Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2018

Chumo's the one who received that money...

Don't you dare badmouth Chumo without proof!


-Come on, he's an alcoholic... -Shut up!

Give her a chance, Manuel.

If you don't like how she works, I'll stop insisting.

Why are you so interested in helping her out?

Are you saying Lorena might be your daughter?

You are now artistic director for romantic music

for RVG music.

Here's the rest in advance

so that our new kitchen turns out nice.

How would you defend me from my animal of a husband?

I know people who'll protect you.

There are a lot of cops around. We can't touch that guy now.

We have to celebrate.

It's not every day you're promoted to artistic director.

-I'm going to be an executive? -Then say no more.

Don't touch me! Why did I marry you?

-You're just a kid! -Calm down and be quiet!

-I want cocaine! -Come here.

I feel awful.

That was an epic party!

Go bathe, Kiki. You don't look well.

Please, Jose, I want to talk to you.


Pepe, my love.

Smells delicious,

but what would really whet my appetite...

is a kiss from you.



No, dear, it's me.

Sorry to disappoint you, I just wanted to bring you breakfast.

Here you go.

You'll have your bread right away.

And your tortillas. Give me a sec.

If you can't handle all the work now,

imagine when the baby's born.

No, ma'am.

I'm making sure this baby won't go through what I did.

You're learning about the bonds that tie families together.

Just remember that even though we're not family,

the Sosas are my people.

Why are you telling me this?

Because you should know that if anyone messes with them,

they mess with me.

So I can't even go outside for fresh air

because people would talk.

That's not it.

I've noticed how you're dealing with your pregnancy alone.

Without Gonzalo.

Why are you leaving him out?

Gossiping so early?


In my town, the gossip is that I'm bad news,

but what I can tell you is if someone goes after my people,

the claws come out.

What's her problem?

Whatever it is, she brought it with her from Catemaco.

The only thing that comes from there are witches and lunatics.

I forgot your tortillas, ma'am. Here they are.

I wanted to call your doctor, but couldn't find the number.

I don't remember anything.

I also wanted to inform your mother but was embarrassed to.

Forgive me.

This rarely happens to me. Know what it was?

The epilepsy pill I'm on can't be mixed with alcohol.

This hardly ever happens.

No wonder you were screaming like a crazy person.

You said some really ugly things.

I thought your kids hadn't noticed,

but the way Carlitos is acting...

Oh no, Carlitos noticed?

What about the twins? It'd be a scandal if they knew.

Oh, Anel, you still have feelings for Jose, don't you?

Are you okay?

You're talking sheer nonsense. Maybe you should eat breakfast.

Admit it.

You fell in love with someone you can't have.

I have to go. Thanks for breakfast, honey.

It was delicious!

Just tell me.

Don't you feel terrible having to work so closely

to Kiki and Jose?

You know, I don't.

My relationship with Jose is strictly professional,

and I haven't crossed paths with Kiki.

Let me help you.

I'm fed up, Gonzalo. Fed up!

I'm fed up with everybody doubting me.

Fed up with everybody looking at me how they do!

What? You're crazy.

I'm fed up too. Fed up with your tantrums.

Oh, yeah? Listen up, Gonzalo.

If you don't put a stop to your family, I will,

and you won't like that.

Don't you dare disrespect Mom. Don't you dare.

Or what? You going to hit me again?

I've never laid a hand on you. Never!

You went crazy that one time, Lord knows why.

Go on, hit me.

Go on!

Calm down. What's wrong with you?

-Give me a reason to split! -You're going to hurt the baby!

You won't even do that because you're a coward!

Quit your bitching, Minerva.

I can contain any outside attacks.

What I can't do is protect you from yourself.

You saw me?

Who else?

I don't know, and I won't look into it and start a scandal.

Thank you.

I'm doing it for my grandsons. You've been warned.

Your recent behavior has been deplorable.

Something happened to me.


What happened is you don't respect your family.

I thought living with this kid under the same roof

as your parents would straighten you out.

I don't know...

It felt like a moment of madness.

I don't know...

Dad, I promise I'll start taking care of myself.

I won't threaten you or ask for wisdom.

You don't know the meaning of the word.


I'm having my lawyers begin the process

to sue for custody of my grandchildren.

One word from me and they'll move forward with it.

It's not a threat?

It's a warning. One more incident and you

and your husband are out of the house.

But nobody's touching my grandkids,

don't you forget that.

No, don't take my kids from me.


<i> -Yes?</i> -Please come here.

<i> One moment.</i>

Yes, sir?

-Good morning. -Good morning.

Can I have five minutes with Ancona?

Mr. Ancona just left.

I can schedule a meeting later. How much time do you need?

It's just something I need to tell him.

You'd make my job easier if you explained what it's about.

I'm considering asking him to give Nora my old job.

Of course.

Is 5 o'clock okay?

Perfect. Thanks very much.


I'd just recommend you think it over, sir.

Wait, don't go.

Sit down.

So this is all my fault?

You should've taken me to a hotel or anywhere else.

You shouldn't have let others see me like that.

A hotel, Kiki?

You were fine in the car before suddenly losing your mind.

That's why I brought you here. If you'd had a seizure,

-your mother would've been here. -Anywhere else was better.

You should not have let others see me like that.

Jose, I would never do that to you, and you drink too.

And do other stuff too.

Kiki, I did what I could.

We have to realize we've got a drinking problem

that if we don't address, we'll both be ruined!

Why do you believe I should think this over?

Sir, everyone in the office knows about you and Nora.

Those kinds of things don't look very good.

Everyone knows?

What did you expect? It's not that big an office.

Does Ancona know?

Look, I'm just saying you should take some time

before making up your mind.

It would be a bad look

if your first decision as artistic director

is promoting your girlfriend.

Think about it.

Excuse me.


I know the partying is overwhelming us,

and what happened yesterday was terrible.

I don't feel good.

Jose, what happened to us?

We both spurred each other on.

We overdid it, Kiki.

Big time.

I knew that would happen.

What do we do?

I don't know. But we have to do something

because the hangovers are getting worse

because we drink every day.

How do we stop drinking?

I don't know.

But you work nights.

I work nights too, and we have so much going on.

We'll have to make an effort.

-What do you propose? -This is affecting us both,

and the reaction each of us is having is getting dangerous.

That's why we're going to change.

My husband, that bastard, came back yesterday.

Oh my.

Did he tell you he was coming back?


I think he did it out of malice.

I found him lying on the living room sofa.

What did he say?

That I was the most important thing in his life

and that there was no way he was letting me go.

I know.

I shouldn't care about everything he says.

I was so happy.

All the more reason to sit and have a talk with him.

He's never been the kind to sit and talk.

And now I'm scared again.

I can't even sleep.

Come to the house. There's space there for you.

Are you sure? I'd hate to be a bother.

-What would Margarita say? -Margarita will be thrilled.


Our accountants are still mulling things over,

but as hard as they try,

they don't see how to go about suing Peraza.

But why?

He covered his tracks well.

Are things that serious?

Don't freak out, Pepe, but after crunching numbers,

it looks like he might've stolen around one million.

-Dollars. -One million dollars?

That's my money! How could he steal that much?

We can't sit idly by. We have to do something!

RVG's appraiser's feel the same as the accountants.

A lawsuit would do you more harm than good.

I don't believe this.

This isn't the time to throw in the towel.

If you keep singing like you are now,

you'll multiply that amount before you can imagine.

I'm going to have to!

Especially now that I've got so much responsibility.

Forgive me, but after the outburst Jose witnessed

I'm very scared he'll leave me

to go after Anel and never come back.

Please try to stay calm.

Anel seeing you with Jose is a victory for you, dear.

What does she see when she looks at you?

Husband and wife, a storybook marriage.

She's dying of jealousy, you dig?

You know that's not true. It is not a storybook marriage.

Dear, please try to remain even-tempered.

Where's the love for yourself? Have better self-esteem.

I mean it, you are worth so much.

Of course, you cannot neglect the relationship.

Keep an eye on it.

I don't know what to do.

Filming on<i> La Carrera del</i> <i> Millón</i> remains postponed.

But I'm still getting paid the same, right?

Not until filming is resumed.

In the meantime we sit here and wait.

There's the premiere of<i> Un Sueño de Amor.</i>

Galindo's movies do well.

With Veronica Castro as a lead, the royalties ought to be great.

Good, I remain committed to that project.

And the other singing projects.

After that, Kiki and I are going away.

It's the best time to go on vacation.

