Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2018

Hey guys, Culture here.

The day of St. Valentine himself, also known to some as Valentine's Day, has just passed.

Isn't it crazy?

Who else gets a whole day named after them?

There's St. Valentine, Columbus, even the Queen only gets it because it's her birthday.

Speaking of only getting it because it's your birthday, that's something Valentine's

Day is great for.

I don't want to be crass but I'm talking about the horizontal mambo, making the beast

with two backs, the serpent in the Chinese finger trap.

You know, sex.

Now I don't want to alarm you but people do have sex on Valentine's day.

And you can't demonetise us for this YouTube because sex is the word we're supposed to


You also can't censor me for calling it bouncy up-and-down fun time.

But I don't want to talk about doin' the dirty today, I'd prefer to talk about the

other major component of Valentine's Day: Love.

Don't believe those people who tell you that Valentine's Day can be all about learning

to love and appreciate yourself.

If you go out in the streets and start loving yourself, you'll most likely be arrested

for public indecency.

So I say either get a date or stay inside and eat that chicken you left defrosting in

the sink by yourself you filthy, pathetic animal.

Like you'd really have to be a bottom-of-the-barrel loser not to have a date.

Okay all jokes aside, it's fine not to have a date.

Just ignore Valentine's Day, it's all over pretty quickly anyway.

Speaking of things that are over pretty quickly… oh wait, no, I went through that already.

In any case it's been a few days since Valentine's Day so it's too late to lament your loneliness

now… or is it?

Let's accept facts: We all need love.

I don't care how edgy and/or emo you are, you still need love.

And more than needing love, you want love.

That's right, no amount of listening to The Cure and My Chemical Romance can hide

the fact that you "love" love.

But why do we "love" love?

Well I think it's pretty obvious: Because love is lovely.

Ummm… maybe I should expand on that… what I mean is love makes us feel good.

It's warm, it's comforting, it's satisfying, it's reassuring… it's everything good

in life all at once.

So you'd think that there's no possible way that I could write a rant about love,



Anyone who thinks that has obviously never tried to find love.

And I don't mean love from a parent or a sibling or a pet, I mean from another person

who isn't obligated to love you.

A life partner, someone who makes you get that special ooey-gooey feeling inside…

oh jeez, I feel sick just talking about it.

But how do you find this person?

There's no guide to this, and it's far beyond my scope of inquiry, knowledge or experience

to provide such a guide.

So rather than pretend I can provide a comprehensive list of what makes two people love each other,

I'll just chuck out some ideas for you all to mull over and ultimately fail to provide

any meaningful or useful insight.

Yayyyyy loooooove…

Let's get down to the brass tacks of finding someone you love: Meeting someone.

Every marriage started with a meeting of two people in one way or another, whether that's

in a high school 10 years beforehand or in a casino 10 minutes beforehand.

Not that marriage necessarily means you love the other person, or that if you aren't

married it means you don't love each other or… oh jeez I can see the comments now...

I'm just gonna soldier on.

My point is that to love someone you have to have at least met them!

But wait… some people say they love celebrities, they have crushes on them and they centre

everything they do on them, yet in that case they haven't met them.

But is that really love?

It seems kind of one-sided.

But who am I to say that they don't "really" love that person?

I don't know, but it sounds more like an obsession.

But isn't all love an obsession?

In a way, yeah, kinda… right?

People say things like you're madly in love with them, you fall head over heels, you're

crazy about them… all of these things have a weird impetus to them with an almost extreme


I guess you kind of have to be obsessed with someone to love them.

Maybe true love is just a mutual obsession, whether it be correctly founded or completely

misguided, between the two people involved.

So let's use obsession as a working foundation for this discussion of love.

What makes someone obsessed with someone else?

Well an obsession is when something completely takes over your mind, it leaves room for nothing

else and your every thought is about that thing or person.

Once again, another great way to describe love.

But then again, when two people are truly obsessed with each other all the time then

eventually one person gets more obsessed than the other and that person gets tired of the

constant need for attention.

Of course this doesn't usually happen, instead we just… mellow out.

We don't need to hang out with the person we love every second of every day.

But of course we still love them, so now we have "love" without obsession… basically,

we're back to square one.

Maybe this is a language issue.

Maybe love just isn't a good enough word; maybe we use it to describe too many ways

of feeling positively about someone else.

Maybe what we really need are different words for describing the emotions we feel early

on in a relationship versus after being together for a long time.

But no, that's the easy way out, that's what the weak would say.

I want to dissect the "obsession" part of love and figure out what remains even long

into the relationship.

Let's take a step back to achieve this: What actions might one take for someone they


Think of a mother's love for their child.

In this case, considered to be perhaps the strongest type of love, the mother would sacrifice

their own life to save their child's life.

But does this go beyond simply "love"?

Or does this mean that the first time we say "I love you" to our partners that we're

essentially saying "If we were on a plane that was crashing and there was only one parachute

left, I'd want you to have it."

If that's what saying "I love you" is meant to mean then it's kind of uh… daunting.

Like I didn't realise saying "I love you" was that big of a commitment.

That's another good point: Commitment milestones in a relationship.

We have the first kiss, the first bang session, the first "I love you", the engagement

ring, the marriage, the kids… what do each of these signify in terms of our love for

another person?

Of course not all relationships follow that formula, and not always in that order, but

I'm trying to simplify here.

I think commitment is really about trust.

You have to trust someone a certain amount at each of those steps.

Trust them with your body, trust them with your emotions, trust them with your thoughts

and, ultimately, trust them with your future.

In fact, with kids, you trust them with your legacy.

So maybe that's what love is about: Trust, just in differing degrees.

But there are a few issues with this definition.

Firstly, a parent loves their newborn baby but they don't really "trust" them.

I mean come on, they barely trust them to hold a small object without trying to stick

it in their mouth and choking.

That kind of love is more of a hope, a hope for the future.

Instead of trust, it comes back to that obsessive quality: The new child occupies your every

thought; every action you take from now on is done for them, to improve their quality

of life.

But now I feel like I'm verging dangerously close to the apathetic view on love that so

many modern people adopt: A stance based on evolutionary theory.

In case I need to explain, this view holds that love is basically an evolutionary tool

designed to get us to survive and reproduce.

We need to meet a partner, reproduce and then ensure the survival of the baby.

The type of love we feel for our partner evolves over time to suit each of these needs and

the many steps between them.

And of course, this love, this tool, makes us feel good.

In this way one could think of lust as a precursor to love: Both make us feel amazing for different

reasons, yet together they allow us to carry on our species.

I have one huge issue with this theory: It misses the entire point of the question "what

is love?"

The theory explains "why" we have love, but fails to define it.

That is, what is the connecting thread that ties all of these stages of love together?

