My name is Barry Allen,
and I am the fastest man alive.
To the outside world,
I'm an ordinary forensic scientist.
But secretly, with the help
of my friends at S.T.A.R. Labs,
I fight crime and find other meta-humans
like me.
But I became lost in time.
It took everything in my friends' power
to bring me back, and in doing so
our world was opened up to new threats.
And I'm the only one fast enough to stop them.
I am the Flash.
Previously, on "The Flash"...
Each of these heat scans indicates a human body.
12 markers, 12 metas.
They identified the targets sooner than we planned.
There's nothing within miles of here
capable of even creating dark matter.
There was three weeks ago.
This is where I came out of the Speed Force.
And a wave of dark matter washed out with you.
You think the guy behind the samurai robot...
He wanted us to create
a busload of metas?
I think it's all connected.
Hello, gorgeous.
You ready to get your schmoopy on?
Joe, I'm pregnant.
Look, I was thinking...
No, no. Less thinking, more kissing.
Okay, but hold on a minute.
This thing we got going on, this is real good.
It's okay.
No, I'm just kidding. It's better than okay.
Yeah, that's right. It's better than okay.
But because of that,
I think we're at a place
in our relationship
where the guy says to his girl
those three magic words.
What... what three words?
What's your name?
Um, oh.
Well, that is technically four words.
Mmm, actually, technically it's three words
'cause contractions are one word
and that's how grammar works.
That's not the point, though. What's your name?
- My name is Gypsy. - For real?
So, you were born, and somebody was just like,
"I'm gonna name you Gypsy?"
Gypsy is what I like to be called.
It is mysterious. And it's moody.
Hmm. Moody's right.
All right.
I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
And when I get back,
you'd better stop asking me my real name.
And be wearing less clothes.
I don't need to know your name.
? Mmm, this girl, she 'bout to rock your world ?
You're a dead man.
Those are collectibles.
Who are you?
Pleased to meet you, sir.
Is he gonna put me down?
- Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- --
You know, some of you may not realize,
but before I was mayor,
I was a cop in this very precinct.
And it's because of these men and women
every family in Central City can sleep comfortably at night.
What's happening?
Mayor Bellows is on his reelection campaign.
Detective Joe West. Keep up the good work.
What do you say, Joe?
I'll do that.
And that's why he's not a politician.
I hate that.
Yeah? Thought about
running against him?
Can't you picture yourself
shaking hands and kissing babies?
Ain't nobody talking about babies.
You said you had a lead on this meta bus situation.
Yeah, I do. Come here.
Fellow for Bellows!
You took the photos down from your mother's case.
Yeah, well, the case was solved.
This one isn't.
We got these two. Kilgore and Hazard.
But that still leaves ten meta-humans that were created
when I came out of the Speed Force.
How hard can it be to track
down ten bus passengers?
Well, according to the Department of Transportation,
over 900 people rode that bus that day.
What about the bus driver?
That's where things get more interesting.
He's dead.
Drowned in his own bathtub.
That's not too suspicious.
Harry said it was all connected.
I think he's right.
I mean, the Samuroid
pushing you guys to bring me back,
me not coming out
of the place you thought I would,
the bus being in the exact right place
to be hit by dark matter...
It was planned.
Yeah. By somebody smart.
We're pretty smart.
Well, I think so.
Okay, let's look closer
into the bus driver's death.
It may give us a lead.
I'll have Iris pull up the autopsy report
from the coroner's office.
Sounds good.
I don't know.
This morning, you're, like...
What do you mean, "glowing?"
I just mean, like, you got, like, a warmth about you.
Like a Lite-Brite.
There's no warmth. No glow.
And I ain't no damn Lite-Brite.
You're wasting time. S.T.A.R. Labs.
Glowing and irritable.
How's Cecile?
Fine. The same.
I mean, nothing's changed. If something changes,
I'll let you know.
All right.
This facility is poorly guarded.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Okay. Power down, buckaroo.
Oh, good. You're both here.
Cisco, who is this?
This is Breacher.
AKA Gypsy's father.
Yeah, I, um, can see the resemblance.
There is no resemblance.
So, you know how Gypsy's kind of a big deal collector
on Earth-19? Well, her boss is her dad...
Who decided to pay us a little surprise visit
at the perfect time.
Which is why I decided to show him around where I work.
- You know? - I'm Barry Allen.
Cisco's personal assistant.
- His what? - And he is the best
personal assistant I've ever had.
He stays late, starts early.
One day, I'll be working for him.
What are you doing?
I wanted to impress him,
and now I can't stop.
Joe West.
A fellow law man.
You, I can respect.
And Harry Wells back there.
You look like someone I once sent my daughter to kill.
I get that a lot.
Uh, I thought maybe someone would want to give him
the, uh, the old look-see.
Great idea. Um, Allen, Detective West,
why don't you give Gypsy's father here
the nickel tour of the facilities?
I've had to pee for, like, three hours.
What is wrong with you?
Have you seen his face?
The guy's killed people with that face.
I'm not even joking. Gypsy said that
- literally happened. - You want his approval, right?
Yes, I want his approval. He's my girlfriend's father.
Of course. Cisco, listen.
You're a fine, upstanding,
smart, well-groomed young man.
Any father would be happy
to have you date his daughter,
except me.
Can't date my daughter, all right?
Can't date Jesse. Jesse's off limits.
Went for the compliment,
did not stick the landing.
Just take him for coffee, okay?
Go for coffee, get to know him
a little bit better. I bet that you'll be
pleasantly surprised at how much
you have in common, right? You both have
the same powers. You're breachers.
You have ridiculous hair.
He has ridiculous hair.
Okay, but...
And you both love Gypsy.
Are you actually giving me decent relationship advice
- right now? - I am.
You'll be fine.
I don't wanna be here anymore.
And we're leaving.
Have fun storming the castle.
Why is the scariest person I've ever seen
roaming our halls?
- Cisco. - Oh.
Okay, so, I've got the coroner's report
for the death of the bus driver,
but it doesn't seem like there's any signs of foul play.
Aside from him being the one guy that could have told us
who else was on that bus.
They logged his personal effects, let's see...
Credit cards, cash, receipts, um...
Wait, go back.
- Ralph Dibny. - I'll be damned.
Who is Ralph Dibny?
He used to be a cop.
Dirty cop. He got kicked off the force.
For what?
It's a long story.
- That's him. - Oh.
He's handsome in a square-jawed
Oliver Queen kind of way.
For real?
Babe, you know I've only got eyes for you.
The I.O.U. is dated the same day
that I came out of the Speed Force.
You think Dibny was on the bus that day?
Maybe he's a meta-human now?
Let's pay him a visit.
You seem... something.
What's up with you and this Ralph guy?
It's like Joe said. It's a long story.
Oliver Queen is hot.
Amen, hallelujah.
I promised there wasn't a single case I couldn't crack.
And a promise made is a promise kept.
Dibny detects.
Your husband didn't die in that plane crash, Mrs. Broome.
He didn't? Then where is he?
Well, that brings us to the difficult part.
Turns out he got remarried and moved to Minnesota.
Has two kids now. Twins.
Twins in the twin cities.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Hey, hey, hey.
No, no, no, no, no. Don't.
Don't cry for that jerk.
He doesn't deserve it.
The sun still shines.
The birds, they still chirp.
Chirp, chirp.
Mrs. Broome, you are a very attractive woman,
and you will find someone else.