And when is?

Kiki and I have to stay out of the limelight for a time.

So then right now.

You come first. Take care of yourself.

Thanks, Chumo.

I have to go to Claveria.

I'll say my goodbyes because I'm going to Juarez.

I'll walk with you. I'm leaving too.

See you later.


See you.



It's great to see you. You hadn't come by in a while.

It hasn't been that long.

Hey, you remember the money I gave you?

Of course. Thank you very much.

The problem is I've run into some trouble and...


You spent too much on the wedding.

-I told you to save that money. -That's not the reason.

I was taken advantage of.

Those people are no longer in my life,

and I'll tell you about it some other time,

but I need that money.

Did you give it to me so I'd hold it for you?

No, that money is yours.

As soon as I get more, I'll give it all back to you.

The thing is, I don't have all of it anymore.

Well, to be honest, I don't have any of it.

For more infomation >> José José | Capítulo 22 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:25.


Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 72 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:32.



Hey! I told you not to move!

What if you're pregnant?

Don't even say it. I'm not pregnant.

No, I can't have a kid right now.

I have good news.

Aida's U visa was approved.

No kidding!

<i> I'd like to give it to her</i> <i> personally.</i>

<i> Maybe tomorrow.</i>

It's revenge or death.

You'll get your revenge.

I don't know when, but you'll get it.

I want my revenge.

Let me have that.

You can kill me afterwards if that's what you want.

Leave me alone with him. I'll handle it.

Okay. Let's go.

These -------- have no idea what I've got in store for them.

I haven't killed you because you have something I need:

The location of Indio Amaro's ranch.

But then, I also have something you need.

I don't need anything from you.

You don't need to live?

Your life's in my hands

and I haven't been particularly patient lately.

You won't kill me because you're weak.

You know what makes you weak?

That you want to stay on the straight and narrow

when you're in a business that's as twisted as they come.

Where's Indio Amaro's ranch?

Answer me, damn it!

Come on!

Wait, wait! Fine.

With every zap, your heart weakens.

So start talking before you die on me.

Say something! Come on!

Okay. Fine...

I'll tell you. Okay?

I just have one condition. Answer me this.

What's it like to have your best friend ---- your bitch

and then knock her up?

Your bitch is nothing but an expensive whore!

An expensive whore who got lucky, you idiot!

Son of a bitch!

You like talking when it's in your best interest, right?

I know your kind, Owl, and you know what?

We're going to have some fun. Okay.

Here. Put this on.

What was it that you said about my woman?

Say it again!

When the owl hoots, its boss dies.

If you don't hoot today, you're going to die.

A child born into this world is a death sentence.

Please don't leave me, gringo.

I promise I'll give you two, three, four kids.

As many as you want, but I need you out of that bed

so we can have them.

I'm ready to have a family.


What's up, honey?

How are you feeling?

I'm still dizzy, but I feel like I might be getting sick.

I think everything that's happened...

Then let's go to the doctor or would you rather I called him?

No. No doctors.

First of all, we need to cross those migrants.


Your health is the priority.

Hey, I'm fine.

Just tell me if you got the motorboats.


Well, we're on it.

I also got to work on the trucks for the horses...

Just know that it'll be expensive.


Chava will have to give us part of what he's making

from his money-laundering business.

We need to help these migrants.

-Okay. -I'll talk to him.

I'll let you know when everything's ready.

I'm going to change.

Wait, wait. Where are you going?

I'm going...

I'm going to visit Frida.

It's the first time the three of us are going to be alone.

Just her, Diego, and me.

To be honest, I'm a little nervous.

Don't be.

Diego will be very proud of the wonderful father he's got.

Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

If you need anything, let me know.


-I love you. -Love you more.

What do you want for breakfast?

Bullets or punches? Take your pick.

We're good to our guests.

This is the last time I'm going to ask you which you prefer.

Talking or dying?

You both reek of death.

This whole place smells like a cemetery.

A war is coming and you're wasting your time with me.


You're loyal.

I respect that.

Take care of this fool.

Make sure he gets your special treatment.

I cleared my schedule just for you.

I hope you can appreciate that.

You and I are going to have fun.

You'll have your American dream just like I got my visa.

You'll see.

Trust Vicenta.

If she said she'd cross you, then she will.

There could be 30, 50 or 100 of you,

but nothing's impossible for Vicenta.

You did it, Aida.

Move it, fools! I haven't got all day.

I need to get to that party quickly, Amaro.

We're ready, Mr. Romero.

We're armed and ready to kill.

Ready to kill? Who are you killing?

You're not killing anyone! My orders were clear.

Take the women and children and put them in a room

and make sure Vicenta arrives here in...

Read my lips. In pristine condition!

I don't want a single scratch on her.

This is a kidnapping,

not a massacre like you're used to.

I know, sir. It was just a figure of speech.

I want results not figures of speech.

You see, Amaro?

You need to speak clear and plainly.

I don't blame you, though.

If I hadn't gone to school, I'd bark and wag my tail too.

I don't bark, fool. I bite!

And I don't let go until I kill...

I'm going to toss you idiots in a cage

and let you kill each other!

Just not today.

Now get moving. Get to work.

Silly kids.

Are you kidnapping more migrants?

You're out of the loop, so it's none of your business.

Good thing, too.

Stay positive, man.

I hope things go well and you can bring more people

and you don't suffer any loses like you always do.

Don't let the boss hear you say that.

He'll shoot you.

You idiots!

I'm just saying Romero can't keep losing people.

I mean, he's lost Owl and those paramilitary guys.

Plus then there's Fiambre's strange death.

Strange death? Why is it strange?

Because no one knows who killed him.

He tried to flee, didn't you hear?

That's probably why he got killed.

People love to gossip.

Rumors aren't always true, buddy.

Let's go, Lumbre! Come on.

Move it.

Hurry it up, Amaro!

Alright, son. Look at me.

No, I like my hair the way it is.

I want you to look good for your mom.

-Stop. -Alright.

Fine, you're handsome anyway. You know that, right?


Oh, really? And do you know why?


You take after someone. Guess who.

-You. -That's right.

There she is.

Hey, my prince!

I brought you a gift.

A rock.

A perfect rock, like you.



Let's go.



How's it going, Mr. Romero?

Everything's great. You?

Thanks for inviting us.

It's my pleasure.

Are you here to work or are you on a mission?

We don't mess around when it comes to our safety.

-Right. -Hey, man.

Thanks for this.

My pleasure.

You know my passion is helping people.

I know that.

Thank you very much, sir.

Hey, Aida.

I knew you wouldn't let us down.

Of course not. Never.

Your case was difficult, but we won and that's what matters.

That's right.

My name's Felipe Murillo Quintanilla,

son of Rooster Quintanilla and Josefina Aguilar.

The famous Felipito, the mayor's son.

Isn't your dad coming?

No. He had to work.


I'm sure the mayor's a busy man.

Well, he's not here, but his kids are.

Look, there's Miguelito.

That's Rooster's son with Debora.

May she rest in peace.

And the lady in the back is Victoria Phillips,

my mother-in-law.

Right. Daniel's mom.

Nice to meet you, ma'am. How's it going?

I'd love to introduce you to my family, but...

Life, you know?

If we're having guests,

then lets welcome them with this little toy.

Is all of this for me?

Yes, of course. It's all for you.

Here's your visa. It's been approved.


That visa usually takes a really long time.

How'd you get it approved so fast?

I applied some pressure.

Aida's case was really difficult,

but it was clearly abuse of power.

And uh...

Any word on Gregory?

Are you serious, Aida? You're unbelievable.

Kids, go ahead and play.

You want to play?

Go ahead.

I'll go with them.

-Take care of her. -I will.

Thanks for the visa and for the party.

My pleasure, Vicenta.

I like making my clients happy.

If they're happy, so am I.

Any word on the migrants from Jones' ranch?

The people from White Flag took care of it.

They took them to a sanctuary city.

They're safe.

I honestly have no way of thanking you

for everything you've done for us.

You will, Vicenta.


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 72 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:32.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 54 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:46.


This is serious.

You've got to understand.

Crisanto's pressuring me because he wants the money

he's got in his supposed tax haven

so he can give it to Leonardo.

That ------ again?

Forget about Leonardo.

Know what it means for Crisanto to want the money?

You and I are going to jail.

No, Negron. Relax.


Crisanto had best forget that money.

We'll tell him Sara stole it all.

That ought to be enough.

But we have to get rid of her.

