Friday, February 16, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 17 2018

Heart and Life.

- Why does a heart injury cause death

faster than other organs?

It is question 69 of "The Book of Spirits."

[ ♪ Soft Song ♪ ]

Spirituality in Drops

- The heart is a machine of life,

but it is not the only organ whose injury causes death.

It is not just one of the essential organs.

It was the answer that the guides of humanity

offered to this throbbing question.

In reality, life represents a harmony and

a synchronism of multiple parts.

The organic and biological organization is a machine, all of it,

of exceptional beauty and divine;

some organs are absolutely essential;

The Medicine, gradually, meets

this affirmation of the benefactors of humanity,

when it examines the vitality of organs and

when it is defined as death.

At first, it was admitted that the lung was, indeed,

the one who generated life or death;


the concept of death from the breath was established.

Then it evolved into the heart:

the heart stopped beating, it was determined, then, that

that the person was dead;

the concept, therefore,

centered of death upon the heart.

Later it can be seen that after the heart

stops beating,

and if it starts beating again after a few seconds or minutes,

it was possible to restore life;

it was realized, then, that the brain, the encephal,

therefore determines that if not oxygenated,

it generates death.

The concept of brain death was then passed,

that is, the heart can beat, if it is reanimated

and the brain is still oxygenated,

life pulsates and the individual returns to life.

This is how we discover how this body works,

but, in fact, it is all a

synchronism and the essential parts can not be lacking;

if the pancreas is missing, the individual dies;

if the kidneys are subtracted, life does not subsist.

So there is a need for

respect for the global economy

so that the body can stay alive.

It is natural to understand, however, that this

concept of death is centered on the biological aspect,

since life transcends the body;

it includes the body, but surpasses it in its

transcendence, because life, indeed,

is an attribute of the soul

expressed by this physical machinery.

When the machinery becomes corrupted,

outdated, defeated, devitalized and dies

with encephalic death, behold, the soul,

vibrating and pulsating, leaves the body and continues to live,

because life is an eternal and non-earthly patrimony.

Thus, let us respect the machine as an expression

of our manifestation of intelligence,

of the emotionality that comes

from the soul, which is the holder of immortal life,

so that we can use this

body for as long as possible, in order to give us the

opportunity to learn ,

to grow and evolve multimillennially.

Cherish your body, but do not forget

that it is a blessed instrument that has time

of validity; when his time is over,

the soul persists, because it came before the body,

during the body and after the body.

The life of the soul overlaps with bodily life!

[ ♪ Soft Song ♪ ]

For more infomation >> Espiritualidade em Gotas / Ep. 103 - Coração e Vida. - Duration: 4:38.


フォルクスワーゲンe-ゴルフ(FF)【試乗記】 - Duration: 13:35.

For more infomation >> フォルクスワーゲンe-ゴルフ(FF)【試乗記】 - Duration: 13:35.


Lakeland Currents 1119 - 2018 Legislative Session Preview - Duration: 28:02.

Lakeland Currents your public affairs

program for north central Minnesota. Produced by Lakeland

PBS with host Bethany Wesley.

Production funding for Lakeland Currents is made possible by Bemidji

Regional Airport serving the region with daily flights to Minneapolis

St. Paul International Airport. More information available at Closed captioning for Lakeland

Currents is sponsored by Nisswa Tax Service. Tax

preparation for businesses and individuals online


Bethany: Hello, welcome back to Lakeland Currents I'm Bethany Wesley.

The Minnesota Legislature will convene for it's regular session

on Tuesday. Legislators will come together in St. Paul

as the state faces a projected deficit of

188 million dollars based on a November economic forecast.

An updated forecast is expected later this month.

Tonight I welcome to our table two area legislators

to discuss some of the issues and topics expected

to be debated and perhaps acted upon before the May

21st deadline. Representative Matt Bliss, a republican

from Pennington represents district 5A.

He is a small business owner serving his first term and will be

up for re-election this fall. Bliss is the vice

chair of the veterans affairs committee and also serves

on the environment and natural resources policy

and finance committee, the government operations and elections

policy committee and a sub committee

in mining, forestry and tourism. Senator Justin

Eichorn, a republican from Grand Rapids represents district

5. He also is a small business owner serving his first term

but as Senator will not be up for re-election until

2020. Eichorn is the vice chair of the E12

policy committee and also serves on the following committees:

Capital investment, E12 finance,

environment and natural resources finance and

environment and natural resources policy and legacy finance.

Welcome thank you for coming. Justin: Thanks for having us,

this is a great opportunity. Bethany: Our intention today is to kinda look forward

to the session that is coming what people can expect to hear

about and hear kind of debated. But then also as a part of that we'll probably

touch on some of the things that were done last year. [Ok] So,

first things first, I'm sure in your eyes, is you guys need a budget.

[Yup] Justin: Absolutely if we don't at least

on the senate side, if we don't get funded by the end of February

the senates gonna pretty much be out of money. We borrowed

some money from the legislative coordinating committee in order to get to this

point but we do need Governor Dayton to approve

the legislative budget in order to continue on. Otherwise the

session will probably end up having to stop. But I think there's a pretty

favorable chance that we do get a budget signed. That'll be the first

order of business though. Bethany: Were you worried or were you surprised

when he vetoed the budget last year? Matt: I was surprised

....he had agreed to all the items that were

in the budgets and at the last minute he decided

to veto our numbers. Which really kinda put

our staff, our full time staff, both

partisan and nonpartisan in kind of an awkward situation.

Didn't know how long their jobs were going to be there. And as a result we

had quite a bit of turnover in the house. I don't know how the senate

did but we had a large turnover of people. Bethany: But you guys were able

to keep going, right? Cause you found other funds to kind of keep you afloat until you

can pass hopefully the budget then...for the days and weeks to come. Justin: Yup, that's correct.

It's kind of a skeleton crew so to speak and that's why the senate

didn't do their bonding, capital investment tours throughout the

summer. We are working on those now serving on that

committee. And I'm actually doing that next week. We're on our last little leg of

our tour so we are able to see some of those projects that are important to

the state. And we were able to come through Bemidji here a couple weeks

ago and we had a really great capital investment tour

here. Bethany: Alright, so let's start moving to some of these topics.

The first one we'll talk about is probably a big one, taxes.

Last year your tax bill if I remember correctly was

600 or almost 650 million, right?

[Yup] In different savings over the next two years. But this year

there's going to be some discussion in terms of how to

manage the code in response to the federal? Matt: Correct a tax

conformity bill. Bethany: Ok, so tell me what are you hearing? What are you expecting to

kind of be the main points down at the capital?

Justin: Well I would say that a lot of people were saying Minnesota was kind of a

leader in some tax reformat, it was a couple decades since we

had done tax reform in the state of Minnesota.

And we made a lot of big gains last

year, I mean we got for social security income

for you know, tax credits for students, money in

payment lieu of taxes and Indian child welfare act to help the counties. Matt: Small

business owners. Justin: Small business owners. So we did a lot of really good

things. So the state of Minnesota really led. And from what

I've been hearing they would like us to continue to be a leader.

We need to at the bare minimum conform with the federal government

otherwise we're gonna see some tax increases. Most likely

considering that Governor Dayton doesn't like tax bills. That was part of the

reason our funding was vetoed is he didn't like the tax bill.

