Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2018

Salut YouTube! So in response to popular demand we are back with another video

series today to celebrate Valentine's Day we are going to express our undying

love for France and we're gonna talk about the ten things that we love about

France and that France does better than both the US and New Zealand! For those of

you who don't know yet this is Kate she is the mastermind behind the blog

Unintentionally Frenchified which I will link down below and of course to

celebrate this day of love we have actually done two videos today so

there's an equally a video on Kate's channel which is about the things that

we absolutely love about dating French men so if you want to check that out go

and find her channel and subscribe to her too because she's awesome!

So without further ado let's get into the things that we just love about

La France! I don't think anyone will be surprised that one of the very first

things that we love about France is the food in France, it's so amazing here and

so moving to France is definitely a big eye-opener with all of the breads and

the cheeses and the dishes no one's exaggerating when they say that the food

in France is to die for yeah it's definitely not over-hyped

that's for sure and I think through living in France I've fallen in love with the

simple pleasures of food and eating all over again I've discovered a lot of

things I think you've definitely got to stay open-minded when you see this big

saucisson from Lyon in front of you and you think how am I gonna attack that?!

It's not just even about the actual food as is taking the time to enjoy a meal

it's also just a ritual to sit down and have food then it's really enjoy it when

you open that crusty baguette and you put some nice cheese on it and down in

the South we often roast chestnuts over the fireplace and it's just heaven,

culinary heaven! I didn't realise that I could love something so much as I love

this but I love the TGV in France and I know there's gonna be a lot of French

people out there who are going to hate me for saying this - SNCF, always late!

But we don't have this in New Zealand I mean we're stuck, we

either get to fly which is expensive and a hassle you know going out to the

airport etcetera, or we drive, we drive everywhere and honestly having a train

that can take you from Paris to Marseille in three hours is so handy and

so easy. Just in general public transportation is really great in France

it's definitely a step above what you can find in the U.S. and the TGV is a

perfect example of zipping across the country. Even in smaller cities like

Montpellier for example I really loved the tram system I think things come very

regularly whereas in New Zealand even in Auckland which is our biggest city I

mean sometimes there are 20 minute waits between buses. Definitely France is efficient

at this and they do it way better. They do. So the third thing that we love about

living in France is the architecture it goes without saying that especially

coming from the US such as quite a young country compared to France you can

walk by 400 year old buildings and 600 year old buildings and you can live in

an apartment that was built in the 1800s and everything has a lot of history and

everything can be quite different because it comes from different time

periods walking down the cobbled streets of any place in France any small town

it's just really beautiful obviously Paris is beautiful that goes

without saying I'm not gonna go into too many details about that but outside of

Paris this blew my mind All throughout Burgundy you discover these

beautiful medieval villages and they've still got the town well where you draw

the water up and you've got the bridge and the clock tower and needless to say

in Provence those terracotta coloured rooftops with the blue and the green

shutters and doors it's just so beautiful, visually in France is a very

very beautiful country and the architecture differently helps.

This is easily Rosie and my favorite on our list it is the amount of time off work

Congés payés! The minimum amount of time you can have in France is five weeks, seven weeks is

probably a pretty average time off so yeah what that means it's

not just about going on vacation but it's really like that facilitates my

life so much I can go home to New Zealand for a month and I can still have

three to four weeks off to enjoy Europe I think as a foreigner is while living

in France it's a little bit of comfort knowing that you have not only enough

time to go home and see your family at least I mean because I'm closer than

Rosie with the US so I go home at least twice a year but then we also have time with

Robin as a couple to go explore other places where if we lived in the US I

know one of the downsides of that would be all of our vacation time would

be coming to visit Robins family. Exactly it wouldn't really work the other way

around and that's something that I really appreciate about living in France so

With that being said I think in general in France you have a better balance

between work and life in general and I've noticed over here that it's not

very well seen actually to be that super like overly ambitious kind of person

that's always working and hustling for that next step up the next pay rise and

sort of giving up their lives answering emails up to one o'clock in the morning

and in France there's this word called "careeriste" and it's got

a negative connotation actually. As a result this is something that's positive

for me because I have learnt to chill a little bit about work. Kate and I were

saying the other day like France is the only place where we've actually been

told by our managers to care a bit less about work, don't be so invested!

The French really enjoy a balance between your work life and your personal life

and that's not to say that there aren't people who aren't working long hours

they're doing similar things to being in the US but as a whole we find that it's

a more laid-back society and you should work hard at work but then you

should really appreciate your personal time. That's not to say though if there's

something really busy going on at work that people don't bring work

home or when there's like a high period - just like anywhere -

but just not on such a regular basis that we can find I think in

The US and New Zealand. Exactly.

So the next one is a little bit egotistical

on our part but he would say most expats when you are living abroad whether it's

in France or anywhere you become a little more interesting than when you

are living back at home because you're not French you're not the

typical person that they meet you don't have the typical background you don't

speak the same language and so there's naturally a little bit of curiosity

around you, a little bit of mystery that would never happen back home

I kind of love this halo effect that I seem to have in that I say hi I'm Rosie

I'm from New Zealand and they're like "Wow!" where are you from I'd love to go there

and suddenly you're interesting without doing anything!

I didn't do anything, I don't deserve any credit, I can't help where I was born! You do feel special

people are interested in you and it's really easy to connect with people and

to tell your story and so that's also just a nice little side benefit

The next two are directly linked to the fact that France is a socialist country and

so there's a lot of protection around citizens and one of the ways that French

people are very protective is in the workforce so it is very expensive and

difficult to fire somebody but mostly expensive so if you happen to lose your

job or there are pay cuts you're always taken care of from the government

Exactly it's you know thank you to the forebearers of France who have absolutely

fought for their rights on this because you don't have to stress about work you

never have to think about the plan B you know what if I lose my job because if

you lose your job you'll either have six months notice and a huge pay out

or you'll be protected through you know comfortable unemployment allowance

there'll be all sorts of things that will allow you to be okay and that

brings us on to our next point which is of course around the universal health

care that we can find in France and I'll pass this one on to Kate because in

general we are taken care of quite well (in NZ) but I know it's not necessarily the case in the States

It's very very different versus here so I take just a little pill every day for

my thyroidism and just for example in the States with insurance that cost me

every month $30 and it's free in France and

before I had all of my medical stuff set up in France I was paying out of pocket

for this this medicine it was the exact same innocent it cost me 2€

I mean there are exceptions to things but all major things are free. I'm never

worried about am I going to be able to pay my coverage if I lose my job what's

gonna happen with my insurance and it's just a really relaxing feeling I pay

around 50 euros per month for my "mutuelle" or health insurance which just tops

everything up to 100% coverage and it means that for example every two years I

have a brand new pair of reading glasses can get contact lenses for free I go to

the dentist and get my teeth cleaned for free all of these things mean that you

never have to worry about your health

Number nine is about cheap alcohol so

not everything is cheap in France but one of the really interesting things

that I was surprised about when I came over here is that wine is incredibly

cheap but you can easily get a good bottle of wine for four euros in

the supermarket and drinking wine in a restaurant is cheaper than ordering a

Coke so don't become an alcoholic when you move to France! It's just really surprising how wine is often the

cheapest thing to drink on the menu. So the last thing that we want to say that

we love about France that we love where it's located in the world because you

can take a train and you'll be in London or you take a one-hour flight you can

find yourself in Italy and when you cross those borders the world changes

you've got a new language a new culture new food new fashion and it's like

you've been transported to another planet yeah coming from the US it's such

a big country and got a drive a while to get there so you can't find it as easily

and as quickly as you can find it in France you just take a train two hours

and you're in London. Even within France that France is such a

mosaic of different cultures last year we went to Corsica which is a beautiful

island just a post off the South of France and it really felt like I could

have been in Australia you just feel that you're transported somewhere

completely different and it's just a few hours away from Paris! Alright guys I

hope that you enjoyed this video on the things we absolutely love about France!

