:45.


San 4 Epizoda Najava - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> San 4 Epizoda Najava - Duration: 0:56.


JUST IN: Famous Dem Caught Scamming Hurricane Victims | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:24.

The recent events of Hurricane Harvey have left a massive need for financial help for

all of the people displaced, the property destroyed, and ultimately getting everything

back to the way it was before the storm.

Unfortunately, there is always someone out there looking to capitalize on a tragedy.

It was recently discovered that the infamous Democrat activist Linda Sarsour started a

fund to help care for the people who were affected by the Hurricane.

According to The Weekly Standard, it turns out that the fund is being used to solicit

donations for the people involved with her movement.

As soon as folks caught wind of this, it spread like a wild fire.

A tweet from Sarsour was released Tuesday morning, saying, "Donate to the #Harvey

Hurricane Relief Fund," followed by a link to her fund page.

The imagery and verbiage indicate that it is, indeed, the correct page.

There are pictures of the flooded Houston Highways, and the phrase "Hurricane Harvey

Community Relief Fund."

One would think that they are in the right place to donate in support of the large number

of people facing troubles down in Texas.

The typical groups involved in this Hurricane Harvey relief effort include the Houston Food

Bank, the Greater Houston Community Foundation, and many others.

However, the donations on the page linked by Sarsour do not lead to any of these groups.

Instead, donations go to the "Texas Organizing Project Education Fund."

Oddly enough, the "Texas Organizing Project Education Fund" has nothing to do with helping

those afflicted by the hurricane.

Instead, it works towards, "advancing racial and economic justice through community and

electoral organizing."

In other words, it is all a scam.

Deeper down the page, it becomes clear that these donations will be used for reasons beyond

just Hurricane Harvey relief.

On the official page, it almost sounds like an afterthought.

On their Facebook page, the group clarifies that the funds will help achieve the following

goal: "Together we will organize and advocate for our devastated communities, shining a

spotlight on inequalities that emerge in the restoration of lives, livelihoods, and homes,

amplifying the needs of hard-hit communities, and providing legal assistance for residents

wrongfully denied government support."

Essentially, this means that donors have no idea how much of the funds are going to go

to Hurricane Harvey, and how much will go to promote the liberal agenda.

The verbiage is so vague, Sarsour could use any amount of the donated funds towards whichever

efforts she chooses.

Many conservatives came to call out this odd factor so people can see that this situation

is not a typical disaster relief fund.

If she wanted to donate to the Hurricane Fund, then her efforts are good.

However, it seems more likely that she is working toward funding her own group and profiting

from a disaster.

Seth Mandel called her out on Twitter, "This is really unbelievably gross.

Even for Sarsour, this is just so far over the line.

At the time of this writing, the Texas Organizing Project has not responded to any comment on

their use of the funds.

Only time will tell if Sarsour can be held accountable for this disguised relief fund,

and how she will use the funds from unsuspecting donors.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Famous Dem Caught Scamming Hurricane Victims | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:24.


Jona­tan Cerrada, le premier gagnant de Nouvelle Star, règle ses comptes avec M6 - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Jona­tan Cerrada, le premier gagnant de Nouvelle Star, règle ses comptes avec M6 - Duration: 1:55.


Trump Erases Obama's Welfare Legacy With Knockout Blow… America Is Going Back To Work | Top Stories - Duration: 2:26.

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump stayed true to his slogan of "Making America Work


His administration's Department of Health and Human Services, headed up by Secretary

Tom Price, announced that they had officially removed former President Barack Obama's

2012 directive, which weakened work requirements for welfare reform.

WE reports:

You may recall a 2012 controversy over President Obama rescinding the work requirements from

the 1996 welfare reform bill.

The incident became a campaign issue when Mitt Romney released an ad on the matter and

spoke out against it on the campaign trail.

"President Obama now wants to strip the established work requirements from welfare,"

Mitt Romney said at the time.

"The success of bipartisan welfare reform, passed under President Clinton, has rested

on the obligation of work.

The president's action is completely misdirected.

Work is a dignified endeavor, and the linkage of work and welfare is essential to prevent

welfare from becoming a way of life."

At the time, supporters of President Obama downplayed the announcement, treating the

entire issue as if it were some sort of conspiracy theory.

It wasn't, although Romney's version of it was not quite accurate, either.

Obama had not actually ended the work requirement — he had, however, allowed states to request

waivers from it if they adopted their own requirements — potentially far more flexible

or even non-existent, some feared.

As our editors noted at the time:

Obama's July HHS memo invites states to apply for waivers that change the "definitions

of work activities" to better meet "the work goals" of welfare reform.

In other words, the state of California could (as one state did before 1996, according to

the Government Accountability Office) count Weight Watchers attendance as "work,"

and thus keep more people on the state's welfare rolls without making them work.

This is exactly the type of administrative discretion that welfare reform was designed

to prevent.

Today, the Trump HHS department has finally and officially ended the process.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you stand with President Donald Trump!

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Erases Obama's Welfare Legacy With Knockout Blow… America Is Going Back To Work | Top Stories - Duration: 2:26.


Pearl Jam - I'm Still Here [Lyrics/Letra] - Duration: 5:27.

She said to me over the phone...

She wanted to see other people

I thought, well, then

Look around

Theyre everywhere...

She said that she was confused

I thought darlin, join the club

24 years old mid life crisis

nowadays hits you when youre young

I hung up... She called back... I hung up again...

The process had already started

Least it happened quick

I swear I died inside that night...

My friend, he called

I didnt mention a thing

The last thing he said was, be sound


I contemplated an awful thing, I hate to admit

I just thought those would be such appropriate last words

But Im still here


so small

How could this trouble seem so big?

So big

Well the palms in the breeze still blow green

And the waves in the sea still absolute blue

but the horror

every single thing is a reminder of her

Never thought Id curse the day I met her

and since shes gone and wouldnt hear, who would care?

What good would that do?

But Im still here

So I imagine in a month or twelve

Ill be somewhere having a drink

Laughing at a stupid joke

Or just another stupid thing

And I can see myself stopping short

Drifting out of the present

Sucked by the undertow and pulled out deep

And there I am standing

Wet grass and white headstones all in rows

And in the distance theres one off on its own

So I stop


My new home.

And I picture a sober awakening

A re-entry into this little bar scene

Sip my drink til the ice hits my lip

Order another round

And thats it for now


never been too good at happy endings...

For more infomation >> Pearl Jam - I'm Still Here [Lyrics/Letra] - Duration: 5:27.


zacięta historia stickmana i jego narratora - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> zacięta historia stickmana i jego narratora - Duration: 2:09.


Ford Focus 1.6 I WAGON Ambiente - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6 I WAGON Ambiente - Duration: 0:58.