I don't think we get any farther than that personally. But I think there is

some desire from members of both sides of the isle to try to maybe

push a little farther and put that money back in Minnesotans

pockets so that way we can continue to grow our economy. Because even

though we see the economy growing a little bit nationally

it hasn't jump started as much as it has in other

states. And I think there's probably some things we can do to help that

along. Bethany: One of the numbers that we've heard is the MInnesota

Department of Revenue says that tax collections will grow by

nearly 850 million dollars in 2 years

if the...if no change is made to the policy. Correct? [Right, yes]

So your goal is to change it so that that decreases?

Matt: We want to make sure that the people in Minnesota

aren't negatively impacted by the federal cuts.

One of the things that the federal government has

done is make....the

tax credits....or your....

withholdings, your personal exemptions...they've doubled them. But they've

taken away a lot of the deductions

in make up for it. And unfortunately I heard yesterday

from a farmer, if he turns in a if he

trades in a combine he gets a 100,000 dollar trade in he

has to now record that as income. Which isn't a big

deal because under the new federal policy he can take 100 percent

of that back off of his income but on the state level

that doesn't come off of that. So,

it....that could negatively impact him. And

that's what we have to look at. Is to make sure that...the good

tax cuts that were put into place in Washington don't negatively impact us.

[Ok] And we don't...need the extra 800 million

dollars right now. So we should make sure that it impacts

Minnesota as least as possible. Bethany: You say that

while, I mean at this time I know we're expecting a new forecast

soon, but you do have a deficit I mean you are looking at

a deficit. Do you worry about cutting them back to the point where that will

increase? Matt: I did, I don't. The last two months

have come back over projections. I think we'll be just fine.

I think that the tax cuts that we made last year

and the Presidents tax cuts are starting to take effect and I think we'll be just fine.

And I think you're gonna be surprised pleasantly at the next

forecast. Bethany: Similar feelings? Justin: I completely agree

with that. I do think we're probably gonna be in a surplus. Maybe not

a lot but I do think we're gonna have a much better forecast. I agree with

the points that Representative Bliss made. We had some

strong indications that is gonna be better.

And you know I'm hopeful for that but we'll see when the numbers come out.

Bethany: One of the things I want to kind of pull out from last year is...

there was an increase to local government aide, you had an

increase of about 15 million. You are hearing

from some city and some lobbyists that they would like to revisit that and have

that go up again this year. What are your

feelings on that and are you hearing from that, is that something you're open to?

Justin: I can tell you that that's something I worked on last year.

And that's something that went through our tax bill. It's a thing that a lot of

people don't realize that tax bills aren't just about

tax cuts, you know. It's sold as oh, it's tax cuts for rich

people or whatever. But there's a lot of other pieces at least in the

Minnesota tax bill that go into that. There's the local

government aide went in there, the county program aide was in there. The Indian

child welfare act money was in there and on and on. There were several things that

helped fund local governments. I think there is some

desire to continue to help local governments especially

in greater Minnesota. There's some disparities between

what greater Minnesota communities get and the metro communities.

So there's some desire both chambers

I think to continue to further that. It's just how much

can we do. Again, going into this tax bill

that we're gonna try to put together this year if we go much beyond that

conformity we run into the point where Governor Dayton's

not willing to sign it just because a distaste for tax bill.

[Ok] So it's hard to say for sure but I do

think there is possibly an opportunity it's just a little smaller

this year than in years coming forward. [Yup] Bethany: Ok. Cause I think what

we've heard or what you know, so many people have been reading you know coalitions asking

to try to go back to those 2002 numbers. And other...I think it's

30.5 million, something like that. But you're saying you think it's probably

a nonstarter for this coming session.

Matt: I don't know about a nonstarter. It's.....

the...appetite for that kind of a bill is probably

not there right now. [Ok] And if you look at the history

you know, 2002 was the absolute peak. You know, of course

we want to get back to the absolute peak. But it has

been growing over the past few years. And I know

we're gonna make steady progress on it. Whether or not it's the

2002 levels, we'll wait and see. [Ok]

Justin: The discus....either way the discussion will certainly be there. It's just [Yeah]

how far we can actually take it. Bethany: How far it gets. Ok. I want

to talk about bonding. It's an even numbered year, which usually

is your big bonding year. Last year was an odd year in that

you still had a bonding bill but that was cause it didn't get done the previous year.

[Correct] So you're back to a bonding year. So last year you

had about nearly a billion dollars in roads and bridges

and some local projects, waste, water, drinking systems.

What are you hearing this year? We just had the bonding group up here

to look at BSU specifically...and then. Justin: Yup, a couple weeks ago we did

the Veterans Home here as well. A lot of excitement around that

project. And then we did the other side of the district about a week

ago and I mean, throughout senate district 5 there's a lot

of priorities. And we saw a lot of those. There's a lot of needs

around Heper, which is a gas preservation for the colleges.

There's a large desire to help smaller communities in greater

Minnesota with waste water treatment needs as you mentioned. The city

of Deer River has that. So we'd be looking forward to

help them with that. But on the bonding

it's really interesting to actually be on the committee. I've kinda

referred to it sometimes as the 'wants and needs tour'.

We've seen a lot of swimming pools and civic centers and gymnasiums


not have merit. But there's a lot of projects like the Veterans Home that we

should really be looking at. That really serve a regional

and a state wide significance that really matter

to a larger portion of the state. And I think that's some of the intention of

the bonding bills. Because you know ultimately our kids are gonna

end up paying that debt that we're taking out to build some of these projects.

So we need to be mindful of that. And the price tag

the Governor came out with with 1.5 billion I think is a little bit high

[Ok] in order to get some of the republican

members to go along with it it's gonna need to be under that billion dollar figure

again. But sitting on that committee, again I think there's a

large desire know, to do some things in higher ed.

And to help smaller Minnesota communities out with like again the

waste water treatment type stuff. Bethany: So Dayton's

bill from what I understand had a lot of emphasis on college

and investments in that way and less so on local projects.

So, how do you feel about that?

Matt: Well, you main focus obviously is

Bemidji, Walker area. And I know part of the projects

that we have proposed up here is the Hagg-Sauer building

in BSU. And I think I believe that's number 2 on

the MN states priority list. And I think that's

really gonna go through. You know last year we tried

to make it geographically balanced and heavy on

infrustructure. And I think that's kinda what we're gonna

focus on again this year. And like Justin said, you

know try to keep it at a billion or under. You

know if you look closely at the Governor's numbers

there's a lot of just numbers 100 million for....this

and it's just kind of a gray area that he just threw

a number at. So I think we can whittle away at that quite

a lot. And I don't think there's a lot of difference in

the numbers really. I think he padded it anytime you go into a negotiation

you want to pad a little bit to give away something. So, I think

I really have a good feeling that we'll come through with something this year. Bethany: But you have a good feeling

about getting some of those local projects in as long as it's statewide. [Absolutely]

Ok, alright. Justin: Both Matt and I are advocating heavily for

those projects so I think we have a very good chance to get those

in our bonding bill, especially the Veterans Home. Bethany: I want to mention

cause we've talked about Hagg-Sauer which is 22.5 million for

Hagg-Sauer and then some other buildings. But then also you have Red Lake, right? Red

Lake is looking for some money for school improvement. Matt: And...that's

that would be Matt Grossell's district. So that would be a project

he's been pushing so I don't know a whole lot about

that project. Bethany: Ok, sounds good. Alright then lets move on

toward transportation. So last year you had 300

billion for road and bridge projects. Last year in your hearing of

course people always want more. So what do you expect for transportation

in terms you think there will anything to even discuss? Or no, you

said maybe just sticking to that conformity for tax issues?

