Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2018

I'm Colin Rivera

and THIS is Magnify Your Colin.

I'm a Mormon, but I didn't grow up in the U.S.

I've heard that Utah Mormon dating is pretty unique so I've

come here, to Provo Center Street,

the heart of Mormon dating,

to find out what it's all about.

As a hard-hitting journalist I wasn't going

to take the easy way out,

I had a huge list of questions that needed answers

and I was going to get them.

There's people on dates, we're gonna find them.

Excuse me, are you guys on a date?


They're on a date.

Would you like to be in our video about dating?


What number date is this?


Number one!

What's the weirdest thing you've ever been asked on a date?

Someone asked me if I would kill someone

for a chicken nugget.

Would you?


What is a DTR? What's that all about?

Oh, we're so professional at that.

Determine the relationship?

Define the relationship.

So you literally just like sit down right?

and you're like, "Wannabe boyfriend? Wanna be my girlfriend?"

Is that how it goes?



Okay if a date isn't going very well, what is the best way to end it?

Side hug.

Hey can you tell...me I've heard a lot about this "side hug"...

What is the side hug?


How many years should...

sorry, I read that wrong,

how many WEEKS should you date

before you get married?

This is the first date... on the count of three

I want you guys to say, at the same time,

how many kids you guys want in the future.


Four Twelve.

4 and 12!

Would you kill someone for a chicken nugget?

Yes. Totally.

They answered that really quickly.

Do you notice where we're standing right now?

We did notice that.

Okay, I mean...

Second date, dude.

Fair enough. Sorry, I'm from Europe.


There's a camera!

Can I get a side hug from you guys?

Can I get a side hug?


Side hug.

Can I have a side hug?

I was starting to understand the world of Mormon dating,

including this whole "side hug" thing.

Producer: Hey, Colin. We think you need to kinda cool it with the hug stuff.

Colin: Yeah, but they're side hugs...it's fine.

Producer: But...but... Colin: They said it was fine.

Producer: It's getting kind of creepy.

I'm just getting in with the youths and stuff.

Producer: Well, just stop.

Ahhhh, come on.

If my time on the mean streets of Provo

had taught me anything it was that asking questions alone

wasn't gonna cut it.

I had to jump in with both feet.

Oh, OH! Excuse me...excuse me...

What is your name?

Uhhh...my name's Dean.

What are you up to tonight?

Um, nothing. I was just coming back from a study group...

Would you like to go on a blind date with someone tonight?

I can make it happen.

Dean: Can I ask what all this is for?

Colin: Stay right here. You're going on a blind date tonight.

This is gonna happen!

Excuse me... are you on a date?

No. Colin: Can I set you up on a blind date?

Would you like to be set up on a blind date? No. Okay!

Excuse me...Excuse me...

How would you like to get set up on a blind date tonight?

What? No.

Colin: Alright. fine.

Wait, where'd you get that?

After an exhaustive search for a date for my new best friend, Dean

I was, inexplicably, coming up short!

But, I wasn't about to let him down.

Guys, guys, okay. I think I'm really close.

I'm gonna find someone really soon but

I just need a few more minutes...

Just in case, Jasmine, would you do it?

Uh, I mean, I guess.

Colin: He's cute. Are you down?

Sure, yeah.

Colin: Thank you, Jasmine!

I had it on good authority that ice cream

seemed to give new love its

best chance to bloom.

So we headed over to Ptown's hottest parlor.

Dean: You know what's really good? The brownie sundaes here are super good.

Jasmine: Ooo, that sounds good. I'll have that.

Can we get two brownie sundaes?

Dean: Where are you from? Jasmine: California...

Dean: Cool. What part?

Jasmine: Sacramento.

Dean: Okay, cool. I, uh, this last summer I was in LA working...

Jasmine: Oh, cool. Doing what? Dean: Summer sales.

While Jasmine and Dean tried to find SOMETHING in common,

I used my superior journalism skills

to help them make a deeper connection.

Jasmine: Me and my sister used to do musicals growing up.

Dean: Really? What musicals have you been in?

Colin: I was in Les Mis when I was a kid too!

Like a local production... but, it was fun yeah...

Okay, so I think it's going REALLY well.

They've been talking it up. It's been absolutely awesome...

I mean.... I mean, they're on their phones a lot but,

like, young millennial Mormons on a date... that's how people communicate these days.

Dean: Would you excuse me real quick?

I'm just gonna run to the restroom. I'll be right back.

How do you think it's going?

Do you see those little stick figure decals

on the back of your future mini-van?

Dean! Dean! Look, man.

We're doing really well, but, I think we can step it up a notch.

Why don't you share the advice from your Mission President?!?

Guys. This...this is fun.

Right? Dean: (weakly) yeah!

You guys are having fun? Dean: (weakly) yeah.

It's, alright I guess....

You got a little ice cream there...

oh, thank you! No problem.

I did this, guys!!! This is gonna be great!

They're gonna get married... it's gonna be amazing!

I did Mormon dating!!!!

Is now a good time for a DTR?

Well, I think we can all agree that my work here is done.

I've conquered Mormon dating.

I've created a celestial bond of love

that will last and will never be broken

from generation to generation.

THAT'S how it's done.

Wait! Wait!

What about the side hug???

I wanted you to know that there's gonna be a second date!


I did this!!!!

I think I had a little help?

For more infomation >> Magnify Your Colin: What's the Deal with Mormon Dating? - Duration: 5:29.


Desde 1970 se dedicaba a recoger monedas Quieres saber qué le dijeron en el banco - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Desde 1970 se dedicaba a recoger monedas Quieres saber qué le dijeron en el banco - Duration: 2:53.


Très affaibli, Bernard Tapie reprend une chimio - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Très affaibli, Bernard Tapie reprend une chimio - Duration: 1:13.


Vincent Lindon a détruit la voiture de Bernadette Chirac - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Vincent Lindon a détruit la voiture de Bernadette Chirac - Duration: 1:03.


Un gato se perdio por un rato (Poema para niños) - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Un gato se perdio por un rato (Poema para niños) - Duration: 1:47.


Ganadores Writers Guild Awards - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Ganadores Writers Guild Awards - Duration: 1:45.


Dentist Appointment scored care pack and toys ok4kidstv video 99 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Dentist Appointment scored care pack and toys ok4kidstv video 99 - Duration: 3:47.


스페인 아침 만들기&추러스 맛집 ⎮ SPANISH BREAKFAST ⎮ SEWUL KIM - Duration: 6:50.

Hello, I am Sewul Kim.

There are many countries around the world,

and each country has their own culture and their own food…

I think there are too many tasty food all around the world.

Do you think so too?

I drew 12 world breakfast to prepare the 2018 calendar last year.

Among those breakfasts,

today I am going to prepare spanish breakfast

because I am in Spain.

And I went to a delicious Spanish Churros shop in Madrid.

The menu of the spanish breakfast is

Jamon tomato toast and Spanish potato tortilla.

It is very easy to make

so I hope that you try at home!

First, clean a tomato and grate the tomato.

Put a bit of olive oil in it and some salt

and mix them well.

Cut the bread in half and toast them.

Pour a bit of olive oil.

I used extra virgen olive oil,

but if you don´t have it use a normal olive oil.

Cut in half a clove of garlic

scratch it on the toasted bread.

It gives a very delicate scent of garlic to the bread

so it´s so yummy!

Put some tomato sauce that we made

jamon on it and it´s done!

It´s so delicious.

I just got up so I look so haggard. Sorry about that.

Thinly slice potatoes and an onion.

Put quiet a lot of oil to a big frying pan

Put the oil as much as it could sink all the potatoes

so it can cook well.