Let us know down below in the comments what you love about France or what you

love about your own country and we wish you a very happy Valentine's Day today

May lots of love come your way this year and until next time I'll say:

A bientôt! Bye!

For more infomation >> 10 Things We LOVE About France: The French do it Better than the US/NZ! - Duration: 10:58.


ABC Turkish Alphabet Animals - YUNUS and JAGUAR - Duration: 2:42.

letter y

the dolphin

letter j

the jaguar

For more infomation >> ABC Turkish Alphabet Animals - YUNUS and JAGUAR - Duration: 2:42.


SPDFX - Algunos quieren ver el mundo arder - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> SPDFX - Algunos quieren ver el mundo arder - Duration: 1:22.


Resultados Sorteo Loteria Miercoles 14 Febrero 2018 Loteria Nacional Panama Numeros QueJugoMiercoles - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Resultados Sorteo Loteria Miercoles 14 Febrero 2018 Loteria Nacional Panama Numeros QueJugoMiercoles - Duration: 1:17.


Lethal Weapon - Returns Feb...

For more infomation >> Lethal Weapon - Returns Feb...


2/13/18 10:41 PM (Av Porto Alegre 7, San Francisco Ocotlán, Pue.,) - Duration: 0:04.

For more infomation >> 2/13/18 10:41 PM (Av Porto Alegre 7, San Francisco Ocotlán, Pue.,) - Duration: 0:04.


JX'S LIFE | AN EXTRAORDINARY SUNDAY | shopping,life,surprise - Duration: 3:51.


so today, its the celebration day

so,time check its 8

and ill have to go to tuition

after that, we're gonna go celebrate


yy: do u know the way ?or are u following me

im following u XD

wth,ure following me?

well,lets look for the directory

here ,its here

wow (lol)

can we reserve the place?

w:how many person

w: dont have table la now

the table was reserved by xxx

[counting] i tink its enough

lets just reserve this place

[after reserving] we just wanna shop

lets go shopping

she says she wants something red

out of budget rigght?

we're in PADINI right now

cant find the clothes

we found it

so broke ,i just bought this

im so broke TT

hello my chingu(friends in korean)

sit here, leave those place for the boys

theyre so freaking late

theyre late for an hour

u guys are so early (jokes)

happy birthday to u

happy birthday to ???

happy bday to u

happy birthday <3

happy birthday ZX





For more infomation >> JX'S LIFE | AN EXTRAORDINARY SUNDAY | shopping,life,surprise - Duration: 3:51.


Xenowork Walkthrough part 17 GAMING ZONE SD - Duration: 22:39.


For more infomation >> Xenowork Walkthrough part 17 GAMING ZONE SD - Duration: 22:39.


সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর ১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 10:51.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর ১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 10:51.


הכנת כרטיס ברכה לחג פורים - כרטיס ברכה למשלוח מנות - פורים שמח! - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> הכנת כרטיס ברכה לחג פורים - כרטיס ברכה למשלוח מנות - פורים שמח! - Duration: 4:39.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


"I Love Carson Kressley!" How LGBTQ Visibility Helped Bridge A Family's Divide. - Duration: 6:29.

My name is Atu Darko and I'm from the Bronx, New York.

I grew up in an immigrant family, in an immigrant community.

So my parents are immigrants from Ghana, a small country in West Africa.

The environment that I grew up in was really great and loving and I had friends from all

over, but it was also very conservative.

So I grew up in a household that went to church regularly.

I was also in the choir, and I did notice that the choir director, who was a person

I admired greatly, acted a little bit differently from the other members of the church and the

church community.

My father, who was also in the choir, one day was at home speaking to my mother in the


I came in and I mentioned the name of the choir director and looking forward to seeing

him at the next practice.

I remember my mother say to him and to me, "Oh, I think he's a gay."

And my father saying, "Yeah, I think so, too.

He behaves a little bit like a woman and that's terrible."

I remember feeling really shocked about that.

So though my parents didn't speak in a homophobic way often, that was the first occasion where

they really gave a sense that they disapprove of homosexuality or that was something aberrant,

or something that definitely is not for them or their children.

Fast-forward a few years, I'm in my early twenties and I finally met the first love

of my life.

His name was Gregory.

Gregory was doing an MBA at Wharton.

I thought, you know, living in Philadelphia - I actually was living with Gregory in Philadelphia

at the time.

I said, "You know, Gregory, I think our relationship is serious and you can really

help me with something.

I think it's time to let my parents know that I'm gay."

I chose Thanksgiving as the perfect time to do so and I brought him home.

My parents were used to me bringing friends home of different races and backgrounds, so

bringing a white man home with me about my age was not strange to them.

But during the meal, they could see signs that Gregory and I had a relationship.

They are very polite people so during the meal, they definitely asked no questions and

made no comments.

But towards the end of the meal when I had a moment with my mother alone in the kitchen,

she asked me very directly, "Is Gregory your boyfriend?"

I said, "Indeed, he is my boyfriend.

We're very much in love."

My mother said nothing there.

We went on with our weekend together.

Everything was fine.

The fact that I did reveal that I was gay never came up again until several days later

when my mother called me and gave a very negative reaction and so worried and the first thing

she said was, "I don't want you to die of AIDS."

Over time, I did bring other boyfriends home and they were always welcoming to whomever

I brought home.

However, they wouldn't ask, "Is that your boyfriend?

Are you in love?

What does your future look like romantically?"

Those questions disappeared.

I did move to Europe subsequently and I was in Europe for many years.

One day, I was home for a family visit in New York City.

I was just sitting in the living room with my parents and they were watching television.

They were watching Dancing with the Stars.

The moment that I sat down, a man named Carson Kressley, who back in the day was the host

of a breakthrough show called Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, was the star of Dancing

with the Stars and he was about to do his great dance.

My mother jumped up and said, "I love Carson Kressley!"

I said, "You do, Mom?"

She's like, "Yes!

I love watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."

I go, "Mom, are you okay?

You've seen Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?"


I wish Carson would go shopping with me!

He's got just as good taste as I do."

I was shocked.

I stood shocked and I said nothing.

When I saw her react to Carson Kressley and I saw how much she admired him, I knew that

that was sort of a turning point for her as well, seeing that Carson Kressley is not only

the coolest guy on the planet, but he's also a gay man and that's not a problem.

We watched the rest of the program and my mother and father were cheering for Carson.

I don't remember if he won that day, but I just remember thinking, "Oh my God, have

they totally turned around about me being gay?"