The commonality between all types of love that is also unique to the experience of love?

The answer: I have no clue.

But I do know this: Love requires you to open yourself up to someone else.

It requires you to make yourself vulnerable, even if it's as simple as risking rejection

when you ask someone out.

It means turning infatuation for someone into a genuine affection and then, finally, into


Do I think that's a complete description of love?

No, not by a long shot.

I'd be a fool to think I could define it in a less-than 10 minute YouTube video when

countless others have dedicated entire works and ballads to describing it.

I like to try and reason things out but perhaps love is best learnt through intuition, experiences

and leaps of faith.

So what I'm saying is, get out there and give it a shot, meet a bunch of new people

and maybe you'll really connect with one of them.

Sorry if you were expecting me to get angry and flustered in this video but I just can't

where love is concerned.

Though that doesn't mean you guys can't get mad about it!

If you have any leaps of faith that ended in falls of faith and finally bone-crushing

and heart-breaking impacts… of faith… that you want to share, then feel free to

vent in the comments section below!

For more infomation >> What is Love? - Duration: 8:54.


Tortilla de Patata - Tortilla Española - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Tortilla de Patata - Tortilla Española - Duration: 3:56.


Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software - Duration: 2:12.

Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software

Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software

Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software

Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software

For more infomation >> Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software - Duration: 2:12.


Weasel or mink steals fish while fishing steals fish from a fisherman's bucket - Duration: 1:52.

We often went fishing

with our first dachshund Rikoy

but this time Rika stayed at home

Perhaps the absence of a dog on a fishing trip

and helped remove this video

It was autumn and the trees

already stood with yellow foliage

I was fishing on a stony bullside

and for a few minutes he stepped aside

When I looked back, I saw

that some animal

is about a bucket of fish

It looks like the animal was near

all the time, but I have not seen him

And when I stepped aside

he grew bolder and went fishing

I was ten meters away from him

and managed to pull out a digital camera

and began to shoot

I took the shooting a little closer.

and unfortunately a little lost sharpness of the frame

I did not understand which animal

was in front of me

or mink, or weasel

First the animal came to the water itself

and began to look for either frogs or fish

But soon his attention

attracted a bucket of bulls

Zverek cleverly climbed into the bucket

and quickly pulled the first fish

I watched what was happening with interest

Zverek did not stop

and always took a fish

and ran into the bushes

When the number of stolen fish

began to approach ten

I realized that I could do

to live without bait

I began to approach the bucket

but the animal continued to run after the fish

I had to shout a little at him

and only then the animal disappeared into the bushes

I did not inspect the bushes

and check where the fish went

That would not interfere with the animal

sit down

I carefully gathered the tackles

and left this place

For more infomation >> Weasel or mink steals fish while fishing steals fish from a fisherman's bucket - Duration: 1:52.


Thức ăn dinh dưỡng Bữa ăn cho ngày Tết,Cơm không rau như đau không thuốc,thừa thịt thiếu rau - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Thức ăn dinh dưỡng Bữa ăn cho ngày Tết,Cơm không rau như đau không thuốc,thừa thịt thiếu rau - Duration: 3:25.



I´m a very fast bird

and they call me rapacius,

because I use my peak and claws to hunt.

Powerful and elegant,

I´m a cute and big bird.

Poweful and elegant,

I´m a cute and big bird.

From the height of heaven, with my great vision,

I fly down on my prey, with precision.

Powerful and elegant,

I´m a cute and big bird.

Poweful and elegant,

I´m a cute and big bird.

The famales are bigger than the males

And we put our eggs in safe

in high nests

that we build with care.

Powerful and elegant,

I´m a cute and big bird.

Powerful and elegant,

I´m a cute and big bird.

We are so beautiful!

We really like a lot!

But we are only a few,

because we are in danger of extinction.

Take care of us!

For more infomation >> CONOCE AL ÁGUILA - LOS TITIS - CANCIÓN SOBRE ANIMALES - Duration: 1:26.


Pocoyo en Español 2018 | Principe con Corona | Caricaturas para Niños - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Pocoyo en Español 2018 | Principe con Corona | Caricaturas para Niños - Duration: 6:21.


Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA

For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA


Entertainment News 247 - マンU、キャリックの後釜にニースMFセリ獲得へ…契約解除金を用意か - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Entertainment News 247 - マンU、キャリックの後釜にニースMFセリ獲得へ…契約解除金を用意か - Duration: 1:58.


Bread Gulab Jamun Recipe In Marathi | Gulabjaam Movie Special | Sonali Kulkarni | Siddarth Chandekar - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> Bread Gulab Jamun Recipe In Marathi | Gulabjaam Movie Special | Sonali Kulkarni | Siddarth Chandekar - Duration: 8:37.


Quỹ Trung Mỹ Nhân Tập 13 Vietsub - Duration: 45:43.

For more infomation >> Quỹ Trung Mỹ Nhân Tập 13 Vietsub - Duration: 45:43.


Quỹ Trung Mỹ Nhân Tập 14 Vietsub - Duration: 46:09.

For more infomation >> Quỹ Trung Mỹ Nhân Tập 14 Vietsub - Duration: 46:09.


How To Download | Minecraft Pocket Edition | For Free In Android 2018 - Duration: 2:16.



For more infomation >> How To Download | Minecraft Pocket Edition | For Free In Android 2018 - Duration: 2:16.


Uomini e donne, Tina Cipollari sale sul trono: l'opinionista siederà vicino a Gemma | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Tina Cipollari sale sul trono: l'opinionista siederà vicino a Gemma | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:11.


Uomini e Donne: Tina diventa tronista, Giorgio si dichiara? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Tina diventa tronista, Giorgio si dichiara? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


Francesco Monte vuole ritornare con Cecilia, lo dice la Henger | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Francesco Monte vuole ritornare con Cecilia, lo dice la Henger | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


Uomini e donne: Gemma in una pozza d'acqua, due cavalieri alle mani? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne: Gemma in una pozza d'acqua, due cavalieri alle mani? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:50.


Justificativa TCC - Como fazer uma justificativa de TCC - Guia com roteiro, modelo e exemplo - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> Justificativa TCC - Como fazer uma justificativa de TCC - Guia com roteiro, modelo e exemplo - Duration: 10:00.


How to draw Bus for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Bus for kids


What Programming Language Should I Learn First? - Duration: 6:09.

Hey guys, how's it going this is Kovid from Coder Kovid YouTube Channel and today

we're going to learn and know what programming language I should learn first

let's jump right into it.


