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For more infomation >> Bendy and the Ink Machine | FNAF Foxy and a Bunch of Emoji - Duration: 6:31.-------------------------------------------
Recetas de Halloween! Como hacer Merengues o Suspiros como Candy Corn! - Candy Corn themed Meringue - Duration: 4:00.
It's unbelievable! We are at the end of the year,
time to start celebrating
and get together with family and friends.
And in each celebration,
no matter what we are celebrating,
we always eat, eat, eat, eat!
Celebrating, celebrating, celebrating!
So I thought it would be a good idea to teach you
how to make something easy, small and not too sweet.
This is very easy to make!
Let's make candy corn themed meringues!
Hi everybody, I'm Vero, welcome to VeroSweetHobby!
Did you subscribe to my channel already?
If you didn't I invite you to do it so you can get my cake videos
every Friday. They are FREE and amazing.
These are the ingredients you need
to make these candy corn themed meringues.
120 grams or 4.2 oz of powdered sugar.
120 grams or 4.2 oz of regular sugar.
3 egg whites
And 1 tablespoon of corn flour.
Start mixing your egg whites.
In the middle of the process lower
foam from the metal mixer and keep mixing it.
When you reach a foam consistency,
add the regular sugar slowly, make it rain.
The egg whites are very well mixed
with the sugar, and here is a tip for you,
I love to give you good tips ;)
You will know if it is ready,
when you pinch a little bit with your fingers
you go like this and you won't feel any sugary texture.
Opps, I'm going to have to try it!
Now, we have to mix the corn starch
with our powdered sugar,
This step is very essential because
the corn starch will make our meringues dry inside.
Then we start adding this mix
slowly and please use a stainer here.
Again, make it rain and incorporate slowly.
I split the dough in 3 parts and colored 2 of them
in orange and yellow.
I'm ready to pipe my candy corn meringues.
But let me clarify this first,
because I get so many of these questions!
The oven has to be as low heat as possible.
If you are in the US, 220 degrees works,
if you are in Latin America or other countries
make sure your heat is really low.
They will be in the oven for a long time,
and with the help of the corn flour we used,
they will get crunchy and dry inside.
To begin piping them, pipe a yellow bloop first
to be the base,
on top of that, make an orange one that is a bit smaller,
and on top pipe a small white top.
So yummy and beautiful!
These candy corn shaped meringues look
like real candy! They are amazing,
and they have the right amount of sugar.
If you like this video, don't forget to give me a LIKE,
and comment down below.
This is the first of 2 videos that have
with candy corn shaped treats.
Don't miss the next one, I'll make
candy corn colored cookies.
I'll see you on Facebook, Instagram
and here on YouTube each Friday,
with a new Free baking tutorial!
I'm Vero and this is VeroSweetHobby!
Just in time, there goes the alarm...
W W. NOTICIAS - Duration: 5:10.
JBugs - Tech Tip - Quick Change Push Rod Tube - Duration: 2:27.
Last week when one of our employees was off-roading in the desert,
he and his friends had pulled into camp for the night.
After unloading and settling down, he noticed that a puddle had quickly developed under his friend's car.
A closer inspection revealed that the number three push rod tubes had been damaged-
most likely from a rock that had been kicked up into them.
After the car had cooled down a bit, they cleaned the tubed off with some carb cleaner.
When a visitor slithered up they decided to call it a night.
The next morning the valve cover bale was popped off
and the valve cover was removed.
The rocker assembly nuts were unthreaded,
and the rocker assembly was pulled off the head.
The push rods were removed from the tubes.
So they wouldn't be damaged when a pry bar was used to remove the leaking tubes from the engine.
The case and head were cleaned up in preparation for the quick change adjustable tubes.
A bit of oil from the valve cover was used to lube the seals on the new tubes,
then the tubes were slid into place on the engine and the cylinder head.
The lock nuts for the tubes were threaded down to lock the tube in place
and two crescent wrenches were used to lock the jamb nuts together.
The push rods were slid back into place into the tubes
and the rocker assembly was installed back onto the studs after aligning all the push rods.
The valves were adjusted on both cylinders to make sure they were in spec after removing the rockers.
The valve cover was set back in place
and the bale was pushed back on.
Lastly, they checked the oil to make sure the engine wasn't running low from the leak
and the fix was complete so they could enjoy the rest of their trip.
This is exactly what quick change, 2 piece or adjustable push rods as some call them, are for.
They are intended as a quick fix for a damaged tube in a temporary capacity.
We never recommend using 2 piece push rod tubes as a permanent fix for an oil leak.
Adjustable push rod tubes just offer another place for the oil to leak from.
However, in the right place, at the right time, the tubes can mean the difference between cutting a trip short
or finishing off a weekend in the dirt.
Thanks for watching, stop by JBugs.com for all your off road parts and your vintage Volkswagen parts and accessories.
Tsé veux dire ? Ya fait un petit bout sur le poil des yeux - Duration: 1:18.
hard rock improvisation - Duration: 5:11.
LE JURY - Les uniformes - Duration: 2:42.
Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Miercoles 25 Octubre 2017 Loteria Panama : Numeros Loteria 25 Octubre 2017 - Duration: 1:18.
Perro Corgi | Momentos Divertidos Con Perro Corgi | Perro Mundo Corgi part 11 - Duration: 4:26.
Piramide Suerte Decenas Sorteo del Domingo 29 de Octubre 2017 Loteria Nacional Octubre 29 Dominical - Duration: 1:15.
12 FACTS ABOUT HALLOWEEN part 2 | Los 12 mas - Duration: 10:39.
Maluma -Sí o No- Ft Anitta | REACTION SUBTITLED | Reacción - Duration: 5:50.
How are u
I hope you are well
Because today
I'm going to react to another video
This time I will react to
Sí o no ♪♫♬
of Anitta ft Maluma
This time this in Spanish version
Because the version original is obviously in Portuguese
I think that Brazil and Colombia
with these two exponents singers
They show a lot of the culture of their country
Without seeing of this song for beyond
Because there is a lot of talent
that shows the two cultures
I think is that these two cultures are very similar
At the dance and in the versatility to make music
these singers are throwing fire
They have chemistry
Anitta sings Spanish very well
Anitta seems to me
that is beautiful
She knows dance very well
And has a lot of talent
I like because
I already heard her sing in English, Portuguese
and Spanish
Sings very well in Spanish
I like
♪♫♬ You have to pay to see ♪♫♬
♪♫♬ Come and discover♪♫♬
And likewise to give it to you, do not say that not♪♫♬
♪Dance I want to see you ♪
These singers have a lot of chemistry
Because the talent of them stands out
Is there in the song
but the chemistry
that have both
It looks very natural
Brazil, I love Brazil
thanks so much for watching
keep recommending me more songs
La mujer araña/Sex/Expiation (1920, EE.UU.) Fred Niblo - Duration: 1:17:06.
The FMs
Period Storage | Period Collection | Part 2 - Duration: 5:24.
Hi Guys.
So today in this video.
I'm Period Storage video.
This is part two.
If you guys haven't seen my first video yet.
I've organized everything that fits in this plastic container which has four drawers and
it consists of tampons, pantyliners.
And now I'm going to show you how I arrange the rest of what I have that couldn't fit
into the container.
So starting off with large tub, I use this to hold several items.
And the first thing I want to put in is.
I have this plastic bag of Always maxi night pads.
So I'm just going to put them in like that.
The next thing I'm going to put in is I have this pouch and I use this as a period kit
for when I'm on my period I put this in my purse.
I'm just going to put that one the side.
The next thing I'm going to put in this container is.
This is a Lil Lets teens day towel package.
I have about one more of those pads left and I also have a random wrapped carefree liner.
I'm just going to put that on the side as well.
The next thing I'm going to put in this tub, I have this small drawstring bag.
Um, when I'm on my period I put some items in here and I keep it at my bedside table
for easy use.
I'm just going to put that aside as well.
And the last thing I'm going to put in this container is a box of tampons and it's the
compact applicator tampons, and the brand is o.b.
I'm going to put them right here.
So I'm going to cover this tub.
