Monday, August 28, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 28 2017

Cooking is the way I convey what I feel.

Delighting people with each dish is my goal.


"Together we can do more"

I am Juan Bernardini and I have worked in this project,

as a home chef,

for 17 years.

I began working in the City of Azul

in some small restaurants,

pizza shops, bakeries

and I started building some experience.

By means of contacts

and after meeting a person

I fell in love with

in Buenos Aires, I moved to the city

and started working with a renowned French chef.

From that moment on,

I never stopped cooking in hotels,

restaurants in Palermo,

and, gradually,

I stopped working as an employee

until I became a freelance home chef.

My brother-in-law told me

that by getting my ad on Google AdWords,

I could be seen by customers in no time

and grow my business.

I launched a campaign to try it and, that same day,

my first customer showed up.

Google AdWords allows you to be seen by customers

at the very moment that they are searching on Google

for the service you offer.

When someone types in Google

"Home Chef" or "Chef at Home" my ad can appear.

They can contact me directly,

call me or send me an email.

I always ask my customers

how they found me,

and they always answer that they found me on Google.

Now I can spend more time with my family,

something I had not been able to do for a long time.

My goal is to keep growing with Google AdWords

and build up new work teams,

to develop and expand my company.

Together we can do more for your project

for taking new paths

for your professional growth

for cuisine passionates

for family time

for Argentina

For more infomation >> El chef que pudo dedicarse a su pasión gracias a Google AdWords - Duration: 2:36.


La Tierra Prometida | Aruna explota de rabia contra Samara - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> La Tierra Prometida | Aruna explota de rabia contra Samara - Duration: 1:31.


💙 Relaxing Music For Dogs 💙 Music Therapy To Calm & Sleep The Dogs 💙 - Duration: 2:11:54.

For more infomation >> 💙 Relaxing Music For Dogs 💙 Music Therapy To Calm & Sleep The Dogs 💙 - Duration: 2:11:54.


Mi Marido Tiene Familia | Robert se pelea con Julián al saber que planea estafar a Blanca - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Mi Marido Tiene Familia | Robert se pelea con Julián al saber que planea estafar a Blanca - Duration: 1:43.


Mi Marido Tiene Familia capítulo | Capítulo 5 - Resumen - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Mi Marido Tiene Familia capítulo | Capítulo 5 - Resumen - Duration: 3:53.


Spanish frases from Narcos Speak Spanish like Pablo Escobar! - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Spanish frases from Narcos Speak Spanish like Pablo Escobar! - Duration: 10:45.


Totalmente Diva | Eliza por poco gana la prueba al mejor beso con un famoso - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Totalmente Diva | Eliza por poco gana la prueba al mejor beso con un famoso - Duration: 2:06.


La Tierra Prometida | Malaquías abusa de Rajab - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> La Tierra Prometida | Malaquías abusa de Rajab - Duration: 0:44.


Partida de go Cho Chikun vs Kobayashi Satoru - Duration: 1:29:27.

Hello, everyone.

This is the 63rd NHK cup television Go tournament.

I am the moderator, Nagashima Kozue.

This is the 16th game of the second round.

B Block.

Cho Chikun 25th Honorary Honinbo vs. Kobayashi Satoru 9 dan.

Please enjoy.

After the nigiri, 25th Honorary Honinbo Cho Chikun will go first.

Komi is 6.5. Each move will be made in less than 30 seconds.

Each player will be given 10 periods of 1 minute byo yomi.

Have a good game.

Now to introduce the players.

25th Honorary Honinbo Cho Chikun playing as Black.

59 years old. Born in South Korea.

Studied under Kitani Monoru.

Plays for the Tokyo branch of the Nihon Kiin.

He beat Tanaka Nobuyuki 2 dan in the first round.

He is now in the second round.

Kobayashi Satoru 9 san playing as White.

56 years old, born in Nagano prefecture.

Studied under Kitani Minoru.

Plays for the Tokyo branch of the Nihon Kiin.

Has played in the NHK cup for 13 straight years.

This is the 30th time.

Seeded for the first round.

He is starting from the second round.

Now to introduce the commentator.

O Meien 9 dan. Thanks for being here.

What will be the highlight of today's match?

25th Honorary Honinbo Cho Chikun has the most titles.

Yes that's right.

During the time where he had the most titles, he lost to Kobayashi Satoru 9 dan.

They played against each other in the Kisei match for three years running.

They really have a special relationship. They are both special players in their own way.

I think that feeling will show up on the board.

I think it will be a spirited game.

Now then....

He approached, he blocked... here...

4 star points.

All stars.

This opening has been popular recently.

This has become kind of my theme.

I have different thoughts on the subject.

So approaching here and here...

It's one way of playing and it's quite common.

I didn't expect Cho Chikun to play this.


Yes a bit shocking

Then the 3 star point formation and then the pincer.

If Kobayashi Satoru were playing Black then I'd understand.

Looking at the board, if you asked someone, they'd say it's Kobayashi Satoru playing Black.

I think it's interesting that Cho Chikun is playing this opening.

Let's talk about the win/loss ratio between these two players.

Cho Chikun has 31 wins to 29 losses.

This is actually their 61st game against each other.

I see.

I thought that Cho Chikun was in the lead.

I thought that was the case, but they are almost tied.

You'd think the player with the most titles would be clearly in the lead.

It's kind of unbelievable.


Back to the game. The bottom has become a running fight.

The game will progress from here.

For a while, the running fight at the bottom will be the main focus.

O - 9 dan, earlier you were saying that it's rare for Cho Chikun to play this opening.

It is rare.

Seeing him play like this...

I was thinking it might not end up so well.

Playing like this...well...this might to call it? "Fresh?"

It's interesting. I'm happy.

Well, in the first round...

The order may have been different.

Cho Chikun used the 3 linked star formation. He won with it.

Playing the 3 linked star formation, like he did in this game...

with two approach moves...

the meaning of it is a bit different.

The focal point is the upper left, the approach move there.

Just looking at this...if this happens...

Black is being attacked.

This stone may be useful if a fight breaks out in this area.

It's something he can aim for.

This would be if White wanted to attack right away.

Using this stone in a fight would only happen some time in the future.

So aiming for something far in the future vs. being at a disadvantage right away.

The Cho Chikun I know, I think he thinks that playing this right away might not be good.

Whether this is useful or not remains to be seen.

Both players are thinking very carefully about whether or not the approach here is a good move.

Kobayashi 9 dan has used his thinking time.

Well, looking at this area from White's perspective.

White doesn't want to forcefully attack Black on this side.

He'll want to do something to make use of the weakness over here.

He has a bit of room here.

If he played something here White would be busy.

Well, you want to play here.

In the game he played from this side.

Blocking like this is a good move.

Against this two space jump, this shape is commonly seen.

This move does aim at Black's weakness.

We'll play from Black's perspective.

This move would be good but here...

I'd be worried about something happening. This move would be thicker.

I think either this or this.

I think Cho Chikun will play something like that.

He's used his thinking time.

They're both students of Kitani Minoru.

They've also played many games against each other.

They think each other as special opponents.

When they were studying under Kitani Minoru they lived together for awhile.

Their relationship is closer than most Go players.

Kitani Minoru is his junior (kouhai) and Cho Chikun may be a bit intimidated by him.

Shoulder hit.

The shoulder hit is a clear cut move.

I'd play it too.

In order to make the upper left work I would play so that there wouldn't be any weakness.

You want to be in a position to attack.

I actually want to play Black.

Cho Chikun won't play moves that are normally played.

It makes me really happy.

Do you think that Cho Chikun's style has changed?

For the most part...

It hasn't for some years.

He focuses on a lot of small things to win.

He prefers to play hard and win quickly.

It feels as if all of the Black stones are working together.

There are times you think your stones are doing their job, and the opposite actually happens.

You can plan how to use your stones, and then it turns out the way you want.

However it's not always straight forward. That's the way I was taught.

Whenever I play Cho Chikun, he teaches me a lesson and shows me my stones don't work the way I think they do.

He can play a full board fighting game.

He'd be happy to play that.

Hmm, the peep here. White doesn't just want to directly connect.

The moves from here on out are going to be subtle.

If he doesn't connect then Black pushes through.

He might play a one space jump to the right.

That's the kind of move...

That's the kind of move you want to play.

The move does fend off a possible attack.

If you White were to play a knight's move on the space that is one to the left of the peeping stone....

Black's position would be difficult to play.

That's the reason he peeped.

He decided quickly.

He doesn't have a lot of time. This is a short game.

He decided this was playable.

Now their groups are cut.

The fight at the bottom will get even fiercer.

This won't be a simple game.

They basically skipped right over the opening.

The fighting has begun.

Now we have the fight in the middle with the two White and two Black stones.

That is the crucial point. You can't throw those stones away.

They will be playing a lot of moves before that is resolved.

Look at White's crawl...

The next move would be for him to hane.

He played on the vital point.

He played solidly.

This fight looks to be even.

Well, about Black's move he just played, where he pulled back.

It has a bit of a heavy feel to it.

The stones are close together.

Yes, that's right.

It shouldn't be a problem if Black's stones are stronger than White's.

Now, for White...

The move you want to play is to attach here.

However, there is the hane.

Now what happens? That's the problem.

Is it bad to just block? want to avoid playing here.

Ko isn't good. If you connect these two points are interchangeable.


It's hard to make eyes.

I feel like White is under attack.

I think this would be a difficult game.

Jumping here would be normal.

After he protects how do you counter attack?

Can you fight in this area?

There isn't a move to stop Black?

Well, this is here, so it's not certain.

Well play here, and then go back.

Pushing through and cutting..

White is okay.

However this works now.

Now the cut works.

This will be captured next.

He won't peep right away.

Since the peep does work, then maybe this move isn't so good.

So this is a difficult game too.

Well, what about the diagonal move?

It's a thick move.

It might work.

Is it too slow?

It does come out solidly.

This part is difficult.

Diagonal attach.

This is a fierce move.

I didn't see this coming.

He has a plan with this move.

This move shows that he has confidence in this fight.

He's limiting Black's options.

Could he have jumped?

Black's extension is what you'd normally want to play.

How does White defend against it?

I feel it might be painful.