First add the onion and fry.

Meanwhile whip the eggs.

This way of frying the onion, later it gives a sweet favor to the tortilla.

Cut the potatoes in 2 mm of thickness

so it can cook well.

Add potatoes in the frying pan

and then add 3 pinches of salt and blend them all.

Fry for about 10 minutes,

and put a colander on a bowl and pour the cooked vegetables.

And mix the well whipped eggs.

Blend them until they become one so you can have very delicious tortilla.

Now we change to a smaller frying pan and pout a bit of oil

It is to make a thick tortilla with well done on the outside and spongy inside

If you use a big frying pan the tortilla will be too thin

so it won´t be that delicious.

Now it is the most important moment of cooking the tortilla:

turning the tortilla over.

Put a bigger plate than the frying pan and ...

one, two, three…


I´ve done it! x2

And then I have to put back on the frying pan

Well I dropped some of potatoes but it is ok.

It turned out pretty well.

This is the SPANISH POTATOES TORTILLA that eat all the spanish

for breakfast,

for mid-morning snack,

for lunch,

for afternoon snack,

for dinner,

whenever during the day they are a bit hungry,

it is very easy and makes full stomach.

Prepare some baguette and you have it!

The spanish potatoes tortilla tapas.

Isn´t it look delicious?

It was very yummy!

To eat Churros,

it is better to go out to churrería,

so we went to a very delicious chocolate shop very close from the Sol plaza,

Callao Plaza in the old-town in Madrid.

Because spanish people eat churros with a cup of hot chocolate.

Recently Gran vía is making a street to sidewalk,

so it is very wide space to walk.

It is a chocolateria, chocolate speciality shop called Valor

on Postigo de San Martin street in Callao Plaza.

Yep, we are going there.

Shall we go in?

As soon as we get in we can smell the delicious chocolate smell…

here are some buckets of hot chocolate

and also the corner of chocolate shop.

Let´s go there to sit down.

We set down on a table and ordered a menu of 4 churros with hot chocolate.

This is the Churros con chocolate that spanish people love.

Shall we try it?

It is too hot!!!

It is so hot to eat directly.

So we wait… smacking our lips…

Before it gets too cold,

dip the churros to the chocolate and blow it to eat.

It is soooooo delicious….!

They were fantastic.!!

See you soon! Bye bye

For more infomation >> 스페인 아침 만들기&추러스 맛집 ⎮ SPANISH BREAKFAST ⎮ SEWUL KIM - Duration: 6:50.


Relaxing Instrumental Study ...

For more infomation >> Relaxing Instrumental Study ...


BREAKING! Trump Just Busted McCain and Brennan In The Act And Took Shocking Action Against Them! - Duration: 5:18.

BREAKING! Trump Just Busted McCain and Brennan In The Act And Took Shocking Action Against


United States President Donald Trump is unmasking the some of the darkest faces of the deep

state, and it's going to get disturbingly ugly.

While the deep state theory and collective continue trashing Trump and trying to take

him down, stabbing in him in the back, and working against him, rather than with or for

him, the Trump administration is keeping up in the fight.

Trump's team is blocking the most significant blows and counter-punching with hits that

will take their opponents down once and for all.

The latest devastating punch to the deep state is Trump's team uncovering leaks and blowing

the doors off the hinges of the enemy within.

Trump's team identified two leaks thanks to inside sources within the White House and

many hiding in federal law enforcement.

For every secretive person working against Trump, there's at least five to ten working

FOR him.

Time is up, and they're ripping the masks off like the end of a witty investigatory


Now under fire is former CIA director John Brennan.

He reportedly teamed up with Senator John McCain and they're accused of distributing

negative based public relations stories within the mainstream media.

These false and harmful press stories were designed to discredit and destroy the work

that President Trump is accomplishing in his first term as the United States President.

It's reported that some of the negative press stories that came from within were published

before Trump began his official term as President, which means they were plotting against him

before he even won the election in 2016 against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

True Pundit lists this as a major deep state smear campaign that was supposed to damage

the Republican administration.

"Just weeks after Trump's election — in early December 2016 — the Central Intelligence

Agency was the major source in a national Washington Post story linking the Russian

government to hacking the presidential election to help Trump, according to CIA personnel

with direct knowledge of the case.

The Washington Post, in a much-hyped front-page splash, fingered the CIA for allegedly confirming

the wild rumors of Russian hacking that were concocted and spread by Democratic lawmakers

for months preceding the election and the weeks since the GOP win.

The Washington Post's story, however, contained no CIA sources and in fact, no credible U.S.

intelligence agency sources whatsoever.

Instead, it hinged on what unnamed lawmakers had supposedly been told by unidentified,

supposed CIA-linked sources in "secret" briefings: That the CIA had developed proof

the Russian state waged an orchestrated campaign to destabilize the U.S. election to benefit

GOP-candidate Trump.

"It's an outright lie," a CIA analyst divulged to True Pundit in 2016.

"There's nothing definitive like that."

Now, over a year later, more law enforcement sources point their collective finger directly

at Brennan and McCain for leaking misinformation to the media and waging their own clandestine

campaign to smear the White House.

"No one has ever called these two on it," a well-placed White House source said.

"But now we know what they did.

It did not work but it certainly could have."

At the time, multiple CIA sources denounced the Washington Post for knowingly reporting

misleading national security intelligence.

Intelligence insiders said no one in the Agency or the FBI, who is running at least one parallel

inquiry, has ruled out a possible internal leak within the Democratic National Committee

from actor(s) inside the United States who funneled private DNC emails to Wikileaks.

Enter John McCain, who White House insider believes delivered Brennan's misinformation

to the feet of the Washington Post and later the New York Times."

McCain was active doing Sunday morning talk shows and doing his thing as he dished out

false narratives and tried to throw Donald Trump under the proverbial bus that would

crush his Presidential career.

But it didn't work.

Accusations by McCain and Brennan didn't stick, and no other big players came to stand

by their side.

Not even notable Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Maxine Waters would support

them, but that party bus filled with clowns did their own thing to damage the President.

They didn't have to leech upon others to do their disrespectful, dirty work.

The combination of a former CIA director and American Senator working together to abolish

the existence of an elected President should be unnerving to many Americans.

To make matters more interesting, the CIA itself later claimed that anything reported

by Brennan and McCain should be considered "white noise" and discredited.

That means this had to occur after Brennan left the CIA, but it's likely that he remained

in contact with his friends within the system.

Many people who leave their job stay in touch with friends and associates the made during

the tenure of their position.

The faces have been identified.

Now it's a matter of time before President Trump takes the dagger out of his back and

puts it where it belongs.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING! Trump Just Busted McCain and Brennan In The Act And Took Shocking Action Against Them! - Duration: 5:18.


Dentist Appointment scored care pack and toys ok4kidstv video 99 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Dentist Appointment scored care pack and toys ok4kidstv video 99 - Duration: 3:47.


Free Piano Lesson (26), Menuet in G major Petzold, Michelle Lin Piano Studio Presents - Duration: 6:42.

Lesson 26, Menuet in G, BWV Anhang 115 Christian Petzold

Hi, everyone, this is Michelle. When I learned this beautiful, elegant Menuet in G major,

I was taught it was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. This famous piece was actually

composed by a German composer, organist Christian Petzold who was born in 1677, died in 1733.

This piece was selected in Anna Magdalena's Notebook.

In lesson 25 we talked about "Menuet" is a dance of French origin, usually in ¾ time

which was a popular group dance in early 17th century.