Someone who will hold you.
Someone who will wipe away those tears.
Do you like shrimp?
This is definitely his place.
Reconsidered, huh?
- Ralph. - Joe West.
Barry Allen.
Been a long time, rookie.
Well, I'm not a rookie anymore, Dibny.
You look healthy.
Yeah. Got the spare tire
out of the trunk. It happens.
Might even happen to you, too, one day, Slim Jim.
So what brings you boys to Casa de Dibny?
Were you on the 405 bus four weeks ago around noon?
That's a very specific question.
We found your I.O.U. from the deceased bus driver's
personal effects.
Deceased? Hey.
That's one less "U" I owe.
What's it to you two?
It's a simple question. Why don't you just answer it?
You walk into my office after five years
like nothing ever happened, and ask me for a favor?
I smell a mystery.
It's not a favor. It's information.
And how much is this information worth?
Are you shaking us down?
I know something you don't.
And you need to know it badly, otherwise you'd never
swallow your pride and face me after what you did.
After what I did?
The people on that bus were exposed
to a dangerous substance.
Dangerous like what? Like... Ebola?
Were you on the bus?
Okay. Let's go.
Hey, I heard you shacked up with that hot D.A.
She got a sister?
Good luck. All the best.
So, what's it worth?
Ah, crap.
Guys, you don't want to do this!
I don't know what you want.
Let's talk about this.
Put me down.
- Whoa! - Don't put me down!
Don't put me down!
That guy hasn't changed a bit.
You really expect him to?
I guess he was on that bus.
Hey, guys? What the hell?
Yeah, yeah, well, you're welcome.
What happened to me?
Breathe, okay?
- I am breathing. - Okay.
Clearly this guy is a bus meta.
This is interesting. The dark matter has
polymerized Dibny's cells.
What the hell is dark matter, and why is it in my cells?
You're saying the walls of every cell
- in his body have elasticized? - I'm saying they formed
an unbreakable bond at the atomic level.
Now you can stretch these cells
and stretch these cells.
- Like Silly Putty. - Like Silly Putty.
I'm Silly Putty?
I'm Silly Putty?
Who were the guys on the roof?
Is that really the issue right now?
Look at me!
Allen, you and your S.T.A.R. Labs nerds
better put me back together.
Get your hands off me. We're trying to help you.
- You're not trying to help me. - Shut up.
Come on! Oh, come on!
You can do this later. I just need a sample of blood.
Oh, is that my face?
Four years seeing this stuff, I finally puked.
Can I plug in?
I know you love me, and I love you.
I really like Cisco, and I need you two to get along.
So do you think that you can try to do that?
I'll do anything for you, petal.
Ah, three coffees.
How about you, huh?
Ready for some hot java?
We don't have coffee on my Earth.
Crops were destroyed.
My world was attacked... Invaded... by the worst,
most evil creatures in the multiverse.
I'll never drink coffee again.
- Two for me. - It's okay.
Daddy, why don't I get you a tea?
Like a relaxing tea?
- Yeah. - Please.
- Okay. - Thanks.
Pop a squat. Uh...
I know from a friend... Who is also a father...
How important his daughter is to him.
And I just wanted to let you know how important
your daughter is to me.
And that after you and I get to know each other a little,
maybe we might find that...
we're not so different.
I'm going to hunt you.
You're not worthy of her.
Isn't that for her to decide?
Also, I could have sworn you said,
uh, you were gonna hunt me.
What, like a deer?
I have hunted some of the worst
breach criminals in history.
Marla the Dark Lord. Soolunga of Sheerdra.
The Sand People of Scar.
You will be easy prey.
Listen, I have tried to be polite with you,
but this is going a little too far.
I get that you're overprotective...
- Are you counting? - For the next 24 hours,
I will be hunting you throughout this city.
We will not use our powers.
But when it's over,
my daughter will be free of you.
Do you do this with all her boyfriends?
I hunted her last one, yes.
Where is he now?
I don't know.
- He got away. - I don't know
where you go when you die.
You just skipped six.
I know. Four.
And don't try to breach.
I'll know it if you do.
You can't hide from me. So if I were you,
I would start running, Cisky.
Three, two, one.
He's hunting him.
I finally calmed him down.
Amazing what 50 milligrams of Lorazepam can do
when you get it in aerosol form.
Is there anything you can do to put him back together?
Please, my stomach can't take much more.
I think I could stabilize his cells if I had a sample
of his DNA from prior to when
he was exposed to the dark matter on the bus.
Why? So he can go out
and start hurting people,
like our other friends here?
I think we should lock him up in the Pipeline.
He hasn't done anything.
Yet. Trust me.
I know this guy. He's a bad guy.
Barry, I took an oath to help people.
I'm a doctor. I can't just leave him
in there like spaghetti.
Every person that was on that bus is now 1,000 times
more dangerous than they were before.
Dibny included.
- What if he's changed? - People don't change.
- I did. - When I became Killer Frost,
you still believed in me.
You're a good person. He's...
Barry, how about you and I
go back to Dibny's office?
Find a DNA sample for Caitlin?
Dad, you go back to CCPD, see what you can
dig up on Dibny?
Yes, boss.
Looks like someone tossed this place.
Yeah. Probably the same guys
that hung Dibny off the roof.
Why do you think?
I dunno. Guy like that probably has
a long list of people that wanna toss him off rooftops.
Why do you want to?
No, seriously. What happened between
the two of you?
It was one of my first cases when I was a junior CSI.
Dibny was the lead detective.
What case?
A woman named Judy Gimlin was stabbed to death.
Her husband, Reagan, was the prime suspect.
But there was no evidence... Nothing to tie him
to the crime scene.
And then, Dibny miraculously found a knife
with the husband's fingerprints.
Case closed. Dibny was a hero.
I don't know, maybe because my mom was stabbed,
I wanted to be sure. So I analyzed the knife.
The serrations on the blade did not match
the wound on the vic.
So Dibny planted the knife.
Yep. And then he lied about it.
Under oath.
- And you busted him? - I mean, he didn't just
bend the rules, Iris. He committed perjury...
Evidence tampering. He was thrown off the force.
Point is, he was crooked then. He's crooked now.
Hey, how much DNA do you think Caitlin needs?
Not much.
Oh, think this will work?
I guess someone hates him more than you do.
And that's what it feels like
to vibrate through solid matter.
I'm just glad you two weren't hurt.
No thanks to your new buddy in there.
He's not my buddy. He's my patient.
Caitlin, I just don't understand why you're defending him.
Because I know what it's like
to suddenly find yourself
with extraordinary powers
and be totally freaked out by it.
And so do you, for that matter.
You and I both woke up in this lab once knowing that our lives
would never be the same.
So how about you give the guy a little sympathy?
- Hey. - Guys.
I pulled the LUDS on Dibny's phone.
There were 15 phone calls
between him and the Mayor's office.
What is Mayor Bellows doing talking to Ralph Dibny?
Oh, look. It's my good buddy Barry Allen.
Someone just blew up your office.
Sweet. Insurance claim.
My fiancee and I almost died.
You landed West's daughter? Wow.
Everything's coming up Allen.
The job. The girl.
Who's trying to kill you, Dibny?
Do you know how many people I have pissed off
in the last five years?
Angry husbands. Angry wives.
Not exactly dealing with high society
taking photos of cheating spouses.
Then why are you talking to the Mayor?