Hello this is Tony Tornado if you like my video give it a thumbs up

don't forget to share it around with your friends

and most importantly leave a comment down below I wanna hear what your thoughts are

Hi guys I got another keyboard

I went to goodwill and got one and Tony thinks he smashed my keyboard

i got the keyboard

what are you doing playing with the keyboard

Samantha what I said no

I said no I said no hey

why you do that cause you don't listen

I said no keyboards

why are you being psycho

I said no keyboards stop raging

stop being a raging brother

what did I say to you what did I say

what did I say you said no keyboard

I said no keyboard so why do you have another one

that wasn't the same keyboard

you said no keyboard

I wasn't referring to just the crayola keyboard I was referring to all keyboards I said no keyboards hey

you psycho raging brother shut up

shut up

stop being a crazy brother you know what shut up Samantha

I've had enough of your insults okay I've had enough of it stop being a crazy brother I've had enough of it shut up stop being a crazy brother

shut up I said shut up and I mean it shut up

you destroyed the floor no I didn't yes you did no I didn't look at it

cause your a crazy brother

shut up Samantha stop it I'm sick of you getting laughter out of this it's not funny

go away

and clean this up you hear me

and throw that in the trash and no more keyboards okay

you know what you know what the next thing you will lose is your laptop no the next this you will lose is your laptop no you hear me no

don't even think about it again don't I'm not playing around with you I'm done


For more infomation >> CRAZY BROTHER FREAKS OUT AND SMASHES NEW KEYBOARD! - Duration: 4:34.


Inspiring SUCCESS TIPS From a Hall of Fame NFL Legend - Duration: 6:00.

Hey, Everyone out there.

It's coach Dan Long with Get Lean in 12,

and yes this is a helmet, and yes it's

autographed by someone famous.

And I want to tell you all about him.

I used to work in the restaurant industry,

and one of the most amazing things that I ever experienced

was working for a gentleman named Lee Roy Selmon.

This gentleman, his number was 63,

used to be on the Buccaneers back when I was a kid.

He became a Hall of Famer on the worst team in the NFL.

Now, I'm sure you're probably wondering

just like I was, how in the heck does someone

become a Hall of Famer on the worst team in the NFL.

Well, I am going to tell you because I

asked him that question.

I want to say God bless his soul.

Unfortunately Lee Roy Selmon has passed on,

but he is not passed on through some of the things

that he has shared.

And I'm going to share one with you today.

I asked him, how did you become that man on the worst

team in the NFL.

This is exactly what he told me-- and I got

three gold nuggets I got out of this that I want

to make sure I share with you, that you can carry on

in life just like I have to make you successful.

He said that the day that he was drafted onto that NFL team,

he went out there for the first practice.

He knew nobody.

He's standing next to a gentleman,

his name was Jimmy Jiles.

I'm sure some of you know who that is.

Jimmy Jiles was standing next to him,

and the coach looked at everyone on the team

and said "Okay, you're going to run 20 yards,

and you're going to hit the bag, do a spin 360 degrees,

and then you're going to sprint towards the end zone,

and you're going to reach the goal line.

You're going to turn back around and jog back into line,

and you're going to do it again.

That's your practice. " So, everyone in the line did

exactly that.

They went 20 yards, did a spin around the bag, went down

and they hit the goal line, and came back.

Until, Lee Roy was up.

Lee Roy's first day, he ran the 20 yards, he sprinted,

turned 360, ran to the goal line and didn't stop.

He kept running for another 20 yards.

And then he kept running for another 20 yards.

Then, he turned around, and then he got back in line.

So then everyone in line, he told me,

was asking him-- hey man why are you doing that?

You weren't asked to do that.

And he just didn't say anything.

The next time he was up there, he did the same exact thing.

Guess what happened.

Within two practices, every single person on that team

was running the extra 40 yards.

Now, what do I get out of that what do you get out of that?

The reason why I want to share that with you

is because that's powerful.

When you do something that is more than what you're

asked to do, that's completely over delivering

and what does that do.

It makes people wonder why and it also

inspires them to want to do more.

Lee Roy was that guy, he live this way every single day.

This man played every single game

like it was the Super Bowl.

He had a mentality that is the most humblest person

in the world.

But, when he hit that field he was aggressive,

and he came out to play and make sure that he

made a name for himself.

Now, what's incredible to me is leading by example--

the three things I got out of this--

he led by example.

And before you knew it he affected the entire team of all

of those players, To be better than they already were. ,

So leading by example is huge.

He rose above average.

He rose above average, because what does average do?

Average does exactly what you're asked to do

and no more than that.

So, what was he doing.

He was over delivering by running an extra 40

yards in a sprint, and then making it

all the way back in the line.

And doing it again.

That's absolutely incredible.

Now, the last thing he chose to do was be different.

He didn't want to just accept the minimal.

He wanted to accept the fact that you could always do more.

So, when it came to his workouts,

and when it came for him to do all the things that he

was doing to be the best guy, to become the only man to make it

in the Hall of Fame out of those Buccaneers.

It was incredible to see this guy triumph.

So, what did he do.

He really led by example.

He a rose above average.

The third thing that he did is he chose to be different.

And it changed the team, it changed the mindset,

and it changed everything in their workouts.

Now, speaking of workouts.

Just for you being here today, I hope

you take some of that information

and you apply it to your life, and I

hope you get better at what it is that you're doing out there.

And so, just for being here today,

I have something special for you.

I actually have a free gift.

So if, you'll click on the link that's

right above here, or on the side,

you're going to get that free gift that's there.

It's called the Stubborn Fat Sequence.

It's a 12 minute metabolic workout,

that is absolutely amazing, that will

help you achieve greatness, that will help you shed the fat.

Now here's the most amazing thing,

it's actually specifically designed and geared

to people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s

that have to move different.

Lee Roy was moving at 40 and 50 like a 20 something year

old because of moving differently.

So, I had that free gift here today,

just because you stopped on this feed

and you took the time out to listen to my video.

I want to thank you for being here with me today.

Don't forget, please click that link right above.

So you can get your free gift, okay.

And don't forget, also to hit a like,

maybe hit the heart, right, hit a share.

And then, also make a comment down below

and let me know what you thought of this video,

and how it can impact you.

And, let me know who you are and where you're from.

We always love to hear from all of our people

who are following us.

Again, please let Lee Roy and myself be an impact to you.

I want you to have an amazing day.

For more infomation >> Inspiring SUCCESS TIPS From a Hall of Fame NFL Legend - Duration: 6:00.


Does Accountability Make You More Successful? - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> Does Accountability Make You More Successful? - Duration: 9:53.


Disney Cars 3 Hulk Funny Wrong Heads Baby Learn Colors Finger Family Nursery for Kids - Duration: 1:31.

Disney Cars 3 Hulk Funny Wrong Heads Baby Learn Colors Finger Family Nursery for Kids

For more infomation >> Disney Cars 3 Hulk Funny Wrong Heads Baby Learn Colors Finger Family Nursery for Kids - Duration: 1:31.


Happy HOME | Surprisingly Easy Meal Planning | Nest Happy - Duration: 4:31.

Hey everybody! Sarah here with Nest Happy :) and I'm standing in front of my refrigerator

not because I have a hot flash but because I am gonna tell you about

my easy-peasy,

Nest Happy method for meal planning


In the past I never was great with meal planning, and all the methods out there just seemed

like so much work!

And not really sustainable. So I have come up with a new (well not new to me but new for you)

Nest Happy method

of meal planning that has worked for a lot of my clients and for me over the past

year or so.