The next thing I have, are two boxes of tampons.
And they're the Tampax Pearl Ultra tampons.
I have two of them.
I'll show you what one of them looks like.
Here they are.
And I'm going to put the one that's opened to the side here.
And this unopened box I'm going to put underneath the tub.
The next part of my period storage are these U By Kotex Sleek super tampons.
Here they are.
I'm going to place this tampon box on top of this one like this.
The next product I have is this is just a package of baby wipes and I use them as feminine
wipes when I'm on my period.
And I just keep this right here.
And since I have no more room on this period storage I just have one more item that I keep
aside and it's the Playtex Gentle Glide Ultra tampons.
This is what one of them looks like.
So I'll just keep this aside.
So that was part two of my period storage video.
Uh, be sure to subscribe for more videos and share with your friends!
Thanks for watching!
[ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP3 TEASER - Forewarning of the Debut Mission That may Disqualify Someone! - Duration: 0:31.
JYP: Its going to be a bit hard for you three to debut.
JYP: You stuck out in my eyes at once, and it isn't because you we're good. (t/n uHM OUCH???)
JYP: In the 3-3-3 mission, I'm going to look for someone to eliminate if I have to. (t/n NO U CANT U FUCKING CANT)
(with the elimination mission in front of them, they assess each other)
BC: Didn't I tell you guys to do it earnestly?
BC: When I look at it like this, it looks like you guys aren't nervous.
(Because of the burden of the mission, the members become sensitive)
JS: Do you think we were joking around on stage?
JS: We WERE being sincere.
It was really the worse.
I hated it, really.
I really wish we can perform on stage without any regrets.
(what will be the fate of the Stray Kids?)
T.G.I. FRIDAY (4) - ATITUDE POSITIVA - Duration: 1:24.
Hey guys!
I am here after a full day of work and I decided to make this video for you.
It is late afternoon,
with a nice sunshine,
and I want to share with you that all of us
- human beings - have our
sunny days and also
our cloudy days in life.
And if you are going through
a cloudy phase in your life,
I ask you: what is your attitude towards this?
What is it that you can do to make your day a sunnier one?
I have a Coachee who always make fun telling me:
Well, Fernanda,
if we are not our own sun,
who then will be? So my invite here for you
today is for you to be the sun in your own life!
Shine, from inside out! And how you can do that?
My suggestion is for
you to choose from at least
three events, three good things
that happened to you already and you can be grateful about.
Think of three memorable moments
and be truly thankful for it, making it a habit,
a routine in your life, even in
the most cloudy days, I bet your vibration,
you energy will improve.
A big kiss to you and until next week!
How Earn Money 15$ to 20$ Daily From Appgreedy Android Mobile App 2017 - Duration: 10:09.
How Earn Money 15$ to 20$ Daily From Appgreedy Android Mobile App 2017
Halloween 2017 Face Painting Halloween Face Painting Ideas for Men 2017 - Duration: 0:36.
Halloween 2017 Face Painting Halloween Face Painting Ideas for Men 2017
Halloween 2017 Face Painting Halloween Face Painting Ideas for Men 2017
Halloween 2017 Face Painting Halloween Face Painting Ideas for Men 2017
Halloween 2017 Face Painting Halloween Face Painting Ideas for Men 2017
Halloween Face Painting Ideas For Kids 2017 Halloween Face Paint Easy For Kids - Duration: 3:11.
Halloween Face Painting Ideas For Kids 2017 Halloween Face Paint Easy For Kids
Halloween Face Painting Ideas For Kids 2017 Halloween Face Paint Easy For Kids
Halloween Face Painting Ideas For Kids 2017 Halloween Face Paint Easy For Kids
Halloween Face Painting Ideas For Kids 2017 Halloween Face Paint Easy For Kids
H̷́A̕ṔP̸͝҉Y̶̧͘͟͞ ̸̨̡̡͘H̨̢͜͞Á̴̛͘͟L̡̀L̷̡O͏́͢W̢̛̕͜E̸͢͡É̢N̶͜ - Duration: 2:04.
Hey what's up everybody? How you doing? My name is Justin and it's that time of the year where
I make another Halloween video and everyone else goes trick-or-treating.
I love Halloween, it has to be my favorite holiday right next to Christmas and my
birthday? I don't like my birthday down much anymore because it's just a
reminder absolutely gonna d̛͟ì͘e̴̶̛. Now I'm too old for trick-or-treating, I haven't
gone trick-or-treating since I became a teenager, and when you think of it
Halloween is a pretty weird holiday. Like who came up with the idea that October
was gonna be a scary month and on the last day of that month kids would knock on
people's doors and expect to get candy? Do not give me a history lesson on the origins of
Halloween cause that's not what this videos about. That was weird. Just because I
don't go trick-or-treating anymore doesn't mean that I don't like to dress
up. I know what you're thinking "you're too old to dress up" Y͜͡où͘'̢͘re n͏̧e̡͝v͟e̸̕r̡ ͢͟t̷͟͝o͘͢
ò̸̕l̵̕͝d͢ ̴t̢͜o҉ ̴d͏̶r̷͢e͟s͠͏͝ş҉ u̧p̡͏͡. I mean I've been doing that for the past couple of years.
Good times. Those were my attempts at cosplay and by no means am I a professional. If you
thought those came out bad that's okay so do I. I̸̡'̀͡͡m ͞ǹơt͡ ̛g͘o̡͟͏o̶̢d̨͝ ̡͡à̛̕t̢ ͡anỳ͜ţ̴h͜i͟ņ̛g̨̛. But I
think it's awesome I can still dress up for Halloween because it's the one
holiday where I can hold on to my childhood and still have fun.
Seriously? Again?
He was weak, his body didn't stand a chance. He was worthless pathetic.
He didn't deserve to live, no reason to live. I am the better version the real version.
H̴̡҉Ą͢͠H̡͠҉̶̢A̴̛H̀A̸̡͢͢͝ With him gone I can be in control of everything! Do you think I care? Do you
think that any of you care? Nobody cares! No one will even miss him. The lost love
that never was.
100 GREEN GREEN CASES 2 AND AMAZON CRANE (Carambit, Steampunk Bag, Bora 12) - Duration: 3:59.
HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Новогодний - Duration: 0:34.
Faheem Ashraf Hat Trick I Brilent Bowling Against Srilanka in 2nd T20 - Duration: 0:44.
Faheem Ashraf Hat Trick in 2nd 20
Top 10 "Bollywood Actresses" Hot Bollywood Actress - Duration: 0:35.
Top 10 Bollywood Actresses
Alia Bhatt
Sonali Bendre
Ileana dcruz
Genelia D Souza
Sonam Kapoor
Shardha Kapoor
Sonakshi Sinha
Tierra Whack - Mumbo Jumbo
12 Things I See Happy People Do (that unhappy people do not) - Duration: 10:58.
12 Things I See Happy People Do (that unhappy people do not)
I have been thinking a lot about happiness of late, partially because so many people seem unhappy.
I think that was my first epiphany upon entering the world of Social Media;
people are unhappy and there are a lot of them.
Now don't get me wrong, we all know some people who wouldn't be happy,
were they not unhappy but I am not talking about them.
We will just let them be.
I am also not thinking theologically here (i.e. juxtaposing happiness and joy),
today I am going to err on the practical and pragmatic side of things.
With that being said, let's get going.
I think most people want to be happy; they are just not quite sure how to get there from their present location.
Many people honestly believe that happiness is a lucky bounce; a sunny disposition or favorable circumstances but I
Happiness is a choice.
I believe the best route to happiness is found by following the footsteps of those who have already arrived.
SPIRITUALITY12 Things I See Happy People Do (that unhappy people do not)SHARE TWEET SHARE EMAIL COMMENTS
I have been thinking a lot about happiness of late, partially because so many people seem unhappy.
I think that was my first epiphany upon entering the world of Social Media;
people are unhappy and there are a lot of them.
Now don't get me wrong, we all know some people who wouldn't be happy,
were they not unhappy but I am not talking about them.
We will just let them be.