Who says I am?
Your phone records.
Did... did you get a warrant for that?
'Cause I know you're all by-the-book.
What's your business with Mayor Bellows?
Nothing. Just calling to tell him
what a swell job I think he's doing.
15 times?
12 of those were butt dials.
All right, look, whatever.
Maybe we'll go talk to the Mayor ourselves.
You know, he's a huge fan of Joe's.
Yeah, you go do that.
All right.
I'm gonna stay here.
Stretch my legs.
Ramon, do you think it's wise to be sneaking around
a technologically weaponized facility?
It's a lot safer than what I'm up against out there, so...
Coffee didn't go well, I take it?
Well, Gypsy's dad wants to hunt me for 24 hours
to see if I'm worthy of his daughter...
No powers... so, don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do
- about that. - Fight back.
I swear, it's like you're trying to listen,
but you just nod while you're thinking of something else.
- You're doing it right now. - Fight back.
Ramon, what did you say?
You said no powers?
Yeah, go ahead.
Well, in addition to being Vibe,
you have another superpower... You're smart in here.
All right? Outwardly, you're weak.
All right? Too much.
But use your outwardly weak appearance
to your advantage. He's gonna anticipate
a pathetic target. Well, you're pathetic.
You're pathetic. You're weak.
Not helping, just hurting.
All I'm saying is, set a trap, okay?
Beat him at his own game. Set a trap.
- Set a trap. - That's right, a trap.
A trap, I can do.
'Cause he may be the Predator,
but I'm the Schwarzenegger.
Where is he?
He was here.
Uh, he went that way.
I farted.
I'm not sure everything's still
where it's supposed to be down there.
- Drink this. - What is it?
I don't just drink stuff.
My body is a temple.
Clearly. Drink it.
I wanna know what it is.
It's 17% alcohol.
You should have lead with that, sister.
Ugh! What was that?
It's a serum of sulfur, zinc oxide, and steric acid
to cross-link your polymerized cells.
In English.
It's gonna fix you.
You did it. I'm cured.
Well, not cured. All I did was introduce
a stabilizing enzyme to reset your body to default shape
through vulcanization.
It's like muscle memory.
Muscle memory, huh?
How far back memory, you think?
I don't know.
Uh, think about the shape you want to be
and just be it.
I'm back. I look like a Hemsworth.
Thank you for meeting us.
Quick stop on my way
to a hospital ribbon cutting. No problem.
What's with you? You're glowing.
- N-no, I'm not. - You are.
Well, how can I help you, gentlemen?
I've got a lot on my schedule today.
Ah, we won't take up much of your time, Mr. Mayor.
Uh, do you know a man named Ralph Dibny?
Doesn't ring a bell. Who is he?
Well, he's a former cop turned private investigator.
- I don't think so. - Really?
He called your office over a dozen times.
Oh, I'm gonna have to check with my secretary.
Anthony, you used to be a cop.
We're not talking to the mayor, here.
It's three cops talking.
Whatever cops say to each other,
they don't say to anybody else.
What's going on with you and Dibny?
I, uh...
- Made a mistake. - A mistake?
You mean like the kind of mistake you make with a woman
who's not your wife?
It was only that one time, Joe.
I regretted it the moment I did it,
and I broke it off right away.
And then Dibny shows up, and he's got pictures of us.
And he threatens to show them to my wife unless I pay him.
- How much? - Not enough.
All those phone calls, it was him negotiating
for a bigger price.
I love my family, Joe.
Just let me pay him,
and I'll be done with it.
No, Mr. Mayor, you're not gonna have to do that.
We're gonna take care of it.
Joe, Barry. Thank you.
So much for Dibny changing.
Dibny's alive and talking.
Find him. I want those pictures
and his head.
And the cops?
What do I care about cops?
Waste 'em.
Your vitals are fantastic.
You're blackmailing the Mayor?
Classic Barry Allen. Enters room and accuses wildly.
We know about the photos, Ralph.
Bellows told us everything.
Hey, I'm not the one who told him
to step out on his wife.
That's your defense?
It's his fault that you're extorting him?
Isn't that a little easy for you to say?
Your fancy lab, your good job,
and your hot girlfriend?
People like me are just trying to get
from one bill to the next.
And I wouldn't have to be living like that
if you hadn't cost me my job.
You got yourself fired.
You tampered with evidence. You framed that guy.
Because he was guilty.
And he was gonna get away with killing his wife,
and then you let him go.
I was a good cop. I was a good detective.
I lost everything.
Mayor's got plenty of money.
He can afford to spare a little.
Consider it the pension you cost me.
Good people don't destroy lives and call it noble.
You were dirty then. You're dirty now.
Live with that.
You're not going anywhere.
Get off me.
Are you kidding me?
Thanks for ruining my life twice, Allen.
Show yourself.
No one can avoid me forever.
I'm not going to.
Are you kidding me?
Say good-bye, my little enemy.
What the Sheol?
Guess who's got a hologram?
Ho, ho, ho.
Bet you're wondering what this is.
This is an anti-vibrational force field
with an oscillating power grid.
It's good enough for the Reverse-Flash,
good enough for you.
So you might as well wave your white flag,
'cause you aren't getting out of this thing
until the clock strikes Cisco's victory.
Oh, victory. Feels good.
I pulled this from the body
of an Earth-48 hunter-killer.
You can't trap a trapper.
I just needed to cool off.
I figured.
Dibny seemed to have gotten under your skin.
Why is it so important to you that he be the bad guy?
When I first started at CCPD,
all I cared about was the rules.
But, you know, these last few years,
we've locked up meta-humans without a trial.
Played with time and space, messed with other worlds.
Yeah, but what does that have to do with Dibny?
Just that everything that we've done we did
because we were trying to help people.
Keep them safe.
Is that all Dibny was trying to do back then?
Good people don't destroy lives and call it noble.
Did I make a mistake back then?
Did I cost a good man his life?
I don't know, Bare.
He did break the law... Cross the line.
But you didn't make him do that.
And you didn't make him blackmail the Mayor.
But, maybe Caitlin was right.
Everyone who's gone through what you and her
and now Dibny's gone through...
Maybe he deserves a second chance.
I got it.
Allen. Detective West.
Aren't you two on the Mayor's detail?
Sorry to bother you at home, but dispatch just radioed.
Captain Singh needs you down at station ASAP.
All right, let me get my jacket.
That never gets old.
Those two work or the Mayor.
They just tried to kill us.
Dibny's next.
Cisky, Cisky, Cisky.
Come out. Come out and meet your end.
You creatures destroyed my planet.
Now I will kill every last one of you.
Guys, anyone there?
Barry, I'm here. It's me.
What's up?
I need you to activate
the tracker I put on Dibny.
You put a tracker on Ralph?
Cisco, do you know where he is?
He's at City Hall.
You lost weight.
Lap band surgery. Heh.
Since killing you didn't work out,
what we agreed upon. 200K.
Let me have the photographs.
Here's the pictures.
- Keep the money. - What?
- I take it back. - Take it back?
I take my blackmail back.
- Is this some kind of a trick? - I'm not dirty.
And I don't want any part of this anymore.
And don't you forget, I can tie you to that bomb
you had your goons plant in my office,
so if you don't walk away, I will go to the cops.
- That's still blackmail. - No, it's not.
Yes, it is. You're telling me if I don't
give you this money, you won't go to the cops.