Learning language is similar and congruent

to learning natural language it means if I want to learn Japanese language that's

similar to learning Java language so learning programming language is equal

to learning actual language so if you have got experience on learning actual

language you might know the difficulty while learning those language in

programming language it's also the same one so you can express your feelings and

your ideas logic into your programming language that is your actual language so

whatever language you choose but the syntax or the emotions or expressing

emotions are similar that means syntax of programming languages are as similar

as others so guys learning programming language is not hard

than that of learning logic behind the programming language so if I suppose

that I have to make a game of an object going forward what I need to do is first

of all create an object and make it go forward so if you don't have that logic

it's kind of hard to express that in any language even though you're not tons of

language it's totally waste if you don't have logic so if you don't have logic

you can't express and you can code that means if you learn and done the master

or expertise on that language you will find easy to learn other every languages

so in conclusion I want to say that go for one language and no don't go for

this one this one this one this one like Swift Java Python C Objective C C++ and

list goes over so choose your one destiny and what you want to do in your

future like I want to be in web development I want to be in software

development and I want to be in software engineer and tons of like that I should

go for Python so if you want to do just web development go first

Estevan citizens our script and also PSP and situa

and Ruby or else and list goes over and like that you should choose one of them

and after doing expertise and one of them you will be fit to learn other

languages too so talking about my experience I would suggest you to go for

Python because it's used in web development software development and

cognitive development and any other sectors even in AI and machine learning

Python is being used and the top companies like YouTube Pinterest to do

and ready and Instagram and etc are using Python as their main language

and the founder are pretty much the founder of Google says that we have to

use Python but wanted to use C that means Python got more opportunities for

new developers and difficulty a label of those pythons languages are very much

simple guys it's easy to learn and what's about going to get those courses

courses are in my channel Coder Kovid channel you can go to that and there are

lots of videos and Python programming and other programming too you can

check it out and I will be soon launching a website called

if I launch the link will be in the description box below, you should

definitely check it out and other things you can go for see and don't go first C

and C++ and C# is beginning because it's hard to learn but if you want

harder a programming language they are good enough you can start off with

Python JavaScript

C and other language and if you want your programs to do more efficient job

in nanoseconds you should learn C because it's C is known for its

efficiency level so guys hope you guys have got knowledge on what programming

language you and I so learn first in 2018 and if you want more videos like

this please be sure to hit that subscribe button and bell icon right

beside it and like this video share this video with your friends and families so

that they could know what programming language tastes with you first

and in my suggestion do for Python go for Python thank you guys for watching this

video I'll meet you in the next one

For more infomation >> What Programming Language Should I Learn First? - Duration: 6:09.


Crown 2016 | Muslimah Conference: Syar'i atau Potensi? - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Crown 2016 | Muslimah Conference: Syar'i atau Potensi? - Duration: 1:26.


Singer I Shares What She Gained From Her Experience On "The Unit" + Plans For Her Future - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Singer I Shares What She Gained From Her Experience On "The Unit" + Plans For Her Future - Duration: 2:05.



For more infomation >> ŞAMPİYON INTER'İ GERİ GETİRMEK | FIFA 18 INTER KARİYERİ (HD) TÜRKÇE - Duration: 3:31.


Na dobre i na złe, odcinek 697: Przemek zostawi Olę? - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Na dobre i na złe, odcinek 697: Przemek zostawi Olę? - Duration: 2:03.


Mazda CX-3 2.0 SkyActiv-G 120 Dynamic 2WD Navigatie I Bluetooth I Parkeersensoren achter RIJKLAARPRI - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 2.0 SkyActiv-G 120 Dynamic 2WD Navigatie I Bluetooth I Parkeersensoren achter RIJKLAARPRI - Duration: 0:55.


Overwatch Youtubers Are Awful - Duration: 7:10.

Hey what's up guys, today I'm going to spend two hours talking about how Super

Mario Odyssey is not THAT good.

Oh wait, that's not today...

Oh okay, Overwatch Youtubers.

The Overwatch development team adds patches to the game every few weeks in order to keep

the game in balance.

It's usually mild things, but now and then they like to cut a character's balls off.

Whenever these changes are you'll see people like Stylosa make a huge video in two hours

titled "Overwatch HUGE NERFS - insert character meta DEAD!!!!!

But that's not all, they'll make sure to milk anything they can about game patches.

There'll be like three discussion videos about those changes until they actually come

out, and then there'll be even more.

The news doesn't even have to be big.

They could announce that Moira's fucking health meter has been reduced by 2 percent

and they'll just go "Overwatch MOIRA DEAD - QUAD TANK GONE - WHICH SUPPORT NEXT?????".

There doesn't even have to be any news.

Some guy can interview Jeff Kaplan and they'll ask if they are considering making any changes

and then Jeff will say yes.

Then the Youtubers go fucking crazy.



Scatter Arrow DELETED?!"

Jeff didn't mention any shit like that, but they'll come up with fake shit and then

hide behind the fact that it's not news, it's a discussion.

Do you see that question mark?

That means it's a DISCUSSION.

What IF McCree is going to be reworked?

It's not clickbait if you're asking a hypothetical question!

What's worse is the thumbnails.

Every time Jeff says the smallest thing people will go apeshit on the thumbnails.

When there's discussion of a new hero, they'll often take some obscure ass character from

the Overwatch comics and use that to interest people because it's unfamiliar.

Pretty clever when you think about it.

Someone made a joke about a character being able to wall climb?

Better get on that.

I don't even know why people dig so deep for Overwatch news.

Have you seen all the shit that's been going on in the Overwatch League?

The drama fucking writes itself.

You'll often find these dumbass "advanced guides" or tutorials on how to rank up.

What people love to do in Overwatch is essentially sell their skill to other people.

Sometimes literally.

So let's say that you're pretty good at Overwatch and you can brag about it to all

your friends.

The best part about reaching Diamond is that now, people can take you seriously!

I mean, Diamond is better than like, 90% of players.

You're in about third place in the trickle down Overwatch advice system.

You might as well be a professional player.

So if you want to make it big on Youtube, just do some coaching!

Ask people to send you their game videos and give your professional critique.

Go through their video and give them constructive criticism on what they could have done better.

Never forget: Diamonds know what they're talking about.

But you're more than just an Overwatch player, you're here to discuss the game and talk

about what changes need to be made.

Remember to make things complicated.

You're a diamond player, you need to go in depth.

Be sure to sprinkle in words like "impact", "value", "coordinated" or "pick",

words that don't mean much but you sound like you know what's going on in the metagame

when you cascade a boring Overwatch script with some professional jargon.

Make a guide on a hero, and to get it to 10 minutes, just talk about voice communications

and state obvious things that everyone knows.

"The common misconception about Sombra is that her electromagnetic pulse will not necessarily

tip the scales of battle in the way one might think.