I am also not thinking theologically here (i.e. juxtaposing happiness and joy),
today I am going to err on the practical and pragmatic side of things.
With that being said, let's get going.
I think most people want to be happy; they are just not quite sure how to get there from their present location.
Many people honestly believe that happiness is a lucky bounce; a sunny disposition or favorable circumstances but I
Happiness is a choice.
I believe the best route to happiness is found by following the footsteps of those who have already arrived.
Here are my observations on the topic that have been formed by watching happy people for decades.
1.Focus on what you have and not on what you don't Unhappy people are unthankful people.
The practice of counting your blessings is a great start.
Get out a legal pad and write down all the good things in your life.
Often unhappiness sneaks in when we lose sight of all the good things in our life and become focused on one or two
difficult things.
Question the sources of your expectations Most unhappy people want things they don't have…and they want them bad.
Are these expectations realistic?
Who is selling them to you?
I hope not the media.
Having a miserable existence because you are not living into a pipe dream, is really tragic.
Be Generous Study after study has come to the same conclusion.
Selfish people are miserable.
Happy people give of their time and resources to a cause greater than themselves.
Remember happiness is not a destination The happiest people I know are those least conscious of their own happiness.
Happiness is learning to enjoy the ride, not reaching your destination.
If you don't like your life, change it Take control of your own life.
Do want to learn to play the piano?
Take lessons!
Do you regret not getting a college degree?
Get one.
Do you want to improve your spiritual life?
Start going to church.
There is really no one holding you back but you.
Slow down You just can't smell the roses at a full sprint!
If you, like me, are a workaholic type, build time into your Outlook to do nothing.
Get a hobby.
Enjoy your friends and family.
Happy people have learned how to occasionally chill.
Realize there are no shortcuts If you were honestly disappointed you didn't win the billion dollar Power Ball,
you are not getting it.
Getting your education, working hard, putting in the hours, pursuing your dreams, saving and giving are always in style.
Stop feeling entitled No one owes you anything.
Just assume you are not going to get any help, that you will receive no inheritance and that no one is going to give
you a break.
Now go make your life happen!
If anything else comes (and it probably will), it is all bonus!
Think significance Significance is achieved by leaving the world better than you found it.
People who feel their lives really matter are the happiest people of all!
Forgive Forgiving those who have hurt you, breaks their power over you.
Forgiving yourself for your failures, frees you for future success.
Ask God to forgive you.
Ask those you have hurt to forgive you.
Make restitution where you can.
Move on.
A great attitude is a choice, not a disposition We can control our feelings or we can be controlled by them.
Happy people CHOOSE to have great attitudes.
Speak life When you speak, choose words that uplift, encourage and bring positive energy into every situation.
My mom was right, "If you don't have something nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all." People who speak life
are like human air fresheners.
As you begin a new week, you have an opportunity to invest in your own happiness or to make yourself miserable.
If you choose the former, you will make others happy as well.
If you choose the latter…well, you know.
The Works of T.S. Eliot 11: The Waste Land Part I - Duration: 45:25.
The Works of T.S. Eliot 20: Eliot's criticism I - Duration: 26:11.
I Went To Crunchyroll Expo. - Duration: 26:20.
There is some truth in the saying that the best things in life are unplanned.
I went to Crunchyroll Expo.
It wasn't something I was planning on doing until 2 months before the event.
This is a story of the events that led to this, and the experience at the con.
If you're only interested in the latter, here's the timestamp in which I start talking
about it.
It'll also be on the description.
Around June, the thought occurred that I wanted a vacation on my birthday week.
I haven't had a chance since I started this new job.
At first, I didn't know what to do.
I asked colleagues around about ideas for internal tourism.
Then, on break one day, I read a promotional tweet from the Crunchyroll Twitter account
about their Expo and the dates: August 25th to the 27th.
I first read about this announcement some months ago, but wasn't thinking of attending
- all I wanted was some time away to relax.
Like pieces of a puzzle, it all started to come together.
"Wouldn't it be nice if I could attend the event?"
After some pondering, I decided to just follow my feelings and go.
Since I just had a credit card approved, and some decent savings to boot, the choice was
made all the more easy.
The first things I bought were the plane tickets.
I haven't flown since the year 2000 and had no idea how the experience had evolved;
it was both unnerving and exciting at the same time.
I made a conscious decision to travel on my own – I rejected dad's offer to accompany
me, I wasn't going to meet with friends, I have no family in California and, if something
were to happen to me, I'm on my own.
Heavy stuff for someone who hasn't traveled alone, but hey - there's always a first
time for everything!
Next, the hotel.
I don't know much about how the hospitality business sells itself, but I wanted one thing
– free food.
A lot of hotels close to the venue didn't have a buffet or complimentary breakfast or
Not spending money on food because it came with the package?
Hell yeah, I wanted that!
I ended up staying at the Embassy Suite.
Breakfast was covered and there were a number of choices around to eat, hotel restaurant
included - it was all right!
There was a manager's reception in the evening, but it's mostly to consume alcohol.
I sure wasn't in the mood to drink when I came back.
I had no idea how the room looked either, but more on that later.
Lastly, the event pass.
It would be a shame if I booked the plane and hotel but not the con pass.
It looked like that'd be the case, but it was due to me waiting on the final guest list.
I knew I wanted a VIP pass for the perks and goodies, but the guests were a deciding factor
between it and the highest tier, VIP Plus.
It took a month and then a tweet came.
That sealed the deal.
I wanted Adam Savage's autograph.
In retrospect, it was the best deal I could get at the time.
I had trouble selecting the other 3 guests I'd like autographs from, so I went with
recognition factor.
Bad idea?
I don't even know.
Departure day arrived.
A quick breakfast to get me ready for the 8 hour trip - a flight from Puerto Rico to
Texas, then to California.
Dallas's airport is huge - I didn't expect I would be taking a train to get to the connecting
It was chock full of stores as well.
It was bewildering, taking all of this in.
Some hours later, I arrived at the San Jose airport.
First thing I noticed once I got out was the nice weather – it was sunny, but I wasn't
As someone used to humidity, California's dry heat was a nice change and it's certainly
more enjoyable.
Included in the package's offerings was a shuttle from the airport to the hotel and
I waited for one for about 15 minutes before calling the hotel, only to find out they didn't
offer the service!
I was miffed.
I had to take an Uber to the hotel.
Earlier in the day, I received an email about a window on Thursday for those who wanted
to pick up their badges at the venue.
I arrived at about 5:30 local time – I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass!
I left my stuff at the room and walked to the event.
'It's a two mile walk back and forth – how hard can this be?'
Boy, would that come back to haunt me later.
After admiring the weather, I grabbed my pass, inquired about the hotel goodies and I was
back in before dinner.
One thing I couldn't help being surprised at: the room was big.
Sure, I expected a bed, but I didn't know I'd have a living room!
While I barely used it, it was a nice addition.
Friday morning.
By this time, Hurricane Harvey threatened to make landfall in Texas on the weekend.
I couldn't help feeling stressed when I realized my layover flight was in Dallas and I had
no idea if this was going to be a problem that needed solving at the last minute.
Thankfully, the airline reassured me that my flight back had not been cancelled.
Mom, who has travelled more than I have, let me know that all airports have hotels - if
an emergency were to happen, I could rent a room there.
It should be fine as long as I have cash on me and, fortunately, that wasn't a problem.
I walked to the event, like the day before.
Arrived an hour early, hoping to get some bearings on my surroundings.
Where are the points of interest?
With that out of the way, I wanted to get into the Exhibit Hall.
One of the perks of the VIP and VIP Plus pass was that I got early access to it.
We were queuing at the Main Stage, electronic music blaring and a reassurance that we'd
get entry before 1PM.
We *did* enter first, but it felt like there wasn't any lead over the Premium members
and the general public.
As soon as the last queuing VIP entered, the main hall doors opened and it's open season.
I made a beeline to the Crunchyroll Expo booth to claim a shirt exclusive to VIP pass holders
and a lanyard I bought in advance.
The queue circled the booth - it was crazy.
Staff were doing their best to keep the line, but I don't think they anticipated the sheer
volume of people.