We have learned music in this period has no tempos, dynamics, phrasings, fingerings and

articulations. These all had been added by the modern-day editor. The tempo I played

is about quarter note=132.

The music was written in 2 repeated parts called "Binary Form", with A and B. We

can subdivide A into A (bar 1 to 8) and A' (bar 9 to 16). There are 8 measures per phrase,

8 phrases all together when counting repeats.

There is a new term "mordent", which is from Latin "mordere" means "to bite".

In bar 3, 5, 11 and 13, there are mordents. The 3-note mordent should be played quickly.

In bar 30, there is a 4–note trill. Play it as indicated.

In bar 25, 26 and 29 there are 2 voices in left hand, make sure to hold the long note to its value.

For more infomation >> Free Piano Lesson (26), Menuet in G major Petzold, Michelle Lin Piano Studio Presents - Duration: 6:42.


Signs and Symptoms of Autism in Infants - Duration: 16:05.

Signs and symptoms of autism

Knowing the symptoms of autism is very important for us because it can help us in preventing the occurrence of autism in children

Anticipate and do early treatment the Inspector autism is a group of closely related disorders that have similar symptoms

autism spectrum disorders are characterized by disturbances in communication social

interaction and relating to others in the past

Autism disorders were often not diagnosed until a child was 3 or 4 years old

But as more is known about autism children can be diagnosed at an earlier age, which means treatment can start earlier

People often ignore the warning signs of autism until the problem becomes severe

If your child has multiple signs and symptoms of autism

Ask your doctor to check your child's health levels and get the best treatment for autism

Here are the early warning signs of autism in children


Not smiling or showing other happy expressions

Did you ever smile at a baby and he gives you a great big toothless grin back?

By a certain age most babies respond to a facial expression, or a smile especially from a parent

Typically babies start to laugh and squeal by around 6 months of age

But it is also important to understand some babies are all smiles while others are a little more subdued

Variations in how much a baby smiles are also normal in addition babies start showing joyful expression at different ages

But if your baby is not smiling by about 6 months of age or laughing in response to your playfulness by a year it can

Be an early sign of autism


No eye contact

Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos

Early signs of autism in babies and toddlers often involve the absence of normal development not the presence of abnormal behavior

For example if your baby does not make eye contact when you are doing things such as feeding or playing with her

It could be a sign of a problem in


babies are interested in faces and we'll meet a parent or caregivers eyes at least some of the time if

Your baby or toddler resists eye contact on a regular basis it can be an early sign of an autism spectrum disorder


not babbling

Before babies say real words they taught by cooing babbling and making other sounds

Making various sounds as a precursor to talking and part of normal language development

Although babies don't all follow the same timeframe when it comes to language development

Most babies make some attempt to make sounds by about 6 to 9 months

For example babies often start making vowel sounds such as oo or at around 6 months a few months later

Babies often babble a bit more by making sounds such as vulgar

By around a year babies often direct their babbling at another person

If your baby is not babbling by about nine months. It does not mean there is definitely a problem

But it's best to talk to your pediatrician to determine if any testing is needed


displays unusual movements

Many babies and toddlers do silly things including our movements or repetitive actions

The children who have an autism spectrum disorder may engage in repetitive movements and activities known as stimming frequently

common repetitive movements in children with autism may include rocking back and forth head bang and flipping

Additionally not all stemming behaviors involve movement some may be visual such as repetitive blinking or staring at lights

Stemming behaviors are done to stimulate a person's senses and are often a sign of autism spectrum disorders


No words by 16 months

Developing language skills is a gradual process and babies say their first word at different ages

Some babies can't say several words by their first birthday while others may not be as verbal

There are many reasons why you may have a lead talker, which have nothing to do with autism

the communication delays can also be an early sign of autism if

Your baby does not say any words by about 16 months you may want to consider having her evaluated in

Addition to delayed communication some children with autism are verbal, but they may not use the words to get what they want

For example a toddler may know what a cup of milk is 1 shown a picture

But you may not be able to ask for milk when that's what she needs

6 no attempt to compensate for speech delays

Speech delays are not always due to autism there are several different conditions that can lead to delayed language development

But in many instances toddlers will compensate for language delays by finding ways to communicate other than using words

for example

Babies and toddlers who do not use any words will make gestures and point to objects

Babies will often lift their arms up to let you know they want to be picked up

This type of nonverbal communication is also part of language development, which children with autism may not display


Does not want to be touched or cuddled?

babies thrive on affection in

fact research shows babies who do not get cuddled or shown physical affection can have development delays

Although babies and young children do vary on how much snuggling and affection they enjoy

most babies and toddlers do enjoy hugs and affection from their parents

Babies who do not want to be touched may resist cuddles or squirm to get away from a hug

You may also notice your baby is excessively fussy with no known cause and is hard to comfort

This resistance to affection may be due to sensory disorders issues that can accompany autism

Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing professional

medical or nutritional advice

Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems

instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice

Five signs and symptoms of high cholesterol you should know

If levels of low-density lipoproteins cholesterol are too high or levels of high-density

Lipoproteins cholesterol are too low fatty deposits build up in your blood vessels

These deposits will make it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries

This could cause problems throughout your body

Particularly in your heart and brain, or it could be fatal

People often ignore the warning signs of cholesterol until the problem becomes severe

it is important to be aware of these signs as addressing the problem early can save you from future complications if

You have multiple signs and symptoms of this problem ask your doctor to check your health levels the best cholesterol treatment

here are the common signs of cholesterol that you should -

No.1 frequent tingling

Tingling in the hands and feet as a son of low blood circulation

This occurs when the blood flow becomes slower because of the high levels of cholesterol in the blood

Poor blood circulation causes nerves in your hands and feet not to get enough nutrients and oxygen which gives you the tingling sensation

Tingling in the hands and feet are the implications of disfluencies blood flow in certain parts of the body

Tingling associated with nerves do not get the blood flow

This is because the blood flow becomes thick due to high levels of cholesterol in the blood

leg cramps memnos

or spasms that hit you during the night usually in the heel toes or forefoot may also indicate high cholesterol if

You hang your foot off the bed or sit up in a chair it should start to feel better as gravity forces blood flow back

into your feet

Too frequent headaches

Frequent headaches in the back of the head might be a result of clogged blood vessels in the area around the head

This occurs due to clogging of cholesterol plaques start forming in blood vessels

If this condition is left unchecked the blood vessels can rupture and lead to a stroke

Headaches are most common in people with hypertension

This is a very dangerous condition because the possibility of blood pressure is very high

Blood flow that it's too tight for the arteries can cause blockage of plaque leak or rupture

If it occurs in the brain, then it can cause damage to blood vessels

Headaches can also be a sign of a stroke that becomes the initial indication of a newly emerging attack

3 your hands and feet are always cold

before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see if they're useful health videos if

your extremities are getting cold for no reason it could relate to poor blood flow if

You notice one foot or hand is cold and the other is not. It's especially important to bring it up to a doctor

Feet or legs that feel cold, or are cool to the touch may be an indicator that you have peripheral arterial disease

But it's not really the best indicator

That's because this is a common problem and it can happen to anyone as he ages even someone without peripheral arterial disease

However, if you feel like one leg or foot is called, but not the other it could be time to talk to your doctor

Four left chest pain

Left chest pain is another son of high cholesterol levels

Even a minimal plaque creation in any part of the body can decrease blood flow

the heart works more to restore normal blood flow and this can cause pain or

Palpitation this pain can also be a sign of a heart attack

Left chest related to the heart that acts as a blood pumping

Blockage of blood vessels around the heart can cause pain like impaled

The pain may even spread up to the neck

Chest pain can also be a sign of a heart attack

This condition can be a sign act like cholesterol levels are too high

Five high cholesterol symptoms in men

Erectile dysfunction in men caused by high cholesterol is one of the manifestations of blood vessel damage caused by high cholesterol

