Thursday, August 31, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 31 2017

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Hello, today I share

Watch what happens in your body when you eat AN APPLE A DAY.


Apples us away from drugs, not the doctor.

This is a distinction that is worth to clarify at the outset, so determined

a study by the National Institute of Health in the United States.

Eating an apple a day is good for our body and prevents us from many diseases;

However, consultation with professional and annual checkups can not be removed

of our agendas.

To reach this conclusion an experiment was conducted on 8,400 people, of which

10% ate an apple every day.

This was the percentage of patients also should not consume almost no medicine

in the span of one year (duration of the investigation).

According to the Director of the team, Matthew Davis, School of Nursing at the University

Michigan apple consumption was not associated with other markers, for

example, the number of annual visits to the doctor.

Other conclusions on the consumption of this fruit is that those who ate

a piece of apple a day were less likely to smoke and had higher levels of education

and intelligence.

Eating this fruit can be a sign of a healthier life mode, this should be

to the block is a good source of vitamin C, flavonoids and soluble fiber.

It can be taken as a dessert, at breakfast, as a snack mid-morning, when we feel

anxiety or hunger, bedtime or before sports.

It does not provide significant amounts of calories or sugars and can consume any


Reasons to eat an apple a day.

- Hydrates our body by its high water content (about 80% of its composition).

- It is diuretic, reduces fluid accumulation, cramps in the lower limbs

(Legs and feet) and high blood pressure, due to its large amount of potassium.

- Among vitamins, it has the vitamin E, known to be strong antioxidants.

- By having soluble and insoluble fibers, it may be employed both with constipation

as with diarrhea.

In the first case it is necessary to consume raw, husked and in the second, roasted or

form of compote.

- The apple peel has pectin, this fiber protects the intestinal mucosa.

If you wash before eating, you will not have to peel to enjoy all the benefits

a digestive level.

In addition, several studies show that pectin has a decisive role to avoid certain

cancers such as, for example, the colon.

The secret of the apple and its benefits is its phytochemical substances that also

to prevent cancer, as noted above, they help reduce sugar levels

and blood fats.

Therefore, it is advisable for diabetics and people with high cholesterol consume at least

two blocks a day.

This fruit can purify and cleanse the blood.

One of the apple phytochemicals is quercetin, which can prevent problems

cardiovascular, inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and even

muscle contractures.

Apple, in turn, has as tartaric acid and malic, that help digest

better fats we consume.

It is therefore advised to eat this fruit as dessert after a copious intake, either

noon or night.

Also, it does not allow glucose to increase rapidly after meals.

It's perfect for people who are dieting or suffering from some disorder

food cravings.

This is because the apple satiates our appetite and prevents us to eat more.

You can ingest the amount you want a day without restriction because it will help

to lose weight and feel more energetic (but it is not the only thing that comes around

the day).

Apple increases cognitive abilities due to their beneficial contribution of sugars

for our brain.

Arguably you eat a fruit before going to school or study for an exam

It's like Popeye spinach.

Increase mental abilities, be more productive, we will incorporate more quantity

information, remember details and we can perform better in any field.

If we have to choose the healthier or beneficial Apple undoubtedly is the red

the first prize is won.

This does not mean that the others are not good for our health but that of

reddish (as Adam and Eve or Snow White) has more amount of antioxidants.

Being easy to transport, you can eat anywhere, which makes

healthy snack ideal for school, office, beach, picnic, college

or wherever we go.

Carried in any bag without problems (remember to wash before leaving home and

throw the heart into a basket).

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



Comunio in Real Life: Fußball-Manager in der Kreisliga - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> Comunio in Real Life: Fußball-Manager in der Kreisliga - Duration: 12:36.


A Small Home in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, California | Amazing Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 1:57.

A Small Home in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, California | Amazing Small House Design Ideas

For more infomation >> A Small Home in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, California | Amazing Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 1:57.


Esta noche con vos - Los teresos - Cover by Matias Neiff (en subs) - Duration: 3:06.

Tonight with you Matias Neiff

Hi baby how are you?

Do you always come to this place?

Come with me to the bar and we'll take a couple

It's not that I want to get drunk.

I do not know how to dance a lot

Let's contemplate tonight, something good will happen

Tonight with you

Everything will be special

Come play the love

Until the sun is surprised

This night is great

To walk with you

There is a gentle breeze and it is not so hot

Hey baby, what do you think?

If we leave here

That bowling baffles

They do not stop stuning me

Tonight with you

Everything will be special

Let's play love

Until the sun is surprised

Come on baby let's go

Let's go for a walk

By the immense costanera

Of my river paraná

I carry a couple of bottles

From red wine to natural

I carry vodka and tequila

And beer can not be missing

Tonight with you

Everything will be special

Come play the love

Until the sun is surprised

And arriving at the waterfront

I'll give you a French kiss

And very slowly in the ear

I will just tell you

What night is with you

Everything will be special

Come play the love

Until the sun is surprised

Tonight with you

Everything will be special

Come play the love

Until the sun is surprised

For more infomation >> Esta noche con vos - Los teresos - Cover by Matias Neiff (en subs) - Duration: 3:06.


S02E02 - How to repair the Quattro Footpocket - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> S02E02 - How to repair the Quattro Footpocket - Duration: 4:49.


Choses à savoir votre première semaine - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Choses à savoir votre première semaine - Duration: 1:56.


Tite anuncia que Coutinho estará en el banquillo "como opción" - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Tite anuncia que Coutinho estará en el banquillo "como opción" - Duration: 3:59.


Asociación de Rousseau Metal con Rahal Letterman Lanigan - Duration: 2:22.

Cuando fui a mi primer carrera lo hice con mi padre, quizá fue en 1958.

Hace 60 años atrás, o algo así.

Como padre, siempre es un orgullo que tu hijo o hija sigue tus pasos.

Ahora estamos construyendo cuatro nuevas concesionarias de autos y todas tienen productos Rousseau en los departamentos de Partes y Servicio.