There was a staff member shouting out shounen lines while circling around and, I'll be
honest, it felt awkward.
I heard a hype man coming from the Aniplex booth right in front of the Expo store talking
about posters: in exchange for filling out a survey, we would be given a poster from
either one of 4 Aniplex properties.
There was a Monogatari Second Season poster and a Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale poster
- can't recall the other two.
I wanted that Monogatari poster.
Some 10 minutes later after queuing, the hype man mentioned that they ran out of Monogatari
With the survey completed, I reluctantly chose the SAO poster.
Keep this in mind, for it would become an event in the future that I derive mild amusement
I ran to the Sudachi Stage to catch the first panel I wanted to attend - one about the localization
I wasn't allowed to film this panel, unfortunately.
It is important to stick by the rules - the last thing I wanted was to become 'persona
non grata' on the first year.
There was some interesting discourse in the Q&A session - the people asking questions
had either programming or subtitle timing backgrounds.
While I can't recall specifics, the discussion boiled down to 'we gotta work with what
we have or someone will replace us'.
A rather poignant statement.
Thankfully, my thoughts on how Japanese businesses work is outside this video's scope.
I sent a message to Elliot Trinidad, a CR collaborator who I have regular conversations
with to see if we could meet up.
He was busy all day hosting panels.
One of those, Dream Daddy, got moved to 3:15 - I didn't want to miss my chance of observing
at a distance!
I didn't have any intent of attending the panel at first but, y'know, memes.
Trinidaddy memes.
Adam Savage time next.
I left the Dream Daddy panel 15 minutes before the session and already there was a huge line
waiting for him.
One of the good things about this session that wouldn't be repeated with the other
three was a dedicated VIP line and was I glad to be one: by the time I left, 3 hours
after the session started, Adam was still there, signing autographs!
While waiting, I talked with a Persona 5 Joker cosplayer and his friend - it seemed my accented
English peaked their interest, which...surprised me.
I don't hear about people being interested in that and I definitely noticed some odd
eyes back at the airport when I tended to a Spanish telemarketing call...
Anyway, the line started moving, I made small talk, grabbed an autograph, a picture and
got out of there.
Next on the schedule, the Digibro vs Gigguk panel.
I've seen some of the skirmishes these two Youtubers had and it'd be hilarious to attend
a panel where they roast each other face to face.
CR filmed the whole panel - after some time deciding whether it was going to be uploaded
in CR's channel or Digibro's, plus an unofficial upload that was garnering somewhere
close to 40,000 views as of recording, CR gave the footage to Digibro which he made
available on his channel.
I also managed to get some footage from the event from the front lines.
I had an hour to spare after the panel was over.
It was around this time in which I introduced myself to Nate Ming, the customer support
lead and an individual who I speak to on a regular basis.
The setup was awkward, I thought - figuring out the status of the hotel goodies I was
supposed to receive, being back and forth between the VIP and the Info Desk.
I was sent over to customer support's desk in order to find out more.
I stated my case, they did some inquiries and, at the end, introduced myself.
It was stupid to say something along the lines of 'personal privilege' - at least he
took it well.
We made small talk, gave me his card in case my issue didn't get solved and I went on
my way.
I wandered across the Exhibit Hall, looking for things to buy.
I bought a Megumin figurine and a figma of the Persona 3 main protagonist this round.
Earlier on, I bought some CRX exclusive shirts and the physical version of the Persona 5
And, speaking of Persona 5, the game was a big thing at CRX; not only in the Artist Alley
visit the following day: cosplayers, merch, what have you.
Even a prankster sent a calling card to Victoria Holden.
Memes are eternal.
The last two events of the day were a Digibro panel and the second signing session with
three of the Final Fantasy XV voice actors.
The former was a 40 minute Q&A live panel with his fans & followers called 'Digibro
Before Dark'.
I didn't record footage of it and it wasn't necessary: the full video's on his After
Dark channel.
I found it hilarious that he was gifted a beer before the Q&A started - by his admission,
he drank 4 beers with Gigguk prior to the versus panel.
I have reason to believe he was, at least, somewhat tipsy.
I couldn't say if the panel was a train wreck or a masterpiece, as I left 15 minutes
into it to queue for the autograph session.
While waiting, I spoke to a man who was there because one of the actors voiced Junkrat and,
apparently, his autograph was the only one missing in a Overwatch artbook he'd been
collecting signatures of the cast.
The man was fascinating to listen to, even if I don't care much for the game: radio
preparation, podcaster, runs a Youtube channel...we have similar backgrounds.
Although he was braver than me.
If anything, the conversation made me realize I shouldn't be afraid of putting my content
out there.
Prints were being sold for the guests to sign.
I should've bought one - their signature on the mini CRX poster felt cheap.
It wasn't a money issue, either - just that a majority of the prints didn't appeal to
my aesthetic.
Yet, a Noctis one that was for sale looked awesome.
I was ready to call it a day - I was hungry, tired, both backpacks were full of stuff and
my feet hurt.
Remember the whole walking to the venue thing?
Turns out Chuck Taylors are not walking shoes.
It was a bad idea to walk to the event and would seek a hotel closer to the venue next
Took an Uber back to the hotel.
The con started earlier and I was determined to take more pictures of cosplayers.
To a degree, I did!
The one I wanted the most was of a Dr. Eggman cosplayer I saw yesterday.
There were lots of cosplayers as expected from the busiest day.
The day started with a mini panel - Crunchyroll marketed these as 'CRX Chats'; panels
lasting anywhere between 15 and 20 minutes.
I caught a glimpse of a spirited display by Dallas Middaugh, head of Crunchyroll's manga
division on why manga matters.
He went into the nitty gritty of how manga influenced comic books throughout their history
- this could've easily been a full panel, I feel.
Given how many panels were on manga, some more important than this one, this was the
best course of action.
After that, the one I came for: 'Becoming a Fan of Fandom'.
Adam Sheehan, director of events at Crunchyroll, shared his experience from countless years
managing expo presence, notably for FUNimation, and why he comes back for more.
Right next door, the Anime Feminist panel.
Lauren Orsini and Amelia Cook spoke on surviving the toxic side of anime fandom as a feminist.
At times, it felt like a pitch for AniFem but, at the end, I was convinced there can be a feminist discussion
regarding anime and manga.
And that I feel disgusted by men feeling within their right to attack women because they dare
to have an opinion contrary to them.
Digibro's autograph session was next.
The queue was rather small compared to Gigguk's, who was at the booth next to him.
A lot of ladies, too.
Remember that SAO poster I got from the Aniplex booth the day before?
I had an idea.
When my turn came up, I explained the story and asked him to 'deface' the poster to
give it some value.
Yes, I actually said deface.
He was happy to oblige.
The first thing he did was draw devil horns and a Hitler mustache on Kirito.
I could not contain my laughter!
We took a picture and off I go.
While I visited the Yoshitaka Amano gallery yesterday, I didn't have a chance to film.
I was happy when I was told I could.
Half gaming, half Hunter x Hunter, one rarely gets the opportunity to get this close to
the original keyframes.
While I didn't cared much for the early Final Fantasy titles, the art was still breathtaking
to watch.
Some time later - I don't have much to say on the influencer panel I attended prior - it's
Jeopardy time!
This is likely the "panel", if it can be called that, that I enjoyed the most.
Geoff, Arkada and Victoria were competing for bragging rights.
At first, the projector didn't want to play nice with Miles's laptop.
A room full of people were cheering when it worked and booing when it went out - it was
While the staff figured out what was going on, Victoria had the contestants play the
Evangelion theme song on their kazoos.
I didn't get footage of that, but Geoff's fianceé did.
As much as I would love to upload the full show, two things - the second half I was fighting
with my stabilizer arm, so the footage isn't the best and this...this needs to be experienced.
If you're ok with a few best moments of the first half...
Oh, and when everything looked like Geoff was going to win, Victoria gave the biggest upset, taking
home the win.
My feet were killing me at this point.
I needed to sit down for an extended period of time.
But also, I wanted to buy something I could have Arkada sign.
He streamed Persona 5 earlier during the week and my mind went to that.