Justin: Well, on tax issues it's gonna stick to conformity I don't think we're gonna...

we're not gonna raise any taxes. That's....

definitely a nonstarter, at least in the senate. I assume it is

in the house as well. But we do need to make

sure we continue to dedicate those funds like last year we

dedicated some, the sales tax from like auto parts

and stuff like that to make sure that went towards transportation

I think we need to make sure some of that is permanent. We need to make sure

some of the additional like auto

tax you pay when you buy your vehicle, that kind of stuff is always dedicated towards

roads and bridges. We see that in different agencies like in the

DNR where you buy your fishing license it goes to fishing. You buy your deer

hunting license it goes to deer management and stuff like that.

I think the intention of a lot of the tax payers in

Minnesota is that we use that money to go towards our roads

and bridges and we've unfortunately raided those funds for many other things.

So I think we need to get back to that as a starter. I know a lot

of people like to talk about additional gas taxes and stuff like that

it's a nonstarter for now. I think that you know...

disproportionately affects lower income individuals.

You know being that our economy hasn't fully recovered yet I don't

think that's a place we want to go at this point. Not a place

I'm interested in going. So yeah, we...

need to dedicate some more funds. There may be some funding in the bonding bill for

transportation. I don't know what that number looks like. Cause there's a lot

of competing projects. But there will definitely be something in

the realm of transportation. [Ok] Matt: And I think we really want to have

the department of transportation focus more on congestion.

And know

maybe put bike paths along an artery you know

let's focus on the congestion. Those are the people that pay the taxes for the

roads, let's make sure that goes for roads and

congestion relief. Bethany: Do you believe it's hard to kind of get that

balance between metro and rural projects when it comes to transportation?

Do you feel like that's something that you know, is always kind of an uphill battle?

I mean, we always hear you know, [inaudible] you know, light

rail, light rail, light rail. And up here probably not gonna effect

us much. So how do you go about having those conversations?

Justin: Well, I was interesting thing I was actually looking at

this earlier today, at what light rail costs compared

for a mile....compared to like what a mile of four lane

highway costs up here. Light rail is about 100 million a mile

up here it's about 225 to 250

thousand a mile if you were gonna build in Beltrami or Cass

or Itasca county. So we could put in over a hundred miles

of 4 lane road in greater Minnesota for one mile of

light rail. So I'm glad this last year we kinda peeled

back on the light rail. You know, greater Minnesota is not gonna be

paying for that anymore. But to get back to your question

where there is definitely a fight between

what the metro gets and what greater Minnesota gets and

Matt and I are definitely fighting to get some more money up

here. With the way the leadership is now in the house and the senate

you've got Senator Gazelka who is a greater Minnesota

senator who's the majority leader now. You have Kurt Daudt who's a

greater MInnesota representative. So they do have that

greater focus on greater Minnesota, which greatly

benefits you know, Bemidji, Grand

Rapids all of our communities up here. So it is getting better but there's

more work to be done. Bethany: One of the other things that we've

seen in recent weeks is the possible revisiting

of toll roads and kinda looking into that a little bit

further, right? Last year there was an order that MN DOT kinda study

those toll road systems. And now that first reports out

and now he's kinda turning it over to you guys to decide if it should be investigated further.

Is that something that you've heard a lot of discussion about yet?

Or probably not? Matt: I haven't heard a whole lot of discussion about it.

You know, I lived for awhile when I was in the military

in Virginia Beach and they had toll roads down there. You know, I

can see the.....some benefit

to them, you know. Especially on the main thorough fairs through the...

city where....don't take up the

main arteries but if you're gonna build more lanes have the toll roads and have...

pay for them that way. So I'd be open to the discussion. I'd have

to look at the finances and the numbers. And just you know...

I'm open to the discussion. Justin: And that's something

I haven't heard anything additional yet. Maybe when we get into session

they'll talk about it. But it's not something that's

really come up in our realm yet. [Yeah] [Ok]

Bethany: Let's move forward to education. Last year there was

a lot of movement on education. So, were you pretty proud of what

was accomplished? I mean, do you think that's kinda what you wanted? Matt: I was very

proud of what was accomplished. Justin: I was very proud as well. The teacher licensury

form was absolutely huge. Again, for greater Minnesota

and now it's a tiered system.

There's gonna be a new teacher licensure board. That's...

people are getting appointed for that now. And we're gonna go through a confirmation

process for some of that. But it's really gonna allow

schools in greater Minnesota that have a hard time recruiting teachers

to have some other options. It's gonna allow people that

maybe they went to school in North Dakota and didn't

get their degree in Minnesota and now it's gonna give that person an opportunity

to come back to Bemidji, come back to Grand Rapids and have an easier

time getting into a school here. It should help solve some of our teacher

shortages. So, I was actually you know, really

excited about the final product of that bill. It would started being worked on before Representative Bliss and I even

got elected. [Ok] But you know, we got

to be able to be involved in some of the discussions throughout session

a little bit last year to help tweak it. And I think it was a really good product

that came out. Matt: And the additional funding that we got

for the schools, the 2 and 2. That helps out.

That helps out a lot. Bethany: 2 percent over 2...or

2 years of 2 percent, correct? [Correct] So it ends up being like, what is it?

245 a student I think at the most or something? [Yeah]

Justin: Yeah I think I saw numbers, Bemidji got

3 million? Bethany: 2.7 million for Bemidji, Cass Lake-Bena I think

got 670 plus, 670 thousand

plus. Walker-Hackensack-Akeley was

360 thousand. Matt: Right, that helps a lot. And you know, even

you know the transportation sparsity bill that we fought for

in the house and senate you know, that helps out Bemidji a lot. It was

a drop in the bucket but it's a drop. And it's starting

and it's there's a permanent part of the

calculation now. So it'll always be added to.

Or it could always be added to. Bethany: I want to talk...just make sure we said what it was.

Ok, so that's like where these school districts Bemidji in particular

so large that they actually lose money transporting their kids

versus the money that they get from the state. Matt: Right. The way

the old calculation worked is that...Bemidji I

believe was Roseville was the number..the school district they used.

Same number of students, much smaller more

compact area and Roseville was actually taking money

from their transportation budget and using it in their general

fund. Where Bemidji had to take money from their general fund because they have such a

large area to transport. So what we did is I believe there

was 80....schools in Minnesota that that was affecting

and we went through and we tried to get the whole number

in there but of course as time went on it got whittled down. I believe

we were at 18 percent was the final number. [Ok]

So that's where we stand now. Bethany: But you're saying that because it's an actual line item in

the budget that it's not a one time... [Right] funding situation?

Matt: In the past they've gotten a one time funding bump. But then the

next year it was gone. What we've done is it's there permanently.

[Ok] And according to the people that I've talked with the

school district that's something they've been working on for ten years or more.

And we were able to....and it was a fight. It was a fight

to get it in there. Bethany: Was it uphill? Matt: Yeah it was. Justin: Yup. was in and out, in and out. And it finally ended up in in the last minute. But

yeah, that's something we both fought hard for. And being on education I was

able to be in the room for some of those discussions to make sure

that that stayed in there. Because that was...I think the

2 and 2 was probably one of the biggest things we heard from school districts overall.

But in Bemidji it was the transportation was probably

just barely above that. Bethany: Is that one of the topics, though that kinda highlights

kind of....I don't want to say gridlock down at the state capital

but some of the problems, like you have's pretty obvious right?

You have a winners and a losers from a transportation budget system

and yet you have legislators that don't necessarily want to give up the money

cause it impacts impacts their district. So how do

you kind of navigate that? How do you....cross

those hurdles? Matt: You gotta be...

bullheaded and you can't take no for an answer. And that's

one thing I learned. I'm a nice guy and I went down there generally

trying to be a nice guy. And sometimes you have to

you know, stick your head into a room even though they don't want to see you.