Nosotros continuaremos creciendo y Rousseau seguirá con nosotros.

En todo lo que hacemos nos esforzamos por ser el mejor y Rousseau hace el mismo esfuerzo.

Por eso tenemos la mejor relación con Rousseau.

Los retos más importantes para el equipo durante un fin de semana de carreras, es mantenerse organizados

y estar listos para hacer los cambios en el auto en cualquier momento.

Las mejores cualidades de los productos Rousseau son su durabilidad y organización.

Llevamos las cajas de herramientas por todo el país, las subimos y bajamos del camión todo el tiempo,

las usamos muchísimo y siempre resisten durante años y años de trabajo arduo.

He estado en el equipo Rahal por aproximadamente 22 años y durante todo este tiempo he utilizado productos Rousseau.

Los productos son excelentes y hacen un gran trabajo para nosotros.

Comencé muy joven, me enamoré de ésto viendo a mi padre Bobby

y ahora soy muy afortunado de poder correr autos en la serie Indy.

La sensación que me da correr un auto es similar a lo que siente la gente en una montaña rusa.

ya sabes, la adrenalina sube con la emoción de la velocidad.

Todos queremos ser el mejor en lo que hacemos y a mi las carreras me llevan a otra dimensión.

El deseo y la voluntad de ganar cada fin de semana es lo que me impulsa a continuar en este deporte.

Creemos en Rousseau, utilizamos Rousseau y ha sido un excelente socio para nuestro equipo.

La calidad de sus productos es definitivamente la mejor que he visto y la mejor que nuestro equipo a usado.

For more infomation >> Asociación de Rousseau Metal con Rahal Letterman Lanigan - Duration: 2:22.


¡Errores que cometemos en la cena! -- EmiSecrets -- #MímateySéFeliz - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> ¡Errores que cometemos en la cena! -- EmiSecrets -- #MímateySéFeliz - Duration: 4:16.


Le mari de Mireille Darc rend hommage à Anthony Delon : « C'est un homme merveilleux » - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Le mari de Mireille Darc rend hommage à Anthony Delon : « C'est un homme merveilleux » - Duration: 3:15.


Etudes ou stage au Canada : démarches, papiers, budget, aides, logements... - Duration: 17:37.

For more infomation >> Etudes ou stage au Canada : démarches, papiers, budget, aides, logements... - Duration: 17:37.


8 alimentos que debes comer si quieres un cabello fuerte y abundante - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> 8 alimentos que debes comer si quieres un cabello fuerte y abundante - Duration: 7:24.


¿Qué tan efectiva es la ortiga para el cuidado del cabello? - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué tan efectiva es la ortiga para el cuidado del cabello? - Duration: 6:58.


Cómo tratar las queloides de manera natural - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Cómo tratar las queloides de manera natural - Duration: 4:03.


FDA Biomarker Program

For more infomation >> FDA Biomarker Program


Accessibility in the Portal Part 1: Intro to Accessibility - Duration: 2:09.

Welcome to the portal training series at the University of Toronto. Today I will

show you how to leverage portal accessibility features to help you

deliver a more inclusive, accessible course experience to your students.

Why should we make our courses more accessible? Courses that are accessible pose

three primary advantages to students: they enable students to consume course

content easily; that is, they don't have to waste valuable studying time trying

to decipher course materials. Accessibility also improves student

learning and retention overall. It does this by fostering an inclusive and

welcoming learning environment where all can succeed regardless of ability or disability.

Think of it as a best practice: simply put, you want to deliver

course content in a way that is accessible to everyone.

Accessibility then, is something we should be intentional about just like we

need to know where we want to go with your course so we can focus on getting

there and in achieving our course goals, we also need to identify some of the

accessibility challenges students experience so we can address those

challenges and bridge any gaps, helping students achieve their learning goals as well.

It's much easier to design our courses to be accessible from the outset, with intentionality.

However don't be discouraged if your existing course

hasn't yet bridge those gaps. This video will help you identify potential issues

so you can fill in the missing pieces.

We're going to look at five ways in which you can make your portal course more accessible.

1. By adding alternative text for images

2. By crafting meaningful hyperlinks

3. By making judicious use of colour

4. By creating structured pages and documents

And 5. By adding closed captioning for videos.

Let's go to our course and look at how these web accessibility principles can be applied to the course

setup process, primarily using the Portal's built-in features.

For more infomation >> Accessibility in the Portal Part 1: Intro to Accessibility - Duration: 2:09.


Accessibility in the Portal Part 2: Alternative Text for Images - Duration: 1:31.

Alternative text for images

When adding images you must add alternative text,

often referred to as alt-text or alt-tag. Alt-text is a text that you

associate with the image describing what the images, enabling software programs

to read out the text to users. To add alt-text navigate to the area of the course

where you're uploading the image. In the content editor, select the

"Insert/ edit image" icon. Browse to your computer and select the image.

Type the alt-text of the image in the image description box.

For example, for this image I could add the text "Planet Earth;" however please keep in mind that a

user should be able to understand the contents of the image based solely on

the text. So the more information I add that is relevant to the course, the better.

So I'm going to say "NASA weather satellite image of Planet Earth."

When you're satisfied with the image in the text, select "Submit." Lastly, keep in mind

that some images may require much lengthier descriptions. For example, if

your image consists of a table, infographic or other complex graphic

your alt-text will need to include much more detailed information and likely

longer descriptions of the content

For more infomation >> Accessibility in the Portal Part 2: Alternative Text for Images - Duration: 1:31.


Accessibility in the Portal Part 6: Closed Captioning for Videos - Duration: 2:17.

Closed captioning for videos

If you are linking out to videos or uploading videos to your course,

ensure that they are closed captioned or have a transcript of

the content available to users.

When uploading your own video and transcript to the Portal,

ensure that the transcript you provide

has the necessary information describing visual content in the video.

You may wish to point students to additional resources as well as to descriptions

of the media elements contained in your video.