There were no official prints available at the Exhibit Hall earlier.
The lady I met yesterday at the Adam Savage autograph lane reminded me about Artist Alley
- the perfect excuse to go.
Elliot, in a response message, mentions he's browsing the Alley when I was going to be
there - killed two birds with one stone.
I wanted one print, I came out with 7.
And I took a picture of a Futaba cosplayer - God is good.
I didn't have the strength to go on - I went back to the Exhibit Hall to eat and wait
until Arkada's session in two hours.
I believe I did some more shopping at this time - namely Nendoroids.
I had already met two of the three people I would've loved to meet during the Expo.
I should note: Victoria and Miles were up and down the venue - there was no way I could
introduce myself properly.
I reached out to Sam Wolfe, one of the guys in the brand team I talk with, to see if he
would like to meet.
He was filming a Main Event panel when all of this happened - he exited briefly to say
What a nice fellow to talk to.
Just like Nate - he was surprised at how far I travelled to be here.
Barring some of the guests, I'm likely the attendee who has traveled the farthest.
But hey - I'm just a guy who decided to make this his birthday gift.
Arkada's session came up.
I got there early - the 15th person in line.
At lack of topics to bring up, I brought up the earlier Persona 5 stream in small conversation.
Apologized that I didn't follow the rule of backseat gaming because I couldn't bear
watching him getting lost in the room before the boss in Haru's palace.
Strangely, I got an insight on why streamers have these kind of rules.
It seems obvious, but most streamers aren't looking for help - they let you sit right
next to them but they still want to explore things themselves.
Fair enough.
I gave him one of the Persona 5 posters I bought for his signature, in which he wrote
'Go To Bed!', acting like Morgana.
Well, that was random!
I couldn't help but laugh.
We took a picture and I was out of there.
And that was CRX for me.
I dropped by Nate's booth to let him know that the hotel goodies situation was solved
and to say goodbye.
I was not looking forward to waking up at 3AM the next day.
Not only was I not going to spend CRX's last day in California, but it was cold...
64 degrees Fahrenheit.
I was shivering.
As soon as the plane departed San Jose, I started crying.
I couldn't get myself to stop.
Despite knowing I would do this next year.
Despite not shedding a single tear at the gate.
A flurry of emotions came in, all at once.
I was crying on and off for over 30 minutes.
I wanted Chick-fil-A when I got back to Texas, but I got lost at the gigantic Dallas airport.
I didn't have time to waste - McDonalds it was.
And I had to eat it on the plane, since they were boarding by the time I got back.
Lesson learned: I won't take a layover of less than 2 hours again - if I can help it.
When I got back home to Puerto Rico, mom mentioned the suitcase was wet.
I didn't pay it too much mind - it was raining in Dallas and the suitcase was insulated against
However, when I opened up the suitcase, all of the promotional stuff and two posters I
was looking to put up had water damage beyond repair.
Thankfully the artists put their prints inside bags - I still have a respectable wall full
of posters thanks to that detail.
If there's something I regret, it's not staying for the full duration of the event.
With better planning, it is something I aim to correct next year.
And that's the story of how I spent an insane amount of money on a trip to California...for
an anime convention.
Anime is trash...and so am I.
Thank you for watching.
Until next time, with nothing more to say, signing out.
Nightcore - Say Something - Duration: 3:37.
Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl
Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye
Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Say something
Say something,
I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Say something,
I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Say something
I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Say something
I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something
Say something, I'm giving up on you
10/27/17 12:37 PM (Blue Star Turnpike & I-95 & NH-107, Seabrook, NH 03874, USA) - Duration: 10:10.
Educators Credit Union is an I-Care credit union - Duration: 2:29.
How does your credit union view its employees?
We view our employees as a family.
So, we want to make sure we provide a really
comprehensive benefit program.
A comprehensive benefit program sure sounds nice.
But the cost of healthcare
just keeps going up, up, up, up, up.
The I-Care community of credit unions helps us
by keeping our costs in line
and getting us the best value for the money
that we spend on our benefit plan.
Through July, we've saved about $383,000
over last year just for our medical plan.
What on earth did you have to cut to save that much?
Lower costs mean crummy service, right?
We were able to give our employees better benefits
at a lower cost to our employees.
And that's why we decided to go with I-Care
for the cost,
but also for the level of service
that Lockton has provided us.
OK, be honest.
How is their service actually better than other brokers'?
They understand credit unions.
If you're not a benefits expert, you know,
the folks at Lockton will help you design a plan
that fits specifically to your credit union.
But how do they know what's best
for your credit union in the long run?
Do they have a crystal ball?
We can get customized reports,
and we also get monthly costs
of how much we're spending at each vendor.
And the nice thing is,
we can project this out over a year,
which is really good.
So, for next year, we're gonna have a really good idea of
what we'll be able to charge our employees.
That is nice!
I'd sign up!
But I don't want to make my job a living nightmare.
Signing up for I-Care was a lot easier and faster
than I thought it would be, and
it surpassed all my expectations of
what I expected in a new vendor.
Well, that's great!
But how bad did your employees freak out?
When we switched our benefit plan,
we had a lot of employees that were concerned about
that they had to switch doctors,
that they had to go on a new website.
Well, the transition was very easy.
We were in the same network as before,
so there was no disruption.
So, our employees were very happy about that.
An easy and happy transition?
That's not something you hear about every day.
So, would you do it all over again?
If I had to do this all over again,
I would not have given it a second thought.
Knowing what I know now,
I would have gone with I-Care last year.
Get I-Care
and get happy.
employee benefit solutions for credit unions.
Designed by credit unions,
for credit unions.
★ASMR [german]★ satisfying BL🔴🔴D SLIME Halloween DIY | Dream Play ASMR - Duration: 20:34.
Aneta Zając przytyła i nigdy nie wyglądała tak seksownie! - Duration: 2:43.
[구해줘] Save Me || pumpin' earthly hearts - Duration: 2:48.
Are you alright?
Is it alright?
I believe it!
Our wishes will be fulfilled!
It's alright.
What are you doing here?
I couldn't find my brother.
Your skind feels so soft.
Please help me.
Sang Jin!
What do you think you're doing?
That man is a bad person.
Please help me!
Save me.
I should save Sang Mi before it gets too late.
Congratulations. // Thank you.
If you stay here, both your body and your soul will die.
Three years have passed
yet you still have downy hair like a baby.
I thought that everyone here is insane.
Please forgive me my sin.
Are you afraid?
I-I'm sorry...
NEW DISNEY Mystery Pin | ThemePark Monthly | Disney Unboxing | October 2017 - Duration: 10:55.