However, I didn't bring it up directly.

I remember when I first brought my now-husband home to my parents and I gave them some warning.

They did know that I had married but my parents did not attend the wedding.

I said, "Mom, Dad, I'm coming for a visit and I'm bringing my husband.

Would you like to meet him?"

My mother said, "Yes, of course.

We'd like to meet anyone that's important to you in your life."

This was about a year ago.

I brought him home and I could see a major change in how they were acting with him.

Perhaps because we wore rings, because we had the label of marriage - I'm not sure

what it was - but they definitely treated him like a more integral part of our family.

Since then, my husband has attended lots of family gatherings.

Mind you, he's white - a white Belgian man.

And he's been at gatherings where there are four hundred Black African people and

he's the only white man and every woman on the dance floor wants to have a dance with


Watching my family sort of evolve as being more accepting towards gays - and perhaps

they actually always were accepting to gays, so the first point is perhaps my realization

that they are actually more open than I thought - helped me want to spend more time with my

family, help me understand that family can be part of a gay relationship.

Now with that transition that I've seen in myself and in my parents, it makes me want

to be around family more.

People do change, people can change.

I think an important element was the fact that they had exposure to gay media that was

not there when I was a kid.

But over time, the visibility of gay people as normal people, professional people and

happy people has affected how they treat gay people.

And just seeing me as a fairly stable, normal person who's had quite a nice, adventurous

life, I think that really put them at ease about gay life.

And finally, them seeing me in a happy marriage with a good person that they themselves admire,

I think that was the icing on the cake.

For more infomation >> "I Love Carson Kressley!" How LGBTQ Visibility Helped Bridge A Family's Divide. - Duration: 6:29.


Long-distance cycling helps Central Ohio veteran cope with PTSD - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Long-distance cycling helps Central Ohio veteran cope with PTSD - Duration: 3:42.


Hyundai ix35 2.0i i-Catcher Automaat (LEER!!/Open dak/NAV./Climate/Trekhaak/LMV) - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0i i-Catcher Automaat (LEER!!/Open dak/NAV./Climate/Trekhaak/LMV) - Duration: 0:49.


Is traveling in Honduras safe? How have I escaped the riots in Honduras? - Duration: 3:49.

Today you will hear a story

of a German girl

who escaped the riots in Honduras

in December of 2017

Coming up with

Real stories from real travelers.

I actually wanted to go to Honduras

and do a lot of things



white water rafting

By that time when I entered Honduras

they had elections

like a week ago.

something like that

And they

didn´t announce

the president

so far

People were going on the streets

They were demonstrating, protesting. All that stuff.

And while I was

driving in that shuttle bus

they set up road blocks

and riots

and just because one girl in the shuttle bus

she had a diabetes

and she had a written letter

from the doctor

in spanish

So, the first one (*roadblock)

they let us through

and pass

the third or the fourth one

was really



they were

already very aggressive


they had, like, T-shirts to hide their faces

they were shaking the van

trying to get into the car

I was sitting in the front

and I could see them.

It´s like

just 30 centimeters

between us.

Like the distance we are sitting now.

And they were so aggressive.

Was such a dangerous situation!

But we knew we really needed to pass

cause there was no way going back.

And I have been already traveling

like more than 24 hours by that time.

So I really wanted to get somewhere.

We thought that its

that we were really lucky

that nothing happened to us.

Cause that night, there were people dying...

in Honduras,

in La Ceiba, and...

fortunately we didn't passed the last roadblock.

Because we decided to stay in a hotel.

near the airport

to charter a plane to get somewhere, where its safe.

- Ok. So you had to charter a plane to get out from there.


From the mainland to Utila

which is one of those touristy spots,

the Bay Islands...

It was very nice.

And completely safe.

over there

No ferry was going.

No food was coming in.

So everybody just went to a supermarket and...

- bought everything...

That was the most frightening moment you had?


Yeah. Definitely. I would consider it really quite dangerous.

and frightening

We were 5 people in this shuttle bus.

And completely different personalities.

And there was one girl from Canada,

She is living on Utila, on this island.

And she knew a person

who owns a small plane

Its just like a Cesna

Which fits 4 or 5 people

And she just gave him a ring

and asked: "hey, can you please pick us up...

and get us to Utila?"

It worked out pretty quickly.

I was really really happy...

to get out of the situation

- Of course!

So it is quite useful to make connections

while you go, right? -Definitely!


talk to people

everyone always knows someone

someone knows a story...

Even its nice to not stay alone sometimes...

For more infomation >> Is traveling in Honduras safe? How have I escaped the riots in Honduras? - Duration: 3:49.


10 Things We LOVE About France: The French do it Better than the US/NZ! - Duration: 10:58.

Salut YouTube! So in response to popular demand we are back with another video

series today to celebrate Valentine's Day we are going to express our undying

love for France and we're gonna talk about the ten things that we love about

France and that France does better than both the US and New Zealand! For those of

you who don't know yet this is Kate she is the mastermind behind the blog

Unintentionally Frenchified which I will link down below and of course to

celebrate this day of love we have actually done two videos today so

there's an equally a video on Kate's channel which is about the things that

we absolutely love about dating French men so if you want to check that out go

and find her channel and subscribe to her too because she's awesome!

So without further ado let's get into the things that we just love about

La France! I don't think anyone will be surprised that one of the very first

things that we love about France is the food in France, it's so amazing here and

so moving to France is definitely a big eye-opener with all of the breads and

the cheeses and the dishes no one's exaggerating when they say that the food

in France is to die for yeah it's definitely not over-hyped

that's for sure and I think through living in France I've fallen in love with the

simple pleasures of food and eating all over again I've discovered a lot of

things I think you've definitely got to stay open-minded when you see this big

saucisson from Lyon in front of you and you think how am I gonna attack that?!

It's not just even about the actual food as is taking the time to enjoy a meal

it's also just a ritual to sit down and have food then it's really enjoy it when

you open that crusty baguette and you put some nice cheese on it and down in

the South we often roast chestnuts over the fireplace and it's just heaven,

culinary heaven! I didn't realise that I could love something so much as I love

this but I love the TGV in France and I know there's gonna be a lot of French

people out there who are going to hate me for saying this - SNCF, always late!

But we don't have this in New Zealand I mean we're stuck, we

either get to fly which is expensive and a hassle you know going out to the

airport etcetera, or we drive, we drive everywhere and honestly having a train

that can take you from Paris to Marseille in three hours is so handy and

so easy. Just in general public transportation is really great in France

it's definitely a step above what you can find in the U.S. and the TGV is a

perfect example of zipping across the country. Even in smaller cities like

Montpellier for example I really loved the tram system I think things come very

regularly whereas in New Zealand even in Auckland which is our biggest city I

mean sometimes there are 20 minute waits between buses. Definitely France is efficient

at this and they do it way better. They do. So the third thing that we love about

living in France is the architecture it goes without saying that especially

coming from the US such as quite a young country compared to France you can

walk by 400 year old buildings and 600 year old buildings and you can live in

an apartment that was built in the 1800s and everything has a lot of history and

everything can be quite different because it comes from different time

periods walking down the cobbled streets of any place in France any small town

it's just really beautiful obviously Paris is beautiful that goes

without saying I'm not gonna go into too many details about that but outside of

Paris this blew my mind All throughout Burgundy you discover these

beautiful medieval villages and they've still got the town well where you draw

the water up and you've got the bridge and the clock tower and needless to say

in Provence those terracotta coloured rooftops with the blue and the green

shutters and doors it's just so beautiful, visually in France is a very

very beautiful country and the architecture differently helps.