If you are searching in YouTube, you can filter results to closed captioned only by adding

", cc" (comma-space-cc) after the search terms. Keep in mind, however, that sometimes captions

are added via the automatic captioning service and there may be errors in the text.

Watch the clip all the way to the end to ensure that captions are accurate.

So - let's take a minute to recap what we've talked about. There are five simple

and quick ways to make your Portal course more accessible.

1. By adding alternative text for images

2. By crafting meaningful hyperlinks

3. By making judicious use of color

4. By creating structured pages and documents, and

5. By adding closed captioning for videos.

Remember: designing with student accessibility in mind

means planning ahead and building in time for accessibility

during the course design and setup process.

Thanks for watching another installment of our Portal training series. We encourage you to look at the

resources in the video description for more information on web accessibility

and to learn more about how you can leverage the portals features to deliver

a more inclusive learning experience for all your students.

To learn more, please visit our website at portalinfo dot utoronto dot ca.

If you need support setting up your Portal course, you can contact us at

portal dot help at utoronto dot ca.


For more infomation >> Accessibility in the Portal Part 6: Closed Captioning for Videos - Duration: 2:17.


Accessibility in the Portal Part 5: Structured Pages and Documents - Duration: 1:54.

Structured pages and documents

When you type into the Portal using the content editor,

There are several formatting options from which you can choose

just like in a word processor. If your message or content

is broken up into sections, it's important to structure it in a logical, hierarchical order

For instance, on this page I have the main title for the page,

"Essay Instructions." The next level in my hierarchy addresses two aspects of

the instructions: Grading Information and Topic Selection. Under Grading Information

information I have just a line of text. However, under Topic Selection I need to

provide more detailed information about suitable and unsuitable essay topics.

Each level in this hierarchy requires its own formatting in the Portal's

content editor: Heading, Sub Heading 1 and Sub Heading 2.

This is important because screen readers, which are programs used to read the content of a

web page, allow users to tab through the content in hierarchical order.

If you were simply to bold the headings, screen reader users wouldn't know how

each section relates to each other and to the content in order of importance.

Here's how we actually apply the appropriate formatting in the Portal.

I've added the text to my content editor. I will select each heading individually

and apply the formatting from the drop-down menu,

ensuring I have the correct hierarchical order.

"Heading" is at the highest level, followed by "Sub Heading 1" and "Sub Heading 2."

Documents you add to the Portal should also be formatted using the built-in

formatting options of the application you are using such as Word or PowerPoint

this ensures that students using screen readers are able to consume those files as well.

For more infomation >> Accessibility in the Portal Part 5: Structured Pages and Documents - Duration: 1:54.


Cómo tratar las queloides de manera natural - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Cómo tratar las queloides de manera natural - Duration: 4:03.


Cười không nhặt được mồm ║ Những pha chơi ngu hài hước bá đạo nhất ─ #35 - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> Cười không nhặt được mồm ║ Những pha chơi ngu hài hước bá đạo nhất ─ #35 - Duration: 11:02.


Volvo S90 D4 Inscription B&W audio Intellisafe Schuif/Kanteldak Head up display On-Call 20 Inch - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo S90 D4 Inscription B&W audio Intellisafe Schuif/Kanteldak Head up display On-Call 20 Inch - Duration: 0:54.


Hotel Ankara in San Luis Potosí, Mexico (North America). The best of Hotel Ankara - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Hotel Ankara in San Luis Potosí, Mexico (North America). The best of Hotel Ankara - Duration: 5:12.





$4.25 Survey Available Now

For more infomation >> $4.25 Survey Available Now


Mika: I Am Disappointed On Equal Pay Plan Halt | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Mika: I Am Disappointed On Equal Pay Plan Halt | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:37.


VIKTOR FRISK, SP4ZIE & ATHENA TÄVLAR I BÅT-GOKART! | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:57.

Hi and welcome to CokeTV Sweden with me Athena, Sp4zie and our lovely guest Viktor Frisk.

-Thank you! -Welcome.

-What is it? You're a singer, YouTuber... -Singer and writer, duh!

Yes, all of that. I do everything where I can be creative.

-Oh, that's nice. -I think that's fun.

Viktor Frisk: Creative!

That feels new and fresh. Something else that is new and fresh is...

"Coke Zero sugar Vanilla". Zoom in on what I've got here.


-Mm, nice. -Nom nom nom.

-Do you know what we're doing today? -No.

-No, we're going to pich a patch, do a challenge, and you're going to be with us all the way. -Oh okay.

-All the way? -All the way!

It will be great. We need a bucket!

-Here it is. -You've got it.

-Our guest picks the challenge. -Oh can I take one?

Yes, we're going to have a boat race.

-What? -So fun!

Does anyone have any boat experience? I can't drive a boat.

A little, but not much.

Is it even correct to say "drive a boat"?

-Yes? -Yes that's correct.

Yes, "Drive a boat"!

Guys, let's jump down and get ready. I think this sounds like a really fun challenge.

Me too.

You're always like: "As long as you're having fun".

-"As long as you're participating" -I'm like, "No, it's a competition"!

-You get it? It's a competition! -We want to win!

It's all about winning.

Time has past, the weather is cloudy, it's a bit windy. But that means more action when we're out there.

-I think so too. -So that's good.

-Are you ready? -I'm so ready!

-How do you think it will go? -I've heard that it will go really fast.

-Is that something you like? -Yes, I like it when it's fast.

You feel like a fast person.

I really don't hope that I will fall off because I don't want to be wet.

-No okay. -It's too cold.

You can see it over there.

-It goes really fast. -Yes, really fast.

That's great!

-Guys let's do this, this will be so nice! -Let's go!

-Guys, can you swim? -Yes, kind of.

-Going natural. -Absolutely.

-Hi! Good impression we're giving you. Jonas. -Charlie, nice to meet you.

-Hi, Viktor. -Hi, Athena.

-Welcome to "Stockholm Action Center". -You have such a nice name.


-Why are we here? -You're going to drive motorboat.


-Has anyone done it before? -No.

I've been riding but I've never been driving one.

No, I've never been driving because no one would ever dare to go with me.