I got mail today's mail day and I received three packages in the mail one
of them is from an ear shop called Magic Castle ears one is my theme park monthly
pin subscription and one happens to be a gift from a client of mine that I just
sent down to Walt Disney World I will say her name is Paula that's all I'm
going to say so Paula thank you so much for sharing this with me I cannot wait
to see what's inside oh my goodness oh I can kind of see what it might be it
looks like it might be a pin but I see a note first of all let me just preface
this Paula that I'm referring to is the sweetest sweetest sweetest client and
she sent me a note coral I can't thank you enough for all your help in making
our fall vacation such a success I hope you like the pins love Paula I do I have
the nicest clients ever and I'm so excited Paula knows I collect end oh my
gosh this is gorgeous oh my goodness I have here a limited edition 2017 Epcot
International Food and Wine Festival pin Beauty and the Beast themed with Belle
and Lumiere but just wait wait until you see what this pin does
guys look it lifts up how cute is that I've got to come forward a little bit oh
my goodness look at this try the gray stuff it's delicious look
at all of that oh my gosh Paula if you're watching I don't have any limited
edition pins I feel so special right now I'm so excited
I love I just treasure this I treasure you thank you for thinking of me I'm so
moved right now thank you and I believe there is another one oh my
goodness Oh oh my gosh are you kidding me okay
seriously she's taking my breath away because Paula knows that I have been
collecting the nesting doll pins and I haven't had success picking the ones I
wanted she listened so carefully and believe it or not she's found and shared
with me the Merida pin which I so badly wanted and I never ever got in any of my
packages the Bell pen look at Belle with her beautiful gown on
and the snow white pin oh my goodness look at this
and to boot okay because I also collect the tsumtsum pins and she knows and I've
mentioned it before how much I love your she shared with me an e or pin so she
must have purchased these bags and she's sharing with me the ones that I
mentioned in my videos that I didn't get in the ones I really really desperately
wanted I cannot believe you have shared this with me Paula and I am so excited
to add this to my pin collection thank you so much for your generosity and our
new friendship I I treasure you that's my Paula gifts and I am just blown away
the best I don't think these boxes can top that sorry but they're gonna be
great oh my gosh I'm just I love my job I really really do what I'm gonna be
opening up now since we're going on with the pin theme and here I have a theme
park monthly subscription box now this is 29.95 I received this every month in
the mail and these pins there are three Disney World pins they come directly
from one of the theme parks down in Walt Disney World and they're chosen for me
and I love this company Oh always in the top there's a thank you card thank you
for being a subscriber oh my gosh you guys alright first of all you know I
know a lot of people hate this Disney Kitty I know you hate these but I just
love them because I don't have a cat that goes crazy over these I'm kind of
like that cat who's like buying into it because I'm so excited to make a mess
and honestly I use it to package other things so I quite love it first pin I'm
starting with is a large pin you guys it's a large pin it
is green pricing and not only the green pricing the screen as you see in the
back but it is a green pest gal from tangled and would you believe that last
night I was actually watching tangled I Pascale he's so cute and he's so big
what a big pin and love this thank you this one I already snuck a peek at
because I could see him and I am in love with this pin another huge pin this is a
blue pin and again I don't know the pricing of the codes the color codes but
I'm sure someone does so if you know what blue or green pin costs are just
let me know but check out this Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington
amazing pin look at the detail on that pin it says Jack Skellington man of your
screams what love it's like steel gray and like a lavender in the background it
is so sharp check that out and again the size is huge perfect for
this time of year hold up people because those of you who watch my channel know
how much I love the Haunted Mansion well I've got a Haunted Mansion pin exclusive
pin from Walt Disney World it's the Disney Parks collection pin it is a
yellow pin and I have Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in a doom buggy and you see
the three hitchhiking ghosts on the bottom up on the top of their dune
buggies the dune buggies are what they call the little ride vehicles in the
Haunted Mansion ride that is awesome it's awesome
love the Haunted Mansion ooh I just got haunted mansion ears
I should have been wearing those I would have been really smart because it would
be perfect but I love it so we have a yellow a green and a blue pin pins this
month could not be any happier I love them all if you're a pin collector and
you love all things Disney consider checking out theme park monthly I will
link all of their information in the description box below see if one of
their subscription boxes fits your need this definitely is perfect for me and
last but not least one more box to unbox this is from an ear company that I just
found out about from a friend of mine rwan and she has a youtube channel
called the Disney damsels and they post videos every week so if you're not yet
subscribed to the Disney damsels with rwan and Nina a fantastic Disney duo
definitely go check them out they are fantastic rwan informed me of this ear
shop and as soon as I saw them on Instagram I said yes
I need some thank you very much oh I ordered from them and I have a cute
little thank you nicely packaged in a red tissue paper Oh blessed be you guys
you guys what did I say about Haunted Mansion
ears I ordered Haunted Mansion tears for a match castle here's two look would you
look at my ears guys this is from Haunted Mansion in the shrinking room or
the lengthening room whatever you call it
come on and you guys this fabric is perfection and and let me tell you
something these ears are very comfortable
they're very very nice these might be going with me on my next Disney trip if
you haven't heard about that trip I'll make an announcement soon and and leave
a you guys okay Nightmare Before Christmas ears
I mean if you could just see how gorgeous this fabric is I don't know if
it's gonna come up in the video but if not I'll just take really awesome
pictures but check out the details looks like stained glass we've got Jack
Skellington Sally Santa Claus and I forget these little the trio of ghoulish
kiddos what they're called but ears oh my gosh I'm loving them so I got two
pairs of ears from Magic Castle ears I just love the way these guys look
they're just different you know I like different year so yay for my new to my
two new ears I might have just bought two more pairs of ears from her too
because I fell in love with two more pairs this is what happens and it's
rawand fault rwan you know it's your fault so I hope you guys loved those
three unboxings and I did one from my dear friend Paula one from theme-park
monthly my pin subscription box and the last one from that Magic Castle ear shop
thank you guys so much for watching my channel here we do a lot of Disney tips
and tricks videos we do unboxings as you can see and really any kind of video
Disney related I try to do on this channel if you're not yet subscribed to
coral joy travel please hit that red subscribe button below
that'll help my channel grow and give this video a thumbs up take care guys
your Disney adventure awaits
Update VLOG!! - Duration: 12:33.
Trump's Opioid Announcement Will Do Literally Nothing To Solve The Crisis - Duration: 4:26.
On Thursday, after months of saying he was going to do this, this is actually something
he was supposed to do about six months ago, Donald Trump finally decided to declare a
national health emergency over the opioid crisis here in the United States.
That's great that he decided to finally do that.
After all, 175 people are dying every single day in the United States as a result of overdoses
on prescription opioids.
However, his declaration of a national emergency literally does nothing to solve the problem.
Currently, the fund that is set up to help deal with this crisis, the amount of money
in that fund stands at $57,000, which is about $7,000 short of being able to give everyone
in this country, their families, who have died of opioid overdose, $1,000 each.
We're not even to the point of funding where we could pay the victim's family $1,000 because
there's no money in the fund.
Trump's declaration of a national health emergency does nothing to increase that funding.
States can ask for more money, but they could literally do that anyway.
Donald Trump's announcement on Thursday was nothing but fluff, nothing but "Look at me,
look how great I am, look how serious I'm taking this issue that I told you I was going
to act on six months ago."
It was a pathetic attempt by a failing president to act for a moment like he was some kind
of decent leader here in the United States.
Meanwhile, an opioid executive actually got hauled off to jail yesterday for the role
that he played in pushing doctors to prescribe more opioids.
That's how we solve this problem.
It's not just the manufacturers, it's the distributors, the people out there pushing
these pills on American citizens.
Declaring a national health emergency is great.
It raises awareness about it, but if you're not going to fund the program, if you're not
going to hold those responsible liable, then don't bother.
There are people, there are attorneys, there are lawyers, judges, law enforcement officers
and even doctors coming forward who are trying to hold the actual responsible parties responsible
for it.
That's why yesterday, in the midst of this grand announcement, nobody talked about the
fact that one of the distributing company owners went to jail, has been arrested, and
is now going to face a criminal trial for his role in pushing this.
This is as big, if not potentially bigger, than what happened with the tobacco lawsuits
in the 1990s.
Donald Trump is not taking this seriously enough.
The American public doesn't seem to understand how serious this crisis truly is.
Go look at some of the hardest-hit areas with this, Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio, Illinois.
They understand what's going on and they know that President Trump's declaration is not
going to do anything to solve the problem.
We need real leaders with real ideas taking real action on this issue.
Right now, the only people who have that kind of persona, that kind of power, are the trial
lawyers that are trying to recover for the victims here and stop making states and cities
pay for the fact that drug company CEO's and distributor CEO's are pushing these pills,
killings hundreds of people a day, and sticking the cities and states with the cost of having
to care for those victims.
It's the lawyers out there that are working on that, not the Trump Administration, not
the Republicans in Congress and not Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price.
We have some real heroes out there in this story, but it's certainly not anyone within
the Trump Administration.
EPOXY table top: Black resin and Crystal clear resin and wood logs: MILIC DIY - Duration: 8:54.
Hello everybody
Welcome to my channel
Today I'm gonna make this wooden table top for my coffee table
Stay with me in the next few minutes to see how I've done that
I've cut shapes to the desired lenght
I've made a notch on the side where I will put in a veneer
I'm gonna atach veneer with wooden glue and with silicone I'll fill all the holes that could lead to epoxy leaks
I've prepared mixture of epoxy and I've added basic black spray paint
I haven't used any specific toners. I've wanted to experimente what will happen
After the black epoxy resin has dried i've painted shapes in a little darker colour. It's important that the paint is not on an oil base.
