Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2018

what is a CACCI crew today we are coming at you with a morning routine

yes your guys's favorite but we're gonna be switching it up a little bit so I'm

gonna be doing in vlog style you guys love our normal morning routines so I

decided why don't I do it vlog style you guys always normally see Peyton in the

morning routine but you guys all know that she's not here so I'm just gonna be

doing it by myself and show you guys my everyday morning routine and yes you can

hear that I'm a little bit congested and my nose a little nasally right now I am

sick but it's okay I'm still gonna push through it and do today's morning

routine cuz I'm getting better I feel a lot better than I did the past few days

so you guys gonna get that music in the background right now can't you listen

that's what helps me sleep at night even if I'm not sick I have to have that

music on every night and it's a little infuser that I put essential oils in and

they all have different meanings to them and like things that help you that's

what I have it in right now called breathe in I love it I'm obsessed

with it an excuse that sorry I have to take that

stuff because I'm sick oh my god bed right now

it's a little bit more bright

watch my face let's do you have to wash my face with

money because I did yourself it's really bad the skin if you guys want to check

out my I have to do no this is grid that I'm washing my face in the sink area but

it's my favorite place to wash it I don't know I just because oh just

because this sink is a little bit bigger so I like to use this thing but I'm

gonna be setting this down and you can watch but first things first is I wash

my face and I'm using the road amp fields and it's an acne treatment sulfur

wash this I'm making eyes I already told you guys I I had an acne video that I

did so you guys should have checked at all and he said that just check it out

but not right now so I give this and this really cleared my skin up really

really well like it was the only product that actually worked on my skin cuz my

skin is really really sensitive and then what I guess is my vending planet brush

that they sent me came with a different cup of brushes also I'll show you them

so they have this brush which is for the face they have this brush which is a

smaller one if you want to get in like smaller areas same type of brush then

they have this one I'm not really sure this one's for your face or your foot

but I would never put this on my face because my face is really sensitive so

if I did on my face I'd probably break out just with my skin type so I usually

just put this on my foot my calluses my foot if I do have any

also this one use for your face a party use this one for my face also I forgot

almost to tell you guys you guys can use this one on your body also so if you

have like bacne

so you guys all know that I do have big cheese and so

what I do is I get

okay so I'm running a little bit late right now because I have a hair

appointment so I'm just gonna do my makeup real quick and then I'm gonna

have my mom make me breakfast right now

this makeover started I usually like to reuse my eyelashes


now it is time to pick up the outfit yeah see you guys so you see this I do

need a bigger closet a way bigger closet so I just kept it super casual put on

black leggings this cute booooo-whoo letter and then my Nikes it's gold my

jewelry box do cute little chain now that I showed you guys my outfit I am in

a rush and I'm gonna get on the road right after I eat hey did you make me

some breakfast glare B looks great what do you make me so it's like an avocado

mixture with like lime onions and pepper and all that good stuff and then some

dough yo he's about to be like me we're gonna be twins not go on hair both of us

I didn't want to pull on Twitter and Instagram to see if I should do dark or

blonde and all of you guys voted blonde so I'm going blonde I probably tried

dark probably next winter so yeah all plugs here that I hope stay with right

here so it doesn't damage it because last time I did it it really fried my

hair that's why my hair is a lot shorter than Peyton's can I have my shirt leash

that's gonna help me with my wellness you know a little bit wellness stuttered

and it has apple lemon and extra ginger in it I'm so excited to my hair done

right now important this is Reyes

and what is this one this bomb here so if you guys wanna get some farm hearing

of the bomb here


For more infomation >> MY MORNING ROUTINE! (Vlog) - Duration: 9:01.


El azúcar y sus propiedades peligrosas insospechadas - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> El azúcar y sus propiedades peligrosas insospechadas - Duration: 7:49.


El 'Messi' Acuña empató el partido contra Puebla - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> El 'Messi' Acuña empató el partido contra Puebla - Duration: 1:33.


La gripe parece dar una tregua después de cobrarse decenas de vidas - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> La gripe parece dar una tregua después de cobrarse decenas de vidas - Duration: 2:13.


Vigón dejó ir el primero para Atlas en el corazón del área felina - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Vigón dejó ir el primero para Atlas en el corazón del área felina - Duration: 0:47.


BMW X4 2018 : DÉJÀ UNE NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION ! - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> BMW X4 2018 : DÉJÀ UNE NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION ! - Duration: 5:19.


Goku transforms into white Ssj Migatte No Gokui Perfect Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Goku transforms into white Ssj Migatte No Gokui Perfect Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 5:53.


CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...

For more infomation >> CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...


20180214 京畿南部警察FBライブ  ジュンス XIAの Thank U for (日本語字幕)平昌オリンピック胸いっぱいの感動と喜び、音楽で感じてください10選 広報団にきいてみよう - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> 20180214 京畿南部警察FBライブ  ジュンス XIAの Thank U for (日本語字幕)平昌オリンピック胸いっぱいの感動と喜び、音楽で感じてください10選 広報団にきいてみよう - Duration: 3:57.


El azúcar y sus propiedades peligrosas insospechadas - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> El azúcar y sus propiedades peligrosas insospechadas - Duration: 7:49.


BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With Election! - Duration: 5:22.

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With


The latest news in the Mueller FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential

election has been released.

Special counselor Robert Mueller has dropped close to twelve indictments on Russian operatives

because he has evidence they interfered with the 2016 presidential election.

However, there is no proof or allegation that the White House administration colluded with

these Russians.

These Russian operatives who were allowed into the United States, their visas were approved

by none other than former Secretary of State John Kerry.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

"After sixteen months of investigations and over a year-and-a-half of the FBI and

Obama administration spying on Donald Trump, his family, his business, his campaign, his

transition team and his administration — Special Counsel Robert Mueller dropped an absolute

nothing-burger today in announcing charges against Russian operatives who sullied the

US election process.

The Mueller Special Counsel has yet to look at Saudi donations to Hillary Clinton or Clinton

campaign collusion with Russia.

The Mueller Special Counsel has yet to look at the "hacked" DNC servers or have not

attempted to contact Julian Assange from Wikileaks.

The indictment today contained the same Russian Facebook ads that were released in November

2017 by the House Intelligence Committee.

Mueller and Democrats want you to believe these Russian Facebook ads flipped the election

to Donald Trump.

But at least half of the ads are pro-Hillary.

And Russia claims half of their paid ads ran after the election and 25% never ran at all.

Facebook announced previously the Russian ads comprised .004% of their advertising during

the election.

Then there's this.

The Kerry State Department approved the visas for the Russian operatives to travel the US

in 2014 through 2016 and attempt to interfere with the US election process."

The Daily Beast reported,

"Multiple sources familiar with the Senate intelligence committee's investigation tell

The Daily Beast that Republican and Democratic staffers there have spoken with numerous people

who worked in the State Department under then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

Tom Malinowski, who was Kerry's assistant secretary of state for Democracy, Human Rights,

and Labor, told The Daily Beast that he spoke with Senate investigators.

He said the meeting was informational and conversational, but didn't elaborate.

Committee staff have also spoken with Jon Finer, Kerry's chief of staff at State,

according to a person familiar with that conversation.

Both Democratic and Republican staff attended.

Staffers spoke as well with Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary for European and Eurasian

affairs, according to another source.

Nuland is a favorite target of Russian state media, which leaked her phone calls in 2014.

And Carter Page, the Trump campaign adviser-turned-FBI counterintelligence surveillance target, blamed

her for "fomenting" efforts that ousted former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Yanukovych, incidentally, was one of Paul Manafort's many controversial clients.

It isn't surprising that Trump/Russia investigators would chat with former Foggy Bottom officials.

The department's diplomats have long tracked the Kremlin's efforts to expand its regional

hegemony—often using violent and illicit means.

Malinowski, Nuland, and Finer all worked at high levels in the State Department while

the Kremlin's meddling efforts were underway.

Nunes, meanwhile, has promised to release information about the State Department's

potential role in the distribution of the Steele dossier.

"We are in the middle of like whole phase two of our investigation, which involves other

departments, specifically the State Department and some of the involvement that they had

in this," Nunes told Fox News in his first interview after the release of his controversial

memo on surveillance of Page.

"That investigation is ongoing and we continue to work towards finding answers and asking

the right questions to try to get to the bottom of what exactly the State Department was up

to in terms of this Russian investigation.""

This entire investigation has been based on the assumption that President Trump and his

people colluded with the Russians in order to win the 2016 presidential election.

However, out of all the charges and indictments, there has been no finding to that effect.

Manafort and Papadopolous have been charged but they were bad actors all along.

Even when they weren't associated with the Trump administration.

As President Trump has noted, this is the biggest taxpayer scam there ever was.

While the Russians have no doubt interfered they have been doing it to other countries

too not just exclusively in the United States.

Yet, Democrats have made it seem as though this is something that it is not.

Instead of wasting federal tax dollars on this investigation the money should be spent

on veteran benefits, lowering prescription drug prices, federal employee salaries, pension

benefits and more.

The American people don't deserve to have their hard earned money wasted on something

like this.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With Election! - Duration: 5:22.


সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:14.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:14.


Building Up (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:39.

Then Let us no longer judge one another,but rather resolve never to put a stumbling block

or hindrance in the way of a brother.

Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble.Have

patience and self denial.We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak

and not to please ourselves;Let each of us please our neighbor for the good for building


Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.Let

your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.Let your

good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

Glorify God the father.Be imitators of God.Love God.Those who preach the gospel should live

by it.Seek the good of others.No one should seek his own advantage but the advantage of

others.Whatever you do do it for the glory of God.Whenever you eat Christ Body do it

in remeberance of him.Something when you drink his blood.When you do so you proclaim the

death of the Lord so take it all the time.

Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

For more infomation >> Building Up (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:39.


How to draw Cafe for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Cafe for kids


I Copied LGBTQ+ Icons' Instagrams for a Week… - Duration: 12:24.