But that's cool, because you're going to be all by yourself today.

Okay, that's good.

The competition is that you should try to get the same time on both laps.

What a twist.

-So you get it? -Yes.


-Are you excited? -Absolutely!


Go Viktor!


I'm soaking wet!

At first I was really scared because I thought I would fall in.

But after a while I started to realize that it doesn't matter, it's much better if I speed up a little.

I was the biggest softy in the beginning. But after a while I went faster and faster...

...and that was so fun.

-Yes, now you've been out there. -That was so fun.

-It was so fun. -I want to buy a boat.

Me too!

First I'm going to say you times from the first lap, then you're going to guess the difference.

So Viktor went first. He finished in 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

On my last lap I think I had 3 minutes!

3 minutes, okay.

Jonas, 2 minutes and 11 seconds.

Oh, good.

I think I had exactly 2 minutes on my second lap.

3 minutes and 17 seconds was your time on your first lap.

Okay, I think I had 2 minutes and 17 seconds on my second lap.


It wasn't that much of a difference, it was quite good times.

-With 19 seconds difference, on third place, Athena! -Haha, I told you.

But what, 19? That's what I though I had. Okay...

So on second place... was 15 seconds difference. -Okay.

-And on first place we had 3 seconds difference. -Oh, wow!

-I think you had 3 seconds. -I have no idea.

It could be you.

But I think you had the same tempo all the way.

Just tell us who had 3 seconds difference!

The one who came on first place is...


I told you... The thing is... I need to say this. He let me through in one of the curves.

I was like, "Wait a second, we've been going really fast. But I'm going to do this!" And then I just sped up.

-Come on Viktor! *Sings his song* -Yeah you can sing it.

-Congratulations. -Thank you so much!

It was really fun!

3 seconds difference, that's insane.

-3 seconds are not much. -That's nothing.

This is the first time ever I've actually won something. We came in last place in "Melodifestivalen" but now I won.

That's great.

That's great. That's how it shoul be when you're here with us.

It doesn't get any better than this. Thanks so much for watching.

-Thank you so much! -Don't forget to subscribe!

And watch our earlier episodes.

And comment what you want us to do.

-Bye! -Bye!

I need to reverse this.

It's over.

Thanks for watching guys. If you like our stuff we have a lot more, for example a Q&A right here...

...and then there's this Bucketlist-video here. -Yes.

-And don't forget to subscribe to the channel. -No.

Very important. I need to get down.

Yes, your hair is in my face.

I'm going to fall down.

-No, it's better if you go down and then I... -Okay, I go down first.


So, are you taking me home? Great.

For more infomation >> VIKTOR FRISK, SP4ZIE & ATHENA TÄVLAR I BÅT-GOKART! | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:57.


Ecco i nuovi tronisti di Uomini e donne: la conferma ufficiale - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Ecco i nuovi tronisti di Uomini e donne: la conferma ufficiale - Duration: 3:42.


John writes "I'm planning to run away from home" - Duration: 1:06.

♪ [music] ♪

John writes, "Dear The New Wheel, I'm planning to run away from home.

I live in Upstate New York, and I'm heading for San Francisco.

Will I be able to make it on one charge?"

Dear John, electric bicycles do not entirely recharge themselves.

In fact, many of them need to be charged, sorry. In fact, all of them need to be

charged between every 30 and 100 miles. It depends on the capacity of your battery

and the efficiency of your motor. What I would recommend is to take two batteries

with you and plan your route so that you can charge when you're sleeping overnight.

It's been done before, and you can definitely do it again. Good luck on your

adventure. Hope you're over age.

♪ [music] ♪

For more infomation >> John writes "I'm planning to run away from home" - Duration: 1:06.


Jeanie Writes "Should I get mid-drive or hub drive electric bike?" - Duration: 1:42.

♪ [music] ♪

Jeanie, from Mount Shasta, writes, "Dear The New Wheel, I live on a steep hill.

Should I get a mid-drive or rear-hub drive E-bike? Sincerely, Jeanie."

Jeanie, it really depends on just how steep your hill is. Both types of bikes

can do an excellent job for you. Rear-hub drives have a fun, fast,

and immediate feel. But if you put enough weight on a steep enough hill,

the motor may actually start to bog down. This is compared with a mid-drive motor.

Mid-drive motors have a mechanical advantage which is that the motor

has the advantage of all of the gears. It's hard to

understand, but not that hard. Man to man let me put it to you like

this. When you use your human intelligence to shift down because you see a steep hill

right in front of you, the motor suddenly is able to work in its most efficient

range of power. You're able to work in your most efficient range of power and

together it's a melding of human intelligence, artificial intelligence,

and mechanical engineering that will get you to the top of any hill.

Thanks for the question, Jeanie.

♪ [music] ♪

For more infomation >> Jeanie Writes "Should I get mid-drive or hub drive electric bike?" - Duration: 1:42.


Why I'm a passionate Health Educator: How I stopped being a lawyer and started promoting health - Duration: 9:08.

I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome [in my 20s].

This took me by surprise.

What had happened is that I had started out my career as an attorney in

New York City—working the typical long hours that young people in their 20s do.

I would often pull all-nighters. This took a toll on my health.

I started out with a bad cough, which then was diagnosed as bronchitis, and

turned into walking pneumonia.

This stimulated asthma and wheezing cough,

so that I was literally unable to carry on a conversation,

because every time I started to talk,

I would start coughing. It was, as you can imagine, extremely

frustrating and depressing. I went from Doctor to doctor trying to find a

solution as to why I simply could not get well.

There was nothing they could do for m.

Perhaps I would never be fully healthy healthy again. When I heard that I

realized a couple of important things.

Number one, I realized that I had been sitting back passively waiting for that doctor

to write me a prescription that would make me well.

Number two, I realized that no one cares about my health more than me (and can do anything about it) and

that if I don't get it together and figure out how to create my health,

I was really never going to be fully healthy again.

Number three, I realized that there are limits

to modern conventional medicine to optimize your health.