Instead of meal planning before you go to the store it's kinda like meal planning after you

get home from the store so you actually

waste less food because you eat everything that you purchase


it makes room for creativity and purchasing things that are in-season and things like that so

I'm gonna tell you about in just a minute um I also wanted to tell you about

my free cheat sheet that I have going on you can snag it.

It's all 10 Ways to

Get Your Family Organized

and comes with some bonus videos

so you can check that out. It's a you click the link

to the website

It's: to learn more about the cheat sheet

10 Easy Ways to Get Organized download.

So just quickly I wanna tell you about my

Nest Happy meal planning

so what I do is when I come home from the grocery store buying

of course like I said earlier all the awesome things that might be in season, or you know

whatever looks good, and then

whatever looks good, and then

and I categorize the food on a post-it note or something like that so I can show you where is

my post-it?

Here! Can you see that? I put

four quadrants

on the sheet of paper or the post-it note

and I put 1) the staples I just bought (in one quadrant)

all the 2) snacks in another

3) all the meals and

actually I separate lunches and dinners

on the other two quadrants. Just do whatever makes sense for you - but you want to

categorize you food on a piece of paper like or post-it.

Then I take

this product from the container store here

and this is a big weekly post-it that you can stick

in your kitchen

for the days of the week

and then I just plan out

The snacks

my kids lunches the dinners right here

and what it does is it

it helps me when I get Super hungry I just grab whatever is in front of me but it helps me


All the vegetables I just bought (like for my kids snacks)

the fruit that we have, and so forth so we're actually eating healthier snacks and we're

not just grabbing the first thing that is in the refrigerator

or in our pantry and it works really really well!

So if course I can have some foresight when I to the store if I wanna make

something special for the week, but otherwise this is the Nest Happy method

of meal planning is After-the-fact, and categorizing your food,

planning when you're gonna be eating all the perishables, eating healthier snacks, lunches

dinners, and so forth. So I hope you like this

meal planning idea!

Try it for yourself and if you're wanting more, check out my free

cheat sheet that I have for you to get your family organized

that's again

and if you're watching this video after the holiday season

check out whatever I have offered and that link should be so I hope this finds you well and I'll see you in

the next video! Bye for now :)

For more infomation >> Happy HOME | Surprisingly Easy Meal Planning | Nest Happy - Duration: 4:31.


SnackFever Korean Snack Box Unboxing - Duration: 2:30.

Hi guys, it's ToYume and for today I'm going to be doing an unboxing video of this box

that SnackFever sent me and it's just a box of Korean goods

and I'm just gonna show you what's in there and try some snacks out!


What we have...

Oh, it came with some stickers.

Word of the Month poster.

The word of the month is "daebak"

Cola Coola candy

Cola-flavored snack


It's pretty good. I think...

...if you're an avid coke drinker, you would probably enjoy this one.


Shrimp-flavored chips

So this is a, a soft sort of chip. So it's not crunchy like Lay's or Ruffles

but it's like, softer.

I love Milkis

I'm gonna save this for later.

This one came with...

a SnackFever fidget spinner!

Yeol Ramen

This is a Custard

So this is what this one looks like.

It's just like a little cake with custard cream inside

It's really soft

I think a lot of people will like this one

Silicone phone wallet

It not only comes with snacks but it also comes with a couple of goodies, too.


So like, originally it was Choco Heim, which is just chocolate flavored, but this one looks like a

white hazelnut wafers

It's not too sweet, which I really like. I don't think I've ever tried the white ones

so I'm excited to try that

Se Kom Dal Kom

It tastes like a Hi-Chew, like a Strawberry Hi-Chew

Milk caramel

There's a Korean lollipop, I guess?

Vanilla chocolate

Of course it comes with a Pepero


And one last thing, it comes came with a fan

Which is very useful because it's really hot right now.

It's summer and I live in Arizona so this is pretty useful.

So these are the kinds of snacks that SnackFever will send to you if you subscribe to their monthly boxes.

Your box will be something that might be completely different, but it'll still have a lot of content, regardless.

I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you next time.


For more infomation >> SnackFever Korean Snack Box Unboxing - Duration: 2:30.


|Chara,gets dunked on! |(Hoppala!) Undertale Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> |Chara,gets dunked on! |(Hoppala!) Undertale Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 0:27.


Monika Krzyżanowska zmienia życie dzieci w jeden dzień - Cooking Challenge! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Monika Krzyżanowska zmienia życie dzieci w jeden dzień - Cooking Challenge! - Duration: 4:36.


3 SHOTS 3 QUESTIONS with Four Corners Brewing Co - Duration: 5:36.

Pour it all the way to the top 2 ounces of Platinum Blanco

I have standards and it starts at 100% agave Platinum Blanco from Tequila Embajador

cut on this episode of 3 Shots 3 Questions we're

at McAllen's original ale house, Roosevelt's at 7

We're here talking to George Esquivel, one of the founders of Four Corners Brewing Company

we're gonna find out how he's influencing craft beer culture one well-designed can at

a time i'd like to welcome you to 3 Shots 3 Questions

and the way this show works is we'll take a shot, i'll ask you a question, and then

we'll repeat that for questions two and three okay

you ready? we're in

alright salud, salud

question number one how did you get into the craft brewing business?

Sam Adams used to have this thing called the longshot contest.

home brewers would submit beers to Boston Brewing Company.

they'd select three winners, they'd actually produce a six pack of beer with you know two

bottles each of the winning recipes.

We thought that was pretty badass on a whim, like, brewed beer

brewed our first beer from extract and it was horrible

what happens over time is you just get better at it

like any hobby so we we're brewing in the garage for almost

8 years and we started entering some competitions and that sort of thing.

As recent as like 7 years ago there were no craft brewers in Dallas.

We thought culturally we were missing out on something so we thought hey, we don't have

to be a master brewer we just have to be meaningful and that's what we started with

We called it Four Corners for a little neighborhood that inspired us with the artwork, inspired

us with the names and that sort of stuff and we call it Four Corners Brewing Company

You almost went into my second question so I'm glad you stopped right there

because we have to take the second shot right, that's how the show goes

salud the questions get, i got a little

quiver in my throat got me right there

tell me what the inspiration is behind the artwork and the naming of 'em

The vision for Four Corners Brewing is to be in places where there's not necessarily

craft beer, so we literally went to um some different stores in the neighborhood, and

the one common thing we'd always see is this loteria, the loteria game boards, and at the

same time we wanted the brand to be fun and colorful and be somewhat iconic.

If I can have my own personal preference on uh can design, and if you're going loteria

theme, La Sirena, is my favorite card and if you can make it some kind of Mexican style


You know I think that'd be a big hit down here.

Well we've been asked a lot to uh create La Chingona.

If you have any tattoos to share with us of your chingona tattoos then please send 'em

our way and inspire us to brew the beer.

Let's take the third shot Question number three

What can we expect in the future for Four Corners Brewing Company

Damn good question if you ever come up to Dallas please come

see us.

We are moving over to a new facility.

Back half of the year you'll start to see, um, some different seasonals coming out.