So today i'm doing one of my favorite videos ever and this is such a freaking cool concept and i tweeted the idea i was

like hey would you guys be down for it

you're like yes i said

And like it all caps so i was me trying to sound like you hey don't send yeah yeah very hard i got lots of

hard yeses we love this community and this fandom

I'm gonna be reaching out to a ton of people that follow me on instagram at jesse paige and i jesse josh so i guess

if you want to enter that kind of giveaway thing though my time isn't that precious

All you have to do is follow my instagram that would be really cool i appreciate it give me validation please

Support your girl come on i look cute my instagram hopefully makes me look

And i can check if you're following i will be having an instagram also so i've been doing this series on my channel where you?

create instagram pictures and i was gonna do an in honor of like a ton of like badass

Bald woman in honor of the women's march but i also had the concept to do some

lgbtq+ icons in

entertainment yeah i just chose people that you guys tweeted me a ton and i decided to recreate their pictures and

Include a ton of funny banter while i in a new look because i thought this gayest video would be even better

Underneath the freakin rainbow so here we are where we belong

I'm gonna be doing a new video to know where i facetimed 10 of you guys and let's get this to

35,000 likes what if you freakin support this concept

too if you want to part two and three if i post all these sections for mainstream and four if you think that i'm a

good father for spoiling my kids its if you're new to my channel

It's that weird ops inside joke but it's not an inside joke at the same time because it's very real

I get said adoption papers every day please like the video

This is a lot of reasons but also i will do a part

To you if it gets to that only if it gets to that i'm watching you i see you there in the back yeah you

Yeah looking at your phone your brother's memes can wait we support wholesome lgbtq+ couples some daddies some mothers

non-binary, female male we are freaking open circle here i'm not wearing shoes

i've worn these pants three days in a row this is an air of acceptance

cool i love my people it's concerning

Also this video was supposed to be a collab with rebecca i lost all the footage i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to

Recover it but she helped me to create a ton of these photos and i want to thank her a lot and we shared sheikha

The video we did on her channel just subscribe to her she's literally one of the nicest people ever and she's like oh he's so

supportive and sweet and


It's so great like a such great pride okay let's get started so i had a ton of photos i wanted to recreate from crucified

But i decided to go with this one it's one of my favorite photos of troy ever because it's so just

uh whenever i look at it i literally smile

He's in a rainbow sweatshirt which i had something literally almost

identical to that and he is carrying a puppy it's literally it's my whole branding troye sivan


Rainbows glitter on his face and he's carrying a puppy and it's just like the way he's looking at the puppy it makes me happy

makes me appreciate you know like the good side of life

bit wild


like guys

So for this one i borrowed rebecca's dog because i don't have a puppy

Don't remind yourself jesse and i took some glitter i always use this glitter in my face it's something i always do for my branding

And i had a white thread sweatshirt already above my hair in little braids

And i looked at the puppy and try to look, adorable and sure okay

So rebecca is about

To go and help me take detroit savan photo thank you so much i was telling her a little bit about him and

he's one of my favorite photos royce won't ever

literally like encouraged me to get glitter on my face so i'm gonna show you guys how i do

my glitter and stuff also but first i'm gonna get this mad shirt it's rainbow and it's cute it's cute

it's rainbow just like everything else in my apartment i'm about

To show you how we do glitter in my face let's go glitter with me okay i love the troye sivan

comfortable enough to really glitter and so on to this photo is literally my branding troye sivan plus glitter plus rainbows

amazing plus puppies he is blue glitter


So i'm going

to take maybe this glitter i think you can take these little bita gems if you want and you can just stick them

under your eyes

Or you can go all out and


can do glitter i'm gonna put it on later for the photo but you take the glitter and then i take eyelash glue or

this specific glitter glue

that comes with this brand go get glitter not sponsor please i wish

sponsor me it was like an actual like just the

Anime princess it's great i don't know like if i'd want to be an anime character or a disney princess more cuz those are definitely

goals of mine

in my life i don't know how that would happen but i think a disney princess cuz i grew up with that versus anime i

got, into later unless you can't like pokemon and so on

like my life falling apart hahaha

Relatable i'm gonna do intense

modeling cool emma jessie style that used to be my username on youtube now it's an inside joke if you're new hi

Okay, so now i am in my troye sivan sweatshirt oh my gosh i love it it looks so similar and what i love is

that his has blue and

I doesn't but my hair is the blue i love it i'm a literal human rainbow now oh my gosh i'm gonna add my

Actual glitter to it and now i have my sweatshirt on oh?

look at her obviously with the most effort into

This one because it's my favorite photo ever okay i'm gonna play some troy to get ready for this and i just envisioned a puppy

thank you lord and savior look at him watching over this apartment making sure everything's fine don't worry

Troye sivan is definitely someone i hundra's i want to take food in this video he's coming out video has helped so many people

and music he's incredibly creative and some music videos in particular

really focused on its own serious topics especially when it comes to things like coming out being

closeted etc i think i got tweeted twice upon the most and i

Got requested to do ruby rose a ton and again i don't have a puppy so rebecca help me out my queen this picture of?

ruby there are two dogs and

Helps two leashes it's so much harder than it looks ruby makes it look effortless

I don't understand i mean ruby makes everything with effortless room who makes looking that attractive look way too

effortless and very attractive wow did not look contractive we love

Self-deprecation so we started taking the photos with just me holding the two leashes and my hair is down

they, also wore an all-black outfit which is very odd for me i love colors in case you couldn't tell by the giant rainbow