Antibiotics are great if you have an infection, but not so great when

you take them for prolonged periods of time. My hair actually started to fall

out, because I had been on full spectrum antibiotics for six months.

I had to then undertake a long process of restoring my own health, which was

extremely enlightening for me,

because as a Stanford and Harvard Graduate and an

attorney from Georgetown who had passed the New York and California bar exams and had

been admitted to the Washington DC bar, I was considered by people to be successful

and intelligent and well-educated and yet somehow through no one's fault, but my own,

I had become extremely sick.

This was not an acceptable circumstance.

I wondered how is it that someone with

seemingly everything going for them, could end up flat on their back in bed

and in and out of the hospital. I also was diagnosed with a condition called

pleurisy which is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs where my lungs

burned and ached and I could hardly breathe. Every breath was torturous.

I had to really consider deeply

how to fix this situation.

Fortunately, I had a wonderful therapist at the time,

who helped me through counseling to get

back on my feet—get over the depression from which I was suffering, because

I had to give up my job and was unsure as to what I was going to do for a livelihood.

I knew that I needed to do something that was no longer going to destroy my health.

I also was very fortunate to have a very

competent naturopathic doctor who was able to instruct me in

what we now call functional medicine.

We went about rebuilding my gut health, working through elimination diets.

I had developed allergies to everything (my immune system had been so overwhelmed).

I took a skin test, and

I was allergic to practically everything. I would have anaphylactic

shock reactions, if I went and spent too much time outdoors and exerted myself.

I had formerly been fit running 10 K's and regularly exercising.

And, I could barely walk up and down the stairs in my house.

I undertook a new career path in health promotion.

It was very difficult.

Many people along the way doubted me,

because they said, "You're qualified as an attorney. Why would you want to be a fitness and health professional?

And yet I persisted.

As you can see, I have awards.

I have written books—15 of them translated now into several languages.

Here's an Italian version of my Pilates Deck translated into several

languages worldwide. Here are some Chinese versions of my book,

Fitness 9 to 5: Easy Exercises for the Working Week.

I dedicated myself to educating people about the mind-body connection

and the importance of choosing health each day

through the small actions that you take.

Because, health is really not something that you save for the weekends

or you save for your older age.

It's created daily by the foods you eat,

though the way in which you manage your stress and tension levels,

how you exercise and move your body and

how you manage your relations with other people in your family and in your community,

so that you feel satisfied and happy and productive.

All of these things are factors in creating a healthy and happy life.

I am so passionate about sharing solid evidence-based information.

I went back to Stanford University where I had graduated from as a college

student to seek out the advice of a man I had known when I was a student. his

His name is Dr. Jack Farquhar and he was the founder of the Stanford Prevention Research Center.

I had been serendipitously able to have the good fortune

to meet him as a college student and and actually live in his house and

babysit his children. I went back later (after restoring my health) and asked him

how I could change my life direction toward health education.

[After taking additional education and training] I became a health educator

[and fitness trainer] in a program called the Health Improvement Program at Stanford University

which is community-based education to help people in the Stanford

community improve their health and daily well-being. This was very meaningful.

I worked there for 15 years as a health educator.

I was briefly the Associate Director of the Health Promotion Resource Center.

Through that work,

I had the privilege of meeting many expert researchers in cardiology, in

behavioral sciences, in psychology, in nutrition, exercise physiology, and

understand the components that are necessary to creating a healthy lifestyle

and learn about scientifically based interventions that have been

tested with research to create better health on an individual and community level.

This made me very passionate to share with people, because it's

important that this information get out to the public. And that's what really

fueled my desire to write and be a vehicle in which to share this. Because

I passionately believe that all of us deserve to have a healthy and happy life

and that it is incumbent not only upon us to make good choices, but we need to

have access to good information.

Because, without solid evidence based credible information,

we don't know what the right choices are to make.

What are the right foods?

How much activity is appropriate?

What amount of sleep do I need?

Do good relationships matter?

How does my attitude affect my overall health?

These are all questions scientists have posed and we now have a tremendous body of knowledge.

What's really exciting to me about health education today is that

for the first time, we really know all of the component parts that create an

optimal healthy and long lasting life.

There's NO reason why we can't be vital,

energetic and fi, until the last day we breathe on this earth.

And yet, we often don't know

how to find that information.

So it's my passion to bring that to you,

and to be here as a resource to help you live a joyful, happy, healthy, fulfilled

and active life for as long as you live.

So feel free to send me your questions.

Share with me your concerns and know that

I'm always happy to be a resource

to get you the information that you need.

Thank you so much!

For more infomation >> Why I'm a passionate Health Educator: How I stopped being a lawyer and started promoting health - Duration: 9:08.


My Dad Left Us; How Can I Trust Men? - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> My Dad Left Us; How Can I Trust Men? - Duration: 10:05.


KILTY REIDY: Why I'm voting to make #EquityStrong - Duration: 0:31.

Hi. I'm Kilty Reidy in New York City,

where I've been a proud Equity member for 21 years.

I voted yes for a dues increase.

I voted yes to support a more

modern and strategic Organizing Department

to garner more work weeks and

organize more Equity theaters.

Equity has our backs, and don't you want the person

that has your back to have more resources?

I do.

Vote yes to make Equity strong.

For more infomation >> KILTY REIDY: Why I'm voting to make #EquityStrong - Duration: 0:31.


I LIE TO MYSELF - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> I LIE TO MYSELF - Duration: 0:32.



For more infomation >> KIM JESTEŚ I CZYM SIĘ ZAJMUJESZ - Duration: 4:41.


Citroën C2 1.4i Furio - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4i Furio - Duration: 0:41.


Hyundai i20 1.2i Go! Plus - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i Go! Plus - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Panoramic - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Panoramic - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Luna 7p. - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Luna 7p. - Duration: 1:00.


Suzuki Swift 1.3i 93 PK COOL Airco/CD/CV afstandbed. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift 1.3i 93 PK COOL Airco/CD/CV afstandbed. - Duration: 0:54.