If they apply the slightest bit of pressure,

she'll crack and reveal everything she knows,

and then you and me go to jail.

If what the hag wants is to get married, then marry her!

Then you can send her to hell.

I'm leaving the country.

I'm prepared to leave without a trace

so Crisanto can't find me.

I suggest you do the same.

I can't. I've got a kid.

I just can't.

Roberto, the issue isn't your son.

You're not thinking of him. You're thinking of Aurora.

No good can come from that relationship.

What do you know about that?

I'm very close to her.

Yes, I'm earning her trust.

Good for you, then. I did my part by warning you.

It was a true pleasure doing business with you.

Now, after today, I don't know you.

Have a nice life.

You too.

Thanks for bringing me, Paco.

Think nothing of it.

I hope Serena's better.

The breakup really affected her.

I had no idea.

I wish I could hear her version and then get Juanjo's.


Hot, isn't it?

A little.


Look who's here!

You don't notice anything weird?

What's with that paper?

I don't know.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Blast her with the laser.

The 20th? What's that?

You tell me.

What's on the 20th of this month?

My birthday.

Something more interesting than your birthday, if it pans out.

My birthday is interesting!

It's something else.

I don't know.

Give her this.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


No! I can't believe it.

-We're going to Ushuaia? -We're going to Ushuaia!

We're getting married, and the three of us

are going on our honeymoon.

What do you think?

I hope Roberto gives permission for him to leave the country.

He has no reason not to.

You said he's been acting like an awesome dad, right?

Besides, the tickets have a return date.

-It shouldn't be a problem. -This needs batteries!

We'll get some.

So we're going to Ushuaia! How exciting!

-Honey... -Thank you!


What's up, Paco?

Yes, I fired Serena. What's up?

You what?

No way. You can't fire Serena.

Paco, I know I screwed up and ruined that contract.

But it's not fair that I was fired just like that.

And Juanjo didn't just fire me. He dumped me too.

I'll get it.

Hi, Paloma.

Hey Doris. How's Sere?

She's right here. Come in.

You look so sad, Sere.

Would anyone like a drink?

I'll get them.

You and I have to talk.

I'm out of wine.

Come with me to the store?


We'll leave you with Serena.

Good luck getting her to stop playing the victim.


Let's go, Palomita.

No, no.

Don't fall.


What's wrong, sweetie?

Don't touch any of this.

What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong. Leave me alone.

Why are you acting like this?

Why am I acting like this? Oh please!

You're sleeping with my husband...

-What? -Yet you still ask?

Are you crazy?

I'm not sleeping with Paco.

I saw you!

I saw you in the park walking to your house.

Natalia, calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down.

I'm tired of everyone telling me that!

I can't believe you're accusing me of something so low.

You're not well. You're crazy.

I'd rather be a lunatic than a slut.

Doris, don't...



What do you want?

Paco went to Doris' to speak to Serena.

I was there.

She's not sleeping with Paco.

I can assure you.

I've thought about it,

and I accept your offer.


I'll take care of everything right now with Negron.

Voicemail again.

-Roberto. -Yes?

Please come here.

Do me a favor.

Locate Negron and get him over here.

I can't get a hold of him.

Right away. Excuse me.

I'm glad you're back.

I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.

Serena's lying down.

Yes, you should go.

Did something happen?

No. It's nothing.

I'm going to talk to Serena.

See you tomorrow.

I came when I heard Aurora had brought him

so I could spend some time with him.

Isn't he adorable?

I got so scared when I heard Juanjo

had overmedicated him.

He could've killed him!

Aurora told me it was Serena who'd made the mistake.

Thank God nothing bad happened.

Yes, thank God.

Mercedes, I'm very worried about Crisanto.

He's distracted lately.

I thought his doctors told him to stop drinking,

but what worries me the most...

Is what?

I shouldn't be telling you.

I ask for your absolute discretion,

and I'm only telling you because I care.

Crisanto's trying to buy Leo's share of the company

using some dirty money that belongs to an Aniceto Rendon.

I know all I need to know about that matter

and how much it's cost us, and I'm keeping it that way.

As much as Crisanto hates Leo right now,

I'm worried he's planning on reporting him

the moment Leo gets the money.

Leo won't take that money.

That's not what I heard last night in the winery.

He told Crisanto that he'd accept his offer.

To think I passed up the movies

to come here with my cousin Laura.

It was also your cousin Laura who forced me to come.

I would've preferred to stay home reading.

What movie were you going to see?

A series of short films

premiering at the Napa Film Festival.

Two were from Spain, one was French...

You like Spanish cinema?

I love it. It's what I want to study.

I've taken a couple of screenwriting classes,

and I'd like to enroll in the American Film Institute.


I love film.

I swear I could watch movies all day.

Hold on, hold on.

What's your favorite movie?


Finally. Where have you been?

Visiting my mother-in-law. She's watching Emilito.

Did you find Negron?

He's in Hawaii.

I was told he wouldn't be back for weeks.

----. He didn't tell me.

So how will I ask him for my money?

I don't know.

He's your lawyer and your proxy.

I'd like to help you, but I can't.


You, Emilito and I have a date.

Look, there's Paloma.


What's your problem? Why'd you cover my mouth?

We should go.

What are you hiding from me?

What are we going to do?

I don't know.

You tell me what you want to do.

Teleport and live happily ever after in another galaxy.

That's the strangest response I've ever heard in my life.

But you laughed.

I love to see you smile.

But I don't like that people are suffering because of me.

That makes two of us.

But I can't imagine a life without you,

sleeping, waking up, and breathing the air

of a world you're not a part of.

But you will.

Nobody dies of a broken heart, right?

Even if books and songs say different.

You could live without me?

Well... I could breathe, eat, and sleep.

Though I don't know if I'd ever dream again.

Not being with you is going to be really hard.

Don't say that.

You're making this sound like a goodbye.

I don't want to lose you.

We have to do this.

Paloma, we don't have anything in common.

Actually, we have a lot in common,

but what future do we have?

You've got your whole life ahead of you,

and I've already built mine.

There are so many people I love that I can't just abandon.

I'm going to love you my whole life.

Nobody's ever treated me like you have

or made me feel like you have.

Forgetting you won't be easy.

But you will.

And sooner than you imagine.

Just promise me you won't run off

with the first knucklehead you find.

Well, unless he loves you as much as I do.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 54 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:46.


Departamento de Salud registra la segunda muerte infantil por influenza en Nueva Jersey - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Departamento de Salud registra la segunda muerte infantil por influenza en Nueva Jersey - Duration: 1:59.


Investigan firmas recolectadas de candidatos independientes para las elecciones de México 2018 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Investigan firmas recolectadas de candidatos independientes para las elecciones de México 2018 - Duration: 3:00.


Cómo combatir los dolores de espalda y cuello - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Cómo combatir los dolores de espalda y cuello - Duration: 5:02.


Come más verduras | Canciones infantiles | KiiYii - Duration: 1:48.

Grab a plate, add some peas Then a carrot and broccoli

Take a bite, chew it around Lovely taste, crunchy sound

Eat your vegetables! They're so much fun to munch

Eat your vegetables! They're a crunch, crunch yummy lunch!

Eating your vegetables can help you to grow stronger and taller!

Grab a plate, add some peas Then a carrot and broccoli

Take a bite, chew it around Lovely taste, crunchy sound

Eat your vegetables! They're so much fun to munch

Eat your vegetables! They're a crunch, crunch yummy lunch!

For more infomation >> Come más verduras | Canciones infantiles | KiiYii - Duration: 1:48.


AJ/Music feat. Lili - TRAVIESA CHIBICHIBI (Original Song) - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> AJ/Music feat. Lili - TRAVIESA CHIBICHIBI (Original Song) - Duration: 2:43.


"Sparkle" - Kimi No Na Wa / Your Name ❤️ (Español Latino) - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> "Sparkle" - Kimi No Na Wa / Your Name ❤️ (Español Latino) - Duration: 3:23.


AGV AX-8 Evo: análisis del casco off-road en - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> AGV AX-8 Evo: análisis del casco off-road en - Duration: 4:16.


¡Voló el amor en el Azteca! Fan del América, vestido de Águila, le propuso matrimonio a su novia - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> ¡Voló el amor en el Azteca! Fan del América, vestido de Águila, le propuso matrimonio a su novia - Duration: 0:40.


Sr.Chen - AAAAH EL SOL - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Sr.Chen - AAAAH EL SOL - Duration: 3:13.