The cast based ultimate can provide great value when coordinated with other ultimate


The Sombra pick may seem like a waste of direct damage-based impact damage on the enemy team

but she makes up for it in spades with her electromagnetic pulse ability, which when

combined with other ultimates can provide great value and make up for the loss of damage-based

impact damage.

The value and impact her pick provides may need coordination, but when used well she

can be a devastating hero with her electroma-"

Now you may have noticed that that paragraph

was fucking garbage...

and provided no valuable information other than the fact that Sombra's

low damage can make a risky pick but with good teamwork her ultimate can be really useful.

But that's the point.

You can't place ad breaks in videos under 10 minutes.

We have to do what we must.

Making the game seem more complicated and cryptic than it is also shies people away

from making their own videos, keeping you from competition.

Whenever something bad happens to the game, it doesn't matter.

You can have more content in your video.

When in doubt, monologue.

"I'm, uh, hard on this game because I love it.

Were it not for my love for this game, I would not have dedicated so much time to it.

This game has changed my life.

Mostly because it's now my source of income, but the game is pretty fun too.

I've met so many people through this game.

Some of my best friends have been met through this game.

Without Overwatch I would be a completely different person.

I'm hard on this game because I want it to flourish."

One downside of being an Overwatch youtuber is that often the content of your video is

pretty much just given in the title.

I mentioned this earlier on how to almost give the subscriber the information they need

but I think it's worth going over again.

You'll often be in competition with a billion other Youtubers, so you'll often find yourself

needing more views.

First of all, be quick.

Quality doesn't matter; quantity does.

Second of all, provide news that no one else does.

And you know what that means.

Throw truth out of the window.

Stretch it.

Flip it.

This is hype news.

Do you think there's any valuable discussion going on?

One of the big issues with Overwatch news is that your audience retention rates can


Your viewer might realize your content is just clickbait and pretty throwaway so they'll

leave when they realize that you're saying nothing of value.

So reward your viewers.

"What's up guys Overwatch Dude here.

Before we start I'm having a giveaway, details at the end of the video."

"Yeah so I am giving away my gaming pc!

Every time you come to my house and lick your own elbow in front of me that counts as one


You can get an entry once a day.

I live on the moon by the way."


I don't know, man.

Overwatch news is fucking dumb.

I guess these channels just go against everything I stand for as a content creator.

I try and make content that can stand the test of time.

Although my Top 5 Dogs in Gaming may be a bit outdated when it comes to all the recent

dogs in gaming that the world has seen since then, I still think it's an enjoyable video.

If you go back a year to see Overwatch videos they're just so worthless.

It's such a rapidly decaying stream of content and it really sucks how Youtube rewards this.

There are a ton of crazily good Overwatch Youtubers out there but there just aren't

enough and they usually fall behind everyone else.

The pure magnitude of garbage that the Overwatch Youtube community has to offer is really sad.

Here's a tip, if you want to get better at the game, don't look towards a bunch

of Diamonds that make the same videos over and over again.

A Youtuber isn't going to get you good at the game, an Overwatch pro is.

Look to the top 500s' tips, they know what they're talking about and they're not

here to waste your time.

They make plenty of money by streaming.

So, to wrap this all up, I'm try- Whoa, Zenyatta's the worst hero?!

I better check that out.

Supports are getting SCREWED?

What's this about?


The Top 5 Solo Carry heroes?

Maybe I can get up to Diamond fin-

For more infomation >> Overwatch Youtubers Are Awful - Duration: 7:10.


Negative Self Talk How to Get Rid #3 Compare yourself - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Negative Self Talk How to Get Rid #3 Compare yourself - Duration: 5:22.


Sivir Montage 4 - Best Sivir Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:21.

Sivir Montage 4 - Best Sivir Plays | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Sivir Montage 4 - Best Sivir Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:21.


[Destiny6 Indonesia]Basic Guide|Panduan Dasar Orb & Crest[Guide][English Sub] - Duration: 7:33.

Hi guys, back with Ditya here

And today I'm going to discuss about orbs and crests

Before I get in to the topic, I want to apologize

The lack of Destiny6 video this couple of days

Because I was feeling unwell at the time

Thus I could not do any recording for the past few days

And though I can now, as you can see I still haven't got my entire voice back

As most of you might already know

Orbs and Crests are equipments

That can increase the capability of your heroes

There are 4 slots in each Orbs and Crests that you can use

But unlike orbs, to open crests' slots

You have to reach stage 2 awakening for slot 1-2

And stage 5 awakening for slot 3-4

My hope is that after you guys watch the video

You will get a better understanding

To the answer of the endless question in various forums:

What orbs and crests that suit this hero?

To make this easier to understand, I'm going to use few of my heroes as examples

We start with orbs

There are 5 kinds of orbs in Destiny6

Each increase either HP, Atk, Def, Crit. Rate, and lastly Crit. Damage

By equpping 2 or 4 of the same orbs, you can unlock the set bonus as you can see in the video

Now which orbs are going to suit my hero?

The answer is check their skills

I'm going to use Paper Kur as my first example

As you can see in the video, first skill of Paper Kur

Gives damage according to how much his HP is

His 2nd skill also gives damage according to how much his HP is

Thus, orbs that suit Paper Kur

Would be HP/Vitality Orb that could increase his amount of HP


Yet for some other heroes, it might not be that simple

I now going to use Rock Julian as an example

In the video you can see that Rock Julian 1st skill's damage is according to his attack

So the fist logic would be to use Atk/Bravery Orb on Rock Julian

But if you can manage to do a critical damage with Rock Julian

You can trigger Spotlight debuff on the enemies that would increase crit. rate and crit. damage of your team

There is also another additional damage when you manage to do those critical hit

His 2nd skill will ignore defense too in the case of critical hit

So then it would be more suitable for Rock Julian

To be equipped with Concentration/Crit. Rate orb rather than Bravery/Atk orb

in the end, don't make conclusion yet just based on what you read first on the skill and read them entirely

There might be other conditions you might need to fulfill

to reach the maximum potency of the skills

Is this not clear enough?

Then I'm going to use this last hero as an example

Rock Tyler

As you might already see from my Meta or Top 10 videos

Up til now, Rock Tyler still the most used striker in Arena

Now let's check his striker skill again

Rock Tyler can give damage to random target according to his attack power

So the first logic would be equipping him with Atk Orb isn't it?