Then i decided i'm trying to make my hair look more like rubies rubies

Hair is like literally i have wanted to cut my hair that short i will at some point in my life a lot of you

guys Have meant of short hair and i think it's so friggin cool i literally give you such admiration for people that i don't know

Like i know what it's like to like even just look about my hair color the people be incredibly judgmental i'll be like that's not

stereotypical pretty it's like i'm on the give a crap i feel cool and i think it's beautiful

freakin grooming makes me want to cut my hair that short anyway i

latest my hair a bit and made it look short and i think he looked really sick i kind of felt like an anime character

i literally felt like an anime protagonist give that crunchyroll when it sponsor me i

was with the two dogs never really got a picture that fully was as

put together as rubies but i was also requested to do some youtube couples and

Rebecca and i had done shane and ryland previously but we were going to do it again

I had to people were pressing

joy chris emma and daniel and i found this one photo of the two of them

Where joey has blue hair because i know he's also like a connoisseur of colored hair so i decided to

recreate that one with the blue hair they ever think hewitt is two cupholders

adorable i've been a stan

So we are about

To go and recreate connor franta with the little flag and be a blue sky the sky is

So pretty today oh my gosh i mean not as great as maya

bloom kidding please i wish we are going to recreate his photo who

actually remember when this photo was posted i don't know why i remember being 16 and

Seeing that photo i have to play hayley kiyoko because i didn't get to recreate her photo like

we're ready to karaoke

or something else done -

it's in our workout i'm getting a lead

we said this one would be easy i got a lot of options

They filming this yep hi oh that's cute hiding when i go up and down mm-hmm, he makes it look

So much cooler i look like i'm squishing my cheeks he's like no pressed against it

he's like it's nourishing my cheekbones you know versus i'm like right there i

look like trash really cute trash yes it works we got it

hey, so i try to dress like halsey as much as i could we're right here near the dumpsters you know just felt like i

belonged here i don't really like to talk about myself in third person it feels kind of weird

Anyways i don't you know normally use my formal name i'm a bad ego

Selfie she looks great my hair is like just somewhere shaded and meyers curls like hers so we're gonna try it no

for the basketball so like i kind of love this style of having

sunglasses and your beanie like actually like it palsy don't worry i won't come for your friend

such a serious expression so we're here and this side is like that and in her hair

Like spread out over here we got it and my arm hurts yay

pinic balls you gotta go with it i could have done it with my eyes closed hey

she recently tweeted like the best thing about she's bisexual and like being in a relationship with

with a male and how like people were essentially like

invalidating and questioning her bisexuality

because she's in a relationship

with a male but then like if you're a girl in relationship with a girl that like people are like but your

husband's you can never win anyways we love a strong female

Reiterated one of her photos is the selfie the boarded who is also part of the lgbt

community i thought it was really cute they're honestly both my queens strangers this is something legitimately

gately whatever i want to feel like i can conquer the world horsham means

relatable my brother and i have been like on a mean streak

recently it's taken a lot of effort at me started caffeine just because of my brother in the mean streak gonna do my research i

Don't know why i need to contribute that

So i lost my outro and i figured you know i couldn't not shout out my people of course so i'm gonna feature

your post thank you i'm always stalking you all not in a creepy way in a cute way i promise and

i'm gonna feed you some of your cats on screen thank you and

I think this video is great is it just like brings exposure to people they're really doing good in the world

and you guys really like my videos that are more than just entertainment and i feel like this is like the perfect

Example of real quality content that i'm proud of it's like entertaining but it's also just

some really cool people out empowering them yeah and i'll see you guys in the future

For more infomation >> I Copied LGBTQ+ Icons' Instagrams for a Week… - Duration: 12:24.


I am very much late PBB 8th gym update - Duration: 15:01.

HELLo why are you here?? .u.


oh yea i also sick when making this





i thought of something

What did Alois wanted to get claude??

he has a maid who is equally skill, and

What is Claude purpose in the anime?

Then again Alois is a goddamn idiot

Also i saw this green lady she like a fox or something in the Kuroshitsuji manga

Kuroshitsuji means Black butler

Why do people get rid of characters in anime

It's supposed to give a spooky vibe, but all i see is a poisoning place


I name him dead, not because he was gonna die, BUT BECAUSE ONE OF MY FRIENDS ARE NAME DEATH8THEMASTER

Psh you expect me to and the cross the bridge and battle the dude? nope .u.




i need to get repels

ey the music fits the pokecenter




I wish i called it mesee? is that how you spell it?

It's from rick and morty, but you guys probably don't know that thing


"amy city" yes

Oooh we are getting into some story stuff


well not really, i still kinda thought it was stupid for our character to do that

"your fascination with it was too serious" is it just as serious as me liking Osomatsu san too much?



Remember that i was sick during this video

I just remember, I have an old oc named tyler

He really didn't any personality, he was just there to love Isabel and make her look like a goddess

Isabel is Noah OC btw

She a creator on DA


Is he implying that the hoopa is female???

I am just being stupid and not realizing what he is saying??

I realized i was probably acting annoying in this video

i'm sorry ._.

"who dares to summon me?"

I just was thinking what the hoopa would say

"Ah, that's were you're wrong kiddo"

When did i say i was your servant???