This is easily Rosie and my favorite on our list it is the amount of time off work

Congés payés! The minimum amount of time you can have in France is five weeks, seven weeks is

probably a pretty average time off so yeah what that means it's

not just about going on vacation but it's really like that facilitates my

life so much I can go home to New Zealand for a month and I can still have

three to four weeks off to enjoy Europe I think as a foreigner is while living

in France it's a little bit of comfort knowing that you have not only enough

time to go home and see your family at least I mean because I'm closer than

Rosie with the US so I go home at least twice a year but then we also have time with

Robin as a couple to go explore other places where if we lived in the US I

know one of the downsides of that would be all of our vacation time would

be coming to visit Robins family. Exactly it wouldn't really work the other way

around and that's something that I really appreciate about living in France so

With that being said I think in general in France you have a better balance

between work and life in general and I've noticed over here that it's not

very well seen actually to be that super like overly ambitious kind of person

that's always working and hustling for that next step up the next pay rise and

sort of giving up their lives answering emails up to one o'clock in the morning

and in France there's this word called "careeriste" and it's got

a negative connotation actually. As a result this is something that's positive

for me because I have learnt to chill a little bit about work. Kate and I were

saying the other day like France is the only place where we've actually been

told by our managers to care a bit less about work, don't be so invested!

The French really enjoy a balance between your work life and your personal life

and that's not to say that there aren't people who aren't working long hours

they're doing similar things to being in the US but as a whole we find that it's

a more laid-back society and you should work hard at work but then you

should really appreciate your personal time. That's not to say though if there's

something really busy going on at work that people don't bring work

home or when there's like a high period - just like anywhere -

but just not on such a regular basis that we can find I think in

The US and New Zealand. Exactly.

So the next one is a little bit egotistical

on our part but he would say most expats when you are living abroad whether it's

in France or anywhere you become a little more interesting than when you

are living back at home because you're not French you're not the

typical person that they meet you don't have the typical background you don't

speak the same language and so there's naturally a little bit of curiosity

around you, a little bit of mystery that would never happen back home

I kind of love this halo effect that I seem to have in that I say hi I'm Rosie

I'm from New Zealand and they're like "Wow!" where are you from I'd love to go there

and suddenly you're interesting without doing anything!

I didn't do anything, I don't deserve any credit, I can't help where I was born! You do feel special

people are interested in you and it's really easy to connect with people and

to tell your story and so that's also just a nice little side benefit

The next two are directly linked to the fact that France is a socialist country and

so there's a lot of protection around citizens and one of the ways that French

people are very protective is in the workforce so it is very expensive and

difficult to fire somebody but mostly expensive so if you happen to lose your

job or there are pay cuts you're always taken care of from the government

Exactly it's you know thank you to the forebearers of France who have absolutely

fought for their rights on this because you don't have to stress about work you

never have to think about the plan B you know what if I lose my job because if

you lose your job you'll either have six months notice and a huge pay out

or you'll be protected through you know comfortable unemployment allowance

there'll be all sorts of things that will allow you to be okay and that

brings us on to our next point which is of course around the universal health

care that we can find in France and I'll pass this one on to Kate because in

general we are taken care of quite well (in NZ) but I know it's not necessarily the case in the States

It's very very different versus here so I take just a little pill every day for

my thyroidism and just for example in the States with insurance that cost me

every month $30 and it's free in France and

before I had all of my medical stuff set up in France I was paying out of pocket

for this this medicine it was the exact same innocent it cost me 2€

I mean there are exceptions to things but all major things are free. I'm never

worried about am I going to be able to pay my coverage if I lose my job what's

gonna happen with my insurance and it's just a really relaxing feeling I pay

around 50 euros per month for my "mutuelle" or health insurance which just tops

everything up to 100% coverage and it means that for example every two years I

have a brand new pair of reading glasses can get contact lenses for free I go to

the dentist and get my teeth cleaned for free all of these things mean that you

never have to worry about your health

Number nine is about cheap alcohol so

not everything is cheap in France but one of the really interesting things

that I was surprised about when I came over here is that wine is incredibly

cheap but you can easily get a good bottle of wine for four euros in

the supermarket and drinking wine in a restaurant is cheaper than ordering a

Coke so don't become an alcoholic when you move to France! It's just really surprising how wine is often the

cheapest thing to drink on the menu. So the last thing that we want to say that

we love about France that we love where it's located in the world because you

can take a train and you'll be in London or you take a one-hour flight you can

find yourself in Italy and when you cross those borders the world changes

you've got a new language a new culture new food new fashion and it's like

you've been transported to another planet yeah coming from the US it's such

a big country and got a drive a while to get there so you can't find it as easily

and as quickly as you can find it in France you just take a train two hours

and you're in London. Even within France that France is such a

mosaic of different cultures last year we went to Corsica which is a beautiful

island just a post off the South of France and it really felt like I could

have been in Australia you just feel that you're transported somewhere

completely different and it's just a few hours away from Paris! Alright guys I

hope that you enjoyed this video on the things we absolutely love about France!

Let us know down below in the comments what you love about France or what you

love about your own country and we wish you a very happy Valentine's Day today

May lots of love come your way this year and until next time I'll say:

A bientôt! Bye!

For more infomation >> 10 Things We LOVE About France: The French do it Better than the US/NZ! - Duration: 10:58.


UMK18 // Saara Aalto Dominosta: Tämä on rakkauslaulu - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> UMK18 // Saara Aalto Dominosta: Tämä on rakkauslaulu - Duration: 0:38.


Pastor Swears He Was 'Counseling' Naked Man Tied Up In His Car - Duration: 3:13.




































































For more infomation >> Pastor Swears He Was 'Counseling' Naked Man Tied Up In His Car - Duration: 3:13.


Day 5 of PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:00.

Good afternoon, I'm Kim Mok-yeon from the news center with the latest on the PyeongChang

Winter Olympic Games.

Let me give you a brief rundown of the highlights so far and what to look out for on Day Five.

Team Korea won its second medal of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics on Tuesday night,... thanks

to Kim Min-seok's bronze medal finish, in the men's 15-hundred meter speed skating event.

Finishing with a time of one minute 44-point-nine-three seconds,... the 18-year-old was only zero-point-zero-seven

seconds short of a silver medal,... and zero-point-nine-two seconds behind the champion Kjeld Nuis of

the Netherlands.

With the surprise bronze for Kim,... he becomes the first Asian speed skater to win an Olympic

medal in the 15-hundred meter event.

The unified Korea team will face Japan in the preliminary round for Group B in women's

ice hockey this afternoon.

This will be the united team's last match, as the team failed to get a ticket for the

knockout stage after losing 8-0 in their games against Switzerland and Sweden.