Okay, fine. I am blackmailing you
into not being blackmailed.
So, we're good, then.
Yeah, we're good.
Bullet booger. Super gross.
Sorry, Mr. Mayor. It's over.
Die, Plastoid, die!
You will not infest this world
as you did mine, Plastoid.
Plastoid, what? Is he talking to me?
Breacher, stop.
- Okay. - He dies, speedster.
Get in there, Joe. You're coming with me.
Look, you don't have to do this.
Yes, I do.
Leave him alone.
This guy didn't invade your planet.
He didn't do anything wrong.
He's like this 'cause of me and my team.
So if you've got a problem with him and his powers,
then you deal with me.
Hey, are we good here? Because I definitely
gotta change my drawers.
The Mayor took Joe.
I can't run fast enough right now.
I'll never have enough speed to jump off a building.
Can you breach me up there?
No way. The event horizon would rip
that helicopter apart.
But we've gotta save Joe.
What do we do?
You can get me up there.
- Me? - Yeah.
- How? - You can stretch.
Grab it.
Are you... are you crazy? I can't do that.
Yes, you can. All right?
I know that you have it inside you
to help someone other than yourself.
I know you, Ralph.
How could you possibly know me?
Dude, are you kidding me?
You're the Flash?
Everyone else gets struck by lightning and dies,
- and you get super powers? - Ralph, yeah, that's right.
Your assistant's a speedster?
I liked the Flash. Now I have to hate the Flash.
Ralph, focus. I need you to do this.
Joe needs you to do this. Please.
Show me I was wrong about you. You said you were a good cop.
Be one right now.
What the hell?
I got it!
- Help! - Hold on, Ralph.
Cecile's pregnant.
Well, we've reached the end of our road.
We had some stumbles along the way,
but we pulled it together. We made it home.
- I hate you. - Wow.
Really thought that one would work.
But I respect you.
You're a steadfast warrior
who would fight the fiercest of enemies to protect your friend
and the only person I love.
With my dying breath, sir.
I know that, but I still hate you.
I have never seen him gush like that.
That's gushing? I'm terrified to experience
him loving me.
Well, that's my job.
Oh, that's right. It is.
I feel a code-17 breach in progress.
We have to leave now, Cynthia.
Cynthia. What's your dad's name?
Cynthia and Josh. That's great.
Not so scary now, Cynthia.
Keep calling me that. See what happens.
All right.
See you around... Gypsy.
- I fixed up your office. - Sweet fancy Moses.
Thanks for screwing up my insurance claim.
No payout, no mayor money.
I gotta pick up a case soon.
What if I had a job for you?
I wanna laugh really hard right now,
but I'm afraid my face will fall off again.
I can't change what has happened
between us in the past,
but I can offer you a chance to change what happens
- in our future. - How?
Let my team and I study your powers,
figure out how to improve them, see what your limitations are.
And let me train you.
Train me? For what?
To do what I do.
To be a detective again, Ralph.
A real one. Like, it's not gonna be easy.
I'm gonna push you to your limit.
I think it's safe to say some days you're gonna hate me.
Allen, it's safe to say that I always hate you.
Do I get a cool super hero name?
What do you think about... Plastic Man?
I think that's the dumbest name I've ever heard of.
Yeah, Cisco comes up with the names.
It's better that way.
What do you say?
There's just one thing I gotta ask you.
What made you look into Mayor Bellows in the first place?
Oh, it was a client. Asked me to follow the Mayor.
Never met him, though. He did everything over the phone.
Who was it?
Only gave me his last name.
You and I have been enemies for years.
Oh, you've had others, of course.
There's Thawne. Zoom. DeVoe.
This is where we came up with the cerebral inhibitor
to use against DeVoe.
What's wrong? The name DeVoe
mean something to you?
I smell a mystery.
- Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- --
For more infomation >> The Flash 4x04 | Elongated Journey Into Night | Sub. Español - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Habrían hallado nota referente a ISIS en vehículo que usó el autor del atropello en Nueva York - Duration: 2:43.
Resultados Sorteo Miercoles 1 de Noviembre 2017 Loteria Nacional Panama : Loteria 1 Noviembre 2017 - Duration: 1:13.
Refresca el aliento de tu boca con 6 plantas medicinales - Duration: 11:34.
Carla Bruni, une vidéo pour vous souhaiter un joyeux Halloween - Duration: 1:42.
Johnny Hallyday trop faible pour fêter Halloween ? Laeticia ressort un vieux cliché - Duration: 1:59.
Sucesos paranormales ocurridos a Músicos (parte 1) - Duration: 4:44.
Benjamin Biolay dément à avoir touché 500 000€ pour sa participation à Nouvelle Star - Duration: 1:33.
Zebra Attacked by Hyenas
Renault Grand Espace 2.0 dCi Dynamique (7p.!!/Glazen dak/Camera/Xenon) - Duration: 0:59.
How To Straighten My My Hair - Duration: 3:57.
Hi guys this is Monique and today I'm gonna show you how I straighten my hair
from this into straight and so don't forget to subscribe to my youtube
channel and like some of my videos so the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm
actually gonna put some heat protectant on my hair and then I'm gonna go and
blow-dry my hair just to get it kind of straight so kind of like straight and
not just super curly and then going back in so I'm gonna do that and then I'm
gonna actually be flat ironing my hair on camera so one second okay so that's my
hair just after it's blow-dried and now I'm just gonna try to section my hair
into smaller pieces so that I can work with it a little bit better I'm just
gonna brush it out a little bit and then I like to start at the very back and
work my way forward when I'm flat-ironing so I'm gonna start at the back of my head
and don't mind me if I look like I'm cringing a couple times I have this
feeling that if I get too close to my scalp I'm gonna burn my head I've never
burnt my head before just because I've always used like 350 or 300 I don't use a super
high heat I guess that would make my hair look shiny or if I use the higher
heat but I just like to use 300 or 350 so like I said I'm just sectioning my
hair combing through it a little bit and then kind of going down my hair with a
flat iron and I'm working for the back of my head to the front of my head
okay so I'm just gonna comb it over and then I'm gonna go over it with a paddle
brush and work on the other side of my head starting in the back and I have
really thin hair so it looks like I'm just going over a big section but my
hair is super thin in some part so it's really easy for me to flatiron it that
way so I'm just gonna work towards the front of my head and comb through my
hair as I go and then after I finish the front of my head I'm just gonna comb
through it then I'm gonna paddle brush it and then I'm gonna use a smaller
finer tooth comb just to make sure that I go over my hair one last time with a
flatiron and smaller sections of my hair so I'm just combing from the bottom up
to the top and I don't have any knots in my hair so it's going pretty smoothly
and I'm just going over smaller sections of my hair and just kind of picking them
up and going forward I really like having anime looking here so usually I
would just get rid of the part of my hair and then just comb it forward like
that so I guess it just sticks now
I haven't put any product or anything in my hair I just put the heat protectant
in my hair
so now I'm just gonna brush my hair and that's it
Ex Factor Guide Review || The Ex Factor Guide Brad Browing || The Ex Factor Guide Book Review - Duration: 1:17.
Hey, it's Jenna, I just wanted to share a little bit about my experience with the ex recovery system, okay?