Oh? He's playing there. This is the vital point.


Now we've arrived at the critical battle.

The real fight has begun.

This move is hard hitting.

So if he pushes through and cuts at the star point...

If he pushed through and cut he probably could win the capturing race somehow.

This is big.

So now cut.

White plays this, and Black tries to capture.

You can play lightly now.

White can make sabaki.

Black can atari here. If White connects then...

There's a cut here.

Now he's captured. Only two liberties.

Is this okay?

If you take then you play like this...

Here you need to have Ko threats.

There aren't any.

Like this, White managed to settle his group.

The question is if Black extends.

There might be other moves for White than descending here.

Does just connecting work?

Black adds a move here.


Like this...

This is even.

If Black can win the race that'd be great.

If White had played here then Black would like to force with this move.

By attaching.

Then attach here.

Before playing a forcing move here...

Another fierce move.

Giving up those stones would be painful so he played this.

They're fighting head to head.

He must have read out that this works.

He might regret playing this down the line. However, it doesn't seem like he's in trouble.

Black will get cut, and now we'll see if Black has a good move.

He'll be pondering this for a bit.

If Black fills in a liberty then he should be able to win the capturing race.

I don't think White will be dissatisfied though.

I saw this variation once he played the diagonal attachment.

White sacrifices the two stones on the right.

Yes, he loses the capturing race.

He's captured.

White can fix his shape after he throws away those stones.

He decided the result wasn't bad. Very calm.

I would be really careful.

As Black? Yes.

This is what White wanted.

The right side is solid now.

Black is settled.

Now White is also....

In the middle...

White has gotten himself into the center.

White still doesn't have enough eye space.

Black can still attack.

They've quickly used their thinking periods.

White lost quite a bit of territory here.

He has forcing moves. Here and then descending, then the hane...

Then descend. This does make some eye space.

There are some moves that can do that.

Then White jumps. This White group is stronger than this Black group.

He can make up what he lost elsewhere.

When Black plays something like this...

White won't attack. White will have to make eyes.

The fight at the bottom is now how to attack this whole group.

This is a crucial battle.

They're both trying to figure this out.

So then this might get attacked soon.

There it is.

Just jumping wasn't aggressive enough.

Now he'll attack the Black group on the left.

White also gets out into the center.

White thought that this was important.

Now he's moving his group into the center.

That's the direction he's heading.

O 9 dan, you participate in a study group with Kobayashi, right?

Have you played him?

Actually in study groups we focus on going over games I've played.

We don't play.

When I have a question about the game Kobayashi Satoru is there to help me.

It happens a lot.

He does a thorough job.

What are your impressions as to Kobayashi's style?

Well let me think.

He knows a lot about Go.

But the jump he just played...

It's sort of...

I thought he would play somewhere else.

This move here?

I thought he'd play here and then this.

Then pressing down would be better.

This would be easier.

I thought he'd try this.

Well, over here, letting Black jump here, the center is scary.

White is okay over here.

I thought he'd settle his shape over here.

Like this, the next move is difficult.

He simply jumped.

I was thinking to myself to play this and then see how Black responds.

Severe move.


Well looking at what Satoru san just played.

Now that he's played like this it means there's no need to play the sequence I showed.

They're heading towards the top anyway.

There might be a move that could disrupt his connection.

I think that nothing horrible will happen if he doesn't protect.

You mean in here?

When you have these jumps, if there are stones around...

A move like this...

Like this and this, then...

White is connected.

If you really want to cut then there is the wedge.

If he plays here then this...

Like this?

You can cut like this.

Let's say you play from this side...

This move works.

Then like this.

This move has to work or none of this works.

In any case, White has some eye space at the bottom.

He's not going to cut.

It doesn't work.

In any case, this part becomes territory.

White doesn't have much choice.

He played.

He's protecting the cut.

He's protecting against the move I showed you earlier.

Playing there prevents the cut.

Looking at Black on the right...

His territory there is big.

He has some moves he wants to play there.

White might not be able to do anything about it.

The next move...

Now what will Black do?

If he doesn't protect is he cut?

If he doesn't play, there is this wedge.

Because there is this wedge he protects here.

Black is forced.

If you play here there is still the wedge.

If you cut now...

Come out. Cut.

Black can get out.

He can jump on this side.

This move doesn't quite work. It's hard to play.

This move is also difficult because then this works.

Probably he's thinking about playing elsewhere.

He already has a lot over here. He's thinking about somewhere else.

He's still using his thinking time.

He's deep in thought about what to do.

Well earlier you said that after they cut each other that this area was the crucial point of the game.

The situation has changed.

White threw away two stones in the lower right.

He took a loss in territory.

Now Black has a large knight's move on the right.

Black then got capped on the left side.

White has lost quite a bit of territory.

He's also thinking about throwing away the group in the middle.

White would need to play another move to kill them.

If Black adds another move elsewhere...

he will be in the lead.

Playing elsewhere feels natural.

He doesn't want to be captured.

He's going to try and save those stones and make something happen.

Depending on the way the game goes, the moves on the right may factor into the fighting.

Playing elsewhere would have the opposite effect.

It's a question of whether Black can fight.

Speaking of the push and cut, from White's perspective...

He jumped.

He gets out ahead.

Black has some reinforcements at the top should this turn into a messy fight.

He shouldn't have a problem if White doesn't attack him.

His approach move at the top is acting as reinforcement.

It might turn out that way.

I think they're even.

They both have unsettled groups.

In any case, as long as they play solidly. Keep your groups stronger than your opponent's.

That will decide the game.

Where are the big points?

Somewhere in this area?

Actually I think here.

If I were playing...

I'd think this would be a good move. I'd play it.

I worry about these stones the most.

Same goes for Black.

If I'm behind, I would still play it and say I made a mistake earlier.

I'd play this no matter what.

This move is also good.

I want to play here.

So he played here and then Black jumps.

For example, keep jumping...

Play something over here.

Now we'll see if Black has the advantage if the game goes like this.

However, now that I look at it...

White's group here isn't alive.

I don't think there's anything to do about it really.

Large knight's move.

Well these stones have eye space.

Even if Black comes through here.

White might have trouble making eyes.

I didn't expect a move like this...

It feels dangerous.

The lower right doesn't look good.

I think this move is brave.

So White is saying "If you're going to attack me, do it."

He's not afraid of being attacked.

He can't make eyes though.

Let's say he plays over here.

For example, the peep here.

White connects when Black peeps.

White plays here in response.

White has no eyes.

If Black plays here then he has to make eyes here.

While he's doing that this side becomes territory.

I'd be scared.

He might play this move.

In the game he played here.

In this case play here.

This is complicated.

This is easy to understand. He's running away.

He got cut off from the center.

He's not completely alive yet.

You don't want to be cut off from the rest of the board like this.

For example how about this?


This would be alive for the most part.

There's one eye here, and then here...

One eye yes...

This move makes eyes even if Black plays first.

Just playing moves to make eyes isn't good.

I'm not sure if it's good or not.

He played elsewhere.

Now he peeps.

White is daring him to take away his eyes.

Everyone has their own way of evaluating the situation.

It looks like White has his work cut out for him.

This makes the kosumi in the upper left really big.

If Black were to get gote...

Black has a burden to bear.

Even if he puts pressure on the White stones...

White just needs to live and then play in the upper left.

If Black gets gote and White gets to play the diagonal attachment in the upper left, then the balance of territory will shift.

That is the difficulty from Black's perspective.

If he plays here, then here...

Yes right there.

If he plays here then there is a double peep here.

Peep here too.

Then cut.

White is connected.

White can fight back.

So now, here...

He'd prefer to fight with this.

Now White comes back.

I think he's considering something like this.

Locally speaking...

He could play something here...

There are possibilities here.

Now White can come through.

This doesn't work.

So there's a problem.

They both don't have much time left.

There is still a lot of fighting to do.

This is the main conflict.

You don't want to use up all your time.

Black is thinking about how to defend against White's push.

It's a tough choice.

In any case no matter what he does it shouldn't be bad.

However, the differences are subtle.

It's difficult to decide which move to make.

White still needs two eyes though.

Who knows if he'll be able to.

Cho Chikun is out of thinking time.

Well that's both a good and bad point of Cho Chikun.

He thinks carefully during fighting.

He likes to see who will blink first, and then see who is standing when the dust settles.

He's not going to play until he is satisfied with the move he chooses.

He doesn't want to back down.

When he isn't sure what to play he won't make a decision until he's sure.

He's thinking about connecting right next to the White's peeping stone.

He's also thinking about whether White can break into the right side.

He's going through all of the moves.

Thinking about whether there are other moves.

There are many options.

He connected.

Spirited move. He is trying to resolve the fight directly.

In doing so he may take a loss.

Locally speaking this should resolve the fighting.

Black has to protect against the double peep.

So the move I showed you earlier on the board...

Where Black extends to protect the peep.

He might kosumi instead.

Like a tiger's mouth?

He's thinking about that.

They both have their pluses and minuses.


From the outside?

Peeping there...

Will he extend to block?

If White connects?

This is Black forcing White.

There was a chance for White to extend.

My bad luck.

White extending to block might have been a bad move.

If he plays a tiger's mouth...

it might make his own shape weak.

I see.

This is good shape.

This effectively surrounds.

For the moment.

This might be risky.

You can't play this unless you've read it all out.

If White gets cut...

Like I showed earlier, if White is cut then he'll play a knight's move into the Black territory on the right.

Black won't cut.

White can't leave the cut there forever though.

White wants to play one more knight's move.

There it is.

This is what he was preparing to do.

This move will limit Black's options for his next move.

Now what next? Black is thinking about his next move.

He doesn't really have time.

I feel like White eating a stone wouldn't be bad.

Start with the double peep.

Peep, connect, then cut.

I really like taking stones.

I'd be happy to capture.

Taking a stone would make his stones stronger.

He'd get closer to living.

There it is.

I don't think there is anything about this that'd make White unhappy.

I'd take the stone and then I'd switch to the upper left.

The game could progress that way.

This all happens because of the peep.

White is still a long way from living though.

Do this before taking.

This is reasonable.

Make himself stronger before cutting.

There was a possibility of a wedge there.

This is going to be a long game.