Wait i'll get music later

Here zinna theme song


here is crobat to finish the deed

I am getting sad because

There is this cat, who i was gonna call her Annie leonhart

Yes, Annie leonhart from Attack on titans

But i don't know if the lady is having second thoughts

WAIT A SEC, MY MOTHER TOLD ME around eigth thirty the cat will arrive

i'm not sad anymore

ok it's a charizard

but the worst thing can happen: it has dragon claw

Let's go into meeps, because obviously he is not fragile .u.

80? against 69!?

I need to sack off meeps ._.

Vinny gonna do his job, IF HE WAS ON FULL HEALTH ,_,

noo vinny

*i don't know what sound i just made*


His name has a meaning, since he was deino

i had a story of him as a deino

He was an evolite deino, lvl 63 i refused to evolve him

Because i wanted him to evolve when he had max attack stat

He had Outrage and it was kinda funny just to see people rage on this little hydra destroying other dragon types

And he was somewhat a tank a little because he had evolite, sometimes my friends who considered him a little threat

now: my friend considered him as a huge target, that needs to get destroyed before destroying most of their team with outrage

No it's not glorious





guys, the box is possesed ._.

At this part i was shock, but also wanted to laugh XD

Because this eleven year old kid, manage to grab a fully grown adult, and throw him




For more infomation >> I am very much late PBB 8th gym update - Duration: 15:01.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I ACTIVE | Telefoon | Inruilkoopje! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I ACTIVE | Telefoon | Inruilkoopje! - Duration: 1:00.


Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux – historia związku do rostania [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 7:16.

Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux – historia związku do rostania

Historia miłości Jennifer Aniston i Justina Therouxa.

Wiadomość o rozstaniu Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux zaskoczył fanów tej jednej z najpiękniejszych par! Świat od samego początku kibicował ich miłości.

Po tym, jak Brad Pitt brutalnie porzucił Jennifer dla Angeliny Jolie, wszyscy chcieli, by gwiazda Przyjaciół znalazła zasłużone szczęście.

Justin został przedstawiony Aniston w 2007 roku przez ich wspólnego znajomego – aktora Bena Stillera. Theroux nie zrobił wtedy na aktorce zbyt dobrego wrażenia.

Justin wydał się Jennifer „bardzo mroczny. W jednym z wywiadów aktorka wyznała nawet:.

W pierwszym momencie można o nim pomyśleć, że mógłby być seryjnym mordercą, ale potem okazuje się, że w rzeczywistości to najbardziej uroczy człowiek na świecie.

Jednak pierwsze złe wrażenie, jakie Theroux zrobił na Jennifer, było na tyle silne, że gwiazda zgodziła się pójść z nim na randkę dopiero cztery lata po ich pierwszym spotkaniu.

Zmieniła zdanie na… planie filmowym. Justin zagrał drugoplanową rolę w filmie, w którym Aniston była gwiazdą.

W Raju na ziemi mieli kilka wspólnych scen i to wystarczyło, żeby zaraz po tym rozstał się ze swoją długoletnią partnerką Heidi Bivens, z którą był 14 lat.

Jennifer i Justin zaczęli się spotykać najpierw potajemnie.

Pierwszy raz paparazzim udało się ich przyłapać razem w maju 2011 roku, w barze hotelu Sunset Tower w Hollywood.

Pierwsze wspólne wyjście Anistona i TherouxaW czerwcu 2011 roku Aniston i Theroux pojawili się oficjalnie razem na rozdaniu muzycznych nagród MTV w Los Angeles.

Rok później – w dniu swoich 41. urodzin – Justin oświadczył się Jennifer.

Aktorka opowiedziała potem o swoim totalnym zaskoczeniu magazynowi Harpers Bazaar:.

Kiedy Justin włożył na palec pierścionek, pomyśłam: „Jasny gwint, będę sobie teraz musiała regularnie robić manicure!.

Para nie śpieszyła się ze ślubem.

Czekali na odpowiedni moment i – jak twierdzi wielu – grali na czas, by uśpić czujność nie dających im spokoju paparazzich.

Jennifer i Justin od samego początku bardzo dbali o swoją prywatność i nie chcieli ujawniać światu zbyt wielu szczegółów swojego romansu.

Ślub Jennifer Aniston i Justina TherouxaAniston i Theroux pobrali się 5 sierpnia 2015 roku w swoim domu w Bel Air.

Zrobili wszystko, żeby informacja o ceremonii nie przedostała się poza krąg najbliższych przyjaciół.

Goście oficjalnie przybyli na przyjęcie z okazji 44.

urodzin Justina – na miejscu okazało się, że wezmą udział w jego ślubie z Jennifer.

Ceremonia odbyła się wieczorem, w pięknie udekorowanym ogrodzie, a wśród gości młodej pary byli między innymi Lisa Kudrow, Emily Blunt i Ellen DeGeneres.

Zaraz następnego dnia po ślubie Justin i Jennifer wyruszyli w podróż poślubną na Bora Bora.

Wkrótce dołączyła do nich grupa znajomych, wśród których była między innymi Courteney Cox.

Przez kolejne dwa lata Jennifer i Justin zdawali się być jedną z najszczęśliwszych par show-bizensu.