We have a fantastic beer called La Lechusa.

it's going to be a s'mores stout, coming out in October.

In December, we'll have a beer that we're really proud of, and we've worked on over

time, it's called Celebracion.

It's a Belgian-style Trappel.

Yeah, you'll have a helluva lot more beer here, yeah.

I want everybody in the Valley to know that this was a test we made to see how well the

brand can stand up.

Everything we're trying to do with is to turn Latinos on to craft beer.

it's with the purpose and intent that we have this loteria feel, the names and everything.

So know that we were selling beer in Dallas, north Texas and then we came to the Valley


If it didn't work in the Valley, we would've never scaled the brewery.

So, thank you, RGV, for supporting Four Corners Brewing and giving us the confidence to go


Well I hope you guys continue to supply your amazing beers to the Rio Grande Valley.

I hope you guys even expand further out to not only showcase your beers, but the artwork

and your culture and everything that Four Corners Brewing is all about.

We as Tejano's have a lot to be proud of and if we can be a conduit to express that then

that's what we're gonna do.

Thank you , for joining us on Three Shots Three Questions.

We had three shots, two beers, and a Super Chingon to wash it down, right.

This might be my favorite now.

it's fifty percent of the Chingon, fifty percent of the Super Bee, and it's 100% Super Chingon,

try it at home We're gonna have you put to the test

We have three craft beers lined up on the table

two of them are from Four Corners and we're gonna see

if you can pick which one is not your beer not a problem

don't f**k up George Chingon

so right now we have George sizing 'em up he's cleansing the pallet folks

that's not mine Heart O' Texas?

yeah he has aced the test

in Johnny Canales style you got it, take it away!

For more infomation >> 3 SHOTS 3 QUESTIONS with Four Corners Brewing Co - Duration: 5:36.


Easy Chinese Pineapple Fried Rice ~ How to Make Chinese Fried Rice Recipe - Duration: 3:07.

This is an easy, healthy vegetarian Chinese stir-fry. I'm Tess and I'm going

to show you in this video recipe how to make pineapple fried rice. (intro music)

In my wok on medium-high heat I'm adding a little oil and two eggs. Just stirring, chopping and

cooking until fine and done. This is only gonna take a minute.

Once done I'm removing and setting the eggs to the side. Just a reminder that

you'll be able to find this recipe and the list of ingredients in the show more

section below. Also, this is a stir fry and you want to have everything prepped

and ready before cooking as this goes quickly.

I'm adding a little more oil in my pan with some finely diced onions, minced

garlic and minced ginger. Stirring and cooking for a couple of minutes. Next I'm

adding in some finely diced bell pepper and zucchini. You can add the vegetables

that you like. These are what we like and what I have on hand. Stirring and cooking

for another two to three minutes. Now goes in the pineapple. I am using and

highly recommend using fresh pineapple. You can use canned pineapple but it does

not taste the same. When you cook fresh pineapple it gives off its natural

sugars and gives this fried rice a wonderful flavor.

Can't forget the peas! Giving that a stir and cooking for a couple more minutes.

In goes the rice. I made this rice yesterday and refrigerated overnight. It is now at

room temp. Day-old rice makes the best fried rice as it decreases the moisture

content and prevents sticking and clumping. The eggs go back into the pan.

Adding some oyster sauce (to keep vegetarian use vegetarian flavored oyster sauce) and light soy sauce. Giving everything a good toss.

Just take your time and keep stirring and flipping and chopping until the rice

grains are coated with the sauce and mixed with the veggies and pineapple.

This is going to take a couple minutes. And for the final touch I'm adding in

some sesame oil and chopped green onions. Giving everything another good toss and

we're done! I really like the texture and flavor of all the veggies and the

sweetness from the pineapple. This Chinese pineapple fried rice is easy,

healthy and delicious. I am sure you will be going in for a second plate full.

I hope you give this Chinese pineapple fried rice a try and enjoy. If you like

this Chinese pineapple fried rice recipe please hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button.

Remember to hit the "BELL" next to the SUBSCRIBE to make sure that you get my

future video recipes. You can also find me on Facebook and at my website.

Feel free to SHARE this recipe and my channel with your friends and family.

And until next time... Much Love!

For more infomation >> Easy Chinese Pineapple Fried Rice ~ How to Make Chinese Fried Rice Recipe - Duration: 3:07.


Impractical Jokers: After Party - Murr's Impossible Puzzle | truTV - Duration: 1:31.

you guys, of course, had to pitch products, right?

And it was to these focus groups.

But, however, tonight it was the first time

that you specifically made children's toys.

Well, we didn't see all the toys that you guys had to try and sell.

-Yeah. -So, of course, Murr --

Well, he had an unusual one in this bonus clip,

so take a look from tonight's episode.

So, this is the Impossible Puzzle.

[ Laughter ]

It contains approximately 10,000 non-matching,

non-interlocking puzzle pieces.


None of the pieces match?


[ Laughter ]

The best part is if you lose a piece, it doesn't matter.

Like, literally, your children

will be frustrated

and occupied for hours and hours.

It could be a funny gag gift.

No, no, no. It's to keep kids occupied.

[ Laughter ]

"You know what it is? They don't have the brain capacity

to realize that it's a complete scam."

They don't have the brain capacity yet...

What? Kids are smarter than you think.

In my experience, they're -- they're -- they're not.

[ Laughter ]

There's a commercial.

♪ Impossible,

impossible, impossible ♪

♪ Impossible,

impossible, impossible ♪

♪ Puzzle ♪

♪ Impossible ♪

It's impossible.

[ Laughter ]

It was definitely impossible.

I like the guy that was just sitting there

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers: After Party - Murr's Impossible Puzzle | truTV - Duration: 1:31.


[ENG SUBS] Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 - Speedrun in 17:54 [PB] - Duration: 19:00.

I'm not thinking and I make mistakes again...

I'm sorry, I need to focus a little bit more

on what I'm doing

You have to forgive me but really...

It's not looking good for last, let's say, 20 minutes

Only mistakes, nothing more

"Do you read chat?" - I do but sometimes I can't cause

I'm focused on speedrunning, so it would be weird if I

was loking on chat and... Sorry, looking on chat

and on the screen simultanously

So you have to forgive me that I skip some things

or miss them, because it's not physically possible

No! Why I'm pausing?!

You're stupid Kaadzik!

Why have I done this?

OK, it's still OK

It's still not bad, by far

Overall, it was a good Rabbit

Besides those minor errors, it was a good Rabbit, so

Who knows, if I didn't pause back then, how much would I gain

Or should I say lose

Because losing so little is like gaining for me

Cause Rafioza, who is a WR holder,

has had such an amazing Rabbit, that I don't think

someone can repeat it

I mean, at least I can't catch up to him,

even though I have better time in the 1st stage

and he only has a superior Rabbit

but it's so good that

I'm not able to catch up even with my better time before it

I lose more time on the boss

than he does on boss and the stage combined

I didn't even notice that the 2nd world is already over

It's so quick and enjoyable

[A viewer asks about a new Overwatch map]

I know you're curious about that new map, I am as well

but belive me, even though it's new, I won't play it much

I'm not a fan of deathmatch mode cause I'm terible at it

That's why I didn't even log in to PTR

(Public Test Region)

I've missclicked

my split button, so it's a little late but

I've lost less than a second, so that's OK

I would even say it's cool

If I start the 3rd stage

with three minutes, then that's

rather one of the better times you can get

Oh, I was close to miss that jump there

I've jumped a little bit too early

OK now, will the monkeys be good?