Being Selfish When You Live with Bipolar Disorder - Duration: 1:38.

Hey guys. it's Hannah.

Being selfish when you live with bipolar disorder

actually is not easy.

I mean I live with bipolar 2 disorder.

I have extreme empathy

and it's really, really difficult for me

to say "no" to my friends, to my family,

to really anybody.

I don't know what it is

when you live with bipolar disorder.

Maybe some of you can help me out there

by commenting.

It's like I'm trying to compensate

for this internal struggle that I feel sometimes.

I put my mental health in my needs to the side;

always trying to do for others.

I can never say "no".

And I overdo it with people.

I say "yes" to things

that I really don't have time to be saying "yes" to.

And really things I can't accomplish.

And the other day, it was brought to my attention

that sometimes in your life

you have to be selfish.

You have to put yourself before everybody else.

And that's really difficult for me.

It's something that when you have extreme empathy

and you're really concerned

about being there for everybody else.

You feel really terrible and guilty

doing things for yourself;

like taking care of yourself.

And I don't know if this is something

everybody else struggles with

that lives with bipolar disorder

or any mental health conditions.

So I look forward to seeing your thoughts

and hearing what you have to say.

I'll see you guys next week. Bye.

For more infomation >> Being Selfish When You Live with Bipolar Disorder - Duration: 1:38.



For more infomation >> JAK STAĆ SIĘ SZCZĘŚLIWYM I ZDROWYM - Duration: 2:26.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Red 5-deurs | Panoramadak| Navigatie | LMV | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Red 5-deurs | Panoramadak| Navigatie | LMV | - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai Getz 1.3i GLS - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3i GLS - Duration: 1:02.


New Jack City Beat - Duration: 2:54.

Yo G Baby

The new American dream Funky G

Baby The new American deam

Yo G Baby

The new American dream Funky G

Baby The new American deam

Living just for the city Living just for the city

Living just for the city Living just enough

Living, Living


Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper?

Yes I Am Am I my brother's keeper?

Yes I Am Am I my brother's keeper?

Yes I Am Am I my brother's keeper?


Living, Living

Up in the backroom with a hit of the base Yous a basehead

with a hit of the base Yous a basehead

hit of the base Yous a basehead

You're all messed up man with a hit of the base

Yous a basehead


Yo Baby Hold up homebody

Rock-a-bye Baby Hold up homebody

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper?

Yes I Am Am I my brother's keeper?



Hit of the bass Yous a base head

Hit of the bass Yous a base head

Hit of the bass Yous a base head

with a Hit of the bass Yous a

base head

A new American Dream

See ya and I wouldn't wanna be ya

For more infomation >> New Jack City Beat - Duration: 2:54.


$4.25 Survey Available Now

For more infomation >> $4.25 Survey Available Now


日本の童謡・唱歌唱歌  鯉のぼり  原曲キーcov(●^o^●)🎶M - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 日本の童謡・唱歌唱歌  鯉のぼり  原曲キーcov(●^o^●)🎶M - Duration: 2:36.



Before we begin, I invite you to subscribe for free and activate notifications.

Hello, today I share

Watch what happens in your body when you eat AN APPLE A DAY.


Apples us away from drugs, not the doctor.

This is a distinction that is worth to clarify at the outset, so determined

a study by the National Institute of Health in the United States.

Eating an apple a day is good for our body and prevents us from many diseases;

However, consultation with professional and annual checkups can not be removed

of our agendas.

To reach this conclusion an experiment was conducted on 8,400 people, of which

10% ate an apple every day.

This was the percentage of patients also should not consume almost no medicine

in the span of one year (duration of the investigation).

According to the Director of the team, Matthew Davis, School of Nursing at the University

Michigan apple consumption was not associated with other markers, for

example, the number of annual visits to the doctor.

Other conclusions on the consumption of this fruit is that those who ate

a piece of apple a day were less likely to smoke and had higher levels of education

and intelligence.

Eating this fruit can be a sign of a healthier life mode, this should be

to the block is a good source of vitamin C, flavonoids and soluble fiber.

It can be taken as a dessert, at breakfast, as a snack mid-morning, when we feel

anxiety or hunger, bedtime or before sports.

It does not provide significant amounts of calories or sugars and can consume any


Reasons to eat an apple a day.

- Hydrates our body by its high water content (about 80% of its composition).

- It is diuretic, reduces fluid accumulation, cramps in the lower limbs

(Legs and feet) and high blood pressure, due to its large amount of potassium.

- Among vitamins, it has the vitamin E, known to be strong antioxidants.

- By having soluble and insoluble fibers, it may be employed both with constipation

as with diarrhea.

In the first case it is necessary to consume raw, husked and in the second, roasted or

form of compote.

- The apple peel has pectin, this fiber protects the intestinal mucosa.

If you wash before eating, you will not have to peel to enjoy all the benefits

a digestive level.

In addition, several studies show that pectin has a decisive role to avoid certain

cancers such as, for example, the colon.

The secret of the apple and its benefits is its phytochemical substances that also

to prevent cancer, as noted above, they help reduce sugar levels

and blood fats.

Therefore, it is advisable for diabetics and people with high cholesterol consume at least

two blocks a day.

This fruit can purify and cleanse the blood.

One of the apple phytochemicals is quercetin, which can prevent problems

cardiovascular, inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and even

muscle contractures.

Apple, in turn, has as tartaric acid and malic, that help digest

better fats we consume.

It is therefore advised to eat this fruit as dessert after a copious intake, either

noon or night.

Also, it does not allow glucose to increase rapidly after meals.

It's perfect for people who are dieting or suffering from some disorder

food cravings.

This is because the apple satiates our appetite and prevents us to eat more.

You can ingest the amount you want a day without restriction because it will help

to lose weight and feel more energetic (but it is not the only thing that comes around

the day).

Apple increases cognitive abilities due to their beneficial contribution of sugars

for our brain.

Arguably you eat a fruit before going to school or study for an exam

It's like Popeye spinach.