The joint team will be aiming for their first victory today, but world number nine Japan's

will-to-win is also very strong having lost two both their previous matches as well.

The game, which starts at 4:40PM, is significant as regardless of the result, it is an example

of the Olympic spirit of peace and togetherness.

Over in the women's 500-meter short track speed skating event,...

South Korea's Choi Min-jeong could've added a silver for the nation,... if not for a penalty.

The 19-year-old phenom,... came in second place behind Italy's Arianna Fontana in a

photo finish,... but was later disqualified after officials ruled that Choi had touched

the knee of Canadian skater Kim Boutin while making a move on the inside.

The ruling gave Dutch skater Yara Van Kerkhof the silver and Boutin the bronze.

Now, let's take a closer look at what's ahead on Day Five.

The preliminary round for the women's ice hockey match between the united Korea team

and Japan is scheduled for 4:40 p.m., Korea time.

This will be the united team's last match, after losing their first two games against

Switzerland and Sweden.

2- We are also looking forward to the women's one-thousand meter speed skating event at

seven p.m.

All eyes are on Park Seung-hi, a former short track speed skater who won a bunch of medals

at the Sochi Olympics.

3- Another eye-catching event is the women's fifteen kilometer Biathlon set for 8 p.m.

Five athletes will represent South Korea -- three Koreans and two naturalized Koreans.

4- And the doubles run for luge will kick off from 9:40 p.m., with Korea looking forward

to a great performance from Park Jin-yong and Cho Jung-myung .

Now..let's wrap up by taking a look at the current medal standings.

We will have more updates for you throughout the day so stay tuned.

I'll see you guys again in tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Day 5 of PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:00.


MACARONI CHEESE MOZARELLA - Hawker Times Now - Duration: 2:43.





For more infomation >> MACARONI CHEESE MOZARELLA - Hawker Times Now - Duration: 2:43.


Sagittarius Love and Romance Mid February 14 2018 *Unrequited Love - Duration: 10:29.

hi welcome this is crystal guidance thank you for watching my channel please

subscribe like and share this channel and comment below

I love reading your comments and let me know what resonates with you this

reading is from February 14 through the end of February happy Valentine's Day

for those of you who celebrated and remember this may or may not resonate

with you take what works and leave what doesn't and check your Moon Sun and

rising sign and remember I always say this not to give your power away don't

give your power away to the cards to me or to any other readers on this site you

have the power to control your destiny this is simply a snapshot of what's

going on in your life and you and only you have the power to control your life

and you do that by changing your thoughts and your actions and that will

create different results if you'd like a personal reading please see the

information below and I would love to do a personal reading for you and I'm super

excited because at the end of February if you'd like to meet me in person I am

offering an intuition course in Southern California and I would love to meet you

in person the information and link to the event is

below so thank you again for being here on my channel lots of love to you and

let's get started ok sachet areas what is going on in your love life mid

February through the end of the month Sagittarius Sagittarius what is going on

in your love life

okay what I see is you coming out of a period of it's like you wanted to take

care of yourself you wanted to spend time with yourself you wanted to just

you know get back in touch with your own life do what what makes you happy do

what do you basically do what you want it's what this reminds me is of somebody

who comes out of a relationship and they're like okay I need time for myself

so I'm gonna go you know I don't know travel party spend time with friends do

do the things they've always wanted to do that they didn't do when they were in

a relationship so I see looks like that's where you're coming out of I do

see new love coming for you I do see new love and there's something about

unrequited love so I don't know if you are falling for somebody or somebody is

falling for you and either you're not quite returning the feelings or they're

not quite returning the feelings so there is somebody around you somebody

that wants to be with you where you want to be with somebody and I don't see the

unfortunately the the feelings aren't returned at the moment and this may even

go both ways there may be someone you want and they're not quite open to you

and somebody wants you and you're like no thank you

I do see it is require that you take some time to heal some family issues or

some things going on around children I'm seeing and that's gonna take up a little

bit of your time a little bit of your energy but what the angels are saying is

star is stay optimistic about your love life stay optimistic about your loved

life separation cards coming up so this this

maybe if there's something going on this may not be the time for you in

relationships Sagittarius I hate to say it but I do see maybe a break again it's

not all of you but I'm only talking to a few of you there may be a break

your relationship or if you're if you're not quite in a relationship there may be

a separation where you're just gonna take some time to yourself take some

time to yourself this is an opportunity for you to focus on what you want

angels are saying calling your soulmate you know it's easier to call on your

soulmate when there's nobody around right if there's somebody there you kind

of feel guilty like well you know I have a boyfriend I have a girlfriend I'm

married how can I call him my soulmate but if you're a single or if you're on a

break take some time to figure out what it is that you want what's important to

you what's important to you and it's interesting because what I see with this

is the Angels are saying um take your life a little more serious gosh that

didn't roll off my tongue very easily because I don't know why I would tell

anybody not to take or take their life seriously but I don't know why they're

telling me that for you so if you know what I'm talking about you know what it

means but perhaps there's too much playing maybe you've been a player I

don't know maybe you've kind of played with other people's feelings maybe

you've been irresponsible and what the angels are saying is it's time to grow

up I hate saying that but if you know if you have been acting a certain way and

then you know I guess take it for what it is I always tell people you got to

play you got to have fun and life's too short but the angels are talking to some

of you it might be time for you to grow up for those of you who are just single

you're in love life is and this person that is meant for you is worth waiting

for and it is say for you to love and I say

for you to love I think this is talking to people who are kind of you know

you're stuck on a person you're stuck on this you know ex

and so it's hard for you to move on basically no one measures up to the one

that you you cared about the one that you loved so just open your heart open

your heart give it a shot allow things to unfold naturally for

those of you who are in a relationship I do see you focusing on your finances and

career and something about releasing an EXO this might be an ex that's been

around or this might be part of the separation and unrequited love so it's

time to let go and move on so if you're on the brink of a separation or

something that it is it's telling you go ahead and you know move on maybe put

your energy back more in your finances and career if you're happily in a

relationship this might just mean let go of that person in the past that might be

getting in the way of your relationship you know sometimes we hold on to the one

that got away and it affects us affects our ability to

fully be present in the moment allowing allowing love in so release that ex for

those of you who were in limbo you're not quite sure if you're in a

relationship I see romantic feelings so they are worth exploring and I see

possible engagement so not you know I mean there might be engaged in for some

of you but this also really tells me that there's just a next level of

commitment for you so wherever you're at you're gonna go to the next level if

you're just dating you might become exclusive you're exclusive you might be

boyfriend/girlfriend so it looks great for those of you who are in limbo

advice card is allowed things to happen allow your natural passion to shine

allow yourself the opportunity to get to know somebody if you've got somebody

around you that you're not quite interested in because you your your mind

or your heart is stuck on somebody from the past let that go and be open to

whatever's in front of you because I see a lot of passion possibility and I see

that this could definitely be the one for you when I asked what is your

partner thinking I do see forgiving and learning so maybe part of the separation

and this kind of the separation the X the unrequited love has to do with

something that they need to forgive they might be holding on to some hurt perhaps

you know there was something in your relationship that hurt them so they are

learning to forgive and learn and they're also taking back their power so

they're they're kind of coming back to themselves they're coming back to

themselves they do like you they do want to be with you they have great chemistry

around either very attracted to you

what the Angels are saying it says codependency here so just be careful

that you're not getting too wrapped up around this drama with this person that

is in the past if it's somebody that you're ready to let go just finally let

go of them if you're not then do whatever it takes to try to make it work

and if it doesn't work then let go but the whole you know hey kind of in and

out is is not a good thing for you it's going it's not healthy for you so the

angels are saying let that go enjoy some fun time get out have fun those of you

who are in a relationship you know use that use the opportunity to get away and

and and enjoy each other and rekindle the romance and the fun and the passion

okay I think we'll call that a reading Thank You such Terrence have a fabulous

Valentine's if you celebrate that and we'll see you soon bye-bye

For more infomation >> Sagittarius Love and Romance Mid February 14 2018 *Unrequited Love - Duration: 10:29.