Your cholesterol levels can affect the quality of your erections

Most cases of erectile dysfunction edie are caused by impaired blood flow to the penis

the medications that treat edie

Like viagra allow the smooth muscle cells lining the blood vessels to relax so that blood can flow more easily

When a man has high cholesterol levels not only is cardiac circulation impaired blood flow throughout

The body is impaired and this can affect erection quality in

Fact many doctors consider it to be a sort of canary in the coalmine

signal in men under 40 and may suggest

Cardiac tests to determine if a young man with edy is at risk for or in the early stages of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is more treatable the earlier. It's cut

Here are the top natural herbs to lower cholesterol

One oatmeal

Having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast daily is another easy way to lower your high cholesterol level

the high soluble fiber content in oatmeal helps lower LDL

It produces the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream

Fiber also fills you up quickly and helps you avoid mindless eating in

Addition eating oats regularly is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes

Eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast daily you can also add oatmeal to smoothies or use it in baked goods to


Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos

The heart-healthy monounsaturated

fats polyunsaturated fats and fiber and almonds help raise good HDL cholesterol and reduce the bad LDL levels a

2011 study published in nutrition review found that consumption of tree nuts like almonds helped reduce LDL cholesterol a

primary target for coronary disease prevention by 3 to 19% in addition a

2015 study published in the Journal of American Heart

Association states that daily almond consumption may be a simple dietary strategy to prevent the onset of cardio metabolic diseases

Almonds are a great snack or topping for salads cereal and yogurt

Eat a handful of almonds a day and remember moderation is key

Other nuts and seeds such as walnuts and flax seeds are also beneficial for reducing blood cholesterol levels

3 orange juice

Sweet tangy and juicy oranges are another superfood that has cholesterol lowering properties

in a 2000 study published in the American Society for Clinical Nutrition Journal

researchers found that orange juice improves blood lipid profiles in people who have hypercholesterolemia

This happens due to the presence of vitamin C. Folate and flavonoids like hesperidin in oranges

drink 2 to 3 cups of orange juice daily

Freshly extracted juice is a good option

You can also drink plant sterols fortified orange juice

phytosterols also help lower total cholesterol to some extent

alternatively you can eat a few oranges Demi for


The omega-3 fatty acids called EPA and DHA found in salmon provide protection against high cholesterol it helps lower

triglycerides and boosts good HDL cholesterol slightly thus lowering the risk of heart disease in addition

Salmon is low in cholesterol and saturated fat eat at least 2 servings of salmon each week

baked and grilled salmon are the best options a

Serving of salmon is about 2 to 3 ounces

You can even take fish oil supplements after consulting your doctor

5 soybeans and soy products

soybeans and other soy products offer a complete plant-based protein that is great for those who suffer from high cholesterol

Although soy may not lower total cholesterol to a great extent it can still lower bad LDL cholesterol

this high-protein food contains high levels of polyunsaturated

fats fiber

vitamins and minerals as well as low levels of saturated fat a

Study published in 2011 in the Journal of American College of nutrition found that eating 1 to 2 servings

15 to 30 grams of soy protein daily has a significant impact on serum lipoprotein risk factors for coronary heart disease

to help lower your cholesterol

Include more soybean tofu soy flour Adam a man enriched soy milk in your diet

For more infomation >> Signs and Symptoms of Autism in Infants - Duration: 16:05.


Kia Niro 1.6 GDi Hybrid 141pk DCT ExecutiveLine * Trekhaak* - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia Niro 1.6 GDi Hybrid 141pk DCT ExecutiveLine * Trekhaak* - Duration: 0:58.


Volkswagen Golf 1.0 TSI 115pk BlueMotion DSG Comfortline | Climate Control | - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.0 TSI 115pk BlueMotion DSG Comfortline | Climate Control | - Duration: 0:57.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর ১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 14:58.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর ১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 14:58.


Shayari Status | Dil Tere Naam Humne Kiya Hai | Whatsapp Shayari Hindi - Duration: 0:26.

Shayari Status for Whatsapp

For more infomation >> Shayari Status | Dil Tere Naam Humne Kiya Hai | Whatsapp Shayari Hindi - Duration: 0:26.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple





'I just want to live my life to the best I can' - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 'I just want to live my life to the best I can' - Duration: 4:04.


Western Background Music for Videos I Wild West Instrumental Themes I No Copyright Music - Duration: 53:39.

» Wild West - Western Background Music «

Presented by MrSnooze

For more infomation >> Western Background Music for Videos I Wild West Instrumental Themes I No Copyright Music - Duration: 53:39.


Mazda 2 1.4I EXCLUSIVE Airco, Trekhaak, APK 2019! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.4I EXCLUSIVE Airco, Trekhaak, APK 2019! - Duration: 1:00.


Honda CR-V 2.0i VTEC 4WD Executive - Automaat - Navigatie - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i VTEC 4WD Executive - Automaat - Navigatie - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i SkyView Ed. + Panoramadak + Navigatie + 7 zits ! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i SkyView Ed. + Panoramadak + Navigatie + 7 zits ! - Duration: 0:59.


BMW X6 3.5I HIGH EXECUTIVE Navi Leder Head-Up Display Stoel-ventilatie&verwarming Schuif/-Kantel dak - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 3.5I HIGH EXECUTIVE Navi Leder Head-Up Display Stoel-ventilatie&verwarming Schuif/-Kantel dak - Duration: 0:56.


Toyota RAV4 New 2.5 VVT-i Hybrid 155pk Aut (Navigatie, parkeersensoren+camera, ) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 New 2.5 VVT-i Hybrid 155pk Aut (Navigatie, parkeersensoren+camera, ) - Duration: 1:02.


IQ 200 fireworks shotgun (In-depth Warframe Analysis) - Duration: 4:21.

Welcome to the In-depth Warframe Analysis.

Your number 1 source of



Today we will be In-depth Warframe Analysing the Corinth.

Corinth's name comes from an ancient Mediterranean trading hub famous for manufacturing shotguns.

Warframe's Corinth continues this legacy.

Like many other shotguns, it is controlled with a small penile shaped lever protruding

from the bottom of the weapon.

When pulled, a lot of shit is suddenly ejected at a very high speed out of the frontal hole

of the gun.

This mechanic makes up for many interesting gameplay challenges, where optimally, the

player has to position themselves in such a manner that the frontal hole of the gun

is pointed in the general direction of an enemy they want to brutally murder.

Provided the player can master this technigue, Corinth is highly effective at brutally murdering


Extensive research was conducted into how hard it hits, arriving at the conclusion that Corinth

hits very hard.

But that is not all - Corinth also comes with an alternate fire mode which launches fireworks.

Some people claim it's actually grenades

but they are idiots.

The fireworks even have a smart safeguard system to protect the user.

This makes them not go off if they hit another person or any hard surface in general, activating

only when mid-air at a safe distance.

This alone is enough to dismiss all the silly grenade claims - what sort of a moron would

intentionally design a grenade that doesn't explode if it hits a thing?

A truly ridiculous notion.

Understandably, all these great positives have to come at a cost, because Warframe is

a carefully balanced game.

The one shortcoming is Corinth's reloading system.


Not only does the shotgun require a so called "pump" after every shot but every new shell

also needs to be loaded in individually.

This makes it the shotgun extraorinaire.

An antiquated armament, a museum-worthy piece.