And you have to repeat what you've already told them

three or four times. Justin: I would agree with that sentiment. And it

just...that entire job is about building relationships

and you an education being

on both of those committee's I spent a lot of time outside of our committees

you know, going to have lunch with the chair of the committee. That kind of thing. It took

to continue to let them know what's important to us up here

and that...those little things go a long way. And so,

those are areas we tried to work hard on to make sure that we could

get things like this transportation to stay in there.

Bethany: Alright, we touched on this a little bit earlier

in the bonding bill but I kinda want to pull it out because it's such a big issue

out here and that's the Veterans Home. We've actually done a full

show on it. So, you made some progress.

Do you feel like you made progress? Matt: I think we made a lot of progress. I.....

the Governors now addressing it when he puts out his budget

for the bonding bill. He specifically....

mentions the reason there was no veterans homes in there. Bethany: Cause it

wasn't funded by it, but he had kinda pointed to it.

Matt: had initially put it in the

the last state finance bill and it was removed at his

request. [Ok] And it had been in

versions of bonding bills in the past. But

it's actually got both leaderships full attention

and it's getting attention from the Governor now as well. [Ok]

Justin: I think the Governors comment was they didn't have a location

yet, which is a little bit offensive to people in this

community and I completely agree with it. Because they've been working hard on this project

for about 10 years. You know, they're ready to put

shovels in the ground as soon as they get their money. I mean this project is ready

to go and it's a great project of great regional and state

significance. I think we've probably made more

progress and I hope Matt agrees with me in the last year than

probably the previous 8 years. I think there's

probably a better chance than ever to actually see that Veterans Home

be included in the final bill. There's

a desire from both bonding chairs to see that there's

a Veterans Home in the bill. So, it's probably gonna end

up being just like the transportation we just talked about, it's

gonna be a fight til the end. But you know,

I would say it's probably a number one issue. They say, oh the Veterans

Home, yeah we know! And that's good we're gonna keep that pressure

on because it's...I would say it's number one issue for me.

And I believe it is for Representative Bliss as well. Matt: Absolutely. Yeah.

Bethany: Ah, let's move on to MNLARS,

which stands for the Minnesota Licensing and Registration

System. Kinda....

turned out to be a little bit of a wacky launch for that.

So, it started off it was gonna cost 93 million and now it's going

to cost an additional 43 million. So....

what do you do with that? Matt: Well that's what they're requesting is another 43 million.

We're actually requesting...that's another one of those

swag numbers I believe that the government [Ok] comes up with once in awhile.

Once we actually start asking for details the numbers

magically goes down. You

know at first before I get into any of the details I want to shout out to those

county registrars over there that put up with it

and have been doing it for awhile now.

For us as a state to put them in that situation is just

incomprehensible and unforgivable.

We've..this project's been going on for about 9 or 10 years now.

And they said...the project manager for that

project said it was green, it was go let's throw it out there. And

it fell flat. And one of the comments I heard

just recently and it kinda stuck with me is we didn't think

there could be another project in the state that made MNSure roll

out look good. And this....I....

I have an IT background. I am a certified project manager in IT. So

this just kills me to watch what's happening with this.

And the lack of response that we're getting from certain

people, they put in a website now for comments

that is actually the people...the registrars can

load particular problems. And they do get addressed. So they're

working on it. There's some people down there that are actually working hard on it.

Bethany: Do you feel like though, that there's a path to fixing it?

Justin: The path needs to be more than just money that's for

sure. And I know....I'm not on transportation as you mentioned but

I think they are really drilling down

the senate actually set up a website for people to go and actually

put in there comments about it. I think there's a larger issue

here and I think there's probably a leadership issue.

At that state agency. And you had mentioned a shout out to the deputy

registrars but I would say the dealers as well. I mean there's a lot

of dealers that are having a very very tough time.

And it falls back on their hands because the consumer assumes

that it's their fault. When it's really not. And

we've created this terrible issue in MNLARS as a

state. And I think there's a path way forward and we're

definitely working on it. But there's gonna be a lot of discussion around that this

year. Bethany: So as we get to our final minutes here I do want to

just ask, you know what did you learn last year that's

really going to help you do you think, moving forward in the weeks and months

to come here? Matt: Well I can tell you just for myself one of the

things I learned is, you have to advocate

yourself for your priorities. And you...

people down there have different priorities. It's not that they're bad people

or trying to take stuff away from you but

their priorities are different than yours. So if somethings important you have

to I said, stick your head in the door where you're not wanted.

And you have to become that squeaky wheel. And that's what I've learned.

Making relationships down there, like you

said, going to lunch with different legislators. Even on

the other side. You know, it's really powerful if you can get a bill

with bipartisan support. And it's just

making relationships and becoming a lobbyist for your area.

Bethany: Ok, Justin. Justin: I can certainly agree with Matt's sentiment.

And I think the same thing. And for me, one thing that was

really surprising when I got elected I always

thought it was gonna be democrat versus republican butting head.

And it's not that at all. It's rural versus metro.

Of course I work great with Representative Bliss and Senator Utke

and Representative Grossell over here we're all on the same side. But on the other

side of my district it's the edge of the Iron Range.

So I'm the farthest...north east republican. So on that

side of the district I'm working with you know, Senator Tomassoni

and Representative Metsa and some of those guys. And it's been

important to build relationships with them being part of the Range delegation

and understanding their issues. There's a lot of

areas we're able to come together on because our areas are so

similar in so many ways. That again, it's back to

relationship building. That's really what this job is

is building relationships and I've been working very hard on that throughout the

last year just to make sure...keep building and fostering

those so we can get stuff done that truly is good for the area and not

what is good for partisanship, so. Bethany: Well listen, I want to

thank you guys for coming on and talking with us. Let us know what's coming up

in the weeks and months to come. I want to thank you for tuning in and

I also would encourage you to take advantage of using these email addresses on the

bottom of these screen because these two men represent you.

And they'd like to hear from you. Thank you for tuning in please join me

next time.

For more infomation >> Lakeland Currents 1119 - 2018 Legislative Session Preview - Duration: 28:02.





2018 Mercedes AMG S63 Coupe vs S63 AMG Coupe 2017 Review (English Subtitles) by AutoTopNL - Duration: 7:17.

Today is a great day!

I'm sitting here

taking a break

after all the recordings of today.

We took these beasts

to the autobahn.

Chasing each other

I recorded a long POV review in English

About all the changes that have been made

With this facelift..

compared to this one..


this video is for our beloved Dutch viewers.

And to take some time

and have a good look

at these cars.

What has been changed?

Lets start at the front.

As you can see

here is the old one

and this is the new one

and the new is silver

the old is black.

The front is really noticable!

The grill

an agressive shark look

the front bumper

is a lot more agressive

bigger air intakes

It's leaps forward a bit

Like it's going for a bite!

The AMG has become more agressive

on the S class


the rear light units

have been changed

Maybe my favorite change..

after the engine..

It has OLED units

which we know from the BMW M4 GTS and CS

layered units

stacked up in the light

looks really cool!

Especially on this S class Coupe

There aren't that many changes

in terms of looks

The silhouette is the same

Sides are pretty much the same

We do have different rear bumpers

The new has a double diffuser

The old one has an AMG Night pack

The new one hasn't got that..

so that one has black exhaust tips

Which provide a nice exhaust rumble

the old school AMG rumble

That low powerful sound

making you choose a high gear

To keep the rumble..

And this one

is more agressive, again..

Which is the biggest difference

with this facelift

for these cars.