JX'S LIFE | AN EXTRAORDINARY SUNDAY | shopping,life,surprise - Duration: 3:51.


so today, its the celebration day

so,time check its 8

and ill have to go to tuition

after that, we're gonna go celebrate


yy: do u know the way ?or are u following me

im following u XD

wth,ure following me?

well,lets look for the directory

here ,its here

wow (lol)

can we reserve the place?

w:how many person

w: dont have table la now

the table was reserved by xxx

[counting] i tink its enough

lets just reserve this place

[after reserving] we just wanna shop

lets go shopping

she says she wants something red

out of budget rigght?

we're in PADINI right now

cant find the clothes

we found it

so broke ,i just bought this

im so broke TT

hello my chingu(friends in korean)

sit here, leave those place for the boys

theyre so freaking late

theyre late for an hour

u guys are so early (jokes)

happy birthday to u

happy birthday to ???

happy bday to u

happy birthday <3

happy birthday ZX





For more infomation >> JX'S LIFE | AN EXTRAORDINARY SUNDAY | shopping,life,surprise - Duration: 3:51.


White House Valentine's Day Cards - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> White House Valentine's Day Cards - Duration: 3:15.


GET OFF THAT BIKE! High Jinks in Road Redemption! [2.14.18] - Duration: 1:27:08.

For more infomation >> GET OFF THAT BIKE! High Jinks in Road Redemption! [2.14.18] - Duration: 1:27:08.


Cupid's Match | Pilot | CW Seed - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Cupid's Match | Pilot | CW Seed - Duration: 8:07.


Trump administration plans to put more pressure trading partners - Duration: 2:10.

U.S. President Trump has asked fellow lawmakers,... to introduce stronger trade sanctions on aluminium

and steel imports,... once again stressing that the U.S. should levy reciprocal tariffs

on imports to match the tariffs other countries place on U.S. goods.

Such a move could impact the Korean steel industry.

Park Ji-won has more.

U.S. President Donald Trump says he's considering imposing trade protection measures like retaliatory

taxes and quotas,... on steel and aluminum imports,... mainly from China.

If taken, the measures are also likely to hit Korean steel products.

The comments were made at a meeting with a bipartisan group of some 20 U.S. senators

and representatives Tuesday,... as President Trump reiterated the need for reciprocal measures

on trade.

"I mean the word reciprocal is a very important word.

We have countries that are taking advantage of us.(...)

And we're going to make it fair.

And that - I call that fair trade."

When mentioning the U.S.' chronic trade deficit,... the U.S. President expressed dissatisfaction

with Japan and South Korea,... over joint defense spending.

"We defend Japan, we defend South Korea, they pay us a fraction of what it costs.

And we're talking to all of those countries about that, because it's not fair that we

defend them and they pay us a fraction of the cost of that defense."

The Trump administration is currently negotiating with South Korea to revise the 2012 bilateral

free trade deal between the two countries.

AFP reported that Trump called the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement a "(quote) very, very

bad trade deal,"... vowing to scrap the deal, if the renegotiation doesn't yield satisfactory


Meanwhile,... Trump claimed that following GM Korea's decision to close its Gunsan plant

in May 2018, the car company is moving back to Detroit.

However, in its statement, General Motors said it never announced that it was moving

back to Detroit.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump administration plans to put more pressure trading partners - Duration: 2:10.


Breaking the promise - Duration: 5:45.

My name is Jörg. I'm the director of the vocational creative business school

Hyper Island in Karlskrona Sweden. So i want to learn how to be a vlogger.

It's Sunday morning and I'm breaking my first promise I've made to myself before I

started this project. I've promised myself that I've never ever gonna do a

video from home. Now I'm sitting here in my kitchen on a Sunday morning. I've made

this promise to myself and to my boss because it's my job. I do this for work

on Hyper Island. I've calculated that I can't spend more than two or maybe three

in some cases four hours per week on making one single video. Let's go outside

in my garden and I tell you how it went with my first video.

I need to shave first!

I'm becoming an actor in my own life. Mist!

oh no- I forgot this little plate to put the camera on the tripod. So let me give you

a review about how much time my first video production took. First I spend two

hours totally in the morning during commuting from Karlshamn to Karlskrona on the

bus watching youtubers like a pre- study. Two hours. Then I wrote a simple

storyboard and decided on the pictures I want to shoot- one hour. I shooted the

whole thing on the Friday afternoon in school. And that took me-

because I'm not a one-take wonder- approximately three to four hours. So six

hours. So I'm already two hours above my goal of spending highest four hours a week on making a video.

then I went home and edited everything in ten minutes


It was the first time I seriously opened premiere pro.

Totally I was sitting two evenings totally between four and seven hours editing. This is too much

time. I cannot afford it. I have too much other things to do in my job. How can I

produce a weekly video within only two hours ? with the storytelling, the footage,

everything that makes it interesting and kind of funny so that you want to watch

it. Well I could get a student to edit my videos. You! I could I could vlog from my

daily meetings. Or I could simply give up. But giving up is not an option!

Because persistence is very important when it comes to vlogging and finding

your community. So what I tried with this video was to make the problem itself the

content. And try to apply this: make, review, reflect, generalize and make again

See you next time here in one week.

For more infomation >> Breaking the promise - Duration: 5:45.


Better Back in 30 days (Episode 8) - Bridge - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Better Back in 30 days (Episode 8) - Bridge - Duration: 1:28.


His Shiniest Gold Medal Yet: Shaun White's Struggle to Get Back to the Olympics After a Gruesome I - Duration: 10:56.

His Shiniest Gold Medal Yet: Shaun White's Struggle to Get Back to the Olympics After a Gruesome Injury and Major Disappointment

As a two-time Olympic gold-medalist in the halfpipe and the most winning X Games athlete of all time, Shaun White didnt have anything left to prove to people when he headed into the mens halfpipe final this evening at Phoenix Snow Park in Pyeongchang.

But he had plenty to prove to himself.

Its qualifying, but this is an ego contest right now.Oh my lord! the NBC Sports analyst marveled over the elevation White achieved during his second qualifying run in the semifinal yesterday, which resulted in a near-perfect 98.5 that only served to pad his lead—and perhaps wipe all the lingering nightmares of slush and Sochi from his mind once and for all.

Consider those demons vanquished, because White just won his third gold medal in the halfpipe, making him the only snowboarder with three Olympic gold medals since the event began in 1998.