Increase mental abilities, be more productive, we will incorporate more quantity

information, remember details and we can perform better in any field.

If we have to choose the healthier or beneficial Apple undoubtedly is the red

the first prize is won.

This does not mean that the others are not good for our health but that of

reddish (as Adam and Eve or Snow White) has more amount of antioxidants.

Being easy to transport, you can eat anywhere, which makes

healthy snack ideal for school, office, beach, picnic, college

or wherever we go.

Carried in any bag without problems (remember to wash before leaving home and

throw the heart into a basket).

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



Gunahon se maghfirat pane ka wazifa in urdu - Duration: 3:25.

Gunahon se maghfirat pane ka wazifa in urdu

For more infomation >> Gunahon se maghfirat pane ka wazifa in urdu - Duration: 3:25.


【デレステMV】 イリュージョニスタ! (2D ver.) 【中譯字幕】 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 【デレステMV】 イリュージョニスタ! (2D ver.) 【中譯字幕】 - Duration: 2:15.


AINDA SOBRE 2018 - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> AINDA SOBRE 2018 - Duration: 6:43.


A Small Home in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, California | Amazing Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 1:57.

A Small Home in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, California | Amazing Small House Design Ideas

For more infomation >> A Small Home in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, California | Amazing Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 1:57.


Diy home made TN bujo - Duration: 5:43.

Welcome to my channel

Today I am showing my home made DIY TN Bujo

I used foam sheets from The Range and

real leather strips from Ebay

I am showing you the top and the elastics, as you can see I added jump bands

and I made my own paper clip decorations which I will show you soon

here are the elastics and jump bands, (I need to change the yellow to black when I get more elastic thread)

here is the spine which you can see I have threaded my elastics through the leather

and my band to hold it all together as a middle loop here in the middle.

This leather is really strong and tough but it feels nice and soft

I really wanted teal colour but I couldn't get it yet.

The sticker on the front I got at The Range or HobbyCraft

the pen loop is made from foam and hot glue gun

these dashboards are also clear pockets

I made them using lamination pockets

I keep my calendar in the front

I am just flipping through real quick

these are my weeklies from the beginning of the year

I am just flipping through

the stamps are home made out of an eraser

the cute doodles I learned to do

I will link below in the description

where I learned to do them

here is my dutch door

you can see I have taken my leuchtturm

1917 apart and made each section into

little booklets bound by a dash board

there is a video on youtube which shows

how to deconstruct your leuchtturm

I will link in description where I saw it

here is one of my zentangle style doodles

I love making these Celtic knot doodles

I print out my favourite photos on my

Polaroid ZIP zink printer

this is home made papyrus style paper I

made using strips of paper, tea and glue

and baked it in the oven

then I used it for my calendar

I love that I can save tickets and stickers

in these dashboard pouches

I have been loving using my new washi

tape I got from hobby craft. it's teal to

match my leuchtturm bujo cover.

which I don't have now because I am

using this home made diy TN cover

but I have ordered some teal faux leather

so I should be having a go at making that soon

ok so here is the decoration I put on my

paperclip, it's just a piece of ribbon

and this is a furry pipecleaner

my dashboards are quite bare because

they are so new, I only made them

yesterday so I have to fill them up

I keep my stickers in here

I printed these inserts out

I designed them on my iPad pro

the problem I have had

is that I don't have a trimmer

or a long arm stapler yet

so I need to fix this section

because it is over trimmed and wonky

which is a shame because I used my favourite stickers in it already

and I don't think they will come off

so I am gonna have to completely redo this section

this section is the back section of my leuchtturm

I created a room escape game in real life

so I have had to blur out the spoilers there lol

and I keep a world map here

and practise my handwriting

this section is just a notebook with lined paper

and here at the back

I have a stencil which I use for my weeklies

and here at the back is my art work and zentangle doodles

this one is my favourite

I did all these a while ago,

it feels nice to be

reunited with my artwork

because it used to be in a separate book

I loved drawing this eye

I will flip through again this way because

some are portrait and some are


so there you have it

thank you for watching!

I also like making digital bujo

on my iPad Pro so check out my other videos and tutorial

this band goes all the way round but I am filming one handed


bye :)

For more infomation >> Diy home made TN bujo - Duration: 5:43.


The Gospel of John: Chapter 1 - Duration: 12:52.

1 In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God,

and the Word

was God.

2 From the very beginning

the Word was with God.

3 Through Him God made all things;

not one thing in all creation was made

without Him

4 The Word was the source of Life,

and this Life brought Light to people.

5 The Light shines in the darkness,

and the darkness

has never put it out.

6 God sent His messenger,

a man named John,

7 who came to tell people about the Light,

so that all should hear the message and believe.

8 He himself was not the Light;

he came to tell about the Light.

9 This was the real Light

—the Light that comes into the world and shines

on all people.

10 The Word was in the world, and though God made the world through Him,

yet the world did not recognize Him.

11 He came to His own country, but His own people did not receive Him.

12 Some, however, did receive Him and believed in Him;

so He gave them the right to become God's children.

13 They did not become God's children by natural means,

that is, by being born as the children of a human father;

God Himself was their Father.

14 The Word became a human being

and full of Grace and Truth,

lived among us.

We saw His glory,

the glory which He received as the Father's only Son.

15 John spoke about Him. He cried out,

"This is the One I was talking about

when I said, 'He comes after me,

but He is greater than I am,

because He existed before I was born.'"

16 Out of the fullness

of his grace He has blessed us all,

giving us one blessing after another.

17 God gave the Law through Moses,

but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ.

18 No one has ever seen God.

The only Son, Who is the same as God

and is at the Father's side,

He has made Him known.

19 The Jewish authorities in Jerusalem

sent some priests and Levites to John to ask him, "Who are you?"

20 John did not refuse to answer, but spoke out openly and clearly, saying:

"I am not the Messiah."

21 "Who are you, then?" they asked. "Are you Elijah?"

"No, I am not," John answered.

"Are you the Prophet?"they asked. "No," he replied.