When we take a look under the bonet

We see the big change..

This is the 5.5 V8 BiTurbo

M157 codename

And here

We have the 4.0 V8 BiTurbo

Which we know from the C63



lovely engine..

But much more agressive!

then that one

This is lazy AMG driving

The gearboxes tell the same story..

This has the new speedshift auto

with 9 gears

and this has 7..

It's sharper

more agressive..

This is the embodyment

of the old AMG

vs the new AMG

lazy muscle car rumble

vs agressive on-edge monster

Which we've seen with the

C63, E63 and S63

We also have the new 4Matic+

This has the old 4Matic

This the new 4Matic+

It's not as exciting as in the E63 S

Which can unhook the front axle

This is always AWD

When you start playing with it

and it loses grip

it immediately sends the power elsewhere

to keep it straight

When we look inside the old S63

There is nothing wrong with this!

Gorgeous interior

Especially in this spec

with the brown leather..

We have two 12.3 inch screens

With a piece dividing them

You will see that the new one doesn't have that

Not a lot of changes

Except for this area here

some restyling

And this steering wheel is old

There is a new one in that one..

But they just developed this interior

because it is stunning!

When you get in the new one

You see the differences..

This is new Mercedes

really sharp looking

We still have the two screens

But they now have one piece of glass

So it looks like one..

But they work like two seperate units

Lets turn on the power

We have new digital tacho's

and you can change the look of it

Sport, Classic, Modern

And we now also have Dynamic Select

So you can configure settings

because we have driving modes

Which the old one does not have..

Sport, Sport+, Race


and Individual

in which you can change everything

We also have a new steering wheel

With aliminium in it

and it looks super cool!

Love the design

With flattened sides and bottom

This will also be available

on the new A class!

This cool steering wheel

in an A class!

really nice..


it's quite similair..

We still have the huge arch in the front

with a Carbon Fiber inlay

pretty much the same..


We are continuing our recordings..

on this nice road

and hope to see you at the next video!

For more infomation >> 2018 Mercedes AMG S63 Coupe vs S63 AMG Coupe 2017 Review (English Subtitles) by AutoTopNL - Duration: 7:17.


El alarmante video en redes sociales que provocó el cierre de siete escuelas en Nueva Jersey - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> El alarmante video en redes sociales que provocó el cierre de siete escuelas en Nueva Jersey - Duration: 2:21.


Ninel Conde evita hablar de los problemas con su expareja al recibir un reconocimiento - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Ninel Conde evita hablar de los problemas con su expareja al recibir un reconocimiento - Duration: 0:57.


En el año nuevo chino expertos muestran cómo lograr que las energías trabajen a nuestro favor - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> En el año nuevo chino expertos muestran cómo lograr que las energías trabajen a nuestro favor - Duration: 3:19.


Asesinan a sangre fría a una adolescente de 15 años en Guatemala - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Asesinan a sangre fría a una adolescente de 15 años en Guatemala - Duration: 0:35.


Cronología de la matanza en la secundaria Marjory Stoneman Douglas en Parkland - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Cronología de la matanza en la secundaria Marjory Stoneman Douglas en Parkland - Duration: 2:32.


Edificios moviéndose y personas evacuando edificios, las imágenes durante el sismo en México - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Edificios moviéndose y personas evacuando edificios, las imágenes durante el sismo en México - Duration: 2:50.


¿Qué podría a ocurrir el 5 de marzo con los dreamers si el Congreso no llega a una decisión? - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué podría a ocurrir el 5 de marzo con los dreamers si el Congreso no llega a una decisión? - Duration: 1:49.


GRINGS - INTEGRAIS - Cálculo da Área com a Integral - ( Aula 17 ) - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> GRINGS - INTEGRAIS - Cálculo da Área com a Integral - ( Aula 17 ) - Duration: 11:06.


Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA

For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA


Renault Mégane 130 pk TCe Zen | Lichtmetalen Velgen | R-Link Navigatie | Clima Airco | Privacy Glas - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 130 pk TCe Zen | Lichtmetalen Velgen | R-Link Navigatie | Clima Airco | Privacy Glas - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Talisman Estate 110 pk dCi Intens | Bose | Parkeer Assistent | Camera | R-Link Nav 8.7 "touc - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Talisman Estate 110 pk dCi Intens | Bose | Parkeer Assistent | Camera | R-Link Nav 8.7 "touc - Duration: 0:54.


ale piekny wierczor - ROAD TO 100 SUBS - Duration: 5:22:00.

For more infomation >> ale piekny wierczor - ROAD TO 100 SUBS - Duration: 5:22:00.


Handmade, Inventions, and Amazing technology#22Model, Del Norte and technology#22 - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Handmade, Inventions, and Amazing technology#22Model, Del Norte and technology#22 - Duration: 11:05.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Renault Trafic T 900 IJscowagen - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Trafic T 900 IJscowagen - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota C-HR 1.2T Bi-Tone Plus | JBL | Safety Sense | Leder | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota C-HR 1.2T Bi-Tone Plus | JBL | Safety Sense | Leder | - Duration: 0:54.


BREAKING: Insane Group's Deadly Revenge Underway For Florida Shooting – Have Specific Target - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Insane Group's Deadly Revenge Underway For Florida Shooting – Have Specific Target - Duration: 5:02.


FBI's HUGE Coverup Just Caught On LIVE TV From Florida – They Were Desperately Trying To Hide It! - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> FBI's HUGE Coverup Just Caught On LIVE TV From Florida – They Were Desperately Trying To Hide It! - Duration: 4:40.


BREAKING! BIG Democrat Just Arrested And Extradited To NYC – Hillary Is Sweating Bullets! - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! BIG Democrat Just Arrested And Extradited To NYC – Hillary Is Sweating Bullets! - Duration: 4:56.


Next on Episode 4 | The Trade | SHOWTIME - Duration: 0:50.

My son is a mess because he blames himself

for my daughter's death.

He's going to have to turn himself in and detox in jail.

The ringleader is not co-operative.

We'll arrest her and see if she's ready to play ball.

For more infomation >> Next on Episode 4 | The Trade | SHOWTIME - Duration: 0:50.


The Messiah Dilemma - Shabbat Night Live - 2.16.18 - Duration: 1:28:31.

For more infomation >> The Messiah Dilemma - Shabbat Night Live - 2.16.18 - Duration: 1:28:31.


BREAKING: FL Governor Just Made SHOCK Announcement About FBI Investigation That Changes Everything! - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: FL Governor Just Made SHOCK Announcement About FBI Investigation That Changes Everything! - Duration: 4:56.


BOMBSHELL: Flynn Finally Did It… Gets Ultimate Revenge On Mueller Over Bogus Charges - Duration: 3:51.

BOMBSHELL: Flynn Finally Did It…

Gets Ultimate Revenge On Mueller Over Bogus Charges.

There's no question that Barack Obama did unbelievable damage to our nation, and most

of it came in the form of the judiciary, which was just proven in a shocking report about

former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Earlier this year, former national security adviser Michael Flynn was forced to plead

guilty after he was targeted by Robert Mueller's special counsel, which most people believed

to be a total outrage.

Well, as it would turn out, they were rightfully outraged.

According to a new report from the Daily Caller, one of Obama's judges apparently made some

shady moves to trick Flynn into pleading guilty, then suddenly recused himself from the case.

Nice, right?

As it turns out, Contreras was also one of the judges on the secretive court that issued

warrants starting the entire Russian ruse.