Wielu uważało, że sukces ich związku to efekt spędzania mnóstwa czasu… oddzielnie.

Justin dużą część roku zaczął spędzać w Nowym Jorku – najpierw dlatego, że to właśnie tam kręcony był serial Pozostawiani, w którym grał główną rolę.

Potem, kiedy plan serialu przeniósł się do Teksasu, Theroux nadal regularnie wracał do tego miasta.

Jennifer Aniston zostawała sama w Los Angeles i wydawała się być w związku z tym bardzo szczęśliwa.

Spędzała mnóstwo czasu ze znajomymi i nigdy nie skarżyła się na wciąż nieobecnego męża.

Kiedy Aniston i Theroux rozstali się?W 2016 roku, z okazji walentynek, para wybrała się do Paryża.

Zdjęcie z romantycznej kolacji na szczycie Wieży Eiffla trafiło na Instagram Justina. 2017 roku upłynął parze pozornie spokojnie, ale już jesienią pojawiły się pierwsze plotki o rozstaniu.

Sylwestra Jennifer i Justin spędzili jeszcze razem, ale potem zdecydowali się na rozstanie.

Swoje 49.

urodziny w lutym 2018 roku Jennifer świętowała nie z mężem, tylko z przyjaciółmi.

Cztery później para – zapewniając o łączącej ich przyjaźni – oficjalnie ogłosiła swoje rozstanie.

For more infomation >> Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux – historia związku do rostania [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 7:16.


Anticipazioni Ballando con le stelle 2018: chi sono i nuovi vip in gara |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Ballando con le stelle 2018: chi sono i nuovi vip in gara |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:52.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-I BUSINESS - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-I BUSINESS - Duration: 0:56.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I SOL - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I SOL - Duration: 0:57.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I LOUNGE - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I LOUNGE - Duration: 1:02.


Honda CR-V 2.0i Elegance Automaat - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i Elegance Automaat - Duration: 0:57.


Hyundai ix20 1.4I I-VISION 90 PK / Incl. Set Winterbanden !! / - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4I I-VISION 90 PK / Incl. Set Winterbanden !! / - Duration: 0:59.


How BTS treat J-Hope! #HAPPYJHOPEDAY - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> How BTS treat J-Hope! #HAPPYJHOPEDAY - Duration: 10:02.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-sport Automaat ( Navigatie, Nw € 18.000,- ) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-sport Automaat ( Navigatie, Nw € 18.000,- ) - Duration: 0:59.


MY MORNING ROUTINE! (Vlog) - Duration: 9:01.

what is a CACCI crew today we are coming at you with a morning routine

yes your guys's favorite but we're gonna be switching it up a little bit so I'm

gonna be doing in vlog style you guys love our normal morning routines so I

decided why don't I do it vlog style you guys always normally see Peyton in the

morning routine but you guys all know that she's not here so I'm just gonna be

doing it by myself and show you guys my everyday morning routine and yes you can

hear that I'm a little bit congested and my nose a little nasally right now I am

sick but it's okay I'm still gonna push through it and do today's morning

routine cuz I'm getting better I feel a lot better than I did the past few days

so you guys gonna get that music in the background right now can't you listen

that's what helps me sleep at night even if I'm not sick I have to have that

music on every night and it's a little infuser that I put essential oils in and

they all have different meanings to them and like things that help you that's

what I have it in right now called breathe in I love it I'm obsessed

with it an excuse that sorry I have to take that

stuff because I'm sick oh my god bed right now

it's a little bit more bright

watch my face let's do you have to wash my face with

money because I did yourself it's really bad the skin if you guys want to check

out my I have to do no this is grid that I'm washing my face in the sink area but