So there's this guy who I'm really crazy about and once upon a time. We started dating but for some reason
He just started getting really distant. I had no idea why and I didn't know what to do well pretty soon
He ended up breaking up with me, and he said something stupid like it's not you. It's me. I was devastated
I was crushed well
I started searching for a way to get him back to get things how they used to be when everything was fun and exciting
Then I stumbled across the ex recovery system
And I read it and discovered exactly what I was doing wrong that was pushing him away well
I've all a couple of things that the book told me to do and
It was the craziest thing he started texting me then asking me to hang out basically
He was chasing me well now. We're back together and things are better than they ever were even in the beginning
I owe it all to the ex recovery system
I really do if you were looking to get your ex back
You definitely need to check this system out the link to the e-book is in the description below best of luck
Tierra Whack - Mumbo Jumbo
Citroën Xsara Coupé 1.8i-16V VTS -SCHUIF/K-LMV-TOP AUTO!- - Duration: 1:02.
Renault Laguna 2.0 Navi Xenon Ecc Trekh. Lmv Bose Dynamique 2.0i-16V - Duration: 1:01.
Overwatch - Carolina Ravassa [Sombra VA] - AGS Highlights and Impromptu Face Reveal 60fps FI - Duration: 5:48.
You just shot down the lights
because you put a knife inside!
You'll end up electrified, mad woman!
I doesn't matter. You only live once.
I just can't believe my eyes—
I just took the bread out, Ricardo!
Mom, you shot down all the lights!
You caused a short circuit with something that—
You know I was just there.
That needs to be fixed because it shouldn't be like that.
Took her outta... shut it... unplug it!
Mom, you shot down all the lights.
Unplug it!
She's so cool.
Instead of 'Apagando las Luces' I'm gonna start saying:
Shutting down all the light!
Very good, perfect: we already have our Argentinian Sombra.
Shall we see it?
Hello everybody, you handsome guys and girls.
I'm Anjali, Carolina's friend.
Carolina: I miss you so much!
I'm so sad that my Spanish is not that good and I'm sorry for that.
But I'm so sorry that I can't be there on Argentina with Carolina.
Even though, we want say 'hello' to everyone there.
Here is Lucie.
Jonny's there on the back.
She also says...
that she misses...
Hey how are you Carolina? Really pleased to meet you.
We came here with a friend exclusively to see you.
That says a lot.
Thank you so much!
And well, my question would be:
Beyond your relationship with the other voice actors
Which we already know you really get along, we can see it on your channel and on other stuff.
Wait, wait a second.
You're talking so fast that I cannot understand you.
Here I go again then:
Beyond your relationship with the other Overwatch voice actors
Which we already know you really get along, on your channel you share your trips to meet them
and all that, which is incredible.
I guess my question is:
On the game, as a character.
Do you have any other one that you really like to interact with?
That you find amusing, maybe bothering him/her.
As an example, on your short, when you make fun of Reaper and that sort of thing.
Yes, I was going to tell you that with Reaper I really like it because...
I mean, I find it really cool to piss him off. Also because we're on the same team.
I think the fans have developed a funny interaction with Widowmaker.
I really dig that.
But most of all I love how Sombra mocks Tracer.
As she's like:
The thing is that I really feel that's what Sombra thinks.
It's like: hey dummy don't talk like that, right?
That's why she mocks her like:
I think I really like it because it also explains... what Sombra is, right?
Her interaction with everybody I think.
November 1, 2017 - (MT 5:1-12A) - Duration: 2:24.
I have met many people who say they hate crowds.
I even once wrote an article postulating elite mnistry as the way to go forward.
You need to focus on such a cameral, private work, meet in small groups
to deepen your spiritual formation.
Crowds and religions started to be associated as something suspicious.
Many people who consider themselves the elite avoid the crowds.
They are looking for a closer contact with a chosen priest, often in a small niche group.
But the Gospel today shows us crowds.
Crowds and Jesus talking to them. And what He tells to the crowds is the heart of His preaching.
The Sermon on the Mount - to the crowds.
Check deep down in your heart if you do not think too snooty of yourself?
I stay away from the crowds.
I do not go to the church to attend the masses with all those people swarming.
I prefer to go alone and talk on my own. There is no sense in juxtaposing these two options.
Praying in the crowds is not shallow and meaningless, praying individually does not mean it is deep.
Actually, sometimes it can happen that either individually, or in a small group, in our niche, it can be so snobbish, so conceited,
that we will not understand and will not accept anything of Jesus' teachings.
While in the crowds - we will accept it.
He is the most important - Jesus. And He is able to speak both to crowds and to individual hearts.
He should be the focus of our attention, not external circumstances.
Recovering From Box Jump Hell - Duration: 1:00.
If you've ever done too many 24" box jumps you know what I'm talking about...
lightening up the back of the achilles and into the calcaneus when you take a step the next day.
It will be difficult to train through that type of pain without movement compensations.
I'm applying some light AISTM (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization) at the lower leg in order to unglue the skin from the underlying fascia, cutaneous nerves and muscles.
After I've finished with that I will work on compressing the tissues using something simple like compression socks to help clear any stagnant metabolic waste.
You can also clear that waste using a TENS unit for about an hour with the legs elevated, vaso-pneumatic compression or by simply cooling down on the watt bike immediately after your workout.
Next, use a monster band to free up the ankle joint capsule and combine that with a neuromuscular technique to get rid of any unwanted excess muscle tone or trigger points
Mix in some end range PRI breathing and you will be ready to crush Justin Dickson of Crossfit Salt Lake City's Helen time!
I'll describe how to perform these other techniques I've mentioned in future videos. If you like this video then please share it.
[Eng Sub] BTS JIN & JIMIN Eat-Jin-Min Part 2 잇진민 - Duration: 9:50.
MC KSJ: It's their first food after ranking No.7 on the billboard chart!
MC KSJ: Let's expect delicious food comes out!
MC KSJ: We will allow them to use carrots.
MC AJH: Of course. (Sounds also carrot in Korea)
MC AJH: I did it for Jin!
MC AJH: Jin likes this kind of jokes.
(A dad joke that got only Jin laugh) MC KSJ: Only one person burst into laugh here.
Jin: Wow, it's really funny.
MC AJH: As long as Jin laughed, I am okay.
MC AJH: I think Jin and I have similar DNA.
(DNA connecting through dad jokes)
(Is that real???)
Chef: If I put this shrimp seasoning, it becomes shrimp.
Jin: This is so fun. More fun than games.
MC KSJ: It's a sea shrimp!
(Really tastes like shrimp?)
MC: It's from the sea!
MC KSJ: We don't have enough time! (1 minute left) You should wrap it up!
MC KSJ: 30 seconds left! 30 seconds!
MC KSJ: Time is okay.
MC KSJ: Because of the nuts, tasting order was switched!
Jin & Jimin: Wow~
Jin: Wow, it's jaw-dropping food!
Jimin: I never thought this kind of food could come out from our dorm fridge.
Jin: We don't even touch the fridge because there's nothing to eat.
Jin: But there is something to eat!
MC: How does the sea snail taste..?
Jin: It tastes good. MC: Your eyes got bigger.
(Eating sea snails and noodles together)
Jin: They have feelings for each other. MC KSJ: They have feelings?
Jin: They are going out.
MC KSJ: With who?
Jin: Sea snails and noodles had their eyes met.
Jin: Their harmony is great.
Jin: Like our members, holding hands.
Jimin: Shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp.
MC: Trying the jumbo shrimp (made of chicken sausage).
Jimin: Will it really be a jumbo shrimp?
MC & Chef: Viewers might really think they are shrimps.