Apparently, Contreras also allowed the prosecution to withhold crucial evidence in the case – evidence

that the new jurist, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, is forcing the prosecution to release to Flynn's

legal team and will likely lead to Flynn's guilty plea being reversed.

Check it out:

Extraordinary manipulation by powerful people led to the creation of Robert Mueller's

continuing investigation and prosecution of General Michael Flynn.

Notably, the recent postponement of General Flynn's sentencing provides an opportunity

for more evidence to be revealed that will provide massive ammunition for a motion to

withdraw Flynn's guilty plea and dismiss the charges against him.

It was Judge Rudolph Contreras who accepted General Flynn's guilty plea, but he suddenly

was recused from the case.

The likely reason is that Judge Contreras served on the special court that allowed the

Federal Bureau of Investigation to surveil the Trump campaign based on the dubious FISA


Judge Contreras may have approved one of those four warrants.

The judge assigned to Flynn's case now is Emmet G. Sullivan.

Judge Sullivan immediately issued what is called a "Brady" order requiring Mueller

to provide Flynn all information that is favorable to the defense whether with respect to guilt

or punishment.

Just today, Mueller's team filed an agreed motion to provide discovery to General Flynn

under a protective order so that it can be reviewed by counsel but not disclosed otherwise.

This development is huge.

Prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters

a plea — much less after he has done so.

This is one of myriad problems in our justice system.

As Judge Jed Rakoff wrote several years ago, people who are innocent enter guilty pleas

every day.

They simply can no longer withstand the unimaginable stress of a criminal investigation.

They and their families suffer sheer exhaustion in every form — financial, physical, mental,

and emotional.

Add in a little prosecutorial duress — like the threat of indicting your son — and,

presto, there's a guilty plea.

As the Caller noted, this usually doesn't happen; however, because the first judge in

the case was so crooked, Sullivan was left with no choice but full disclosure from Mueller's


Now, it appears as if Flynn, who many of us believed to be innocent all along, will be

exonerated after all.

The only problem is this whole charade has already served its purpose.

Gen. Flynn is out of the Trump administration, his career is destroyed, and his life is ruined,

all because he dared to join the campaign of someone threatening the Washington status


what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL: Flynn Finally Did It… Gets Ultimate Revenge On Mueller Over Bogus Charges - Duration: 3:51.


🔴BEST Midrange Android TV BOX H96 MAX 4GB RAM 32GB ROM 5.0G WIFI Bluetooth 4.0 TV Box 2018 - Duration: 6:11.

hey guys welcome back now one of the most common questions I get asked is

what's a really good mid-range Android TV box so something definitely more

powerful than a fire stick but not as expensive as something like the Nvidia

shield this box I'm gonna be reviewing today cost less than $60 so as per

normal let me do a quick unboxing then I walk you through the setup and install

some apks like mob drove Kodi or Troy MTV and then we'll finally end up with

the benchmarks okay let's open that up so its first up we have a small leaflet

just showing you how to use the Box how to use a remote control and how to

connect it all up okay it does come with the standard HDMI lead which is good it

comes with a UK power adapter this is the remote control you get so it's

pretty standard Android TV box remote control and then finally here is the

actual you know let's open that up okay so this is called the HD 96 h1 colorful

edition we can see why it's got really nice well nice is a debatable term but

it's got this colorful pattern on the top so let me just take you through the

ports quickly so on this side of here you've got a memory card slot you've got

two USB to ports and this does come with the USB 3 port is a really good feature

to have so you will get one USB 3 port there then on this side you've got

another USB 2 port you got the SPD file for your audio you've got the AV port

you got the HDMI port here this does come with an Ethernet port guys and I

always recommend for buffer free viewing I always prefer wired over wireless so

obviously the choice is up to you and this also does come with both wireless

2.4 and 5 gigahertz so so if you have the faster 5 gigahertz wireless at home

you can take advantage of that speed using this box on the back you got some

rubber feet here and just shows you that this is the H 96 Max and we got the

specifications here as well guys so this is rocking the RK 3 3 to 8 chip it is

running the latest Android simple operating system so under some of the

older boxes do any come with Android 6 but this is running under 7.1 you'll

have 4 gigabytes of RAM guys that's actually a very healthy amount a lot the

cheaper Android boxes on you really come with one or two so this has four and

finally got 32 gigs of storage so initial impression guys it looks pretty

good I'm happy the fact that it's caught USB 3 and also it's got the faster 5

gigahertz Wi-Fi so in terms of connecting it up it's just a case of

plugging in the power plug Ethernet cable if you're gonna use wired

and then finally just using the HDMI cable and you'd be good to go and size

wise you can see it's just uh just a little bit larger than a standard iPhone

6s okay guys let me now plug this in and then I'll take you through the setup

process and just a gentle reminder guys if you are finding these videos useful

do hit that thumbs up and please subscribe to make sure you don't miss

out on the latest apks the latest builds and the latest add-ons thanks so this is

the default launcher it comes with so it looks like a pretty much standard

Android TV launcher so you have some shortcuts a so you've got something for

Netflix you know the YouTube launcher you have full access to the Google Play

Store you have a file manager here you've got

a music player let me just take you through the settings just so you can

confirm exactly what version of Android this is running so we can see this

device does come shipped with the Android 7.1.2 and this is the h 96 max

let me just show you the storage quickly how much you have free so the Box you

get 24 gigs of storage that you can use to download files down at movies and

more the content that you want to store gets back out of this application was

this did come pre bundle with mob troll with an older version of show box you

got the standard Netflix application there and it also came with a beta

version of Kodi 18 so I'm not sure why they did that but as this does come with

the standard Play Store installing applications is just very very easy so

let me quickly show you me removing Kodi so let's remove that and click on

install so really guys it's that easy compared to like a forest stick we have

to make some changes first and maybe use a third-party application like download

or sorry loaded through ES explorer and YouTube book really well guys all of the

videos are tried worked really smoothly without any buffering or any lag so I

really was impressed with the YouTube quality on this Android TV box I also

tested the latest at Troy MTV 19.2 on this device and as you can imagine I

worked really smoothly mod in really any lag or any buffering I tried a couple of

films couple of TV shows and pretty much everything work straight away didn't

really notice any issues

so this is me playing Real Racing 3 now as we can see it runs pretty smoothly

guys I'm just using a standard Xbox controller here to do the stuff but it's

working pretty good unlike my driving skills it's very easy to customize the

home screen so if you do have some other applications that you've installed and

you want to add it to the home screen here you can just click on the plus icon

here and I said example we want to add in cross the road so just click on that

then when you press the back button we can now see we have another shortcut

added here so it's very very easy to navigate around in the performance

benchmarks this device gets a really great 60 1803 in the antutu 3d benchmark

that has to be one of the highest schools are seen for an Android box at

this price point I mean to be honest actually thought there's something wrong

with the tests or interrupting it twice but both times they got over 61,000 guys

and that's a really really great score border voice at this price point right

if there's anybody still watching my video at this stage I want you to leave

the comment below he ain't heavy he's my brother

and the first five people to do that I'll give you a shout-out in my next

video so let's do that saying so many guys I

said it's a fantastic Android TV box I'm really impressed with the specs I like

the fact that it comes in under a seven point one out of the box

it supports USB three is supposed to faster five gigahertz Wi-Fi you can play

4k videos on it no problem all of the streaming apps are tried electrum TV

show box mob drove all played without any issues so this really could be a

great alternative to the Amazon fire stick so so I'll leave all of the links

in the description if you wanna check this device so leave me a comment below

let me know what you think and I'll hopefully catch up with you guys real

soon thanks that's it guys I hope you found

that video useful give me a thumbs up if you did comment below let me know if

this worked for you and please subscribe for more content thanks again for

watching guys oh and if you're interested in VPN if

you click on that link on the bottom left you'll get a great 46 percent

discount if you are worried about your privacy and you want to stay safe online

I do recommend you check out a VPN thanks again guys see you on the next


For more infomation >> 🔴BEST Midrange Android TV BOX H96 MAX 4GB RAM 32GB ROM 5.0G WIFI Bluetooth 4.0 TV Box 2018 - Duration: 6:11.