Will they be good?

Will they let me jump below that one?

Or will I hit it?

No! They let me through, so it's OK

I say "OK" too much, I have to mind that

[polish community reference]

So far the third boss with no complaints

I've killed him with no problems 3/3 runs today

Thumbs up for me :)

A little bit more focus and it's going well

Unfortunately, at the cost of chat, so you have to forgive me

but there are priorities

If I want to contest the world record, I have to focus on the game

more than I do on chat right now

But jump! Don't eat my imputs!

So, I lost like 2 seconds

I think so

2,5, yep

I speedrun this game for so long that I know

how much of a timeloss some errors are

I think it's something wrong with me

Well, 4.8s before the Ghost is a

freakin' good score, so to speak

That's a little bit rude, so I'm sorry

You have to belive me that, for now, the force is with us

If this is a good Ghost, then we can even attempt to

get something better

Unfortunately, I took some damage, again

Third time in a row I got attacked

in quite silly way and

again I have to take the "safety peanut"

Cause, God forbid, something will happen at the Ghost fight

and if I have good time like that, it's better to lose couple of seconds

and take that peanut

It's not even couple, more like one second or less

It's preferable to lose time now than

to lose like 30-50 seconds to repeat the Ghost fight

Alright, I did 2 hits, it's cool. It's OK.

Give me a stone! - Nice, he did it

He even gave me 2 doubles in a row

Hey, this is a great Ghost!

It's even one of best Ghosts I've had!

I said that and I got the lightning attack...

"Don't count your chickens before they're hatched" as they say

If you would give stones...

OK, at least one, right? Not too bad.

When you give me rocks it's much different, right Ghost?

Look, it's 6 hits already

It will be 7 in a moment

You see? Couldn't you do this right off the bat?

Isn't it better that way?

That I lose only 11 seconds on you?

Isn't it better Ghost? I think it is.

[Another Overwatch related chat question]

You're curious about deathmatch mode - I am too to be honest

but as I said, I won't play much of it cause I'm horrible at it

Well, maybe I will play some team deathmatch. Maybe.

Maybe TDM is something for me because then

it's not only my job to win,

it's, like, a...

team aspect

and if I was to play solo vs everybody

and vice versa, then I don't stand a chance

So far, my time looks quite good

Oh, I almost fell

I was so close to slip down there

Oh, and even closer here

Heart attack, again

Cause walking on those platforms looks like I will fall

but it's completely safe, that's why I call it like that

In case you're here 1st time or haven't seen last run

From this exact stream

This stage is a little worse than before, I think

It's not that great, so there won't be a gold split

but I think we can still do well here

He's even moved across the screen, so

it won't be gold

Is it on purpose?

When I have good Ghost, then they have to be worse

and move from side to side like 30 times

Who knows, maybe I can even catch up on time here

I don't think so

Well, apparently I won't

[Something about chat]

You know, when I'm speedrunning, it's hard for me to read chat

Ostrich rode across many times, so it doesn't surprise me that

I lost 8 seconds

It's not that much of a deal

if we consider what can Card Cat do


Card Cat Kaadzik

Cart Kaadzik - Cart KAAD

(it was not funny at all, I know)

(Sorry :c )

Alright, for now I'm 24 seconds behind

which means it can be a PB

I don't think I can make WR out of this

but who knows, maybe

It's still physically possible but insanely hard

Still, it sure can be a PB

It can be a PB and that's what I'm aiming for

(my previous was 18:10)

That's what is left for me - aiming for PB

If it's not a WR then at least

let this time be better [than previous PB]

For now, it is - even by quite much

If I can make if of course

and if Card Cat is good too

If it is, we can then talk about it


Thank God he moved to the other side cause

I was so close to miss that loop there

But throw! - Yes!

(in polish a word "no" is informal form of "yes")

(weird, isn't it?)

A little bit too late

We still are 3 seconds ahead

If I threw that one card earlier, it would be like 4 or 5

but I still think it's good

My commentery is a little one-track but

when I speedrun and talk at the same time...


when I do it at the same time it may sometimes look like THAT

Cause I'm focused on one thing and leave the second one on the side

Oh, come on!

So I'm on the PB pace and

I will keep making mistakes like that?

Is this how it is?

Well, I'm not on for it

I don't like it

I object to that and "liberum veto".

(it means "I do not allow!" - a reference to polish nobiliary times)

Alright, now just don't mess it up like before

when I took the wrong path

I have to go over it, not below

Good, this time I did go over it

"These speedruns are boring" - Well, I'm sorry to hear this

I like it, I do it and

this is my hobby

Some people are bored cause of speerduns, some cause of fishing, etc.

It's just an opinion and that's understanable


That was close

Oh, a little bit too early

I threw it too early

Now I have to play it out a little more carefully

But give me an opportunity to hit you Gecko

"Playing games is your hobby?" - Speedrunning is my hobby

I do not only do it myself, I also watch speedruns of others

or anything else connected with that

I'm a big fan and cause of that

I also try to do it myself, right?

If it comes to timeloss it's not that bad -

It's 35 seconds before the final boss,

so we even have a chance to go below

18 minutes, which would be incredible

If I can make it, I will scream in happiness

Just don't commit errors here

"But speedrunning is also playing games" - Of course

When you play your favourite game, are you bored? - No

Because I speedrun one of my favourites right now and I'm not bored

Even if I make mistakes


It was so clo...

Nevermind, I won't say anything

I said "so close" too many times

Let's not talk about the Devil, so he won't appear

Probably there goes another second for missing

that box for the first time

Maybe even more

In these levels I don't know how much time I lose

for particular mistakes

Why did I pick up that box? It's only a waste of time...

(sounds of disappointment)

(also, this death was intentional, so I can restore HP before the final boss)

It still can be a PB, I'll be happy if it is.


We'll see

how it figures out

How kind will the boss be?

If I can JUMP to him of course...

We're starting at 15 minutes, so we have theoretically

less than 3 minutes to finish him off, which is very possible

Including that ~30 second opening animation, we have like 2,5

Twitch shows that I have 11 viewers, welcome everybody

I encourage you to chat with us and I'm happy that you're here

I hope you have a good time

If you're an English viewer you can still comment in english

on chat and I will speak english as well

I'm not doing this because right now I have Polish viewers only

or at least Polish chatters only, that's why I speak only polish

For now


Okay, we have one


9 to go

Wow, great!

Thumbs up for this gentleman

So now we have 8 more to go

Alright, now I don't like this

Argh, fine

We scored a hit

That's why I did an intentional death there

"Go for the PB! I'm not chatting cause I'm watching in bed, good luck"

Thank you very much and greetings!