The IQ 200 weapon used only by the most sophistaced gentlemen and crazy people.

Using Corinth is the equivalent of hanging a Katana in your room to prove how cool and

cultured you are.

In the age of space travel, hi-tech energy weapons, advanced equipment frabrication and

the perfection made corporeal that is Pedestal Prime

the Tenno decided to make a pump-action

single-shell-loading shotgun.

Despite having clearly figured out a sensible shotgun reloading mechanism before already.

Even the technologically backwards Grineer figured out how to make a magazine-fed auto


But not Corinth.

Factoring in the time it takes to reload, Corinth's firerate reaches only 0,683

<<authentincCorinth fire sound>>s per second.

As with other weapons, this shortcoming can be mitigated by playing Warframe's integrated

trading card game but building a good deck is a complex topic that we will have to cover

some other time.

For now, if you pride yourself in outdated but usable weaponry and like fireworks, I

suspect Corinth is an good choice for you.

It's sort of okay.

This has been your In-depth Warframe Analysis.

Take care, everyone.

For more infomation >> IQ 200 fireworks shotgun (In-depth Warframe Analysis) - Duration: 4:21.


God's Plan - Drake (Acoustic Instrumental) - Duration: 3:39.

I been movin' calm, don't start no trouble with me Tryna keep it peaceful is a struggle for me

God's plan, God's plan

Bad things It's a lot of bad things That they wishin' and wishin' and wishin' and wishin'

She say, "Do you love me?" I tell her, "Only partly" I only love my bed and my momma, I'm sorry

God's plan, God's plan

Bad things It's a lot of bad things That they wishin' and wishin' and wishin' and wishin'

For more infomation >> God's Plan - Drake (Acoustic Instrumental) - Duration: 3:39.


SocialBee Review - Evergreen Social Posting Automation Perfect MeetEdgar Alternative - Duration: 31:26.

For more infomation >> SocialBee Review - Evergreen Social Posting Automation Perfect MeetEdgar Alternative - Duration: 31:26.


遊戲驢子評論汪達與巨像(驢子觀點) 中文字幕cc - Duration: 3:47.

Shadow of the Colossus.

I've always heard good things about this one.

Now this is a PS2 game from the guys who made...

Oh god...

The premise is that you roam around slaying these Goliath creatures

In order to bring this deceased girl back to life

It's a simple story told very effectively

There's a real sadness as you extinguish what little life is left in this vast

abandoned land

"Oh, man..."

"Oh, achievement unlocked!" *Dunkey laugh activated*

"That's his-"

Years ago when I played the PS3 version

I was kind of put off by the washed out graphics

and the miserable controls.

With this new PS4 remake

I hoped Blue Point would really transform this game

into something special

And visually, wow!

just wow, they went above and beyond.

It really looks like a big-budget PS4 game

But unfortunately, it still plays

Like a clunky ass, piece-of-crap PS2 game

You guys remember the dog from Last Guardian?

Well in this game

Your legs are the dog

And your horse is the dog

And the climbing is the dog

And some of the boss fights are the dog too

It's a brief five-hour game

But probably a third of that time is spent screwing around with frustrating shit

and waiting for the boss AI to do the right thing

"Holy shit!"

"All right, horse. You, you fight this guy."

"I'll get the next guy, you get-"

"Get in there, yeah! Kick his ass! Here we go."

"Come on."

"He's gone."

"He's not coming back."

Back when Ico came out

the animation on that game was brilliant

It looked far more fluid and realistic

than most big titles that year




And this was still true in 2005 when Shadow of the Colossus came out

Yet today, it's not as impressive

because you have so many games now with this high quality animation

And they don't sacrifice

playability to achieve it

I think the intended effect is

to make the player feel insignificant

like an insect

versus the massive creatures

And when everything finally aligns

You know that triumphant music starts to swell

And you're running down the back of this Colossus

This is when the game is untouchable

*The song "Revived Power" starts playing* (Shadow of The Colossus OST)

Unlike the Last Guardian

there's always a straightforward path to the next incredible moment

Unless the sword fucks up.

You kill a Colossus

Get his powers

And then you move on to the next guy

You got Tony

You got Paulie

You got Henry

You got Donny over there, looking like a fucking camel

You have Frankie

You have Jonathan

They even brought in Giga Knack

Who has more graphics than Ice Knack

If you can even comprehend that

I'm so conflicted on Shadow of the Colossus

I think it's something every gamer should experience, at least once

but you have to deal with some really annoying shit

to find out why this game has endured so long

And that is the story

it's sneaks up on you and it hits you

with this ending that f*cking blew me away

3 outta 5

Should I have more Knack?

*The song "Swift Horse" starts playing* (Shadow of the Colossus OST)


For more infomation >> 遊戲驢子評論汪達與巨像(驢子觀點) 中文字幕cc - Duration: 3:47.



What up guys? Ashley Eizabeth here with AEHM artistry and now that I've had

this Sigma Chroma Glow palette for about... I would say a little bit over a month! I

wanted to give you my overall review, thoughts, and opinions. As well as show

you a quick little demo of applying it and some swatches! Highlight swatches are

a little bit challenging on camera. Doesn't always pick it up but I work

with what I got here. So my first impressions of this palette, when I saw

it being reviewed and I saw pictures of it, is I thought the palette itself might

be a little too dark for me. The two, no three colors, right in this section look

like it would be too dark. And I didn't really see anybody with light skin tone

playing with it except as eyeshadow. So I was like "I don't know". You know, only

three light shades, they're really big pans, and I'm not quite sure. But my local

Planet Beauty, which is a California beauty boutique, they actually had these

in store. So I was able to swatch it and loved it first swatch! Hello! I first went

right into this one and let me tell you... I it was freaking stoked! It is like a

beautiful turquoise rock shifting. Kind of reminds me of those like moon rocks.

So since I saw that it would easily go with my skin tone and be okay. This is

the only one that I use more of like an eye shadow thing or a blush topper. I was

hooked! I almost got it but it was right before Christmas and I already asked for

the Jeffrey Star Platinum Ice highlighting palette, which I reviewed and I loved as well. But

my husband was shopping with me when I saw this and he let my sister know that

is what I wanted for Christmas. So thank you, shout out to my sister Gabs who got

this for me! And I am obsessed with it! And we're in the store, my husband was like

"I thought you wanted the Jeffrey Star one" and I was like "oh I so still want that

but this one is different". The tones are totally different, the shades are

different, and I use them for different makeup looks

depending on the day and the thing that I'm going with obviously. Now the

difference, because I just reviewed the other one about a few weeks ago, I'll

tell you the difference. I feel in this one, the Sigma Chroma Glow Palette is

very finely milled. They're so silky soft to the touch. They're not wet feeling at

all, so don't get me wrong. But they are super duper duper silky! And they are

definitely duochrome! This is from, by the way, I did my swatches and a little mini

preview of like how to apply this morning, so about eight hours ago and my

glow it's still freakin popping! Still! Gives that really...it's so finely milled

that I have more of that soft wet look! But yeah, the quality, the texture are

just a dream! Now this compared to the Jeffree Star palette, if you have that

for reference, the Jeffree Star Platinum Ice palette is more gritty. It almost

has more powdery feel and you can see it more textured on the skin. It's still

gorgeous, it's still beautiful, and I love it,

but this one is more smooth silky and seamless. And like I said like a wet look.

So very different. The colors are more in the warm tone family. And guys with my

purple hair, you know I love this purple shade one! Ah, it is so pretty!

So, I'll go through really quickly, show you my somewhat swatches. And show you myself

applying them right onto the skin with a brush and you can see that it is still

super intense. I hope you guys enjoy!