If White can break into the right side...

He has a lot of different moves to do it.

There are still weak points.

Black gets sente.

Now the upper left.

This will help out the stone in the upper left.

It aims at connecting.

White has managed to survive.

There were other moves that White could have picked to survive with his weak group.

I think he's pretty tough.


This is the shape.

Next will be the hane.

That is the shape.

The way White is playing makes me think he thinks the position is good.

So Black will hane in response to the attach?

White might double hane and then Black will have a hard time responding.

There could possibly be a ladder.

Well, we'll see if that actually happens.

It'd be strange if he doesn't hane back.

If Black just connects and doesn't do anything else.

White's hane might be a bad move.

Yes, he might descend instead.

Black might show some fighting spirit and cut though.

I think White will make good use of the cut.

The result of that would be...Ah!

Coming in from this direction?

Responding to this move is easy for White.

If he connects then Black will push through.

He'll get cut.

Yes, that's difficult to say though.

He needs time to think.

White didn't have to do anything..

There are various spots on the board White would like to play.

He wanted to save this move for later.

If Black cuts from this direction

white connects and now he can cut.

Now here and then connect. Nothing special here.

This is a forcing move.

Connect, and then here.

This splits Black.

This would be painful for Black.

Normally you think of cutting here.

Let's think about this one. Connect and push through.

Which one, this one?

There are two spots aren't there?

If you play here...

Play here and then these two stones die.

So therefore cut and then this...


Like this?

Then something here.

The atari here is a great move.

Now White doesn't have an eye.

Also this atari is left over.

This shape is scary for White.

What about the game? One more time?

You have to read this all the way through.

Neither of them have any thinking time left.

Connect here and then over here.

What about this?

At this very moment White doesn't look good.


There is a possibility he won't connect at all.

So take...

So no ko, just connect.

Then something like this.

Does he play here?

Is he okay?

If he blocks then he comes out.

This would be perfect.

So what about this result?

Taking this Black stone is big. Will he play it straight away.

He connected.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens next.

How will this all end?

Kobayashi Satoru has some way of dealing with this. He has a plan.

Some good way of dealing with this.

I thought the fight was over, but now it's getting exciting again.

Of course.

Neither of them just connected.

So they cut.

Cho: No time left.

Will Black cut and try to capture?


So simple.

He could've played the atari.

Cut and atari, and then cut again...

There was a chance for him to get out with the atari.

Yes, moving out with the stone that White had captured previously.

The game has taken another turn.


The stone that White captured could run away.

This was unexpected.

Yes, the stone that he was sure was captured...

It'd be scary for it to run out.

There it is.

If this was his plan...

He should've done something else.

Maybe he should've played something different.

That's what I'm thinking about.

It seems that Black has taken some damage.

Yes, that could happen.

Black feels good.

This is an exchange of territory.

What happens if he plays the knight's move on the right side right now?

He can run away. White takes these two stones.

Well the situation is clear now.

Cho: I don't get it.

I feel like we're in another world.

Exchange of territory (Furikawari).

Whit has also come into the right side.

Well, big moves are big.

I can't really say anything about it.

Can White be cut? Yes.

I'm not sure it really works though.

Black's position on the right side isn't settled yet.

White can play the knight's move and get in with one move.

White can capture at the top.

It's a move you want to play.

If Black plays there...

Yes, White gets captured.

I like taking stones.

When I take them I look happy.

White just directly connected.

So Black should do something at the top.

If Black runs away at the top, who will be ahead in territory?

The upper right...

it's now Black territory.

Well, he did capture but...

The corner isn't settled yet.

The lower right can be reduced.

White has the lower left.

On the right side, White has a way of coming in. It would be a very good move.

Another unexpected move.

I thought he'd cut.

I thought he'd play elsewhere and focus on the corner.

That would be normal.

Playing elsewhere is not that fantastic.

I thought he'd attach to protect the corner.

That would be normal.

The lower left Black group is not settled yet.

It's not that weak.

It's won't be an important area for a bit.

Cho wants to go afer the White stones in the middle a bit more.

Right in the middle.

He might have been able to go in deeper.

He wants to reduce in sente.

White can hane and capture.

He wanted to keep pushing in.

There it is.

That is the vital point for the shape.

Now what will he play?

One space jump.

He's lightly jumping in.

Black will block.

White will jump into the 3,3 point.

Now he'll live on the inside.

It's possible for him to cut off the Black group at the bottom later.

Black has captured two stones but he's doesn't have two eyes.

Depending on the situation.

It could be very effective.

Neither of them have much time.

They're playing and really pressed for time to think in such a complicated situation.

White must play in the corner.

White wants to live in sente.

Black can push at the spot just above the 3,3 point.

Push and cut?

I don't think Cho expected White to just push through.

By playing there, White is also cut.

He didn't think it'd be played.

The eye space isn't clear?

Things have gotten interesting.


He must cut.

He blocked in an unexpected way.

If White connects, then Black will push through?

Right, White connects, Black cuts.

If he connects at the point where Black is peeping..

Then he'll cut. Then it's a forcing move.

Awesome move.

The timing for the diagonal attachment is just right?

Black must capture the two stones.

He'll connect at the peep.

I'm not sure what will happen next.

Now that Black is cut on the right...

If he plays, he can definitely make two eyes.

But the move he just played, if he does that...

He went right in.

Does White have two eyes?

Black made a mistake.

The move he played was a mistake.

Black doesn't have a move in the corner.

Both of Black's groups are not alive.

The bottom will live.

It's cut though.

Right there. Black is cut there.

White must answer.

Black will live on the bottom.

It doesn't look like White can win a capturing race if Black cuts.

White will need to add a move and then Black can live on the right side.

Doesn't White get sente?

Sente is big...

After Black lives...

Cho: Terrible.

I'm not sure if White is alive yet.

It doesn't seem like it.

White can play something in the lower right corner. This would be very big.

I think it'd be helpful.

I think on the whole White was successful.

All of a sudden...

White's group in the lower right...for the most part...

It seems alive.

Yes, it does.

White needs to connect the top part of his group with the center part.

Black will then live on the right side.

Does White have something in the upper right?


Black can find a move to live on the right side.

There is a wedge there.

Capturing those two stones with one move would be thick.

Cho: Horrible.

Cho chikun is mumbling again.

He thought he had a move in the lower right and then it didn't work.

He lost some territory.

Locally this is a failure for Black.

Now what will White do?

What will White do? Oh? Go for those two stones.

That move means he has a lot of confidence.

White no longer has any stones in danger.

White is doing better and better on territory.

If he keeps it up and wins...

Should be simple.

Who is leading?

White took those two stones and now everything is alive.

All of White's stones are connected.

They're connected in the center.

If Black were ahead it'd only be by a little bit.

Now that I think about it, Black is in a bit of trouble.

Black has big territory in the upper right.

If White gets a move there...

It might all go away.

How would White come in?

Maybe he can't at all. I may have went too far there.

He can reduce with a knight's move.

White was aiming for this move.

Now that White is thick, he should have some good ideas.

Black has to defend.

If this attach works, White will be in the lead.

This was a forcing move.

Normally you play on the 5,2 point...

Gives you some breathing room.

If you descend your opponent will attach...

Pull back.

So now does Black want to go into the 3,3 point in the lower left?

The 3,3 point becomes possible if the outside Black group is strong.

This game is difficult.

With the diagonal there the 3,3 invasion doesn't work.

Pulling back there might mean he wants to play the diagonal move later.

He's thinking about the corner in the lower left.

White is playing very carefully.

The upper left is still unfinished.

Add a move to the top...

The game is far from over.

White sliding into the upper right is a big move.

Well...maybe there is something more important than the upper right...

Maybe he'll just jump into the 3,3.

The lower left corner I mean.

Then White will may not work...

Right. Play there.

Black cannot really invade the 3,3 point

Locally Black could live.

He should have a move to remove the possibility of Black invading the 3,3 point.

So he can take away Black's eyes and...

This also protects against the 3,3 invasion.

Black doesn't have any eyes at the bottom.

This looks effective.

It's hard to respond to this?

White wants to erase the aji in the corner.

This works too.

White can slide into the upper right.

In theory.

How many points does Black have?

I thought around 60 points.

What about White?

I think White has about the same.

That's the feeling I get.

He'll pincer the stone to protect the corner.

Now he has up to 65 points...

It's Whites turn now.

Now to play in the upper left and connect the stone.

I think White is a bit ahead.

White is going for Black's eyes.

He expanded his territory.

Black needs to play a move to make eyes.

Play a diagonal attachment in the middle.

That should about do it.

Making another eye is not difficult.

White would block his hane.

He peeped.

He wants to get out.

Light play.

A light move.

Now Black's peeping stone is totally captured.

Black still isn't clearly alive.

He needs another move.

That would make him stronger.

White connecting in the upper left corner is sente.

Black is thin in the middle. He could get cut.

He should connect somewhere in there.

It feels like we've seen the power of Kobayashi Satoru's reading and judgement.

Well, maybe I'm going overboard.

We still have to carefully watch what happens next.


White doesn't have to work so hard.

Strange isn't it?

You didn't expect White to get so much?

I'm actually not sure how many points White has in the lower right.

Lower right...

It looks to be 8 points.

Black could reduce it to 7.

This is good news for Black since this worked.

Big move.

Connecting on the left side is also big.

Jump and connect.

For Black, the hane at the top is also big.

Force with a peep...

Settle the right and then connect.

For the most part I think I can calculate what will happen.

There are a lot of subtle things happening on the board.

Black extends...

What about White?

Does White play in the middle part of the upper side?

I think he should've connected at the star point.

This is an interesting move.

What does he do from here?

It's hard to say if it's a good move.

He won't be able to cut off White's group.

White can connect in the middle.

White needs to connect underneath on the left.

White wants to connect at the top in sente, but probably can't.

This part is difficult.

Now hane in the upper right corner.

The shape should be finished.

This was really great for White.

Black has quite a bit of territory.

Is this the best way for White to play?

Is it a close game?


They're playing fast.

Well they may have it all worked out already.

There are so many subtle things going on.

Up until now...

things have progressed as I've expected.

I'm not sure what the correct endgame sequence is for the lower right.