Iris Cabrerizo | WorkshopOrienta - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Iris Cabrerizo | WorkshopOrienta - Duration: 3:12.


hacer, hacer, hacer | MINI TRANSMISIONES | - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> hacer, hacer, hacer | MINI TRANSMISIONES | - Duration: 4:37.


Propiedades de los logaritmos - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> Propiedades de los logaritmos - Duration: 9:50.


Funny Clown Bob & Mimi | Construction vehicles Valentine's Day Song Cars Excavator Cartoon for kids - Duration: 3:41.

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bibi and Mimi will present you a Valentine's Day Song video with Cars and construction vehicles.

In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles sport cars in video for kids.

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Funny Clown Bob & Mimi | Construction vehicles Valentine's Day Song Cars Excavator Cartoon for kids - Duration: 3:41.


LA to Vegas on FOX - starring...

For more infomation >> LA to Vegas on FOX - starring...


妻子出轨?王宝强的做法很王宝强! - Duration: 18:50.

For more infomation >> 妻子出轨?王宝强的做法很王宝强! - Duration: 18:50.


Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Junior Squad | Nursery Rhymes By Kids Tv - Duration: 42:55.

Miss Polly Had A Dolly

For more infomation >> Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Junior Squad | Nursery Rhymes By Kids Tv - Duration: 42:55.


Cinekorn Entertainment Upcoming Movies 2018 only on Cinekorn Movies | Subscribe Now and Stay Tuned - Duration: 2:04.


For more infomation >> Cinekorn Entertainment Upcoming Movies 2018 only on Cinekorn Movies | Subscribe Now and Stay Tuned - Duration: 2:04.


ADVENTURE OF A LITTLE KITTEN. cartoon about kittens. a cartoon for children. - Duration: 20:38.

For more infomation >> ADVENTURE OF A LITTLE KITTEN. cartoon about kittens. a cartoon for children. - Duration: 20:38.


Metros and buses in snow at Zuidplein Rotterdam 2017 - Duration: 2:44.

Station Zuidplein

For more infomation >> Metros and buses in snow at Zuidplein Rotterdam 2017 - Duration: 2:44.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


Hwayugi/화유기 Episode 15 Preview (tVN) Drama I Turn On Captions - Duration: 0:50.

I dreamt a good dream

A dream where I chase after what I really want.

Give me the jar.

I'm here to look for it, as I promise.

I kept her alive because she's still useful.

I need that jar, to find my bride.

I need to protect my sister's soul

Right now, I am very scared, having a hard time, and dangerous

Where are you?

SUbscribe TO @HallyuGlobal Subbed by @PaBo

For more infomation >> Hwayugi/화유기 Episode 15 Preview (tVN) Drama I Turn On Captions - Duration: 0:50.


Baba Banda Singh Bahadur vs Wazir Khan I Chaar Sahibzade 2 | FINAL FIGHT | HD - Duration: 9:07.

ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਚੈਨਲ ਨੰੂ Subscribe ਕਰੋ ਤੇ Bell Icon ਤੇ ਜਰੂਰ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰ ਦਵੋ ਤਾ ਜੋ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸਾਡੀ ਹਰ ਵੀਡਿਓ ਦੀ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ (ਸੂਚਨਾ) ਮਿਲ ਸਕੇ Im Karamjot ਚੈਨਲ ਤੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਾਨਾ ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਸੁਣੋ |

For more infomation >> Baba Banda Singh Bahadur vs Wazir Khan I Chaar Sahibzade 2 | FINAL FIGHT | HD - Duration: 9:07.


I love Trump 💗💗💗💗 - Duration: 0:26.

































Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!

For more infomation >> I love Trump 💗💗💗💗 - Duration: 0:26.


Phyrnna - Love Stranded (Free Download on Bandcamp) - Duration: 2:21.

Love Stranded by Phyrnna

I crossed the stars for you.

Why did you leave me when I arrived?

Built my starship from nothing

Packed and left my home.

Across the vast expanse

The dark and empty sky

You lit the hearth in my home

Opened the windows and pointed to the stars

You showed me a life in a faraway fantasy

Something that could have been.

I landed here

A lonely stranger in a faraway land

No one to welcome me in

Cold and desolate

With no hearth or home.



I won't cry


...the tears have dried.

Look up to the sky.

I will pick up the pieces

of my heart

And build a new castle

in this faraway land.

For more infomation >> Phyrnna - Love Stranded (Free Download on Bandcamp) - Duration: 2:21.


Are You Doing This Fasting Mistake? - Duration: 3:08.

I get this question all the time from people who want to implement

intermittent fasting. What's up guys it's your boy matty, matt from Macro Lean and

in this video i'm gonna be talking about intermittent fasting and a mistake you

may or may not be making When trying to implement fasting into your life? but

before we get into the video, if you're watching this on youtube I suggest you

hit the subscribe button and the bell button to get notified every

time I drop new content, new videos. but anyway I got an email from a client

saying "hey Matt I'm gonna try fasting as part of my plan but I was wondering if I

was allowed to drink a cup of tea with milk in a fast? or should I just stick to

water? I get this question all the time from people who want to implement

intermittent fasting, they're worried does a splash of milk or a few calories

take me out of my fasted state. now there's two schools of thought on this,

you have the hardcore fasters, the nazi's maybe, the fasting nazis that are

going to say yes! zero calories only allowed in your fasting window and you have the

more chilled out fasters. That's a side of the fence that I sit on which says a

splash of milk, a few calories is fine. because most of you are using IF

as a way to calorie control right? you need to be in the calorie

deficit to lose body weight to lose body fat. so we want a few hacks, a few tricks

up our sleeve to make that calorie deficit easier. When we can make it

easier we can keep implementing it with consistency and therefore keep making

progress. So as a way to calorie control a few splashes of milk or a few calories

here or there in your fasting window is fine as long as you're not having like

bulletproof coffee or tons of calories that will definitely take you out of your fast.

use the splash of milk or bit of lemon water whatever therefore you can go for

longer until like midday or 1 or2 and then have bigger fuller meals later in the

day. IF comes along with loads of benefits. Better

insulin sensitivity, increased levels of human growth hormone, Autophgey, cellular

repair where the body starts removing waste materials from the body. So if you

can implement fasting to make a calorie deficit easier fantastic. you're

going to have those tag-along or main health benefits depending on how you're

looking at it. But I think a few calories here or there is fine as long as

makes a calorie deficit easier. By the way IF is not a magic

bullet right! If you just fast but you don't track your calories and

macros and you eat whatever and you overeat in your feeding window they're

still gonna store body fat, you're still gonna store body weigh.t because that's

how the cookie crumbles . Meal timing is irrelevant. All that matters is by the

end of the day how many calories and macros you've consumed in line with your

goal. So you could fast for 16, 18 ,20 hours over eat in four hours or even one

hour in the day in a calorie surplus and you're still storing body fat. So use

intermittent fasting for what it is a tool to make that calorie deficit easier.

Enjoy the tag-along health benefits if you've had any experience with

fasting either good or bad or you think I'm missing out something in this video leave it

in the comments below until next time.

For more infomation >> Are You Doing This Fasting Mistake? - Duration: 3:08.


Applying Foundation With A Coffee Filter - Duration: 9:22.