MC KSJ: Does it taste like shrimps?
Jin: It's chicken breast!
MC KSJ: Right, just because you put shrimp powder...
Jin: Do you want to try?
MC KSJ: Jimin can't eat seafood well. Jin: Eat noodles first.
MC: Please see if noodles and shrimps are going out.
Jimin: Mmm~ Jin: You know what I mean?
Jimin: I think I know what he means.
Jimin: But rather than a couple, I think they are brothers.
Jimin: How was I, hyung-nim?
Jin: You! You don't know anything about the world of food!
Jin: We don't get along.
Jimin: Anyway, the taste is the best!
MC AJH: He is smelling it first!
MC AJH: Does it smell fishy?
Jimin: It smells really fishy!
(Carefully having one bite)
MC: He is frowning.
Jimin: I can't take the shrimp.
Jimin: I think it's a little fishy.
(Chef. Yeon Bok - Fried sea snails & sea snail cream soup)
Jimin: Chef Lee's knife skill was art.
MC AJH: What, what, what, what?
MC AJH: Is he also dating someone?
Jin: This is an artist.
Jin: An artist on the top alone.
Jin: There is no one who can dare to compete for his position.
Jin: You try it, I don't know how to explain this.
Jin: Out of all the deep-fried food, this tastes the most high-class.
Jimin: This feels like almost eating meat!
Jimin: I think this tastes great.
MC KSJ: Combination taste of salty and creamy. With milk.
Jimin: Jin hyung really likes Carbonara pasta.
Jin: In front of me,
Jin: A ranch is spreading out.
Jin: It really tastes great!
Jin: Really, as soon as I had one bite, a cow mooed.
Jimin: I really don't understand what he is saying.
Jin: Because of the taste of milk and cheese...
MC: Now Jimin tried it. Can you see the ranch?
MC: Did a cow moo?
Jimin: This, I admit!
Jimin: Out of all the soup I tried, this is the best!
(MC's don't feel fishy for the sausages)
MC KSJ: It feels like sea snails and noodles are going out.
Jin: Right? You know what I meant? MC KSJ: The harmony is really great.
Jin: I am really good at expressing. MC KSJ: You did really great.
Jin: I really thought about it too!
MC AJH: Now stop~
(Chef Lee wins)
Jin: Victory was divided with the side dishes.
(Star awarding a badge )
Chef Lee Jae Hoon: Pork belly DNA!
Chef Lee: DNA! (BTS's title song)
MC KSJ: You have been to Brazil for tour, right? Jimin: Yes, yes.
MC KSJ: Did Brazilian food suit your taste?
Jimin: I think it was half and half.
Jimin: I remember some food was really nice,
Jimin: and some food, I thought I should never eat again.
(Boy in Luv - originally sounds like this...)
Chef Sam Kim: Why are you shaking my heart?
Jimin: I like pork way more than beef.
MC: Did you choose Brazilian on purpose for BTS?
Chef Lee: Of course, for them to spread out worldwide.
Jimin: Oh~~~
MC KSJ: Mom's DNA~
(What was that?)
Blood Sweat & Tears melody with DNA lyrics...
MC AJH: I am sorry~ (in BST melody)
(I drift away from you.)
(Automatic applause for the slander)
(The one who rules the fried-pan will rule competition)
Jimin: I really like egg-rice.
Jimin: Every time we have music show, we always eat egg-rice.
MC: Really? Wow~
Jin: We eat egg-rice every Friday morning.
MC: Is that so?
MC: How does it taste?
MC AJH: He showed his claws. All: Wow~
MC: Five, four, three!
Jimin: I never imagined using soy milk!
Jimin: Can I try the soup first? Chef Lee: Yes, please try.
Jimin: I was really curious about this!
MC: It's unsweetened soy milk.
MC: How is the soup?
Jimin: It's not soy milk!
Jimin: It tastes like brewed stock.
MC: How would it taste like?
(One big bite)
Jimin: Wow~
MC: Is dance coming out?
Jimin: When you eat them together, it becomes an incredible taste!
(Brazilian style onion pickles)
Jimin: Wow~
Jimin: I really like chili peppers too.
Jimin: Eating them together... It tastes way better than I thought.
Jimin: Wow~
(Jin: Does it taste good?)
(Standing up again) DNA!
Jimin: It tastes really good.
(Quickly standing up)
Jimin: It's not too much either.
Jimin & Jin: I don't think this is Brazilian.
Jimin: I remember Brazilian food had its own unique stimulating scent.
Jimin: This is very...
Jimin: Korean style.
(Chef Sam Kim's Why is pork belly shaking my heart)
Jimin: Ah~ I am so happy today.
Jimin: I am so happy to be on this show today.
MC: How would it taste with pork belly?
(Eating chili pepper too)
MC: How do you feel? Boy in Luv has to come out this time.
Jimin: Wow~ MC: It's hard.
Jimin: I have to prepare again.
Jimin: Why are you shaking my heart?
(As soon as dance ends, Jin jumps into eating)
Jimin: It's not salty.
(Would it satisfy Jin's taste too?) MC: It looks a little spicy too.
Jimin: It's not that spicy as it looks.
(Jin tasting it slowly)
(suddenly gets up)
Why are you shaking my heart? (Jin can't even sing with mouthful of food)
Jin: It tastes good~
Jimin: I am so happy to be on this show!
Kim Jae Duk: With this quality and taste, I can have three meals of this.
Jimin: Yes, really.
Kim Jae Duk: If I had a bowl of rice...
Kim Jae Duk: I could finish it at once with just this.
Jimin: Sunbae-nim, here is it.
Kim Jae Duk: Thank you.
(Chef Lee wins)
Jimin: I usually eat delivery or ordered food,
Jimin: I often said I wanted to eat something new.
Jimin: So I picked food that was a little more unique.
(The winner having ceremony with BTS)
MC KSJ: Please three of you do ceremony together!
6 TIPS! Learn & Use More Phrasal Verbs | English Lesson - Duration: 13:13.
Okay you've been asking for this video
for a long time,
so here it is!
Phrasal verbs in English.
I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!
Now, why are phrasal verbs so difficult to learn?
Because there are many of them,
because they're so commonly used
that they can become overwhelming,
because one phrasal verb can have
multiple meanings.
For example,
the phrasal verb "put down"
can mean
to place something down on the ground or a surface,
to humiliate or criticise someone
or to kill an animal that was sick or suffering.
Many phrasal verbs are idiomatic, as well,
so their meaning is not always
as the individual words suggest.
For example to "look up to someone"
can mean that you respect them.
You don't actually have to be shorter than someone
and physically looking up to them
to be able to use this phrasal verb.
No wonder phrasal verbs are so frustrating!
If you're determined to understand
more about phrasal verbs,
then this lesson is for you.
I'm going to teach you six things that you need to know
about phrasal verbs.
Starting with
what is a phrasal verb
A phrasal verb is a standard verb
such as put, go, or take,
plus one or two particles.
Now don't let that confuse you!
A particle in a phrasal verb
is either a preposition or an adverb.
Go out, go after, go together, go away.
These are prepositions
and these are adverbs.
But of course, there are many, many more phrasal verbs.
Hang out,
look after,
bring together,
put away,
hang up,
look out for,
bring out,
put up with.
Now, once you know how to recognise a phrasal verb
you need to learn how to use it correctly
and one of the first things that you need to find out is
is it a transitive
or an intransitive phrasal verb?