Do you block here?

Will White be okay?

If Black just connects then...

White gains a little bit, doesn't he?

So then, don't connect, do something else?

I wonder if there is another move.

You want to do something.

There are subtleties to this. I'm not sure.

Oh, let White have the next move.

White will then...

He might show some fighting spirit...Oh, he blocked.

Back to the hane.

Kobayashi Satoru must have calculated that White is ahead if Black connects.

Black could have really paid for that.

White didn't do anything.

Black just connected so nothing happened after all.

The lower right...

I calculate it's worth 8 points.

Black gains one point.

7 points?

Black gains one point White loses one point.

Black hanes on the first line and then connects.

White can now atari.

White can do that but he needs another move.

It's sente endgame.

He haned.

Is there a move to get into the center?

This is big too.

So now White will play in the upper left.

Hane on the first line?

The next big move is...


For Black the 1,3 point...

I think he has to hane.

Most likely.

There it is.

Is this a special move?

He has to hane.

Now for something worth 2 points.


2 points in gote.

That'd be best.

The "ate" on the 5th line..ah?

Ah, I see..

White doesn't need to add a move on the left side.

Now it's just dame and playing inside the corner.

The move would finish things. It's not super important right now.

It's not a big problem, but it can get confusing when you think about it.

White's territory in the middle has been reduced.

Well, playing the ate, then the atari, and then connecting. There's nothing wrong with it.

Atari and then reduce.

No mistake.

Now the way is clear for Black.

Cut, and then connect.

Earlier I was worried it might not work.

Black's group on the bottom is low on liberties.

That could mean territory for White.


Ko fight?

White played in the upper left.

Half point ko.

Does White have more territory?

Not yet.

The lower left...

How many ko threats are there in the lower left?

The lower left...

So whoever wins this ko wins the game?

Feels that way.

In the lower left...

The lower left?

Crawling near the 3,4 point komoku stone...

They could be...(ko threats?)

I think so?

The number of ko threats is important.

I feel that Black will win.

Peeping is better.

So peeping is better, huh?

Is it the best move?

If it works the peep is better.

After pushing..

That's right...

Black wins the ko.

White has ended the ko.


White backed down.


The rest is just dame.

35 to 41.

Cho: I played an awful move.

After 263 moves, Kobayashi Satoru 9d wins by half a point.

Kobayashi Satoru 9 dan has won by half a point, playing White.

Looking back at the game, any thoughts?

It looks like Kobayashi Satoru counted very well.

He just let the ko go. He knew who was leading.

This really was a great match.

From the beginning there was a running fight.

White settled in the lower right corner.

After that he didn't back down.

He kept his lead up until the very end.


The game was great.

Cho might be really upset at his mistake, but up until that point it was very close.

This was a half point game.

Kobahyashi 9 dan pulled it out in such a close game.

Thank you for commentating.

Today's result, Kobayashi Satoru wins by half a point and proceeds to the third round.

We hope you look forward to it.


Today, "my move" is move number 62.

Looking at this board position, White is under severe attack.

My opponent left an opening.

I was aiming here to fight back against Black.

Black tried to protect.

So I played here, aiming at this vital point.

This one two combination worked very well.

Then this...

Then I pushed and cut.

I can't say that the game was good for me here.

I managed to get out of a very tight situation.

For more infomation >> Partida de go Cho Chikun vs Kobayashi Satoru - Duration: 1:29:27.


El Bienamado | León le reveló a Valeria que jamás se marchará de Loreto - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> El Bienamado | León le reveló a Valeria que jamás se marchará de Loreto - Duration: 0:52.


Las primeras palabras de Ousmane Dembélé como jugador culé - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Las primeras palabras de Ousmane Dembélé como jugador culé - Duration: 2:00.


Nicolas Sarkozy évoque ses similitudes avec Emmanuel Macron- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Nicolas Sarkozy évoque ses similitudes avec Emmanuel Macron- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 5:23.


Rosario Tijeras | Antonio le confiesa a Emilio que está enamorado de Rosario - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Rosario Tijeras | Antonio le confiesa a Emilio que está enamorado de Rosario - Duration: 0:56.


Pascal Desprez sur Mireille Darc «Ce qu'elle a subi est extrê­me­ment fati­gant » - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Pascal Desprez sur Mireille Darc «Ce qu'elle a subi est extrê­me­ment fati­gant » - Duration: 2:18.


El Bienamado | León le detecta a Santina un delicado problema en el corazón - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> El Bienamado | León le detecta a Santina un delicado problema en el corazón - Duration: 1:18.


Adelgazar con vinagre de manzana | ¿Cómo tomar el vinagre de manzana para bajar de peso? - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Adelgazar con vinagre de manzana | ¿Cómo tomar el vinagre de manzana para bajar de peso? - Duration: 8:32.


Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"

For more infomation >> Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"


BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive Navi/Xenon/Sportint./Panoramadak - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive Navi/Xenon/Sportint./Panoramadak - Duration: 0:58.


Hoe een achterremschijven van remblokken vervangen op een MAZDA 3 BK HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:33.

Use a simple screwdriver to take brake caliper spring out

Use an end bit №7

Use a socket №14

Treat the brake disc seat with a special copper grease

Using a special tool press in the brake caliper pistonmanually

For more infomation >> Hoe een achterremschijven van remblokken vervangen op een MAZDA 3 BK HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:33.


Max SPLASHING Incredible Water park Punta Cana Memories Splash Kids Nursery Rhymes The Muffin Man - Duration: 2:42.

Do you know the Muffin Man Nursery Rhyme Song

For more infomation >> Max SPLASHING Incredible Water park Punta Cana Memories Splash Kids Nursery Rhymes The Muffin Man - Duration: 2:42.


Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"

For more infomation >> Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"


Bak Middle School involved on crash on I-95 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Bak Middle School involved on crash on I-95 - Duration: 0:59.


I See Myself 1 - Duration: 0:11.

My name is Alyssa and I see myself as a programmer in a successful company.

For more infomation >> I See Myself 1 - Duration: 0:11.


I See Myself 8 - Duration: 0:16.

My name is Wilda and I see myself moving to New York to start my new career.

My name is Luis Torres and I see myself becoming a professional animator.

for a famous company

For more infomation >> I See Myself 8 - Duration: 0:16.


I See Myself 7 - Duration: 0:10.

My name is Ted & I see myself as an astronaut.

For more infomation >> I See Myself 7 - Duration: 0:10.


Wymiana tylne tarcze hamulcowe i klocki hamulcowe MAZDA 3 BK TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:33.

Use a simple screwdriver to take brake caliper spring out

Use an end bit №7

Use a socket №14

Treat the brake disc seat with a special copper grease

Using a special tool press in the brake caliper pistonmanually

For more infomation >> Wymiana tylne tarcze hamulcowe i klocki hamulcowe MAZDA 3 BK TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:33.


💙 Relaxing Music For Dogs 💙 Music Therapy To Calm & Sleep The Dogs 💙 - Duration: 2:11:54.

For more infomation >> 💙 Relaxing Music For Dogs 💙 Music Therapy To Calm & Sleep The Dogs 💙 - Duration: 2:11:54.


Nemanja Vidic hails new Man Utd signing Nemanja Matic: I'm surprised at Antonio Conte - Duration: 2:36.

Nemanja Vidic hails new Man Utd signing Nemanja Matic: I'm surprised at Antonio Conte

Nemanja Vidic has been impressed with new Man Utd signing Nemanja Matic.

And the Serbian is surprised Chelsea boss Antonio Conte sold his countryman to title rivals. United have won their first three Premier League matches with Matic impressing in them all.

"He has similar qualities to Michael Carrick, who has been a great player for the club," Vidic explained to the club's website. "Michael is now 36; Nemanja is younger at 29 but hes also very experienced.

Hes been at big clubs, including Benfica and Chelsea, where hes won titles.

"There are not so many players left at Old Trafford who have won the title before, so that trophy-winning mentality is very important because it cant only come from a very successful manager.

"Nemanja has been there before and he knows what its like when the pressure really builds in a title race. "Hes a very good signing for us.

Hes a top player for the position and Im surprised that Antonio Conte let him go. "He played most of their games last season and did really well, so I didnt expect him to be sold to one of their biggest rivals.

"The way hes played in his first few games suggests he is a United player." Vidic is also happy United's fans have taken to the former Blues star. He added: Im glad United have signed him.

Firstly because I think hes an excellent player and person, but also because hes from Serbia and called Nemanja – they are very good qualities to have! "I've heard that the fans have been singing the song that I had.

"I loved my song, it was special for me and I hope Nemanja does well and has the fans singing it for him, too.

Its great to have that recognition." United return to action after the international break with a trip to Stoke in the Premier League.

For more infomation >> Nemanja Vidic hails new Man Utd signing Nemanja Matic: I'm surprised at Antonio Conte - Duration: 2:36.


I ended up punching an actual window...(Virtual Reality Cafe in Korea) | VLOG #9 - Duration: 6:45.

Hey guys! It's Debbie, welcome to my channel or welcome back to my channel.

It is Sunday morning here!

This last week was also my first full week of school. So I am back in the rhythm of things.

If you are new to my channel, I live in South Korea. I work here as an English teacher.

Another unique thing about South Korea, and also the premise for this video: Is that is has an UNBELIEVABLE cafe culture.

South Korea is one of the fastest growing consumers of coffee in the world.

In fact, they drink more coffee, than they eat kimchi.

and that's saying a lot.

Cafes are so popular here, that they went from 800 cafes, in just Seoul alone, in the year 2011.

to 18,000 as of last year!

With so many cafes in South Korea, you can only imagine the competition here.

Not only are you going to find your regular cake and tea and dessert cafes

but you're also going to find:

a Hello Kitty cafe

Sherlock Holmes cafe

garden cafes

POOP-themed cafes

LEGO cafe

and if you want to enjoy your cafe treats alongside some cute animals...

dog cafes

cat cafes

reptile cafes

parrot (bird) cafes

raccoon cafes

and my personal favorite, the SHEEP <3 cafe!

and you might find me there next week, so stay tuned!

Today, however, I'm heading downtown to meet up with some friends.

We're going to eat some Japanese food and then head over to a




Now, I've never been to a VR cafe before, so I have no idea what to expect.