After the paint has dried I've applied a layer of crystal clear epoxy that covered the entire surface of the panel
I've wanted that shapes don't be on the same depth so I've put the ribbon on the edge
after I've cut the veneer and placed it on the side walls of the cattle just like with upper board I've talked few
moments before I've first applied black epoxy resin and after that a layer of clear one across…
I've prepared thesurface for polishing by blurring it with water sandpeaper
I've done the first part of polishing with a green sponge and ''fine paste'' for polishing
then with green sponge and ''extra fine'' polishing paste i've done the second phase of polishing
I hope you 've liked the idea. Thanks for watching the video. Press the button for subscribe if you haven't done it already
If you want to see how I've made chairs of shapes which you can see in the background of the table you can click on the link in the description
If you do that please set the volume little bit down because it was my first experience in video editing and the sound is little to loud.. I apologize about that..
Once again thanks for watching the video. See you soon
[ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP3 TEASER - Forewarning of the Debut Mission That may Disqualify Someone! - Duration: 0:31.
JYP: Its going to be a bit hard for you three to debut.
JYP: You stuck out in my eyes at once, and it isn't because you we're good. (t/n uHM OUCH???)
JYP: In the 3-3-3 mission, I'm going to look for someone to eliminate if I have to. (t/n NO U CANT U FUCKING CANT)
(with the elimination mission in front of them, they assess each other)
BC: Didn't I tell you guys to do it earnestly?
BC: When I look at it like this, it looks like you guys aren't nervous.
(Because of the burden of the mission, the members become sensitive)
JS: Do you think we were joking around on stage?
JS: We WERE being sincere.
It was really the worse.
I hated it, really.
I really wish we can perform on stage without any regrets.
(what will be the fate of the Stray Kids?)
Donald Trump Wants to Kill Hillary | YouTube Poop - Duration: 2:06.
Thank you very much.
I just want to thank you very much.
I just want to say, uh..
Quite a bit of time inside with the sensei,
who has been a friend of mine for
a long time, lol time, long before
my world of politics.
My world of politics.
Ear. Earliler. EARLY into his world of politics.
We are probably closer than ever before.
We're fighting for lol. We are getting close to
hell care.
Early to mid-part of next year, we're
gonna have a vote. I think we already have
the votes. We feel confident we have the
votes. We pretty much know
a vote is a vote.
Intermemediate plan, a short-term plan.
Hillary, please...
Because, sos,
we're gonna have an praprapraprapra.
Uh, uh, uh.
Well, I have a very good relationship, as
you know, with Steets Banab. Uh,
Steve's been a friend of mine for a long time.
McConnell, who has been a friend of mine for
a long time.
Steve's been a friend of mine for a long time.
McConnell, who has been a friend of mine
for a long time.
I'm friends with most moms.
I don't think anybody can have much of a higher percentage.
Just so you understand, the Rererererererepublican
Party is very veryreveryveryrev veryveryreveryveryreveryvery unified.
Try Not To Get Satisfied Challenge 2017 - The Most Satisfying Video in the world - Duration: 10:10.
Try Not To Get Satisfied Challenge 2017
[Lyrics] [Thai/Eng/Indo] Ae Jirakorn - Between Two of Us (Ost. CFTS 8 รักแท้หรือแค่ สับสน) - Duration: 4:50.
Instant Masale Bhaat | No use of Goda Masala | Quick One Dish Meal | Indian Veg Rice | Veggie Rice - Duration: 8:21.
Halloween 2017 Costume Ideas Women Halloween Costumes For Women 2017 - Duration: 9:07.
Halloween 2017 Costume Ideas Women Halloween Costumes For Women 2017
Halloween 2017 Costume Ideas Women Halloween Costumes For Women 2017
Halloween 2017 Costume Ideas Women Halloween Costumes For Women 2017
Halloween 2017 Costume Ideas Women Halloween Costumes For Women 2017
Halloween 2017 Costume Ideas Women Halloween Costumes For Women 2017
How I Make Money Online
Recetas de Halloween! Como hacer Merengues o Suspiros como Candy Corn! - Candy Corn themed Meringue - Duration: 4:00.
It's unbelievable! We are at the end of the year,
time to start celebrating
and get together with family and friends.
And in each celebration,
no matter what we are celebrating,
we always eat, eat, eat, eat!
Celebrating, celebrating, celebrating!
So I thought it would be a good idea to teach you
how to make something easy, small and not too sweet.
This is very easy to make!
Let's make candy corn themed meringues!
Hi everybody, I'm Vero, welcome to VeroSweetHobby!
Did you subscribe to my channel already?
If you didn't I invite you to do it so you can get my cake videos
every Friday. They are FREE and amazing.
These are the ingredients you need
to make these candy corn themed meringues.
120 grams or 4.2 oz of powdered sugar.
120 grams or 4.2 oz of regular sugar.
3 egg whites
And 1 tablespoon of corn flour.
Start mixing your egg whites.
In the middle of the process lower
foam from the metal mixer and keep mixing it.
When you reach a foam consistency,
add the regular sugar slowly, make it rain.
The egg whites are very well mixed
with the sugar, and here is a tip for you,
I love to give you good tips ;)
You will know if it is ready,
when you pinch a little bit with your fingers
you go like this and you won't feel any sugary texture.
Opps, I'm going to have to try it!
Now, we have to mix the corn starch
with our powdered sugar,
This step is very essential because
the corn starch will make our meringues dry inside.
Then we start adding this mix
slowly and please use a stainer here.
Again, make it rain and incorporate slowly.
I split the dough in 3 parts and colored 2 of them
in orange and yellow.
I'm ready to pipe my candy corn meringues.
But let me clarify this first,
because I get so many of these questions!
The oven has to be as low heat as possible.
If you are in the US, 220 degrees works,
if you are in Latin America or other countries
make sure your heat is really low.
They will be in the oven for a long time,
and with the help of the corn flour we used,
they will get crunchy and dry inside.
To begin piping them, pipe a yellow bloop first
to be the base,
on top of that, make an orange one that is a bit smaller,
and on top pipe a small white top.
So yummy and beautiful!
These candy corn shaped meringues look
like real candy! They are amazing,
and they have the right amount of sugar.
If you like this video, don't forget to give me a LIKE,
and comment down below.
This is the first of 2 videos that have
with candy corn shaped treats.
Don't miss the next one, I'll make
candy corn colored cookies.
I'll see you on Facebook, Instagram
and here on YouTube each Friday,
with a new Free baking tutorial!
I'm Vero and this is VeroSweetHobby!
Just in time, there goes the alarm...
Więdłocha o zachowaniu Pawlickiego w "Azji Express". - Duration: 2:35.
cortisol - Duration: 6:21.
NEW DISNEY Mystery Pin | ThemePark Monthly | Disney Unboxing | October 2017 - Duration: 10:55.