Betty welcome back to my channel so today's tutorials a little bit different

I'm gonna try applying a foundation with coffee filters if you'd like to see how

this goes then please keep on watching make sure you subscribe to my channel

hit that notification ballet I upload a video every single day of the week I

don't want you to miss any so let's go ahead and get started so I did a lot of

research and I have not found any tutorials on applying foundation with

coffee filters so if I'm not the first one I do apologize to the best of my

knowledge and from doing my research I haven't seen any but if you do know

someone that has done another video on applying foundation with coffee filters

then please let me know down below I definitely want to give them some credit

but yeah I was just thinking okay the eggs been done socks have been done

tampons have been done I'm gonna try coffee filters so yeah I have prepped my

skin with a little bit of moisturizer my face is clean looking kind of a hot mess

right now broke out but you know it's all good

so got some got to clean coffee filters just in case I need to redo one and I

have my covergirl plus Olay tone rehab two and one foundation I definitely

think that this will probably work a little bit better with more liquidy

foundation and like a cream foundation and yeah so we're just gonna go ahead

and try this out okay so I'm just going to go ahead and pump some on the back of

my hand hopefully it goes well anyway so I'm

gonna kind of scrunch up the coffee filter and

coverage is looking pretty thick I mean like good coverage especially where this

isn't a full coverage foundation and that one little dip and it seemed to go

quite a bit not seeing any super bad like patchiness or anything like that

okay just picked up some more I mean when you first start getting you can see

a lot of like texture from like the paper as you continue to smooth it out

it's definitely smoothes out

I mean still got quite a bit of that foundation left so I mean it definitely

helps to go you know it goes a far away

we can get in around the nose crevice really really well

it also made it it's kind of weird it made it kind of mat a little bit more

mat than usual

but yeah no I think it's looking pretty good but I'm gonna just do like a little

half a pump because I want to see if I can build up a mom those areas that I

still have some discoloration but it's not like falling apart it's not


whores are looking really nice

so far pretty impressed

cover up that zit

once again sell a lot of foundation guys like I'm honestly just kind of really

really surprised that this is even kind of halfway working

I think it's kind of mattifying the foundation a little bit more than usual

because I think it's kind of absorbing more of the more liquidy like the oil or

the water I think you're getting more pigment because it's thicker so it's not

absorbing as much into the paper

so I'm kind of I'm surprised

it does take a little bit longer not gonna lie

guys I am shocked

guys I was not expecting yeah this good of coverage just could have a texture I

mean pores are looking good nose is looking

good I'm getting like a heavy medium coverage I mean I still got some little

spots hanging out but and guys it's like completely like right down like that's

and guys this is a little bit of a you know it's more of a more emollient more

moisturizing foundation you know it's the covergirl plus Olay so it is maydel

I think for more dry or mature skin but guys this is like dried down completely

it feels like I've already powdered it so I mean and like the coffee filters

totally still intact I'm really liking this I think it's almost like blotting

as you are applying it but it feels really really nice it feels really

lightweight I definitely think it evened out my skin tone I still need to like

conceal some spots but guys I am totally shocked I was not expecting this to work

at all I was just like oh just something different I want to try like the trend

of applying your foundation with weird stuff and my coffee filter I love coffee

coffee filters are good but guys I'm totally shocked I think it looks really

really good actually it's not sitting in my forehead lines any worse than using a

brush or a sponge my nose looks good it blended really really nicely I am

totally shocked and only took one coffee filter and we only used one and a half

one and a half pumps of foundation I mean that's less than I would normally

use so yeah I am shocked surprised I think it looks good I am totally on the

bandwagon guys honestly I want to try this again with my Rimmel stay matte

foundation that stuff is already pretty thick it's pretty full coverage so I'm

definitely gonna try that out and see how it looks because I think it looks

really really good I like the way it turned out it dried

looks nice I am shocked but you guys I'm so happy this worked

out like it's not gonna work out it's totally not gonna work out but it did so

so loving it feels good and yeah dry it down like instantly so I dig it I dig it

a lot but you guys I hope you enjoyed this little bit of a weird different

type of video if you did then go ahead and give it a thumbs up go ahead and

share this video if you would like to try this out yourself go ahead and you

know you know let me know definitely tag me everything's at budget

glam-baby cuz I would love to see how this goes for you I would love to see

other people's take on the coffee filter foundation applying and everything like

that I love it though turned out really really nice but anyway you guys make

sure you also follow me on my other social media Twitter Facebook and

Instagram is all at budget glam babe and I will see you guys tomorrow for another

video oh great


For more infomation >> Applying Foundation With A Coffee Filter - Duration: 9:22.


Monster Hunter XX citra best build and optimal settings (use subtitles) - Duration: 1:04.

I recomend to use 0b59756 canary build

important -3d feature function in game menu must bee -OFF

now edit graphic settings

For more infomation >> Monster Hunter XX citra best build and optimal settings (use subtitles) - Duration: 1:04.


INSTAGRAM || Haruki & Miou - Duration: 2:23.

I know tomorrow is coming

but I can't let go of my phone

sleep just isn't coming to me,


so I'm on Instagram,

Instagram again

So many hotshots here

some are on vacation

I didn't press like,

cuz' it feels like I'm the only one like this

inside Instagram, Instagram

It's a problem,

in the whole world

It's the same love song

But it doesn't touch me,

in my night

There are too many thoughts

Yeah so are you these days?

I'm still the same, can't sleep

Your short hair looked so pretty

But I didn't press like,

cuz' it just seems a bit funny

All night, just wasting time like this

Inside your Instagram

For more infomation >> INSTAGRAM || Haruki & Miou - Duration: 2:23.


Episode IV - The Wrong Han! | Topps' A New Hope: Black & White - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Episode IV - The Wrong Han! | Topps' A New Hope: Black & White - Duration: 2:15.


LPS:🐺Wolves🐺 MV [Valentine's Day] [Dla mojego ukochanego] ❤ - Duration: 1:52.

In your eyes there's a heavy blue

One to love,and one to lose

Sweet divine, a heavy truth

Water or wine, don't make me choose

I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night,


Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky

I've been running through the jungle

I've been running with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you

I've been down the darkest alleys

Saw the dark side of the moon

To get to you, to get to you

I've looked for love in every stranger

Took too much to ease the anger

All for you, yeah, all for you

I've been running through the jungle

I've been crying with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you, to get to you

I've been running through the jungle

I've been running with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you

I've been down the darkest alleys

Saw the dark side of the moon

To get to you, to get to you

I've looked for love in every stranger

Took too much to ease the anger

All for you, yeah, all for you

I've been running through the jungle

I've been crying with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you, to get to you

For more infomation >> LPS:🐺Wolves🐺 MV [Valentine's Day] [Dla mojego ukochanego] ❤ - Duration: 1:52.


Księżna Kate – imię trzeciego dziecka wybrane. Jednak nie Alice [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 1:46.

Księżna Kate – imię trzeciego dziecka wybrane. Jednak nie Alice

Imię trzeciego dziecka księżnej Kate.

Pierwsza połowa 2018 roku zdecydowanie upływa nam pod znakiem rodziny królewskiej – ślub księcia Harryego z Meghan Markle oraz narodziny trzeciego dziecka księżnej Kate i księcia Williama.

Brytyjczycy kochają swoją monarchię, ze wszystkimi jej wadami i zaletami, a ciąża i ślub są na tyle znaczącymi wydarzeniami, że niemalże wszyscy zupełnie oszaleli.

Kupują notesy, ręczniki i termometry z podobiznami Harryego i Meghan, jednocześnie odliczając dni do narodzin kolejnego potomka starszego syna ukochanej księżnej Diany.

Wiadomo, że termin porodu Kate wyznaczony jest na kwiecień – to na razie tyle z „pewnych wiadomości, jednak jak donosi Daily Mail

– bukmacherzy są pewni, że jeśli na świat przyjdzie dziewczynka, to dostanie na imię Mary (tak ma na drugie Królowa Elżbieta II), a nie Alice, jak ostatnio sugerowano.

Z kolei męskim imieniem które uważane jest za faworyta jest Albert.

For more infomation >> Księżna Kate – imię trzeciego dziecka wybrane. Jednak nie Alice [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 1:46.


WAIDHOFEN an der Ybbs .. "DA GEHT HEIT NIX" - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> WAIDHOFEN an der Ybbs .. "DA GEHT HEIT NIX" - Duration: 7:31.


chocolate pie / mini chocolate wassan😋Easy! I tried challenging crispy - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> chocolate pie / mini chocolate wassan😋Easy! I tried challenging crispy - Duration: 3:47.


Asking out a girl // Ft. J Lynn - Duration: 5:37.

There are nerve-wracking moments in everyone's lives, for example:

When you receive your test results, Watching the climax of a show,

When you drive over a speed bump, in a street without speed bumps.

But there is one thing, that's scarier then all these things combined.

Asking out, a girl.

And today, I will tell you the story of the one time, I asked a girl on a date.

Last August, I started with college.

And one thing that's different in college compared to my old school is that I don't

have classes with the same people every time.

There are people who I always have classes with but at the same time there are other

people from different groups.

I kind of like this system because you get to meet a lot of new people

(not that I talk to them) The first day of college I had a class of

data management.

It was late on the day so I wasn't too excited for it, but when I entered the class room

I noticed there was this one girl.

And she was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen.

I actually know her real name, but in this video, I'm going to call her Gwen.

I ended up sitting in the seat in front of her, and all the time I just wanted to turn

around to just look at her again.

But if I did she would definitely notice and I would look really weird.

No, I'm not sharing.

Now let me just say that I personally don't think appearance is important, I sometimes

go weeks without ever brushing my hair.