I hope it might be a PB

If yes, then I'll maybe have 2nd place

Cause right now 2nd place has 17:52

and I aim for better time

Now it's a 5th hit

Though I may not make it in 17:52, I think

and now the lag begins

Will I be able to score now, when I have to adapt?

The lag makes it much harder

Okay, it's 6

Just 4

4 more to go

and boss doesn't attack, which is great, cause we don't lose that much time

Yes, now only three. Three hits before the end.

It is not a world record, because it has almost went by

And a free hit! Yey!

Only 2 left

and 30 seconds

I don't think it'll be 2nd place but I have a feeling it's a PB

OK, scored!

One hit remaining

If I don't miss, it's probably a PB

It's not a 2nd place



Under 18 minutes! Finally!



My God, how long I've been fighting for sub 18


Oh my God, PB

Thank you chat, thank you


It feels good

Of course after every PB we have to play the bonus round

which has no sense but we'll still play it


"2 seconds to 2nd place" - I don't care

I don't care, it's sub 18

It's under 18 minutes

Oh, but the run didn't seem like a sub 18 pace

There were mistakes, oh boy there were!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUBS] Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 - Speedrun in 17:54 [PB] - Duration: 19:00.


e4 FPGA Chassis from LDA Technologies - Duration: 10:03.

Hi, my name is Carlos and I'm with BittWare

BittWare as a company has a lot of boards

with lots of i/o

when looking for a server solution, there's

many options out there It's difficult--actually it's probably very

difficult to find a server that's going to

utilize these interfaces and draw them out to the front

in this case, LDA Tech has actually come up

with a pretty unique solution with their

LDA e4 box

in this instance, the XUPP3R board has i/o out through the QSFP connector, you've got

i/o on the PCIe connector, and some more i/o on the SEP out to the front

to get into more of the details, I have Sergey here from LDA Tech who can do that

we created an enclosure specifically made for FPGA boards, from low profile to full

size and height, up to double slot width the device size is 1U,

very short depth--it's just 12 inches it has sixteen 25 gigabit compatible ports and

up to thirty-two 10 gig compatible ports

so first we insert the QSFP active cables

it's a very simple task--just insert the QSFP plugs

the second step is attaching SEP cable ...and the USB cable for management

so the very final stage: first we insert the FPGA board into the PCI Express connector

QSFP active cables...and the last part is SEP

like this

a lot of applications from a networking point of view can be implemented

Software-defined network switch, as well as security devices like VPN concentrators,

router/firewall, intrusion detectors

we have some advanced functionality like cross point switch fabrics sitting directly on our board

So, for example if some intrusion detection software is implemented here, the data that

can go from port one, exit from another port, without even entering the FPGA.

At the same time, the same data can be copied to FPGA for further processing.

So even if FPGA is not loaded at all, data flow won't be interrupted.

we have COM Express type 10 module here with Intel x86/64 CPU

we also support COM Express type 6, with better and more powerful CPUs like Intel Xeon

for here, in this particular example, we have Intel Atom CPU and it's connected to FPGA

board through PCI Express x1 or USB

as Sergey mentioned with the USB interface to their module you can use the BittWorks

Toolkit which allows you to do some functionality such as program the FPGA directly over USB

you can load the flash over the USB interface

in addition we have our board management controller which monitors power, temperature--you can

reprogram clocks on the board and it's nice because this is all done internally to the

system--you don't have to come in and connect any external cables

in addition with this XUPP3R board there is JTAG interface over the USB, so if you want

to access JTAG you could as well and that's all done already

the USB is connected and there's no hassle in running any wires to the system.

t he Vivado lab tools are pre-installed here already

the remote connectivity is available for example in case of regular 1u server

it's a big issue to reprogram the FPGA on-the-fly because you have to reboot the machine

you have to wait until the operating system starts, it checks memory

it could take up to five minutes to reload the FPGA

because everything has to be rebooted and done again

with this box the FPGA board is programmed on-the-fly

and we have all the hot-plug functionality here

and we allow it to freeze the state of the driver

and remember the configuration, last known good configuration of FPGA

so once FPGA is programmed operating system will recognize it again

and re-program the registers--the PCI Express state--

like its i/o memory, latency parameters, and commands

so it will continue where it left off also we support Windows operating system

which is really rare for FPGA development and boxes like this

so if some applications require Windows customer is welcome to do it

one of the features that we like most is the ability to turn off the PCI Express

power without touching the rest of the system

so the PCI Express power domain is completely decoupled from the system itself

also in addition to the ability to turn off and on the PCI Express power

we have precision power monitor of the FPGA board itself

we know how much power it draws and we allow customers to program some thresholds

for example and connect them to the system fans

so we don't need to monitor the temperature of the FPGA

we'll allow customer to program on their own

for example if FPGA draws 25 watts the fan can be programmed to spin at 40 percent

when it gets higher to 50 watts

so we have five precompiled stages that customer can program

we have redundant power supplies here

and they are load shared so we can actually program the amount of power

that drawn from each power supply everything is done on our baseboard

so for example in the usual application, both power supplies are working in sync

so we divide the power drawn from them but in some cases one power source is main

another is coming from backup so we can program that in our device

so let's say 90% of the power is drawn from the main power supply

and 10% is drawn from the second one and once the power is cut, it will completely

move to the second one as a backup source

the startup time of this device is about one second

so once power is up, FPGA image is loaded

the device, the network ports will come up and start working

so all the configuration is stored directly on our base board

it's practically impossible to get such functionality from the regular server

so also the out-of-band management port here: it's a separate Linux machine

it's a very small device that is living completely independent

so we use this to allow firmware upgrades, command-line interface

like our GUI interface with the monitoring port

monitoring is connecting to here as well to connect to this device externally

we have normal micro USB serial port

we have DisplayPort to connect to Linux

COM Express module

we have out-of-band management port,

two USB ports, and another Ethernet port which is connected

to Linux as well

another very important feature of this device is precision clock source

that we have here and it's 100 megahertz oven controlled crystal

oscillator with accuracy of 10 parts per billion

it's a very accurate clock and we have clock multiplexer on the device

that allows to serve this clock as a PCI Express reference clock

so we don't need any special PCI clock source like SMA connector or whatever

to feed that clock to the FPGA board

so the depth of this device we choose to be 12 inches

it allows to install two of those in 1U rack,

back to back so effectively multiplying the number of FPGA

boards per 1U space

I'd like to thank Sergey from LDA Tech for coming in and demonstrating the e4 box

giving a lot more information and details on what it can do

I think it's a unique solution for being able to house a board like ours in it

and pull out all these i/o ports

if you have any more questions

or need any more information you can visit us at

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> e4 FPGA Chassis from LDA Technologies - Duration: 10:03.


What are the Different Types of Overhead Cranes? | Cranes 101 | Ep 2 - Duration: 8:42.

Hi! I'm Chris Whitney with Progressive Crane. If you're wondering about the

different types of overhead cranes and what applications need them, you've come

to the right place. Welcome to Cranes 10.