In terminology that means nothing to most on most days but means everything during a snowboarding competition, White pulled off back-to-back 1440s, a double McTwist 1260 and a frontside 1260 in his do-or-die third run to score 97.

75 and spring back into first place.

Not as outrageous as his qualifying run, but it turned out to be just enough to win.

White at first fell to his knees with emotion and soon was awash in hugs from teammates and his parents.

Honestly I just felt it inside, I had it, he told NBC Olympics about his pivotal third run. I knew I had to put it down…you know its so hard to describe.

Its the feeling, like, I knew I had it but I had to still do it. Asked about his fighters mentality, White said that was a good way to put it.

My family just says I like to show off, he said, his grin a mile wide and his eyes brimming with tears but not quite spilling over.

Theyre like you do this every time, you wait until the last run. Im like, its what I do, Im sorry! I need the pressure, I need the build and the energy. It helps me get it done.

Honestly, its the spirit of competition just helps me get my runs accomplished, and get me motivated and Im just so thankful for today, honestly. Ayumu Hirano of Japan, in first place after scoring 95.25 on his second run, got the silver and Whites teammate Scotty James took the bronze.

A bit like the mythical bird for which the snow park is named, so White rose—looking as good as new—from a series of physical and mental setbacks that may have sidelined a less determined athlete.

Now 31 and an elder statesman among the American snowboarders—including 17-year-old mens slopestyle gold medalist Red Gerard and 17-year-old womens halfpipe champ Chloe Kim—White is closer to the end of his storied career than the beginning.

The San Diego, Calif., native scored his first sponsorship, from apparel company Burton, as a snowboarder when he was 7. He went pro at 13 and followed that by going pro in skateboarding at 17.

He eventually became the first athlete to win gold medals at both the Summer and Winter X Games. He won his first Olympic halfpipe gold medal when he was 19, at the 2006 Games in Turin, and he repeated in 2010 in Vancouver.

But in Sochi in 2014, where a number of athletes had issues with the slushy snow caused by relatively balmy weather for a winter climate, White slammed his board into the lip of the wall trying to execute the Yolo—the trick that eventual gold medalist Iouri Podladtchikov (aka iPod) of Russia made his own that year—and finished fourth.

He had planned to make his Olympic debut in slopestyle as well but ended up pulling out of the qualifying round to focus on the halfpipe, citing the less-than-ideal conditions on the course.

Not used to losing, White barely recognized the wave of disappointment washing over him. The immediate feeling was more of a Wow, this is what that feels like, he recently recalled to NBC News.

If he had considered calling it a career, he had plenty to be proud of.

At 27 he had done it all for his sport, putting snowboarding on the map in the process and earning millions of dollars while doing it.  He had also had his immature, irresponsible celebrity moments, getting arrested at a hotel in Nashville in 2012 for vandalism and public intoxication.

Posing for a mug shot almost seems to be a right of passage for certain brash young Olympians at the pinnacle of their sports.  I want to apologize for the unwise choices I made over the weekend and for any inconvenience it caused my family, friends, business partners, the hotel and their guests, he wrote contritely on Facebook at the time. I was celebrating a happy occasion with a ton of family and friends and got carried away.

Im truly sorry for my poor behavior. White cut a deal to get the charges dismissed provided he complete alcohol treatment, perform 24 hours of community service and pay restitution.

But after Sochi, he knew he needed a break no matter where it led him. He hit the road—for real, in a 15-passenger van—with his band Bad Things. They released an album in 2014 and performed at SXSW.

With snowboarding being such a solitary sport, he said that playing music was the only thing he did that qualified as collaborative. Recalling that before time of his career, as in everything that came before Sochi, White told the Washington Post this month, I didnt really enjoy riding with the other riders because it was like, theyre my direct competition.

I would ride with certain people, but it just became hard to hang with the guys that you were competing against, honestly. Think of any sport: Its not like after the World Series everyone goes and gets beers.

Its tough. In addition to re-teaching himself how to play well with others, White focused on his relationship (now heading into its fifth year) with Phantogram singer Sarah Barthel. And most of all he dedicated himself to not competing for awhile.

But he could only stay off the mountain for so long and soon enough he was back in the game. In 2016 he actually bought a minority stake in Californias Mammoth Resorts, owner of winter sport hot spots Snow Summit and Mammoth Mountain.

It turned out he wanted to give back to the same areas that helped foster his love of snowboarding as a kid. Im completely vested in it, he told the Los Angeles Times about his latest investment.

I want to do right by the mountain and all the people there. That October he underwent surgery to remove a piece of bone in his ankle and he started training seriously again with an eye on qualifying for the 2018 Winter Olympics, this time with a whole new attitude (my mindset just really wasnt there in Sochi, he admitted) and a whole new entourage.

2017 didnt start off exactly how White was hoping, however. He finished 11th at the 2017 Winter X Games, his worst finish there since 2000, when he made his debut at 13.

(His last X Games gold in the halfpipe came in 2013, then he skipped 2014 while preparing for Sochi.

He finished fourth in 2015 and didnt receive an invite in 2016, due to what he called a lovers quarrel with the organizers.) But he jollily pressed on, with his new training regimen (heavy on mountain biking—though he hates spinining—and light weights) and fresh approach.

You need to have family and friends and other goals and aspirations in life, he mused to Mike Tirico, whos presiding over NBCs Olympics coverage for the first time. You need other things in your life to be excited about..

People ask, When are you going to get over it? You know, the loss or whatever. You dont, you dont really ever get over it, White told NBC Sports a year ago, reflecting on his failure to medal in Sochi.

Its kind of like you have a scar from falling off a bike, its just with you forever. But you learn from it. So its a part of me now, which is great.

As hard as it was, Im thankful that it happened because it taught me a lot. The support he received from family, friends and fans—my dog still liked me!—who were still appreciative of everything hed already accomplished helped him recover psychologically and got him excited to compete again.

So learning from that, I came back this time around with a new coach, new trainer, new physical therapist, new sponsors, new haircut, quipped the athlete once—and often still—dubbed the Flying Tomato for his flowing red locks, which he chopped off and donated to charity years ago.

Everything just feels different, so its very exciting. And obviously winning the last event [U.S.

Grand Prix at Mammoth Mountain], that was the Olympic judging format theyre going to use and all that, so it feels good. After being coached through his first three Olympics by Bud Keene, White hired J.J.

Thomas, who took bronze in the halfpipe at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. He also started practicing with 17-year-old Toby Miller, who both benefits from Whites snowboarding wisdom and injects some spirited young energy into the proceedings.

Toby is bringing that youthful sort of excitement, White told the Post. He just wants to do everything there is. When youre with someone young, they just kind of bring it out.

He basically has some sort of gaming system on him at all times. So hes like, Oh, I just got the new Call of Duty, and there I am, up to at 3 a.m., yelling at 8-year-olds online..

So nothing could stop him, right? White continued to gear up for his fourth Olympics, which, presuming he qualified, he would enter as the gold medal favorite in the halfpipe, an esteemed veteran of his sport and one of Team USAs biggest stars, let alone one of only a handful of household names whose fame transcends their individual sport on any given day.