I could never fall in love with a girl just for her looks, and this girl was no different.

But the thing is that she was so beautiful that I wanted to talk to her, and see if maybe

she was a nice person as well.

So my plan was to wait for a chance and start a conversation.

This made every class I had with her exciting because I was hoping to be able sit next to

her and execute my plan.

But unfortunately there were always other people sitting next to her before I even got

the chance.

This didn't mean that I would never have any chances to talk to her though.

Because knowing me, I'm always on time.

So regularly I was the first one waiting at the classroom.

And luckily, she was usually one of the first ones as well.

Now every time when this was the first class of the day I was hoping that she would show

up before anyone else so I could start a conversation with her.

No, why are you here, can't you see I'm waiting on a girl.

Get out!

Unfortunately I never got the chance here either.

Around this time, I actually made a new friend.

Let's just call her Robin for the sake of this video.

She's actually the only person who I ever told that I make animations on YouTube.

She didn't subscribe to me though.

Thanks for that, I thought we were friends!

Anyway, one day when I was talking with Robin Gwen came up in the conversation.

Robin then convinced me to ask her out after class that next day.

She even gave me some tips on how to do it.

The next day I prepared myself all morning, thought of the perfect way to ask her out,

ate some mints, brushed my hair.

Alright that's a lie, I still didn't brush my hair..

Went to school, and she didn't show up!

Oh great is that, most girls disappear after I talk to them, she's already gone before

I even get the chance.

That's another lie, I never talk to girls.

Luckily she returned 2 weeks later and it was at the perfect time because this was the

last week before school break and the examination week.

If I didn't ask her now I would have to wait another 3 weeks.

When suddenly I got an email.

Dear students, this Friday there won't be class because I'm too lazy to teach you


Just go home and make animations on the internet or something.

Now I won't be able to see her anymore before school break.

When suddenly, I remembered.

I can look up the class schedule from everyone in the entire school.

What if…


Tomorrow my classes end before hers, that means I can wait after school and ask her


Perfect plan!

I did have to wait an hour for her, but that's fine.

So the next day, after my classes.

I walked to a bench and waited for her.

It was pretty cold that day, and I couldn't wait inside of school because there are multiple

ways she could take out of the building.

But after an hour, I saw her walking my way.

And then it hit me, I have to ask this girl out right now!

She was still around half a minute away but those 30 seconds were really stressful for


But, I had to do this.

I didn't just sit an hour in the cold for nothing!

I want to get results, alright here she comes.

Hey, you're name is Gwen right?


You're name, it's Gwen right?


Yes, uhm.

This is probably really random, but we have data management together.

And I was wondering, if you maybe wanted to go out for dinner once.

Uhh, in what way do you mean?

In whatever way you feel like it.

In whatever way you feel like it?

Dude, what's that for answer.

You know where you came for and don't mess it up right now!

Well, I already have a relationship with someone but I would still like to do something with

you if you want.

Oh, well I guess it's not a good idea then.

Oh, so you did really mean it that way.

Yeah, but it's fine.

I'll see you at school.

Very sweet of you.

She sounded so sweet, why did she have be sweet?

Why couldn't she just insult me and throw a cup of coffee in my face or something?

That would made me lose all my interests.

Now I only wanted her more.

Of course I still wanted to get to know her even though she already had a relation with


But going on a date with someone is different than doing something together as friends.

ANT I thought it would be better to just start with a small conversation at school instead

of going out for dinner.

And so 3 weeks later we had a good half hour conversation before class.

I thought it was a good conversation, it looked like she had fun, But so far I don't think

we fit together that well.

Right now we don't really talk anymore, but we don't dislike each other or anything.

I guess?

Am I happy that I asked her?

Definitely, because if I never talked to her I would have

never known anything about her and I would still wonder "What if".

So if there's someone you like, just go and talk to them.

You don't necessarily have to ask them on a date, you can start with just a little conversation.

I promise you, no matter what the results are.

You'll feel better afterwards.

Happy new year everyone, I know it's February already but better late than never right?

Hope you enjoyed this valentine's day special, and big thank you to J Lynn for voicing Gwen

in this video, without her, I would have to do a girl voice,

and if you've seen my first videos, you'll know, that's not good.

I wonder what this girl will think if she ever seen this video, she'll probably think

I'm really weird.

But she probably already thought that anyway so it's fine.

For more infomation >> Asking out a girl // Ft. J Lynn - Duration: 5:37.


A mysterious creature swam through the semi-submerged village in the USA - Duration: 0:57.

During a large-scale flood in Hebron - a small village in Ohio, in the United States, the quadrocopter of the WEATHER CENTER LIVE Internet portal was taken by an unknown creature that swam through the streets of a half-flooded village ...

For more infomation >> A mysterious creature swam through the semi-submerged village in the USA - Duration: 0:57.


Bingo The Dog | Karaoke Version | Nursery Rhymes | By HuggyBoBo - Duration: 2:56.

There was a boy who had a dog and Bingo was his name-oh!




And Bingo was his name-oh!

There was a boy who had a dog and Bingo was his name-oh!




And Bingo was his name-oh!

There was a boy who had a dog and Bingo was his name-oh!




And Bingo was his name-oh!

There was a boy who had a dog and Bingo was his name-oh!




And Bingo was his name-oh!

There was a boy who had a dog and Bingo was his name-oh!




And Bingo was his name-oh!

There was a boy who had a dog and Bingo was his name-oh!




And Bingo was his name-oh!

For more infomation >> Bingo The Dog | Karaoke Version | Nursery Rhymes | By HuggyBoBo - Duration: 2:56.


설빔 입은 방탄소년단 "2018년 빌보드 핫100 진입 이뤄지길" - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 설빔 입은 방탄소년단 "2018년 빌보드 핫100 진입 이뤄지길" - Duration: 3:33.


방탄소년단, 美빌보드 앨범차트 18주 '롱런'..韓 가수 최고 기록 - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 방탄소년단, 美빌보드 앨범차트 18주 '롱런'..韓 가수 최고 기록 - Duration: 1:37.


YG "지드래곤, 27일 현역 입대..군복무 성실히 임하겠다" - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> YG "지드래곤, 27일 현역 입대..군복무 성실히 임하겠다" - Duration: 2:08.


The Sky is Our Oyster | Worlds Adrift - Duration: 3:52:08.

For more infomation >> The Sky is Our Oyster | Worlds Adrift - Duration: 3:52:08.


Final Space Premiere

For more infomation >> Final Space Premiere


5 juegos y movimientos peligrosos que se hacen con los bebés | Lo que nunca debes hacer a tu bebé 👶 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 5 juegos y movimientos peligrosos que se hacen con los bebés | Lo que nunca debes hacer a tu bebé 👶 - Duration: 4:12.


Live Inspired. Vlog Episdoe #161: They May Have Taken My Fingers... - Duration: 5:02.

Well Good Morning, my friends!

Welcome to Live Inspired with John O'Leary.

I've heard it said that success is trying one more time than you fail.

I was reminded of that quote after visiting a little guy in the hospital recently.

A friend, about a month and a half ago, asked if I would visit this little guy.

He had been burned.

He had his fingers amputated, and he was struggling a little bit in his new life.

So during the course of our visit, I asked him not only what he loves, but also what

makes him sad.

And one of the things that made him sad is that this little boy who loves basketball,

LOVES BASKETBALL, he said, I'll never be able to shoot baskets again.

And I looked at him, and I said, "What are you talking about?

You'll never shoot baskets again?

Let me see those hands!"

And he held them up and they looked almost exactly like mine.

And I said, "Dude!

You're going to shoot baskets again.

I don't want to hear that kind of talk.

You're going to be fine.


And I took a ball a little bit larger than the one I'm showing you right now, and I said,

"This is how I shoot baskets."

This is how Mr. John does it.

And I balanced the ball on my knuckles, and I took this shot.

It went up and it went through the hoop, and I could see the look of awe in his eyes.

It had never occurred to him that after having fingers amputated, that this little boy would

be able to shoot baskets again.

And I said, "Man, here's your homework: over the next few weeks, I want you to try every

day to shoot that basket and to see if you can't make it in one of these days.

Just keep trying again and again and again.

It took me forever, but you're more athletic than I am.

I bet you'll be able to figure it out quicker than I as a child was able to figure it out."

So I went back last week, and I saw this little guy.

He's beginning to recover, beginning to walk a little bit more effectively, beginning to

get out of that wheelchair on his own accord, and he took me quickly by the hand.