Sooo, let's see what's in store!

I just found my friends! Here's Gaeun!

and my friend, Klaus! Guys, he grew a mustache. He didn't have a mustache before.

Klaus: Now I have a mustache, yeah.

That's how long I haven't seen you! Oh my gosh!

So here's the menu. It extends out to three sections.

and I ordered this cube steak thing.

All our food is here. I got the cube steaks, they're still sizzlin'. You can see them pretty well.

I got some rice in here.

This is some soup.

and then, little side dishes.

Klaus, what'd you get?

Oh, I got this Nattō. It's kind of like Doenjang, a little bit.

Ohh we got more food.

and it smells really strong, and it's kind of an acquired taste, so we'll see! This is edamame, and some Miso (soup) and raw fish--yeah, salmon.

Gaeun, show us.~

It's called Chankonabe, it's a kind of stew. I don't know... sausage, and meats, some vegetables.

and this is, um...

Debbie: Yeah, what is that???

Gaeun: It looks like dumpling? I don't know...(laughs)

All right guys, let's do a run down of Klaus' outfit right now.

This is Klaus' new mustache!

Klaus: "Yeah, mustache is locked in."

Here's his tattoo. Yeah--I went with Klaus when he got this tattoo. It means, um, "Mom."

Klaus: Yeah, it does mean "Mom." Debbie was my emotional support.

and look at this! We got some matching shoes!

Gaeun, we have to do a run down of your outfit.

Ok, so here's Gaeun.

Ok, she's got this cute little black top, this nice little grey skirt, her little sandals, and this bag right here! Show us your bag.

Sooo cute!

So here's the cafe up here, Its' called "VRholic" or vrolic.

As you can see, we've got this virtual guy on the side and it looks dark in there but we're gonna go inside!

Oh gosh, this feels so real.

Gaeun: Aaaaaaaaaaah Oh my gosh! Can you do this?

Debbie: I just have to remember that this is not real.

Be careful!

Wow! Get doughnuts!

Yeah, I don't know how to move...

Ok, watch out, you can dodge the bullets!

Watch out!

but yeah, it was a really interesting experience. I would definitely recommend it if you guys ever come to Korea.

or if you ever run into any virtual reality cafe at any point in your life.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, I know we did.

Make sure to LIKE this video if you enjoyed it and you wanna see more videos.

If you haven't subscribed already, make sure to subscribe down below.

I make videos once a week! and I will talk to you guys in the next video.


For more infomation >> I ended up punching an actual window...(Virtual Reality Cafe in Korea) | VLOG #9 - Duration: 6:45.


I See Myself 2 - Duration: 0:10.

My name is Chris & I see myself achieving my dreams.

For more infomation >> I See Myself 2 - Duration: 0:10.


I See Myself 6 - Duration: 0:10.

My name is Paul Hope and I see myself as setting an example.

For more infomation >> I See Myself 6 - Duration: 0:10.


I See Myself 3 - Duration: 0:10.

My name is Chris & I see myself inspiring others.

For more infomation >> I See Myself 3 - Duration: 0:10.


I See Myself 5 - Duration: 0:11.

My name is Ken Miller & I see myself speaking to the world and giving back.

For more infomation >> I See Myself 5 - Duration: 0:11.


I See Myself 4 - Duration: 0:11.

My name is Fabiola & I see myself making a difference in this world.

For more infomation >> I See Myself 4 - Duration: 0:11.


I Drank Gas Station Water! - Collins Lake, CA - Day 1 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> I Drank Gas Station Water! - Collins Lake, CA - Day 1 - Duration: 5:02.


Citroën C3 1.1I SKY RADIO - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1I SKY RADIO - Duration: 0:51.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Avensis Touring Sports 1.8 VVT-i Dynamic Automaat & Touch2 Navigatie Winterpakket - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis Touring Sports 1.8 VVT-i Dynamic Automaat & Touch2 Navigatie Winterpakket - Duration: 0:57.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I S-LINE Airco - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I S-LINE Airco - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I BUSINESS 7 persoons - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I BUSINESS 7 persoons - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I STYLE Designpakket Navigatie - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I STYLE Designpakket Navigatie - Duration: 1:00.


Brand New Trap Mix 202 Part...

For more infomation >> Brand New Trap Mix 202 Part...


HEAR O Moment: Anish, age 12 - Duration: 1:10.

My name's Anish. I'm 12 years old, and I have a hearing aid on this side and a

cochlear implant on this side.

For me, I kind of like to do origami, cooking.

I'm a baseball player. I like singing with my sister doing karaoke, stuff like that.

Before, I couldn't really understand people. I just went by their emotions or how they were like.

After, it's been so much better. It was a lot easier for me to understand.

When I was young, and I had hearing aids, my mom used to sing

lullabies to me. It just gave me something to remember about at the time.

I want to say thank you to Callier, because they have been a huge

help to me in this whole entire thing, and I love them for that.

For more infomation >> HEAR O Moment: Anish, age 12 - Duration: 1:10.


Leć - Magda Bereda (moja piosenka) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Leć - Magda Bereda (moja piosenka) - Duration: 2:36.


Spanish frases from Narcos Speak Spanish like Pablo Escobar! - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Spanish frases from Narcos Speak Spanish like Pablo Escobar! - Duration: 10:45.


Secreto - S03 Ep 12 - Última temporada - Penúltimo episódio [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] - Duration: 15:57.

Bela and your places...

I liked it here

I love this place

I like it even more when I'm with you

You are so cute

So, what's new?

I've just moved

I'm living at south now

REally? Do you like it?

Yes. Very much

I enjoy my skate board at copacabana's beach

I have a date with Vitinho today

Are you excited?

Yes... He's very cute. But...


I don't know. There is something inside of me... I don't know if I like it... You know?

I do

I can help you if you want to

How can you help me?


I'm your friend. I think it's better this way

I've never thought about that

I've always admired you, Ju

I've never hiden this from anyone. Not even you

Let's go. I'll explain later

Let's go

I bet she will tell Lucas she saw me here

Let her go, rafael. You knew this conversation was going nowhere

I thought he would feel something when he saw me

I think...

Thank you

You brother doesn't know what he wants

I feel like smacking his face

This won't do any good. Rafael...

Maybe it will

Maybe he won't be a sissy anymore

What is going on, Augusto?


You can't control yourself everytime you see a girl

This again, Alice? Jesus

I thought you liked me

OK, Alice. What do you want?

Say it

I want you to stop lying to me. Are you dating some else? Are you cheating on me?

Are you jealous of Rio's girls?

GIve me a kiss

Stop, Augusto

A kiss

Just because I want to

Are you ready?


We just got here

Ok. Easy

Let's just breath. Relax. I'm here to help you

But we could do something

Would like to meditate?


So, close your eyes

Let's count to 3

Take a deep breath and count with me




Let's do it again all the way to 10

Keep counting with me

Till 10





You got me by surprise, Bela

I'm sorry

Isn't this way better?

It was weird

Don't get me wrong. It wasn't bad. It was just weird.

I wasn't ready

Sorry. I need some time


I wasn't ready

It's all ok

No need for this

Call me when you feel better

I do

Sorry. I just...


No matter what happens, we're friends

Yes. sure

Hope you ok


Sorry to bother the couple

We're sorry

My bad

So you guys are good?

Yes. We're

Just don't put me between you two again, ok?

Ok. But do you look like this?

Some problems. A lot going on

Got it

Do you want to talk about it?

No, it's fine. But please, go to your room



I smell men problem

Men? Women do some damage too

Of course, Augusto. I bet they do

Lucas... You got out of bed late today

It took a while to get some sleep. But when I got, I slept like a rock

You even have a different face today

But yours is a litlle bit strange

I've been a little strange

What is going on?

It's open!

Wow. You got me by surprise! I wasn't expecting you here in my house

I didn't have to time to get dressed

Here's the water. Only natural. We don't have it cool...

Thank you

Wow... If only I knew it was so good...

Easy, Vitinho. Easy

I'll explain everything later

All right. I just don't get why

Me neither

Are you expecting someone?



Hi. How are you?

Fine. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Isabela

Pleasure is all my. I'm Lucas. Loved your longboard

All right. So call me later and we'll talk

Thank you

Hi. Can you go back to my place?

What a night

Your hair looks good

No fighting?

All right

For more infomation >> Secreto - S03 Ep 12 - Última temporada - Penúltimo episódio [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] - Duration: 15:57.


Life Coach Certification Program Review | Catherine Dodd - Life Coach | Energy Alignment Method - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Life Coach Certification Program Review | Catherine Dodd - Life Coach | Energy Alignment Method - Duration: 5:26.


Life Coach Certification Program Review | Emma Taylor - Life Coach | Energy Alignment Method - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Life Coach Certification Program Review | Emma Taylor - Life Coach | Energy Alignment Method - Duration: 2:16.


Cáritas Diocesana de Vila Real - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Cáritas Diocesana de Vila Real - Duration: 1:56.


2017 Overwatch World Cup | Faza grupowa w Los Angeles (napisy PL) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> 2017 Overwatch World Cup | Faza grupowa w Los Angeles (napisy PL) - Duration: 1:04.


Jaguar E-PACE | Monitoraggio dello stato del conducente - Duration: 0:13.

For more infomation >> Jaguar E-PACE | Monitoraggio dello stato del conducente - Duration: 0:13.


Wymiana tylne tarcze hamulcowe i klocki hamulcowe MAZDA 3 BK TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:33.

Use a simple screwdriver to take brake caliper spring out

Use an end bit №7

Use a socket №14

Treat the brake disc seat with a special copper grease

Using a special tool press in the brake caliper pistonmanually

For more infomation >> Wymiana tylne tarcze hamulcowe i klocki hamulcowe MAZDA 3 BK TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:33.


Partida de go Cho Chikun vs Kobayashi Satoru - Duration: 1:29:27.

Hello, everyone.

This is the 63rd NHK cup television Go tournament.

I am the moderator, Nagashima Kozue.

This is the 16th game of the second round.

B Block.

Cho Chikun 25th Honorary Honinbo vs. Kobayashi Satoru 9 dan.

Please enjoy.