I got mail today's mail day and I received three packages in the mail one
of them is from an ear shop called Magic Castle ears one is my theme park monthly
pin subscription and one happens to be a gift from a client of mine that I just
sent down to Walt Disney World I will say her name is Paula that's all I'm
going to say so Paula thank you so much for sharing this with me I cannot wait
to see what's inside oh my goodness oh I can kind of see what it might be it
looks like it might be a pin but I see a note first of all let me just preface
this Paula that I'm referring to is the sweetest sweetest sweetest client and
she sent me a note coral I can't thank you enough for all your help in making
our fall vacation such a success I hope you like the pins love Paula I do I have
the nicest clients ever and I'm so excited Paula knows I collect end oh my
gosh this is gorgeous oh my goodness I have here a limited edition 2017 Epcot
International Food and Wine Festival pin Beauty and the Beast themed with Belle
and Lumiere but just wait wait until you see what this pin does
guys look it lifts up how cute is that I've got to come forward a little bit oh
my goodness look at this try the gray stuff it's delicious look
at all of that oh my gosh Paula if you're watching I don't have any limited
edition pins I feel so special right now I'm so excited
I love I just treasure this I treasure you thank you for thinking of me I'm so
moved right now thank you and I believe there is another one oh my
goodness Oh oh my gosh are you kidding me okay
seriously she's taking my breath away because Paula knows that I have been
collecting the nesting doll pins and I haven't had success picking the ones I
wanted she listened so carefully and believe it or not she's found and shared
with me the Merida pin which I so badly wanted and I never ever got in any of my
packages the Bell pen look at Belle with her beautiful gown on
and the snow white pin oh my goodness look at this
and to boot okay because I also collect the tsumtsum pins and she knows and I've
mentioned it before how much I love your she shared with me an e or pin so she
must have purchased these bags and she's sharing with me the ones that I
mentioned in my videos that I didn't get in the ones I really really desperately
wanted I cannot believe you have shared this with me Paula and I am so excited
to add this to my pin collection thank you so much for your generosity and our
new friendship I I treasure you that's my Paula gifts and I am just blown away
the best I don't think these boxes can top that sorry but they're gonna be
great oh my gosh I'm just I love my job I really really do what I'm gonna be
opening up now since we're going on with the pin theme and here I have a theme
park monthly subscription box now this is 29.95 I received this every month in
the mail and these pins there are three Disney World pins they come directly
from one of the theme parks down in Walt Disney World and they're chosen for me
and I love this company Oh always in the top there's a thank you card thank you
for being a subscriber oh my gosh you guys alright first of all you know I
know a lot of people hate this Disney Kitty I know you hate these but I just
love them because I don't have a cat that goes crazy over these I'm kind of
like that cat who's like buying into it because I'm so excited to make a mess
and honestly I use it to package other things so I quite love it first pin I'm
starting with is a large pin you guys it's a large pin it
is green pricing and not only the green pricing the screen as you see in the
back but it is a green pest gal from tangled and would you believe that last
night I was actually watching tangled I Pascale he's so cute and he's so big
what a big pin and love this thank you this one I already snuck a peek at
because I could see him and I am in love with this pin another huge pin this is a
blue pin and again I don't know the pricing of the codes the color codes but
I'm sure someone does so if you know what blue or green pin costs are just
let me know but check out this Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington
amazing pin look at the detail on that pin it says Jack Skellington man of your
screams what love it's like steel gray and like a lavender in the background it
is so sharp check that out and again the size is huge perfect for
this time of year hold up people because those of you who watch my channel know
how much I love the Haunted Mansion well I've got a Haunted Mansion pin exclusive
pin from Walt Disney World it's the Disney Parks collection pin it is a
yellow pin and I have Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in a doom buggy and you see
the three hitchhiking ghosts on the bottom up on the top of their dune
buggies the dune buggies are what they call the little ride vehicles in the
Haunted Mansion ride that is awesome it's awesome
love the Haunted Mansion ooh I just got haunted mansion ears
I should have been wearing those I would have been really smart because it would
be perfect but I love it so we have a yellow a green and a blue pin pins this
month could not be any happier I love them all if you're a pin collector and
you love all things Disney consider checking out theme park monthly I will
link all of their information in the description box below see if one of
their subscription boxes fits your need this definitely is perfect for me and
last but not least one more box to unbox this is from an ear company that I just
found out about from a friend of mine rwan and she has a youtube channel
called the Disney damsels and they post videos every week so if you're not yet
subscribed to the Disney damsels with rwan and Nina a fantastic Disney duo
definitely go check them out they are fantastic rwan informed me of this ear
shop and as soon as I saw them on Instagram I said yes
I need some thank you very much oh I ordered from them and I have a cute
little thank you nicely packaged in a red tissue paper Oh blessed be you guys
you guys what did I say about Haunted Mansion
ears I ordered Haunted Mansion tears for a match castle here's two look would you
look at my ears guys this is from Haunted Mansion in the shrinking room or
the lengthening room whatever you call it
come on and you guys this fabric is perfection and and let me tell you
something these ears are very comfortable
they're very very nice these might be going with me on my next Disney trip if
you haven't heard about that trip I'll make an announcement soon and and leave
a you guys okay Nightmare Before Christmas ears
I mean if you could just see how gorgeous this fabric is I don't know if
it's gonna come up in the video but if not I'll just take really awesome
pictures but check out the details looks like stained glass we've got Jack
Skellington Sally Santa Claus and I forget these little the trio of ghoulish
kiddos what they're called but ears oh my gosh I'm loving them so I got two
pairs of ears from Magic Castle ears I just love the way these guys look
they're just different you know I like different year so yay for my new to my
two new ears I might have just bought two more pairs of ears from her too
because I fell in love with two more pairs this is what happens and it's
rawand fault rwan you know it's your fault so I hope you guys loved those
three unboxings and I did one from my dear friend Paula one from theme-park
monthly my pin subscription box and the last one from that Magic Castle ear shop
thank you guys so much for watching my channel here we do a lot of Disney tips
and tricks videos we do unboxings as you can see and really any kind of video
Disney related I try to do on this channel if you're not yet subscribed to
coral joy travel please hit that red subscribe button below
that'll help my channel grow and give this video a thumbs up take care guys
your Disney adventure awaits
Interview: Aurora - Duration: 7:51.
T.G.I. FRIDAY (4) - ATITUDE POSITIVA - Duration: 1:24.
Hey guys!
I am here after a full day of work and I decided to make this video for you.
It is late afternoon,
with a nice sunshine,
and I want to share with you that all of us
- human beings - have our
sunny days and also
our cloudy days in life.
And if you are going through
a cloudy phase in your life,
I ask you: what is your attitude towards this?
What is it that you can do to make your day a sunnier one?
I have a Coachee who always make fun telling me:
Well, Fernanda,
if we are not our own sun,
who then will be? So my invite here for you
today is for you to be the sun in your own life!
Shine, from inside out! And how you can do that?
My suggestion is for
you to choose from at least
three events, three good things
that happened to you already and you can be grateful about.
Think of three memorable moments
and be truly thankful for it, making it a habit,
a routine in your life, even in
the most cloudy days, I bet your vibration,
you energy will improve.
A big kiss to you and until next week!
🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Dunga - NA MATINA - Duration: 2:55.
Making an oc /// Rinmarugames \\\ - Duration: 13:40.
50 nombres para niñas por T - los mejores nombres de bebé - www.nombresparamibebe.com - Duration: 2:04.
50 Baby girl names that start with T
namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
Perro Corgi | Momentos Divertidos Con Perro Corgi | Perro Mundo Corgi part 11 - Duration: 4:26.
Piramide Suerte Decenas Sorteo del Domingo 29 de Octubre 2017 Loteria Nacional Octubre 29 Dominical - Duration: 1:15.
Maluma -Sí o No- Ft Anitta | REACTION SUBTITLED | Reacción - Duration: 5:50.
How are u
I hope you are well
Because today
I'm going to react to another video
This time I will react to
Sí o no ♪♫♬
of Anitta ft Maluma
This time this in Spanish version
Because the version original is obviously in Portuguese
I think that Brazil and Colombia
with these two exponents singers
They show a lot of the culture of their country
Without seeing of this song for beyond
Because there is a lot of talent
that shows the two cultures
I think is that these two cultures are very similar
At the dance and in the versatility to make music
these singers are throwing fire
They have chemistry
Anitta sings Spanish very well
Anitta seems to me
that is beautiful
She knows dance very well
And has a lot of talent
I like because
I already heard her sing in English, Portuguese
and Spanish
Sings very well in Spanish
I like
♪♫♬ You have to pay to see ♪♫♬
♪♫♬ Come and discover♪♫♬
And likewise to give it to you, do not say that not♪♫♬
♪Dance I want to see you ♪
These singers have a lot of chemistry
Because the talent of them stands out
Is there in the song
but the chemistry
that have both
It looks very natural
Brazil, I love Brazil
thanks so much for watching
keep recommending me more songs
o que troquei por penacho e óculos + porquinho - Duration: 8:22.
How to Protect Your Hearing|3 Ways to Protect Hearing - Duration: 1:56.
How to Protect Your Hearing
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