If you've done your research or watched our previous video "What is an Overhead

Crane" you've already learned about what an overhead crane can do to increase

productivity and safety within your plant. But with so many different types

of cranes you may find yourself struggling to find out which type fits

your application at your business. That's where I come in. Since no two cranes are

alike, we'd like to use our 40 plus years of

experience to help you choose the appropriate crane for your application

to help your business. From the high power Bridge Crane, to the every man's

Work Station crane, we'll discuss the strengths and

weaknesses of each type. We will also discuss the differences in common types

of cranes: Top Running versus Under Running, Single Girder versus Double

Girder. And how each one suits certain needs. Our goal is to help establish a

deeper understanding of overhead crane so that you can use that information in

choosing an Overhead Crane that will Benefit your Business. Are you ready?

Let's go!

So, What is an Overhead Bridge Crane? If you remember from our last video, it's that

machine you keep losing money on trying to win your date a stuffed animal, or

the machine that Sid from Toy Story used to win a rubber alien. The Bridge

Crane system consists of two overhead rails connected by a single or double

girder bridge. The bridge is supported by End Truck that rides on top of the rails and

moves your bridge from one end of the runway to the other. So, let's start by

unpacking the Single Girder versus Double girder argument. So, why use one over the

other? It really depends on your application and your budget.

A single girder crane consists of a single beam with a hoist trolley riding on

the lower flange. Typically these are less expensive due to lower freight

costs, easier installation, a more simpler hoist design and also allows for a

lighter runway beam. The main reason you would want to upgrade from a single girder to a

double girder crane, is that the capacity you're lifting is over 15 tons or you

need to have a higher hook height within your existing space. If you wanted to,

you can engineer a single girder crane to go to a higher capacity or for a

wider span, but the higher you go the less cost effective it is to use a single

girder crane and you'll want to pursue a double girder. Double girder systems use

two bridge beams instead of one typically you'll see a double girder crane used

for higher capacities, wider spans, and also higher duty cycles. In addition if

you have specialty equipment or need a service platform, you also want to take a

look at a double girder crane. On a Top Running design, they also provide a better

hook height since the hoist is running on top of the beams instead of on the

lower flange.

Okay. So, do I need a top running or an under running crane? Again,

what's your application? Top Running cranes have no limited capacity. They can

be used for very small loads to very heavy. They're ideal for heavy lifting

applications. Under Running cranes otherwise known as under hung cranes,

ride on the lower flange of the runway beam.

These types of cranes are typically designed for lighter capacity and

lighter duty cycle. However, they're designed to maximize your building

spaces as they're hung from the ceiling and don't have any column that reach the

floor. In addition, the hoist can travel further across the bridge and also along

the runway which gives you a greater hook travel. When we talk about under

running cranes we have two different types of bridge girder beams we can

use. You have structural steel shapes and

then you also have patented track. Structural steel is rolled from a

softer mild steel. Is typically used for lighter duty cycle applications. Patented

track however is engineered and built from a stronger steel and is used for

higher duty cycle applications. So enough about the beams, let's get back into the

cranes. Do you need a process crane or do you need a modular crane?

Process cranes are built for a specific need. Typically, they're in a higher capacity, in a

steel mill or container yard. And you see those lifting 10 to 20 lifts per

hour at 50 to 75 percent of the rated capacity. CMAA

typically rate these at a Class D, E, or F. A modular crane or more commonly known

as a kit crane, is typically used in a machine shop or a small mill environment.

These types of cranes are more economical and affordable. CMAA rates them

at a Class C or below because they're only used five to ten times per hour and

have roughly forty percent of the capacity of the crane. If needed, extra

engineering can bump it up to a class D. So bridge crane doesn't sound right for

you? Lucky for you we've got other options.

Gantry cranes are similar to an overhead bridge except they don't have overhead rails to run on.

They have two legs that run on embedded rail on the floor or can also run on top of the concrete.

Gantry cranes are typically used in an outdoor environment at a rail yard or

shipyard where overhead supports are not available in addition they can be used

inside when overhead obstructions prevent the use of an overhead crane

First type of gantry crane that I want to talk about it as a portable gantry.

It's typically used in the maintenance or warehousing application where there's

lifts required in different areas of the plant. There are two types of portable

gantry cranes. You have adjustable and fixed. first time adjustable allows you

to raise and lower the boom, depending on overhead obstructions in a certain area

of your plant. In a fixed height gantry the boom is in a single position and does

not move up or down. The other type of gantry crane is track mounted

gantry. This is similar to a bridge crane in that it only moves in a single plane.

Again you'll have a hoist trolley that is mounted on there that gives you the

same types of motions but it is mounted on the floor. In addition to portable and

track mounted gantry's, I also want to talk about engineered gantry'a. These are

a more permanent fixture in that they have rail mounted to the floor and

can also be tied to a overhead crane runway.

Monorail cranes are used in an assembly line of production line.Typically these

are used when you don't need any side-to-side motion and you just want to

stick to a single plane. In addition they can also be used to move materials from

one Bay into another by way of a track switch. These are perfect for when a full

blown overhead crane is not needed.

Jib cranes come on a number of different types and sizes. They're typically used

when an overhead crane and runway system is not available. You have a

free-standing or you can have one mounted off of a column. These come in a

number of different capacities and spans depending on your need. A jib crane can

also give you a range of 180 degree rotation to 360 degrees.

Not sure if a jib crane is the right application for you? Consider the

following. What kind of floor space do you have? What is the capacity and the

usage? Can we mount it off of a column? What other special options or

considerations are required? What is your budget for the project? The more

information you have the better suited you are to make a decision.

Work station cranes are designed for an individual user. They can be ceiling hung

or free standing. With a rated capacity of 250 pounds to 2 tons, the key here is

that the user can ergonomically move a load from one end of the system to the


And that's it! It's up to you to consider the following:

how many cranes do you need? What is the capacity of the crane and the hoist?

How many lifts per hour? And what percentage of the capacity are each lifts

being performed? Also, you'll want to consider; span, hook height, existing

runway, operating conditions for the crane, or any other special

considerations. Progressive Crane is a leading manufacturer of world-class

overhead cranes. With over 40 years of experience, we engineer and build

customer solutions using all the cranes that we discussed. Our capabilities range

from light duty light capacity applications, to high duty cycle high

capacity overhead cranes. If you're interested in learning how overhead

cranes can increase the efficiency and safety within your facility or to

schedule a crane consultation, please contact us and we will get you in touch

with one of our crane specialists. For all of us a Progressive Crane, I'm Chris

Whitney. Thank you for watching Cranes 101

For more infomation >> What are the Different Types of Overhead Cranes? | Cranes 101 | Ep 2 - Duration: 8:42.


Lost Sphear - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Lost Sphear - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 1:42.


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For more infomation >> EASY WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS - NO SUGAR (spanish) - Duration: 7:14.


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Lost Sphear - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 1:42.

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e4 FPGA Chassis from LDA Technologies - Duration: 10:03.