After the nigiri, 25th Honorary Honinbo Cho Chikun will go first.

Komi is 6.5. Each move will be made in less than 30 seconds.

Each player will be given 10 periods of 1 minute byo yomi.

Have a good game.

Now to introduce the players.

25th Honorary Honinbo Cho Chikun playing as Black.

59 years old. Born in South Korea.

Studied under Kitani Monoru.

Plays for the Tokyo branch of the Nihon Kiin.

He beat Tanaka Nobuyuki 2 dan in the first round.

He is now in the second round.

Kobayashi Satoru 9 san playing as White.

56 years old, born in Nagano prefecture.

Studied under Kitani Minoru.

Plays for the Tokyo branch of the Nihon Kiin.

Has played in the NHK cup for 13 straight years.

This is the 30th time.

Seeded for the first round.

He is starting from the second round.

Now to introduce the commentator.

O Meien 9 dan. Thanks for being here.

What will be the highlight of today's match?

25th Honorary Honinbo Cho Chikun has the most titles.

Yes that's right.

During the time where he had the most titles, he lost to Kobayashi Satoru 9 dan.

They played against each other in the Kisei match for three years running.

They really have a special relationship. They are both special players in their own way.

I think that feeling will show up on the board.

I think it will be a spirited game.

Now then....

He approached, he blocked... here...

4 star points.

All stars.

This opening has been popular recently.

This has become kind of my theme.

I have different thoughts on the subject.

So approaching here and here...

It's one way of playing and it's quite common.

I didn't expect Cho Chikun to play this.


Yes a bit shocking

Then the 3 star point formation and then the pincer.

If Kobayashi Satoru were playing Black then I'd understand.

Looking at the board, if you asked someone, they'd say it's Kobayashi Satoru playing Black.

I think it's interesting that Cho Chikun is playing this opening.

Let's talk about the win/loss ratio between these two players.

Cho Chikun has 31 wins to 29 losses.

This is actually their 61st game against each other.

I see.

I thought that Cho Chikun was in the lead.

I thought that was the case, but they are almost tied.

You'd think the player with the most titles would be clearly in the lead.

It's kind of unbelievable.


Back to the game. The bottom has become a running fight.

The game will progress from here.

For a while, the running fight at the bottom will be the main focus.

O - 9 dan, earlier you were saying that it's rare for Cho Chikun to play this opening.

It is rare.

Seeing him play like this...

I was thinking it might not end up so well.

Playing like this...well...this might to call it? "Fresh?"

It's interesting. I'm happy.

Well, in the first round...

The order may have been different.

Cho Chikun used the 3 linked star formation. He won with it.

Playing the 3 linked star formation, like he did in this game...

with two approach moves...

the meaning of it is a bit different.

The focal point is the upper left, the approach move there.

Just looking at this...if this happens...

Black is being attacked.

This stone may be useful if a fight breaks out in this area.

It's something he can aim for.

This would be if White wanted to attack right away.

Using this stone in a fight would only happen some time in the future.

So aiming for something far in the future vs. being at a disadvantage right away.

The Cho Chikun I know, I think he thinks that playing this right away might not be good.

Whether this is useful or not remains to be seen.

Both players are thinking very carefully about whether or not the approach here is a good move.

Kobayashi 9 dan has used his thinking time.

Well, looking at this area from White's perspective.

White doesn't want to forcefully attack Black on this side.

He'll want to do something to make use of the weakness over here.

He has a bit of room here.

If he played something here White would be busy.

Well, you want to play here.

In the game he played from this side.

Blocking like this is a good move.

Against this two space jump, this shape is commonly seen.

This move does aim at Black's weakness.

We'll play from Black's perspective.

This move would be good but here...

I'd be worried about something happening. This move would be thicker.

I think either this or this.

I think Cho Chikun will play something like that.

He's used his thinking time.

They're both students of Kitani Minoru.

They've also played many games against each other.

They think each other as special opponents.

When they were studying under Kitani Minoru they lived together for awhile.

Their relationship is closer than most Go players.

Kitani Minoru is his junior (kouhai) and Cho Chikun may be a bit intimidated by him.

Shoulder hit.

The shoulder hit is a clear cut move.

I'd play it too.

In order to make the upper left work I would play so that there wouldn't be any weakness.

You want to be in a position to attack.

I actually want to play Black.

Cho Chikun won't play moves that are normally played.

It makes me really happy.

Do you think that Cho Chikun's style has changed?

For the most part...

It hasn't for some years.

He focuses on a lot of small things to win.

He prefers to play hard and win quickly.

It feels as if all of the Black stones are working together.

There are times you think your stones are doing their job, and the opposite actually happens.

You can plan how to use your stones, and then it turns out the way you want.

However it's not always straight forward. That's the way I was taught.

Whenever I play Cho Chikun, he teaches me a lesson and shows me my stones don't work the way I think they do.

He can play a full board fighting game.

He'd be happy to play that.

Hmm, the peep here. White doesn't just want to directly connect.

The moves from here on out are going to be subtle.

If he doesn't connect then Black pushes through.

He might play a one space jump to the right.

That's the kind of move...

That's the kind of move you want to play.

The move does fend off a possible attack.

If you White were to play a knight's move on the space that is one to the left of the peeping stone....

Black's position would be difficult to play.

That's the reason he peeped.

He decided quickly.

He doesn't have a lot of time. This is a short game.

He decided this was playable.

Now their groups are cut.

The fight at the bottom will get even fiercer.

This won't be a simple game.

They basically skipped right over the opening.

The fighting has begun.

Now we have the fight in the middle with the two White and two Black stones.

That is the crucial point. You can't throw those stones away.

They will be playing a lot of moves before that is resolved.

Look at White's crawl...

The next move would be for him to hane.

He played on the vital point.

He played solidly.

This fight looks to be even.

Well, about Black's move he just played, where he pulled back.

It has a bit of a heavy feel to it.

The stones are close together.

Yes, that's right.

It shouldn't be a problem if Black's stones are stronger than White's.

Now, for White...

The move you want to play is to attach here.

However, there is the hane.

Now what happens? That's the problem.

Is it bad to just block? want to avoid playing here.

Ko isn't good. If you connect these two points are interchangeable.


It's hard to make eyes.

I feel like White is under attack.

I think this would be a difficult game.

Jumping here would be normal.

After he protects how do you counter attack?

Can you fight in this area?

There isn't a move to stop Black?

Well, this is here, so it's not certain.

Well play here, and then go back.

Pushing through and cutting..

White is okay.

However this works now.

Now the cut works.

This will be captured next.

He won't peep right away.

Since the peep does work, then maybe this move isn't so good.

So this is a difficult game too.

Well, what about the diagonal move?

It's a thick move.

It might work.

Is it too slow?

It does come out solidly.

This part is difficult.

Diagonal attach.

This is a fierce move.

I didn't see this coming.

He has a plan with this move.

This move shows that he has confidence in this fight.

He's limiting Black's options.

Could he have jumped?

Black's extension is what you'd normally want to play.

How does White defend against it?

I feel it might be painful.

Oh? He's playing there. This is the vital point.


Now we've arrived at the critical battle.

The real fight has begun.

This move is hard hitting.

So if he pushes through and cuts at the star point...

If he pushed through and cut he probably could win the capturing race somehow.

This is big.

So now cut.

White plays this, and Black tries to capture.

You can play lightly now.

White can make sabaki.

Black can atari here. If White connects then...

There's a cut here.

Now he's captured. Only two liberties.

Is this okay?

If you take then you play like this...

Here you need to have Ko threats.

There aren't any.

Like this, White managed to settle his group.

The question is if Black extends.

There might be other moves for White than descending here.

Does just connecting work?

Black adds a move here.


Like this...

This is even.

If Black can win the race that'd be great.

If White had played here then Black would like to force with this move.

By attaching.

Then attach here.

Before playing a forcing move here...

Another fierce move.

Giving up those stones would be painful so he played this.

They're fighting head to head.

He must have read out that this works.

He might regret playing this down the line. However, it doesn't seem like he's in trouble.

Black will get cut, and now we'll see if Black has a good move.

He'll be pondering this for a bit.

If Black fills in a liberty then he should be able to win the capturing race.

I don't think White will be dissatisfied though.

I saw this variation once he played the diagonal attachment.

White sacrifices the two stones on the right.

Yes, he loses the capturing race.

He's captured.

White can fix his shape after he throws away those stones.

He decided the result wasn't bad. Very calm.

I would be really careful.

As Black? Yes.

This is what White wanted.

The right side is solid now.

Black is settled.

Now White is also....

In the middle...

White has gotten himself into the center.

White still doesn't have enough eye space.

Black can still attack.

They've quickly used their thinking periods.

White lost quite a bit of territory here.

He has forcing moves. Here and then descending, then the hane...

Then descend. This does make some eye space.

There are some moves that can do that.

Then White jumps. This White group is stronger than this Black group.

He can make up what he lost elsewhere.

When Black plays something like this...

White won't attack. White will have to make eyes.

The fight at the bottom is now how to attack this whole group.

This is a crucial battle.

They're both trying to figure this out.

So then this might get attacked soon.

There it is.

Just jumping wasn't aggressive enough.

Now he'll attack the Black group on the left.

White also gets out into the center.

White thought that this was important.

Now he's moving his group into the center.

That's the direction he's heading.

O 9 dan, you participate in a study group with Kobayashi, right?

Have you played him?

Actually in study groups we focus on going over games I've played.

We don't play.

When I have a question about the game Kobayashi Satoru is there to help me.

It happens a lot.

He does a thorough job.

What are your impressions as to Kobayashi's style?

Well let me think.

He knows a lot about Go.

But the jump he just played...

It's sort of...

I thought he would play somewhere else.

This move here?

I thought he'd play here and then this.

Then pressing down would be better.

This would be easier.

I thought he'd try this.

Well, over here, letting Black jump here, the center is scary.

White is okay over here.

I thought he'd settle his shape over here.

Like this, the next move is difficult.

He simply jumped.

I was thinking to myself to play this and then see how Black responds.

Severe move.


Well looking at what Satoru san just played.

Now that he's played like this it means there's no need to play the sequence I showed.

They're heading towards the top anyway.

There might be a move that could disrupt his connection.