22 "Then tell us who you are," they said. "We have to take an answer back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?"

23 John answered by quoting the prophet Isaiah:

"I am 'the voice of someone shouting in the desert:

Make a straight path for the Lord to travel!'"

24 The messengers, who had been sent by the Pharisees,

then asked John,

"If you are not the Messiah

nor Elijah nor the Prophet,

why do you baptize?"

26 John answered, "I baptize with water,

but among you stands the One you do not know.

27 He is coming after me,

but I am not good enough

even to untie His sandals."

28 All this happened in Bethany

on the east side of the Jordan River, where John was baptizing.

29 The next day John saw Jesus coming to him, and said,

"There is the Lamb of God,

Who takes away the sin of the world!

30 This is the One I was talking about when I said,

'A man is coming after me,

but He is greater than I am,

because He existed before I was born.'

31 I did not know who He would be,

but I came baptizing with water

in order to make Him known to the people of Israel."

32 And John gave this testimony:

"I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from heaven and stay on Him.

33 I still did not know that He was the One,

but God, Who sent me to baptize with water, had said to me,

'You will see the Spirit come down and stay on a man;

He is the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.'

34 I have seen it," said John,

"and I tell you that He is the Son of God."

35 The next day John was standing there again with two of his disciples,

36 when he saw Jesus walking by. "

"There is the Lamb of God!" he said.

37 The two disciples heard him say this

and went with Jesus.

38 Jesus turned, saw them following Him, and asked,

"What are you looking for?"

They answered, "Where do You live, Rabbi?"

(This word means "Teacher.")

39 "Come and see," He answered.

(It was then about four o'clock in the afternoon.)

So they went with Him and saw where He lived,

and spent the rest of that day with Him.

40 One of them was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.

41 At once he found his brother Simon and told him,

"We have found the Messiah." (This word means "Christ.")

42 Then he took Simon to Jesus.

Jesus looked at him and said,

"Your name is Simon son of John,

but you will be called Cephas."

(This is the same as Peter and means "a rock.")

43 The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee.

He found Philip

and said to him, "Come with Me!"

(44 Philip was from Bethsaida, the town where Andrew and Peter lived.)

45 Philip found Nathanael and told him,

"We have found the One Whom Moses wrote about in the Book of the Law

and Whom the prophets also wrote about.

He is Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth."

46 "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" Nathanael asked. "Come and see," answered Philip.

47 When Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him,

He said about him,

"Here is a real Israelite;

there is nothing false in him!"

48 Nathanael asked Him, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered, "I saw you

when you were under the fig tree before Philip called you."

49 "Teacher," answered Nathanael, "You are the Son of God!

You are the King of Israel!"

50 Jesus said, "Do you believe just because I told you I saw you when you were under the fig tree?

You will see much greater things than this!"

51 And He said to them, "I am telling you the truth:

you will see heaven open

and God's angels going up and coming down on the Son of Man."

For more infomation >> The Gospel of John: Chapter 1 - Duration: 12:52.


Wazifa for period problem in urdu - Duration: 1:59.

Wazifa for period problem in urdu

For more infomation >> Wazifa for period problem in urdu - Duration: 1:59.


Accessibility in the Portal Part 1: Intro to Accessibility - Duration: 2:09.

Welcome to the portal training series at the University of Toronto. Today I will

show you how to leverage portal accessibility features to help you

deliver a more inclusive, accessible course experience to your students.

Why should we make our courses more accessible? Courses that are accessible pose

three primary advantages to students: they enable students to consume course

content easily; that is, they don't have to waste valuable studying time trying

to decipher course materials. Accessibility also improves student

learning and retention overall. It does this by fostering an inclusive and

welcoming learning environment where all can succeed regardless of ability or disability.

Think of it as a best practice: simply put, you want to deliver

course content in a way that is accessible to everyone.

Accessibility then, is something we should be intentional about just like we

need to know where we want to go with your course so we can focus on getting

there and in achieving our course goals, we also need to identify some of the

accessibility challenges students experience so we can address those

challenges and bridge any gaps, helping students achieve their learning goals as well.

It's much easier to design our courses to be accessible from the outset, with intentionality.

However don't be discouraged if your existing course

hasn't yet bridge those gaps. This video will help you identify potential issues

so you can fill in the missing pieces.

We're going to look at five ways in which you can make your portal course more accessible.

1. By adding alternative text for images

2. By crafting meaningful hyperlinks

3. By making judicious use of colour

4. By creating structured pages and documents

And 5. By adding closed captioning for videos.

Let's go to our course and look at how these web accessibility principles can be applied to the course

setup process, primarily using the Portal's built-in features.

For more infomation >> Accessibility in the Portal Part 1: Intro to Accessibility - Duration: 2:09.


New Jack City Beat - Duration: 2:54.

Yo G Baby

The new American dream Funky G

Baby The new American deam

Yo G Baby

The new American dream Funky G

Baby The new American deam

Living just for the city Living just for the city

Living just for the city Living just enough

Living, Living


Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper?

Yes I Am Am I my brother's keeper?

Yes I Am Am I my brother's keeper?

Yes I Am Am I my brother's keeper?


Living, Living

Up in the backroom with a hit of the base Yous a basehead

with a hit of the base Yous a basehead

hit of the base Yous a basehead

You're all messed up man with a hit of the base

Yous a basehead


Yo Baby Hold up homebody

Rock-a-bye Baby Hold up homebody

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? say it again

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper?

Yes I Am Am I my brother's keeper?



Hit of the bass Yous a base head

Hit of the bass Yous a base head

Hit of the bass Yous a base head

with a Hit of the bass Yous a

base head

A new American Dream

See ya and I wouldn't wanna be ya

For more infomation >> New Jack City Beat - Duration: 2:54.


Sridevi's Daughter Khushi Kapoor's SHOCKING Transformation Will Blow Your Mind !! - Duration: 6:04.

Sridevi's Daughter Khushi Kapoor's SHOCKING Transformation Will Blow Your Mind

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