Hi, my name is Carlos and I'm with BittWare

BittWare as a company has a lot of boards

with lots of i/o

when looking for a server solution, there's

many options out there It's difficult--actually it's probably very

difficult to find a server that's going to

utilize these interfaces and draw them out to the front

in this case, LDA Tech has actually come up

with a pretty unique solution with their

LDA e4 box

in this instance, the XUPP3R board has i/o out through the QSFP connector, you've got

i/o on the PCIe connector, and some more i/o on the SEP out to the front

to get into more of the details, I have Sergey here from LDA Tech who can do that

we created an enclosure specifically made for FPGA boards, from low profile to full

size and height, up to double slot width the device size is 1U,

very short depth--it's just 12 inches it has sixteen 25 gigabit compatible ports and

up to thirty-two 10 gig compatible ports

so first we insert the QSFP active cables

it's a very simple task--just insert the QSFP plugs

the second step is attaching SEP cable ...and the USB cable for management

so the very final stage: first we insert the FPGA board into the PCI Express connector

QSFP active cables...and the last part is SEP

like this

a lot of applications from a networking point of view can be implemented

Software-defined network switch, as well as security devices like VPN concentrators,

router/firewall, intrusion detectors

we have some advanced functionality like cross point switch fabrics sitting directly on our board

So, for example if some intrusion detection software is implemented here, the data that

can go from port one, exit from another port, without even entering the FPGA.

At the same time, the same data can be copied to FPGA for further processing.

So even if FPGA is not loaded at all, data flow won't be interrupted.

we have COM Express type 10 module here with Intel x86/64 CPU

we also support COM Express type 6, with better and more powerful CPUs like Intel Xeon

for here, in this particular example, we have Intel Atom CPU and it's connected to FPGA

board through PCI Express x1 or USB

as Sergey mentioned with the USB interface to their module you can use the BittWorks

Toolkit which allows you to do some functionality such as program the FPGA directly over USB

you can load the flash over the USB interface

in addition we have our board management controller which monitors power, temperature--you can

reprogram clocks on the board and it's nice because this is all done internally to the

system--you don't have to come in and connect any external cables

in addition with this XUPP3R board there is JTAG interface over the USB, so if you want

to access JTAG you could as well and that's all done already

the USB is connected and there's no hassle in running any wires to the system.

t he Vivado lab tools are pre-installed here already

the remote connectivity is available for example in case of regular 1u server

it's a big issue to reprogram the FPGA on-the-fly because you have to reboot the machine

you have to wait until the operating system starts, it checks memory

it could take up to five minutes to reload the FPGA

because everything has to be rebooted and done again

with this box the FPGA board is programmed on-the-fly

and we have all the hot-plug functionality here

and we allow it to freeze the state of the driver

and remember the configuration, last known good configuration of FPGA

so once FPGA is programmed operating system will recognize it again

and re-program the registers--the PCI Express state--

like its i/o memory, latency parameters, and commands

so it will continue where it left off also we support Windows operating system

which is really rare for FPGA development and boxes like this

so if some applications require Windows customer is welcome to do it

one of the features that we like most is the ability to turn off the PCI Express

power without touching the rest of the system

so the PCI Express power domain is completely decoupled from the system itself

also in addition to the ability to turn off and on the PCI Express power

we have precision power monitor of the FPGA board itself

we know how much power it draws and we allow customers to program some thresholds

for example and connect them to the system fans

so we don't need to monitor the temperature of the FPGA

we'll allow customer to program on their own

for example if FPGA draws 25 watts the fan can be programmed to spin at 40 percent

when it gets higher to 50 watts

so we have five precompiled stages that customer can program

we have redundant power supplies here

and they are load shared so we can actually program the amount of power

that drawn from each power supply everything is done on our baseboard

so for example in the usual application, both power supplies are working in sync

so we divide the power drawn from them but in some cases one power source is main

another is coming from backup so we can program that in our device

so let's say 90% of the power is drawn from the main power supply

and 10% is drawn from the second one and once the power is cut, it will completely

move to the second one as a backup source

the startup time of this device is about one second

so once power is up, FPGA image is loaded

the device, the network ports will come up and start working

so all the configuration is stored directly on our base board

it's practically impossible to get such functionality from the regular server

so also the out-of-band management port here: it's a separate Linux machine

it's a very small device that is living completely independent

so we use this to allow firmware upgrades, command-line interface

like our GUI interface with the monitoring port

monitoring is connecting to here as well to connect to this device externally

we have normal micro USB serial port

we have DisplayPort to connect to Linux

COM Express module

we have out-of-band management port,

two USB ports, and another Ethernet port which is connected

to Linux as well

another very important feature of this device is precision clock source

that we have here and it's 100 megahertz oven controlled crystal

oscillator with accuracy of 10 parts per billion

it's a very accurate clock and we have clock multiplexer on the device

that allows to serve this clock as a PCI Express reference clock

so we don't need any special PCI clock source like SMA connector or whatever

to feed that clock to the FPGA board

so the depth of this device we choose to be 12 inches

it allows to install two of those in 1U rack,

back to back so effectively multiplying the number of FPGA

boards per 1U space

I'd like to thank Sergey from LDA Tech for coming in and demonstrating the e4 box

giving a lot more information and details on what it can do

I think it's a unique solution for being able to house a board like ours in it

and pull out all these i/o ports

if you have any more questions

or need any more information you can visit us at

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> e4 FPGA Chassis from LDA Technologies - Duration: 10:03.


Como invadir câmeras IPs através de um dispositivo e um programa para hackear câmeras IPs - Duration: 12:57.

For more infomation >> Como invadir câmeras IPs através de um dispositivo e um programa para hackear câmeras IPs - Duration: 12:57.


Atlas Copco MicroTorque Focus 6000 - Duration: 1:55.

Introducing the Micro Torque Focus 6000 controller from Atlas Copco.

The MTF6000 has a fresh new look and lots of upgrades such as torque seating monitoring,

graph analysis and remote programming.

It's digital I/O now supports up to 12 inputs and 8 outputs to integrate a variety of external


This means you can use the powerful new batch sequencing tools in combination with accessories,

sensors, smart jigs, barcode and RF ID readers and more.

Programming and viewing results and traces has never been easier to do whether on the

controller or on a PC using the new ToolsTalk MT software.

Connect straight to a computer using USB or serial, or access the controller remotely

by adding it to your network, you are in full control no matter where you are.

Two IAM functionality levels give you access to up to 150 Psets, 50 batch sequences with

30 steps each, 250 batch count, 100,000 stored results, 1,000 stored graphs, Multi-step tightening

up to 10 steps, 50 identifiers, seating control strategy, torque seating monitoring, bit slip,

re-hit and damaged thread detection and the ability to import and export results, graphs

and configurations to a USB drive.

With so many features packed into one controller the possibilities are endless.

When it comes to torque accuracy and traceability nothing else comes close.

Be sure to subscribe to Flexible Assembly Systems and setup your alerts because we will

be doing plenty more videos and tutorials featuring the MTF6000 that you will not want

to miss.

Leave any questions in the comments, and as always thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Atlas Copco MicroTorque Focus 6000 - Duration: 1:55.



For more infomation >> TRANSFER RAPORU - GALATASARAY TRANSFER HABERLERİ - 31 AĞUSTOS 2017 - Youtube - Duration: 44:49.


"Pesadelo Noturno'' Curta Metragem Manaus - Duration: 2:06.


What is it?

What the fuck is this, guy




(You can not hide)





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