it's my favorite place to wash it I don't know I just because oh just

because this sink is a little bit bigger so I like to use this thing but I'm

gonna be setting this down and you can watch but first things first is I wash

my face and I'm using the road amp fields and it's an acne treatment sulfur

wash this I'm making eyes I already told you guys I I had an acne video that I

did so you guys should have checked at all and he said that just check it out

but not right now so I give this and this really cleared my skin up really

really well like it was the only product that actually worked on my skin cuz my

skin is really really sensitive and then what I guess is my vending planet brush

that they sent me came with a different cup of brushes also I'll show you them

so they have this brush which is for the face they have this brush which is a

smaller one if you want to get in like smaller areas same type of brush then

they have this one I'm not really sure this one's for your face or your foot

but I would never put this on my face because my face is really sensitive so

if I did on my face I'd probably break out just with my skin type so I usually

just put this on my foot my calluses my foot if I do have any

also this one use for your face a party use this one for my face also I forgot

almost to tell you guys you guys can use this one on your body also so if you

have like bacne

so you guys all know that I do have big cheese and so

what I do is I get

okay so I'm running a little bit late right now because I have a hair

appointment so I'm just gonna do my makeup real quick and then I'm gonna

have my mom make me breakfast right now

this makeover started I usually like to reuse my eyelashes


now it is time to pick up the outfit yeah see you guys so you see this I do

need a bigger closet a way bigger closet so I just kept it super casual put on

black leggings this cute booooo-whoo letter and then my Nikes it's gold my

jewelry box do cute little chain now that I showed you guys my outfit I am in

a rush and I'm gonna get on the road right after I eat hey did you make me

some breakfast glare B looks great what do you make me so it's like an avocado

mixture with like lime onions and pepper and all that good stuff and then some

dough yo he's about to be like me we're gonna be twins not go on hair both of us

I didn't want to pull on Twitter and Instagram to see if I should do dark or

blonde and all of you guys voted blonde so I'm going blonde I probably tried

dark probably next winter so yeah all plugs here that I hope stay with right

here so it doesn't damage it because last time I did it it really fried my

hair that's why my hair is a lot shorter than Peyton's can I have my shirt leash

that's gonna help me with my wellness you know a little bit wellness stuttered

and it has apple lemon and extra ginger in it I'm so excited to my hair done

right now important this is Reyes

and what is this one this bomb here so if you guys wanna get some farm hearing

of the bomb here


For more infomation >> MY MORNING ROUTINE! (Vlog) - Duration: 9:01.


Dlaczego Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux rozstali się? Powody [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Dlaczego Jennifer Aniston i Justin Theroux rozstali się? Powody [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:43.


Miss Fortune Montage 4 - Best Miss Fortune Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:19.

Miss Fortune Montage 4 - Best Miss Fortune Plays | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Miss Fortune Montage 4 - Best Miss Fortune Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:19.


IELTS Speaking 2: Describe an occasion when you received a positive comment - Duration: 3:34.

Hi guys! Welcome back to my channel!

I apologize that I haven't been uploading videos regularly

but hear me out guys

the main reason is because I've just moved to a new place

so there was tons of paperwork

packing, unpacking, cleaning… involved

On top of that, I have a full-time job

so yeah

there was a lot on my plate last few weeks

Besides, my place was such a mess

that I was too embarrassed to show you guys

Anyways, those are my excuses...

I'm back now with another interesting IELTS speaking topic

Are you ready?

Let's get started!

Last Sunday, I went to a park with my family

because it was a gorgeous cloudless day!

Everyone was just chilling and hanging out together by the lake

and I was resting under an enormous tree

falling asleep

All of a sudden, I heard some kind of movement near by

and it really startled me

With a boundless imagination

I was thinking whether it could be

a squirrel?

a giant spider?

or even worse

some kind of poisonous snake

I stood up like a shot

Turned out, it was a cute little puppy

He was trying to dig into our food basket

and was completely unaware of me staring at him in amusement.

After watching him for a while,

I realized that he was there all by himself

His family must be worried sick

and they're probably looking for him all over by now

Without giving a second thought

I asked my brother to keep an eye on the puppy

and in the meantime, I set off to look for his family.

I honestly had no idea where I was heading to

but I was definitely keeping my eyes peeled.

Fortunately, after a short walk,

I saw an elderly man walking toward me.

He seemed miserable and also was on the look for something.

his eyes darting this way and that

I asked if he was missing a puppy.

After hearing that I had seen his puppy,

his face lightened up and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He said I had just made his day

and he really appreciated everything I had done to help him out.

It feels astounding when you are able to help someone.

When my family was having lunch together later that day

everyone told that my face was beaming with happiness.

Here are some similar IELTS speaking topics for you guys

I think this really is an inspiring and wonderful topic

because being thankful and expressing gratitude

is a very important part of being happy in life

like Ralph Marston said:

That's all for today

I wanted to say that I really appreciate you guys

for taking time watching my videos

I hope you all enjoyed it

I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> IELTS Speaking 2: Describe an occasion when you received a positive comment - Duration: 3:34.


♠︎K-Ty♠︎ The Love-Struck Kitty Won't Be Discouraged! ll 恋スル猫ハクジケナイ!【ENGLISH COVER】 - Duration: 5:00.

Patting on by, it's a kitty I am purr-suing you through every street,

Cat-astrophe would fall if you tried to ignore me!

How is this paw-sible? you can't Seem to hear me meow -

I jump, I pounce, I leap Fur-get about them and notice me <3

Am I meowing up the wrong tree?

Can someone help me Make us reality?

I won't accept this loveless truth I wanna be with you

I hope that you do, too Dear god, please hear my meow, I meow

Can someone help meow-t?

I am paw-sitive that something about me has changed

I am purr-fectly human, but my love is the same

In this meow-ment I knew That my dreams had come true

Gone are the pointy ears and tail, off I go!

Off I go! Off I go! I'm a kitty no more!

Off I run! Off I run! To the place where you are!

I can see you right there I no longer feel scared

Love is blind but I'm feline fine as I call out...

I will meet you someday and say, "Hello there!"

I said with a smile!

When I compare both our hands now Weird how they look both the same:

I want to hold yours tight I feel as if my heart could explode

You hold your hand out towards me, I wanna touch it but

I think about the consequence Can I make a selfish move for once?

If we touch, the magic fades away It'll be hiss-tory

It's kitten down in stone

Still I want to Hold you tight

I want to be your light And though I wish I might

Oh god, I'm sorry My future's in your hands…

I hope you understand…

Suddenly, suddenly, it came from down the road

You gonna be roadkill, and I swear all time slowed

Humans don't have nine lives!

I'd give up one of mine!

With a kitty like pounce I pushed you back away!