I think that nothing horrible will happen if he doesn't protect.

You mean in here?

When you have these jumps, if there are stones around...

A move like this...

Like this and this, then...

White is connected.

If you really want to cut then there is the wedge.

If he plays here then this...

Like this?

You can cut like this.

Let's say you play from this side...

This move works.

Then like this.

This move has to work or none of this works.

In any case, White has some eye space at the bottom.

He's not going to cut.

It doesn't work.

In any case, this part becomes territory.

White doesn't have much choice.

He played.

He's protecting the cut.

He's protecting against the move I showed you earlier.

Playing there prevents the cut.

Looking at Black on the right...

His territory there is big.

He has some moves he wants to play there.

White might not be able to do anything about it.

The next move...

Now what will Black do?

If he doesn't protect is he cut?

If he doesn't play, there is this wedge.

Because there is this wedge he protects here.

Black is forced.

If you play here there is still the wedge.

If you cut now...

Come out. Cut.

Black can get out.

He can jump on this side.

This move doesn't quite work. It's hard to play.

This move is also difficult because then this works.

Probably he's thinking about playing elsewhere.

He already has a lot over here. He's thinking about somewhere else.

He's still using his thinking time.

He's deep in thought about what to do.

Well earlier you said that after they cut each other that this area was the crucial point of the game.

The situation has changed.

White threw away two stones in the lower right.

He took a loss in territory.

Now Black has a large knight's move on the right.

Black then got capped on the left side.

White has lost quite a bit of territory.

He's also thinking about throwing away the group in the middle.

White would need to play another move to kill them.

If Black adds another move elsewhere...

he will be in the lead.

Playing elsewhere feels natural.

He doesn't want to be captured.

He's going to try and save those stones and make something happen.

Depending on the way the game goes, the moves on the right may factor into the fighting.

Playing elsewhere would have the opposite effect.

It's a question of whether Black can fight.

Speaking of the push and cut, from White's perspective...

He jumped.

He gets out ahead.

Black has some reinforcements at the top should this turn into a messy fight.

He shouldn't have a problem if White doesn't attack him.

His approach move at the top is acting as reinforcement.

It might turn out that way.

I think they're even.

They both have unsettled groups.

In any case, as long as they play solidly. Keep your groups stronger than your opponent's.

That will decide the game.

Where are the big points?

Somewhere in this area?

Actually I think here.

If I were playing...

I'd think this would be a good move. I'd play it.

I worry about these stones the most.

Same goes for Black.

If I'm behind, I would still play it and say I made a mistake earlier.

I'd play this no matter what.

This move is also good.

I want to play here.

So he played here and then Black jumps.

For example, keep jumping...

Play something over here.

Now we'll see if Black has the advantage if the game goes like this.

However, now that I look at it...

White's group here isn't alive.

I don't think there's anything to do about it really.

Large knight's move.

Well these stones have eye space.

Even if Black comes through here.

White might have trouble making eyes.

I didn't expect a move like this...

It feels dangerous.

The lower right doesn't look good.

I think this move is brave.

So White is saying "If you're going to attack me, do it."

He's not afraid of being attacked.

He can't make eyes though.

Let's say he plays over here.

For example, the peep here.

White connects when Black peeps.

White plays here in response.

White has no eyes.

If Black plays here then he has to make eyes here.

While he's doing that this side becomes territory.

I'd be scared.

He might play this move.

In the game he played here.

In this case play here.

This is complicated.

This is easy to understand. He's running away.

He got cut off from the center.

He's not completely alive yet.

You don't want to be cut off from the rest of the board like this.

For example how about this?


This would be alive for the most part.

There's one eye here, and then here...

One eye yes...

This move makes eyes even if Black plays first.

Just playing moves to make eyes isn't good.

I'm not sure if it's good or not.

He played elsewhere.

Now he peeps.

White is daring him to take away his eyes.

Everyone has their own way of evaluating the situation.

It looks like White has his work cut out for him.

This makes the kosumi in the upper left really big.

If Black were to get gote...

Black has a burden to bear.

Even if he puts pressure on the White stones...

White just needs to live and then play in the upper left.

If Black gets gote and White gets to play the diagonal attachment in the upper left, then the balance of territory will shift.

That is the difficulty from Black's perspective.

If he plays here, then here...

Yes right there.

If he plays here then there is a double peep here.

Peep here too.

Then cut.

White is connected.

White can fight back.

So now, here...

He'd prefer to fight with this.

Now White comes back.

I think he's considering something like this.

Locally speaking...

He could play something here...

There are possibilities here.

Now White can come through.

This doesn't work.

So there's a problem.

They both don't have much time left.

There is still a lot of fighting to do.

This is the main conflict.

You don't want to use up all your time.

Black is thinking about how to defend against White's push.

It's a tough choice.

In any case no matter what he does it shouldn't be bad.

However, the differences are subtle.

It's difficult to decide which move to make.

White still needs two eyes though.

Who knows if he'll be able to.

Cho Chikun is out of thinking time.

Well that's both a good and bad point of Cho Chikun.

He thinks carefully during fighting.

He likes to see who will blink first, and then see who is standing when the dust settles.

He's not going to play until he is satisfied with the move he chooses.

He doesn't want to back down.

When he isn't sure what to play he won't make a decision until he's sure.

He's thinking about connecting right next to the White's peeping stone.

He's also thinking about whether White can break into the right side.

He's going through all of the moves.

Thinking about whether there are other moves.

There are many options.

He connected.

Spirited move. He is trying to resolve the fight directly.

In doing so he may take a loss.

Locally speaking this should resolve the fighting.

Black has to protect against the double peep.

So the move I showed you earlier on the board...

Where Black extends to protect the peep.

He might kosumi instead.

Like a tiger's mouth?

He's thinking about that.

They both have their pluses and minuses.


From the outside?

Peeping there...

Will he extend to block?

If White connects?

This is Black forcing White.

There was a chance for White to extend.

My bad luck.

White extending to block might have been a bad move.

If he plays a tiger's mouth...

it might make his own shape weak.

I see.

This is good shape.

This effectively surrounds.

For the moment.

This might be risky.

You can't play this unless you've read it all out.

If White gets cut...

Like I showed earlier, if White is cut then he'll play a knight's move into the Black territory on the right.

Black won't cut.

White can't leave the cut there forever though.

White wants to play one more knight's move.

There it is.

This is what he was preparing to do.

This move will limit Black's options for his next move.

Now what next? Black is thinking about his next move.

He doesn't really have time.

I feel like White eating a stone wouldn't be bad.

Start with the double peep.

Peep, connect, then cut.

I really like taking stones.

I'd be happy to capture.

Taking a stone would make his stones stronger.

He'd get closer to living.

There it is.

I don't think there is anything about this that'd make White unhappy.

I'd take the stone and then I'd switch to the upper left.

The game could progress that way.

This all happens because of the peep.

White is still a long way from living though.

Do this before taking.

This is reasonable.

Make himself stronger before cutting.

There was a possibility of a wedge there.

This is going to be a long game.

If White can break into the right side...

He has a lot of different moves to do it.

There are still weak points.

Black gets sente.

Now the upper left.

This will help out the stone in the upper left.

It aims at connecting.

White has managed to survive.

There were other moves that White could have picked to survive with his weak group.

I think he's pretty tough.


This is the shape.

Next will be the hane.

That is the shape.

The way White is playing makes me think he thinks the position is good.

So Black will hane in response to the attach?

White might double hane and then Black will have a hard time responding.

There could possibly be a ladder.

Well, we'll see if that actually happens.

It'd be strange if he doesn't hane back.

If Black just connects and doesn't do anything else.

White's hane might be a bad move.

Yes, he might descend instead.

Black might show some fighting spirit and cut though.

I think White will make good use of the cut.

The result of that would be...Ah!

Coming in from this direction?

Responding to this move is easy for White.

If he connects then Black will push through.

He'll get cut.

Yes, that's difficult to say though.

He needs time to think.

White didn't have to do anything..

There are various spots on the board White would like to play.

He wanted to save this move for later.

If Black cuts from this direction

white connects and now he can cut.

Now here and then connect. Nothing special here.

This is a forcing move.

Connect, and then here.

This splits Black.

This would be painful for Black.

Normally you think of cutting here.

Let's think about this one. Connect and push through.

Which one, this one?

There are two spots aren't there?

If you play here...

Play here and then these two stones die.

So therefore cut and then this...


Like this?

Then something here.

The atari here is a great move.

Now White doesn't have an eye.

Also this atari is left over.

This shape is scary for White.

What about the game? One more time?

You have to read this all the way through.

Neither of them have any thinking time left.

Connect here and then over here.

What about this?

At this very moment White doesn't look good.


There is a possibility he won't connect at all.

So take...

So no ko, just connect.

Then something like this.

Does he play here?

Is he okay?

If he blocks then he comes out.

This would be perfect.

So what about this result?

Taking this Black stone is big. Will he play it straight away.

He connected.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens next.

How will this all end?

Kobayashi Satoru has some way of dealing with this. He has a plan.

Some good way of dealing with this.

I thought the fight was over, but now it's getting exciting again.

Of course.

Neither of them just connected.

So they cut.

Cho: No time left.

Will Black cut and try to capture?


So simple.

He could've played the atari.

Cut and atari, and then cut again...

There was a chance for him to get out with the atari.

Yes, moving out with the stone that White had captured previously.

The game has taken another turn.


The stone that White captured could run away.

This was unexpected.

Yes, the stone that he was sure was captured...

It'd be scary for it to run out.

There it is.

If this was his plan...

He should've done something else.

Maybe he should've played something different.

That's what I'm thinking about.

It seems that Black has taken some damage.

Yes, that could happen.

Black feels good.

This is an exchange of territory.

What happens if he plays the knight's move on the right side right now?

He can run away. White takes these two stones.

Well the situation is clear now.

Cho: I don't get it.

I feel like we're in another world.

Exchange of territory (Furikawari).

Whit has also come into the right side.

Well, big moves are big.

I can't really say anything about it.

Can White be cut? Yes.

I'm not sure it really works though.

Black's position on the right side isn't settled yet.

White can play the knight's move and get in with one move.

White can capture at the top.

It's a move you want to play.