But then read again

Instead of Atk his damage goes up according to his Crit. rate amount

From 1000% at 0%-15% Crit. Rate to 1300% at 36% and above

Ignoring defense when crit and also add crit. damage buff

So we can come up with a conclusion that Rock Tyler is better off equipped with Crit. Rate orbs

Easy right?, all you need is a careful reading on their skills

Don't be too lazy too read your favorite hero's skill description

Now we are heading to topic about crests

It's simpler to explain crest than orb

Not only with orbs, but you can also increase skill capabilities of heroes with crests

Like orbs, there are 5 kinds of crests in Destiny6

One can reduce cooldown of skills, increase status resistance, increase status activation chance, increase debuffs and buffs duration

I'm going to use Paper Kur as another example

As most of you guys might already know, Paper Kur is one of the All Around Content Hero in Destiny6

He is good in Arena, Giant, Conquest, you name it

Why?, because of his skill that can produce bleed and stun

That's why I equip him with Persistence/Debuff Duration Crest

To prolong his bleed debuff even more

But if you find it difficult to trigger either his bleed or stun, you can also equip him

With Precision/Status Activation crests that increase chances on landing his stun and/or bleed

That's it?

Unlike orb which has a spesific stats in each of their variation

Crest no matter which type they are can have various stats

It can have HP or Crit. Rate and so on

Equip crests which not only increase the skill capabilities but also suits the main stats of the hero

Like example that's given in the video

Because Paper Kur's main stats is HP

Not only that I equipped him with Persistence Crest that increase debuff duration, but also the one that has HP increase as its stats

IMO, there are 2 options that you can choose in deciding crests

Choose the one that suits the skill like Paper Kur

Or choose the one that has stats that suit the hero regardless of what type the crest is

Like what I did to Paper Fransisca

Instead of focusing on the type of crests, I'm focusing on what stats that the crest has

Is it clear enough guys?

If there are still questions about orbs and crests

Don't hesitate to write them down on the comment section below

I hope this video can benefit you and gives you a better understanding in playing Destiny6

I guess that's all for now guys

If there are questions, inputs, game you'd like to see in this channel, or anything

I really appreciate it if you can write them down on the comment section below and I'd gladly respond them all

If you like my works don't forget to keep supporting me by hitting the like and subs button

And share this video to you friends

This is Ditya saying farewell, GLHF and don't let gaming mess up your studying

For more infomation >> [Destiny6 Indonesia]Basic Guide|Panduan Dasar Orb & Crest[Guide][English Sub] - Duration: 7:33.


[ENG SUB][BANGTAN BOMB] Happy New Year 2017! - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 11:20.

Hello, everyone.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] .

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] Hello.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] .

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] After doing this,

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] .

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] The year is almost is over.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] After...two hours pass...

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] It will be the new year.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] You guys worked hard in 2016.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] .

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] And BTS worked hard as well.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] And ARMYs worked hard as well.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] Ah, Jimin-ah, you worked hard.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] 2016 was...

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] Yes...throughout the year we had many new experiences.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] In 2016...I think so many things happened.

[They're doing a 2017 New Years Greeting to ARMYs] Last year, one year ago, I said I wanted to make memories with you guys.

Last year, one year ago, I said I wanted to make memories with you guys.

So many memories were made, so I'm so happy.

Yes, so many unforgettable memories were made.

2017! When it gets to 2017, I have a personal goal set.

I think I'm the only one who didn't get a license, so I will try to get it.

I don't know if I will do it.

I am thinking about it.

And personally...

In 2016, think I recieved a lot of love from people.

And I think it was a time when we were able to make our name known and make people realize, "Oh, there is a group like this!".

Since ARMYs showed up so much love and support,

I think more people were able to find out about us.

In 2017 make us known...If 2016 was to make ourselves known,

2017 is for...I hope we can find our place with the name, BTS.

I hope ARMYs will have better experiences than in 2016, 2015, 2014.

I hope you guys have joyful moments, and not get sick and not get hurt.

I hope it will be that kind of year for you guys.

I hope 2017 will be a time when we can make more memories than 2016.

You guys worked hard in 2016, and I hope you look after us in 2017 as well.


Hello everyone!

In just two hours, I'm going to be in my mid-20s...

Heh...anyway, I will eventually be 24.

Now that I'm almost 24, time goes by fast.

When I wanted to be a trainee when I was 17, I had that rough hair

I feel like it was just recent when I presented myself in front of Bang PDnim, but it's already been seven years.

In 2017...I guess there will be a lot of happenings.

We will release more music.

And we have that huge WINGS Concert Tour.

We will have to go though those well,

We will have to stay safe and always stay healthy.

And I hope...I hope we will be able to start each day with a smile more.

Right now, when I meet my friends, they are all exhausted.

And they're tired and drained.

If my friends are like that, I think you guys are feeling that way too.

And we...we won't be able to solve the problem, but

We will be your hope and rays of light by releasing good music, good performances and a great promotional period.

But everyone, don't forget that health is the most important thing.

I got hurt a lot too, but I will stay cautious.

Always stay healthy, and in 2017, let's do WINGS.

Let's fly, everyone.


Hello everyone! I am Jin from BTS!

For now, for 2016, you guys worked so hard.

In 2017, well...

I need luck for myself, so I can't give you mine,

But get a little bit of lucky energy from other people around you,

I hope it can be a year of overflowing luck.

What I want to say is, when someone else is having a hard time, and you're having a hard time, it doesn't mean you're not having a hard time.

So when you are having a hard time, tell them that, and always support each other and comfort each other.

I hope 2017 can be a year when we can stay healthy and not get injured.

And I really love you guys, ARMYs.


ARMY, I love you.

2017, Have a happy new year.

And for our first video of 2017, let's start with a hand kiss.



Our 2016...we always say this, but

Time passed by really quickly.

When you look at it, it also seemed long.

We went through this hectic year.

Since we were so busy this year,

Next year I hope we will have more free time.

I thought we would have more personal time, but

I think as time passed, we got busier and busier.

But because of your love,

we were able to be this busy.

We were busy, but working hard felt good too.

I think we were able to get through this year joyfully.

I'm looking forward to all the memories we will make with you guys in 2017.

Aren't you already looking forward to it? We have the tour too.

I'm very excited. Usually...

In the past, I worried a lot when each year passed,

I still get worried, but I am also feeling excited.

If it was usually half and half, then now I am worried about 20% and excited about 80%.

So I am becoming happier.

And also, we obviously got busy, but we made some time and bought equipment.

So, I will do my best and produce music and have my name on it, and let you listen to great music.

I'm really looking forward to 2017, even more than I have until now.

In 2017, I want to meet many of you guys and grow as a person.

Let's make many great memories, everyone.

Everyone, you guys worked hard

Let's continue to run together. Run run run.

Fighting! Bye!

2016 is already coming to an end. I can't believe it.

I can't believe it.

In 2016, we really received a lot of love from you guys,

I think it was a time when we prospered and received applause.

Uh...When I look back at it,

you guys gave us so much love to the point where I wonder, "Is it okay to receive this much love?".

It was a very joyful year.

2016...It's a shame but we have to let it go.