Grabbed me by both hands, took me from the therapy room, over to the corner, where they

keep this upright basketball hoop.

He wanted to show me something.

So he took a ball.

I get emotional talking about it.

He took a ball.

This thing that he had never dreamed of doing.

He took a ball with both hands, balanced it on his knuckles.


Came up just short.

Umphh...tried again.

Came up just short.

Tried one more time.

The third time through, this little boy, after it went through the hoop, through the netting,

looks over at me with this massive look of joy on his face.

And accomplishment.

And success.

And success.

They may have taken your fingers, but they've not taken your life.

This was a quote that my mother shared with me when I was nine years old or so, and it's

a quote that I shared with this little guy

Although I didn't use those words about a month and a half ago.

And it's a quote that he lived out.

"John, they may have taken my fingers, but I can still shoot baskets.

I can still be a kid.

I can still live forward."

My friends, i had the great opportunity of not only making a friend with this little

inspiration now of mine, but of interviewing the great Scott Hamilton on our Live Inspired

Podcast this week.

With the Olympics going on, with people learning how to practice and tumble and fall and dust

it off and pull themselves back up and get back out there on the ice, on the track, in

the arena, in life, I thought this would be a great time to share this story with you.

Not only about this little guy, about Scott Hamilton who is not only a gold medalist,

but an incredible champion at life.

If you want to learn more about how you can relearn how to shoot, how you can learn to

get back on your skates, how you can learn to be a true champion in life, check out our

Live Inspired Podcast this week.

It's always good, it's always exceptionally well-done because I bring in incredible guests,

but this one in particular with Scott Hamilton and all that he has been through, all that

he's overcome, and the sense of joy and vibrancy that he has in life, it's going to light you


So I'm excited for you to learn more about Scott's life and in doing so, more about your


Check it out, Live Inspired with John O'Leary.

Great podcast!

My friends, the opportunity this week as you learn to grab that basketball and take another

shot at it professionally, personally, relationally, spiritually, financially is that success is

found in getting up one more time than you fall.

This is good news because it's one thing you can control today.

So for this time, and until next time,

this is John O'Leary.

And this is your day.

Live Inspired.

For more infomation >> Live Inspired. Vlog Episdoe #161: They May Have Taken My Fingers... - Duration: 5:02.


LPS:🐺Wolves🐺 MV [Valentine's Day] [Dla mojego ukochanego] ❤ - Duration: 1:52.

In your eyes there's a heavy blue

One to love,and one to lose

Sweet divine, a heavy truth

Water or wine, don't make me choose

I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night,


Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky

I've been running through the jungle

I've been running with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you

I've been down the darkest alleys

Saw the dark side of the moon

To get to you, to get to you

I've looked for love in every stranger

Took too much to ease the anger

All for you, yeah, all for you

I've been running through the jungle

I've been crying with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you, to get to you

I've been running through the jungle

I've been running with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you

I've been down the darkest alleys

Saw the dark side of the moon

To get to you, to get to you

I've looked for love in every stranger

Took too much to ease the anger

All for you, yeah, all for you

I've been running through the jungle

I've been crying with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you, to get to you

For more infomation >> LPS:🐺Wolves🐺 MV [Valentine's Day] [Dla mojego ukochanego] ❤ - Duration: 1:52.


Cinekorn Entertainment Upcoming Movies 2018 only on Cinekorn Movies | Subscribe Now and Stay Tuned - Duration: 2:04.


For more infomation >> Cinekorn Entertainment Upcoming Movies 2018 only on Cinekorn Movies | Subscribe Now and Stay Tuned - Duration: 2:04.


Vamos Cantar Sobre Seis Pence | Canções infantis | LittleBabyBum - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Vamos Cantar Sobre Seis Pence | Canções infantis | LittleBabyBum - Duration: 1:51.


Food Safety Law Reform Bill - Committee Stage - taken as one debate - Video 14 - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Food Safety Law Reform Bill - Committee Stage - taken as one debate - Video 14 - Duration: 7:37.


當胸模Sibeh好賺, 天價年薪曝光後全部比基尼妹「乳溝夾iPhone」搶著報名!勝出者居 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 當胸模Sibeh好賺, 天價年薪曝光後全部比基尼妹「乳溝夾iPhone」搶著報名!勝出者居 - Duration: 2:44.


g.o.d's Son Ho Young Talks About Being Compared To Wanna One's Kang Daniel - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> g.o.d's Son Ho Young Talks About Being Compared To Wanna One's Kang Daniel - Duration: 1:30.


Cómo combatir los dolores de espalda y cuello - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Cómo combatir los dolores de espalda y cuello - Duration: 5:02.


ADVENTURE OF A LITTLE KITTEN. cartoon about kittens. a cartoon for children. - Duration: 20:38.

For more infomation >> ADVENTURE OF A LITTLE KITTEN. cartoon about kittens. a cartoon for children. - Duration: 20:38.


hacer, hacer, hacer | MINI TRANSMISIONES | - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> hacer, hacer, hacer | MINI TRANSMISIONES | - Duration: 4:37.


AJ/Music feat. Lili - TRAVIESA CHIBICHIBI (Original Song) - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> AJ/Music feat. Lili - TRAVIESA CHIBICHIBI (Original Song) - Duration: 2:43.


Kuba Sienkiewicz o śmierci swojej ciotki. Przeczuwała, że umiera? || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 6:03.

Kuba Sienkiewicz o śmierci swojej ciotki. Przeczuwała, że umiera?

Krystyna Sienkiewicz zmarła 12 lutego 2017 roku.

Ta wybitna aktorka filmowa i teatralna nie miała łatwego życia.

Trauma związana z wojną, strata rodziców, a później poważne choroby.

Kuba Sienkiewicz, jej bratanek, w najnowszym wywiadzie przyznał, że jego ciotka prawdopodobnie przeczuwała, że umiera.

Ujawnił też przyczyny śmierci Krystyny Sienkiewicz.

Krystyna Sienkiewicz nie była łatwą osobą.

Uciekała przed bolesną rzeczywistością w świat sztuki.

Krystyna Sienkiewicz była wybitną aktorką, która potrafiła nie tylko rozbawić widzów, ale również wzruszyć ich do łez.

Oprócz tego artystka była uzdolniona plastycznie.

Krystyna Sienkiewicz najchętniej malowała pierroty, anioły oraz koty.

Kuba Sienkiewicz, bratanek aktorki, przyznaje jednak, że jego ciotka była skomplikowanym człowiekiem.

Ich stosunki nie należały do najłatwiejszych. Jednak pod koniec życia aktorki muzykowi udało się do niej nieco zbliżyć.

Kuba Sienkiewicz uważa, że ogromny wpływ na jej charakter miały trudne przeżycia z okresu dzieciństwa.

– Miała za sobą traumatyczne przeżycia wojenne: porzucenie, utratę rodziców, domu. Dziadkowie też nie przeżyli okupacji.

Krystynę i Ryszarda, mojego tatę, odnalazła ciotka, która wzięła ją do siebie. Mój ojciec został w sierocińcu.

Nie sposób wyjść z takich tragedii bez uszczerbku – zapewnia Kuba Sienkiewicz w rozmowie z „Dobrym Tygodniem". .

Aktorka kochała zwierzęta. Jej dom był azylem dla czworonogów. Krystyna Sienkiewicz adoptowała również Julię.

Jednak gdy dziewczyna zaczęła dorastać, ich relacje mocno się pogorszyły.

Ostatecznie aktorka pominęła ją w testamencie.

To Kuba Sienkiewicz odziedziczył po artystce cały jej majątek.

Lider „Elektrycznych gitar" zajął się także dwoma psami oraz trzema kotami aktorki.

Kuba Sienkiewicz we wspomnianym wywiadzie wspomniał również, że jego ciotka przeczuwała nadchodzącą śmierć.

– Już rok wcześniej mówiła, że przymierza się do śmierci.

Wtedy zaproponowałem, by wzięła jeszcze jednego psa ze schroniska.

Kochała zwierzęta. Powiedziała, że nie ma siły.

Może czuła, że organizm się wyczerpuje? – zastanawia się Kuba Sienkiewicz.

Krystyna Sienkiewicz zmarła w nocy na oddziale intensywnej terapii.

Przyczyną jej śmierci była niewydolność wątroby.

For more infomation >> Kuba Sienkiewicz o śmierci swojej ciotki. Przeczuwała, że umiera? || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 6:03.