If it's transitive,
you need something or someone
after the verb.
If it's intransitive,
it stands on its own.
Take the example from before,
the phrasal verb "look up to"
which means to respect or admire someone
but this phrasal verb
always has to be followed
by a person,
by someone.
You can't just say
"I really look up to"
The first thing that I would have to ask them is
Who do you look up to?
"Look up to" is a transitive phrasal verb.
You need to have someone
after the phrasal verb
to make it make sense.
But some phrasal verbs are intransitive
which means they work fine on their own.
For example, to "grow up"
means to mature
and you never need to add an object here.
Here are a few examples of how this works.
He grew up in Singapore.
Your children are growing up so fast!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Now some phrasal verbs are either
transitive or intransitive,
depending on the meaning.
So take the example "come over"
which has two meanings.
The first is an intransitive phrasal verb
and it means to visit someone
in the place where they are,
usually their house.
Why don't you come over?
It stands on its own.
But "come over" can also be transitive
if a feeling suddenly comes over you
or an emotion that affects you in a strong way.
You would say that that emotion came over you.
A wave of anger came over him.
So whether a phrasal verb is transitive or intransitive,
it's important to know
because it helps you to understand
how to use it correctly.
Now in addition to knowing
if a phrasal verb is transitive or intransitive,
you also need to know if
it's separable or inseparable
and this is as simple as it sounds!
Separable means that the verb and the particle
are able to be separated
in the sentence.
So for example, the phrasal verb "take on"
which means to become responsible for something.
It's a transitive phrasal verb
it doesn't make sense on its own.
I'm going to take on the project.
But we can also say
I'm going to take the project on.
We can separate the words in the phrasal verb
so it's separable.
Now an inseparable phrasal verb means
that we can't separate the main verb
from the other words in the phrasal verb.
No way!
Let's go back to the example "look up to".
So we know that this is a transitive phrasal verb.
It's also an inseparable phrasal verb.
You can't separate the words in the phrasal verb.
It's not possible to say
"look someone up to"
"look up someone to"
It just doesn't work because it's inseparable.
Here's an example of how it could work though.
I really look up to your dad.
Now learning whether a phrasal verb
is transitive or intransitive
or separable or inseparable,
right from the start,
will help you to use it correctly from now on.
So when you learn a new phrasal verb,
it's really important that you write it down.
Write down a few awesome sentences of your own
just to practise using the phrasal verb
and applying the rules that I've just mentioned.
Now, phrasal verbs are
just multi-word verbs.
So they need to be treated
like any other verb in a sentence.
They need to show us which tense is being used
and they need to match the subject
that they're being used with.
I give up! It's too hard.
He always gives up without really trying.
We're not giving up yet!
I thought you'd given up!
See how the verb changes each time with the tense.
Next tip.
Find the right phrasal verbs to practice.
don't type "phrasal verbs" into Google
and then wait for a big list to appear
and try to memorise them.
This will completely overwhelm you!
You need to look for and find the phrasal verbs that
are relevant to you and that are commonly used
because there are
thousands of phrasal verbs in English
but you will never need to know all of them!
But you will need to know the ones
that are coming up in your life.
Right? The important ones for you.
So you need to look for them.
Read the news. Read blogs that you love.
Read the transcripts of TEDTalks.
Read magazines and articles
that are related to your profession.
For example,
take a blog post from your favourite English blog
about English or just written in English.
Go through it and highlight
all of the phrasal verbs that you see.
Study how they're used.
Another great way
to look for how phrasal verbs are used
is to use Google or any other search engine
to search for specific phrasal verbs
in the news search tab.
So I'll type in the phrasal verb.
Let's try "put up"
and that's going to bring up
a whole list of current examples
where that phrasal verb has been used
in context.
Breaking Bad house owners
put up fence.
So they built a fence.
Here, someone will be put up for sale.
So he's made available for sale.
Signs will be put up.
Women don't have to put up with something.
These are all different ways
that this phrasal verb can be used.
Anyway the point is
you're exploring which phrasal verbs
are commonly used in
recently written documents online.
You're learning them in context
and often in a context that's interesting to you!
Now, practise using phrasal verbs in the right way.
Focus on topics, not on alphabetical lists
because that is how you're going
to use phrasal verbs
while writing or talking about a topic or issue.
For example, if you're planning to take a holiday soon
think about all of the phrasal verbs
you might use on your trip.
Get on the bus.
Take off in the plane.
Pick up the hire car.
Pack up your suitcase.
Go out for dinner.
Hang out with friends.
And if you don't know all the phrasal verbs
that you might need,
then try looking at a blog post about the topic
to inspire you
or search YouTube for a lesson
that can help you to learn this vocabulary.
go to a list of phrasal verbs
and see which ones will be helpful to talk about travel.
But don't forget to pay attention
to whether they're transient or intransient,
separable or inseparable.
Another great way to practise
is to start with a list of phrasal verbs
- about ten would be perfect.
They could be the ones that you highlighted earlier
from the blog post.
Now try to write your own story using the phrasal verbs.
So use a dictionary if you need to
and check the meaning.
And to check if they are transitive or intransitive,
or separable or inseparable
because the dictionary will tell you that!
Now let me show you with an example.
Take these phrasal verbs, as the example.
Hang out,
look after,
take over,
put away,
clean up.
On Thursdays I look after my nephew in the evening,
because my sister works late.
I only live over the road,
so I usually take over dinner
and we have a picnic in the back garden.
He's very cute but very cheeky.
I spend most of my time putting away his toys
and cleaning up after him.
But I love to hang out with him!
So I just built a really simple story about
this list of phrasal verbs.
Now it doesn't have to be true and it
doesn't have to be really intelligent
but it challenges you to think creatively
and to use these phrasal verbs.
So, those are my top tips
for learning and using English phrasal verbs.
Do you have any other tips that you want
to share with everyone here?
Add them to the comments,
I'd love to see your suggestions.
I'll be making more videos about phrasal verbs soon
but for now,
why don't you check out these lessons right here?
And make sure you subscribe to the
mmmEnglish YouTube channel just here
so that you never miss a lesson!
Thanks for watching and I will see you next time.
Bye for now!
How To Straighten My My Hair - Duration: 3:57.
Hi guys this is Monique and today I'm gonna show you how I straighten my hair
from this into straight and so don't forget to subscribe to my youtube
channel and like some of my videos so the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm
actually gonna put some heat protectant on my hair and then I'm gonna go and
blow-dry my hair just to get it kind of straight so kind of like straight and
not just super curly and then going back in so I'm gonna do that and then I'm
gonna actually be flat ironing my hair on camera so one second okay so that's my
hair just after it's blow-dried and now I'm just gonna try to section my hair
into smaller pieces so that I can work with it a little bit better I'm just
gonna brush it out a little bit and then I like to start at the very back and
work my way forward when I'm flat-ironing so I'm gonna start at the back of my head
and don't mind me if I look like I'm cringing a couple times I have this
feeling that if I get too close to my scalp I'm gonna burn my head I've never
burnt my head before just because I've always used like 350 or 300 I don't use a super
high heat I guess that would make my hair look shiny or if I use the higher
heat but I just like to use 300 or 350 so like I said I'm just sectioning my
hair combing through it a little bit and then kind of going down my hair with a
flat iron and I'm working for the back of my head to the front of my head
okay so I'm just gonna comb it over and then I'm gonna go over it with a paddle
brush and work on the other side of my head starting in the back and I have
really thin hair so it looks like I'm just going over a big section but my
hair is super thin in some part so it's really easy for me to flatiron it that
way so I'm just gonna work towards the front of my head and comb through my
hair as I go and then after I finish the front of my head I'm just gonna comb
through it then I'm gonna paddle brush it and then I'm gonna use a smaller
finer tooth comb just to make sure that I go over my hair one last time with a
flatiron and smaller sections of my hair so I'm just combing from the bottom up
to the top and I don't have any knots in my hair so it's going pretty smoothly
and I'm just going over smaller sections of my hair and just kind of picking them
up and going forward I really like having anime looking here so usually I
would just get rid of the part of my hair and then just comb it forward like
that so I guess it just sticks now
I haven't put any product or anything in my hair I just put the heat protectant
in my hair
so now I'm just gonna brush my hair and that's it
The Beast "Up the Hill" | An Original CreepyPasta - Duration: 4:28.