As you can see here Peaceful is more of

your subtle, soft look. I can barely get it to pick up on camera. It's really nice,

pretty, more angelic. Just like a touch of glow.

Ambrosia is a really pretty pinky,

kind of like that rose gold pink but it almost has a silver shift to it. Very

interesting, really pretty highlight.

Then Zeal, I'm obsessed with! As I already said

Zeal is like a turquoise and red shift. It is crazy! I love it! It's something

that I wish the camera could pick up cuz when I'm outside, or if I just look

in the regular mirror, I can totally see this crazy holographic shift! And it

blows my mind!

Then you have a Bedazzled, which is a really pretty like orange-ee

fire shade, that works beautiful as an upper cheek highlight. You would think it

would be too pigmented, but it's not. It's more of a shift.

Lush is much darker for

my skin tone, so the darker skinned gals out there, and guys, can definitely work

with it and it'll be beautiful. If you're fair like me, I use this as a blush

topper and it's freakin beautiful. I love it.

And then Felicity is my other

favorite. It's a tie between Zeal and Felicity, as far as like uniqueness goes.

Oh my gosh, I love it! It is just gorgeous. Not too much purple, it is really glowy

and really pretty. Here's a quick side-by-side comparison

of all the swatches, so you can see the differences. I was able to dim down my

lights and get it to pick up a little bit better. But as you can see they're

all very different and you can kind of see the shift in it a little bit better.

Alright you guys, I hope that you enjoyed and you were able to see a little bit of

something. If you're gonna ask me which one's my favorite, the Jeffree Star or

this one...oh my goodness! Don't ask me, that's hard! I love the

formula though of the Sigma Chroma Glow. I love it.

But the Jeffree Star one is more of like an intense, like glitter, almost shimmer.

That's not as finely milled, it's definitely...it's a totally different look.

Anyways, that's all I got for you guys. If you like this please go

down and hit that little SUBSCRIBE button. I post videos about two to three

times a week and I now do series videos and it's just super duper fun! Thank

you so much for watching. You guys have a great lovely day! XOXO

For more infomation >> Sigma CHROMA GLOW Review MOST UNDERRATED HIGHLIGHT PALETTE?! - Duration: 6:47.


Unboxing My E-3d Chimera order from Filastruder - Duration: 3:48.

Hello Internet! It's me, Steve. Otherwise known as Burning Gems. I've got a little video

here the unbox for you this is something I ordered and almost was most excited

about having some Haribo these are the gummy bears

it's two little packs of the minis unfortunately they got melted together I

don't know how that happens in wintertime but yeah they'll still be on

the apps they'll eat them I'm sure my cameraman and just helping me out today

Sedric I'm sure he'll help me too with these -"hello"- All right, Sedric's there.

this from it's from Filastruder and they sent

me a nice little thank-you note so basically this is a kit I ordered from

Filastruder some stuff for upgrading my wanhao duplicator 4. my

problem with that is I'm having some issues again with my extruders not

working and I want to get back to dual extruders so that I can get two

filaments going at once multi color for the kids stuff and anything let's see

what they gave me here I got some Bowden tubing this is generic bowden tubing I'm

sure it's pretty good I'll have to check it out but I'll probably put it in my

box for other people because I like my Capricorn Bowden tubing so we'll see how

that compares if I need that or not I see this is the e3d Chimera - CHIMERA kit

so basically I have a nice cooling block here with a fan

it has two "in" two for the Bowden's "in" and then two out from my filament to my

extruders and here's my extruders (Hotends) they're a classic flat E3d extruders (Hotends)

with the slit gone through them so they clamp and heater socks going in there

and there's my nozzles ".04" let's see

now I'll need some heater cartridges and look here I have two heater cartridges

and two thermistors that go in them so - "Hold on, it's not focusing!" - My camera man says it's not

focusing, I'll let him work it. Yeah, okay so anyway so I have two heater cartridges

with that and of course I got a 24 volt fan that I'll be able to use for a

blower for cooling down my PLA when it comes out. I got a second 24 volt fan for

future use because I figured if I'm going to make the order I might as well

just order two of them. And then on top of that I have heater socks... -Hot-end

socks for my volcano that's on my little monster. A little 3-pack. And I have some

grease I ordered some little grease for what whenever my nozzles go in to my

heat breaks. And of course "please read documentation before use!" very important

message so that's it that's my exciting order and this project hopefully I'll

have going in the next week or so and I'll get back to two color printing on my

Wanhao Duplicator 4! Thanks very much, have a great day and Print on!

For more infomation >> Unboxing My E-3d Chimera order from Filastruder - Duration: 3:48.


সফল হতে হলে অবশ্যই মনে রাখতে হবে how to success in life in bangla success motivational video in ba - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> সফল হতে হলে অবশ্যই মনে রাখতে হবে how to success in life in bangla success motivational video in ba - Duration: 3:45.


How to Approved My Upwork Profile (100%) in 2018 | How To Complete Upwork Account - Duration: 11:21.

How to Approved My Upwork Profile (100%) in 2018 | How To Complete Upwork Account

In this videos I am going to show you how to Create 100% Approved Upwork Account in Bangladesh. Step by Step..

how to approve upwork profile 100% and what is upwork and what is freelancing and how we can make money with freelancing at upwork your all questions are solved

n this vedio so if you will intersted to make money with freelancing at upwork so stay tuned with this vedio and watch still End.

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this video I'll show you how you can create a 100% Complete Professional Profile on Upwork! This video will definitely going to help many of you who want to start their freelance journey on Upwork. !

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How to Approved My Upwork Profile (100%) in 2018 | How To Complete Upwork Account

For more infomation >> How to Approved My Upwork Profile (100%) in 2018 | How To Complete Upwork Account - Duration: 11:21.


Panasonic HC-X1 LCD Screen Review | Video Camera Touch Screen Display Problems - Duration: 3:49.

Well I've had my HC-X1 for about a month now and I've put in several hours of camera


The camera does a lot of great things and is a whole lot of fun.

But today' we are going to talk about the biggest drawback of this camera, and something

that can get really frustrating the more you use the camera; the LCD screen.

"Issues with the View Screen"

A 3 1/2 inch touch screen LCD screen.

Sounds good!

However the best part about it might be the cool way the screen retracts into the camera

for protection.

After that, there are a lot of little things that make you wish they did a bit of a better

job on this feature,

To make a long story short, the screen is kind of good, but the touch screen is awful

and almost unusable

especially when compared to a DSLR screen which is far superior.

OK, I'm being a little overdramatic.

This screen is a necessity on a camera like this, especially when I'm getting some handle

shots or quick hits.

Its a nice size and it shows a lot of good information on the screen, when you can see

it that is.

The glare from the sun at times will make it unusable, but that IS what the viewfinder

is for.

The screen does rotate, which is good, but there are 2 issues here.

First, it only rotates in 1 dimension (forward, up, and back).

That means if you are standing on the side of the camera, you cant point the screen towards

you, something I used to do a LOT when conducting interviews or fitting into tight corners.

Second, when you are recording yourself, and you flip the viewfinder to face you while

you are in front of the lens, the display disappears!

You can't see any of the settings unless you flip the thing back behind the lens and

you have to go back and forth.

Super frustrating for those solo shots.

This leads to you recording something and you don't even notice the audio is off or

the shutter speed is wrong because you can't see it yourself until you move behind the

camera and flip the screen again.

I did find a work around, but its pretty weird and you have to look at the screen upside


Not ideal.

So far we've talked about some small things that I wish were tweaked but do not ruin the


But the big whopper, is a big one.