If Black plays there...

Yes, White gets captured.

I like taking stones.

When I take them I look happy.

White just directly connected.

So Black should do something at the top.

If Black runs away at the top, who will be ahead in territory?

The upper right...

it's now Black territory.

Well, he did capture but...

The corner isn't settled yet.

The lower right can be reduced.

White has the lower left.

On the right side, White has a way of coming in. It would be a very good move.

Another unexpected move.

I thought he'd cut.

I thought he'd play elsewhere and focus on the corner.

That would be normal.

Playing elsewhere is not that fantastic.

I thought he'd attach to protect the corner.

That would be normal.

The lower left Black group is not settled yet.

It's not that weak.

It's won't be an important area for a bit.

Cho wants to go afer the White stones in the middle a bit more.

Right in the middle.

He might have been able to go in deeper.

He wants to reduce in sente.

White can hane and capture.

He wanted to keep pushing in.

There it is.

That is the vital point for the shape.

Now what will he play?

One space jump.

He's lightly jumping in.

Black will block.

White will jump into the 3,3 point.

Now he'll live on the inside.

It's possible for him to cut off the Black group at the bottom later.

Black has captured two stones but he's doesn't have two eyes.

Depending on the situation.

It could be very effective.

Neither of them have much time.

They're playing and really pressed for time to think in such a complicated situation.

White must play in the corner.

White wants to live in sente.

Black can push at the spot just above the 3,3 point.

Push and cut?

I don't think Cho expected White to just push through.

By playing there, White is also cut.

He didn't think it'd be played.

The eye space isn't clear?

Things have gotten interesting.


He must cut.

He blocked in an unexpected way.

If White connects, then Black will push through?

Right, White connects, Black cuts.

If he connects at the point where Black is peeping..

Then he'll cut. Then it's a forcing move.

Awesome move.

The timing for the diagonal attachment is just right?

Black must capture the two stones.

He'll connect at the peep.

I'm not sure what will happen next.

Now that Black is cut on the right...

If he plays, he can definitely make two eyes.

But the move he just played, if he does that...

He went right in.

Does White have two eyes?

Black made a mistake.

The move he played was a mistake.

Black doesn't have a move in the corner.

Both of Black's groups are not alive.

The bottom will live.

It's cut though.

Right there. Black is cut there.

White must answer.

Black will live on the bottom.

It doesn't look like White can win a capturing race if Black cuts.

White will need to add a move and then Black can live on the right side.

Doesn't White get sente?

Sente is big...

After Black lives...

Cho: Terrible.

I'm not sure if White is alive yet.

It doesn't seem like it.

White can play something in the lower right corner. This would be very big.

I think it'd be helpful.

I think on the whole White was successful.

All of a sudden...

White's group in the lower right...for the most part...

It seems alive.

Yes, it does.

White needs to connect the top part of his group with the center part.

Black will then live on the right side.

Does White have something in the upper right?


Black can find a move to live on the right side.

There is a wedge there.

Capturing those two stones with one move would be thick.

Cho: Horrible.

Cho chikun is mumbling again.

He thought he had a move in the lower right and then it didn't work.

He lost some territory.

Locally this is a failure for Black.

Now what will White do?

What will White do? Oh? Go for those two stones.

That move means he has a lot of confidence.

White no longer has any stones in danger.

White is doing better and better on territory.

If he keeps it up and wins...

Should be simple.

Who is leading?

White took those two stones and now everything is alive.

All of White's stones are connected.

They're connected in the center.

If Black were ahead it'd only be by a little bit.

Now that I think about it, Black is in a bit of trouble.

Black has big territory in the upper right.

If White gets a move there...

It might all go away.

How would White come in?

Maybe he can't at all. I may have went too far there.

He can reduce with a knight's move.

White was aiming for this move.

Now that White is thick, he should have some good ideas.

Black has to defend.

If this attach works, White will be in the lead.

This was a forcing move.

Normally you play on the 5,2 point...

Gives you some breathing room.

If you descend your opponent will attach...

Pull back.

So now does Black want to go into the 3,3 point in the lower left?

The 3,3 point becomes possible if the outside Black group is strong.

This game is difficult.

With the diagonal there the 3,3 invasion doesn't work.

Pulling back there might mean he wants to play the diagonal move later.

He's thinking about the corner in the lower left.

White is playing very carefully.

The upper left is still unfinished.

Add a move to the top...

The game is far from over.

White sliding into the upper right is a big move.

Well...maybe there is something more important than the upper right...

Maybe he'll just jump into the 3,3.

The lower left corner I mean.

Then White will may not work...

Right. Play there.

Black cannot really invade the 3,3 point

Locally Black could live.

He should have a move to remove the possibility of Black invading the 3,3 point.

So he can take away Black's eyes and...

This also protects against the 3,3 invasion.

Black doesn't have any eyes at the bottom.

This looks effective.

It's hard to respond to this?

White wants to erase the aji in the corner.

This works too.

White can slide into the upper right.

In theory.

How many points does Black have?

I thought around 60 points.

What about White?

I think White has about the same.

That's the feeling I get.

He'll pincer the stone to protect the corner.

Now he has up to 65 points...

It's Whites turn now.

Now to play in the upper left and connect the stone.

I think White is a bit ahead.

White is going for Black's eyes.

He expanded his territory.

Black needs to play a move to make eyes.

Play a diagonal attachment in the middle.

That should about do it.

Making another eye is not difficult.

White would block his hane.

He peeped.

He wants to get out.

Light play.

A light move.

Now Black's peeping stone is totally captured.

Black still isn't clearly alive.

He needs another move.

That would make him stronger.

White connecting in the upper left corner is sente.

Black is thin in the middle. He could get cut.

He should connect somewhere in there.

It feels like we've seen the power of Kobayashi Satoru's reading and judgement.

Well, maybe I'm going overboard.

We still have to carefully watch what happens next.


White doesn't have to work so hard.

Strange isn't it?

You didn't expect White to get so much?

I'm actually not sure how many points White has in the lower right.

Lower right...

It looks to be 8 points.

Black could reduce it to 7.

This is good news for Black since this worked.

Big move.

Connecting on the left side is also big.

Jump and connect.

For Black, the hane at the top is also big.

Force with a peep...

Settle the right and then connect.

For the most part I think I can calculate what will happen.

There are a lot of subtle things happening on the board.

Black extends...

What about White?

Does White play in the middle part of the upper side?

I think he should've connected at the star point.

This is an interesting move.

What does he do from here?

It's hard to say if it's a good move.

He won't be able to cut off White's group.

White can connect in the middle.

White needs to connect underneath on the left.

White wants to connect at the top in sente, but probably can't.

This part is difficult.

Now hane in the upper right corner.

The shape should be finished.

This was really great for White.

Black has quite a bit of territory.

Is this the best way for White to play?

Is it a close game?


They're playing fast.

Well they may have it all worked out already.

There are so many subtle things going on.

Up until now...

things have progressed as I've expected.

I'm not sure what the correct endgame sequence is for the lower right.

Do you block here?

Will White be okay?

If Black just connects then...

White gains a little bit, doesn't he?

So then, don't connect, do something else?

I wonder if there is another move.

You want to do something.

There are subtleties to this. I'm not sure.

Oh, let White have the next move.

White will then...

He might show some fighting spirit...Oh, he blocked.

Back to the hane.

Kobayashi Satoru must have calculated that White is ahead if Black connects.

Black could have really paid for that.

White didn't do anything.

Black just connected so nothing happened after all.

The lower right...

I calculate it's worth 8 points.

Black gains one point.

7 points?

Black gains one point White loses one point.

Black hanes on the first line and then connects.

White can now atari.

White can do that but he needs another move.

It's sente endgame.

He haned.

Is there a move to get into the center?

This is big too.

So now White will play in the upper left.

Hane on the first line?

The next big move is...


For Black the 1,3 point...

I think he has to hane.

Most likely.

There it is.

Is this a special move?

He has to hane.

Now for something worth 2 points.


2 points in gote.

That'd be best.

The "ate" on the 5th line..ah?

Ah, I see..

White doesn't need to add a move on the left side.

Now it's just dame and playing inside the corner.

The move would finish things. It's not super important right now.

It's not a big problem, but it can get confusing when you think about it.

White's territory in the middle has been reduced.

Well, playing the ate, then the atari, and then connecting. There's nothing wrong with it.

Atari and then reduce.

No mistake.

Now the way is clear for Black.

Cut, and then connect.

Earlier I was worried it might not work.

Black's group on the bottom is low on liberties.

That could mean territory for White.


Ko fight?

White played in the upper left.

Half point ko.

Does White have more territory?

Not yet.

The lower left...

How many ko threats are there in the lower left?

The lower left...

So whoever wins this ko wins the game?

Feels that way.

In the lower left...

The lower left?

Crawling near the 3,4 point komoku stone...

They could be...(ko threats?)

I think so?

The number of ko threats is important.

I feel that Black will win.

Peeping is better.

So peeping is better, huh?

Is it the best move?

If it works the peep is better.

After pushing..

That's right...

Black wins the ko.

White has ended the ko.


White backed down.


The rest is just dame.

35 to 41.

Cho: I played an awful move.

After 263 moves, Kobayashi Satoru 9d wins by half a point.

Kobayashi Satoru 9 dan has won by half a point, playing White.

Looking back at the game, any thoughts?

It looks like Kobayashi Satoru counted very well.

He just let the ko go. He knew who was leading.

This really was a great match.

From the beginning there was a running fight.

White settled in the lower right corner.

After that he didn't back down.

He kept his lead up until the very end.


The game was great.

Cho might be really upset at his mistake, but up until that point it was very close.

This was a half point game.

Kobahyashi 9 dan pulled it out in such a close game.

Thank you for commentating.

Today's result, Kobayashi Satoru wins by half a point and proceeds to the third round.

We hope you look forward to it.


Today, "my move" is move number 62.

Looking at this board position, White is under severe attack.

My opponent left an opening.

I was aiming here to fight back against Black.

Black tried to protect.

So I played here, aiming at this vital point.

This one two combination worked very well.

Then this...

Then I pushed and cut.

I can't say that the game was good for me here.

I managed to get out of a very tight situation.

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