But! In 2017, I hope you guys have a hap- I can't pronounce it- a happy new year!

It's the year of the chicken.

Cock-a-doodle-doo! Can I do this?

It's going to be 2017 soon.

In 2017, we will give you good music and performances and impress your eyes and ears.

We will release that kind of content, so look forward to it,

I am ready for 2017, everyone.

I am ready to continue with you guys.

Since it's the new year, let's work hard, everyone!

Everyone, have hope for the new year!

Always be hopeful!

Yes, Hello.

I am V from BTS.

In 2016, we made so many memories with ARMYs.

We released 'Blood Sweat & Tears', we released 'Fire'...

We did fanmeetings, and did concerts with you guys.

And we toured and I did Hwarang shooting.

We made so many memories, and ARMYs were with us until the end, so I am very proud and thankful.

And, thank you for staying healthy.

All seven of us are very happy because of you guys.

We stayed healthy, and went through each day energetically.

In 2017, I hope there can be many days where we can walk hand in hand.

Also, we wish the best for us, but I hope you guys stay healthy as well.

Also, I hope you guys will stay happy.


As much as we feel joy from everyone, we will put more effort in our performances and do this and that for ARMYs.

I hope your 2017 is filled with luck! Bye!

2016 is passing and 2017 is here.

Shall we clap three times?

Clap clap clap.

Yes, that's right. Now, 2017...

It's quite...

I think it will be a year when BTS puts on their wings and fly.

I hope it will be a year when BTS and ARMYs puts on wings and fly very very high.

For 2017, Have a happy new year,

And since 2016 is in the past, leave it behind.

Have a great 2017 and let's be happy.

Everyone, have a happy new year!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB][BANGTAN BOMB] Happy New Year 2017! - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 11:20.






Jason Chaffetz, the Chairman of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government

Reform, shared the information with the committee that he had a discussion with President Trump

where the President gave Chaffetz the permission to investigate whatever he wants.

Chaffetz also suggested that charges against Hillary could be arriving soon.













You can watch the video here:

The information that President Trump also encourages the investigation comes just days

after the Oversight Committee ordered James Comey, (now former) FBI Director, to publish

the contents of Hillary Clinton's email server.

This basically indicates that criminal and reckless Hillary Clinton didn't get away

from a full-blown investigation, regardless of what she had hoped for.

Most of all, without Obama and Comey to cover her tracks now, Hillary Clinton may finally

be indicted.

It's about time she starts being held responsible for her innumerable crimes and for betraying

our country.

Finally, she has to answer for what she did, since the fact that President Trump is in

control, she won't make it out uninvestigated this time.

We hope that you found this article informative and helpful.

Share your thoughts and opinions with us! source:



Get Rid Of Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes | Remove Dark Circles | Home Remedies | Easy Tips - Duration: 2:01.

e7 coffee mask coffee mask for dark circles

and puffy eyes there are lots of creams on facials that climb to reduce dark

circles and bags but they won't instead of reducing they harm more of course

these products are not suitable for different type of skin tones but natural

remedies plays major role in improving beauty without any side effects and good

for all type of skins for this natural remedy we need organic coffee one

tablespoon allah vera gel one tablespoon white mangey capsule coffee contains

caffeine which helps in skin tighten smooth puffiness fight free radicals and

reduce dark spots under eye circles aloe vera and vitamin E moisturizes the area

mix all the ingredients together to become a thick paste

apply a thick layer under your eyes and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse

off with normal water apply this mask for three to five years in a week before

going to bed and you can also apply it in your free time to get fast results

thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Get Rid Of Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes | Remove Dark Circles | Home Remedies | Easy Tips - Duration: 2:01.


Apresentando meu novo Canal "KAKOROTO" / Introducing my new channel "KAKOROTO" - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Apresentando meu novo Canal "KAKOROTO" / Introducing my new channel "KAKOROTO" - Duration: 1:53.


BEST MOVIES OF 2017 (painfully awkward) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BEST MOVIES OF 2017 (painfully awkward) - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> CZEGO BRAKUJE NAM W CRITICAL OPS? 🏆🏆 - Duration: 2:44.


Blind-Folded slime challenge? - Duration: 9:55.

hey guys welcome back

thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed make sure you check out my other videos

For more infomation >> Blind-Folded slime challenge? - Duration: 9:55.


The Puppet Theater | Bloopers - Duration: 3:51.

- Knock on the door! - Ring the doorbell!

Okay, wait a sec! I'll just take a close-up of when you ring the doorbell.


- Did you press properly?

- No...

- Press properly then!

- You just have to press

- I don't want them to...

- Just do it one more time without saying anything at the end...

- Weren't you supposed to say something?

- Isn't it supposed to be *romantic music*, so I won't have to say anything?

- Hello there!

- Hi...

- What was so bad?

- "Hi!". Do it that way!


Wicked house!

- I know

- Uhm... Dang it!

- Come on!

- What is this?

- It's something...

... my grandpa gave me.

- Uhm, yes, I found this puppet theater...

... not so long ago. Uhm...


- I went on an old garage sale one time and found this...


garage sale... No.

- Markus!

- Come on!

- And they said it was haunted, so I...


- No, you can't film this!

- I've got two puppets here...

- It was an awesome puppet theater Todleif...


You just...

- It doesn't work...

- Okay, one more time. Foucs now!

- Shouldn't I have stepped up first?


- It's supposed to be quiet and tense!

- Come on!

- No, one more try!


- BOO!

- I've started filming!

- The clown is after us!!!

- Frankie! What's going on? Okay!

- Okay, what's going on?

- Come here Frankie! Frankie, come!

- What's going on? Okay!

- Okay you, calm down! Chill!

- You did that right behind me, you little troll!

- Sorry...

- Paw!

- Thank you for watching! -


For more infomation >> The Puppet Theater | Bloopers - Duration: 3:51.


How To Get A Free Face For Roblox(PC ONLY)Turn On Subtitiles or you wont understand anything - Duration: 3:59.

Hey Guys Welcome Back To Another Video

Today Im teaching you how to get a free face in roblox

So First Thing you want to do is find face online

And Before this video starts i hope you like and subscribe and thx for the support

And I hit that like button And lets get 10 likes on this video

Find a Face that you like

and make sure that your face is just the happy face

For Me I pick this face cause i like it

And Download it

Then Open The File Location of roblox

Click Contents

Then Textures

Removed The Face to your Desktop then name it backup

Then Click The Face that you downloaded and name it face

Put it on the File Where you got the face

Then Close the folder and join a game you wont see the face in your avatar but in the game you will see it

So Join a game

See my face turned into the face that i downloaded

Well That is it guys

I Hope You Enjoyed And Like And Subscribe and Share this to your friends and comment i like and subscribe for an shout out in my next video

And Yea if you want to collab With me or any of my friends just subscribe nad i will be accpeting your friend request if you want

And Yea This is the end

cya guys in the next video


Lol i cant end my recording


So Again cya bye guys

For more infomation >> How To Get A Free Face For Roblox(PC ONLY)Turn On Subtitiles or you wont understand anything - Duration: 3:59.