Martis Isn't Better Than Roger or Ruby But He's Got Potential! Mobile Legends - Duration: 3:46.


>> Ask VeLL: So the newest hero coming to Mobile Legends is going to be Martis.

Theres been a lot of hype around him and everyone has been talking about how he's going

to be super powerful.

I made a video a while ago where I explained why I wasn't that impressed by him.

But we'll be talking a bit more about him now so.

The gameplay in the background is from Abibeh Gaming, and it's an experiment of Martis being

put up against roger to see which one is stronger.

It didn't come as a shock to me at all to find out roger destroys him.

Martis has a passive that speeds up his attack speed, but roger is better at that.

Martis has another ability that can pull in a whole group,

and ruby does that better.

However, I think there could potentially be a place for a hero like Martis in Mobile Legends

and thinking on it a lot more, theres possibly a spot for

him in the meta.

With a hero like Roger, he has crazy damage but no crowd control.

When you go with a hero like ruby, you have crazy crowd control and sustainablity, but

not much damage.

I think Martis can be a solid middle ground.

He's like having a ruby and roger in one.

I can see him working in quite a few team comps and it's possible

he can do a really good job.

Roger alone is very much in the meta right now.

In theory since we are in the mage and stun meta roger

shouldn't be as good as his is but he breaks through as one of the best heroes in Mobile


I think Martis might actually be able to do the same.

I won't put my money on him winning a 1v1 against roger

but he has his place.

In the gameplay we see him getting destroyed by roger, but at the same time he's doing

really well.

With him having that small amount of crowd control

and and damage that can almost compete with roger.

I think we'll see some solid team comps with him.

Also, it's going to be interesting to see if people will counter him by picking roger.

We will need to get this hero in our hands before we can know

for sure how he's going to perform in the meta but I think it's

possible he has some serious potential.

Counter picking sadly isn't very common in Mobile Legends, but honestly I'm hopeful that

we're going to see more people learning it.

Mobile Legends is played mainly by solo players and not teams, so it's the solo community

that has to learn to work together more and go for the picks

thats best for the team.

I think introducing heroes like martis who has clear counters that are popular will actually

help promote good teamwork and counter picking.

What do you all think about Martis.

Do you think he's going to have a good fit in the meta or would you

rather just go with roger or ruby?

I definitely feel like I judged him a bit to quick.

He isn't going to be a super insane hero like we're used

to seeing from the new heroes, but he's definitely going to be good for a few different comps.

Let me know if you're going to use him and what team comps you think he's going to work

well with.

That's pretty much it for this video fam.

I hope you all enjoyed it.

And all catch yall on the next one.

Peace out yo.


For more infomation >> Martis Isn't Better Than Roger or Ruby But He's Got Potential! Mobile Legends - Duration: 3:46.


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For more infomation >> San Jose Google Campus Proposal Raises Concerns for Residents - Duration: 3:09.


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For more infomation >> #FlatEarth Friday FringeCast S02 Ep 25 2/16/2018 - Duration: 4:02:34.


How to Watch Lindsey Vonn & Olympics Women's Skiing Live Stream Online || CACAO TV - Duration: 8:34.

How to Watch Lindsey Vonn & Olympics Women's Skiing Live Stream Online

Eight years removed from her last Olympics, American Lindsey Vonn is set to return to the slopes in Pyeongchang.

The 33-year-old star is expected to compete in three events during the 2018 Games: The Super-G, Downhill and Alpine Combined (You can find her complete schedule of events and start times listed below).

All of these events and her runs will be broadcast on either NBC or NBC Sports Network (complete TV listings here), and if you don't have cable or a cable log-in, you can watch a simulcast of both of these channels live online by signing up for a free trial of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.

FuboTV: NBC (live in the most markets) and NBC Sports Network are both included in the "Fubo Premier" channel package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch any of those channels live on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

Hulu With Live TV: In addition to an extensive Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu now also offers a bundle of live TV channels, including NBC (live in select markets) and NBC Sports Network.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial and you can then watch on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.

DirecTV Now: NBC (live in select markets) and NBC Sports Network are both included in each of the four channel packages.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial no matter what package you choose, plus you can get a free Amazon Fire TV if you prepay two months.

Once signed up, you can watch any of the channels on your computer via the DirecTV Now website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the DirecTV Now app.

Sling TV: NBC (live in select markets) and NBC Sports Network are both included in the "Sling Blue" channel package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch those channels on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.

In addition to being able to watch NBC and NBSCN simulcasts via the above streaming services, you can also watch skiing-specific streams on your computer via, or on your phone, tablet or streaming devicevia the NBC Sports app.

These streams, which are different from the NBC and NBCSN broadcasts, will show every run from every individual live and will also have "enhanced views." To watch any of these streams, you'll have a 30-minute free preview before needing to sign in to your TV provider, but you can use your FuboTV, Hulu, DirecTV Now or Sling TV credentials to do that.

Lindsey Vonn 2018 Olympic Schedule.

Super-G: The medal runs start on Friday, February 16, at 9 p.m.

ET (start list will be here when available) and will be broadcast on NBC.

Downhill: First training starts on Saturday, February 17, at 9 p.m.

ET (start lists will be here when available) and will be broadcast on NBC Sports Network.

Second training starts on Sunday, February 18, at 9 p.m.

ET and will be broadcast on NBC Sports Network.

Third training starts on Monday, February 19, at 9 p.m.

ET and will be broadcast on NBC Sports Network.

The medal runs start on Tuesday, February 20, at 9 p.m.

ET and will be broadcast on NBC.

Alpine Combined: Downhill first training starts on Wednesday, February 21, at 9 p.m.

ET and will be broadcast on NBC.

Downhill medal runs will start on Thursday, February 22, at 9 p.m.

ET and will be broadcast on NBC.

Slalom medal runs will be start on Friday, February 23, at 12:30 a.m.

ET (late Thursday night) and will be broadcast on NBC.


Prevented from competing in the 2014 Sochi Olympics after suffering a brutal fall that saw her tear her ACL and MCL, Vonn took little time returning to form after rehab.

She won eight World Cup races during the 2014-15 season, nine in 2015-16 and, after missing much of the 16-17 season with more injuries, she bounced back with four more victories this season.

Now, she looks to put an exclamation mark on her comeback in Pyeongchang.

"Eight years has been a very long time," she said.

"Obviously, I was very… disappointed and devastated and frustrated that I missed Sochi.

I've been waiting for this for a long time.

I'm ready.".

Vonn's strongest event is considered the Downhill–not only did she win gold in that discipline at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, but she's coming into Pyeongchang with three consecutive World Cup Downhill wins–but she will also likely challenge for the podium in the Super-G.

The Alpine Combined, which features both Downhill and Slalom events, is a bigger longshot, as compatriot Mikaela Shiffrin is considered the favorite to take home gold.

For more infomation >> How to Watch Lindsey Vonn & Olympics Women's Skiing Live Stream Online || CACAO TV - Duration: 8:34.


420 smoke sesh with Mookie 2-16-18 (:Fri Med delivery: ) S2,E44 - Duration: 1:43:17.