Oh my god, oh my god, that car barely missed There's no way, there's no way I could

get out of this I'd have tabby a fool

To think I could go on When my feline features sprouted back on

My secret's out, so I scampered away Say goodbye, that's it for today

Ah, the magic is fading quicker than I thought And I haven't told you that you've stolen my heart

Oh, Purr-ting is such sweet sorrow

My romeo, Ah

But I remember the day that you saved me from the dark

I will never forget it, and now I disembark To finally tell you how I'm feeling -

To say I love you!

[la la la]


[la la la]

I am paw-sitive that something about me has changed

I am purr-fectly human, but my love is the same

Gotta pounce while I can While I still have the chance

Let's see this love-struck kitty try at romance…

"I'm in love, I'm in love, yes, I am in love with you!"

"I love you, I love you, yes, I swear that I do!"

And though you don't recall That's still fine by me

'Cause just being here makes this stray happy

Yeah, I know, yes, I know, I'm a hy-purr-crite, too,

And I can't count on magic to make magic come true

Just remember I'm here That I'm always with you

So don't look for me and get lost, okay?

There's no need to find something found, 'Cause I'll always be in your heart!

I will meet you someday and say…

"Until next time!"

I say as we part!

For more infomation >> ♠︎K-Ty♠︎ The Love-Struck Kitty Won't Be Discouraged! ll 恋スル猫ハクジケナイ!【ENGLISH COVER】 - Duration: 5:00.


Smashing a Smartphone *check desc - Duration: 1:23.

Check Description if you want to see the actual thing all info will be there

For more infomation >> Smashing a Smartphone *check desc - Duration: 1:23.


Whatsapp Shayari | Karle Pyaar Karle | Shayari Status for Whatsapp - Duration: 0:24.

Shayari Status for Whatsapp

For more infomation >> Whatsapp Shayari | Karle Pyaar Karle | Shayari Status for Whatsapp - Duration: 0:24.


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For more infomation >> New Artist To Watch


Curso Negócio Mobile Análise Completa Como Funciona o [Curso Negócio Mobile] da Karyne Otto - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Curso Negócio Mobile Análise Completa Como Funciona o [Curso Negócio Mobile] da Karyne Otto - Duration: 10:23.


Curso Negócio Mobile Review, [AVISO] Não Compre o Curso Negócio Mobile da Karyne Sem Ver Esse Review - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> Curso Negócio Mobile Review, [AVISO] Não Compre o Curso Negócio Mobile da Karyne Sem Ver Esse Review - Duration: 11:06.


Curso Negócio Mobile da Karyne Otto , Veja Como Funciona o Curso Negócio Mobile da Karyne Otto - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Curso Negócio Mobile da Karyne Otto , Veja Como Funciona o Curso Negócio Mobile da Karyne Otto - Duration: 4:58.


(FREE) ModestiaParte Type Beat Matuê (Prod. Syndrome) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> (FREE) ModestiaParte Type Beat Matuê (Prod. Syndrome) - Duration: 3:00.


6 métodos naturais para reduzir as bolsas debaixo dos olhos - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> 6 métodos naturais para reduzir as bolsas debaixo dos olhos - Duration: 10:31.


El azúcar y sus propiedades peligrosas insospechadas - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> El azúcar y sus propiedades peligrosas insospechadas - Duration: 7:49.


Tantra Massage For Women - Duration: 3:04.


This is Abi and this is Mick

Hi everybody!

From Tantra TLC.

And I'm really keen to introduce you to Mick today.

Because I've been coming to you Mick for Tantra massage for how long?

Five years.

More years than you care to remember!

Anyhow, the reason I'm making this little video today is because I'm going to be working

exclusively with men from this point on for a while and I can't recommend anybody more

highly than Mick.

So, I just wanted to introduce Mick to you today.

And just to say how much...

That I've really just...

Like I just feel so grateful to you Mick for everything that I've got from all the sessions

that I've had with you.

And for me, I would love for as many women as possible to actually experience that as



Thank you Abi.

Yeah, and you know, it's one of the things that I think, as women, we all kind of like

want to know is if I go to a man for Tantra massage, is it going to be safe and will he

really kind of like respect my boundaries and all of that.

And for me, I can tell you that I would have no hesitation in saying, absolutely yes!

Yeah absolutely.

Like one of the things that I mean...

You might say a little word Mick about how you like really like to chat with your clients

first and you're even happy to meet with them and all of that before making a decision perhaps...


I mean I have some awareness of what a big deal it is to take a step into a Tantra massage

with a man that you've never met before.

I'm aware that this is a big step of course.

So, you know, if anybody wants to call on the phone or we meet up somewhere like a cafe

or somewhere and just get coffee and discuss, and whatever, but I really want to say that

the most important thing is that we work out the boundaries that everybody feels safe.

Maybe for the first session, all we're going to do is talk.

Nothing's going to happen

that's not really what you really want to happen.

It's going to be beautiful and it's going to be gentle and it's going to be easy steps.

I don't know, I'm just aware that it's a big deal and I just want to make sure everybody

feels safe.

Because otherwise it won't work.


It's like a real opening.

The real opening happens when a person just can really relax and feel held in a safe feeling.




So, its and yeah...

That's me!

That's Mick.

So, you're saying goodbye to Abi: Hello to Mick.

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