Did you know How to Detect Fake Honey? - Duration: 1:27.

do you know how to disagree fake honey do you know how to identify the real

organic honey let us follow these simple tricks to know your honey is real or

fake one fight test burn your honey with a match or lighter and say if it ignites

pure honey will ignites under this condition - what the test and a spoon of

honey into a glass of water if the honey dissolves in water it means it's a fake

or poor quality honey pure honey does not dissolve in water 3 iodine test add

a few drops of iodine to a glass of water and then add some honey to it if

the honey turns blue it has been Mitch debated pants touch it's a man-made

honey for thumb test pour some honey on your thumb and see if

it sticks if it does not then it is real honey

where is fake honey you will run thank you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos


For more infomation >> Did you know How to Detect Fake Honey? - Duration: 1:27.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


AS ARMADILHAS - O CONSELHO - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> AS ARMADILHAS - O CONSELHO - Duration: 5:24.


What is Love? - Duration: 8:54.

Hey guys, Culture here.

The day of St. Valentine himself, also known to some as Valentine's Day, has just passed.

Isn't it crazy?

Who else gets a whole day named after them?

There's St. Valentine, Columbus, even the Queen only gets it because it's her birthday.

Speaking of only getting it because it's your birthday, that's something Valentine's

Day is great for.

I don't want to be crass but I'm talking about the horizontal mambo, making the beast

with two backs, the serpent in the Chinese finger trap.

You know, sex.

Now I don't want to alarm you but people do have sex on Valentine's day.

And you can't demonetise us for this YouTube because sex is the word we're supposed to


You also can't censor me for calling it bouncy up-and-down fun time.

But I don't want to talk about doin' the dirty today, I'd prefer to talk about the

other major component of Valentine's Day: Love.

Don't believe those people who tell you that Valentine's Day can be all about learning

to love and appreciate yourself.

If you go out in the streets and start loving yourself, you'll most likely be arrested

for public indecency.

So I say either get a date or stay inside and eat that chicken you left defrosting in

the sink by yourself you filthy, pathetic animal.

Like you'd really have to be a bottom-of-the-barrel loser not to have a date.

Okay all jokes aside, it's fine not to have a date.

Just ignore Valentine's Day, it's all over pretty quickly anyway.

Speaking of things that are over pretty quickly… oh wait, no, I went through that already.

In any case it's been a few days since Valentine's Day so it's too late to lament your loneliness

now… or is it?

Let's accept facts: We all need love.

I don't care how edgy and/or emo you are, you still need love.

And more than needing love, you want love.

That's right, no amount of listening to The Cure and My Chemical Romance can hide

the fact that you "love" love.

But why do we "love" love?

Well I think it's pretty obvious: Because love is lovely.

Ummm… maybe I should expand on that… what I mean is love makes us feel good.

It's warm, it's comforting, it's satisfying, it's reassuring… it's everything good

in life all at once.

So you'd think that there's no possible way that I could write a rant about love,



Anyone who thinks that has obviously never tried to find love.

And I don't mean love from a parent or a sibling or a pet, I mean from another person

who isn't obligated to love you.

A life partner, someone who makes you get that special ooey-gooey feeling inside…

oh jeez, I feel sick just talking about it.

But how do you find this person?

There's no guide to this, and it's far beyond my scope of inquiry, knowledge or experience

to provide such a guide.

So rather than pretend I can provide a comprehensive list of what makes two people love each other,

I'll just chuck out some ideas for you all to mull over and ultimately fail to provide

any meaningful or useful insight.

Yayyyyy loooooove…

Let's get down to the brass tacks of finding someone you love: Meeting someone.

Every marriage started with a meeting of two people in one way or another, whether that's

in a high school 10 years beforehand or in a casino 10 minutes beforehand.

Not that marriage necessarily means you love the other person, or that if you aren't

married it means you don't love each other or… oh jeez I can see the comments now...

I'm just gonna soldier on.

My point is that to love someone you have to have at least met them!

But wait… some people say they love celebrities, they have crushes on them and they centre

everything they do on them, yet in that case they haven't met them.

But is that really love?

It seems kind of one-sided.

But who am I to say that they don't "really" love that person?

I don't know, but it sounds more like an obsession.

But isn't all love an obsession?

In a way, yeah, kinda… right?

People say things like you're madly in love with them, you fall head over heels, you're

crazy about them… all of these things have a weird impetus to them with an almost extreme


I guess you kind of have to be obsessed with someone to love them.

Maybe true love is just a mutual obsession, whether it be correctly founded or completely

misguided, between the two people involved.

So let's use obsession as a working foundation for this discussion of love.

What makes someone obsessed with someone else?

Well an obsession is when something completely takes over your mind, it leaves room for nothing

else and your every thought is about that thing or person.

Once again, another great way to describe love.

But then again, when two people are truly obsessed with each other all the time then

eventually one person gets more obsessed than the other and that person gets tired of the

constant need for attention.

Of course this doesn't usually happen, instead we just… mellow out.

We don't need to hang out with the person we love every second of every day.

But of course we still love them, so now we have "love" without obsession… basically,

we're back to square one.

Maybe this is a language issue.

Maybe love just isn't a good enough word; maybe we use it to describe too many ways

of feeling positively about someone else.

Maybe what we really need are different words for describing the emotions we feel early

on in a relationship versus after being together for a long time.

But no, that's the easy way out, that's what the weak would say.

I want to dissect the "obsession" part of love and figure out what remains even long

into the relationship.

Let's take a step back to achieve this: What actions might one take for someone they


Think of a mother's love for their child.

In this case, considered to be perhaps the strongest type of love, the mother would sacrifice

their own life to save their child's life.

But does this go beyond simply "love"?

Or does this mean that the first time we say "I love you" to our partners that we're

essentially saying "If we were on a plane that was crashing and there was only one parachute

left, I'd want you to have it."

If that's what saying "I love you" is meant to mean then it's kind of uh… daunting.

Like I didn't realise saying "I love you" was that big of a commitment.

That's another good point: Commitment milestones in a relationship.

We have the first kiss, the first bang session, the first "I love you", the engagement

ring, the marriage, the kids… what do each of these signify in terms of our love for

another person?

Of course not all relationships follow that formula, and not always in that order, but

I'm trying to simplify here.

I think commitment is really about trust.

You have to trust someone a certain amount at each of those steps.