For more infomation >> 420 smoke sesh with Mookie 2-16-18 (:Fri Med delivery: ) S2,E44 - Duration: 1:43:17.


Tiny Lucy By Sanctuary Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Tiny Lucy By Sanctuary Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:54.


HOW TO REDUCE INFLAMMATION || 7 Natural Remedies - Duration: 8:54.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel

My name is Justine for those of you who don't know me and as you can tell by the title today

I'm going to be talking about my seven favorite foods that have anti-inflammatory effects before I get started

I just want to quickly say a disclaimer. I am by no means a doctor or an expert in nutrition

however, I have

Extensively researched natural food remedies, and it's something

I'm really passionate about but please take what I say with a grain of salt and definitely do your own research?

And if you have any questions definitely message me or give me feedback if you've done your own and you have other pieces of advice

The other thing I want to say about all of these things that I'm going to be talking about is how?

Accessible and affordable they are they're all-natural

They're all like herbs and spices and you can pretty much get them anywhere

Or if you don't have access to the fresh forms of them you can order the powdered forms up online

so that's really cool and

Yeah, I think that's everything I have to say before we get started, so let's just get into it

Okay, so the first thing that I want to talk about and it was hard to choose

But I think this one's my favorite out of all of them because of just what a powerhouse it is and that is tumeric

So you can get tumeric in the fresh root form like this

It also comes in a powder form which most of you are probably more familiar with

Either are great, but whenever you can get your hands on a fresh form of something. It's better


Basically turmeric is a super potent anti-inflammatory. It's been used for many years in

natural food remedies

It's got a whole bunch of compounds in it which I'll list on the screen

And if you want to pause and look at all the compounds in it yeah

It's been proven to be even better than some NSAIDs such as ibuprofen at treating things like rheumatoid arthritis

And you really don't need that much tumeric to get the benefit from it one teaspoon or less a day has been proven to have

Anti-inflammatory benefits one thing I did want to say about turmeric a lot of people will say

to just take the supplement form of curcumin because that's the active compound that people think of when they think of turmeric but

Actually, there's way more compounds in it and it's been proven that turmeric with the curcumin taken out of it versus curcumin

Alone the tumeric without the curcumin has the same if not better

benefits than the curcumin

So it's really important to take the whole food form of this and not just

Taking a supplement form of curcumin some of my favorite ways to enjoy turmeric are making golden milk lattes


just putting it in things like curries or in my smoothies in the morning you really can't taste it at all and it's just

So amazing and so I love tumeric okay?

the next thing that I wanted to talk about and this was really hard to choose between my favorite of tumeric and cinnamon, but

Cinnamon is my next love. There are four types of cinnamon that there's Chinese Vietnamese


Ceylon which is true cinnamon?

Basically cinnamon has so many benefits. It's an antioxidant. It's an anti-inflammatory agent and to microbial it has

cardiovascular benefits it lowers your cholesterol

cinnamon helps lower the

levels or release of a substance called arachidonic acid

Which is released from some cells in your body, and this is what gives it?

anti-inflammatory effects cinnamons even been proven to help control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes

This is just an amazing amazing spice

It's the second most powerful antioxidant next to red cabbage for the price point two antioxidant


basically out of the four types the first three that I mentioned the Chinese Vietnamese and

Indonesian all have fairly high levels of the substance called coumarin which can be toxic to your liver?

so the best form for you to get and

Consume is the Ceylon or a true cinnamon because it's been found to have almost

Low very low levels of the toxic substance coumarin so when you're looking for cinnamon in the stores most of it is

first three types and it's cheaper, so look for

organic and


Expensive although it's not as nice to spend more. It's

Definitely better for you to get the Ceylon cinnamon some of my favorite ways to enjoy cinnamon are putting it in my oatmeal

I put it in my smoothies. I put it on my roasted pumpkin or sweet potatoes pretty much any

Curry that I'm making or chili. I put it in as well

I also put it in my tea and my coffee

Any excuse that I can get to put it in something? I usually do so that's something

I want to talk about is ginger, and this is another amazing herb as well. It's been used as an effective treatment for arthritis

migraines and even menstrual cramps so ladies

Use your ginger at your time a month

It's also been used as a treatment allergic and asthmatic disorders

And it's been used for many years in ayurvedic medicine to break down

Toxins in organs as well as cleanse the lymphatic system

so another amazing herb my favorite ways to enjoy this are making my lemon ginger tea that I have in the morning which I've

Posted in many of my today's as well as adding it to like I said curries

Smoothies the next spice that I'm going to talk about is closed so these can be used in like any baking

Another great way to use them is in split pea soup sore chilies and also in chai tea or apple cider

It's that's a really nice flavor

But basically cloves contain a compound called eugenol which can induce a mild anesthetic effect

So this is why a lot of times if you've never gone to the dentist and they put clothes on your gums

that's why because it's an anesthetic as well as an anti-inflammatory and

It has a lot of antioxidants in it yeah. I just really love using closes. Oh, okay next up

I want to talk about rosemary so rosemary

stimulates the immune system

increases circulation and can improve digestion

The anti-inflammatory effects it has it makes it really useful for reducing severity of asthma attacks

Rosemary has also been found to increase circulation to your brain

So it's been proven to improve concentration

and reduce stress some of my favorite ways to enjoy rosemary are adding it to any potato dishes or

Like tomato sauces and soups and things like that okay, so the next step since then I want to talk about is bromelain

and it's a substance found in the stem and fruit of

Pineapples so bromelain has been found to have health benefits in things like osteoarthritis

Cardiovascular disease asthma


colitis burns and even cancer

But it's basically a really powerful way to

Reduce pain soft tissue swelling and joint stiffness as well as congestion and other symptoms

Pineapple is also really high in

substances like vitamin C vitamin b1

Potassium and also a bunch of other antioxidants as well, so this is what makes it so powerful and amazing

There's really no wrong way to enjoy pineapple you can have it in smoothies fresh fruit

As a drink Mitch and I are actually gonna try making a fermented pineapple drink

Which is also really good for your gut health because it's fermented so we will let you know how that goes so

Last but definitely not least is

cayenne and

Cayenne basically it contains compounds called capsaicinoids

Magan I'm not sure if I'm saying that right, but these are basically what gives it the

anti-inflammatory effects that it has and it's been used to treat in digestion stomach pain and nausea so

Really great spice. I love putting this and any type of curry


Really, you can put this on like roasted veggies anything like that and it's super tasty, and it adds

Just a little bit of a kick but not too much alright, so that's everything that I have to talk about today

I hope you guys found this informative, and if you do have any questions

Please feel free to shoot me a message

Or if you have any of your own pieces of advice definitely shoot me a message as well on here or Instagram

And if you did like this video definitely give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and click the little

Notification button I think that's everything that I have to say so I will see you guys in my next video

For more infomation >> HOW TO REDUCE INFLAMMATION || 7 Natural Remedies - Duration: 8:54.


SEVENTEEN Takes 2nd Win For "Thanks" On "Music Bank" - Duration: 1:43.

SEVENTEEN Takes 2nd Win For "Thanks" On "Music Bank"

SEVENTEEN came out on top this week on KBSs !.

Music Bank did not air this week due to coverage for the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, but they did update their K-Chart on their official website and announced the winners for the week.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

SEVENTEEN took the number one slot with a total score of 7,540 points, making this their second win for their latest title track Thanks.

iKON came in at second place with 5,846 points for Love Scenario while last weeks winner, Red Velvets Bad Boy came in third with 4,025 points.

Congratulations to SEVENTEEN!.

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