The touch screen.

The first thing you will notice when working with the touch screen function is that this

is not the same type of screen as your phone.

In fact, its a really old school style touch screen where you really have to put pressure

on the screen to make the pushes work.

This leads to a lot of frustration, hitting buttons too soft that don't work, then hitting

them so hard the entire camera shakes.

It really negates a cool feature like the touch screen focus shift.

Your other option for seeing the scene is The viewfinder, which IS very good.

The eye cup, not so much.

Its very flimsy and will often turn inside out.

You may want to replace it.

And you will really have to get used to the thing auto switching on and off between the

screen and the viewfinder, an issue we can discuss in another video.

So what else can you do?

You could maybe find a hood to block the sun.

You can up the brightness a bit.

You can avoid the touch screen and use the menu wheel.

You can use 2 hands to steady the camera when pressing the screen.

You can stick to the viewfinder.

But really, you can just get all the great footage you want, and get used to this small

issue from a great camera.

If you have any issues with the LCD screen on the HC-X1 or any tips for using it let

me know in the comments.

Thanks for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Panasonic HC-X1 LCD Screen Review | Video Camera Touch Screen Display Problems - Duration: 3:49.


The Official Unofficial YouTube Grammys - Year in Review of YouTube Music - Parody - Duration: 17:14.

As many of you all know the last year of YouTube has been filled with music and

what that means well I don't know but I do know that there are several songs

from this era that deserve recognition this is the official unofficial YouTube


the first official unofficial YouTube Grammy category is most like a viral

tumblr post now this category is characterized by songs and their

partnering music videos that evoke a certain type of feeling exclusive to

someone who might be scrolling the Internet at 4:00 a.m. and the darkness

of their bedroom but the comfort of their bed

perhaps they shed a tear or two or perhaps they've been shedding tears for

an hour or two the winner for most like a viral tumblr post is Gabbie Hanna

without loud this song consists of lyrical the raising such as drowning in

silence it relates laughter to ringing in one's ears also the music video was

shot in a way that reflects exactly hashtag indie hashtag romance hashtag

love hashtag adventure hashtag sadness tumblr post

congratulations Gabbie on this distinction the next category is is this

an episode of American Horror Story this category is summarized by songs and once

again their music videos because this is YouTube that make you say you once but

also what and also the winner of this category is Trevor Moran and sinner

this song and it's music video what it blue other people's out of the water and

also technically I guess put people in the water but you would only get that

agree seeing the video so you need to see it for that joke to land if it was a

gentleman the next category is instrumental song of the year this

category features only artists who excel at expressing themselves with musical

instruments the winner of this category is Christine and Elle now this song

expresses its brilliance their words ability to evoke emotion all the way

back to the middle school era of one's life through the recorder while also

blending historically the influence of the jailhouse and a Western

congratulations to you both the next category is similar to the

previous however more specified it is percussionist

of the year a percussionist is someone that hits things and people love it the

winner of this category is young face also known as Danny Gonzalez in his

track spooky boy the way he played the ribcage in this song is only something

that a true master of percussion could do congratulations mr. young face Danny

the next category is unwanted ear worm of the year an ear worm is something

that is stuck in your brain through sound and unwanted ear worm does not

necessarily mean that the song that we are referencing is unwanted but it does

mean that the quantity at which one has heard the song is on

wanted such that it feels like someone's jamming a pencil into your forehead

let's see who the winner is the winner of unwanted ear worm of the year is Jake

Paul and his team ten is that still accurate I don't know

with it's every day bro this song gets stuck in your head

thank you so much for your work Jake Paul and team ten or so the next

category is teenager's fantasy that passes as family-friendly

because it's on YouTube this category is characterized by hmm

something that might be exited out of at the workplace should a boss or fellow

staff member witness one watching it do I know from experience no because I got

this job now let's see who the winner is the winner of this category is Tana

Mongeau featuring Bella Thorne kind of this song has everything a teenager has in

their head I'm not sure our rating of this show so I think that's all I'm

going to say okay the next category is best song from a soundtrack

now this category features music that brings forth the mood of a film what

sound the winner of this category is Eric Stocklin and Colleen Ballinger

with their rendition of Jurassic Park huh with lyrics such as they present

every dynamic of every dinosaur that might be seen in the film Jurassic Park

it's just something you have to hear for yourself the next category is most

reminiscent of bear in the big blue house now this category was created for

songs that present nostalgic feelings which means feelings of memories of the

past as if you can remember the future Ricky

Dillon a fun song this song features everything one might love about their

past but more specifically it features a scene in the music video that looks

exactly like the closing scene of every episode of bear in the big blue house

it's just something you have to see for yourself

congratulations Ricky the next category is hey sorry I don't know what's going

oh okay

thank you sorry about that the next category is surprisingly not a

pop hit this category is for songs that you would think would be popular because

they sound like pop music or better the winner of this category is Alli Fitz

with her song disease not only is this song a raging pop like song it also

sounds like a dance hit and the music video looks like a dance pop song music

video congratulations Alli the next category

is does nostalgia always make me cry now this category is similar to the

previous category that we announced Ricky Dillon as the winner of but this

category features songs that are even more evocative of feelings the winner is

la de da de da de da de day oh this song reminds me whenever I was a small child

get up early in the morning and we watch Thomas the Train

anything on PBS really reading rainbow where did all the good times go yes the

next category is digital confrontation as brand this category is for musicians

and their songs that are but the musician is really not aggressive at all

but through their music but anyways let's hear the winner is the winner is

RiceGum with frigida police is that a Spanish song I'm being told it's not a

Spanish song so I apologize for that how much money is not you better guess a

lot this song is interesting because it is so abrasive and angry and it also

expresses exactly what it is a response to within the song itself which is

possibly one of the biggest artistic statements I've ever seen it's a reverse

art ISM real you decide congratulations rice gum we are coming down to the end

of the line but we are not finished yet the next category is unexpectedly groovy

song of the year this category is obviously for music that's groovy

something that's a bop or is it a bop

is it chill or is ill is it mellow or is it a cello I know let's see what the winner

is the winner of this category is Sophie Pecora featuring Shane Dawson

and friends best friends for cheddar

this song is really interesting because it's a song about cheese but it's so

cool to listen to I feel cooler just by talking about it now congratulations to

everybody involved the next category is most anticipated song of the year now

this category is for a song and music video that we all have been wanting for

so long but we also were patiently waiting for the winner of this category

is Drew Monson with my comeback my comeback now and

telling us the song is fantastic because it's just so pure it feels like you know

and drew had been gone from the internet for a while and it's really not our

business to know why but in this song and music video he artistically gives us

some of that information which we all greatly respect

congratulations drew the next category is musical theatre live performance of

the year now this category is for live

performances of musical theater I didn't feel like to be rude up this is

the second Grammy for both Christine and Colleen Ballinger with their version of

scenes of love from rent they brought a new flair to that performance that I

never witness before congratulations to you both

the next category is the only way a theist will sing about Jesus this

category features Christian music that crosses the boundary to a worldly

audience the winner of this category is Trisha Paytas with I love you Jesus a

song that truly reflects Christian spirit but also is something that you

might find a non-christian belting on a freeway or in their driveway or

something that you might hear as a lullaby or at a karaoke bar it's a

really interesting tune congratulations Trisha all right this is

it the final category and my personal

favorite category song on the rise this category is for music and their music

videos that are on YouTube that you've probably never heard or seen because

they're by artists that just aren't that big on the platform but they deserve to

be the winner of this category is Like Mike and memories I'm trapped in

memories is a song that's really interesting

it feels very fluid and you just kind of seep into it also the music video is an

animation that is mind-bending there are reflections and water that looks like I

can touch it but there are also like 2d animations I don't know what's going on

it's insanely cool and it deserves your attention so you all should go check it

out congratulations Like Mike

that concludes this year's official unofficial YouTube Grammys if your

favorite artist won send them some love and if they didn't comment here and

we'll consider them for next time okay and for the artists that did win we're

gonna send you your awards as soon as those of you the hype Teen Choice Awards

get your surfboards all right for the rest of you guys have a good night

thanks for watching and I hope you have a safe travel home here's a message from

our premium sponsor a calm evening the wind gently blows outside the moon's

light softly fills your room nothing better than the comfort of your cozy bed

as you fall asleep you think of all the time you've spent wondering what you're

gonna do now that you're demonetized... what's going on who let this ad run during our show

sir sir don't you know algorithms screen all of our content real humans aren't assigned

to anything unless there's a legal claim and even then

what are you talking about that makes no sense for an entertainment company

For more infomation >> The Official Unofficial YouTube Grammys - Year in Review of YouTube Music - Parody - Duration: 17:14.