This is an original "CreepyPasta" (style) story
based on events that took place between February first 2003 and the Fall of that
same year. The Story, Audio, and Images may be disturbing to some people. Please
be advised that some Video Effects might cause Seizures in those Sensitive to
bright lights, sudden flashes or high contrast images.
I was 16 year old driving home which happens to be a 17 mile drive on a
mountain road. There are no stop lights no lights at all, besides your headlights
and maybe the moon shining between the trees, since I often got off work around
11pm. Most times you may see odd lights in the sky or deer or even a bear
on the road, besides tonight. I was alone in the car as I started the drive on the
mountain road. I noticed a pinkish blueish ball of light in the sky. After about
5 miles I noticed that little ball was following me. So my attention was going
between the ball and the curvy road. It was staying right on top of me, I could
see it on every corner I was taking. As I was coming around the a horseshoe turn I
was paying attention to the ball when I looked at the road again I seen a huge
hairy thing jump over a steep cliff onto the road it stopped and was looking
straight at me. As I was slamming onto my breaks screaming at the sight of this animal.
It must have been 9 feet tall. A long nose. And very hairy
but you can see the skin. It had longish ears and its legs were weird. You
can tell it was able to walk on 2 feet but run on looked like a
mangy wolf with missing hair, definitely wasn't a bear. it just stayed there
looking straight at me not scared the slightest it was on all 4 paw like
hands. As I came to a stop still screaming from what my nightmares decided was
a werewolf in front of me. I was paralyzed in fear, forgot what I was
doing and that the world was spinning I forgot I was in a car able to
drive away. This beast stands up on 2 feet and faces the car sniffs and takes
a step forward. Then a bright blinding light comes from the ball up in the sky
I totally forgot about, and the beast take off up the next hill and the ball just
stays floating out in the middle of the canyon. I break down and start sobbing
thinking I'm going to die. I get my car back into first gear and try to
drive through my tears. I was just about 8 miles away from home if I could just
get home I would be safe. The light in the sky was still following me. I made it
home with the light floating over my house. I got out of the car and was
trying to unlock the door when I started to hear something running towards me
from the woods, the way the bushes were rattling it was something large and
heavy. Right before it cleared the bushes the door was unlocked
I jumped inside slammed the door and locked it and ran to my room, too
scared to go back out or look out the window.
thank you for watching please subscribe by clicking the around icon and if you want
to watch more, pick one or two videos that fro-baby is pointing to!
"눈가가 촉촉해"…송♥송, 세젤예 부부 (본식 사진) - Duration: 3:54.
생리통 심한 이유, 이것때문이다? - 생리통 완화법 - Duration: 14:37.
Moonglet । Moonglet Pizza | मूंगदाल वेज पिज़्ज़ा - Duration: 5:00.
Как быстро сдуваются мышцы без тренировок, Горькая правда - Duration: 11:38.
김주혁 부검결과 사망원인 급발진, 뉴스공장 - Duration: 5:50.
Refresca el aliento de tu boca con 6 plantas medicinales - Duration: 11:34.
Best English Songs 2017-2018 Hits, Best Songs of all Time Acoustic Mix Song Covers 2017 - Duration: 1:01:42.
♥ Have a nice song ♥
한채아 성형전 한채아 나이, 몸매 화보, 아버지 집안 화제 - Duration: 3:41.
아버지 김무생, 어머니 김의숙, 탤런트 김지수와 오랜 연애와 결별까지 - Duration: 10:45.
FAKER PICKS GALIO 5 TIMES TO DEFEAT RNG | TOP 5 PLAYS — Semifinals [Worlds 2017] - Duration: 4:49.
I think we're pretty satisfied, having started from Play-In and making it to Semifinals now.
I think this result was worth all our efforts.
If we can go even further,
I hope we can get the first championship for a Chinese team.
When we beat Longzhu 3-0,
I think a lot of people thought,
"Oh right, Samsung finished 2nd place at last year's Worlds."
I think they forgot about that for a moment.
I think we did too.
I am not really that nervous,
because we've already played against them so many times,
so I'm thinking more about revenge.
SKT is not as strong as they were last year,
and in their Bo5 match versus Misfits,
a lot of their problems were shown.
There was a good chance they could have gone home.
People seem to wonder when our era will end.
We will remain the world's best team until the end of League of Legends.
CRAZY FAST TURNS - DH1 Les Vaches | Alpe d'Huez -subtitled- - Duration: 3:28.
"DH1 Les Vaches"
rained a little bit during the night
probably still slippery
this track is crazy fast
yes still slippery
now there's an option
taking the beginner line
not that bumpy
and that berm was strange
had to slow down there
that loose stuff has got... grip
and that's it basically
that was DH1
How I Make Money Online
O Detective Conan | Opening en Galego - Duration: 1:46.
पालक पुरी | How to mae Palak Puri | Palak Puri Reciep video | Spinach Puri Recipe | MadhurasRecipe - Duration: 7:05.
Dota 2 7.07 - DENDI PANGOLIER - First Time To Play - Hard Hero Dueling Fates - Duration: 11:14.
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Detroit Become Human PGW 2017 Gameplay Trailer PS4 - Duration: 3:12.
November 1, 2017 - (MT 5:1-12A) - Duration: 2:24.
I have met many people who say they hate crowds.
I even once wrote an article postulating elite mnistry as the way to go forward.
You need to focus on such a cameral, private work, meet in small groups
to deepen your spiritual formation.
Crowds and religions started to be associated as something suspicious.
Many people who consider themselves the elite avoid the crowds.
They are looking for a closer contact with a chosen priest, often in a small niche group.
But the Gospel today shows us crowds.
Crowds and Jesus talking to them. And what He tells to the crowds is the heart of His preaching.
The Sermon on the Mount - to the crowds.
Check deep down in your heart if you do not think too snooty of yourself?
I stay away from the crowds.
I do not go to the church to attend the masses with all those people swarming.
I prefer to go alone and talk on my own. There is no sense in juxtaposing these two options.
Praying in the crowds is not shallow and meaningless, praying individually does not mean it is deep.
Actually, sometimes it can happen that either individually, or in a small group, in our niche, it can be so snobbish, so conceited,
that we will not understand and will not accept anything of Jesus' teachings.
While in the crowds - we will accept it.
He is the most important - Jesus. And He is able to speak both to crowds and to individual hearts.
He should be the focus of our attention, not external circumstances.