Trust them with your body, trust them with your emotions, trust them with your thoughts

and, ultimately, trust them with your future.

In fact, with kids, you trust them with your legacy.

So maybe that's what love is about: Trust, just in differing degrees.

But there are a few issues with this definition.

Firstly, a parent loves their newborn baby but they don't really "trust" them.

I mean come on, they barely trust them to hold a small object without trying to stick

it in their mouth and choking.

That kind of love is more of a hope, a hope for the future.

Instead of trust, it comes back to that obsessive quality: The new child occupies your every

thought; every action you take from now on is done for them, to improve their quality

of life.

But now I feel like I'm verging dangerously close to the apathetic view on love that so

many modern people adopt: A stance based on evolutionary theory.

In case I need to explain, this view holds that love is basically an evolutionary tool

designed to get us to survive and reproduce.

We need to meet a partner, reproduce and then ensure the survival of the baby.

The type of love we feel for our partner evolves over time to suit each of these needs and

the many steps between them.

And of course, this love, this tool, makes us feel good.

In this way one could think of lust as a precursor to love: Both make us feel amazing for different

reasons, yet together they allow us to carry on our species.

I have one huge issue with this theory: It misses the entire point of the question "what

is love?"

The theory explains "why" we have love, but fails to define it.

That is, what is the connecting thread that ties all of these stages of love together?

The commonality between all types of love that is also unique to the experience of love?

The answer: I have no clue.

But I do know this: Love requires you to open yourself up to someone else.

It requires you to make yourself vulnerable, even if it's as simple as risking rejection

when you ask someone out.

It means turning infatuation for someone into a genuine affection and then, finally, into


Do I think that's a complete description of love?

No, not by a long shot.

I'd be a fool to think I could define it in a less-than 10 minute YouTube video when

countless others have dedicated entire works and ballads to describing it.

I like to try and reason things out but perhaps love is best learnt through intuition, experiences

and leaps of faith.

So what I'm saying is, get out there and give it a shot, meet a bunch of new people

and maybe you'll really connect with one of them.

Sorry if you were expecting me to get angry and flustered in this video but I just can't

where love is concerned.

Though that doesn't mean you guys can't get mad about it!

If you have any leaps of faith that ended in falls of faith and finally bone-crushing

and heart-breaking impacts… of faith… that you want to share, then feel free to

vent in the comments section below!

For more infomation >> What is Love? - Duration: 8:54.


O que é Crypt of the Necrodancer? Canal Aperte Start #023 - Duration: 25:25.

For more infomation >> O que é Crypt of the Necrodancer? Canal Aperte Start #023 - Duration: 25:25.



For more infomation >> CUATRO MEJORES SUSTITUTOS DEL AZÚCAR - Duration: 7:46.


Apresentando meu novo Canal "KAKOROTO" / Introducing my new channel "KAKOROTO" - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Apresentando meu novo Canal "KAKOROTO" / Introducing my new channel "KAKOROTO" - Duration: 1:53.


Justificativa TCC - Como fazer uma justificativa de TCC - Guia com roteiro, modelo e exemplo - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> Justificativa TCC - Como fazer uma justificativa de TCC - Guia com roteiro, modelo e exemplo - Duration: 10:00.


Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software - Duration: 2:12.

Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software

Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software

Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software

Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software

For more infomation >> Top 3 Free 3D Animation Video Maker | Free Animation Software - Duration: 2:12.


Tortilla de Patata - Tortilla Española - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Tortilla de Patata - Tortilla Española - Duration: 3:56.


【魚乾】107年的學測國文考題,就讓我來試試看吧! - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 【魚乾】107年的學測國文考題,就讓我來試試看吧! - Duration: 7:46.


How To Download | Minecraft Pocket Edition | For Free In Android 2018 - Duration: 2:16.



For more infomation >> How To Download | Minecraft Pocket Edition | For Free In Android 2018 - Duration: 2:16.


Quando Você Souber Por Que Ela Come 2 OVOS Por Dia Vai Querer Fazer o Mesmo - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Quando Você Souber Por Que Ela Come 2 OVOS Por Dia Vai Querer Fazer o Mesmo - Duration: 3:17.


İsrail'den Afrikalı göçmenlere Ya gidersiniz ya da hapse girersiniz - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> İsrail'den Afrikalı göçmenlere Ya gidersiniz ya da hapse girersiniz - Duration: 2:25.


Weasel or mink steals fish while fishing steals fish from a fisherman's bucket - Duration: 1:52.

We often went fishing

with our first dachshund Rikoy

but this time Rika stayed at home

Perhaps the absence of a dog on a fishing trip

and helped remove this video

It was autumn and the trees

already stood with yellow foliage

I was fishing on a stony bullside

and for a few minutes he stepped aside

When I looked back, I saw

that some animal

is about a bucket of fish

It looks like the animal was near

all the time, but I have not seen him

And when I stepped aside

he grew bolder and went fishing

I was ten meters away from him

and managed to pull out a digital camera

and began to shoot

I took the shooting a little closer.

and unfortunately a little lost sharpness of the frame

I did not understand which animal

was in front of me

or mink, or weasel

First the animal came to the water itself

and began to look for either frogs or fish

But soon his attention

attracted a bucket of bulls

Zverek cleverly climbed into the bucket

and quickly pulled the first fish

I watched what was happening with interest

Zverek did not stop

and always took a fish

and ran into the bushes

When the number of stolen fish

began to approach ten

I realized that I could do

to live without bait

I began to approach the bucket

but the animal continued to run after the fish

I had to shout a little at him

and only then the animal disappeared into the bushes

I did not inspect the bushes

and check where the fish went

That would not interfere with the animal

sit down

I carefully gathered the tackles

and left this place

For more infomation >> Weasel or mink steals fish while fishing steals fish from a fisherman's bucket - Duration: 1:52.



hello to all guys and welcome, today it's time for superheroes

in fact we will talk about a hot wheels dedicated to Captain America

let's take it right away and let's discover it together

this hot wheels looks very good already looking at the blister

both the design of the car but also the design on the box are very beautiful

on the back we find the design of the car and the signature of the designer Brian Benedict, who has already designed other hot wheels

and then we find all the other hot wheels dedicated to the Marvel series




at this point it's time to open it

the details of the car are really many, starting with the headlights that are very evident

the redline wheels that are very comfortable with all the aesthetics of the car

even all Captain America logos are perfectly integrated on the car bodywork

very nice the roof with the letter A and the shield on the engine compartment

I can say that all the aesthetics of the car perfectly represents the superhero Captain America

we can find the full force of Captain America in this splendid car

Captain America himself approves this car

I recommend if you liked the video let me like it

and above all subscribe to the channel

now I show you the close-up shots of the car, thanks for watching and see you at the next video Hello everyone

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