In September, however, he withdrew from the Winter Games NZ, a World Cup event, after crashing in practice. He didnt break any bones, but.

The biggest scare was seeing blood in my urine but after the tests all came back looking good I was released to go home, White wrote on Instagram afterward. Lifes going to knock you down.

get up, learn from your mistakes, and youll be better for it!.

About a month later, while still in New Zealand training, he crashed again and this time he suffered bruised lungs and needed 62 stitches to sew up the various gashes on his face.

I was working on a new trick, and as I re-entered the halfpipe, I clipped the top, White explained in a video he sent to the Today show.

I flew about 22 feet and hit my face at the bottom, and had 62 stitches and I had some bad bruising in my lungs.

My modeling days may be over, but I will definitely be there in 2018 in Pyeongchang for the Olympics. That, of course, was if he qualified.

White returned to Los Angeles and took to wearing a surgical mask around for a few weeks to keep his healing nose safe from the elements—but then it was back to his board, with not a heck of a lot of time to spare.

And when it came time to clinch his spot on the U.S. Olympic team.well, thats where the superstardom and veteran poise come in.

After falling in his first of two runs at the U.S. Grand Prix last month in Snowmass, Colo., White basically needed a scoring miracle to qualify.

So, he went out and got himself a miracle. He nailed a 1440 double cork on the first hit, plus two more 1260 double corks, and he scored the second perfect 100 of his entire career.

(He remains the only male snowboarder to have scored 100 ever, let alone twice.).

Getting the perfect score was just nuts, White told NBC Sports after the event, getting uncharacteristically emotional. I mean, Im just so happy.

Honestly, like, I never say this, Im really proud of myself. He shook his head. I was in New Zealand, I ripped my face open trying these tricks.

Its been a long recovery from that to get to this point to try to make the team, and just to get rewarded for that run. I really felt like I put it down and it means the world.

Now I feel like Im on the right course for the Olympics. With his mojo fully intact, he headed to Pyeongchang, sharing pics of his private jet ride over and his dandy Ralph Lauren-designed Team USA threads.

And the rest is now Olympic history, no matter what he chooses to do going forward.

Though, for the record, he has said hes not only thinking Beijing in 2022, hes hoping to qualify for skateboarding when the sport makes its debut at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

As for his dispiriting fall in Sochi, he told Tirico he didnt want to sound too cheesy, but. Maybe thats something that needed to happen on the path to get here, White said.

I couldve got that third medal and been like see you later! I feel like everything happens for a reason and I was left with this sort of unfinished-business feeling inside and kept after it. And then the perfect 100 meant the world to me, he said.

After he was injured in New Zealand, Im looking in the mirror and I dont recognize myself, and Im just like what happens next? Do I want to continue on with this? And like these big decisions at this point… real doubts.

And by saying I want to continue on in the sport means that Im looking at myself in the mirror and Im saying, OK, if I step out on the snow again, that means Im willing to have this happen again.

Im ready to take that risk. When he made his fourth Olympic team, that was truly the comeback story for me.

It just felt so amazing and so incredible to make that jump back and get that score. Winning would be really icing on the cake if things go the way I hope they go. His country thanks him.

That icing turned out to be Team USAs overall 100th gold medal in Winter Olympics history. Tune in to NBC to watch the Winter Olympics.

For more infomation >> His Shiniest Gold Medal Yet: Shaun White's Struggle to Get Back to the Olympics After a Gruesome I - Duration: 10:56.


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For more infomation >> B.S.N.L 3 - B RAY FT. YOUNG H - Duration: 3:37.


30 Small Kitchen Design Ideas for Small Spaces - Duration: 5:08.


Welcome Back to Sheryl TV.

Today our video about: Small Kitchen Design Ideas.

Before We begin..

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While small apartments and homes often offer plenty in the charm and coziness department,

they tend to be lacking when it comes to kitchen space.

But just because you may not be flush with counter space, there are still ways to make

the most of your tiny kitchen.

It's all about working with the layout of your space, whether your kitchen is confined

to a single wall, U-shaped, or tucked in a corner.

We've gathered the best small kitchen design ideas to help you add storage and style.

Whether you're renovating and starting from scratch or just looking to refresh your existing

space, you'll want to give these trick a try.

For more infomation >> 30 Small Kitchen Design Ideas for Small Spaces - Duration: 5:08.


Final Space Premiere

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For more infomation >> Shahid Afridi Talking About His Viral Picture With Indian Flag In Ice Cricket Tournament. - Duration: 2:22.


Poderiam as Máquinas obterem Consciência ? - Duration: 4:27.

You've probably heard about conscious thinking and subconscious thinking,

In this video, let's take a look at a new review that came out in Science magazine

where says that humans can have three levels of consciousness

and with that, maybe someday to develop a conscious artificial intelligence

Komm Mit Mir!

Artificial intelligence technology has advanced in many ways,

However, robots are a long way from becoming


After all, human consciousness is not about only to recognize patterns.

What emotions do you feel being awake?


Are you curious to be alive?


In the context of the controversial question

about computers to may or may not develop awareness, we must first understand

how consciousness arises in the human brain.

In this new review published in Science, scientists outlined three key levels

of consciousness.

The first is the C0 level.

This level of consciousness refers to the unconscious operations occurring in the brain

human, such as recognition of the face and speech.

Most calculations performed by the brain occur at this level.

You seem to automatically recognize the face and speech of you family without

You consciously think about it, right?

For those who like the theme, and are always following, know that there is nothing absurd about it.

In fact, most machines of artificial intelligence today

operate at this level of consciousness C0.

Called Convolutive Neural Networks, these systems can perform many of the calculations

of the C0 level, including facial recognition.

The second level of consciousness is C1. It is the ability to make decisions later

to draw a vast repertoire of thoughts and considering multiple possibilities.

The review suggests that this level of consciousness has a relation with the behaviors.

C1 is seen in human babies as well as in animals.

For example, thirsty elephants know how to locate and move straight to the well

water, even if they are 50 km away.

This decision-making requires a sophisticated neural circuits: Group

environment and memory information, select the best choice

from a set of available options, to maintain this decision over time and coordinating

a variety of operations, including to navigate

through the ground to the well.

In humans and other primates, the pre-frontal cortex brain serves as a central

for information processing, where many of the actions described in consciousness

C1, occur.

According to the review, analyze the circuits neurons in this part of the brain would help

deriving the computational principles from operations and encode them.

C2, the last level, is "meta-cognition." It is the ability to monitor your own thoughts

calculations, that is, the ability to be self-conscious.

C2 level awareness results in feelings of certainty or error. This mechanism

helps us to perceive the errors and correct them.

A little more, self-awareness helps us to discover what we know and what we do not know,

which leads to curiosity.

It is wanting to learn more about something that little or nothing we know.

Human consciousness can arise from a set of of specific calculations.

On the day we can explain in terms the difference between

and unconsciousness in humans, to code this in robots may not be so difficult

And while that does not happen, thumbs up,

share the video on social networks

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Auf Wiedersehen!

Source: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/358/6362/486

For more infomation >> Poderiam as Máquinas obterem Consciência ? - Duration: 4:27.


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#CodyMars™: Trailer - Duration: 1:11.

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