【徐梦圆 ft. Yan Xi (MUTA)】Scheming 小心机 【English Subs】 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 【徐梦圆 ft. Yan Xi (MUTA)】Scheming 小心机 【English Subs】 - Duration: 4:37.


Shayari Status | Dil Tere Naam Humne Kiya Hai | Whatsapp Shayari Hindi - Duration: 0:26.

Shayari Status for Whatsapp

For more infomation >> Shayari Status | Dil Tere Naam Humne Kiya Hai | Whatsapp Shayari Hindi - Duration: 0:26.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


BBB18: Mahmoud e Ana Paula discutem feio e agressões assustam o público - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Mahmoud e Ana Paula discutem feio e agressões assustam o público - Duration: 3:47.


Júlio Hatchwell fala sobre a sua Sinfonia "O Novo Mundo" - Descobrimento e Colonização das Américas - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Júlio Hatchwell fala sobre a sua Sinfonia "O Novo Mundo" - Descobrimento e Colonização das Américas - Duration: 2:29.


{SAS} 1,2,3 (PUBLIC MEP) - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> {SAS} 1,2,3 (PUBLIC MEP) - Duration: 1:41.


Desde 1970 se dedicaba a recoger monedas Quieres saber qué le dijeron en el banco - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Desde 1970 se dedicaba a recoger monedas Quieres saber qué le dijeron en el banco - Duration: 2:53.



and today we will talk about the origin of the universe

recently the most popular youtube posted a video featuring the

big ben theory as being the best explanation for the origin of the universe

but is the evidence pointed out in the are good enough to

believe in this theory and what of this scientific theory to

the religion I had a good time.

excluded any possibility for the God's existence before all we

we need to understand how it came about in big ben theory

something that we will explain well summarized but then you can also

watch the great explanation made in the video that we mentioned the link is in

description of the general theory of relativity albert einstein played a role

fundamental for the emergence of the theory from big ben and consequently to the end

of the idea that the universe is something static and eternal

it is not very easy to understand the theory of einstein

but what we can extract from it is that there is a correlation between time space

and matter does not exist without the other and one directly affects the other

but according to history it was not the in whom he developed the big ben theory

because when he began to apply his theory the universe in 1917 he realized

that it was contrary to its own worldview for that reason he added

a new term to their equations for allow them to fit

static universe years later russian mathematician alexander firma and the

Belgian astronomer georges lemaitre found on the basis of equations

einstein that the general theory of relativity required that the universe

was expanding as early as 1929 the American astronomer is from Rambo

through observations made in his telescope proved that galaxies

were moving away from us and absurd speeds

all led to the obvious conclusion that the universe had a beginning

after all, the universe is expanding with the passing of time means that one day

he was contracted and concentrated in a single starting point and the explosion of this

starting point was known as big ben

but after all what the theory of big ben

when it is said that the universe is expanding does not mean that galaxies

are moving into an empty space pre existing but that they are

away from each other as space expands the same

understanding applies big ben does not apply deals with an explosion of a sphere

superintendence of matter at one point of the universe but rather the

emergence of the universe itself. expanded from nothing and nothing is not

an empty space is nothing the big ben is the origin of space time

and matter today in the face of the most

recent theories of big ben theory is by far the best accepted by

scientists to explain the origin of the universe

however, it took time to observation and careful checking of

predictions made by big ben's model to convince the scientific community to

accept the idea that the universe of fact had an origin

but even though the big ben theory will be discarded in the future what is

highly improbable there are two other strong evidence that the universe does not

It can be eternal the first is that the universe consumes

energy it has a limited energy or would already be

without it if it was working there is a infinitely instant time and the second

is that there can be no infinite amount of days in the past

If that were the case today, I would never I would have arrived but the question is why

scientists have always been reluctant to accept that the universe had a beginning

The simple answer is the implications of this theory

there are only two possibilities for anything that exists this thing

always existed and therefore does not have a cause or it had a beginning and was

caused by something else person who is sincerely seeking

the truth never question the two assumes that nothing comes from nothing and is

that everything that came into existence has a cause

this is the law of causality which is a fundamental principle of science

universe had a beginning means want it had a cause since the

evidence shows that time space and matter were created in the big ben

probable scientific conclusion is that the universe was caused by something external to the

time to space and the subject understands this question is critical if what caused the

universe transcends time is something eternal transcends space is infinite

whether transcended matter is spiritual or be something eternal and infinite and spiritual

created the universe

while many think that the theory of big ben excludes the possibility of

God's existence in fact it does exactly the same

contrary the big ben not only puts the existence of

God as the only possibility plausible for the origin of the universe as

also points to the public god this is because in addition to being eternal and

infinite and spiritual there are more four obvious conclusions

the first is that it is a single god after all only one god

can be infinite if there were other gods, none of them and

infinite because 1 would end where start if the other

The second is that if God causes a gigantic universe means nothing

that he is immensely powerful the third is that by having

planned and created the incredible universe accuracy is about being extremely

intelligent and lastly if a god eternity that exists outside of time created

Something a certain time ago means that he decided to do this

that is, whether it is a personal being it is obvious that we can not explain or

adapt god in the light of evidence but we can demonstrate how

these evidences testify to how God himself revealed himself through

Bible The truth is that we only accept the

existence of God by faith, but it is not a blind faith but based on evidence and the

evidence is found first in the scriptures with the word of God

and in a secondary way in the natural revelation through what

he himself but we are totally dependent on God for

remove blindness and irrationality caused by sin

only then will we be able to properly evaluate the evidence I believe

who say the scriptures and have faith Savior on Jesus Christ

the biblical description of creation found in the book of genesis not only

declares that God created heaven and earth from nothing as well as showing that

he designed our universe so absolutely need you and me to you

we live here we only exist because God exists

do not forget to like your fan share with your friends and

subscribe here below

For more infomation >> EVANGELISM l THE EVANGELISTS - Duration: 7:21.


Baby balanço da mundo azul - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Baby balanço da mundo azul - Duration: 1:23.


Question 9 - Hon Nathan Guy to the Minister of Agriculture - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Question 9 - Hon Nathan Guy to the Minister of Agriculture - Duration: 5:05.


Wonder Woman Learn Colors Comp | WigglePop - Duration: 8:09.

Wiggle Pop,

Wiggle Pop,

Wiggle Pop Pop!

Wiggle Pop.

Yes, my name is Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman,

Wonder Woman.

Yes, my name is Wonder Woman

and I scream like this:





Light Blue.



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