The Leviathan Games - 1. The Poetry (Resume) - Duration: 12:01.

It has been said that the cetacens go out to the surface so profusely by reason of their need of fresh air.

It has also been said that Leviathans do not offer themselves to pacts or games.

He who navigates by their route, instead, could arrive to opposite conclusions.

If the Sea is calm and the New Moon is arising, the sailor will spark their curiosity by the stirring phenomenon of the stars. (Stultifera Navis Institutom)

You are; indeed...

...a quiet gothic truth, impassive...

...extraordinarily pure.

Don't forget.

An island, who left me orphan, and didn't want to hear the only words...

...that I never told her.

A Sea, that didn't want to left me.

An enemy Sea full of love.

And today I see you.

Today as an anchor, as a deep body, you born...

Your beautiful, your sweet fragility... a little glass that could brake my kisses.

Your vertebrate body...

...where almost don't have place or room my lips.

The so much alive planets of your eyes...

...your straight forward delivery... silence, without voice...

In me you were with your immense arms.

Today I touch them and they are like an impossible horizon where...

...everything is lost, and I must not see you again.

I have lost you so much since then.

So much grievous nostalgia since then.

And today, standing...

...and full of whispers in-front your crystal...

...what great fear that you don't appear. What deep fear that my word...

...wander and get lost without you.

I must tell you, so many silent things... doesn't matter.

So many things that doesn't fit neither in mine or your heart.

The frightening fear for me to call...

...and call, and call you...

...and you, sweetly die...


...infinite, sweet and silent.

...the morning deers by the mountains go down frostbitten.

Your secret...

...just, your secret.

Where are you? My harmed hand is searching for you.

A white lily, cleavage, white sea, pure, lime, ship of sand, castles of clean water.

Oh, my lily!

Distant forests they plane over the land.

I don't know. Anything more.

Shady secret, lime of mobile home, near you it is searching for me.

My hands are searching for you.

My eyes are touching you. My senses are looking for you, my secrets, palpate, choose.

Near the boat, the hull renovate old combats of mild fishes.

A look. Where are you...?

...lost in the desolate seas...

...Alone like a feather falling from a bird in the night...

...Here I am in a tower of cold...

...Wrapped in the memory of your maritime lips...

...In the memory of your delights your hair...

....Unpinned and shining like the mountain streams...

Were you meant to be blind that God gave you those fins?

I'm asking again...

...The arches of your brows are a bridge for the troops of your eyes...

...Victory in the air secured by flower pride...

...The stones knocking talk to you for me...

...The waves of skyless birds talk to you for me...

...The color of windless landscapes talks to you for me...

...The flock of tight-lipped sheep sleeping in your memory...

...The survivor grass is tied to adventure...

...The adventure of light and blood on the horizon...

...Unprotected as a flower that blows out in the slightest wind...

...Prairies are lost in your fragile grace...

...The world is lost in your visible motion...

...Everything is artifice when you appear with your dangerous light ...

...Innocent harmony unwearying unforgetful...

...The element of a tear wheeling inward Made in silence and proud fear.

You bring doubt to time And to the sky with intimations of infinity...

...Away from you everything is mortal...

...You bring affliction from earth humiliated by night...

...Only those who think of you taste eternity...

...Here is your star passing With your breath of weary distance...

...With your gestures and your way of walking...

...With your magnetized space that greets you And separates us with leagues of night...

...And yet I warn you we are sewn To the same star...

...We are sewn by the same music stretching From one to the other...

...By the same huge shadow shaking like a tree...

...Let us be that bit of sky at trunk where strange adventure passes...

...The adventure of the planet exploding into petals of dreams...

Uselessly you try to evade my voice To leap the walls of my praises...

...We are sewn to the same star You are tied to the nightingale of the moons...

...Whose throat contains a sacred rite...

...What matter to me the signs of the night whose throat contains a sacred rite...

...What matter to me the signs of the night And their roots and funereal echoes in my chest...

Born in all places where I rest my eyes With head lifted And hair in the wind...

...You are more beautiful than the neighing of a filly on a mountain...

...Than the siren of a boat letting its soul escape...

...Than a lighthouse searching the fog for someone to save...

...You are more beautiful than a swallow crossing through the wind...

...You are the sound of the sea in summer...

...You are the sound of a busy street full of wonder...

My glory is in your eyes Dressed in the elegance of your eyes inwardly shining...

...I sit in the most sensitive corner of your glance...

...In the static silence of your unblinking lashes.

Nothing compares to that legend of seeds you leave behind...

...To that voice searching a dead star to bring it back to life...

...Your voice creates an empire in space...

...And that hand reaching up as if it were hanging suns in the air...

...And that glance writing worlds in the infinite...

...looking nostalgic the streets left behind...

...the babbling of the wind on hands or glasses of windows.

On my arm I took you in the rivers of water mirror of the world...

...tongues of men... loins of the sea...

...ship on four feet...

...vessel or a wall... vail or a mask... cloth or trunk...

...I took you over my arm to the eyes of the seamanship...

...and you turned your head...

...that city you have on your hair...

...dismissing the innumerable evils that you left on the earth...

...panic of the planet.

Very slowly, to penetrate there taking apart the humidity of waves...

...Provocate water to lick her sides...

...the side of her boots; left that the mosses and lichens to climb her to the thighs and harms.

Once lowered, hold her to the ground with sticks and ropes, so she cannot escape.

Satiate about hearing that your castle was perfect, you came back home full of vanity.

Twelve years passed since then.

You often go back to the beach, you try to find remains of that castle.

They accuse the flow and ebb of their demolition.

But the tides are not guilty: you know...

...that someone kicked it out...

...but someday, the Sea will rebuild it.

On the last day of the world you will say its name.

It dreams, the sea. The dawn lights the dark islands.

It keels over the ship waterlogged by solitude.

In the breakwater the nigh dilates.

Some time to this part...

...the things have for you the acrid taste of what dies and what begins.

Rough triumph of your own defeat... lived every day in the skein of unreality.

The sick year left you in hostages some dates that surround you and humiliate you...

...some hours that will not return but live their confusion in your memory.

You started to die and to realize that the mystery will never go away.

The awakening is a forest where the lost is recovered and the livestock is destroyed.

And the future day, a misery that finds you alone with your own poor words.

Look at you, strange and alone...

...some time to this part.

For more infomation >> The Leviathan Games - 1. The Poetry (Resume) - Duration: 12:01.


Cómo utilizar un centro de planificación familiar - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Cómo utilizar un centro de planificación familiar - Duration: 4:18.


Wielkie serce gwiazdy „M jak miłość". Spełnił marzenie chorej dziewczynki || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 3:39.

Wielkie serce gwiazdy „M jak miłość". Spełnił marzenie chorej dziewczynki

Rafał Mroczek udowodnił, że ma wielkie serce dla swoich fanów.

Aktor znany z roli w serialu „M jak miłość" pojawił się na Balu Gwiazd Dobroczynności w towarzystwie Magdaleny - aktorki chorej na zespół Downa.

Młoda artystka podobno marzyła o tym, by poznać swojego idola.

Gwiazdor opublikował na swoim Instagramie ich wspólne zdjęcie.

Rafał Mroczek właśnie pokazał, jak należy wykorzystywać swoją popularność.

W tym roku otrzymał on wyróżnienie na Balu Dobroczynności Dziennikarzy za zaangażowanie w działalność charytatywną. .

Gwiazdor serialu „M jak miłość" jednak nie zniknął za kulisami po otrzymaniu statuetki.

Na czerwonym dywanie pojawił się z wyjątkowym gościem

- Magdaleną Świątkowska - aktorką, która jest chora na zespół Downa i występuje w Teatrze 21 w sztuce „Klauni, czyli o rodzinie, gdzie gra także Piotr Swend z "Klanu".

Jak się okazuje młoda artystka jest wielką fanką aktorka, więc ten postanowił spełnić jej największe marzenie, pozując z nią do zdjęć.

- To Magda, wczoraj udało mi się spełnić jej marzenia.

Pierwsze to spotkanie ze mną i jestem zaszczycony, drugie to przejście po czerwonym dywanie.

To też się udało i to w jakim stylu.

Magda na wczorajszym balu miała okazję poznać sportowców, aktorów, muzyków i miała wspaniałe wejście.

Mam nadzieję, że ten wieczór będzie dla niej niezapomniany i z uśmiechem będzie do niego wracać.

Warto marzyć i Magda może Wam to potwierdzić - napisał Rafał Mroczek. .

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